sludge management

Sludge Management Types of Sludge: Primary sludge - organic solids, grit, inorganic fines, greasy, odorous slurry - includes ~ 1 % tank skimmings - solids conc ~ 4-6% - VSS ~ 60-80% Waste activated sludge (secondary sludge) - active microbial mass - dark brown suspension - inoffensive at first, can rapidly become odorous - solids conc ~ 0.5-1.5 % - VSS ~ 70-80% Trickling filter sludge (humus) - similar to waste activated sludge - solids conc ~ 0.5-1.5 - VSS 70-80%

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Sludge Management Lecture


  • Sludge ManagementTypes of Sludge:Primary sludge

    - organic solids, grit, inorganic fines, greasy, odorous slurry- includes ~ 1 % tank skimmings- solids conc ~ 4-6% - VSS ~ 60-80%

    Waste activated sludge (secondary sludge)- active microbial mass- dark brown suspension- inoffensive at first, can rapidly become odorous- solids conc ~ 0.5-1.5 %- VSS ~ 70-80%

    Trickling filter sludge (humus)- similar to waste activated sludge- solids conc ~ 0.5-1.5- VSS 70-80%

  • Sludge ManagementAnaerobically digested sludge

    - dark brown thick slurry - smells like garden soil- VSS ~ 30-60 % - solids conc. ~ 3-12%

    Aerobically digested sludge - dark brown- more difficult to process due to flocculent nature- solids conc ~ 1-2%- VSS ~ 35-40%

  • Sludge ManagementEstimation of Solids Production:Ws = Wsp + Wss

    Ws = total dry solids [M/T]Wsp = raw primary solids [M/T]Wss = raw secondary solids [M/T]

    Wsp = f x SS x Qf = fraction of suspended solids removed in primary settling ~ 0.4-0.6SS = suspended solids conc. in wastewater[M/L3]Q = flow rate [L3/T]

    Wss = k x BOD x Qk = fraction of influent BOD that becomes excess biomass

    = 0.3-0.5 (for F/M = 0.05-0.5)= lower for extended aeration AST and RBCs

  • Sludge Management



    Sludgedigestion dewatering

    influent Primclarif


    Return sludge

    Waste sludge



  • Sludge ManagementSludge ThickeningGravity thickening

    - most common thickening method- pickets rake sludge - primary sludge :from 4 to 8%activated sludge : from 1 to 3 %primary-secondary mixture : from 4 to 6%

    Operating criterion:solids applied per unit bottom areaprimary: 100-150 kg/m2-dayprimary plus AST: 40-80AST: 20-40

    Thickeners should recover 90-95 % of solidsBottom sludge blanket ~ 1 m deep

  • Sludge ManagementDissolved Air Flotation (DAF)

    - most applicable to solids near neutral buoyancy- air is dissolved into wastewater under high pressure- thickened solids are 3-6 % solids- not recommende for primary sludge or trickling filter humus- typical loading: 240 kg/ m2-day

  • Sludge ManagementCentrifugal Thickening

    - sludge is centrifuged to concentrate solids- with polymer addition- thickened solids ~ 5 8 %

    Gravity belt thickening- sludge is treated with polymer flocculants, then conveyed on continuous porous belt- typical prformancePrimary sludge from 2-5 to 8-12Secondary sludge from 0.4-1.5 to 4-650-50 primary-sec from 1-2.5 to 6-8

  • Centrifuge

  • Belt Thickener

  • Belt Thickener

  • Sludge TreatmentSludge Stabilization

    - process of treating solids to make them stable- reduces odor and pathogens

    Processes:anaerobic digestionaerobic digestioncompostingalkaline stabilizationincineration

  • Sludge TreatmentAnaerobic digestionOverall process consists of four steps:

    1. Hydrolysis2. Acidogenesis (fermentation)3. Acetogenesis4. Methanogenesis

    Overall process stabilizes about 40-65 % of VSS

  • Chemistry of Anaerobic Digestion

  • Chemistry of Anaerobic Digestion

    Organic matter + combined oxygen + (anaerobes) new cells + CH4 + CO2 + other end products + energy for cells

    Organic matter: carbohydrates, proteins, fats, oilsCombined oxygen: CO3 2- , SO4 2- , NO3 - , PO4 3-

    Other end products: H2S, H2, N2

  • Microbiology of Anaerobic Digestion

    Micro-organisms: methanogens, acidogens, acetogens

    pH: methanogens are inhibited at pH < 6.5acidogens and acetogens at pH < 5

    Parameters to monitor pH and volatile acid concentrations (reported as acetic acid)

  • Anaerobic DigestionOperating Conditions:

    Usual rangeOptimal

    50-250 mg/L as acetic acid

    Volatile acids

    1000-5000 mg/L as CaCO3


    6.7 7.47 7.2pH

    29-35oC35 oCTemperature

  • Anaerobic DigestionGas Composition : 55 75 % methane

    25 45 % CO2Solids reduction: 50 75 % VSS

    35 50 % TSSGas production: 0.75-1.1 m3per kg VSS stabilizedInhibitory compounds:

    high ion concentrationssome metalsammonia and sulfide gas

  • Digester DesignLow rate digesters

    - cylindrical tank with roof- no mixing or heating- low loading rates, large tank sizes- detention time: 30 60 days (SRT)- used only for small plants

  • Low Rate Digester

  • Low Rate Digester

  • Low Rate Digester

  • Digester Design

    High Rate Digesters- supplemental mixing and heating- SRT : 15- 20 days- different mixing systems- one variation is egg-shaped digester

  • High Rate Digester

  • High Rate Digester

  • Digester DesignMinimum solids retention time(FMT w/o recycle)1/ min = [YKS in / (Ks + S in)] KeWhere: min = minimum retention time [T]

    Y = yield coeff [M VSS/ M COD]= 0.04 g VSS/ g COD

    K = max specific substrate use rate [M COD/M VSS-T]

    = 6.67 (1.035 T-35) g COD/ g VSS-dT = temperature (oC)Ks = half saturation constant

    = 1.8 (1.112 T-35) g COD/ LSin = conc of biodegradable substrate [M COD/ L3]Ke = endogenous decay coeff [T-1]

    = 0.03 (1.035 T-35) day-1

  • Digester DesignTypical Values min = 4 days at 35-40oC

    = 11 days at 18 oCDesign is 2.5 times minLoading rates: 1.9 2.5 kg VSS/m3-d

    3.2 kg VSS/m3-d is maximum to avoid accumulation of toxics, washout of methanogens

    Gas production: 0.8 to 1.1 m3/kg VSS stabilizedVSS destruction : Vd = 13.7 ln + 18.9

    where Vd is in % and is in days

  • Sludge Management

    Chemistry Sludge CH4 + CO2 + H2O + stable

    solids Stable solids are removed, sent to final

    disposal Leftover water returned to treatment plant

  • Sludge Management

    Methane Use Methane (CH4) can be burned as fuel Heat digester Run electric generator Flare

  • Sludge Management

    DisinfectionObjective: Kill pathogens that survive

    stabilization process Physical processes

    Heat Chemical processes

    Chlorination Lime

  • Sludge Management

    DewateringObjective: Remove water from stabilized

    sludge Processes:

    Vacuum filter Centrifuge Drying beds

  • Drying Bed

  • Pressure Filter

  • Sludge ManagementFinal Disposal

    Objective: Dispose of sludge in environmentally sound way

    Processes Landfill Land application Composting

  • Sludge ManagementLandfill Place sludge in a typical solid waste landfill No beneficial use with this method

    Land Application Sludge is injected or tilled into soil Done on either non-agricultural or agricultural land

    Composting Sludge solids are composted with other solids Compost is sold or given away