retreat schedule rules & regulations 16 - 19 aug 2012 … retreat... · annually at the garchen...

8:00 am Open for retreat pass collection (16 Aug morning only) 领取法会通行证 (只在8月16日早上) 8:30 am Admission 入席 9:00 am Rinpoche’s teachings followed by Ami Dewa Recitation (1st Session) 仁波切开示并带领念诵 (第一段) 10:30 am Break 休息 11:00 am Ami Dewa Recitation (2nd Session) 阿弥陀佛心咒念诵 (第二段) 12:30 pm Lunch 午餐 1:30 pm Ami Dewa Recitation (3rd Session) 阿弥陀佛心咒念诵 (第三段) 3:30 pm Break 休息 4:00 pm Ami Dewa Recitation (4th Session) 阿弥陀佛心咒念诵 (第四段) 6:00 pm Dinner 晚餐 7:00 pm Rinpoche’s teachings followed by Ami Dewa Recitation (5th Session) 仁波切开示并带领念诵 (第五段) 9:00 pm Dedication of merits 功德回向 9:30 pm End of Session 一日共修完毕 LAST DAY 最后一日 4:00 - 6:00 pm Amitabha Jang Chog 阿弥陀佛超度法会 7:00 - 9:00 pm Blessing & Grand Dedication 加持和总回向 RETREAT SCHEDULE 法会时间表 16 - 19 AUG 2012 (Thu - Sun) 2012年8月16至19日 (星期四 - 星期日) Schedule subject to change 时间如有变动, 恕不另行通知。

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Page 1: rETrEAT sChEDULE rULEs & rEgULATIons 16 - 19 AUg 2012 … Retreat... · annually at The Garchen Institute at the request of Drubwang Konchog Norbu Rinpoche. He made this request on

APPEALIng for sPonsorshIP 呼吁各界功德主慷慨赞助Among thousand kinds of meritorious deeds

the foremost is Dana (generosity).修万种功德,布施功德以供养三宝为第一

There is none other more virtuous and precious gift than the gift of Dharma. Your compassionate and generous offering will contributes tremendously towards our Dharma propagation. Please do join in this highly meritorious act that not only benefit yourself, your family, but also countless sentient beings, in this life and several life times ahead.


8:00 am open for retreat pass collection (16 Aug morning only) 领取法会通行证(只在8月16日早上)

8:30 am Admission 入席

9:00 am rinpoche’s teachings followed by Ami Dewa recitation (1st session) 仁波切开示并带领念诵(第一段)

10:30 am Break 休息

11:00 am Ami Dewa recitation (2nd session) 阿弥陀佛心咒念诵(第二段)

12:30 pm Lunch 午餐

1:30 pm Ami Dewa recitation (3rd session) 阿弥陀佛心咒念诵(第三段)

3:30 pm Break 休息

4:00 pm Ami Dewa recitation (4th session) 阿弥陀佛心咒念诵(第四段)

6:00 pm Dinner 晚餐

7:00 pm rinpoche’s teachings followed by Ami Dewa recitation (5th session) 仁波切开示并带领念诵(第五段)

9:00 pm Dedication of merits 功德回向

9:30 pm End of session 一日共修完毕

LAST DAY 最后一日4:00 - 6:00 pm Amitabha Jang Chog 阿弥陀佛超度法会

7:00 - 9:00 pm Blessing & grand Dedication 加持和总回向

rETrEAT sChEDULE 法会时间表16 - 19 AUg 2012 (Thu - sun)


Schedule subject to change 时间如有变动, 恕不另行通知。


祈 愿 世 界 和 平 , 国 泰 民 安For World Peace & Well Being oF THe naTion

Organised by 主办单位

This retreat will be conducted by H. e. garchen rinpoche此 闭 关 法 会 由 尊 贵 的 噶 千 仁 波 切 主 法


一 亿



16 - 19 August 2012ThUrsDAY - sUnDAY9:00 am - 9:30 pm

for Enquiries 询问电话 : (During weekdays, please call from 7pm -10pm 平日请于晚上七至十点拨电)

+65 86529482 / +65 86529551Email: [email protected]

100 Million

reciTaTion reTreaT

AmITABhA EmPowErmEnT (open to public)

15 Aug 2012 | wed | 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm


AmITABhA JAng Chog PUJA 19 Aug 2012 | sun | 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

BLEssIng & grAnD DEDICATIon19 Aug 2012 | sun | 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

find Us on facebook: 100 million Ami Dewa recitation retreat

闭关法会 2012年8月16至19日星期四-星期日上午9点至晚上9点半





VEnUE 地点 TAI PEI BUDDhIsT CEnTrE 大悲佛教中心 no. 2 Lavender street (Lavender MRT • 劳明达地铁站)

onLInE rEgIsTrATIon 网上报名

for local online & overseas registration, pls log on to: 网上报名(本地/海外参加者)请登陆网站:

TICkET PrICE (Include lunch & dinner) | 票价(包括午餐与晚餐)

$100 general Public 公众$80 member 会员 $80 senior Citizens (60 & above) & students 乐龄人士(60岁以上)与学生

rEgIsTrATIon 报名处

DrI ThUBTEn DArgYE LIng (gArChEn BUDDhIsT CEnTrE)No. 15, Geylang Lor 29, #04-01, PTH Building (S)388069 • Tel: 63960960(Friday 星期五: 7-9pm / Sat 星期六: 2-6pm / Sun 星期日: 10:30am - 6pm)

rULEs & rEgULATIons 法会注意事项• This retreat is open to participants aged 10 and above. 参加者年龄须在10岁以上。

• Participants may collect their retreat pass from our centre upon notification. For participants who have not collected your retreat pass, please proceed to do so at the registration counter with your registration ID on either before the Amitabha Empowerment at 7.30pm on 15 Aug 2012 OR at 8am on 16 Aug 2012. Participants are kindly reminded to be punctual for all retreat sessions and to present your retreat pass for every entry into the retreat hall. 参加者可在接到通知后,到本中心领取法会通行证。尚未领取通行证的参加者,请于2012年8月15日晚上7点半阿弥陀佛灌顶之前,或8月16日早上8点到会场柜台以报名编号领取通行证。所有参加者请务必在每个共修时段准时抵达,凭证入场。

• Participant should wear loose & comfortable shirts / T-shirt with sleeves / track pants are recommended. 建议穿舒适宽松有袖T-恤配以长裤/运动裤。

• Only vegetarian food is to be taken during the entire retreat. Eggs or food cooked with meat are not allowed. The 5 Pungent Roots (Garlic, onion/spring onion, leek, chinese chive & shallot) should be avoid. 法会期间必须茹素,避免进食蛋类食物,并完全不混杂荤肉;戒葱、蒜、洋葱、韭菜、 薤白等五荤。

Page 2: rETrEAT sChEDULE rULEs & rEgULATIons 16 - 19 AUg 2012 … Retreat... · annually at The Garchen Institute at the request of Drubwang Konchog Norbu Rinpoche. He made this request on

尊 贵 的 噶 千 仁 波 切 简 介噶千仁波切是直贡噶举传承的四大法王子之一, 其转世传承始于直贡觉巴吉天颂恭之弟子噶当巴秋丁巴。第一世噶千仁波切生于西元1180年, 乃龙树菩萨弟子提婆菩萨之化身, 一出世便能念诵六字大

阿 弥 陀 佛


念 诵 阿 弥 陀 佛 心 咒 之 利 益

念诵阿弥陀佛心咒以及观想阿弥陀佛可帮 助 净 除 心 中 与 欲 念 和 执 著 有 关 的 烦恼。如此修行可让我们以更大的善心,欢喜心和同体大慈心生活。


噶千佛学院每年都尊照竹旺仁波切在2000 年 6月 11日于噶千寺的嘱咐,举行年度阿弥陀佛心咒共修法会。竹旺仁波切鼓励我们念诵三身咒,并开示那是密法之精髓。他亦教导我们要以慈悲心为所有众生念诵三身咒,并强调念诵时必定要念得正确,念得清楚。如此念诵旨在令所有有色及无色之众生皆可听闻受惠。

从 无 量 劫 以 来 , 这 个 世 界 就 遭 受 许 多自 然 与 人 为 的 灾 害 , 无 边 无 量 的 众 生在 灾 难 中 失 去 生 命 或 经 历 难 以 言 喻 的苦难。


尊 贵 的 噶 千 仁 波 切 誓 愿 要 带 领 众 生 自轮 回 苦 海 中 解 脱 , 并 净 除 未 来 受 苦 的因及增长颇瓦法的修持, 将聚集弟子精进 修 持 并 亲 自 指 导 这 次 的 阿 弥 陀 佛 闭关法会。

我 们 欢 迎 任 何 教 派 或 传 承 的 三 宝 弟子 , 前 来 一 同 进 行 这 次 殊 胜 难 得 的 闭关 , 圆 满一亿阿弥陀心咒,祈愿世界和平,国泰民安。

ABoUT BUDDhA AmITABhA The Buddha Amitabha, known as the Buddha of Infinite or Boundless Light, is considered the protector of beings who call upon him as they experience death and the after-death transitions in the bardo. Amitabha is also central to the practice of Phowa (the transference of consciousness or liberation at the time of death). Buddha Amitabha and related practices, work with the enlightened energy of discriminating wisdom.

holders of Drikung Kagyu. Rinpoche was born in Nangchen, Qinghai, in 1936. After his enthronement at a young age, he followed Drikung Kagyu’s Jongtrul Rinpoche, Ganchong Rinpoche and Thubten Nyingpo Rinpoche, and attained great accomplishment on the practice of White Tara.

All the previous incarnations of Garchen Rinpoche had been the teachers of the two Drikung Holinesses. The current Garchen Rinpoche is also one of the teachers of the Drikung Holinesses. They have praised that Garchen Rinpoche is an important and great yogi of the Drikung Kagyu lineage. Venerable Drubwang Konchok Norbu Rinpoche has also revealed that Garchen Rinpoche has attained above the One Taste Yoga of Mahamudra. He is indeed an experiential and realized practitioner.

2 0 1 2 新 加 坡 一 亿 阿 弥 陀 佛心 咒 持 明 闭 关 法 会

BEnEfITs of AmITABhA rECITATIon The purpose of reciting the mantra while visualizing Amitabha is to help clear away the deluded energy of passion or attachment from our minds. If this is accomplished, we can live with more kindness, joy and unconditional love for ourselves as well as all beings.

Through Amitabha practices, our deluded passion, grasping, and attachment are transmuted into the clear-sighted warmth of true loving compassion. The ego’s selfish demands yield to our deepening commitment to others’ well-being and enlightenment.

The Amitabha accumulation is done annually at The Garchen Institute at the request of Drubwang Konchog Norbu Rinpoche. He made this request on the occasion of his liberation at the Garchen Temple on June 11, 2000. Drubwang Rinpoche urged us to recite the three Kaya mantras, which he said were the essence of the Tantric teachings. He asked that we do the recitations with loving kindness and compassion for all beings and that we recite the mantras correctly and clearly for all beings to hear.

100 mILLIon AmI DEwA rECITATIon rETrEAT 2012, sIngAPorEThe world has been tormented by countless disasters, natural and man-made since beginning-less time. Countless lives has been lost and Sentient Beings have suffered from untold hardships.

Due to his 48 great vows, Buddha Amitabha has made it possible for all who call upon him with unwavering faith and trust to be reborn in the Land of Ultimate Bliss where he will receive them personally. ~ THE SUTRA ON THE BUDDHA OF INFINITE LIFE DELIVERED BY SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA

With a sincere intention to liberate all Sentient Beings from Samsara, to purify all causes leading to future disasters as well as to further aid one’s Phowa Practice, this retreat call upon a thousand unfaltering hearts to gather under the ingenious guidance of H.E. Garchen Rinpoche to make it a success.

We warmly welcome all Dharma Friends from the 3 schools of Buddhism and from the various Lineages to join us to accumulate 100 million counts of Ami Dewa mantra by which we dedicate to world peace and harmony of all elements.

ABoUT h.E. gArChEn rInPoChE h.E. garchen rinpoche is one of the four Eminences of the Drikung Kagyu lineage. His incarnations originated from the Siddha Gar Chodingpa, the heart son of Drikung Kyobpa Jigten Sumgon. The first Garchen Rinpoche was born in 1180. He was the emanation of Mahasiddha Aryadeva, a disciple of Nagarjuna. The moment he was born, he was able to recite the Six-Syllable mantra. Later, he took refuge in Lord Jigten Sumgon and received ordination. He became one of the three greatly accomplished disciples of Lord Jigten Sumgon.

The current eighth Garchen Rinpoche, well-known for his great compassion, is an accomplished Tummo practitioner. He is also one of the most important lineage

There is none other more virtuous and precious gift than the gift of Dharma. As this highly meritorious event will benefits countless sentient beings, please do spread the words around to friends and love one as a gesture of offering towards Dharma. may the merits of this retreat be the cause for all sentient beings to attain Enlightenment.

世 界 上 没 有 一 样 功 德 能 够 比 法 施 更 为 珍 贵 。 为 了 让 更 多 如 母 有 情 得 到 广

大 利 益 , 敬 请 十 方 大 德 共 同 护 持 圆 满 此 殊 胜 法 会 , 并 呼 吁 身 边 的 家 人 朋

友 参 加 这 难 得 的 法 会 。 祈 愿 以 法 会 之 功 德 , 成 为 一 切 有 情 成 佛 之 因 。

明咒, 后依止吉天颂恭出家, 成为其法座前三大成就弟子之一。

今世的第八世噶千仁波切, 是以大悲心闻名于世的拙火成就者, 也是直贡噶举教法最重要的持有者之一。生于1936年青海省囊谦县, 自幼升座后, 即随直贡噶举之钟楚仁波切、甘琼仁波切、图登宁波仁波切学习,并在白度母的修持上都得到殊胜的成就。

历代噶千仁波切都曾是两位直贡法王的上师。此世的噶千仁波切, 亦是现任直贡法王的上师之一。法王赞叹他为当今直贡噶举传承中地位崇高伟大的瑜伽士。竹旺仁波切亦曾透露, 噶千仁波切已臻大手印一味瑜伽以上之成就, 可说是真正具足实修证悟之行者。

100 million Ami Dewa retreat, Tai Pei Buddhist Centre, Year 2011
