small biz forward -- tips and techniques for entrepreneurs by entrepreneurs

SMALL BIZ FORWARD VOL. 21 NO. 7 $4.95 Tips for the small business that get results 7 Small Business Marketing Ideas pg 33 Managing your Business pg 12 Business Retreat Grow Your Business in 6 Easy Steps pg 23

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A monthly magazine that supports business with hands on tips and techniques to help grow your business to the next level of success


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VOL. 21 NO. 7$4.95

Tips for the small business that get results

7 Small Business Marketing Ideas pg 33

Managing your Business pg 12

Business Retreat Grow Your Business in 6 Easy Steps

pg 23

Page 2: Small Biz Forward -- Tips and Techniques for Entrepreneurs BY Entrepreneurs

Executive Editor

Editor, Layout, and Design

Advertising Inquiries







Nancy Becher

Nickolas Bond

[email protected]

701 N. Prairie Street

Sturgis, MI 49091


[email protected]


Vol. 21 No. 7 Small Biz Forward is published monthly by Celebrate Business Publishing, a division of Business Success Unlimited. ISSN 2332-5887No part of this magazine may be reproduced or transmitted into any form by any means without written consent from the publisher. Unsolicited manuscripts and photographs will be returned only if accompa-nied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope. All letters sent to Small Biz Forward will be treated as un-conditionally assigned for publication, copyright purposes and use are subject to SBF unrestricted right to edit and comment

Connect, Collaborate, Succeed.

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701 PRAIRIE STREET 2ND FLOORSTURGIS, MI 49091PHONE:(269) 651-3555 EMAIL:[email protected]


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23 Business Retreat Grow Your Business in 6 Easy Steps - A Retreat to Take Your Business to the Next Level


5 Office to Office Letters to the Editor and Thoughts

7 Managing your Business Resources to Help You Grow

15 Security and the Entrepreneur Helpful Resources for Today’s Dangerous World

19 Why I’m not Reinventing the Wheel Materials for Training Programs and Business Applications


43 Event Calendar

45 Membership Directory

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33 7

CONTENTS33 7 Small Business Marketing Ideas Ideas to Get the Small Business Owner on the Right Track

37 Being Connective Using What You Have to Get Where You Want

41 Curb Appeal A Fresh Perspective on Advertising and Social Media


11 Building Confidence Body Language and How it Affects Your Business

21 Your Health is Like a Marathon Staying Healthy to Keep Your Business Healthy

29 I Need Direction A Human Resource View of Co-Workers and Employees

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Where has this year gone? For me it’s been a whirlwind of doctors and hospitals, insurance companies and pharmacies. My year started out great and then in February, I had a run in with a car and the car won. Two shredded tendons, two ligaments and two broken bones later, the end of June saw me in surgery to fix it. And then months of no walking, casts and “boots” and finally I get my foot into new shoes – yay. Only to find that I now need more medical interventions. SIGH. And in the process, the world has kept on keep-ing on. And so too did my business – thanks in big part to the fact that I had a lot of resources at hand to help me continue.

Resources? What do you mean by resources? gives us this definition: “Business re-sources are anything and everything that helps a company operate and do business. This can in-clude the use of human capital, natural re-sources, tangible resources such as property or production machinery, intangible resources such as brand image and knowledge, financial re-sources and anything else a particular business may use to make a profit. Every business re-source used to produce goods or to serve cus-tomers has an economic value.” Read more at

For me, resources I used were telephone, Inter-net, my Smartphone, my laptop and tablet. Soft-ware that made it easier for me to connect my of-fice equipment at home with my office equipment

at the office were very valuable. I did a lot of re-search to find ways to work while sitting in bed or on the couch, not wanting people to know I wasn’t up to my best. I had to rely on other peo-ple to help support me in my endeavors.

All in all, resources are important to have. I learned early on that I needed a plan (or plans) that would give me flexibility, knowledge, and an ability to work regardless of any situation I might find myself. So, how do you start building such a program for yourself?

This month’s issue of Small Biz Forward is all about using resources…there will be resources given and resources talked about for you to cre-ate and use in your own business. I urge you to read about these resources, think about your own business and start to create a list of items to incorporate into your own actions so that when the time comes (and it will – even if it’s a bad storm this winter that keeps you from going to the office) you have things at your fingertips to help you continue running your company suc-cessfully.

In the meantime, enjoy your Thanksgiving and be thankful for all the successes in your life.



Office to Office


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Letters to the Editor

As a successful small business owner, I look forward to reading the articles in each addition of Small Biz Forward.  I love that they are written by local business people just like my-self and always contain fresh ideas and information, often on subjects that we are all aware of but may need to be gently reminded of the importance to smoothly running our businesses. This is a well done publication that is a short, easy read and I would recommend it to every small business owner who wants to stay relevant in today’s rapidly changing market.

Deb Sanderson, Owner of Tread-Stone LLC & Nerium Brand

Business Success Unlimited and the Small Biz Forward had given me a great opportunity to expand my business and my reach to the business world. Before I became a member, my focus was centered on addressing the needs of individuals. Business to business sales take longer to close and require significantly more service, which is why your organization and your magazine has become an important vehicle for me to take the next step. The information in your magazine has given me some fresh ideas to consider.

Thank you for there for me.


When advertising on Facebook it is good to consider the benefit of creating a campaign that includes: 

1. Start with a strong post that creates interest & in-vites comments. 

2.  Create an EVENT and share the EVENT on your page as well as send invitations to specific people who follow your profile page 

3. Use the PROMOTE feature (found either at the bot-tom of your post or can be created from a Face-book Ad) or use the OFFER feature (if you have 400 fans or more).  Share your post and/or EVENT on your profile page, other pages of yours, and in groups on Facebook. 

4. Create a Facebook Ad targeting your demograph-ics and fitting within your budget.  

5. Watch your INSIGHT and make adjust during your campaign period  (3 weeks minimum).  Visit our page at and click on the EVENTS tab for info on upcoming work-shop or call for individual help online or face-to-face (574)-344-8895

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So you’ve been in business for a while. Your revenues are growing, and you’re finding yourself in a sustained growth period. But you are still trying to do everything yourself. How’s that going for ‘ya?

Now’s the time when you need to start putting processes and procedures into place instead of running by the seat of your pants. Sound familiar? Wouldn’t it be nice to have a plan in place to get you from point A to Point X, Y and Z. So, let’s get started. Don’t worry, I’ll help you.



Since 1983 she has run business referral groups, educational training programs and small business associations. First in Washington, DC

metro areas and now throughout Michigan, with programs in Grand Rapids, Kalama-zoo, Niles, and Sturgis, MI as well as South Bend, Mishawaka, Elkhart, Granger, and Fort Wayne, IN.

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Have you ever compiled a business plan? What about a SWOT analysis? Do you have your mis-sion statement? These are all important parts of creating your roadmap. If you have done these, get them out and reread them, thinking about how they may have changed and morphed since they were originally written. If you haven’t done them, NOW is the time. Start work on them now.

It is also at this time that you may be considering hiring employees to help take you to the next level. Do you know all the laws and regulations that you have to abide by when you have employ-ees? What about job descriptions and work flow processes? Do you have those in place? Depend-ing on the type of business you have, are you looking at enlarging your facility? Moving from home into an office? Buying or renting space? Maybe your employees will be home-based and telecommute? Where do you hold meetings? In a coffee shop? Or an office conference room? All of these are important decisions that need to be made as you grow.

Perhaps you might want to consider working with a human resources agency or a placement serv-ice that can take on the tax liabilities, find the right employees (through their tests and proce-dures, freeing you from those responsibilities) and worry about payroll. These are great serv-ices and while you pay a bit more to have them on your team, it is often well worth the expense.

As you grow, you should also be thinking about financing. You probably have been bootstrap-ping up to now, but by this time you need to know you have the resources to pay for employ-ees, to expand, to hire a lawyer, or other support. By creating a relationship with a bank you will have someone on your side – there to help you when you need a loan or other financial guid-ance. Now may also be the time to think about

other, alternative financing options such as ven-ture capitalists and angel investors. And of course, any time you’re talking about money, you need to have your ducks in a row, know your fi-nancials (perhaps you have a bookkeeper or should think about getting one). If you don’t know your numbers, no one is going to take you seri-ously.

And speaking of attorneys, it also becomes im-portant at this point that you have someone you can call on with legal questions. Someone who can answer questions that are not easily an-swered by Goggling them. Do you hire one on retainer? Do you use one piecemeal – only when something comes up? Does it make sense to have legal plans in place so that you don’t get sidelined should the need arise.

How do you find out about all these different peo-ple, businesses, strategies, etc.? Always do your research, but ask colleagues, collaborators, cli-ents – get referrals and then talk with people. You need to feel comfortable with who you bring on board, and reasons for doing things in a cer-tain way. If you don’t believe in the person or process, it will probably not work for you.

Whatever you do, know that the “Chief Cook and Bottle-Washer” approach is not going to work any longer. You’ve done great so far, but now it’s time to delegate and find those who do what they do best while you take care of business.


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You can tell who the strong women are. They’re the ones you see building each other up instead of tearing each other down.

Women’s Business BureauOpen a chapter near you!

Inspiring Change

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4. A small business magazine that has tips and tech-niques for growing your business.

6. A wise and trusted counselor or teacher.

7. Source of supply, support, or aid, especially one that can be readily drawn upon when needed.

9. A supportive system of sharing information and services among individuals and groups having a common interest.

10. An institution for receiving, lending, exchanging, and safeguarding money and, in some cases, issuing notes and transacting other financial business.


1. Alternative financing source.

2. An association, primarily of people in business, to promote the commercial interests of an area.

3. Working together.

5. A group who originate or are primarily responsible for the execution of a particular idea, project, or the like.

8. Similar to a conference but with the objective of relaxation, rejuvenation, and gaining new ideas with-out stress or pressure.


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In sales and sales management for over twenty years, Jan has trained people to successfully mar-ket their products and services through adaptive and consultative sales techniques.

A recent transplant from Atlanta, Jan is the Founder of Women’s Business Bureau, a women’s busi-ness organization in Kalamazoo. Jan’s expertise lies in building ground floor operations into fast growing, profitable businesses.

Contact Jan: 334-560-6955 (cell)

Confidence is your greatest selling tool! Without the right amount of confi-dence, people can see right through you. Confidence comes from knowing your product and service inside out and feeling good about yourself.

Having the right amount of confidence is important because too much confi-dence can convey arrogance. Too little conveys lack of creditability and of-ten distrust. Gaining confidence takes practice. It takes doing things outside of your comfort zone, meeting a diverse group of people, learning about your competition, understanding your weaknesses and building on your strengths.

What does your body language say about you? Body language is truly a language of its own. We all have quirks and habits that are uniquely our own. Being aware of body signs can help you better read a person’s reaction to what you’re saying and help to make a better first impression. There’s been studies regarding how different body language signs affect how people may perceive you. It is said that when talking to a person the information that we receive can be broken down as:

• 10% from what the person actually says

• 40% from the tone and speed of voice

• 50% is from their body language



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Most people are not conscious of their body language. That’s the reason that it’s important to learn what the most common body signs are so that you can avoid making the mistakes that might make people feel un-comfortable or give them the impression that you are not confident. Learning body language signs will also help you to read the signals people give out while you are having a conversation with them. Are they bored or interested?

Here’s a few body language signs you should recognize:

• Lowering one's head can signal a lack of confidence. If someone lowers their head when complimented, they may be shy or timid

• Touching or tugging at one's ear can indicate indecisiveness

• Sincere smiles encompass the whole face (noticeable in the eyes)

• A false smile usually only engages the lips

• When a listener nods, this is usually a positive message and relays that they are interested and paying attention. However, excessive nodding can imply that the listener has lost interest but doesn't want to be rude

• Pushing back one's shoulders can demonstrate power and courage

• Open arms means one is comfortable with being approached and willing to talk/communicate

• Folded arms show that there is a sort of barricade between them and other people (or their surroundings) and indicate dis-satisfaction

• A lack of confidence or apprehensiveness can be displayed when you don't look another person in the eyes

• One tends to blink more often if nervous or trying to evaluate someone else

• If you look directly into another person's eyes you are displaying self-assurance

• If you are irritated with a comment made by another during a conversation, a common movement is to take a quick glance sideways

Best tips on building confidence:

• Dress professionally and wear clothes that fit and that are best suited for your weight and are age appropriate

• Learn what people like the least about you

• Know what people like the most about you and accentuate it

• Practice your elevator speeches—have several and change them frequently

• Know the best and worst things about your product or service

• Always maintain good eye contact with people without staring

• Watch your body language, walk with pride and confidence

• Have a prepared presentation before meeting a prospective client

• Know as much about the prospective client as you can before meeting them

• Have a firm, confident handshake: people will judge you on your handshake—it is a fact!

• Know the objections that people have about your product and service and practice how to overcome them.

• Smile and be friendly

There’s a great quote that I enjoy using. I’m not sure where it originated and to whom to give credit but I of-ten use it, “fake it ‘til you make it.” There’s nothing wrong with pretending that you’re confident. If you prac-tice it enough, eventually you’re going to believe it just like everyone does!


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=It's so close!  Can't you just FEEL the excitement building for the upcoming holiday activities?

Would you like to SLOW DOWN a bit and ENJOY the reason for them? Here is how YOU can ADD VALUE to your HOME in a simple, easy way with Simply Said custom vinyl designs! Anyone would enjoy these gifts from you. Happy ThanksGIVING!

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A lot has been happening around the world (and here within our own borders) over the last month. We have seen threats from ISIS and fighting in Syria and Iraq heat up, the Ebola virus has been in the news, additional hacking of major corporations have come to light. Not only this, but the holiday season will be upon us faster than you can spell Kris Kringle.

For those planning on international travel, do not forget the passport and keep in mind a passport can take up to 6 weeks; Another good page from the US Department of State is;, Here you can find out all sorts of information about your destination including travel warningS. One program that all those traveling abroad should take advantage of is STEP, Smart Traveler Enrollment Program. The STEP program allows you to enroll your trip with the nearest Em-bassy and Consulate in your destination countries. (

With the growing concern on health and wellness while traveling, the Center for Disease Control website has lots of useful information on overseas travel. It is always best to have the information while planning than it is to have to react to an emergency while it is happening.

FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, offers a wide variety of on-line training programs for members of the community as well as first responders. They have programs designed specifically for the small business owner; One area all of us in small business need to consider is the continuation of our business should a disaster occur. FEMA has programs directed just at this;

When it comes to meetings, how well do you know what is happening where you are going? Crime Mapping is grow-ing nationally., is one website devoted to this application. While not every community provides input, the ones that do are a good start. With this information, you can determine if the area you plan on visiting for either business or personal reasons is a good choice.


SECURITY AND THE ENTREPRENEURby Ed Becher PPSCenter for Protection, Security, and Personal Safety LLC

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Two good subscription websites for intelligence and analysis are; Stratfor at and the other being The OODA Loop;  As I said both are subscription services and both run from $19.00 per month and up. But if you are looking for up to date analysis of world events these two resources are what you may be looking for. Additionally both offer free newsletters which you can subscribe to and still get some very good information on what is happening around the world.

Many of us have employees and we sometimes need to find out how truthful they are on their applications and re-sumes. Being a parent; both my sons are in there mid 20s; one concern I have always had has been sexual preda-tors. The Department of Justice runs the Dru Sjodin National Sex Offender Public Website. Through this site you can access all 50 states’ sex offender registries and search by both name and location. Not only is this site helpful to us parents but as employers we have a requirement to keep our employees safe.

The number of people who immigrate to the United States each year is staggering. Many of these people come over on tourist visas and stay beyond their visa expiration date. As an employer, we need to make sure that they have the proper status to seek employment within the United States; this is one reason for the I-9 form. One way to verify some-one’s status is through E-Verify; Through here an employer can verify someone’s status for employment quickly.

ICHAT, the Internet Criminal History Access Tool, maintained by the Michigan State Police allows the search of public criminal record information maintained by the Michigan State Police, Criminal Justice information Center. ( The cost for each search is $10.00 and as stated is a public information site.

As always we at the Center for Protection, Security and Personal Safety LLC are here to assist you, the business owner, in any way we can to help keep you, your family and your business secure and safe. With the holiday season coming upon us quickly, please stay safe and continue on being aware of your surroundings.

Ed Becher is the owner of the Center for Protection, Security and Personal Safety LLC, a provider of training pro-grams for the security, protection industry and others interested in staying safe and secure. Ed is a retired US Marine Corps Master Sergeant and former Chief Instructor for the Uniformed Protection Branch, US Department of States Diplomatic Security Service. He can be contacted at [email protected] or by calling 269-651-3355.


Former Marine Chief Instructor, US Dept. of State, Uniformed Branch, Dip-lomatic Security Service; Ed Becher is the owner of Center for Protection, Security and Personal Safety (The Bodyguard Academy) which is a pro-vider of training and resources to

keep you, your staff and clients safe. He can be contacted at [email protected] or by phone at (269)651-3355.

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Black Friday is coming quickly and so is all the Christmas shopping. Stay safe by attending our Personal Safety Seminars.

Personal Safety Seminar, November 12 and 19, 2014 Sturgis, MI$25.00

Designed for men and women of all ages, 13 and up, to learn how to stay safe in todays ever dangerous world.

Upcoming Specialty Training Programs

Personal Protection Specialist, January 2015 Sturgis, MISpecial 4 day program, $750.00 , full 7 day course, $1499.00

Entry level training for those wishing to enter the Executive Protection industry. Learn techniques to protect High Net Wealth Individuals, Celebrities, Dignitaries.


701 Prairie St. 2nd Floor

Sturgis, MI

office: 269-651-3355 cell:269-221-2221

[email protected]

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COMPETITIVE ANALYSISUse this table to help you identify your business’s unique strengths and weaknesses

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If you’re thinking about creating some resources or training materials – for whatever industry, in whatever skill set – consider making them open source. A large portion of my income this year has come from training people in the non-profit and church world in skills such as intuitive listen-ing and asking powerful questions, setting SMART goals, and doing accountability proc-esses well. These are the basic values, princi-ples, and skill sets involved in Leadership or Life coaching. I really enjoy leading training, even though for several years now I’ve covered

the same basic topics over and over. There’s the ‘aha’ moment people get when they see something work in a relationship for the first time; emails I get from people who have had breakthroughs in a relationship with a spouse or adult child. I’ve made more money training oth-ers this year than I have by providing coaching myself. I created none of the materials I use in these classes!

I don’t get excited about designing classes or writing books on leadership coaching. I’m an essayist and novelist. Someday I may find it



by Adam Fleming, Leadership Coach Trainer

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appropriate to grind out a non-fiction book, but for now, I’m using open source materials from and I’m very happy with them. The author, Tony Stoltzfus, is a personal acquain-tance. I work closely with some of his family mem-bers. Tony chose an open source format where qualified people can lead training programs he’s designed, and the trainees have to buy his books. It’s a brilliant business model. He makes almost nothing when people teach his classes, no royalties, but because qualified trainers can make all the profit on the class, we’re eager to use his materials and have our trainees pur-chase his books. Often they see other books on his website that aren’t required reading, and they buy more resources from him. It’s a win-win.

My first trainer (way back in 2007) was Jeff Williams, from Springfield, Ohio. He was using Tony’s open source materials even then. This spring, Jeff subcontracted me to assist him in a very large training he was offering for a church in Columbus. I asked Jeff if he was planning to write some training materials at some point. Jeff said, “Why would I reinvent the wheel, when Tony’s done it so well?”

If you go this direction, put workbooks together and publish something the trainees need to read for the classes; the open source business model means you get to sell these books. You’ll want to have some sort of qualification process in place. You can even sell the books at a small discount to trainers so they can make money on the markup. The franchise model is fading. The rea-son open source works so well is because once a trainer has invested time, money, and energy into becoming qualified, you’re allowing them to make money. When people see that opportunity, they want to move your direction. They want to

sell your books, and talk about your website. Did I mention that Tony, who is an extremely sought- after coach, still makes most of his money from book sales?

This is counter-cultural in what I call the “guru-and-leadership-resource” movement. Typically you set yourself up at the top of the pyramid and make sure money flows to you from every piece and portion of everyone’s operation. There are subscription systems and tiered levels of coach-ing engagement from large teleconference hours to smaller groups to individual coaching. This works for the very few and very charismatic. But Tony Stoltzfus’ generous attitude proves out what other open source models have already shown. For example, Wikipedia may be the greatest ex-ample of the open source concept winning over a tightly controlled proprietary structure. When Microsoft put millions of dollars into an online en-cyclopedia, eventually they had to give up. Wikipedia beat them at their own game with vol-unteers. So, if you’re going to create some re-sources or try to be the next guru, look for ways to enlist volunteers by making at least a portion of what you do open source. For those who don’t want to reinvent the wheel, you’ll be their favorite resource!


Adam G. Fleming is an account rep for World-pay, a leadership coach and coach trainer, and is the author of a stage play, A Pebble among the Rocks, and a novel, White Buffalo Gold, © 2012 available on Ama-zon, Kindle and many other platforms. Visit his book site at

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Once I ran a 1/2 marathon. How did I get started? With the desire to participate, then one step at a time until I reached my goal. Running the course from the beginning to the end no matter how long it took. How can you? The same way.

Running a marathon begins with the thought "Yes, a marathon sounds like fun! I will make the time for training, I want to and I can do it once I learn how." Next by talking with someone with experience, knowledge (gathering the information needed), creating a plan, developing habits then becoming you are on your way to reaching your goal.

After weeks, months or perhaps years you are ready for the race enjoying all the benefits and re-wards that accompany accomplishing your goal.


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Was it hard? Yes. Was it challenging? Yes. Was it worth it? Yes. How did it happen? You want it to happen for you? Here’s how.

At first you will develop a plan to walk a specific amount of time and/or distance. When walking becomes easy you will add a walk - run routine, next run, increasing distance and duration as you continue to train. Developing habits to im-prove eating foods (improving performance), sleep (rest/relaxation/recovery), you’re thinking (stress, motivation) all are part of the training. Over time you will develop the habits to com-plete the marathon. You will feel great, like a win-ner. Your health is much the same. A marathon of sorts. A health marathon.

How you perform on your health marathon lies in the answers to these questions:

“What experience would you like to have on your health marathon?” What is your goal for quantity (what do you want to do), quality (how healthy do you want to be), and longevity (how you age)?”

Even though a marathon you run is optional, your health marathon is not. Your health journey is up to you, there is no turning back, and you cannot change the past. However it’s never too late to start a new journey, a healthier one. There are many paths you can take which stand before you. Each path is created by a group of habits. Habits that promote sickness or health, longevity or aging. Healthy habits help you to feel better, look better and be well. Unhealthy habits inter-rupt your sleep, thinking and leave you sluggish, low energy, sick and tired. There is no middle ground with your health habits. The choices you make are either good for you or bad for you. Your habits will determine how you feel, look, live and even die.

As with any goal it begins with the first step which is to identify quality resources and legiti-mate health education from qualified health pro-fessionals. When training for a marathon suc-cessful runners recruit a buddy to run with them as a form of support. You will need the same -- ask a friend to join you on your health journey. When training for a marathon you will want the best advice possible. This comes from an experi-enced, qualified training that guides the way and evaluates your progress to keep you on the path to winning. For your health marathon a wellness consultant can assist you in locating a qualified health professional or certified health coach.

Remember a marathon of any sort begins with one foot in front of the other. Starting with short term goals, then adding new ones always mov-ing forward.

Where is the best place to look?

Here are the resources I recommend most often when making decisions about your health:

American Heart Association (


American Diabetes Association (

National Institutes of Health (

Juice Plus+ Company (


Cindy Cohen is a registered nurse with 35 years of experi-ence from the bedside to CEO of a hospital. As a health coach and wellness consultant, Cohen is the guid-ing force behind the C2 Your Health team in helping others find their way to improved personal and business well-ness. C2 Your Health LLC also promotes the annu-al Expo for Women.You can find Cindy

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Most of us, as business owners, are really, really busy. We are focused on making money, on growing our marketing connections. We spend our time doing the books, creating the layout of our stores, and our mate-rials. We are creating schedules, paying the bills, and all the work that is required for someone who is work-ing in their business. What we're not so good at is the back office, running of the business. Do we know who we really want to work with, or are we sure that anyone



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can use our services? What about our mission statement?Even if we know who we want to work with, do we know what we truly offer to that customer -- (ie., what is the value that we provide?) Where do we want to see our business in the next year, next five years, next 20 years? It is only when we understand all of these sometimes really diffi-cult questions that we can even begin to think about growing our business successfully.

But figuring out the answers to these questions takes time away from the busyness of the day. We may not really under-

stand the answers and just thinking about them can give you a headache. So, guess what? We don't take the time to go's easier to just focus on those things that we know how to do.

Fortune 500 businesses are some of the biggest supporters of mentoring, master-


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mind programs and networking. They often have pro-grams in their own organizations, and they themselves take advantage of programs where they get out of their offices, out of their comfort zones and into rela-tionships with others that help them think about and fig-ure out the answers to those questions. If they use these resources, why shouldn't you?

Is this starting to make sense? I hope so. But when you answer one question, that often leads to many other questions. And, uh oh. The phone is ringing, peo-ple are walking in your front door, staff are asking you how to do busy...How do you actually take time to think about and answer all these things?

This November 14th, 2014, the Business Success Un-limited annual retreat will be held in North Webster, IN. Epworth Forest Conference Center is a Christian site


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For more information about this retreat, the speakers, and registration please visit www.success4biz.bizor call (269)-351-3555

that is nestled among several lakes and is a peaceful, re-energizing space that helps people to get out of their comfort zone and into a space that will allow you to think, to create ideas, goals and more. At least an hour away from many of the businesses who are coming, this guar-antees that you aren't spending your time worried about what's happening back "home" at your office, but are fo-cused on what's happening in front of you. Join together with a small group of like-minded individuals there to sup-port you, test you, guide you and question your motives, goals and desires, you will find yourself with new ideas, new techniques and new friends (or clients).


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There are many veterans who have returned from the service that for whatever reason are wanting to start and run their own businesses. Here is one place for them to find out information, and to get started.

DuctTape Marketing-

Another great resource to explore.

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I NEED DIRECTIONby Susie Olivarez

Susie Olivarez is the Owner & Senior HR Consultant at Iron Sharpens Iron – Discovering Your X Factor. She can be contacted at

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How many times have you thought: “I need direction (help)” with an employee? We all have employ-ees or coworkers who come to us with problems, whether it be in the workplace or outside the work-place. What do you do when an employee/coworker tells you they feel they are being sexually har-assed? Or an employee/coworker shares with you that they are about to lose their home? Do you have the resources to be able to direct them to the right people?

If you have a Human Resources department, then the answer is “YES!” If you don’t have a Human Re-sources department, there are consultants available to help and are only a phone call away. In the “Human Resources” world the above situation is called Employee Relations. Human Resources fo-cuses on the overall company well being and the employee cycle. When it comes to Human Re-sources you can consider this area of your company to be your best resource.

Human Resources allows your company the structure it desires by putting into place policies and pro-cedures usually found in an employee handbook, or what I like to call a “Play Book” for how to “follow the rules” at work. This “Play Book” will help any company and it’s managers to assist with all em-ployee issues that come up, all benefits and making sure that your company is staying compliant with the latest laws. Most organizations think of Human Resources as unnecessary or a department that only cost the company money. When you look deeper into this department, you’ll see many pro-grams created directly impact the bottom line, including the ability to retain employees.

Most companies will average $1,200 per new hire annually. Statistics show most individuals are leav-ing companies every 1-2 years. This is due to lack of career development, feeling unappreciated, and loss of interest in a company. As you think back 15-20 years ago, this was unheard of! Most indi-viduals would spend their entire career at one company because of the loyalty built on both sides of this equation. Human Resources focuses a part of their time on retaining employees through multiple programs, such as, referral programs, quarterly celebrations, anniversaries, development/growth pro-grams and more. These programs; which cost very little to an organization will save the company tens of thousands of dollars throughout the year just by maintaining the current employees.

You may be asking “How else does HR contribute to the bottom line?” It’s not just retention, when re-cruiting new team members, there are various programs your can use to ensure that you attract the best people to your organization. Once they are attracted, it is up to HR to screen and interview the best candidates for the hiring manager to hire, saving the company both time and money. What about benefits? HR is the team that moves into action to select the best policy that fits both the organi-zation and each of their employees. With great negotiating skills, this area has the greatest impact for showing cost savings year over year. The price you are originally quoted is always negotiable. Re-member this: You only get what you negotiate, not what you “think” you deserve.

It’s time to take control of the direction you are going in. Team up with your Human Resources depart-ment, they will provide you with the best direction possible for any employee situation!


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Schedule of Events Two events on the same day: Choose one or attend both – November 21

B2B Get Together

November 21, 9:30-11:30pm (Open Networking starts at 9:00) (Trine University, 4101 Edison Lakes Parkway, Mishawaka, IN)

Time to give your business a boost, refresh your own focus for success and join in the fun of a unique networking experience? Lots of fun and a great way to connect with other businesses. Open Network-ing time 9:00-9:30 and then Business Introductions start at 9:30. All businesses are introduced. Bring your business cards, brochures, samples and a door prize if you want. Display space also available so feel free to come a little early and set up a small display too. Just $5 to participate. (August, November, January, April)

“Voice of Your Business” Workshop November 21, 11:45-2:00pm

(Trine University, 4101 Edison Lakes Parkway, Mishawaka, IN)

Want to improve your skills as a speaker and find ways to better demonstrate your own expertise? Join us for this two hour workshop designed for business owners and managers who have previous speak-ing experience but want to improve and expand their audiences too. LIMITED GROUP SIZE. Lunch will be provided. $30. (NOTE: In addition to the workshop, you will learn more about opportunities to join the "Voice of Your Business" Speakers Group). RSVP Required. Call or Text Karen Bachert 574.344.8895, or email [email protected]. Meet Speakers at (August, November, January, April) SPONSORSHIP & BOOTH SPACE NOW AVAILABLE:

Michiana “Shop & Greet” March 26, 2015, 2:00-8:30pm

(Saint Mary’s Campus – Gillespie Center, South Bend, IN)

Best Expo of the year! One of a kind event with our unique “Everyone Shops Experience”! Great net-working & auction fun with local charities. PLUS Speed Networking, Prizes & Surprises, Live Charity Auction! Live Radio Broadcast! Foodie Favorites! Cash Bar! Fun for you, fun for friends, good for your business and good for Michiana too! Tickets just $15 (and get $10 back in Michiana Bucks to spend at the event). More info, call Karen 574.344.8895 Early Bird Booths - $155 and get $30 back in Michiana Bucks to spend at the Expo. December 5, 10:00: Vendor Planning Meeting – Old National Bank, Heritage Square, Granger

K Enterprises - Your Business Needs Fans South Bend, IN 46660 Karen - (574)-344-8895

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• Rela&onal Networking • Gain Insights & Ideas • Promote Business/Learn More • Bring Lots of Business Cards • $3 admission + 2 Cards at door

Meeting Every Monday

11:30a - 1:30p

$3 + 2 Business Cards

Northeast Indiana Innovation Ctr. 3201 Stellhorn Road, 46815

(Entrance at the Flagpole)


Randi 312-7862


*Business Cards * Door Prizes for Drawings To Promote Your Business

* Resumes / Flyers

* Career Seekers WELCOME! Bring Lots of Business Cards +/or RESUME to Pass Out!


WHERE: Ziano’s – Maysville Rd,

46835 Great Lunch Specials

CONTACT: Randi Lincoln


WHO: Business Owners/Career Seekers

Networkers/Social Media Builders

WELCOME: 1st Time A\enders:

Bring Minimum of 40 Business Cards +/Or Resumes to share

BRING Door Prize Giveaways

Promotes your Business!

Business Cards to Pass

• Build Business Rela&onships • Network + Learn 2 Network • Bring 2 Business Cards + $3 • Enjoy Ziano’s Lunch Specials

Page 34: Small Biz Forward -- Tips and Techniques for Entrepreneurs BY Entrepreneurs

Mary Gillen is a writer, Web developer, marketer and technical trainer who has owned her own business since 1981. She has over 33 years of experience in free-lance commercial/technical copywriting, graphics design, online marketing, Web

development and technical instruction development/presentation. Visit Mary’s Web site You can also view more ideas from her blog Learn One Thing >>

7 SMALL BUSINESS MARKETING IDEASby Mary Gillen, Web Developer/Marketer

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Idea 1: Twitter Use Your Twitter Handle Rather Than a Long URL on Your Car Sign

Is your domain name too long to fit on car signage?

Use your Twitter handle on the sign instead to attract prospects to follow you on Twitter.

Example of a Twitter handle: @marygil

Idea 2: LinkedInBe Sure Your Linkedin Profile is Search-Engine Friendly

Is your LinkedIn Profile available for Google, Yahoo!, and Bing search engine indexing? If you are not sure, here’s how to check: 1) Log in to your LinkedIn account. 2) Go to On the next screen, be sure to select the “Make my public profile visible to everyone” is selected.

Idea 3: YouTube Don't Forget to Add Product Numbers in Your Video Titles and Descriptions

If you are publishing product videos on YouTube, be sure to include the product number in the video title and description. Prospects do use product numbers in their search queries.

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Idea 4: SEOHow to Get More Keyword Phrases Google Suggest Doesn’t Report

Google’s Suggest Feature provides you with some of the keyword phrases used when searching for your products or services. So how can you easily find more?

Use Promediacorp’s Suggester™ >>, the free Google Suggest keyword research tool.

When I searched for marketing ideas, the Suggester™ returned 252 keyword phrases (the first 15 shown here), rather than Google Suggest’s three or four results.

The tool also allows you to download the list as a CSV file.

Idea 5: Email MarketingThe 52-week Auto-responder Training Course

Looking to build your email mailing list, but are worried about how often you should reach out to prospects without email overload? Create a weekly auto-responder sequence of messages and promote it as a 52-week training course on a subject that will interest your prospects. Those who subscribe to this email course know up front that they will receive an email from you once a week. This way you can instruct and promote simultaneously. Give it a try. This "educational series" can help get around the "frequency" problem.

Idea 6: Blogging How to Find “Evergreen” Content Ideas

An “evergreen” blog post is the kind of content that continues to draw traffic as it stays relevant for months or years after its initial publication. How can you find evergreen ideas that interest your customers and prospects? Use Google Trends to research evergreen content topics.

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EXAMPLE:1) Go to Google Trends >> Type in the search term find free wifi

3) Since the interest over time has not peaked, making this a good candidate for an evergreen topic.

TIP: Click the Forecast link in the right corner above the chart. Google predicts how interest in the topic will continue.

Idea 7: Lead GenerationFigure Out Who Is Missing What

Sometimes you just have to see it in plain black and white.

Create a quick grid to determine who is missing what. Draw a rectangular box in the middle a piece of 8-1/2" x 11" paper. Along the outside left hand side of the box write the names of your current clients. Write the products and services you offer along the space outside the top of the box. Draw vertical and horizontal lines within the box to separate clients and products/services. Starting with the Client #1, put an "X" in the box that corresponds to all the products/services you are currently offering that client. Repeat for each customer. When you're done, look at all the empty boxes. These represent the additional products and services you can sell your current customers.

Copyright © 2014 Mary Gillen. All Rights reserved.

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Small business owners are challenged to have adequate resources for building and maintaining their business. Here at Connective Marketing we have a laptop, with secondary larger monitor, and desk-top computer, cell phone, VOIP cordless phone, high-speed cable internet with wi-fi capacity, laser copier, laser multi-function printer/fax/scanner, color laser printer, large office desk, computer stands, office chairs, file cabinets, office supplies, bookcases with library and other storage, web site, Face-book, Google+, Twitter and LinkedIn presence, a blog, an e-newsletter, minivan, business bank ac-count, business coach, networks, garments with logos, nametags and more.

That's all stuff. That doesn't bring into play the most important tool any entrepreneur has: their brain! What's contained inside the brain is what drives the business towards its success or failure. Those who can stay focused, apply the well proven and documented methods shared in publications like this one, or in books or learned at seminars, and are consistent and tight focused will find their dili-gence will lead them to a successful outcome.

We have the computer power for communications, marketing, payments and invoicing, and as task platforms our business is focused on disseminating news to and supporting membership organiza-tions. The telephones are utilized for voice communications as well as mobile needs for travel.

The printers facilitate sharing the written word, collecting responses, and maintaining records. The furniture is for worker function. The minivan provides transportation to attend meetings and events, handle banking, acquire supplies and accomplish other needs. The business bank account is used to accept client payments, pay business expenses, and make distributions to the owner. Having a business coach is something many overlook yet that coach (or coaches) can be the difference be-tween staying on track to success or getting distracted by the myriad things that are calling for our attention.

The Internet and all its peripherals have become a part of daily life. While a web site, Facebook page, Twitter feed, Google+ account or LinkedIn profile is important so your business may be discovered, unless you are a gifted communicator, this likely is the first area the business owner delegate to a service provider or bring on staff to maintain. Having a blog is optional. It can be useful for a stream of conscience or experience-based dialog on topics of interest in your field of expertise or your per-sonal interests. The e-newsletter is an outstanding tool for routine contact with customers, clients, prospects and those with whom you network. A communications "touch" on a regular basis, say weekly, monthly, bi-monthly or quarterly (you determine the frequency) that is branded is a point of strength for your business and building your brand. You can use it for education, drawing people to attend your annual customer appreciation event, and to announce news about your business.

For some, participating in a networking group or two can be a great thing; it causes you to meet peo-ple you may not have otherwise. Meeting new people creates new opportunity. A very few people are socially active enough and receiving adequate referrals to overlook participating in a routinely meeting networking group, but they are a good idea for most entrepreneurs. Continued next page...


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A networking group MUST be the right fit. You will find either that the people are attracted to you and inquiries for what you are offering come; or they don't. Sometimes it takes many trials to find the right network for you. Some people are intimidated by networking. There is no reason to be intimidated. All that business network groups are meant to do for you is help you find some new business friends who will help you achieve your business goals. Put another way, it's a way to meet people, some of whom will become your friends, and some of whom eventually will cause business to be referred to you. If you join a network with an expectation of immediate results; rest assured that rarely happens.

Business people acquire garments with logos, letterhead, tchotchkes (promotional products), com-puter cases and the like, and distribute them to staff and customers to cause their brand awareness to be increased. Remember, though, that the best thing that drives your brand awareness is you, your personality, and your smile, and that of your staff as you build your business, as well.

Professionally produced nametags that have the first and last name, company name, and role/position in an easy to read and large font, in a primary color, black or white, are free of fancy art and patterns, and may have the logo are a great investment. Brand yourself. Put it on every day. Declare to yourself that you are working by putting it on. When your work day concludes, take it off and put it away in the same location, one that you face every day, so it is where you need it to start your day. Highly recommend the style with the magnetic attachment, not pin-back.

All these resources are in place to support growing business. Consider carefully what you have and how you use it. Get rid of the unnecessary, whatever the reason. Make a list of desired items, priori-tize your need for them, and acquire them when it is fiscally responsible to do so while avoiding debt. Communications are well supported by this set up and it is in my hands to advance it to the next level. The same is true for your business as well.

Gail M. Turluck is the President of Connective Marketing of Richland, Michigan. Connective Marketing offers communications services including writing, e-newsletters, newsletters, web site content creation and updating service, editing, proofreading; Send Out Cards; the Body by Vi Project 10; and more. She may be contacted at [email protected] or by visiting


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We’re your key to your advertising problems. Here at Small Biz Forward we connect with a large network of small businesses that could be looking for the products or services you are offering!



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Have you ever thought that your business missing something? Perhaps that “WOW” factor or even a professional appeal to really pull in business? If you have a product or service that isn’t getting the attention it deserves maybe you just need to change your image.

The Pepsi Refresh Project might be familiar to you. In 2010 one of the world’s largest brands, Pepsi Co., Opted out of the Superbowl and poured 1/3 of its annual marketing budget into a cause-driven marketing campaign. Why would Pepsi do this and potentially lose out on the revenue brought in by the infamous SuperBowl ad? To explore the growing market of social media and internet advertising.

72% of Internet users also use Social Media applications. This astounding adoption rate to this 21st Century form of communication doesn’t leave any room for stragglers. What does this mean for your business? Hiring outside of your business to conduct marketing research and advertising campaigns is the way to go. Advertising is constantly changing to attract business from all walks of life, so having a different perspective allows your company to reach a larger network of clients.



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As a current student finishing my advertising degree and with my experience as a small business manager I know the value of having updated information about what works. Creating an effective advertising campaign is not as simple as going online and placing an ad. Most people who know who their target clients are usually don’t know how to advertise to them. The world is going digital and whether we like it or not as business owners we must do the same.

The first step for any business is to make sure your company is marketable or has “Curb Appeal” as I like to think of it. Basically, before you can start advertising your business you have to make sure that your business looks professional, approachable, and you can capitalize on the products or services you're offering.

Once you get your image to “Curb Appeal” status, then comes the part where you market what you have to whom you want to buy it. As I said before the best course of action is to get advice or hire someone from outside your company, as they will have a different perspective on your business than you would. However, not everyone has that resources to do so, So I will help you.

The first place you should look to is the internet. You can not deny the impact that global exposure from the web has done for business. This is where you will MAKE OR BREAK your business. A successful campaign can do amazing things for revenues and word of mouth of your business. I do, however, want to bring attention to the fact that if a campaign does not go well your business will get looked over and become boring and repetitive in the fast seas of social media ads.

How do you prevent this from happening? Before any good ad is created research is done to find out the potential client’s needs and wants. Then an ad is created based on those needs and wants to attract their business to your business. The key in a good advertisement is to appeal to them on a personal level. As a small business we have an advantage to get this “Curb Appeal” over large corpo-rations, while we may not be able to offer the cheapest products or services we have owners and employees that are relatable because they live and work in the community.

One of the most important things to know is if people know you they will know your business. Your advertisements should encompass your mission statement and a personal side note about you as a person. This is more memorable to a viewer than an impersonal advertisement. This should be a standard rule across the board with print ads, commercials, radio ads, and social media. Just remember that the resources and information are available you just have to obtain them and do what works best for your business.


Nickolas Bond is a current student at Western Michigan University Obtaining a BS in Advertising with experience managing a small business for the last 3 years. He offers services in Social Media Marketing, Graphic Design, Editorial Work, and Advertising Campaigns.

You can contact him at:

Phone: (734)-250-2677 E-mail: [email protected]

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Every MondayGeorgetown Plus Networking, Northeast Innovation Center, Forth Worth, IN• Meets every Monday at 11:30am

• Join us for FREE LUNCH and A new way of networking

• $3 & 2 Business Cards gets you in!

• Bring promotional materials and be ready to share about your business!

• RSVP for a display table for $15 during the group Call Randi: (260)-312-7862

• Come Early & Stay late & NETWORK

Every WednesdayExit 25 Networking, Ziannos (Exit 25), Fort Worth, IN• Meets every Wednesday at 11:30am

• Join us for RELATIONAL Networking & Promote each other to Success!

• $3 & 2 Business Cards gets you in!

• Bring promotional materials and be ready to share about your business!

Premier Women’s Network Michiana• Contact Shelly Pleasant: (574)-621-8910

• Monthly Event Last Tuesday of Every Month

• 5pm-7pm Mishawaka, IN

• Check Facebook for meeting dates, times, and location.

Business RetreatGrow Your Business in 6 Easy Steps • 14th of November

• Epworth Forest Retreat N.Webster, IN

• 8am to 5pm

• $199 includes breakfast, lunch, and snacks!

• Listen to several guest speakers and grow your business while you NETWORK!!!

Page 45: Small Biz Forward -- Tips and Techniques for Entrepreneurs BY Entrepreneurs


November 2014

Nam id velit non risus consequat iaculis.

Business Success Unlimited Just A Reminder... The BSU Mastermind Program will continue their 3 month program on Getting Rid of the Monsters Under The Bed - Eliminate the Fear of Sales and Grow Your Business!!! Cost of the program is $95 and meets at the Old National Bank, Heritage Square, Granger, IN The Mastermind Program will pick back up at the beginning of the year so stay tuned!

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Georgetown Plus

Networking Northeast Innovation Center Fort Wayne, IN

Premier Women’s Network Michiana Fort Worth, IN

Exit 25 Networking Ziannoes (Exit 25) Fort Wayne, IN

Premier Women’s Network Michiana Niles, MI

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Georgetown Plus

Networking Northeast Innovation Center Fort Wayne, IN

Exit 25 Networking Ziannoes (Exit 25) Fort Wayne, IN

Business Retreat Epworth Forest N. Webster, IN Angola Connects

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Georgetown Plus

Networking Northeast Innovation Center Fort Wayne, IN

Angola/Auburn Exit 25 Networking Ziannoes (Exit 25) Fort Wayne, IN

Women’s Expo Mishawaka, IN

23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Georgetown Plus

Networking Northeast Innovation Center Fort Wayne, IN

Exit 25 Networking Ziannoes (Exit 25) Fort Wayne, IN

Angola Connects

30 31 Georgetown Plus

Networking Northeast Innovation Center Fort Wayne, IN


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Page 47: Small Biz Forward -- Tips and Techniques for Entrepreneurs BY Entrepreneurs

AAl Howard Photography All Types of Photography, from Weddings and Birthdays, to Pet and School Pictures-We Do it All! Daytime Phone: (547)-264-5413 Evening Phone: (547)-329-3040

CC2 Your Health Wellness Program for Mini-Checkups, Home Laboratory Testing, Health Coaching, Self-Care, Community Connections and More. Cindy Cohen RN, BS BA Website:

The Center for Protection, Security, and Personal Safety Providing Quality Training for Those Working in the Private Security Industry. Phone: (269)-651-3355 Website:

Charlie Batizy, Multi-Company Licensed Insurance Agent Specializing in Insurance for Individuals, Small Business, and the Unique Opportunities of American Veterans. Daytime Phone: (800)-578-1609

Charlene Books Reflexology/Reiki Relax, Release, and Transform Your World. Email: [email protected] Website:

Connective Marketing Provides Communication Services to Small Businesses:

• Print and e-Newsletters

• Handbooks, Yearbooks, and Directories

• Website Content

• Organization Member Management

• Event Management

Connective Marketing Offers Non-Profit Manage-ment and Consulting Services. Connective Mar-keting Has a Particular Focus on Sailing and Sail-boat Racing Events. Be Confident You Can Drop Your Sail Line and Sail Away Knowing Your Needs Will Be Met. Connective Marketing 1245 West Gull Lake Drive Richland, MI 49083 Phone: (269)-203-7130 Fax: (786)358-3605 E-mail: [email protected] Website:

EEpic Life Studios Adam Fleming is a Leadership Coach as Well as an Account Executive for the Credit Card Proc-essing Company WorldPay. Phone: (547)-238-7872 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected]


Page 48: Small Biz Forward -- Tips and Techniques for Entrepreneurs BY Entrepreneurs

FFind Great Companies LLC We Specialize in Creating an Online Presence for Your Great Company, Complete with Interac-tive Online Marketing, Networking, and Even a Customer Comment and Review Section. Your Profile With Us Lets Online Users Connect to Your Website, Social Media Platforms, and Even Locate You via Our Map Feature with Just One “Click”!!! We Are Not Just Another Busi-ness Listing. We are Semi-Exclusive and Only Accept the Most Reputable Business. Your Pro-file with Us Provides Member to Member Bene-fit Discounts and the Opportunity to Offer/Advertise Your Special Offers to Our Online Use Group Each Week at No Additional Cost to You. We Are a Power Packed Website with All of the Tools Necessary to Help Your Great Com-pany GROW!!!! Phone: (269)-449-1415 E-mail: [email protected]

HHeartwood Renaissance Academy A Private School Dedicated to Helping Stu-dents Succeed. We Teach Students to SOAR TO NEW HEIGHTS. The staff and teachers help DESIGN, BUILD, and TEST Each Child’s Skills, Confidence, and Self-Esteem to Fly With Cour-age Into Their Adult Futures With the Ability to Overcome Obstacles and Accept Challenges. Phone: (269)-273-0160 Website: Heartwood- Renaissance-Academy

IID Life Susan Ruch, Founding Partner: #IDLIFE Provides “Individuality Designed” Vitamins & Nutritional Supplementation Based on Medical Facts and “Chrono-Biology” All Products are Organic/Natural, Gluten Free, Non-GMO & Casein Free. Visit to Learn More at Email: [email protected] Facebook: Susan Eckley Ruch Twitter: @susaneckleyruch LinkedIn: Susan (Eckley) Ruch

KKerri’s Avenue Salon High End Hair at Affordable Prices. We Use Top Quality Products, Attend Education Classes on a Regular Basis, and Work with All Textures of Hair. Free Consultations are Always Available, Just Call. Phone: (547)-243-3901 Website:


Page 49: Small Biz Forward -- Tips and Techniques for Entrepreneurs BY Entrepreneurs

NNickolas Bond Nick Offers Social Media Marketing, Advertising Services, Marketing Analysis, Editorial Service, and Graphic Design. Phone: (734)-250-2677 E-mail: [email protected]

Niles Four Flags Area Chamber of Commerce The Four Flags Area Chamber of Commerce is Dedicated to Serving the Needs of Businesses and the Community. For Further Information on Joining the Chamber Please Call Phone: (269)-683-3720 E-mail: [email protected]

PPremier Women’s Network To Uplift, Encourage, and Inspire all Women in Business and Career Seekers to Achieve Their Highest Ca-pabilities Through Networking an d Education. Phone: (269)-747-5202 Website: PremierWomensNetwork/Info

SSchooley Mitchell Jerry Sarno and Schooley Mitchell Will Save Your Business or Organization;

•Time; We Do the Work So You Can Concen-trate on Your Core Business.

•Money; We Save $$$ on Your Telecom Spend, If We Don’t There is No Fee

•PeaceOf Mind

Phone: (269)-408-8679 Website: jsarno

#2nd Story Marketing Three Passionate and Energetic Women Provid-ing Marketing Services for Small Business Including Marketing Plans, Campaigns, Manag-ing Social Media, Newsletters, Press Releases, Event Management and More. Website: Facebook: 2nd Story Marketing


Page 50: Small Biz Forward -- Tips and Techniques for Entrepreneurs BY Entrepreneurs

Sometimes there is too much to do for one person to do it.

Freelance advertising specialist with a background in small business.

Services include:

• Graphic Design

• Social Media Marketing



Nickolas Bond

Phone: (734)-250-2677 E-mail: [email protected]


• Advertising Services

• Market Analysis

• Public Relation Services

Page 51: Small Biz Forward -- Tips and Techniques for Entrepreneurs BY Entrepreneurs


Member Values and Benefits Empowerment Circle

Listing on Web and in Small Biz Forward

Most Events Free

Member-to-Member Discounts

One FREE Business Card Listing in Small Biz Forward Yearly

Listing on BSU Facebook Page

Private Facebook Chat Gorup

Subscription to Small Biz Forward FREE

Quarterly 1/4 Page Ad in Small Biz Forward FREE

1/2 Hour One-on-One Business Consulting Monthly

Cost $49 Per Month

Page 52: Small Biz Forward -- Tips and Techniques for Entrepreneurs BY Entrepreneurs

We Hope to See You at the Retreat!