species checklist - bamurru plains - bamurru plains...species checklist birds, mammals, reptiles...

SPECIES CHECKLIST Birds, Mammals, Reptiles Frogs & Trees SPECIES CHECKLIST Birds, Mammals, Reptiles Frogs & Trees

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Page 1: SPECIES CHECKLIST - Bamurru Plains - Bamurru Plains...SPECIES CHECKLIST Birds, Mammals, Reptiles Frogs & Trees SPECIES CHECKLIST Birds, Mammals, Reptiles Frogs & Trees


Birds, Mammals, Reptiles Frogs & Trees


Birds, Mammals, Reptiles Frogs & Trees

Page 2: SPECIES CHECKLIST - Bamurru Plains - Bamurru Plains...SPECIES CHECKLIST Birds, Mammals, Reptiles Frogs & Trees SPECIES CHECKLIST Birds, Mammals, Reptiles Frogs & Trees
Page 3: SPECIES CHECKLIST - Bamurru Plains - Bamurru Plains...SPECIES CHECKLIST Birds, Mammals, Reptiles Frogs & Trees SPECIES CHECKLIST Birds, Mammals, Reptiles Frogs & Trees


Family Common Name Identified

Grebes Hoary-Headed Grebe _______ Australasian Grebe _______

Pelicans Australian Pelican _______

Gannets, Boobies Masked Booby _______ Brown Booby _______

Darters Darter/Snake Bird _______

Cormorants/Shags Pied Cormorant _______ Little Pied Cormorant _______ Great (Black) Cormorant _______ Little Black Cormorant _______

Frigatebirds Great Frigatebird _______ Least Frigatebird _______ Red-tailed Tropicbird _______

Herons, Egrets, Bitterns Great-billed Heron _______ Pacific (white-necked) Heron _______ White-faced Heron _______ Pied Heron _______ Cattle Egret _______ Great Egret _______ Intermediate Egret _______ Eastern Reef Egret _______ Striated Heron _______ Rufous Night Heron _______ Little Bittern _______ Black Bittern _______


Family Common Name Identified

Grebes Hoary-Headed Grebe _______ Australasian Grebe _______

Pelicans Australian Pelican _______

Gannets, Boobies Masked Booby _______ Brown Booby _______

Darters Darter/Snake Bird _______

Cormorants/Shags Pied Cormorant _______ Little Pied Cormorant _______ Great (Black) Cormorant _______ Little Black Cormorant _______

Frigatebirds Great Frigatebird _______ Least Frigatebird _______ Red-tailed Tropicbird _______

Herons, Egrets, Bitterns Great-billed Heron _______ Pacific (white-necked) Heron _______ White-faced Heron _______ Pied Heron _______ Cattle Egret _______ Great Egret _______ Intermediate Egret _______ Eastern Reef Egret _______ Striated Heron _______ Rufous Night Heron _______ Little Bittern _______ Black Bittern _______

Page 4: SPECIES CHECKLIST - Bamurru Plains - Bamurru Plains...SPECIES CHECKLIST Birds, Mammals, Reptiles Frogs & Trees SPECIES CHECKLIST Birds, Mammals, Reptiles Frogs & Trees

Storks Jabiru _______

Ibis, Spoonbill Glossy Ibis _______ White/Sacred Ibis _______ Straw-necked Ibis _______ Royal Spoonbill _______ Yellow-billed Spoonbill _______

Geese, Swans, Ducks Magpie Goose _______ Wandering Whistling Duck _______ Plumed Whistling Duck _______ Radjah Shelduck/Burdekin _______ Pacific Black Duck _______ Grey Teal _______ Garganey _______ Green Pygmy Goose _______

Osprey Osprey _______

Kites, Goshawks, Eagles, Harriers Black-shouldered Kite _______ Letter-winged Kite _______ Pacific Baza _______ Black Kite _______ Brahminy Kite _______ Whistling Kite _______ Brown Goshawk _______ Collared Sparrowhawk _______ Grey (White) Goshawk _______ Red Goshawk _______ White-bellied Sea Eagle _______ Wedge-tailed Eagle _______ Little Eagle _______ Spotted Harrier _______ Swamp Harrier _______

Storks Jabiru _______

Ibis, Spoonbill Glossy Ibis _______ White/Sacred Ibis _______ Straw-necked Ibis _______ Royal Spoonbill _______ Yellow-billed Spoonbill _______

Geese, Swans, Ducks Magpie Goose _______ Wandering Whistling Duck _______ Plumed Whistling Duck _______ Radjah Shelduck/Burdekin _______ Pacific Black Duck _______ Grey Teal _______ Garganey _______ Green Pygmy Goose _______

Osprey Osprey _______

Kites, Goshawks, Eagles, Harriers Black-shouldered Kite _______ Letter-winged Kite _______ Pacific Baza _______ Black Kite _______ Brahminy Kite _______ Whistling Kite _______ Brown Goshawk _______ Collared Sparrowhawk _______ Grey (White) Goshawk _______ Red Goshawk _______ White-bellied Sea Eagle _______ Wedge-tailed Eagle _______ Little Eagle _______ Spotted Harrier _______ Swamp Harrier _______

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Falcons Black Falcon _______ Peregrine Falcon _______ Australian Hobby _______ Brown Falcon _______ Australian Kestrel _______

Megapods (Mound Builders) Orange-footed Scrubfowl _______

Quails, Pheasants Brown Quail _______ Chestnut-backed Buttonquail _______

Rails, Crakes, Swamphens, Coots Buff banded Rail _______ Chestnut Rail _______ Bush Hen _______ Purple Swamphen _______ Eurasian Coot _______

Cranes Brolga _______ Sarus Crane _______

Bustards Kori (Australian) Bustard _______

Jacanas Comb-crested Jacana _______

Thick-Knees / Curlews Bush Stone Curlew _______ Beach Stone Curlew _______

Painted Snipe Painted Snipe _______

Oyster Catchers Pied Oystercatcher _______ Sooty Oystercatcher _______

Falcons Black Falcon _______ Peregrine Falcon _______ Australian Hobby _______ Brown Falcon _______ Australian Kestrel _______

Megapods (Mound Builders) Orange-footed Scrubfowl _______

Quails, Pheasants Brown Quail _______ Chestnut-backed Buttonquail _______

Rails, Crakes, Swamphens, Coots Buff banded Rail _______ Chestnut Rail _______ Bush Hen _______ Purple Swamphen _______ Eurasian Coot _______

Cranes Brolga _______ Sarus Crane _______

Bustards Kori (Australian) Bustard _______

Jacanas Comb-crested Jacana _______

Thick-Knees / Curlews Bush Stone Curlew _______ Beach Stone Curlew _______

Painted Snipe Painted Snipe _______

Oyster Catchers Pied Oystercatcher _______ Sooty Oystercatcher _______

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Lapwings, Plovers, Dotterels Masked Lapwing (Plover) _______ Grey Plover _______ Lesser Golden Plover _______ Red-kneed Dotterel _______ Mongolian Plover _______ Large Sand Plover _______ Oriental Plover _______ Red-capped Plover _______ Black Fronted Plover _______

Stilts, Avocets Black-winged Stilt _______ Red-necked Avocet _______

Curlews, Sandpipers, Snipes, Godwits Ruddy Turnstone _______ European Curlew _______ Eastern Curlew _______ Whimbrel _______ Little Curlew _______ Wood Sandpiper _______ Grey Tailed Tattler _______ Wandering Tattler _______ Common Sandpiper _______ Greenshank _______ Spotted Greenshank _______ Marsh Sandpiper _______ Terek Sandpiper _______ Pin-Tailed Snipe _______ Swinhoe’s Snipe _______ Asian Dowitcher _______ Black-tailed Godwit _______ Red Knot _______ Great Knot _______ Sharp-tailed Sandpiper _______ Pectoral Sandpiper _______ Baird’s Sandpiper _______ Red-necked Stint _______

Lapwings, Plovers, Dotterels Masked Lapwing (Plover) _______ Grey Plover _______ Lesser Golden Plover _______ Red-kneed Dotterel _______ Mongolian Plover _______ Large Sand Plover _______ Oriental Plover _______ Red-capped Plover _______ Black Fronted Plover _______

Stilts, Avocets Black-winged Stilt _______ Red-necked Avocet _______

Curlews, Sandpipers, Snipes, Godwits Ruddy Turnstone _______ European Curlew _______ Eastern Curlew _______ Whimbrel _______ Little Curlew _______ Wood Sandpiper _______ Grey Tailed Tattler _______ Wandering Tattler _______ Common Sandpiper _______ Greenshank _______ Spotted Greenshank _______ Marsh Sandpiper _______ Terek Sandpiper _______ Pin-Tailed Snipe _______ Swinhoe’s Snipe _______ Asian Dowitcher _______ Black-tailed Godwit _______ Red Knot _______ Great Knot _______ Sharp-tailed Sandpiper _______ Pectoral Sandpiper _______ Baird’s Sandpiper _______ Red-necked Stint _______

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Curlew Sandpiper _______ Sanderling _______ Ruff (Reeve) _______ Stilt Sandpiper _______

Phalaropes Red-necked Phalarope _______

Pratincoles Oriental Pratincole _______ Australian Pratincole _______

Terns, Gulls Silver Gull _______ Black-Tailed (Japanese) Gull _______ Franklin’s Gull _______ Sabine’s Gull _______ Whiskered (Marsh) Tern _______ White-winged (Black) Tern _______ Caspian Tern _______ Gull-Billed Tern _______ Common Tern _______ Roseate Tern _______ Black-naped Tern _______ Sooty Tern _______ Bridled Tern _______ Little Tern _______ Crested Tern _______ Lesser Crested Tern _______ Common Noddy _______ Black (White-capped) Noddy _______

Pigeons, Doves Banded Fruit Dove _______ Rose-crowned Fruit Dove _______ Torresian Imperial Pigeon _______ Peaceful Dove _______ Diamond Dove _______ Bar-shouldered Dove _______ Emerald Ground Dove _______

Curlew Sandpiper _______ Sanderling _______ Ruff (Reeve) _______ Stilt Sandpiper _______

Phalaropes Red-necked Phalarope _______

Pratincoles Oriental Pratincole _______ Australian Pratincole _______

Terns, Gulls Silver Gull _______ Black-Tailed (Japanese) Gull _______ Franklin’s Gull _______ Sabine’s Gull _______ Whiskered (Marsh) Tern _______ White-winged (Black) Tern _______ Caspian Tern _______ Gull-Billed Tern _______ Common Tern _______ Roseate Tern _______ Black-naped Tern _______ Sooty Tern _______ Bridled Tern _______ Little Tern _______ Crested Tern _______ Lesser Crested Tern _______ Common Noddy _______ Black (White-capped) Noddy _______

Pigeons, Doves Banded Fruit Dove _______ Rose-crowned Fruit Dove _______ Torresian Imperial Pigeon _______ Peaceful Dove _______ Diamond Dove _______ Bar-shouldered Dove _______ Emerald Ground Dove _______

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Common Bronzewing _______ Crested Pigeon _______ Partridge Pigeon _______

Cockatoos Red-tailed Black Cockatoo _______ Galah _______ Little Corella _______ Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo _______

Lorikeets Red-Collared Lorikeet _______ Varied Lorikeet _______

Long Tailed Parrots Red Winged Parrot _______

Broad Tailed Parrots Northern Rosella _______

Parasitic Cuckoos, Coucal Oriental Cuckoo _______ Pallid Cuckoo _______ Brush Cuckoo _______ Black-eared Cuckoo _______ Horsefield’s Bronze Cuckoo _______ Little Bronze Cuckoo _______ Common Koel _______ Channel Billed Cuckoo _______ Pheasant Coucal _______

Hawk Owls Rufous Owl _______ Boobook _______ Barking Owl _______

Barn Owls Barn Owl _______ Masked Owl _______

Frogmouths Tawny Frogmouth _______

Common Bronzewing _______ Crested Pigeon _______ Partridge Pigeon _______

Cockatoos Red-tailed Black Cockatoo _______ Galah _______ Little Corella _______ Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo _______

Lorikeets Red-Collared Lorikeet _______ Varied Lorikeet _______

Long Tailed Parrots Red Winged Parrot _______

Broad Tailed Parrots Northern Rosella _______

Parasitic Cuckoos, Coucal Oriental Cuckoo _______ Pallid Cuckoo _______ Brush Cuckoo _______ Black-eared Cuckoo _______ Horsefield’s Bronze Cuckoo _______ Little Bronze Cuckoo _______ Common Koel _______ Channel Billed Cuckoo _______ Pheasant Coucal _______

Hawk Owls Rufous Owl _______ Boobook _______ Barking Owl _______

Barn Owls Barn Owl _______ Masked Owl _______

Frogmouths Tawny Frogmouth _______

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Owlet-Nightjars Owlet Nightjar _______

Nightjars Spotted Nightjar _______ Large-tailed Nightjar _______

Swiftlets, Swifts White throated Needletail _______ Little Swift _______ Fork-tailed Swift _______

Kingfishers Azure Kingfisher _______ Blue-winged Kookaburra _______ Red-backed Kingfisher _______ Forest Kingfisher _______ Sacred Kingfisher _______ Collared Kingfisher _______

Bee-eater Rainbow Bee-eater _______

Rollers Dollarbird _______

Pittas Rainbow Pitta _______

Old World Larks Singing Bushlark _______

Swallows, Martins Barn Swallow _______ Welcome Swallow _______ Tree Martin _______ Fairy Martin _______

Old World Pipits, Wagtails Richard’s Pipit _______ Yellow Wagtail _______ Yellow-headed Wagtail _______ Grey Wagtail _______

Owlet-Nightjars Owlet Nightjar _______

Nightjars Spotted Nightjar _______ Large-tailed Nightjar _______

Swiftlets, Swifts White throated Needletail _______ Little Swift _______ Fork-tailed Swift _______

Kingfishers Azure Kingfisher _______ Blue-winged Kookaburra _______ Red-backed Kingfisher _______ Forest Kingfisher _______ Sacred Kingfisher _______ Collared Kingfisher _______

Bee-eater Rainbow Bee-eater _______

Rollers Dollarbird _______

Pittas Rainbow Pitta _______

Old World Larks Singing Bushlark _______

Swallows, Martins Barn Swallow _______ Welcome Swallow _______ Tree Martin _______ Fairy Martin _______

Old World Pipits, Wagtails Richard’s Pipit _______ Yellow Wagtail _______ Yellow-headed Wagtail _______ Grey Wagtail _______

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Cuckoo Shrikes, Trillers Black-faced Cuckoo Shrike _______ White-bellied Cuckoo Shrike _______ Cicadabird _______ White-winged Triller _______ Varied Triller _______

Robins, Thrushes, Flycatchers and Allies Hooded Robin _______ Mangrove Robin _______ Lemon-bellied Flycatcher _______ Jacky Winter _______ White-browed Robin _______ Mangrove Golden Whistler _______ Grey Whistler _______ Rufous Whistler _______ White-Breasted Whistler _______ Little Shrike-thrush _______ Grey Shrike-thrush _______ Broad-billed Flycatcher _______ Leaden Flycatcher _______ Shining Flycatcher _______ Restless Flycatcher _______ Rufous Fantail _______ Grey Fantail _______ Northern Fantail _______ Willie Wagtail _______

Babblers Grey-crowned Babbler _______

Old World Warblers Clamorous Reed-warbler _______ Great Reed-warbler _______ Tawny Grassbird _______ Zitting Cisticola _______ Golden-headed Cisticola _______ Rufous Songlark _______

Cuckoo Shrikes, Trillers Black-faced Cuckoo Shrike _______ White-bellied Cuckoo Shrike _______ Cicadabird _______ White-winged Triller _______ Varied Triller _______

Robins, Thrushes, Flycatchers and Allies Hooded Robin _______ Mangrove Robin _______ Lemon-bellied Flycatcher _______ Jacky Winter _______ White-browed Robin _______ Mangrove Golden Whistler _______ Grey Whistler _______ Rufous Whistler _______ White-Breasted Whistler _______ Little Shrike-thrush _______ Grey Shrike-thrush _______ Broad-billed Flycatcher _______ Leaden Flycatcher _______ Shining Flycatcher _______ Restless Flycatcher _______ Rufous Fantail _______ Grey Fantail _______ Northern Fantail _______ Willie Wagtail _______

Babblers Grey-crowned Babbler _______

Old World Warblers Clamorous Reed-warbler _______ Great Reed-warbler _______ Tawny Grassbird _______ Zitting Cisticola _______ Golden-headed Cisticola _______ Rufous Songlark _______

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Fairy Wrens Red-backed Fairy Wren _______ Variegated Fairy Wren _______

Bristlebirds, Scrubwrens, Gerygones, Thornbills Weebill _______ Large-billed Gerygone _______ Mangrove Gerygone _______ Green-backed Gerygone _______ White-throated Gerygone _______

Sittellas Varied Sittella _______

Treecreepers Black-tailed Treecreeper _______

Honeyeaters Helmeted Friarbird _______ Silver-crowned Friarbird _______ Little Friarbird _______ Blue-faced Honeyeater _______ Yellow-throated Miner _______ White-lined Honeyeater _______ White-throated Honeyeater _______ Singing Honeyeater _______ White-gaped Honeyeater _______ Brown Honeyeater _______ Bar-breasted Honeyeater _______ Rufous-banded Honeyeater _______ Rufous-throated Honeyeater _______ Banded Honeyeater _______ Dusky Honeyeater _______ Red-headed Honeyeater _______

Chats Yellow Chat _______

Flowerpeckers Mistletoe Bird _______

Fairy Wrens Red-backed Fairy Wren _______ Variegated Fairy Wren _______

Bristlebirds, Scrubwrens, Gerygones, Thornbills Weebill _______ Large-billed Gerygone _______ Mangrove Gerygone _______ Green-backed Gerygone _______ White-throated Gerygone _______

Sittellas Varied Sittella _______

Treecreepers Black-tailed Treecreeper _______

Honeyeaters Helmeted Friarbird _______ Silver-crowned Friarbird _______ Little Friarbird _______ Blue-faced Honeyeater _______ Yellow-throated Miner _______ White-lined Honeyeater _______ White-throated Honeyeater _______ Singing Honeyeater _______ White-gaped Honeyeater _______ Brown Honeyeater _______ Bar-breasted Honeyeater _______ Rufous-banded Honeyeater _______ Rufous-throated Honeyeater _______ Banded Honeyeater _______ Dusky Honeyeater _______ Red-headed Honeyeater _______

Chats Yellow Chat _______

Flowerpeckers Mistletoe Bird _______

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Pardalotes Red-browed Pardalote _______ Striated Pardalote _______

White-eyes Yellow White-eye _______

Weavers, Waxbills, Grass-Finches, Manikins Star Finch _______ Crimson Finch _______ Zebra Finch _______ Double-barred Finch _______ Masked Finch _______ Long-tailed Finch _______ Pictorella Manikin _______ Chestnut-breasted Manikin _______ Yellow-rumped Manikin _______ Gouldian Finch _______

Orioles, Figbirds Yellow Oriole _______ Olive-Backed Oriole _______ Figbird _______

Drongos Spangled Drongo _______

Bowerbirds Great Bowerbird _______

Magpie-Larks Magpie-Lark _______

Woodswallows White-breasted Woodswallow _______ Masked Woodswallow _______ Black-faced Woodswallow _______ Little Woodswallow _______

Butcherbirds, Currawongs Black Butcherbird _______ Grey Butcherbird _______

Pardalotes Red-browed Pardalote _______ Striated Pardalote _______

White-eyes Yellow White-eye _______

Weavers, Waxbills, Grass-Finches, Manikins Star Finch _______ Crimson Finch _______ Zebra Finch _______ Double-barred Finch _______ Masked Finch _______ Long-tailed Finch _______ Pictorella Manikin _______ Chestnut-breasted Manikin _______ Yellow-rumped Manikin _______ Gouldian Finch _______

Orioles, Figbirds Yellow Oriole _______ Olive-Backed Oriole _______ Figbird _______

Drongos Spangled Drongo _______

Bowerbirds Great Bowerbird _______

Magpie-Larks Magpie-Lark _______

Woodswallows White-breasted Woodswallow _______ Masked Woodswallow _______ Black-faced Woodswallow _______ Little Woodswallow _______

Butcherbirds, Currawongs Black Butcherbird _______ Grey Butcherbird _______

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Pied Butcherbird _______

Ravens, Crows Torressian Crow _______

MAMMALS Short-beaked Echidna _______ Fawn Antechinus _______ Northern Quoll _______ Brush-tailed Phascogale _______ Common Planigale _______ Red-cheeked Dunnart _______ Northern Brown Bandicoot _______ Agile Wallaby _______ Antilopine Wallaroo _______ Black Wallaroo _______ Euro _______ Northern Nailtail Wallaby _______ Short-eared Rock Wallaby _______ Sugar Glider _______ Common Brushtail Possum _______ Northern Blossom Bat _______ Black Flying Fox _______ Little Red Flying Fox _______ Yellow-Bellied Sheathtail Bat _______ Common Sheathtail Bat _______ Ghost Bat _______ Water Rat _______ Black-footed Tree-rat _______ Common Rock-rat _______ Dingo _______ Horse (Brumby) _______ Pig _______ Water Buffalo _______ FROGS Marbled Frog _______ Ornate Burrowing Frog _______ Northern Spadefoot Toad _______

Pied Butcherbird _______

Ravens, Crows Torressian Crow _______

MAMMALS Short-beaked Echidna _______ Fawn Antechinus _______ Northern Quoll _______ Brush-tailed Phascogale _______ Common Planigale _______ Red-cheeked Dunnart _______ Northern Brown Bandicoot _______ Agile Wallaby _______ Antilopine Wallaroo _______ Black Wallaroo _______ Euro _______ Northern Nailtail Wallaby _______ Short-eared Rock Wallaby _______ Sugar Glider _______ Common Brushtail Possum _______ Northern Blossom Bat _______ Black Flying Fox _______ Little Red Flying Fox _______ Yellow-Bellied Sheathtail Bat _______ Common Sheathtail Bat _______ Ghost Bat _______ Water Rat _______ Black-footed Tree-rat _______ Common Rock-rat _______ Dingo _______ Horse (Brumby) _______ Pig _______ Water Buffalo _______ FROGS Marbled Frog _______ Ornate Burrowing Frog _______ Northern Spadefoot Toad _______

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Floodplain Toadlet _______ Long-footed Frog _______ Northern Dwarf Tree Frog _______ Green Tree Frog _______ Rocket Frog _______ REPTILES

Crocodiles, Turtles, Gecko’s, Lizards Freshwater Crocodile _______ Estuarine Crocodile _______ Northern Snake-necked Turtle _______ Yellow-bellied Snapping Turtle _______ Yellow-faced Turtle _______ Spiny-tailed Gecko _______ Crowned Gecko _______ Asian House Gecko _______ Bynoe’s Gecko _______ Knobtail Gecko _______ Marbled Velvet Gecko _______ Zig-zag Gecko _______ Burton’s Legless Lizard _______ Frilled Lizard _______ Ring-tailed Dragon _______ Two-lined Dragon _______ Gilbert’s Dragon _______ Northern Water Dragon _______ Long-tailed Rock Monitor _______ Sand Goanna _______ Merten’s Water Monitor _______ Mitchell’s Water Monitor _______ Floodplain Monitor _______ Spotted Tree Monitor _______ Common Blue-tongued Lizard _______

Snakes Black-headed Python _______ Children’s Python _______ Water Python _______

Floodplain Toadlet _______ Long-footed Frog _______ Northern Dwarf Tree Frog _______ Green Tree Frog _______ Rocket Frog _______ REPTILES

Crocodiles, Turtles, Gecko’s, Lizards Freshwater Crocodile _______ Estuarine Crocodile _______ Northern Snake-necked Turtle _______ Yellow-bellied Snapping Turtle _______ Yellow-faced Turtle _______ Spiny-tailed Gecko _______ Crowned Gecko _______ Asian House Gecko _______ Bynoe’s Gecko _______ Knobtail Gecko _______ Marbled Velvet Gecko _______ Zig-zag Gecko _______ Burton’s Legless Lizard _______ Frilled Lizard _______ Ring-tailed Dragon _______ Two-lined Dragon _______ Gilbert’s Dragon _______ Northern Water Dragon _______ Long-tailed Rock Monitor _______ Sand Goanna _______ Merten’s Water Monitor _______ Mitchell’s Water Monitor _______ Floodplain Monitor _______ Spotted Tree Monitor _______ Common Blue-tongued Lizard _______

Snakes Black-headed Python _______ Children’s Python _______ Water Python _______

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Olive Python _______ Carpet Python _______ Arafura File Snake _______ Brown Tree Snake _______ Green Tree Snake _______ Macleay’s Water Snake _______ White-bellied Mangrove Snake _______ Richardson’s Mangrove Snake _______ Slaty Grey Snake _______ Keelback _______ Northern Death Adder _______ Black Whip Snake _______ Olive Whip Snake _______ King Brown Snake _______ Western Brown Snake _______ Northern Small-eyed Snake _______

COMMON TREES, SHRUBS AND WILD FLOWERS Paperbark _______ Woollybutt _______ Stringybark _______ Quinine Tree _______ Cocky Apple _______ Red Bush Apple _______ Billy Goat Plum _______ Livistonia Palm _______ Grevillia _______ Turkey Bush _______ Ironwood _______ Cycad _______ Kapok Bush _______ Strychnine Tree _______ Native Cherry _______ Kurrajong _______ Banksia _______ Wild Grape _______ Club Mangrove _______ River Mangrove _______

Olive Python _______ Carpet Python _______ Arafura File Snake _______ Brown Tree Snake _______ Green Tree Snake _______ Macleay’s Water Snake _______ White-bellied Mangrove Snake _______ Richardson’s Mangrove Snake _______ Slaty Grey Snake _______ Keelback _______ Northern Death Adder _______ Black Whip Snake _______ Olive Whip Snake _______ King Brown Snake _______ Western Brown Snake _______ Northern Small-eyed Snake _______

COMMON TREES, SHRUBS AND WILD FLOWERS Paperbark _______ Woollybutt _______ Stringybark _______ Quinine Tree _______ Cocky Apple _______ Red Bush Apple _______ Billy Goat Plum _______ Livistonia Palm _______ Grevillia _______ Turkey Bush _______ Ironwood _______ Cycad _______ Kapok Bush _______ Strychnine Tree _______ Native Cherry _______ Kurrajong _______ Banksia _______ Wild Grape _______ Club Mangrove _______ River Mangrove _______

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Milkwood _______ Fresh Water Mangrove _______ Banyan _______ Fig _______ Pandanus _______ Salmon Gum _______

Milkwood _______ Fresh Water Mangrove _______ Banyan _______ Fig _______ Pandanus _______ Salmon Gum _______

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