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Sifu: Charlie Diaz, Wing Chun Kali System

1 | P a g e h t t p : / / W i n g C h u n L a b s . c o m

How to Throw and Deliver the Perfect

Wing Chun Punch

Who is Charlie Diaz

Hello, my name is Charlie Diaz Wing Chun Instructor and practitioner with over 20 years of Wing Chun experience.

I want to talk to you today about something really exciting for me, I want to share how to throw and deliver what I

call a “Perfect Wing Chun Punch”.

This short eBook will be covering:

How to shoot a correct punch

How to align your joints and articulations

Correct Structure

Key positioning

Using the correct Muscles

A lot more

Quick Knowledgeable Pointers

Before I overwhelm you with all of this great content, I would like to give you some quick knowledgeable pointers

beforehand to get you prepared for what you are about to read.

Wing Chun is a Complete Self Defense System

First off before you start training Wing Chun you will have to understand that Wing Chun is a Complete Self

Defense System made for a smaller person to overcome a larger opponent, this does not mean you have to be a small

person; it works even if you’re bigger. A small person as I would describe, has the element of surprise on many

people, someone who you will not expect to deliver a devastating shot, someone who is small and not very

muscular. I personally like training people who have the element of surprise on their side because I am constantly

trying to see the true effectiveness of Wing Chun, and I have seen this arts true effectiveness over and over again. I

have seen how a smaller opponent can overcome a bigger stronger opponent, this is what makes Wing Chun such a

beautiful and practical art.

Concepts and Principles

Wing Chun uses core understanding of concepts and principles, what does this mean? This means Wing Chun uses

everything that’s around us plain and simply put. It uses things like physics, geometry, and other well studied –

scientific aspects that we use to implement into our Wing Chun to make us more effective and powerful when

delivering any attack. It was designed to not only throw a punch or kick, but if not to really understand the attack.

Let’s take this e-book for example: I am not only going to show you how to throw a punch, because anyone can

watch and emulate. If not I am going to show you what is behind this punch, what angulation does your knuckles

have to be in, what muscles you should be engaging, how to align your articulations so you take less impact and

deliver more power. I am pretty much going to be sharing a deep understanding on the Wing Chun punch. You can

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Sifu: Charlie Diaz, Wing Chun Kali System

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implement this knowledge into any Martial Arts, into any sport, etc. Because Wing Chun is abstract, it takes your

anatomy and makes it anatomically strong in turn making you a lot more effective and efficient in anything you do.

Let’s Get Started

So with this being said let’s get started, I am going to run down the basics of the punch and then we will start

implementing some more advanced things throughout. I am making this e-book in a progression so it really benefits

you the most.

Below you is a short presentation on some key aspects I feel everyone should know:

Perfect Wing Chun Punch - How to Deliver a Powerful Punch

Things you will learn about the Wing Chun Punch: The Layout

1. Correct Structure

2. Key Positioning

3. Step by Step Guide to Delivering a Powerful Punch

Correct Structure - #1 1. Wrist completely flushed with forearm

2. Wrist slightly elevated

3. Knuckles 45 degrees facing outwards

4. Each knuckle evenly underneath each other

5. Fist relaxed yet firm

Wrist Completely Flushed with Forearm

Note: You want to have your wrist in a strong

position, therefore keep it well aligned. Your

knuckles, hand, and forearm want to be in a

straight line as shown in this image.

Why? Because you will not want to risk your wrist

bending outwards or inwards when you deliver a

shot. Remember you will be generating a lot of

power for your wrist to handle so if it’s slightly off

you can hurt your wrist badly and cause

undesired injury. By keeping your wrist

completely flushed you will reduce this risk and

also help the punch be delivered with the elbow

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Sifu: Charlie Diaz, Wing Chun Kali System

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(ties up to your entire body) rather than just your arm.

Wrist Slightly Elevated

Note: You want to look for a “lock” so be sure to bend

your wrist slightly upward for a more powerful shot.

Having this lock is extremely important because by

creating this lock in your wrist and by having it slightly

elevated, it will assure that you are really hitting with

your knuckles, not any knuckles “the correct

knuckles”. You want to hit with the bottom three

knuckles every time because when you start breaking

down Wing Chun a little bit deeper, you will start

noticing that you will have to tie this punch to your

body for more power, so by hitting with these three

knuckles only it really makes this process a lot easier.

Knuckles 45 Degrees Facing Outwards

Note: Look for your wrist to be in a 45 degree angle

with your thumb facing outwards.

Great your following along, by having your knuckles

facing outwards you have automatically put yourself in

a position of more power. By having your knuckles

outwards this assures that your elbow is actually

behind your punch. When your elbow is behind your

punch you will be delivering this punch not only with

your elbow but it also engages your back muscles, and

your back muscles are one of the biggest and

strongest muscles in your body. So here is where you

start seeing that we really don’t hit with our arm

because the arm can only generate so much power by

it’s lonesome, you are using small muscle groups such

as your biceps, triceps, and forearms. When you put your knuckles in a 45 degree slant you will activate your elbow

which later activates your back muscles and so on. Also you will not be leaving yourself exposed; because when

you shoot without your elbow you will be elevating the elbow and leaving your entire thoracic and abdominal area

uncovered which is a no-no in Wing Chun.

I want you to do this quick exercise with me; you don’t even have to move and it will only take a couple of seconds.

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Step 1:

Place your wrist in a 45 degree angle slant just as shown in the picture above, and don’t forget to engage the


Step 2:

Apply pressure with your second hand making pressure backwards to see how much power you can withstand. It’s

also great to apply your body weight against a wall, but that’s only if you want to get out of your comfortable chair.

You should notice how this angle can withstand some pretty good amount of pressure.

Step 3:

Start rotating your wrist counter-clockwise until your first ends up in a 90 degree position with your elbow facing


Step 4:

Apply the same amount of pressure going backwards or put your body weight against the wall.

You should start seeing the difference immediately, you will notice that your are probably using your shoulder, and

triceps muscles rather than your back and you will be withstanding a lot less pressure by having your elbow facing

outwards and your wrist not aligned correctly.

So with this said, having those knuckles well align is definitely great to understand and valuable knowledge you can

start implementing immediately.

Each Knuckle Evenly Underneath Eachother

Note: Each knuckle should be beneath another, this will serve

you to hit with the correct knuckles and assure you are hitting

with the right part of your fist.

I would like for you to grip your fist as tightly as you possibly can,

then take a look at your knuckles. Chances are your knuckles are

not aligned properly as shown in the picture to the right. First off

this is because you should not be gripping your punch that tight

to begin with, your fist should be semi tight; firm but not too

firm. Secondly, by having your knuckles unaligned you will

probably only be hitting with your top two knuckles which is a

no-no like I mentioned above. When you throw the punch it has

to be done with your bottom three knuckles, so with this in mind

make sure to have those knuckles well aligned.

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Fist Relaxed Yet Firm

Note: When your fist is too firm you will limit yourself to the

amount of power you can generate. The hand should be firm

(relaxed) until the moment of contact.

I hope you’re really getting a lot of this great content I am

putting out for you.

It’s crucial to keep your fist relaxed at all times, because

when you are trying to generate massive amounts of power

being relaxed is key. This means incorporating being relaxed

in your entire body as well. If you are too firm or tight when

you try to generate power you will be limited because you

will be “choking the energy” and not letting it flow through

your body like you are supposed to.

Correct Structure – Elbow and Shoulder Placement 1) Sunken elbow

2) Elbow aligned to your knuckles

3) Elbow close to your body

4) Shoulder aligned with elbow, wrist & knuckles

Sunken Elbow:

Note: Sunken elbow is used to help you generate

energy from the ground to your first. Also helps

align your wrist in the correct position, as well as

gives you the feeling of having a “loaded elbow”.

Think of your elbow like if it were a spring, when

you squeeze the spring together then follow by

releasing it you will notice the spring jump out

with tons of pressure, flying forward. Well the

same thing happens with your elbow. You want

to have the feeling of your elbow being that

spring, and when your elbow is sunken it is in the

(squeezing) position preparing it to be released

with tons of pressure flying forward. I suggest you practice this feeling constantly, because to achieve this it will

take practice.

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Elbow Aligned To Your Knuckles:

Note: Your elbow should be flushed

and well aligned with your wrist and

knuckles. This will help avoid injury to

your wrist, and give support so it won’t

bend, as well will help drive the punch

forward in a straight line.

Your elbow is what will be driving in

your punch; the elbow is in charge of

releasing your fist forward. Keep in

mind that if your elbow is not in the right position you will be losing power, and our goal is to maximize our power

and use physics to our advantage.

Elbow Close to Your Body:

Note: The elbow should maintain close to your

elbow. Everything that is closest to your body

will be stronger.

We’ll by this point you should notice that we

love physics, so we incorporate this awesome

concept that tells us everything closest to our

body is stronger. We want to maintain our

elbow as close to our body as possible, and

stay away from our elbow being far. By

adapting this into our punch, we will be much


Think of this like if you were holding a 10

punch dumbbell, hold the dumbbell as far away from you as possible, and really stretch it out. Versus holding the 10

punch dumbbell really close to your body. You will notice that when you stretch out the dumbbell you will not last

nearly as long as you would keep the dumbbell really close to your body. Same thing for your punch, it needs to

remain nice and close to your body at all times.

You want to be as anatomically strong as possible, this is what we aim for and this is the knowledge we love to

share with you.

Shoulder Aligned with Your Elbow, Wrist, and Shoulder:

Note: The alignment of the joints is crucial so your

arm and punch work together as one unit.

Look for alignment not only in your arm but

alignment in every part of your body. You want to

make sure you are using your anatomy harmoniously,

and to do this everything needs to be well aligned.

When you are not aligned, your structure is not

properly placed.

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Final Thoughts & Pointers You are not one step closer to really causing some serious damage with the “Perfect Wing Chun Punch”.

Remember when training your punch you have to look for superior anatomical positioning, you have to keep in

mind that in Wing Chun we carefully train to be superior to our opponent. Make sure to practice those key points I

mentioned previously. Wing Chun is a progression, and you cannot rush perfection, but you can accelerate the

process by having quality content and the correct understanding in every aspect of your Wing Chun. You want to

digest this information, break it down, and look for what is actually behind this punch.

The way that you do this is quality over quantity, when you are training you don’t necessarily want to burn yourself

out (ever though it’s good at times) rather you want to assure that every punch is throw as perfect as you know how

to. Feel the punch all the way through, and notice that key word “feel” because this is exactly what you want to do.

The feeling is what makes this punch so effective because by doing this you will not only know how to get from

point A to point B, if not you will know the entire path of point A to point B. Two very different aspects and training

mentality I’m sure, but we will continue giving you great content and elaborating on this down the road.

Our Special Gift to You! We have a special gift for you; we have put it on ourselves to really share this knowledge with you. We find this

information should be shared through our community and help those achieve perfection in Wing Chun and the

Martial Arts. So this is what I’ve done for you:

We have sent you an email that arrived immediately when you signed up to our list, in this email we have some

extremely valuable information that I normally do not share. I highly suggest you check your email right now and

open this gift. We really hope you enjoyed this short e-book, and learned a lot from this. We hope you notice Wing

Chun is an effective Self Defense System, and brings with it deep understanding and powerful attacks.

P.S. Be sure to add us to your email contacts, we’re buddies now. Plus I want to continue sharing all this great

content with you, and I’m sure you’re not going to want to miss not one of my emails. Oh and if you have not

received my email in 15 minutes then be sure to check your spam or junk because it may have been misplaces. I’m

looking forward to this next email; it’s great Wing Chun information absolutely free, so be sure to check your inbox


This e-book has been written and edited by Sifu: Charlie Diaz, Wing Chun Kali System. Copyright Notice.