risks and benefits of medicinestari

Risks And Benefits Of Medicines: Pharmacists Need To Provide Better Information To Teenagers Main Category: Cervical Cancer / HPV Vaccine Also Included In: Conferences; Pediatrics / Children's Health; Pharmacy / Pharmacist Article Date: 05 Sep 2011 - 2:00 PDT A large proportion of teenagers regularly and frequently take some form of medication without receiving targeted information about the risks and benefits, according to a review of current research, to be presented at the annual congress of the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) tomorrow (Tuesday). Dr Priya Bahri will tell delegates that 35% of boys and 45% of girls in Europe and the USA take painkillers for headaches every month. In addition, they take a variety of other medicines for things like stomach aches, sleeping disorders, nervousness, asthma, infectious diseases and for pregnancy prevention. "Most teenagers take their medicines appropriately, but there is evidence of accidental or intentional inappropriate use or misuse," she says. At a time when young people want to be independent of their parents and make their own decisions about their bodies and medications, they feel misunderstood by healthcare professionals, have concerns over side effects and may be confused by information coming from a variety of sources such as their friends, their family, the internet, the news, and the healthcare professionals they encounter, says Dr Bahri, who is the pharmacovigilance lead for guidelines and risk communication at the European Medicines Agency (London, UK), but who was speaking in a personal capacity. [1] "Part of teenage life is starting to make your own health choices. The medicines that teenagers use most frequently and largely autonomously include those for asthma, and

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Page 1: Risks and Benefits of Medicinestari

Risks And Benefits Of Medicines: Pharmacists Need To Provide Better Information To Teenagers

Main Category: Cervical Cancer / HPV VaccineAlso Included In: Conferences;  Pediatrics / Children's Health;  Pharmacy / PharmacistArticle Date: 05 Sep 2011 - 2:00 PDT

A large proportion of teenagers regularly and frequently take some form of medication without receiving targeted information about the risks and benefits, according to a review of current research, to be presented at the annual congress of the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) tomorrow (Tuesday).

Dr Priya Bahri will tell delegates that 35% of boys and 45% of girls in Europe and the USA take painkillers for headaches every month. In addition, they take a variety of other medicines for things like stomach aches, sleeping disorders, nervousness, asthma, infectious diseases and for pregnancy prevention. "Most teenagers take their medicines appropriately, but there is evidence of accidental or intentional inappropriate use or misuse," she says.

At a time when young people want to be independent of their parents and make their own decisions about their bodies and medications, they feel misunderstood by healthcare professionals, have concerns over side effects and may be confused by information coming from a variety of sources such as their friends, their family, the internet, the news, and the healthcare professionals they encounter, says Dr Bahri, who is the pharmacovigilance lead for guidelines and risk communication at the European Medicines Agency (London, UK), but who was speaking in a personal capacity. [1]

"Part of teenage life is starting to make your own health choices. The medicines that teenagers use most frequently and largely autonomously include those for asthma, and painkillers such as paracetamol and ibuprofen. Every month in Europe and the USA, about 35% of boys and 45% of girls use painkillers for headaches. Teenagers also use other medicines: every month 32% use them for stomach aches, 6% for sleeping disorders and 6% for nervousness. The prevalence of asthma, one of the most frequent chronic disorders worldwide, is around 10% in teenagers, so most of those with this condition will be taking medication for it, and it is estimated from worldwide data that around a quarter of teenage girls will be taking some form of contraceptive, including hormonal ones. In addition, girls may be invited to receive the human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine to

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protect them against cervical cancer. However, public discussions in the media over the usefulness and safety of these measures make some feel anxious and confused," she says.

Dr Bahri is investigating how well information about medications are communicated to teenagers, and has found that not only is there very little research into this area, but what there is indicates that healthcare professionals, including pharmacists, need to improve the way they talk to young people and communicate the risks and benefits of medicines.

"The HPV vaccination programme is a good example of where healthcare professionals could be better prepared for communication with teenagers," she says. "There were several incidents in Europe of HPV vaccination-related anxiety attacks among girls receiving the vaccine. In addition, in many countries in the world, older children and adolescents, rather than young children receive various vaccinations, and may develop concerns over them.

"Research has found that although pharmacists know about the importance of talking to teenagers about their medications, they tend not to. This was shown in The Netherlands with the example of isotretinoin, which is sometimes prescribed for teenage acne. Isotretinoin causes birth defects and so can only be taken in conjunction with effective contraception, requiring the physician and pharmacist to initiate a conversation with teenage girls. The study showed that the pharmacists knew they should talk to the girls, but it didn't reveal why the majority of them did not comply fully with their role in the country's pregnancy prevention programme when dispensing isotretinoin. Obstacles to communication is an area where much more research needs to be done," says Dr Bahri.

"As a pharmacist myself, I know how difficult these conversations can be, but I would advocate that pharmacists should be looking into their communication behaviour and identifying opportunities and successful methods for initiating caring and non-judgemental dialogue. It is vital that pharmacists overcome our own hesitation to talk; we should start the dialogue and listen to questions and concerns. It is important to help teenagers to care for their health, while being aware of their vulnerabilities as well as their capabilities."

She will tell the congress that pharmacists also need to be aware that increasingly medicines are being advertised on the internet to improve school performance, and they need to monitor this and inform teenagers about the risks.

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Good communications with teenagers could also be vital for the well-being of the whole family in some circumstances. This can be the case in developing countries and among disadvantaged groups in the developed world, such as those who have migrated and have poor language skills.

"Sometimes, in places where teenagers are the only literate person in the family, they may even bear the responsibility of the health of their siblings and the older members of their families," she says.

Dr Bahri concludes: "Effective communications with teenagers at the individual and population level is vital, and pharmacists should consider investigating the use of text messages, social media and other web-based forms of communication with this age group, in addition to more traditional methods. We need to bear in mind that some research in different regions of the world has shown that teenagers still expect most information to come directly from their healthcare providers, but not necessarily from pharmacists.

"As pharmacists, we should be prepared to handle the needs and feelings of young people in a sensitive manner, taking into account the fact that they are in a vulnerable phase where a bad experience could influence their current and future health behaviour."

Resiko Dan Manfaat Dari Obat: Apoteker Perlu Untuk Memberikan Informasi Lebih Baik Untuk Remaja Kategori Utama: Kanker Serviks / HPV Vaksin Juga Termasuk Dalam: Pertemuan; Kesehatan Pediatrik / Anak; Farmasi / Apoteker Pasal Tanggal: 05 Sep 2011 - 02:00 PDT

Sebagian besar para remaja secara teratur dan sering mengambil beberapa bentuk obat tanpa menerima informasi yang ditargetkan tentang risiko dan manfaat, menurut review dari penelitian saat ini, akan dipresentasikan pada kongres tahunan Federasi Internasional Farmasi (FIP) besok (Selasa) .

Dr Priya Bahri akan memberitahu delegasi bahwa 35% dari anak laki-laki dan 45% anak perempuan di Eropa dan Amerika Serikat mengambil obat penghilang rasa sakit untuk sakit kepala setiap bulan. Selain itu, mereka mengambil berbagai obat-obatan lain untuk hal-hal seperti sakit perut, gangguan tidur, kegelisahan, asma, penyakit menular dan untuk pencegahan kehamilan. "Kebanyakan remaja mengambil obat mereka tepat, tetapi ada bukti dari penggunaan yang

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tidak tepat disengaja atau tidak disengaja atau penyalahgunaan," katanya.

Pada saat orang-orang muda ingin menjadi independen dari orangtua mereka dan membuat keputusan sendiri tentang tubuh mereka dan obat-obatan, mereka merasa disalahpahami oleh profesional kesehatan, memiliki keprihatinan atas efek samping dan mungkin bingung oleh informasi yang datang dari berbagai sumber seperti teman-teman mereka, keluarga mereka, internet, berita, dan profesional kesehatan yang mereka hadapi, kata Dr Bahri, yang memimpin pharmacovigilance untuk pedoman dan komunikasi risiko pada European Medicines Agency (London, Inggris), tetapi yang berbicara dalam pribadi kapasitas. [1]

"Bagian dari kehidupan remaja adalah mulai untuk membuat pilihan sendiri kesehatan remaja obat-obatan yang paling sering digunakan dan sebagian besar otonom termasuk untuk asma, dan obat penghilang rasa sakit seperti parasetamol dan ibuprofen.. Setiap bulan di Eropa dan Amerika Serikat, sekitar 35% dari anak laki-laki dan 45% anak perempuan menggunakan obat penghilang rasa sakit untuk sakit kepala Remaja juga menggunakan obat-obatan lainnya:.. setiap bulan 32% menggunakannya untuk sakit perut, 6% untuk gangguan tidur dan 6% untuk kegugupan Prevalensi asma, salah satu gangguan kronis yang paling sering di seluruh dunia , adalah sekitar 10% pada remaja, sehingga sebagian besar dari mereka dengan kondisi ini akan mengambil obat untuk itu, dan diperkirakan dari data di seluruh dunia bahwa sekitar seperempat dari gadis remaja akan mengambil beberapa bentuk kontrasepsi, termasuk yang hormonal. Di samping , anak perempuan bisa diundang untuk menerima virus papiloma manusia (HPV) vaksin untuk melindungi mereka terhadap kanker serviks. Namun, diskusi publik di media atas kegunaan dan keamanan langkah-langkah membuat beberapa merasa cemas dan bingung, "katanya.

Dr Bahri sedang menyelidiki bagaimana informasi baik tentang obat yang dikomunikasikan kepada remaja, dan telah menemukan bahwa tidak hanya ada sedikit penelitian ke daerah ini, tetapi apa yang ada menunjukkan bahwa profesional kesehatan, termasuk apoteker, perlu untuk memperbaiki cara mereka berbicara dengan anak muda orang dan mengkomunikasikan risiko dan manfaat obat-obatan.

"Program vaksinasi HPV adalah contoh yang baik di mana profesional kesehatan dapat lebih siap untuk komunikasi dengan remaja," katanya. "Ada beberapa insiden di Eropa vaksinasi HPV terkait serangan kecemasan di antara perempuan yang menerima vaksin Selain itu,. Di banyak negara di dunia, anak-anak dan remaja, daripada

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anak-anak menerima vaksinasi berbagai, dan dapat mengembangkan kekhawatiran atas mereka.

"Penelitian telah menemukan bahwa meskipun apoteker tahu tentang pentingnya berbicara dengan remaja tentang obat-obatan mereka, mereka cenderung tidak ini ditunjukkan di Belanda dengan contoh dari isotretinoin, yang kadang-kadang diresepkan untuk jerawat remaja.. Isotretinoin menyebabkan cacat lahir dan sebagainya hanya dapat diambil dalam hubungannya dengan kontrasepsi yang efektif, memerlukan dokter dan apoteker untuk memulai percakapan dengan gadis remaja. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa apoteker tahu mereka harus berbicara dengan gadis-gadis, tapi tidak mengungkapkan mengapa mayoritas dari mereka tidak mematuhi sepenuhnya dengan peran mereka dalam program pencegahan kehamilan ketika negara mengeluarkan isotretinoin. Kendala komunikasi adalah suatu daerah dimana penelitian lebih lanjut perlu dilakukan, "kata Dr Bahri.

"Sebagai seorang apoteker sendiri, saya tahu betapa sulitnya percakapan ini bisa, tapi saya akan menganjurkan bahwa apoteker harus melihat ke dalam perilaku komunikasi mereka dan mengidentifikasi peluang dan metode yang berhasil untuk memulai dialog peduli dan tidak menghakimi. Sangat penting bahwa kita mengatasi apoteker ragu-ragu sendiri untuk bicara; kita harus memulai dialog dan mendengarkan pertanyaan dan kekhawatiran Hal ini penting untuk membantu remaja untuk merawat kesehatan mereka, sementara menyadari kerentanan mereka serta kemampuan mereka "..

Dia akan memberitahu kongres bahwa apoteker juga perlu menyadari bahwa semakin obat yang diiklankan di internet untuk meningkatkan kinerja sekolah, dan mereka perlu memonitor ini dan menginformasikan remaja tentang risiko.

Komunikasi yang baik dengan remaja juga bisa menjadi penting bagi kesejahteraan seluruh keluarga dalam beberapa keadaan. Hal ini dapat terjadi di negara-negara berkembang dan di antara kelompok-kelompok kurang beruntung di negara maju, seperti mereka yang telah bermigrasi dan memiliki kemampuan bahasa yang buruk.

"Kadang-kadang, di tempat-tempat remaja adalah satu-satunya orang melek dalam keluarga, mereka mungkin bahkan menanggung tanggung jawab kesehatan saudara mereka yang lebih tua dan anggota keluarga mereka," katanya.

Dr Bahri menyimpulkan: "komunikasi efektif dengan remaja pada

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individu dan tingkat populasi sangat penting, dan apoteker harus mempertimbangkan menyelidiki penggunaan pesan teks, media sosial dan lainnya berbasis web bentuk komunikasi dengan kelompok usia ini, di samping metode yang lebih tradisional Kita perlu. diingat bahwa beberapa penelitian di berbagai daerah di dunia telah menunjukkan bahwa remaja masih mengharapkan paling informasi datang secara langsung dari penyedia layanan kesehatan mereka, tetapi tidak harus dari apoteker.

"Sebagai apoteker, kita harus siap untuk menangani kebutuhan dan perasaan orang-orang muda dengan cara yang sensitif, dengan mempertimbangkan fakta bahwa mereka berada dalam fase yang rentan di mana pengalaman buruk dapat mempengaruhi perilaku kesehatan saat ini dan masa depan mereka."