small biz forward december

SMALL BIZ FORWARD VOL. 21 NO. 8 $4.95 Tips for the small business that get results HEARTS DESIRE ANTIQUE MALL UNDERSTANDING GOAL SETTING RISE AND SHINE 5 HEALTHY HABITS pg 33 pg 19 pg 23

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Tips and Techniques that get results.


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VOL. 21 NO. 8$4.95

Tips for the small business that get results




pg 19

pg 23

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Executive Editor

Editor, Layout, and Design

Advertising Inquiries







Nancy Becher

Nickolas Bond

[email protected]

701 N. Prairie Street

Sturgis, MI 49091


[email protected]


Vol. 21 No. 8 Small Biz Forward is published monthly by Celebrate Business Publishing, a division of Business Success Unlimited. ISSN 2332-5887No part of this magazine may be reproduced or transmitted into any form by any means without written consent from the publisher. Unsolicited manuscripts and photographs will be returned only if accompa-nied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope. All letters sent to Small Biz Forward will be treated as un-conditionally assigned for publication, copyright purposes and use are subject to SBF unrestricted right to edit and comment

Connect, Collaborate, Succeed.

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701 PRAIRIE STREET 2ND FLOORSTURGIS, MI 49091PHONE:(269) 651-3555 EMAIL:[email protected]

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23 Hearts Desire Antique Mall


5 Office to Office Thoughts and Letters to the Editor

7 What Motivates You? From Dreams to Goals

15 Security For Your Business New Tips For the New Year

19 Understanding Goal Setting Dreaming up a BHAG versus setting a SMART Goal


40 Event Calendar

41 Membership Directory

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33 7


35 Being Connective Make 2015 A Better One


33 Rise and Shine 5 Healthy Habits to Keep You Productive

11 The Power of Belief What You Could Do If You Put Your Mind to It

21 Lights, Camera, HR Action! How to Change Your Organization For 2015

29 A Look Ahead to the New Year Thoughts for 2015

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I can't believe its the end of the year already. Where has the time gone? I know it's been a whirlwind for me. What about you?

Lots of things have happened... some good, some not so good, and some EXCELLENT. It has brought to light for me that a plan B should always be in effect. Life happens and if we don't have a way to deal with the unexpected, then the unexpected can do us in. So, do you have a plan B?

Have you thought of goals for the new year? Where do you want to be at the end of 2015? In the same place as you are now? Or do you want something else? Is it written down? Is it where you see it so that you can remind yourself regularly of where you're heading?

Now is the time for you to take stock of what you're doing, where you're going and how you're going to get there. Plan-ning your future is so important, for as the scarecrow in The Wizard of Oz tells us, if you don't know where you're going, any road will get you there. But if you

"follow the yellow brick road" you'll find the Wizard who can grant you any wish. For me, that roadmap to Oz takes me to my goal.

This month's issue is full of information on what you should think about for the upcoming year. Ideas to help you get closer to that dream of success, and maps to guide you to the goal at the end of the road. I know I'm taking the next few weeks to plan time with family and friends for the holidays and to work on my goals for the upcoming year. I want to be further ahead than I am now, and I know that to do that I must have a road map to follow to find the end of the road.

I am sure that you'll find wonderful ideas and techniques within these pages to get you where you're going and I want to wish you a happy holiday season, filled with family, friends, fun and SUCCESS.



Office to Office


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Letters to the EditorNancy, this publication is starting to look really really good. Great job! Adam Fleming

Small Business Forward and the maga-zine had given me a great opportunity to expand my business and my reach to the business world. Before I became a member, my focus was centered on addressing the needs of individuals. Business to business sales take longer to close and require significantly more service, which is why your organization and your magazine has become an im-portant vehicle for me to take the next step. The information in your magazine gave me some fresh ideas to consider.

Thank you for being out there for me.

Charlie Batizy

As a successful small business owner, I look forward to reading the articles in each addition of Small Biz Forward. I love that they are written by local busi-ness people just like myself and always contain fresh ideas and information, often on subjects that we are all aware of but may need to be gently reminded of the importance to smoothly running our businesses. This is a well done publication that is a short, easy read and I would recommend it to every small business owner who wants to stay relevant in today’s rapidly changing market.

Deb Sanderson,  Owner of Treadstone LLC & Nerium Brand Partner


Value Your Facebook Favorites. Did you know that when another business page “likes” your page, your page appears as a favorite on their page? Do you know who has made your page a favorite and how to nurture that relationship?  You can connect with the businesses that have made your page a favorite by logging into your business page, going to your "LIKEs" and click-ing on the "see all" drop down. You will be able to choose individual people who like your page (your fans) or businesses that like your page (your favorites). Be sure to "LIKE their business page when logged into your own business page so you can make them a favorite on your page too!

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What motivates you? At the Business Success Unlimited retreat the other day, Kristi Pavlik, from Adonai LLC (, talked to us about our BHAG or Big Hairy Audacious Goal. What the heck does that mean? It is something that we want very, very badly. Something that scares us we want it so badly. For me, it's making $1 million dollars in the next five years. For you, it might mean moving to Hawaii or traveling around the world. It might mean having such a big business that you are known by 10 million people. Stop and think about it. What is your BHAG?

WHAT MOTIVATES YOUFROM DREAMS TO GOALSby Nancy Becher, Business Success Unlimited


Since 1983 she has run business referral groups, educational training programs and small business associations. First in Washington, DC

metro areas and now throughout Michigan, with programs in Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo, Niles, and Sturgis, MI as well as South Bend, Mishawaka, Elkhart, Granger, and Fort Wayne, IN.


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If you don't have one, or if it's not a serious one, now's the time to start creating and working on it. The beauty of such goals is that they get you out of your comfort zone, making you think bigger and bigger. Yet, they still need to be something that you REALLY want to accomplish. These goals are long-term: things so big that you can't accomplish them in a year or two. Yet, they create a sense of urgency, telling us "we better get off our butts if we want to get this." At first glance, you might think of a BHAG as something that is way too big or simply impossible to complete. Yet, when you truly believe in this goal, it IS something that can be accomplished you just need to think a bit differently about how to get there.

Interestingly enough, if you don't truly believe in this goal, or if you're not serious enough about it, it won't happen because you must be relentless in your pursuit of it. And the only way that you can get there is by creating the best darn business you can along the way. A BHAG is meant to move you out of mediocrity and into the best darn business you could ever imagine having.

So how do we create a BHAG? The first thing we have to do is actually conceptualize it. What is it that you really want? And is it going to move you forward towards the other (perhaps) goal of having a GREAT business. This idea needs to be long-term, action-oriented and exciting. Without those first steps you won't even get started. You need to make sure that it is something that will motivate you and get you moving forward. As well, it has to be something that others will understand and support.

Next, you have to commit to it. If you don't take this seriously and truly act on it each and every day - guiding your forward momentum, it won't happen. An example, in the beginning of the year, we generally decide we want to lose weight, and get healthier. How long does that last? By the end of January we've often lost our motivation. And there goes our plan to get healthier.

The same is true for our BHAG. If you don't commit to getting there, you won't. Pure and simple. Since this is a long-term goal (often 5 to 10 years) we may think that we have LOTS of time. But I can guarantee that time is going to go really fast, and if you don't stay on schedule, you will not make it.

Now is the time to start thinking and planning for your BHAG. What is it you want, and how are you going to make it happen? It's never too late to start, just remember you have to START and continue working towards the goal. Good luck!!!!


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Sometimes there is too much to do for one person to do it.

Freelance advertising specialist with a background in small business.

Services include:

• Graphic Design

• Social Media Marketing



Nickolas BondPhone: (734)-250-2677 E-mail: [email protected]


• Advertising Services

• Market Analysis

• Public Relation Services

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ITEM AMOUNTExisting Mortgage Payment

Other Mortgage LoansCar/Boat/RV Loans

Credit CardsLines of Credit

Credit Accounts Past Due More Than Five MonthsFood


Child Care/AlimonyLoan and/or TuitionMedical Expenses

Phone/Cable/InternetAssociation Fees

Dry Cleaning/Laundry


Other PropertyAutomobile

Retirement Account(s)Stocks

Other Investments




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In sales and sales management for over twenty years, Jan has trained people to successfully market their products and services through adaptive and consultative sales techniques.

A recent transplant from Atlanta, Jan is the Founder of Women’s Business Bureau, a

women’s business organization in Kalamazoo. Jan’s expertise lies in building ground floor operations into fast growing, profitable businesses.

Contact Jan:

Phone: (334)-560-6955 (cell) Website:

by: Jan Murphy, Women’s Business Bureau

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One can be a lonely number, but a powerful one! If you have unrelenting enthusiasm and a tireless determination in the belief that you can make a difference, you may have a greater impact on the world than you might imagine. Anything is possible.

Some of the most important inventions in history came from people who had a strong belief that they could make a difference and change the world. Most likely they didn’t start out thinking that they were going to impact mankind as they did. The truth is that many of the early inventors were ordinary people with a good idea. Quite frankly, a few were laughed at, scorned and people didn’t think much of their ideas.

Two examples of relentless determination come from Thomas Edison, who discovered electricity, and Alexander Graham Bell, who changed how we communicate with each other by inventing the telephone. Each invention has led to many others. Where would we be today without our cell phones had it not been for Bell? Think about how the radio, the television, the light bulb, computers and the internet have changed the lives of mankind.

A Few Who Did Not Give Up

*Winston Churchill failed sixth grade. He was subse-quently defeated in every election for public office until he became Prime Minister at the age of 62. He later wrote, "Never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never—in nothing, great or small, large or petty—never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never, Never, Never, Never give up." (His capitals, mind you.)

*Thomas Edison's teachers said he was "too stupid to learn anything." He was fired from his first two jobs for being "non-productive. Edison made 1,000 unsuccessful attempts at inventing the light bulb. When a reporter asked, "How did it feel to fail 1,000 times?" Edison replied, "I didn’t fail 1,000 times. The light bulb was an invention with 1,000 steps."

*Albert Einstein did not speak until he was four years old and did not read until he was seven. His parents thought he was "sub-normal," and one of his teach-ers described him as "mentally slow, unsociable, and adrift forever in foolish dreams." He was expelled from school and was refused admittance to the Zurich Polytechnic School. Of course, we all know he did eventually learn to speak and read. Even to do a little math. Because Einstein is the greatest genius of all time, scientists are studying his brain to try to determine was he born that way or did he develop his intellect and train his brain.

*Walt Disney was fired by a newspaper editor because "he lacked imagination and had no good ideas." He went bankrupt several times before he built Disneyland. In fact, the proposed park was initially rejected by the city of Anaheim on the grounds that it would only attract riffraff.

You are never too old to start a new business or dream a dream or re-invent yourself. Mary Kay Ash, the founder of the cosmetic empire, started her company in her mid- forties. At age 65 and on Social Security, Colonel Harlan Sanders traveled all over the country trying to sell his chicken recipe to restaurants. He slept in his car and looked for some-one to back him in his business. He was rejected 1,009 times before someone said “yes.” And of course, we have all heard the story of Sam Walton, who opened his first Wal-Mart store at the age of 45.

Imagine what our world would be like if any one of these people had not had the belief in themselves and the determination to keep pursuing their dreams as well as a strong desire to make a difference. These stories of these famous people of who achieved success are only a tiny fraction of those who have achieved success through hard work, determination and fortitude.


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Across 3. Tax friendly way to save for later 4. The favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors; the accomplishment of one's goals. 6. Way to share pictures 7. Raise money as with Kickstarter

Down 1. Small business loan backers 2. Determines if your business succeeds 3. Good ones inspire start ups.5. Promoting, Pricing, and Selling.8. Sink __ Swim 9. The result or achievement toward which effort is directed; aim; end.

Down: 1. SBA 2. Customers 3. Idea 5. Marketing 8. Or 9. Goal Across: 3. IRA 4. Success 6. Pinterest 7. Crowdfund

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* Limit 2 Coaster & Design Sets per Customer.* All orders must be submitted from Dec. 1 - Dec. 31 to receive

December Specials.

Brenda GisolfGraphic Designer

Sway & Teera WaltnerBrenda’s Grandchildren

• Purchase $50 - receive 1 of the 3

Coaster & Design Sets $FREE!

• Purchase $100 - receive 2 of the 3

Coaster & Design Sets $FREE!








* Choice of Chalk Talk or Write & Wipe Vinyl.

* Choice of Interior Vinyl Color.

* Choice of Interior Vinyl Color. Personalize letter G.

CR122014-1$27.90 value

CR122014-2$26.90 value

CR122014-3$27.90 value


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The New Year is coming upon us fast and furiously: 2015 will be here before any of us knows it. With this will come new security threats and trends in security for entrepreneurs and businesses. Some of the key items that you as a business owner need to look at are:

Trends in travel security


Business Security: CCTV, Alarms, Key Control



by: Ed Becher, PPS, Center For Protection, Security, and Personal Safety

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So let’s talk about each of these individually and get a better grasp on what we need to do to keep ourselves, our clients, staff and family safe from the Wolf.

I consider myself a Sheepdog and my mission is to keep the sheep (my clients) safe from the wolf. Sometimes we may not recognize the wolf because he is wearing sheep’s clothing. Think about the last time you watched the local news and they talked about a criminal action in your local community and they showed the criminal after they got caught by law enforcement. How were they dressed? Any different from what we may be wearing? Can you tell the bad guys from the good guys? A good friend of mine is a New York City Police detective who has worked both undercover and as a decoy. She has become very good at the skill of blending into the environment in which she is working. Criminals have the same skill sets and we are working and visiting their home turf.

When we travel, whether it be internationally or domestically, we need to keep in mind that as visitors to foreign ports, we stand out. Sorry folks but if you are not a native to New York City, you will stand out. Same way if you come to downtown Sturgis, MI from New York City. You need to do your research before you travel, learn as much about your destination as you can. Learn the ins and outs of how to get around, what are the crime rates and what type of criminal activity is prevalent.

If we are traveling internationally, what are the requirements to get to where we want to go: visa, immunizations, currency, contraband. Oh wait, contraband? Yes folks, there are some items you can-not take into or out of certain countries. Your laptop can be screened by Customs in some countries when trying to leave to ensure you are not taking intelligence related material out of the country. On that note some countries will ask to look at your laptop upon entry, so consider what you have on your laptop and flash drives that you bring into the country with you. What is to say they will not download YOUR proprietary information.

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has requirements for when you travel such as what you can carry on a flight. These are things you need to keep abreast of when traveling, whether that travel be by air, train, bus or you drive.

Cybersecurity is another concern and 2015 will see more breaches of security through on-line sites. When federal agencies like the US Postal Service, and the White House can be breached do not think that your personal information is secure now as it was yesterday. We have seen major breaches to major corporations like Dairy Queen, Home Depot, and Target. These are big examples of who is vulnerable. Things we need to do not only on a yearly or quarterly basis is change our passwords on our wifi networks and mobile devices. Not only then but what about when you let an employee go, do they still have access to your network and data? We will see some major changes in 2015 and be-yond in the realm of cybersecurity and more involvement by law enforcement on the local, state and federal level.

Now how about keeping your business location safe, how can we do it effectively and without paying a fortune? Should we hire ADT to come in and alarm our facility or is there a way for us to do it our-


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selves. Many stores now sell Close Circuit Television systems that you can put in place yourself with anything from 1 to 8 cameras. With these systems you additionally have the ability to view them on your Smart Phone. If you do contact an alarm company to provide services for you, look at adding more features to your system than you feel you really need. Think about window break alarms, panic buttons, and all the bells and whistles they can provide. Many times they will offer you all of these in a package, review that package and choose the items that will work for you and your business, whether that business be brick and mortar, or in the spare bedroom at your house. Keep in mind, what is in that spare bedroom or the garage? How much inventory do you keep there and who knows you keep it? Oh yeah remember the wolf, they know where the sheep are.

Keys are another area that we need to keep control of. Who has keys to your business? When an employee leaves do you require them to return to you keys which you have provided them? If they have been terminated for any reason, have you considered rekeying areas that the former employee had access to? I highly recommend that at the start of the year you require each employee to bring to you their issued keys so that you can ensure they still have them and you can visibly see that they have not been lost. Many employees will not say anything about the loss in fear of losing their job. I would prefer they tell me about the loss, rekey any locks that the lost keys would have opened than have the Wolf find them and get access to your business. The rekeying may be covered by your insurance, this is something you need to inquire of your agent.


Former Marine Chief Instructor, US Dept. of State, Uniformed Branch, Diplomatic Security Service; Ed Becher is the owner of Center for Protection, Security and Personal Safety

(The Bodyguard Academy) which is a provider of training and resources to keep you, your staff and clients safe. He can be contacted at [email protected] or by phone at (269)651-3355.

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Personal Protection Specialist Training January 11 - 17, 2015, Sturgis, MI, will meet over 3 weekends.

Cost $1499.00Learn the skills necessary to work in the private protection industry as a bodyguard.

Surveillance Detection Program February 2015, five days.

Cost $800.00 This program is for those in Protection, Security, Investigations, or the Bail Industry who need to

determine if they or their client are under hostile surveillance.

Women’s Personal Safety Seminar Presented monthly, contact for exact date and times.

Cost $25.00 A program designed to increase you situational awareness and your ability to stay safe in todays

increasingly dangerous world around us.

Bail Fugitive Recovery Agent, 5 day program, dates and location to be announced.

In 2012, we were named one of the top Bail Fugitive Recovery schools in the nation. Come an learn the skills needed to safely and professionally return bail fugitives to justice.


701 Prairie St. 2nd Floor

Sturgis, MI

office: 269-651-3355 cell:269-221-2221

[email protected]

Page 20: Small biz forward december

This month I want to talk about achieving goals, so I’m going to take you through the process.

At the recent BSU retreat there was a discus-sion of the difference between BHAGS and SMART goals. Conventional wisdom says that a dream is only a dream until it is written down into a goal. I’ve learned that it’s important to set goals we will achieve. I have had clients who shy away from goal setting because in the past they’ve failed to meet their goals, and they feel it is better not to have one than to fail in attempt-ing it. These people are on to something:

setting a goal that isn’t attained, and repeating that process often, is a negative reinforcement and it can bring you down. In Leadership Coaching, one of our core values is for setting goals that will be achieved.

How can we set goals for 2015 that will be achieved? First, start with a list of dreams. What are some of the most incredible outcomes you can possibly imagine? It’s okay to throw out a dollar amount for what you hope to earn, but I’d encourage you to dream about other things as well: what sort of health and fitness dreams you



by Adam Fleming, Leadership Coach TrainerDREAMING UP A BHAG VERSUS SETTING A SMART GOAL

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have: To run a marathon? To go on a long bike ride? To get healthy enough to play church league softball or walk around the block? What dreams do you have for your family, for your mar-riage, for your church or other faith community? Who would you like to meet and where would you like to go? Get a list of 20-50 items. Dream big, but don’t worry that you can’t possibly do it all in one year, because there’s an odd phenome-non in human psychology that has something to do with how we perceive time: you can do a lot less than you think in one year, but a lot more than you think in ten.

So far we just have dreams. Even though they’re written down, they’re still dreams. Next, it’s time for a BHAG (Big-Hairy-Audacious Goal). We don’t talk about this in Leadership Coaching, so I began thinking of BHAGs as an intermediate step between Dreaming Big and setting a SMART goal. When you’re done dreaming big, it’s time to pick two or three items off your Dream list to really go after. Hopefully you’ve dreamed up some Audacious and Hairy items. These are your BHAGS.

The problem with a BHAG is not that it’s Big or Audacious. That boldness is good! The problem is that it is Hairy – meaning thorny, difficult or dis-tressing. If we can get rid of the thorniness, the H part of the goal, we’ve got it in the BAG. And that’s SMART. SMART stands for Specific, Meas-urable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Oriented.

First we have to tackle WHY. That’s your Relevant piece. WHYs come in layers, like an onion does. Outside perspective can help peel them back. My best relevance statements come out of work-ing with my own coaches. Nobody achieves peak performance without working with a coach

and having someone help establish your WHY. Establishing your WHY is perhaps one of the most valuable services a coach provides.

Second, business people must recognize the difference between a leading indicator and a lag-ging one. A leading indicator includes how many prospects you talk to, how much advertising you do, how much networking you do, etc. These are all things you can measure and control. The lag-ging indicators are things like dollar amounts or number of new clients signed. They are measur-able, but you cannot control them. The client does the signing and writes the check. Trying to force them to sign a check is the surest way to watch them bolt for the door. Lagging indicators may be possible, but they can’t be qualified for the Attainable portion of SMART, because the only person you can rely on to attain your goal is you.

Therefore, we must set a SMART goal in terms of leading indicators – it’s Attainable because it re-lies only upon you to carry it out. Am I saying you shouldn’t write down what you hope to earn in the lagging indicator phase? No, I’m not. But if you can recognize that BHAG for what it is, you’ll also see that your goal setting process isn’t yet complete until it’s SMART.


Adam G. Fleming is a husband and father of four, teaches active listening, powerful questions and SMART goals through non- profits and churches, CEO at Evergreen Leaders, Owner at Epic Life Studios, international traveler, multicultural thinker and author of the novel White Buffalo Gold.

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Managing talent is defined as the ways used to attract, recruit, retain, identify and develop high-potential individuals. This topic ranked as the most critical HR topic facing organizations for 2015. Even though this is considered a major issue for organizations, it is not a particular area of strength for many organizations. When asking organizations how good are they at talent management, the majority of responses were neutral and unsure. Over 55% of participants said that their organization does not have a designated person to help with this issue that is quickly approaching. Are you prepared to take action in 2015?

So what do we do? Each organization should create a solid and exciting program to attract and recruit individuals into all organizations. This is individualized to each organization, as they are all different. It is also customized for each generation that enters the organization, because each of their needs is dramatically different.




by: Susie Olivarez, Iron Sharpens Iron - Discovering Your X Factor

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Let’s Begin:

1. Start with a discussion at the executive table in your organization. Allowing the executives to be a part of the solution will be key. Be sure they understand the importance of creating a great company image, who are you and what do you stand for? They will also need to see what the value is in creating a program like this. Be sure to bring statistics to the table with you.

2. Next we look at how to retain individuals in the organization. A structured plan, made available to all employees should be created for them to see the growth ladder available to them.

3. Now we move on to identifying what a high-potential individual looks like, (This should be discussed at the executive level and making sure that all others who are impacted by this program are involved in the final decision).

4. Once the identification process is agreed on we look to develop the high-potential individuals. This starts with creating a coaching/mentoring program to guide the individual on a personal growth plan specific to their needs.

Both employer and employee want to see there is an investment on both sides. Think about this concept: When you personally believe you will get a greater return on your investment (whether it be of your time, money or growing yourself or your business) are you not more apt to dedicate yourself to this investment? Let me answer this for you, of course you are. Before making a stock investment, over 67% of people research it to understand the company, this is an investment of time and money. Warren Buffet has been quoted saying that he does not invest in what he does not understand. He is one of the greatest investors over the past 60 years and even in HR we can learn from him. Investment is not just about money, but it is a personal investment we make with each employee at our organization. Let us begin this journey together and create an even better organization in 2015.


Susie Olivarez is the Owner & Senior HR Consultant at Iron

Sharpens Iron – Discovering Your X Factor. She can be contacted at:

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A few months ago I was scouting out places to hold network-ing meetings and somehow across my radar came this little retail establishment on a busy side road between Elkhart and South Bend. I passed it regularly on my way from one meeting to the next. So, I decided to stop in one day, meet-ing a friend for lunch, just to see what it was all about. I was delighted as I walked through the front door. Not only were there beautiful antiques, but the aromas of cooking wafting through the air made my mouth water. I was immediately intrigued and decided I had to know more about this place and its owners. Here in her own words, is Laurie Stewart to introduce you to Hearts Desire Antique Mall.

Hearts Desire Antique Mall was opened on April 1, 2003. I am Laurie Stewart, and this was originally my brainchild. I worked as an over-the-road sales person, selling anything for a boat, or RV, and spent much of my time away from home traveling. I found that “Antique Hunting” became a way for me to fill a void in my life from not having my family close. People were not interested in seeing a sales person at 4:00 in the afternoon and I was not into sitting in the hotel,



by: Nancy Becher and Guest Author Laurie Stewart

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or bar, so I went antique hunting. I remember one weekend I came home, unloaded my car, and realized that I had actually filled my garage, house, basement, outdoor storage and was starting to fill up my parent’s home that lived less than a mile away. I knew then it was time to make some changes. I asked my father who was an “over-the-road gasoline tanker driver” if he would consider going into business with me and thus Hearts Desire was born. So for the next couple of years, Dad and I would hit the auction scene, and he would putter around the building doing maintenance. Several years later when we added a postal substation, Mom would come on board as well to help run the post office (We like to refer to it as the FAMILY AFFAIR …without the butler LOL).

I originally had only one goal in mind when creating Hearts Desire, and that was to give people a place to shop where they could actually find their “Hearts Desire” – I wanted them to have a stroll down memory lane, and leave the stress of their day on the outside of the front door. “Even if they didn’t buy anything, I was confident that if we gave them an experience, pushed good customer service, quality antiques/collectives and specialty gifts at affordable prices, all while educating a new generation to what an antique actually is, they would be back.

• Kids today don’t know what a true antique is, nor do they really care. Most often kids today are looking for a quality piece of furniture that has been around for 100 years that has been repurposed into something that they have seen; or they are looking for that piece of furniture or that special DIY project themselves.

• People often ask me how I handle the stress. Well, first of all, most people don’t have a clue. The most common misconception is that just because your name is over the door you are rolling in money. There is a lot of pressure to keep all of the balls in the air, so to speak. You have a responsibil-ity to your co-owners (which in my case is my parents)/your dealers/and your customers to provide them with all of the things that they have come to recognize about your “brand” or business.

I have found that there are three things that are extremely important: People/Product/Process. If you do not have good people in place your brand will not grow. If you do not have good product, people will not remain loyal. And if you do not have a good process in plan to grow, change and deal with new processes, you will not succeed. **Change is not easy for most people, especially when they become comfortable with a process that they believe works already.

Small business – notably retail – is a very difficult business to be in, especially when you are a brick and mortar business, and are having to compete with Regular Retail Venues that also provide on-line services.

This is exactly why we added a “Full Service Post Office,” open the same hours as The Heart’s Desire (even Saturdays and Sundays) and a Café that provides fresh HOMEMADE food everyday as well. Even though we have been doing this for 12 years now, we still have our little hiccups where things don’t always go as planned, and life throws a curve ball. No greater example could be used than when we had to close our café for a short period of time due to the health, and eventual passing of the previous café owner. It definitely took some time to fill. It is hard to find someone with the business


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skill to not only run a business, but who also blends well with our overall theme and environment. It is also important for that person to have a menu conducive to not only our customer base, but who is QUALIFIED. Anyone can cook at home, but cooking for the public is something entirely different, especially when using FRESH and NATURAL ingredients whenever possible.

Some advice for those looking to start a business:


1. Research…Research…Research. Know your market, product and customer base.

2. Don’t get easily discouraged. Many, many doors may go unanswered before you get the break you need. Create your own opportunities and don’t take NO for an answer!

3. Don’t worry about what others (especially what your competition is saying about you) if they aren’t talking, then you need to make sure they are.

4. Don’t be afraid of your competition. Be willing to work together, network, and be confident enough in what you do and your business, to realize your customers will come back (if YOU) go the extra mile, even if it means you send the someplace else the first time.

5. Never be afraid to fail. Nothing ever got accomplished by anyone sitting around talking about an idea. It is better to have lived a life full of creative ideas, trials and errors – than to sit wondering what your life may have been. You will never know unless you try.


6. Let your smile be the first and last thing the customers see. Your Smile is Your Brand! Always choose to SELL YOURSELF. If you don’t believe in what you do why should your customers?

Never let someone else dull your sparkle. Be yourself. Be unique. And never be afraid to reach for the stars!!!


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HOURS of OPERATION:Hearts Desire Antique Mall Postal Sub Station

Business Hours Tuesday through Saturday 9:00am to 6:00pmSunday Noon to 5:00pmClosed on Monday.Visit us at: www.HeartsDesireAntiqueMall.comBusiness Phone: (574)-294-6096

C & C Sideboard CaféBusiness HoursSame Hours of Operation as Hearts Desire Antique MallBusiness Phone: (574)-524-3900

***The C & C Sideboard Café, and current owners Sidney and Connie Dew have been open now for the past five months, with outstanding reviews. Specializing in organic, homemade soups, salads, desserts plus much, much more. Connie has made quite the impression on those who have already been in to eat. The Famous Chicken Salad is one of her most popular requests, with an average of 52 pounds of chicken salad being made every few days. Smells of quiche, homemade breads, soups and decadent desserts also fill the air over our daily lunch hours. The C & C Sideboard Café has a daily menu combined with daily chalkboard specials.

***For parties, catering, or reservations please call: (574)-524-3900.


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Do you have a way to keep track of your business contacts? What about where you met them, what they do, are they a potential, a client, or a buddy? A CRM (customer relationship management program) is the best way to stay in contact with your customers and potential customers. There are programs out there like and ACT!, and they have great ways to support you in your work. However, if you’re looking for a wonderful, FREE, program, I’d suggest you look into It is a series of programs: one of which is their CRM program. They also help you with invoicing, book keeping, and much more. I highly recommend it.

Business Radio-

If you want to know what’s happening in Michigan for small businesses then there’s a great radio talk show which can be found at: In Indiana, you can find info on tv @ WNIT and as well as the television show Inside Indiana. All of these are great programs.

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by: Barb Nicastro

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With all of the activity and chaos of the holiday season – that now seems to start on Labor Day – the idea of looking past those events seems daunting. But, take a reflective break sometime to think about what your business would ask Santa for if it could sit on the old guy’s knee.

Maybe a change of focus? Remember the definition of insanity. If you’ve been doing the same ole thing without substantial results, a right or left turn may be just the trick. About five years ago, my practice was doing ok, but I was finding myself being constantly asked if I could help out with X rather than Y. I decided to bone up on that topic, attend some CLE seminars, buy some publications on the issue and start saying “yes” instead of “no” to those questions. Now I find that topic generates over 50% of my revenue, allows me to convert from an hourly to flat fee billing, and permits me to delve even further into what I love the most and seem to do the best: helping individuals obtain peace of mind and retain some degree of control over their lives. Maybe you can benefit from a similar shift in what you do or how you provide it.

What about a new look? Your business might benefit from a professional “makeover.” This could be a new logo or marketing materials, creating or revising a mission statement or business plan, revising job descriptions or adding/removing staff. Maybe something as simple as moving your furniture or giving those old walls a splash of color or interest could provide new energy that propels your entrepreneurial spirit into 2015.

Is it time to make THAT decision? I’m a baby boomer, so with each year, I get closer to the time when I will take the healthy, active years that remain and begin the last, best phase of my life. Not yet, but not as far off as it was the year before! Is that time approaching for you? Are you working more but enjoying it less? Are you staying with the same ole same ole because you fear the future? Can you afford to take a step back and spend that extra time doing something just for fun... or for others less blessed than you? Can you afford NOT to? For the past 8 years, since my youngest headed off to college, I’ve been spending more time on community/chamber of commerce/nonprofit matters and also traveling more. Sure, my income is a little less, but the reward in terms of bringing happiness to others as well as to me is huge.

Whatever your “wish list” turns out to be, don’t worry: few changes are permanent and you can always “return” that gift! Happy 2015 to all!


Barb Nicastro is a problem solver, strategist and business executive highly experienced in analysis of complex document or factual situations. She uses a pragmatic business approach to prevent or

resolve issues. Extensive leadership, public speaking, negotiation, media and motivational training experience.

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RISE AND SHINE5 HEALTHY HABITSby Jerry Sarno, President at Michiana Business Support

Jerry Sarno is experienced in Fortune 500 companies and small enterprises. He specializes in Project Management, eCommerce, and Account Management. He managed high performance teams in applications development, CRM and ERP software deployments, and has worked in international project teams.

Jerry can be contacted at: LinkedIn:

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The early bird gets the worm. This old adage may have more substance than we give it credit. Many of the most highly successful people in the world are early risers. Not only do they wake up early, but they make the absolute most of their time before the work day starts.

Margaret Thatcher was known for waking up every morning at 5 a.m., and Disney’s CEO Bob Iger has been quoted as saying “I get up at 4:30 in the morning, seven days a week, no matter where I am in the world.” The list goes on from here, but these are two strong examples illustrating the point that success begins in the small hours of the morning.

Luckily, overachieving early birds attribute their success to a fairly common set of daybreak activi-ties. By introducing these same activities into your own morning routine, it only stands to reason you may be able to achieve similar results. Let’s take a look at 5 early morning habits successful people have in common.

Habit 1: Exercise and MeditateYou are more likely to work out on a daily basis if you work out in the morning. Getting exercise out of the way first thing ensures you won’t skip your work out when you’re tired after a long day at work. The length of your work out isn’t what matters most. Whether you prefer to exercise at home or at the gym, even devot-ing 15 minutes in the morning to resistance or cardio training is well worth the effort.

The prospect of getting your body moving so early might be less than desirable, but exercising in the morning gives you a boost of energy and prepares your body for the day ahead. It also im-proves your focus and cognitive performance, while providing you with a sense of accomplish-ment.

Meditation is a highly regarded habit among successful people. Taking the time in the morning to center yourself through meditation will equip you with a positive mindset for the rest of the day, and allow you to overcome any obstacles you face with a cool and calm focus. A yoga session can combine your exercise and meditation, and will wake you up and clear your mind.

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Habit 2: Check Email and Read the NewsThe morning doesn’t have to be a time of sensory deprivation. Take a look through your email, asses which matters are in need of your urgent attention, and prioritize from there. You might want to consider setting aside some time in the morning to craft any emails requiring an immediate response. Many successful people find they have an easier time focusing their attention on these tasks while their minds are fresh. Getting your inbox down to zero and catching up on social media before tackling a new day will allow you to better concentrate on the tasks at hand once the work day begins.

Whether you are reading or watching the news, you shouldn’t feel guilty about taking some time in the morning to relax and catch up on current events. Even if you are reading about those events on Twitter, it is important to get up to date on the latest headlines. How do you expect to change the world if you don’t know what’s going on in it?

Planning ahead is an important time manage-ment tool, and gives you clear goals to work to-wards when work and life gets hectic. Being busy isn’t the same as being productive, so it is important to prioritize your tasks and visualize the day ahead. The morning hours are often some of the only quiet hours in the day, so this is the perfect time to reflect, problem solve and work out a schedule for the upcoming day, week or month. Creating a clear roadmap in your mind will maximize your potential and keep you moving towards your goals.

Taking a few moments to visualize the success you are going to have in the day ahead will help to improve your mood and will make your work load seem less daunting. When you wake up in the morning, identify a few tasks that would add value to your life upon their comple-tion. Identifying these tasks on a consistent basis and following through will propel you towards success.

Habit 3: Visualize and Strategize For the Day Ahead

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Habit 4: Work on a ProjectA regular work day can quickly be filled up with meet-ings, interruptions and small tasks. Before you know it, the day is over, you’re exhausted and you haven’t really accomplished anything important. Taking time in the morning to work on a top-priority business project en-ables you to fully concentrate without being interrupted. The hours before the work day begins is the perfect time to devote a fresh mind to a project, while also ensuring it gets your attention before the other people in your life use it all up.

Whether it be writing or making art, many successful people dedicate some of their morning hours to a personal creative project. Taking time in the morning to work on a passion project places a priority on your creative expression. Whatever the project may be, it is important and fulfilling to have an outlet outside of work and daily responsibilities. Doing something for the pure pleasure of it will recharge your batteries and fill you with a sense of accomplishment.

Habit 5: Eat Breakfast With SomebodyBreakfast really is the most important meal of the day. Running out of the house with just a coffee in hand is an all too common habit. Taking the time to sit down and eat a healthy breakfast will fuel your body for the tasks ahead of you. Starting the day on an empty stomach will leave you watching the clock until lunchtime, but having a full stomach will allow you to get down to work.

Family dinners are a highly regarded ritual, but the timing of the meal isn’t the important part. Some successful people turn their breakfast into a family affair. At the end of the day you are more likely to be exhausted and want to zone out in front of the TV. Using the morning as a time to connect with your spouse and/or children gives you the opportunity to share what’s going on in your lives while you still have the energy to do so. Scheduling a network-ing breakfast every so often is another way to build the connections in your life, while making sure you have a bite to eat before the work day begins.

Incorporating these five habits into your morning routine will set you up for greatness. Taking advan-tage of the quiet hours of the morning to concentrate on your goals and take care of important busi-ness will put you a step ahead of the pack. Get up early. This simple step will place you in the same company as some of the most wildly successful people in the world, and might even make you one of them.

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It's coming on quickly—the new year 2015. As a small business owner you need to be into your planning to make it your best year yet. One of the simplest things to do to increase your market and retain current customers is to establish an e-newsletter.

You think you don't have time to add a project like this? In reality, you don't have time to NOT add a project like this. E-newsletters are a cost effective way to stay connected to your clients on a routine basis and provide a means to engage them consistently in your business. You want to make sure that when they need what you provide that your business is the one they think of first!

There are many e-newsletter services on the internet that let you get started for free. Companies like MailChimp, AWeber, Constant Contact, iContact, Vertical Response, My Emma and more, have a variety of start up offers at varying cost or free. You need to visit a few to develop an understanding of what is offered, what is available at no cost, and at what point you will begin to have some cost. This cost goes under your marketing budget line and this is an important line item to fund well.

How often should you contact your clients and prospects by email? At a minimum, once a month, unless your product or service is something that truly is rarely used, and only then may you revert to a quarterly message.

What should your e-newsletter be composed of? You may choose many topics, or as few as one or two per issue. It's more important to stay on a routine schedule than to have a packed issue, so defer to short to stay on time.

Here are some suggestions:

1 Growth News or Plans for Growth

2 Letter from President/Owner

3 New Client Welcome

4 Success Story

5 Industry News

6 Event Invitations

7 Recap of Events

8 FAQs

9 Survey

10 Survey Results (Must be Next Issue)

11 Seasonal Tips

12 Blog Summary

13 Employee Profiles (1 per issue)

14 Helpful Checklists

15 Product Reviews

16 How-Tos


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You need to carefully consider what the send date will be for your e-newsletter. Consistency is key! If you know in your industry that big news breaks in the middle of the month, then you need to mark off the 20th of the month, every month, as your e-newsletter send day. Avoid choosing the first of the month; it's easy to get trapped by forgetting to turn the calendar page and you may get off schedule. You may want to choose a certain day of the month; for instance, the second Tuesday. Once you have made your choice, note this task in as a recurring item in your e-calendar, in ink on your paper calendars, and put a reminder into your phone. Set it up so the reminders come up to you a few days before you actually are going to send the e-newsletter out to give you time to research and write.

Who do you send it to? All of your clients. All of your prospects. All people in your networks. All members of your family. As many of your competitors as you can identify. All of your suppliers. Developing your e-mailing list will be an ongoing task as well. Be sure to ask for a business card from all whom you meet, confirm when you receive the card that their email address is on it and current. Casually ask if it's OK to include them on your newsletter list (permission is required by the Can-Am Anti-Spam Act). Then be sure to add them to your e-mailing list immediately. Waiting to do many at once will often cause you to not have the block of time to achieve that task. Be sure to record all information available: title, company name, mailing address, web site URL, phone, fax, and email address. Eventually you will develop a highly reliable directory that you will find you refer to on a regular basis.

Still not sure you can manage adding this important task to your plate to make 2015 better? Maybe it's time that you look to contract this project out or bring on a part-timer to achieve your direct client and prospect communications goal.


Gail M. Turluck is the President of Connective Marketing of Richland, Michigan. Connective Marketing offers communications services including writing, e-newsletters, newsletters, web site content creation and updating

service, editing, proofreading; Send Out Cards; the Body by Vi Project 10; and more.

She may be contacted at: [email protected] or by visiting

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You can tell who the strong women are. They’re the ones you see building each other up instead of tearing each other down.

Women’s Business BureauOpen a chapter near you!

Inspiring Change

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Every MondayGeorgetown Plus Networking, Northeast Innovation Center, Forth Worth, IN• Meets every Monday at 11:30am

• Join us for FREE LUNCH and A new way of networking

• $3 & 2 Business Cards gets you in!

• Bring promotional materials and be ready to share about your business!

• RSVP for a display table for $15 during the group Call Randi: (260)-312-7862

• Come Early & Stay late & NETWORK

Every WednesdayExit 25 Networking, Ziannos (Exit 25), Fort Worth, IN• Meets every Wednesday at 11:30am

• Join us for RELATIONAL Networking & Promote each other to Success!

• $3 & 2 Business Cards gets you in!

• Bring promotional materials and be ready to share about your business!

Premier Women’s Network Michiana• Contact Shelly Pleasant: (574)-621-8910

• Monthly Event Last Tuesday of Every Month

• 5pm-7pm Mishawaka, IN

• Check Facebook for meeting dates, times, and location.

Women’s Business Bureau• December 2nd

• The Beacon Club Kalamazoo, MI 49006

• 11:30am

• Contact Jan Murphy: (334)-560-6955

Many events and networking groups have cancelled their December meetings so that their members can have more time with family and friends. Their events will pick up again in January.

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December 2014

Nam id velit non risus consequat iaculis.

Business Success Unlimited Just A Reminder…

The BSU Mastermind Program will continue their 3 month program on Getting Rid of the Monsters Under The Bed – Eliminate the Fear of Sales and Grow Your Business!!! Cost of the program is $95 and meets at the Old National Bank, Heritage Square, Granger, IN The Mastermind Program will pick back up at the beginning of the year so stay tuned

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6

Georgetown Plus Networking Northeast Innovation Center, Forth Worth, IN

Women’s Business Bureau The Beacon Club Kalamazoo, MI

Exit 25 Networking Ziannos (Exit 25), Fort Worth, IN

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Georgetown Plus

Networking Northeast Innovation Center, Forth Worth, IN

Exit 25 Networking Ziannos (Exit 25), Fort Worth, IN

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Georgetown Plus

Networking Northeast Innovation Center, Forth Worth, IN

Exit 25 Networking Ziannos (Exit 25), Fort Worth, IN

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Georgetown Plus

Networking Northeast Innovation Center, Forth Worth, IN

Christmas Eve Christmas Day

28 29 30 31 Georgetown Plus

Networking Northeast Innovation Center, Forth Worth, IN

Exit 25 Networking Ziannos (Exit 25), Fort Worth, IN


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AAl Howard Photography All Types of Photography, from Weddings and Birthdays, to Pet and School Pictures-We Do it All! Daytime Phone: (547)-264-5413 Evening Phone: (547)-329-3040

CC2 Your Health Wellness Program for Mini-Checkups, Home Laboratory Testing, Health Coaching, Self-Care, Community Connections and More. Cindy Cohen RN, BS BA Website:

The Center for Protection, Security, and Personal Safety Providing Quality Training for Those Working in the Private Security Industry. Phone: (269)-651-3355 Website:

Charlie Batizy, Multi-Company Licensed Insurance Agent Specializing in Insurance for Individuals, Small Business, and the Unique Opportunities of American Veterans. Daytime Phone: (800)-578-1609

Charlene Books Reflexology/Reiki Relax, Release, and Transform Your World. Email: [email protected] Website:

Connective Marketing Provides Communication Services to Small Businesses:

• Print and e-Newsletters

• Handbooks, Yearbooks, and Directories

• Website Content

• Organization Member Management

• Event Management

Connective Marketing Offers Non-Profit Manage-ment and Consulting Services. Connective Mar-keting Has a Particular Focus on Sailing and Sail-boat Racing Events. Be Confident You Can Drop Your Sail Line and Sail Away Knowing Your Needs Will Be Met. Connective Marketing 1245 West Gull Lake Drive Richland, MI 49083 Phone: (269)-203-7130 Fax: (786)358-3605 E-mail: [email protected] Website:

EEpic Life Studios Adam Fleming is a Leadership Coach as Well as an Account Executive for the Credit Card Proc-essing Company WorldPay. Phone: (547)-238-7872 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected]


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FFind Great Companies LLC We Specialize in Creating an Online Presence for Your Great Company, Complete with Interac-tive Online Marketing, Networking, and Even a Customer Comment and Review Section. Your Profile With Us Lets Online Users Connect to Your Website, Social Media Platforms, and Even Locate You via Our Map Feature with Just One “Click”!!! We Are Not Just Another Busi-ness Listing. We are Semi-Exclusive and Only Accept the Most Reputable Business. Your Pro-file with Us Provides Member to Member Bene-fit Discounts and the Opportunity to Offer/Advertise Your Special Offers to Our Online Use Group Each Week at No Additional Cost to You. We Are a Power Packed Website with All of the Tools Necessary to Help Your Great Com-pany GROW!!!! Phone: (269)-449-1415 E-mail: [email protected]

HHeartwood Renaissance Academy A Private School Dedicated to Helping Stu-dents Succeed. We Teach Students to SOAR TO NEW HEIGHTS. The staff and teachers help DESIGN, BUILD, and TEST Each Child’s Skills, Confidence, and Self-Esteem to Fly With Cour-age Into Their Adult Futures With the Ability to Overcome Obstacles and Accept Challenges. Phone: (269)-273-0160 Website: Heartwood- Renaissance-Academy

IID Life Susan Ruch, Founding Partner: #IDLIFE Provides “Individuality Designed” Vitamins & Nutritional Supplementation Based on Medical Facts and “Chrono-Biology” All Products are Organic/Natural, Gluten Free, Non-GMO & Casein Free. Visit to Learn More at Email: [email protected] Facebook: Susan Eckley Ruch Twitter: @susaneckleyruch LinkedIn: Susan (Eckley) Ruch

KKerri’s Avenue Salon High End Hair at Affordable Prices. We Use Top Quality Products, Attend Education Classes on a Regular Basis, and Work with All Textures of Hair. Free Consultations are Always Available, Just Call. Phone: (547)-243-3901 Website:


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NNickolas Bond Nick Offers Social Media Marketing, Advertising Services, Marketing Analysis, Editorial Service, and Graphic Design. Phone: (734)-250-2677 E-mail: [email protected]

Niles Four Flags Area Chamber of Commerce The Four Flags Area Chamber of Commerce is Dedicated to Serving the Needs of Businesses and the Community. For Further Information on Joining the Chamber Please Call Phone: (269)-683-3720 E-mail: [email protected]

PPremier Women’s Network To Uplift, Encourage, and Inspire all Women in Business and Career Seekers to Achieve Their Highest Capabilities Through Networking an d Education. Phone: (269)-747-5202 Website: PremierWomensNetwork/Info

SSchooley Mitchell Jerry Sarno and Schooley Mitchell Will Save Your Business or Organization;

•Time; We Do the Work So You Can Concen-trate on Your Core Business.

•Money; We Save $$$ on Your Telecom Spend, If We Don’t There is No Fee

•PeaceOf Mind

Phone: (269)-408-8679 Website: jsarno

#2nd Story Marketing Three Passionate and Energetic Women Provid-ing Marketing Services for Small Business Including Marketing Plans, Campaigns, Manag-ing Social Media, Newsletters, Press Releases, Event Management and More. Website: Facebook: 2nd Story Marketing


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We’re your key to your advertising problems. Here at Small Biz Forward we connect with a large network of small businesses that could be looking for the products or services you are offering!



Page 47: Small biz forward december


Member Values and Benefits Empowerment Circle

Listing on Web and in Small Biz Forward

Most Events Free

Member-to-Member Discounts

One FREE Business Card Listing in Small Biz Forward Yearly

Listing on BSU Facebook Page

Private Facebook Chat Gorup

Subscription to Small Biz Forward FREE

Quarterly 1/4 Page Ad in Small Biz Forward FREE

1/2 Hour One-on-One Business Consulting Monthly

Cost $49 Per Month

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