resurrection come grow with us lutheran church …...resurrection lutheran church december, 2007...

Resurrection Lutheran Church December, 2007 Come Grow With Us Selections from Handel’s Messiah / December 9 Children’s Christmas Program / Cookie Fellowship December 16 / 3:00 p.m. All of our multi-talented choirs combine to present selections from Handel’s Messiah on this day during the 8:15 and 11:15 services. Come early and get a good seat…space will be at a premium along with parking on this day. Be sure to mark your calendars for Sunday, Dec. 16 as our children come to- gether to share the message of Christmas. A delicious “cookie fellowship” will follow in the Fellowship Hall for everyone to enjoy. What a great way to get into the Christmas spirit and to show support for the youngest members of our RLC family. Inside this issue: Seminarian’s Message 2 Preschool Teacher Ad 3 Family Life News 4 Youth Group News 5 Worship and Music 6 Building Team News 7 Fellowship 8 Community Outreach 8 Ministry Team News 10 LWF Disaster Relief 12 Health Topics from the Parish Nurse 13 Council News 14 Remember in Prayer 15 Come and Experience the Living Nativity Friday, December 21—Sunday, December 23 Sponsored by our Awesome RLC Youth, we are all given the opportunity to come and experience for ourselves the sights, sounds, smells, and wonders of that first Christmas Eve. Mark your calendars now for this family-fun event! The Living Nativity nightly schedule: 6:30 p.m. through 8:30 p.m. Christmas Eve Services at Resurrection Monday, December 24 Three worship services are being offered on this day beginning at 4:30 p.m., followed by 7:00 p.m., and concluding with our 11:00 p.m. candlelight com- munion service. All three services will feature an array of instrumentalists, musicians, several choirs, and the traditional lighting of the candles as we sing Silent Night. Service of Lessons and Carols December 30 / 10:00 a.m. One last chance to sing your favorite Christmas Carols and to enjoy the beauty of the decorations…one more time. Rumors of a baptism are in the air! Come and see! Remember, only one service will be offered this day at 10:00 a.m.

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Page 1: Resurrection Come Grow With Us Lutheran Church …...Resurrection Lutheran Church December, 2007 Come Grow With Us Selections from Handel’s Messiah / December 9 Children’s Christmas

Resurrection Lutheran Church December, 2007

Come Grow With Us

Selections from Handel’s Messiah / December 9

Children’s Christmas Program / Cookie Fellowship December 16 / 3:00 p.m.

All of our multi-talented choirs combine to present selections from Handel’s Messiah on this day during the 8:15 and 11:15 services. Come early and get a good seat…space will be at a premium along with parking on this day.

Be sure to mark your calendars for Sunday, Dec. 16 as our children come to-gether to share the message of Christmas. A delicious “cookie fellowship” will follow in the Fellowship Hall for everyone to enjoy. What a great way to get into the Christmas spirit and to show support for the youngest members of our RLC family.

Inside this issue:

Seminarian’s Message 2

Preschool Teacher Ad 3

Family Life News 4

Youth Group News 5

Worship and Music 6

Building Team News 7

Fellowship 8

Community Outreach 8

Ministry Team News 10

LWF Disaster Relief 12

Health Topics from the Parish Nurse


Council News 14

Remember in Prayer 15

Come and Experience the Living Nativity Friday, December 21—Sunday, December 23

Sponsored by our Awesome RLC Youth, we are all given the opportunity to come and experience for ourselves the sights, sounds, smells, and wonders of that first Christmas Eve. Mark your calendars now for this family-fun event! The Living Nativity nightly schedule: 6:30 p.m. through 8:30 p.m.

Christmas Eve Services at Resurrection Monday, December 24

Three worship services are being offered on this day beginning at 4:30 p.m., followed by 7:00 p.m., and concluding with our 11:00 p.m. candlelight com-munion service. All three services will feature an array of instrumentalists, musicians, several choirs, and the traditional lighting of the candles as we sing Silent Night.

Service of Lessons and Carols December 30 / 10:00 a.m.

One last chance to sing your favorite Christmas Carols and to enjoy the beauty of the decorations…one more time. Rumors of a baptism are in the air! Come and see! Remember, only one service will be offered this day at 10:00 a.m.

Page 2: Resurrection Come Grow With Us Lutheran Church …...Resurrection Lutheran Church December, 2007 Come Grow With Us Selections from Handel’s Messiah / December 9 Children’s Christmas

Why I Want to Serve the Church by David C. Drebes

Sometimes a calling is pictured as if it’s a shining beacon before you, illuminating the path of the future God has planned since time immemorial. All you’re called to do is take the first step, and that certain future will fall into place. Well, that hasn’t been the case for me. I’m in seminary, but that has never meant feeling certain ei-ther about my future or about where God calls me to use my talents. So, it raises all sorts of anxieties and concerns whenever I’m faced with the ques-tion, “Why do you want to serve the church?” The first concern is theological. As Lutherans, we lift up a teaching on vocations rooted in our belief that the church includes a priesthood of all believers.” The church therefore includes servants in-side and outside of professional ministry and church offices. Martin Luther, writing against the Medieval emphasis on monastic orders in Babylo-nian Captivity of the Church, insists that “the works of monks and priests, however holy and arduous they may be, do not differ one whit in the sight of God from the works of the rustic laborer in the field or the woman going about her household tasks, but all works are measured before God by faith alone” (LW 36:78). It is vitally important, therefore, that we recognize how everyone is called to serve Christ and his Church. Such service is not reserved for the ordained, the rostered, or those on church council, but is part of the life of any Christian. Put simply, to be part of a church community is to serve the church. My concern for this theological understanding, however, dovetails with a second, more personal anxiety. If our teaching on vocations is so emphatic on one’s ability to serve God through almost any profession, then this severely complicates the de-cision-making process for anyone trying to determine his or her future. Specifically, if the choice we all face is serving God as a pastor or not serving God at all, our answer should be clear. But that’s not the choice we face. Instead, we face the complex truth that God calls his children to be teachers, grocery store clerks, bankers, homemakers, custodians, and yes, some pastors too. Figuring out where I should end up has been an anxious process at times, wrestling with my various gifts and goals, uncertain if ordained ministry is where I ought to be. Thankfully, it’s not just anxious, there’s a lot of joy in this journey too. In many ways, it’s been like trying to solve a puzzle, treating my various talents as if they are clues to the bigger picture of my vocation. For me, it’s involved spending time as a journalist in high school, college, and in Washington DC, being a camp counselor in the woods of Pennsylvania, teaching Sunday School in Roanoke, and working in hospital ERs (first by court order after a traffic violation, and later as a student chaplain).

(Continued on page 3)

Page 2 A Message from Our Seminarian

David Drebes

Our congregation currently sponsors two seminarian students. One of these students, David Drebes, a member of the 2008 class of the Princeton Theological Seminary, wrote an article that was featured in the November edition of the Virginia Lutheran. We think David's article is excellent and we wanted our whole Resurrection family to read it.

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Preschool Teacher Wanted For

Resurrection Lutheran Church

Seminarian’s Message Continued

We are establishing a Christian Preschool to open in September 2008, and are seek-ing a Lead Teacher/School Director for this vital Church ministry. Applicants with teaching experience in early childhood/preschool education, and a degree in an ap-propriate field are invited to submit resumes with the following information:

Experience (including teaching, parenting, etc.) Education & training Accomplishments & recognition Statements of: - how this teaching position contributes toward applicant’s personal & professional goals; and - applicant’s faith & life as a Christian.

Salary and benefits will be based on qualifications.

Applicants must submit their resumes no later than December 14, 2007 to: Resurrection Lutheran Church 6170 Plank Road (Rt.3), Fredericksburg, VA 22407 Attention: School Committee For more information, please contact Betsy Patton at 540-786-0442 or contact the church office at 540-786-7778.

(Continued from page 2)

Now I’m a senior at Princeton Seminary, eager to be a church intern somewhere next year. My apparent bumbling through different jobs and places have helped me discover new talents and new methods of leadership. Losing patience as a camp counselor showed me limits, heading a newspaper staff at Roanoke College taught me management skills, and holding a dying patient’s hand taught me the importance of presence. After these years of trial and error, the versatile job of being a parish pastor is look-ing like the best way for me to use these various gifts. This was never a specific plan, but is more the result of defining the church as a place of service and then exploring the wide varieties of service opportunities available. My hope is that our entire church will remember this definition. Then, each and every one of us will be faced with the question, “Why, and how, will you serve Christ’s Church?”

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The Gifts of Christmas

Twelve Months and Counting

What do the Fruit of the Spirit, the Christmas Story, and Jesus’ Birthday all have in common? Join us for the Children’s Christmas Program and you’ll find out! Be sure to mark your calendars for Sunday, December 16 at 3:00 p.m. as our children share the message of Christmas. Remember that we have moved the event to the afternoon in order to allow more time for the celebration of Advent during our worship services, as well as to give us more time to have fun after our program with a delicious Cookie Fellowship. Children should already have received their practice music CD – if your family doesn’t have theirs yet, please be sure to give Susan Cheatham a call at 786-7778. Our one official practice will be on Saturday, December 15 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. – a perfect time for parents to get in some extra shopping time. Thanks to all of you for your support of our children’s ministries.

Though we haven’t yet gotten to Christmas this year, the Family Life Ministries Team has already been working for over six months on what we hope will be-come an exciting and dynamic ministry to our church and community for years to come. Bethlehem Marketplace is coming to Resurrection Lutheran Church in December 2008! Have you ever wondered what it must have been like as Mary and Joseph trav-eled to Bethlehem where Jesus would be born? What did they see? Who did they meet? At the Bethlehem Marketplace, you’ll walk through the streets and outskirts of this small but busy village and discover the sights, sounds, smells, and tastes of the world of Jesus and his family. So, why are we talking about an event that is still one year away? Because an event like this will involve a huge number of people and resources. There will be opportunities for EVERYONE in our congregation to serve in what we pray will be a wonderful Christmas outreach to our community. Some of you have already enthusiastically said “YES!” when asked to be winemakers, build-ers, bakers, costume designers and makers and more! And we’ve hardly got-ten started yet! We hope that many more of you will want to hear about this ministry and learn how you can plug in. So please stop by the two booths set up in the foyer for more information and join us for an informational meeting on Sunday, December 2nd at 12:15 p.m. For more information, contact Susan Cheatham.

Page 4 Family Life News

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Lost and Found Retreat

Middle School Youth

Confirmation Class

Along with about 400 other 7th and 8th graders from the Virginia Synod, six-teen of our youth and four adults had an awesome experience at the annual Lost & Found Retreat. The theme for the weekend was “MY FAITH” and used the backdrop of a “My Space” teenage profile page as the center point. The main passage was Joshua 24: 15 “Choose this day whom you will serve… as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” The theme and Bible passage were connected in creative ways, and generated many discussions, from Large Group Time, to Small Group Time, and into late night Cabin Con-versations. This year the retreat was even more exciting for our group, as two of our youth, Alex Cheatham and Cheyanne Christopher, were on the event steering committee.

The class will meet on December 2nd for our regular class gathering. Addi-tionally, the confirmation class will be helping out with the Living Well Christ-mas Program on December 16th, so all members of the confirmation class should plan on attending the Middle School Youth Group meeting on Decem-ber 9th.

We will be meeting on December 9th to help put things together for the Living Well Christmas Program. Carrying on a Resurrection tradition, the Middle School Youth will again be shepherds for this year’s Living Nativity on Decem-ber 21st, 22nd and 23rd. Interested youth need to contact Greg to sign up for the animal they want to shepherd. The group will not meet on December 23rd or December 30th.

Youth Group News

The High School Group will be very active this month. We will start out with our Annual Leaf Raking Fundraiser on December 2nd. Hopefully folks will con-tact Greg Brock and have the youth come to rake up all those leaves in their yards. All proceeds from this free will donation fundraiser will reduce the cost of the 2008 High School youth Summer Servant Trip. We will not have any group on December 2nd so we can recover from our exertions. On December 9th the group will be traveling to Wal-Mart to do their annual Christmas shopping for less fortunate children. We will meet at the church first and then descend upon Wal-Mart to make our purchases. On December 16th, the group will construct the Manger and prepare for the Living Nativity. We will not meet on the December 23rd or December 30th.

High School Youth

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From the Minister of Music

Christmas is more than a date on the calendar, it’s the celebration of the event that set heaven to singing, an event that gave the stars of the night a new brilliance. I look forward to celebrating the birth of Jesus with you! If you’re feeling a little worn out by the way our materialistic world celebrates Christmas, our worship together will hopefully refresh your soul and bring new energy into this spiritually rich Christmas season. Christmas Eve will have music shared by the Children’s Choir, the Signing Choir, Men’s Choir, Chancel Choir, “Magnify” Choir, and Praise Team, along with duets and solos. Together, with Scripture, we will present the story of Jesus’ birth, the Greatest Gift of All! With Love, Amy

Page 6 Worship and Music

Worship and Music Wish List

25-30 ELW Hymnal Books for use by the Choir—As many of you know, we download the music printed in the bulletin from the ELW Hymnal, however, what is offered online is missing part information needed by the choir. Amy notes that it would be wonderful for the Choir to see the different “parts” they sing. Permanent Banner Hangers—We would like to install permanent hangers on the wall of the sanctuary to assist in the hanging of the seasonal banners. Any-one who has been coaxed onto a ladder to assist in this effort knows how dif-ficult this task currently is. Additional Laptop for the Church Office—If you haven’t noticed, some angels have been floating around our church office lately, assisting the Staff in com-pleting all the tasks required to keep the church running. A second computer, one that would allow them to work anywhere in the church, would be a big help. Repair/Replacement for Torch—One of our torches has been injured. If it can’t be repaired it may need to be replaced. Projector and Screen System for Sanctuary—Do you have trouble seeing the announcements displayed on the left wall in the sanctuary? We do. We would love to purchase a projector and screen system for the sanctuary. If you are interested in more information or contributing to any of these items, please contact Debbie Carlson at 540-786-6677. Thanks!

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December Update from the Building Team

If you take a look in the parking lot, you can see that we are making great pro-gress on the addition to the church building. Here’s some information from the Building Team regarding that progress: Financial Information Average monthly giving to the Capital/Building Fund since September 2005 is over $13,300 a month! Additionally the fund is earning approximately $800 a month in interest. To date, we have spent $698,000 from the Capital/Building Fund. Here’s how the money was spent: $536,000 for site work and construction $132,000 for architecture, engineering, and permitting $27,000 for consulting, and $2,000 in reimbursements for various expenses The original affordability estimate for the building was $2.5 million dollars. The original building contract we signed was in the amount of $2,362,75.00 with approximately $137,250 planned as reserve. To date, we have placed change orders that have resulted in additional expenses of $79,593.20. So our current contract price, as of November is $2,463,047.20. What are change orders? Well they are deviations from the original construc-tion plan. Here’s a summary of the change orders we have placed: Immoveable rock in storm basin Additional silt fence for soil removal Bad soil removal Bad soil excavation and stockpiling Replacement soil installation Electricity for trailer With the change orders we have placed, we currently have $57,657 remaining in the reserve fund. Upcoming Actions Items on the schedule for the next month or so include: installing the first floor system, currently scheduled for November 27th, pouring the concrete overlay on the first floor, backfilling, laying the first floor block walls, and brick-ing the first floor walls, currently scheduled for January 10th, 2008. Please continue to pray for the continued progress of the addition to our building, and for the safety of those performing the construction.

Building Team News

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Thurman-Brisben Homeless Shelter Ministry

Once a month Resurrection provides a hot meal of meatloaf, mashed potatoes, vegetables, salad, and ice cream for the residents of the Brisben Homeless Shelter in Fredericksburg. This is an important ministry and the residents at Brisben are very grateful for our efforts. While we don’t know the “stories” of the residents, we came to appreciate the fact that any of us could just possibly find ourselves in such a need. This reality hit home when one of our team members encountered her former neighbor who had become a client at the shelter. Six teams of four persons each from Resurrection serve twice a year as the cooks and servers. Dee Tillman and Gene Ernst coordinate the program. Congregation members sign up each month for the food items which are needed to provide this meal. The sign-up sheet is located on the new bulletin board in the foyer. HOW CAN YOU HELP? Let Dee Tillman or Gene Ernst know if you are inter-ested in serving on a team. The new schedule will start in January and there may be some openings for new team members. We always maintain a substitute list as well. You can also donate food items periodically. It would be wonderful to have more members involved in providing food for these meals. THANK YOU to everyone who participates in this ministry whether you are one of the team members who cook or the many who provide the food each month.

Lutheran Ladies of the Lake Christmas Lunch

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The Thurman- Brisben Homeless Shelter provides shelter for up to 90 persons for as long as 90 days while clients seek permanent housing facilities. These clients include families with very young to school aged children as well as single young and older adults.

Fellowship Opportunities / Community Outreach

The Lutheran Ladies of the Lake will be meeting for a Christmas Lunch on Thurs-day, December 6th, at Noon. The gathering will be held at Dee Tillman’s home. Dee’s address is 509 Mt. Pleasant Drive, Lake of the Woods. The gathering is be-ing hosted by Dee Tillman and Barbara Lee. Please RSVP by December 2nd by signing up on the Bulletin Board across from the pastors’ office or by calling Dee at 540-972-3981 or Barbara at 540-972-6873. Please bring a Christmas ornament gaily wrapped for a Christmas exchange.

Family Narnia Night

Looking for a great way to break out of the winter blues that are sure to set in to-ward the middle and end of January? Then be sure to mark your calendars for Friday, January 25th, 2008 and bring your whole family out for a special show-ing of “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” followed by some special snacks (Turkish Delight is sure to be on the menu), and some really fun activities. Be sure to look in the January newsletter for more information. Questions? Give Susan Cheatham a call at 540-786-7778.

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Page 9 Community Outreach

The Angel Tree / A Resurrection Tradition

The Angel Tree is a rewarding Resurrection tradition and this Christmas we have many large families that are counting on us. We are looking for your support in purchasing gifts for our families. Take a gift tag from the tree, wrap your gift, attach the color-coded gift tag, and return it to church before Dec. 16th. This year we will also be filling a stocking for each family so requests for stocking stuffers are also on the tree.

“The Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ ”

We will be calling on church members who have expressed an interest in volun-teering to help the Social Ministry Team in this effort. If you have time to assist or have any questions, please call Al or Sue Mitchell at 540-854-6902.

Fifth Saturday Meals at the Presbyterian Church

This new ministry at RLC is a response to those in need in the Fredericksburg area. Many of the recipients are homeless, living in tents, cars, motels, or low in-come housing. The ministry is a partnership with Fredericksburg city’s Presbyterian Church, Methodist Church, and Spotsylvania Presbyterian Church. These churches pro-vide a meal one Saturday per month. RLC’s first meal was provided on September 29th, 2007. We served 67 adults and 4 children, many folks had more than one helping. Bagged lunches were pro-vided by Fredericksburg Academy students, and our Living Well students made table decorations. Your generosity made it all happen! We are currently planning our next meal to be served on December 29th, 2007. We are working with Panera Bread to get bread donations, and the Living Well students are again providing table decorations. If it is cold, we plan on remaining until 8:00 p.m. to allow our dinner guests to stay inside until the bus arrives to take them to the cold weather shelter. You can help! You can sign up in the foyer to donate a food item, or write a check to cover expenses beyond donated food. You can also volunteer to help cook and serve on December 29th by signing the sheet in the foyer or contacting Gail Taylor at 540-786-5031 or [email protected].

The Living Nativity

The Youth Groups of Resurrection Lutheran Church will be bringing the true meaning of Christmas to life. On December 21st, 22nd and 23rd from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. bring the whole family, your friends, and your neighbors out for a trip back into time and visit the Living Nativity.

If you have questions about the Fifth Saturday Meals ministry, ask any of these volunteers about their experience in September: Penny Cornell, Lisa Bruer, Kari Manthei, Bill and Joy Bushman, Mark Buccola, Donna Corrao, and Gail Taylor

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NAF News for December

New Member Families Received on December 2nd

What a great turn out we had for our November meeting! Thirty-nine (39) NAF members enjoyed a delicious Italian meal at Renato’s in Fredericks-burg. We were pleased to welcome the Martin’s and the Eastman’s who are new RLC members. December’s meeting will be our annual Christmas luncheon to be held at Chancellor’s Village on Tuesday, December 11. Please plan on arriving be-tween 11:30 and 12:00 so we can have our meal served at 12:15. Note the change of date. Sign-up and directions will be posted on NAF’s bulletin board soon. The menu will also be available. Cost includes tax. Chancellor’s Village does not accept a gratuity. We hope all NAF members will attend and enjoy good food, fellowship, and holiday festivities! We are excited to have Marti and Ken Martin join the Lee’s and Rayne’s on the Planning Committee which will meet soon to plan the new year’s sched-ule. If you have suggestions, please let one of these committee members know. The New Year will find NAF members meeting at Ryan’s in Central Park on Tuesday, January 15 at 12:00 noon. Sign-up sheets, directions, and other de-tails will be posted closer to the date. If you have not yet attended a NAF meeting, why not start the year off with good food and fellowship by joining us on January 15th?

On Sunday, December 2, we will be receiving four families into membership here at Resurrection during the 11:15 worship service. Immediately follow-ing worship, the Evangelism Team will sponsor a cake and punch reception out in the foyer where everyone is invited to help make our “newest folks” feel right at home. To begin putting names to faces, take a few minutes to visit the bulletin board directly across from the main office. There you will find all 72 folks who have joined RLC during 2007, including this latest class. Who are they? We thought you’d never ask…

Mike and Tina Kitts along with their daughter, Reagan Jerrie Rosenfeld Emily Slunt

Michael and Amy Stillson

A BIG THANKS goes out to everyone who helped in any way with our new member families, including providing the delicious lunch during the New Mem-ber Orientation. Our next class will most likely take place in February of 2008...stay posted for details!

Page 10 Ministry Team News

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Habitat for Humanity

World Mission Support Team

The Habitat for Humanity – LARCUM house finally got underway in Novem-ber. The brush clearing and chipping and installation of environmental fence is going very well. This work should be completed in the next couple weeks. Once the building permit is issued, we will be able to begin installing the Styro-foam walls and pour the concrete sections. The work begins every Saturday at 9:00 a.m. and finishes when you get tired. Be sure to bring a lunch and drinks with you. THANKS BE TO GOD for our faithful members here at Resurrection. On Saturday night, November 10th, we held the annual RLC action and this year the benefactor was our LARCUM build. With donated items from the com-munity and church members, we were able to raise over $4,500.00 in just one night. A great night of ice cream and fellowship accompanied this worth while event. With the $4,500.00 raised on Nov. 10th and the contributions from the con-gregation during our appeal in August, we were able to exceed our goal of $8,400.00. With this goal of $8,400.00 being reached, Thrivent Financial will contribute matching funds of $1,600.00, making our donation to Habitat for Humanity over $10,000.00. GOD IS GOOD – ALL THE TIME / ALL THE TIME – GOD IS GOOD

Shishmaref, Alaska: Thank you so much for all the wonderful clothing that was donated in the Narthex for the last few months. We have sent the final ship-ment of 23 large boxes to Alaska. Shipping costs were $690. The team util-ized Thrivent monies allocated to RLC for Caring Ministry to pay the shipping costs. Nepal Missionaries: Please continue to pray for Tim and Dr. Lisa Ruohoniemi, with children Emma and Ian, Dr. Stephen and Becky Thorson, Kris and Carol Gurung, with children Subass, Pravaas, and Anamika. If you would like to send a monetary Christmas gift to any of the above, please send it through RLC, World Mission Support Team, and designate which mins-sionary you would like to support. Greetings can be sent to the following ad-dress in Nepal: United Mission to Nepal, PO Box 126, Kathmandu, Nepal. Prayer Shawl Ministry and Baby Caps for Honduras: Directions for knitting or crocheting a Prayer Shawl and baby caps are in the foyer. Cancelled Stamps: A box is in the foyer for cancelled stamps. Please do not include any Christmas stamps.

Ministry Team News

The Inupiats – Shishmaref, Alaska

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ELCA Provides Support Following International Disasters

Members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), through its International Disaster Response continues to provide support in response to natural and human-caused disasters overseas. “ELCA Global Mission receives numerous requests from companions to assist with international disasters, whether they are human-caused disasters or natu-ral disasters," said Dr. Belletech Deressa, director for international develop-ment and disaster response, ELCA Global Mission. "We count on ELCA members to enable us to respond on behalf of the wider church," she said. Coordinated by ELCA Global Mission, International Disaster Response chan-nels its funds through international church organizations and relief agen-cies. Funds provide for food, medicine, drinking water, emergency shelter and other materials for survivors of disasters. ACT is a global alliance of churches and related agencies working to save lives and support communities in emergency situations worldwide. It is based with the World Council of Churches (WCC) and the LWF, in Geneva. The ELCA is a member of the WCC and LWF. The LWF is a communion of Lutheran churches representing 66 million Lutherans around the world. Below are some of the disasters that LWF has responded to.

Seasonal monsoon rains have caused widespread flooding and landslides, dev-astating communities, crops and livestock across southern Asia, particularly in Nepal. Potable water sources have been submerged and contaminated, and water-borne diseases are already being reported. The LWF has started relief support in the districts of Banke, Kailali and Jhapa, Nepal. Immediate food and shelter are being provided to families in part by the support from the ELCA.

Heavy rains that started in mid-July have resulted in extensive flooding never experienced before in the Teso region of Uganda. In addition, the security situation in northern Uganda remained "relentlessly violent" because of war. The LWF in Uganda has been working with internally displaced people for many years, she said. To support people in the camps affected by the floods, the ELCA sent money to ACT for implementation by the LWF.

"Indonesia is on a long journey towards recovery from the tsunami that devas-tated the region in December 2004," said Deressa. Since Dec. 26, 2004, ELCA International Disaster Response has been supporting partner churches and or-ganizations with over $400,000 through partner, Yakkum Emergency Unit (YEU), by rebuilding houses damaged or destroyed by the tsunami in the Kuala Bubon area.

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To support any of the LWF projects mentioned in this article, please send contributions to ELCA International Disaster Response, PO Box 71764, Chicago, IL 60694-1764, or place your check in the offering plate and designate that it is for ELCA International Disaster Relief. If you have any questions regarding these projects please contact Vicki Gellerman, RLC’s Mission Interpreter

News From Our Mission Interpreter

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December’s Health Topic—Cholesterol

According to a well-respected internist in our area, a common health triad is becoming more prevalent among the 40 and older age group. It is a condition that combines three medical problems. The first of these we learned about in the November newsletter…DIABETES, type 2. The second medical problem I will address this month…CHOLESTEROL. There are 2 sources of CHOLESTEROL—the first is food, the second is your body. Cholesterol is a type of fat, found in all foods of animal origin, including red meat, eggs and shellfish. It is also found in foods that are high in saturated fats or trans fats like margarine, chips and cookies. Cholesterol is also produced in your liver. Your liver makes most of the cholesterol your body needs. Cholesterol is attached to a protein, hence the term “lipoprotein”. These lipoproteins are either high-density or low-density, based on how much protein and fat they have. Low density lipoproteins (LDL) are mostly fat with a little protein. It’s the bad kind of cholesterol because it can clog your arteries and lead to heart attack and stroke. High density lipoproteins (HDL) are the good cholesterol, and help clear the bad cholesterol from your blood . High levels of HDL can help protect you from a heart attack. There are no symptoms of high cholesterol. You will need a fasting blood test to check whether you have high cholesterol. The following will help you understand your results: TOTAL CHOLESTEROL LDL (bad) HDL (good) BEST<200 BEST<100 BEST ≥60 Monitor 200-239 Monitor 130-159 GOOD › 40 HIGH ≥240 HIGH ≥160 BAD ‹ 40 For more information on diets to lower your cholesterol, check out the Health Ministry bulletin board located in the foyer. Watch for the third medical problem to be addressed in January’s newsletter. GOD’S BLESSINGS FOR A HEALTHIER YOU! Bonnie Hughes, RN

To keep your cholesterol under control: schedule a screening, eat foods low in cholesterol and saturated fat, maintain a healthy weight, exercise regularly, and follow your healthcare provider’s advice.

Health Topics from the Parish Nurse

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November 20, 2007 Council Meeting Highlights

The Family Life Team continues to work on the Bethlehem Marketplace pro-ject. The Marketplace will be held December 12, 13, and 14, 2008. That’s not a typo! Over a year’s worth of planning and work will be going into this edu-cational, spiritual journey. The Team plans to provide a sample of the Mar-ketplace in the Narthex on Sunday, November 25, 2007. This event WILL NOT be fund-raising in nature, but is planned to be a journey back to the time of Jesus’ birth. Tom Bannon and the Property Team are working on a solution to the lighting problem in the parking lot. It was originally thought that the lighting currently mounted on the building would suffice, but that has proven not to be true. The Team is looking for assistance with old records and documents stored in the attic. Anyone interested in helping sort through the church’s old records to determine what can be electronically scanned, what can be tossed, and what needs to be preserved can contact Tom or Ken Tillman. Through the efforts of the World Mission Support Team, RLC has sent 23 large boxes of clothing to Shishmaref, Alaska. Thrivent matching funds helped offset shipping costs of $690.00. RLC Outreach Giving: The Silent Auction raised about $4,000.00 towards RLC’s contribution to the Habitat Build in Spotsylvania County. Offerings at the Thanksgiving Worship Service resulted in over $750.00 being given to Grace Lutheran Church, RLC’s mission church partner. Once again, members of RLC demonstrate how to give from the heart. Finances: The current economic uncertainty is having an impact on RLC. In August we experienced a shortfall in income. The congregation rallied and September saw enough income to break even for the fiscal year to date (July – September). Although expenses have been under the budget plan, expected income based on pledges and other offerings for October has been under the amount anticipated. At the end of October, expenses exceed income for fiscal year to date by $3,495.76. The Pre-School Board of Education will be working hard to find a new candi-date for the Pre-School Lead Teacher/Director. The candidate under consid-eration decided to pursue other opportunities. These highlights are not official until approved by the Congregation Council. Respectfully Submitted, Bob Martin Secretary

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The Property team is looking for assistance with old records and documents stored in the attic. Anyone interested in helping sort through the records...can contact Tom Bannon or Ken Tillman

News from the Congregation Council

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Page 15 Please Remember in Prayer

Please Remember In Prayer

Happy Birthday

Our Homebound Doris Moser Marion Yahn Loren Parde Iris Evans Yohe

RLC Family and Friends

Serving Our Country Michael Burks Sal Michael Sarah Clevenger Brendan O’Toole James Cornell Jason Patton Kyle Dickerson Kurt Schadewald Chris Gerard Todd Schlund Tasha Gerard Michael Slater Chris Griffiths Peter Tichtchenko Rob Kruger Steve Whelpley

Friends & Relatives in Need of Long Term Prayers Friend or Relative RLC Relationship Bev and Jan Van Gorder Margaret Brockman Mary Pancotti Gail Taylor Beth Robertson Kathleen Howard Joe Shkrlac Virginia Shkrlac Louise Macguire Margaret Burke Baby Harrison Carter Lee Brock Elliott Van Vorst Pastor Jim Ed Puletz Patti Brockman Caroline Hazel Terri Kuckuck Judy Van Putten Elayne Lyman Corinne Wilke and family Elayne Lyman Alan & Joyce Chubb Mickey Miller Cindy Schroeder Eileen Davis Duane Stewart Jeannine Bachner Vicki Comer-Roberts Cindy Hall Kitty Ross Maryellen Boggia King Dao Ellen Sullivan Mark and Jamie Donna Corrao Betty Wilson Nancy Lorenz Barry Lisagor Burcher Family Lydia Kaufman Pastor Carol

Calvin Moore 12/2 Liv Hauge 12/4 Johnanna Smith 12/4 Gregory Veale 12/6 Myra Bannon 12/7 Caroline Buchanan 12/7 Thomas Davis 12/7 Karen Dickerson 12/7 Sarah Keith 12/7 Kipling Steele 12/7 Grant Amos 12/8 Rory Corrao 12/12

Ashley Berry 12/13 Caitlin Fennema 12/13 Liam Dickerson 12/14 Carolee Romano 12/15 Madison Moore 12/16 Richard Troast 12/17 Holly Mitchell 12/18 Joy Kerley 12/19 Roger Vines 12/19 William DuVall 12/20 Debbie Carlson 12/21

Madeline Slunt 12/21 Caitlin Thagholm 12/22 Dick Manthei 12/23 Virginia Shkrlac 12/24 Roderick Lyman 12/25 Karen Morrow 12/25 Richard Morrell 12/26 Michael Brown 12/27 Michael Jones 12/29 Jeanne D’Anza 12/31 Gene LaRue 12/31

Dear RLC Family: Thank you so much for all the prayers, cards, gifts, phone calls, and visits since my surgery. You all mean so much to me and your outpouring of love has meant a lot. I really appreciate it and I hope to see you soon. Love, Vicki

A Note from Vicki Roberts

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Reverend Carol Kniseley 6170 Plank Road

Fredericksburg, Virginia 22407

"Marked with the cross of Christ forever,

we are claimed, gathered, and sent --

for the sake of the world."




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