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Synergy Institute of Engineering & Technology,Dhenkanal

Synergy Institute of Engineering & Technology, DhenkanalSeminar on Centrifugal Pumps

Submitted by Sourabh Kumar Reg.No-1301230179

Department of Mechanical Engg.SIET,Dhenkanal.2


CONTENTSIntroductionMAIN PARTS OF CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS Working principle EFFICIENCIES OF PUMP CAVITATIONAdvatage & dis advatageConclusionreference

introduction 1475According to Reti, the Brazilian soldier and historian of science, the first machine that could be characterized as a centrifugal pump was a mud lifting machine that appeared in a letter by the Italian Renaissance engineer Francesco di Giorgio Martini.

the latest centrifugal pumps used by industry is megacpk ,which is smooth running and stable operating behaviour.

What is centrifugal pumps


The main parts of a centrifugal pumpsImpellerCasingSuction pipeDelivery pipe

Varoius part of centrifugal pumps

Working of centrifugal pumps

EFFICIENCIES OF PUMPManomeric Efficiency( ):-

The normal value is 95% - 98%

CAVITATIONCavitation is defined as the phenomenon of formation of vapour bubbles of a flowing liquid in a region where the pressure of the liquid fails below its vapour pressure and the sudden collapising of these vapour bubbles in a regions of higher pressure. when the vapour bubbles collapse,a very high pressure is created is create a noise and vibrations.

Effects of CAVITATION the metallic surfaces are damaged and cavities are formed on the surfaces. Due to sudden collapse of vapour bubble ,it create noise and vibrations the efficiency of a pumps decrease due to cavitation

advantage Small in size, space saving & less capital costs Easy for maintenance Able to work medium to low head Able to work medium to low viscous fluid Deal with large volume

Dis advantage Cannot be able to work high head. Cannot deal with high viscous fluid. Because of the magnetic resistance there is some energy losses Unexpected heavy load may cause the coupling to slip

conclusion Centrifugal pump is a kind of machinery used for pumping water through the centrifugal movement. Positive displacement pumps will always be more efficient than centrifugal pumps. As a conclusion, we had obtained a performance curve at 3 different speed of pump by avariahie characteristic. The efficiency of pump have related to the losses mean energy during the process. This efficiency will be increase if less loss occur.


A Textbook of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines by Dr.R.K.Bansal Textbook of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines by Dr.R.K.rajput

Dept of Electrical Engg.18