shi no numa

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  • 8/13/2019 Shi No Numa


    Shi No Numa

    The soldier was lead into the room and ordered to sit in the single chair that had been placed in thecentre of the room. The room was lit by a single naked bulb that hung directly over the chair, the

    soldier sat down unconcerned; hed been in this sort of situation before while in Japan as a prisoner ofwar. This was the third time he had been brought to this room, it was always the same; he would be sat

    in the chair and a few minutes later two bright spotlights were switched on in front of him, then adisembodied voice would begin to question him.

    The soldier sat in the chair and pulled a cigar from his pocket. He lit it ust as the spotlights came on.

    Then, as regular as clockwork, the unseen speaker began his questioning.

    !"ergeant #empsey, give us your report on the $ittenau "anitorium operation. %s the only survivorwere relying on you to give us the facts as to what happened.&

    "ergeant Joseph 'Tank #empsey of the (" )arines leaned back in his chair and blew a stream of

    smoke. !* already told you, we were attacked by +ombies, they slaughtered my squad and the maggot

    ridden freaks nearly had me as well. *f it hadnt been for those strange drinks in that place * probablywouldnt be talking to you right now.&

    !Thats what were interested in "ergeant, these drinks you mentioned could be weapons developed by

    the -a+is. *t theyre as powerful as you say, they could turn the tide of the war in ermanys favour.

    $e need as much information about them as we can possibly get. %lso, we may have an unprecedentedopportunity to gain some actual samples.&

    Tank took a final draw on his cigar and crushed it beneath his boot. !/et me guess; you want old Tank

    here to go in and secure these samples then bring them back to you all safe and sound, along withmyself of course.& Tank squinted at the bright lights, trying to see the men standing behind. !%re any

    of you guys going to show yourselves0& $hen noone responded he laughed. !1ine, * dont need toknow who you are. Just point me in the direction of those undead freakbags and *ll do the rest.&

    !-ot so fast "ergeant, we still need you to confirm your report on the events at $ittenau. The sooner

    you tell us the sooner we can get you on the way to your ne2t mission.&

    "o Tank #empsey told his story again, he told of how he and the other five members of his squad hadparachuted into ermany and made their way to the sanatorium. He told them how they gained entry,

    became separated and started the power. !Thats when things got interesting.& #empsey said. !The+ombies ust kept coming, 3olonski and #ean were the first to go down, and thats when we discovered

    the weird drinks.& #empsey then described the drinks and the reported effects of them beforecontinuing with his combat report.

    !45 *ve told you everything * can.& #empsey said a few hours later. !$e spent two days in that hell

    hole. Johnston and * were the only survivors but he got hit by a landmine. -ow is that enough for you0

    *m ready to go on this new mission.&

    The spotlights were switched off and the disembodied voice spoke again. !6ery well "ergeant

    #empsey. 7our new orders are as follows8 you are to go back to the 3acific, to an island one hundredand fifteen miles northeast of 3eliliu. $e have reliable intelligence which leads us to believe that the

    island is another -a+i facility similar to the one found at $ittenau. The facility is located in a swampdeep in the ungle, your task is to gain entry to the facility and secure samples of the 'weird drinks that

    you described in your report. 7ou are also under orders to rescue any facility personnel that you mightfind.&

    Tank nodded and lit another cigar. !"ounds like a lot of fun.& The )arine drew his combat knife and

    began picking at his fingernails distractedly. !*s this a solo mission or have you got someone to keepme company0&

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    !7ou will have support.& The voice replied. !7our transport leaves in one hour, you have fortyfiveminutes to ready up.&

    9 9 9 9 9

    Tank umped from the back of the eep that took him out to the :< transport plane that would takehim and his team to 3eliliu. He still hadnt met his team, they must be already on the plane.

    !Has anyone else showed up0& #empsey shouted at the crewchief, his voice was barely audible over

    the noise of the planes engines.

    The crewchief pointed over his shoulder. !Theyre inside. 7oull know them when you see them.&

    #empsey slung his gear and climbed aboard, as he stepped into the troop area he was instantly hit by

    the smell of vodka. !$ho the fucks drinking on the ob0& He shouted as he advanced towards two menwho were seated at the front.

    !That would be me my friend.& % foreign voice said and one of the men rose from his seat. He waswearing a dirty uniform and a green balaclava and his uniform bore the insignia of the =ussian %rmy.

    !3rivate -ikolai >elinski.& The =ussian said. !7ou must be "ergeant #empsey.&

    !$hat the hell is a =ussian doing on an %merican military transport0& #empsey asked menacingly, hishand drifting to where he kept his )?@?? pistol.

    -ikolai laughed and took a swig from a small flask. !$ait till you see the other guy. 7ou will shit your


    #empsey turned as the second man got up from his seat. His aw dropped, the man before him wore theuniform and cap of the *mperial %rmed 1orces, a oddamn JapA The same bastards that captured his

    unit on 3eliliu and imprisoned him in a ratinfested bamboo cage submerged in malarial water. *t wastwo weeks before Tank was able to gnaw his way through the cage and then on through his captors

    armed only with a bobbypin and his )edal of Honour Bwhich he kept secreted in various bodycavitiesC.

    #empsey pulled out his pistol and levelled it at the man before him. -ikolai sniggered drunkenly andtook a long swig from his flask. The Japanese officer simply bowed low to #empsey.

    !*t is a great honour to meet you "ergeant #empsey. )y name is Takeo )asaki and * serve as a:aptain in His )aestys *mperial %rmy.& Takeo kept his steady ga+e on the )arine sergeant. !The

    Dmperor wishes us three to work together, it would displease him if one of us were to die now.&

    %fter a few moments #empsey lowered his pistol. !* always said * could work with anyone, * guessthisll prove it. >ut *m watching you Takeo, ust remember that.& #empsey sat down and strapped

    himself in. !its around si2 hours flight time to 3eliliu. $e might as well hear how we all ended uphere.&

    -ikolai sat ne2t to #empsey and offered him the flask, #empsey refused. -ikolai shrugged and took adrink himself before speaking. !* was veteran of the $inter $ar, * received the 4rder of /enin forwhat * did. Then the ermans captured me and my squad, they took us to a workcamp deep in the

    mountains. *t was terrible, we were unfed and badly treated, then people started to go missing, some ofthem returned, most didnt, but some did. Those that came back were different, as if they were in some

    sort of trance. They didnt respond to anything, even when the ermans came to beat them they didnteven try and protect themselves.&

    -ikolai paused and had another drink, his eyes were gla+ed as he continued. !)onths went by until

    only myself and two of my comrades remained from the squad. 4ne night %le2i went missing from his

    bed, * followed him and thats when * saw the full horror of the camp. They had been e2perimenting onthe prisoners in every way imaginable; operating tables lay covered in partially dissected bodies, there

    were even a few that were still alive. They had their legs removed but they were still alive. %t the back

    of the room was a cage containing the missing prisoners, when * entered they began moaning and

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    rattling the bars, * tried to quiet them but they wouldnt listen. * saw four of my comrades in that cageso * released the lock to free them, but by the time * realised my mistake it was too late.&

    !"kip the sentimental crap -ikolai.& #empsey said. !$hats the point of this story0& He lurched

    forward as the plane accelerated for takeoff.

    !The prisoners charged as soon as the cage was opened, they became wild and feral as they stormed outand into the camp, then the screaming started. * rushed back into the prisoner area ust as the guards

    began shooting, * saw people take three or four shots to the chest but they would not die, they simplycarried on advancing. They carried no weapons but they managed to overwhelm the guards with

    nothing more than their hands and teeth. *t was the most gruesome sight *ve ever seen.&

    !Eombies.& Takeo said quietly. #empsey looked at him thoughtfully.

    !Eombies indeed.& -ikolai nodded. !* took a pistol from a dead guard and managed to escape. $hile *

    was hiding in the woods, * saw a erman paratrooper regiment enter the camp. The fighting in there

    lasted three days, and maybe a hundred or so of them returned, the ne2t day the camp was burned to theground. * managed to make my way to the %llied lines, made my report and before * can even have

    drink * am sent here.& The =ussian shook his head sadly. !$hat will happen if -ikolai runs out of


    !"top drinking0& #empsey answered. !$hat * want to know is how come you were the only survivor

    of this camp0&

    -ikolai shrugged. !* do not know, perhaps it was the vodka *ve drunk over the years. Those creaturesmay not have appreciated the taste of good =ussian vodka.& The =ussian had another swig of vodka

    and closed his eyes. !4r it could be that *m ust incredibly lucky, like * was in the $inter $ar.&

    !/et us hope your luck holds out.& Takeo said. #empsey turned and glared at him.

    !"o whats your story Too0& The %merican asked. !/ast time * checked, you were the enemy.&

    !* am not your enemy "ergeant.& Take replied acidly. !4n another battlefield * would be, but * havesworn upon my honour to work with you. *f necessary * will save your life.&

    !$ould you like some vodka my slanteyed friend0& -ikolai interrupted, thrusting his flask towards

    Takeo, who shook his head.

    !%lcohol is not for the honourable.& The Japanese soldier said carefully. !*t will not help you where weare going.&

    !%lright Too * asked you a question.& #empsey said. !$hat are you doing here and how the hell do

    you know where were going0&

    !7our superiors have informed you that our final destination is a swamp off the northeastern coast of

    3eliliu. This place was known locally as "hi -o -uma or the "wamp of the #ead, in that swamp thereis a facility where horrible and dishonourable things have happened. There were stories of e2perimentsconducted on honourable Japanese soldiers, e2periments of the kind that -ikolai has witnessed.&

    -ikolai shuddered and drank more vodka as Takeo continued his story. #empsey had been silent

    throughout, lighting a cigar despite the fact that there was a 'no smoking policy enforced on ("military air transports.

    !)y brother served in the *mperial %ir 1orce but he was inured on a routine flight. He was sent to a

    military hospital on 3eliliu and after si2 weeks he wrote to me and told me he was moving to a new

    facility. Two weeks after that he wrote to me telling of disappearances and strange noises and sights,that was the last * heard of him.& Takeo bowed his head for a moment. !* know he would have been

    honourable in his death.& He raised his head again. !Three weeks after Tanadas last letter my

    commander assigned me a task; to investigate the island Tanada was sent to. This was a sign from thegods and * accepted immediately. * selected ten of my best and most loyal men and we landed on the

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    island, within two hours of our arrival we had been attacked twelve times and lost si2 men. 4urattackers were creatures in *mperial uniform and it took many rounds to bring one down a single foe.&

    !Just like the prison camp.& #empsey said. !:ome to think of it, thats ust like that mission in

    $ittenau. Thats why were, that means theres going to be +ombies when we get to this island.1ucking great, why didnt * put in for a transfer when * had the chance0&

    -ikolai snored loudly, he had fallen into a drunken sleep and it was unlikely that he would awaken

    before they landed in 3eliliu. Takeo finished his story.

    !* had no choice but to call off the mission. )yself and the remaining three men retraced our steps,replenishing our weapons from our honourable fallen comrades. %long the way we fought off at least

    another four waves of attackers, losing one man whose death * witnessed myself. They tore him limb

    from limb, * could still hear him screaming as we fled to the boats, * took up the oars and rowed as fastas possible to our rende+vous site. $e were rescued and debriefed, shortly afterwards * was flown to

    %merica where * gave my report to your superiors. That report led to my being here with you "ergeant


    #empsey grunted. !)aybe were mot so different Takeo. %nyone who survives a +ombie attack must

    be one tough "4>.&

    !* am honoured #empsey.& Takeo replied. !Hopefully * shall not have the opportunity to witness your

    dishonourable death.&

    !7eah 45 whatever Takeo.& #empsey said. !Try and get some sleep, we might not get another chanceonce we reach 3eliliu.&

    9 9 9 9 9

    "even hours later the three men were standing in the open door of the :< transport plane. *t had been

    dark when they landed in 3eliliu and noone had noticed as they refuelled. The three men were issuedwith parachutes and were told they would be dropping directly into the facility. The previous assault

    attempt Bthe one Takeo had ledC had inserted by boat and were nowhere near the facility when theyabandoned their mission, this was why Takeo, -ikolai and #empsey were now waiting for the greenlight to tell them to ump.

    The green light came on beside #empseys head, the %merican took a deep breath and hurled himselfout into the darkness, closely followed by -ikolai and then by Takeo. They had umped using a static

    line system so their parachutes were deployed automatically and as they drifted down to land theycould see buildings appear out of the mist. #empsey adusted his approach and aimed for the closest

    roof, the other two men adusted their own angles and followed #empsey.

    #empseys equipment bag hit the roof first, quickly followed by #empsey himself. He hit the releasebutton to disengage his parachute and gathered his weapons as the other two made their own landings.

    !4k, lets find a way down from here and get inside.& #empsey said. "uddenly there was a strange

    howling sound that seemed to be coming from all around them.

    !$hat the fuckF& -ikolai began, then the roof beneath their feet gave way and the three men fell

    down into the building.

    9 9 9 9 9

    !$hat the fuck ust happened0& -ikolai asked as he picked himself up from the floor.

    !*t would appear that the roof collapsed around us.& Takeo commented.

    !$ay to states the obvious Takeo.& #empsey said. !%t least weve managed to get inside the place,

    lets have a look around. 5eep your weapons at the ready.&

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    Dach of the men was meant to be equipped with an )? :arbine and a :olt )?@?? pistol. (nfortunatelywhen the three men fell through the roof, the bag containing their rifles was still on the high roof. %s a

    result, the three soldiers were armed with only their pistols plus four eightround maga+ines.

    !$e need more honourable weapons.& Takeo said. !$hen these creatures come, they will come inlarge numbers and these pistols will be useless to us.&

    -ikolai began checking through the remains of the shelves that had collapsed when the men fell

    through. !-o weapons and no vodka. -othing but this old radio and that doesnt work.& The =ussiankicked the radio and a shower of sparks flew up, then the radio emitted an earpiercing shriek which

    faded away to be replaced by a voice.

    R-4808n 37 14 06 115 48 40. I hope that you are receiving this transmission Peter, i not then a!! is

    going to "e !ost. #ou must $no% "y no% that %e ai!e& to contain the 'sy!um an& %e ha& to move the

    e(periment here. )ocation, the num"ers %i!! gui&e you. *he giant must remain+ at a!! costs, repeat,

    er Riese must remain+ at a!! costs. *he e(periment continues. #oure our on!y a&vantage

    no%. /in& octor Richtoen an& octor a(, they may $no% %hats going on. *he use o 115 is

    &angerous at "est. Im not sure ho% much !onger %e can continue here. eve !ost most o our "est

    peop!e. I hope you get this, I hope I happen to "e there too "ut Im a!most out o hope. 60 54 06 26

    101 55 44 24.

    The radio shrieked again and went silent, #empsey nudged the radio gently with his foot. !4k, this is

    ust weird. /ets ust do what we came here to do and leave before those freakbags show up.&

    !*m afraid it will not be that simple %merican.& % new voice spoke and the trio turned to find that theyhad somehow gained a fourth member. The new addition stepped out from behind a pile of crates in the

    corner. He was dressed in a $ermacht :olonels uniform which was covered in dried and crustedblood. He was carrying a rifle which he held casually at his side as he studied the three men in front of


    *t was -ikolai who reacted first, in a heartbeat he had thrust the erman officer against the wall andammed the mu++le of his pistol into the soft flesh of the ermans neck. !* should kill you where you

    stand, fucking -a+i.& He reached out and took the ermans rifle and passed it to #empsey. !$ho areyou and what are you doing here0& The =ussian said as he pulled back the pistols hammer.

    !6ery well.& The erman said and -ikolai lowered the pistol. The erman rubbed his neck and

    straightened his uniform before speaking. !* am :olonel =ichtofen of the erman $ermacht. * wasposted here as a special advisor to the proects that took place here.&

    !3roects involving honourable Japanese soldiers.& Takeo said as he gripped hilt of his katana, the

    traditional Japanese officers sword. !* have seen the monstrous results of these proects.&

    =ichtofen looked mildly offended at that comment. !)onstrous0 * have no idea what you are talkingabout. *n fact, * have never seen what the proects actually achieved, * have only heard rumours.&

    !>ullshit =ichtofen.& #empsey said calmly. !7ou said you were sent here as an advisor, how did youadvise if you didnt know what they were doing0&

    =ichtofen hesitated for a splitsecond. !* was merely a special advisor on security issues. -ow if youdont mind, we have little time before those creatures attack, your arrival will have stirred them.&

    !*f these things are what * think they are then these pistols arent worth shit against these guys.&

    #empsey gestured at the file. !7ou got any other weapons around here, security advisor0&

    !* have a number of weapons cached around the entire compound.& The erman officer replied. !4n

    this level * have %risakas and ewehrGs but there is much better firepower elsewhere.&

    !"o why are we still sitting here0& -ikolai said. !$here are the better weapons0&

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    !*t is not that simple my :ossack friend.& =ichtofen said with a malevolent grin. !The routes haveeither been blocked up or locked. 7ou will notice that the windows are also barricaded, these help to

    slow down the creatures advance, which will in turn give us time to clear away debris and open theother routes.& =ichtofen gestured to the crates he had been sheltering behind.& !The weapons are in

    there, there is plenty of ammunition. $e had best get ready.&

    Takeo lifted a rifle and a bandolier. !The %risaka is an honourable weapon; with it * will kill manyenemies.& He crossed the room to a nearby window. !The undead are approaching.& He raised the bolt

    action %risaka and fired, the seven point seven millimetre round entered the head of the advancing+ombie causing it to e2plode. !*ts head is no moreA& He e2claimed as he worked the bolt to chamber

    another round. !There are more coming, some help would be appreciated.&

    The others grabbed weapons for themselves, they all took the semiautomatic ewehrG although

    #empsey was frustrated. !This weapon is weak, my :arbines more powerful and has a bigger mag.1uck it, its freakbag killing timeA& He loaded a tenround maga+ine and cocked the weapon, then he

    whirled round and saw that the creatures were tearing down the barricade at one of the other windows.

    #empsey emptied a full clip in the direction of the window; he reloaded and checked the damage. Twoof the creatures were dead and a third was missing its legs, #empsey moved forward to replace the

    barricade but the legless +ombie was still trying to get through. Tank drew his knife and slashed it

    across the creatures throat causing it to moan sorrowfully and sink to the ground. !%rghA 7ou got deadflesh on my new bootsA& The %merican said as he hastily rebuilt the barricade in front of him.

    >y now the others had also began firing at the approaching creatures. =ichtofen fired his ewehrG inshort precise bursts. !/et us drown in their agonyA& He shouted as he reloaded another tenround

    maga+ine. !ood work =ussian.& The erman said as he saw -ikolai put two pistol bullets into a+ombies head.

    !5eep the fuck away from my vodkaA& -ikolai roared as one of the +ombies reached through the

    barricade to claw at his shoulder. He spun away from his attacker and emptied the rest of the pistolmaga+ine into its chest, , the +ombie fell against the barricade and slid down to the ground. Three

    more of the creatures had gathered at -ikolais window so he primed a grenade and dropped it out thewindow. The =ussian switched to his ewehrG and emptied half a maga+ine into the +ombies until the

    grenade e2ploded. !>ack to Hell, "atans minionsA& He shouted gleefully as the blood showered overhim.

    Takeo had been loading and firing steadily, driving the +ombies back with wellplaced headshots but

    more and more were coming and the Japanese officer was slowly becoming overwhelmed. He fired thelast round from the %risaka and fumbled for another clip, he had ust reloaded when the +ombies broke

    through the barricade. "everal of the creatures swarmed around him and Takeo switched to his pistol.!They have broken throughA& He shouted as he backed away from the window. -ikolai lobbed a

    grenade which e2ploded; eviscerating the +ombies and knocking Takeo to the ground.

    -ikolai stood over Takeo and helped him to his feet. !/ets all bow before the might Japanese warrior.%ssholeA& The =ussian thrust a ewehrG into Takeos hands. !This weapon will keep you alive for

    longer.& -ikolai turned back to his window and fired twice. !Theres a lot of them out there, maybe we

    should think about getting out of here.&

    =ichtofen fired the remainder of his clip into the lone +ombie at his window then finished it off with a

    few knife slashes. !et out of my way schweinhundA& He shouted gleefully as the +ombie fell at hisfeet.

    !=ichtofenA& #empsey shouted as he dodged a +ombies arm. !$e have to moveA $hich way0& He

    reloaded his rifle and blasted the +ombie in front of him. !$heres the rest of the weapons0&

    !*m out of vodkaA& -ikolai shouted. !* mean ammoA& The =ussian reloaded his final maga+ine. !*

    dont think theres many of them left. $e can rela2.&

    !#o not be foolish =ussian.& Takeo said. !They attacked my squad and * in the same manner. $ave

    after wave of the undead menaces.&

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    Tank walked to the staircase and began dismantling the barricade. !*m not planning on becoming anappetiser for those meatsacks.& Takeo oined him and together they moved a heavy crate. !=ichtofen,

    where does this staircase lead0 -ikolai, grab whatever ammos left and share it out.& Tank and Takeoremoved the last crate and moved down the stairs.

    "traight ahead at the bottom was a door leading outside, a sign above it read ':omm =oom. 4ff to the

    right of the stairway was a large room, one of the walls had been removed to provide access to theoutside. !/eave the door for now.& #empsey said, the four men were now gathered at the bottom of the

    stairs reloading their weapons with what little ammo they had left. !%lright =ichtofen, whats on thislevel0 ive me the layout of the place.&

    =ichtofen looked around, as if unsure of what to say, then he began chuckling softly. !7ou do not

    know what you have done by coming here. $e will all perish, no matter what we know.&

    !7ou -a+i fuckA& -ikolai smashed the erman in the face with the back of his hand. !-ikolai will not

    lay down and die, so tell us what we need to know.&

    =ichtofen rubbed his aw and sighed. !%ll * know is that this place was used to research the possibility

    of supersoldiers, but all they seemed to create were these +ombies. 1ollow me.& =ichtofen led them

    into the open area. !There are Thompson submachine guns and pumpaction shotguns in here.& Hepaused and lifted a Thompson down from the wall which he gave to Takeo. !%t first they were able tocontain the creatures, only creating a small number of +ombies each time, but something went wrong.&

    The erman officer grinned maniacally. !%n unauthorised e2periment caused almost everything to reanimate. This facility also processed dead Japanese soldiers, all the corpses came back to life and we

    have been left with endless waves of *mperial undead.& =ichtofen turned away from the others andmurmured under his breath. !)y creations, now we shall see how you fare.&

    -ikolai hefted a pumpaction shotgun. !This looks like the weapon * killed my first wife with.& He

    grinned at the others. !$hat0 "he was bitch.&

    !$hat else is there =ichtofen0& #empsey asked. He knew that the -a+is were working on somethingelse at this facility, although the +ombie outbreak problem more than likely put a stop to any other

    research. !$hat happened to all the other people here0&

    !They are all dead.& =ichtofen replied flatly as he turned back to face the others. !There is something

    else, something they were working on.& He stepped aside to reveal a standard $ermacht weapons

    crate, he opened the bo2 and lifted out an "T assault rifle. He closed the crate and stepped away.!-ow one of you try it.&

    Tank walked forward and opened the crate. !%merican made, ust like me.& He said as he picked up a

    >rowning %utomatic =ifle. !How the fuck did it do that0&

    !* believe it is a weapons distribution device. * have no idea how it works but it will produce a randomweapon each time it is opened.& =ichtofen opened the bo2 again and pulled out an )? arand with a

    rifle grenade launcher attachment. !The weapons come with a full complement of ammunition. 4nce

    its empty you simply grab a new one.&

    !This is fucked up.& -ikolai said as he drank from his flask, then he too stepped up to the bo2 and was

    rewarded with a 33"H?. !%hh 6asily would be proud.& He took another swig of vodka. !"o what is itthat we are here to do0&

    !* believe "ergeant #empsey has been briefed on this.& Takeo said smoothly. !* too would like to know

    why we are here.&

    Tank didnt answer; he simply stared past Takeo then raised his >%=. The rifle thundered as Takeo

    dived out of the way and the +ombie behind him e2ploded in a shower of blood and brain. !-o need tothank me Takeo.& He said as he reloaded the light machine gun.

    Takeo got to his feet and dusted off his uniform. !Thank you #empsey, you are more honourable than *first thought.&

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    !"ave it for later.& #empsey replied. !Hit that bo2 and grab a weapon. * think theres another bunch of

    those flesh eating fucks on the way.&

    %s he spoke another five +ombies ran in from the outside area. Takeo opened the crate and pulled outan )3. !* will kill many +ombies with this.& The Japanese soldier turned and cut down the five


    !Theres more of them coming down the stairsA& -ikolai shouted, his voice barely audible over theboom of the shotgun which destroyed the +ombies. !$hats the fucking plan0&

    !The 1ishing Hut, we can easily hold in there.& =ichtofen said. !*ts through there.& He pointed

    through the open wall towards a large bamboo gate. There was a curious looking instrument suspended

    over the top of the gate, but they didnt have time to think about it now.

    !To the frontA& Tank shouted and fired off a full clip from his >%=. The three +ombies fell to the floor

    but there were more following behind. !$e need to moveA Dveryone stay together and watch yourbacks.&

    The four men ran on into the open room, there were more +ombies coming through the windows butthere were also two more doors marked '#octors Iuarters and '"torage Hut. Takeo shot down four+ombies with the )3, switched to the Thompson and helped =ichtofen deal with several that

    attacked from the right. He took a break to reload both his weapons. !$e cannot stay here for muchlonger.& He raised the Thompson and squee+ed off a few shots, decapitating a +ombie with a headshot.

    !$e have to search this facility.& Tank barked, he primed a grenade amd waited until a bunch of

    +ombies were running towards them, then he threw the grenade at their feet. The grenade e2ploded,killing a few of the +ombies outright and blowing the legs off others. These legless +ombies began

    dragging themselves around on their hands, they seemed determined to continue their attack no matterhow mangled their bodies got.

    !$atch out for those bastards on the floor.& -ikolai reminded them as he fired his 33"H? in short

    bursts. !They might not look like much, but they can be more dangerous than the runners.& He snappedanother maga+ine into the 33"H and resumed his fire. !Just so you know, * agree with Takeo, we reallyneed to moveA&

    #empsey threw two more grenades and grabbed a Thompson from the wall, e2changing his ewehrG.!>ack to the bo2, well relocate to the 1ishing Hut from there.& He squinted into the darkness. !$eve

    got more crawlers in there. 5eep your eyes peeled.&

    They moved back to the bo2, firing and reloading as they moved. =ichtofen slipped a few times andwas helped to his feet by -ikolai. !7ou should watch your step -a+i, * may not come back for you ne2t


    !Thank you my :ossack friend.& =ichtofen said, he fired a grenade from the )? arand he was

    carrying. % group of +ombies were instantly blown to shreds and the erman officer laughed. !%hhthey shower me with their bloodA&

    -ikolai shook his head as he turned to the bo2, he opened it and spat on the floor. !1ucking ermanengineering. (selessA& He closed the bo2 and turned to blast the heads off a couple of +ombies with the

    shotgun. !*ll stick with what * have here.&

    Takeo opened the bo2 and grinned. !The Dmperor has blessed me with a mighty weapon.& He lifted outan ) and moved off to the left to clear a path towards the bamboo gates.

    =ichtofen opened the bo2 ne2t, there was a flash and a demonic laughter was heard all around them.The bo2 closed then levitated off the floor and disappeared. !Hmm, no weapon for me. *nteresting.&

    =ichtofen shrugged and back to killing +ombies. He fired off a few more grenade rounds then switched

    to the "T, the automatic rifle made short work of the attacking +ombies.

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    !$hat the fuck happened to the bo20& #empsey asked as he darted over to the wall and grabbed moreammo for his Thompson. !*s that it gone for good or will it come back0&

    !* do not know %merican.& =ichtofen replied. !%s * have said before, * was merely a special advisor

    on security matters only.&

    !%lright fuck it. /ets get moving.& Tank unslung the >%= and shot a few crawlers that were gettingtoo close.

    !* see no more runners.& Takeo reported. !-ow is the time to move.& He ran to the gate and unslung his

    Thompson and fired at the lock, the force of the bullets made the gates swing open. !There aree2plosives on the wall there. They may be of use later.& The Japanese officer ran through the gates and

    into the swamp.

    Tank, =ichtofen and -ikolai grabbed the antipersonnel mine, known as '>ouncing >ettys from the

    cache by the gate then followed Takeo into the swamp. They heard gunfire and hurried on to find

    Takeo reloading his Thompson ne2t to three dead +ombies. !They came from the swamp itself. * fear itwill not be long before those monsters find us again.&

    !Then let us get inside.& =ichtofen said as he pushed past the others and opened the 1ishing Hut doors.!$e dont want to be caught out in the open when they attack again.& He stepped inside. !%ch what dowe have here0 #empsey, perhaps this is what we have been sent to find.&

    The other three hurried into the 1ishing Hut. !$hat the fuck is that0& -ikolai asked. !$hatever the hell

    it is, it definitely doesnt belong here. :are to e2plain what this is =ichtofen0 4r dont you know0& The=ussian drank deeply from his vodka and stared intently at the erman officer.

    Tank walked closer to inspect the obect in front of him. *t stood about seven feet tall and resembled

    the machines that could be found across %merica dispensing icecold soft drinks. However, Tank hadan idea as to what this strange looking machine might hold. He had come across the same strange

    machines during his first encounter with the +ombies at $ittenau sanatorium.

    !*ve seen these things before.& #empsey said. !*n that creepy asylum they sent me to before * camehere. They seem to be performance enhancers, theyre the whole reason the three of us were sent here.&Tank grinned at Takeo. !7ou asked why we were sent here, thats why. *m under orders to retrieve

    whatever research data and any samples * can find.&

    Takeo nodded slowly. !* too am under orders to retrieve samples of these strange liquids. $e may be

    working as allies but it seems we each have our own agenda.&

    !$orry about that later. /ets ust get what we came here for and get back to civilisation.& Tank hit thebutton on the machine and a bottle fell from the bottom. The )arine picked up the bottle and opened it.

    !* never tried any of this stuff the last time, but if * have to get a sample * cant think of a better way todo it.& He drank the whole thing in one go and put the empty bottle into his rucksack..

    !Here they come again.& -ikolai shouted, he lifted a >%= from the wall and took up a position at thenearby window. Takeo set his ) up to cover the main door into the 1ishing Hut, =ichtofen coveredthe second window while Tank took his place ne2t to Takeo. !That stuff in the red bottle tasted good.&

    The %merican said as he cocked his >%=. !* feel stronger somehow. * dont know how to e2plain it.&

    !"ilence.& Takeo ordered. He fired his ) in a short burst and then all hell broke loose. !Eombies tothe leftA& Takeo shouted. !#empsey, go to the right and we can cut them down in the crossfire.&

    #empsey responded by moving to the required position and resumed firing. The air thundered with thesound of gunfire as the four soldiers fought off their undead attackers.

    -ikolai paused to reload his shotgun as more +ombies were drawn to his window. 4ne of the reachedthrough the barricade and caught the =ussian on the shoulder, causing him to drop a shell. !1uck it, *

    need a drink.& -ikolai threw two grenades through the window and fired off half a maga+ine from his

    33"H?, suddenly his window was clear. He smiled to himself, bent down and retrieved the fallen

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    shotgun cartridge, then he pulled his flask from his acket and took a long swig before reoining thefight for his survival.

    !7ou should try some of the stuff #empsey used =ussian.& =ichtofen called over his shoulder as he

    reloaded and fired his "T. !*t might give you more of a kick than that horrible vodka.& Theerman seemed to be taking a perverse pleasure in killing these creatures. 'Dach one * kill is a service

    to the *lluminati. He thought to himself as he rammed another maga+ine into his "T, hisammunition was running low and his remaining weapons would be ne2t to useless. !The #octor needs

    more ammo to continue his workA& He shouted to the other three.

    '$ho the hell is the #octor0 #empsey thought to himself, he made a mental note to question=ichtofen further when he got the chance, for now he had bigger problems. !=unning low on gunuice

    here Takeo, how are you doing0& He shouted to the Japanese soldier.

    Takeo reloaded the ), umping back to avoid a lunging +ombie. He slashed his knife at the

    creature before #empsey finished the thing off with a headshot. Takeo switched to his )3 and

    continued firing. !They seem to be falling back. * dont think any more will come.& "uddenly, a brightflash caught Takeos eye. !$hat in the Dmperors name is that0&

    !* see it Takeo.& #empsey said. !/ooks like an ammo bo2. =ichtofenA $hat the hells going on outhere0&

    !*m a little busy at the minute %merican.& =ichtofen replied as he fired the last of his "T ammo.He switched to the arand and fired off a full clip before using his grenades to clear the window. He

    ran to the entrance and looked outside. !%ch, this is good, but we dont have much time.& The ermansuddenly took off running towards the shining ammunition bo2, as he approached it the obect glowed

    brightly and disappeared.

    "ome of the +ombies had followed =ichtofen who had now turned to reoin the others; the ermanswitched to his "T and whooped with delight. !*t worksA * cant believe it actually worksA& He

    reloaded the assault rifle, shot five +ombies and dived back through the 1ishing Hut doors. %fterchecking that his own window was still clear, helped Takeo and #empsey clear the front entrance.

    !* have a few of the little crawling bastards at my window.& -ikolai called as he reloaded his shotgunagain. !%m * that drunk0 * could have sworn * had no ammo left for this thing.&

    !/eave the crawlers =ussian.& =ichtofen commanded. He fired several rounds into a running +ombieand it went down. *t was the final +ombie apart from the crawlers and the erman rela2ed a little.

    !There are a few things * have not yet told you. >ut before * do each of you must take a bottle from themachine in this room. *t will help keep you alive, of that * assure you.&

    Tank nodded in agreement. !-ot often *d agree with a Jerry, but * think hes right this time. /ike * said

    before, * cant e2plain how or why but * felt a hell of a lot more powerful after drinking it.&

    -ikolai and Takeo both took a bottle. !Hmm 'Jugger-og, a typically $estern name for a beverage.&

    Takeo snorted derisively as he opened the bottle and drank deeply.

    !*ts not vodka, but * like it.& -ikolai burped and tossed the bottle away. !>ut what the hell was that


    !*f you had looked at the bottle you would know that it is Jugger-og.& =ichtofen replied sarcastically.!Iuite simple really.&

    -ikolai glared at =ichtofen but remained silent; it was Tank who provided an e2planation. !* didnt get

    much time to fully read the files but supposedly these drinks give the average soldier an edge in

    combat.& Tank paused and reloaded his weapons. !This Juggerwhatever its called increases resistenceto inury and raises your vitality, its meant to keep you on your feet or something. Theres another

    three drinks, at least thats how it worked in $ittenau.&

    !7ou were at the sanatorium0& =ichtofen asked, suddenly interested in the conversation.

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    !* was there.& The %merican acknowledged. !* lost my entire team and was nearly killed myself. *ve

    fought these things before, e2cept those guys were in -a+i uniforms.&

    !* was unaware that anyone had escaped from that place.& =ichtofen said thoughtfully.

    !$hat the hell do you know about it0& Tank asked, his voice tinged with anger.

    !-othing but rumours.& =ichtofen replied after a moments hesitation. !* am impressed %merican,from what * have heard of that place you are one brave soldier. Dven if you are an enemy of ermany.&

    !$hat about the shining bo20& Takeo interrupted. !7ou did not hesitate when it appeared =ichtofen.

    D2plain yourself.&

    =ichtofen stepped to the wall and swapped his ewehrG for a >%=. !$e must move, the crawlers

    will be through the barricade soon. $hen we are safe * shall e2plain.& He led the others back to the

    main building, as they passed through the gates Takeo stopped to e2amine the gatepost.

    !$hat is this strange contraption0& The Japanese soldier asked, pointing to a circuit and switch that had

    been mounted on the right hand gatepost. He looked up and saw a huge spiked log suspended over thegate. !*t looks very dangerous, we should find out what it does.&

    =ichtofen looked back over his shoulder. !*t is a simple machine. 7ou flip the switch and the log fallsdown and starts to spin. %nything that gets in its way will be turned into puree. *t is a very ingenius trap

    that we named 'the 1logger.& =ichtofen turned and squinted into the sky. !%ch, we must go to the#octors Iuarters, the bo2 will be there.&

    -ikolai drank from his flask and nudged Takeo. &This erman seems a bit mad, maybe he spent too

    long on the front during the $inter $ar.K Takeo did not reply, he simply stared up into the sky for afew moments. -ikolai shrugged, took another hit from his flask and passed through the gate where he

    swapped his ewehrG for a Thompson. He chuckled as he inspected his new weapon. K*t looks like aweak cousin of the 33"H, but it will be stronger than that erman rifle.K He slung the Thompson over

    his shoulder and turned to find himself facetoface with the %merican marine.

    KThat -a+i definitly knows more than heLs telling us.K Tank said as he grabbed a few Thompson

    maga+ines. K* canLt e2plain why * think that, * ust do. $eLll have to keep an eye on him.K -ikolai

    grunted in reply and pulled his flask from inside his acket once again as Takeo and =ichtofen caughtup with them.

    K$e cannot stay here. The crawlers are drawing closer.K Takeo pointed behind him and sure enough

    three crawling +ombies were dragging themselves towards the group. KThey move fast, for those thathave no legs.K The Japanese soldier drew his )?@?? and aimed at the closest +ombie, he pulled the

    trigger and the single .M%:3 round nearly blew the creatures head off. KThe blood of the fallen is fuelfor the honourable.K

    KHey :onfuscious.K #empsey said. K:ut the chatter and letLs get a move on. $eLre going to the uh#octorLs Iuarters, right =ichtofen0K

    The erman nodded and started walking. K1ollow me my unconventional allies. * know the way.K Theothers followed and =ichtofen led them through the building, -ikolai paused to gather ammunition for

    the shotgun then all four men went through the door and into the swamp again. %nother trio of +ombiesrose from the murky water and ran towards the group. #empsey tossed a grenade and let rip with the

    >%= and the three +ombies sank back into the swamp minus their heads and other body parts.$hen they reached the #octorLs Iuarters they spotted a switch, Takeo tried it but it failed to respond.

    K7ou need to activate it from upstairs.K =ichtofen said and pointed back the way they came. K4n thesecond floor of the large building there is a balcony with an identical switch. That activates the +ipline,

    it was used for bringing maor casualties to this hut.K The erman opened the door and led them inside,

    there was another vending machine, e2cept this one was blue. #empsey immediatly lifted a bottle andput it in his rucksack.

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    Takeo inspected the desk which was covered in scraps of paper, he read a few of them. KThere is

    nothing of use here.K He swept a few papers off and something heavy fell to the floor. Takeo retrievedit, it was desk nameplate, the Japanese soldier read the name and walked over to #empsey. The

    %merican looked at it and turned to =ichtofen.

    !"ecurity officer0 >ullshit, * knew there was something you werent telling us.& Tank threw the nameplate across the room. !#octor Ddward =ichtofen * presume0&

    =ichtofen stared mutely at the other three men for several seconds, then -ikolai hit him full force in the

    aw. !7ou -a+i dog, what the hell were you doing here0 7ou will tell us everythingA& He kicked theerman in the chest and spat on him before walking away and taking a long hit from his flask.

    =ichtofen struggled to his feet and leaned against the wall for support, he sighed and began to talk. !*n?@N there was a meteorite crash at Tunguska, the meteorite was recovered and studied. *t was found to

    contain a strange chemical that was designated 'Dlement ??M, its applications were limitless from

    weapons to healthcare. However early testing was fraught with accidents, culminating in a massivee2plosion in ?@@ which wiped out the research teams and the entire testing facility.&

    !-ice history lesson Dd.& #empsey said. !$hats it got to do with this place0&

    !The erman High :ommand obtained a sample of D??M and from their tests they believed they could

    create a type of supersoldier. (nfortunately the sample was insufficient for the task.& =ichtofencontinued. !%round five years ago we learned that another meteorite had crashed in this very swamp at

    the same time. Through the ermanJapanese alliance we built this facility to study the meteorite andalso to conduct our supersoldier testing.&

    !7ou used honourable Japanese soldiers in these e2periments0& Takeo asked quietly, his eyes

    betraying the rage he was feeling.

    =ichtofen shrugged. !$e used whatever was available. *f this facility had been in ermany we wouldhave used erman soldiers.& He looked out the door but couldnt see the crawlers. !$e are still safe, as

    long as at least one creature remains the ne2t wave will not come. $e must use this time wisely.& Hewent to the wall and restocked the ammo on his >%=.

    !7ou can talk while we work.& #empsey replied. !$hat about that shiny ammo bo2 we saw earlier0

    $hat the hell was that0&

    !% gift from the Dmperor is what it was.& Takeo said. !$e must pay tribute.&

    !*t is nothing of the sort my little yellow friend.& =ichtofen said. !*t was another D??M proect.*mmediate battlefield resupply, these containers will refill a soldiers entire ammunition complement.

    %ll one has to do is press a button and a bo2 would appear.&

    !-obody pressed any button.& -ikolai said. !* dont remember pushing one anyway.&

    !%fter the accident the e2periments appear to have somehow merged together,& =ichtofen attempted toe2plain. !$ithout time to study these events properly * cannot say how. The important thing is that it

    will be of help to us.&

    !Tell us about the drinks.& #empsey said. !%nd that bo2 thing that had all the weapons in it.&

    !* have already told you about the bo2. *t is a weapon delivery system powered by D??M.& =ichtofenstepped into the huts other room. !The bo2 has reappeared here. (se it wisely; * dont know how long

    it will remain here.& The erman opened the bo2 and withdrew an )3. !%hh precision erman

    engineering, much better than the %merican rifle * have.& He dropped the )? arand and slung the)3 over his shoulder.

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    Tank went ne2t and pulled out )agnum revolver. !#raw motherfuckersA "i2 shots, si2 kills.& Heholstered the weapon. !-ot much use in a swarm though. *ll give it another go after you two.& He

    stepped out of the way to give Takeo and -ikolai a go at the bo2.

    Takeo went ne2t and was rewarded with a weapon from his homeland. !%hh the Dmperor will bepleased.& He cocked the Type? and hung it from his shoulder. He was now carrying four weapons,

    although his Thompson was down to its last maga+ine. !* am weighed down with firepower, but it willnot hinder me.&

    -ikolai opened the bo2 for himself; he had a look of confusion as he reached for his new weapon. !*ve

    never seen anything like this before. $hat the hell is it0& The =ussian showed the others the weapon hehad gained. *t was roughly the same length of a >%= and had a strange flared mu++le rather like a bell.

    Three small devices that looked like tiny light bulbs utted out of the left hand side, but perhaps the

    strangest thing of all was the blue electricity that arced up and down the barrel of the strange rifle.

    !$ell =ichtofen, do you know anything about this0& #empsey said as he took the weapon from

    -ikolai and inspected it. !*ts very light, what the hell kind of material is this0&

    =ichtofen took the weapon from #empsey and looked it over, the pulled a lever and the three small

    light bulbs popped out of the side. !This is the $underwaffe #, a weapon of my own design.& Theerman e2plained proudly. !The $underwaffe is powered by D??M, a small amount of which hasbeen impregnated into these small plasma canisters. The D??M is pushed through the internal workings

    of the weapon causing it to turn into an electrical charge. *nitial testing has shown that the charge canenvelope up to ten subects at once, it was set to go into fullscale production but then this outbreak

    happened and it became impossible to get this prototype to ermany.& He replaced the canisters in theside of the rifle and passed it back to -ikolai. !(se it well my :ossack friend.& He said as the =ussian

    swapped his shotgun for the $underwaffe.

    !=ichtofen, this stuff in the blue bottle. $hat is it0& Takeo asked as he opened one of the bottles anddrank it. !)mm. This tastes a little like sushi.&

    !That was the performance enhancer that we developed to boost regenerative abilities.& =ichtofen

    replied. !*nuries will heal faster and your bodies will become resistant to the negative effects of D??M.& =ichtofen smiled as he watched his companions faces to see how they reacted to his commentabout the negative effects of D??M, he laughed maniacally. !* am oking my friends. There is nothing

    to fear from e2posure to D??M, * have worked closely with it for nearly three years and there is nothing

    at all wrong with me.&

    !"o you were nuts before any of this stuff happened0& -ikolai asked, when =ichtofen did not respondthe =ussian threw his hands up in the air. !$hat0 *m ust trying to lighten the mood. %hh fuck it,

    where is my vodka0&

    Tank shook his head and took another turn on the bo2. !4orahA The perfect weapon for the perfectsoldier.& The )arine laughed cra+ily as he lifted his new weapon. !/ead is gonna fly and heads are

    gonna roll. >rowning Gcal H), one of my favourite weapons.&

    !* hate to break up the party.& =ichtofen called from the entrance. !>ut the crawlers are approaching.&The two remaining +ombies had by now reached the stairs leading up to the #octors Iuarters.

    =ichtofen reoined the others and made sure all his weapons were ready to fire. !* believe we are nowall sufficiently armed. "hall we dispose of the crawlers and continue our descent into hell0&

    -ikolai took another drink and put the flask back in his pocket and hefted the $underwaffe. !* want to

    try this thing. /ets see if it is as remarkable as =ichtofen says it is.& He pulled the cocking lever on thestrange weapon and the three plasma containers lit up while emitting a low humming sound.

    !#o not fear =ussian.& =ichtofen responded. !%s * said before, * was solely responsible for the designand construction of that weapon and * stake my reputation as a genius on it that it will work.& The

    erman grinned. !Just dont spill any of your vodka on it.&

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    Takeo stepped to the entrance and used his Thompson to eliminate the crawlers, that was the last of hisThompson ammo so the Japanese soldier dropped the empty weapon and switched to his Type?. !%

    small weapon, but very dangerous. Just like me.& He said as he cocked the weapon and took up aposition facing the door.

    -ikolai oined him brandishing both the $underwaffe and the 33"H. !* will fry those undead pigs with

    =ichtofens shiny toy.&

    !/et me give you some advice.& =ichtofen said. !The $underwaffe is best used on multiple targets.$ait until you have several of them coming before you unleash the power of the weapon.&

    -ikolai grunted in response and fired a burst from the 33"H through the door. !Holy shit did you see

    that fucking head come apart0& He shouted with glee as one of the approaching +ombies went down

    with a headshot.

    !*t is easy to kill, if it no longer wishes to live.& Takeo responded as he began firing his Type?. !The

    power of my ancestors runs through my veinsA& He shouted as the small eight millimetre rounds torethrough several +ombies, stopping them in their tracks. He reloaded and shot two +ombies that attacked

    from the left.

    #empsey had posted himself by the left side window, he was firing the >%= in short, controlled bursts.!Take that maggotwhoresA& He reloaded, fired and then switched to the Thompson. !=unning low on

    ammo here =ichtofen, wheres the uice0&

    !* cant make them appear #empsey, you will ust have to keep killing and hope for the best.& =ichtofenshouted in reply as he fired an entire thirtytwo round maga+ine at the +ombies that had gathered at his

    window. He dropped a couple of grenades and reloaded the )3 as they e2ploded. !/ook at all thebody parts. "omeone get me a bodybagA& He shouted as the blood and gore rained down on him.

    #empsey fired the last few rounds from his Thompson and switched to the >%=. He had two

    maga+ines plus fifteen rounds already loaded, he fired the fifteen rounds off in short bursts thenswitched to his heavy machine gun. The >rowning thirtycalibre machine gun sounded like thunder in

    the confined space but it was perfect for dealing with the +ombies that had massed outside the window.

    =ichtofen had e2hausted his )3 ammo and had now switched to the "T, for the moment his

    window was clear so he took the opportunity to restock his >%= ammo. He tossed a few maga+ines

    towards #empsey and watched as the %merican killed several +ombies with the >rowning H). Theerman sighed. !* do not like you #empsey, you kill too quickly, you do not love painA&

    !1uck you =ichtofenA& #emspey shouted back. !$ere trying to stay alive here. 7ou want to torture

    these freakbags, do it on your own timeA& The %merican threw a grenade and took the opportunity toreload the H) and check on -ikolai and Takeo at the front.

    !1or the DmperorA& Takeo shouted as he fired a five second burst from the ), the seven point nine

    two millimetre rounds shredded the attacking +ombies. -ikolai picked up the $underwaffe and aimed

    at a group of runners, he pulled the trigger and a bolt of white electricity shot from the weapon. Thebolt struck the lead +ombie and then seemed to ump to the other +ombies coming behind. Thecreatures stopped dead in their tracks and began shaking as the high voltage electrical current

    electrified their insides.

    !Holy shitA& -ikolai e2claimed as he watched the electrified +ombies fall to the ground in smoulderingheaps. !$ell what do you know, =ichtofens toy actually works.& The $underwaffe had electrocuted

    at least twelve of the +ombies and one of them dropped another ammunition bo2. !Thats ust what weneed.& The =ussian said. !%lthough some vodka would be nice.&

    -ikolai was about to run out and grab the ammo bo2 when #empsey told him to wait. !=eload youweapons if you can.& The %merican said. !$e might as well get as much as we can from this thing.&

    The others reloaded the weapons they had ammo for and #empsey spoke to -ikolai again. !*ll go for

    the ammo, you stay here and be ready to use that $onderwaffle thing on any of those meatsacks ifthey come too close.&

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    -ikolai nodded and #empsey took off running towards the shiny ammunition bo2. There was still a

    large number of +ombies in the area so Takeo and -ikolai threw grenades at the advancing creatures."ome of the survivors carried on towards the #octors Iuarters but a few of them, including a couple

    of crawlers, broke off and made a beeline for #empsey.

    #empsey grabbed the ammo bo2, once again it shone brightly and disappeared, but #empsey knew itwas ok. He slammed a fresh maga+ine into the Thompson and turned back to the #octors Iuarters,

    there were quite a few +ombies headed towards him. He fired the Thompson , emptying the maga+ineand killing two +ombies, he backed away as he reloaded but the remaining creatures closed on him fast.

    !*m surrounded. >ring it motherfuckersA& He shouted as he cocked the Thompson and fired from thehip, the first +ombie went down but the others kept coming. #empsey slipped and fell, he felt the

    +ombies clawing at him. This is it, he thought, #empsey the badass is going down.

    -ikolai fired the $underwaffe at the +ombies coming towards them, several of them went down and

    Takeo mopped up the rest with his Type?. the Japanese officer fired in short bursts, despatching the

    remaining +ombies with precise headshots, as he reloaded he noticed his ammo had been replenishedagain, he looked over to where #empsey had fallen. !-ikolai, our %merican friend is surrounded.& He

    switched his aim and fired a long burst at the horde surrounding his teammate, killing perhaps two or

    three of the attackers.

    !o get him Takeo.& -ikolai said as he recharged the $underwaffe. !*ll take care of the +ombies.&

    Takeo nodded and took off running towards the +ombies. -ikolai took aim and pulled the trigger. Thebolt flew past Takeo and into the crowd of +ombies and they fell to their knees as the electricity

    engulfed them. Takeo ran between the smouldering corpses and dragged #empsey to his feet and backtowards the #octors Iuarters. 4nce inside the %merican collapsed beside the weapon crate to catch

    his breath.

    !That was badassA& #empsey said after a few moments. !* was thought * was a goner at one point.& Hegot to his feet and offered his hand to Takeo. !-ever thought *d say this to someone like you, but

    thanks for your help Takeo. *f you hadnt been there *d be a meatsnack for those freakbags.&

    Takeo took #empsey hand and shook it firmly. !the undead shall not dine on the flesh of thehonourable.& The Japanese officer whirled round with his weapon raised but it was only =ichtofen. Theerman ignored Takeo and #empsey, instead he crossed over to -ikolai and began talking to him.

    !The $underwaffe, you used it0 #id it work0& =ichtofen asked, his eyes as wide as saucers. -ikolaiust nodded. !$underbar, wunderbar. The $underwaffe # is my greatest invention.& =ichtofen

    paused thoughtfully. !$ell, its maybe not my greatest invention, but its definitely in the top three.&The erman turned to face #empsey and Takeo. !$hile you two were outside playing with the

    creatures, * have been ensuring our survival for another short period of time. * have managed to turnthree of the creatures into crawling specimens.&

    "ure enough there were three legless +ombies tearing through the barricade, even though they had no

    legs they somehow managed to ump at the window and pull at the barricade. *t wouldnt be long

    before the creatures made their way inside.

    !How many more huts are there in this place0& #empsey turned to =ichtofen. !/ike * said before, *

    dont want to be here any longer than * have to.& The )arine crossed the room to the weapon bo2 againand traded his >%= for a 33"H?.

    !hey #empsey, we have same gun.& -ikolai laughed. !$e could be twins.& He laughed to himself as

    he approached the bo2. !* think * need other gun, *m getting bored with this Thompson.& He openedthe bo2 and once again the strange demonic laughter was heard and the bo2 disappeared. *n its place

    was a bloodsoaked teddy bear. !Hey what is this0 * ask for gun, not a fucking teddybear.&

    !/et me see that.& =ichtofen said. He took the bear from -ikolai and studied it intently. !:ould it be0&

    He said to himself. !This looks like "amanthas bear.& He shook his head to clear his thoughts and

    turned to the others.

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    !There are three more areas left in this facility, two of which contain samples of the performanceenhancers. * believe that is your obective.& #empsey and Takeo both nodded. !Then our ne2t

    destination is either the "torage Hut or the :ommunications =oom, we should move as quickly aspossible.&

    !$hat about the bo20& -ikolai asked. !* still want to get rid of this Thompson, although * doubt * will

    find anything much better. "o, where is the bo20&

    =ichtofen stepped to the door and pointed into the sky, the others looked up and saw a column of paleyellow light rising up. *t looked to be above the main building, close to where they had fallen through

    the roof when they first arrived. !/ook to the sky, find the light and you shall find the bo2.& =ichtofene2plained. !*t was designed like this so that the soldiers would be able to find it amidst the chaos of the


    !%lright this is the plan.& Tank said. !$ell go to the bo2 and sort our weapons then hightail it to the

    "torage Hut. 4nce were done there we make our way to the :omm =oom and see if we can get a radio

    working and find some way out of here.&

    !* see nothing wrong with that.& Takeo said after a moments consideration. !* would welcome the

    opportunity to select a new weapon.&

    !/ets ust go and get it done.& -ikolai said. !%ll this talking is starting to sober me up. >esides those

    crawlers have ust broken through.&

    #empsey gestured at the column of light. !4k =ichtofen, this is your facility. 7oure on point, moveoutA&

    !=ichtofen reloaded his )3 and led the team back through the swamp and into the main building.

    *nstead of going back up the stairs to the room they started in, =ichtofen led them back to the area withthe 1logger then went up another set of stairs. This brought the team onto a balcony that led into a large

    open area where the weapon bo2 had reappeared.

    !*d better not get that fucking teddybear again.& -ikolai said as he opened the bo2. !%haA This willbring death to all who oppose us.& He pulled a 3an+erschreck and rockets from the bo2 and slung themonto his back.

    =ichtofen came and stood beside -ikolai. !* am curious my :ossack friend. $hat e2actly do youintend to do with that weapon0&

    !$hat do you think *m going to do0& -ikolai replied. !*m going to make things go boomA& The

    =ussian shrugged. !*ll fire off a few shots and then switch back to my 33"H. >esides, *ve still got theThompson as well as your electricity gun.&

    !#ont get cocky -ikolai.& #empsey warned. !Those antitank weapons take an age to reload and the

    +ombies can cover a lot of ground in that time, you might find yourself getting swarmed.&

    !#ont worry about me %merican.& -ikolai replied with a grin. !*m not the one who fell down in theswamp. Try and stay on your feet for while.&

    #empsey didnt reply, he ust stayed by the steps leading back the way they cam and kept an eye out

    for the crawlers. Take took a turn on the weapon bo2 and was rewarded with another $underwaffe#. !How many of these machines did you build =ichtofen0& The Japanese soldier asked as he

    swapped out his )3 for the $underwaffe.

    !* only had enough material to construct a single working prototype.& =ichtofen replied. !*t would

    appear that the weapon bo2 has somehow been able to duplicate the $underwaffe. This is a mostinteresting, if une2pected discovery.&

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    Takeo looked sceptical as he looked over the new weapon. !$e need to be sure that this copy willactually work. *t is better to find out now rather than waiting until it is too late.& Takeo shouldered the

    weapon and looked for a target.

    !Take out the crawlers.& Tank suggested. !*ts time we were getting on with the mission.& Takeonodded and aimed the weapon, ust as he was about to pull the trigger =ichtofen pushed the weapon


    !* want another weapon, do not fire until * am ready.& The erman moved to the bo2 and opened it. Hepulled out an ) and did a little dance as he slung it over his shoulder. !%hh so much lead for the

    dead.& He turned and grinned at the others. !*m a poet and * didnt know it. Ha ha. 4k now you cankill the crawlers.&

    Takeo didnt need to be asked twice, he fired the $underwaffe and the three crawlers became instantsmouldering piles flesh. !-ow we wait for more to come.& The Japanese soldier said solemnly, he

    peered out the door and into the swamp. !"omething is not right. * sense something other than these

    undead soldiers.&

    % thick fog had descended on the swamp, the air seemed to crackle and made the hair on the back of

    #empseys neck stand on end. !=ichtofen. 7ou got an e2planation for this0& $hen he got no reply heturned to face the erman soldier. !Hey =ichtofen, answer meA&

    =ichtofen flinched as though he had been struck, he looked momentarily confused before he managedto answer #empsey. !This is nothing of my doing #empsey, * have never seen anything like this


    "uddenly there was a flash of lightning ne2t to the group and from that lightning emerged what lookedlike some sort of large dog, e2cept it was like no dog any of them had ever seen before. *t looked like it

    had been badly burned, in fact its fur was actually smoking and smouldering in places but the creatureseemed not to notice as it stepped out of the lightning and slowly paced around the room. Tank raised

    the Thompson to his shoulder and was about to fire when the creature turned towards them. *ts eyesglowed red and its body burst into flames, the creature charged at the group and #empsey fired, the

    first round struck the creature and it e2ploded in a shower of sparks and ash.

    !* think * may have drunk too much vodka.& -ikolai said. !#id that ust happen0 $hat the hell was it0&

    He took a long drink from his flask and made sure the $underwaffe was ready to fire.

    Takeo looked out over the balcony, there were more of the doglike creatures approaching. "ome of

    them were on fire, some were running and others were walking but they were all making their waytowards the four soldiers. !)ore of them are approaching. $e must get ready.& He aimed the

    $underwaffe and fired, the bolt hit the first dog, causing it to e2plode. The electrical charge carried onthrough another si2 dogs, the ones on fire e2ploded when the electricity came into contact with them,

    those that werent on fire were cooked inside out.

    Takeo fired again but the bolt missed and plunged into the swamp, there were four or five of the

    creatures left and they all burst into flames and came running for the soliders. -ikolai fired his3an+erschreck but the dogs were too fast and highe2plosive eightyeight millimetre rocket did littlemore than blow a hole in the ground. Tank dropped to one knee and let loose a murderous stream of

    fire from his >rowning H) and the dogs were cut down in their stride. $hen the last dog died thethick fog lifted instantly and the team was rewarded with another shining ammunition bo2.

    !Dveryone reload all your weapons.& #empsey ordered. !$ell grab the ammo then head on to the

    "torage Hut.& He reloaded the >rowning machine gun and the Thompson, slung them both over hisshoulder and readied the 33"H?.

    !$e will not make it %merican.& =ichtofen said as he finished reloading his own weapons. !That is notto say * am unwilling to attempt it. *n fact, * am looking forward to the challenge.&

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    !=ichtofen you really are weird arent you0& Tank said angrily. !* know that you know more aboutwhats going on here than youre telling us. *f we make it out of here youll tell us everything you


    The erman waved his hand dismissively. !7es, yes. $hen we get out of here * will tell you. $e mustget out of here first of all.& He ran out and grabbed the ammunition bo2, slammed a fresh maga+ine

    into his )3 and shot down a trio of +ombies that ran at him from the left.

    !He is very strange indeed.& Takeo said thoughtfully. !>ut he has proven himself to be a useful ally.The Dmperor would be pleased.&

    !$e should go after him.& -ikolai said, he dropped the heavy 3an+erschreck and unslung the

    Thompson. !* want one more turn at the bo2, * still havent changed this Thompson.& He quickly

    opened the bo2 and cursed in =ussian, the bo2 had offered him a sawnoff doublebarrelled shotgun.!1uck it, * stick with shitty %merican weapon.& He cocked the Thompson and headed out the door.

    #empsey watched as the =ussian ran to =ichtofens side and the two men began blasting the oncoming+ombies into oblivion. #empsey turned to his Japanese ally. !Takeo, cover me while * hit this weapon

    crate again.& Takeo nodded and fired a burst from his ) as #empsey opened the bo2. The bo2

    disappeared and the laughter was heard again over the roar of gunfire. !* know you arent laughing atme motherfuckerA& The %merican shouted as the bo2 was replaced again by the bloodsoaked teddybear.

    !$e must move #empsey.& Takeo said as the +ombies began attacking from the rear. The %merican

    led the way, mowing down +ombies with quick bursts from his 33"H while Takeo made sure theirbacks were covered with the ). The two soldiers soon linked up with -ikolai and =ichtofen at the

    doorway leading out into the swamp. =ichtofen told them it was a short run from here to the "torageHut, he pushed the doors open and led the way forward. -ikolai and #empsey turned and fought off

    the +ombies that had gathered behind the four soldiers, #empsey threw two grenades he and -ikolairan into the swamp. Takeo used the $underwaffe to electrocute the +ombies that rose out of the swamp

    and they soon stood in front of the "torage Hut doors.

    Tank used his Thompson to break the lock and pushed the door open. There was another machinecontaining a performance enhancer, a green one this time. -ikolai opened the bottle and took a longswallow. !Hey, this stuff tastes like vodka, not good vodka you understand, but its still vodka.&

    =ichtofen lifted a bottle of his own and e2amined the label. !This is the solution we developed toenhance a soldiers weaponhandling skills. 7ou should find that you are able to reload your weapons

    much faster than normal.& The erman soldier drank the bottle and motioned for Tank and Takeo to dothe same.

    4nce again, Tank took his empty bottle and stashed it in his rucksack, no sooner had he closed it the

    +ombies were attacking again. The %merican fired a long burst from the Thompson and reloaded.=ichtofen was right, whatever that strange concoction was, it had definitely sped him up; he had the

    Thompson reloaded and ready to fire before the thought had even left his mind. He fired and brought

    down a few more +ombies, but there were lots more on their way.

    The "torage Hut was one of the smallest rooms the team had been in yet, Takeo and -ikolai were

    almost back to back as they defended the rooms two windows from the horde of undead soldiers.-ikolai alternated between the Thompson and the 33"H as the +ombies tore at the barricaded

    windows, the =ussian dropped two grenades through his window and switched to the $underwaffe.$hen the grenades e2ploded -ikolai fired the $underwaffe, the electrical charge enveloped the

    +ombies that had survived the twin grenade blasts and the window was clear again.

    Takeo had set the barrel of his ) on the window pointing outwards, a group of seven or eight

    +ombies advanced towards hi. Takeo angled the ) and pulled the trigger, the seven point ninetwomillimetre bullets entered the leading +ombie at chest level and e2ited through the head of the +ombie

    that brought up the rear. !The dishonourable have been vanquishedA& The Japanese soldier crowed as

    he reloaded the heavy machine gun. There were more +ombies on the way so Takeo took aim with his

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    yellow and had the words '#oubleTap written on the side. Tank turned to ask =ichtofen for ane2planation but the erman was nowhere to be seen.

    !4ur strange new friend has gone.& Takeo said as he made sure the $underwaffe was operational.

    !)aybe the +ombies will get him.& He slung the weapon over his shoulder and looked in the ne2troom. !The bo2 of mystery has returned to us.&

    !%lright then, Takeo go and look for =ichtofen and bring him the hell back here.& #empsey flicked a

    few switches on the radio sets and got nothing but static. !*m going to try and get one of these radiosworking so we can call for e2traction. -ikolai, try the weapons bo2 then keep your eyes peeled for the

    crawlers, lead them away if you have to.&

    !4f course, whatever the )arines #empsey wants, -ikolai will obey.& The =ussian took a drink and

    went into the ne2t room mumbling and cursing to himself in his own language. There was an "Thanging on the wall but -ikolai went straight for the bo2 and was rewarded with a boltaction 5ar@Ok.

    !This is weak. )aybe * should ust drink instead, * can piss my way through these +ombies.& The

    =ussian tried the bo2 for a final time and pulled out an ). !* like this weapon almost as much as *like vodka.& -ow armed with an ), a 33"H? a $underwaffe # as well as an )?@?? pistol,

    the =ussian was confident that he would survive whatever these +ombies could throw at him. -ikolai

    went back into the main room ust as Takeo returned with =ichtofen following him. The german lookedeven more e2citable than usual.

    !This is )arine Task 1orce 4ne. %ny %llied forces in the area please respond.& #empsey seemed tohave gotten one of the radio sets working and was now trying to contact the outside world. !To any

    %llied forces in the area. $e are requesting an immediate e2traction, please respond andacknowledge.& There was still nothing but static, #empsey turned to update the others on the situation.

    !These radios are useless. *m not even sure if they have the range to reach anyone outside of this

    island. *t means that if were getting out of here were doing it by ourselves.& The )arine noddedtowards the machine in the corner of the room. !/ast machine =ichtofen, what does this one do0 %nd

    another thing, where the hell did you go earlier0 %nd why the hell are you are you so e2cited0&

    =ichtofen took a quick look at the machine. !This is the 'doubletap serum. *t increases the rate of fireof whatever weapon the user is holding. *t is my least favourite but it does come in handy withweapons such as shotguns, semiautomatic rifles and the $underwaffe.& =ichtofen lifted one of the

    yellow bottles for himself and sat down to make sure his weapons were in working order. #empsey

    again asked where the erman had disappeared to but it seemed that =ichtofen was in no mood tocontinue the conversation.

    !* found him on the balcony of the main building.& Takeo said. !He was following the cables that were

    attached to the meteorite.&

    !$here did they lead0& -ikolai asked as he checked the action of his ). The =ussian took out hisflask and poured a small amount over the barrel of the gun. !*t is for good luck, nothing more than

    that.& He said when he realised Takeo was looking at him, the Japanese soldier simply shook his head

    and turned back to #empsey.

    !%s * was saying, * found =ichtofen on the second floor balcony. The cables he was following led

    across a broken bridge, when * arrived our erman ally was considering umping the gap.& Takeolooked across the room at =ichtofen. !* had to physically drag him back here.&

    !%lright =ichtofen, whats so special about the other side of the bridge0& #empsey asked, =ichtofen

    looked at him and shrugged. #empsey stood so that he towered over the seated erman soldier. !/istenyou stupid 5raut bastard, were fighting for our lives here so if theres something on the other side of

    that bridge then we need to know about itA&

    -ikolai pulled out his pistol and placed the mu++le against =ichtofens temple. !* am sick of this. * will

    put a bullet in your skull and leave you to rot.&

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    =ichtofens eyes bulged in his head as he got to his feet. !6ery well my :ossack friend, there is noneed for violence.& He fi2ed his uniform and adusted his cap. !4n the other side of that bridge there

    may be a way to escape. * do not know if this is true, * was about to see for myself when your Japanesecomrade arrived.&

    !*f * hadnt arrived when * did, you would have escaped to the other side without telling us.& Takeo

    said angrily. !7ou are without honour.&

    =ichtofen didnt answer, -ikolai pointed the pistol at him again and began cursing in =ussian, Takeostarted to tell both -ikolai and =ichtofen to control themselves. #empsey shook his head and wandered

    into the ne2t room to have a go at the bo2.

    The other three were still arguing but they soon forgot their differences when Tank returned with his

    new weapon. !%nyone know what this is0& The %merican asked as he showed his companions thepistollike weapon he had swapped his Thompson for. *t had a weird green glow that seemed to wash

    over #empsey, making him look like he was a visitor from another planet.

    !Hmm, this could be could be the device that the weapons research technicians were speaking of.&

    =ichtofen said thoughtfully. !* never dreamed it would look anything like that though, what was it they

    called it again0& The erman scratched his chin wile he searched his memory. !7es, yes that was it.They called it a '=ay un, supposedly it harnessed the power of Dlement??M e2actly like my$underwaffe, but with slightly different results.&

    #empsey cocked the =ay un and went to the entrance, one of the crawlers had made its way to the

    :omm =oom hut. #empsey pulled the trigger and a green light pulsed from the mu++le of the weapon,a ball of green energy shot towards the crawler. $hen it struck the crawler it burst like a balloon filled

    with water, when the green ha+e cleared the group found that the crawling +ombie had been vaporised.!* dont know who =ay is, but his gun is fucking sweetA& The %merican shouted gleefully, he checked

    the remaining ammunition on the =ay un and whistled. !"hit. * wonder where in the hell this thingkeeps a hundred and si2ty rounds0& He pressed the reload button and the mu++le swung away from the

    main body of the weapon and a small green capsule popped out. Tank pulled another capsule from hispocket and slipped it into the weapon. The =ay un made a hissing sound and the mu++le swung back

    into place, the weapon was now fully charged.

    !/ike * said before, this gun is sweet.& #empsey grinned. !-ow lets figure out a way to get off this

    fucking island.&

    !#oes that mean we get to kill more +ombies0& -ikolai asked as he reloaded his 33"H? and ).

    He glanced across the room at =ichtofen. !4r * could kill =ichtofen, it makes no difference to me.& The=ussian grinned as he took another drink of vodka.

    The final crawler approaches.& Takeo warned. !$e must either take flight or fight.& The Japanese

    soldier powered up his $underwaffe and made sure both his ) and Type? were fully loaded.

    !$hat happens if theres nothing on the other side0& #empsey asked. !$hat happens if the crawler

    dies before we make it0 Have we thought this through properly0&

    !* have thought about our fate if we stay here.& =ichtofen retorted angrily. !How long do you really

    think we can survive0 * managed because * was able to hide but now they know we are here. Theyhunger for our flesh and if we stay we may as well kill ourselves now. *t will be quicker than anything

    these creatures can do.&

    !* hate to say it but the erman is right.& -ikolai said with a shrug. !"taying here will not get -ikolaihome, and *m running out of vodka.&

    !Takeo nodded in agreement. !%n honourable withdrawal seems like our best option. *t is not in mynature to retreat, but a great predator must be able to adapt to the situation.&

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    #empsey nodded and checked his own weapons. !%lright =ichtofen, you know the way, youre onpoint again.& He holstered the =ay un, readied the 33"H? and followed =ichtofen, Takeo and

    -ikolai back out into the swamp.

    The one remaining crawler had dragged itself through the swamp and was now partially hidden in theweeds as it lunged at the four men running past. *ts rotting dead hands found purchase on someones

    boot and it began to pull itself towards its prey.

    =ichtofen led the others through the swamp and back towards the main facility building. The swampdidnt seem to want to let them go, water clung to them and their boots sank into the soft mud causing

    them to stumble and lose their footing. #empsey was bringing up the rear when suddenly he fell facefirst into the shallow water, the %merican tried to regain his footing but was pulled back down almost

    instantly. He spun round so he was now lying on his back in the stagnant water, a look of horror

    spreading across his face as he saw that the crawler had hold of his leg. Tank kicked out with his otherfoot and caught the +ombie in the head, the head snapped sickeningly to the side but the creature

    seemed not to notice and continued attacking.

    #empsey pulled out his knife and started slashing wildly at the +ombie. !*m not our :rations gut

    bagA& He shouted as he plunged his knife into the rotting flesh of the +ombie, the ne2t thing the

    +ombies head e2ploded, showering #empsey with bits of brain and blood. Tank got to his feet and saw=ichtofen holstering his pistol, he nodded at the erman as he reoined the group.

    !#ont mention it #empsey.& =ichtofen said with a grin. !* wouldnt want anyone thinking that * am inthe habit of saving my enemies. )y friends in the Third =eich would be most displeased.&

    #empsey shot him a look but remained silent as the four men ran inside the main building and up the

    stairs to find themselves right back where they had started. !$e appear to have come fullcircle.&Takeo said. !* found =ichtofen at the end of that bridge.& The Japanses soldier pointed to one of the

    barricades, -ikolai walked over to it and peered outside.

    !#oesnt look too safe from here.& He said as he began pulling debris away from the window andclimbing through to the other side. !* was right, it isnt safe at all, but why dont the rest of you come

    out here0 * dont want to be the only one who falls to his death.&

    =ichtofen gave a derisive snort and followed -ikolai, the erman moved to the broken end of the

    bridge and looked across to the other side. %fter a few moments he pointed across the gap. !/ook,

    above the trees. *t may still have power, we can use it to escape.& #empsey stood beside =ichtofen andsquinted in the direction the erman was pointing.

    % dull metal obect was ust visible above the trees, it looked like the top of a massive bell. !6ery

    impressive.& #empsey said sarcastically. !>ut in case you havent noticed the bridge is gone, so unlessyou can fly us over that gap were stuck here.&

    !$e are not alone.& Takeo e2claimed as he shouldered his ). "ure enough, more of the Japanese

    +ombies had climbed through the barricade and were making their way towards the four soldiers.

    Takeo knelt and fired a short burst from the heavy machine gun. !1ind a way across.& He shouted overthe roar of the machine gun. !* will hold the undead at bayA&

    #empsey dropped to one knee and began rummaging in his backpack, he stood up holding a coil ofrope with an iron grappling hook attached to one end. !* knew this would come in handy.& He grinned

    and swung the hook before launching it across the gap, he pulled the rope towards him and it stretchedtaut as the iron hook attached itself to a suitable anchor. Tank kept hold of the rope and leaned back to

    make sure it could support his weight, when he was satisfied he tied the free end to a nearby concretesupport pillar. !4k, lets pray that this rope holds. $ell have to cross one at a time.&

    -ikolai fired his $underwaffe over Takeos shoulder as the Japanese soldier reloaded the ),=ichtofen took hold of the rope and was about to cross when Tank pulled him back. !-ot you. *m not

    taking the chance of your running out on us. Takeo, you go first and make sure the rope is secure,

    -ikolai, youre ne2t, then =ichtofen. * can hold them off with the =ay un. et going, hurryA&

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    Takeo fired another long burst from the ) then moved back from the fight, the small soldierscrambled nimbly across the rope and was soon on the other side. #empsey watched as he secured the

    rope properly then waved to signal that it was safe. -ikolai fired the $underwaffe and electrifiedseveral +ombies then he turned and began crossing handoverhand to the other side. #empsey took his

    place beside =ichtofen and fired his =ay un.

    !Take that freakbagsA& The %merican whooped as he pulled the trigger again and again. The roundsfrom the =ay un struck the advancing +ombies and splashed out to inure those coming behind.

    =ichtofen killed a few with his )3 before falling back to make his way across the rope to the otherside. Tank was alone now and another group of +ombies were approaching fast, a few grenades served

    to slow t