sadat era dr.hala helaly. egyptian society in the seventies witnessed numerous economic and...

Sadat Era Sadat Era Dr.Hala Helaly

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Page 1: Sadat Era Dr.Hala Helaly. Egyptian society in the seventies witnessed numerous economic and political developments, regarding its institutions and the

Sadat Era Sadat Era Dr.Hala Helaly

Page 2: Sadat Era Dr.Hala Helaly. Egyptian society in the seventies witnessed numerous economic and political developments, regarding its institutions and the

Egyptian society in the seventies witnessed numerous economic and political developments, regarding its institutions and the prevailing socially and internationally.

Page 3: Sadat Era Dr.Hala Helaly. Egyptian society in the seventies witnessed numerous economic and political developments, regarding its institutions and the

For example the economy moved from the concept of National Planning destruction to rely on the movement of the market under the policy of economic openness, and politically from the concept of political organization per to political pluralism restricted

Page 4: Sadat Era Dr.Hala Helaly. Egyptian society in the seventies witnessed numerous economic and political developments, regarding its institutions and the

During this period the name of the state changed, flag and national anthem, and signed by many momentous events internally and externally .but ended with the bloody accident for the assassination of Sadat.

Page 5: Sadat Era Dr.Hala Helaly. Egyptian society in the seventies witnessed numerous economic and political developments, regarding its institutions and the

Political problem in Egypt as clearly crystallized during the period 1976-1981 which was mainly in the conflict between the two patterns, thoughts, political behavior and practices.

Page 6: Sadat Era Dr.Hala Helaly. Egyptian society in the seventies witnessed numerous economic and political developments, regarding its institutions and the

Authoritarian stream grown under political organization under authorization dominant rule, and the tide of democratic calls for political pluralism and to dialogue between the currents and different ideas, this problem disclosed for itself in a number of points that could be summarized as follows:

Page 7: Sadat Era Dr.Hala Helaly. Egyptian society in the seventies witnessed numerous economic and political developments, regarding its institutions and the

Crisis of political pluralism and the Crisis of political pluralism and the limits of the opposition:limits of the opposition:

Related to this crisis, the concept of political pluralism, and whether should include the presence of multiple parties versatile ideology which each party, and then each party has the right adopted different ideology offering Bramja and differentiated solutions to society's problems

Page 8: Sadat Era Dr.Hala Helaly. Egyptian society in the seventies witnessed numerous economic and political developments, regarding its institutions and the

? Or is it that there are checks and general frameworks parties may not be out for? A concept that prevailed when the Egyptian political leadership, which expressed in that there are issues that nationalism should not dispute around or controversy about them because they relate the higher interests of the nation and affecting national security.

Page 9: Sadat Era Dr.Hala Helaly. Egyptian society in the seventies witnessed numerous economic and political developments, regarding its institutions and the

The problem was that what was described as issues nationalism was large enough narrowed the field of discussion in many of topics that should have been within the framework of multi-party subject of controversy and disagreement.

Page 10: Sadat Era Dr.Hala Helaly. Egyptian society in the seventies witnessed numerous economic and political developments, regarding its institutions and the

Narrow channels of political Narrow channels of political participation:participation:

As a result of the increased movement of the political parties and the exercise of its political role in society and in the People's Assembly, the majority started to narrow the channels of political participation and followed in a number of styles:

Page 11: Sadat Era Dr.Hala Helaly. Egyptian society in the seventies witnessed numerous economic and political developments, regarding its institutions and the


A - issuing a set of laws that narrowing the opposition activity, which can be used against violators of opinion, which met the issuance of some widespread opposition in political parties and trade unions, and that the law protect the values of the defect, and the law protecting the internal front and social peace, or method of election Shura Council, which called the line election list (this expression usually refers to a system of proportional representation.

Page 12: Sadat Era Dr.Hala Helaly. Egyptian society in the seventies witnessed numerous economic and political developments, regarding its institutions and the

and the effect that each Party on the proportion of seats in parliament paralleled the percentage of votes obtained in the elections is the opposite of what follow in Egypt is not known before in political experience Known in democratic systems, which is that the party that gets the majority of votes wins all of the seats in the Council. Add to this annual series of referendums in May 1978, and April 1979, and May 1980

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trapping activity opposition parties, it was Shan referendum in May 1978 the Wafd Party to freeze its activities, and it was like the prosecution activity Rally and confiscation ongoing "the people" that the party inventory activity within Mqarh, and stop issuing his newspaper.

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insist to bring down the opposition candidates in the 1979 elections, which did not escape with only Chancellor Excellent Nassar, compared elections from 1971 to 1976 has been the practices of the electoral process and the election results for a lot of criticism not only from opposition parties but also from elements independent and that what marred by irregularities.

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restrictions on political expression in the channels of professional syndicates and who took a blatant form to dissolve elected Bar Council and the appointment of another union.

Page 16: Sadat Era Dr.Hala Helaly. Egyptian society in the seventies witnessed numerous economic and political developments, regarding its institutions and the


sought the ruling party - the Party of Egypt and then the National Party to exclusivity and control of the media and state-owned conservative positions and the presidency of the Parliamentary Standing Committees Boards of the People's Assembly and Shura Council.

Page 17: Sadat Era Dr.Hala Helaly. Egyptian society in the seventies witnessed numerous economic and political developments, regarding its institutions and the

3 - A crisis of political institutions:3 - A crisis of political institutions:

With the beginning of the seventies the motto of the state of institutions and the rule of law raised ,and raised hopes that the various political institutions such as the People's Council and the ministry and the parties

Page 18: Sadat Era Dr.Hala Helaly. Egyptian society in the seventies witnessed numerous economic and political developments, regarding its institutions and the

He saw the second half of the seventies era multiples of the role of institutions. parties besieged opposition, either party majority who are in 1976 - Egypt Arab Socialist Party has moved a majority of members of parliament overnight to the National Democratic Party established by the President of the Republic in 1978.

Page 19: Sadat Era Dr.Hala Helaly. Egyptian society in the seventies witnessed numerous economic and political developments, regarding its institutions and the

For Parliament it has been dissolved in 1976, which marked its fair elections were democratic, and has the 1979 elections, which tricks between most of the elements of the opposition and win parliament seats.

Page 20: Sadat Era Dr.Hala Helaly. Egyptian society in the seventies witnessed numerous economic and political developments, regarding its institutions and the

And finally for the Ministry of the constant change and cascade to the ministries made it difficult to draw a long-term policy in this context, overshadowed by the executive branch to the legislature, and within the framework of the executive branch dominated the perception of security and increased political role of the security services.

Page 21: Sadat Era Dr.Hala Helaly. Egyptian society in the seventies witnessed numerous economic and political developments, regarding its institutions and the

4- instability of the legitimacy of 4- instability of the legitimacy of social system:social system:

Political system is not just a constitutional rules, government regulations and administrative Accordingly but it includes economic and social important dimension, the system is essentially a political tool for the distribution of resources contested between the various social strata.

Page 22: Sadat Era Dr.Hala Helaly. Egyptian society in the seventies witnessed numerous economic and political developments, regarding its institutions and the

One basic definitions of the science of politics is that it is aware of distributive examines how the regime through its decisions and policies of economic and social distribution of scarce resources among citizens, what are the achievements of social and any slides or classes benefit or lose relatively follow social policy is, and then it is the most important political documents in any society.

Page 23: Sadat Era Dr.Hala Helaly. Egyptian society in the seventies witnessed numerous economic and political developments, regarding its institutions and the

the annual budget where disclose political systems for social approval through the allocation of resources to the economic and social fields different.

Page 24: Sadat Era Dr.Hala Helaly. Egyptian society in the seventies witnessed numerous economic and political developments, regarding its institutions and the

The size of the resources allocated to education, health or manufacturing, for example, reveals the true priority of the ruling system, also reveals that his tax policies and the extent of exemptions determined by the low-income and size of progressive taxation imposed on rich and capable.

Page 25: Sadat Era Dr.Hala Helaly. Egyptian society in the seventies witnessed numerous economic and political developments, regarding its institutions and the

5- The emergence of civil political 5- The emergence of civil political and social rejection:and social rejection:

In the last years of the seventies crystallized Islamic groups and organizations as a large-scale movement, particularly among university students.

Page 26: Sadat Era Dr.Hala Helaly. Egyptian society in the seventies witnessed numerous economic and political developments, regarding its institutions and the

And which is no doubt that the emergence of these groups is the product of a social environment with specific characteristics and specifications Perhaps the most important characteristics of "a crisis which shows that movement as a solution in the presence of the incubator environment for those currents and movements.

Page 27: Sadat Era Dr.Hala Helaly. Egyptian society in the seventies witnessed numerous economic and political developments, regarding its institutions and the

Evolution of Three branches Evolution of Three branches

The development of the three authorities in the Sadat era Witnessed in the legislature, executive and judicial important developments :

Page 28: Sadat Era Dr.Hala Helaly. Egyptian society in the seventies witnessed numerous economic and political developments, regarding its institutions and the

Evolution of the legislature:Evolution of the legislature:

President Sadat period witnessed three parliamentary elections resulted in three bodies of the People's Assembly:

Page 29: Sadat Era Dr.Hala Helaly. Egyptian society in the seventies witnessed numerous economic and political developments, regarding its institutions and the

Council first appeared in November 1971 and continued until October 1976, has completed their constitutional term of five years, and the second began in November 1976 and continued to exist until it was disbanded in April 1979. The third council began in June 1979 and continued in place until he finished constitutional term in April 1984 after nearly three years of the death of President Sadat

Page 30: Sadat Era Dr.Hala Helaly. Egyptian society in the seventies witnessed numerous economic and political developments, regarding its institutions and the

The evolution parliamentary reflected Sadat era witnessed the transformation of political system of one political organization to multiple parties.

The following is a statement of the most important features of development body parliamentary in this period:

Page 31: Sadat Era Dr.Hala Helaly. Egyptian society in the seventies witnessed numerous economic and political developments, regarding its institutions and the

 1 - Parliament of 1971: its own elections were held on October 27, 1971 after his name was changed from Parliament to the People's Assembly, and the number of candidates in this election to 1753 candidates including 740 workers and 267 peasants and 746 of the other categories.

Page 32: Sadat Era Dr.Hala Helaly. Egyptian society in the seventies witnessed numerous economic and political developments, regarding its institutions and the

2 - Parliament 1976: Dart electoral competition to form the membership of this parliament in a political context different as she was political platforms of the three has appeared within the Socialist Union, has led to increased vital political.

Page 33: Sadat Era Dr.Hala Helaly. Egyptian society in the seventies witnessed numerous economic and political developments, regarding its institutions and the

and fiercely competitive election and the high percentage faces new political participation as well as the emergence of a class of candidates Independents have numbered 897 candidates of the total number of candidates totaling 1660, won them 53 candidates of the total number of seats. He has won Egypt Arab Socialist Party (center) with 280 seats, and the Liberal Socialist Party (right) with 12 seats, and the Rally National Progressive Unionist Grouping (left) two seats, independents also won the number of 48 seats.

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3 - Parliament of 1979: competed in this Parliament elections four parties (the National Democratic Party, and the Liberal Socialist Party, and the Party National Progressive Unionist and Socialist Labour Party). It is worth mentioning that the dish in this election law, which allocated 30 seats for women and for the first time in the history of the Egyptian parliament.

Page 35: Sadat Era Dr.Hala Helaly. Egyptian society in the seventies witnessed numerous economic and political developments, regarding its institutions and the

The National Party won in these elections, the number of 330 seats, while the Labor Party was able to win 30 seats number, as the Liberal Socialist Party won 3 seats, and independents won 10 seats, the party has won National Progressive Unionist any seat.

Page 36: Sadat Era Dr.Hala Helaly. Egyptian society in the seventies witnessed numerous economic and political developments, regarding its institutions and the

Evolution of executive powerEvolution of executive power

We Cannot understand the role of the ministry without understanding of role of the President of the Republic on account so that one attributes the executive power in the Egyptian political system, according to the 1971 Constitution is "dual power" that is,

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they practiced by both the President and the Council of Ministers and supports the role of the Council of Ministers and the style of his work on the relevance President of the Republic , and specifically on the relationship that develops between President of the Republic on the one hand and the Prime Minister on the other hand in this context is the Government is the highest executive and administrative in the state, which is represented in the Council of Ministers, which includes the Prime Minister and his deputies, ministers and state ministers and who manage government work set by Constitution and in accordance with Articles 135-156 as follows:

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- Directing and coordinating and monitoring the work of the ministries and bodies, institutions and public bodies.

- Issuing administrative and operational decisions and monitor their implementation.

- Preparation of draft laws and decrees.- The preparation of the draft state budget.- Preparation of a draft general plan of the state.- Contracting and granting loans according to the

provisions of the Constitution.- Note the implementation of laws and

maintaining the security of the state and protect the rights and interests of the state.

Page 39: Sadat Era Dr.Hala Helaly. Egyptian society in the seventies witnessed numerous economic and political developments, regarding its institutions and the

With regard to the terms of appointment constitution stressed that ministers appointed by the president and relieve them of their posts and stipulated that the minister reaches the age of 30 years at least.

Page 40: Sadat Era Dr.Hala Helaly. Egyptian society in the seventies witnessed numerous economic and political developments, regarding its institutions and the

He notes that the constitution does not recognize the special role of the prime minister when talking about the terms of reference of the Council of Ministers, but only Bashir in Article (153) to the supervisory role of the Prime Minister on the work of the government without clarify the mandatory nature of this role.

Page 41: Sadat Era Dr.Hala Helaly. Egyptian society in the seventies witnessed numerous economic and political developments, regarding its institutions and the

Hence it seems that the Prime Minister is "minister first" among ministers differs role in terms of the relationship with the minister and his influence on the relevance President of the Republic, and the size of the mandate given by him, and his ability to manage the Board and in accordance with the character and extent to his loyalty on the part of ministers.

Page 42: Sadat Era Dr.Hala Helaly. Egyptian society in the seventies witnessed numerous economic and political developments, regarding its institutions and the

As for the evolution of the ministry in the Sadat era, while the period of President Nasser had seen 18 ministerial formation, and the average age of the ministry 14 months. The period saw President Sadat 16 ministerial formation and the average age of the ministry 7 months, meaning that Sadat period witnessed a greater degree of ministerial instability.

Page 43: Sadat Era Dr.Hala Helaly. Egyptian society in the seventies witnessed numerous economic and political developments, regarding its institutions and the

The shorter the Ministry in this period is the Ministry d. Mahmoud Fawzi first, which lasted from 21 October 1970 to November 1970, less than a month. The longest Ministry is another form Sadat Ministry on 14 May 1980 and continued until his assassination in October 1981 Any 17 months. This period saw repeat took one person to head the ministry, for example, assumed Mamdouh Salem five consecutive times, and Mahmoud Fawzi four times, and Mustafa Khalil twice.

Page 44: Sadat Era Dr.Hala Helaly. Egyptian society in the seventies witnessed numerous economic and political developments, regarding its institutions and the

We note the predominance of the civilian character of the Ministries Sadat era unlike Nasser era where military monopolized prime minister throughout that period also took control of key ministries.

Page 45: Sadat Era Dr.Hala Helaly. Egyptian society in the seventies witnessed numerous economic and political developments, regarding its institutions and the

Evolution of the judiciary,Evolution of the judiciary,

We find it distinguishes researchers in the study of judicial power between four types of the judiciary in accordance with the standard of the nature of the dispute that is unique to each type and the consequent different procedures in each of them.

- The first type of justice is the civil judiciary, that respects to settling disputes between individuals , the exercise of his mandate at the request of stakeholders and governs activity .It is known as the law of civil and commercial proceedings or the Code of Civil Procedure and commercial

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- The second type of justice is criminal justice, which regulates the use of State authority in punishment and that, in the event of an attack on the social interests, with recognition that the criminal justice deals with issues affecting people and those who aim to protect the interests and values of society through punishment set by The law of encroaching on this interest.

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- The third type is the administrative court .It is practiced by the administrative courts and specialized disputes that arise between state agencies, the citizens and the exercise of this jurisdiction by the State Council that includes the Administrative Court and the Supreme Administrative Court.

Page 48: Sadat Era Dr.Hala Helaly. Egyptian society in the seventies witnessed numerous economic and political developments, regarding its institutions and the

- Type four is in the constitutional judiciary expressed by the Supreme Constitutional Court, which specializes in governance over the constitutionality of laws and their compatibility with the principles and values contained in the Constitution, and the interpretation of legislation and in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution.