secondary level

I.F.D.C. LENGUAS VIVAS TALLER DE PRÁCTICA DOCENTE ALUMNO RESIDENTE: Clara Auguste Período de Práctica: Nivel Secundario Institución Educativa: Aberdare College Dirección: Av. Francia 1245, Bella Vista, Buenos Aires. Sala / Grado / Año - sección: 1er año – Turno Tarde Cantidad de alumnos: 18 Nivel lingüístico del curso: Intermedio Tipo de Planificación: Clase Unidad Temática: Deportes Clase Nº: 1 Fecha: 14/10/2015 Hora: 1º hora: 14:00 a 14:40.hs – 2º hora: 14:40 a 15.20hs – 3° hora: 15:30 a 16:10hs Duración de la clase: ‘120 Fecha de primera entrega: 12/10/2015 Teaching points: sports vocabulary, introduce letter writing, ways to start and end an informal letter, useful phrases for suggestion or advice. Aims or goals: During this lesson, learners will be able to… -Identify and name different sports in a meaningful context. -Develop their listening skills by listening to an audio file (interview) -Identify and mention some ways of starting and ending a letter/email -Give and write suggestions or advice Language focus: LEXIS FUNCTION STRUCTURE PRONUNCIATI

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Page 1: Secondary Level


ALUMNO RESIDENTE: Clara AugustePeríodo de Práctica: Nivel Secundario Institución Educativa: Aberdare CollegeDirección: Av. Francia 1245, Bella Vista, Buenos Aires.Sala / Grado / Año - sección: 1er año – Turno TardeCantidad de alumnos: 18Nivel lingüístico del curso: IntermedioTipo de Planificación: ClaseUnidad Temática: DeportesClase Nº: 1Fecha: 14/10/2015Hora: 1º hora: 14:00 a 14:40.hs – 2º hora: 14:40 a 15.20hs – 3° hora: 15:30 a 16:10hsDuración de la clase: ‘120Fecha de primera entrega: 12/10/2015

Teaching points: sports vocabulary, introduce letter writing, ways to start and end an informal letter, useful phrases for suggestion or advice.

Aims or goals: During this lesson, learners will be able to…-Identify and name different sports in a meaningful context.-Develop their listening skills by listening to an audio file (interview)-Identify and mention some ways of starting and ending a letter/email -Give and write suggestions or advice

Language focus:


rugby, basketball, football, tennis, racket, scrum, ball, team, tackle, ace, strike, driveling,

Following commands and instructions

Which sport would you play or do? I play rugby – I do gymnastics/taekwondo

/ð/ words like “the”, “them”, “their”.

Page 2: Secondary Level

fault, coach.NEW Values –

team work – life lessons – challenge – sporty -

Giving advice and suggestion. Writing an informal letter: beginning and endings.

Suggestion: I’d recommend… / How about? / May be you could… / I suggest… / Why don’t you..? / Why not try..?Start a letter: hi – hello – Dear Ending a letter: All the best – love – hope that helps – good luck with everything

Intonation and fluency when reading. Respect commas, stops and pauses.

Teaching approach: The lesson is based on the Communicative Approach so as to foster communication and participation of the students. It is organized through the Presentation –Practice and Production procedure.

Materials and resources: worksheets, audio file, speakers, pictures of six different sports (rugby, tennis, hockey, football, basketball and volleyball), scotch tape.

Pedagogical use of ICT in class or at home: In this lesson, students will be working with an original audio file taken from an interview.

Seating arrangement: In order to maintain their routine and organization, they will be sitting at their desks in their usual places: in twos in benches settled in three different vertical lines. If I see that I lose visual contact with the some students, I will make them change places or twist their bench.

Possible problems / difficulties and their possible solutions during the class: Some students may not want to participate during the oral exchange. I will not expose them and wait until they feel confident enough to do it. I will only choose students that demonstrate that they are eager to participate.

Classroom management strategies: In order to keep the atmosphere and student’s attention I will try to make students participate in every activity, task or drill. I will keep the class active and prepare beforehand all the materials so as to avoid breaking the climax.

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Potential problems students may have with the language: They may find it hard to find some words related to some specific sports. If they cannot do it, I will ask them to look them up at home, in their computers or dictionaries for the next class. As regards the audio file, the new structures and useful expressions presented, I will go over them again if needed. I had in mind this possibility when timing the whole lesson. If students take more time that the one stipulated, the homework can be avoided and saved for the following class.

Assessment: what will be assessed and how: I’ll check that students comprehend and identify the different structures so as to start or end an informal letter by asking questions out loud and by checking their work orally. As regards the useful phrases for suggestion, I will check their understanding and correct use of it by making them share their writings with the rest of the class.

1st Period:

Welcoming and Routine: (5’)Purpose: to start the lesson, get students into the mood for work, establish empathy.

I will greet each student at the door of the classroom by shaking hands and saying “Hello, come in and sit down please”.

Once they are all in, I will say: “Good afternoon everybody” EA: “Good afternoon”. I will continue: “How are you today?” EA: “Very well, thank you. And you?” T: “Very well, thank you. As some of you may know, my name is Clari and I will be your teacher for the following days. Are you ready to start working?” EA: “Yes!” I will follow: “Ok, great! First of all…who’s absent today? I will write down on my book the absentees. Then, I will say: “How was your weekend? Quite a long weekend right? What did you do?

Transition: “Could you see the Pumas match on Sunday? Do you like rugby?”

Warm-up: (15’)Purpose: To introduce the topic and vocabulary

I will start taking out some pictures of different sports and sticking them on board while I ask: “Do you like sports? Which sports do you play or do?” EA: hockey, rugby, gymnastics, etc. I will continue: “Do you play them at school?” EA: Yes/No.

“Well, let’s imagine that at school, at THIS school, you have to choose one of these sports to play or do” (I will point at the pictures on board). I will say out loud:

“You can play rugby (I will point at the picture), or you can play football (I will point at the picture), you can play hockey (I will point at the picture), and finally you can play volleyball or basquetball (I will point at the pictures as well).

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I will ask again: “Which sport would you choose and why?” I will choose three or four students to share their answers with the group.










I will continue: “Now, let’s focus on rugby for example. What words can you use to talk about rugby? Any word that is related to playing rugby, like “tackle” for example (I will write the word “tackle” under the rugby picture) What else?” EA: scrum, line, try, team, fullback, wing, etc. I will write down all the words the students say as well.

I will continue: “Good job! Now, let’s do the same with the rest of the sports. Let’s work in groups” (I will divide the class in five different groups and give them a sport to work on). I will say: “Now,

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write down all the words that come to your mind related to that sport. You will have 2 minutes…starting now!”

Once they finish, we will share the answers together while I write them on board. Once we finish I will say: “Good! Now, we already have our sports vocabulary chart. I will give you three more minutes to copy this chart in your folder”.

Transition: “Now, let me ask you something…do you think that playing a sport is important? Let’s see…”

Presentation: (20’)Purpose: to further expose the learners to the target language while listening to an interview.

I will say: “We are going to listen to an interview where some college students share their opinion about the importance of sports. Let’s listen to it and pay special attention to what they say”

I will play the audio once. Then I will say: “Good. Now we are going to listen to it one more time but now I want you to write down some of the things the students say about sports. All what you can grasp and think it is important.”

Audio transcript:

“I think one of the mayor take away lesson from playing a sport in college was the value of teamwork and learning to work with others which is very important and the working role today. And now, that I am graduating school I have to work with others to finish my work…”

“Playing sports in college was a great experience. I think everyone should do it. It let you know so much more about just your sport, the different levels of playing anything…and you get to meet so many different people. And it just…give you a challenge, gives you something to do.”

“I would say that swimming in general and college sport made me who I am, you know? And if I wouldn’t have the opportunities that I had, I wouldn’t be sitting here in front of you today if it weren’t for that. And…it also taught me a lot of valuable life lessons in the long run; so, I think that they are important, especially for people who really need them, and I am one of those people…”

“Without having come here and being able to play sport I wouldn’t have been afford to the opportunities to pursue my education to complete my degree, and…not only that, just the people I’ve met and through my sport…the travelling I’ve done through my sport, the life lessons I’ve learned through my sports that then I could applied them to my academics and to everything else that I’ve done…”

Audio Source:

Once they finish, we will share their notes with the rest of the class. I will say: “Good. Now, let’s share what you wrote down” EA: values - team work – experience – meet different people – travelling – challenge – opportunities – personality – life lessons. I will write those words on board under the headline: “The importance of sports”. If necessary, I will go over the audio in chunks in order to clear understanding. I will ask them to copy what is on board in the folder.

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I will continue: “Good…now that we are acquainted with sports and some of their values…let me share something with you.”


Activity 1: (20’)

I will say: “I have a niece called Alex that lives in London. She is twelve years old and she has just started at a new school there. She sent me an email the other day where she asked me for some advice. But I really don’t know what to tell her…Let me read you the email and let’s see if you can help me.

I will read:

“Dear Aunt Clara,

I start at my new school soon, and I discovered yesterday that we all have to do sport on Wednesday afternoons. As you know, I’m not keen on sport, but at least I’ve got the choice of doing hockey, tennis or athletics. Have you done any of these? Which is the easiest? Which do you think I should choose?

Write soon,


I will ask the students: “What advice would you give to Alex? Have you done or played any of these sports that she mentions in the email?” I will first let students participate and share their opinions. I will remind them to bear in mind the importance of doing sports that we heard on the interview.

Then, I will give out to every student a copy of my reply to Alex. I will say: “Now, here is my letter to Alex. My reply. As you can see, there are some blanks on it…we will work on that later. First, let’s read it all together.” I will call out some students to read out loud the letter.

“Hi Alex,

(1)………………………………………………….... don’t worry too much about having to do a sport. I know you’ve never been particularly sporty, but there’ll be other people like you! Anyway, just remember that doing sport is a great way to make friends, so it should turn out to be a positive experience in the end!

I’ve played a lot of tennis, and learning all the different strokes takes a very long time. It’s really difficult, so (2)………………………………… do something else? Athletics can be fun, but a lot of people who take it up are very serious, and go in for competitions and so on. For that reason, you can avoid it.

(3)…………………………… playing hockey? (4)……………………………doing a team sport because you can meet lots of people, which is a good thing when you’re starting at a new school. Best of all, you can have fun even if you don’t play brilliantly. That’s because compared to tennis and athletics, it really isn’t so hard to learn. I often play hockey with friends at the weekend and we all have a great time together.

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Good luck with everything, (5)……………………………………………………………………………. !


Source of both letters: Adapted from the book: Compact First for Schools, second edition. Cambridge English.

I will say: “Good! Now…let’s focus a bit on this letter and its style. Do you think it’s a formal or informal letter?” EA: informal. I will ask: “why?” I will guide students if necessary like for example:

“I am writing to a friend, so… we use an informal style with friends right? Then, the use of contractions or short forms of verbs like don’t – there’ll be – is another aspect of informal writing. What else?”

Transition: “Good. Well done! Now, let’s go a bit deeper…”

Activity 2: (10’)

I will say: “Look at the letter again. How did I start the letter? EA: “Hi Alex”. I will continue: “Good. That is one way of starting an informal letter or email. Do you know any other ways of starting an informal letter or email?” If students do not elicit any answer, I will not force them. I will just continue with the lesson.

“Now take a look at the way I ended the letter. What did I write?” EA: Good luck with everything, Clara.

I will continue: “Good! Do you know any other ways of ending an informal letter or email?” If students do not elicit any answer, I will not force them. I will just continue with the lesson.

I will give out a photocopy. We will all read the title together.


Writing an informal letter or email

1. Tick the ways to start and end an informal letter or email.

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To start a letter:

Dear Hello Hi person’s name

To end a letter:

All the best Best wishes Love

Hope that helps With kind regards Yours

Good luck with everything Take care

Source: None – I designed it.

I will say: “Let’s try and complete the exercise alone. Once you finish, fold your arms so I can realize that you’re done with it. Let’s start!”

Once they are all done, we check the answers orally.

Transition: “Good job! Now, let’s go back to my reply to Alex”

Activity 3: (10’)

I will say: “Now, you will try to complete the blanks in the letter with some phrases. I will write them on board. There will be one phrase for each gap okey?”

I will copy the following on board:

(A)How about (B) why don’t you (C) I’d recommend (D)and let me know how it goes

(E)The first thing I’d say is

“You will have 5 minutes to complete it. You may start”.

Once they are done, we will check the answers orally.



Activity 4: Presentation and Practice of Useful Phrases for suggestion or advice (20’)

I will ask them to enter the classroom and sit on their desks in silence. Once the atmosphere is appropriate to continue with the lesson I will say:

“Let’s go over these five phrases we wrote before we had the break. ----------- (student’s name), can you read them please?” EA: how about – why don’t you – I’d recommend – and let me know how it goes – the first thing I’d say is

“Good. Thank you. Let’s focus on (A), (B) and (C) for the moment. Let’s read the whole sentences from the letter. Who can read number 2 please?” EA: It’s really difficult, so (2) why don’t you do something else? I will copy it on the blackboard.

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“Next, who can read sentence number 3 please?” EA: (3) How about playing hockey? I will copy it on the blackboard.

“And who can read number 4 please?” EA: (4) I’d recommend doing a team sport because you can meet lots of people... I will copy it on the blackboard as well and ask:

“Now, take a good look at them. What am I trying to say with these phrases, with these sentences that I wrote to Alex? What is the purpose (I will emphasize this word) of each sentence? Am I trying to convince Alex about something? Or giving her permission to do something? Am I giving her instructions? Am I offering her an invitation? Or am I trying to give some advice or suggestions to Alex?” If students do not elicit the correct answer, I will ask them to read the three sentences once again. I will ask: “What did Alex ask me on the letter that she sent me? She wanted some…..?

I will repeat: “What is the purpose then?” EA: giving advice and suggestions.

“Good! These are some useful phrases that one can use so as to suggest, recommend or advice somebody about something.” Then, I will give out a worksheet where they have to fill in the blanks with the correct phrase.


Useful phrases: suggesting and recommending

Fill in the blanks

I suggest – Why not try? - Why don’t you? – How about – I’d recommend – May be you could

1. I ………………………………………… playing a group sport rather than an individual one.

2. ……………………………………………..…….. just try it out and see how it goes?

3. …………………………….……………… watching different sport videos before you take a decision?

4. ……………………….…………….. playing football?

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5. I ……………………….. asking older students about their own experiences.

6. ………………………….. talk to your coach about it.

Once they finish, we will check the answers orally.

Closure: (15’)

“Now, that we know how to give a suggestion or an advice to somebody. Let’s go back to the first question I asked you at the beginning of this lesson about choosing a sport in this school. Do you remember the six different sports?” EA: rugby – tennis – football – hockey – volleyball – basketball.

I will continue: “Good! So now, you will work with your partners. Your will suggest or advice your friend on choosing one sport. You will have to write two or three sentences, and remember to give a reason of why choosing that specific sport. You can use “The importance of sports” notes we wrote before so as to support your answer”.

Once they finish, students will exchange their writings with their partners. They will check and correct if necessary. Then, we will share their writings with the rest of the class.

Homework: (5’)

I will say: “Before we go, I will ask you to do something for next class. Just a tiny thing. I want you to answer the following question. Please copy the following question in your folders”. I will write on board: “Should there be more opportunities to do different sports at school? Why/ Why not?”

Then I will say: “Ok everybody, that’s all for today. Let’s put everything away and tidy up the classroom. See you next week!


Page 11: Secondary Level

ALUMNO RESIDENTE: Clara AugustePeríodo de Práctica: Nivel Secundario Institución Educativa: Aberdare CollegeDirección: Av. Francia 1245, Bella Vista, Buenos Aires.Sala / Grado / Año - sección: 1er año – Turno TardeCantidad de alumnos: 18Nivel lingüístico del curso: IntermedioTipo de Planificación: ClaseUnidad Temática: DeportesClase Nº: 2Fecha: 21/10/2015Hora: 1º hora: 14:00 a 14:40.hs – 2º hora: 14:40 a 15.20hs – 3° hora: 15:30 a 16:10hsDuración de la clase: ‘120Fecha de primera entrega: 19/10/2015

Teaching points: modal verbs: characteristics and different purposes, giving suggestions and advice.

Aims or goals: During this lesson, learners will be able to… -Develop their listening skills by listening to a song in a meaningful context-Identify and mention different modal verbs -Give and write suggestions or advice using modal verbs

Language focus:


basketball, football, tennis,

Following commands and instructions.Useful phrases for suggestion and advice

Did you play or do any sport?Suggestion: I’d recommend…/ How about? / May be you could… / I suggest… / Why don’t you..? / Why not try..?


NEW Mouth guard – mouth protection – shin pads –

Giving advice and suggestions using modal

You should…You can…You must….You can’t…

Intonation and fluency when reading. Respect commas, stops

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shin guards verbs. You may….You could…

and pauses.

Teaching approach: The lesson is based on the Communicative Approach so as to foster communication and participation of the students. It is organized through the Presentation –Practice and Production procedure.

Materials and resources: worksheets, audio file, speakers, blank poster, scotch tape.

Pedagogical use of ICT in class or at home: In this lesson, students will be working with an original sports song so as to improve their listening skills while going over modal verbs.

Seating arrangement: In order to maintain their routine and organization, they will be sitting at their desks in their usual places: in twos in benches settled in three different vertical lines. If I see that I lose visual contact with the some students, I will make them change places or twist their bench.

Possible problems / difficulties and their possible solutions during the class: Some students may not want to participate during the oral exchange. I will not expose them and wait until they feel confident enough to do it.

Classroom management strategies: In order to keep the atmosphere and student’s attention I will try to make students participate in every activity, task or drill. I will keep the class active and prepare beforehand all the materials so as to avoid breaking the climax.

Potential problems students may have with the language: They may find it hard to write some suggestions or advice as regards hockey. I will let them take a look at the dictionary if needed. As regards the characteristics of modal verbs, I will go over them if they cannot recall their uses. As far as the audio file is concerned, I will play it again if I see they need it.

Assessment: what will be assessed and how: I’ll check that students comprehend and identify the different characteristics and uses of modal verbs by checking their work orally. As regards writing advice or suggestions, I will check their

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understanding and correct use by making them share their writings with the rest of the class.

1st Period:

Welcoming and Routine: (5’)Purpose: to start the lesson, get students into the mood for work, establish empathy.

I will greet each student at the door of the classroom by shaking hands and saying “Hello, come in and sit down please”.

Once they are all in, I will say: “Good afternoon everybody” EA: “Good afternoon”. I will continue: “How are you today?” EA: “Very well, thank you. And you?” T: “Very well, thank you. I will follow: “Ok, great! First of all…who’s absent today? I will write down on my book the absentees. Then, I will ask some questions as regards their camping trip such as “How was your camping trip? What did you do? Did you play any sport?” so as to create a confident and relaxed atmosphere as well as an introduction to our lesson.

Transition: “Great to know that you had an amazing time! As you have just mentioned…you played a lot of sports during your camping trip”

Warm-up: (10’)Purpose: To introduce the topic and vocabulary

I will say: “Now, do you remember the homework that I gave you? I gave you a question related to sports for you to answer…”

I will write down the question on board while I say it out loud: “Should there be more opportunities to do different sports at school? Why/ Why not?”

Then I will ask some volunteers to share his/her answers with the class.

Once they have done it, I will say: “Ok good! Now let’s focus a bit on this question. Take a look at the first word “Should”. If we are talking about grammar…what kind of verb is “should”? Is it a common verb?” EA: “No! It is a modal verb.

I will say: “Good! A modal verb! What modal verbs do you know?” EA: will, would, can, may, must, could, should, might, have to…

Transition: “Let’s see how much you do remember about modal verbs…”

Presentation: (15’)Purpose: to revisit modals

I will say: “What is so special about modal verbs? Let’s find out. Let’s imagine that you or your friend is going to play football for the first time. What tips or rules do you know about football? I will start…for example, you can’t touch the ball with your hands”. I will write on the blackboard

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and ask: which one is the modal verb here?” EA: can’t. I will continue: “Good! Who can give me another example using a different modal verb?”

I will write down some students’ examples on board and ask students to recall which is the modal verb present in each sentence.

Then I will say: “So, now that we know how to use the modal verbs, what special characteristics does these modal verbs have?” EA: No –s is needed to form the third person singular / Adding ‘not’ so as to form the negative structure / they always require another verb because they cannot act as the main verb in a sentence / they only have present tense, there is no past tense for modals.

If any of these are not mentioned by the students, I will mention them. They have been already working with modal verbs, so this should be only a revision for them.

Then, I will add: “Good! Some of them are used to express an obligation, others expectation, ability, certainty and possibility. They are also used for giving permission and advice.

Transition: “Let’s start by doing a short an easy activity so as to revise what you already know…Let’s see”


Activity 1: (20’)

I will give out a short exercise for them to fill in the blanks.

I will say: “I’ve been thinking about Alex, my niece, remember? And well…I thought it would be a good idea to write down some characteristics about the three sports she can choose to play at school. The thing is that I’ve made a mess with modal verbs…can you help me put them correctly?”

Grammar – Modal Verbs

Complete the following sentences with one of the words given.

Can – can’t – have to – should – must have been practicing

1.You ……………………………. build up your confidence before playing any sport.

2.Tennis players …………………………… choose who they play with.

3. Athletes ………………………….. train hard every day because they are very competitive.

4.Hockey players ………………………….. play with gloves on in winter. It’s dangerous.

6.Your school running team ………………………………………………………………. all the time as they were better than last year. I read that on the school website.

Source: Adapted from the book: Compact First for Schools, second edition. Cambridge English.

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We will read out loud the title and the sentences. They will have 5 minutes to complete the exercise. Once they finish, we will check the answers orally.

Then I will say: ““Good work! Now let’s analyze a bit more these sentences…I want you to look at the sentences and tell me…which sentence mentions something which IS ALLOWED?” EA: “sentence number 2” I will say: “good! Now, I want you to find which sentence mentions something which IS ADVISED (I will write ‘is advised’ on the board), a sentence that mentions something which SEEMS CERTAIN, ISN’T ALLOWED and which sentence mentions something which IS A RULE” (I will write all of them on board). “You will have five more minutes. Come on, let’s start”.

Once they finish, we will correct the answers orally.

Transition: “Well done! Now...let’s go back to Alex for a while”

Activity 2: (15’)

I will say: “Well, after I sent her my email with some advice as regards which sport she should play, I received another email from her. The problem is that some words are missing! Let me hand out some copies of the email to you so we can read it all together”

I will give out the copies:

Dear Clara,

Thank you very much for your suggestions. I finally chose hockey. I thought that it (1)……………… be a good opportunity for me to play a team sport so as to make new friends; but it turned out to be a disaster.

It all happened last Thursday at practice. It was the first practice. As you know, I have never played hockey before; so when the coach told us to grab the hockey stick and do some warming up passes, I didn’t know what to do! I (2)……………………. even grabbed the stick properly! Anyway, I decided to imitate and copy Pamela’s movements.

As I was better than what I expected to be, I gained confidence really fast. I began to hit the ball harder and harder, until suddenly, the ball raised from the ground, going straight at Pamela’s face. Yes Clara, I broke the team captain’s nose. Why (3)………………………….. I just hit the wall instead?

Pamela was taken to the hospital, while I had to stay at practice, pretending that nothing happened and with thirty new mates looking at me with anger.

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Tomorrow I’m having practice again. I don’t want to go back again into the field. Everybody hates me. I (4)……………………….. have been more careful and not that confident. Next time, don’t forget to tell me how dangerous this sport (5)………….. be.

In short, what (6)………………..I do? (7)………………….. I quit? (8)……………….. I stay or (9)…………………. I go? The reason for playing a sport was in order to make friends, not enemies!

Write to me soon,



Source: None - I designed it.

Answer key: (1) would – (2) couldn’t - (3) couldn’t – (4) should – (5) can – (6) should/can – (7, 8 & 9) should

Once we all read it once, I will say: “Wow! Poor Alex! She was very unlucky, don’t you think? Ok! Now, I really need to fill in the missing words. Do you think you can complete it for me?” EA: Yes!

I will give students 5 minutes to fill in the blanks. Once they finish, we will check their answers orally.

Transition: “What can we say to Alex? What advise can we give her?”

Activity 3: (15’)

I will say: “Let’s try to use the useful expressions we learnt last week about giving suggestions and advice. Which ones do you remember?” EA: I’d recommend / Why don’t you / How about / I suggest…

I will continue: “Good! Now, you will work in groups. You will write one or three sentences (not more) suggesting or advising Alex on what to do! Write it down on a piece of paper. You have 5 minutes. Let’s start” (I will divide the class in 5 different groups)

Once they finish, I will collect all the papers and mix them up. I will start reading out loud one by one. Students will have to guess which group wrote each suggestion just for fun and for changing a bit the climax. Once we are done, they can go out to have a break.



Activity 4: Further exposure to the target language while listening to a song (20’)

I will ask them to enter the classroom and sit on their desks in silence. Once the atmosphere is appropriate to continue with the lesson I will say:

“Okey. Let’s keep on learning. Can you take out Alex letter again, please? Who can read out loud the last paragraph?” I will choose a volunteer to read it out loud. Then I will follow: “Thank

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you…’Should I stay or should I go’…that phrase reminds me of an old song” I will sing that part of the song only and ask: “Does anybody know this song?” EA: Yes/ No

I will continue: “Okey, ‘should I stay or should I go’ is a very old song sang by a band called The Clash. I used to listen to this song when I was younger…Anyway…I brought you a song for you! It is a famous sports song. It is called “At your feet” and it was one of the songs of the football world cup in England in the year 2006…would you like to listen to it?”

I will play the song once. Then I will ask: “What is the song about?”

Then, I will say: “Okey, now we are going to play a little game. I will give out some copies with the lyrics of these songs written on it. Some words are missing. You are going to listen to the audio twice while you fill in the blanks with the correct word, okey?”


"World At Your Feet"

You're the first in my lifeTo make me thinkThat we ………….. just go all the wayAnd I, want you to know we're all hanging on

They ……….. come and yes they ……….. tryTo break us downBut we know that we ……….. never loseIf we keep moving forward and don't look back

With the world at your feetThere's no one you …………. beatYes it ………….. be doneWith the world at your feetThere's no height you …………… reachThis …………….. be the oneIt's calling, it's calling you nowYou know it's going to be our time'Cause the world is at your feet, yes the world is at your feet

Like stars in the sky burning brightSeen by a billion eyes know IWant you to know we're all turned your way

With the world at your feetThere's no one you …………. beatYes it ………….. be doneWith the world at your feetThere's no height you …………… reachThis …………….. be the oneIt's calling, it's calling you now

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You know it's going to be our time'Cause the world is at your feet, yes the world is at your feet

With the world at your feetThere's no one you …………. beatYes it ………….. be doneWith the world at your feetThere's no height you …………… reachThis …………….. be the one

You ……………. lift it upWith one proud kissThere's nothing elseThat feels like thisSo lift your armsAnd everyone sing

With the world at your feetThere's no one you …………… beatYes it …………. be doneWith the world at your feetThere's no height you ………….. reachThis …………. be the oneIt's calling, it's calling you nowYou know it's going to be our time'Cause the world is at your feet, yes the world is at your feet


Correct answers:

"World At Your Feet"

You're the first in my lifeTo make me thinkThat we might just go all the wayAnd I, want you to know we're all hanging onThey'll come and yes they'll tryTo break us downBut we know that we'll never loseIf we keep moving forward and don't look backWith the world at your feetThere's no one you can't beatYes it can be doneWith the world at your feetThere's no height you can't reachThis could be the oneIt's calling, it's calling you nowYou know it's going to be our time

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'Cause the world is at your feet, yes the world is at your feetLike stars in the sky burning brightSeen by a billion eyes know IWant you to know we're all turned your wayYou'll lift it upWith one proud kissThere's nothing elseThat feels like thisSo lift your armsAnd everyone singWith the world at your feetThere's no one you can't beatYes it can be doneWith the world at your feetThere's no height you can't reachThis could be the oneIt's calling, it's calling you nowYou know it's going to be our time'Cause the world is at your feet, yes the world is at your feet

Once they finish filling in the blanks, we will check their answers.

Finally, we will sing the song all together.

Activity 5: Modal verbs into practice (’15)

I will say: “Great job! Now that you are more than acquainted with modal verbs…we can write a list of things we can say or advise Alex as regards hockey rules using modal verbs of course. For example: “The ball can’t touch your feet” or “You should always wear shin guards or shin pads and a mouth guard or protector”. You will work in groups again. You can use the dictionary if needed and you can use the sports vocabulary chart we did last class as well. Write down 4 or 5 sentences. You will have 8 minutes. You may start!”

Once they finish, I will stick a blank poster on the blackboard.

Closure (‘5)

I will ask students to read out loud what they have written while I write them on the poster under the headline: “How to play hockey”

Then I will say: “Ok everybody, our list is done. We will continue working on the subject tomorrow. Let’s put everything away and tidy up the classroom. See you tomorrow!”

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ALUMNO RESIDENTE: Clara AugustePeríodo de Práctica: Nivel Secundario Institución Educativa: Aberdare CollegeDirección: Av. Francia 1245, Bella Vista, Buenos Aires.Sala / Grado / Año - sección: 1er año – Turno TardeCantidad de alumnos: 18Nivel lingüístico del curso: IntermedioTipo de Planificación: ClaseUnidad Temática: DeportesClase Nº: 3Fecha: 22/10/2015Hora: 1º hora: 10:30 a 11:10.hs – 11:20 a 12hs – 12:00 a 12:40hs – 12:40 a 13:10hsDuración de la clase: ‘160Fecha de primera entrega: 20/10/2015

Teaching points: phrasal verbs – food and health vocabulary – writing a letter

Aims or goals: During this lesson, learners will be able to… -Write an informal letter-Identify and mention different phrasal verbs in context-Classify different food and enjoyable exercise

Language focus:


basketball, football, tennis,

Following commands and instructions.Using phrasal verbs in context

Did you play or do any sport?Suggestion: I’d recommend…/ How about? / May be you could… / I suggest… / Why don’t you..? / Why not try..?

NEW Nutritional Writing an Put through Intonation and

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pyramid – fats – fast food -

informal letter Give upThink sth overHang onCatch up

fluency when reading. Respect commas, stops and pauses.

Teaching approach: The lesson is based on the Communicative Approach so as to foster communication and participation of the students. It is organized through the Presentation –Practice and Production procedure.

Materials and resources: worksheets, food images, paper planes

Pedagogical use of ICT in class or at home: In this lesson, students will not be working with ICT.

Seating arrangement: In order to maintain their routine and organization, they will be sitting at their desks in their usual places: in twos in benches settled in three different vertical lines. If I see that I lose visual contact with some students, I will make them change places or twist their bench.

Possible problems / difficulties and their possible solutions during the class: Some students may not want to participate during the oral exchange. I will not expose them and wait until they feel confident enough to do it. Some students may feel unconfident when the writing activity arrives, I will encourage them and guide them if necessary.

Classroom management strategies: In order to keep the atmosphere and

student’s attention I will try to make students participate in the oral exchanges. Before students start writing their own letters, I will make sure that the class is relaxed so as to concentrate and work in an appropriate way.

Potential problems students may have with the language: They may not remember some vocabulary or structures seen. As it is the first time they do this type of writing, I will allow them to go over their folders.

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Assessment: what will be assessed and how: I’ll check that students comprehend and identify the different phrasal verbs and their meanings. I will check their writings once the lesson is over so as to correct them with time.

Welcoming and Routine: (5’)Purpose: to start the lesson, get students into the mood for work, establish empathy.

I will greet each student at the door of the classroom by shaking hands and saying “Hello, come in and sit down please”.

Once they are all in, I will say: “Good morning everybody” EA: “Good morning”. I will continue: “How are you today?” EA: “Very well, thank you. And you?” T: “Very well, thank you. I will follow: “Ok, great! First of all…who’s absent today? I will write it down on my book the absentees”

Transition: “Now, put all the Spanish things away and let’s get ready to start”

Warm-up: (10’)Purpose: To introduce the topic and revise vocabulary and structures already seen.

Then, I will say: “Yesterday we worked with Alex’s letter. Do you remember what had happened to her on her first day at practice?” EA: Yes, she broke her captain’s nose.

I will continue: “Yes! Good! She doesn’t know what to do! Whether to go to practice again or quit the hockey team, right?” EA: Yes.

“Ok! Good! I decided to write her back.” I will hand out copies of the email to the students and say: “Let’s read the email. Can you start please?” I will choose volunteers to read out loud.

Dear Alex,

I ……….. believe how unlucky you are. Hitting your captain’s face on the very first day is definitely not a good way to start. ………………………………………… visiting Pamela and see how she is feeling. I am sure she’ll pull through and ………… be back on the field soon. Just tell her that you’re sorry. ………………………….. buy her a present? She and the rest of your team will understand that you never meant to hurt Pamela at all…

Please Alex, don’t give up. Hang on! Things will get better in time. You ………….. be patient. Doing or playing a sport is important. You just have to catch up a little bit with the game. Take your time and think it over before you make a decision.


All the best,

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I will say: “Good! Thank you. As you can see, there are some words missing. As a revision, I want you to fill in the blanks with any modal verb or useful expression so as to give advice and suggestions. You can go over your notes and activities we’ve done if you can’t remember. You will have 3 minutes. Let’s start”

Once they finish, we will check the answers orally.

Transition: “Now, what do you think about my email? Is it a good advice?”

Presentation: (15’)Purpose: to expose the learners to the target language

I will continue: “Have you noticed that there are some words in bold? They are special verbs, actually they are PHRASAL VERBS. What do you know about phrasal verbs?”

I will let students speak and share what they know or what they can grasp from the email.

I will follow: “Now, what I want you to do in pairs is to write down a definition for each phrasal verb in the email. You will have to guess its meaning through the context. Once you’re done with it, we will check your writings with the class”

Once they are done, we share their answers orally. I will not say whether if they are correct or not.

Transition: “Now, let’s check them out!”


Activity 1: (10’)

Right after that I will give out some worksheets which contains a match up exercise. Students will have to match each phrasal verb with the correct definition.

Match up – Phrasal Verbs

Pull through -To become better, improve

Give up -To consider an idea or plan carefully before making a decision

Hang on -To come or bring successfully through trouble or illness

Catch up -Stop doing something, to surrender

Think something over -To continue persistently

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Source: None – I designed it.

When students finish the match up, we will check the correct answers orally and contrast them with the ones they had previously written. I will say: “The one that has the same answer will have a surprise”. The surprise will be a ‘high five’. I won’t say until one student has a match.

Once all the answers have been checked, I will say: “Great job! Now it’s time to have a little break”


Warm-up: (5’)

I will say: “Welcome back! Now, please, everybody sit down. We need to continue”. Once there is a pleasant atmosphere to start working I will continue: “Ok! Until now, we have been dealing with sports, we have learnt a lot of new vocabulary, we have worked with modal and phrasal verbs related to sports as well…but now…In order to become a good sport man or woman, we need to take care of our body as well, don’t you think? Let’s focus a bit on food and health as regards sports”

I will ask: “Let’s start with food…Do you think that food is important when it comes to sports? Why?” I will listen to students’ different opinions and ideas. I will make questions such as:

“What kind of food does a sport person need to eat?”

“What does healthy food mean to you?”

“What do you know about fast food?”

“Do you know what the nutritional pyramid is?”

Transition: “Let me show you some pictures about food”

Presentation: (10’)Purpose: to expose the learners to the target language

I will take out, one by one, different images of different food and stick them on the blackboard. While I stick them, I will say out loud what they are.

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eggs, cheese and milk proteins nuts

vegetables fats fruits


Then I will ask: “Which type of food do you think that we, as sportspeople should eat less or even avoid?” EA: fast food- fats- I will say: “Good! Why do you think so?”

I will choose some students to share their views with the class.

Transition: “Let’s read an newspaper article about fast food”

Activity 1: Further exposure to the target language while revising word building (15’)

I will give out some copies of the newspaper article.


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The Fast Food Revolution

The fast food was not (1) ...fashionable…worldwide until 1970’s but, in fact, fast food restaurants existed in the US long before that. Drive-in restaurants opened in the 1940’s as restaurant owners took advantage of the growing (2) …………………………………………….. of cars. Meals were designed so that knives, spoons or forks were not needed – a concept which sounded like (3) ………………………………… at the time to people who were used to eating at a table. The restaurants were (4)…………………………………………however and this led to fast food becoming (5) ………………………. common around the world. Today, most cities have a wide (6)……………………………….. of fast food restaurants, although drive-in restaurants are not popular everywhere. The most recent trend has been the (7) ……………………………… of options like salads and fish to menus, giving diners a wider (8)……………………………. Another change has taken place because there is more interest in protecting the environment. Many restaurants now use recycled packaging as it has become (9) ………………………….for so much packaging to just be thrown away.

(1) FASHION – (2) POPULAR – (3) MAD – (4) SUCCESS – (5) INCREASE – (6) VARY – (7) INTRODUCE – (8) CHOOSE – (9) ACCEPT

Source: Adapted from the book: Compact First for Schools, second edition. Cambridge English.

I will say: “Well, as you can see, fast food together with fast food restaurants have developed throughout the years. Now, as regards this newspaper article…there are some words missing. You must add a suffix or prefix to them in order to make it fit correctly into the sentence. The first one has been done as an example. You will have 7 minutes. Let’s start. You can complete the activity in pairs.”

Once they finish we will check the answers orally.

I will say: “So, what have you learnt about food and sports then? Should we try to avoid fast food? Should we follow a balanced diet instead?”

Transition: “Great job. Now, we know not only about sports in general, but also how to keep our body healthy.”

Activity 2 (15’)

I will say: “Well, we’ve been talking about all kind of sports and food. But…what about outdoors activities that one can do just for fun or fitness? Like dancing for example. Dancing also keeps you fit and healthy! Can you think of any other activity that can make you feel fit and healthy?”

I will listen to students’ answers and then say: “Good! So we can call them “enjoyable exercise”.

I will give out some copies of another article about doing exercise and say: “Let’s read this article about these type of enjoyable exercises”


Enjoyable Exercise

You ……………………………… probably heard countless times how exercise will keep you fit and healthy. But getting …………… right amount can also increase your energy levels and even help

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improve your mood too. Experts recommend that teenagers get 60 minutes ………… more of physical activity every day. Many teenagers achieve this by getting involved ……… sports at school and team sports especially can be fun. Some people aren’t keen ……. Playing team sports or they might not be very good at them. But …… are plenty of other ways you can get aerobic exercise on …. Own or with friends by doing activities …………… as dancing, riding a bike, walking or swimming. Everyone can find something that suits them.

Source: Adapted from the book: Compact First for Schools, second edition. Cambridge English.

Key: have – the – or – in – on – there – your- such

Then I will say: “Now, you will read it again and you will complete each gap with the first word that comes to your mind. Once you finish, read the text again and check that the words you’ve written make sense.

Activity 3: Put everything learnt into practice: Writing and informal letter giving an advice. (’60)

I will say: “Now it’s time for you to write an informal letter or email giving some advice or a suggestion. I will hand out copies of a letter which you have to write the reply. There are some rules you must follow:

1) Make a plan before you start writing your letter2) It has to be an informal letter. Bear in mind the ways to start and end an informal

letter.3) You have to write less than 200 words. 4) You have to include: phrases for advice or suggestion like ‘I’d recommend, why don’t

you?’ etc. 5) You have to include at least two modal verbs6) You have to include at least two phrasal verbs

I will write these rules on board. Then I will give out the letters.

Hi ……………,

I need your help! My parents keep telling me that I spend too much time indoors studying, and they’ve asked me to think of some fun activities to do outdoors. Have you got any suggestions? They could be things to do with family and friends, or things to do on my own.



Once they finish writing the letter, they will hand it in and put everything away.

Transition: “Let’s relax now a bit. We’ve been working a lot today!”

Closure (‘15)

Then I will say: “As a closure to this Unit…we are going to do something special. I will give out some paper planes to each one of you. You will have to write down on them what is the most

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important thing that you have learnt during these days. Just one sentence. It can also be the activity which you enjoyed the most. You will have 5 minutes. Start!”

Once they finish, students will through their paper planes to the air. Every students will pick up a different paper plane. One by one, they will read what’s written on that plane.

Finally, I will say: “Ok everybody, paper plane game is done! Thank you very much for your feedback. Let’s put everything away and tidy up the classroom. See you next week!”

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ALUMNO RESIDENTE: Clara AugustePeríodo de Práctica: Nivel Secundario Institución Educativa: Aberdare CollegeDirección: Av. Francia 1245, Bella Vista, Buenos Aires.Sala / Grado / Año - sección: 1er año – Turno TardeCantidad de alumnos: 18Nivel lingüístico del curso: IntermedioTipo de Planificación: ClaseUnidad Temática: Deportes y pasionesClase Nº: 4Fecha: 26/10/2015Hora: 1º hora: 12:40 a 13:20.hs – 2º hora: 14:00 a 14:40hsDuración de la clase: ‘80Fecha de primera entrega: 25/10/2015

Teaching points: expressing opinion

Aims or goals: During this lesson, learners will be able to…-To develop students’ listening and speaking abilities through listening to a song.-To infer meaning through context using only the image from the video.-To revise expressing opinions.-To develop students’ critical thinking about their future and social mandates about success.

Language focus:


I think, I like, I do not like, I guess, In my opinion.

Following commands and instructions

What do you think..?What do you know…?Do you agree or disagree on…?

Correct oral pronunciation of sounds as well as intonation when speaking/reading.

NEW - As for me / As to me…- Practice, effort, perseverance

Expressing opinion about personal belief -Listening to a song to talk,

[subject+verb (simple present)]- I believe/agree/disagree…

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, dedication, hall of fame, success, preachers.

discuss about and express what it is to be hero/champion for them.

- My own feeling on the subject is…

Teaching approach: The lesson is based on the Communicative Approach so as to foster communication and participation of the students. It is organized following the CLT procedure.

Materials and resources: smart tv (youtube), two versions of the lyrics (original & fill in the blanks), picture of and The Script, questionnaire, 6 printed images.

Pedagogical use of ICT in class or at home: In this lesson, students will be working with an original video clip taken from youtube. In order to watch the video, the lesson will be given in the “Oral Expression” class which has a Smart Tv.

Seating arrangement: As today’s lesson will be in a different classroom, I will arrange the benches in a semi-circle so that everybody can watch the TV comfortably. In order to maintain a bit their routine and organization, they will be sitting at their desks together with their regular desk-mate

Possible problems / difficulties and their possible solutions during the class: Some students are not very participative. I will arrange groups in a way that students are mixed with confident and timid mates. For oral exchanges, I will choose students that demonstrate that they are eager to participate. Nevertheless, I will try to foster the shy ones to do it without exposing them.

Classroom management strategies: In order to keep the atmosphere and student’s attention I will keep the class active and prepare beforehand all the materials so as to avoid breaking the climax. There are a lot of short activities so it will help in keeping students attentive.

Potential problems students may have with the language: As regards the listening activity, they may find it hard to grasp all the words of the song. That is why they will work in groups with only one part of the song to focus on; so as to make it easier for them. As regards the new expressions presented, I have prepared some examples to guide them if necessary.

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Assessment: what will be assessed and how: I’ll check that students comprehend and identify the different structures so as to express opinion by making them share their thoughts and feelings through oral discussion.

Welcoming and Routine: (5’)Purpose: to start the lesson, get students into the mood for work, establish empathy.

I will greet each student at the door of the classroom by shaking hands and saying “Hello, come in and sit down please”.

Once they are all in, I will say: “Good afternoon everybody” EA: “Good afternoon”. I will continue: “How are you today?” EA: “Very well, thank you. And you?” T: “Very well, thank you. Ok, great! First of all…who’s absent today? I will write down on my book the absentees. Then, I will ask: “How was your weekend? Could you see the Pumas rugby match on Sunday? What do you think about the game? Was it a good game? Did they deserve to win?

Transition: “Today we came to this classroom because we are going to do something different. We will continue working with sports but in a different way. You’ll see”

Warm-up: (10’)Purpose: To introduce the topic

I will hang a picture of (the American rapper and song writer) from a corner of the board and a picture of the Irish band called “The Script”.

Images: The Script


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I will point at’s picture and ask: “Do you happen to recognize this man? Do you know who he is?” I will ask students if they know any song from, if they like his music or any other fact related to him.

Then I will point at the band’s picture and ask: “Do you know this band?” If they do not know anything about the band, I will say: “This band is called ‘The Script’. It is my favourite Irish band. They wrote a lot a great songs, I am sure that some of them you heard them before. They are great musicians. Do you know any Irish band?”



TASK 1: (5’)

I will tell students: “I’m a big fan of as well. In my opinion, he is the best rapper ever. I bet that if you do not know who he is; once you listen to his music you’ll get to admire him as much as I do. I really like how he sings and all of his songs; but mostly one in particular called ‘Hall of Fame’ which he sings together with the Irish band called ‘The Script’. I’ll write the name of the song down on the blackboard and ask students to get into 5 groups and discuss what they think ‘Hall of Fame’ stands for. Once students have reached a shared opinion I will write the group predictions on the board as well.

TASK 2: (10’)

I will say: “Let’s watch the video of the song ‘Hall of Fame’ and see if we can guess what it is about. We are just going to watch it okay? I will mute the audio”.


After watching the video, students get into their groups again and share their views and beliefs of what they have seen. Some question will be provided:

- Who do you think are the two main characters in this video?- What do they do/practice? How hard? - Do you practice boxing or dancing?- What do you know about boxing or dancing?- What is special/different about each of these two characters?- Do you believe they can be part of ‘The Hall of Fame’?

TASK 3: (10’)

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I will say: “Now we will still continue working in the same groups. Each group will have a different paragraph from the lyrics of the song, but some words are missing”. I will play the video again, this time with audio. Students will fill in the blanks with the correct word.

GROUP 1You can be the ___________(greater/greatest)You can be the ___________(best/nest)You can be the King Kong ___________(standing/banging) on your ___________(best/chest)You can beat the ___________(world/word)You can beat the ___________(war/star)You can ___________(walk/talk) to God, go banging on his ___________(store/door)

GROUP 2You can throw your ___________ up(hands/stands)You can beat the ___________ (clock/block)You can ___________(move/moves) a ___________(mountain/fountain)You can break ___________(clocks/rocks)You can be a ___________(faster/master)Don't___________for luck(wait/make)Dedicate ___________(myself/yourself) and you gon' ___________ yourself (find/mind)

GROUP 3___________ in the hall of fame (staying/standing)And the ________(world’s/words)gonna ________ (show/know) your ___________ (name/main)'Cause you ___________(burn/burns) with the ___________(brightest/brighter) flameAnd the ___________world’s/words)gonna _________ (show/know) your _______(name/main)And you'll be ___________(on/in) the ___________(walls/all) of the hall of fame

GROUP 4You can go the ___________(distance/instance)You can ___________ the mile(run/sun)You can walk ___________ (straight/bright) through hell with a ___________(shield/smile)You can be the ___________(idol/hero)You can get the ___________(bold/gold)Breaking all the _________(ranking/records) they thought never ________(could/would) be broke

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GROUP 5Yeah, do it for your ___________(person/people)Do it for your ___________(pride/price)How are you ___________(never/ever) gonna know if you never even ___________? (cry/try)Do it for your ___________(city/country)Do it for your ___________(name/main)'Cause there's gonna be a ___________(day/pay)

Original Lyrics:

You can be the greatestYou can be the bestYou can be the King Kong banging on your chestYou can beat the worldYou can beat the warYou can talk to God, go banging on his door

You can throw your hands upYou can beat the clock (yeah)You can move a mountainYou can break rocksYou can be a masterDon't wait for luckDedicate yourself and you gon' find yourself

CHORUSStanding in the hall of fame (yeah)And the world's gonna know your name (yeah)'Cause you burn with the brightest flame (yeah)And the world's gonna know your name (yeah)And you'll be on the walls of the hall of fame

You can go the distanceYou can run the mileYou can walk straight through hell with a smileYou can be the heroYou can get the goldBreaking all the records they thought never could be broke

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Yeah, do it for your peopleDo it for your prideHow are you ever gonna know if you never even try?Do it for your countryDo it for your name'Cause there's gonna be a day...

Be studentsBe teachersBe politiciansBe preachers(Yeah)

Be believersBe leadersBe astronautsBe championsBe truth seekers

Be studentsBe teachersBe politiciansBe preachers

Be believersBe leadersBe astronautsBe champions


TASK 4: (10’)

I will ask students to come in and sit down in silence so we can continue with the lesson. Once they are all ready and there is a good atmosphere, I will ask:

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“Do you feel passionate about any activity in your life? (I will remark the word passionate) Would you like to be a famous sportsperson like Messi for example? Or you would like to be a distinguish lawyer? What would you like to be when you grow up and leave school in a few years?” As I already know that some students are not fond of sports, I will write down a list of all the words students mention, whether they have to do with sports or not. Then, students will listen to the song for the second time paying special attention to all the things mentioned in the song that one can become. After listening to it, I will ask students to mention what they can become according to and check if any of them are in the list we made before.


Next, I will say “In order to become any of the people mentioned or your own desires, we need to finish school first, and we have a few years ahead yet. So, instead of “The Hall of Fame”, let’s work on “1st Year’s Class of Fame”. I will place on the board some images (A4 size) as starting points of aspects to bear in mind in order to create a ‘Class of Fame’. First we will discuss the meaning of the images all together. Then I will say: “Do you think that any of this images represents facts or aspects to take into account in order to be part of ‘1st Year’s Class of Fame’? EA: I think / I believe…

Practice - effort sharing time

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Group work concentration

reading - studyinggraduating – ending the school year


FOLLOW-UP TASK PHASE: (10’) Then, students will share their opinion and discuss in their groups their thoughts of what to do in a ‘Class of Fame’.

I will say: Now, you are going to get in groups again, and you will discuss and share your thoughts of what we should do in a ‘Class of Fame’. You will have to write them down in a piece of paper. As I can see, you already know how to express your opinion…now, I will write down some new useful expressions for you to use in order to write down your thoughts”.

On the board I will write:

As for me….

As to me…

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I agree / I disagree…

In my opinion…

My own feeling on the subject is…

Once they finish we share with the whole class their beliefs.

CLOSURE: (10’)

Working with the same groups, students will create a chart/board with the aspects that they consider important for ‘1st Year’s Class of Fame’.

Then I will say: “Ok everybody, put away your boards because we are going to hang them on our classroom wall. Today is my last day with you all, you will be back with Miss Ceci as from tomorrow. Do not forget our ‘1st Year’s Class of Fame’, I want to see you end up this year successfully. I know you can! Best of luck and thank you very much. I had a great time with you all. Hope we see each other again! Put everything away and line up, it’s time to go now.