southwick-tolland regional school … statement ... plan components, information on ... jay barry...


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Acknowledgement ........................................................................................ 1

I. Introduction ............................................................................................. 2

II. Strategic Plan Steering Committee .......................................................... 3

III. Strategic Plan Components ...................................................................... 4

Core Values ............................................................................... 5

Vision Statement ...................................................................... 6

Mission Statement .................................................................... 7

IV. Dissemination .......................................................................................... 8

V. Conclusion ............................................................................................... 9

Planning Process ......................................................................................... 10

Appendix ..................................................................................................... 11

Core Value Survey ................................................................................ i

DASPP Information ............................................................................. ii



The Steering Committee would like to thank all of our stakeholder groups for participating in our survey. With the help of parents, students/alumni, district employees, Southwick and Tolland town employees and officials, senior citizens, and community organizations, we were able to collect over 350 responses. The Committee incorporated the feedback we received and revised our core values to reflect this information. These core values are the foundation for creating the Vision and Mission Statements, which will be a road map for our district.

The Committee would also like to thank Lorie Tencati, the District Technology Coordinator. Lorie Tencati set up the survey on line, compiled the results for us, set up the format of the paper survey, and lent her talents to creating the cover.

We want to thank the many students who participated in the artwork contest. The cover displays the work of our winners: Kristen Faust and Alexa Lebo from Southwick-Tolland Regional High School; Joeal Walden from Powder Mill Middle School; and Reygan Anderson from Woodland Elementary School. Also helping the committee were the National Honor Society students who compiled survey data.


I. Introduction

A strategic plan is a blueprint; it is a document created to provide vision for an organization and its members. Rather than giving exact figures or precise instructions, strategic plans offer shared beliefs, goals, and objectives. The Southwick-Tolland Regional School District Strategic Plan is a roadmap giving direction to all efforts within the school community, which is reflective of its constituents and aimed at the successful planning and management of the District.

Strategic plans are vibrant documents in need of review and updating to ensure that they accurately convey what is important to an organization, where that group wants to be in five years, and how that group plans to achieve its goals. Our strategic plan focuses on sustaining the positive aspects of our district while improving areas that need strengthening and development.

The Southwick –Tolland Regional School District Strategic Plan includes a description of the Steering Committee, plan components, information on dissemination, appendix and concluding comments. Intentionally concise, the plan is meant to be a useful map that will be turned to often in the everyday actions of our District.


II. Strategic Plan Steering Committee

A. Selection

The members of the Southwick-Tolland Regional School District (STRSD) Strategic Plan Steering Committee were chosen by Dr. Jay Barry, STRSD Superintendent, in an effort to include a cross-section of members of the school community.

B. Membership

Andrew Charko Assistant Principal, Southwick-Tolland Regional High School

Dianne Houle Parent, PTO President, Woodland Elementary School

Maryanne Margiotta Teacher, Southwick-Tolland Regional High School

Ron Peloquin Principal, Powder Mill Middle School

Debra Patryn Teacher, Woodland Elementary School

Betsy St. Pierre Member, School Committee, Southwick-Tolland Regional District

George Ladd Professor Emeritus, Boston College, Data Analysis and Strategic Planning Project

Jay Barry Superintendent, Southwick-Tolland Regional School District

C. Charge

The Superintendent was charged by the Southwick-Tolland Regional District School Committee to create a Steering Committee to review and update the existing District Strategic Plan. This comprehensive five-year Strategic Plan is a blueprint for continuous growth in excellence in teaching and learning within the Southwick-Tolland Regional School District. The Steering Committee reported progress and results to the community and will ultimately seek final approval from the Southwick-Tolland Regional School Committee.

D. Organization

To assist the Committee in its charge, Dr. George Ladd, a Professor Emeritus of Boston College and a member of the Data Analysis and Strategic Planning Project (DASPP), was selected to serve as the Committee’s leader and facilitator. Under the direction of Dr. Ladd, the Steering Committee commenced its work in November of 2008, guided by the assumption that the community is of primary importance to our school district. The data collected enabled the Committee to shape and refine a set of Core Values and Mission and Vision Statements that are specific to the district’s schools and communities.


III. Strategic Plan Components

Core Values:

A Core Value is a belief that is most important to the people of our community regarding how we educate our students.

Vision Statement:

The Vision Statement defines where the district will be within five years. It is anchored in the future and is unique to the Southwick-Tolland Regional School District.

Mission Statement:

The Mission Statement is a clear and concise expression of the organization’s purpose, identity and means.


Southwick-Tolland Regional School District


1. Student Achievement

Through the establishment of high academic standards, all students will be challenged to excel and become confident engaged learners.

2. Personal Growth

Our schools will promote the academic, emotional, social, and physical growth of students while encouraging responsible citizenship.

3. Collaboration and Partnership

It is vital that families, schools, and community work together to actively promote quality education.

4. School Climate

Our schools will provide a safe environment fostering a culture of civility, creativity, and respect for diversity.

5. Resources and Facilities

All students will be provided with quality facilities, materials, and instruction in order to promote excellence in education.


Southwick-Tolland Regional School District


The Southwick-Tolland Regional School District, in

collaboration with the community, envisions a

quality learning environment which values responsible citizenship and academic



Southwick-Tolland Regional School District


Our mission is to maximize each student’s academic and

personal potential. The Southwick-Tolland Regional School District will provide

enriching resources within a safe, respectful, supportive



IV. Dissemination

The Core Values Survey and other information related to the Strategic Plan were disseminated in numerous ways. The Steering Committee made strong efforts to reach the entire Southwick-Tolland community by distributing information in the following ways:

Information and Core Values Survey posted on the STRSD website

Announcements at School Committee meetings

Articles in local newspapers

Handouts and discussions at parent conferences

Personal connections to community organizations

Announcements and Superintendent interviews on the local town cable

television channel

E-mails sent to district and Southwick and Tolland town employees and


Information sent through the school newsletters

The efforts of the Steering Committee were very successful as more than 350 people, representing numerous stakeholders of the Southwick-Tolland community, responded to our Core Values Survey. The response was essential in creating revised Core Values which helped inform the Strategic Planning process.


V. Conclusion

Through the collaborative efforts of the Southwick-Tolland community at large, we have embedded the foundation of our multi-year Strategic Plan into the operational core of our school district. As we, the stakeholders, collectively embark on this five year mission it is imperative that we maintain focus on the core values of our plan:

1. Student Achievement

2. Personal Growth

3. Collaborative Partnership

4. School Climate

5. Resources and Facilities

The prime purpose of this Strategic Plan is to enhance our District through a greater mutual understanding of what we value as a learning community for the students of Southwick-Tolland. Over the next five years, this Strategic Plan will serve as the guiding light by which we will advance programming, instruction, and the environment within our schools. Providing our children with 21st century facilities and technology are equally important goals in this mission.

Throughout the term of this Strategic Plan each member school, in conjunction with identified stakeholders, will draft and implement a school improvement plan that will uphold the Core Values, Vision and Mission Statements defined within this document. These initiatives, as the development of the Strategic Plan itself, will be a collaborative effort.

The investment and contribution of our entire school community to the process of strategic planning is vital to maintenance of our established course for the next five years. The Core Values are at the heart of the Strategic Plan, a “Master Plan” which will inform all District actions for the next five years and beyond.


Southwick-Tolland Regional School District



District Improvement Plan

WES Improvement Plan

PMMS Improvement Plan

School Councils Staff Input

Data Analysis

STRHS Improvement Plan

Realization of Academic and Personal Potential for Our Students

Curriculum Development Professional Development

Goals & Evaluation Action Plans & Initiatives



i. Core Value Survey

ii. DASPP Information (Data Analysis and Strategic Planning Project)

Southwick-Tolland Regional School District



Core Values Survey – Southwick-Tolland Regional School District

Welcome to the Strategic Planning Initiative of the Southwick-Tolland Regional School District. The Strategic Plan

for the Southwick-Tolland Regional School District helps us sustain the positive aspects of our district while

improving areas that need strengthening and development. The Plan is important because it defines our shared

philosophy and the goals and objectives that guide our work. The previous plan expired last June, and this is an

opportunity to update and revise our priorities and goals. A Steering Committee has been formed, and Dr. George

Ladd, Professor Emeritus, Boston College, is our facilitator.

This Core Values Survey is the first of a series of communications to be distributed throughout the community

seeking public input for use by the Steering Committee.

What is the process and goal of the Strategic Planning Initiative?

Once the core values have been established, they will become the basis for the vision and mission statements for

the District, and these will be presented in the Strategic Plan.

What is a core value?

A core value is a belief that is most important to the people of our community, regarding how we educate our

children. The approved set of core values will be the foundation for creating the vision and mission statements

that provide more detailed definition to the Strategic Plan.

Instructions for Completing the Core Value Survey

The Steering Committee has prepared a list of core values. Please read each of them, as listed, then indicate your

level of agreement. We encourage suggestions in the space provided.

Things to keep in mind

Are the core values listed on the survey important for today?

Should some be changed, or their definitions altered?

Do any other values come to mind when thinking about preparing our children to be positive members of the

work force and society?

Please be as specific as possible with suggestions and comments to ensure clarity.

Thank you for taking the time to complete our survey.

Steering Committee Members:

Andrew Charko Assistant Principal, Southwick-Tolland Regional High School

Dianne Houle Parent, Woodland PTO President

Maryanne Margiotta Teacher, Southwick-Tolland Regional High School

Ron Peloquin Principal, Powder Mill Middle School

Debra Patryn Teacher, Woodland Elementary School

Betsy St. Pierre Member, Southwick-Tolland Regional School Committee

George Ladd Professor Emeritus, Boston College

Jay Barry Superintendent, Southwick-Tolland Regional School District

Paper surveys should be returned by March 18th

to the main office at any of the schools in the district, to the

Superintendent’s Office at 86 Powder Mill Road, Southwick, MA 01077 or by faxing to 569-1711. Surveys can

also be completed on line at:

Southwick-Tolland Regional School District



Please read the statements that follow and tell us whether or not the statement should be included as a core

value in the Strategic Plan for the Southwick-Tolland Regional School District.

Core Value #1 - Student Achievement

Through the establishment of high academic standards, all students can excel when challenged to become

confident, engaged learners.

Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Disagree

Additional suggestions or comments regarding this statement: (You may also use this space to re-phrase the


Core Value #2 - Personal Growth

Our schools will assist students in their physical, academic, emotional, and social growth, encouraging

responsible citizenship.

Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Disagree

Additional suggestions or comments regarding this statement:

Core Value #3 - Collaboration and Partnership

It is vital that families, schools, and community work together to actively promote quality education.

Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Disagree

Additional suggestions or comments regarding this statement:


Core Value #4 - School Climate

Our schools will provide a safe environment fostering creativity, a culture of civility, and respect for the dignity

and diversity of all individuals.

Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Disagree

Additional suggestions or comments regarding this statement:

Core Value #5 - Resources and Facilities

All students are entitled to quality facilities, materials, and instruction in order to promote excellence in


Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Disagree

Additional suggestions or comments regarding this statement:

Please check the box which best reflects your stakeholder group:

Parents Community Businesses

Senior Citizens Community Organizations

Students and Alumni Municipal Personnel

In-District Staff Members
