second opt out report

1 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA IN RE: NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE PLAYERS’ CONCUSSION INJURY LITIGATION : : : : No. 2:12-md-02323-AB MDL No. 2323 THIS DOCUMENT RELATES TO: ALL ACTIONS : : : : : Hon. Anita B. Brody SECOND OPT OUT REPORT SUBMITTED BY THE CLAIMS ADMINISTRATOR BrownGreer PLC (“BrownGreer”), the Claims Administrator under the proposed Class Action Settlement Agreement (“Settlement Agreement”) in this matter, submits this Second Opt Out Report to supplement the initial Opt Out Report filed on November 3, 2014 (Document 6340, “First Opt Out Report”): 1. Opt Out Report by the Claims Administrator. Pursuant to Paragraph 4.j of the July 7, 2014 Preliminary Approval Order (Document 6084, “Preliminary Approval Order”), BrownGreer filed its First Opt Out Report to provide the Court with a list of all of the individuals who mailed the Claims Administrator apparent requests to be excluded from the Settlement. The First Opt Out Report summarized the Opt Out-related correspondence we had received as of the Report’s November 3, 2014 filing date and detailed the process by which we reviewed and reported on Opt Outs. 2. Timeliness Designations in First Opt Out Report. As detailed in Paragraph 14 of the First Opt Out Report, BrownGreer tracked whether an Opt Out request appeared to be timely or untimely under the directive in Paragraph 4.g of the Preliminary Approval Order that such Case 2:12-md-02323-AB Document 6424 Filed 11/13/14 Page 1 of 6

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Second Opt Out Report


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    : : : :

    No. 2:12-md-02323-AB

    MDL No. 2323


    : : : : :

    Hon. Anita B. Brody


    BrownGreer PLC (BrownGreer), the Claims Administrator under the proposed

    Class Action Settlement Agreement (Settlement Agreement) in this matter, submits this

    Second Opt Out Report to supplement the initial Opt Out Report filed on November 3, 2014

    (Document 6340, First Opt Out Report):

    1. Opt Out Report by the Claims Administrator. Pursuant to Paragraph 4.j of the

    July 7, 2014 Preliminary Approval Order (Document 6084, Preliminary Approval Order),

    BrownGreer filed its First Opt Out Report to provide the Court with a list of all of the individuals

    who mailed the Claims Administrator apparent requests to be excluded from the Settlement. The

    First Opt Out Report summarized the Opt Out-related correspondence we had received as of the

    Reports November 3, 2014 filing date and detailed the process by which we reviewed and

    reported on Opt Outs.

    2. Timeliness Designations in First Opt Out Report. As detailed in Paragraph 14 of

    the First Opt Out Report, BrownGreer tracked whether an Opt Out request appeared to be timely

    or untimely under the directive in Paragraph 4.g of the Preliminary Approval Order that such

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    requests be postmarked on or before October 14, 2014. Paragraph 3 of the First Opt Out

    Report explained that we had received 220 Opt Out requests that appeared to be timely and 14

    Opt Out requests that appeared to be untimely.

    3. New Opt Out Correspondence and Supporting Materials. Since the

    November 3, 2014 filing of the First Opt Out Report, we have received additional

    correspondence and inquiries from certain Class Members whose Opt Out requests had been

    identified in the First Opt Out Report as appearing to be untimely, including correspondence

    from Class Members voicing disagreement with the First Opt Out Reports timeliness

    assessment. We analyzed all of this material thoroughly and conducted additional research

    where appropriate to assess the proper classification of Opt Out requests as timely or untimely.

    After this analysis and investigation, five Opt Out requests that appeared to be untimely as of the

    First Opt Out Report now appear to be timely, as explained more fully in Paragraph 4 below.

    Exhibit 1 to this Second Report identifies the 225 Opt Out requests that appear to be timely after

    these events. Exhibit 2 lists the 10 Opt Out requests that appear to be untimely. This table

    summarizes the two Exhibits:


    A. TIMELY OPT OUT REQUESTS (See Exhibit 1)

    1. Retired NFL Football Players 201

    2. Relatives of a Retired NFL Football Player 22

    3. Unable to Identify Settlement Class Member Type 2

    4. TOTAL 225

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    5. Retired NFL Football Players 9

    6. Relative of a Retired NFL Football Player 1

    7. TOTAL 10


    8. Retired NFL Football Player 1 4. Developments Since the Filing of the First Opt Out Report. We provide this

    update to the Court and the Parties:

    (a) Moffitt, John (classified as untimely; #7 in Exhibit 2): On November 13, 2014, we received an Opt Out request from this Class Member, postmarked on November 10, 2014. Because of that postmark date, we have classified this request as appearing to be untimely.

    (b) Gayle, Shaun (reclassified to timely as #74 in Exhibit 1): Mr. Gayles Opt Out request postmarked on the Opt Out deadline of October 14, 2014, and thus timely submitted, did not arrive in the Claims Administrators P.O. Box until November 4, 2014, the day after the filing of the First Opt Out Report on November 3, 2014. On November 4, 2014, we received an envelope from Mr. Gayles counsel containing a copy of Mr. Gayles Opt Out request. Mr. Gayle himself also had mailed us his Opt Out request from London, England, but we had received his envelope on October 21, 2014, without a postmark or date of any kind. According to the timeliness assessment rules set out in Paragraph 14 of the First Opt Out Report, we identified this Opt Out request as appearing to be untimely in the First Report because its October 21, 2014 date of receipt was controlling at that time. The copy of this Opt Out request that we received on November 4, 2014, bearing an October 14, 2014 postmark by the United States Postal Service now moves Mr. Gayles request into the group that appear to be timely.

    (c) Anderson, Ottis J. (reclassified to timely as #5 in Exhibit 1): The envelope of this Opt Out request bore competing October 15, 2014, and October 14, 2014 dates. The October 15 postmark clearly shown on the envelope was the date on which the United States Postal Service processed the mail. The October 14 date was the date shown in the postage placed on the envelope by Mr. Anderson using a Pitney Bowes postage machine. Under the rules by which we measure timeliness, the office mark by the Postal Service controls, rather than the date shown in the postage placed on the item by an office postage machine, for we use the official mail handling date rather than a

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    date placed on the envelope by the sender. On November 7, 2014, we received an email from Mr. Andersons counsel containing a copy of a Receipt for Certified Mail issued by the Postal Service showing an October 14, 2014 postmark date for the mailing of Mr. Andersons opt out to us. A Receipt for Certified Mail has two components: (1) a sticker that is placed on the envelope that bears a bar code and a tracking number: and (2) a receipt retained by the sender that bears the same tracking number and a hand-stamped postmark date. We did not have the Receipt for Certified Mail bearing the October 14, 2014 date until Mr. Andersons counsel sent it to us on November 14. This Second Opt Out Report now classifies this Opt Out request as timely, using the hand-stamped postmark date on the Receipt for Certified Mail as indicating from an official source that the Opt Out request was placed in the custody of the Postal Service on October 14, 2014.

    (d) Ford, Bernard (reclassified to timely as #71 in Exhibit 1): The envelope containing this Opt Out request did not bear any postmark date or date of any kind. According to the timeliness assessment rules set out in Paragraph 14 of the First Opt Out Report, we identified this Opt Out request as appearing to be untimely in the First Report because the missing a postmark made the date we received it, October 18, 2014, controlling. On November 6, 2014, at the request of Mr. Fords counsel, we emailed him a high resolution scanned image of the front and back of this envelope. On November 10, 2014, Mr. Fords counsel emailed us a letter from an employee with a local United States Postal Service Consumer Affairs office explaining that she was able to scan an Intelligent Mail Barcode sprayed onto the envelope when it passed through a cancelling machine in a Postal Service Sorting Facility to determine the date the envelope passed through the machine. This Consumer Affairs employee stated that her scan of the bar code indicated that this envelope had run through her cancelling machine on October 14, 2014. We confirmed this sequence of events in a telephone conversation with this Postal Service representative. This Second Opt Out Report now classifies this Opt Out request as timely, using the October 14 date that the envelope passed through the cancelling machine and this was in the custody of the Postal Service.

    (e) Bebout, Nick (reclassified to timely as #18 in Exhibit 1) and Thomas L. Rentzel (reclassified to timely as #157 in Exhibit 1): The envelopes of these two Opt Out requests bore competing October 15 and October 14 dates. The October 15 postmark clearly shown on each envelope and used as controlling in the First Opt Out Report was the date on which the United States Postal Service processed those mail items, and normally is the only official Postal Service date mark that would appear on a mailed letter. These two envelopes also bear an October 14 date that we have confirmed is the result of the manner in which the two Post Office facilities that received these letters handle mail dropped at the facility after mail processing closes for the day. As a courtesy, the window tellers at the Post Office in Riverton, Wyoming, that handled Mr. Bebouts envelope will, upon affirmative request from a customer, provide a red ink hand-stamped date at closing time that is technically intended for use on nonmachinable or oddly shaped mail that cannot be run through the Post Offices standard, automated processing machine. This nonmachinable

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    mail requires an additional 21 cents in postage to cover the manual handling. If the teller does not collect that additional postage, the letter receives machinable treatment that results in the envelope receiving a competing official postmark when it is actually processed by the Post Office. Mr. Bebouts envelope bears this courtesy hand-stamped October 14 mark but also received a competing October 15 mark from the automated mail processing machine when the Post Office actually processed the envelope the next day. The Fairfax, Virginia Post Office that handled Mr. Rentzels envelope confirmed a similar courtesy manual stamping process. The Fairfax Post Office will hand stamp in red an item that is received after processing hours if the teller window is still open. At one time, the office sorted any such hand-stamped mail out of the machine-processed mail to prevent competing postmarks, but the volume of mail that particular facilitys processing plant now experiences has required them to cease that practice. As a result, Mr. Rentzels envelope shows the October 15 mail processing date, and an October 14 hand stamp indicating receipt by the Fairfax Post Office. It thus appears that both these Opt Outs were in the custody of an office of the United States Postal Service on October 14, even though they did not actually process them as mail until the next day, October 15. This Second Opt Out Report now classifies these two Opt Out requests as timely, using the date of receipt by the United States Postal Service as controlling, rather than the date of mail processing.

    (f) Horn, Joseph (still classified as untimely as #6 in Exhibit 2): We were contacted by counsel for Joseph Horn, who has contended that the October 14 date shown in the postage placed on the envelope by his firms postage machine should control rather than the Postal Service postmark of October 15, 2014, on the envelope. Because the Postal Service mark is an official indication of the date that the Postal Service processed the letter, this Second Opt Out Report continues to classify this Opt Out request as appearing to be untimely.

    There have been no further developments regarding the other Opt Out requests identified in

    the First Opt Out Report.

    Respectfully submitted,


    By: /s/ Orran L. Brown Orran L. Brown VSB No. 25832 BROWNGREER PLC 250 Rocketts Way Richmond, VA 23231 Telephone: (804) 521-7201 Facsimile: (804) 521-7299

    Date: November 13, 2014 Email: [email protected]

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    The undersigned hereby certifies that the foregoing Second Opt Out Report was filed

    electronically this 13th day of November, 2014, and was served electronically upon Class

    Counsel, counsel for the NFL Parties and all counsel of record by the United States District

    Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvanias electronic filing system, and was further served

    on such date, along with a copy of the First Opt Out Report, by United States mail upon each

    person who submitted an Opt Out request, or upon the counsel for such person, if represented.

    /s/ Orran L. Brown Orran L. Brown Virginia State Bar No. 25832 BrownGreer PLC 250 Rocketts Way Richmond, Virginia 23231 Telephone: (804) 521-7201 Facsimile: (804) 521-7299 Email: [email protected]

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  • EXHIBIT11.SettlementClassMember









    1. Abdullah,Hamza RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 9/15/142. Acks,RonaldWilliam RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/143. Ahanotu,Chidi RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/144. Alexander,Jr.,CharlesF. RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/10/145. Anderson,OttisJ. RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/146. Arnett,JonDwane RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/7/14

    7. AshleyJr.,WalkerLee RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesDelivery10/14/14

    8. August,StevePaul RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/149. Bain,WilliamErnest RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/1410. Ballard,Howard RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/1411. Banaszak,AndrewPeter RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/11/1412. Barnes,BillyRay RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/7/14

    13. Barnett,Timothy RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesDelivery10/14/14

    14. Bass,MichaelThomas RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/10/1415. Baugh,ThomasAnthony RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/1416. Baumgartner,Steven RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/1417. Beban,GaryJ. RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 8/15/1418. Bebout,Nick RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/1419. Bell,BobbyL. RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/10/1420. Bell,GregoryLeon RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/11/1421. Bernard,Walter RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes No Yes Yes Yes No 10/14/1422. Berton,Sean RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/8/1423. Bethea,ElvinL. RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/1424. Bielski,RichardAdam RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/10/1425. Bing,DarnellL. RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/6/1426. Bingham,GregoryRaleigh RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/13/1427. Blackshear,RodneyT. RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/1428. Blair,Michael RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes No Yes Yes Yes No 10/14/1429. Bonness,RichardK. RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/1430. Brannon,Robert RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/1431. Brightful,Lamont RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/13/1432. BrooksIV,RobertL. RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/1433. Brown,Corwin RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/20/14

    34. Brown,Mike RetiredNFLFootballPlayer No No No No No NoEmail




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    35. Brown,Ronald RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/14

    36. Bryant,TrentB. RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesDelivery10/14/14

    37. Burkett,WalterJ.1 RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/10/14

    38. Bush,LewisF.RetiredNFLPlayerFiledby

    RepresentativeYes No No Yes Yes Yes 10/14/14

    39. Campbell,WoodrowLamar RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/10/1440. Carter,Tyrone RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/14

    41. Cartwright,RoderickR. RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesDelivery10/14/14

    42. Carver,Shante RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/8/1443. Clapp,II,ThomasP. RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/1444. Cline,Jr.,AnthonyFrancis RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/1445. Cobb,MarvinLawrence RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes 10/7/1446. Commiskey,CharlesE. RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/7/14

    47. Cooper,AlexanderLouis RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesDelivery10/14/14

    48. Cordileone,Louis RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/1449. Cosbie,Douglas RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/10/1450. Cribbs,JoshuaJamall RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/1451. Cromartie,Keaton RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/1452. Crumpler,AlgernonD. RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/10/1453. Crumpler,CarlesterT. RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/10/1454. Darling,Devard RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/1455. David,Jason RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/1456. Davis,TerrellLamar RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/14

    57. DeCarlo,Sr.,ArthurA.RetiredNFLPlayerFiledby

    RepresentativeYes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/14

    58. DeLamielleure,Joseph RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/1459. Dennis,III,AlbertR. RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/1460. Dorris,AndrewMichael RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/1461. Dorsett,Tony RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/1462. Douglas,Cody RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/1463. Douglass,Bobby RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/1464. Earl,GlennEugene RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes 10/14/1465. Eber,RichardLee RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/1466. Edelman,BradleyMart RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/1467. Fahnhorst,KeithV. RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/1468. Fanning,MichaelLavern RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/10/1469. Fantetti,Ken RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/1470. Flatley,PaulR. RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/1471. Ford,Bernard RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/1472. Forsberg,FredC RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/8/1473. Gabriel,Roman RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/7/1474. Gayle,Shaun RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/1475. Grant,RobertB. RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/9/14

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    76. Gray,QuinnF. RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/14

    77. Green,Roy RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesDelivery10/14/14

    78. Grier,Roosevelt RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/6/14

    79. Griffin,Jr.,LeonardJames RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesDelivery10/14/14

    80. Griffin,RaymondE. RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 8/19/14

    81. Hackett,BarryDean RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesDelivery10/14/14

    82. Hamilton,Ben RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesDelivery10/14/14

    83. Hamilton,HarryE. RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes No No Yes Yes 10/14/1484. Harrison,JeromeCharles RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/14

    85. Harry,EmileMichael RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesDelivery10/14/14

    86. HealyJr.,WilliamR. RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/1487. Hicks,Dwight RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/11/1488. Hill,Calvin RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes 10/14/1489. Hill,Kent RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/1490. Hill,MarcusA. RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/1491. Hilliard,LexDouglas RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/1492. Hoover,BradleyRay RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/1493. Iorio,JosephW. RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/9/1494. Izzo,Larry RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes No Yes Yes No Yes 10/14/1495. Jarvis,JohnBruce RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/7/1496. Jefferson,Jr.,RoyLee RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/1497. Jenke,NoelC. RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No 10/14/1498. JohnsonJr.,TedC. RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/1499. Jones,DonaldRay RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/14

    100. Jones,FrederickCornelius RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesDelivery10/14/14

    101. Kelly,EricFrancheste RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/14

    102. Kelly,II,PatrickRetiredNFLPlayerFiledby

    RepresentativeYes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 10/14/14

    103. Kennedy,Jr.,JimmyWayne RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/10/14104. Kenney,StephenF. RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/10/14105. Kenney,WilliamPatrick RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/14106. Kingsriter,DouglasJames RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/13/14107. Koncar,Mark RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/8/14108. Kosar,BernardJ. RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/14109. Krakau,MervinF. RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/14110. Krause,PaulJames RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/7/14111. Kunz,GeorgeJ. RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes No No 10/14/14112. Lanier,Sr.,WillieEdward RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/14113. LaRose,MarvinDaniel RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/14114. Larson,GregoryK. RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/11/14

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    115. Lewis,AlbertR. RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesDelivery10/14/14

    116. Lowe,Woodrow RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/11/14117. Lurtsema,RobertRoss RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/10/14118. Lynch,BenjaminJohn RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/9/14119. Maas,WilliamThomas RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/2/14

    120. Martin,Christopher RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesDelivery10/14/14

    121. Martin,RobbieL RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/8/14122. Massaquoi,MohamedJah RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/9/14123. MaxwellJr.,VernonLeroy RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/14124. May,Jr.,BertDeems RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/14


    RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/14

    126. McAllister,DulymusJ. RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/14127. McDougleJr.,Jerome RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/14

    128. McNair,ToddD. RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesDelivery10/14/14

    129. Meisner,LeeEdward RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes 7/31/14130. MerrittSr.,DavidL. RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/6/14

    131. Mincy,Charles RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesDelivery10/14/14

    132. Minter,Cedric RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes No Yes No Yes Yes 7/30/14133. Miree,BrandonC. RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No 10/14/14

    134. Morey,SeanJ. RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesDelivery10/14/14

    135. Morton,LarryCraig RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/8/14136. Nelson,CurtisShane RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/14137. Nelson,JimmieDirk RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 7/29/14138. Niswanger,RudolphN. RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/14139. Oliver,DarrylH. RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/14140. Oliver,PaulJ. RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 10/8/14141. Olkewicz,Neal RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/11/14142. Owens,Brigman RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/14143. Owens,MelT. RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/14

    144. Palmer,PaulW. RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesDelivery10/14/14

    145. Parker,J'vonne RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/14146. Parrish,BernardP. RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/7/14147. Pastorini,Dan RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/7/14148. Patrick,Allen RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/14

    149. Pearson,Jayice RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesDelivery10/14/14

    150. Peters,Scott RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes 10/9/14

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    151. Phillips,JosephGordon RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes7/22/14;7/23/14;10/14/14

    152. Porter,Kevin RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesDelivery10/14/14

    153. Preece,StevenPacker RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/14154. Pritchard,RonaldDavid RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/9/14155. Ragon,RandyD. RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/10/14156. Reed,AndreD. RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/14157. Rentzel,ThomasL. RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/14158. Riggins,RobertJohn RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/14159. Robinson,JohnnyNolan RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/14160. Rogers,GeorgeW. RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/14

    161. Royal,Jr.,RobertS. RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesDelivery10/14/14

    162. Rudnay,JohnCarl RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/14


    RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/14

    164. ScottIII,JacobE RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/6/14

    165. Scott,Edward RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesDelivery10/14/14

    166. Seals,GeorgeE. RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/14

    167. Seau,Jr.,TiainaB.RetiredNFLPlayerFiledby

    RepresentativeYes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/11/14

    168. Senser,JosephM. RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/14169. Sharpe,Luis RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/14170. Sherk,JerryMartin RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/14171. Simonini,Ed RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/10/14172. Sims,Jr.,GeorgePollard RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/8/14

    173. Smith,ChrisM. RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesDelivery10/14/14

    174. Smith,JesseDaley RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/8/14

    175. Smith,JohnThomas RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesDelivery10/14/14

    176. Smith,NeilO. RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesDelivery10/14/14

    177. Stant,PatrickM. RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/14178. Steagall,Derrick RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No 10/14/14179. Steed,JoelE. RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/14180. Stein,RobertAllen RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/14

    181. Still,ArthurB. RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesDelivery10/14/14

    182. Tant,JayW. RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesDelivery10/14/14

    183. Terry,DouglasMaurice RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesDelivery10/14/14

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    184. Thomas,CharlesG. RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/14185. Toefield,LaBrandon RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/14186. Truax,III,WilliamF. RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/14187. Trufant,MarcusLavon RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/14188. Vanover,Tamarick RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/14189. Voigt,StuartA. RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/14190. Walker,George RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/10/14191. Walls,CharlesWesley RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/14192. Walter,TysonBarrett RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/14193. Washington,MarkH. RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/11/14194. Westbrook,Michael RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/14195. White,EdwardAlvin RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/14

    196. Wilbur,JohnRetiredNFLPlayerFiledby

    RepresentativeYes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/14

    197. Williams,Ralph RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/14198. Williams,Roosevelt RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes No No No Yes Yes 10/9/14199. Wright,JeffreyRalph RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/7/14200. Yary,AnthonyRonald RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/14201. Youngblood,GeorgeAlton RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/13/14











    202. Baugh,JeanM.Derivative/FamilyThomas

    BaughYes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/14

    203. Bush,DanielleDerivative/FamilyLewis

    BushYes No Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/14

    204. Bush,DeedeeDerivative/FamilyLewis

    BushYes No Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/14

    205. Bush,Jr.,LewisF.Derivative/FamilyLewis

    BushYes No Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/14

    206. Bush,MakaiDerivative/FamilyLewis

    BushYes No Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/14

    207. Davis,RobertaLeeDerivative/FamilyDouglas

    S.DavisYes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 8/1/14

    208. Kelly,III,PatrickDerivative/FamilyPatrick

    KellyYes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/14

    209. Kelly,KariDerivative/FamilyPatrick

    KellyYes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/14

    210. Kenney,SandraLouiseDerivative/FamilyWilliam

    P.KenneyYes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/14

    211. Lamana,VirginiaPDerivative/FamilyPeter

    LamanaYes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 8/5/14




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    212. Lesane,ElizabethTurnerDerivative/FamilyJames

    LesaneYes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 9/11/14

    213. Oliver,ChelseaC.Derivative/FamilyPaul

    OliverYes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/8/14

    214. Oliver,SilasJ.Derivative/FamilyPaul

    OliverYes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/8/14

    215. Oliver,SimeonJ.Derivative/FamilyPaul

    OliverYes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/8/14

    216. Seau,HunterDerivative/FamilyTiainaB.

    Seau,Jr.Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/11/14

    217. Seau,JakeR.Derivative/FamilyTiainaB.

    Seau,Jr.Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/11/14

    218. Seau,LuisaDerivative/FamilyTiainaB.

    Seau,Jr.Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/14

    219. Seau,SydneyB.Derivative/FamilyTiainaB.

    Seau,Jr.Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/11/14

    220. Seau,TiainaDerivative/FamilyTiainaB.

    Seau,Jr.Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/14

    221. Seau,TylerC.Derivative/FamilyTiainaB.

    Seau,Jr.Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/11/14

    222. Smith,DioneElizabethDerivative/FamilyJohn

    WilburYes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes


    223. Tant,Natalie Derivative/FamilyJayTant Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesDelivery10/14/14











    224. Phillips,ElizabethD. UnabletoIdentify Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/13/14225. Simpson,WilliamC. UnabletoIdentify Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/14/14









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    1. Babineaux,Jordan RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/15/142. Buggs,Daniel RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/15/14

    3. Buggs,WamonC. RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesMissing10/17/14

    4. ColeSr.,Robin RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/15/145. Harris,CharlesW. RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/31/146. Horn,Joseph RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10/15/147. Moffitt,John RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 11/10/14

    8. Richards,Rex RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes No Yes YesMissing10/22/14

    9. Stoepel,Terry RetiredNFLFootballPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NoMissing10/22/14











    10. Rogers,LorettaDerivative/FamilyGeorge

    RogersNo No No No No No







    SubtotalofRetiredNFLFootballPlayers 9




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