s ( ) · qualification based allowance may not be referred to cabinet ... generation incentives etc...

CC/ATCG/PA Y/2015/02 The Chairman A irports A uthority of India Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan New Delhi � (�) AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLFRs• (;LJ(Lf) (INI>IA) November 30, 2015 Sub.: Payment of Performance Related Pay to ATCOs Sir, You are kindly aware that the Presidential Order on wage revision of PSUs w.e.f 1.1.2007, among other things, clearly indicated that each PSU shall work out the Performance Related Pay in respect of Executives and pay the same once the order relating to pay scales and perks is executed. AAI has paid advance against PRP to the non-executives but in the case of Executives nothing has been paid and the subject is hanging in balance for the last about 8 years. In this regard we had already submitted a letters on 24th Sept, 2012, 11th Oct, 2012 and 2nd July, 2015 (Copy enclosed). It is understood that the Management has taken a decision to include payment of Rating Allowance in respect of ATC and CNS personnel while calculating the PRP and in that case the Executives of these two disciplines shall hardly get anything in the form of PRP. The notion that Rating Allowance is to be included while calculating PRP is the opinion of those Officers who have been handling this subject from the beginning. We wish to dispel this incorrect notion because the Rating Allowance is not a product of any wage revision and has never been a part of wage determination. The Rating Allowances were introduced in erstwhile Civil Aviation Department and continued in NAA/AAI as per recommendations of High Powered Committee headed by Shri Tata, known as Tata Committee. The importance, significance and relevance of payment of Rating Allowance was subsequently acknowledged and endorsed by many other Committees like Julka Committee etc. All these Committees had studied and understood the issues involved in determining Rating Allowance and then only they had recommended not only continuation of the Rating Allowance but also its upward revision from time to time. The question is how the Rating Allowance has been accepted in CAD/NAA and AAI is the fact that working on different channels like Radar, Approach, Area and Tower requires different kind of expertise in terms of handling of the equipment and also effectively communicating with the aircraft so as to ensure smooth flow of air traffic and proper maintenance of CNS facilities. All this requires not only updation of the individual Officer but his ability to keep pace with the latest technological development is also tested by a duly constituted Board. Rating Allowances are not paid just as all other allowances like Pay and DA, which are part of terms and conditions of appointment letter but Ratings are paid only when an individual Officer acquires a certain level of qualification and his expertise level is assessed by a Board who only certifies that the Officer is fit to work on a particular channel/facility independently. In view of the above we would like to submit the following: T-1/7, Pocket '8', INA Colony, Aurobindo Marg, New D lhi 110023 Phone 24654571 Fax 24619064 w .at cgUI Id.com

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CC/ATCG/PA Y/2015/02

The Chairman

A irports A uthority of India

Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan

New Delhi

Cfnj lllftll41d �?f<J> �I{Y\S (�) AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLF.Rs• (;LJ(Lf) (INI>IA)

November 30, 2015

Sub.: Payment of Performance Related Pay to ATCOs


You are kindly aware that the Presidential Order on wage revision of PSUs w.e.f 1.1.2007,

among other things, clearly indicated that each PSU shall work out the Performance Related Pay in respect of Executives and pay the same once the order relating to pay scales and perks is executed. AAI has paid advance against PRP to the non-executives but in the case of Executives nothing has been paid and the subject is hanging in balance for the last about 8 years. In this regard we had already submitted a letters on 24th Sept, 2012, 11th Oct, 2012 and 2nd July, 2015

(Copy enclosed).

It is understood that the Management has taken a decision to include payment of Rating Allowance in respect of ATC and CNS personnel while calculating the PRP and in that case the Executives of these two disciplines shall hardly get anything in the form of PRP. The notion that Rating Allowance is to be included while calculating PRP is the opinion of those Officers who have

been handling this subject from the beginning.

We wish to dispel this incorrect notion because the Rating Allowance is not a product of any wage revision and has never been a part of wage determination. The Rating Allowances were introduced in erstwhile Civil Aviation Department and continued in NAA/AAI as per

recommendations of High Powered Committee headed by Shri Tata, known as Tata Committee. The importance, significance and relevance of payment of Rating Allowance was subsequently

acknowledged and endorsed by many other Committees like Julka Committee etc. All these Committees had studied and understood the issues involved in determining Rating Allowance and then only they had recommended not only continuation of the Rating Allowance but also its upward revision from time to time.

The question is how the Rating Allowance has been accepted in CAD/NAA and AAI is the

fact that working on different channels like Radar, Approach, Area and Tower requires different kind of expertise in terms of handling of the equipment and also effectively communicating with

the aircraft so as to ensure smooth flow of air traffic and proper maintenance of CNS facilities. All this requires not only updation of the individual Officer but his ability to keep pace with the latest technological development is also tested by a duly constituted Board. Rating Allowances are not paid just as all other allowances like Pay and DA, which are part of terms and conditions of appointment letter but Ratings are paid only when an individual Officer acquires a certain level of qualification and his expertise level is assessed by a Board who only certifies that the Officer is fit to work on a particular channel/facility independently. In view of the above we would like to submit the following:

T-1/7, Pocket '8', INA Colony, Aurobindo Marg, New D�lhi 110023 • Phone 24654571 • Fax 24619064



• Rating allowances are qualification allowances. This concept was introduced in 1978

following recommendation of Tata Committee in 1976. Subsequently NAA/ AAI board has revised quantum of allowances in 1990, 1994, 1998, 2006 and 2008. Qualification

allowances like rating allowance and PRP which is part of pay as per presidential order

are mutually exclusive.

• All along this issue has been dealt by a set of officers who do not have clear understanding of the concept and applicability of rating allowances. In our opinion the payment of qualification based allowance may not be referred to Cabinet/ OPE since these are legacy

in nature. In the worst case, if it needs to be ratified by the cabinet we ponder why the issue has not been referred for ratification by the cabinet through the controlling ministry. It is worth to mention that on the initiation of Air India, ministry of civil aviation has already taken approval for payment of various allowance to Pilots and engineers. The payment of allowances to these set of employees in Air India and ATM/ CNS in AAI is similar. ATC Guild has frantically requested AAI management in 2012 to sort out this issue expeditiously in line with Air India. However, due to reasons best known to management, a set of officers dealing this subject have an inflexible mindset of not paying PRP to ATM and CNS officers for which the reference of the subject to Cabinet has been inordinately delayed.

• Many PSUs had identical issues. They have sorted out with open mind where the

qualification based allowance and the remuneration paid for the expertise jobs have been retained in addition to payment of PRP which is part of pay as per Presidential Order on

Pay revision of executives in PSUs. • It is understood that management is contemplating the idea of releasing PRP to all

employees except ATM and CNS executives under the pretext that PRP would be released to ATM and CNS executives after getting concurrence of the cabinet. The inordinate delay in settling this issue is because of inaction of HR directorate for last seven years. Now they want to dispose of this case in a hurry marginalizing the bread-winners of the organization.

ATC Guild (I) demands that the PRP is applicable to all employees and there shall not be

any discrimination to the ATM and CNS Executives. The committee constituted for this

purpose shall include officials from ATM and CNS directorates. It shall be paid to ATCOs

along with all other employees failing which a sense of step-motherly treatment is destined

to creep in which will not be in the greater interest of better industrial relationship within


An early action in the matter is solicited.

With regards,

u ---

(Manoj Kumar Sinha) General Secretary

Copy: �nA-1. Member (HR), AAI for information and necessary action.�:\

\\ 2. Member (ANS), AAI for information.

-; o

.;U"'r-;-;r, \ l· (


CWJ, �I dIll I d �?t<t> f11 Cf\S (1lffif) ( AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLERS' GUlLO (INOlA)

CC/PAY/2015/01 �' Ju4� 02, 2015

The Chairman Airports Authority of India Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan Safdarjung Airport

Payment of Performance Related Pay to the ATCOs


In a multi-disciplinary organization like AAI, it is imperative that representatives of each section of employees will put forward their demands for equal remuneration, pay package and improvement of service conditions but it is unfortunate to note that all the wisdom of r.1anagement has failed to handle many issues sensibly over decades. Despite our repeated requests, many issues stand unresolved to date. ATC Guild wants to notify AAI again that some recommendations for ATC cadre welfare are still pending; especially the ones recommended in Bimal Julka committee report ( 1998) and Justice Lahoti enquiry commission report (1996).

In view of the on-going discussions on PRP, we want to offer the following points for your active and urgent consideration:

Given below are various definitions received from various sources with respect to the Performance Related Pay (PRP)

1. It is the money paid to someone related to the performance of the person at work. 2. It is an attempt to translate and transmit market-based organizational goals into

personalized performance objectives or criteria. 3. Any system that relates to rewarding an individual employee in return for his or her

performance in the organization for which he or she works is called performance­related pay, or PRP.

It has been mooted by some non-revenue generating groups that the rating allowance drawn by ATC cadre should disqualify the ATC officers from getting PRP. This mindset is due to ignorance on the part of these groups regarding the nature of rating allowance. The rating allowance is given to an officer when he/she clears a written examination, followed by the assessment by duly constituted board on live traffic as well as an oral exam, which authorizes him/her to perform independent duty in a particular Air Traffic Services unit. It can, at best be termed as a qualification pay but by no stretch of imagination can it be termed as a reward that reflects one's performance. -Moreover PRP is linked to profits that may vary. Rating allowances on the other hand are fixed and not linked to any profits. Even if the organization's profit increases manifolds, rating allowances remain the same. Last but not the least rating allowance

was introduced in l 978, following recommendation of Tata committee in l976(Excerpts of report attached) by a set of wise-headed administrators to commensurate the professional demands and best practices worldwide. Rating allowances and PRP are thus mutually exclusive and to link-up these issues only exposes the lack of knowledge of the set of employees handling this issue.

The principle of paying extra allowances to specialist officers is very much in vogue in other PSUs. It is understood that in NTPC payment of conveyance allowance, night shift

T-1/7, Pocket ·s·. INA Colony. Aurob1ndo Marg. New Delh1 110023 • Phone 24654571 • Fax 24619064 ww·w.atcgUIId com



allowance, generation incentives etc have been kept outside the cafeteria basket and all executives have been granted PRP. Similarly, in ONGC PRP is considered for all executives irrespective of payment of specialists allowances like off shore and mining allowances. In SAIL extra allowances and PRP are also being paid. These allowances are based on an agreement with the union/association and the management and are paid based on executives meeting some defined performance criteria. These decisions have been taken in the respective Boards considering the nature of duties. Rating, stress allowance and instructor allowances paid to ATC and CNS personnel is a sort of specialist or qualification allowance. In our opinion AAI Board is competent to take a decision that both Rating allowances and PRP are payable to ATCOS.

Studies have proven that organizations worldwide have been using PRP as a reward mechanism to improve on revenue. In AAI it is not hard to find the core sectors who are contributing in generating revenue (traffic and non-traffic). It is a logical corollary that profit of an organization should be shared among revenue generation employee of the PSU however we are not averse to management extending it for others.

The PRP is nothing but a portion of profit earned by the organization & then distributed to a group of employees who have essentially contributed in generating the revenue. It will be a great mockery if the profit earning group is not paid this PRP and the ones who have never contributed a single penny to earning profits are bestowed upon with this reward. This will in turn bring down the morale of the group who earns, thereby lowering the efficiency and ultimate collapse of the entire organization. ATC Guild invites any group who opposes this to discuss the issue across the table.

It is to be reiterated that ATC Guild (I) is not against the interest of any section of employees but at the same time denial of rights of members is not acceptable.

It is, therefore, requested to resolve the long pending issue pertaining to Performance Related Pay to the ATCOs without tampering the rating allowance policy which is in vogue since 1980.

With regards,

l.v-/-(Manoj Sinha) General Secretary

Copy to:

Director General of Civil Aviation (DGCA), Smt. M Sathiyavathy, IAS The Joint Secretary (Kind attention Shri Arun Kumar, lAS), Ministry of Civil Aviation, Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan, New Delhi.

�� Member (HR), AAI, Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan, New Delhi.-- · \�(\-y>\ Member (ANS), AAI, Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan, New Delhi. oV\ Member (Finance)�!, Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan, New Delhi.



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Cff7! lH d I� I d �?f<f> n1 cr\5 (1lffif) AIR TRAFFIC CONTHOLLERS' GlTILD (l!';OIA)

CC/PAY/2012/07 October11 , 2012

The Chairman Airports Authority of India \\ /.. Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan �\{R'l/ Safdarjung Airport

� SUB: Reminder for Payment of Performance Related Pay to the ATCOs


Reference may please be made to our earlier letter CC/PAY/2012/06, dated September 24, 2012 on the subject.

ATC Guild has conveyed its strong protest through earlier communications regarding payment of Performance Related Pay (PRP) to all employees of AAI other than ATM and CNS executives, ostensibly because ATM and CNS executives are paid rating allowances.

The concept of rating and other allowances being paid to the ATCOs is totally misunderstood by the management as they are provided to compensate the amount o{ risk and stress included in the job. All along we have stressed that it is a qualification pay and dependent on various dynamic parameters.

Ml has failed to remain focused on its core functions and has followed appeasement policy for non-core employees over the years. And now again this time Management has found out a way to appease the masses leaving behind the interest of bread earners.

The PRP is nothing but a portion of profit earned by the organization and then distributed to its employees who have essentially contributed in generating the revenue. It will be a great mockery if the profit earning group is not paid this PRP and the ones who have never contributed a single penny to the profits are bestowed upon with this reward. This will in turn bring down the morale of the group who earns, thereby lowering the efficiency and ultimate collapse of the entire organization. ATC Guild invites any group who opposes this to discuss the issue across the table.

ATC Guild once again retraces its earlier demand that the PRP is applicable to all employees and shall be paid to ATCOs along with all other employees at the earliest

With re�ards,

c� (O.K. Behera) General Secretary

Copy to: \v·-<:'��

4 1. Th� Joint Secretary (Kind attention Shri Alok Sinha, lAS), Ministry of Civil

1 Aviation, Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan, New Delhi. l__,

A' Member (HR), AAI, Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan, New Delhi. ' nL

Member (ANS), AAI, Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan, New Delhi.-- L./ , , \'-0 f) h--4 Member (Finance), AAI, Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan, New Delhi.- � �1 u

� T-1/7. Pocket 'B'. INA Colony. Aur.obindo Marg, New Delhi 110023 • Phone 24654571 • Fax 24619064

U\'i1 I:V www.atcguild.com


· � r � ..


The Chairman Airports Authority of India

Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan

Safdarjung Airport

CIT"l]. lll t1 I� 1 ct � �i ?I¢ fl1 (?'$ (lffi""ff) JR TRAFFIC CO�TJ OLLER�· C lliLD (fNDI \

September 24, 2012

Payment of Performance Related Pay to the A TCOs


Reference may please be made to our several communications and discussions on the subject .

It is understood that AAI management IS going ahead with payment of Performance Related

Pay (PRP) to all employees of AAI other than A TM and CNS executives , ostensibly because

ATM and CNS executives are paid rating allowances.

In AAI the rules, to our utter disappointment, are being drafted by those who do not have an iota

of knowledge about the concept of rating and other allowances being paid to the ATCOs.

Motivating the mass should not result in de-motivating the bread earners. It is high time the

Management should take some justified stand to protect the fast-eroding interests of Executives

belong1ng to Operations Directorates.

The Guild has conveyed its strong protest in the past for not considenng A TCOs for General

Proficiency allowance. The M anagement granted General Proficiency Allowance to other

section of employees by tak1ng the spec1ous reason that AAI is a multidisciplinary organization

and therefore has to appease other disctplines. This was done to counter increase in rating

allowances to A TCOs whtch was granted after intervention of the Civil Aviatton Ministry and

implementation of Julka committee recommendations in 1998.

It may be understood that the Rating allowance is a qualification pay that vanes from individual

to individual, station to station , ATS unit to ATS unit etc. Several parameters and conditions

govern these allowances which are in vogue since early eighties.

AAI has failed to remain focused on its core functions and has followed appeasement policy for

non-core employees over the years . The non-payment of PRP to the A TM and CNS executives;

at th1s time will be another historical blunder.

m� .

T-117. Pockel 'B. INA Colony Aurobindo Marg. New Delhi 110023 • Phone 24654571 • Fax 24619064 www.atcguild.com

As we have already mentioned in our previous communications, the simple concepts of PRP


1. It is the money paid to someone related to the performance of the person at work.

2. It is an attempt to translate and transmit market-based organizational goals into

personalized performance objectives or criteria.

3. Any system that relates to rewarding an individual employee in return for his or her

performance in the organization for which he or she works is called performance-related

pay, or PRP.

Recently the ember (HR) has constituted a Committee to work out the Performance Related

Pay (PRP) based on various performance parameters to be decided. The committee will also

examine the practices followed in other PSEs and propose various criteria/parameters in terms

of OPE instructions and quantify PRP to AAI employees. This constitution of the committee has

been done in a clandestine manner. ATC Guild (India) would like to ask why nobody from

ATM/CNS directorates was included in the committee. All recognized Guild/Associations are

always informed about formation of committees in AAI. Why an exception has been made this

time. Lack of transparency on this issue raises a genuine apprehension in our minds that a

devious plot has been designed to exclude ATM and CNS executives from payment of PRP. At

the cost of reiteration. we strongly convey to the management that the share of profit or for that

matter payment of PRP shall not and cannot exclude ATCOs. It would be a grave injustice if

PRP is not paid to the A TM and CNS executives.

The AAI has repeatedly failed to consider the following seriously:

• In our considered . opinion, based on many case studies, the core activities that

contribute to revenue generation should be the ones to be rewarded with PRP.

• The PRP should go to the core activities group only as the organization's profitability and

efficiency is improved by this group and they can further work hard to earn more, so that

all the employees of the organization get their bread & butter.

• Studies have proven that organizations worldwide have been using PRP as a reward

mechanism to improve on revenue.

• The PRP is nothing but a portion of profit earned by the organization and then distributed

to a group of employees who have essentially contributed in generating the revenue. It

will be a great mockery if the profit earning group is not paid this PRP and the ones who

have never contributed a single penny to the profits are bestowed upon with this reward

This will in turn bring down the morale of the group who earns, thereby lowering the

efficiency and ultimate collapse of the entire organization. ATC Guild invites any group

who opposes this to discuss the issue across the table.

ATC Guild demands that the PRP is applicable to all employees and there shall not be any

discrimination to the A TM and CNS executives. The committee constituted for this purpose shall

include officials from ATM and CNS directorates. It shall be paid to ATCOs along with all other

employees failing which a sense of step motherly treatment is destined to creep in which will not

be in the greater interest of better industrial relationship within the AAI.

With regards,

c'� (O.K. Behera)

General Secretary

�opy to�he Jo�nd attention Shri Alok Sinha, lAS), Ministry of Civil Aviation, Rajiv

Gandhi Bhawan, New Delhi.

� ,- 2. Member (HR), AAI, Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan, New Delhi. �\'�_3 .. Lv�mber (ANS), AAI, Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan, New Delhi. �,Member (Finance), AAI. Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan, New Delhi.

(���j tY