social media and how it relates to the job search

+ Social Media and How It Relates to the Job Search

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Post on 13-Jan-2015




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Page 1: Social media and how it relates to the job search


Social Media and How It Relates to the Job Search

Page 2: Social media and how it relates to the job search

+Things To Remember

Determine your social brand

Outline your plan

Remember your audience

Match your audience to a social media channel

Build a professional presence

Page 3: Social media and how it relates to the job search

+Social Media Sites







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Audience Friends and family Brands Small companies

Format Timeline

Job tools Facebook Marketplace BranchOut

Advantages Interact with companies and public figures on a more personal level

Disadvantages Be careful what you say Facebook privacy changes

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+BranchOut on Facebook

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+Facebook Timeline

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Audience Companies Recruiters Public figures Users that you may share common interests with

Format 140 character tweets Hashtags, RTs, DM, @reply

Advantages Connect with people you don’t know based on similar interests Used to integrate news, trends, and interactions

Disadvantages Public domain 140 characters limit can be both an advantage and disadvantage

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Audience Professionals Colleagues Recruiters Organizations / corporations

Format Career profiles Groups

Advantages Follow companies Join events Recommendations Connect with those in your field

Disadvantages Need to sign up for LinkedIn premium account to send InMail Limited number of jobs advertised Need to establish connections in the real world

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Audience Friends and family Colleagues

Format Like Facebook, but you can organize your friends and family into


Advantages Share and follow relevant expertise Hangouts Follow companies

Disadvantages Not as mainstream as the other social media sites

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Audience Readers (those who are interested in your work)

Format Blog posts Tags, categories

Advantages Use as a personal website (no HTML/coding required) Post links to accomplishments SEO Register a domain name Blog about your expertise

Disadvantages May need to pay $ to fully customize your site

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Audience Public

Format Professional and amateur videos uploaded by users

Advantages Creative way to show off your skills

Disadvantages Limited interaction with others May take time to produce videos

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+What to do next…

Make a commitment to update your social media sites

Critique and measure your progress