section 5 (day 1)

Section 5 (Day 1) Information Processing: Information Processing: Complex Risk Environments Complex Risk Environments

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Section 5 (Day 1). Information Processing: Complex Risk Environments. Bell Ringer #1. Write a half a page red to red on the below statement. Save these to be turn in on test day. Worth 10% of your grade. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Section 5 (Day 1)

Section 5(Day 1)

Information Processing:Information Processing:

Complex Risk EnvironmentsComplex Risk Environments

Page 2: Section 5 (Day 1)

Bell Ringer #1

Write a half a page red to red on the below statement. Save these to be turn in on test day. Worth 10% of your grade.

People do many different things to stay healthy. What do you do for good health? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Page 3: Section 5 (Day 1)

Reminder1.1. Bring paper/pen/pencil and notebookBring paper/pen/pencil and notebook

2.2. Electronics are for instructional use with permission Electronics are for instructional use with permission

3.3. Don’t forget to do daily quizzes on QUIA.COMDon’t forget to do daily quizzes on QUIA.COM

4.4. No Excuses why you don’t take Quizzes 1-6 No Excuses why you don’t take Quizzes 1-6

before test day!! (Quizzes are worth 30% of grade)before test day!! (Quizzes are worth 30% of grade)5.5. Attendance is MANDATORY!! (NO SLEEPING in class)Attendance is MANDATORY!! (NO SLEEPING in class)

6.6. All notes can be found on Harrisonburg’s staff website:All notes can be found on Harrisonburg’s staff website:

7.7. If you are NOT taking notes in class, please be quiet and If you are NOT taking notes in class, please be quiet and ask to use the restroom at the end of class.ask to use the restroom at the end of class.

Page 4: Section 5 (Day 1)

This is what you are trying to get at the end of class..This is what you are trying to get at the end of class..

Harrisonburg High School





Your Name Here

“Green Card”

Page 5: Section 5 (Day 1)


Students will understand what causes fatigue Students will understand mental and physical

symptoms of fatigue Students will understand how to delay fatigue

onset Students will understand the definition and

factors leading toactors leading to aggressive driving Students will understand the definition and

factors leading toactors leading to road rage Students will understand the three types of road


Page 6: Section 5 (Day 1)

Reminder1.1. Bring paper/pen/pencil and notebookBring paper/pen/pencil and notebook

2.2. Electronics are for instructional use with permission Electronics are for instructional use with permission

3.3. Don’t forget to do daily quizzes on QUIA.COMDon’t forget to do daily quizzes on QUIA.COM

4.4. No Excuses why you don’t take Quizzes 1-6 No Excuses why you don’t take Quizzes 1-6

before test day!! (Quizzes are worth 30% of grade)before test day!! (Quizzes are worth 30% of grade)5.5. Attendance is MANDATORY!! (NO SLEEPING in class)Attendance is MANDATORY!! (NO SLEEPING in class)

6.6. All notes can be found on Harrisonburg’s staff website:All notes can be found on Harrisonburg’s staff website:

7.7. If you are NOT taking notes in class, please be quiet and If you are NOT taking notes in class, please be quiet and ask to use the restroom at the end of class.ask to use the restroom at the end of class.

Page 7: Section 5 (Day 1)

Dealing with Driver Fatigue

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Follows a Period of:

• Extended mental activity

• Extended physical activity

Characterized by:

• Reduced capacity for work

• Reduced efficiency of brain function


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Emotional StressEmotional Stress

Sleep DisordersSleep Disorders

Body’s Natural “downtime”Body’s Natural “downtime”Midnight to 6 a.m.Midnight to 6 a.m.

1 p.m. to 3 p.m.1 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Causes of Fatigue

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Tired Muscles


A Tired Feeling

in the Head

Mental Dullness

Physical Symptoms of Fatigue

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Inability to Keep Fixed Attention

Impaired Memory

Failure to Grasp New Ideas

Difficulty / Slowness in Reasoning

Mental Symptoms of Fatigue

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Delaying Fatigue Onset

AvoidAvoid Long Drives Long Drives

AvoidAvoid Leaning Leaning

Forward or Forward or


Keep Your Eyes Keep Your Eyes


Get Plenty of Fresh Get Plenty of Fresh


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Delaying Fatigue Symptoms

• Change Drivers at Regular IntervalsChange Drivers at Regular Intervals

• Wear Your Safety BeltWear Your Safety Belt

• Avoid Getting AngryAvoid Getting Angry

• Adjust HVAC ProperlyAdjust HVAC Properly

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Aggressive Driving

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The operation of a motor vehicle in a manner which endangers or is likely to endanger persons or property.

Definition of Aggressive Driving

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Is a traffic offense or combination of offenses(tailgating and speeding)

The trigger for aggressive driving is most often traffic congestion.

Definition of Aggressive Driving

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Did you know?

In the past 30 years in the US:

• population has increased 30%

• number of licensed vehicles has increased 87%

• vehicle miles traveled increased 130%

• highway capacity has only increased 5%

Factors Leading to Factors Leading to Aggressive DrivingAggressive Driving//Road Road RageRage

Do not write this slide

Page 18: Section 5 (Day 1)

Aggressive Driving/Road Rage

Most Most CrashesCrashes are NOT are NOT AccidentsAccidents•They are often the result of drivers whoThey are often the result of drivers who



•run red lights;run red lights;

•weave in and out of traffic; orweave in and out of traffic; or

•vent frustrations or emotions in the vent frustrations or emotions in the vehicle.vehicle.

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• ““I’m going to be late if I don’t hurry up.”I’m going to be late if I don’t hurry up.”

• ““Why are these cars going so slowly?”Why are these cars going so slowly?”

• ““We’ll never make it.”We’ll never make it.”• ““If only I had gone a little faster, I If only I had gone a little faster, I

would’ve made it.”would’ve made it.”

• ““Oh no! Oh no! RedRed light!” light!”

Self-Imposed AnxietiesSelf-Imposed Anxieties

Factors Leading to Factors Leading to Aggressive Driving/ Aggressive Driving/ Road RageRoad Rage


Page 20: Section 5 (Day 1)

Signs of an Aggressive Driver

• Tailgating to pressure a driver to go faster or get out Tailgating to pressure a driver to go faster or get out

of the wayof the way

• Flashing lights to signal the driver to move out of Flashing lights to signal the driver to move out of

the waythe way

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Signs of an Aggressive Driver

• Weaving in and out of trafficWeaving in and out of traffic

• Cutting people off Cutting people off

• Racing to beat a yellow lightRacing to beat a yellow light

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Road Rage

A Condition Where Motorists Become A Condition Where Motorists Become Violent in Reaction to Traffic Disturbances Violent in Reaction to Traffic Disturbances or Driver Behavioror Driver Behavior

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Road Rage

A criminal offenseUsually males between 18-26 years old.The trigger is most often traffic congestion.

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Types of Road Rage

Quiet Quiet Road-RageRoad-Rage

Verbal Road-Rage

Epic Epic Road-RageRoad-Rage

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Quiet Road-Rage:Quiet Road-Rage:

• complainingcomplaining• rushingrushing• competingcompeting• resistingresisting



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Verbal Road-Rage:

• yelling yelling • cussingcussing• staring staring • honkinghonking• insultinginsulting

What’s the hold up!!!What’s the hold up!!!

Come on, HURRY UPCome on, HURRY UP


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Epic Road-Rage:Epic Road-Rage:

• cutting offcutting off• blocking blocking • chasingchasing• fightingfighting• shootingshooting

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Preventing Road Rage

If Confronted by an Aggressive DriverIf Confronted by an Aggressive Driver•Avoid horn useAvoid horn use

•Avoid eye contactAvoid eye contact

•Try to get out of the wayTry to get out of the way

•Put your pride in the back seatPut your pride in the back seat

•Ignore gestures and refuse to return themIgnore gestures and refuse to return them

…or it might backfire video

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Positive Attitudes

Remember that you cannot control

traffic, only your reaction to it!

Page 30: Section 5 (Day 1)

Class Work Read pages 46-47 in your drivers

education book. Do Lesson Review Questions (1+2)

on page 47. Write the questions !! Save these to be turned in with your


Don’t forget to take Section 5 Day 1 Quiz on

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The End!!