senior wills final

1 Angel Anguiano California State University, Long Beach Kinesiology I, Angel Anguiano, of mens sana in corpore sano, do hereby leave… James: Too many good memories. We’ve done so many things together. D-SQUAD, HR monitors, Caribous, Caribeasts, Cariyell at artesia, Food fight fridays, the morphsuit, party at the huutch!!!, your gayness, your dumb questions, QUOTES OF THE DAY, battling shermerrhorn ha, trying to be the best runners we can be, stupid ideas, being down for those stupid ideas, trail runs:D, adventures, ENDLESS gewd ones, shirtless summer days, our love for angela and shannon, that whittle! man what am i forgetting?! You can probably think of a buttload more. I wouldn’t be where I am if it wasn’t for you homie thanks for EVERTHING. David SSSSSS Kimbo Slice!: Leave to you and Paul Cho the XC team. I know you’ll take good care of them and help them all reach their goals. Also leave to you my respect! Keep going hard man, dont give up in any of your goals, you have so much going on in your life and I know it gets hard sometimes but keep on pushing dawg! Paul Cho: PAULLL CHO! Do I even have to write anything? We’ve gotten so close over the past 3 years! I leave you my support in chasing those records, you’re a hard worker and I can see you really want them! Also I want you to know to enjoy the experience, I used to always and only think about the outcome, how much faster I have to be, how many races left, how many more miles, that I forgot to enjoy the moment, the process, the run itself. Try remembering this and you’ll be much happier! And faster... hopefully not that much though heh. Borah Lim: I leave to you Sherry Lu. She’s a little wild but just feed her once or twice a day and she’ll love you forever also she can leave around smelly spoiled toxic food around if she doesnt eat it so make sure she does, or just throw it way for her. Oh and make sure she doesn’t damage any of her possession's, sometimes she forgets about a [Type the author name]

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Page 1: Senior Wills Final


Angel AnguianoCalifornia State University, Long BeachKinesiology

I, Angel Anguiano, of mens sana in corpore sano, do hereby leave…

James: Too many good memories. We’ve done so many things together. D-SQUAD, HR monitors, Caribous, Caribeasts, Cariyell at artesia, Food fight fridays, the morphsuit, party at the huutch!!!, your gayness, your dumb questions, QUOTES OF THE DAY, battling shermerrhorn ha, trying to be the best runners we can be, stupid ideas, being down for those stupid ideas, trail runs:D, adventures, ENDLESS gewd ones, shirtless summer days, our love for angela and shannon, that whittle! man what am i forgetting?! You can probably think of a buttload more. I wouldn’t be where I am if it wasn’t for you homie thanks for EVERTHING.

David SSSSSS Kimbo Slice!: Leave to you and Paul Cho the XC team. I know you’ll take good care of them and help them all reach their goals. Also leave to you my respect! Keep going hard man, dont give up in any of your goals, you have so much going on in your life and I know it gets hard sometimes but keep on pushing dawg!Paul Cho: PAULLL CHO! Do I even have to write anything? We’ve gotten so close over the past 3 years! I leave you my support in chasing those records, you’re a hard worker and I can see you really want them! Also I want you to know to enjoy the experience, I used to always and only think about the outcome, how much faster I have to be, how many races left, how many more miles, that I forgot to enjoy the moment, the process, the run itself. Try remembering this and you’ll be much happier! And faster... hopefully not that much though heh.Borah Lim: I leave to you Sherry Lu. She’s a little wild but just feed her once or twice a day and she’ll love you forever also she can leave around smelly spoiled toxic food

around if she doesnt eat it so make sure she does, or just throw it way for her. Oh and make sure she doesn’t damage any of her

possession's, sometimes she forgets about a book or something and it can get ugly... HAHA jkjk I love Sherry<3 She’s a human! And like all humans can make mistakes, so Borah can you please make sure she stays on track and gets good grades?? Also I’m going to miss yoooouu! We’ve been through lots in XC and now it’s up to you to continue making WHS news and history:)Sherry!: Leave to you my locker! And Chick Fil A! Youre such a fun-loving person don’t let anything get you downnn! Kevin Chon: Asking me how to run a 5 minute mile. Pizza slaps...-_-...YOUR MOM!<3 <3Angela Ma: OG 4 years wuss gooood! I still remember a few days of our first weeks of XC practice...I thought you were so sweet and shy, like the way you acted and talked..but I was very wrong! HAHA jk. Oh and retreat, ahhh retreat...hahah that time you were talking about your hair and how you felt weird sleeping in our tent.Clara: XC, Track, that time you had a cast and came to watch us at Mt. Sac anyway<3

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Sorry about giving you such a hard time during our Captain years in XC. I KNOW I’ll miss you.Shannon: We got really close this year, and I regret not getting to know you earlier, I know we would’ve gotten along. Your intensity, dedication, drive, passion, love, and caring, I didnt know you were so badass! But this year was really fun I had fun being in love with you, aaand all of it WAS wouldnt have been so believable! I leave with you the knowledge that I will never forget you! And I hope you never forget me.Edward Hong: Morning showers and how I opened the curtain on you twice! Lool, I liked how you were totally cool about it though and just laughed it off. One thing you HAVE to know is to not give up on any of your dreams no matter how crazy they seem or start to seem when the going gets tough in running and life. Keep up the hard work, you have a gewd future ahead if you do.Alex Pinedo: I leave to you my swag. Alex I’ll never forget that time you took 2 of my caffeine pills and how you paced me in Ironman afterwards. Anyway peace out it’s been an interesting but great one year with you.Michaela Platt: Wow you are truly a fun person to be around. Here are some memories I have of you, Carrows...and how strong you are!:o, you telling me you’re joining xc! and being ecstatic about it BUT then sad because i wont be on the team! david kim sitting you down to talk after practice one day and making you veeery uncomfortable haha, the time you touched my eyebrows! how shady!, lol...the hose at Fions house and how YOU didnt suspect a thing hehehehe, I’m going to miss you Michaela you’re too fun of a person!Daniel Shim: My friend, I leave you the greatest thing I have to offer. The hutch itself, yup she’s all yours. I know you’ll take good care of this baby, just don’t let them hutch parties distract you from getting them people they food! Mark De La Rosaaa: Shakaron shakaron! Gary: Huuutch boizzz 4 lifeIris Wang: Wiiiiiiiife! Im going away to college now, I know you will miss me dearly and I as well but its whats best for our future as husband and wife, love you lots. Husband.Jalen: Theater, your stretch! it was amazing! the performance we did with Iris, the shutter shades you gave me, you’re such an amazingly genuine person its always great to talk to youBrendon Lim: I leave you my thoughts! This year I love how you seemed to have stepped up your commitment to running it really made me feel proud for some reason, I think it’s because it’s been such a drastic difference compared to those first months of XC and Track your freshman year when maybe you didn’t like running at all and were in the shadow of your sister’s success. Brendon I know you have it in you, if running fast is your goal then I KNOW you can be that person, the fast guy running number 2 or 3 or even 1 by the time youre a Senior. Man I would love to come back 2 years from now and see how much you’ve grown!Caribabies!!: Esther, Jocelyn, Ema, Annie, Maryann, Cathy, and Judy you all made me soooo proud of you guys this year in Track, none of it was easy, but I hope you all came out of it stronger people.Whitney XC: You have been the backbone to my life at Whitney I wouldn’t be the same person at all if it wasn’t for the great experiences I was put through because of XC.Whitney Soccer: Learned so much from a team sport that I couldn’t have learned

anywhere else, learned to face my fears instead of running away from them, thanks Whitney Soccer team.Whitney Track and Field: XC on steroids! Met a variety of people here in Track, every other sport consists of people very much like them but Track exposed me to new people, perspectives and friends. Whitney High School: Dang how much I’ve grown! Deucessss!

Peter KiHyun BaeUniversity of California, Berkeley Undeclared

I, Peter Ki Hyun Bae, being of a gangsta state of mind and thizzed out body, do hereby leave all you underclassmen the best of luck.

Much love to all you Whitneyites, from the freshmen to seniors alike. Work hard, study hard, but always remember to play hardER ;) First off, for c/o 2011: We finally made it guys! It seems like it was just yesterday that we walked into the hallways with these bright ugly orange lockers, and now we’re only a couple days from graduating. To my brothaz from anotha motha, AKA Goon Squad: we’ve been through thick and thin, and I know that no matter where we go for college, we’re gonna still be kickin it every chance we get. To Timo, Justin, and Paul: although you guys might not be with us at school, when I walk up and get that diploma on Thursday, know that I’ll be thinking about you guys as I take those steps up onto the stage. You guys are my second family, no homo. For c/o 2012: Brian Hur, you better make it through to the end so that I can visit next year and get to see you graduate as well. Also, thanks to Joseph Park, Jane Kim, Justin Kim, Tim Luong, Shreyash Bhattarai, Lucien Morales, Sagar Shah, Brady Son, and Ben Fan: for helping me out in Physics H. Much appreciated guys =]Janice Min: I’m still SO SORRY that I hit your hand that one day T__T I felt so bad… I hope it feels at least a little better now =\ Sarah Zhang: thanks for helping me out when I was having a rough time this year. You honestly are one of the smartest and most thoughtful girls I know, and we still have to go rollerblading around the block sometime! Hahah =] Kevin Han: (even though you might not get a chance to read this), I’m gonna make sure I’ll pull thru to your Artesia graduation; you are my dongseng, fool.Jessica Park: thanks for being one of the chilliest juniors I got to know a little better this year, as well as Hanna Woo J you and andaroo make a lowkey pretty cute couple, and so do Hanna and Aaron hehe. For c/o 2013: Although I don’t really know many of you, this one goes out to Amy Hsu: STOP JOCKIN MY STEEZ AND ROCKIN SHADES EEEERDDAY! HAHA just kitten. Do work, youkrazykoolchic and I hope you get into the college of your dreams :D SoYoung: if you get to read this too, I still gotta give you back that Crooks&Castles shirt LMAO and I hope you’re doing well in Cerritos, seems like youre having fun over there :D For c/o 2014: David Choi, do work! You’re a smart kid, and I’m glad I met you in PE this year alongside with Squirtle HAHA. Daniel Hsu, Justin Kwon, Pranav Vedagiri, and a few others I won’t name: get by without causing any more trouble alright? I wanna see you guys walk up on stage in three years too. Fion Hui: I’m really happy I got to know you a little better this year! (: Thanks for

being so chill, and if ya ever need anything lmk! Alice Choi: thanks for talking to me late at night when I was bored as heck and giving me advice LOL. For c/o 2015: Tim Han, Albert Chon, Andrew Kim, and Tim Lee: I wish you guys the best of luck for the next four years of Hell, but I know you guys are way smarter than I ever was at your age, so don’t ever worry about a thang. Work hard. Don’t get distracted by pretty ladaaaaaays and you guys will be just fine. Well, I think I’m done here. Peaceout Whitney. It was a lovely six years I got to spend with you guys, and I’m glad that I was lucky enough to make it back in to graduate alongside my classmates. Oh, and how can I forget.. thank you Mr. Bender, Mr. Glonchak , and Mr. Gutierrez for helping me out so much over the years. I know forsure that I would NEVER have made Berkeley if it weren’t for you guys. Expect a nice gift coming your way ;) Thanks for all the memories WHS, and I’ll be sure to visit as much as possible. DEUCES!!

Amber BatraUniversity of California, IrvineBiological Studies

I, Amber Batra, being of happy mind and unexercised body, do hereby leave…

Minaal: I would leave behind something…but we’re going to the same place, so there’s really nothing to leave behind since you’re going to follow me wherever I go! :P…a cake (I still need to throw a cake in your face and get you back for all those times you did that to me)Molly: a big giant hug, loads of Korean dramas…you still have to come for that Korean drama marathon to my house, you’re not getting out of it even if you run away to Ohio…some extra pepper spray so you can protect yourself ;)Mindy: all the memories we had since elementary school…a pretty dress, because I still didn’t get to see you in one since u didn’t go to PromKaychou: an awkward turtle…bon bons (you’ll need them to fight off the weird hobos in France)seventh period English: some memory books ;)…hi 5 for being the most chill class everoffice aid homies: some call slips, so you guys can take them for me…lawll…a loser hat because I beat all of you guys at Parcheesi!

James BilasUniversity of California, San DiegoEconomics

I, James Arthur Bilas-Imperial, being of gay mind and fast body, do hereby leave…

Chad: remember when I poured maple syrup on ur head? And people smelled you in the hallways, and then the gym lady told me I smelled really bad, but theres a dude out there who smells way worse and like maple syrup? I couldn’t stop laughing.. That was pretty fun. John, Robert, Kevin, Raff, Chad, (my bebots) everyone else in our table: all the crazy memories we had this year, three man totem pole, epic food fights, Filipino flag, iron man, fight club, track stuff, victory lap. Thank you for enabling me to be myself around you guys. I had fun. WhreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeKevin Aquilo: For all those skateboarding days man, the band days when we use to rock out every Friday, jam our hearts out, go to concerts, our first gig, you were my

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inspiration, and I looked up to you in skating and guitar, you were honestly the best in both of those. Thanks for the best days of my life, real talk. Florence: my hello kitty lunch pale ): wait, actually, can I have it back? I need it for summer, and my mommy is getting madSantiago: I owe you a lot bro, thanks for being my drummer whenever I needed you, showcase, talent show, jamming in your garage, and for editing my skateboarding video.Christine: OMGGGG I love you, most real and down girl in our class, always down for anything, always making me smile and happy whenever im around you, best vibes ever, PCN, skit, I just like how I can talk to you about anything and everything. Shannon: I love you so much :] your so hot…kiss me at graduation one last time?Alvin: dude, we bonded so much this past month or w.e. thank for you for the unforgettable memory of taking a poopoo in a stall while you held my hand in retreat for a whole 5 mins, holding your hand for the whole hike, bout an hour and a half. But yes, we made history! Track, 400 meter race, love you braChad: ima write you another one – French class, times with hanna, summer with doku, track, west point. Thanks dude. Remember when I flashed you? That was fun. Ima write you a bunch of letters in west point.Wilfred: loveeeeeee you dude! One of my closest for 9 years, thanks for keeping me up, promises, club kai, pcn, clubbing, parties, driving, cars, good cars, gay moments, very gay moments, like being naked in your bed with your sister’s pillow covering my.. yea, streaking, getting in trouble, crazy adventures.Elise: My favorite girl in the world. Remember when I use to like you in 9th grade? Well, I still do, and I always will. Your so beautiful, someday I will make you mine and we’re going to marry and live together. Thanks for always being there for me, helping me with my girl problems, and every problem. Poop, I just did a word count, and im almost outta spaces..formal 9th grade was fun tho.Robert: your gay dude, but I love you, have fun at asuza with them white chicksAngela: hello <3Conrado: dude, love you dude, thanks for being my friend. I kinda like you. But foreal, thank you for all the talks, car rides, pcn, always being there for me, gradnight.Kevin: ROCK ON BROTHERJames poo poo: my james brother Raff: Filipino flag Shalu: From Haskell to whitney :] but now we’re separating.. take me to an SB party pleaseRalph: I really love you dude, thanks for all the talks, crazy, funny times, super funny moments, track, ck, girls, yesAndrea, charleen, dana, Erika, steph ck girls: love you guys. K byebye andrea: all time low concert soon tho. Remember when I gave you a rose and made you a video of me singing for valentines day and left it out on ur door at 9:54 pm? I thought that was really cute of me, but I guess you didn’t so bye bye. Charleen: our valentines date! Remember when I liked you? Deeng, I really did like you…a lot…Borah: my inspiration. Ill see you over the summerGabe: remember when I flashed you when we were skateboarding? That was pretty funBig Z: love you dude, remember my advise and everything I told youHanna woo: hang out soon please, French class was fun.. with you..Paul Cho: my favorite runner. Take me to your church events, thanks for all the races,

practices, runs, tempos, intervals, long runs, good timesD squad, caribous: Kevin, david, Daniel, brendon, Andrew- keep up my legacy, do the craziest stuff when running, tell everyone my stories :] and teach everyone how to carriyell, I better hear you guys yell during races, and I better see you guys running naked nxt yrD squad girls (freshmen, joy, borah) love you guys, you guys are the young heart and soul of D squad, keep up the good work.Binny: my bass player :] hope you had as much fun as I did when we performed!I just found out its 5000 words without spacing.. deng it, now I have so much more spaceAlex: dude, you were really funny, I like you, why you so gay, don’t forget me when you go to bosco “there will be even less girls when I leave” Angel: Okayy,Whitney:Rolling backpack, three man totem, records, morphsuit, hutch workers, international day chick fila, good one high five, food fights, egg throwing, maple syrup (Chadwick.. I see you) runners high, Robert miyoshi, trail runs, pancake breakfast, 4:37, 10:14, 15:45, 56 sec 400. doing cute stuff for angela and Shannon, being gay, really gay, bengay balls, disobeying coach, summer long runs, gahr 2 milers, streaking, nude 5k, being naked, drives, mountain, edc, parties, widow, iron man, English poem., screaming to random people in car rides, chasing you naked in the shower, slipping on my butt, im so tired rite now, asking to prom naked, ima save this document, and continue in an hour, I gotta study for calculus honors so I don’t get rescinded man. Kevin chon, if your reading this, remember we always made fun of angel about college and life, ehehehehe. K brb. Ok back, I just read over my will, and this is not memorable at all, this is actually quite dumb, I don’t know. Dude, I don’t even feel like writing any more, I don’t know why im talking to you here, if people are reading this, I don’t even know, im tired, im lazy. This prolly wont even make it in the thingy. So bye bye

Jesus CalderonUniversity of California, Santa BarbaraBiology

I, Jesus Calderon leave the following:

To my class, my friends, my companions, my fellow explorers, now undertaking on a life long journey to what some might call the best years of your lives, I cannot express in words just how much these past six years mean to me. For better or for worse, the memories of my High School life will remain with me forever and every single one of you form part of them. To the Boy's Varsity Soccer Team, I Love you guys...we have yet to plan out a banquet LOL. The past four years of High School would not have been as fun if it hadn't been for soccer.

Marcel: keep working man you're getting there. Fernie: don't quit man, the team is gonna rely on you, keep ballin it up. Eddie: you need to stop talkin smack! Albert: stop being so damn lazy! Hahah Binny: you are not Cristiano! go take a shower! LOL. All my Juniors: gotta represent next year! Lucien, Alex, Shaun, Shreyash: you guys better be hustlin out there next year! To my best friends...I hated how it felt like we all moved apart from each other for some time throughout the year, and how I felt like I never saw you guys and like we never did anything together! Well summer

is here F***ERS! So no excuses!! Definitely looking forward to that :D Freddy: you already know how we go way back dude. I love you like a brother and I hope you know that even if I'm away from home in college you're always close to me in my heard brody. You are and always have been my best homie and I can't wait to see you ballin it up on TV playing for Real Madrid ;)...BTW, I better see your ass in SB pretty often! Hahah Andy ma dude, we went through a few tings this year, some good others not so great but aye you already know I still have love for you and that you're like a brother to me too...and I better see you up in SB with Freddy too :) Michael: I'm proud of you man. You have honestly grown and I'm so happy for you, knowing that you're gonna be at SC running ish! Please get laid sometime soon and tell me all about it please :) April..........................................I'm speechless. Sometimes I think about how far we have come and my eyes begin to tear up. I am so proud of you and I just want to remind you that I love you very much and that I think you are an amazing woman. You are the bestest girl-friend I could ever ask for. Andrea: picking on you was always so much fun but I hope you know that it was always in good humor and that I meant no harm whatsoever :) I love you very much and I hope your boy problem get resolved real quick ;) HAHA<3 Chareena: I am so jealous that you are going to Alaska but I am also so happy for you. I'm glad you've decided to take that step in your life and I really wish you the best. Please skype with me! :D Florence: you're like the best friend that lives on the other side of the country. I rarely get to see you or talk to you but when I do I totally love it. I will never forget our talks and how close we were back in the day. I love you, please take care. Harry...F-F-F-F-FFFUUCK YOU BRO! Yu da siickest DJ and I wan yu to put it down on KAREN! ;) HUA DAII HAHA Aye bro just wanna say that It was nice getting to see a more personal side to Hareezy and that I'm expecting big things out of you man. Keep on stackin that papah. Conrado, Eugene, Kevin Pascual: Bio was too freaking funny sometimes. All we would do in that damn class was SING! Haha thats probably why I always bombed my tests but it was definitely well worth it! :D Mr. Yoon: good luck on your upcoming plans for college and keep on playing that guitar bro. Conrado: my favorite memories of you are D.C dude hahah our room was too sick! are so assed out fooooooo!!! Angel “CUBI” Anguiano: damn dude I can still remember those days back when were were tight. Those were some good days. I miss you dude, take care wherever you go and keep doing what you do. Jesse Sarroy and Chaka: you two are by far my favorite Indian friends haha Soccer would not have been the same without you two around, especially you Jess, you crazy ass mothhha***. TO ALL THEM foos are AAAASEEDDD OUT! HAHAH Ted did you smash or nah? Hahah David Ko...DKO, fsho, less go, c'mmon! Peter I still remember when I cut that wig off your head in 10th grade in the gym hahahah!! Abby: lemme teach you how to Dougie ;) Shannon: you are a mysterious child. I still don't get you sometimes haha For some reason thinking back on freshman year makes me laugh now a days haha Ashley Morris: I swear your laugh never gets old! LOL Frances: I honestly think I miss you. Breeana: I'm so glad you wont be bugging

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me to plug in your laptop ever again hahah :P Rita Frita: take a picture trick! Hahah Derren Chen: teach Harry a little something about computers. VOLTAGE! LOL Charles: ESLEEPY! Imma miss you bro. Mike, Randy, and Alvin: you guys always had something to make me laugh, thanks guys. Imma miss you too. I swear I could go for hours talking about every single person in my graduating class of 2011 but as the Senior that I am I started typing this super late and now I ran out of time. People off the top of my head: Santi, Annice, Jennifer, Anand, Hua Dai, Albert Choi, Angela, Kyle, Clara, Olivia, and everyone else in between: I love you guys and I thank you for being such a great part of my High School memories. Last but definitely not least, thank you Megan Machado for everything that you have done for me in the past few months of my high school career. I love you with all my heart babe. Finally, to everyone, I leave you with this. In the name of Mr Adolf Hitler, “And in the last analysis, success is what matters”. SENIORS LESSSGOOOOO

Angela ChanUniversity of California, BerkeleyUndeclared

I, Angela Chan, being of a mind and a body, do hereby leave…

Amanda: Something to cool down your hand, a love for meat, the ability to stay awake during aim convos (^_^ give to me too), Alex <3<3<3 or should I say ~~♥~~, samosas, you are now a graduate not The Graduate… har….Jintalog: James McAvoy, a hair devolumizer to tame that lion mane, better memory, better grammar (but you need to share), cum cum give me kisses xoxoxXOXoOX, garagely family, a british accent bebe in the future!Yuna: James McAvoy?, the ability to rebel + ability to stop LULing, hearty souuuul food, a poopa scoopa for those durrrty Welles gurls, nature valleys that I still have from months ago bc theyre not delicious, pickles and all things alikeeee <3<3, animals, jesus poncho. You nap a lotMich: you morning buffalo you, roller coasters; you and your puns.. you have a greaaat sense of humor, lets not be jint’s prostitutes anymoresh!! No more tea stationnnn !!Yammerton: I leave you James McAvoy too?, oranges (don’t worry no tangerines), the PERFECT roommate ^_^_^ not a single veggie everrrr, cutie little break dancing boy, mabo tofu, a good wig, some stately old men, you bookworm so cool, .gifs .gifs .gifs, earrings forrr you!!!, no more band ^_^ best gift of all?, ♫oOOOoooOoOOooo ♫English group: I leave you all…. ummmmm the ability to actually NOT eat out for once, a love for brokeback..or am I being hopeful??, One Less Lonely Glitter…Frances: more free time!!! holay molay…to make cakepops again, indian fooding, ball kid with joshsamniego.. HAHA do you even remember that name? Teef Funnay: Molly + your fave spoonEdward H: a buttloaddd of KC duties… but no worriesss you’re doing a good job! =)Yuni: David Choi LOL + funny but slightly embarrassing dcon memories Emily: I guess nothing bc… comeon … usc..^_^ Sunyoung: haha.. a load of water and pumpkins O_O…

Chuck Chan

University of California, Berkeley Undeclared

I, Chuck Chan, of a sensual body and liberal mind, do hereby leave to the underclassmen my opinions and some great memories.

Abrar Haque: man-eater bug, haque a brar, munching all the chowmein, what’s your wingspan – 8 feet??Afraz Khan: A-khanomy $$$Amy Kim: You remind me of Jenny Ham from 09, it’s a good thingAndre Martin: static shock to lima bean head, clutch, be the next Andre MillerAshley Tang: let me tutor you, sleeeepy tutoring seshes, Alex Kim: AV technical instutite, 09 volleyball you were libero and I was an outside hitter = good ol’ daysAllison Yoon: You’re getting too tall, you’re a gnat!, 6 years ASB? Anthony Semaan: eat some meat, beast, Albert Pinedo’s best budAvi Bagla- t3ch 4 lyf3, aviral lavigne, you’re so smart man… vaoBen Fan- precalc gum, hook it up foo, breikshBrian Hur- check yorself, homie tax, that was a trip, royalsBrady Son- AC DANK, the daily calculus grindCharlie Shin: boiling crab, spicy master, future ASB president, JAWS beast David Choi: rowlin, rowlinDavid Awada: Wada Wada, get big son Daniel Olea: Olay ooolay olay olayEmily Hwang- my favorite junior, iva b ;), high school drama foreals, rolling in the deep(remix), too kewt for my own good, amazing actress even more amazing personEmily Liang: rap battle me :D, IronwomanGaby Andrada: awkwardly seeing you at a sophomore party, remember that awkward time on your birthday when I thought it was Julia’s birthday LOLGreg Amalu- I shmell cockroaches…Dia! DIA!, BANGOUT! Kenyatta who?Iris Wang- a piercing scream in my ear at 9AM without fail, don’t look in my wallet! Ingrid Huang- my favorite junior, vetnam radio, I can’t dance with you, I guess I won’t slap you after allJessica Park- Sloppy slob’s lover, apush study seshJimmy Chang: future steersman, evil man according to SameeJoseph Pang: Hitler, e-40, it sounded like evilJoyce Le: “I got an 8 on mychem mini-exam” hehe, firebawls, my daughter, Jasmine Ham- you are cute: come back in my life Jalen Siler- daily handshakes, the ultimate fun-loving guy, “he shot you. You’re dead. Quick be dead!”, don’t worry I’ll be back to visit Joe Lee: Dunk at homecoming for meJoo lee: homecoming buzzer beater, do a right hand layup goddamitJosh Chung- tech frustration, house music, humming on the com, “turn in your music… I want to sleep”, ASB boss 2011-2012Julia Chanco: bbbboiling crab, don’t hate me okay, you are going to Disneyland with me idgaf if you hate that place, my main squeeze, what is hoe, uh wassup <3Jigar Govind: Wait, is it chill?Kevin Chung: I’ll beat you 1v.1 anyday anytime, lets play for money, tutor seshKushal Dalal: Indian Ted kimNathan Chou: sweaty warthogPete Thiengtrong: a wit wat wot, Vince SWAG, just kidding Pete swagRaymond Dang: Millions of labs, pwning me in chem

Roshni Badlani- rolling your eyes at me, sticking your tongue out, Mocha, your dad feeding me scrumptious indian foodShikha Badlani- give me a raise :D Sam Lau – im pretty sure you hear this everyday but you’re following Joe Tung’s footsteps, chem God, JJAJJAWS Samantha Lee: hey hey hey hi hey hi, you think Ted Kim is cute? punch buggy, double 00, double vat *punch*, dolphin bay LAG, you flicked me off today…Sagar Shah- USC rejected me but you’re on the path to Marshall, college game over hoes, JAWS til you die, paranoid trippinSean Oh: SAT swag, ASB swag, GPA swag, college game swag, too much swag, all the girls want your D swag, how do you do it…Stephanie Yeh: Pervert, dicks on my windshield… Stephen Frianeza- Stephen Curry, stop crossing me over, Chuckrates says: invite me to your block partiesTim Luong: sup james Tristian Eddy/ Alexandra Tudor: my favorite super strong white girls, are you ready for JAWS this summer?William Luo: communist or chemist, I never knew what was going on during 1st period chem lewl

Shannon ChangUniversity of California, IrvineSocial Sciences, Undeclared

I, Shannon Chang, of sound body and mind do hereby leave:

Abby Ilagan: AITA. Teletubbies. Middle School Volleyball. Disney girls. Physics. Sushi. A boy that knows how amazing you are. And finally, me, the one who will hold your hair when you.., pick you up in the middle of the night, go on food runs, and spend the rest of our next four years together.Albert Choi: My fail sadies asking. Talks in the parking lot in the middle of the night. Dark skin. Hurdles. Laughter. Family. Love. You are the brother I always wanted.Alex Kim: Spectacular. A listening ear.Alvin Chou: Our track season. Hugs. I miss you’s. Rudy’s workouts. Hurdle lessons. Running adventures. Endless car rides. Seeing each other 24/7. Someone to laugh at your jokes. Senior Prom. A junk food bonanza. Amrita Doshi: Feet that let you run. Nothing really, you can conquer anything.Andrew Kim: Someone to give you girl advice. Pinches, slaps, and punches. Andy DeAvila: Valentine’s dance. 8th grade sadies. 8th grade social. Holding hands at school. Disturbia. Saying yes when you asked me out. Elliot Yamin- I’ll wait for you. Flirting. Serious talks. Texting. Dancing. Exercise. A girl who you’ll be satisfied with. Someone to remind you of how amazing you are. Angela Ma: My bitchy first impression. Short hair. Track. Racing each other. Racing with each other. Similar personalities. Rants. Crying. Frustration. Winter Formal 2010. Boys. Hating on bitches. Matching tans. Shopping adventures. Our drinking promise that was broken. Lowell’s parents thinking we hate each other. Treating each other like shit in front of others. Compliments that neither of us believe. Captainship and thinking it would never end. Endless supply of my boy stories that you never want to hear for the rest of our lives. Our friendship that I never thought would become what it is. Angel Anguiano: Striders before a race. Our fake relationship. A dance at Aloha. Being ironman. Anisha Mistry: Me introducing myself to you. Getting ready for dances together.

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Third wheeling. Me understanding your “annoyingness” and you understanding my slutiness. Intro to calc talks that got us into too much trouble. Endless things to say. “Fights” that last a day because we miss each other too much. Destroying the existence of “End of the Road”. How straightforward we are. “Let’s get ____ faced!”. Having the same values. Chinese boys. The ability to speak fluent Chinese. Being at your house all the time. Emcee hell. Our dragonboating team. Forever partners. Fundraisers. Stress. Contacts that don’t give us any issues. Working out at UCI. Jan Redondo. Clothes. Our lesbian relationship. Sharing food. Movie nights at your house. College sadness. Zot zot. Support and pride. A friendship that will last for the rest of our lives. Annice Ma: The AIM talk about Mexicans that started it all. Blfl. Tomato, potato. Walking around your neighborhood dodging the neighborhood sex offender. Going to dances with boys who were close friends. 7th grade sadies asking. 8th grade social. 9th grade formal. 9th grade sadies. Locker sharing. Mr. Dalley’s English class. Your tantrums. Chimichangas. Knowing absolutely everything. Washing your feet. Cleaning your ____ off your floor. Camping behind your backyard. Your mom’s favorite. Nintendo 64. Kim Kardashian’s work outs. Bonus room memories. Sneaking Chuck and Amir in. Doing absolutely everything together. Being your slave. “Don’t let anyone treat you that way…except me”. A princess lifestyle. Practice sessions. Soujaboy. Do you remember- Lyricks. Ay chico and Salt Shaker. Spontaneous Knotts trip. Clothes that never get returned. The circle. Hating Josh Yu and the letter he wrote you, then becoming friends with him. Endless emails when I was in Taiwan. Making Ryan pick you up when you were locked outside and getting into a fight with him, then taking photobooth. You hating him. Crying on the phone. The fight. Not talking for a long time. Missing each other. Finding a balance. “I told you so.” Dealing with drama. Our box of hair. Our issues with you know who. Our secret language. No insecurities. Lessons on tampons. A non-korean husband. You being the abusive girlfriend and me being the obedient boyfriend. Me getting bitchier, you getting nicer. Sleepovers. Talks. True best friendship. Life lessons. You changed my life and made me who I am today, know that you were the first person that I ever cared this much about. You made me stronger and I will never forget you. April Guzman: Big boobs. The day we told each other everything. A wedding.Ashley Morris: Tyler’s immortality. AMTOLT. My cooking skills. Endless supplies of chocolate. Middle school volleyball. Shmiddle. Mattias. The desire to run. Three musketeers. Samir. Though we may not always see each other as much as we’d like, you’ve been one of my longest friends at Whitney and things we’ll always be the same between us.Brendon Lim: Kindness. I know you love me though.Charles Duong: Our 7th grade math project. “Chipotle”. Rebound. Exact same schedule. Freshman year sadies. Burlington Coat factory. CD mixes. ’09. Despise and love. Class competition stresses. Freshman year dibs. Senior prom. Senior year. Delirious talks. “What makes you happiest”. Learning and growing. Plan C, ftw. Thank you for loving me all these years.Charlie Shin: Shot put and discus record. Future track captain. Future JAWS captain. Future ASB president. All the love in this world, I am so lucky to have met you. Christina H. Lee: Physics. Celina. Borders, Starbucks, and It’s A Grind living. Bes/tie.

Awkward moments. Our long awaited New York trip that actually happened. Brooklyn Bridge?! Running around drenched in the rain, holding our food. Diets that never last. Endless movies, and falling asleep in them. Getting lost to your house, every time. Thrift stores and hair dyeing. Spending Christmas Eve together and the note on my car. College stresses, college decisions. Birthday bonanzas. Fake fights. Piercings. I’ve known you for less than 2 years, but you mean more to me than you will ever know and thank you for putting up for me every day of our lives, what am I going to do without you… Chuck Chan: Ma Lao Shi. Bottom locker and being married. JAWS. The Circle. AIM talks. Serious talks. Secret sharing. The hook up that should’ve happened but won’t. Incest? Me getting into the wrong car outside Angela’s house. Adventures in the elephant. We hate Chinese people. Rants about family and people. No matter where we are or how long we haven’t talked, I know things will always be the same.Clara Seong: Parallel friendships. Being in the same shoes. Boys that broke our hearts. Nail for 3 proms. Track and how it changed us. Catching up and having so much to say. Always understanding each other. PACE. Being there for me when no one else was. Letting go. This indescribable bond where we will always have each other’s back. I will miss you. Daniel Yang: Baked bread and 7th grade AIM talks. Kindergarten fun. Talks in Jan’s car. Your car accident at TC. Sad talks, happy talks. Fighting for the people we love. For the future. Rants and annoying people. Updates while paddling. Hurdling and your fall. Dark skin. Figuring out what’s most important to us. David Kim: To be a leader even without a title. Sabrina’s immortality. The mile record. Elle Quimpo: 8th grade closeness. Old inside jokes neither of us remember. Your kindness, my bitchiness. Senior year revival. Volleyball. Spending 24/7 with each other. Constant rots at my house. 2 A.M. drop offs. Civics/econ hell. Changing each other, being who we want to be. Beauty and the realization that you are one of the most amazing people I have ever met. Confidence and a voice. My boy stories. Cute boys. Fail formal dress shopping. Desperate prom dress shopping. Glasses. My stupidity and you just standing and watching. Random spurts of tears. Hugs and touchiness. “This is why I’m hot.” “Shannon’s the reason why you’re like this!” My significant other. I wouldn’t have gotten through senior year without you, and now I know that our friendship is one that will last a lifetime. Ellie Shin: Strength and the acceptance that you will make mistakes but it will be okay. My love. Ema Shah: Thoughts when you’re running.Emily Liang: Someone to slap your butt. Fresh and easy burritos. Disney songs. Do the hurdles. Testing our athleticism. Your CD. Esther Woo: A chance to be on the team again.Florence Buendia: Middle school volleyball. A bond that no one will ever understand. Getting each other through the darkest times. Crying. The day we confessed everything at Borders. Scares. Texts of desperation. “What if we feel like this forever.” Happiness with other people. Hope. My makeup and hairstylist. MVP. Partners in crime. Crying at the Artesia game. Everyone calls you beautiful, but I know a beauty that not many people do. Your heart is so big, very few people deserve to have it. Thank you for everything, I wouldn’t have made it without you.

Frances Cho: Err! Our Friday night talks. I miss you. Ingrid Huang: 3 years of volleyball. Sisterhood. A home. NSO when we woke up super late. More womanly features. Boy drama. Doing our homework in the hallways. I’m always going to want to take care of you. James Bilas: Me Janvi Desai: Douchey boys. Food and movies. Anything, except for Christina. Jasmine Ham: Someone to talk to in the mornings and always listen and do your hair and makeup and watch friends and twilight with. Jammy. Jessica Jay: Little duckie. 10th grade birthday party. Me and Ryan whenever you got hurt. Sophomore year formal. 24/7 hang outs. Strength for when our hearts get broken. OG Chinese club girls. Big thighs. Jesus Calderon: Lessons on how to give hickies. Freshman year formal. Talks about love. John Balagtas: My laugh.Josh Chung: Faith and support. Joyce Le: JAWS. Follow in my footsteps ;)Joy Chung: The 2 mile record.Judy Shih: A smile during every race. Re-growth of that piece of hair. Our retarded laugh. Julia Chanco: MY Jujubear. My ridiculous stories. Ratty hair. Smang it girl. Git it, git it. Trying to keep me awake. Bitches and hoes. You might as well be a senior. Patience with ______ and motivation to do well in school. Kevin Chon: Unlimited rides home. Don’t lose who you are. Kevin Chung: VP’s. Late night talks. Stay on the right track.Kevin Yang: Someone to fall back on. Lowell Mansilla: Superman and rainbow. Mrs. Z’s class and being put on opposite sides of the rooms. Paperclip hearts. Mrs. Bruesch’s class and being punched by you. The first guy I ever held hands with. Walking around school holding hands. Everyone thinking we’re together. Prestige. Me being on your myspace name. Walking me everyday after school and giving me hugs in front of my mom. You liking me but not the other way around. Becoming best friends. AIM talks that lasted forever. Big lips. Trying to regulate my wardrobe. Halloween dance. PDAing even though I had a boyfriend. Indescribable love. “She’s special huh”. Secrets. My entire Junior year. Spending all my time at your house doing nothing, taking naps. Eating your food and chasing you around the house. Your cookies. “Join the family.” Bunnies. People voting us on formal and prom court thinking we’re together. My glasses. Being inseparable at school. Being widowed on fb together. Someone spreading a rumor that you were feeling me up in APUSH. Trips to the library. Fights in the library. Our notes to each other. Having a relationship that no one understands. Laughing forever. Kisses. Endless texts. An unforgettable formal. Cuddling. Fights. Solutions that never worked. Happiness. Sadness. Talks that went in circles. Girls, a lot of them. Jealousy. Dissatisfaction. A summer of silence. Fixing things, then having it fall apart. The thing that accidently happened at senior retreat. The night hike. Paddling on JAWS together. Though we’ve gone through 5 years of ups and downs and lessons and fights and tears, we have something that no one else will ever understand, and I will love you forever and I’ll never give up.Marissa Fierro: My VP position, you will be even better.Matthew Ramos: Secret Life of Bees. Something to motivate us in college. Michaela Platt: The 4x4. Make me proud.Michael Jo: King and queen bitch. LDC bonfire. Birthday dinners to last a lifetime. Bitching at each other. Who’s meaner than

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who? AIM talks about life. Calling each other out. Obnoxiousness. Taking care of each other. Mylan Jefferson: My horrible racist jokes. Crying at our last game. Crazy hits and serves. Friendship talks. Anything but luck, because you are going to do great things. Noel Kim: Catching me at my most embarrassing moments. Join track.Olivia Hill: Our handshake we made in volleyball. Paul Pham: Height, buffness, speed, and my love. Paul Cho: All of Angel’s records.Peter Bae: Our bestfriendship. Someone to lean on. Knowing who you really are.Raymond Dang: Unlimited rides. Ironman. Better hurdle form. A track record. Roshni Badlani: Secret buddy love. Nutella sandwiches. We have barely any inside jokes, but know that you are one of my favorites and I am going to miss you more than anything. Sagar Shah: Endless amounts of food and rides. Samantha Lee: “You’re not Korean?!” Good luck with Chinese Club. Samir Shah: Crying to you as our first impression. Talks about love issues. Understanding things that no one else will. Establishing a brother/sister… yet flirty relationship? Watching you and Ashley’s relationship blossom. “You’re a slut” “No I’m not…” “Yeah, I know”. Chillin at the park. “I need to talk to you.” Hugs and support. A real sense of humor. No matter how we treat each other, at the end of the day even though you’re not really brother, you’re a best friend, and I am going to be so lost without you. I love you my Samu.Sarina Bhakta: Concentration. Sean Oh: What we talked about. A chance to do ironman with you. Shafqat Huq: Haters gonna hate. Good music. Shaun Pak: Cookies. Sharon Park: The triple jump record. A listening ear. Patience and maturity to accept what we cannot help. Shavonna Walker: Smiling with your teeth. Your conceited attitude. Motivation to run. The 4x4. The bond we have from passing the baton to each other. All my love. NYU. Shirley Sun: Buttcheeks. Crying at CPE. Living and learning. Shivanti Kariyawasam: Nothing, you’ve got it all and more. Just believe in yourself.Sylvia Tran: 7th grade math project and doing all the work. Special talks. Kim class and spending countless Mondays. Hugs that make a difference. Silver. No one ever misunderstanding you or thinking you’re something you’re not. No matter where you are, I’m just an IM away Thomas Lu: Harry Potter computer game. Xiao ke ai. Spending 24/7 with each other. Handball. Tiffany Tatreau: Quickly created friendship. My slutiness… not really. Pool parties at your house. Songs that make people cry. Understanding. Never ever over. Worth. Tristan Eddy: Continuing Volleyball, Track, and JAWS for the next three years. Victoria Wang: A deeper voice. Ice cream runs. AIM talks. Being able to pick up right where we leave off. Though I make fun of you a lot and am really hard on you, I truly see you as family. Now that I’m graduating I can’t be here to look after you anymore like jie said two years ago, but you never needed looking after anyways. Annie, Maryann, Rena: Separate dishes at Red Robin. Each other. Don’t ever take each other for granted. Borah Lim: 3 years of running on the 4x4 with you. The run-through before each race. The strength to lead 3 teams.

Paley Mao: My team. Take care of it and love it with everything you have. Ralph Dogelio: The hurdle record. Strong shins. Sexy bodies. A girl that makes you happy. Endless kisses and hugs. Strength to lead the team even when you can’t go on yourself.Senior Cabinet: All the car rides. “I’m the loudest one out of all of us.” Agreeing and disagreeing. Food, lots of it. Miraculous Mondays that we never had. Charles, I can’t understand you. Charles and his slaves. Though we may be a dysfunctional group of people, I am so blessed to have spent this entire year with you. See you in 11 years. JAWS: Passion and intensity. Track: I have given my all to this team for four years. Remember that no sport will ever make you feel the pain you do, love from one another, but most of all, realize that this team has the power to make you a better person. Thanks for changing my life. Everyone else: Skipping school does not make you a bad person, you should try it!

Amanda ChenUniversity of California, Merced

I, Amanda Chen, being of a lost mind and deforméd body, do hereby leave…

Angela: the six pictures of concrete evidence of our friendship LOL, our seventh grade class schedule, oh cookie dogs, old people (esp. at that retirement home where that old lady wanted us to change her diaper), PATD song titles, the 24,926 times we overused the “Pretty. Odd.” joke (that’s right I counted), creepy man-crushes that could be considered stalking OHOHOHO, really long rants about stuff (hahah I remember the Lady), the Mac n’ Cheese we made because we are gourmet cooks, healthy food all day e’rday, Tseng-faces, eye drops because you know you need them, long AIM talks, pictures of cute dogs but not actual ones, curly haired men, judging others, a million movie marathons, sighhhh good looking guys and the Arctic Monkeys concertTryphena: my beautiful collection of “that’s what she said” jokes, custody of Josephina Rose Chiu, my black hair dye, shower buddy times, excessive naps, a thousand rides from Whitney to my house, our failure of a pact at Senior Retreat, staying up on AIM till 3 or 4 junior year, bonding over awkwardness LOL, french braiding, Toms buddies, being buddies about everything, Monopoly money for when GayRay refuses to pay, unlimited tissue packs, EXTREME procrastination, lol monkey toesKaren: my allergies to your disgusting fat cat, sleepovers for projects, a hatred for a certain someone who got all the credit on one of these projects LOL, physics times and a Tsengface, disgusting feet prints everywhere, food trips like every week, blame for all the third wheeling I ever had to suffer (you started it), laughs and jokes about that one time you cut your hair too short (LOOOOLLOLOL), Harry Potter, lotion and lots of it, my platinum album, “Chicken Soup with Rice,” the logo of your butt shooting lightning atop a Dong, scribbles in Physics notebooks, pictures of every single dish I ever eatHenry: instructions on how to make ♥s, and my BOMB music taste, because, honestly… you need it. LOL. oh and a mirror so you can check your hair out and not so secretly make out with your reflectionAnna: butt exercises, being the only ones late like almost every day for colorguard, good music, going to LA, singing/ dancing on the bus with everyone watching on the way home, haunted house jokes but actually

being scared of there being cockroaches in corners and stuff, having the exact same electronics (razr, env2, ipod touch), guitar jam sessionsDong: that AWESOME picture in your birthday montage. wink wink. LUL, a bra for support, weird documentaries about monkeys and their mating habits… -____-MichaelJo: fighting for the front seat of Trippie’s car, 2 Proms together, EPIC face paintings, possible thrift shopping?!?!!!?Sushi Ramakrishnan: SAMOSAAAAAAAAS.Nicole: gossiping in art, bsing projects, considering stalking big bang, being creepy, you derp.Mitchell: AnthonyAnthony: MitchellIsabel Chua: camera kisses, cute dresses on Fridays, you being wayyy too close to me.Kaajal Visnagra: being the kick-assest person in colorguard, music sharing, you being so insanely skinny!Rebecca Tjahja: bonding at Disneyland, Yogurtland with a certain person who is destined to be your lover~, every boy ever because you seem to go through them so fast TEEHEE.

Kathy ChiangUniversity of California, Irvine Computer Game Science

I, Kathy Chiang, being of sound mind and body, do hereby leave...

Max Shen: the greatly coveted title of “Kathy’s best friend”, my collection of indie love songs, a lifetime supply of pokes and hugs and noms, and (officially) the heart you’ve stolen;Alan Ooi: my imaginary collection of great movie classics, my remaining doses of my happy pills, and my secret plans for the band we never made;Victor Liu: all the chocolate and ice cream in the world, a half-completed politics/world government project, and gloves to soften your blows;Randy Hsu: a “new” notebook completely filled with miscellaneous doodles so you can’t actually use any of the pages, several inky pens, and my most valuable Pokémon cards;

Jerome Red: a book explaining all the retarded things you can do with your face and a pillow that blends in perfectly with your… fair skin;Joshua Azucenas: my collection of songs that you’ve never heard of but are actually quite good, a recording of me singing “Grey Weather”, and even more amazing headphones– WAIT THAT’S IMPOSSIBLE;

Shujoy Islam: another guitar for you to “enjoy”, all the missing pieces and controllers for Rock Band, and a gun with which to shoot Alex Katayama that doesn’t actually have any bullets when you need it most;Brian Choi: your very own string bass to play jazzy music on to attract white girls in Oklahoma and a plea to come home for your summers;Charles Lai: a pet dinosaur and a cow, your own squishy pillow, souvenirs from Disneyland you don’t need, “priceless” hugs, and a bunch of completely overrated SNSD merchandise;Emma Wan: a quarter for every time you make that face at me, a neon green shirt that still looks exactly the same as our neon yellow ones, and an even bigger jacket;Harrisonford Fauni: a police cap because you make it look good and, well, everything else because you make everything look good;Timothy Chai: another lifetime supply of

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different types of oranges (because you obviously already have one);Christopher Aquino: all my golf clubs because I don’t know what to do with them, a crowd of squealing fan girls, and all the happiness in the world, given that you follow through with you-know-what-I’m-talking-about-nudge-nudge;Edward Hong: a photo album filled with the most gorgeous big cats (including cougars) and a closet full of wife beaters; Kevin Ng: a bowl of fried rice that is nothing compared to yours and a bunch of swords I wish I knew the names to;Jessica Chuang: a genuine hope for the best and an offer to talk whenever, wherever, about whatever;Nathan Vo: a real pair of black dress shoes (not tennis shoes) and my Maple Story account (not really);Skylar Lee: some maturity, and a first aid kit for all the times you seem to get hurt by nothing at all;Whitney Color Guard: many rolls of electrical tape, a pair of “performance boots”, and just enough cans of hairspray;Yuni Kay: the ultimate title of “Kathy’s lover”, a basket of toys for your dog whose name I cannot pronounce, and a book on Chinese vocabulary (with such important phrases as “wo ai ni” and “ni hao ke ai”);Yuna Kim: a microphone that raises the pitch of your voice and makes you laugh for seemingly no particular reason (you crazy), a pair of shorter shorts, and a book of muscle jokes;Anna Ogata: a bunch of clothes you’ll never wear because you’ll never grow into them, a bunch of pictures of me pretending to be some cooler, prettier Japanese actress, and my “cheer” smile reserved only for you;Jasmine Lim: my gray flag bag if you decide you want it, a bunch of different gift cards, leopard-print clothing, and sappy letters professing my love for you;Eunice Lee: a new guitar, a new piano, a new violin, a new flute– hell, a new every instrument ever, a bunch of musical scores you won’t actually read but will make your own parts to, and a teleportation device to escape from Yuna Kim’s advances;Josefina Mendoza: the official title of “Kathy’s boyfriend”, a bunch of fish tacos to share with Rebecca Tjahja, and Disneyland passes;Rebecca Tjahja: the prestigious nickname “Bob”, a bunch of fish tacos to share with Josefina Mendoza, and exactly 31 posters of Justin Bieber;Isabel Chua: a bunch of pictures we never took together, all family heirlooms, and a hug for every time you use the word “adorbs”;Minette Tsang: my daughterly love and the largest bowl of Dippin’ Dots;Audrey Yoon: tons and tons of cupcake-making materials, and your very own cat collar (HOW EXCITING!);Ashley Tang: all the cute color guard-related clothes I can find, and a bunch of toys for the best dog ever;…and to everyone else: my best wishes, hugs, and kisses. So long and farewell!

Frances ChoColumbia University Neuroscience & Behavior

I, Frances Cho, of sound mind and stomach, hereby leave:

Molly Booy: all the nice things of the world, because you deserve no less. And Indian foodFlorence Buendia: nametags so that people will stop confusing our names, F for freakiness, and NY&Co

Jesus Calderon: would-be Winter Formal date, Angela Chan: Cake Pops til 2AM, my ball-kidding uniform, Indian food, any hot male Brazilian models I might encounter in the futureShannong Chang: the first time we talked, when you got mad at me for saying you had glasses, our email correspondence from middle school when you were in Taiwan (that were cute but somewhat hormonal), and the tiara ring you got meDarren Chen: Laffy Taffies, Boss-ton, Mr. Nye, a nice lunch pail, all the times you opened my locker in the 10th grade, a bag to throw up in when you sat with me in 9th grade Bio, and ear plugs in the case that your roommate likes to leave on their alarms for 3 hoursJames Chen: SHOES, clean lungs, a tattoo (real or face-paint, your choice), and a teacher that once described you as 'hubba hubba'Timo Chen: the night at the beach in 10th grade, Political projects, Monaco parties, my nickname Francois, and our 7th grade Aloha danceJanvi Desai: the next 4 years, which we will spend exploring all corners of the Big AppleCharles Duong: Mr. President, 8th grade Social, the AIM logs/printouts that I still have, and bags of Sour Jolly RanchersAndrew Fang: National Honor Society, your natural swag/coolness, all the times I bothered you to help me in Chem, and my forever-cold handsMeghan Fong/Briana Tu: the future of Varsity Tennis, Coach Wes' healthEmily He: Hoby LA Lions, my would-be Little Sister, medical internship, and lunch at Guppy’sEmily Hwang: sunshine, a salt shaker Halloween costume, and anything you want from meJessica Jay: Guaranteed A's from Chem Honors, a restraining order from psychos, future pool playdates at my new apartmentBreeana Johng: all my Hello Kitty memorabilia, Korean Club, CBF, being slick, and the feminized names we attributed to all those poor guys during our sleepoversHannah Joo: a bright future, 168 Hours, and a tattooYuni Kay: the little that I do know about neuroscience, the days you called me Choco, Senior year English projectsTed Kim: your drunk textsChristina H. Lee: novel-length birthday cards, Seven Eleven, walking/COWing everywhere, and the rest of our middle school memoriesChristina S. Lee: all my size XS Hollister shirts, HummerVictor Liu: the ability to eat fasterAngela Ma: our perfect English project, allergies, and some of my weightLowell Mansilla: Palms, mean nicknames from elementary school, Eagle Eye, Sadies and our Nico/Choco shirtsAlex Park: a late reply to your handwritten letter, school bus rides, and the balls I had to tell you you were cute in the 9th gradeAndrew Park: loaves of moist banana bread, Senior year English projectsJennifer Park: bag checks, all the pretty shoes/dresses I will encounter in my lifetime, and modern Shakespeare renditions, Jessica Park/Hanna Woo: the near future of Korean ClubFreddy Perez: some Coreano for when you're down, an elevatorAnand Rajan: arguments, Senior year English projects, your mom's muffinsClara Seong: a future in the entertainment field, Korean club performances, congratulations on your Confirmation, and more clubbing

Tommy Shi: endless Strawberry Creme Frapps, your mother-like fixation on my hunger and thus, survival, and the day we first met, when hemotoxylin and eosin stains brought us togetherHarry Trieu: organic chapstick, a Starbucks frappucino for your mommy, and a gift card to Mr. Porter (if there are any)Dong Song/Karen Pan: the daily atrocities of 7AM, 2 consecutive all-nighters, Significant ContributionShirley Sun: my sanity and sobriety, baking, Boston College, and everything else if/when I join a conventCharles Woo: an A in AP Chem next yearPearl Wang: an oyster to go back into, our film 168 HoursDaniel Yang: body whitener, an alarm clock so you're not late to your classesAnnie Yau/Rishi Kapadia: the future of National Honor SocietyCindy Li/Megan Yeu/David Choi/Curtis Cha: the far future of Korean Club. You guys are all so cuteAnd everyone else who has provided me fresh insight during the past six years!

Alvin ChouUniversity of California, BerkeleyChemistry

I, Alvin Chou, being of sound mind and body, do hereby leave:

Jocelyn Kim and Tiffany Chao – Your infectious smiles XDAnnie Ro, Maryann Rui, Rena Wu – Fruit, especially frozen watermelon. Nutella and bread.Michaela Platt – PLATT. You better tell me <--- You know what I’m talking about!Derrick Lin and Darren Fang – Male domination of Chinese Club next year. Not really.. you’re the minority. Keep it going and make sure you get some guys to joinJudy Shih – An apology. Sorry I didn’t mean to do it! I guess you like Charles better but that’s fine.Charlie Shin – BIG BOI @ CIF PRELIMS. Your tongue. Crazy deco master. Deco party McDonalds run with that lady that complained a lot so we waited for like 30 min before we could order. Then they messed up and gave people coffee instead of sweet tea but you and me ended up getting one of the few sweet teas out of all the coffees. Good lookin out. Sad I didn’t get to know you better this year. :(Julia Chanco – Your real name is Poolia. YEAAH IT IS!Gabie Andrada – cupcakesRoshni Badlani – Bhangra lessons, chocolate mice. I’ll miss you too. Greg Chung – another picture <3Jasmine Ham – Hello/Aloha jumper buddies, pics on Improta’s trampoline.David Kim and Kevin Chon – beep beep.. I hate you guys -.- But not really..Sean Oh – A new look-a-like. Pauline Yang – Chinese Club.Paul Cho – A water bottle. Make sure you ask Borah to Prom next year.Emily Liang, Marissa Fierro, Angel Choi, Loren Colcol – Keys to the schoolBorah Lim, Paley Mao, Ralph Dogelio – Keys to the trackRaymond Dang and Ralph Dogelio – 4x4 team. Keep the tradition going strong next year please. Raymond keep trying to do everything and succeeding at it. Ralph I’ll never forget your monster 4x4 leg at League Finals.Shivanti Kariyawasam – Formal Ad Hunting. You owe me a birthday meal!Emily Liang – Catching everything including candy and really big oranges. I Run Man.

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Borah Lim – You’re just amazing. Go to prom next year with Paul Cho. Forget about CIF.William Luo – My shadiness.Joseph Pang – The Office references, Hot and Spicy, … dude this is so hard. That’s what she said.Ellie Shin – Punches and high fives in the halls.Alice Zuo – Goggles that are not pink. Bass down low. Zuop? Those times that I tried to call you to wake you up but you slept through it.Angel Anguiano – A cookie.James Bilas Imperial – All the bonding moments that we had during those 2 hours. Pooing while holding hands. Fight night. Dude Alvin is your arm sore? No. It kind of was though. Bengay. Pussy feet. Your cariyell and strip.Varsha Baheti, Sarina Bhakta, and Janvi Desai – A SNOW from Sheila Ki Jawani.Varsha Baheti – Friendly rivalry. Shanti v. Chinese… Good times =]Molly Booy – Pokes in civics. Physics group. Thank you for the note. Stop making that face at me!Florence Buendia – git fLOWha. I just made that up. Clever?Shannon Chang – You are so complicated. Your car is always a mess. I love you anyways. I’m so glad we got to do everything together from ASB to Class Cabinet to Track. I can honestly say I never got sick of you even though I saw you 24/7. Thanks for the rides. Let’s go to Dland and play more over the summer when either of us is not in Taiwan.Timothy Chen – Friend I have known since the first grade. We had the same big buddy. Walking at CPE with Alan on Saturdays. Going to your house EVERY SATURDAY. The scar you gave me on my leg in 5th grade when you rolled over me. Sausagefests.Albert Choi – Spanish proyectos.Andy De Avila – Starts with an F. Ends with a D. I think you’ll get it?

Charles Duong – You are amazing, sir. We did so much together. Thanks for the rides. Thanks for THE ride. Thanks for the heartfelt speech at track banquet. Good luck at SLO my brother. Don’t try to do too much. You always try to do too much.Abby Ilagan – IRVbby. Going to your house all the time sophomore year. Lakers game 7 celebration last year. Michael Jo – Trying not being a jerk to you anymore.Christina H. Lee – Xtina. Bill. FAIL in ASB.Angela Ma – Hugs. Getting closer because of Track. I like your voice though when it goes high like when you say N**** what the ****. Kinda cute =] “Let’s play.” “You plan.” “Ihy -.-“Lowell Mansilla – Shrimp juice. That is all my bebot friend. Anisha Mistry – Formal. Sorry I was unable to walk. Sixty foursh. Your Russian accent. Social network. Last summer costco dinner with Raym and Teresa. You are annoying. Still love you though.Ashley Morris – 10th Grade Formal! 4 yrs Track and Field even though you didn’t want to do the 4th. My comments about white people. Rock band at your house. Jennifer Park – Art. You complaining about the music all the time. You complaining about certain people. You don’t like anything do you? Beats headphones. Sharing some of your food with me. Alex Park – YOUR DANKASS SHOESDanjoseph Quijada – No more food sales. Thanks for working so hard.Elle Quimpo – Yama #1. SHLIT. Cabinet. Boiling crab twice. No grad nite but still fun.Samir Shah – Junior year Spanish proyectos. You have two houses! Bomb

food. What do you call a smudge you can’t reach? Hi Smear!Harry Trieu and Darren Chen – The phrase is 臭 臭. Sylvia Tran – A new neighbor. You know how much you mean to me =(Daniel Yang – We are da same. Pneumothorax + weird knee problems. Thanks for the knee brace! Tammy and Jamie. Dirty jjank. Complaining to me about your bro way back when. Your smelly laundry back then.Brenda Yee – CC?WHS ASB – Memories at retreat, hours of work, more hours of fun.Chinese Club – Fun practices at Brookhaven.Track and Field – Rudy workouts. Thien workouts. Milan workouts. Joe workouts. No matter whose workouts you are doing, stay together as a team. And call them Coach or else it’s 20 pushups!To anyone who I may have missed or forgotten: So sorry!

Chadwick CortesUnited States Miltary Academy, Westpoint

I, Chadwick Raiden Cortes, being of sound mind and body, do hereby leave to

John Balagtas: Grab whatever PS2 games you want while I'm gone (food too)Kevin Pascual: More kills on the fields (Get that Quadra), You're a wizard!Shujoy: Slipperpissedoff Hinduism, too many inside jokes (see my chat logs)Raff: Like a boss! All your retarded yet hilarious comments, Tell me when you demolish them ;)Michael Moreno: My godhood (temporary), Go get 'em PerseusJames and Angel: Whreeeeee/food fightsAaron: McInfernooo, spittin' fireRomil: ****mil, Failing the high jump finals' starting height under my name....Mike Hu: 3AM donut runs gogogoJames Poupongtong: Pawat <3Salvador: Future's most interesting man in the world needs nothingJason Kwon: Prawn stars (District 9)Dong: Time for a true display of skill!Cabin 15: Cabin 15 for life!Robert Franklin: Operation! Roll down those jeans doctor!Paley: My high jump floating hops (beat the record pls)Sharon: Bet's still on! I'll buy you dinner if you break that record :DAll the Jumpers: Collide - Howie Day ('nuff said)WTF: Thanks for an amazing 3 years! That acronym will always be us no matter whatHanna Woo: Because you kept bugging about this, I leave you this will lul (breadfish)s

Charles DuongCalifornia Polytechnic Universty, San Luis ObispoEngineering, Minor in $teeZe

I, Charles Duong, of sound body and mind do bequeath the following:

To the class of 2011: An obsession with the number eleven, eagles, and being a senior; the endless amount of school spirit and school pride that our class has had and will always have. Six years of Whitney are finally over. It couldn't feel more surreal. But thank you for all the memories that I will hold for the rest of my life.

SeventhGrade: playing soccer & volleyball during lunch, Annice getting hit in the face; Slutty International Day; so many couples HAHA; Ms Castro MIA; Mr. Rabbe; Scrub Corner; Crip Walk; LOL yearEightGrade: Washington DC, gyroscope, hole in the wall; Unmask the Night; Backflips and broken clavicles; not ready to enter high school yearNinthGrade: First Formal; Circle; Time Capsule; Water fight @ CPE; beach activitiy, watermelon eating contest, intense football game, worry free year;TenthGrade: Sophomore Tree Volleyball and Ninja; Renting Annie Legally; First Place International Day!; Someone different on crutches every week; CIF soccer with the whole school watching; Knotts; play hard work hard year;EleventhGrade: AO year;SeniorYear: Beehive Senior Entrance; Most beauitful Senior Sunrise; Eagle Nest; Get outta your mind; College Apps; Chips during Lunch; House music and shuffling during lunch; Queen Mary; Tilting Christmas Tree; Senior Retreat, Intense Trashcan game, Dance Party in Dining Hall, there really are bears?!, Campfire songs, Bomb Hikes, Racial Pictures at Archery Range, Rock Climbing rope riding up your crotch, Swinging rope Obstacle Course, emotional letter writing and talent show; Fight Night; Christmas Lights, Gravity, Not being able to trash the school, Robert Franklin, Trolling 11oclock hallway sleeping, Goodbye Hager!; Grind Nite; Food fights during lunch; Senior Productions - LOL; ONE WHAT ONE ONE!; Senior Sunset, wrestling with white guys, Long hot dogs, Glowsticks, Camera Whoring; Crying at graduation, Crazy Grad Party. And much much much much more. One one, we really are done. Good luck with all that lay ahead for each and every one of us. Never forget the home that you came from and all the lessons we have learned together. We will all go far in life, we really will! See you in 11 years if not sooner To the class of 2012: Plenty of luck with next year! It will truly be an experience; enjoy every second of it and do not worry too much about college. You will get into college somewhere and somehow. Instead, worry more about how much fun you should be having with the senior year experience that you will never get again ^^ It is now your turn to be the top dogs of the school and to control the spirit of those around you. You are given a big responsibility, so use it wisely. Emily Liang, Marissa Fierro, Angel Choi, Loren Colcol: you guys will do a bomb job, no worries!To the class of 2013: Good luck with all the SATs, AP, internships that lie ahead! I didn’t really get a chance to get to know your class, but from what I see, you guys have plenty of spirit. Don’t lose it. It’s what is going to keep you sane in the next year; JBong: take care of yourself please. More homie hangouts soon! I am not leaving you I promise; Jasmine: class president for 3yrs?!, a new rear headlight for your mom’s car; Albert, Binny, Fernie: Soccer legacy; take care of the team. Hopefully we won't get another whack coach like Joe again lul. Gaby, Nida, Roshni, Steve: good job this year, beating us at RTR dance off HAHA, Corrine: ice cream for your birthday; Alex: more lost puppies; David, Kevin, Brenden, Greg, Amy, Sarah, Choi, Joy, Angela: keep running guys, its your turn to lead; Ashley, Joyce, Bessie, Laura: OG JAWS; Michael: keep up the hard work cuz;Jalen: soulful voice;Mylan: prime sophomores, only when you’re a senior; To the class of 2014: Much love to your class. It really sucks that I only got to know

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many of you guys for less than a year, but I’ll come back and visit ; Judy: Up! Watching day; Charlie: Charlie for ASB president; Jocelyn: my missing bracelet; Annie, Rena, Maryann: Cool stories, brah; Tiffany: class presidency, good luck!; Karen Cheng, Carin Chin: different sounding names to say during CC TS practice please; Samantha: McChickens, in exchange for your Kimchi Friend Rice; Jigar, Abrab: Tricep dips, it’s chill; Ashley: seeing you play softball with your family was pretty damn cute; Edward: Talent show, Annie get your gun, Track hangouts; Fion: Chinese Club Talent Show, BTW I have a lot of things to give you; Tristan’s: the same name, our talks during Track role; Derren, Derrick: you guys have big boobs; Johnny Lloyd: plenty more hurdles to jump over; Michaela: marvelous poop; Paul: Vietnamese swag; Emma: you look like Milly!; Marcel: keep up the goalie work; Allison: you are so weird, but thanks for filling me in on Freshman gossip; Stephenie: hook it up w/ the random breakfasts after JAWS practice;To the class of 2015 & 2016: You guys have only gotten a small taste of Whitney. And most of you will probably not get a chance to read this, but I wish you luck in the rest of your Whitney High School experience. You will one day be as cool as our class. Maybe.To Whitney High School & its faculty: Thank you for being my home all these years. This school has guided me throughout my life and I could not imagine going to any other school. As an alumni, I duly promise to come back and visit the one place where I mattered the most. To everyone who has been a part of my life, no matter how big or small of a role: Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you tahnk you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you for the best past six years of my life. PEACE LATE!

Elise EnglyUniversity of California, IrvineBiological Sciences - Biochemistry

I, Elise Engly, of sound mind body and soul leave:

My baby sharks: (Aka Laura, Nida, freshmen girls) More unproductive practices, handstands and synchronize swimming with Gabby, annoying Coach Kim, starving the swim boys, dinner and the proposal, mwah mwah mwah. Megan Yeu: Lots, and lots of hate. I still hate you and remember your events! Liezl Talamayan: Nothing, jk. Too many memories! Random food outings, not-my-food-buddy-anymore, clubbing, my broken toenail, scary rides at six flags, attacking one another, gradnite haaay, deep talks, stupid talks, all types of talks.Suzanne Kang: my loooooove, since you’re leaving me to SB. Our deformed triangle with tdaaawg, ‘yo estoy en mi cama’, Narbonne homecoming, being your fake boyfriend, bra straps pulling, endless boy problems, going everywhere together.SLAVE girls: my lovely and awesome personality, hehe. Miss it, cherish it, and don’t ever forget it. Daisy Garnelo: my innocence.Mexican girls: (Addie, Emily, Wendy, Maribel) my signature dance move, haaay(; Cabin 6: A big stuff bear. Raaaaawr.

Sarina Bhakta: Non-stop braiding in Breik’s, pretty nail polishes in Breik’s, ‘bathroom breaks’ in Breik’s, telling secrets in Breik’s, pretty much doing everything in Breik’s. Kevin Pascual: A mute button, and an all you can eat pass to Elbows. ‘From Lakewood California…’, pulling on your oxygen cord, more darling and dearest outings.James Bilas: Medication to stop your bi-polarness, my balls, 9th grade, longer pants when you run, a nail clipper, an ipod player for your car, and a barrier between you and Angel.

Andrew Brian FangUniversity of California, BerkeleyBiochemistry

I, Andrew Brian Fang, of energetic and non-procrastinative mind, body, soul, heart do hereby leave to:

Alice Zuo – The friendship bracelet which you FINALLY made me(= and a very fun PromAnika Haque – The HAQUE call. Except it sounds more like huuwwwaaaackkk~~Angela Wan – Chinese food! Heh…Anthony Han – Mitchell and BrianAshley Huang – Voodoo Basketball, my black backpack WITHOUT a toothbrushBrian Choi – Anthony and MitchellBrian Ni – Popularity. I won’t be able to use it next year, so you’d better make the most of it.Chris Platt – A wonderful compilation of the pictures we have taken through the years.Darren Fang – My last name. You better make good use of it.Derrick Lin – My wisdom and skill in tackling the everyday problems of everyday people.Erin Sun – Random oovooing, too bad I did not get to know you earlier, or else we could be even better friends.Esther Woo – Pooh and Roo memories, studying for AP Bio at Panera, and all my coolness even though our cool battle is NOT over. I’m honored to be your adopted brother. Let’s play a LOT in the future. I’ll miss you!Fion Hui – Fun Track parties at your house, being your chauffeur/slave for weeks, Chinese Club lions and practices. Frances Cho – Fabulous…(?) chemistry mornings bright and early at 7.Greg Chung – A real mustache so you look very manly. A new tan because you seem to be getting rid of your old one, and a fourth nipple. Cause three ain’t enough for you.Hannah Santasawatkul – A trip to get Chinese food. A very cool Torero dance performed by yours truly in the crowded halls of Whitney where I will ride in with my bike, stop traffic, with a cool shades, a ripped body, a leather jacket and suave. And you won’t be expecting it.Henry Wang – My white outfit so YOU can be so damn white. 2K9 games at night, and Darren.Iris Wang – Happiness, cuteness, energy, and great big smiles. Annie get your gun, Nerf gun fights (I still owe you ice cream), Random spontaneous adventure around town center and on top of the parking structure taking pictures, rolling down the cement, and wondering if there are people in the cars next to us. Randomly arranged meetings during homeroom and snack and after 6th period. Prince Eugene and Princess Iris, Dreams about who’s cooler (obviously you), AndrewIris dress up days (rainbow!), and a phone so I can call you when I want to. I love you<3

Jocelyn Kim – The leadership of the Mustache Gang because obviously you are the MOST mature out of all of them. Miss. Monteveux and Aiden, who are super duper cool and have very unique names! A dinner for three with Esther because of our bet on Bio where the food is so expensive that none of the menus have prices. My private jet, which I shall fly in every week so I can come back and visit you. Also, my height, so you can see over the crowd as you walk. Big Brother’s watching.Judy Shih – Very soft feetMadeline Bui – Stars. LOTS of stars. And work so you don’t rot so much.Michaela Platt – If I wanted, I could still get you.Mitchell Kim – Anthony and BrianMike Hu – My RS account which I may or may not continue to play in college. And your real name, which is Zimiao or Mike, but definitely NOT Michael.Paley Mao – The rank of Eagle Scout. Thien’s amazing hops and our field family. Lead them well next year, good sir.Paul Pham – Vietnam, an awesome dragon tattoo, and height—great height.Randy Hsu – Colonel Buffalo Bill Cody and his Wild West Show who would not have a venue if it were not for Foster Wilson’s generous spirit. Lodging trunks with mike’s car. I’ll miss you greatly next year, friend.Romil Nathan – I still got one slap on you. When is it coming…? Sometime before you die(=Samantha Lee - $10 worth of food that you still owe me.Sarah Bui – The name of the secret senior that you NEVER told me about)= Amazing pictures at S&G promenade.Sarah Zhang – A movie night that we were supposed to have but never did.Sharon Park – The entire field family. Take care of them, Mama Sharon.Shujoy Islam – Zapatos Alegres, your true secret identity before bootmad and glovesad were discovered.Stephanie Yeh – More thrusting so you can scar more people’s lives.Thomas Lu – My life. Everything I have and will have.Tommy Shi – The next few years of our lives, which shall be quite interesting and monumentally fun. See you soon, roommate!Tony Li – Big breasted ladies; more BBQs at your house please.

Daisy GarneloUniversity of California, Santa BarbaraPsychology

I, Daisy Garnelo, being of “pure” mind and healthy body, do hereby leave these treasured gifts to my beloved friends for helping me get through these 6yrs.

First, to my lovely and beautiful French buddy, Johanna Paz, I hereby leave my words of “wisdom”. I am going to miss our days in French making fun of all the “cool kids”, flipping through dirty French magazines (oh the things that we have seen lol), and telling stories about how we’ve fallen off our beds. But most of all, I’m going to miss you, and your freaking awesome sense of humor and crazy sense of style. To my wonderful and beautiful retreat buddies: Varsha, Sarina, Anika, Liezl, Wendy, Emily, Elise, Suzanne, Miya, Marivel, and Addie, I leave with you all the unforgettable moments and memories we spent together at retreat and at our table. I will never forget Suzanne’s psychobabble about seeing discolorations, Miya hiding under the bed, or Mama Varsha lecturing the boys for making us cry. You guys are awesome and I’m blessed to have you in my

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life. Also, one more thing: BEWARE OF THE BEAR. Anika, I will always love you forever and ever even though you refuse to accept it. So, I therefore leave with you my eternal friendship and gratitude. You have taught me to never be afraid to be your weird self in public and of course, how to attract potential boyfriends with the infamous “mating call”. To Liezl, Suzanne, and Elise: I leave with you all those blurry and crazy memories we spent together. I pray that you guys are true bestfriends and burn the pictures someday Liezl, I’m super grateful that we got to know each other better this year and I hope that we’ll always stay in touch because I need a friend like you. Suzanne, I’m so excited to make new memories with you at SB! I’m scared for you and your out this world ways but I promise to try and take care of you to the best of my abilities. Elise, I love you. All the memories we have shared are engraved in my memory and will stay there until I am old and dying. You were my first Cambodian friend and you taught me so many things: short shorts are a girl’s best friend, skin is meant to be shown, and the butterfly stroke is the best for various reasons *wink*. I will always be here for you when you need me, never forget that. Of course I can never forget my math buddies: Christine, Emily, Alan, Kevin, and all you other poor souls: I leave with you all that we have learned in math this year *crickets chirping*. Maybe one day we’ll understand that an apple really is an orange and that there was no blueberries. Christine, thank you for corrupting my mind even more than it already was and I’m excited for what you have to teach me SB! You’ll always be my homegirl forevaa and evaa<3 Alan, thank you for farting all over our happy conversations with your inappropriate comments. I hope you learned from us lol. TINA RINA! I hope that one day you’ll earn Elise’s forgiveness and bring me food. Stop touching my bare back and maybe I’ll be nice to you. Addie, never forget that this weirdo was your prom date. Last but never least, I leave you with all my love and devotion: Emily, Wendy, Marivel, and Addie: You guys have always been there for me through thick and thin. Emily, you and your lumberjack hands. I love you. You are the shoulder I lean on, the pinky I like to look at, the person I run to whenever I feel butterflies in my stomach, and the person who gets me through my hotflashes. You will ALWAYS have my undying friendship. Wendy, my swim buddy, the person who likes to waste time with me making fun of people, the one who accepts me without question, the one who never judges me when I burp in public, the one who goes with me to Knotts Scary Farm, my twin. I love you and I don’t mind that people think we look alike; us beautiful ppl have to stick together. You will ALWAYS have my undying friendship. Marie, my freak buddy, the one I depend on, the one I have shared my deepest darkest secrets, the one I immediately clicked with one random day at Andric’s house. You know everything about me. You will ALWAYS have my undying friendship. To Marie, Emily, and Wendy: I leave to you my most prized procession. Take care of her as if she were your own best friend and sister because I won’t always be there to take care of her. I leave to you the responsibility of making sure Addie is happy and safe. It’s a tough job but I know I can trust you guys with it<3 To Addie, I have given you my friendship, love, and support, and you will always have it. I leave with you 13yrs of memories and friendship, now let’s go make more! You are

the best friend anyone could ever wish for and I’m so grateful God blessed me with you. I can’t imagine a life without you and, “just remember what your old pal said, yeah you’ve got a friend in me.” Boys come and go, fashion comes and goes, but I can always count on you to catch me when I’m about to fall (or watch me fall like you did at prom LOL). I love you. Now let’s all go and make some new memories!

Nicole Lapira GimenoCerritos CollegeInterpreting / Translating

I, Nicole Lapira Gimeno, being of derp mind and herp body do hereby leave…

Seniors: A big goodbye. There were a few people that I never talked to but I just wanted to let you all know that I’ll miss you all regardless! It’s been a long 6 years since most of us started at WHS and it’s finally ending soon! /cryOyama-mama: I just wanted to let you know, I’m still continuing my Japanese studies so I promise to come back and have a chat!!Miya Clark: AYY. AYYY YOO. An apology for that one time in PE when I apparently hit you in the face with a basketball, even though I don‘t remember. Some of those crystal bolls, which btw I threw out. TOMASSS FROM THE ORPHANAGE. Memories from the various road trips we’ve had! And all the other derp memories from the past 5 years that we’ve been best friends. No homo tho, brah.Rebekah Renovato: BOOOKAH. Psych class will always be a memory for me. Lol, we sat next to each other like, half the year! Also, dance class. Where we herped our derps all day erryday. And the creeper in the bushes omg x( But at least they made for memories!! Jenny Ha: JENHAAAAEE. Omg I swear you are like, one of the only people that will dance like a crazzyyy person at dances with me. Ilu for that!! Amanda Chen: Go marry your husband already!! Haha, omg you will forever be my Big Bang fan friend! We still need to go to a concert together and kidnap GD and TOP! LololAnusha Ramakrishnan: I still don’t understand how you’re such a monster at civics. Omg seriously! Haha!Joyce Shin: You’re lucky I leave you anything!!! Haha, anywayssss. BEAST friends! Maybe one day they’ll come back to Cali and we can go see them! So I’ll leave you a lock of Yoseob’s hair or something you creep. ;) Alice Hong: Hey youu! You’re gonna be a freshiiee next year! Make the high school years the best okay? SHINee friendsss! Maybe there’ll be another SMTOWN and maybe I’ll see you there! We can go stalk them like true sasaeng fans do. :P Did I ever tell you that I totally touched Onew’s arm when I saw them at the airport? Ahaaa~To everyone else that I missed: SMELL YA LATER.

Michelle GuanScripps CollegeEconomics

I, Michelle Yue Guan, being of sound mind and body, do hereby leave....

Emily Liang: amilli amilli-ion dollars to buy Curious George stuff with, spontaneous adventures, MY cool ideas about where to go, dollar movies, a better sense of direction, time capsules in French, two stomachs so you can eat more buffets, black toenails, rapping skills, and Tupperware.

Good luck next year. I’ll be at your graduation speech.Catherine Qian: tempera paint, water color, parrots, grapes, crystal balls, vitamin-e for your hair, eyebrows, Guppy Teahouse meals, money management skills for Red Cross next year, college acceptances, and the ability to hide your feelings. Ashley Tang: beautiful frames for all your beautiful artwork, a picnic, an immune system since you don’t really have one, strength to backup your incredible passion, and Red Cross. Sarah Zhang: future thrift store shopping trips, Saver’s grandma sweaters, Chinese beef noodles, kewl indie music, growth pills (haha shorty), laughing at everything, and “girl! put your records on”Gary: more sleep and TURTLES!Red Cross Exec. Board: good luck next year. I love you guys! Chris Platt: all of the above, and an extra pound of luck and leadership skills. Nagel Bagel: all the pineapple and spam musubis on the Hawaiian Islands, a Stanford basketball scholarship, “dogmatic” and the rest of my SAT words, iron knees and ankles, Palm Springs trips and gray and white striped shirts for everyday of the week. Allison: creeper looks, body rolls, and more creeper looksJushih/Jshih: summer fun with your jie jie, twinkle-toes, happy feet, and technical fouls. 10-11 basketball girls: good luck next year! that’s how we roll.Steph: all of the above since you aren’t in that group anymore! And Geodude. AnnYao: AP Human, failed study sessions, grade grubbing, future hangouts before I leave, doughnuts at Elite, and my secret vampire abilities.ABI: your nickname, apples for everydaysh, a softer voice, Guppy Teahouse dumplings and popcorn chicken, Buzz Lightyear and more children’s books dedicated to you. Marysh Ogawash: Breeeik, a little lamb, Woodstock, anti-cowlick formula, foursh, I mustache you a question, but I’ll shave it for later, and unlimited line paper to show your work on.Eric: Spock! Vulcan salute! Breeik. Math class. Take me to your mothershipDong Song: caltop, chemistry with bender, Brandon and his maturing too fast, a thousand apologies for sophomore year, still. Gabie: Prometheus and Bob, one of my first friends at Whitney, you’re one of the strongest people I know. Good luck next year!James P./Matt/Mike Hu: Jems, I like your hair, Wittmann warriors 4lyfe. Matt, you’re going to be a famous architect, Huhan, give me French candy, Texas, funniest English table ever, Yamakas. Katti: horngy, purple cardigans, purple walls, purple everything, curly long hair, food runs, naps on your floor, buumper, dogs, animals, wrong!, ow I broke my finger, like no other, freshman year, only original girls in basketball, sam, mangoes, good luck next year! I luh you. Alex: Arex, sleepovers, your bike, eyebrow threading, diet pepsi and mentos, rockets, engineering, Indian friend, breeeik. You’re amazingly strong. Mijo: hanmi market, Neanderthals, bowties, Chloe beige sh___, rag and bone white collared shirts, jil sander minimalism, Alexander mcqueen met exhibit, lacma trip, thrift store shopping, and a camera to document the lint’s life. Yuna: I really almost forgot your real name, Tuna keep on fleeting down da river. Yhunanna, sleepovers, congrats kate middleton!, h1n1 baaaby, nature valley

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bars, figure skater names, ballerina buns, more black dresses, the middleground. Yam: your nickname for the rest of your life, rolling everywhere, metronomes to carry around, my michmobile and michcave, Christian Bale, stately gentlemen, diet coke and mentos.Angela: Oh rangera, pineapple buns, I stand with yam, sorry, deer in the headlights, star wars, jedis, james franco, pineapple express, badassness, sleepovers, a lifetime supply of avocado.Elle Quimpo: IS IT EWELL?? That is still the greatest inside joke of my life. Eel, furniture friends, college boys, gay looking boys, christiano ronaldo, plucking shoes off the rack, cabin eight, being more blunt, hand gestures, laughing at everything, thanks for always being their to listen to my problems. Jint: lul, sacimas, chocolate bars, fondue, bundt cakes, watermarc, marc by marc Jacobs for marc Jacobs etc., Neanderthals, pigs in the pen, good foots, an English name, eyyy jt, movie night every night, everything ridiculous/stupid/IQ lowering, leaping cactus. Christine Castillo: oranges, cone, gray, basketball all day err’day, huge blisters, hopping action, rice cooker, watermelon, anime, Karen, caps locks, ER, deeeeson, kimchiiyaaaa, tomatoes and sausages, more pictures of us, yellow, red, dolphins, horses, and all my high school memories and all my friendship.

Anika HaqueUniversity of California, RiversideBiological Sciences

I, Anika Haque, being of sound mind and body, do hereby leave (in no particular order):

Suzanne: long talks, tacos?, rants, laughs, love, jokes, “You want my what?!”, twins, our dads, UCLA, beach dates, car rides, crepes, cookies, and brownies, your blanket, prom night…after we dropped sarina house…,henna, “boys are link investments, you always want to make good ones.” You know I still have that thing in my wallet, suzanise.Elise: chad michael murray, blood donor center, food tasters, braces, cyber bullying, “I’m lonely” and “So, hows life” convos, voodoo, endless code names, ”evil lady” long talks, suzanne’s dad’s car on the way to UCLA, carne asada fries, guppies when we’re sad, our kids will play with each other, making raps, suzanise.Varsha: barfs, fellow momma, getting dressed up for lomaticc, movie dates, “do your own hw”, culture/talent show, rants, long talks picture taking buddy, creeping, weird voices, FOB, laughing, prince harry > prince william, “you know, we’re only online friends..” slave, sbc.831Liezl: ratings at the beach, ranting and complaining, laughing, joking, long talks, hour lunches, “another four years!?!”, playdates, roomies, e.lo, 500 days of summer, bio, nicknames, sarcasm, taking 928432 pictures, retreat, bears. Im so excited that we’re going to college together, dynamic duo! slaveAddie: Bullying, band and sitting next to…., breaking the rules, “and the peasants”, poke, Thompson, clarinets, laughs, jokes, “aye, watcha wearin?”Emily: 13 yrs, preschool, dc, band, laughs, rants, we must go to England and find us some English speaking husbands, ranting about school and band, birthday parties in your backyardWendy: cholo bikes, after school talks, bus rides home, never ending jokes, retreat, “oh kurrr.”

Daisy: twins, “daily”, rants, “fatso”, $2 gum, mating calls, 75 cents and Skittles, gagnelo, posole, scary movies at your house, “ I speak Spanish..”, butt slappin’.Christine: geometry, apbio, laughs, “Lets promise to not be creepy in college..” that sure isn’t going to happen, hey, are you hungry because Im hungryMarivel: retreat, bear attack, drawing in my comp book in Chem, laughs, falling off daisy’s couch.Miya: cabin 6, bears creepers, laughing, “Hey Miya, are you…..”Nikki: talent show, culture show, creeping, getting lost in your eyes. Please become a model! I leave you luck, joy, knowledge, and my love.Archie: Harry Potter, laughing and joking, talent show, “I know how to wink”, creeping, taking 3487 pictures on your camera.Opal: friend in a box, talks, laughs, opalo! I wish you the best of luck cutie!Shikha: I like you more than your sister! I leave you wisdom and joy for you will seriously need it for the next few years.Roshni: Groshni, cutie! I like you more than your sister, creeping, Good luck with all your endeavors!Juhee: JUU, junior year will be very hard! I leave you lots of “shanty” club memories, wisdom, happiness, and my love.Vinisha: facebook explosions, pictures, pinching your cheeks, weird stalker at heritage, talking in Bengali. For you, I leave joy, love, and fobiness.Sharon: banana, “ you could be a model”, parades, band, Indian clothes, “ I didn’t practice” -_-Elle: English and art, hw reminders, formal ’09, prom dress fiasco, “ I never say hi to you at your locker because you always look mad..”, Pablo.Anusha: projects, laughing, joking, having every class together, culture show, “quiet one”.Anisha: art, talent/ culture show, denny’s, “So, I don’t know the dance..”, creeping and laughing, “Hey, so guess who’ll be at the same college…” sbc.831Sarina: aphuman, ranting, “sarina, Ive heard this for the 2973289 time…”, FOBS, vat night, “lets marry John Abraham”, cool dance moves in college, “aye, look those are the PUNKS! Sbc.831Andrew: hoi andy rew, lez tawlk preety erry dai! He snores so loudly!Kevin: KEY-VAN. Bio, hour lunches, and detectives.Locker Buddies: Olivia: ranting about classes and the kid who couldn’t open his locker. Jonathan: we suck at civics.Janvi: Jambi, dahi puri, laughs, talent/culture show, denny’s, old jay sean, Indian songs, play dates. Sbc.831Neha: I leave you wisdom. I love laughing with you because we both have weird laughs. Please don’t become a gangster.Kaajal: seastar, culture show, laughs, taking 28794 pictures. I leave you the best of luck and love.Sara: booboo, family parties, being blind, fail shopping trips, jokes, laughs, love, and remember…when youre 18…., FOB songs, roommates! I leave you wisdom, love, happiness, and luck. Abrar: Hey you, Mr. I’m more mature/taller/cooler/buffer/smarter/better looking than you! Even though I’ll only be an hour away, I’ll miss you the most…I don’t know how I’ll survive w/o arguing with you every day! “Aye, MUSIC!” You know, everyone thinks youre the older child going off to college! I actually like making tacos for you. I leave you all the happiness, wisdom, memories, luck and love the world can provide you. I wonder how you’ll wake up every morning…I love you <3

Olivia HillSan Diego State UniversityCommunication

I, Olivia Hill, being of outspoken mind and virgin body, do hereby leave…

Pearl: Oh how the tension has built up these past 6 years. Praise Anchorman for bringing us together, W&K for making us crazy, but our own best friendship for making us last this long (: Hilary: My #1 girl to rely on when it comes to crazy guy stuff someone super cute to take a picture with. SDSU has super cute girls coming their way, and then there’ll be us…jk (: coconuts, bananas, peaches, yum.Victor: BAH XIAO WHYDYA PUT YAH NAME IN THE GOBLEH DE FIYAH?! I’m going to miss telling my parents not to take me to BR31 with them (: Seriously come work with me one day. That’s an order.Tiffany Tatreau: One of my first best friends at Whitney, and that still holds true. Please don’t post the video of me falling off that chair as I lipsync Britney Spears (yup I said it) … I’m so proud of you for following your musical theater dream and you’ll do great next year. Sherry: You crazy little girl. I’m going to miss being pummeled out of nowhere, and then having to tackle you to the ground. You always have my number when you need me, & of course I’ll visit (: Stay safe & insane <3 Michael Jo: Stay your crazy, outgoing self, oh & did you know that Senior Wills were invented in 1804 by Chelsea Handler? I’m afraid to share anymore youtube people with you because they always fall off the face of the earth soon after…And are we ever going to release our Friday dance to the world? Madeline: You are one of the sweetest girls I have ever met, and I have your frame up & am taking it to college! You were such a legit Pocahontas for Halloween sophomore year! Florence: Thank you so much for always being there to have long talks (: Please, please, play volleyball in college, & for the rest of your life too! You have too much talent and no one wants to see it go to waste. Shujoy: I say you not only pretend like you have an accent next year, but also really push to make people believe you are a distant cousin of Snoop Dogg. PLEASE. Jerome: You’re a wizard, Jerome. I think Electric Limes really pushed everyone to the edge & I say you guys put the uncut version on youtube (: It could become ridiculously viral like all the other videos we’d watch at Shujoy’s before actually filming…Jessica Jay: & lastly (but not least!) to the first new friend I made at Whitney as a 7th grader (: We always have things to tell each other & it’s good to know someone is always there to tell it to. Here’s to many more beach & now Disneyland trips (on certain days b/c of my pass -_- ) where we can gossip & update the day away!

Emily HuangUniversity of Southern CaliforniaBiological Studies

I, Emily Huang, being of sound mind and body, hereby leave to:

Angela-kindergarden at Leal, obsessions with Panic!, UCLA, tennis, Star WarsAshley,Tiffany-VTS, retreat jam sessions

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Christine-7th grade Breik, Jclub core, worship, guitar, cajon, Jennifer’s body at 3am, all other randomnessJohn-10th grade Brice, rants, Grey’s Anatomy calendar :DKatti-NSO, locker buddy, math class, sleepovers, Saw -_-, cooking shrimpLowell-crazy VTS practices, talent show stress, great ideas and awesome voicesMichael-French, goalies, USC next year!Molly-zucchini (not cucumber) bread, cooking, rants in english and math, dress shopping, Chik-Fil-A, prom, helping me in math, college insanity, Ohio. You’ll do great <3Pearl,Victor,Shujoy,Jerome-hipsters, cameras, food run, bus chaseRandy-locker buddy, core, the key’s too highSam,Sanaa-French I 7th grade, co presidents, Madame, crepe making practices... lots more practicesTiffany,Marlene-vball, softball, long talks, foodYuni,Tommy-civics/econ projects, prom plans, polar bears, shorts&boots, TiK ToK

Michelle,Victoria,Ellie-physics, seats next to each other, college talks, candy, cream puffs, piesAlison-volleyball, soccer, and softball, bus talks, washboard. Don’t stress so much about college, you’ll get there.Varsity vball-the back of the bus, dressing up, a fun season. You guys are amazing.Vball kids-brownies, play dates, coach’s yodeling, random pictures, beating Oxford! <3 you guysAllison-you’re crazy. have fun finding a victim for next year.Marissa-math class every year, you’re a genius.Rachel-you’re kind of amazing. thanks for trusting me.Soccer kids-brownies, bus talks, rain games, my gloves, beat Oxford next year! Good luck with the new coach and have fun with initiation >:DBorah&Jess-pure beast, love for the game, love for GodNikki&Niki-goals, trying hard, crepe parties, advice on random stuff <3Shamara&Dorene-pure ownage on the field, bus talks, secrets. Be nice to the freshies next year. And try hard in school.Softball kids-brownies, nicknames, Arianna’s wrath, league champs next year??Core kids-prayer, food, fun, worshipFrench class-food, Paris Match, soap opera projects, Kyo, Yelle, L’enfant noir, Madame’s drama, Madame’s awesomenessFrench Club cabinet kids-crepe making skills, fondue madness, cheese-tasting, Madame. Sofia&Anita-good luck! Be nice to her.VTS kids-talent show, showcase, ID, Glee songs, impromptu guitar/keys. Leia&Saatchi-find a guitarist, be my pillow, get more sleep than me and have fun next year <3 Ashley-sisters, Huang, guitar, drums, recording, longboarding, sports, November 19, Strawberry Dreamin’ and Fruity Pebbles, White Chocolate Ice Blended, aviators, leather jackets, Korean bbq, Brazilian bbq, bottled cherry soda, Nikes, faces, it’s not like I’m going to Ohio.Jessie-soccer, softball, you’re fast, green, notes, chem, long talks, farmers’ market, Glee, Castle, Grey’s, Frostbites, Albertacos, Korean bbq, Roscoe’s, my confusion with football, Coffee Bean, Chipotle sharing, crepes, cupcakes, okra, other random foods, find the toothpick, pillow pet, stripper caveman, mochahontas, O.O, >:[ Thank you for everything <3Anyone I forgot-my sincerest apologies, I love you all but I was in a rush x.x

Mindy HuangStanford UniversityComputer Science

I, Mindy Huang, being of mind and body (Cartesian dualism~), do hereby leave:

Lorenzo Gutierrez: memories of being Robotics n00bs together, and whatever (hopefully relevant) advice I ever gave you; Brian Kim: an imaginary spot as a WHS student, and title of Head Programmer (may it serve you well on college apps);Michael Ishida: salt; Victor Dang: the couch, use it well;Erik Wang: I’ll give you kudos if you grow a pair and ask her out; Andrew Ro: the role of oldest person in our neighborhood to go to Whitney, get a car and give Chris rides home!; Christopher Chang: permission to bug Andrew for rides instead of me now, and smaller New Year’s parties L; Vignesh Raja: my Physics Barron’s book, I don’t think you ever returned it anyways; FTC: AWESOME times at Vegas and Georgia!; Megan Fong: a hug...;Jennie Woo: Oddness; Timothy Chai: VEX, though that may not be mine to give; Amber Batra: 12 years worth of memories, wow; Minaal Malik: earplugs; Adriana Lora: a request for any drawing you want me to do; Tennis Girls: if anyone wants my uniforms you can have them. I have like four; Michael Clark: truffles; Tony Dai: a basketball; Nick Kang: lifetime subscription to The Economist; Avi Bagla: nerdy jokes; Lawrence Ng: I’ve given you more than I intended already >:T; Anyone I missed: an apology.

Syed ‘Shafqat’ HuqArizona State UniversityBusiness, Engineering

I, Shafqat Huq, being outta my mind and of sound body, do hereby leave…

Afraz Khan: Qiyam, reppin’ that aliMoon Crescent Warriors, delight runs, DTB, your car back :P, using your name with my parents for stuff, MUN chairing, b-ball, our rap we ended up not finishing, chill bro-talks about anything and everythingASB ’10-’11: Amazing events, retreat, sleepover, memories and a family to last foreverAlex Ho: 9 years, the original 13 colonies, “for rent” sign, no-homo wallposts/ims/yearbook signings >.<,  ZEEAMETREE, fail star project, hole in the wall, camp high trails has been nuuuked, aammy productions, hopal-huqbuddy, man-talks, hall project luls, probably the one person I can be completely open to without worrying about being judgedAlex Kim: Duh Vietnam acksent, two years of soccer, your ASU application, free bottom lockers tickets, chimichangasAlice Zuo: Locker budiesss, prom picture you never gave me -.-, bugging you everyday, your ant babies, me being your “gay bff”… honestly, wtf? the pair of white sox you borrowed from me last year and never gave backAndrew Park: 6th grade writing classes, DC trip roommates, OTOTOT yearbook picture, CPR project, you knocking out on your bathroom floor, munching at your

house, coloring outside of the lines, ID 2010 wings lul, lots of ups and downs, but homies til the endAndy De Avila: Your passing grade in English, soccer memories, chimichangas, mickey d’s munchies, FIFAAngel Choi: Tennis balls, TMAC, IM conversation games that I always LET you win in ;] hehe, Algebra II/Trig buddies, sorry for being an awkward prom date. you were kinda my first date to a dance… heh  thanks for being an awesome date anyways :]ASB ’10-’11: Amazing events, retreat, sleepover, memories and a family to last foreverCatherine Qian: You still have my book you thief so I guess I’m leaving you that, all-night IM convos, proving to you I’m straight -.-, soupppp :], ooVooCharles Duong: SAVAGES? WHERE? OG soccer memories, one of the hardest working people I’ve ever seen, sleep, eagles, dreams, one-one all doneee, GET OUTTA YO MIND, thanks for an amazing senior yearChristine Kim: Samir K. ;], food would probably be a good idea, you’re fat <3, our awkward hugs, get into Yale girlChuck Chan: OG B-ball, lipsync + formal askings, econ rap, theater lab chill timesDaniel Yang: Foo you owe me Boiling Crab, B-ball match-ups, ID 2011 no shameDarren Chen: all-nighter meetings, 2 trips to ATL and Vegas, retreat, yu dun fahted, pancakes and bread, haircuts and ice-cream, chill bro-talks, fruit ninja, spanish skits, epic clutch English projectsDavid Hwang: xD, your locker back, your Whitney Diploma, bailing your ass out, APUSH + Stat +English hook-ups you ungrateful twat, random hangouts, speed-jerking, you are my geckstacy, space junkElle Quimpo: Always checking ABI on your phone, yourocassional motherly antics aha, being one of the first people to hear me singEllie Shin: random talks, ranting to each other about random crap, but you always getting mad at me when I rant to you -.-Emily Liang: Formal 2011, your hilarious sports reports and your attempt to do the pledge of allegiance, one of the funniest and most unique girls I’ve ever met, MUN domination skills, song names you still haven’t given me >:O , thanks for being an awesome and fun formal date :]Harry Trieu: FACK YOU BROO!! Seekest, bread, pancakes, retreat, English project weight pulling, copping your steez, DJ True, random homie talks of encouragement, your addiction to buying new crap every weekIngrid Huang: HTC Fuze aw yee, sorry for buggin you in stat, ASB, about fbla heh ^ ^Isabel Chua: Kevin Yang (I guess you can have him while I’m gone…), your ASU app that I’m expecting next year, the Jell-O you promised me, the pictures you gave me for my locker, your costco shopping cart danceJames Pawat Poupongtong: OG basketball, the 6 rides I originally owe you + the hundreds I accumulated throughout this year, scavenger hunt, man-talks, civics projects, econ rap, ironman training plan and 5am swimming, rep it at Irvine bro.Jessica Jay: Random vent calls, being the distraction of your life (still not sure if that’s a good or bad thing), remind me to talk to you at our 11 year reunion (I got something to show you)Jesus Calderon: ANDRIEGA, seekest dj man, 6 years of soccer together, the mark you left on my chest at the beach, thank you for touching me Jesus, PRAISE JESUS, your sickass goal against Ross from midfield, all the memories from the past three years, your funnyass English video that phased Palmieri, munch seshes with the guys, rep it in SB man

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Josh Chung: perfect pitch, ASB president, amazing whittles, one of the most dedicated ASB members everKevin Chung: Summer adventures and my thug music, retreat, grappling, keep it fresh brotha bear Kevin Yang: 9 years of being partners in crime, pinky, aammy productions, lord of the egg + hairy pothole comic series, FBLA co-presidents, all-nighter and pulling massive weight at Section Conference, OAT day 2010 hehehe, Kaiser Permanente “Voluntarious”, Project W (Massive Fail), “post AP sleepover” (also a fail -.-), random man-talks, fail hot dog oven, Civil War project, the creeper in the tye-dye shirt that lives in the pink house, private island, the 13 original colonies, one nice and one crappy car, junior year roommmates?!Matt Ramos: Hilarious Jeans projects that had nothing to do with subject material and the fun times making them, guacamole, bbqMichael Hu: soccer memories, scavenger hunt, random pig-outs at your house, the thousands of rides I owe you, fail CPR project and you dying, walking every other day to KFC (damn we’ve come a long way since then), always being there when I need it, rep it in SBPete Thiengtrong: Your lines I accidentally cut off in Fall Play, awesome run in Midsummer’s and Bottom Lockers, stay chill, be less dramatic, and you’re cool man. Can’t wait to see the man you grow intoSam Kim: my music, rep it good manShaan Khan: Bengali lecacy, rep that #7           Shannon Chang: Insomniac AIM talks and rants about civics/econ/random crap, always being there whenever I needed help or someone to talk to, your blunt and honest opinion I value so much, one of the first people to ever hear me sing :], thanks for all the faith you’ve had in me, you’re honestly one of the most amazing and beautiful people I’ve met and I’m happy I got to know you through ASBShaun Pak: You can’t beat me in FIFA foo, hope to see you at ASU in 2012, soccer memoriesShujoy Islam: Bengali brotha, simultaneously singing different hindi songs, Mikeeee?? Shafqaaaat?? JOY BANGLAAAA! Rep the mothaland in SB broTam Nguyen: Sickness, preppy glasses, soccer talents, grappling, stay sickTiffany Liu: Confusion in IM convos -.-, your craziness/weirdnessTiffany Tatreau: A soul. Ginger. LOVEE MEHH. Fall Play + Spelling Bee + Musical + Bottom Lockers + Theater Lab + Civics/Econ. Whita than a ghosttt, dropping me off at home from all the drama stuff :]William Luo: Astagfirullah, Isa Hamrah, Formal 2011 limo group, movies and running at the mall from -----------, trying to hustle you in monopolyVarsity Soccer: 3 years back-to-back CIF runs, League Champs, parties at 209, tortillas are now a standard unit of measurement, the 40 bucks we got hustled out of our coach, the tears we shed after each loss, the joy and memories we shared after each win, and the memories and love we shared for each other and the sport.Vignesh Raja: Salad, Cheesecake, Z!, Coconut Woman, Engineering Notebooks, Halloween Chipotle, Vegas+ATL, your workstation in my car, Notorious VIG, CPR project fail, beat-boxing,Lastly…My Alma Mater: Memories to last a lifetime, Hail to Whitney High.

Abby IlaganUniversity of California, IrvineUndeclared

I, Anna Victoria Flores Ilagan, being of sound mind and body, do hereby leave...

eagles2011: the best of luck and success to each and every single one of you. you all deserve it. it has been a pleasure to be in your company these past few years Jasb10-11: you are my family and i really love each of you so much. thanks for absolutely everything. to future asb, keep whitney the special place that it is.ckmafia10-11: endless practicing, homostripper island, my babies <3 keep club kai crackin. i’ll be around, don’t trip! mafia forever!abril: shopping, life talks, independent women, eating 24/7.afraz: sick rap skillz. ap spanish memories.andrea: most hardworking!! J my bebe<3andy: my shuffling teacher!angela: love/hate relationship. jk<3 cheers m*&%@#+?! lovelovelove you!!anisha: bestfriendship, partner-in-crime, sister, ZOT ZOT ZOT! <3 FOREVER <3ann: hang in there girl! do work, you have so much ahead of you!annice: 7th period english, gossip girls, ilagan household, WINTER FORMAL 2009 (lmk if you know what i’m talking about heh)breeana: so amazing!brenda: 7th period palmy, munchies, food trip, LEGSalvin: neighbor! frappucinos, bonding, judging all the time. CALVIN!ashley: since day one<3chardu: GUUUUUURL. lol omg you are crazy ily.chareena: wedding planning!! you are the sweetest girl ever.charles: unending gratitude for being such an amazing fwend. this is probably the nicest thing i have ever said to you so enjoy it. J SLO!!charlie: CHAAAAAALIEEE!! cutie. keep working as hard as you do!christinal: best voice ;) mcdonalds dates, ahjuma.christine: bball dropouts, ck sista, umbrella girl haaay!chuckles: gossip heh, life talks, stbff. faeva. true homie.conrado: 3rd on my myspace top 8 HEHEHEHcrislyn: y u so pretty.dana: i guess i kind of like you...daniel: coolkids 4 lyf3.elle: elle lynn caballero quimpo + anna victoria flores ilagan! heheh have fun at sb<3emilyl: cutie. irunman. bball love! i better see you dominate at hc next year!!erika: shopping, thanks for listening to my rants, my babygirl<3florence: let’s get together yeahyeahyeah. algebra academy. ups and downs. but we made it through it all. starbucks dates. floser and abtard! bestfriend<3hilary: senior year bonding! i wish we had more time L summer!!ingrid: ap stats frustration, ingrindin at every whs dance. keep it alive!jamesb: partner! downest fool ever.jamesc: teach me how to dougie!janvi: mangoes? heh 10th grade english<3jasmine: fail playdates. trying to be me, huh.jesus: rosins!joshc: my asb family, judging each other, lowkey love.jessica: unlike any other. thanks for everything. i’ll be visiting you at ucla!joseph: shady’s back!!julia: my minime =)kathleen: civics bonding Jkevinz: mountain man!lowell: brother from another mother. after prom 2011 ;) heh jk. the cave. big head with big dreams. ablowfred = summer 2010.

mijo: one day.... NYFW!mimo: getlowha!petet: prom 2015?! ;) JKJKJKJKpeter: neverending rambling in english.....sigh. take care of yourself pls!ralph: i’ll mosdef miss your bearhugs Lsamir: afterbballlifetalksinthecaraboutabsolutelyeverything<3sean: neverending love and affection. prom 2012?!shannon: four more years ;) thankyouthankyouthankyou for absolutely everything you are an amazing friend i don’t think i tell you enoughshivanti: never ending cuteness. ap spanish fail.......steph: buff pascuas! you are amazing.sylvia: cutie for life. junior cabinettedk: k0r3an br0th4 & filipin0 $i$ta f0 lyf3!tiffany: fangirl moments, swooning over boyz, pho! new york roomies someday!roshni: bojangles.vivian: mehfehbleh. jk! <33333wilfred: kumon coworker. president to my vp. escort. bestfriend. anteater. life partner LOL.william: conservatism. prom+juniorprez anyone i forgot... i am really truly sorry my eyes are so filled with tears right now i can barely see or think. THANK YOU WHITNEY HIGH SCHOOL for absolutely everything. i really love you all!

Shujoy IslamUniversity of California, Santa BarbaraBiomedicine

I, Shujoy Glovesorrow Islam, being of okay mind and amazing body, do hereby leave…

The gods: We will descend again (You too, Moreno) Chad: A nice cup of STFU. Hopefully it’ll reduce your gas.Kev: Slaps. Lots and lots of slaps.John: Root beer and TOBs.Raff: A confession: I only watched 1 episode of Gundam ^_^Major Ho: SoisoisoisoisoisoiRandy: URRRGGOOOOOTTTTTDr. Hu: Our spot at SB >.>Omi: Tiny box of mintsFangdrew: A diamond ring, coal, and 600milRoberto: Espanol es numero uno. Tiki: Newer games. Keep em all though.Anthony: You can be Chinaman again: :DMitchell: You can have AnthonyAaron: You sent me my first screamer back in 7th grade. Never trusting you again.Tony: Let me ride your jetpack sometime, yeah?Lil Jon: Spanish Extra creditVictor: The clot thickensAlvin: My llama sweater Moreno: Yonder posteriorsRomil: Physics, trololol.Patch: No more asking girls out over the internetNgga Mike: WAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHJosh Azucar: DE LA GHETTTOOOOOOLawrence: Still need to know how you thought of your AIM SNOoilan: 5 point review ^_^Andrew Park: MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMJ-money: That gas money for PromViggy: The coconut woman is coming outAnand: Gay chickenMatt: Dat guac mixJerome: 168 Hours and our Collins cornerKunal: I really did get that party crackerBrian Chen: An iron fistBrian Choi: Probably something totally homo

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Thomas: Bing-BongKevin Yang: I learned the Godfather solo, I need to prove it one day.Henry: Why was Helen Keller a bad driver?Esther: A rematch at E-telyaki. IDGAF about how it’s different, I’ll destroy you anyways.Puhl: 168/7 = 24 Angeline: Those physics tests. Tbh, I think you beat me on every single one >.>Karen: PandasRachel: I can’t actually remember you jumping. Also crepesSunny: I lied about being terrified by you. Not until you can run for 6 hours straight.Pocahontas: CcooffffeeeeeOlivia: You get 15 inches, wherever you want it. I still need my redhead :( Kathy: *smack*Francois: Stay away from them earsMadeline: My favorite member of our Camarata syndicate :DSarah: Camarata LOVED our corner Hannah: I’ll find the “Best Friends Forever” DVD, I promise you.Emily Hwang: ALLLEEEEEEEEXXXXXXXXX ALLEEEEEEXXXXXDustin: PLAY LoL AGAIN!!!RayKu: *Slap* FEED MECharles Lai: LaierPaley: A third undershirtJessica: Still don’t think Orchestra’s part of crewJerrie: Watch your languageEmma: WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHanna: BREADFISHVince: I’m gonna watch Easy A because of youZosa: I love you <3Edgar: WHERE ARE YOU?!Gerg: You may be one of the most sensitive people I know. Your sad face is hilarious. Don’t change.Sharon: I leave you the ability to THINK OF BETTER NICKNAMESHannah “Cation”: Weirdest way I’ve ever made a friend on FacebookAngela Wan: I leave you the ability to have some respect and self-control during banquetsFoiny: Hopefully you can drive and get out yourself soonSamurai Kevin: RAINBOW TOUCHPaul: We need to LoL!Michaela: Your yearbook picture is hilariousRoger: You better be jumping another 5 feet next year, prodigy.Leif: FREEEDDERRRIICCCCKKKKK…hehe To the Jumpers: We’ll finally find, you and I collide ;DTo Stage Right: I leave my sweat, blood, and tears. And whatever else Mr. Vince Amalfitano took from us

Breeana JohngScripps CollegeNeuroscience

I, Breeana Johng, being of sound mind and body, do hereby leave…

Pep Squad: 4 years of bittersweet memories; dirty cheer stunting mats; good luck dealing with the cheertator5some: Burlesque & Get Sexy; chair routine; “slut it up” senior routine; late night cheer choreo/practices; GNO at the beach; super cute birthday picture frames; 5some surprise – blindfold & kidnap Korean Club: successful Talent Show; let the kpop/SNSD legacy live on, make me proud!Brenda Yee: watching the sunrise; fail sleepovers; foodfoodfood - jello, brownies, cupcakes, smoothies; the last episode of

Samsoon; walks to Bon Gelato in our car-less, free 7th period days of freshman & sophomore years; cue pictures that we never split up; Knott’s & Six Flags adventuresHenry Wang: pointless, meaningless, stupid conversations; brownies; moments of hate, indifference, & (sometimes, though rarely) like; squishy pencil; sloth-like nature; bribery with food; stat & civics projects; boredomDarren Chen: traumatizing songs (Dynamite, Toot it & Boot it -_-); unproductiveness; fail sleeping patterns; mind over matter; trips to In-N-OutDavid Hwang: kindergarten buddy! Confusing, late-night conversations; giant cupcake cake; chem projectsSarah Bae: 3rd-wheeling adventures; Disneyland shopping tripAngeline Tran: art project lag; sweats and glasses errday Christina Lee: free 7th’s before cheer; flipping out about pep rally; CBF memoriesThomas Lu: talks about ______ since 9th grade; weirdness; the first text in a conversationJessica Park: Korean Club; mascuteness; touchinessHanna Woo: Korean Club; pictures with you & Aaron all the timeSylvia Tran: dress-making/sewing; hair-curling; civics projectsAngela Ma: fail playdates; English project group – soph & senior year, team purple! Albert Choi: “deadly/fatal” tickle attacks; Words with Friends games; shorty :PAmy Hsu: non-stop bothering & walks to 5th

period class<3 David Choi: Korean Club; enjoy high school, favorite freshman, & be good Lowell Mansilla: first trip to Disneyland; I love you & your hugs<3Hannah Joo & Labdhi Sheth: lots of luck in DYW & never-ending Junior Miss loveKelsea Lee: history class complaints; cheer bitterness; updates; litto cheer buddy! Dana Urcia: dragging rides across the dance room/gym floor; favorite-ness; short bangs that turn you into a lion; JV “successor,” if there was a JV squadFrances Cho: Korean Club cabinet adventures; CBF memories; updatesJessica Jay: hair-tieing almost errday Annice Ma: first friendship at Whitney<3Tiffany Tatreau: “Part of Your World”; musical theater bonding and memoriesAlyssa Olea: cheer tumbling; the front walkover I lost & never got back

Michael JoUniversity of California, DavisUndeclared

I, Michael Jo, of sound mind and body, hereby leave:

Angela Chan: 1 DALLS (gross),1 Jint lint, 1 Miiz Miich. (BUY ME A RANGE ROVER PLS)Hilary Chan: 1 Summer bbq, many hours of studying together for anything and everything, 1 season of project runway, 1 middle finger to gretchen, 1 heart for mondo, shared hatred for chem, 1 cat from the shelter, 1 big brother cat, many grace faces, and MOUNDS AND MOUNDS OF LOVE FOR YOU! I WILL MISS YOU HILLDOG! Amy Chang: 1 Lamborghini (even though you don’t know what it is) and many many shopping bags that you have left in my car.Shannon Chang: 1 title of queen b*tch, many many projects of civics and of econ, sleeping pills, 1 six-inch ruler to measure the safe distance for dancing, 1 wesley yang, 1 decision maker for times when you are confused (which will be plenty), 1 creeper tumblr (give me back my hour from that night), fake tears for your non-sentimental

self for graduation, the hundreds of other little memories we have, and the request to ACTUALLY buy me a birthday dinner.Amanda Chen: 1 DALLS (gross), many opportunities to sit shotgun (give me back my 10 minutes fighting for it)Timo Chen: 1 deck of cards for playing in front of bio, 1 year in political, and 50 towering sandwiches to make up for the 1/2 I took

Alvin Chou: MANY packs of anti-jerk pills, 1 vacination for awkwardness, 1 high five for pregnant Elle jokes, and a grind sandwich. Michelle Guan: 1 piece of crap (jinting), 1 bradshaw, many chill pill packs for times of stress, 10 assorted MIICH branded goods (such as the MIICHCAVE), gas for all the driving, 50 cut slips from missing swim, 1 bomb prom, mounds of bohemian sh*t, and a “I’ll really miss you”Olivia Hill: 1 OH HERRO DER BRITTANEY REE, 1 audrey hepburn costume (we still need to watch the movie together). Many insults toward Pearl’s intelligence. 1 awkward unintentional game of footsies. 1 graceface, 1 random trip to the animal shelter, 1 big brother cat, MILLIONS OF CORGIS, 3 hours of NYAN CATS, trips to disney and knotts and a friendship for a lifetime. Thanks Olivia, I will miss you.Abby Ilagan: 1 shopping trip, many times hating on your alcoholism, LOOK AT ME NOW! 1 CRAZY spanish film project, etc etc. DONT GET PREGNANT DONT GET TOO DRUNK!Jessica Jay: 1 RUDE BOY dance (JK), 1 stripper pole, 4 years of swim together, countless trips to the beach, 2 days of US open, TUNA TOWN (LEGGO ALL SUMMER) 3 little swim children, shopping at irvine spectrum, 2 years of ic, many drives to the pool (ty for that AHA) and other random playtimes. IMMA MISS YOU JESICAR!!Aaron Kim: YOU RACIST A**HOLE, 1 pouty face, multiple aim conversations of random shit, 1 Hanna, 4 years of swim, random food trips after swim practice, many times faking sicknesses and detentions to Mark, MASTROS!! (pls lets go again^^) 1 hummer limo w/ pole (LOLOL) talking in the car for hours, etc etc (OH AND YOU OWE ME BIG TIME FOR CA) anywho, good luck in college, imma miss you. Brittaney Lee: many homerooms taking birthday beak pictures, trips to EVERYWHERE, the getty, OH HERRO BRITTANEY REE, US open, TUNA TOWN, YOU BAILING ON ME T.T STOP THAT AHAHATryphena Liu: A MILLION CRUMBS ALL OVER YOUR COUCH, fake blood! WRAPS MANY MANY WRAPS!, the many pencils that I lost (sorry), spending 14 hours at your house editing and filming (GAH)Angela Ma: MELROSE, STOWERS, buddies from stowers AND carmenita, 12 years of knowing eachother, mang we go WAY back. Karen Pan:12 years of friendship, food buddy, chem cprs, FOOD FOOD FOOD, WRAPS etcElle: TOO MUCH TO REMEMBER, (AND ECONS TOMORROW GAH!) but imma try, 1 CALM YO TITS, too many econ and civics projects, lots of judging each other, commenting on shannon’s lack of any humor, you laughing at anything and everything, 1 obamijo, old spice, disney marathons, “AND I~~~~ WILL ALWAAAAaaa- FUH”, “aw fuh”, random animal videos, pumpkin b*tches, grind sandwiches, not having licences, fail study seshes, hating our class junior year, but loving it senior year, co-activities directors, random trip to target, sitting around in the car talking about anything and everything, ranting about how some people suck, and TONS of other memories to last FO EVAH! what ever will i do with out you elle :(

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Jinting Wang: I have o study for econ, but I’m busy trying to remember all the random shiz we did together, where to begin. Freshman year MUN, and seeing yo head down all day err day, going to scp with yam, swim for 4 years, ditching MUN for tea station, pottery game, NYAN CAT, the mounds and mounds of civics and econ projects together, our fail christmas one at Jennifer's house where we played robot unicorn and read “when parents text” for 3 hours, you and your bad grammar, TAIWAN!! fail AAXP meetings, swim family portraits, little swim children, you driving me everywhere, the kooks, jackies big tits, CALM YO TITS, hating on forever21 (can we go to one and judge the stuff there?) jint memes, pansy octopi, sorry cats, senior retreat hang outs MUN pictures, mission viejo, GRIND SANDWICHES and probably a lot of other stuff that I can’t remember, but all in all thanks jint for the amazing four years, you made it really fun, even though sometimes i wanted to slap you (LOL), have fun in college.Pearl wang: WAH there are so many things to try and remember, I can’t even remember how we met, why? we’ve done so much that all is a blur, but Imma try. FORMAL ’08 flannel fridays, MASTROS, POLITICAL, “secrets”, LACMA, GRACE FACESS! :D DING! you and your slow ways, BIG BROTHER CAT, animal shelter, random adventures EVERY WHERE ^^, RED VELVET pancakes!! playing with your now gone LONG HAIR (RIP) filming at mothers beach, you polynesian dancing, knotts, dtown disney, bubba gump, the grove, hang over at tu casa, you and bad spanish, BABY!!!, THE GETTY!! tuna town, hummer limo w. stripper pole, and probably a lot more, but i dont have victor memory either. PEARL IM GOING TO MISS YOU SO MUCH :( HAVE FUN IN THE FUTURE, KEEP IN TOUCHTiffany Liu: LDC BUDDY, most shared friends on FB, mun drama, mission viejo, hating on mun is, staff trainings, etc. Have fun senior year!!Hanna Woo: Aaron kim. LULZ remember all that drama, getting rides from yo mama, hatin on your brother, talking about random stuff on aim. Watching random movies together, FORMAL, MASTROS, STRIPPER POLE LIMO. Imma miss you fooAlice Zuo: YOU CRAZY MO FU**ER, taking chinese family portraits, grind sandwiching you, swim, PAUL AHAHAHA, crazed creeper pics, bagging on awkward people COUGHawkvinCOUGH, touching elbows, DONT TOUCH ME LIKE YOU KNOW ME, MUN, etc imma miss you :(Kasie Le: YOU CRAZY, GIVE ME MY MOVIE TICKET MONEY NAO!. lol imma miss our swim hangouts, going to the beach, laughing at jinting, eating out at places, grind sandwiching you, camera whoring, etc etc. MISS ME, kthnx bai.Deborah Park: Look above, you crazy as well, Imma miss you too :( wah imma miss our little swim family, and all the funny random moments.

Suzanne KangUniversity of California, Santa BarbaraBiology

I Suzanne Kang, of mind body and soul leave

Molly – love of my life Emily O – my sisters keeper Daisy – HAHAHA. You know why I’m laughing. NAH, I won’t miss you one bit. <3Addie – Old man at Disneyland. Wendy – SWIM, 7th grade bus rides Ashley M – 7th grade myspace talksMarivel – 7th grade bus rides, Daisy’s houseKatherine C – myspace messages!

Jessica J – 8th grade boy rants Anisha M – My English folderPatch N – The only other person who didn’t go to lil Tokyo Conrado – CONNIEANNE. Where’s Suzanne. Driving your car. “Peas”, Marlene – volleyball, English 9th grade, flanOlivia – 9th grade volleyball Swim girls Megan Dhruvi Tiffany Lacy Laura Gabby Anita Nida – cutest litto fishies ever. Best first year for me ever. Elise – partner in crime, 6 years and countingAnika – Sean 8th grade PE jeezus; long talksLiezl – Your house, late night talks, snacks, boyz, my day with you 24/7Varsha – summer swim talks, your house, guppies Nicole G – Elementary buddy! 7th grade lunchesElle – Always there to listen, big aim font, late night phone callsSylvia – My calmer downer Brenda – my adopted child. Charleen& Andrea – middle school bus rides, JAY, omg what was wrong with me back thenErika & Stephanie – volleyball, random hellos in the hallways Claudine – Volleyball talks, your house Ralphy – aim talksKevin P – We cute we cute. Michelle C – you never hooked it up, I won’t drop it till you do. Kathleen S – stay singingShayna F – Your cuteness. Jalen S – For somehow always walking me to class like a gentleman Mary O – You’re adorable, in every way possible. James B& Angel – Carrides home Matt R & James P. – freshman year lunch visits. Brian C – Civics, saying hi Lowell M– 8th grade boy talks, Kevin A – I got you, always! Your coat rack during peDaniel S – HI (: Frances C– one of the sweetest girls I know. Christine C– Nihongo, boyz, jump hugs! Civics 3rd period group - late night snacks and talks

Yuni KayPomona CollegeNeuroscience

I, Yuni Kay, being of sound mind and body, do hereby leave

Colorguard: many parades/winterguard competitions, new teacher/England/Kelly, 1st period, floor pulling, waking up at 5am to get ready together, heavy makeup, Disneyland, smile! Posture! Perform!, lots of love and my best high school memories, good luck next year! I’ll visit you guys <3Telephone(Audrey, Lily, Hannah, and Rebecca):colorful suspenders and cut-up shirts, body roll, memorial day practice <3Key Club: sunshine stats #1!! Emily as your new president, amazing new cabinet, many new friends, lots of unforgettable memories that made me who I am today. Thanks <3Curtis&David:Korean Club! Good luck!Darren&Derrick: Key Club, talent show, random hallway talks. I’m so proud of you!Edward: KeyClub,ADFs,ORFs,hours sheets, future in KC!Tiffany:Key club divisional awesomeness! Future in KC! Lydia: Colorguard, Key Club, awesome red hair and adorable smiles Jasmine:cg, disneyland, lovely memories :]Josefina:cg, lovers ;]Rebecca:cg, KC,McDonalds girltalkMinette:mama/baby, cuteness

Cece:cg, KC, a bright future in both :]Audrey:cg, cute smiles and telephone practiceLinda:random talks we used to have, your car that you cant driveGreg:cute Ims, hallway hellos :]Joyce:CG! I am so excited for your future :]Eunice:CG, fail KC talent show, your musical future. Be a youtube star!May:CG, adorable smile and hellos :]Annabel: CG, car-waiting for your mama, have fun next year <3Hannah:CG, telephone drill/work/practice, girltalk, Chris, beautiful ballet skills. Ima miss you <3Charles: random hellos, Borders that one time :] study hard!Avi: a bright future :] good luck with your senior year!Raymond: Key Club, random talks, Taylor Swift, roller skating :]Grace: DCONs, a bright future <3 good luck!Emily: Key Club, of course. And cg :] good luck! I believe in you :] bring home that sunshine stats #1!Kaajal:cutest smiles, floor folding, talking about SATs, random comments, ima miss you <3Isabel: CG, such a pretty smile and cuteness :] Justin&James: many camping memories, my brothers<3 good luck with your senior year!Chris: Hannah, many hugs, walking to 2nd period :] good luck!Molly:walking to math, Big Bang Theory, i miss you :[Angela&Jinting:Key Club, DCON, good luck guys!Kathy: Carmenita new kids, Spanish, Choir, CG senior routine, 500 days of summer/pasta, ima miss you so muchFrances: Cup Ramen hot water? Drama class, first friend at Whitney, lollipop, English project buddies, lots of girl talk, nick ;] i’ll miss you so much <3Emily: Civics/Econ projects, Mr. Jeans FAVORITES, Tik Tok, polar bear, USC, white chocolate coffee, neighbors, we live so close to each other, let’s hang out! Don’t forget about me <3Christina: middle school memories, CJSF, AP Euro studying, Chem extra credit project and my first earthquake in your room, walking to 7eleven, i miss our memories :[Tony: Gonsalves! Math talks, annoying you and writing on your back, math grade calculating, awesome prom :]Anand: Math and English buddies this year, sarcasm, fruit ninja, New Army, “I’m hungry” :]Anna: CG memories for four years <3 yay leaders!Andrew: friends since 6th grade, seeing each other 6 days in a week, CPCYG :]Max: Kathy, CG’s biggest fan, all your HD videos, senior routine practice&cameraman, matching gray vnecksTommy: your seat in Mrs.Becker’s class, your crazy, neverending growth spurt, many classes together, random talks, civics/econ projects, your meanness, TikTok/polar bears, Kay Yu Ni Shi To Mmy :] good luck at berkeley!Yuna: all of my Whitney memories. Key Club, Colorguard, everything. Leah&Pando, stair dance, tanktop&boardshorts, honey mustard pringles, bbq chicken pizza, nemo, A/elf/jeans/greenshirtguy/meanie1&2/tammy&andrea, “oh dear, it’s so clear,” “goodness gracious, great balls of fire,” grad nite squeezing arms, golden horseshoe, very last seats on the bus, bridesmaids, yoga, DC trip, orange, cue, Y2K, yunkia, Red Robin, utilizing front yard, swingflag pics, Kdramas i have yet to watch, lots of love. Our five years together have been wonderful. You made my high school

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experience what it is. I’m going to miss you so much. BFFs! Good luck at Boston. I love you so much, best friend! <3

Mitchell KimUniversity of California, Los AngelesBiology

I, Mitchell Kim, of sound mind, body, and soul hereby leave:

Brian Chen – Games and even more games, both melee and brawl with lots of gc controllers, and most importantly eternal sleep.Brian Choi – OKC Thunder, Orange Splash, Stillwater, Justice, Earl Boykins, Toothpaste and toothbrush in a Ziploc bag, Pop tag, Uber fast leveling bandit, All sorts of music, Genesis, Orange, Kimchi to make all the stew you want for life, poker chips to win, fun bus games, a mindjolt victory, more stalkers, fun at OSU, Megan, the Grand Canyon, and the Brethren.Xavier Choi – 17 That is All!!!Andrew Fang – all the pictures I have from ooVoo, Boy Scouts of America, a Korean award, a Latino award, an African award, an Indian award, and most importantly an Award Djibouti (pronounced: Ja Booty)Anthony Han – Chat history, RUM, Steel, Cello, Dia, Nerve endings, Homie support, Number 4, Cool rock climbing poses, Cleba, Paintballing, Chris McCandless, Aunt Jemima syrup, rice paper, HOTK, sharpshooter, buff swimming skills, a new BLACK itouch cover, soup from all around the world, Hainan chicken, Filet Mignon, Seven meat course, mind-blowing smiley faces, jukes that actually work, every -_-, free computer access to enjoy ms, first victory in ping pong, Kobe, Kareem, and roots and even more roots to smell.Mike Hu – Smuckers peanut butter and jelly sandwich that fell on the floor.Mindy Kim – Top locker for another year, Happiness throughout the ninth grade, Candy, specifically Chocolate, High School Survivor’s Guide, How to pass the SAT, and support in all the pain that awaits her in the future.David Kyu Tae Lee – Pain for the pain he has dealt his sunbae this year, Faster swimming with minimal work at practice, Buffer arms to squeeze my hands (not buff enough yet :P).Tony Li – Troll, Buff pro skills in fouling other people, Jukes.Thomas Lu – Basketball, Baseball, and all the other balls in life :D.Romil Nathan – Lost and Confused Indian Curry all the way.Ailien Nguyenly – Secretive ways to push people in the hallways, more Beastlike swimming skills to go to CIFs, more and more bass clarinet etudes, and definitely better ways to fool me ;P.Sayoni Saha – a perfect viola section to make her happy, less conflict with an Asian guy I have yet to meet, good luck applying to colleges next year, and less stress from MUN work.Sagar Shah – a more age appropriate sport to play than golf, Varsity team captain in water polo, more opportunities to make his funny Indian sounds, and UCLA not USC. Dong Song – spit from chewed up food, money making skills on swagbucks that he is yet to learn, hyungnim, golf cart riding skills, last swim season for Senior year, and more lunches to jack.Sarah Tang – Luck in any of her future endeavors, more computer space on Microsoft Word to rage on, chocolate, chocolate ice cream, chocolate cakes, and anything else chocolate related.

Jinting Wang – More Taiwanese food, common sense so that orange juice no longer grows on trees, and more magazines to read in the car while she waits.Vincent Wu – Opportunities to cling on to buff men.Karen Pan & Henry Wang – Marriage, better invite me!!!

Yuna KimWellesley CollegeNeuroscience

I, Yuna Kim, being of my mind and my body, do hereby leave...

Yuni K: Yunkia, nikay, and the other ENDLESS amounts of memories we had together from the start of 8th grade that I really can't list! You know who to call/text/IM/FB/email when you need help.Angela C: Advanced Chipmunk... my fond memories of your introducing me to some handsome men ;)Amy C: Ripe car door is always open for spontaneous boba runs after school...or in the summer! Jinting W: Leaping you remember CCA...?! Gilgamesh and [email protected] <3 ..or something like that!Michelle G: Morning GREAT appreciation for your infamous lyrics... “Yunana that's my name.” (That was sarcasm btw)Michael Jo: My creepy stares and weird sounds you always judge me for!Christina H. Lee: I will leave a day or two open just so I can hang out with you in Boston <3Breeana J: My memories of Concordia, Carden, and Whitney. 10+ years!Frances C: My appreciation for always understanding whatever my problem seems to be!Thomas L: My endless list of youtube videos.Katti H: My memories of us suffering through the pain from our uniforms while getting awards during parade season!Andrew F: I will always remember your birthday!Brian Choi: My memories of playing cello together in orchestra!Max S: My appreciation for you coming out to almost every single one of our Winterguard competitions supporting & filming!To all of Color Guard: My hair-curling abilities.Anna: My memories of the 4 years + 2 years of captain-ship we had together!Kathy: My memories of your weird sounds and stares...and our AP Spanish days!Amanda: My memory of you doing that weird hand motion thing that never fails to make me laugh! (Do you even know what I'm talking about...? HAHA)Isabel: My memory of you being the best little sister ever!Lydia Kim: My lame facial expressions for you to laugh at!Lydia Ko: My position as being the tallest in Colorguard! (I think)Joyce: My memory of you being the first one I ever taught flag techniques to...ever!Eunice: My touch. ;)Ellin: My appreciation of you always saying “Hi” to me every time I pass by!Jasmine: My old-lady syndrome. You'll soon become the second-me anyways!Lily: My random weird moments I have during rehearsal!Emily: My first memory of you when you were in 7th grade...6th period PE...

May: My appreciation for that one scarf you gave me as a secret buddy gift...At least I'll be warm in Boston wearing that!Josefina: My unlimited amount of judging stares.Shivani: My memory of us stressing over our 4th quarter final which actually ended pretty nicely!Annabel: My appreciation for you being so happy and giggly all the time!Hannah: My appreciation for you choreographing the dance for Bad Romance and helping me choreograph all the other times!Ashley: My memory of you almost making out with that fish at Guppies!Rebecca: My when you have a dilemma in choosing which college to go to, you know what to do!Minette: My memory of you being the quietest person on CG when you first joined...Kaajal: My memory of teaching you how to toss a single during your first summer practice!Cece: My memory of teaching you the audition routine in the back room of the music room and my appreciation for giving us a ride from DCON to school and then back to DCON on our championship day!Audrey: My presence if you're ever alone on your birthday!Non-seniors:Jenny R: Night, Day, and Death...and my memory of our extremely awkward encounter at that one place at that one time... ;)David C: My height...still got a long way to go, buddy. And your wish will come true one day..maybe!Raymond D: My Key Club position...good luck!Tiffany Hou: My weird faces when you do something really strange!Skylar L: The judging stares I give you every time you ask me a question!Teresa Y & Alice H: My never-ending advice and help! You know who to call/text/FB/e-mail if you 're in trouble =)

Thomas LuBaylor UniversityBiochemistry

I, Chi-Han Thomas Lu, being of sane mind and muscular body, hereby leave:

Derek Nakafuji, Yoobin, Michelle, and Vivian, and the rest of the Junior clowns – the un-victorious baseball team. Please watch over the team and make sure people start getting better. Get hits, make throws, catch pop flies, and you might win some games!Alex and Ishida – the mound is all yours.Andrew Park – I wish we could go back onto the diamond and strike out more people. It was the greatest feeling knowing the man behind the mask is a boss. I would not have wanted anyone else behind the plate when I’m on the rubber. I will always keep our year of domination.Andy De Avila – too bad you couldn’t play more with us this year. I’ll miss your fat Mexican butt (since I can’t say bad words, I’d have to keep it innocent). You’re the best player I’ve ever met, and it has been fun playing alongside you. Good luck in college foo!Rishi, Reeshee, Gabe, Kevin, and Mary – thank you guys for making band less painful. I will always remember the laughs, the quotes, the uniforms that smell like Chinese food, the concerts where everyone got 80, and all the boy children Mary has produced.

Jinting Wang & Mijo Jo Jo Jo JOJOJOJO – JINT! Thank you for not boning out on me at

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prom. It was my first and last Whitney dance and I couldn’t have asked for a better friend to share it with! And thanks for not forcing me to dance in front of all the people and embarrassing myself. Mijo. I’m so glad I got to finally get to know you better. Thanks for teaching me how prom works and it was fun doing Spanish project with you, Dong, Trippie, and Abbeh.Andrew Fang, Tommy Shi, Henry Wang – I will keep the memories of our 2K9 Friday Nights. All the buzzer beaters, the 20 point leads that piss me off, Tommy’s monster dunks, Henry’s little suicides to run down the clock, Andrew’s full court passes. I wish we could continue this tradition in college, but sadly, we will be going our own ways. Except for ShiFang, good luck at Berkeley. Mr. Stanford, go sleep in Stanford lectures and correct professors. Please keep in touch.Brian, Anthony, Mitchell (aka Gexy Trio) – you guys have always been around me when I was lonely. Those days when bros before hoes doesn’t apply, you guys were there to accompany me after I’ve been abandoned by my handsome friends with their ladies. The bball nights were fun. Balling up 400 pound black dinosaurs would have been a death wish if it weren’t for you guys. Good luck with everything.Bree Johng – you are the funniest looking crap bag I have ever met. Just kidding. Even if I weren’t you couldn’t kill me because you will be at Scripps and me at Baylor. My first sentence would not be “of sane mind” if it weren’t for you always being here for me to listen to my troubles. You’re a great friend and I regret that I will be losing you. Thank you for always being patient with me! Good luck in college, let’s oovoo sometime in case I forget what an Asian girl looks like after living in Texas for too long.Daniel Yang & Romil Nathan – you two will always be the greatest victims of senioritis that go to school whenever you feel like it. Daniel I’m lucky to have known you after our millions of Civics projects. You’ve become the person who always understands me when I’m knee deep in pupu and you know how to pull me out and clean me up. Romil, you funny brown man. Balling with you was fun. Hopefully you’ll get to finally go to India without having to get called out by Brian and his pat downs.Class of 2011 – it has been an awesome 6 years knowing you guys. I will miss you all. Thank you for the memories that I will always treasure. Good luck in college. I have to go do my Bio project and Dalley reflection essay now. KEEP FLYING HIGH EAGLES.

Angela MaUniversity of California, San DiegoUndeclared

I, Angela Ma, being of sound mind and body, do hearby leave…

Abby- ICU, dland, Ryan Bandong, boy talks, debut practices, just dance, cheers mfkasAlbert- panda express, sb mission, “aye lets go. outside. right now”, jobertgela?, UCSD familyAlec- spangles, no flinching, communist language, oovoo, dolphin bay, tampopo, seran wrap, dland, rotting, movie nights, m&m donuts, angel llama, SARA, bestfriendAlex- brother, cutest pictures, Christmas, friendship bracelet, icekeki bums, 10th grade knotts, xmas, pho, judy smile ^_^, bestfriend Alexandria- ugly baby, kay<3, jv, unstoppable, singing in the car, missions, pdawg/edawg, pet peeves, notebook, “oppa ga jah”, retreat bathroom, WOX, swimming, happy meals, bestfriend

Alvin- alvie, captain trio, “did you miss me?”, *high pitch* “nigguh what da fuh”, OG trackAmir- 9th grade Collins, daily texts, six flags, movie date, perfect gf height, eyelashes, SD, sadies 2011, “you’re soo buff!”, bestfriendAndrewK- “aye foo!”, 11 years and counting, SBAndy- moobsAngel- car talks, track soap opera, you owe me a milkshake, OG xc&trackAnisha- dland, swimming, favorite Indian, fail playdatesAnnice- golden feet, bday fail, civics tokbox, dirty songs, robot unicorn attack, Christina’s laptop pic, aim convos, seestarApril- fav mexican, death stares, kogi truck, fail playdatesAshley- fav “white” girl, cue, rockband, hugging pictures, OG trackBreeana- playing with your hair, english projects, purple team, white hair, dland, fail playdatesCharleen- babygurl, luh yooCharles- charlito, 9th grade Collins, first Whitney friend, w1ldc4tch4rl3s, OG trackChristina- euro, robot unicorn attack, due date FAILChuck- prom 2010 swoop, phil’s, six flags, grey suit, prom 2011, grams, fake kisses, pookie bear, boyfrayndClara- junior high memories, going to whitney & joining xc/track together, OG xc, inseparable, people confusing us, walking home, going over every day, ramen, deep talks, UCSDClayton- 7th grade baby, Channing/Jessica, dland keychain?, ny failConrado- STANLEY, touching your hair, sky’S THE LIMITCriselda- cassadro/angelo, dineelawnd, ino, 9-1-10 pactDale- shake n’ bake, rants, bestfriendDaniel- brother, naps before id practice, manhandling, buffalo, ugly contest, kogi, pool champions, prom fashion show, transformation, physics drawings, cooch, meeting at sarang, ranting, “do I have my mountains back?”, xmas, judy smile ^_^, bakedbread1337/xxsweetie419xx, bestfriendDarren- we’re too down, hq ;)DavidH- APUSH, hagsDavidK- “girlfriend”, $T33Z3, fiend, chung’s, car rides, summer 09Ellie, Noel, Victoria- fav junior girls, yogurtland once every week during summer?Emily, Faimie- sleepovers, midnight in-n-out, panini, hikes, tents, I love you man, ridonkulous, oopsie daisy, FAEEric- kaiser, “I know you!”, hoothoot -_-, duhtee viet, me>s*****y?Evan- communist language, dland, goodness gracious, rotting, deep talks, sprinkles, fail middle school friends, naps, pretty little liars, watermelons, sleeping beauty, nutella, vinylmation, beighnets, bestfriendFlorence- rants, ICU, football team, Alfred, 9-1-10 pactFrances- Baillie project, allergies, A+, andy still owes us, fail playdatesHilary- sister in law, econ bonding, fail playdates JamesB-cheek kiss, matching granny panties, stalker, track soap opera, OG xc/track, UCSDJamesC- formal 2011, jjangkeh, fail formal asking, 3rd street, uo keychain, sadies 2011, bomb sadies asking, trash digging, pretty girl rockJanvi- spanish projects, babysitting, fail playdatesJennifer- Spanish 2, oc fair, cooking, butt slapping, jjimjilbaang, breaking dawnJessicaJ- 2nd street, convertible on the freeway, jv, rs+san clemente, funnel cake boy, future house, fake candid, PB

JessicaP- vent sessions, your food<3Jesus- pinches, Mexican candy, best DJJoe- triton eye, “you’re so beat”, “joe, help me lose weight”, jobertgela?, UCSD familyJosh- best buddyJustinL-matching preschool pics, BP partnersJustinW- prom 2011, dland, rhythm of love, I don’t look like a mouse -_-Kelsea- dland fail, Hannah Montana, matching necklaces!KimchiKids- ruining your jerk video, I’m going to miss you guysLowell- brother, oovoo, physics, leaving at 5am, naps, rotting, car talks, keem, ruben, Wii, “what’s your fav movie? ELF omg askdjflk”, xmas, debut partner, 1 xc race, knife/fork pic, bestfriendMichael- thrift shopping, stowers, distracted driver, kewl kamera, mijo jojoPaulP- I can’t wait until the day you’re all cool and taller than me Peter- random talks, college essay bonding, our amazing moms<3Ralph- I’m going to miss you so much babyboyRanil- deep talks, dland, same car songs, tinik partners, ICU, headbobbing, prom asking, nike frees, sinkil base, m&m donuts, bear hugs, !, racing, SARARaymond- car rides, IOU Arizona, grind lesson LOLSamir- swimming, scandalous pic, sardines, rockband, sleepovers, best vegetarian food, ping pong, saymerSarah- UCSD roommates Sarina- intro to calc, shmoes, hookups, fail playdatesSeann- Mariah Carey, dland, nigguh what da fuh, aye! bee! cee!, ICU, m&m donuts, racing, SARAShannon- track, captain trio, love/hate relationship, key education, buffalo, 4x4, psych projects, phil’s, six flags, football team, twin, “who would win in a fight?”, skipping pictures, OG track, bestfriendSharon- cutiepatootie, I’m always here if you need to talkShaun- favorite, hoothoot -_-, icecream failShirley- aloha 2009, deep talks in psych, agenda drawings, cutest Indian outfits, successful formal dates, jumping pictures, A.S.S.So young- boiling crab, “demn gurl how yu git alla dat”, shopping, beach, ranting, hustling, car rides, ice cream, dongsengStacey- frosted flakes & cherrios, kpop dancing, crazy arcade, A.S.S., shopping, Hollister, taecyeon, TOP, homiepact, six flags, fob pictures, phil’s, rants, bestfriendTed- six flags, ddr, fob pictures, phil’s, finger poke song, techtonic, homiepactThomas- best locker buddy, TSSSTiffany- remember me when you make it to broadway<3Timo- black&yellow, teddybear, sb mission, everything we do WE DO IT BIGTommy- gwanpapi, physics drawings, psych pic msgs, coochVanessa, Wayne- papi & poonessa idk where I’d be without you guysVivian- arizona, cpe, cue, spanish project, sadies planning, dland, crazy driving, starbucks>2nd per, dumplings, sleepovers, target, cow bus, Christmas=naps, pics in front of houses, UCSD family, VOMA, bestfriendWilfred- dolphins, late oovoo, barrel man, iSpy, drawing Lowell, chuck’s bday dinner, formal 2010, bad caricatures, dancing to “bebot”, when the lights burn out, belot, kimchi, rotting, adventures, dropping you off, talks, chill music, laker games, chanda’s secrets, bestfriendTrack 2007-2011- getting ditched by the bus driver, driving next to a fire, coach rudy, shrill voice, roll call, bounce! 1 sec interval!, 4x4 2010, dying face, blocks, Indian run, beach outings, captain trio,

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tears, shin splints, bunion, asthma, melon bars, OGXC 2006-2010- schermerhorns, retreat 2008, 18 mile runner’s high, MT. SAC, woodbridge, regional run, sex course, shoemaker hill, last kick, “Oh we feel so good HA HA HA HAA!”, OGBrother- I’m so proud of you<3Mom- you’re amazing, thank you<3

Annice MaUniversity of Southern CaliforniaBusiness

I, Annice Ma, of sound body and mind, do hereby leave the following:

Shannon Chang: Here’s to the best and worst 5 years of my life (since we became best friendsin 8th grade). My mother, my nemesis, my best friend, my victim, my mentor—my sister. You have been the one friend that has been there for me through thick and thin, and I can seriously say that. No matter how many times we fought or how many times we cried over each other forwhatever reasons, we always reserved a special place in our hearts for each other—and still do. Through our emotional rollercoaster, we’ve grown so much from each other and helped each other become better people and the people who we are today. The one person I can count on, tellanything to, and show my weaknesses to. Love you so so much. BLFL until we die.Clara Seong: My little Areum, my best friend, my sister. We fight like sisters, we love like sisters, and we have become part of each others’ families. We try every new experience together, we always know how to get down, and we always know how to be real with each other and everyone else. We’ve both grown so much from each other since the day we met (on the movie screen fml). I’ve never known so much about another person before, and I seriously feellike we are the same person in two different bodies at times since we know each other so well. Sisters who tell each other everything and anything, sisters that never hold back, and sisters that know how to admit we are wrong and understand that there is nothing but love for each other inthe end. I love you so much, Areum. Sisters ‘till the end.Jennifer Park: I have honestly survived WHS because of you. My most consistent best friend from the 7th grade. We share so many memories with each other, so many secrets that only we know about each other, so many emotions, and so much love with each other. We became second-daughters for both of our families, and from the 7th grade we did absolutely anything andeverything with each other. We can never stay mad at each other for more than an hour, and we have telepathy on almost anything that we can have an entire conversation not saying anything to each other at all. I can’t believe that we will not be seeing each other every day, studyingtogether, eating together, and living together after 6 years of doing just that. I love you so much my little baby girl, my mommy, my best friend, and my sister for life.

Lowell MansillaUniversity of California, Los AngelesUndeclared Engineering

I, Lowell Dominic Mansilla, being of sound mind and body, do hereby leave:

Wilfred: my numba one homie and closest brother throughout this whole year, with whom I spent countless hours working,

doing projects, studying, learning, eating, partying, chillen, stressing, CK-ing, driving, sleeping, and whatever else there was to do. Can't believe your nasty feet won't be all up on my next four years of school.Angela: disneyland trips, sleeping over my cave, endless adventures, CK, everything. One summer left. Iwuvyou so much. Shannon: dunno what to sayAbby: CK momma, chillenz in the cave, those evil little things you call your dogs, bomb DEBUT!Conrado: uhh lol whatAlec&Evan: no senior year without these kids. All day easy chillen. Babyboy & favorite Cubano. Even though you don't go to Whitney, you guys are my top boyz w/ wilfred.Daniel Y.: Dirty little Trojan who I hate, but homie foreverAlex: my only friend soph year I swear. Brotha fo life.Joyce: notes everyday, movies at your house, JAWS buddy, cute hangouts, future bruin, kung fu panda 2 :D I will miss you the mostBreeana: really cute disneyland date :D insanely adorable hugs, driving me to my car that's 10 feet awayElle: my heart my soul my savior. Would have failed life w/o youFlorence: never made up for soph year formal, cute talk during senior retreat, cute talks everywhereSylvia: morning wake-up texts/calls, physics hero, best friend in times of grief. I love youErika: oh hay. Best prom & sadies date, q time, overdue bday present!!Alice: dirtyamf, cuddling, chin-chilla, ASB sleepover buddy, fail naps in my room, qianxiao. I dont like youApril: fail dalley proj partner, best messican friend, telling deepest darkest secrets, DEC 26 “the day before halloween”Charleen: bbygurl, designated gong-er, goin through every single one of my Filipino guy friends.Dana: #1 CACTUS PRINCESSSteph: thanks for letting me borrow your glasses & thanks for being an amazing treasurerAndrea: slow @ ERRRTHANG. James bilasJames: Andrea de LeonChristine: TINIK PARTNER!Chuck: AV TECH BROTHAAAAnisha: MANSILLANISHA GLOSSY PANTS, “have no fear, lowell is here” or somethin like thatSamir: VBALL CAPTAIN BROTHA, epic civics projects, deep brotherly talksAlvin: my international day chinese master sensei Charles D: most hardworking guy I know. Sleeps & drools everywhere, and builds everything when you can just buy -_- thanks for making senior year a good time for everyoneAnnice: worked me @ sadies, prom, aloha. Stop itEmily Huang: VTS co-pres. We're finally done now the little kids can do all the workAndy: I swear if you don't hit me up over summer I will kill youAshley M: whiter than a ghostIngrid: orange watch and your orgasmic scent ^^Kelsea: waiting outside your house after hours for you to never come out -__- haha. Dland date, albertacoes, some far away walmart, making bracelets in my carRalph: I found your umbrella. Take care of aliceZosa: I can't find your hat.. I think someone from CK might have taken it out of my car or it's deep In my garageCharles W: my fav moj jacket, talkin to me about senior girls during a varsity game, extra large clothes, haha. Drive already, fool

Sarina: you have my power band still!!!Christina H. Lee: your big-headed prof picture from my iPhone haha. Grandpa clothing and always being 2nd place in student store groupsDaniel S: starin me down in the hallways, 'I SUPPOSE IT'S MY TURN TO SERVE, EH'. take care of the team broHoward: I swear I will get you your CDBrian: Hallway man-hugs. Beast outside hitterJonathan Han: callin me for everything. Haha I will actually miss thatAshley T: letting you drive my car, bringing yummy food, YOUR MANSIONJessica J: BRUINS FOREVER!!! let's rock UCLAJulia: pose, pose, run, jump, CATCH, let go, pose, bow. Your craziness & hating my public displays of affectionFrances: movie date ;D, cue pictures, super fun 10th grade sadies. I wish tommy wasn't this sexy or I'd steal youTommy: ABS OF STEELJosh C: noteworthy of almost beating me in WWF, tech master, cougarKathleen: takin you home, chubchubs and chloe! One of my first whitney friendsChareena: I miss you! Peanuts, pebbles, and.... somethin else I forgotVivian: three years of math buddy, party animal w/ a boyfriend nowShafqat: Quit quitting on Words with Friends and starting new games. You will NEVER beat me broJigar&Abrar: WHY AM I SO CUTE??Anthony&Daniel O: sophs who are significantly taller than me. Love you guysClub Kai: My #1 Family since 7th grade. I can't believe my time with you guys is over. PCNs, talent shows, international days, and countless outside performances = endless memories I will forever cherish. This amazing group of 100+ people will forever be in my heart.ASB: Thank you for all the memories. 5th period, early in the morning or late at night, I will never forget the hard work we went through and the good times we share. You guys were a huge part of my senior year. JAWS: Let's rock summer race!!!VTS: Thank you for cooperating with me. Keep the club alive please

Anisha MistryUniversity of California, IrvineUndeclared

I, Anisha Mistry, of ridiculous mind and body, hereby leave:

Abby I- The LOOP, Accidental sleepovers, Crazy playdates, Pre-Algebra, SEVEN, neverending tears, LINKLARKIN! ADACA, HEARTATTACK! <3Abrar H- Jaws practices, Shanti Club, YOUR FAVORITE NSO COUNSELOR! Lomatic Haters! Afraz K- Plague Bubonic! WE WILL WE WILL VOTE FOR AFRAZ. I love your rapping/campaigning! You are so original I love it! Good luck next year, ASB Treas! If you ever need anything let me know!!! Albert C- my annoying nicknames! Rugrats proyecto, IGNACIO!Alvin C- my Russian accent, WinterFormal, CIVICS!, Alvin M- Artistic portraits, crazy car rides, the power to conquer your fear of needles, a million lunches together, JAWS! Amri D- Rant sessions, Sexy dance moves, Shanti Club, FAIL DRIVING Andy D-The rights to your stalker club! Endless creeper looks, beautiful soccer posters, a very high self-esteem! Angela M- Disneyland Trip[s], Swimming Days, creepy girl from the park near jess’ house! LOL

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Anika H- Future sister-in-law <3 LOL Artistic abilities, Indian accents, creeper looks! Annice M- victory dance! Junior PE girls! Sophomore year sadies hell, April G- You went to Whitney? LOL jk <3 7th

grade lab partners, BOOBS! ADACA, Original Four! Archie R- my beast badminton skillzASB- I love you guys so much. Thank you for such a wonderful year. You are all such amazing leaders and I really cannot wait to see what great things you do later in life. I wish you all the best for the rest of your high school experience. If you ever need anything, I am always here for you so give me a call anytime!! Ashley M- The LOOP! Sugarpack bond, DC craziness, our notebook! CLS fail..ESTERS! HELICOPTER PAD! Beah T- yelling your name, PE bonds, hallway greetings!Brenda Y- art.., decoparty pizza!, English -___-, Charles D- soap, awkward hugs, racism, chuckchanisharlesmistruong, waveboarding, Bakesales! Spuncial Gangsters!Chris P- Jaws beast! Please take care of the team when were gone <3Christina L- SUCCESSOR! “I’m DOOOOWN!”, big shirts, McDonald’s runs, Chariot engraving fail!Chuck C- Chuckchanisharlesmistruong, Waveboarding, E-teleyaki, JAWS! Conrado P- Intro to Calculus, 7th grade cabinet, CONRISHA!Daniel Y- 4th Grade Indian dance!, Dannfriend, Falling..Everywhere, Clammy hands, Sadies 2008 <3 David A- PE, Human, Sadies date…Almost, CALM DOWN! David Kyu Tae L- An Endless Supply of PensElle Q- HOT BARTENDER, Deco Pizza Party!, ASB Shading Day, Revolting Developments, Ridiculous Nicknames! SAME HAIR <3Emily L- BEST SECRET BUDDY EVER!Evan M- Studying at Borders, Chauffeur, my inability to text/answer my phone! Winter Formal/Prom Fun! PCN commentary…Chilli Cheese Fries! Delectable Delights. Best friend. Hella long phone conversations! Awkward armholding at Downtown Disney! LOL! Love ya! Florence B- THE LOOP, Sugarpack, Esters! Pre Algebra, Helicopter Pad. Flirtilizer! MUMBO!Hannah J- PE! Victory Dance. Algebra 1…, Badminton skillzzzJames P- “I’m just a tease!” UCI! Creeper looks, JAWS bonding, SUPER high self-esteem! Janvi D- Lost blouses, crazy practices, sexy dancing, Indian accents, SBC831<3, Garbas!, dramaamamama!Jasmine H- Luck! Class of 2013! Endless Deco Hours /events.. My throne?

Jason K- Art God, Sal’s Boyfriend <3, awkward conversations in math JAWS- I AM SO EXCITED TO PLAY WITH YOU GUYS ALL SUMMER! You are all such strong individuals now! Keep coming out to practices because I promise it is SO worth it in the end. I love you all so much! KILL KILL KILL! <3 LETS GET US SOME MEDALS THIS SUMMER! Jessica J- BFFLL! Your parents! …gonsalves drama! LOL. “Hey Jessica…I think you’re peeing!” Scrub Corner Bonds!Jessica B, Niki A- AP HUMAN MEMORIES! Jigar G- …Roshni! JK. “It’s Chill” Shanti Club, Jaws! Joseph P- Student Store! DecoMaster Joseph? LOL try to get out of that one if you can! LOL! I just want to say that I hope you

enjoy your last year at Whitney, make the most of it and honestly, with ASB I know deco can be annoying, but in the end when you create something that is yours, it is worth it! Keep it up Joseph! You’ve been doing great! Josh C- Sour Worms, My throne, my family, my school. Take care of it. I know you will be amazing!Joyce L, Ashley Tang, Kristen Palma- JAWS. Lesbian lovin’, my muscles, our team.Juhee S- Memories from PE, Human, Shanti Club. Teaching me dances… “bird, and hip, put on your anklet and get up!” love you Juju! Julia C- Love and passion for ASB and this school! Serve it well! If you need anything, I’m here for you!Linda C- Goodluck with Spanish! I think you should take AP! THERE ARE SO MANY CUTIES IN YOUR GRADE! you are fun to tutor! Haha! Lowell M- Mansillanisha. Glossy Pants! Tripping me, Partner for every dance! Emolicious!Mylan J- AGYG! Balloon Fail, Gossiping backstage! Nida F- YOUR FAVORITE NSO COUNSELOR! I leave you with determination; don’t ever let one failure keep you from trying again!!Nikki S- ..sexydancing! Seductive looks, Pretty hair! Shanti Club! Noel K- Jeans/ eating lunch…not in the ASB room Rita L- My art skillz.. HAHAH!Roshni B- My undeniable athletic abilities…Rogolf! Picking on you in PE, AWADA<3, Shanti Club, Sagar S- My fantastic driving abilities…red means means go!Samir K- My footprints-9th grade pres, 10th vice, 11th dir of spec events, 12th asb pres! DO IT! Samir S- My fail Gujarati abilities, a massive collection of “judged” pictures, LAME jokes, Busy schedules! SBC831<3Sean O- Talent Show! ASB. My throne..eventually. My shading skills! Shannon C- Math rants/bonding/gossip sessions, Movie Nights! Splash! LONG, COLD bonding at Retreat, EVERYDAY WITH YOU! JAWS! Math! ASB, UCI! 4 more years All of those boys who are on your P! “it’s furry!” Shavonna W- My athleticism.. LOL your “brother..” All of those boyfriends…Baby Daddy?! VONNAA! Volleyball…fail..maybe just stick to running! Lol <3 HARRISONFORDFAUNI aka your husband!Shikha B- 5 more amazing years at this wonderful school! Take advantage of it! Love it! p.s. I have your eyeliner o_OShivanti K- DecoMaster! Don’t burn out next year! Make sure you let people know that you don’t want to do Deco for EVERY event.. Raging during homecoming, Random rides, messy car, CUTEST GIRL EVER, LOVE YOU!Sylvia T- Picnic! Deco Pizza Parties, Hot Bartenders, Shading, Sunsets! Annoying contests. Tam N- Hardwork, ASB, I wish you all the best, Tamuel! Make me proud! Thomas L- My Chinese abilities! Tiff T- A CRAPLOAD OF MEMORIES! IC, Gonsalves, PICKLESALES, singing, Drama! EVERY SINGLE CLASS ACTIVITY/EVENT/THING IMAGINEABLE! Varsha B- SBC831<3 INDIA! ShantiClub! Drama, Psychic Powers=Warsa&Deepu! Hehehe. Senior Dance..Fail ! LOL! Neighborss!!Wilfred D- Smelly Feet, 342543543234 surprise parties, night swimming! UCI! Zotzot.William L-my liberal views! DIRTY DANCING! SENIOR YEAAR! Good luck willy. I will miss you so much. Be good, do well,

live life, go crazy, work hard, and be happy! I love you!If I forgot you, it is not because I don’t love you, but because it is very late! <3 Sorry!

Patcharapon NeranartkomolUniversity of California, Los AngelesMathematics – Applied Sciences

I, Patcharapon Neranartkomol, being of sound mind and body, do hereby leave to:

Aaron- manhandling the death taco like a bosses, and I’m glad we made that movieAlan- had some great times kickin’ it w/ youAlex Ho- food runs and LoL; I keep WCG to myselfAlex Pham- You’re a beast at tennis.Alvin- thanks for all the hipster memoriesAkash and Aman- TALENT SHOW!Andrew K Park- SC2 talks, music, and tennis and conservatism;Andrew F.- time to get awards? FLAME SUIT ONAnnie, Emily, Judy, Vince- I know spaceset is in good hands with you guysBen Fan- JV tennisBrady- noobBrian- all the ****head and SC; MORDEKAISERCharles Lai- I can’t give you anything cuz you have perfect macro.Charlie- Marth is seriously broken. Much respect, smash brother.Chris Platt- my washboard abs ;), they’re really good with the ladiesChristine, Brenda, and Nicole- pigging out in J-AP was legit ^^Darren- hope they build bc’s for you at dankfordDavid J. Kim- Hang in there man.Dong- A copy of War3Edward- You killed me back in talent show. Hope to see you in some more musicals, cowboy.Esther- you’re crazy but thanks for listeningGary- I have all the episodes of Avatar if you want them :pHarrison- Don’t stop living the Kpop dream yo.Harry- an amazing taste in musicHenry- DotA and math proJames P.- my Thai blood brother! Your 500 is so fast! Also, way to get pwned by AaronJerome- munch buddies@chipotle&Boeing; we took on the death tacoJohn Moon- noobJohnathan- working with you on our movies has been awesomeJosh A.- YOUR HEADPHONES

Justin Ho- Sorry about that varsity spot…I’m sure you can have it now.Justin Pao- hanging out in ur j4 class and makin’ moviesKathy- talent show! I hope you don’t stop drawing eyesKevin- tennis&musicalKokoro Kara- I hope the club keeps growing and only gets better with time! Have another amazing talent show next year!Max- meleeFRIDAY4lyfe- and I totally killed you in talent showMary- your brother!Mike- has an amazing FalconPaul An- ez chillin DotA w/ the ostrichRandy- always coming in late to physics w/ meSajjad- you’re a cool guySagar- water polo is hilarious when you’re around.Sam- Become a Joe Tung.

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Sattik- popped my car breakdown cherry, world record baller; lmk when you streamShafkitty – the right to NOT drive my carShane Su****- don’t quit being awesome, work on ur macroShujoy- so many stories!!!1Stephan- I hope you become a bboy.TKK- Keep Dancin’Zosa- your cousin.. srsly though you remind me of meThanks, Whitney, for all the memories. I know I missed a lot of people, but that doesn’t mean I don’t love you guys. I’ll miss you!

Lawrence NgUniversity of California, BerkeleyElectrical Engineering & Computer Science

I, Lawrence Ng, being of tired body and forgetful mind do hereby leave,

Leonard Rilloraza: Best of wishes in pulling off a Karn/mulligan to 0 win, a hive mind/pact combo, and laughing your opponent to death. Good luck with R/W beatdown. I’ll see if I can set you up with 1 life for MTGO. Don’t forget to experiment with designs, both deck and robot. Don’t forget about your grades either.Tim Chai: Best of luck in your senior year. Have lots of fun and don’t stress out too much.Julian Yang: Augustine Ng. Please take care of him for me. Pass on the English books to him for me. Enjoy AP Comp Sci and have fun filming.Augustine Ng: $.17, a frog pen, and a wrinkled Grant Imahara autograph. Bring VEX back to World for me. I’m coming down to watch.Whoever can understand this: Whatever meaning you can glean from this.My Senior friends: I'm not leaving you anything because you are coming with me.Whoever I forgot: Reread the first line, then please cut me some slack.

Alan OoiUniversity of San DiegoUndeclared

I, Alan Ooi, being of sound mind and average body, do hereby leave:

Charles Lai: My strange ability to relax and not stress. We spent a lot of time hanging out this year, and it seems like every time we talk I say "Dude, you got to just let it go" at least once. It's pretty weird I never noticed that before. Anyways, I hope to see you when I come back and I still have to return your shirt and wife beater. It's weird to admit it but you've been one of my best friends throughout the school year and together we've made the midnight Starbucks run the norm haha. Also, you're my favorite over Hannah, Angela, and Joe. Don't tell them I said that.Kevin Zosa: My recipe for perfect Italian food. I got it from that one day we hung out at your house and we all made bomb spaghetti. It was made with an important secret ingredient, which made it awesome. Seriously though, stay ballin Mr. Zosa. The world needs more energy and you have enough for ten men. I had a great time getting to know you this year through basketball - though sadly we don't do that anymore thanks to the stupid media center. Why haven't we ever had another hangout with Christine and Andrew and Ralph? That was so freaking fun. Except when Ralph started molesting your brother and he took off.Angela Wan & Hannah Sfasiodfuhj: Just kidding, I know your last name Hannah. It's Santasawatkul! And I didn't have to use the

yearbook. Anyways, I leave you two the promise that we will definitely hang out again when I visit. That and the song Heart of Life by John Mayer, because whenever I hang out with you guys it reminds me of that song. It's weird but sometimes it just clicks you know? Oh, and lastly I leave you the satisfaction in knowing that you two are my favorite over Charles and Joe. You two are some of the most warm and welcoming people I know, and I hope that never changes.Vince Wu: All my advice and tips on that certain topic that I shall dare not name in this will. Not that you really need it anyways. Oh, and I also leave you the memories of all the cool hangouts we had at water polo, just waiting for the games to start. I'll miss that but I sure won't miss the water polo. Okay maybe I will a little.Joe Lee: My aviator sunglasses, because you really love them so much for some reason. Also, I leave you with the peace of mind in knowing that you are my favorite out of Charles, Hannah, and Angela. When I come back we all need to hang out! Remember when I used to be taller than you? Sigh.Gabe Webb: You're a pretty awesome dude and I honestly don't know what to leave behind for you in the will. I guess what I'll share with you is the first memory I have of you: it was the class basketball tournament and I just entered the game. I drove to the basket and spun someone out for an open layup, only to find you there. I got blocked pretty hard and from then on I knew your face. Pretty legendary, huh?Sarah Zhang: All my optimism and hope. You've always been super duper cheerful and nice since I met you and Abi in this hellhole called math class a couple years back. I still can't believe we've stayed friends since then, but just know that you always cheer me up and make me happier just by being around. I thank you a million times for that.Ben Fan: My League of Legends skills. Just kidding, I kinda suck. We'll be playing when I'm in college too, so there's that! I also leave behind my three ball shooting skills. I still remember that day when you hit like fifteen three pointers straight. That was pretty beast dude.Tim Chai: All my hair care products. I don't know why I always tease you about your well groomed hair. It's just an easy target I guess! Thanks for being my friend throughout high school man. I was gonna ask you for the name of the girl you liked but Sarah found out apparently, so HA. Take that.Jennie Woo: All the Korean BBQ, Pho, and other after comp food in the world! Our eating adventures were fun and it was awesome talking and learning more about you. Let's do it again sometime!Darren Fang & Derrick Lin: The water polo team. Honestly, you two will probably 100 percent be the two team captains next year or the year after, so take good care of it and bring us glory (or at least try your best). It was nice hanging out with you two in boy scouts and weird Chinese family events too. Lastly, to Darren I leave my apologies that I wake up super late and am not always able to take you to school on time. I'm laughing at it right now but you'll get why I was so lazy when you're a senior.Joyce Shin: A million hugs. I can't believe we had PE together what seems like a million years ago.Jason Ooi: The entire world at your feet. Do the best you can with what you have here at Whitney and make me proud.

Justin PaoUniversity of California, Los Angeles

Electrical Engineering

I, Justin Pao, of sound mind and body, hereby leave:

Baseball: Sorry I couldn't join you guys this season. No matter how tough it gets, never stop trying. Thomas and Andrew, thanks for sticking around and leading the team. Derek, watch over the kids, you've got a tough job ahead of you.Brethren: Though this never really kicked off, I'll leave a basketball for all the great times and for always encouraging me to be myself.Thomas: My stuffed Pikachu, for all the memories and growing up together. Thanks for being an occasional jerk, a big brother, and a friend I can always trust. Brian Xavier: Lifetime tech support. You've been an awesome friend in the years I've known you. Thanks for looking out for me all the time.Romil: Water. Because that's the first thing you offer someone else when you visit their home.Andrew F: More scholarships from the Djiboutian Parents Association. Thanks for being an amazing role model. I wish you the best as you take your level of winning to college!Mitchell: Respect. I dream of someday reaching your level of buffness. Daily hill climb!?Anthony: Some foot and nose shaped chairs to go with your creepy anatomical furniture collection.Carte Blanche: $60 and plenty of deserved glory. Thanks for giving your best to create something we're all really proud of. Jon Lin: When I'm able to afford it, a 5D. You've got a terrific vision and inspiring perfectionism (or should I say, OCD enough to rival my own anal retentiveness).Patch: Food. You've also got great taste in minimalistic drum and bass. UCLA lets go!Josh A: More audiophile equipment to add to your collection. "Ohh those Senns!"Jerome: A new car, preferably with an automatic and a top speed of 50 MPH, for scaring the wits out of me when you drive. Vignesh: Some more cheesecake mix! Don't stop being youself in college. I see you adding no less than 10 intersting words to the English dictionary in your future.Mindy: A few hairs turned gray for bricking your laptop, and a SOSCOE badge for teamwork experiences at Boeing. Oh, and the sushi that you didn't get to eat with us.Loren: A real cast and set of crutches as a punishment for always being your usual bright and cheery self.Raymond: 60 sankatens even though you won't be taking Japanese next year. Please, please stay motivated and stay in school.Vince Wu: You'll get that supa luv! For being sexy spelled with a G. And no, I'm not leaving you my iPad to play with.Mary: A restraining order for stalking. And making high school more dramatic than it really is!Kokoro Kara: Determination to continue your winning streak and growth. Thanks for being a second family to me—I'll come visit often!Mike Ng: Steaky ai! Thanks for being a great buddy, open to talk all the time, and a dad to Kokoro Kara.Max: Amazing facial expressions. And I mean amazing.Catherine A: Yogurtland. Mmmm green tea with mochi bites.Anna: High heels. For obvious reasons.Hanamoto: A 24-inch griddle that will own both yours and Emma's, and help raise a fortune through spam musubi.Kyle: Strength, little one. I shall have Emma teach you the art of being a man.

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Linda: Forgiveness for your shipping. By the way, Kyle’s your new baby brother ;)Rebecca: Time—you'll need lots of it as you tackle your leadership positions and college (a whole year early!). Some peanut butter also.Jasmine: My correct number for family FaceTime! Just don't give it to the helicopters please.Edward: My expectations and audio editing skills for more epic Kokoro Kara performances!Harrison: A microphone, a driver uniform, and tickets to KMF 10. You're an inspiring star, Mr. Richard Lopez Taxi.Emma: Determination to succeed. I know you can help others do great things— you'll be a great leader with Harrison in Kokoro Kara. And thanks for saving me from senioritis.Priyanka: The other Justin. You know who :) Thanks for always being patient and understanding and for teaching me how to respect. I encourage you to continue being strong and loving of others— you're amazing.

Andrew K. ParkCornell UniversityIndustrial Labor Relations

I, Andrew Kyungwon Park, being of calm mind and able body, do hereby leave…

Kevin / Ralph / Paley / Allen / Sagar / Charles: The stupidest puns, DEAR FRIENDS, shuffling battles, farting on each other, and the overnight cockfests we spent gaming, playing FMK, having the man talk, PUN HUNTAHS, cooking breakfast/anything else and EVERYTHING. I’ll seriously miss you guys…but then again we’ll have all summer to kick it.Alison Lee: the hope that she’ll always keep on smiling and working through all the crap she’s gone through, that she’ll always find a reason to laugh and stay positive when times are bad. And my music taste, because one day she’ll learn to stop listening to noise.Elizabeth Lee: the hope that one day she can grow out of her little bubble and be a little more outgoing, so that she may be able to be a good older sister to her twin and never forget her favorite senior (ME) and continue to push through school and other things that suck. I hope I made as much of an impact on your life as you did for me.

Amy Kim: Keep working hard, and please don’t be like me. We’ll definitely hang out/death taco/do whatever to keep in touch after I graduate. And maybe race so this time you won’t “let me win”.Baseball team: the passion and pride the seniors had. And listen to Derek and Ishida. Or else.Raymond: To be chakhae. Seriously don’t get into anymore trouble.Derek/Ishida: The burden of being the captain. Whip them into shape, and yet inspire them at the same time have unforgettable memories together, good or bad.Royal Regiment: The new shenanigans that you’ll all encounter due to the new and improved unspecified English band director of ours.Woosung: My catching prowess. I know you can make the throw consistently to second. And lose some weight…Michaer: To put more hustle in his fielding. And take better routes to flyballs -_-Rouis/Phirip: Improve defensively…..and a lot more offensively.Nate/Sid: To keep working on defense, you guys improved so much this past year

Fat Pig: Improve on your pitching. And get a third pitch, your fork ball is too predictable.Even fatter pig: Lose weight and don’t derp.Hylie: Keep your smile kid.Uday: All of our Joker lines that we probably practiced for who knows how long, turning every song funny with the Joker voice, PUN HUNTAHS, the endless amount of England quotes, YOU-day.Joyce Shin: To stop being such a drama queen.Howie: Stay your cheerful selfShane: Don’t be a goober. And SC2 with me when I get my computer.Joe/Afraz/Loren: Our Spanish project was the bombdiggityfoshizzles. We’re definitely ritz bitz! Keep being homies and we’ll definitely have an AP Spanish group reunion.Izzy: Stay your bubbly self! You always know how to cheer me up :)

Kevin K. PascualCalifornia State University, Long BeachUndeclared

I, Kevin Kristoffer Pascual, being of sound mind and body, do hereby leave…

The Gods: The promise that we shall descend once more.. Hue frikin hueWolfpack: AWOO!! A thanks for making my last year of Track and Field a blast. Every single uneccessary jumper workout that we did, every single uneccessary country that we walked, was all worth it. Just getting to know each and every one of you made it all worth it. Charlie: $50 if you beat Raff's PR next year. Or you owe me 30 Oompa-Loompas.Sagar J-Soul Kam-in-the-hole: A reminder I'm still gonna live that 1 mile away from school. I'm not going anywhere, so when those females got you down holla at me. Also, just holla if you ever need someone to tell your life story to. Also thanks for the car. Its pimpin.Samurai Kevin: I, Kevin V. Brittainia, command you to do well in school and keep on being a BAMF. Vince: I leave you what remains of Stage Right and our nipples that you pinched off everytime we messed around too much. Good memories in the cramped room. I'd leave you Edgar too but, I can't find him. Marin: RP.. nuff said.Jennie: The rights to command Oompa-Loompas from people. :) its been a fun 2 years in track with you. I may come back next year. Joan: The title of slacker. You shall become a slacker like me and my ceramic brilliance as well. You're gonna need it ;) Fion: A big gigantic hug. Big brother's always here. Its been fun getting to know you and I like how fast you respond to my texts haha. You are very mature for your age and thats classy. HahaPaley & Allen & Ralph – I love you guys. You guys always seem to have fun wherever you go. Don't stop that.Zosa: NEVER AND I MEAN NEVER STOP TROLLING! It's what I love about you. And how you don't give a shit about what people think.Hanna: I leave you the nickname for eternity HANNASAUR! You know you love it as much as you love me. And you know you love me as much as Pokemon. Catherine Qian: Its been really fun getting to know you this year and ranting about TBIOK haha. We gotta go on that camping trip we've been talking about. First one of us has to learn to drive. ;)Priyanka Kotak: PRIYANKA KOTAK!

Enough about these youngin'. Its Eagle Time!Christine Casteezy: I really don't think theres enough ink or space in the world to fit how much I love you. You are my best friend. Although it seems like I'm distant most of the time. I'm always looking out for you. All these songs on my Ipod each have a memory of you that is associated with the song. Fallin for You, Guilty Pleasure, Won't Stop. All 834 of them each have a memory of you that I will never forget even when you're up in SB partying like a baws. I refuse to say goodbye because these kinds of friendships last forever.Chad: You are close to me like my brother. Close to me like my sister. Close to me like my mother. You are the only one my everything and for you this song I sing...“You're a wizard Harry.” FROM CERRITOS, FORMERLY WEST COVINA, CALIFORNIA! CHADWICK-YOUREAWIZARD-RAIDEN-GARCIA-CORTES!! No but really Chadwick. You really are a brother to me. All those hours spent avenging our grievances, disregarding females and acquiring currency, watching HIMYM, going on donut runs, going to Denny's, making LoL puns, on our parking structure adventures, and trying to get away from your infamous morning gas attacks. All of these things are going to make me miss you. I don't care if its homo. You are and will always be part of me,the wolfpack, the Gods, and my heart. Don't get hazed and broken down too much that you forget who you and who we are. Have fun, bro. I salute you. Elise: FROM LAKEWOOD, CALIFORNIA! haha just kidding. Darling, don't forget me when you are off having fun in college. You do the black girl dencing hehe justkidding. You are my macaroni-adventure-jobhunting-getting-over-our-fears buddy. You've really impacted my life in ways I can't even describe. I don't wanna write a lot because I'm never gonna say goodbye to a friend like you. We shall party every week. I'll be the one in the corner while you get your freak on. Changas: I love you all! You guys have really made senior year that much more enjoyable! Gaysy, Addie, Emily, Wendy, and Maribel. Just being around you guys makes me forget all the crap Whitney throws at us and all the other crap that we have to deal with. The defining moment where I realized that each of you were my closest friends would be the Legendary Five Days of Prom and Retreat. Prom it's obvious why it was fun, the limo, the soundtrack, the ocean, the dancing, the date ;) just made everything so enjoyable. Then there was retreat.. Not sure if it was just a perfect moment in time where everything was just going great or it was because of you guys and your intense investigational skills and the whole atmosphere of not giving a damn about anything in the world except having fun, but retreat was hands down the best memory I've ever had in my whole experience at Whitney. To the rest of Class of 2011 Eagles: One....One... We. Are. Done.

Pawat (James) PoupongtongUniversity of California, IrvineUndeclared

I, Pawat Poupongtong, being of sound mind and body, do hereby leave…

Page 22: Senior Wills Final



Aaron: My rapping ability, gratefulness that you had to listening to all my girl problems, that thing we need to do with ShaneAbby: Best friends and let’s be roommates in a couple of yearsAileen, Deborah, and Kasie: Cookies <3 pls and special greetings in the halls that I love so much. Aileen we have to work on ours, it’s just a smile and wave.Alex: Econ, talking about videos heh, and your bedAlice: You’re cute.Alvin Moon: Pellet guns and burning stuffAndrea: That quote which I do not remember, math stuff, Andrea, talking about your nailsAndrew Fang: Elementary school, Calvin, Ms McCreary. 1st Best friendAndrew Park: My Camry’s leather seats and wood panel finishAnisha: Teases, zotzotzot, you’re pretty cute, that one CD you listen to all the time driving to JAWsAnthony and Mitchell: You guys should’ve won prom king and prom kingChad: Hook it up with that one girl. HF at Westpoint, come back and don’t forget us! And git it Charles Lai: That one day you were ranting about that one girl. Forget her, it’s not worth it.Chris Platt: Baking cookies that one time with Randy and became master chefs. Get it you super stud. Make me proud in swim next yearChristina S. Lee: That locket that was really expensive, that ceramics curtain, basically all the times in ceramicsChristine Castillo: That one time we went on Chat Roulette and that girl thought I was cute and we saw some breasts heh and so many penises!Chuck: Econ rap, that girl who drove away from me :(Daniel: Why do we hate on each other?Darren: I know how to play basketballDong: That one time in CLS when Mustillo threatened to kick me out. That one girl in 10th grade who you will not let me forget about :( Best JV teamElle: Those lunches in 9th grade, sitting next to each other in Hall, MEmily Hwang: That beach day, and that penguin kite, screaming at complete strangers and covering it up with coughs, Prom, Molly, that car ride that we almost died.Eric Hanamoto: Breik, enough saidEric Nguyen: Water Polo, when we went to practices in the summer, you’re one of the funniest people I’ve ever metEthan: Wittmann Student council picture, play on playaEugene: That one beach day where those black guys yelled at us at Ralph’sGary: Ironman, but w/e that wasn’t even anything, Buddha. Gluck next year in PRing!Hannah Joo: Sorry for almost killing you. That is all.Hanna Woo: Ceramics, how did we not know each other till this year? Ultimate wing woman, prom stressing that was totally worth it. I’m going to miss you a lot.Harry Trieu: KI!!Ingrid: Mangrid, Hungrid, Ironman infection, that mix cd that I’m going to make and that you are going to like. Forgetting your relatives and your dogs, your really cool car.James Bilas: Stop sitting next to me in class, I’m sick of the false hopeJessica Jay: Talking about going to World of Color and never going, but we will! Watching the King’s Speech at that bbq, that one thing I wanna try :DJessica Park: PSYCH! :( that one day in Irvine/fashion island where you guys didn’t buy anything but I was happy to drive you

guys, you two looked amazing at prom. Father’s day is coming up too…Jinting: Taiwan, gullible girl, that talk on the bus about our friends and stuff. Playing kinect.John: BULBASAUR!Kevin Pascual: Your mom’s cooking, knocking out on your bed, HIMYM, LACEY, chilling with you all the timeKyutae: That promise you made me even though I’m a hypocrite. Matthew: So much stuff, keebler elves, crazy nights, bbqs, tony’s house, econ projectsMax: Reddit, LoL, hanging out when you guys played melee, but I didn’t mind because I was with friends, we have to hang out more before school starts againMijo: Swim, talking trash about people, sleepovers that didn’t happen, making fun of jintMichael Moreno: Grievances, being racist to you, Dianna Agron, English projectsMichelle: Wittmann, studying math, your sticky table, she likes my hair :OMike Hu: Hotel, wings, channel 34, playing LoL at my house till forever, talking about girlsPatch: My only Thai friend in our class, talking about girls, Carte Blanche, Falcon something or otherRaff: Heat next year, Blitzkrieg flash, chill econ, fast five, that rooftopRandy: talking about our prom problems last year, physics last year, MVC 1,2, and 3, that summer where we swam a lot, freestyle rapping, Carolina LiarRobert: Dianna Agron, hook me up with some cuties at Azusa, English projects, making jewelry, ceramics, Fresno, lemme read that bookRomil: Stop being so good at basketball, your prom problems, Carte Blanche, you have a nice nose, I was just lying all those yearsSagar: Maplestory hacks, those sounds you make in swim practice, chill times in water polo, making fun of that one kidSalvador: Econ projects, that dance I do, gluck in film schoolSattik: That one time me and Timo came to your house and couldn’t stop laughing for 15 minutesShafqat: Morning swims, even though we only went once. FIFA that one day. Talks about girls. Shane: Cubone, that thing we discussed with Aaron that we need to do, White CheyenneShujoy: LoL, trolling every day, that one time I came over in 10th grade and we saw that picture and we recounted it like 2 years later, it was so exciting, promSylvia: SLYVIA! Eating lunch together 3 years ago, which we should really do again, Wittmann Warriors/Peacebuilders playing hide and seek during ID practiceThomas: That one night that you were there for me after I was really sad, and we were supposed to be studying but I just lied there, balling with people we don’t know and hating it because we’re kinda racist, my earliest memory of youTiff Liu: Your relationship with my brother is pretty weird, thanks for letting me throw away my trash at your house, visiting my house on Halloween which was pretty creepyTommy: Potential coworkers, water polo, staring at each other in class without blinking and stuffTony Li: Words cannot describe the memories we have shared. I’m just excited for another four years with you <3Varsha: You’re fat

Elle QuimpoUniversity of California, Santa Barbara


I, Elle Lynn Quimpo, being of sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath...

SENIORS: my love; thanks for the past 6 years, I wish you all the best as we go our separate waysOrange Booy: a little piece of my heart for each of you; Idk what I’d do w/o you guys, Fun Fridays, long car talks, ranting & gossiping, sleepovers, you guys have helped me grow up & taught me so much over these past 6 years, thanks for the memories <3Slyvs: a full inbox; forever texting, spending too much time together, constant crying, founding Fun Fridays, Lagger & McSpeederson Mobo: my childhood; growing up together (literally & metaphorically), though you got a kickstart on college, 2,000+ miles will not break our friendship, we are friends for life!Suzzy Kay: my excitement; 6 years down, 4 more to go! SB THAS WSUP! I'm not sad about you, I'm freakn siked!Brendy: my envy; brilliant master of multitasking, 3 peas in a pod turned OB, ranting & gossiping in your car, sheepbutts, you will be amazing at Berks no worries you're gnna kick maj college ass - I'm so proud of you superwoman!Shannon: my sense of humor; (since you seem to have none...jk it's just "sophisticated",) civics/econ projects, 2am car rides home, getting drunk off of air, sleeping at school, at your house, in Ashley's car?! senior cabby, the most complicated person I have ever met, "I'll miss you" <3Smalvin: my smelle; your participation in the annoying contest was thoroughly amusing, wow I might actually miss your lame jokes & sarcasmCharles: eagle spirit; you did it! Senior cabby w/ you as our fearless leader, late night Senior Saturdays/SundaysLowell: my "articulateness;" Lowell's island in Castro, Dalley projects aka hours of unproductive goofing off, YouTube videos, running for class sec aka the bravest thing I've ever done, always here for you Lo-Ma

Anisha: my hairsh & my 17 uncles; b/c we have the same hair, revolting developments, painting sweats fail, deco parties, pizza & hot bartenders, IC bonding, & rant sessions in artChristine: my cheek to kiss; you are the best boyfriend ever! chillin in your room til late at night, "studying" for math & APUSH, whispering under blankets at 5am, I AM SO EXCITED FOR SB W/ YOU WOMAN!Michelley: love notes on your computer, EWEL! (I swear you said it), calc study sessions, thanks for the million car rides home, rant sessions about people & college & life, stop hating on my attraction to gay looking boys! I'm gnna miss you so muchJint: a mint, a lint, & a baby named Minting; movie marathons, Irvine Spectrum, civics/econ was so much fun w/ you even if I was MIA half the time...Mijo: a trip to lacma & jogging; (since we never went...oops) civics/econ projects, late nights at Shannon’s, critical group projects, corgi flop, “I’m judging”, botox faceKevin Pascual: trifecta, melting to the Temptations, before sunrise/sunset, ranting, texting, WWF!John Balagtas: I'm always here to listen, monk, thanks for Denny's & that car talk on prom nightAnika: saying "hi" all ugly, Pablo, date to sophomore year formalJames Poupongtong: spending lunches w/ you & Matt in 7th & 8th grade, good times! AP Lang & physics buddies!

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Dong: since 2nd grade to junior year formal, I know we'll be friends for life, "your favorite girlie"JUNIORS: I'm always here for you, please update me on your lives & your senior year. I’m only a text/call/e-mail/FB message away! Thanks for all the wonderful memories, I love you & miss you all my junior babies. <3Megan & Marissa: a best friend play date that Sylvs & I owe you; aww my babies! I still remember that one day we played queen's court & giggled like crazy & we lost the ball...Megan, I cried during volleyball when you hugged me at my last game. Marissa, you are just the sweetest thing I’ll miss talking to you in art. You 2 are amazing & I’ll miss you both so much. <3Steph: my volleyball baby! my warm up buddy, this season was so much fun! Kill it next year ok?!Charlene: the best volleyball secret buddy SIKE ever! my "favorite" I can't call you that aloud or I'll get in trouble...oops! ;)Michelle: magical growing pills; jk I like that you're shortstuff it's cute, volleyball memories & working on math hw in the hallways!Ingrid & Noel: my laughter; McGriddle & No Elle!Emily Liang:, seagulls & iTouches; L&M forever, playing the guess this song game, you are so damn hilarious & lame & ridiculous I mothereffing love you & I'm going to miss your laugh & British accent & hugging you in ASB everyday Future Senior Cabinet (Em, Marissa, Angel, & Loren): good luck for next year; go crazy, & enjoy senior year! (Don’t let your advisors hold you back) It goes by way too fast. Enjoy each others’ company & have funnn! Shivs: a hairbrush; to tame that wild thing you call your hair! Playing w/ & braiding your hair, walks to your locker, venting & stressing about homecoming & math grades, you are so amazing you don't even know <3Charlie: deco skills & optimism; keep up the great work, ASB is lucky to have you! Kevin Cutie Chung: pudding! Laughing at everything! Secret buddy gifts, jamba, & Denny's country fried steak HAAAY! (insert hand motions) I'll miss you <3ASB: endless hours of deco & stress, we seriously did work this year & it was all worth it, thanks for making my first & last year of ASB & my senior year in general unforgettable, team work make the dream work! <3

Adilene RiosCalifornia State University, Long BeachPsychology

I, Adilene Rios, of sound mind, body, heart, and soul do hereby leave to:

Daisy Garnelo: All of my lifetime memories and friendship for the past 13 years and MORE to come. My ‘mean-ness.’My dictionary of “Word-impaired-ness”. The knowledge of no late bus Fridays. Our Daddy Yankee singing/dancing ‘skillzz.’ My freaky dancing skills, (to add to yours) you’ll need them for SB. “$2 and I guarantee a dance w/that!” A word of advice, don’t drink too much iced tea in SB…it will cause you immense laughter. Don’t run up stairs! “I almost died!” stories. DON’T get into a pool if it’s up to your knees. We’re now going our separate ways, but remember it’s only for a while. I’ll always be here. Dress your future daughters in uniforms and plaster their hair back…they’ll find a life-long friend. “Our friendship will never die/You're gonna see/It's our destiny/You've got a friend in me.” Thank

you for keeping me alive, And so till Death do us apart. I Love you Chimichanga! Forever and ever&ever, -Changa♥Emily Orozco: Suggestions: When you first meet someone, crash into as many poles as you can! You’ll be like me and find yourself a keeper. Try to Caaalm yo’ self! (I can’t really put the other thing, because ‘it’s not classy’) People are kidding sometimes, no need to use violence with them. “Te Dije!!” If a cute guy talks to you in college DON’T space off, instead do your blushing thing(: Superman! A long and amazing experience in college awaits us, Let’s go?! “Okay, I’ll go over in like 5 minutes.” (Always our usual texts when we need to “study”). I love you superman! I have to thank you for all those long random talks we’ve had at my house. You’ve helped me so much, with everything. You know what I’m talking about. From last year to this year, we’ve had some pretty intense years, but you know what? We’re freaking done. ILY.Wendy Garcia: Try to remember songs when you sing them with someone. Don’t go near trash cans. “Mujer Casos de la Vida Real,” to you! Keep watching those novela’s. Eugenio Siller. “He pushed me! He pushed me!” Matt. Bally Total Fitness. Endless laughter. Same class schedule every year!(: Us getting kicked out of libraries bc we were way too loud. “In the End…it doesn’t even matter,” Let’s keep making good ‘would you rather’ questions. You probably won’t be able to see him in the dark anyways. He’s gonna pick daisy up & take her to prom. Okurrr. HAHA. Marivel Aguirre: Did you know the word Gullible isn’t in the dictionary? I cut my hair…I just have extentions. Free Fedde popcorn&movies! Thee nice-est ones. Civics & econ projects. You have to learn how to play hide&seek. Alex stalker. Summer of ’10. Oh & don’t get ran over by a cop please. We have many more memories to go Marie♥ Love you!Anika Haque: *Poke. Hotstuff, why you looking so cute, hayyy!(; Band Buddy for the past 9yrs. Band notes. You tupid little girl, you’re so ‘normal’. Shaving jokes. My bully for life! Wika Wika! Let’s judge daisy yeah? We need to chip in $2 for her ‘pencils.’ Our dinners &pics w/Mrs. T. I love you Shaniqwa♥ I’m sure gonna miss your face. My “mexicanized” friend(:Krystal Zamarripa: My little goldy ♥ you with all my♥. I’d like to leave you all my ‘golden-ness’.(; The power to stop being ‘shawkward.’ Keep that “Ice, Ice baby.” Never going to “Que.” Sancho talks. And know that I’ll always be here whenever you need me. Please don’t ever let any sancho bring you down, I know you won’t…you’re a strong young lady. Always keep your head up, and I’ll let you keep my #18 Haha. Our notes. Only two more years to go baby girl! You got this, don’t worry, you’ll get into any college you want to! Love you Comadre, Hermanita, Sanchita♥Elise Engly: From Lakewood, CA(: Washington D.C. Wear some’ve gotten better though. You’re a freaky vibrator..we’ve taught you well. I LOVE you. You’re so beautiful &talented.(: I leave you some of my innocence, you need it.♥Suzanne Kang: I leave you some of my freaky dancing skills to add on to yours, you’ll need them in SB as well. And I leave you the power to get to the point of things in convos. You’re so cute though, I’ll see you when I visit Daisy! Ily!Miya Clark: Keep dressing like you do, I love it! I’ll see you in college, so keep me updated about random ‘drama.’ I love you! Johanna Paz: Toy drive for Latino Club, and funniest car ride back. French class, y las Mexicana’s que nunca nos callaron. Haha. One more year! Hang in there my chola. Everytime you feel stressed: “Don’t worry

be happy, because every little thing is gonna be alright,” and laugh it off. Good luck next year!Cabin #6: Don’t forget “cookie-monster,” our dear furry friend. I love you girls, and I enjoyed these past years sitting next to you girls snack & lunch. Our talks♥ Our bond was the best! I’ll miss you girls!Andrea Acosta: Wifey♥ I leave you with memories! Washington D.C. No sleep, because of those long phone calls, and my endless injuries there. Guy we waved too. “Ar-te-sia!” call that you missed in my brothers’ soccer game. “Addie you’re funny I got your text, last night…It was you right?” Haha, our talks we had over the yrs. I’ll see you in college! Ily!Marlene Villegas: Elementary school. “We could have been related” haha. 8th grade P.E. you, Jasmine, Wendy, & I. Latino Club service, fun stuff. Volunteering at Hg, but really going to John incredible pizza! Let’s go celebrate!Tiffany Tatreau: Wow, these past years we’ve practically had the same schedules. Especially junior year. We survived math, now we’re on to surviving Band. Ohh band. Disneyland, Parades, Dalley love stories, love movies. Dalley Appreciation day. His class in general, haha. Don’t ever change your red hair, I know you won’t but just to make sure. Yay we have the power to look young(; I love you & I’ll miss you, your voice, & just you.♥Freddy Perez: Our stories during French. The hilarious Mexican family & parents talks. I leave you with being able to stay awake in classes, Haha. Physics last year. Keep playing soccer, so you could go all pro & I can meet some hot European guys HAHA. I’ll miss you! Jesus Calderon: Randomly seeing each other in a Halloween party, & Dests’ 15. I leave you with the epic fail ‘bet’ we made last year on our way to SB. (buzz cut your hair & dying my hair) Haha.

Emily Huang: Soccer! Endless talks, defeats, wins, best games. Best Goalie ever! Best brownies, gonna miss them. Initiation night. Getting lost to Carin’s house. Shopping for Sadies. Coaches fail. You’ll be a great surgeon! Glee songs! Ily! ♥Christine Castillo: The power to keep telling Daisy weird/cool/freaky stories so she can tell me. I give you the authority to control Garnelo since you’ll be closer to her than I. Please slap her is she does something stupid, kThanks. You’re cute. I love you Home-gurrrl! AP lang, got your back whenever. Hehe.Kevin Pascual: Dalley Movie! Danklin serenades Milly. Best pasta ever. Milly’s first bacon taste, & our epic fail to film her first bite. Prom and how we had a million other dates, bc we were pimping! Retreat! You mean people scaring us! funny though. Successful Investigation! Hot air balloon fail. Feet circulation!:D Funny laughs, random talks, weird faces. Buy Elise food. Thanks for everything!(: Purple! Things..MANY of them to do this summer‘11!Robert Franklin: I leave you with my organizing skills, you REALLY need them. Please call and serenade Emily sometime(: Write a book. Don’t get lost when you drive somewhere anymore. Purple is the BEST.Chad Cortes: Don’t spray people with tomatoes! Haha! (Me & Emily won’t let that go) You’ll be a great Cadet!Hilary Chan: Band moments. Physics last year. Your uniform fitting WAY too big. Our funny/dumb marriage & divorce cases. I’ll miss you little one♥Anusha R: 10th gr. movie projects, debates. Jeans class. You’re sweet16!Gisel Zabala: Because you were there! ♥

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Leticia A: All of our talks the past years. My comadre for life.Lorena Morales: You’re so pretty, don’t leave Whitney. You’re almost done only one more year. You can do it, I mean we did & you’re smarter. HahaCarolina Navor: Our dance last year in flowers’ class. HahaMy Soccer Girls: I love each and every one of you. We had some rough 2 past yrs, but I believe that it just made us closer. I’m sure going to miss you ladies, but I’m also 100% sure all you girls are going to fight hard and do great upcoming season. Just remember that every time you step into the field, FOCUS, put all your heart to it, and have FUN. Thank you for these 2 amazing and very memorable years!French Table: So many talks, jokes, so much homework, laughter, but so little time. ‘Studying’ for quizzes everyday=epic fail, but the bond that we created wasn’t, I won’t forget you guys♥ ily!Class of’11: Our high school time has ran out, memories hopefully last a lifetime. But our life just begins and it goes on and on and on. Some of us will have it easier and some will have it a bit tougher, but in the end no one should stop. So don’t stop believing(: Thank you for all the good Whitney Memories. And I wish you all a successful life until I meet you guys again in the 11 yr reunion, if not earlier. Good luck out there.

Kathleen Claire Sison SantiagoCalifornia State University, Long BeachNursing

I, Kathleen Santiago, being of sound mind and body do hereby leave Whitney High School. I bid farewell to the crowded hallways during passing period, to the orange lockers, to the last minute projects, to the cramming sessions right before a test, to all the underclassmen, and last but definitely not least, the class of 2011. <3Abby Ilagan: You missy! I know that it’s been quite some time since we’ve actually sat down and caught up, but know that I truly appreciate you. Even though it has been forever, I still haven’t forgotten your efforts to always make me smile. Definitely need to kick it during the summer. Ashley Morris: AHHHH! Can you believe that we’ve known each other since kindergarten?! Crazy! I know you and I haven’t talked as much as we used to, but know that I’m always here for you. Really. I enjoy our conversations and I really miss you! This summer we’re gonna hang out more k? K. HAHA. I still haven’t forgotten your nightmare about Mr. Raabe. HAHAHAH omg. Good old times. April Guzman: WE STILL NEED TO HAVE OUR TALK. You April, I appreciate you so much. I know even though we don’t talk as much on a super personal level, but even though you still read me. You know what’s going on in my life, and I really love that about you. We’ll kick it soon k? Gotta hit the gym! Chareena Eleazar: WSUP BAM BUDDY?! Omg.. remember that?! Haha. My oh my have we grown up. Although we don’t talk as much as we used to, just know that I’m here for you. Don’t forget to hit me up for your wedding! Hehehe. Let me know if you ever need any opinions or any help. <3Wilfred Del Mundo: YOU TOO! We’ve known each other since kindergarten! Look how far we’ve made it. Goodness gracious. But I definitely know that I’ll still be seeing you around. Family parties 24/7. Hahaha.

But thank you for all the times I hitched a ride. LOL, if you’re not commuting from UCI and you need a ride, CALL ME. I owe you anyway. Hahaha. Liezl Talamayan: Can you believe that I used to hate you in 6th grade? HAHAHA. Omg. Good times. Thank God that we’ve grown up now and grown out of that. Original Five baby [; HAHAHA sike. But thank you so much for always giving me advice when I needed it. James Bilas: YOU CRAZYYYY MOFO. Honestly, who would’ve known that you would have grown up to be a down ass guy?! I’ll tell you right now, I never would have imagined us being this close back in 6th

grade. Haha. But I’m glad. We’ll kick it soon as well! Hit me up, you know I’m down! (; hahaAngel Anguiano: Thanks for the burrito. K bye. LOL jk, wdup Mr. Speedy? Haha. English class was fun with you (in Dalley, since you’re so far from me now.) Oh oh oh! And remember when we went to SDSU and you almost fell?! OMG. That was intense, but I’m not gonna lie.. it was funny as hell. HAHA. I’ll definitely be seeing you around. CSULB WSGOOOD?! And let me know what’s up for this summer! :D We’ll also be busting missions to SD for James, you knoooow. (:Suzanne Kang: Thanks for the vent sessions, I really needed it. I love how you’re always helping me out and always there when I need you. I’m gonna miss your bluntness But it’s okay, we’ll kick it during the summer. Thank you for all the rides too.. you saved me from wasting hours at Whitney.. HAHA. Elise Engly: ELIIIIIIIIIIIIIISE. You. Boy crazy you. HAHA. Thank you for always being there for me. I’m gonna miss you! Especially when we would always talk about Joey Diamond and your husband Joseph Vincent. HAHA. Sallgoood, I’ll be seeing you around for sure. (:Tiffany Yeh: Please be a good girl. Haha jk. You know how to get at me when you need me… Tumblr. LOLTo the underclassmen: Good luck next year. I’m curious as to what your new changes will be considering that Ms. Hager will no longer be there… Haha but really, cherish your time at Whitney. I know it sounds a bit cliché, but really time flies. To the class of 2011: I’ll miss you guys. I’m sorry that we haven’t been able to talk as much as I would have liked, but know that it’s not too late. I’m still here. I’ll always be here! I’m only a comment on Facebook, text/call, midnight drive, or IM away. Thank you all for being there and supporting me through my music as well. I know you all listen to me [; HAHA just kidding. But really, hit me up. I’ll miss you guys. <3 Those 6 years went by SO fast. Congratulations you guys. We made it.* Honestly, I wish I had made this longer, but considering Senioritis… I forgot about this and was too lazy. HAHAHA sorry. Jk though, I’ll write more when it comes to yearbooks!

Katherine ShenMasachusetts Institute of TechnologyUndeclared

I, Katherine Shen, being of sharp mind and definitely un-athletic body, do hereby leave, in close-to-alphabetical order:

The Robotics Club: five brilliant years, my organized style of doing things (hopefully), lots of CAD files, lots of planning/organizational/picture files, a shelf-ful of trophies, .542 cm on page 33 of the Yearbook, plenty of in-jokes, an empty desk near the front of Ms. Yi’s classroom, a

wish for continued success after I leave, a promise of future visitsAvi Bagla: two years of Broadcast Journalism, fun in the Robotics Club next yearLeia Chang: thankfulness for your poster/design skills, co-captaincy of VEX next year, high expectations i.e. Anaheim (no plane tickets required!)Darren Chen: co-captaincy of the FLL team, five years working together in Robotics, homeroom discussions of physicsVictor Dang: three years of Robotics and FLL research, horror at the amount of food you can eat, wishing you had been able to go to banquetSofia Dhanani: plenty of administrative experience together, the Robotics Club presidency –no pressure Mindy Huang: two years working together in Robotics, Contemporary Media fun (and accidents), admiration of your drawing skillsMichael Ishida: no more use of my “genius phone”, good luck managing all the community service events, walking into a few “very carefully” phrasesBrian Kim: the FTC captaincy, no comment on your dancing habits/skills, high expectations i.e. St. LouisLawrence Ng: two years as VEX captain, wondering why exactly I tried Magic but didn’t take it up, Contemporary Media funSaatchi Patell: thankfulness for your help in miscellaneous Robotics administrative matters, appreciation for you being a writer for my section in Journalism, the occasional walking in at a bizarre point in a conversationDJ Quijada: astonishment at your perfectionism in the engineering notebook, endless supply of questions, and quest for extra creditVignesh Raja: the engineering notebooks, amazement at beatboxing skillsJerome Red: five years working together in Robotics, a request to stop procrastinating, lack of understanding of the need for food runs, admiration of your Contemporary Media skillsLeonard Rilloraza: thankfulness for the hard work and extra time you put into Robotics, curiosity about MagicErik Wang: role as Robotics treasurer, admiration of your persuasive skills, pink (I think you started it), possible future Starcraft matchJustine Wang: a decade’s worth of memories from elementary school to now, countless philosophical lunchtimes, laughter and complaints/rantsSana Yaklur: lots of CAD files for Robotics, random discussions after school, hopefully a lack of etudes next year in BandMr. Bender: two great years of chemistry class, two years of fun ACS competition, a thank-you for all those puns that helped me remember chemistry conceptsMrs. Bruesch and Marilou: unnumerable thank-yous for everything you’ve done for the Robotics Club, everything you’ve done for me, and all the advice you’ve given meMs. Hall: two terrific years of English class, random discussions at snack/lunch/after school, a thank-you for the advice you’ve given me, a request to go read the entire Dune seriesMr. Jeans: a thank-you for my new understanding of Civics, fun discussions at snack/lunch/after school about political events and why I didn’t go to Retreat/Grad Nite/etc.Mr. Z: great year of AP Physics, a thank-you for the help you gave me in understanding physics, finally getting to take and enjoying Contemporary MediaMrs. Z: six years of invading your classroom after school and/or during lunch, philosophical/random discussions with

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Justine, keeping my promise to not stay overnightAnyone I might have unintentionally left out: apologies, plea for forgiveness, and all the memories/in-jokes we have together

Max Walt ShenUniversity of California, San DiegoComputer Science w/ Specialization in Bioinformatics

I, Max Walt Shen, being of sound mind and body, hereby leave the following messages to:

Kathy Chiang: Thank you for THE most amazing friendship and relationship ever, with more to come (:Kokoro Kara: My deepest appreciation of taking me into your family :D and one of the best years I could ever have asked for. FIRST PLACE TALENT SHOW, FIRST PLACE ID! My sexy dancing (; prom picture in Oyama’s room to remind you guys of us. the role of “mr. taxi”… driving everyone around HAHAKevin Ng: I formally request your fried rice recipe and leave to you an empty spot as sparring partner.Rebecca Tjahja: I give to thee the directions to California Fish Grill HAHA. Wishes of luck for you and your men (; and your future academic endeavors HAHA. I shall visit your beautiful church more! AND LET ME KNOW WHEN STANFORD ACCEPTS YOU!Locker Familia: Have my rack. For free. If you guys still need it LOL. (: thanks for making it homelier :D memories of all of the fun we’ve had! (xJosefina Mendoza: You shall have free tutoring services LOL forever and always. All of my advice and life lessons because you are siriusly way too similar to me (x memories of spontaneity and the most random hangouts. Plus I’ll get out of your way so people will finally notice you between me and Harrison LOLOL too much to write, wait for my farewell gift (:Jasmine Lim: Decapitated Barbie dolls. That’s all you freaking get you disgustingly decent looking person LOLOL spontaneous hangouts, many crashings of your house. Deep-voiced TEEHEE. your cool hat. In the end, too much fun for this little snippet of text. Much luck with Kokoro Kara talent show next year :DColor Guard: I pass on the role of biggest fan LOLOL. May it be passed onto someone worthy (:Edward Hong: YOU STILL HAVEN’T MADE ANY FRIED RICE D: WTF. Such a busy man, good luck next year, I can’t wait to see what colleges you’re gonna make it into :D DO ME PROUD FOR TALENT SHOW!Emma Wan: OMFG VALEDICTORIAN CALC BUDDY THAT IS WAY SMARTER THAN ME. Have fun in stats next year! :DMike Hu: Texan smash-playing Mabi/LoL gaming buddy, do me proud at UCSB :D I better see you at UCSD Winterfest. Money matches are coming in the future :DJessica Park: BESTEST SCRUBBBUDDDY. COOKIES! I just wanted to say that I’ve played more concerts and made more beautiful music with you than anyone else and it’s been an honor playing with such a great musician (:Charlie Fu: I pass on the role as best smash player at Whitney..? I don’t really know LOLOL I wonder if there’s anyone else good here (x I’m very glad I met you though!Anna Ogata: Hello girl who is following me to UCSD O__OTony Li, Matthew Ramos, Randy Hsu, James Poupongtong, Alvin Moon, Alex Ho, Mike Hu, Patch N, Brian Chen: Thanks for being such cool friends. Sleepovers,

driveway s’mores, doing stupid shit at midnight, burning shit, barbeques, just hanging out, light drawing, shooting crap with BB guns, tons of gaming, eating out, not giving a fuck about anything, LOLJVTENNIS, apples to apples, playing mafia and DnD during HS2 SAT Academy, cramming with Jennifer Su and Deborah Teng last year at the ACPWE’s farewell meeting, super smash bros. melee, grinding in runescape, abusing mabi events, being homo – but remember, no homo, , man talk, “she’s fine”, studying when we’re screwed anyway, rendering last minute for CPR, SO MUCH E-TELIYAKI, finally being able to drive, getting lost, lots of laughs, eating at the most random places, heading “home”, introducing everyone to League of Legends LOLOLOL and reddit, burning homework and old notes, LAN parties and HALO 2/TOWER OF POWER/ZOMBIES, going on ridiculous adventures, more and more and more I can’t think of right now. I can’t believe it’s been six years already LOL the memories are scattered and I don’t remember everyone who was there for what or whatever but everyone tagged here: you all mean something to me. Alan Ooi: Thanks for still being my friend despite everything since elementary school. You know me like very few people do and you’ve been one of the longest lasting friends I’ve ever had.

Liezl TalamayanUniversity of California, RiversideBiological Studies

I, Liezl Gatchalian Talamayan, being of truthful mind and loving body, do hereby leave this will on June 12, 2011.

To my first new friends in Whitney, Amy Chang and Elise Engly. Thanks for thinking that I am a 7th grader when I was in 9th grade. I had fun “exercising” in Mrs. Flowers’ class. To my only 7th grader friend when I was a freshman, Linda Chun, I can’t believe I’m graduating and I’ve known you for 4 years. Why are you so good at every single sport out there?! To Jerome Red, Tommy Shi, and Alan Ooi, I had fun in our little corner in Castro’s class haha. To Jinting Wang and Michael Jo: our crazy inside jokes that nobody else understands and endless laughter whenever we hang out. CHEMISTRY GROUPS. First, Sarina Bhakta, Janvi Desai, and Vivian Vo: our “horrorscopes” I don’t even know if that’s was the name of our thing. I’ll always remember Janvi trying to stick herself between the wall and the bed, getting kicked out of class because we had “stuff on our table” and not listening to Mr. Bender. Secondly to the most hilarious group movie project I had about science- Lowell Mansilla, Amy, Jint, Viv and Sarina, I still remember the 696969 phone bill of Roshni because of the “lights”- we really need to watch that again. Key Clubbers, I know I wasn’t active for the past year but I learned a lot in the 3 years I was active in Key Club. First district convention where I was gone for 3 days with Amy, meeting new people, doing the Key Club cheer, chairing events and feeling like I actually made a difference. That helped me become more open as a person, thank you. Club Kaibigan, thanks for giving me the opportunity to do what I want: to dance and reconnect with friends in the past and make

new friends. Fan girls, no one who hasn’t been a fan girl would understand how much our abs hurt. CHARLEEN, yes you are mentioned here, thanks for always talking to me; I know you love me more than my sister. Senior TINIK, late night practices, food runs and late night talks, it’s seriously one of the experiences I would never forget Vivian Vo, you truly were my best friend for two years in high school and I thank you for being there for me 24/7. You were there for me through sophomore year when we were suffering through euro, and chem- sorry I bailed on math. Even though we did drift apart, I’m glad I had a friend like you- I knew you always had my back no matter what. Clubbing buddies, you know who you are: lets do it again Six flags group: addie, you’re my truest roller coaster buddy - only ones who had the guts to ride superman. CABIN 6, I swear I’m glad all of us were in the same cabin. SLAVE, Daisy, Wendy, Marivel, Addie, Emily, Sarina and Miya, I loved every moment of retreat with you guys. From the cabin talks, bear experiences, animal sightseeing, investigating like Nancy Drew, would you rather, having the most HOMELY cabin ever, most efficient cabin, pictures 24/7. I still remember some of the conversations we had. But, seriously, we need to do a reenactment scene so we can play it 11 years from now and laugh at ourselves. To my SLAVEs- seriously thanks for all the memories that we made- I love you guys. I don’t know how we started but, I can say that I know that in 10, 20 years, if I have a problem, I would know who to turn to. Suzanne Kang, even though you thought I looked mean, I’m glad we got closer by discussing boy problem, then I was stuck with you this year because I have 4 classes with you and we’re always hanging out. Anika Haque, COLLEGE ROOMIE!! I got closer to you through physics last year and throughout the year all we were thinking was: what are we doing here?! Thanks for putting up with my craziness, hyperness, and sadness. Varsha Baheti, the tall person who’s dating the faculty. HEHE, you know I love to tease you. But, I seriously had fun in doing all those projects with you this year—if it wasn’t with you, Suzanne and Amy, I probably would have shot myself -__-. But, you’re my mommy along with Anika. I know you’re always looking out for me and THANKYOU for listening to my life that is like a live rollercoaster. Elise Engly, WHY DO YOU LOVE WHITNEY SO MUCH?! HAHA. My partner in crime, my “ex” eating buddy, my crazy car ride stories person with buddy, dancing buddy- idk- you were one of my first friends in Whitney. I know I can tell you anything, and you know I’d do anything for you.. and EVEN THOUGH YOU SAY. “I’d do it for you”- whatever you’d do for me, you know I’d do for you too! To my dearest sister, in a couple months it’s your turn to be a senior, have fun and make the most of it. It’s going to be your first and last senior year (hopefully) just kidding. Lastly, Class of 2011, I had fun doing hello dance performances and international day, it allowed me to get to know you guys. Class IC, thanks for doing everything that you can to make these past 4 years the best it could possibly be. Good Luck in college, for some, see you in 11 years, and for others, you know who you are, see you soon<3

Tiffany Tatreau

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Roosevelt UniversityMusical Theatre

I, Tiffany Tatreau, being of sound mind and body, do hearby leave…

Abby: Pho, crying, Jessie J, Glee, Harry Potter crushes, our NYC apartment. Andrew: Oompa Loompas in band, trumpet traitor, 13 years of school together.Andy: Civics projects, Oh, you fancy huh, lots of love.Anisha: Gonsalves drama, Scratch and the Bulldogs, Thornton Wilder, Santiago impersonations, Toniiight, toniiight. April: Dalley Europe Trip, love stories, last minute dress shopping, our June 17 plans.Ashley: Wallace Wall, we weren’t friends yet, Magianno’s, fondue, driving to Ke$ha, Rumbleroar, magic tea, Glee parties, Adam Lambert, class competitions, musicals, camera whoring, doing our hair, jaw massages, escalator photoshoots, rolling on the floor, similar stories, talking by your firepit, sleepover and so much more. So much love. Best friendship. Breeana: Talking under the CATS stage, musical seasons, 7th grade basketball mistake, part of your world, show people, being orphans, felines, fairytale characters and hicks, crying before shows, wearing our CB shirts, being short. Charles: Late nights building, epic ideas, sad graduation texts, our AGYG subplot, first slow dance, caribbean juice dinner, my mom’s spaghetti, arguing about class stuff, napping on my couch, musicals, my upmost respect. You inspire me. Chris: Saving lives my sweet, orange juice, sparkle when you spell, glitter abs, david and lisa, try out for a musical! Chuck: Pre-Pride and Prejudice proposals, our fake break-up, his and hers mugs, your do rag, happy be Theseus, Theatre Lab 2011, best dance picture note ever. Clara: Not all business, the highlight of our senior year: 25APCSB, your talent show 2009 riff, Theatre Lab 2011, graduation singing, freedom, free falling. Daphne: Jenny, $5 in your AGYG jacket pocket, fairy wings, bad seeds, Whitney High School Drama. Please be president someday. You’re too amazing.Emily: Car rides home, Panera, long talks, Chuck Norris (to pray for guidance), orphan fights, YouTube video sending sprees, Spring Awakening, GleeLive, totes bye, your changing mind, prank calls to jai hune, mud pit fight scene, like a drag queen, everything Spelling Bee, awk, edgy, you princess, hitting each other, <4.Freddy: French talks, Dalley’s junior class, riffing in my car, sleeping in French, our French homework contract.Hannah: THEM, Thespian Festival, orphan sleepovers, Katie Thompson, Natalie Weiss, ITW, musical memories. Jalen: OG Inter-racial couple, casual, bad seeds, black Jesus, I stepped in ketchup, dancing through life, band (or not), Theatre Lab 2011, Puck photoshoot, holding hands. Janvi: never coming to school, start me up, Theatre Lab 2011, random spelling bee volunteering, your sticker from the office. Jerome: Trumpet section, Laterome, hipster movies, never get feet wet, disney band, your creepy side.Jessica: Thirteen years, boy talks, french onion dip, pool parties, you punching in our kindergarten picture, bread, also, butter, english schedule switch, always being close no matter how long it’s been. Kevin: Atonement, awkward onstage moments, three for three shows, speaking in shakespearian, being nerds, my uke (jk), Theatre Lab 2011, our fight scene, “lalala I’m a d-bag,” our diva battles, I’ll actually really miss you, even if you drove me insane half the time.

Michael: A crazy prom, clever train, like a drag queen, at a spelling bee?, Finchel, hipsters, goofy movie, calling me ugly, classical scene, Gaston, announcements, whore, singing musical duets in my car. Mylan: THEM, Whitney Drama, bad seeds, toys taking over, orphan sleepovers, GleeLive, car rides, freedom, freshman best thespian, single ladies. Olivia: Photobooth pictures, hipsters, starveillance, mugshots, office tshirts, never say never, 6pointfunny, Save Farrah, the helpful blue liquid, she forgets to breathe, IMing in all caps, silent video chatting, TFS, zip ties, fake bake, so yesterday, womanizer: the chair, single mothers, diabetes, dominico’s, boots and boys, nothing in this world, ms.andadoreme, dts, words you couldn’t say with your retainer, breaking glass where my kids play, feather duster, ron burgandy, monthly sleepovers. Pearl: so many jokes at your expense, my mother, TFS, zip ties, our song, playing guitar, hipsters, letting us sleep in DC, Pete: a musical, Whitney Theatre, enjoy your time, practicing for musical auditions, seventh grade drama singing, musicals. Shalu: Most unexpected friendship of my life, jeans talks, coffee dates, singer’s assistant, post event sleepovers, poll working, coffee, project meetings, no judging.Shannon: support, talking, beach days, Thomas, pretending we don’t know each other in person, long letters, good advice.Angeline, Vivian, Florence: Sacremento, tea cup, matching people up, jealous phone calls, when a stranger calls, Castro disappears, most memorable project of my time here.

Sylvia TranUniversity of Southern CaliforniaCivil Engineering

I, Sylvia Eleanor Tran, being of sound mind and body, do hearby leave…

c/o 2011 with 6 years of unforgettable memories–KevinAquilo: the permanent title of being wama and your cute mushroom haircut;VarshaBaheti&JintingWang:Bio with our Christmas song of All the Small Things;JohnBalagtas&ChareenaEleazar&SalvadorGutierrez&JasonKwon&RaffSampaga&PearlWang: an amazing Dalley film;MollyBooy:nickname of Mobo, late nights studying for Civics/Physics, “running” to regional park, Chinese school-I hope you never forget me…. again; ChristineCastillo: chill sessions at your house, ridiculous Beowulf masks for the Amazing Race;AngelaChan: gazillion Spanish projects, talking about the randomest things(ie.Star Wars,Justin Bieber) at your house, sitting next to you in APSpanish;ChuckChan: studying for the kalkulus til 3AM, going to Disneyland for being the awesomest student store group;ShannonChang: daily power hugs, not doing homework… ever, and red Hollywood stars;DarrenChen&AlexPark: a long but fun summer at CSULBAlvinChou: countless years of being friends and the best neighbor ever, movies from Bluecircle and dollar theater, black sticks, 8th grade social :P, riddbox, 8DK;Chad Cortes: creepy eyes from Hall’s class and holding hands during International Day;AndyDeAvila: waving to you!;JanviDesai&MichelleGuan: APUSH projects;

CharlesDuong: Disney movies, Toy Story 3, junior formal, fat penguins, the best cards I’ve ever made;KattiHorng: 7th grade lunches; MikeHu&HenryWang: endless who and you jokes, yue da man;MichaelJo&AndrewPark: a long summer at Gateway;BreeanaJohng: banana from 9th grade, making our senior formal dresses, memories of civics/econ;SunyoungJung: my running buddy and source of smiles;

SuzanneKang: phone calls about boys, suzzykay, eating at la creperie, meeting each other through crossfire;NickKang: you’re Suzanne’s cousin??;AndrewKim: llama, getting stuck between a chair, and listening to no music to try to look cool;MitchellKim: neo neu neo maeu gwiyeoun;ChristinaLee: Xtina, nights spent at It’s a Grind working on college applications, surviving junior year together, having the same schedule, watching movies together;ToniLi: playing truth or dare at prom;ChiHanLu: perfect attendance, playing basketball together, physics buddies;LowellMansilla: playing Pokemon after prom, 7-11 slurpees, going to your batcave, triple dates, Chem;AnishaMistry: art buddies, ASB sweats, picnicking, Google Docs;AshleyMorris&TiffanyTatreau: TalentShow/InternationalDay/Lipsync practices and glee parties;AnnaOgata: doing all our civics projects together;AlanOoi: speech/drama in 7th grade and sharing music together;KevinPascual: pevin kascual, doing nothing in Dalley;JamesPoupongtong: Wittmann Warriors, eating lunch together outside and in the hallways–good times;ElleQuimpo: texting 24/7, rot sessions, YSAN, HURA, :-)8, sucker and loser, brownies and oreos;SamirShah: making the nickname “Smear” popular, pudgy smudgy;TommyShi: sitting across each other in AP Spanish;DongSong: saying hi to each other everyday…but only during 7th period English;AngelineTran: transaction, locker buddies;TiffanyWang: first Whitney friend during 7th grade science;EstherWu: first best friend I’ve ever had;DanielYang: going to regional park together, my first time climbing a tree, studying at Starbucks, dealing with college drama, and making HIMYM references;KevinYang: picking up trash together and then going to IHOP instead;BrendaYee: English in 7th and 12th grade, angry rants, Saturdays are awesome, but not as awesome as Sylvia;EugeneYoon: 5 years of math, square dancing, Holly Paravacino, Yogurtland, (500) Days of Summer, counting on you for anything;my underclassmen–GabyAndrada: working the student store together;JuliaChanco: trips to Yogurtland;MichelleChang: volleyball, math class, birthday walls, and Chinese Club practices;JoshChung: Starbucks addiction, being birthday buddies for life, volunteering adventures;KevinChung: profile-worthy pictures;CharleenDu: the most thoughtful volleyball secret buddy;

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MarissaFierro: volleyball, math classes, matching high pitched voices, and warm hugs;JasmineHam: Student Store Group 2, working shifts during dances together;JonathanHan: I wish I got to know you better, but you are so cute!!<3;EricHanamoto: trying to learn how to drum major twirl;EmilyHe: math class together and talking during athletics;IngridHuang: my hardworking and talented Junior Secretary successor;ShivantiKariyawasam: my ASB Secretary responsibilities, McDonalds runs, being my daughter;AfrazKhan: how to btk and spying on certain somebodies during keyclub stuff;EmilyLiang: sending you off to the wonderful world of math, singing the Belle song together, emILY;WilliamLuo: texts from your mother, a broken copy machine for you to fix, lunches in the ASB room;MeganMachado: a best friends date that we never went on;JosephPang: being frenemies, secret conversations;CharlieShin: all of the future deco in ASB – HAH! Good luck, but I know you’ll be great;VictoriaWang: taking pictures in PE;VincentWu: math class, water basketball at transitional;EmilyYang: ratkiller, family group, seeing you 7 days a week, Mexico&Finland, and the Way I Am;The following groups–OCCCAkiddies(JulianYang&EmilyYang&JessicaChuang&AugustineNg):take good care of church for me;Dalley’sEnglishIIIClass: the funnest class I’ve ever had, no substitute days, Dalley Appreciation Party;MichaelJo&AlvinChou&ElleQuimpo: a lame joke filled of a delusional allnighter at senior sleepover;PhysicsStudyGroup: late nights cramming and studying, but having so much fun;JuniorCabinet: a year of hell, but amazing bonding, Joe’s sushi, where’s April?;SeniorCabinet: thanks for always letting me invade your pictures.. I love you guys;ASB‘09-’10: my first year in ASB, trips to Disneyland, the late nights at Denny’s, and the huzzahs;ASB‘10-’11: end of the world party, taboo at sophomore tree, and stargazing all night at retreat;ASB‘10-‘11Seniors: all of the stress and fun times we’ve had together;OrangeBooy: She’s the Man, attempting to cook, sophomore year formal, Washington DC allnighter, Fun Fridays, 060111, and being the bestest best friends ever

Vivian VoUniversity of California, San DiegoBiology

I, Vivian Vo, being of sound mind and body, do hearby leave…

Amy Hsu: Why are you so mean to me We barely met this year and it was by accident really HAHA but I love you already<3Angela Ma: VOMA fo’lyfeee<3 spontaneous sleepovers, sharing lunches during fifth period junior year, cue traditions during Spanish projects, introducing me to a new flavor of Arizona, shopping trips, car adventures aka almost dying with your WONDERFUL driving, your love for my dumplings, COW adventures, almost getting raped while waiting outside for the freaking COW, thanks for being the reason John and I was able to start texting, eheh ;) you letting me drive your car, sneaking into your house

when your mom was asleep, attempting all-nighters, four more years together! This is just the beginning of the end for us. Angeline Tran: my seaastaarr<3 “mi casa es su casa y su casa es mi casa” random sleepovers, BoBaH with MaH FrEnzz~~, WAH, VITEVERRZZ, T__T and ^___^, BurgerKing and KFC, gossiping and boy talks, VAR, talking on the phone until 5AM about basically nothing, knocking on wood, dot, complaining and pmsing 24/7, you driving all the way to my sister’s house and sleeping over, being freakishly weird around each other, going on a cruise together, my mom thinking you are a sl*t, knowing what the other is thinking, AMC movie dates, BTFO, Bobbaaaay Song, you letting me drive, biking adventures, you running into a pole, taking the best cue together, our Friends obsession, googling how to do certain things ;), starting our first day of Whitney High together. I don’t know what I’m going to do without you being 10 minutes away, but I do know that you’ll always be a phonecall away and trust that I will be too. I’m gonna missshh you so much Brendan Nguyen: I don’t deserve to be your role model, but I am very flattered Being Valedictorian isn’t everything, trust me. It’s just a title after all, trust mee.GS: Thank you for making my Senior year an unforgettable one. I’m glad I got the chance to get closer with each and every one with you this year Harry Trieu: I’m so glad that we got close during the summer and throughout this year. I love how we can just talk about anything and everything and be so open with each other. I know you want to be realistic and say that chances are we won’t keep talking after high school, but I am being realistic when I say that we will. I’m so happy that you got into your number one choice college You deserve it, Harry. One of the realest people I know.Jessica Jay: my lover. Having almost every class together Senior year, you spending more time at my house than your own, TV sessions at my house, you cooking ramen for me<3 ehehe and me cooking dumplings for you, getting our Disneyland passes together, making my first frame ever for you, taking the best photostrip ever together, riding with the top down in your car on the freeway, talks in my room about everything. We better have monthly lunchs during college Kevin Chung: I am not bad! I’m still the same girl you met at Knott’s Good luck with everything!Lowell Mansilla: Gold in ’11! Our dream for six years. I’m sorry I won’t be able to walk up there next to you and have that one thing that secretly connected our speeches. I know I’ve changed a lot this year and I know you don’t like many of those changes, but I promise I’m still the same girl that always looked out for you to make sure our dreams were fulfilled. I wouldn’t have been able to get those 4.0’s without you. Love you<3Liezl Talamayan: Though we drifted so much last year and this year, I still consider you one of my best friends. I miss the bond that we used to have. Good luck in your future endeavors!Paul Pham: We didn’t start talking nor did we meet until the end of this year, but you’re seriously so funny Viet club is now yours to handle, goodluck! Make Viet club actually mean something next year! I’m taller than you and me and Angela ARE the same height.Shirley Sun: my BEST friend, sister, lesbian lover, soulmate. Car accidents, sleepovers, staying up until two in the morning watching Moulin Rouge on a school night, getting Starbucks even though we know

we’d be late for school, playing hockey, eating candy, seeing each other every day during Winter break, feeling weird when we don’t talk for a day, being the one friend I’ve never fought with, rolling around in the back of your van, SOOO many memories in your van, telling each other everything, being able to tell what the other is thinking by just looking at each other, literally the sunshine in my life, having no secrets between each other but having a gazillion shared secrets, you being there for my first everything, rotting at my house watching Friends, boy problems, me never listening to you and regretting it in the end, my grandma’s favorite. Shirley Sun, I don’t know what I’m going to do without you when you move to St. Louis. I think it’d be worse than the worst breakup in the history of breakups. But I know this will not be the end. I will try as hard as I can to fly to St. Louis and visit you AT LEAST once a month. I love you!Ted Kim: TEDDDYWEDDDY I’m too lazy to do yours so I’m not gonna do it, soiikee. Me waking up at 4AM to your phonecalls, our phonecalls during sophomore year that lasted until 3AM on a school night, me being the love guru but not anymore! Bff telepathy, Thai BBQ and Albertaco runs, me being the only person that you can keep a convo with on the phone, telling each other everything. I’m sad we waited until the end of Senior year to rekindle our bond, but better late than never, right? We still have summer! I’m seriously gonna miss you so much SB and SD are like opposites, you better come visit me. Bestfriend foreber<3

Jinting WangUniversity of Southern CaliforniaSomething

I, Jinting Wang, being of jint mind and jint body, do hereby leave…

AilienN: speaking in weird azn accents, dangly earrings btw thanks for the adviceAlexH: hoebag3, matching headlights, failed meetingsAliceZ: prom, aloha hehehhe, family photos, creeper pose, awkstories, paulrus loves your blue nails btwAmandaC: arctics concert!!!, karaokeAmyC: yams, supreme slouch, a vat of orange peels yum, sophomore year, the broccoliAndrewF: mission viejo 3 yrs!, prom, antiprocrastinatorAngelaC: range rover, free range chicken, Creeper, pineapple, “come come give me kisses”, mona lisa, alex turner/brits, debate over orly & mcavoy, KOOOKS <3ArimH: only freshman swimmer, so tall, don't call me nelson…CeceW: key club vp powersCelineP: swimming! breaststrokeChrisP: prom discussions, yeuting hahahaChristineC: apush zzzing, Rasputin, furniture friends!ChuckC: the school civics project is still my favorite. byah& kumbaya!DavidL: kyu tae, chub cheeks, thai bbq, pirates 4!DeborahP: pansy octopus, 500free crazy woman, shorter than me hohoho, squishy chipmunk, see kasieElleQ: eel, never at school, Hall, scary movies 0_0, target, chillin at my hizzouseEthanC: such a bizarre sense of humor, your fake stories, funny faces, your soft chlorine damaged hair!HarryT: scp soon for your wonderful tie & other merchandise, TSI, chem!IngridH: great captaining, do ironman next year!, also do butterfly

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JamesP: Taiwan, gulliblegirl88, j-money, swim, your soft skin -_-, Hall, tsunami, kinect javelins yeeeh, the carrot guyJanviD: mun fun, food, breik’s class, apooontaysJenniferP: civics/econ, jenn&jint christmas special, robot unicorn dolphins, HIMYMJessicaJ: 4 years of swim! only seniors this year hahahaKasieL: pho himony…litto grandma, the profile picture war btwn you and deb made me cackle out loud, get a license piece of crap, where are my cookies??!?, stop bullying meKathyK: secret buddy, ear piercings (nail polish remover….?!)KattiH: kit kat bar, july4, chem proj chemediansLiezlT: we were supposed to hang out -_-, FIRST whitney friendLilithH: ironwoman! amazingMatthewR: honorary taiwanese, nice doodles!, cabinetMichaelJ: meej, mijo, mj, jorich7, xhosa, wash my car, aw fuhhh, thanks for the food MichelleG: michlle, lady guan guan, neanderthal tools for the cave/farm, indian food(?), econ projects, you bohemian hippy, hunter-gatherer, uncouth savageMikeH: aaxp meetings, “banquet”MitchellK: Anthony, me giving you guys a ride, always mean to meMollyB: the cutie, singing!!, your house, sitting up straightMukhtaK: swimming! water buffaloNidaF: swim <3, red robinOpalP: the real nelson, harp, paulrus/shakira, wondering about the beer/TV dinners, termite car, improve your boobstroke/asserfly for cif, SAME MUSIC TASTES!RandyH: the night I forgot, part of your world ^____^SarinaB: chem CPR girls on the dance floor, roshni, refrigerator, Indian accentShafqatH: it’s been interesting sitting in front of youShannonC: civics/econ, lilwang rap, Chinese class we said we would return to…SylviaT: spanish projects w/ juiceboxesThomasL: English class, psych book, thanks for prom!, the terrible essay with the ravioli – forget about it plsTiffL: stop facebooking holy molyTiffanyH: haha you are so strange, goodluck with key club divisionTimoC: welcome to mingdao high school, mun, swim, taiwan trip nomming, the gross bugTommyS: five year old with mustache, now I forgot where that came fromTonyL: the mingdaos, Canada, Hall’s class, niceguy5(?)VarshaB: creep debate, espanol in the old days, ex-swim memberVinceW: hilarious creep pictures, your loud voice/crazinessYunaK: tuna, yhunana, pickles, peanuts, your house, nature valley granolas, weirdly talented animals, WHAT DO YOU LIKE???!?!?!?!?!????!?!?!??!?YuniK: DCON, the old 2pm days in junior year

Pearl WangCerritos CollegeUndeclared

I, Pearl Wang, being of sound mind and body, hereby leave:

Olivia Hill: the wonderful years that we’ve spent together, and never ever breaking up over a curse we believed in.Hilary Chan: the loving joy and care you have given to me, always looking out for me like a mother would.

Michael Jo: my secrets cause I know, well you know :)Victor Liu: O.O my looks, wait you already have them!Madeline Bui: my time that I got to spend going out so much during high school, because you never got to :(Brittaney Lee: the time I spent playing Call of Duty while you were dying.Angeline Tran: all the drama I dodged in high school, while you didn’tTiffany Tatreau: the band that never was, TFSJenny Ha: to hahaha’s cause I laugh whenever I see your name, it brings such joy!Hannah Joo: my love for making films, cause you’re just so good at it! keep it up!Hanna Woo: my math skills, which I don’t have much of :PJessica Park: all the cutest under the sun, cause you’re just way too adorable :)Sylvia Tran: there’s just too many nice things that could be said about you ^^Sherry WillyWonka Su: my justin bieber hairFrances Cho: my orthodontist, cause you have such an amazing smile that lights up everyones day :DEmily Huang: my new found love for coffee beanKevin Pascual: the bananas in my house, cause I freaking loved you banana suit!

Daniel YangA DANK UniversityDANKNE$$

I, Daniel Yang, of super intelligent mind and awesomely sexy body, hereby leave (in no special order) to:

THE FAMILY – we better stay together in the years to come! Angela Ma – long lost sister, Long talks. Fashion make over, Taught me how to be $t33zy, LIFE coach. Initiation into the family. MANHANDLEDJulia Chanco –lifetime warranty of dental insurance. You’re gna need it. EEEEEEE!!! I would give you medicine, but you cant cure DANCE FEVER AWWW YEAAHHHHVictoria Wang – thanks for sticking with me all throughout high school. We’ve had so many fun memories together, many of which are still to come right? Youre one of the few people that I can say who knows me inside and out. Through the ups and downs, through thick and thin, you’ve been there for me, and I’ll always appreciate you. Brenda Yee – best friends, main homeGIRLLL! We’re gna go hard this summer and at hard LOLL thanks for alla them talks. Ill make you a grad megamix forsure!Thomas Lu – endless talks about girl problems, going out for starbucks fraps, EPIC GAMES OF 2K9. I’m so glad I got to know such an amazing person like you this year, NO MORE CIVICSSSSS!Charles Duong – summer fling?! Git on it ;) get some rest this summer and GET OUTTA YO MIND! Thanks for being so trustworthy, if you know what I mean HAHAH. Plx stop drooling as wellSamantha Lee – T GANG or die. Rep it proudly homie. CC daughter :’), my little troll apprentice. All those homie talks/ random hangouts/rant seshes. REMEMBER OUR PACT OKAY?! You better. LEHGO LULULUL -_- bad trip you WANKSean Oh – My long lost twin brother. I leave my butt pinching claws and my awesomeness to you hehehehheh. Make me proud Lowell Mansilla – dirty bebot bruin tree frog ugh my goodness. LOL jk even if we’ll

be at rival schools for the next 4 years, I hope we stay as homiesAlex Park – ZORZ SINCE 11.02.08. awww yee. SNSD obsessions, youre the person who got me into kpop in soph year you fruit!!! Awks double dates in soph year HAHAShannon Chang – friends since kindergarten, thanks for always giving me advice and listening to me rant. You’ve been through some of the roughest times of my life, and I’ll always be grateful for you! Ashley Morris – SADIESSS 2009 LOL :D sho fun! Don’t forget about me okay?! You me Shannon = ultimate awesomest trio <333Annice Ma – thanks for telling me whenever you were in a bad mood so I wouldn’t annoy you HAHAHA! Im looking forward to the next 4 years with you!!! We’ll introduce the friends that we make to each other okay?! :DVivian Vo- 5th period physics, an apple/delicious food errday, and always inviting me to hq & whatnot <333333333

Sylvia Tran – USC YAYAY! HIMYM, tranquil tea lounge outings, talks about life! I owe my calc grade to you as well.. thanks for tutoring me :]Shirley Sun – the adventures of danirley! Boba wars! Kick it with me b4 you leave!Frances Cho – Universal Solute/Solvent! Dances Chang! :DAlvin Chou – thanks for being my running buddy, latching onto me in middle school LOLSharon park –bonding at NLMC, truth/truth at tim chon’s trampoline, it was an honor to be your photographer :o)Charlie Shin – MY FAVEEEEE one of the chillest underclassmen I know. Why you so yoked!? Literally carrying me into the water during JAWS, thanks for bringing me to the gym!! You sexy beastdavid kyu tae lee – your middle name explains it all you s3xy b01. Good luck with the college game LULChuck Chan – dirty jjangkeh, KALKALUS/calcrackout. Your house = instant knockout. Can’t believe I’ve known you since preschool!! Daniel Shim – Shimbo slice, thanks for all the homie hookups at the hutch HAHAH <333Abby Ilagan – Coolkids since 7th grade! Teach me how to dougie? Don’t get too freaky at uci k FUN FUN DEBUT!Allison Tran – OG jjangkeh club! I OWE YOU CHIPOTLE YOU HERMITTTT, stop making weird faces at yourself heh heh heh hehIngrid Huang –homies 4 lyfe! I should get some farmers to pick your strawberry patch ;D or maybe some pimple cream. 95% yes?!?!?! Hope I find a friend who smells exactly like you..Joseph Pang – sorry for making you hit your head on the ground in like 7th grade HAHA! Ill try to come out to church more often, or at least on time before I graduate.. u qt pieRoshni Badlani – I got only one thing to give you. Bojangles. AWWW YEEEEEShaan Khan – YOURE DONE WITH BIO! It was fun tutoring you HAHAJonathon Xue – you spit more game than me!!! Teach me your ways! Do well in school, I know you’ll be doing amazing things with your life.Erin Sun – you’re lucky I let you off so easy! It was most def nice meeting you from aloha!Jessica Park – SUSHIII/DOJO! One of my first underclassmen friends ever amazing bottom locker memories, thanks for all the homemade Christmas gifts HEHEHKelsea Lee – fail color me mine trip LOl when the heck are we gna hang out?! It was nice seeing you that “one night” LOL private

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pics!!! Gooood trip! Lets go shooting sometime!William Luo – make me proud, successor :’) I know you’ll do a better job than me forsure HAHA. Don’t forget our awesome handshake that we have!Ben Fan – HOMIE HOOKUPS FORREAL, my grade in calc would be horrible without you.. thanks for keeping me accountable!David Hyun – sexy boi, it was awesome being a disciple with you heh. I swear I wasn’t trying to guilt trip you!Hanna Woo – YOU & AARON = MARRIAGE. Or did mr g say.. turkey drop? LOLL jkjkjk! You anime freak! Stop calling me Rudolph -_-Shaun Pak – lets play 2k11, be my xbox live homie HAHAHA! Greg Chung/Allen Tang – it was impossible to tell you guys apart.. but now I can don’t worry! You guys are both equally attractive though ;D ;D

Jenelle/Elizabeth Lee – couldn’t differentiate between you guys either.. BUT NOW I CAN YAY! Lets hang out with Benjamin sometime!Abrar Haque/Jigar Govind – s3x13st injun boiz @ whitney. Aww yee. “its chill guys”Phoebe Liu/Corrine Marcus/ Ashley Huang/Leif Shen – MY AWESOME TEAMMMATES! Thanks for having my back at banquet. Hope the Barbara Streisand song never leaves your brain LOLFion Hui/Esther Woo/Amy Hsu – WHEN ARE WE GETTING FROSTBITES. Goooodluck with CC next year Fion! Lead them well! Esther, YESS I think I’m cool okay?! Amy, I’m sad I didn’t get to do C2 with you! HAHAJimmy Chang – JIMMY YOU CUTe JJANGKEH HERMIT BOY YOU TROLOLOL. Thanks for always running up to me and saying hi! I wish I met you sooner, but better late than never right?! JAWS THIS SUMMMER! And don’t worry, I don’t think you’re evil, unlike Samee..Paul Pham – HAHA you always pour water on me when I least expect it. Watch out, I might just have to throw you into the water soon… I see you’re a troll as well ^__^Tiffany Chao/Annie Ro/Rena Wu – MY CHINESE CLUB BABIESSSSS thanks for always pulling through to practices and being so dedicated and committed! Jocelyn Kim/Judy Shih – the war isn’t over. Better watch your backs… REGARDLESS, it was amazing meeting such cute people like you :D and judy, sorry for bruising your foot HAHA and Jocelyn… meh. HAHA jkjk you cool! Beah Tolentino/Kaya Quarles – RUSSIA/ITALYYYYY! You guys need to get over your obsession with trey songz..hes meh. LOL jk thanks for making CK so fun during ID! Btw Beah thanks for enlightening me with you awesome shakira-like voice! And thanks for constantly bringing up the fact that I sweat kaya -_- HAHA CC –C C- -C-C-C-C-C CHINESE CHINESE! Make me proud next year! I’ll most definitely come by and cheer you guys on next year! :D I love you guys so much!CK- I AM SLOWLY BECOMING A BEBOT! You guys are amazingly fun =)ASB – I LOVE YOU ALL. I’m so glad I got to know each and everyone of you guys! DON’T FORGET ME! =’(

Kevin YangUniversity of Southern CaliforniaLife, Universe, and Everything I, Kevin Yang, being of muddled mind and graceless body, do hereby leave:

Whitney High: Thanks. Bye.Class Of 2011: much love.

Yearbook Staff: Have fun having to take the blaming, complaining, and moaning from outsiders for other’s mistakes. No, seriously. Band: a call for someone(anyone!) to stand up to Mr England’s reign of terror. Theatre kids: a mandate to make next year’s productions amazing so I can come back and watch and crash the cast parties. Alan O: WHITE HAIR BUDDY! :DAlex H: elementary school besties, hangouts at your house, late-night talks about religion, politics, sex, the future, and random other crap, and getting into way too much trouble with Shaf Kitty. Alice Z: insulting each other, long talks over AIM, and an apology for whatever happened at the end of this year. Alvin M: our former friendship, arguments about Radiohead, and your human table. Andrew F: Talent Show group B buddies, Red Cross adventures, and our epic Disney Medley.Andrew P: the highs and lows of our doubles matches, jamming, hanging out at your house, band, bad performances, Disney medley, and playing tennis this summer(right???). Thanks for being a bro.Anisha M: all the times you fawned over Mr. Moon, my suckishness at JAWS, and your dislike of me. Annabel R: pokes, pokes, and more pokes. And a set of imaginary keys so you don’t have to steal mine.Ashley M: Talent Show harmonizing partner, my estranged wife from Into The Woods, and there’s no shore in Cleveland, Dolly.Avi B: Bottom Locker, AGYG, Spelling Bee, Midsummer, and Theatre Lab memories.Benjamin F: a request to play tennis this summer, SAT Chinese school, and tennis.Catherine Q: fundraising epicness!!!Christopher P: butt slapping, oh sparkly fairy king.Clara S: Spelling Bee bench partner-ness! Emily A: The honor of being one of three white people on my list. I hope you continue drama!Emily H: VTS fun stuff, talking about USC stuff, and being a fellow Trojan, Trustee, and Birnkrant 4th floor resident. Emily Hw: compañeros in Spanish 2, building sweaters, ITW craziness, and eye contact when I greet people.Esther W: poking you all the time, being mean to you, and that one year we went trick-or-treating with Alex and Sam.Hannah J: ITW laughter, carpooling, falling off treestumps, and snorties.Hannah S: very little Chem tutoring help, and good luck in 2 years when you’re EIC Hannah W: memories of plays, musicals, cast parties, and hitting me all the time.Iris W: lemon juicing on ID, and some calmness to make you less hyper.Isabel C: The ICKYest times of our lives, the List, hanging out at Borders, crying on my shoulder, fighting over nothing, the best study sessions, getting to know each other in Yearbook, carrying you, spontaneous adventures, driving in my car, texting 24/7, singing voicemails, giving me drawings and cards, losing things you give me, always being there for me, the Pike, Red Cross, watching movies together, and teaching me how to smile. See you on August 29th this year and forever <3Jalen S: awesome times in Theatre Lab :DJennifer D: meh times in Chem, UCI madness, suffering together through Yearbook, band, and RC.Jerome R: The fail Band post-Banquet bonfire, Red Cross, our trio with Andrew, and a future Lord Of The Rings Extended marathon.Jinting W: bonding in 9th grade Hall, random HS2 encounters, and USC!!

Justin P: meeting at StarTalk(remember what that was?) and then you coming to Whitney, seat partners in 11th grade Tseng, and randomly finding out that you have perfect pitch.Justine W: the picture of me on Yearbook spread that you changed to a picture of you secretly. Sheesh, all you had to do was ask, you know.Kaili H: daughtership. Is that a word? In any case, you’re a super fun person and I wish we got to know each other sooner enjoy 4 more years here HAHAHAKatti H: talks over AIM and band.Kunal T: fun conversations in classes, and stealing your fruit snacks.Lowell M: my unsuccessful attempt to rescue you from (b)ruining your life, and fun times with VTS.Max S: Mathy, and our many Civics/Econ projects.Michael M: Awesome times as Drama costars, Theatre Lab fun, and fellow Trojan brother.Michele B: the incorrect spelling of your first name.Michelle G: college-whoring times at HS2, and a lifetime of fundraising bitchwork.Michelle W: the 4 years I didn’t do drama, I give to you. Get involved in theatre, you have so much potential.Mike H: our awful Bruesch dominoes project, and your crippling sickness at 2AM filming for our CPR.Nandi B: HIGH FIVE. And some glue for the statue I broke .Patch N: assed-out times in Dalley, and admiration for your wittiness. Pauline Y: good luck handling EIC next year; at least you have a good partner Raj S: Midsummer, Bottom Locker, and hopefully more theatre experiences I can come back and watch you in. Randy H: knowledge of the fact that I will never think of Circle Of Life in the same way ever again.Robert F: Theatre Lab shenanigans, touching your hair, and a pair of pants that don’t roll up.Shafqat H: Shafkitty! I leave you all the pot I ever receive, a notepad so you can keep a diary of all your complaints(or like 2,000 notepads), private islands, volunteering at Kaiser, FBLA, and way too much trouble.Shalu S: Smoldering.Shannon C: lots of awkward lyrical dancing for Class Act.Sharon P: talks on AIM last year after ITW, clarinet section, and I am not a diva! UGH! Shujoy I: getting effed in AP Chem, dancing backstage during Annie Get Your Gun, and Glovesorrow Christianity.Sylvia T: our $5 friendship represented by a seashell.Tiffany L: weird conversations over AIM, helping me with Prom asking, and weirdness. And weirdness.Tiffany T: our onstage love affair, offstage quarreling, and great times in Theatre Lab.Vignesh R: Fellow Android geek, CPR ridiculosity, trollventures at retreat.William W: So many projects I can’t even think of them all, you buying that rifle in 10th grade for our CPR project, band, and AGYG.

Brenda YeeUniversity of California, BerkeleyPublic Health

I, Brenda Yee, of sound mind and body, hereby leave (in no particular order, just whoever pops into my head):

Breeana Johng: jello, 500 overdue pictures uploaded to Facebook, 5 lbs of vegetables. Jk. I meant bacon.

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Orange Booy: FUN FRIDAYS, Santa Monica, sleepovers, HP marathon, She’s the Man, fail cooking, lovely flowers, :)85some: bengay, late night choreo, too many food runsElle and Sylvia: shady business dealings stakeoutsMolly Booy: earlobe fetishSuzanne Kang: clubbing date ;)Sylvia Tran: text message conversations because of our online relationship, food runs in the middle of palmieri’s class, doing absolutely nothing in 7th period, sitting next to each other in artElle Quimpo: pep rally walls woohooooooDarren Chen: a new thinkpad, and some pepcid ac

David Hwang: a top of the line…teleportation elevatorJessica Jay: Neosporin for your rug burn <3Sagar Shah: for one of my fave juniors…dark holographic Vileplume card, the vattangs for next year ;)Lucien, Stephen, Shreyash: to my cute junior boys…all my physics knowledge……which is..nothing….Janvi Desai: Sheila!!, breakfast for opening the door for us at 4am that one night, SARIS <3Christina Lee: ear piercings, spirit gifts, unlimited Mickey D’sPeter Bae: tea station giftcard, physics hookups, bunnies, the best relationship advice EVER!! Jk…I’m horrible at giving relationship advice..sorry :((Daniel Yang: ROAST BEEF SANDWICH, cooking adventures!!!Annice Ma: beef pad-see-ew, Chipotle salad bowl, skipped 7th period because we never did the hwAmy Hsu: free breakfast at Carrows ;)Anisha Mistry: Alvin and James :D, an entry on Ms. Agrum’s blogDavid Hyun: randomn once-a-month talksHanna Woo: playdates in the summer please ya crazy girl Jessica Park: omegle with white people pretending to be fobsDana Urcia: future CHEER CAPTAINKelsea Lee: beach date at Ruby’sJennifer Park: roooomies HOPEFULLY!!!!Clara Seong: learning more SNSD dances! :DJames Chen: FOOD ADVENTURES!Alex Park: useless chem cpr that took a ridiculous amount of timeAlbert Choi: BBT!!, farting music hehehohoSarah and Ted: a wedding present <3Henry Wang: muthereffing brownies and a cupcake you fatassAngel Anguiano: chocolate barsAndy de Avila: shuffling lessons…..for me, of course :))Michelle Chang: CC VP duties…aka..nothing. HAHAHASamantha Lee: WOOH CHEER AND JAWS AND CCCC cuties: <3 <3 <3Cheer babies: all my love, stable stunts, sharp angles, WOOHOO!Stephanie Yeh: cutie JAWS partnerrr :DSamir Shah and Andrew Fang: BERKELEY FUN!! YEEEYEYEAbby Ilagan: ICU HAHAHAAndrew Kim: late night studying and rants about bio, chem, civics, LIFEKevin Han: my one and only true love <3 <3 <3 forever my favoriteeeee ^__^, lots of playdates…or just dates ;), piano performance of you-know-what ^^Angela Ma: cute pictures!! :DCrislyn Ogawa: basket tosses!!! and I still remember your coon tail :DFion Hui: lots of luck for next year! Can’t wait to see next year’s act! Harry Trieu: ways to save big….and buzzoot -_-Josh Chung: math ranting sessions

Lowell Mansilla: fun prom photoshoot :DTimo Chen: huo guo + tsua bing date ^^Senior cabinet: c/o 2011 loveeeeee, you guys were awesome!!!!!! <3