section iv.doc

Tender No. IV(24)/8/2006 – Systems Section IV - Contents of Bids SECTION IV - CONTENTS OF BIDS TABLE OF CONTENTS Annexe 4.1.1 - Technical Bid...................................................2 Annexe 4.1.2 - Technical Bid Letter............................................2 Annexe 4.1.3 - Tenderer / Consortium Member Profile............................2 Annexe 4.1.4 - Methodology & detailed Project Plan.............................2 Annexe 4.1.5 - Service & Support for FM Services...............................2 Annexe 4.1.6 - Details of Litigation(s)........................................2 Annexe 4.1.7 - Statement of Deviations from Schedule of Requirements...........2 Annexe 4.1.8 - Statement of Deviations from Tender Terms and Conditions........2 Annexe 4.1.9 - Tenderer Details................................................2 Annexe 4.2.1 - Commercial Bid..................................................2 Annexe 4.2.2 - Commercial Bid Letter...........................................2 Annexe 4.2.3 – Breakdown of Cost Components....................................2 Annexe 4.2.4 – Statement of Commercial Deviations from Tender Terms & Conditions ...............................................................................2 Directorate General (Systems), CBEC Confidential Page 1 of 81

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  • 1. Tender No. IV(24)/8/2006 SystemsSection IV - Contents of BidsSECTION IV - CONTENTS OF BIDS TABLE OF CONTENTS Annexe 4.1.1 - Technical Bid.........................................................................................................................3 Annexe 4.1.2 - Technical Bid Letter..............................................................................................................4 Annexe 4.1.3 - Tenderer / Consortium Member Profile ...............................................................................6 Annexe 4.1.4 - Methodology & detailed Project Plan ..................................................................................9 Annexe 4.1.5 - Service & Support for FM Services....................................................................................10 Annexe 4.1.6 - Details of Litigation(s) ........................................................................................................12 Annexe 4.1.7 - Statement of Deviations from Schedule of Requirements ..............................................13 Annexe 4.1.8 - Statement of Deviations from Tender Terms and Conditions ........................................17 Annexe 4.1.9 - Tenderer Details ..................................................................................................................18 Annexe 4.2.1 - Commercial Bid...................................................................................................................29 Annexe 4.2.2 - Commercial Bid Letter.........................................................................................................30 Annexe 4.2.3 Breakdown of Cost Components......................................................................................32 Annexe 4.2.4 Statement of Commercial Deviations from Tender Terms & Conditions.......................60 Directorate General (Systems), CBEC ConfidentialPage 1 of 60

2. Tender No. IV(24)/8/2006 Systems Section IV - Contents of Bids Tenderers are required to submit a Technical and Commercial bid in response to this tender. This section provides the outline, content and the format that the Tenderers are required to follow in the preparation of their bids.Technical BidThe Tenderers would need to submit a blank copy of the commercial bid along with the Technical Bid with the price column of the price bid format blanked out. A mark shall be provided against each item of the price bid format to indicate that there is a quote against this item in the Commercial bid. Purchaser would evaluate the bids received on broad parameters like consortium strength, adherence to the desired standard benchmark performance levels, key personnel proposed for the project, technical strengths of the solution proposed etc.. The Purchaser reserves the rights to add, delete, or modify these parameters at any time during the bid process, without assigning any reasons whatsoever and without being required to intimate the Tenderers of any such change. Directorate General (Systems), CBEC Confidential Page 2 of 60 3. Tender No. IV(24)/8/2006 SystemsSection IV - Contents of BidsAnnexe 4.1.1 - Technical Bid TECHNICAL BID Bid Particulars for Tender No. HW/Server Consolidation/ dated1Name of the Tenderer 2Address of the Tenderer 3Tenderer's bid number and date Name of the person to whom all references shall4 be made regarding this tender Designation of the person to whom all references5 shall be made regarding this tender Address of the person to whom all references shall be made regarding this tender6 7Telephone No. (with STD Code)/ Mobile No. 8E-Mail of the contact person: 9Fax No. (with STD Code) Witness: Tenderer:Signature------------------------Signature ------------------------Name ------------------------Name------------------------Address------------------------Designation ------------------------ Company ------------------------Date ------------------------Date------------------------ Directorate General (Systems), CBECConfidential Page 3 of 60 4. Tender No. IV(24)/8/2006 Systems Section IV - Contents of BidsAnnexe 4.1.2 - Technical Bid LetterTechnical Bid LetterTo The Director General (Systems), Directorate General of Systems, Customs & Central Excise, 4th & 5th Floors, Samrat Hotel, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi - 110021. Sir, Sub: Appointment of a Systems Integrator for providing a turnkey solution towards Supply, Installation, Integration, Commissioning, Management & Maintenance of Servers, Storage, Security and other components, Facilities Management Services and COBIT Consulting for Central Board of Excise & Customs (CBEC)- Technical Bid Ref: Tender No. IV(24)/8/2006 - SystemsWe, the undersigned Tenderers, having read and examined in detail all the bidding documents in respect of Appointment of a Systems Integrator for providing a turnkey solution towards Supply, Installation, Integration, Commissioning, Management & Maintenance of Servers, Storage, Security and other components, Facilities Management Services and COBIT Consulting for the Central Board of Excise & Customs (CBEC) do hereby propose to provide services as specified in the bidding documents number ___________________________.2.BID SECURITYWe have enclosed a bid security in the proforma as per the bid security form in the form of a bank guarantee for a sum of Rs. 3,00,00,000 (Rupees Three Crores only). This bid security is liable to be forfeited in accordance with the provisions of bid documents.3.DEVIATIONSWe declare that all the services shall be performed strictly in accordance with the bid documents except for the variations and deviations, all of which have been detailed out exhaustively in the following statements, irrespective of whatever has been stated to the contrary any where else in our bid : (a)Statement of Deviations from Schedule of Requirements (Annexe 4.1.7)(b)Statement of Deviations from Tender Terms and Conditions (Annexe 4.1.8)Further we agree that additional conditions, if any, found in the bid documents, other than those stated in deviation schedule, shall not be given effect to.4.QUALIFYING DATAWe confirm having submitted the information as required by you in your Instruction to Tenderers. In case you require any other further information/documentary proof in this regard before evaluation of our bid, we agree to furnish the same in time to your satisfaction.5.CONTRACT PERFORMANCE SECURITYWe hereby declare that in case the contract is awarded to us, we shall submit the contract performance guarantee bond in the form prescribed at Appendix B of Section VI and as specified under Clause 33 of Section III. Directorate General (Systems), CBEC Confidential Page 4 of 60 5. Tender No. IV(24)/8/2006 SystemsSection IV - Contents of Bids6.We hereby declare that our bid is made in good faith, without collusion or fraud and the information contained in the bid is true and correct to the best of our knowledge and belief.7.We understand that our bid is binding on us and that you are not bound to accept a Bid you receive.Thanking you, Yours faithfully, (Signature of the Tenderer) Printed Name Designation Seal. Date: Place: Business Address:Witness: Tenderer:Signature------------------------Signature------------------------Name ------------------------Name ------------------------Address------------------------Designation------------------------ Company------------------------Date ------------------------Date ------------------------ Directorate General (Systems), CBECConfidentialPage 5 of 60 6. Tender No. IV(24)/8/2006 SystemsSection IV - Contents of BidsAnnexe 4.1.3 - Tenderer / Consortium Member Profile(Please see Clause 3.3 of Section II)The Tenderer should fill this Annexure for both Lead Consortium member & members of the consortium separately.Tenderers Profile for Determining Pre-qualification Conditions1 Name of the Lead ConsortiumMemberName of the ConsortiumMember2 Year Established3 Role ofthe Consortiummember (System Integrator,Original EquipmentManufacturer, COBITConsulting,FacilitiesManagement Services)4 Address of Office.5 Telephone NoFax No.E-mail Address6 Name & details of the CEOwithhis professionalqualification and experience7ATo be filled by the SIPrequalification Criterion Type of Documentary Evidence Evidence Provided Annexed atPage No.The bidder should:(i) be a reputed, established andreliable System Integrator (SI)(ii)havestrong andformalpartnership with leading OEM ofequipmenttobesupplied,particularly with the OEM of high-end enterprise class servers(RISC/ EPIC) for UNIX / Linux(iii) have its own maintenance andsupport infrastructure facilities inIndia including but not limited toadequate technical manpower andsupport centres (provide details)(iv)possess capability to support theinfrastructure on a 24 x 7 x 365basis and should be able tocommit to serving the Departmentfor at least 7 years. Should be ISO20000 certified and key personnelshould be ITIL certified. Directorate General (Systems), CBEC ConfidentialPage 6 of 60 7. Tender No. IV(24)/8/2006 SystemsSection IV - Contents of Bids (v)have at least 3 (three) years of proven experience of serving IT markets in India or abroad in the areas of System Integration, Support andApplication Maintenance servicesand providing consulting for COBIT implementation (for at least two organizations). In the event of the prime bidder (SI) not having experience in COBIT implementation, oneofthe consortiumpartners should possess necessary experience, documentary proof of which should be furnished.(vi) have proven experience of supply, First Installation installation,integration, commissioning and maintaining atSecond Installation least 2 (two) installations in India of similar goods and services.Additional Installations(vii)Have an annual turnover not less than Rs. 800 crores in each of the last 3 Financial years. For this purpose last financial year would be considered as the one ended on 31.03.2006.(viii) Have an annual turn over through System Integration services not less than Rs. 75 crores in each of the last 3 Financial years. For this purpose last financial year would considered as the one ended on 31.03.2006. If the turnover on account of System Integration services is not stated separately in the balance sheet then the bidder should provide a certificate from the appointed statutory auditor stating the turnover related to System Integration services. Annual turnover: Audited Annual Turnover (T1) of the firm in last three years [for 7A (vii) above] Audited Annual Turnover of the firm in last three years from the activity related to Systems integration Services (T2) [for 7A (viii) above] YearT1 T2 2005-2006 2004-2005 2003-2004 Paid up capital as on 1.4.20067B To be filled by the OEM: Note: The bidder should select an OEM of high-end enterprise class server (RISC/ EPIC) as a consortium partner. The OEM should provide explicit documentary evidence for the following in absence of which the proposal will be rejected. The OEM has to be: Directorate General (Systems), CBEC ConfidentialPage 7 of 60 8. Tender No. IV(24)/8/2006 SystemsSection IV - Contents of Bids(i) be a reputed, established andreliable OEM in the field ofmanufacturing high-end enterpriseclass servers (RISC/ EPIC) basedon UNIX/LINUX platform. (ii) have its own maintenance andsupport infrastructure facilities inIndia including but not limited toadequate technical manpower andsupport centres. (iii) have at least 5 (five) years ofFirst Installationproven experience of serving ITmarkets in India / abroad andSecond Installationshould have at least 2 (two)installations in India of similar size.Additional Installations8 List of customers in India, ason date, to whom the Tendererhas providedSystemsIntegrationservices in lastthree years.9 Any accreditation / rating froman internationally reputed thirdparty rating agency ISO, ITILetc.As of this date the information furnished in all parts of this form is accurate and true to the best of my knowledge. Witness: Tenderer:Signature------------------------Signature ------------------------Name ------------------------Name------------------------Address------------------------Designation ------------------------ Company ------------------------Date ------------------------Date------------------------ Directorate General (Systems), CBECConfidential Page 8 of 60 9. Tender No. IV(24)/8/2006 Systems Section IV - Contents of BidsAnnexe 4.1.4 - Methodology & detailed Project PlanMethodology & detailed project plan 1. Tenderer should cover details of the methodology proposed to be adopted for providing services relatingto a turnkey solution towards Supply, Installation, Integration, Commissioning, Management &Maintenance of Servers, Storage, Security and other components, Facilities Management Services andCOBIT Consulting for the Central Board of Excise & Customs (CBEC).2. Tenderer may give suggestions on improvement of the scope of work given in Sections VA, VB & VCand may mention the details of any add on services related to services over and above what is laid downin the tender document.3. In addition to the above please provide break-up of each phase into the key activities, along with thestart and end dates.4. Tenderer is expected to provide details of the organization structure proposed for the executionof this contract. This should cover the composition of the complete team including prime bidderand consortium members including their escalation matrix Activity-wise TimelinesS. No.Item of ActivityMonth wise Program1 23 45 Project Plan 1 Activity 1 1.1 Sub-Activity 1 1.2 Sub-Activity 2 2 2.1 2.2 3 3.1 4Note: The above activity chart is just for the purpose of illustration. Tenderers are requested to provide detailed activity & phase wise timelines for executing the project with details of deliverables & milestones.Witness: Tenderer:Signature------------------------Signature------------------------Name ------------------------Name ------------------------Address------------------------Designation------------------------ Company------------------------Date ------------------------- Date ------------------------- Directorate General (Systems), CBECConfidentialPage 9 of 60 10. Tender : Servers, Storage, Integration, AMC & FMS Section IV - Contents of BidsAnnexe 4.1.5 - Service & Support for FM Services Description of arrangement with consortium partners for FM services A. Tenderer should specify the names of consortium partner proposed for providing Facility Management Services.Details of the ISO 20000 certification for IT service management and ITIL certification for key personnel to be provided. Sr. No. Name of consortium partners proposed 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8B. Tenderer should specify the following details for the Facility Management Services offered : the presence of office of the SI and his consortium member who would provide the FM services, the staff strength of each other clients to whom such services are being offered, details of ISO 20000 and ITIL certifications.C. Tenderer should specify the following details for Help Desk Agents proposed with reference to the requirements specified inSection VB of this document.Directorate General (Systems), CBEC Confidential Page 10 of 60 11. Tender : Servers, Storage, Integration, AMC & FMS Section IV - Contents of Bids No. of Hunting Lines proposed No. of Help Desk Agents Sr. No. City for the Toll Free number for the Proposed for the Help DeskHelpdesklocated this city 1 2 3 4 5 6 TotalWitness: Tenderer:Signature------------------------Signature ------------------------Name ------------------------Name------------------------Address------------------------Designation ------------------------ Company ------------------------Date ------------------------Date------------------------ Directorate General (Systems), CBECConfidential Page 11 of 60 12. Tender : Servers, Storage, Integration, AMC & FMSSection IV - Contents of BidsAnnexe 4.1.6 - Details of Litigation(s) Details of litigation(s) Details of litigation(s) the Tenderer/consortium members is/are currently involved in, or has been involved in, for the last three years: Party in dispute with: Year of initiation of dispute: Detailed description of dispute: Resolution / Arrangement arrived at (if concluded): Note: Incase of a consortium bid, the Tenderer should fill the above details for each of the consortium member seperately Witness:Tenderer:Signature------------------------ Signature ------------------------Name ------------------------ Name------------------------Address------------------------ Designation ------------------------Company ------------------------Date ------------------------ Date------------------------ Directorate General (Systems), CBEC Confidential Page 12 of 60 13. Tender : Servers, Storage, Integration, AMC & FMS Section IV - Contents of BidsAnnexe 4.1.7 - Statement of Deviations from Schedule of RequirementsStatement of Deviations from Schedule of Requirements Dear Sirs,The following are the Technical deviations and variations from the requirements and documents for the Appointment of a Systems Integrator for providing a turnkey solution towards Supply, Installation, Integration, Commissioning, Management & Maintenance of Servers, Storage, Security and other components, COBIT Consulting and Facilities Management Services for the Central Board of Excise & Customs - against Tender No. HW/Server Consolidation/ datedThese deviations and variations are exhaustive. Except these deviations and variations, the entire work shall be performed as per your requirements and documents.Compliance / Deviation statement for Scope of Work (Section VA, VB & VC)Tenderers may please note that, compliance to a Clause and a Sub-Clause would mean complete compliance to all the other Sections within those Clauses and Sub-Clauses.Clause No. (Section Brief Narration Tenderer's ResponseVA/ VB)Noted Complied DeviationSpecify Reference Scope of Work (Y/N) (Y/N)(Y/N) Deviation,ofif any Annexuresattached 6 Architecture 6.1.Logical Architecture Schematic 6.2.Design Considerations for Solution Architecture 6.3.Business Continuity Architecture 7 Schedule of Requirements 8 Servers Generic Requirements 9 Servers in Primary DMZ 9.4 High end partitioned server with management server 9.5.1 Portal/ Web server partitions 9.5.3 Web server specifications External DNS Mail relay servers 9.12Thin client/ Office Productivity Suite servers 9.13.4Anti-virus server 9.13.5URL Filter server 9.13.6AV Management server Server Server10 Primary Site Secure Zone all subclauses Servers including management servers11 BCP-DR solution12 Servers in DR DMZ13 13.4High end partitioned server with managementDirectorate General (Systems), CBECConfidential Page 13 of 60 14. Tender : Servers, Storage, Integration, AMC & FMSSection IV - Contents of BidsClause No. (SectionBrief Narration Tenderer's ResponseVA/ VB) Noted Complied DeviationSpecify Reference Scope of Work(Y/N) (Y/N)(Y/N) Deviation,of if any Annexures attached6Architecture server13.5.1Portal/ Web server partitions 13.5.2Web server specifications 13.7.1External DNS 13.8.2Mail relay servers 13.9.5Anti-virus server13.9.6URL Filter server 13.9.7AV Management server Server Server 13.10 Citrix/ OPS DR solution 14DR Site Secure Zone all clausesservers 15Oracle all clauses 16Enterprise Management all clausesSystem (EMS) 17Citrix Presentation Server all clauses18 Office Productivity Suite all clauses19 Miscellaneous Software all clauses20 Networking Components20.1Core Switches 20.2Distribution swotches 21Security Solution 21.4Link Load Balancers21.5Intrusion Prevention Systems 21.6HIDS 21.7Firewalls 21.8Anti-virus solution 21.9SMTP Traffic Shaping Device 21.10 VPN Concentrator 21.11 SSL Accelerators 21.12 Server Load Balancers 21.13 Flow Control Switches 21.14 Security Infrastructure Management Solution 21.15 Syslog Solution 22Fire resistant cabinets23Commissioning & AcceptanceDirectorate General (Systems), CBEC Confidential Page 14 of 60 15. Tender : Servers, Storage, Integration, AMC & FMS Section IV - Contents of BidsClause No. (Section Brief Narration Tenderer's ResponseVA/ VB)Noted Complied DeviationSpecify Reference Scope of Work (Y/N) (Y/N)(Y/N) Deviation,ofif any Annexuresattached 6Architecture Section V-BServices 1Requirements andObjectives 2COBIT Framework3Implementation &Management under ISO20000/ ITIL framework 3.2Installation,Commissioning & Rolloutservices 3.3. Technical Support 3.4. Warranty 3.5. Ongoing Administrationand MaintenanceServices ISO 20000/ITIL 3.6. Coordination with localFacility ManagementServices provider 3.7. MIS Reports 3.8. Audit 3.9. Documentation 3.10.Training 3.11.Constitution of the teamClause No. Brief Narration Tenderer's Response (Section VC) Noted CompliedDeviation SpecifyReference of(Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) Deviation, if AnnexuresanyattachedA Evaluation Process whether bids submitted asper requirementB Solution BriefC Objectives & Requirements1.1RPO & RTO1.2Completeness of solution 2. Enterprise SAN StorageDisk Array 3. Mid-tier Storage 4. NAS Gateway 5. Archival Storage 6. SAN Switches 7. FC-IP Multi-protocol routers 8. Disk Library 9. Storage Management10. Archival Software11. Backup Software12. Replication Software13. Tape LibraryDirectorate General (Systems), CBECConfidential Page 15 of 60 16. Tender : Servers, Storage, Integration, AMC & FMSSection IV - Contents of Bids Clause No. Brief Narration Tenderer's Response (Section VC)NotedCompliedDeviation Specify Reference of (Y/N)(Y/N) (Y/N) Deviation, ifAnnexuresany attachedA Evaluation Process whether bids submitted asper requirement14. Tape Media/ Accessories C. Storage ManagementServicesOther Deviations: Statement ofRemarks S.No.Section No.Clause No.Page No.deviations and variations.Witness: Tenderer:Signature ------------------------ Signature ------------------------ Name------------------------ Name------------------------ Address ------------------------ Designation ------------------------Company ------------------------ Date------------------------ Date------------------------ Directorate General (Systems), CBECConfidentialPage 16 of 60 17. Tender : Servers, Storage, Integration, AMC & FMSSection IV - Contents of BidsAnnexe 4.1.8 - Statement of Deviations from Tender Terms and ConditionsStatement of Deviations from Tender Terms and ConditionsDear Sirs, The following are the deviations from the Terms and Conditions against Tender document No: HW/Server Consolidation/ dated. These deviations and variations are exhaustive. Except these deviations and variations, all other Terms and Conditions of the Tender are acceptable to us.Statement of deviations and Remarks S.No.Section No.Clause No. Page No.variations. Witness: Tenderer:Signature ------------------------ Signature ------------------------Name------------------------ Name------------------------Address ------------------------ Designation ------------------------ Company ------------------------Date------------------------ Date------------------------ Directorate General (Systems), CBEC ConfidentialPage 17 of 60 18. Tender : Servers, Storage, Integration, AMC & FMSSection IV - Contents of BidsAnnexe 4.1.9 - Tenderer Details Tenderer DetailsGeneral Instructions:The Tenderer should enclose adequate supporting documents to substantiate the informationbeing provided below for each of the mentioned points. The Tenderer should understand the Scope of work in detail as provided in the Tender document beforefilling up the details required below.Instructions for points 1 to 3 In case of a group company bidding for the project, please provide the details of the group Companyand not the group as a whole. Add more columns and rows if required for all such tables1. Details of Members of the Consortium (Please provide details of services / products being provided byeach of the consortium members)NameResponsibility 1Responsibility 2 Responsibility 3 ProductServiceOthers (specify) Prime Tenderer OEM-ES Consortium Member 2 Consortium Member 3 Consortium Member 4 Consortium Member 5 Consortium Member 6 Consortium Member 7 Consortium Member 8 Consortium Member 9 Consortium Member 10 Consortium Member 112. Audited Annual Turnover of the Tenderer in last three years.(Please provide the information in Rs. Lacs) 2005-062004-05 2003-04Prime Tenderer OEM-ES Consortium Member 2 Consortium Member 3 Consortium Member 4 Consortium Member 5 Consortium Member 6 Consortium Member 7 Consortium Member 8 Consortium Member 9 Directorate General (Systems), CBEC ConfidentialPage 18 of 60 19. Tender : Servers, Storage, Integration, AMC & FMSSection IV - Contents of BidsConsortium Member 10 Consortium Member 11Total3. Total Net Profit (after Tax and all adjustments) of the Tenderer in last three years(Please provide the information in Rs. Lacs) 2005-062004-05 2003-04Prime Tenderer OEM-ES Consortium Member 2 Consortium Member 3 Consortium Member 4 Consortium Member 5 Consortium Member 6 Consortium Member 7 Consortium Member 8 Consortium Member 9 Consortium Member 10 Consortium Member 114. List of OEMs whose product are proposed for the solution S.No. Name of OEM Product Directorate General (Systems), CBEC ConfidentialPage 19 of 60 20. Tender : Servers, Storage, Integration, AMC & FMSSection IV - Contents of Bids5. Details of Manpower resource to be deployed on this project. Please ensure that all personnel deployed in terms ofSection V-B are included.For COBIT Consulting: THE COBIT CONSULTING TEAM Name ofDate ofLocation forBasicHigherOther Total Experience Total Experience in IT S.No.theCertifications Birthwhich proposedQualification QualificationQualificationsin IT industryConsulting esp. COBITResource (E.g. MBA / PGDM / (e.g. CISA/(E.g. BE)(in years)(in years)PGDCA/ MCA)PMI/ ITIL) For System Integration Services: PROJECT IN-CHARGE Name ofDate ofLocation forBasicHigherOther Total Experience Total Experience in IT S.No.theCertifications Birthwhich proposedQualification QualificationQualificationsin IT industryProject ManagementResource (E.g. B.Sc/ B.E./ (E.g. MBA / PGDM /(e.g. PMI/ ITIL) (in years)(in years) Diploma) PGDCA/ MCA)1Primary Site SHIFT MANAGER Total Experience in ITName ofDate ofLocation forBasicHigherOther Total Experience Infrastructure Mgmt. in S.No.theCertifications Birthwhich proposedQualification QualificationQualificationsin IT industryData CentreResourceEnvironment (E.g. B.Sc/ B.E./ (E.g. MBA / PGDM /(e.g. MCSE / (in years)(in years) Diploma) PGDCA/ MCA)CCNA / UNIX)1Primary Site Directorate General (Systems), CBEC ConfidentialPage 20 of 60 21. Tender : Servers, Storage, Integration, AMC & FMS Section IV - Contents of Bids2Primary Site 3Primary Site 4Primary Site 5DR 6DR 7DR 8DR DATABASE ADMINISTRATORName of Date of Location forBasic HigherOther Total Experience Total Experience in the S.No. theCertificationsBirth which proposedQualificationQualificationQualificationsin IT industry capacity of DBA Resource (e.g. OCP(E.g. B.Sc/ B.E./ (E.g. MBA / PGDM / DBA, MCP (in years)(in years)Diploma) PGDCA/ MCA)SQL Server) 1Primary Site 2Primary Site 3Primary Site 4Primary Site 5Primary Site 6Primary Site 7Primary Site 8Primary Site10DRSYSTEM ADMINISTRATORName ofTotal Experience in the Date of Location forBasic HigherOther Total Experience S.No. theCertificationscapacity of systemBirth which proposedQualificationQualificationQualificationsin IT industry Resource administrator (e.g. UNIX(E.g. B.Sc/ B.E./ (E.g. MBA / PGDM /Certified,(in years)(in years)Diploma) PGDCA/ MCA) MCSE) 1Primary Site 2Primary Site 3Primary Site 4Primary Site Directorate General (Systems), CBEC Confidential Page 21 of 60 22. Tender : Servers, Storage, Integration, AMC & FMS Section IV - Contents of Bids5Primary Site 6Primary Site 7Primary Site 8Primary Site 9DRNETWORK ADMINISTRATOR Total Experience in the Name ofcapacity of Network Date of Location forBasic HigherOther Total Experience S.No. theCertificationsadministrator onBirth which proposedQualificationQualificationQualificationsin IT industry Resource following equipment (in years)(E.g. B.Sc/ B.E./ (E.g. MBA / PGDM /CCNP, CISSPDiploma) PGDCA/ MCA) etc.(in years)Cisco Nortel 3Com 1Primary Site 2Primary Site 3Primary Site 4Primary Site 5Primary Site 6Primary Site 7Primary Site 8Primary Site 9DR10DR11DR12DR HARDWARE ENGINEERS (FROM SERVER OEM) Total Experience in the Name of Date of Location forBasic HigherOther Total Experiencecapacity of Hardware S.No. theCertificationsBirth which proposedQualificationQualificationQualificationsin IT industryEngineer on following Resource equipment (in years)(BE mandatory)HP, IBM, SUN(in years) HPIBM SUN 1Primary Site 2Primary Site 3Primary Site Directorate General (Systems), CBEC Confidential Page 22 of 60 23. Tender : Servers, Storage, Integration, AMC & FMS Section IV - Contents of Bids4Primary Site 5Primary Site 6Primary Site 7Primary Site 8Primary Site 9 BCP Site10 BCP Site11 BCP Site12 BCP Site 9DR10DR11DR12DRSECURITY ADMINISTRATORSName ofTotal Experience in the Date of Location forBasic HigherOther Total Experience S.No. theCertifications capacity of SecurityBirth which proposedQualificationQualificationQualificationsin IT industry ResourceArchitect(E.g. B.Sc/ B.E./ (E.g. MBA / PGDM /Diploma) PGDCA/ MCA)(in years)(in years) 1Primary Site2 Primary Site 3 Primary Site 4 Primary Site 5 Primary Site 6 Primary Site 7 Primary Site 8 Primary Site 9 DR10 DR11 DR12 DR Directorate General (Systems), CBEC Confidential Page 23 of 60 24. Tender : Servers, Storage, Integration, AMC & FMS Section IV - Contents of Bids CITRIX / TARANTELLA ADMINISTRATORSName ofTotal Experience in theDate of Location for BasicHigher Other Total Experience theCertifications capacity of Citrix Birth which proposed Qualification Qualification Qualificationsin IT industry Resource administrator (E.g. B.Sc/ B.E./ (E.g. MBA / PGDM /(in years)(in years) Diploma) PGDCA/ MCA) Primary Site Primary Site Primary Site Primary Site DR DR DR DRSTORAGE ADMINISTRATORSNAME OFTOTAL EXPERIENCE INDATE LOCATION FOR OTHER TOTAL THE BASIC HIGHER CERTIFICATI THE CAPACITY OF OF WHICH QUALIFICATIEXPERIENCE IN RESOUR QUALIFICATION QUALIFICATIONONS STORAGEBIRTH PROPOSED ONSIT INDUSTRY CE ADMINISTRATOR (E.g. B.Sc/ B.E./ (E.g. MBA / PGDM /(in years)(in years) Diploma) PGDCA/ MCA) Primary Site Primary Site Primary Site Primary Site DR DR DR DRWEB ADMINISTRATORSName ofTotal Experience in theDate of Location for BasicHigher Other Total Experience theCertifications capacity of Web Birth which proposed Qualification Qualification Qualificationsin IT industry Resource administratorDirectorate General (Systems), CBECConfidentialPage 24 of 60 25. Tender : Servers, Storage, Integration, AMC & FMS Section IV - Contents of Bids(E.g. B.Sc/ B.E./ (E.g. MBA / PGDM /(in years)(in years) Diploma) PGDCA/ MCA) Primary Site Primary Site Primary Site Primary Site DR DR DR DRINFRASTRUCTURE ARCHITECTTotal Name ofExperience in Date of Location for BasicHigherOther Total Experience S.No. theCertifications the capacity ofBirth which proposed Qualification QualificationQualificationsin IT industry Resource Infrastructure Architect (E.g. B.Sc/ B.E./(E.g. MBA / PGDM / Diploma)PGDCA/ MCA)(in years)(in years) 1Primary Site DATA CENTER OPERATOR Name of Total Experience in the Date of Location for BasicHigherOther Total Experience S.No. theCertificationsarea of Data CenterBirth which proposed Qualification QualificationQualificationsin IT industry ResourceOperations (E.g. B.Sc/ B.E./(E.g. MBA / PGDM / Diploma)PGDCA/ MCA)(in years)(in years) 1Primary Site 2Primary Site 3Primary Site 4Primary Site 5Primary Site 6Primary Site 7Primary Site 8Primary Site 9DR10DR11DRDirectorate General (Systems), CBECConfidentialPage 25 of 60 26. Tender : Servers, Storage, Integration, AMC & FMS Section IV - Contents of Bids 12 DRHELP DESK ARCHITECTName ofTotal Experience in the Date of Location forBasic HigherOther Total Experience S.No. theCertificationsarea of large scale helpBirth which proposedQualificationQualificationQualificationsin IT industry Resourcedesk implementation(E.g. B.Sc/ B.E./ (E.g. MBA / PGDM /Diploma) PGDCA/ MCA)(in years)(in years) 1Primary SiteFor Facilities Management Services: NATIONAL FACILITIES MANAGER Total Experience in the Name of Date of Location forBasic HigherOther Total Experiencecapacity of Regional / S.No. theCertificationsBirth which proposedQualificationQualificationQualificationsin IT industry National Facility Resource Manager(E.g. B.Sc/ B.E./ (E.g. MBA / PGDM / (e.g. PMI /(in years) (in years)Diploma) PGDCA/ MCA)ITIL) 1Primary Site APPLICATION HELP DESK AGENT Total Experience in the Name of Date of Location forBasic HigherOther role of Financial S.No. theCertifications Total ExperienceBirth which proposedQualificationQualificationQualificationsApplication Resource troubleshooting(E.g. B.Sc/ B.A./ (E.g. MBA / PGDM /B.Com/B.E./ PGDCA/(in years)(in years)Diploma) MCA/M.Com) 1 Directorate General (Systems), CBEC Confidential Page 26 of 60 27. Tender : Servers, Storage, Integration, AMC & FMS Section IV - Contents of Bids 2345 COORDINATION ENGINEERS (PLEASE REFER ITEM 10 IN TABLE AT CLAUSE 3.11.8 OF SECTION V-B) Total Experience in the Name of Date of Location forBasic HigherOther role of Financial S.No. theCertifications Total ExperienceBirth which proposedQualificationQualificationQualificationsApplication Resource troubleshooting(E.g. B.Sc/ B.A./ (E.g. MBA / PGDM /B.Com/B.E./ PGDCA/(in years)(in years)Diploma) MCA/M.Com)12345 Directorate General (Systems), CBEC Confidential Page 27 of 60 28. Tender : Servers, Storage, Integration, AMC & FMSSection IV - Contents of Bids6. Please provide the following details with respect to the overall Solution proposed for the primary, BCP and DR sites:S.No.Description UnitPrimary SiteBCP DR1 Total Aggregated Power ConsumptionKVARequirement of the Proposed Equipment(Considering the total 5 years Capacityrequirement)2 Total Aggregated Physical Space Requirement forSq. ft.the Proposed Equipments(Considering the total 5 years Capacityrequirement)3 Total Aggregated Heat Dissipation from the BTU / Hr.Proposed Equipment(Considering the total 5 years Capacityrequirement)4 Total number of LAN nodes required for the NumberProposed Equipment(Considering the total 5 years Capacityrequirement)5 Maximum floor load Kg/m2(Considering the total 5 years Capacityrequirement) Witness:Tenderer:Signature ------------------------Signature ------------------------Name------------------------Name------------------------Address ------------------------Designation ------------------------Company ------------------------Date------------------------Date------------------------ Directorate General (Systems), CBEC ConfidentialPage 28 of 60 29. Tender : Servers, Storage, Integration, AMC & FMSSection IV - Contents of BidsAnnexe 4.2.1 - Commercial Bid COMMERCIAL BID Bid particulars for Tender No. HW/Server Consolidation/ dated1Name of the Tenderer 2Address of the Tenderer 3Tenderer's bid number and date 4Name of the person to whom all references shall be made regarding this tender5Designation of the person to whom all references shall be made regarding this tender6Address of the person to whom all references shall be made regarding this tender 7Telephone No. (with STD Code) 8E-Mail of the contact person: 9Fax No. (with STD Code) Witness:Tenderer:Signature------------------------ Signature ------------------------Name ------------------------ Name------------------------Address------------------------ Designation ------------------------Company ------------------------Date ------------------------ Date------------------------ Directorate General (Systems), CBEC Confidential Page 29 of 60 30. Tender : Servers, Storage, Integration, AMC & FMSSection IV - Contents of BidsAnnexe 4.2.2 (Please see Clause 7 ofSection II - Instructions to Tenderers)Annexe 4.2.2 - Commercial Bid Letter Commercial Bid LetterTo The Director General, Directorate General of Systems & Data Management, Customs & Central Excise, 4th & 5th Floors, Samrat Hotel, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi - 110021. Sir,Sub : Appointment of a Systems Integrator for providing a turnkey solution towards Supply,Installation, Integration, Commissioning, Management & Maintenance of Servers, Storage, Security and other components, COBIT Consulting and Facilities Management Services for the Central Board of Excise & Customs (CBEC)Ref: Tender No. IV(24)/8/2006 - SystemsWe, the undersigned Tenderers, having read and examined in detail all the bidding documents in respect of Appointment of a Systems Integrator for providing a turnkey solution towards Supply, Installation, Integration, Commissioning, Management & Maintenance of Servers, Storage, Security and other components, COBIT Consulting and Facilities Management Services for the Central Board of Excise & Customs (CBEC), do hereby propose to provide services as specified in the bidding documents number HW/Server Consolidation/ dated. 2.PRICE AND VALIDITY2.1All the prices mentioned in our bid are in accordance with the terms as specified in thebidding documents. All the prices and other terms and conditions of this bid are valid for aperiod of 180 calendar days from the date of opening of the bids.2.2We are an Indian Firm and do hereby confirm that our bid prices include all taxes includingincome tax and professional tax.3.We have studied the clause relating to Indian Income Tax and hereby declare that if any income tax, surcharge on Income Tax, Professional and any other corporate Tax in altercated under the law, we shall pay the same.4.UNIT RATESWe have indicated in the relevant schedules enclosed, the unit rates for the purpose of on account of payment as well as for price adjustment in case of any increase to / decrease from the scope of work under the contract.5.BID SECURITYWe have enclosed a bid security in the proforma as per the bid security form in the form of a bank guarantee for a sum of Rs. 3,00,00,000/- (Rupees Three Crores Only). This bid security is liable to be forfeited in accordance with the provisions of bid documents. 6.DEVIATIONSDirectorate General (Systems), CBEC ConfidentialPage 30 of 60 31. Tender : Servers, Storage, Integration, AMC & FMS Section IV - Contents of BidsWe declare that all the services shall be performed strictly in accordance with the bid documents except for the variations and deviations, all of which have been detailed out exhaustively in the following statement, irrespective of whatever has been stated to the contrary any where else in our bid: (a) Statement of Commercial Deviations (Annexe 4.2.4)Further we agree that additional conditions, if any, found in the bid documents, other than those stated in deviation schedule, shall not be given effect to.7.BID PRICINGWe further confirm that the prices stated in our bid are in accordance with your Instruction to Bidders included in bidding documents.8.QUALIFYING DATAWe confirm having submitted the information as required by you in your Instruction to Tenderers. In case you require any other further information/documentary proof in this regard before evaluation of our bid, we agree to furnish the same in time to your satisfaction.9.BID PRICEWe declare that our bid prices are for the entire scope of the work as specified in the Schedule of Requirements and bid documents. These prices are indicated in Annexe 4.2.3 attached with our bid as part of the bid.10. CONTRACT PERFORMANCE SECURITYWe hereby declare that in case the contract is awarded to us, we shall submit the contract performance guarantee bond in the form prescribed at Appendix B of Section VI and as specified under Clause 33 of Section III.11. We hereby declare that our bid is made in good faith, without collusion or fraud and the information contained in the bid is true and correct to the best of our knowledge and belief.12. We understand that our bid is binding on us and that you are not bound to accept a Bid you receive.13. We confirm that no Technical deviations are attached here with this commercial offer.Thanking you,Yours faithfully, (Signature of the Tenderer)Printed NameDesignationSeal. Date: Place: Business Address:Witness:Tenderer:Signature------------------------ Signature------------------------Name ------------------------ Name ------------------------Address------------------------ Designation------------------------Company------------------------Date ------------------------ Date ------------------------ Directorate General (Systems), CBEC ConfidentialPage 31 of 60 32. Tender : Servers, Storage, Integration, AMC & FMSSection IV - Contents of BidsAnnexe 4.2.3 Breakdown of Cost ComponentsNote:1. Tenderer should provide all prices, quantities as per the prescribed format under this Annexe. Tenderer should not leave any field blank. In case the field is not applicable, Tenderer must indicate 0 (Zero) in all such fields.2. It is mandatory to provide breakup of all Taxes, Duties and Levies wherever applicable and/or payable.3. Purchaser reserves the right to ask the SI to submit proof of payment against any of the taxes, duties, levies indicated.4. Purchaser shall take into account all Taxes, Duties & Levies for the purpose of Evaluation.Summary Table (All Prices in Indian Rupees) Total of Taxes,Sr.ReferenceTotal Base Price Total PriceItem DescriptionDuties & LeviesNo Table (A)C=A+B (B) 1Hardware for Primary Site Table AHPS 2Hardware for BCPTable BHBS 3Hardware for DR SiteTable CHDS 4Other Equipment Table DHOT 5Software for Primary, BCP and DR SitesTable ESW 6SI Services for Primary, BCP and DR Sites Table FSSI 7Facilities Management servicesTable GSFM 8Consulting for COBITTable HSCO 9Miscellaneous items Table IMIS Total Bid Price (F)F Directorate General (Systems), CBEC ConfidentialPage 32 of 60 33. Tender : Servers, Storage, Integration, AMC & FMS Section IV - Contents of Bids Table A : Hardware for Primary Site (All Prices in Indian Rupees) Taxes, Duties and LeviesBase Works Total ServiceExciseCustomsOther Ref.Rate Sales TaxOctroiContract Sr. Qty Base TaxDuty Duty Taxes Total of Taxes,TotalItem DescriptionAnnex.perTax No(A) PriceDuties & LeviesL=C+Kin Bid Unit (C=AxB) K=D+E+F+G+H+I+J(B)Value Value ValueValue Value Value Value %% %%%% % (D) (E) (F)(G) (H) (I) (J)SERVERS1 Partitioned services- DMZ7.22 Militarized Zoneservers7.33 Managementservers7.44 Web Server( Citrix + Office Suiteservers7.66 External DNS 7.77 Anti-virusManagement Server7.88 URL filter 7.99 ACS server 7.1010EMS server 7.1111Anti-virus server7.1212Mail relay server7.1313Syslog server7.1414 Backup servers7.1515 Securitymanagement server7.1616Others 1 (if any)17Others 2 (if any)18Others 3 (if any)19Others 4 (if any)Directorate General (Systems), CBEC ConfidentialPage 33 of 60 34. Tender : Servers, Storage, Integration, AMC & FMS Section IV - Contents of BidsTable A : Hardware for Primary Site (All Prices in Indian Rupees) Taxes, Duties and Levies BaseWorks Total ServiceExciseCustomsOtherRef.RateSales TaxOctroiContract Sr.QtyBase TaxDuty Duty Taxes Total of Taxes,TotalItem Description Annex.per Tax No (A)PriceDuties & LeviesL=C+K in Bid Unit (C=AxB) K=D+E+F+G+H+I+J (B)Value Value ValueValue Value Value Value %% %%%% % (D) (E) (F)(G) (H) (I) (J)SERVERS1 Partitioned services- DMZ 7.220Others 5 (if any)Network21Core Switches 7.18 22Distribution switches 7.19NA23Server load 7.20balancers24Flow Control Switch 7.2125Link Load Balancers 7.2226Others 1 (if any)27Others 2 (if any)28Others 3 (if any)29Others 4 (if any)Security307.23 Intrusion PreventionSystems31 Firewalls7.2432 HIDS 7.2533 SMTP Traffic 7.26Shaping34 VPN Concentrator7.2735 SSL Accelerators7.2836Others 1 (if any)37Others 2 (if any) Directorate General (Systems), CBEC ConfidentialPage 34 of 60 35. Tender : Servers, Storage, Integration, AMC & FMS Section IV - Contents of BidsTable A : Hardware for Primary Site (All Prices in Indian Rupees)Taxes, Duties and LeviesBaseWorksTotal ServiceExciseCustomsOther Ref.RateSales TaxOctroiContractSr.QtyBase TaxDuty Duty Taxes Total of Taxes,TotalItem DescriptionAnnex.per TaxNo (A)PriceDuties & LeviesL=C+Kin Bid Unit(C=AxB) K=D+E+F+G+H+I+J(B) Value Value ValueValue Value Value Value%% %%%% %(D) (E) (F)(G) (H) (I) (J) SERVERS1Partitioned services - DMZ 7.238 Others 3 (if any)Storage Solution39 Enterprise SAN7.4640 Mid-tier SAN7.4941 NAS 7.6042 Archival7.5743 SAN Switches7.6244 FC-IP Routers 7.1745 Disk Library7.54 Others46 Others 1 (if any)47 Others 2 (if any)48 Others 3 (if any)49 Others 4 (if any)50 Others 5 (if any) Total Price(HPS) (HPS) Note: Base Rate per unit as mentioned in column B above shall be used for the purpose of Change Order for respective item, if any subject to Most Preferred Customer clause. Directorate General (Systems), CBECConfidentialPage 35 of 60 36. Tender : Servers, Storage, Integration, AMC & FMS Section IV - Contents of BidsTable B : Hardware for BCP Site (All Prices in Indian Rupees)Taxes, Duties and Levies Base WorksRef. Total Customs Sr RateService Tax Sales Tax Excise DutyOctroi ContractOther TaxesItem Annex Qty BaseDuty Total of Taxes,Total.perTax Description. in (A) Price Duties & LeviesL=C+K No UnitBid(C=AxB)K=D+E+F+G+H+I+J (B) ValueValueValueValue Value ValueValue% % % %%% %(D)(E)(F)(G) (H) (I)(J) Servers 1 Management server 2 Others 1 (if any) 3 Others 2 (if any) 4 Others 3 (if any) 5 Others 4 (if any) 6 Others 5 (if any) Network 7 Core LAN7.3.1 Switch 8 Others 1 (if any) 9 Others 2 (if any) 10Others 3 (if any) 11Others 4 (if any) 12Others 5 (if any) Security 13Others 1 (if any) 14Others 2 (if any) 15Others 3 (if any) 16Others 4 (if any) 17Others 5 (if any) Storage 18Enterprise SAN7.47 19Mid-tier SAN7.50 20SAN Switches7.62 21FC-IP Routers 7.17Directorate General (Systems), CBECConfidentialPage 36 of 60 37. Tender : Servers, Storage, Integration, AMC & FMSSection IV - Contents of BidsTable B : Hardware for BCP Site (All Prices in Indian Rupees)Taxes, Duties and Levies Base WorksRef.TotalCustoms Sr Rate Service TaxSales Tax Excise DutyOctroi ContractOther TaxesItem Annex QtyBase Duty Total of Taxes,Total.perTax Description. in (A)PriceDuties & LeviesL=C+K No UnitBid (C=AxB) K=D+E+F+G+H+I+J (B)ValueValueValue ValueValueValueValue % %% %% %% (D)(E)(F) (G)(H)(I)(J) Servers 1 Management serverOthers 22Others 1 (if any) 23Others 2 (if any) 24Others 3 (if any) 25Others 4 (if any) 26Others 5 (if any) Total Price(HBS) (HBS) Note: Base Rate per unit as mentioned in column B above shall be used for the purpose of Change Order for respective item, if any, subject To Most Preferred Customer clause.Directorate General (Systems), CBEC ConfidentialPage 37 of 60 38. Tender : Servers, Storage, Integration, AMC & FMS Section IV - Contents of Bids Table C : Hardware for DR Site (All Prices in Indian Rupees) Taxes, Duties and LeviesBase Works Total ServiceExciseCustomsOther Ref.Rate Sales TaxOctroiContract Sr. Qty Base TaxDuty Duty Taxes Total of Taxes,TotalItem DescriptionAnnex.perTax No(A) PriceDuties & LeviesL=C+Kin Bid Unit (C=AxB) K=D+E+F+G+H+I+J(B)Value Value ValueValue Value Value Value %% %%%% % (D) (E) (F)(G) (H) (I) (J)SERVERS1 Partitioned services- DMZ7.22 Militarized Zoneservers7.33 Managementservers7.44 Web Server( Citrix + Office Suiteservers7.66 External DNS 7.77 Anti-virusManagement Server7.88 URL filter 7.99 ACS server 7.1010EMS server 7.1111Anti-virus server7.1212Mail relay server7.1313Syslog server7.1414 Backup servers7.1515 Securitymanagement server7.1616Others 1 (if any)17Others 2 (if any)18Others 3 (if any)19Others 4 (if any)20Others 5 (if any) Directorate General (Systems), CBEC ConfidentialPage 38 of 60 39. Tender : Servers, Storage, Integration, AMC & FMS Section IV - Contents of Bids Table C : Hardware for DR Site (All Prices in Indian Rupees) Taxes, Duties and Levies BaseWorks Total ServiceExciseCustomsOtherRef.RateSales TaxOctroiContract Sr.QtyBase TaxDuty Duty Taxes Total of Taxes,TotalItem Description Annex.per Tax No (A)PriceDuties & LeviesL=C+K in Bid Unit (C=AxB) K=D+E+F+G+H+I+J (B)Value Value ValueValue Value Value Value %% %%%% % (D) (E) (F)(G) (H) (I) (J)SERVERS1 Partitioned services- DMZ 7.2 Network21Core Switches 7.18 22Distribution switches 7.19NA23Server load 7.20balancers24Flow Control Switch 7.2125Link Load Balancers 7.2226Others 1 (if any)27Others 2 (if any)28Others 3 (if any)29Others 4 (if any)Security307.23 Intrusion PreventionSystems31 Firewalls7.2432 HIDS 7.2533 SMTP Traffic 7.26Shaping34 VPN Concentrator7.2735 SSL Accelerators7.2836Others 1 (if any)Directorate General (Systems), CBEC ConfidentialPage 39 of 60 40. Tender : Servers, Storage, Integration, AMC & FMS Section IV - Contents of Bids Table C : Hardware for DR Site (All Prices in Indian Rupees)Taxes, Duties and LeviesBaseWorksTotal ServiceExciseCustomsOther Ref.RateSales TaxOctroiContractSr.QtyBase TaxDuty Duty Taxes Total of Taxes,TotalItem DescriptionAnnex.per TaxNo (A)PriceDuties & LeviesL=C+Kin Bid Unit(C=AxB) K=D+E+F+G+H+I+J(B) Value Value ValueValue Value Value Value%% %%%% %(D) (E) (F)(G) (H) (I) (J) SERVERS1Partitioned services - DMZ 7.237 Others 2 (if any)38 Others 3 (if any)Storage Solution39 Enterprise SAN7.4840 Mid-tier SAN7.5141 NAS 7.6142 Archival7.5843 SAN Switches7.6244 FC-IP Routers 7.1745 Tape Library7.52 Others46 Others 1 (if any)47 Others 2 (if any)48 Others 3 (if any)49 Others 4 (if any)50 Others 5 (if any) Total Price(HPS) (HDS) Note: Base Rate per unit as mentioned in column B above shall be used for the purpose of Change Order for respective item, if any subject to Most Preferred Customer clause. Directorate General (Systems), CBECConfidentialPage 40 of 60 41. Tender : Servers, Storage, Integration, AMC & FMS Section IV - Contents of Bids Table D : Other Equipment (All Prices in Indian Rupees) Taxes, Duties and LeviesBase WorksRef.TotalCustoms RateService TaxSales Tax Excise DutyOctroiContractOther Taxes Sr. ItemAnnex QtyBase DutyTotal of Taxes,TotalperTax No Description . in (A)Price Duties & LeviesL=C+K UnitBid (C=AxB)K=D+E+F+G+H+I+J(B)ValueValueValueValue Value ValueValue % %%% % % % (D)(E)(F)(G) (H) (I)(J) 1Fire Resistant7.43Cabinet 2For PrimarySite 3 For DR Site 6National Toll 1Free Numberand alliedinfrastructure Total Price(HOT)(HOT)Note: Base Rate per unit as mentioned in column B above shall be used for the purpose of Change Order for respective item, if any Directorate General (Systems), CBECConfidentialPage 41 of 60 42. Tender : Servers, Storage, Integration, AMC & FMS Section IV - Contents of Bids Table E : Software for Primary, BCP and DR Sites for entire contract period (All Prices in Indian Rupees)Taxes, Duties and Levies BaseTotal WorksRef. Excise CustomsOther SrLicensQtRateBaseService Tax Sales Tax Octroi ContractItem AnnexDutyDuty Taxes Total of Taxes,Total. e y perPriceTax Description. inDuties & LeviesL=C+K NoPolicy(A) Unit (C=AxBBidValue Value ValueValueValue Value Value K=D+E+F+G+H+I+J(B)) % % % % % % %(D) (E) (F)(G)(H)(I)(J) 1 UNIX 7.29 CPU Operating License System*Server License User License Client Access LicenseOther 1 Other 2 1ACA Access 7.29(A) CPU Control for License UNIX Operating System* Server License User License Client Access LicenseOther 1Directorate General (Systems), CBEC Confidential Page 42 of 60 43. Tender : Servers, Storage, Integration, AMC & FMS Section IV - Contents of BidsTable E : Software for Primary, BCP and DR Sites for entire contract period (All Prices in Indian Rupees)Taxes, Duties and Levies BaseTotal WorksRef. Excise CustomsOther SrLicensQtRateBaseService Tax Sales Tax Octroi ContractItem AnnexDutyDuty Taxes Total of Taxes,Total. e y perPriceTax Description. inDuties & LeviesL=C+K NoPolicy(A) Unit (C=AxBBidValue Value ValueValueValue Value Value K=D+E+F+G+H+I+J(B)) % % % % % % %(D) (E) (F)(G)(H)(I)(J) 1 UNIX 7.29CPU OperatingLicense System* ServerLicenseOther 22 Windows7.30CPU OperatingLicense System ServerLicenseUserLicenseClientAccessLicense Other 1Other 2 3 Linux7.31CPU OperatingLicense System ServerLicenseUserLicenseClientAccessLicense Other 1 Directorate General (Systems), CBEC Confidential Page 43 of 60 44. Tender : Servers, Storage, Integration, AMC & FMS Section IV - Contents of BidsTable E : Software for Primary, BCP and DR Sites for entire contract period (All Prices in Indian Rupees)Taxes, Duties and Levies BaseTotal Works Ref.Excise CustomsOther SrLicensQtRateBaseService Tax Sales Tax Octroi ContractItemAnnex DutyDuty Taxes Total of Taxes,Total. e y perPriceTax Description . in Duties & LeviesL=C+K NoPolicy(A) Unit (C=AxB Bid Value Value ValueValueValue Value Value K=D+E+F+G+H+I+J(B)) % % % % % % %(D) (E) (F)(G)(H)(I)(J) 1 UNIX 7.29CPU OperatingLicense System* ServerLicenseOther 2 4 Operating7.32CPU System License Clustering* ServerLicenseUserLicenseClientAccessLicense Other 1Other 2 5 Office Suite 7.37CPULicenseServerLicenseUserLicenseClientAccessLicense Other 1Other 2Directorate General (Systems), CBEC Confidential Page 44 of 60 45. Tender : Servers, Storage, Integration, AMC & FMS Section IV - Contents of BidsTable E : Software for Primary, BCP and DR Sites for entire contract period (All Prices in Indian Rupees)Taxes, Duties and Levies BaseTotal WorksRef. Excise CustomsOther SrLicensQtRateBaseService Tax Sales Tax Octroi ContractItem AnnexDutyDuty Taxes Total of Taxes,Total. e y perPriceTax Description. inDuties & LeviesL=C+K NoPolicy(A) Unit (C=AxBBidValue Value ValueValueValue Value Value K=D+E+F+G+H+I+J(B)) % % % % % % %(D) (E) (F)(G)(H)(I)(J) 1 UNIX 7.29CPU OperatingLicense System* ServerLicense 6 Citrix/7.33CPU Tarantella LicenseServerLicenseUserLicenseClientAccessLicense Other 1Other 2 7 EMS7.34CPULicenseServerLicenseUserLicenseClientAccessLicense Other 1Other 2 8 Antivirus* 7.35CPULicenseServerLicense Directorate General (Systems), CBEC Confidential Page 45 of 60 46. Tender : Servers, Storage, Integration, AMC & FMS Section IV - Contents of BidsTable E : Software for Primary, BCP and DR Sites for entire contract period (All Prices in Indian Rupees)Taxes, Duties and Levies BaseTotal WorksRef. Excise CustomsOther SrLicensQtRateBaseService Tax Sales Tax Octroi ContractItem AnnexDutyDuty Taxes Total of Taxes,Total. e y perPriceTax Description. inDuties & LeviesL=C+K NoPolicy(A) Unit (C=AxBBidValue Value ValueValueValue Value Value K=D+E+F+G+H+I+J(B)) % % % % % % %(D) (E) (F)(G)(H)(I)(J) 1 UNIX7.29CPU Operating License System*Server License User License Client Access LicenseOther 1 Other 2 9 Oracle7.36CPU Indicate cost License of each component as required under Section V-A Other 1 Other 2 10Database7.38CPU for ERM License and Other SoftwareServer License User License Client Access LicenseOther 1Directorate General (Systems), CBEC Confidential Page 46 of 60 47. Tender : Servers, Storage, Integration, AMC & FMS Section IV - Contents of BidsTable E : Software for Primary, BCP and DR Sites for entire contract period (All Prices in Indian Rupees)Taxes, Duties and Levies BaseTotal Works Ref.Excise CustomsOther SrLicensQtRateBaseService Tax Sales Tax Octroi ContractItemAnnex DutyDuty Taxes Total of Taxes,Total. e y perPriceTax Description . in Duties & LeviesL=C+K NoPolicy(A) Unit (C=AxB Bid Value Value ValueValueValue Value Value K=D+E+F+G+H+I+J(B)) % % % % % % %(D) (E) (F)(G)(H)(I)(J) 1 UNIX 7.29CPU OperatingLicense System* ServerLicenseOther 2 11ACS &7.40CPU Misc.License SoftwareServerLicenseUserLicenseClientAccessLicense Other 1Other 2 12Syslog 7.39CPULicenseServerLicenseUserLicenseClientAccessLicense Other 1Other 2 13Cluster File 7.42CPU System*LicenseDirectorate General (Systems), CBEC Confidential Page 47 of 60 48. Tender : Servers, Storage, Integration, AMC & FMS Section IV - Contents of BidsTable E : Software for Primary, BCP and DR Sites for entire contract period (All Prices in Indian Rupees)Taxes, Duties and Levies BaseTotal WorksRef. Excise CustomsOther SrLicensQtRateBaseService Tax Sales Tax Octroi ContractItem AnnexDutyDuty Taxes Total of Taxes,Total. e y perPriceTax Description. inDuties & LeviesL=C+K NoPolicy(A) Unit (C=AxBBidValue Value ValueValueValue Value Value K=D+E+F+G+H+I+J(B)) % % % % % % %(D) (E) (F)(G)(H)(I)(J) 1 UNIX 7.29CPU OperatingLicense System* ServerLicenseServerLicenseUserLicenseClientAccessLicense Other 1Other 2 14Security 7.41CPU SolutionsLicense Manager*ServerLicenseUserLicenseClientAccessLicense Other 1Other 2 15Backup*7.55CPULicenseServerLicenseUserLicenseClientAccessDirectorate General (Systems), CBEC Confidential Page 48 of 60 49. Tender : Servers, Storage, Integration, AMC & FMS Section IV - Contents of BidsTable E : Software for Primary, BCP and DR Sites for entire contract period (All Prices in Indian Rupees)Taxes, Duties and Levies BaseTotal WorksRef. Excise CustomsOther SrLicensQtRateBaseService Tax Sales Tax Octroi ContractItem AnnexDutyDuty Taxes Total of Taxes,Total. e y perPriceTax Description. inDuties & LeviesL=C+K NoPolicy(A) Unit (C=AxBBidValue Value ValueValueValue Value Value K=D+E+F+G+H+I+J(B)) % % % % % % %(D) (E) (F)(G)(H)(I)(J) 1 UNIX 7.29CPU OperatingLicense System* ServerLicenseLicenseOther 1Other 2 16Replication7.56CPU *LicenseServerLicenseUserLicenseClientAccessLicenseOther 1Other 2 17SAN Fabric 7.63CPU Manager* LicenseServerLicenseUserLicenseClientAccessLicenseOther 1Other 2 18Storage7.53CPU Manager* LicenseServerLicenseUserLicenseClientDirectorate General (Systems), CBEC Confidential Page 49 of 60 50. Tender : Servers, Storage, Integration, AMC & FMS Section IV - Contents of BidsTable E : Software for Primary, BCP and DR Sites for entire contract period (All Prices in Indian Rupees)Taxes, Duties and Levies BaseTotal Works Ref.Excise CustomsOther SrLicensQtRateBaseService Tax Sales Tax Octroi ContractItemAnnex DutyDuty Taxes Total of Taxes,Total. e y perPriceTax Description . in Duties & LeviesL=C+K NoPolicy(A) Unit (C=AxB Bid Value Value ValueValueValue Value Value K=D+E+F+G+H+I+J(B)) % % % % % % %(D) (E) (F)(G)(H)(I)(J) 1 UNIX 7.29CPU OperatingLicense System* ServerLicenseAccessLicenseOther 1Other 2 19Archival 7.59CPU Software LicenseServerLicenseUserLicenseClientAccessLicenseOther 1Other 2 20Others 1 (if CPU any) LicenseServerLicenseUserLicenseClientAccessLicense Other 1Other 2 21Others 2 (if CPU any) LicenseDirectorate General (Systems), CBEC Confidential Page 50 of 60 51. Tender : Servers, Storage, Integration, AMC & FMSSection IV - Contents of BidsTable E : Software for Primary, BCP and DR Sites for entire contract period (All Prices in Indian Rupees) Taxes, Duties and Levies BaseTotalWorks Ref. Excise CustomsOther Sr LicensQt RateBaseService Tax Sales TaxOctroi ContractItemAnnexDutyDuty Taxes Total of Taxes,Total.e yperPrice Tax Description . inDuties & LeviesL=C+K No Policy(A)Unit (C=AxB BidValueValueValueValueValue Value Value K=D+E+F+G+H+I+J(B)) %% % % % % % (D)(E)(F)(G)(H)(I)(J) 1 UNIX7.29CPU Operating License System*Server License Server License User License Client Access LicenseOther 1 Other 2 22Others 3 (ifCPU any)License Server License User License Client Access LicenseOther 1 Other 2 Total Price(SW)(SW) Note: Base Rate per unit as mentioned in column B above shall be used for the purpose of Change Order for respective item, if any, subject to Most Preferred Customer Clause. Directorate General (Systems), CBECConfidential Page 51 of 60 52. Tender : Servers, Storage, Integration, AMC & FMS Section IV - Contents of Bids Table F : SI Services for Primary, BCP and DR Sites for entire contract period (All Prices in Indian Rupees)Taxes and LeviesBase Price forBase Price for theBase Rate Service Tax Other TaxesTotal of Sr. No. of the period tillcontract periodTotal Base Price Total Resource Description per person Taxes & NoResources Acceptance post Acceptance (C=A+B)ValueValue L=C+Fmonth % % Levies (A) (B)(D)(E)F=D+E1Project In-charge2Infrastructure Architect3Security Architect4Helpdesk Architect5Shift Manager6Database Administrator7System Administrator8Network Administrator9DC Operations Support 10Security Administrator 11Citrix/ Office Suite/ Messaging Administrator 12Web Administrator 13Storage Administrator 14National Facilities Manager 15Help Desk Agent 16Application Help Desk 17Hardware Engineers 18Engineers for coordination with local offices 19Others 1 20Others 2 21Others 3 22Others 4 23Others 5Total Price (SSI)(SSI)Note: Base Rate per person month as mentioned above shall be used for the purpose of Change Order for respective resource, if any Directorate General (Systems), CBEC ConfidentialPage 52 of 60 53. Tender : Servers, Storage, Integration, AMC & FMSSection IV - Contents of Bids Table G : COBIT Consulting (All Prices in Indian Rupees)Taxes and Levies Base Price forBase RateBase Price for theService OthersTotal of Sr. No. ofthe period till Total Base PriceTotal Resource Description per personcontract periodTaxes & NoResourcesimplementation (C=A+B)Value Value L=C+Fmonth (B) % % Levies(A)(D) (E)F=D+E1Phase I2Phase II3Phase III4Phase IV7Others 18Others 29Others 3 10Others 4 11Others 5 Total Price(SFM) (SFM)Note: Base Rate per person month as mentioned above shall be used for the purpose of Change Order for respective resource, if any Directorate General (Systems), CBEC Confidential Page 53 of 60 54. Tender : Servers, Storage, Integration, AMC & FMSSection IV - Contents of Bids Table H : Miscellaneous items (for entire contract period) (All Prices in Indian Rupees) Taxes, Duties and Levies Service OthersTotal of Sr. Total Base Price Taxes,Total Resource Description No(C=A+B)ValueValue Duties &L=C+F %% Levies (D)(E)F=D+E1Ongoing Audit Services2Third party benchmark certification and ongoing ITIL/ COBIT/ SLA monitoring (please see Section VIII)3Training Services4Operational Expenses5Insurance Expenses6Others 17Others 28Others 39Others 4 10Others 5 Total Price(MIS)(MIS) Directorate General (Systems), CBECConfidential Page 54 of 60 55. Tender : Servers, Storage, Integration, AMC & FMS Section IV - Contents of Bids Table I : Change Order (All Prices in Indian Rupees) Taxes, Duties and LeviesWorksServiceExcise CustomsOther Sales Tax OctroiContractBase TaxDutyDuty Taxes TaxRate Total of Taxes, Duties Total Sr. NoItem Descriptionper& LeviesJ=A+IUnit (A) Value Value ValueValueValue Value ValueI=B+C+D+E+F+G+H%% % % % % %(B) (C) (D)(E)(F) (G) (H)ServersProvide the following information for everyModel proposed by the Tenderer in the solutionModel Number 1CPU* 2Memory:512 MB unit1 GB unit 3Ultra 320 SCSI Disk Drives with RPM:73 GB146 GB300 GB 4SCSI RAID controllerUltra 320 SCSI RAID controller with 128MB Battery Backed CacheUltra 320 SCSI RAID controller with 256MB Battery Backed Cache5Full Duplex 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet Controller 6Host Based Adapter:*Full Duplex 2GbpsFull Duplex 4Gbps 7DVD ROM (with capacity) 8Backup Devices (with capacity) *DVD RWDAT Drive Directorate General (Systems), CBEC ConfidentialPage 55 of 60 56. Tender : Servers, Storage, Integration, AMC & FMSSection IV - Contents of BidsTable I : Change Order (All Prices in Indian Rupees)Taxes, Duties and Levies Works ServiceExcise CustomsOtherSales Tax OctroiContract Base TaxDutyDuty TaxesTax RateTotal of Taxes, Duties Total Sr. NoItem Description per & LeviesJ=A+I Unit(A) Value Value ValueValueValue Value ValueI=B+C+D+E+F+G+H %% % % % % % (B) (C) (D)(E)(F) (G) (H) Servers Provide the following information for every Model proposed by the Tenderer in the solution DLT Drive LTO Drive9Cluster interconnect*10 Others 1 (if any)11 Others 2 (if any)12 Others 3 (if any)13 Others 4 (if any)14 Others 5 (if any) Network Core LAN Switch Provide the following information for every Model proposed by the Tenderer in the solution15 Model Number16 48 port Module 10/100/100017 Firewall Service Module (FWSM)18 Optical Gigabit Module19 Supervisory Module20 Network Monitoring Module21 Fibre Connector and accessories SAN Storage Array22 Cache: 512 MB unit 1 GB unit 2 GB unitDirectorate General (Systems), CBEC ConfidentialPage 56 of 60 57. Tender : Servers, Storage, Integration, AMC & FMSSection IV - Contents of BidsTable I : Change Order (All Prices in Indian Rupees)Taxes, Duties and Levies Works ServiceExcise CustomsOtherSales Tax OctroiContract Base TaxDutyDuty TaxesTax RateTotal of Taxes, Duties Total Sr. NoItem Description per & LeviesJ=A+I Unit(A) Value Value ValueValueValue Value ValueI=B+C+D+E+F+G+H %% % % % % % (B) (C) (D)(E)(F) (G) (H) Servers Provide the following information for every Model proposed by the Tenderer in the solution23 FC Disk Drives with RPM:146 GB300 GB24 Front End Controller25 Front End Port (Host Ports)26 Back End Controller27 Others 1 (if any)28 Others 2 (if any)29 Others 3 (if any)30 Others 4 (if any)31 Others 5 (if any) NAS Array32 Memory:512 MB unit1 GB unit33 Ethernet Controller Full Duplex 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet Controller (Copper) Full Duplex 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet Controller (Fiber)34 Others 1 (if any)35 Others 2 (if any)36 Others 3 (if any)37 Others 4 (if any)38 Others 5 (if any) Tape Library39 LTO Tape DriveDirectorate General (Systems), CBEC ConfidentialPage 57 of 60 58. Tender : Servers, Storage, Integration, AMC & FMSSection IV - Contents of BidsTable I : Change Order (All Prices in Indian Rupees) Taxes, Duties and LeviesWorksServiceExcise CustomsOther Sales Tax OctroiContractBase TaxDutyDuty Taxes TaxRate Total of Taxes, Duties Total Sr. No Item Description per& LeviesJ=A+IUnit (A) Value Value ValueValueValue Value ValueI=B+C+D+E+F+G+H%% % % % % %(B) (C) (D)(E)(F) (G) (H)ServersProvide the following information for everyModel proposed by the Tenderer in the solution 40 Media Slots:50 Slots100 Slots 41 Others 1 (if any) 42 Others 2 (if any) 43 Others 3 (if any) 44 Others 4 (if any) 45 Others 5 (if any)Disk Library 46 FC Disks 47 ATA/ SATA DisksOthers 48 Others 1 (if any) 49 Others 2 (if any) 50 Others 3 (if any) 51 Others 4 (if any) 52 Others 5 (if any)Others 53 Others 1 (if any) 54 Others 2 (if any) 55 Others 3 (if any) 56 Others 4 (if any) 57 Others 5 (if any)* For these items prices are required to be quoted wherever applicable Directorate General (Systems), CBEC ConfidentialPage 58 of 60 59. Tender : Servers, Storage, Integration, AMC & FMSSection IV - Contents of BidsTable I : Change Order (All Prices in Indian Rupees)Taxes, Duties and Levies Works ServiceExcise CustomsOtherSales Tax OctroiContract Base TaxDutyDuty TaxesTax RateTotal of Taxes, Duties Total Sr. NoItem Description per & LeviesJ=A+I Unit(A) Value Value ValueValueValue Value ValueI=B+C+D+E+F+G+H %% % % % % % (B) (C) (D)(E)(F) (G) (H) Servers Provide the following information for every Model proposed by the Tenderer in the solutionDirectorate General (Systems), CBEC ConfidentialPage 59 of 60 60. Tender : Servers, Storage, Integration, AMC & FMSSection IV - Contents of BidsAnnexe 4.2.4 Statement of Commercial Deviations from Tender Terms & ConditionsStatement of Commercial Deviations from Tender Terms And Conditions Dear Sirs, Following are the commercial deviations from the Terms and Conditions against Tender document No: IV(24)/8/2006 - Systems. These deviations and variations are exhaustive.Except these deviations and variations, all other Terms and Conditions of the Tender are acceptable to us.Statement of deviations and Remarks S.No.Section No.Clause No. Page No.variations. Witness: Tenderer:Signature ------------------------ Signature ------------------------Name------------------------ Name------------------------Address ------------------------ Designation ------------------------ Company ------------------------Date------------------------ Date------------------------ Directorate General (Systems), CBEC ConfidentialPage 60 of 60