social media-for-artists


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Post on 06-Jul-2015




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Sidney Gallery “Social Media for Artists”




Google Plus



Vimeo – YouTube


Page 2: Social media-for-artists

Discussion about use of social media, and if you are using it and you’re not sure you’re doing the right thing, this class is for you. It will introduce best practices for Blogging, Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Linked In, SlideShare, Vimeo-YouTube and Pinterest.

There will be a number of links made available with resource videos for you to watch.

The class lead is Guy Cook, Guy sold his first website in August of 1995, (@ Farmer's Market) and has continued his web hosting company offering design, development and deployment, usability or support services since.

What holds us back?

Fear of the unknownFear of taking a riskFear of Losing Job Security

Promise yourself to make the time. Whether you spend 1 hour or 4 hours a day, be committed and be consistent.

Page 3: Social media-for-artists

Blogging - vs A Definitive Guide For 2013

Differentiate between and Compare Differences in: Cost Freedoms and Limitations Maintenance and Development How to decide between and is the open source software that powers millions of websites around the web, is the

center of the WordPress community. This is the website where the core software is hosted, along with thousands of free themes and plugins, all of which are 100% free to use and modify. Isn’t open source software beautiful?

What is is a commercial website where you can host a free site with some limitations or pay for upgrades. It runs on the exact same software offered at However, relieves you of having to set up and maintain WordPress on your own server. vs A Definitive Guide For 2013 List of the Best and Must Use Wordpress Plugins - All About SEO on -

Page 4: Social media-for-artists

Twitter 10 Twitter Tips for Photographers and Artists -

1. As I mentioned in the article the The 10 Big Rules of Photography. Or so I think … , we must be willing to share our knowledge. More or less, the community will value us more if we are generous with our professional colleagues. As I have read in several places, Twitter works based on the Karma: The more you supply, the more you get back.

2. We are allowed to tweet 140 characters. Take advantage of them. Think about the essence you want to convey to your followers, while looking for a concise language, that is simple and friendly. If we choose a username too long, it will affect the characters that we have available, affecting our interactions with others.

3. Ask yourself who will be your followers. As part of our branding and brand image, we must be consistent with our messages and be dynamic every day. It is a good idea if we create a fund that matches our image, giving greater cohesion along the way. At the same time, find and locate gurus or personal tweets on the topics that interest you most.

4. It is preferable not to use too many # hashtags. Some search engines may consider these messages as spam

5. When starting a web page, or a Facebook artist page, select the name of the account in a cautious and smartly manner. In my opinion, it is better transparency, also choose a recognizable name; you might have to match the artist name, brand or company. The final product should be simple, and straightforward.

6. Review your followers. I regularly, check my account, and lock or delete all accounts that do not give me credibility, or in any way, undermine the image of my business I ethic. If you take the time to learn about your followers, you are offered more tools to interact, and create synergistic relationships in the network.

7. Choose wisely times in which the world will follow your posts. Do not forward to the community the same materials repeatedly, and select cautiously. If you want to share a piece of material that has great value with your followers, you can rewrite the message, playing around with language.

8. We must always respect others. You may not agree on some ideas, but creating bad energy in our actions with our different networks will likely, have a negative effect on our karma. Take time to thank your RTs, and other positive comments that you receive, along with others that are useful, and provide guidance: This great tool allows for constructive criticism to the community and its members.

9. Read and educate yourself on the proper handling of Twitter. Some books that I recommend include:

. The Twitter Book

. The Tao of Twitter: Changing Your Life and Business 140 Characters at a Time

. Twitter Tips, Tricks, and Tweets

10. Keep calm and follow me: @ kikecalvo

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"Your Facebook Page is Not Your Website."

We all love Facebook – it's an essential tool for self-promotion. But, it's best used in conjunction with a real, hosted website. If you're relying solely on social networks (like Facebook) for all your fan interactions, you're missing out on some essential benefits which only a dedicated site can offer. Reason #1: Design Control

You don't have a say in how Facebook looks and works, and as we've seen recently, social networks can make sweeping changes to your profile which you can't do a thing about. With your very own website, you can create and control a web presence that looks as good as your music sounds. Reason #2: Fan Relationships

When you have your own website, you own the relationship with your fans. When they sign up to your newsletter or buy your music, you are the steward of important fan info like email addresses and phone numbers. This way you can always stay in touch with your fans – even if everybody abandons Facebook for the next cool thing. Reason #3: User Experience

Most social networks give you a one-page profile on a site full of millions of distractions. In fact, studies have shown that your fans may only actually see 15% of the updates you post on social networks. Facebook wants users to click on ads for smartphones, laptops and blow dryers. What do you want your fans to do? On your website, you call the shots. Reason #4: Your Own Dot Com

Building a website is like building a home on the web — you even get to pick your own domain name (! This is where you send your Facebook fans when you want to interact with them on your own terms. You can collect email addresses, nurture

relationships through blog posts, and sell your merch right from your site.

"How to sell art on facebook"

Page 6: Social media-for-artists

Google Plus

What the PlusPerceptions, People, Pictures, or Passions?The key to social media is to use the right tool for the job. Not “everyone” should use Facebook or Twitter or Pinterest or Google+, because everyone’s needs are different. Moreover, these services are not mutually exclusive, so you can use each for different purposes. Still, the question remains: Should you use Google+? Here’s how to decide

Twitter = Perceptions. Twitter is great for getting or sending immediate perceptions such as witnessing news and events.

Facebook = People.Facebook is the way to learn what’s going on in the lives of people you already know (friends, relatives, and colleagues).

Pinterest = Pictures.Pinterest is an online bulletin board where people post pictures of what they consider beautiful, cool, and neat. Where pictures are 5 percent of the action on Twitter and 25 percent of the action on Facebook and Google+, they are 95 percent of the action on Pinterest.

Google+ = Passions.Google+ enables you to pursue your passions with people you don’t know. Your 200 friends and family on Facebook may not share your passion for photography, but on Google+ you can have a blast with a community of people that share your passion. In short, Google+ is for passions.

Do you want to enhance and expand the number of people who share your passions and interact with them via posts and comments? If you do, focus on Google+. If you don’t, stick with Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn until Google+ reaches critical mass. If you just want to have fun posting pictures of cool stuff, use Pinterest. - Guy Kawasaki

Google Plus 101 for Creative People By Mark McGuinness-

Free copies of What the Plus!, courtesy of Google. Please share this post so as many people as possible can get a copy.

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Linked In

Linked In = Best Company Pages of 2012 -

LinkedIn Company Pages

Open your business to the world's largest professional network.

Create your Company Page

Develop a Follower Community

Build Valuable Relationships

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SlideShare -Why you should use SlideShare?

SlideShare is the world's largest community for sharing presentations. With 60 million monthly visitors and 130 million pageviews, it is amongst the most visited 200 websites in the world. Besides presentations, SlideShare also supports documents, PDFs, videos and webinars.SlideShare was recently voted amongst the World's Top 10 tools for education & elearning. In 2009, the official website for the US President ( signed user agreements with eight of the world's leading social media websites. SlideShare was one of them. SlideShare is regularly used by the Whitehouse and many other US govt departments. SlideShare finds reference in hundreds of published books on internet, Web 2.0, technology (search "slideshare" on Google books) Our CEO Rashmi Sinha was recently named amongst the worlds Top 10 Women Influencers in Web 2.0 by FastCompany.

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Vimeo - YouTube

Youtube: Censors audio tracks. Community is full of trolls and nasty comments. Fosters belligerence

Vimeo: Does not censor audio tracks. Community is nicer and more intelligible. Fosters creativity.

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How To Get More Pinterest Followers -

Pinterest Tutorial – How To Make Your Posts More Pinnable -


Make it easy to pin from Use email to encourage Pinterest engagement - Mail Chimp? Encourage clients to pin to their artist ‘shopping lists’