sia (lab).docx

UNIFORM STRAIGHT BILL OF LADING - Domestic Document No. 15 Your Source Company Shipper s No. 147898 Your Source for Everything You Need Carrier s No. 8796801 123 Main St. Date 05/05/2010 Anytown, USA 12345 Federal Express (Name of Carrier) Route: Vehicle Number: No. Shipping units Kinds of Packaging, Description of Articles, Special Marks and Exceptions Weight (Subject to Correction ) Rate Charges (for Carrier use only) 1 Box, stuff 15 lbs. 1.14 REMIT COD C.O.D. FEE: $N/A C.O.D. TO: N/A Amt: $ 0,00 PREPAID □ ADDRESS COLLECT □ Note - Where the rate is dependent on value, shippers are required to state specifically in writing the agreed or declared value of the property. Subject to Section 7 of the condition, if this shipment is to be delivered to the consignee without recourse on the consignor, the consignor shall sign the following statement; Total Charges $ 17.10 The agreed or declared value of the property is hereby specifically stated by the shipper to be not exceeding. The carrier shall not make delivery of this shipment without payment of freight and all other lawful charges. FREIGHT CHARGES $ 1,200.00 per box (Signature of Consignor) Check Appropriate Box: □ Freight prepaid □ Bill to shipper □ Collect

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Post on 18-Aug-2015




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UNIFORM STRAIGHTBILL OF LADING - Domestic Document No. Your Source Compn! S"ipper s No. #$%&'&Your Source (or )*er!t"in+ You Nee, Crrier s No. &%'-&.##/0 Min St. Dte .12.12/.#.An!to3n4 USA #/0$1 Fe,er5 )6press7Nme o( Crrier8Route9 :e"ic5e Num;er9No. S"ippin+ units+in+4 Description o( Artic5es4 Speci5 Mr>s n, )6ceptions?ei+"t 7Su;@ect to Correction8 RteC"r+es 7(or Crrier use on5!8# Bo64 stuA #1 5;s. #.#$ R)MITCOD C.O.D. F))9 BN2AC.O.D. TO9 N2A Amt9 B .4.. =R)=AID CADDR)SS COLL)CT CNote - ?"ere t"e rte is ,epen,ent on *5ue4 s"ippers re reDuire, to stte speciEc55!in 3ritin+ t"e +ree, or ,ec5re, *5ue o( t"e propert!.Su;@ect to Section % o( t"e con,ition4 i( t"is s"ipment is to ;e ,e5i*ere, to t"e consi+nee 3it"out recourse on t"e consi+nor4 t"e consi+nor s"55 si+n t"e (o55o3in+ sttementFTot5 C"r+es B #%.#.T"e +ree, or ,ec5re, *5ue o(t"e propert! is "ere;! speciEc55! stte, ;! t"e s"ipper to ;e not e6cee,in+.T"e crrier s"55 not m>e ,e5i*er! o( t"is s"ipment 3it"out p!ment o( (rei+"t n, 55 ot"er 53(u5 c"r+es.FR)IGHT CHARG)SB #4/..... per;o6 7Si+nture o( Consi+nor8 C"ec> Approprite Bo69C Frei+"t prepi,C Bi55 to s"ipperC Co55ectRecei*e, su;@ect to t"e c5ssiEctions n, triA in eAect on t"e ,te o( t"e issue o( t"is Bi55 o( L,in+4 t"e propert! ,escri;e, ;o*e in pprent +oo, or,er4 e6cept s note, 7contents n, con,ition o( contents8S"ippin+ C5er> ID9 #0%