rockaway record -...

proud of -our Town and both art ROCKAWAY RECORD If If* News, Ads., or Job Printing, phone Rockaway 220; we »re always glad to serve you XU No, 22 J6K1K6 Cl&ODCtttfll Legs of Spring Lamb 1b. 37c KOCKAWAY. N. |.. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1929 , Pork Roast, lb. I Pork Chops, lb. and Steak or Roast, lb. Made Sausage, lb. luck Roast, whole cuts, lb. ^ Veal » lb * " "' egs of Veal, lb. - - aeon, whole or half, lb. 27c . 45c 35c 28c 35c . 35c 35c A Full Line of Fresh Fish [Hagan's Cash Markets UN ST. TEL. 62 ROCKAWAY, N. J. OUR )30 CHRISTMAS CLUB fmopen JOIN TO-DAY First National Bank, Rockaway N. J. Sight and Sound Soon To_Be On Air Talking linilio Movlei To Be Known Shortly From behind the closed loors of the research laboratories, television will step out before the genera! public. D. W, May Inc., of Newark, N. J., has signed a contract with the Jenkins Television Corporation of Jersey City, N, J., whereby television receivers and klt» will soon be merchandised In the extensive local territory covered by the television broadcasting station W2XCII, of Jersey City. "The television equipment which we are about to demonstrate," states D. W. May, "will be unique In that It will present sight and sound togeth- er—synchronized pictures and sounds complete, by means ot the usual stan- dard radio receiver and the special television receiver. There will be two broadcasting stations, one for the sight signals and the other for the sound signals, employed. The appar- atus to be demonstrated will not be of a special laboratory character, as in demonstrations heretofore made by others, but, rather, will be of the simple, Inexpensive type applicable tp the usual home. In short, we feel that home television la just around the corner and we are pleased to pioneer In this field just as we have pioneered In broadcasting from its very inception." Announcement of the combination sight and sound broadcasting demon- stration, to be held In Newark, will be,made shortly. The demoimtratlon will be open to the public, HOWAIID WADE KIMMKY TO Service* Start, Promptly at JiSO P. 2M. Door* Open at 7i00 •CXXZZZ3 Capital 1125,000 Surplus 9400,000 1 National Union Bank Dover, N. J. We cordially invite you to make use of our splendid new facilities. it is our aim to improve our contacts with bur depos- itors in every possible way if we can be of service, do not hesitate to ask us we will be glad to advise, you. CRASH! A Slipperv Road ' A Sudden Skid A Broken Store Front Shattered aiMl, CutM mid Probable Serious Injuries --•who pays the damages? , Bee • • about Insurance Protection LTTHEWS&SONS . • BoekftW«T» N. J. i Dover May Have New Post Office One of Eighteen Recommended By • government to be llullt Prospect for a new post office building In Dover In the near future was seen as a possible result of an appeal of President Hoover to spe^d work on Government construction In order to avert an employment reces- sion, Under the 1027 recommendations of the Treasury and Post Office Depart- ments, a new post office building for Dover was suggested at a coat of $100,000. Sines those recommenda- tions were made no further steps have been taken to prepare plans for the structure, The new building will take the place of the present Inadequate build- ing located on Warren street. The Dover poat office building Is one of eighteen In the State on which the Treasury and Poat Office Depart- mens will rush plans in order that construction work may be started soon after the first of the new year. o- Firemen Save Bnlldlnp A fire early Monday morning In the Samuel Dlndato house on Foundry strocSt, waa extinguished by the Fire Department before much damage wns done. It was discovered at 3:30 n. m. The loaf) Is moBtly due to smoke and water'and Is estimated at $1000, Sonic of (ho occupants narrowly escaped suffocation .by amoke. Several^werc OMKlstod from the house and cared for by neighbors. A similar fire occur- red In the building a year ago, and In each case a dog was the victim of smoke, being unable to escape from the smoke-filled cellar. The family of James Gallagher, who occupied rooms In the houac ex- tend thanks to tho fire department for their good work and BIBO to Mm. Nellie Amato who took them to her home opposite and cared for them un- til thoy went to live with Mr. and Mm. James Gallagher, 8r., on West Mnln Street, Tom Noonan, Bishop Hearing Resumed On John N. Gerdes OHChinatown! High Power Station j Dies In Garage m Kpenk In First M. K. Church Sun.! Jersey Offlclalti Enter Strong Protest Overcome by Poisonous Cia*.—W»« a day livening ! Ht Washington, T>. C. CuBtraetlngr Painter PlaiiB have been completed by the W. W. W. Class of the Dover First M. E. Church for services to be conduct- ed next Sunday night by Tom Noon- an, Bishop of Chinatown, and Super- intendent of the Chinatown Mission, 5-7 Doyers street, New York City. Hla topic will lie "Christ In the Under- world." " , Owing to the difficulty of making train connections Sunday evening, Superintendent White of the Lacka- wanmi Railroad has kindly consent- ed to atop No. 7, a through Buffalo express, at Dover for the convenience of Mr. Noonan and his party. There will be about seven in Mr. Noonan's party, Including Howard Wade Klmaey, noted song leader, and baritone soloist; Laura Orth Klmsey, who will preside at the piano, and several testimonials. There will be no admission charge, but a collection will be taken, which will be donated to Mr. Noonan for his work at the mission. According to advance reports, there will be a large assemblage at this meeting and all who desire to attend are urged to be on hand early for the •eating capacity is limited. There will be standing room only for the late comers. Tlie doors ot the church will be open at seven o'clock. Mr. Noonan will announce his at- tendnnce at Dover over the radio next Sunday afternoon, Dec. ID, during his regular services over WMCA. Those Who have never heard Mr. Noonan are urged to tune In at that time and get an Idea how the services will be 0,'omlucted In the evening. Morris County was again represent- ed In Washington Monday, when hear- ings on the proposed 50,000-watt broadcasting station near Whlppany were resumed by the Federal Radio Commission. Speaking In behalf of the Columbia Broadcasting Company, Sam Plckard, the president, told the commission Wednesday of last week hat station WABC would riot be com- pleted If It was found that It consti- tuted a nuisance. Engineers ot bla company, he said, did not expect that any harm would be done by the sta- tion. An attempt was made by Assistant Attorney General Duane E. Mlnard to show that the application to erect the station did not conform with the radio act of 1927. Mr. Mlnard classed WABC as a "foreign transmitters" and men- tioned the advisability of excluding some of the so-called "foreign" sta- tions from the State. The assistant attorney general con- tends that radio licenses are property rights despite the fact that they may be revoked by the Federal govern- ment. Representing the Board of Freeholders, Howard F. Barrett tiled a petition In the form of a resolution, stating that the proposed transmitter would seriously affect the people of Morris County. Appearing as an expert witness, I. J. Rodman, a radio engineer attached to the District Attorney's office testi- fied that the proposed transmitter would probably cause objectionable Interference to listeners within a cer- tain radius. About eight counties would probably be affected, he Bald. Ford Pays $7.00 A Day Now ItnlHe Will Amount to «40,0OO,0O0. In create Effective Dec 1. Twenty million a year payroll In crease with a $7 a day minimum for all Ford workers In^he United States was announced by the Fo^d Motor Company on TueBday. The V a day minimum replacing tbe old ?6 a day minimum affects 24,320 Ford workers, An additional 113,(43 workers are affected by an Increase of 6c an hour In the wage ot those who work on an hourly basis. The increases apply to all Ford workers In the United States. The 5c Increase In the hourly wage means the minimum for this class of workers will be $7.30 for an eight- hour day. The Increases became effective De- cember lBt. Edsel Ford, president of the Ford Motor Company announced that "It Is our belief that In making these in- ment of the program took place. One creage8 we are Increasing the buying power of our workers In Detroit and Rockaway Uniformed Team In Parade Hocknwny Jr. O. IT. A. M. Represent' ed at Morrlstown, Saturday Like the Grand Old Guard which dies but 'never surrenders', seven members of the uniformed degree team of the local council of Jr, O. U. A. M. marched In the sesqulcenten- nlal parade In Morrlstown on Satur- day afternoon. Holding a straight line abreast and captained by their leader of many a contest, Fred James, they Joined the parade at Washington's Headjuartera and ended up In the spaclouB gymnasium of the Early Street High School. The warmth of the building Boon | thawed out the frosty fingers which had become numb with cold as they held the guna. Then the real enjoy- of six after another the gaily uniformed fife and drum corps of various American Legion Posts competed with one an- other for handsome silver loving cups. The seat and vigor with which this competition took place brought back many memories ot the daya when Y. M. C. A. huts 'over thare' were filled with just such colorful crowds ot men. : The top notcher of the day came, however, with the serving ot a bount- iful supper In the large modern cafe- teria of the school. With every chair occupied by a uniformed man or his escort, rival groups singing campaign songs and the hum and bustle which attends such get-togethers, the local elsewhere." Mr. Ford pointed out that the Com pany WBB not only Increasing wages but had cut the cost of their product. This, he said, hns en made poBslbl by better management, Death of William Klnkle, Jr. The four year old son and only child, William, Jr,, of Mr. nnd Mrs. W, R. Klnkle, of the Morrlatown Rond died In the Mo»e» Taylor. Hoapltnl, ot the D. L, ft W, Railroad at Scranton, Pn,, following a hemorrhage after nn operation performed for the removal of tonsils and adenoids. Little Will- lam was operated on v Monday and on Tuosday evening his parents received word that he had succumbed. The community offers Mr. and Mrs. Klnkle Its sympathy In their great bereave- ment, The body hai bean taken to the horn* of hi* grandparents at 8tew- irtivllU whtrt funeral services will be held. Real Etttate Trawlers Through the courtesy ot William H. Crane, Boro Assessor, the follow- ing recent real estate transfers hav been handed to us for publication:- John J. Qlll to Steve Nick, Ogden Ave.; Brooks & Watson to Win, Qulg- ley, Harbrook Park; H. and S, Col ethers, the local, perience which ""• to A. 8. Klmble, Lincoln Ave. Cobb St.; W. P. Freeman to E. Moore, Stickle Avo.; Watson Pricket to Cnth Card of Thnnks er | nD z e( , ca , west Main-St.; Salva- I tore Dladato to Antonio Ferrone, men enjoyed an ex doe, not come very often. I take this method of extending thanks to tho Rocknway Flr e Depart- ment for tholr prompt work at the fire In the Dladato house, Maple Av- enue, In which I lived with my par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. Charles Heath, and my brother, Walter Heath, I also thank our nolghbora, Mr. and Mra. David Morris who gnve the alarm, and Mrs. Nellie Amato who so kindly sheltered us until we were able to remove to tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Blmer Taylor on Now street. CHESTER HEATH The Post Office will be closed all day Wednesday, Dec. 25, Christmas Maple Ave.; Antonio Ferrone to Ar turo Valletta, Mott Tlace; J. Harri to Domlnlck Delefo^e, Union St.; O and H. Beatty to Nolan Bott, RockB' way Ave.; W.m. Gerard to John G sarnek, Union St.; DelanHon Baylei to Irving Lloyd, Klycroft, There were recorded with tho Reg> iBtror ot Vital Statistics for the montf of November, one birth, four mar rlngcfl and two deaths. An Interesting debate followed th regular weekly business meeting oi the Jr. O. U. A. M. last Friday even Ing. The subject, of vital Interest to all automobile owners and driver* w»i very ably and forcefully dlscusa- nd fo read !ed by men well read on the subject, Deadly carbon monoxide gag caused!- he accidental death of John N. Gerd- », Friday afternoon, at his paint shop- the rear of 41 North Essex street, Dover. His body was found between two automobiles, the engine of one ^f which was running, and the door» ot he shop were closed. When Mr. Gerdes failed to return home at the usual time, Mrs. Gertie* telephoned to A. H. VanHorn, wbo re- sides near tbe shop, asking him to see- her husband was there. It was there ibout seven o'clock. Mr. VanHorir teard tbe motor of the touring car running as he approached the build- ing, which was In darkness. He bor- rowed a flashlight from a neighbor ind discovered the bedy when he re- turned. The police were notified and Patrol- man Russell Vanderhoof was assigned to the case. Death was said to have . ieen accidental by Coroner Charles V. Stldworthy, of Rockaway. It was a!so> laid that Mr. Gerdes had been deaf •', ilnce one o'clock. Coroner Stldworthy ordered the body removed to the morgue of Francis & Shuler on th» opposite corner. Funeral services were conductor Monday afternoon from the late hom» at 69 Richards avenue, by Rev. B. O. Wilson, pastor of the First Baptise Church. Interment was in Locust Hll» cemetery. The surviving members of Mr. Gerdes 1 family are his wife, Mr* Liliie M. Gerdes and a brother, Free) Gerdes, of Woodmere, L. I. Mr. Oerdes was born in Germany fifty-two year* ago. Mr. Gerdea was a member of tn*> Newark Painters Union and ot Mor- ris Council, Royal Arcanum. Numerous deaths are caused each 'ear by tbe poisonous gas, which Is product of the Incomplete combus- tion of gasoline. More victims are claimed during the winter months when motorists close garage door* and then proceed to warm tbe motor, or remain in the garage with tbe en- gine running. Carbon monoxide Is one of the most insidious of tbe pois- onous gases, being colorless, odorless and tasteless. A few breaths is. suf- ficient to cause death. It combines readily with the hemoglobin of th* blood, expelling tbe oxygen. Nutley Man Takes Bride From Rockaway MIKK Edith L. Bodlne Married to WU. " Ham Hahn Wednesday Night Miss Edith L. Bodlne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Bodine, of Franklin avenue, Rockaway, and O. ' William Hahn, son of Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Hahn, of 475 Walnut street, ' Nutley, were married at eight o'clock Wednesday night In the Methodist Episcopal Church with the Pastor of: the Church, Rev. Frederick Benson, officiating. Miss Bodine had as her only at- tendant her sister, Miss Ann Bodlne- and Mr. Hahn had Dr. Edward B. Brown, of Arlington for his beBt man, The UHherB were W. R. Maxwell Cun- nlsou, ot Irvlngton and Miss Bodlne's brother, Gilbert Bodlno, Jr. The bride Is a teacher In a public achool In Lyndhurst and Is a gradn- nte of Rockaway High School and ot the Trenton Normal School. Mr. Hahn who Is employed in tlin office of the American Telephone and! Telegraph Company in Newark I* a graduate of the Central High School ot Newark. Following the wedding ceremony a reception for thirty-two guests, im- mediate relatives and friends of the young couple was held at the Lake Arrowhead. Tavern, Donvllle. The young couple left on a motor trip and upon their return will re- side In Arlington. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS The asacsaor'a duplicates for the" year 1030 are now open for Inspection by tin; taxpayers ot the Borough ot Uockawuy. They may be Inspected on next Monday, December Oth, 1980, nt my home on the Dover road, be- tween the hours of 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. WILLIAM H. CRANE, Alsessor Miss Helen Collins lma taken a pos- ition In the County Clerk's Office, at Morrlstown,

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Page 1: ROCKAWAY RECORD - · proud of-our Town and both art ROCKAWAY RECORD If If* News , Ads. or

proud of-our Town and

both art ROCKAWAY RECORD If If* News, Ads., or JobPrinting, phone Rockaway220; we »re always glad

to serve you

XU No, 22

J6K1K6 Cl&ODCtttfll

Legs of SpringLamb

1b. 37c


, Pork Roast, lb.I Pork Chops, lb. •

and Steak or Roast, lb. •

Made Sausage, lb.

luck Roast, whole cuts, lb.

^ V e a l » l b * " "'egs of Veal, lb. - • -

aeon, whole or half, lb. •

27c. 45c• 35c• 28c

35c. 35c

• 35c

A Full Line of Fresh Fish

[Hagan's Cash MarketsUN ST. TEL. 62 ROCKAWAY, N. J.




First National Bank, Rockaway N. J.

Sight and SoundSoon To_Be On Air

Talking linilio Movlei To Be KnownShortly

From behind the closed loors of theresearch laboratories, television willstep out before the genera! public. D.W, May Inc., of Newark, N. J., hassigned a contract with the JenkinsTelevision Corporation of Jersey City,N, J., whereby television receivers andklt» will soon be merchandised In theextensive local territory covered bythe television broadcasting stationW2XCII, of Jersey City.

"The television equipment whichwe are about to demonstrate," statesD. W. May, "will be unique In that Itwill present sight and sound togeth-er—synchronized pictures and soundscomplete, by means ot the usual stan-dard radio receiver and the specialtelevision receiver. There will be twobroadcasting stations, one for thesight signals and the other for thesound signals, employed. The appar-atus to be demonstrated will not be ofa special laboratory character, as indemonstrations heretofore made byothers, but, rather, will be of thesimple, Inexpensive type applicabletp the usual home. In short, we feelthat home television la just aroundthe corner and we are pleased topioneer In this field just as we havepioneered In broadcasting from itsvery inception."

Announcement of the combinationsight and sound broadcasting demon-stration, to be held In Newark, willbe,made shortly. The demoimtratlonwill be open to the public,


Service* Start, Promptly at JiSO P. 2M.Door* Open at 7i00


Capital 1125,000 Surplus 9400,0001

National Union BankDover, N. J.

We cordially invite you to make use ofour splendid new facilities. it is our aimto improve our contacts with bur depos-itors in every possible way if we can beof service, do not hesitate to ask us wewill be glad to advise, you.


A Slipperv Road' A Sudden SkidA Broken Store Front

Shattered aiMl, CutM mid Probable Serious Injuries--•who pays the damages? ,

Bee • • about Insurance Protection

LTTHEWS&SONS . •BoekftW«T» N. J.

i Dover May HaveNew Post Office

One of Eighteen Recommended By• government to be llullt

Prospect for a new post officebuilding In Dover In the near futurewas seen as a possible result of anappeal of President Hoover to spe^dwork on Government construction Inorder to avert an employment reces-sion,

Under the 1027 recommendations ofthe Treasury and Post Office Depart-ments, a new post office building forDover was suggested at a coat of$100,000. Sines those recommenda-tions were made no further stepshave been taken to prepare plans forthe structure,

The new building will take theplace of the present Inadequate build-ing located on Warren street.

The Dover poat office building Isone of eighteen In the State on whichthe Treasury and Poat Office Depart-mens will rush plans in order thatconstruction work may be startedsoon after the first of the new year.

o-Firemen Save Bnlldlnp

A fire early Monday morning In theSamuel Dlndato house on FoundrystrocSt, waa extinguished by the FireDepartment before much damage wnsdone. It was discovered at 3:30 n. m.The loaf) Is moBtly due to smoke andwater'and Is estimated at $1000, Sonicof (ho occupants narrowly escapedsuffocation .by amoke. Several^wercOMKlstod from the house and cared forby neighbors. A similar fire occur-red In the building a year ago, andIn each case a dog was the victim ofsmoke, being unable to escape fromthe smoke-filled cellar.

The family of James Gallagher,who occupied rooms In the houac ex-tend thanks to tho fire departmentfor their good work and BIBO to Mm.Nellie Amato who took them to herhome opposite and cared for them un-til thoy went to live with Mr. andMm. James Gallagher, 8r., on WestMnln Street,

Tom Noonan, Bishop Hearing Resumed On John N. GerdesOHChinatown! High Power Station j Dies In Garage

m Kpenk In First M. K. Church Sun.! Jersey Offlclalti Enter Strong Protest Overcome by Poisonous Cia*.—W»« aday livening ! H t Washington, T>. C. CuBtraetlngr Painter

PlaiiB have been completed by theW. W. W. Class of the Dover First M.E. Church for services to be conduct-ed next Sunday night by Tom Noon-an, Bishop of Chinatown, and Super-intendent of the Chinatown Mission,5-7 Doyers street, New York City. Hlatopic will lie "Christ In the Under-world." " ,

Owing to the difficulty of makingtrain connections Sunday evening,Superintendent White of the Lacka-wanmi Railroad has kindly consent-ed to atop No. 7, a through Buffaloexpress, at Dover for the convenienceof Mr. Noonan and his party.

There will be about seven in Mr.Noonan's party, Including HowardWade Klmaey, noted song leader, andbaritone soloist; Laura Orth Klmsey,who will preside at the piano, andseveral testimonials.

There will be no admission charge,but a collection will be taken, whichwill be donated to Mr. Noonan for hiswork at the mission.

According to advance reports, therewill be a large assemblage at thismeeting and all who desire to attendare urged to be on hand early for the•eating capacity is limited. There willbe standing room only for the latecomers. Tlie doors ot the church willbe open at seven o'clock.

Mr. Noonan will announce his at-tendnnce at Dover over the radio nextSunday afternoon, Dec. ID, during hisregular services over WMCA. ThoseWho have never heard Mr. Noonanare urged to tune In at that time andget an Idea how the services will be0,'omlucted In the evening.

Morris County was again represent-ed In Washington Monday, when hear-ings on the proposed 50,000-wattbroadcasting station near Whlppanywere resumed by the Federal RadioCommission. Speaking In behalf of

the Columbia Broadcasting Company,Sam Plckard, the president, told thecommission Wednesday of last weekhat station WABC would riot be com-

pleted If It was found that It consti-tuted a nuisance. Engineers ot blacompany, he said, did not expect thatany harm would be done by the sta-tion.

An attempt was made by AssistantAttorney General Duane E. Mlnard toshow that the application to erect thestation did not conform with the radioact of 1927. Mr. Mlnard classed WABCas a "foreign transmitters" and men-tioned the advisability of excludingsome of the so-called "foreign" sta-tions from the State.

The assistant attorney general con-tends that radio licenses are propertyrights despite the fact that they maybe revoked by the Federal govern-ment. Representing the Board ofFreeholders, Howard F. Barrett tileda petition In the form of a resolution,stating that the proposed transmitterwould seriously affect the people ofMorris County.

Appearing as an expert witness, I.J. Rodman, a radio engineer attachedto the District Attorney's office testi-fied that the proposed transmitterwould probably cause objectionableInterference to listeners within a cer-tain radius. About eight countieswould probably be affected, he Bald.

Ford Pays $7.00A Day Now

ItnlHe Will Amount to «40,0OO,0O0. Increate Effective Dec 1.

Twenty million a year payroll Increase with a $7 a day minimum forall Ford workers In^he United Stateswas announced by the Fo^d MotorCompany on TueBday.

The V a day minimum replacingtbe old ?6 a day minimum affects24,320 Ford workers,

An additional 113,(43 workers areaffected by an Increase of 6c an hourIn the wage ot those who work on anhourly basis.

The increases apply to all Fordworkers In the United States.

The 5c Increase In the hourly wagemeans the minimum for this class ofworkers will be $7.30 for an eight-hour day.

The Increases became effective De-cember lBt.

Edsel Ford, president of the FordMotor Company announced that "It Isour belief that In making these in-

ment of the program took place. One c r e a g e 8 w e a r e Increasing the buyingpower of our workers In Detroit and

Rockaway UniformedTeam In Parade

Hocknwny Jr. O. IT. A. M. Represent'ed at Morrlstown, Saturday

Like the Grand Old Guard whichdies but 'never surrenders', sevenmembers of the uniformed degreeteam of the local council of Jr, O. U.A. M. marched In the sesqulcenten-nlal parade In Morrlstown on Satur-day afternoon.

Holding a straight lineabreast and captained by their leaderof many a contest, Fred James, theyJoined the parade at Washington'sHeadjuartera and ended up In thespaclouB gymnasium of the EarlyStreet High School.

The warmth of the building Boon| thawed out the frosty fingers whichhad become numb with cold as theyheld the guna. Then the real enjoy-

of six

after another the gaily uniformed fifeand drum corps of various AmericanLegion Posts competed with one an-other for handsome silver lovingcups. The seat and vigor with whichthis competition took place broughtback many memories ot the dayawhen Y. M. C. A. huts 'over thare'were filled with just such colorfulcrowds ot men. :

The top notcher of the day came,however, with the serving ot a bount-iful supper In the large modern cafe-teria of the school. With every chairoccupied by a uniformed man or hisescort, rival groups singing campaignsongs and the hum and bustle whichattends such get-togethers, the local

elsewhere."Mr. Ford pointed out that the Com

pany WBB not only Increasing wagesbut had cut the cost of their product.This, he said, hns en made poBslblby better management,

Death of William Klnkle, Jr.

The four year old son and onlychild, William, Jr,, of Mr. nnd Mrs.W, R. Klnkle, of the Morrlatown Ronddied In the Mo»e» Taylor. Hoapltnl, otthe D. L, ft W, Railroad at Scranton,Pn,, following a hemorrhage after nnoperation performed for the removalof tonsils and adenoids. Little Will-lam was operated onvMonday and onTuosday evening his parents receivedword that he had succumbed. Thecommunity offers Mr. and Mrs. KlnkleIts sympathy In their great bereave-ment, The body hai bean taken tothe horn* of hi* grandparents at 8tew-irt ivl lU whtrt funeral services willbe held.

Real Etttate Trawlers

Through the courtesy ot WilliamH. Crane, Boro Assessor, the follow-ing recent real estate transfers havbeen handed to us for publication:-

John J. Qlll to Steve Nick, OgdenAve.; Brooks & Watson to Win, Qulg-ley, Harbrook Park; H. and S, Col

ethers, the local, •perience which ""• to A. 8. Klmble, Lincoln Ave.

Cobb St.; W. P. Freeman to E. Moore,Stickle Avo.; Watson Pricket to Cnth

Card of Thnnks e r | n D z e ( , c a , west Main-St.; Salva-I tore Dladato to Antonio Ferrone,

men enjoyed an exdoe, not come very often.

I take this method of extendingthanks to tho Rocknway Flr e Depart-ment for tholr prompt work at thefire In the Dladato house, Maple Av-enue, In which I lived with my par-ents, Mr, and Mrs. Charles Heath, andmy brother, Walter Heath, I alsothank our nolghbora, Mr. and Mra.David Morris who gnve the alarm,and Mrs. Nellie Amato who so kindlysheltered us until we were able toremove to tho home of Mr. and Mrs.Blmer Taylor on Now street.


The Post Office will be closed allday Wednesday, Dec. 25, Christmas

Maple Ave.; Antonio Ferrone to Arturo Valletta, Mott Tlace; J. Harrito Domlnlck Delefo^e, Union St.; Oand H. Beatty to Nolan Bott, RockB'way Ave.; W.m. Gerard to John Gsarnek, Union St.; DelanHon Bayleito Irving Lloyd, Klycroft,

There were recorded with tho Reg>iBtror ot Vital Statistics for the montfof November, one birth, four marrlngcfl and two deaths.

An Interesting debate followed thregular weekly business meeting oithe Jr. O. U. A. M. last Friday evenIng. The subject, of vital Interest toall automobile owners and driver*w»i very ably and forcefully dlscusa-nd fo

read!ed by men well read on the subject,

Deadly carbon monoxide gag caused!-he accidental death of John N. Gerd-», Friday afternoon, at his paint shop-

the rear of 41 North Essex street,Dover. His body was found betweentwo automobiles, the engine of one ^fwhich was running, and the door» othe shop were closed.

When Mr. Gerdes failed to returnhome at the usual time, Mrs. Gertie*telephoned to A. H. VanHorn, wbo re-sides near tbe shop, asking him to see-

her husband was there. It was thereibout seven o'clock. Mr. VanHorirteard tbe motor of the touring carrunning as he approached the build-ing, which was In darkness. He bor-rowed a flashlight from a neighborind discovered the bedy when he re-turned.

The police were notified and Patrol-man Russell Vanderhoof was assignedto the case. Death was said to have .ieen accidental by Coroner Charles V.Stldworthy, of Rockaway. It was a!so>laid that Mr. Gerdes had been deaf •',ilnce one o'clock. Coroner Stldworthyordered the body removed to themorgue of Francis & Shuler on th»opposite corner.

Funeral services were conductorMonday afternoon from the late hom»at 69 Richards avenue, by Rev. B. O.Wilson, pastor of the First BaptiseChurch. Interment was in Locust Hll»cemetery. The surviving members ofMr. Gerdes1 family are his wife, Mr*Liliie M. Gerdes and a brother, Free)Gerdes, of Woodmere, L. I. Mr. Oerdeswas born in Germany fifty-two year*ago.

Mr. Gerdea was a member of tn*>Newark Painters Union and ot Mor-ris Council, Royal Arcanum.

Numerous deaths are caused each'ear by tbe poisonous gas, which Is

product of the Incomplete combus-tion of gasoline. More victims areclaimed during the winter monthswhen motorists close garage door*and then proceed to warm tbe motor,or remain in the garage with tbe en-gine running. Carbon monoxide Is

one of the most insidious of tbe pois-onous gases, being colorless, odorlessand tasteless. A few breaths is. suf-ficient to cause death. It combinesreadily with the hemoglobin of th*blood, expelling tbe oxygen.

Nutley Man TakesBride From RockawayMIKK Edith L. Bodlne Married to WU. "

Ham Hahn Wednesday Night

Miss Edith L. Bodlne, daughter ofMr. and Mrs. Gilbert Bodine, ofFranklin avenue, Rockaway, and O. 'William Hahn, son of Mr, and Mrs.Arthur Hahn, of 475 Walnut street, 'Nutley, were married at eight o'clockWednesday night In the MethodistEpiscopal Church with the Pastor of:the Church, Rev. Frederick Benson,officiating.

Miss Bodine had as her only at-tendant her sister, Miss Ann Bodlne-and Mr. Hahn had Dr. Edward B.Brown, of Arlington for his beBt man,The UHherB were W. R. Maxwell Cun-nlsou, ot Irvlngton and Miss Bodlne'sbrother, Gilbert Bodlno, Jr.

The bride Is a teacher In a publicachool In Lyndhurst and Is a gradn-nte of Rockaway High School and otthe Trenton Normal School.

Mr. Hahn who Is employed in tlinoffice of the American Telephone and!Telegraph Company in Newark I* agraduate of the Central High Schoolot Newark.

Following the wedding ceremony areception for thirty-two guests, im-mediate relatives and friends of theyoung couple was held at the LakeArrowhead. Tavern, Donvllle.

The young couple left on a motortrip and upon their return will re-side In Arlington.


The asacsaor'a duplicates for the"year 1030 are now open for Inspectionby tin; taxpayers ot the Borough otUockawuy. They may be Inspectedon next Monday, December Oth, 1980,nt my home on the Dover road, be-tween the hours of 8 a. m. to 8 p. m.


Miss Helen Collins lma taken a pos-ition In the County Clerk's Office, atMorrlstown,

Page 2: ROCKAWAY RECORD - · proud of-our Town and both art ROCKAWAY RECORD If If* News , Ads. or


Of Gay Enamel ClothScissor Painted Basket

I A "seissor-painted" waste basketmakes an acceptable yuletlde gift for'{nan, woman or child. One cuts pic-ture* out of Illustrated crepe paper,Which costs but a trifle for a wholeroll. After the background of the pa-pier mache basket form has been enam-eled with ..seiiHpg-wax_ jmlnt, paste

'on the pictures"'very smoothly. Whenthoroughly dry the whole Is gone overwith a coat of transparent amber seal-ing-wax paint, while this is still wetone'can, if one cbooses, sprinkle crys-talline beads over tbe picture part to|«ive it sparkle.

A cushion of colorful enamel cloth•with bas-relief of realistic-looking

' gay flowers Is warranted to bring areal thrill on Christmas morn to tbe

1 friend who entbuses on the subject of; interior decoration, and who waxes| eloquent over "a note of color" in tbescheme of things. Do not confuseenamel cloth with glazed chintz or cre-tonne or anything of that sort. Itlooks rather like colored patent leath-er and It is produced la every lovelyshade, .both pastel tints and, «xotlccoloring*, alia black.

Pere Noel in FranceChildren In France look for tbe com-

ing of Pere Noel with the same pleas-ure and lmpasfence as ours do for th«earning of Santa Claua.—Farm tadSattch. "* '

The Christmas TreeAccording to a Germanic legend, all

trees blossomed on Christmas Eve. Tornuke fnet agree with legend, smallcherry twigs were properly cultivatedat home so as to bloom about Christ-mas time.

to Fam»On S~,U!nl<r 24, 17W>, ut G«

town Vu .IOIJII MurBtmll, liri-t^ of I'* f n i f d SUtes Bop™*.

court, was horn. Known by_indents for his ' i >c<->*i>s.

equally fuimvi f'Cieurgc Wasliliigti


J TH1 Tf^E »..,' UTUSWlFE.r• T o Gro BACK T o ft DlfcCCT-




S T RsoMMEft


O. P. DickersonTelephone «07

48 Xaln Street Becfcawsi, H. J.New Low Price on Atwater-Kent Rad-io. $27 cheaper. Try one Free—New.

3 Temperatures—Automatically Controlled!

A Great Ad van cein

Electric Refrigeration„ Since Saturday, November

23rd, we have .had on display-in our sales room the new'Super-Automatic Electric Refrigera-tors. We invite all of our cus-tomers to visit our show roomand to let us explain theunique features of these hewrefrigerators.

See this Refrigerator af Our Merchandise Display RoomThe cold is automatically controlled. One temperature for the safe preservation offood—another for the freezing of ice cubes—and a third for more rapid freezing of "ice cubes or desserts. All you have to do is to set the food in the prof er compartmentand it is chilled or frozen without regulating hand controls.

Easy Monthly TermsNew Jersey Power and Light Company's monthly budget plan makes it easy for youto own one ofthese new Super-Automatic 1930 model Refrigerators. You will be agreeablysurprised at the low purchase price at which you may have one installed in your home.

< Payments may be distributed over a period of months if desired. Low carrying charge.

New Jersey Power and Light Company. of the

Associated Gas and Electric System, M W. Blatkwell gfc, DOyW IT. J.

"HappyThought" Giftsfor a MerryChristmasYou can get the right giltfor the right person fromamong our various holi-day displays.


Consisting of perfume,powder and double com-pact will make a beauti-ful gift. Sold only, stRexall Stores.

GERARD'SMain St. Roekaway, 5 . 1 .

Phone 1«



nil 1B»

he Ubiography ot


SaperHitiont in WaleBWales probably Has wore active SB-

eratltlJs .ban n,,v other LauctfUn.ountry. That two Brt-books b.lit.rfth cneese keep cats aw«y, and thaiiQSsesBlon ot 6-slillllng COID IS fatalre two roost carreut superstitions.

tom to


ROCKAWAYHOPATCONG LINE—2 & 7 2Newark, Mnplewood, Mlllbarn,

Chatham, Madison, Convent Sta-tion, Morrlstown, Morris Plains,Mt. Tabor, Dcnvllle, Dover, MineHill, Kcnvll, Huccasunna, Ix'tlge-wood, Landing, ^ctcong, Stan-hope, Cranberry Lake, Andover,Newton.

Bntea leave Mala and Wall its.—For KCHTII

Week days and Saturdays: 8:06A.HI., 6:86 A. M., and every 80 minutesuntil 10:0$ P.M. and 11:06 P.M.(11:51 P.M. Went Dover), (12:65Dover only).

Sundays: 7:06 A. M . and every 80minutes until 10:08 P.M. and 11:06P.M. (11:61 P.M. Went Dover), (12:65A.M. Dover only).

For Luadlas;Week days and Saturdays: 6:06

A. M.. 6:86 A. M., and every hour until9:36 P.M. and il:06 P . M :

Sundays: 7:30 A. M., and every houruntil 9:36 P. 11. and 11:06 P. M.

For Heltons; and gtaakopeWeek days and Saturdays: 6:06

A. M,, 6:i6, 7:86, 8:88, 1»:»8, 11:86A. M. 1:36 P. M., 2:36, 4:86, 5:3«, 7:36,8:36, 8:36, 11:06 P.M, ,

Sundays: 7:36 A.M., 8:36, 10:36,11:36 A.M., 1;36 P. M., 2:86, f.U. B:3B7:36, 8:36, 9:36, 11:06 P. 1L

- For IVewtoaWeek days, Saturdays and Sundays:

8:36 A.M., 11:36 A.M., 2:36 P.M., 6:36P. M,, 8:36 P. M.

For MorrlstownWeeX days and Saturdays: 5:30

A. M., 6:64 A. M., 6:24 A. M.. 7:00, 7:24.7:54. g:09, 8:24 A.M., and every 3<iminutes until 6:54 P.M.; then everyhour until 9:64 P.M. and Ui84 P.M.(7:24 P.M., 8:24 P.M., »:24 P.M. MtTabor only).

Sunday*! 6:19 A.M., 6:54 A. M!, andevery hour until 10:54 A.M.; thenevery 30 minutes until 6:54 P.M., and

For NewarkWeek.days and Saturdays: 6:C4

A.M. and every hour until 6:64 P.M.

1 * i eVOry h0Ur

WHABTON BUB MNE—10Dover anil Wharton.

nnaea leave Lnckawanna Stn<lo>_Week days: 6:18 A. M., and every

30 rnlnute» until 6:1! P.M. °y°r'Snturdayn: 6:18 A. M., and every 30

minutes until 11:48 p. i i .

BVSES FOJl HIRBPublic Serrice De Luxe butei

. afford a ipttndid mtani of carry.i»t partlet to Iht teat/tore,moun-tain/, theatre, or to athletic or,•othtr ertnti. They are ideal jotpicnici, outinii, or tour).

Phones Morrhlown 2109


OM the iiiiy« of our vcnerublef,,rffui)ici-s II lias been the cus-

-lo*e our lu/lldu* dinners withh



t h e

Relief FromlSrseOfjConstipation

p is responsible forsay

. But Immediate relief hat beta toun,A tablet called Rexall Ortetl l tTuteen discovered. This tablet 'attfMwater from, the system Into tb« Ut?orjr, ejacuMlas; bowel called th. Joon. Th. wat.r loosens tbe dry toowasU tod causet a tentle, thoroutnatural movement wfthont'££££ ••aWt or ever iacr««iini th* ao«»

Stop suffering iroa

one- v»i i"'iy d ynion'. cl..}i«l! *««i'tnc»s of plum pod-din" inn) tirtrO Hiiuce and after-dinnerb<,i. t.r.n« but ll»'.v represent lo tlicra-Btlvi'f! i he oh-icrvjince of the pleasant-CK( o( old (.•iistimis.

Many t/f us liuve seen on the shelvesof'«oiif«-i!<'»«™ n n d b'SlJ-elaes gro-o<.ry sli.reR jura and boxe* ond cansof BiUU'd nulH, plump, brown and In-viting We huvo Inquired the price,or evin (ln«'d to ast Oroldly for av try small quantity. They were de-Iklons, it's true, but prohibitive Inprice for the ordinary family.

Happily nuts can be suited andpiced at home, and those best adaptedor this use—peanuts and almond*—ire not fabulously expensive, bought

quantity and in condition for homereatment.

In purchasing nuts, however, wheth-er shelled or In their shells, insist ontioing allowed to make sure that tljejre free from Insects and Imperfee-Ions. Ascertain as well BB you can•hether they are really fresh. Other-wise your labor will he In vain. Ifpecans are « favorite ID the family,it Is best to buy your iupply alreadyshelled, for they are difficult to re-move, l'eanuts bought for home usehould tie raw. To blanch yonr holi-

day nuts, place them ID a pan andpour boiling water over them, allow-ing them to remain In It for two min-

tes. Then the water I* drained awaynd cold water Is run over them until

the; are cool. The skins- should-theDslip off readily. When they are re-moved the nuts should be dried with• towel. Occasionally nuu, such asfilberts and pistachio nuta, part withheir skins rather unwillingly. They

will have to take a hot bath of threeo five minutes' duration before their:oats will come oR.

Our "home-made'1 nuts mar bebrowned on top of the stove, In tbeoven or ID deep frying fat, a» Is roostconvenient Experience, however, hasproved that the latter method Is byfar the moat uniformly satisfactory.Good vegetable fat or olive oil Is nec-essary for browning. It must be put IB

deep Vettle and brought to a heat of390 degrees. To Insure success, *deep fat thermometer should be used.The nuts, thoroughly dry by now, areplaced evenly in a layer In the bot-om of a frying basket and immersed

In the hot fat to fry for two minutes.When a delicate brown they must beremoved Immediately and placed on asheet of brown paper or toweling todrain. They should be sprinkled withplenty of table salt and spread out togrow dry and crisp before serving.

If yon prefer even browning to theabove Jnethod.^lace ,your blanchednuts) In i shallow pan containing fat,put In a 350-<legree oven and roast the.nuts until delicately brown, stirringthem often. For browning on top ofthe stove a tablespoonfut of fat oilIs allowed to each cup ot nuts. Tbe;are distributed evenly over tbe surfaceof the pan and fried with constantstirring until they are the right color.

When your nuts are browned youmay make ft mixture of three-fourths'ot a teaspoonful of salt, half • tea-spoonful each of .cinnamon, clove* and.allspice to each cupful of nuts andsprinkle tbe spicy mixture freely overthem.—Frank H. Sweet.

(fi), 192T, WtlUrn Nnwipapep TJnlos.)


iRock UrilitjjLawu MowiAll klriils or3hop: Car.

Billiard and P

Candy, {imSf

Lusardl Dldg.,


Painter and&4Wldence: White 1

Box 8«7_n , 0 l , ^ 1

H 0 1 K A W A I . '

QEO. B. WHITHAMEmbalmer & 1'unertllCarefnl service and p

given to all callB,Tel. JiocUw.,!!

Funeral Parlors-«ai» hHOCKAWAY, H. J, '


Carpfnter ni BiU, . . Estimates dlven

Jobbing aIIOCKAWAY, 1.1 i


A»n Street, Kockm;,)Painter and:

Skillful Workmen Emp]Paint, and Satisfaction ('

JNDIAN SPRING WAT]Analyzed as the Purest iproduced. Taken fromSpring. More stlmulatlnjfreshing than other wale

W E O l t U E F. TOHTelephone 275:


ShoemakerWest Main Street, J

Shoes Repaired Quickly iManner

I H. BLANCHARDId' Manufacturers Otj

BOCKAWA1 HAND I i l l"•.•.! with or without 1All kinds of Edge Toolli

Mowers S h wUnion Street Phone 1


ContractorCarpenter and'.

Tel. mMain Street,

Christmas Trustr y U R I N G the Christmas.rn»h• - ' I n one of America') manytowns, sot ranch attention waitpaid to name* on envelope! andpackage', but only to addresses,and all those not found at tb«addresses marked were return*)by the carriers to the ,pos toffice with a "not at ttih ad-dress" written across tbe top.

They were sorting these outat the main post office whenthey noticed the n«me of onewhich had a "not at thli ad-dress" across the top.

It- was addressed to SantaClans, and the street number

I was one before which a SantaI Claus had stood during the lastI holiday season.—Mary Graham'. Bonner. • >!(©, mi. Now.p.p


Easton Heights,Tel. Ml

Estimates furnished on Iand Interior '

= — •


Wall Street,Cleaning, Pressing and 1

a Specialty5v"ork Done Promptly and N

Guaranteed to give Satli


Electrical & KmlloE26 Wall Street,

• Frlgldalro HefiVictor, Kolater, andHOWARD M. WILBY

STOVE CO.Vest Main Slnrt

I ltte.'

«ltt» I

'And 1 don't get th« ObrMnuM gl |to

Everything in Hkri««;lPaints, Oils, VarnlshesJ


Also P a n Oronire nn«v Wnolcsnlc and

» . TV. BEAM, »is«'Phono :»•"> «rBOCKAWAT,


Plumbing, TinningShop i Indian Ink*

Te). 95 IK


Hot'SmThe YuleUde

tbe Mason for


Page 3: ROCKAWAY RECORD - · proud of-our Town and both art ROCKAWAY RECORD If If* News , Ads. or

DECEMBER V >V tljt' ••



f >

Jewelry the Gift Ideal~SS-»»-BH&»~

fiart mode colls (or bracelets,laces, earrings and shoulder pins*,'If they do not actually match)lor, must at least harmonize wltlicostume. Which solves the prob-of "what to give" th!« Christmas.

~i are a few highlights from Parisaide the would Be donor Into mnk-& timely choice. Novelty chokers

^necklaces are fashioned of huge*i of colored crystal, cut square,

osmlar nnd other shapes; withwiets and earrings to match ns

piped. FOP daytime wear select"liver, or enamel effects. Flat

"arajeatured this season.

lAmong the lovely remembranceswhich Christmas brings to fair wom-an, or If It fulls to bring, registersdisappointment for someone, are dulnty garter sets and shoe-trees. Nowthat the short skirt vogue Is placinggarters on display, there Is a renewedenthusiasm for this Item of femininevanity. Likewise one's shoes mustlook {he prink of perfection thesedays, which makes shoe-trees a neces-sity to keep them In shape. The love-ly little hand-made flowers which soadorn botSi garters and shoe-trees, areveritable works of art.


ill ilu. il

Make YourMoney

Work ond"Night-

Shift'tooThe funds you put hi the bank are

hard-working dollars..They work a "day shift" and a

' "night shift." Twenty-four, hours aday they are busy accumulating In-terest for you.' Start a Special Thrift account hereand have a large force of dollars

'-working'for you day and night at-our-geperous Interest rate of

" S f l ^ Compounded Quarterly

| | i i e National Iron Bankk v V of Morristown

i lliihrfotowii Now Jersey•••Vi,vV'''SUBSTANIAL AS IT'S NAME"

'^:;i'.OtfMi Saturarly Evenings from 7 to 9


•TMIIS pruetli'al and pleasing girt* wng planned oy a son and daugti-

l«r for their agi'd parents, whoflalmed tlial (lie Joy It carried tliroughtin* year wu» a cllinux to alt previous(.'liristnias love tokens. When thepackage, on which was written; "DearFather and Mother, with greetings audour loi-e," was opened tliere were re-veulcrj twelve (larcels of various sizes,sliupc-H and colors.

In (fie December envelope, whichwus decorated with geals, Santa Cluuspictures, liolly, etc., was a five-yearsubscription to the home newspaper,with snapshots of the grandchildren,scenes In Ihe son's and daughter'*home, friendH, etc.

The January package had a emailJanuary culcndur on It. which held areceipt for a year's subscription to afashion magazine.

February's box contained a valen-tine with un original verso whlcli ex-plained a Niirprlfiu that would arriveearly In the inoiilli. The surpriseproved to be two current magazines,one on Htmllng, Trapping, WinterSnorts and n Woman'* Household andHandwork Magazine.

Comic pictures of Slareli capers dec-orated the March parcel, which prom.Iseil, by u receipt Inside, a Home andGardening publication.

April was In the form of a joke,with a note on which was written Inlarge leltcin, "When? What? Why?—April Fool." Through the month apopular weekly Farm and Home Jour-nal arrived each week.

A May basket held coins with linesto tlie elTect that the father andmother could purchase whatever theymost desired.

For June was a letter, fittingly deco-rated, In which were congratulations—Ihe wedding anniversary of the par-ents occurred In this month. ThereWAS also forthcoming an "Outing"publication.

As July and August were themonths In which the birthday anniver-saries of the parents occurred, thesepackages were wrapped together. Ina paper boat, on which was pasteda flag, was wrapped a check to covera trip to the homes of the son anddaughter with Instructions to pur-chase a popular Recreation Magazine,as well as highway guides and maps,for the father had a hobby of study-Ing road guides and maps.

When the September magazine ar-rived it contained a number ofgreeting postal cards which the par-ents could send to their friends.

October's envelope was an order fora religious publication.

November's was a copy of a maga-zine reviewing the interesting topicsof the past twelve months, ns a fit-ting climax to the year's reading ma-terial which had given such satisfac-tion.

The son and daughter had arranged-with a book stand to deliver themagazines. What a Joy they musthave experienced In planning this gift,which was Indeed a Christmas climaxthat lasted throughout the year I—Ger-trude Walton.

(fl. 1911, Waatarn Newapapar Onion.)


At Christmas Time

AT CHBISTMAS TIME Beth-lehem Is the famous capltol

of all the earth. Then, the starof Bethlehem outrunks all theflaming constellations. Then an-gels and archangels crowd thesky and Oil the night withchants and praise. Then theshepherds come to seek forMary's child. Wise men come,with gold for a new-born king—with frankincense for the hlgh-prlest of all the ages and withmyrrh for the sacrlQcial lamb.At Christmas time the mangerIs a sacred shrine and the swad-dled babe Is king of all the earth—Christmas the greatest day ofall the year.—William h. Gaston.£), 1927, by Waatarn Newvpapar Union.)

Ain't It So!

Whut are men's fashions comingo next?"

"Lord knows I What do you thinkif a guy that wears red knickers?"

"Well, who In the world does tlmt?""Santa Olaus."

Several SantasThere are several Santas, Includlin

;rls Krlngle and St. Nick or Nicholas.Jho original St. Nick was a bishopwho Is said to have lived to tnke partID the historic Council of Nice ThisIs disputed by historians, hut lit cer-tainly llv«d prior to tho reign ofJustinian, in whose time severalchurches In Constantinople were dedi-cated to St. Nicholas.-Capper's Week-

Associated Gas and ElectricSystem \

Endorsed by

150,500 Investors

WDESPREAD investment by a large number is a forceful expression

of approval. There are 150,300 Associated Gas and Electric Com-

pany investors distributed throughout all states in .the Union, in all the

Canadian Provinces and in twenty-three other countries.

Over half the investors are customers taking electric or gas service in

Associated areas. This endorsement by these daily users further reflect!

the acceptance of the investment worth of Associated securities.

Rights Expire December 16thRights to subscribe at 0120 to yield 6#% on the *4 Interest BearingAllotment Certificates are now being exercised. You may pay out bt

income a* follow; Upon • ubscription, (20 f April 1st. 1930, JfSOj andJuly 1st, 1930, <50. Interest at 6% per annum will be allowed on all .<

payments from date of receipt to the date when interest begins to accrueon the Allotment Certificates. Inquire of any employee.

Associated Gas and Electric Securities CompanyINCORPORATED '

Office of New Jersey Power & Light Coepany30 West BlaekweD St , Dover, N. J.


All tht telephone ptopt* and telephone buildings InNew Jersey, would mske • city of 15,000 mtn tndwomen ind over 200 buildings—• busy, bustling COM-ffluntty with a single purpost—to spttd the voices ofNew Jersey people to destinations in the State and firbeyond, millions of timai each day. .

Telephone City If growing with the State it serves. It willh«vc hundreds more workers tnd over 50 more build-Ingi by 1934.


"A Naw J«My IMUMUI I Suktd fer NatitMl H I H W I M "

How One Woman 'Lost 20 Pounds of FatLost Her Double ChinLost Her Prominent HipsLost Her Sluggishness

Catned Physical Vl«or. V l n e l o wneu, and a Shapely Figure

Thousands of women arc getting fatand losing their beauty just becausethey do not know what to do.

If you are (at, how would you liketo lose it and at the same time gain inphysical charm and acquire a clean,clear skin and eyes that sparkle withbuoyant health?

And gain in energy and activity?Why pot dtj what thcitiiandi of women have

done to get rid of nouuili of unwanted fatfTake one-half n teatpoon of Kruichen Salta in• gfafi of hot water ever/ morning beforebrnkfait and keen It up for 30 diy«, Then•nigh yountll ami ace bow many poundayou nave bat.

You'll ha»e the aurprlae of your life andkttt of ill • bottle of Krmcben Salts that willtaat you for^ 30 dayi only cotl BS t


How to ReduceVaricose Veins

Rub Gently and Upward Toward lhaHeart aa Blood In Velm Flows

That Way

Many people liavc become despon-dent because they have been led to be-lieve that there is no remedy that wiltreduce swollen veins and bunches.

If you will get a two-ounce originalbottle of Monne'a Emerald OH (fullslrcngtl)) at any first-class drug storennd apply it night and morning as di-rected you will quickly notice an im-provement which will continue until theveins and bunches arc reduced tonormal.

Indeed, so powerful Is Emerald Oiltint old chronic sores and ulcers areoften entirely healed and anyone whois disappointed with its use can havetheir money refu " '

Now ThoseRheumaticPains Must Go

The Agony Ceatea—the Swelllnf URedneed—What a Blewlnc

Here's a supremely gnod and latelyimproved remedy that is sold to youby druggists everywhere with the un»dcrstanding that one bottle must glvaresults or you can have your moneyback.

Ask for Allcnru—it comes In bigbottles and is not expensive. Take it udirected—it's a quick, active remedyand one that you can depend upon evenwhen the pains arc most severe anilfever is rampant.

'•It'* anti-pyretic—an analgesic amidiuretic—and leading druggists all ovt.r.America are «lad to recommend it,

Page 4: ROCKAWAY RECORD - · proud of-our Town and both art ROCKAWAY RECORD If If* News , Ads. or


Rockaway Record Shall We BringThem Christmas Joy?KoUsrsd l'<»t liltUi-, lt<H:!;»way, N, )

u» Hwoit'1 Class Matter

AN INI)Je»*KNI>KNT WKKKI-YIssued Kver* Thursday

G8CAB f'KKU, t'risstrfimt MenBgarsin.NKY eoiJJNH. Kditor

Talnplton* Cnmief.llonsOffUtf 220--lt<M*uw«>' Houne 26»

434-MOf (let: M»ln »tr««t,

M!(l«ht|»ra«u E. B«rtr*tti M«U,and "Hilly" Mott, who are attendingDIP I'. S. Navul Ataik-myoils'. Md., vinlted tli«lr fatherI,. Mott, <"i Saturday.

at Amiap-Dr. K.

-It it. tb« Msrib »« th*

The month iu»t l»a#s»d »»*'K»Q l h »estnbratloii «( the «ompt«tlrm of "i"Ohio R|v*r iirojett whereby a nli>«-Joot »tttK« i» I" Iw nmlnUlntfl *!l tb»y«ar'rnuii<! l>y a system « ' I**'"' an<1

dam*. A inonunmnt was unwHid InBiJen Park, CttKrlmmtl, to tin* piuitwmof the ditto Wver Improvement work.Tli« *w>st tit honor and principal#p«»l(«r was PwsKlMit Hoover, whoT#(-el»e<l a blK avattoli In *li"e o t ll l<l

downpour of rain WIJUII «XIM1«WI dur-

In* Ms stay In Hie Olito ( liy. Follow-ln« the leloUratlon I'resMwH H e o W*«nt to Louisville by stesrnor, and Intb« Ksnuicky metropolis »•* mnile Ms

principal npuiti-li nnprov«m«iit.

In Hi IK address )i'

w»terwtty» lin-

sold: "With tbiiIn Hi I acompletion of our national Jolt on <"«

l l s tocompl oOhio we win well turn mir mlmls to-ward tli« other (jroat Jolm In waterw»y fimprovement wM«ti ll» nttfnrit

us, Tlie (»lil« Is hut one. ttwnent <»'the national Inland, waterways withwhtub provident* has blessed us. Wehave completed the mfldernlHttlon ofbut on» other of the «r«at segmentsof this system—the lower Mississip-pi,"

Mr. Hoover then went on to say tlmtbe favored as a »mn\ andI l»r«M», M Buperlnttrndent,policy "th, modernism* of .v«ry p.rt-» — •—......« which will show ' ^ ^ ^

December 2, 1020Dear Friend:

An In past years, we wish to have


Coiillnulnx tlie fl»(> »iirt thoughtful Icustom of former y«<urs, Huperiritend-1enl Doctor Msrcus A Curry of The I!s'«w J*rn«y Htate Hospital at flrey-*ton« Pork, (» iBUiiclilhg u timely ap-p « l for th« mort than 3,700 patient*no that Christmas joy and cheer mayradiate lo every patient In the liistl-lutlon. reK»rdless <•' liow long mayhave been broken »«d forgotten thetrt(mur<>d il«M of farnier relatfan«hlp>slid frlemlKhlpK.

K»(ttllvo» »nd frlendH, no f »r »«known, of putlenU who tnttred the

ilurliig the p»«t year, art re-i!»lylii(« » »p«ti»l letter »nd thosewho*« contact* with the InittltutlonIPUKI lieen nf longer duration and arefiitnlllar with thin ClirlDtimiH cuntom,of u Kid for every patient, are Telledupon to rtmemfxr their afflicted rels-tlven ond friend* and lo cooperate In

itplrlt they Imveillitplityitd In former yearn

Opportunity al*o la afforded to thepublic to tuk« pnrt In n great

«nd good work, by sending glftn forIndlviduitl patleiitK or for general dis-tribution, or by remitting for tinOlirlKtmas fund no tlmt pur«lift»e»muy bit made and Hants Cluux enubledto make IIIH welcome vlnttatlon tolho»« who otherwliie might'have noone to remember them during I he Sea-noil of (lood Will.

Doctor Curry'* letter l» reproducedbelow and "hould gift auKgentloni orother pnrtlimlar) be d««lred they glad-ly will lie furnUhed upon rtqueitt to

ot our waterway*economic juKtlflcallon In aid to ourfarming and lndu»trle»," Mr. Hooverexpr««««d th« h«ll«f that a nine footdepth Mhould he emutillnheil In ourwater trunk ityiitem, and aald that h»li'eli«v<d th« entire Ml«»l»tiltipl »y«leniRhould he completed within the nextlive yearn, no that w» "lieli have "a»re»t north and wtutb trunk water-w«y entirely acroxa our country fromthe (lull to Die northern boundariesand ft great ea«t and went route haltway aero** the United fltateii,"

In conclusion the President said:

'"To carry forward nil these greatworks Is not a dream of th« vision-arles—lt Is the march of the nation,"We are reopening the great trade

' routes upon which our continent de-veloped. This development Is but anInterpretation of the Heeds «*d•urea of population, of Industry andolvllliaMon, They are threads In that

' Invisible w»t> which knit* our nation-al llfo. Th«y are not local In their"benefit*, They are universal In pro-moting the prosperity of the nation,It l i our duty us stateamen to respondto these needs, to direct them with

our Chrletams holiday a time of joyanil happlne** for our blf family, sowe are offering our many friends anopportunity to help us In making thisthe happiest day of the year. It Is ourpurpose to see that every one of themore than 3,700 patients In the hos-pital receive* on Appropriate gift atChristmas and to this end I am ask-ing you to a««lst us.

Hither gift articles or money may

Intelligence, with skill,cmy, with courage,

with econ-


Financial Institution wtthover one million dollars•anil capital has openingfor local representativeon whole or part time.Highly remunerative ba»-

Wrlte f u l l Informationttlioul nelf to

H. I>. Nenat Advert-Mnir

1520 ClieKtiiut StreetI>lill«d«lphls, Pa.

JWANT_COLUMN ___~ p « K MSST—S'urnlshed Rooms,steam heated, at Detivllle, N. 3., op-posite Post Office. J. Carr, proprie-tor Denvllle Manor.


HAI.B—OneCompany coal

American Haillburning galvjm

water h«at«r, capacity 100per hour, In perfect condition.

Would heat a small house. Price $20.Inquire of A. H, Buckelew, RtahwoodTerrace, Denvllle, N. J. -2t2

Buy V«tir Famllj a <hri»tm»» P m -ml . to t s »8M.0O ami up—With theelectrification ot the D. L. & W. R. R.these lots will be worth three time*tlie amount In a few years. Water, KBBand electricity. No assessments.Terms; 20% down, balance monthly.Bogan, Yorke & Bnyder, Inc., Den-vllle Ciardens, Denvllle, N. J. Office:Diamond Spring poad (at Bridge)Phone Rockaway 64!.

Witt KENT—House In DenvHle, N.J. Apply Mrs. E. Leslie Todd, 131Maple Avenue, Rockaway or PhoneRockaway 18».

VOH IIENT-O-Room flat and gar-age from January C. H. Beatty,Avenue, Phone 400.

All Improve-73 Rockaway

KENT—House, Main Street, 7 room,bath, heat, light, hot water, tubs, coaland gas ranges, fireplace, »28, AlsoS rooms, 121. Apply D. M. Nichols,Keller Avenue.

"A nation makes no lost by devo-tion of some or Its current Income tothe Improvement of Its estate. ThatIs'an obligation we awo to our child-ren mid our grandchildren, I do notmeasure the future of America Interms or our lifetime, (lad has trulyblessed us with great resources It Is•our duty to muko them available toour people."

Previous to his excursion down theOhio, President Hoover attended atDearborn, Mich,, the exercises In hon-or of Thomas Bdlson, delivering therethe principal address of the occasionwhlah was to celebrate the fiftiethannlversury of the Invention of theelectric light.

In the year 1028, 20ff persons In theUnited States paid the federal Incometax on Incomes of more than a milliondollars for the year. Ot this numbernearly one-half, 1M to be exact weroresidents of the state of New York,The total Incomes of the 21)0 wealth-lost persons was more than 1800,000,-COO and MID tax paid by them IntoUncl» Sam's treasury was moro than98R,000,0(ia. The number ot taxpayersreporting Incomes of $60,000 or moreAmounted to M.flim, The followingHtttes contributed those who hud In-comes of a million or moro In 1028:

California, 8; Coniidrtlcut, 1; Dotu-ware, 7; District of Columbia, 1;Florida, 2; CluorKln, 1; IIHIUIIH, 2ft;Indiana, 2: Iowa, 1; Miilnn, 1; Mary-land, 7; MiutiiuJiiiHutu, 7; Michigan,l»i Missouri, 4; Now Jersey, 16; NewYork, 1!HJ; North Carolina, 1; Ohio,

\ , 0 ' , Oklahoma, 1: Ponnxylvanla, M;Hhorto Island, '1; Texas, 1\ Utitli, 1;

.Washington, 1; Wisconsin, II.

be contributed as you prefer, if yousend money, please have It reach usby December 7th, In order that wemay have time to do our Christmasshopping, and st*t« dearly either the

^e of the patient for whom It is toused or that It Is for the OENKI1AL

FUND. Articles may be sent for anypatient you select, or far (JHNiSRAI.DISTRIBUTION, In which case theywill be assigned among the hundredswho Imve no known friends. Pack-sites should be sent to arrive not lat-er than December 20th, after allow-Ingr plenty of time for delays on theway. You should enclose In your pack-age the double post 'card which ac-companies this letter, with both sec-tions carifully filled out, since wekeep one section with the gift toIdentify It and return the other to youas your.receipt from the hospital,

Whatever form your «lft may take,you may be sure that It will be thank'fully received by someone to whoma present "from the outside world'means moro than you can possiblyImagine.

Most sincerely yours,MAIICUB A. CURRY, M. D.


"ilfWAHB—For the return of aBeagle Hound, 18 Inches high, brown,black and white, lost around IndianLake, on the morning ot Nov. Mth'.Answers to name of Bess. If foundplease write Charles A. Hoffman, Ifl*Magnolia Street, Belleville, N. J., >rphone Belleville 1981-W.

FOR HALE—Oakland Coach, ua«ifionly week ends, good running con-dition, bargain $125. Write A, Schon-feld, Denvllle, VI.J. _

WASTER—To hear from owners otautomobiles that desire Insurance. J.J, Oranda, RealRookaway.


FOR KKJtT—Four rooms, bath andelectric light, Mrs. George Qartley,133 Church street, Rockaway, N. J. tf

VOH HALE—Corner of Ogden Ave.,and Beach Street, Rockaway, N, 3:-Modern house, six rooms and bath, allImprovements; now ready for Inspec-tion. Phone or call Steven Nick, 76Ogden Ave., Rookaway, N. J. Phone88-R. 20(2


Among the happenings last weekwere: Dovor beat Morrlstown 14-«jBoonton beat Rockaway 21-0, but, let'sseel Tint was football, Now for thebowling, Aaron Stone's Presbyteriansbeat "DOB" Mott's Hornets 1-1; Hng-an's Butcher* beat Richard's DurantsM , and Matthews' Methodltti beat"Bill" Crane's Square Club 2-1, whichwound up a very Interesting week ofthe tournament.

This ends the seventh week withthe team* In position as follows: '

VOH KENT—Three or four roomflats, electric lights and water on firstfloor of Campfleld building, belowFoundry, Rent $18 and $16. InquireJ. L. Campfteld, 287 B. Main St. 2Ot3

FOR SALK OR RENT—Two 6-roomhouses at Denvllle, N, J. All modernImprovements, Inquire at 5 Edge'wood Road, Denvllle Park, or Tele'phone Rockaway 415-R. tt

VOH HALK—1926 Ford 8edan, Inperfect condition, run 10,000 miles.Telephone Kookaway 128.

nutchers . , , ,PresbyteriansHornetsMethodists , ,Square'Club ,Durants . . , , .

W,,10, » » • •

,10. o, 8, 7




FOR KENT—Apartment In Qulgleyhouse on Main Street Lights, Waterand On». Inquire Floyd Hller. t

The Post Office Department desiresthat overy effort hf mmle to reachthe public with a view of semiringtheir cooperation In the successfulhandling of mails, by mailing theirparcels early (or Christinas, Pnrcnlsgoing to tho fur West should lie mall-•d not later than the 14th of Docein-b«r; those going to the middle-west

, «r Southern slates from Dec. 14 toIMk; to the New Hngland Statesfrom Dec, Uth to th* 20th.

JIMhodlst Kpfcwona! Churchtlov. F, 8, Benson, Pastor

Sunday, Dec, 8th, 1921)

10,'Od A, M. Bible" School, classesfor nil Hires, >Wm. U Mills and F. O.HiKl S i t

FUHN1TUHE ot every descriptiononn be bought at prices below wholesale. The Reason—we buy bankrupistock* only—hence your bargain, Visit the Porslppany Sales Rooms. Onfllopmflold Avo., PMstppanyjjN^j^ lt" FOB" SAIiK—Two" single familjlouses of 7 rooms with ah Improvements. FOR SALE OK RENT—1 newhouso ot 7 Tooms, with all Improvements, also garage. 1 home ofrooms, with electric lights and cltwater, large tot with several frulitrees, Liberal tornu on all four oithe above properties. Rockaway ReaKstate Company, Rockaway, N,Phont 389,

For your Wife...and family

. . .no finer gift than thai

Superintendents,11 A. M, Preaching sorvloo. Sub-

lent, "The Word of dod".0:4B ICpworth League service.•7:30 Preaching service. Subject,

"Weighed In the Balance,"Father nnd Son Supper and Lec-

ture tomorrow night at 6:80 o'clock.Com0 nnd bring your son or be a Dad-dy to some boy for that night. Thelecture by Mr. White, will be worththe total cost, He brlngi with htm$4,000 worth ofi equipment,

: '-4 .

Hums Faint. Used on your .walls owood work (Ires a hard, durablewashable finish—with an >«nshelgloss. Easiest ot all paints to applHartley's Paint Store, 51 N. Susse:Bt, Dover. 8«t

FOll KKMT-Flve room aputmenwith bath ind improvements! aliosix room house in Dover, N, J, Rereasonable. Inquire of. Mrs. Marthi8p»r«o, » 9 Morris Street, Dover. TelDover 4S4-W,

VOH KENT-ror a nntleman orlady, furnished room, all tmprovimenu. Phone Rookaway IBS.


OF ALL the material thingsthat you could give to your

loved ones this Christmas, whatsingle thing could bring great-er or more lasting happinessthan a simple document—yourWill?

With a properly drawn give not a gift for the day;you give security, protection,and happiness for as long asyour family lives. You give toyour wife a feeling of safetysuch as no other gift could con-vey, you give, if you BO provide,a college education to yourchildren; you give, if you will,Independence for the old age otyour parents.

You give to yourself a (

duty well done that wiumuch to YOUR Holldayiness.

AH of these things arei,If you will but take the HIMput your financial house Jder.

And we will be very glad togcuss such a splendid <with you, without any <„,of obligation on yourwhatever.

May we have the prlvileg]playing a Bmall part in tbeflest gift that you can everg


Quality First!If good meats could be sold for less, the National Beef Company would sell them. Bit

price Is only a secondary matter—Quality f i r s t ! I

Smoked Cali Hams, lb. 16cSugar-Cured

Bacon Squares, lb. - - 17c

Loins of Fresh Pork, lb. 23c

Fresh Shrimp, lb. - - 19c

Armour's "Star"

Reg. Smoked Hams, lb. 25c

Fresh Pork Shoulders, lb. 19cSwift's "BROOKPIELD"

Pure Creamery Butter, lb. 45c

Fancy Halibut, seakedjb. 29c

Fresh-Kill Young Fowl, lb.. (S lb. average)

• ' • ' • /

Prime Bib Bout , lb. , . / ; . . .(Pest CUfi)

•35c;Fore Legs of Lajnb( lb. . .. ' AMled Boneless

Smoked Beef Tongues, Ib. \L *%C(W«U Trimmed) %} %/**

Sirloin Steak, lb. . . . . . . . . .Porterhouse Steak, lb. . . . .Round Steak, lb.

Fresh Herring,; lb.Fresh Whltlhg, 11)

Fancy, Mackerel, lb

Fresh Smelts, lb.Fancy Salmon, <b boll, lb.

National Beef Company"Exolurive

Main Streetof Quality Meats

Phone Ro«ka«ar i t t Bockawar,

- . ,1 3 * 1 . - • •-

Page 5: ROCKAWAY RECORD - · proud of-our Town and both art ROCKAWAY RECORD If If* News , Ads. or



Local Briftfc

forget the Father and Sontomorrow evening at 8:30

Meih.idiBt and Presbyterian,8 Ticket* are limited, so se-

ur» now.

^condition of pdward Hagan,Htlll In th« General Hos-

pewrk, continues to Improve,|8 thought he may b« able toome Christmas week.

l0Wer committee of the Kings'em o( the Presbyterian churchId a Tea »t the taome,ot Mrs.(iariley, 133 Church Street, on

. ) afternoon, December lOtli,|:30 until 5; 00 o'clock.

UDV.M Furniture Company haswith Robinson's Inc., of New-

tie consolidation will • revolri-(urnllure buying in Dover, andable purchasers to buy In Dov-:lty prices and not only sa»ee but also your time.Dorothea Levl, daughter of

I Mm. Alfred Levl, was host-rauuui twenty of her friends at

Le on tlie Dover road last Frl-fciilng. Bridge was lollowed by

_ anil refreshments.- A won-Itlme was enjoyed by all.1 Lillian Steven*, daughter ot

II Mrs. William Stevens, of Annunderwent an operation Wed-at Dover General Hospital forIcltls. It is said this morningeraton was successful. Missi 1B a clerk at The First Na-Bank.

Borough Council is publishingInance taking over that Dartvllle township along the newilghway. Heretofore the linesten very irregular all along theI lines, and It was thoughti have them straightened out.s no objection from the Town-

Den vllle.

Iiral services,for Joseph Yurco,iree years old, who died Sat-at his home In Franklin Ave.,ield Tuesday morning from

Heart Church. A requiemoffered by Rev. Andrew

Jak, pastor, and Interment was|cecllia's Cemetery. Mr. YurcoHved by his wife and one»r.

|Rockaway high school basket-

t started their first practiceson at the high school gym

lek under Coach Horasco. Theteam were the County

I Champs last year and are outthis year. Of last year's

heir remains Kelly and Pete•ut a number of new boys will

I this year,

frrd Le Roy, of Whlppany wasI before Recorder Louis Tre-Morrtstown police court on

[ on a statutory charge prefer-l»tost him by Mrs. Antoinette

also of Whlppany. Mrs.\%, who was accompanied In

her husband and year old»iert6d that Le Roy had forc-

Jtered her home on last Mon-ilng, and had attacked her In

[brutal fashion, Le Roy deniedpsatlon» made against him andI a plea ot not.guilty. Jitter a

Hearing,: Justice Tremallo or-i Roy held tor the Grand Jury

' him fh the custody of his

«lng the full penalty providedfor tt third offender against

Mbltlon law, Judge Albert H.I on Friday sentenced William

of Dover to state prison for(»r and Imposed a fine of 1600.i Pleaded guilty to a third of-

Ulegal possession of liquorfirst offense for transportation.

[Holland told O'Brien that heKlven two opportunities to

°' the llqubr business" un-at o ta Jail term, This he had

I'o do and waa caught a thirdn D»*!r with liquor In hie auto-• ™« c ° w t said he under-fOBrlen was under similar

1 .» Sussex County.

All meruberH of tile church art? ur^-ed to attend the Father and Son Din- itier Friday evening al 6:30. The Mtlh-!OCIIBIH will have a dinner In th<-h |church uiid DIP 1'reuljyt.erlaim one in!heir own church. Kvery man HhoiiliJ j

endeavor to Luke a boy with him. If'oil cannot get. a boy to go with you, j

there win he Home one for you to taketo the dinner who will be present attlie church, that night. Telephone forreservations as te tickets are limited.Some people who wait and come tothe door for tickets will not be alleto purcaliHe them.

Teachers meeting at the home ofMr. and Mrx, Crampton this evening.

Sunday morning service at 11:00 a,m. The subject will befor the Twentieth Century."

oFree Skntlmf ul United drill*

«t Kockaway Church

jmerrlage of Miss Laura Trier,' »' Mr. and Mrs^ John Trier,1 Hill, to William A. Dry, son

[«nd Mm. John Dry, of Dover,"ormod Sunday at 8L CSeclI-

Rockaway, with Rev. J.•°n, teotor of the church, of-

Tl>e bridesmaid was Missmiter of the bride, and

'.brother of the brlde-yettd as btst man, The bride

In white satin with hat*r" to match and oarrled• « . Th« bridesmaid wore

*Ith hat and slippers to| £ 'Wtptlon was held after the


Rev. Eldred C, Kuizenga, Pastor

ROCKAWAYLincoln School >.»(«-s


Appropriate Thanksgiving exerciseswere held in the lllgli School on No-vember '11.

.Much to ouV regret, one of o.urteachers. Mini* Wells. IK III. We sin-cerely hope that nhe will soon he backwith us.

Harold Crampton and BlUy Hunt,your injured football players, have re-covered somewhat from their Injuries. of the High School teachersspent their Thanksgiving vacationwith their relatives: Miss Fletcher atTroy, N. Y.; Minn"Wells, at Phlla.,Pa.; Miss Canon at New, York City;Miss Hewitt at Arlington, N. J.; Mr.Nlelson at Metuchen, N. J.

The songs which the High Schoolstudents Hlng are .thrown o" thescreen hy a projector. Many new bal-

"The Bible lads are being used In the assembly.GLADYS HART


Out of the most remarkable artlK-tic achievements of the screen in act-Ing, in directing and In photography,DlorcH Del Hio'H "Kvangellne," iHplaying today and tomorrow at theBaker. As a poem, Longfellow's"Evangeilne" rankn among the worldclassic:', of literature; as a photoplay,thanks lo sympathetic and preten-tious production, It i« equally -vital.It 1B accurate in netting and faithfulIn lie following of Longfellow's stir-ring account of the Acadlans

All sport' IOVCIH attention in nowcalled to the United drills. Since theopening of the skating season, Mr.Greenbeig has had the snow all tak-en off the Ice. He has arranged tohave exhibition skating. All loversof skating are cordially invited tocome to the rink, where the Ice Iswonderful and skating is free. Therink Is part of the old canal basinwith the addition of a small lake,which will give the skaters approxi-mately one-third ot a mile ot smoothIce to sport on.

Christmas Wrapping! ; IIJNIFORMITT In Cnilstmns ;}^ wrappings Is no lonisor ' |smart. Knch srlfr should be ••cloaked In wrappings sulti'd to (]Its recipient, acoordlUK to the jiAmerican Home. • |

Papers, ribbons, seals, tagn '•and trimmings of all sorts urc I:so delightfully varied tliut by ) |thoughtful shopping you tun •.Individualize the dressing of "*every present. The appreolutloiisure to follow such evidence utperaouul utteutiou will morethan Justify the flight exim ex-


NOTICEThe Annual Meeting of the Stock-

holders of The First National Bank,of Rockaway, N. J., for the election otdirectors, and for the transaction ofsuch other business that may comebefore the meeting, will be held atthe Banking House on Main Street,Rockaway, New Jersey, on Tuesday,January 14th, 1930, between ten andeleven In the morning.

F. O. ENOLBMAN, CashierRockaway, N. J., December 5, 1929.

Special Meetlnif of All ( nuncll* of Jr.O. I'. A. M. In Hurrls County, »ec. 12

On Thursday evening, D,ec. 12, aspecial meeting of all Councils of theJr. O. t). A. W. in Morrin County willbe held In the Council room of Dio-mede Council. No. 249, ot MorrisPlain«. All members are requested toattend. Bro. Win, T. Robblns, StateCouncil Conductor will be present anddeliver an mklresH on "FYaternallsm."Other speakers are Bev. C. A. SIK-p,of Madison; K. I. Coursen, of Mou'lsPlulim, S. h. Chapman* of Morrlstown.After the speaking an entertainmenthau been prepared consisting of mus-ic, dancing, singing and Jokes, Comebrothers and enjoy a good time In oneof the finest lodge rooms In MorrisCounty.



The Board of Directors of The FirstNational Bank, of Rockaway, N. J.,have declared a quarterly dividend ot2V4% payable December 31, 1929, forquarterly period ending December 31,1929. to stockholders of record at theclose of business on December 20,1929.

F. O. ENOLBMAN, CashierRockaway, N. J,, December 5, .1929.


andfairest and moxtof Grand 'Pre, In


B-vangeline, thecourageous maidthe title role Miss Del Rio Inbeautiful and capable beyondprevious Bcreen appearance.

A young doctor who thinks he caninnoculate himself against love andhand out sagely advice on the ques-tion <if matrimony without any fearfor hl» future, is the theme ot "TheLove Doctor," featuring Richard Dixand June Collyer, which Is on theBaker ncreen Saturday. The pictureIs based on the stage play, "TheBoomerang," and transferred to thescreen, It Is a picture that will hi1

just as funny ten years from now asIt is foday. The humor Is clean andthe Hltuations are clever. The castspeak their lines with a naturalnessand clearness that doen not draw up-on the imagination to understandthem.

There are plenty of laughs In storefor next Monday and Tuesday, for onthose days Harold Lloyd's latest pro-duction, "Welcome Danger," will bepresented, No more need be said.

Next Wednesday and Thursday willfind the Baker screen host to "TheDance of Life," the all talking, sing-Ing and dancing picture starring Nan-cy Carrol and Hal Skelly. It Is oneof the most adaptable subjects offer-ed the dialogue screen and musicworks into the plot naturally.

School-PurpoM LandsTlie Continental congress, In Its

land ordinance of May, 1785, dedicatedfrom the public lands which lay westof the Thirteen Colonies lot No. 16of every township to "the mainte-nance of public schools within thesaid township." The policy of givingpublic lands for education bos beencontinued and lands and scrip havebeen granted to a total of 117,244,519acres, an area nearly equivalent tothat of the German republic


Lehigh CoalBituminous Coal

Tel. Bockamr 408


Prompt Deliveries

Fair Weather AheadNow is the time

to build IExperts assure us that after the recent de-

cline on the stock market, the nation's financialhealth is better than ever. Fair weather ahead—but let us make sure of it by investing ourmoney wisely—in a home.

Nothing which you own can give you thatdegree of satisfaction that you derive fromowning your own house. Here is a beautifulstructure, trim, neat, cleverly planned to meetall your demands. Here is an investment whichwill give yearly dividends in health and happi-ness. Here, too, is an investment which willcontinually climb in value.

Let us help you in getting the necessaryfunds. And let us tell you about new ideas ofhome arrangement—show you actual photo-graphs and plans. Make this sensible invest-ment now—while building materials are lowPriced, labor plentiful, and real-estate readily

1 obtained.

J. H. JACKSON LUMBER CO.Phone 225 Rockaway, N. J.

Christmas Suggestionsfor the Children

FlexibleFlyer Sleds

Several sizes for children and adults

Northland SkiisColumbia Bicycles and Velocipedes

Skating OutfitsSkates securely fastened to shoes In all sizes

Skating at United Grills Free of Charge

S. H. BERRY HARDWARE CO.15 East Blackwell St. Dover

Open Saturday Evenings

Morris County's Leading "Talking Picture" Theatre











The LoUe Doctord paramount Qicture



As the result of a heart rittack athis home In Morrlstown, Alfred E.Mills, former Judge of the Court otCommon Pleas, died Sunday atter-noon. Judge Mllln waa reading anewspaper In the library of Ills homewhen stricken, having just returnedfrom exercises in the high schoolbuilding conimernoratlng the lfiOUianniversary of the entry of the Con-tinental Army Into Morrlatown. Hewas born In Morrlslown seventy-oneyears ago, attended Morris Academyand Princeton University, being grad-uated from the later Institution in1882. For five years Judge MUIB aevv-ed as Morris County prosecutor andprior to that time was town attorneyfor Morrlstown. Judge Mills waa noti»«rrlc(l and Is survived by a brother,Eflwnnl K. MUIB. He was the eldestHOII of the late Hon. Alfred Mills, awell-known and prominent'lawyer otNew Jersey,

ATHRIFT Account for thecliild, if only as a matter

of training, will prove one ofthe finest influences in hiayoung life.

RockawayBuilding & Loan '

Association 'Geo. E. Fisher ~ "

Stcretirr . , j ' V . . t J

Page 6: ROCKAWAY RECORD - · proud of-our Town and both art ROCKAWAY RECORD If If* News , Ads. or


• IX

letterto &anta

ri»i tt . ^

i- i*tf, , , , ,1* . »lx hundred ninety-eight

»n«th. more particularly de-« d l r « . Sarah L. Cook

,, ami to Morris Countv Trac-.u"-ll?.",?>- dated June 6, 1907. and

Hook T-18. page 401. Sub-

w*t * h»*<




•*%?'?*& ;-«.7;i.ani«'ind condition.

''.•"j;,1 Ti;?'ii;rou«h <>f Roekawajr and

J-.-Townsli'l' "( Oenville:

:jTV^""("nAd'Tppro«»m«t.irnrty• ]f<-et wide and•Jive

SSU~teas t >•'.-


„„< »..d approximately twenty-haudred forty-one feet long, ad-nit !!•«• eleventh tract, more par-i»rlv dwrtued In a deed Irom'hern Land Company of New Jer--,. Morris County Traction Com-; ,M . ,d FVbruary 28. 1916. and rei,\ |. Hook M-23. P«B« 1 5 8 * c

,.,•! io the covenants and tondl-« !»u-relit contained. (A-85: D-70;

t»1t f<:V

Jure* J * i

Mar a*»i

fe VS* I&MOI • •>/

HM « h t i «*


TWENTV-FIKTHA tract (1f in,.

Joining the M


" " " • « • Panicright ofscribed InKtfKux liallrnuil rCounty TractiiMi (\31, 1911, ami , , , „ ,page IBS. iA-|n:».TWBNTV-HIXTH

A trad of i»i'tuy".(|'vVior an a.-re, o,, ih(, No,,,1Landing-Mount ArllnnJparticularlyAugustUB K. AHCounty Tram,, ,6, ISM. ami ,-,.,page 276. ( A i m

In the Ton n,U

'•It'edlmj' am'('ompany j

'•"•' ' In I

BEING two «irl|iKproxlmatclv iitlrty {,,approximately ihiVty-ty-seven feel lung iy(erly side <if t'n.1 n<,,Road. More I'.ii'lrularly "•the first trad in ,h\nt'Wells and u it«. l 0 M o r t | |


Traction romn.-iny. ,ia led j ' -and rerorded :n Hook rJect l o the ri.v..n:iut, , M ' :therein <:<mt[iiu, i| and a iconveyed by it.,. Mnrrln Ctlon Companj to Kdwln j"iliv deed dated K»liruary U'IIrecorded In H-ink A-'l ,

105; D-9: I> 1 :!r,i. " ' '

In the Bomusli of


Jirsc * * » ««**»£m 177-vi

BEING a strip of land awly fifty-two fi-ft in width t..he twenty-Nevpnth tract ajijimately five liumlrni

more partlcideed from

•• to MorrUi

V I «*«. '!%•£> i n * J jp»c

. u W\i «1 "iltf 4HMAI W>ot~

''tat ivoun- rm*t. lu«> -JIUI"»

irae* a * 8«uteoit

i " *** I v-

iSy****..**^ v* .^^i!!S? Co «mi <raIts

CM. Unw A * OrateM Sol SJeimf jrunt ahwr ,ni I 3

jiini »i«ni»«r a*,

a«3MT 3 M *w « » s» and

nat»i» 2f£y SKC Vttu ilr-wt,. <sa«a<-a ^r«K rwo iia>»

is Beck

.' |u th* Borough of Rockaway:

lr. THIKTKKXTH TRACT,;'. A tract of one half acre, more par-•c •lul.irlv described in a deed from••- (harlss R. t>eHart. executor, to the-.- Morris County Traction Company, dai-i* vJ April 1«. 1»1». and recorded in-• Hook 1-2*. M tA-87; D-':9; P. W5>.

"' FOl'RTEKXTH TRACT.A »;np of land approximately

^ «;«,*•.:.''-(Ire t*H In width and approxi-aii>:y fourteen hundred forty feet

-•\'>f.f. extending Northeasterly from•.'--• road leading (rom Rockaway to

»*" IVter. mor* partivularly described in*•• i >S«4 from SortUerc Uind Company In length ami•-- M St* J«r»«T to Morris County Trac- scribed in tin-*• -..,-» Coni(»*r«r. dated February 2$, Matthews ami•r- l*i». jr.d recorded in Book M-23, page«-i ! « At., sub le t to the corenants and•S f..-ojition» thertln contained. (A-SJ;•'J tv- i** * Ttf. P. l* i i .~ I i : i« Township of Rockaway.

\t- fITTEE.\TH TRACT.;_; A r.zit ol land approximately six-*" 't.«-fu«r tt*t wide and approximately

f.t1: ian.lred forty-fire feel long, ad-' M s t a r the thirteenth tract, and more

•V MftkaUrly described In two deedstB"; Sij : i* WarrU Coanty Traction Com-

o f 9*3.?, M ( from Frank Lock and wife.**; 4is«4 M*r.a II. 1M*. and recorded In~ , Boot x-s>, pa«e 4JS. and the other„ from Emma A. Broen, dated 3larc)i

15. V»r.. »aJ recorded io Book R - U .T W aaye m . jabject to the coTenants and.'. u-oo'titiodi therein contained. (A-SS.

D-U * K P lt>Ti.

3t3CTEESTH TRACT.A v.rtj o< land approximately Hf-

cwts (we « ( * asd approximately s*v-,«a S » t * * i fifty (ece toa*. adJohUns

ttft«atate, j g

nor* particularly

ierratloi 1contalasd 1


• SBTEXTEEXTH TRACT.'; A « r i ? ot iauul approximately nfne-ttva twe w-jt« a a i approximately



« M g



*»r !n« »»BU invten Buwi 'Art

ntuniain *

*»ara»ii la two'deeds»irrt» Cuoacy TractkHi Company.

in* Croak Emaia A- Braea.

1 ZXZ. t m i r i: 3S3. SUttiiKt Marck

:"ut*) wrsuaijirt" ieacritimi m iauurrrjnt r-mi O i i u a m Laaii uiii L-n-3 n r a r a n TOBIOKT' 11 Jfiirrtj Cuone?T-au-.:.m sramnaa" iatwt 0«tJUi«r i- S j ^ --u-jr-iwi n 3o«a S-iTL ; « « :R«.

Pnak Lock ana wife, aU. ISttK azut PKontod in Book4^3. jirftjiKC co th« eoT»naBi:s ami eaav

M(n>: lut

10 anu - ir



tmix «r t a—«• H«c 33111-"


StEOHTEHWTH TRACT.A sen? af tiuxii

w n a o - .i^-c- u-sa: ? vr. ' »Bt»«il 8*«e wtiiui -mwr ? « • : » n a » Ti<«ni»iiiD» >f Huao^sr »n» SmaUlfetJ Bt&j-taox Cret

i f -f» ami Sutrictwa;' ijarticularf? d»surfiMd ta a *t*4 tnm

ia,l r«,:arr£e.t in Book A-tS. pace SS&.V*?~ *u*i».t tt> CIM ca«*oaacs ajul coaat-T~~ riaaa. c t o n i n eontaiawt «A-»t; D>-2;ann- p tf.»,

Jtnw iiju iiirry wic -JJ SSW jaOili: mad>aulni; .T-no -He SJiwtr-Xurnstuwa3oau ii UB lit. Tiu«n- Hailcjatl S u -ram. 'titn 3»r*lt.-jiiirfi» luwrilMHt taa f«M STJOI "STIUaro 33mwr Dleitsncmand -rte o 11B a»rr» Omnt, Ttac-: ™ J g^Srtaca t w i n n 3oai r-J». mur» « 3 - ! ^ ^ 2 »Tia

Traction C"nipanv. ilattd Janand recorder] | r. [!odk Y-2t,Subject to thvdltion as tlierD-51; P. 136i

In the Town ..hip of fliTWENTV-MNTH TRACT.

A strip of land approtlu™,feet wide and elc-ven hundr«41feet long adjoining the titract, more particularly „,„,the first trait \r, a deed Iron 9rla Coanty Construction Conthe Morris County Traction Cdated July 21, 1911. anil iBook C-21. pag» 252. uthM-frondition.i therein rontilaeiD-54 * 55: P 1.17 A * 8). ,

In the Township of HanotirJTHIRTIETH TRACT.

A strip of land contalnlD((scren hondredths otanacuLing the twenty-ninth tract ujipartlcaUrly described u thaitract ID a deed from MonnlilijI»e_ to the Morris County 1Coapany. dated April 4,1!!(«corded in Book 1-31, pi|«lsmbject to the rorenatili int lcns therein contalntlD-ST: P. 114A iTHIRTT-FIRST TRACT,

A strip of lam! cosulnitmmateiy tixty-oae hnndrtdtb <K t t . more particalirly if*ie second tract In a itfiiMorrfs Comity ronstrnclloii (to the Morrts CoantyMay. dated July 21. 1911, ut4 In Book C-21. pare 252. Itfc* eoreiunt-t mil condllloiil


A strip of Un,l contalolni Hmately ataety-foarncM, adiotaiaz th* thlrtj-firtjatore p«ftU-aUr!y describe! l«lfront Mo<rrti« Howell and *Xorcis Cottntr Tractioni»t*<i Febraarv :. 1»14. U4l|

T Smitlt '•«!»• a

n t


• c wntwww. -u

t a sun i(-»L



n m u t s sad restrictions ufjjTsttooa tliereii coot»ln«l.IMS: P. U J ITHIKTY-THIRD TRACT.

BEI.VG a jcrip if Und«ly imrytes tnm :'!ty fee)towl »*T«nte*a :«t wide IOLataty aevitn-,?'?^ MindT*Cw« m taaith. RWM ptrlla*Ef»wl ta. i ?r-ia'. eroin the 1lev Camgasy to th* MornTncttoa Com pa.-.'. d»triX » « L rwor-1'.i la Book!

-.!<j connulii1

sear a. araiB a n t e imailt: o f * «rto of taut

1UV.L M - J» T 4lJ I

iB'tte Tow3i'!i3 of Hanowfttkit Town of Booston.

• ftt-lxHOrTI-gOrRTr' TRACT.Astrtp et lii'l «P«

r f»«t ta wiii-h mil ap

*is<« tro. a»e s*»i "ins- yw«rvia V*

mTV >K>IUUS €3W)Xnr

It Sim* •




<«i tarn,

' cronci* a 3*«us :

- » ' •

«nama inif qmnOtiana mjarsln eoa- ta B«w»: Q-St. - il » t tA-»it. f**-. P. U4K P: lOV.SXTT-rtJtsT TBJiCT I a '"•» T<;w:

, .J Wanwtiar B! 8 C» at land c«BtaIii-''''HIBTT-F'trrHteaounlaTiinir chrw Hunitrwtuto o< l a aerv mae»j A *»*»; •>' '.a.-i,

• f SbBj^inp '(R» inurv gnrtjuituittjr 4«Mir8>«<C tel'^V***11'"Mt '" v ''; jrot ing ranitr-tt a. dawi f>r,m j^^a 3, 5jfc»»»<«n i n t ^ * ! « • • !>««•! ••••'1

•J» mt^est siitK wiia ai Morris Cauncr ttactScm. Cum-'"* 8"* a. ourt »'" frnm EhuBaay. iurwi January 2a IWT aaii w - ' c o o s w w l b." ; •. x .^ . „ . [)]r g ^ ^ x _ t ^ ^ ^ i j ^ juj^lOtta-R Sc!in'-.s. '

- 1*9. <A-n*,|

' BoonloU'TKACT.

.., fdt l» |same

mnutttkmt': OS).

t}t» ,Sfel] A 6R«-C

i Mii fifteen

l a t e a a>'J*iM,na«i 3 s•motr* "Tl' i ir— EkMB -no. -sir •

•B * t*m "rma WU>-'ainr»T BB ica- *7fi* "u tha ^rwm H. AUnman tu tth»


1 »iu« antnmtrwt tiliMa

Trattfiuo OimtwMiritlk r I'll 1.rti Cbiiaty '."i"1

TEttBCTY-!?KV;):.>'A. tract of '•>•!

lijwil twwnty •"


!^Mit!>' Cl«r» '

•ad • » •

3»'. ttav was* ana- •*»«• m

mm L'S-^B^^'.i^flTB^l?

Page 7: ROCKAWAY RECORD - · proud of-our Town and both art ROCKAWAY RECORD If If* News , Ads. or


Noticeher is b«r«by given that the

orrtliiani* was introduced1g,i ,1 firm reading at a TCKU-. ' IVu i the Mayor and Council

i , ,',,,,»ii of Hockuway, held the1 I of December, 1929, and

nuiilur meeting to be held[ r'lium II Chambers in the Bor-t o K n way on the 17th day of

I . i<i"!) at the hour of 8P \j ihe said Mayor and

, .;.in "f.oimlder said ordinance' 1 , . , „ at which time and

r»li "ewi'ii Interested in said\*"e will .be (heard.

' " ' ' .IAS. B. MAY, Clerk



BrtKAS, Ihere has been preBent-thn Muyor and Council or the

Jb Of Hockaway a petition eign-more than sixty per cent of the

ivoterB of that portion of theL I D of Denvllle hereinafter de-ft a»klng that said lands andlees he niinexed to and become'of the corporate limits of the,gh of llockaway, and said an-ion being consented to^ by aition of the Township Coramit-

the Township of Denville, an-, to said petition; andIEHEAS, H Is understood andi between the governing bodiesId municipalities that lid UndBbecome part of the iiorongh ofiway, without any liability onirt of Bald lands or the Borough•kaway for any of the existing

ens of the Township of Den-„„ unpaid taxes prior to and

ie year 1929 to be collectible andby said Township of Den-

', THEREFORE, BE IT RB-D by the Mayor and CouncilBorough of Rockaway in the

, of Morris that :.11 that portion of the Townshipivllle, more particularly de-ae follows:

at a corner in the linesing the Borough of Rockaway

Township of Denvllle, theolnt being South 20 degrees 37is West 396.00 feet from anoth-ner In said lines located on the

I bee


State Highway Bridge when- ihesame crosses the MorrlK ami EBBI-XdlvlBlon of the D. b. & W. 1!, U , run-ning UH'IICO i n in | | u . Bald lliir' pro-duced Huutli 2U d('Kn-i;« :n uiiiiuK"West 4«o.oi) f«ct lo u |>olm; n,,.,,,-,'.(2) In ii HuutliwcHtei'lv direction in acorner in the nald division Mm? in Li-near u road running from Itockawayto Franklin, known an Franklin Av-enue; thi-iicu C.',) in the naiil dividingline between I lie Boiough of lli,,U:i-way and the, Towntthln or JicnvillcNorth 4r. degrees West 25.NO feel loaiiothi'i' riiriiur; tlieme H> in t},, .»al(l dividing line between the Uor-ough of Itockaway and the TowiiHliipof Denvllle, Nortl, 12 degrees 02 min-utes UuM 770.47 feet lo another cor-ner; thence (5) Mil! In Bald abovementioned dividing line, North 05 de-,green 02 minutes East 1067.82 feet toanother corner In nald dividing llnewthence (6) utlll in said dividing line,South 55 (l«green 30 ninuten Kasl324,72 feet to another corner In nalddividing lines; thence (7) still In Balddividing line South 58 degreeB 06 min-utes Kam 482.30 feet to another cor-ner In said dividing llnea; thence (8)still In said dividing line North 55 de-grees 37 minutes KaHt 894.98 feet toanother corner In said dividing lines;thence (9) ntlll In said dividing lineNorth 57 degrees 28 minutes Went231.16 feet to another corner In saiddividing lines; thence (10) ntill Insaid dividing line North 33 degrees30 minutes Kast (102.79 feet to anoth-er corner In said dividing lines;thence (11) still In said dividing lineSouth , 82 degrees 43 minutes East2048.58 feet to the point or place ofBEGINNING;

IB hereby annexed to and Included inand uhall become and hereafter bepart of the Borough of Rockaway.


Not Unuiual Nam* "The name "No Man's Land" la used

ID several countries. In south Australiathere la a territory of about 80,000square miles which Is so-called. NoMan's Land is also the Dame of asmall Island Dear Martha's Vineyard.

Hail, We$tinghouM?foung VVestlnghouse, the boy inven-

tor, Is working on one now which willcut off the telephone connection auto-matically when the householder stepsInto the tub—Detroit News.



Knroilcd with the Nursing Serviceof Iho American Id .J i;ro«a at WaHti-Ington are 4!).000 nurses, qualltledunder the Bociety'a regulations, whomay bo summoned (o service In limeof disaster or other emergency.From tho Hed Crons enrollment wereassigned 20,000 nurses In tho WorldWar. Itc-d Cross nurses arethe standing reserve of the Army andN'avy Nurse Corps of the UnitedStates, and are also called upon forservice In ot ier governmental healthBervices.

Public Service Corporationof New Jersey

Dividend No. 90 on Com-mon Stock

Dividend No. 44 on 8%Cumulative Preferred StockDividend No. 28 on 7%Cumulative Preferred StockDividend No, 6 on J5.00Cumulative Preferred Stock

.The- I Ward <.f Mliwlnni of PublicSei vice O.rlJonilloij of New Jergpy himili-rlnr«l illvlilojiils ;it [lie nite of 8%|M:r iiiinunt oil ihe K">, Cumulative Pre-rVntd siin-lf, being 12.00 ucr sha re ; ntlh« i-iiu. nt 1% tier annum cm the 7%Oumulnrlve I'leTi-iTf-d Stock, hclnK|],75lier nhiiff; nt the rtite of $5.0(1 per an-nufn "ii ihc unii pjir vnlue Cumulntlvel'rijfd-n.ii Him Ii. IK-IIIK J1.2B |icr share,.-il|il (lii ci'iils |M>r him re (in Iht! lion parviihifi Cimimnn Hiock for the quarteriTKlInu Uutmlift 111, 1029. All fllvl-(leiulH ni'fc paynble December 111, Jtl2fl,to Htnf-kholdti'H of record nt the CIOBOof IIIIBIIII.»B I.iPGOtnlwr 2. 1029.

IHvlilcmlfl on 8% Cuniulntlvfi l're>firn-il sinck mi- imjnlilt on tho l»ititiiv <if cnrli in mil h.

T. W: Vnn MlildleHworth, Treasurer.

Public Service Electric andGat Company

Dividend No. 22 on 7%Cumulative Preferred StockDividend No. 20 on 6%Cumulative Preferred Stock

The Bonrd of Directors of Public.Service Electric nml dan Compnny linndeclared the regular quarterly divi-dend on the 7% and 6% Preferred Stock«f thnt Company. Dividend* pra pay-• ble December 31, 11129, to~ Mockhold-fm of record nt the close of buBlneMperember 2, 1920.

T. W". Van Mlddleswortti, Trea«urer,A-022


Bring the children and see

what Santa has brought to the

Grown Toyland. Mechanical

and wheel toys, dolls, furni-

ture, coaches, and educational

toys, soft cuddly animals,

games, electrical toys, desks,

blackboards, musical instru-

ments, dishes, aeroplanes, and

hundreds of other toys that

will bring cheer and happi-

ness to any child of any age.

Priced within reach of all.

It may comfort our interesting,Bonii'llmcH prepoHteroiD tou»lnn, toknow that tlyrd's latent flight given u«no claim to the South Pole.

To claim new territory, the dis-coverer must land, plant the flag ofhis country on the new soil, claimingit In the name of king or government.

Byrd only flew around near the Pole" I n a circle and perhaps flew over it.

That does not make us owners of thePole.

l>y Arthur BrisbaneMrr. 'iyrd, Congratulations. ,iChf<-,- fjp, Britain. jTo BnotTi Good Times, -When A Man Scribble*. |

M l-.-i. I t l f l l A H l ) KVKLVN UVIID, |or l,'iiv'i!ii;i, i* a iniiud tijtitlier. !

<)n<: < ' hf r KDIIK U (Jovi-nuji- of hlBu t a t ' . u;(i;lii-r l« a mos t ab le Helen-UHc riiiiHT. T h e th i rd sou has Jueltlowi, CJV<-I- tlie South Polo,

H<'ron; that he had flown aroundand ovi r tho North Pole, and ai:roK»the Ailantlu Ocean.

Th' President and all tlio world ex-tend ii.nnr.-ilulutloiiB In CommandirByrd. This column on behalf of manyreader* n«nd» (.'onKratulatlon»' on hertlirei- due soim to Mrs. Byrrt. What-ever In-r noun have done, »he did, forshe i..udc them.

Ti... Hi-lilsli, In comic o p e r a funlilon,object fo American activities 'near theSontii i'olc. Plaintively one Uiltlnh ed-itor uomnliilna that Hyrd went downthere, "without BO much ;i» a by yourleave.'' Itrituln, of cotirHe, wa» gup-posed to give UH leave to visit theAntarctic.

However, there i i nothing to worryUB. in ltd Blow, circular motion, thePole moves around, through the thou-sands ol years, pointing at various•tars, which In turn become the Polarstar. In a few thousand years today'sPolar regions may be warm, fertile,habitable, as they were agea ago. Bythat time men, by blood mixture, mayhave come to form one race and onenation on this email globe, with theirfighting ended. <

When William the Conqueror wentto England he found many nationsdividing those Islands, Now one na-tion rules there.. What happened to' the British Isl-ands may happen to this larger isl-and, the earth.

In Toklo the Japanese minister toChina, home on leave, commits sui-cide./ Distressed by the loss of his wife,(be unfortunate man, Badao_ Saburl,had assume-d his posthumous Rnd-dSHt'fl name, usually taken only afterdeath, and had it written on a tomb-stone for his wife and himself. There-after he asked his friends to assumethat he was a ghost.

Since his wife was dead, he alsowas

Insull, of Chicago; Cortelyou, ofNew York, and Owen D. Young, ofEurope, New York and everywhere,have seen the president. They andother - Industrial stars promise thepresident to cooperate In his admi-rable undertaking, promotion of newenterprises, wise spending of moneyand creation of jobs.

Their promise Is no small one, forthey agree to spend eighteen hundredmillion dollars on one program.

What the country needs, if it reallyneeds anything beyond common sense,is to spend part of the money we have,and we have hundreds of billions ofIt. On paet occasions this countryhas stood petrified, unable to move,like a man watching his house burndown, unable to use his legs or bands

You admire Japanese wisdom whenyou read "Japan will proceed cautious-ly In connection with the Russian In-vaelon of Chinese territory."

Japan feols about Asia as we doabout America. No Japanese-AsiaticMonroe Doctrine hae been formulated,but Japan does not like westernersIntruding in Asia.

However, the Japanese know thatthe Russia of today is not that of theczars, grand dukes and other Incom-petents. Russia Is governed V thepower of the Russian nation, as in"Peter's time, not by royal accidentsof birth. •

Wisely, Japan will proceed slowly.Another Japanese-Russian war wouldnot be like the last. •

You might buy of autograph dealersa algnature of Herbert Hoover on asheet of paper with ninny littlequeer, geometrical diagrams scratchedon the paper while listening to avisitor.

Those diagrams usually mean thaithe mm making them Is not listening"very hard."

It Rockefollor or Ford called lo tellthe president of a plan to put tenmillion men to work at good wages, hewould listen and wouldn't do anyscribbling as he Hutched.

When you talk and a man scribbles,make It short. He isn't much Inter-ested.

There are only a fow thousand airplanes In America. Recently two ofthem struck and damaged houses, withttrlous danger to many lives, In addltlon to killing one pilot. Olio houseWM let on fire. What will happenwhen millions of planes are roaringabove? Now Is the time to regulateflriqg, the rights and limitations oft h M that use th» air paths.

, Kint Faiium Smdlcilt, 1st.)

I i i ' v - • > -

Surplus means StrengthOn and after October 1st, 1929


Interest on SAVINGS ACCOUNTSCredited January, April, July and October

This is the ONLY Bank in Morrlatown whose SURPLUSand UNDIVIDED PROFITS are MORE THAN TWICE


First National BankMormtown, New Jersey


Notice!Cut Flowers, Funeral Designs

Holland Bulbs for planting outTulips, Hyacinths, Daffodils, Narcissus

Evergreens, Shrubs, Trees and HerbaceusPlants

Denville GreenhouseC. J. FOERSTER

Main Road Telephone S4S

SAM CIARDICorner Main and West New Streets, Roekatrar

Cleaning and PressingOur work is done thorough and clothes made to look new

We also dye any kind of garment and do mendingFelt and Straw Hats Cleaned and made to look like new.

All Orders Called For and Delivered ,Telephone Eockaway 421


Best Grades of Old Company's

Lehigh and PlymouthRed Ash Goal

Tel. 216 and 48* RockawayPROMPT DELIVERIES

Qne Less Pagoda and Plenty ofHotWater

Buy What You Need the Most; There'sA Moral in This Story

The wife of a business mini wlio had made millions asked a friendto the hou»e-wurmlng of a gorgeous place they had built In thecountry, But, they had overlooked adoquate water, heating. Thecaption of this advertisement was the friends comment, not to herhostess but lo another, The first requlelt of honjiltollty Is COM-FORT.

Automatic OSM W a t t * HWMr

There is a alec of Humphrey Automatic WaterHcuter to fit every need, from the smallesthomo to the lurgoBt. Any Humphreys givesyou n year-round, (luy-anJ-nlght-hot-water-Horvlcc thut Is on the Job every minute, and Itiloon this lit <i coHt no low you'll wonder, whenyou net one, wily you over delayed Its purch-ase.

Tim tornm nro onsy too, tho flrnt c:ont 1B lowunil the rest may he paid in HIIIUII monthly In-HtnllmpnlH. Muimtlme you will bo having hotwuter linpplneHB—every day mul every hour.

JERSEY CENTRALPower and Light Co.

s •

Page 8: ROCKAWAY RECORD - · proud of-our Town and both art ROCKAWAY RECORD If If* News , Ads. or

EIGHTWh«i <; tiirzsi'ii*' i - . . . IIH^-V.—. — —— • • • "


Rrv. Andrew U w«»i , i"a

Santtay morning at » S*> »Srhuo) i ! » s » s tor RirS* auj bo

hot acituuliiiK Sunday School.!« * plae* in «u# ot thipse cl»s<>tm wher« you »iU Iw welrou

Uwruing wursfcip —r»*v« at»i lh HI>T. Wootf scteakin* i-n

IB«r*w< iorted

!# -IS

DoverXt;ss Kttth BcBBftt. of S*w Ytfrt

iuc *««r«a d»y* with U«r ro«Kh#r.

Mr aad -Mr* Alfr«tJ NW*ea atsddaughter. M»r«o«. and Mr*,.. EiftSs

ica«»u «?» Tti»nk*«MBt P»? o*.ta»Srnoes* *ni anat kn Ctwt&am.

.&, .«»- »•* -»«« .»- - - Denvilleat >• Jt) of Henry W Vr«l*»d. of i« -•

, « *««•(. a 8 d M U - , .„ ( r v 4 i J r . , o f t b e Fox Hill Road, andh.- , . - . . . . . . . n..-k*l. or Kalrrield, mot-

Mr* Alfred tipple a»d Al- ;

- d

Ctauuiumiv With M«aUaaal. (What r r k f I»«a«»iB*JKHi»J•

Kwntng worship #*r*ic* at 7:1$wilh Rc< Wood u*inj»j a suhjwt."I W*s Thirsty, sad V» C«v« MeDrtnfc."

* Siwrial masiv at bixh **rtic«*. Th*Ctrl*' Ohortt* at IB* atorntas »»rrKN?if a fw.ur*. an<l Ik* »trinj: iaicrs.

ii*i.<!in|c with the fWsinj ft;-,

^, H R»l*.

M r ~ « . were t«c«at ««*M* at' Mr*.

Owing to t& ta*

Wt*(lB« *Ut W 1>«M at !B* h,-o# ofMrs. r WiamiJ Halt oa tbe Fax Hi!!Roai

Ttwr» will h* x tn«tioj of Trfc*-(•«• at ih* doaw at Monttwr r. Hutt

,«• Friday «—nia$ oC this **«k *'. S

A Bft**ttttS i\f tfe ex«C«tiT¥5 t?t !fe<

N.*. 1A. at th« 2KM»« of J&}?~F. Hurt.

JCii a solo >T MrsOW*B

Mr and Mr*. «llb»r J.aed cattdKB. ot AU«BW«B. F».. *tn*«k-*EiS *»««* ol s!»« !MB(I '» a«st

in Harratd »tr«*«-

Mr* & H*iter. «.< B»k«r *»*s«*- **\1sSs-f htt, krsshtr-iB-!»a* aad *t»-(*r. i « aad Mr». A. Ackcnsaa. . iaBetfc!»ti*m. FS.

Mrs. MjrjiKt BaU*r«9Ct&. «£

w**ks *lta r»la>!W* to Ptttatarth*

t>r utd H n K A. B» i« ! -iffc—tBBt « « • ! . »r« «««naUtf3« ik»tattvr'a km«a«» aid u*t*r4a-l».w. Mr.a»d Jtr». RSCilara Ho*»:i» «rf H*rt-; « 4 i\-««.

(K«m a W«*WBS trip !»«y »W

4 » E « « a c « m » B ' k i * «•*«• «B»i« •••>«

Or»a«*. tormttif t>t d-'ver,ta Mr. Fraa*** Scfcarar*.

:RiXk. W«n Oratt««- « •

of Mr- »nJ Vrs MirtSt*'-l•of F t« t S w « . JEte«r, T4»

'Tarfc Sut« as4 «?ea ;i«:r rent* -rillia W«« Oraart



! will » « « ta ta# tar r»>aar»al

» *

t t u t « <»t

Mi*s HarrWt Dicfcerson, of Pater-json. was the garst of her sister. Mrs. jSusaa A. Righier- Tb»Bk«g4viniE Day.|

Mrs. X«w. of tlif Morristown Road, iha« »»«•» sp«o<ling several weeks in IIVirilaad. Me. j

The Friendly Club members will!$peasl Saturday i s New York City and!« « l se« "Bitter Sweet" at the Zieg- '

. ttl<i Tlwatre. j

Mr. aad Mrs. Joseph W. Cisco, ofRiwrdale Park. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. jRlsbter. of Church Street, and R*'-!Asdrew B. Wood tisited to Kewton joo* day last week with Rev. William jG. Trambower. »

Mr. »Bd Mrs. Stephen R. Sotield, of iOnriurd a m i . entertained Mr. and;Mrs. watiam C. Clark and Mr. and |Jtrs. Mortimer F. Haat on Tnanksgiv-',

TS« eld Rishter Homestead on Riv-!Swrtaj » » A. 3L T1» Ctervi # r Ro«4 aas been rented to Air. Roy

c&*r*e tt EXawr J«o««- Bat!«*. of Rockaway. The house has,CtsmM for «K «««*• b««s Tacaac sine* the first of Norem-

t j ; < j A i t RS&;« SaailBy. A « w - »,r ut4 sew noon B»T« been laid In!i»I R»;« EMy S«wfe«. A3 tfct « » - Mi*ria at tk« room* u d other nee-

tfctir w s a r j npadrs

At ttw Tfcaaks«iiria« *»rrx» *t $. SI. tare* pr»=«a:»twaj f a

to (U* O«rv». a

T in« it »«**•**' S»mi»y.

tte >«» Xiss Frmacw Ri*!i:<r left Snndaymask » r *-*• *"" Snr*n^ PaireRity after spend-

Hta«Bt-»n. a« n a i b ( M > | holiday with

Mr Jt.-i* HOrt»rta* tk>j K* jlr aad 3t«.

Oeat HuaiirW Dei- tt Slrurt. T»e former

BtekctEata ia» *w« rsates* ber parFUJ. Att «K!s

ts* *ia«»» tiiatef ut

Coantr tfisrt«~ cvwa»«J wSlWfc at

at tfcf 4oot» «f Was rMfWlk? WS-

3ii.-ttiir-i maci andTtm_—& X T-.

Jte* FanftrriESt C. —Jmt

Ttlw j^iijOuat VB^ v1?% }$ jMCinrtfi Krt mii. a t s . .al « m « wtu t« t«l » ; t]M Mtew* TSK«»» Haire. .it «—i6Iwu» C«a«o a»l Au» t*c«~. »—»- j t - . s n - j a 3V~ W; aamtp


3tr-i X. H. F ! S I R . at

Y. SL C A.. R , w t . S . * i*e ami Xr.TPaftra- Brwwo. of Dallas.

taw p « s af Xr. amiW Osco. of

Stamaoa. of t ie Kfc-

«<of»ip«m«nr luu iwti a i n a a i of EAK EhaitlLfMas Purvtij Trtetawr.«f

Qaai-w»ary— of t&» Girt ltw«—« .

Kin** wilt 1>* tai 6T Miss YU&ML JU Jtr »3ii M—. Qftnnra 3. ?-nii-r ua»»\-twk a »tt««c *«5"r wUl W Stsss X O. Pinter, if Hlir—oni

tfc»Mxs. 5tartia

• meat wamaa B ti td-rt*(HMtst iaAwaatwa stop* a* Ote „„(


^PrideofLakeLandCenjQuality Always— —Telephone

sChuck Roast, lb. -Plate Meat, lb. -Prime Rib Roast, lbSirloin Steak, lb. -Loin Pork, lb. - - - -Fresh Hams, lb. - - -Fresh Picnic Hams, lb. - -Smoked Cab Hams, lb. -Legs of Spring Lamb, lb. -Shoulder of Spring Lamb, lb. - -Breast of Spring Lamb • 2 lb. forLegs of Veal, lb. - - - -Shoulder of Veal, lb. - - -Fancy Creamery Tub Butter, lb,Brookfield Butter, lb. -

Fancy Roasting Chickens, lb.Fresh Fowl, lb. - - - -Home Made all Pork Sausage, lb. -



BALL BA>B aatioaally kw>wa Bahbers, Are ties 11of all kia48, Cost Ko More than others


GROCERIESOur Quality and Prices Set the Paas|

2 lb. can famous Fanna Coffee, t3c—1 lb. can....A quality leader for years

Yaban and Maxwell House Coffee, canFancy new crop New Orleans Molasses, galPure Cider Vinegar, gallonMevne County CWer, gal. jugsFancy Blue Rose Rice, S lb.Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour, £ pa.Large Gold Dust Wash PowderLarge 1776 Wash Powder ,Armour's Mince Meat, 3 pa.Qt- Jar Mince MeatDaisy Pumpkin, largest can

Telephone orders ghrea special attention.

Tel. 101 SlHiberniaAl•ties: TUT**?.. JfetfHtt£v rutta. Jfcutt-

Pvoi^ Ftwttm. BajaMK*i. aani Mrs. Hmiiilnj? 3 . Z

md ates- ,m camrx* ars«L

I Loot 1—«r w e affin stationery[ami w If £ta—f at aaytMa* yoi seed.


te»*lKoaIIy. is to*



"ha t»bj'» ssotitar is t(^ imt»!iwr. 3CTK Paul BtuhtHr. jf EUui-

ftwa •»?-


wr. B»csy. at Psirtigwta Ctiicaipi. *ttere -Jley

•if tae deadl atsiswr.

NewHres - New Prices$ 4 0 5

Bit as warm, w wtet & ottlwl Bkto»Se. It !» iMt«nilt 6/ jato attttiato. ta *crtit <R- J»ose air tt is «a^y In ga_x ^s^olit »»»at». tuul as guests <ner•SatadBi ~ » air a w «ffi« & —tn»> .**•* *»lld_y» 3fc. ami SB-. JUeoft F.«t ftan o ~ r tt» $aj—jtnnflat cooaeqe. Fwrsj, at trrinsttm. aad. Xr. ami Jtrt.Dt !» wh«!> * «t~r trow«<*>w —1—«r p«e«r P«B_!ftr. «£ BTuttosa. x T. r

tSw olans te» a cmnfims? to. _ . ^ _ _ta sunw sr&K— » Otaos* sfe"- *a > 1 * * * *(*w»1* J«n«ns. of

cat.! t» wana ait 1» wty a&npt.; J t * * *w~«- s»«nt d_» m«<-<utd —_tt» to<—a as an sir n«iafe ar ***&• soa-ia^aw ami dan»_tar. 3te

V—m air. ;aa«t Mt* Hirotil Jt aajautiBB. in:


(•Mr- JtT CiSCK. Tint ioeat ae jOtitpi-

Bogaiu Yorke ft Smxfcrloc.

Dtrnvill* GaWklr-s

AanvnutMtnent has be«tt autiie of

' B. GstlivK, at:

w n - aj3.(t. 3 £ M

BwtStuZttr^ Vtij

> Ta* *a—<

i«wkv «e ca»

--— n«Bn 'B/Tiaia OHUtt umf*

ff*a_u«fita^q! QC t!x« F i r s t :

a^«k" !!a_fc "Sai;

fc»v JUS*Jt Sljtoar. amt


MM, a—• I M M • • _ » «t

p30x495 6 ply H. D. -31*5.006phFLD. -305^56


3fti5.776plyH.lX - -3U6.00 6 phlLD. - -

p>32x6-0 6 pl>H.D. .3H58KH



3 2 x 4 6 p l y a D . . . . ^ 9 033x4^2 6 ply R D . - - . 110533x5 6 ply R D . . . . ! 4 j d

Den vilJe Garage

Christmas CheerGoes only with rousing

fires in furnace and gratesand a kitchen range work-ing overtime to turn oatits bounty of good things.That means coal and plen-ty ot It. We keep nk»t?of alt kinds. L*t m tillyour bin.

Lewis A. SMI

AtteriM Anton***, Owners

S«w Jtmey Pati th» i lUlttj U « fit*

. X. J.. Xorember JT i e Star Jenty drirers I««t U t o eKec: :c-jay an

;»*«« of s iate i:-J • aatom<*»|traticms » a s stir:. J

»^W la*" Ti<lU jin acv-id?r.:_- and tnWJ

f«€«B« aKtr today. •.;, prom taadat —spoEs-t;::;: """d**ax ia»«raiK-« c, .— _„•

jfcoa*. befon tieir McensM w g'ae«eC Tie Eeiiare.~ - e < at tlie U-=t =e=sioii rf?

IS.W* for me :c;a"-v o r '

Page 9: ROCKAWAY RECORD - · proud of-our Town and both art ROCKAWAY RECORD If If* News , Ads. or


Page 10: ROCKAWAY RECORD - · proud of-our Town and both art ROCKAWAY RECORD If If* News , Ads. or

pnrw.WAV RET*™ " • * • - "


NowPaying Cash


Join the new 1930



Being FormedJoin


With those who join our Christmas Savings Club last year andare now receiving checks or cash for their balance, and with therush of these same members and their friends to join the newclub, we are kept pretty busy, but not too busy to give newChristmas Saving Club members the most careful attention inexplaining the various plans we have for saving . . .





Gifts forthe Modern Girl

Sport Watches 118.7ft to $28.50Watches with Flexible Bracelets

$12.75 (o *29.7J>Ribbon Wrist Watches $0.75 to $24.75.Sport Rings, large atones $5 to $12.50Jap RlngH .$8.00 to $12.00Heal Rings $8.25 to $7.50Hlrthstone RlngH $S.4» to $10.00Diamond King* $25.00 to $880.00Cluster HInKH $12.00 to $B0.01>Friendship Circlet! $2.00 to to.00liar I'iiiH . .$1.50 to 95.00(JolU mid Platinum liar Plrm

DlamoiKl net $25.00 to #50.00Htoiic set PendautH und Chains

$5.00 to $I5.««(lold mid Platinum Pendants

Diamond set $15.00 to 126.00Decorated Mesh Dugx.. .$4.00 to $7.50Pearls $5.00 to $10.00Fancy Meads $2.50 to $7.50Vanity V.IXMH $1.00 to $1.5(1Atomize™ $2.00 to $8.50Toilet ttclH $7.50 to $27.50Manicure Rolls $5.00 to $7.50lloudoir Clocks $2.50 to $6.00Pen and Pencil BotH, .. .$5.00 to $15.00Loathor Hand Hags. . . $8.00 to $20.00Leather Underarm Hags $2.75 to tlHCameo PIIIH .$8.00 to $12.50Stone Hot Bracelets.. . .$2.50 to $10.00Diamond Floxlblo Hracelet

$25.00 to $50.00

Gifts for theBaby

Silver Baby Cups $2.00 to $5.0(1Gold Ilaby RingB $1.00 to $8.00Gold Haby Pin SetH $1.00 to $8.0(1Gold Haby Locket and Chains

$2.00 to $4.00Silver Baby Spoons $1.00 to $9.00Sliver Baby Fork and Spoon Sots

$8.00 to $8.00Baby Bracelets. . . . . . . $2.00 to $8.50

Gifts ofThe Qiftjhat Jfests

Because oj its imperishable nature and undying beauty a piece ofJewelry becomes a perpetual expression of love and friendship.Nothing else will so fittingly and indelibly mark an occasion such

as Christmas

GIFTS /orSilverware

2(5 piece Dinner Seta.. .$0.50 to $.'I».5O'Silver Bread Plates $2.50 to $5.0(7Silvor Cnke Plates... .$5.00 to $10.00Silver Sugar and Cream Sets $S to $10Silver Fruit Bowls. ,..$5.00 to $10.00Silver Vegetable Dishes $H.OO to $10.00China Tea Sets $7.50 to $12.75China CasReroles $5.00 to $7.75China Pie Servers $4.50 to $5.05Rlec;trlc Coffee Urn Sets $25 to $85.00Carving Set $2.00 to $7.00Mantle ClockB $».98 to $25.00Fancy Banjo Clocks. ..$».»« to $15.00Wrist WatcheB $85.00 to $4».5OCameo Pins Diamond set $10 to $80Dinner Rings. $26.00 to $100.00Diamond Bar Pins, Platinum on

Gold $25.00 to $100.00

MOTHERFancy Colored Glassware

nud Vases , , i^c

Chocolate Boats 75««Nappies f'i,2r>Candy Bowls $1.85Mayonnaise Set. g|,goFruit BOWIH $1.60Cake Plates %$AMCracker and Cheese Plates. . . . . ,$2.00Sugar and Cream Sets $|.r>0Set of six Sherbets; $2.25Set of six GobletB. tijtfrMarmalade Jars 91,50

Decorated Lustre ChinaButter Dish and Knife..., $l.r,|>Handled Plates .,.,-.-. irr|ftHandled Sandwich Plate , $1.50Covered Cheese Dish and Knife $2.75Honey Jar and Spoon $2 50

EDWARD DOLAND50 West Main Street Jeweler ROCKAWAY, N. J.

• A small deposit reserves any article until Christmas

Gifts thatYoung Men

WantStrap Watches . . . . . . . .$7.5» toBlrthstone Rings $5.00 to »20.««Signet Rings $6.00 to I1MTJap Rings .$10.00 to 1«M»Emblem Rings $10.00 toCigar Lighters $6.00 toSilver Cigarette Cases. .$5.00 to ICuff Links $2.5« t«Waldemar Chains $2.00 toFancy Knives $2.50 <<>Pen and Pencil Sets.. .$7.5(1 to IBelt Buckle and Chain SetB #5 ii> **•"Military Sets $5.00 l» $.!«•«•Leather Bill Folds $2.50 to %"iMEmblem Buttons $1.00 1» JW11

iSmblem Charms $5.00 l<> #l«-(|11

Gifts far DadPocket Watch . . . ; . . .$25.00 t» #'»"'tt(l

Stone Rings $5.00 l<> #I.W|(I

Emblem RingB $10.00 to #-'wl(l

Watch Chain. $5.01) to #»'"tM)

Fountain Pens $2.75 to $J^Desk Lamps $12.00 U> #••>•*Shaving Set-. $6.00 to fl'^JPockpt Knives $1.00 to '""""

Finest Quality Silver-PlatedWare

Handled Nappies, large *2''5

Bon Bon Basket, gold lined.. W*59

Comport, gold lined. •'•*'

Crum Sweepers . . . . . . . ; , , W'^

Oval Olive Dishes, large *ll<0°

Candy Dishes.