spring - summer 2015-16 · sacred fire – a vision for a deeper human and christian maturity...

Catholic Resource & Information Service 112 Kintore Street Thebarton SA 5031 PO Box 179 Torrensville Plaza SA 5031 Ph: 8301 6869 Email: [email protected] Spring - Summer 2015-16 Wattle day in Australia, World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation “I wish to address every person living on this planet We require a new and universal solidarity” Pope Francis, Laudato Si CONTENTS: Book Reviews Children’s resources for Laudato Si Focus: Mary in Visual Art Advent and Christmas resources New Resources OPENING HOURS: Monday - Friday 9:00 – 5:00 Closed weekends and public holidays CRIS 2015 CLOSURE DATES: CEO staff days (Library closed): Thu 5 th Nov (9-1.30 pm) Thu 10 th Dec (full day) Fri 18 th Dec (full day) HOLIDAY CLOSURE: 18 th Dec 2015 –26th Jan 2016. Reopening Wed. 27 th January 2016.

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Page 1: Spring - Summer 2015-16 · Sacred Fire – a vision for a deeper human and Christian maturity Ronald Rolheiser Image New York (2014) 248.482 ROL My expectations were high when Susan

Catholic Resource & Information Service 112 Kintore Street Thebarton SA 5031

PO Box 179 Torrensville Plaza SA 5031 Ph: 8301 6869

Email: [email protected]

Spring - Summer 2015-16

Wattle day in Australia,

World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation

“I wish to address every person living on this planet

We require a new and universal solidarity” Pope Francis, Laudato Si


Book Reviews

Children’s resources for Laudato Si

Focus: Mary in Visual Art

Advent and Christmas resources

New Resources


Monday - Friday 9:00 – 5:00

Closed weekends and public holidays


CEO staff days (Library closed):

Thu 5th Nov (9-1.30 pm) Thu 10th Dec (full day) Fri 18th Dec (full day)


18th Dec 2015 –26th Jan 2016.

Reopening Wed. 27th January 2016.

Page 2: Spring - Summer 2015-16 · Sacred Fire – a vision for a deeper human and Christian maturity Ronald Rolheiser Image New York (2014) 248.482 ROL My expectations were high when Susan

Book Reviews Sacred Fire – a vision for a deeper human and Christian maturity Ronald Rolheiser Image New York (2014) 248.482 ROL

My expectations were high when Susan (CRIS) introduced me to this new book by Ronald Rolheiser. His two ‘Daybreak’ books of daily reflections for Advent and Christmas and for Lent and Easter I have used daily each year. His regular reflections are readily available and

always challenging. I was confused/lost when I started to read this book until I realised that this book is the second of a series of three. The first ‘The Holy Longing’ (1999) was well received and the third is planned but not written. Rolheiser says that as there are stages in human development there are stages in growth in discipleship and hence in spirituality. Chapter 2 of this new book is a brief synthesis of his first book. See P45 for a brief overview of essential discipleship. Chapter 9 of this book outline plans for the third book of the Series. For a brief note on the focus of this book see P.21 . Chapters 3 to 8 develop the theme of this book i.e. Mature Discipleship. This book is the second phase of three books on discipleship. The first of three books is ‘The HOLY LONGING - The Search for a Christian Spirituality’ (New York: Doubleday 1999) which dealt with Essential Discipleship and laid out some fundamental principles in terms of getting our lives together. It could be called ‘Discipleship 101 – The Introductory Course.’ This book is intended to take this further and could be called “Discipleship 201 – The Graduate Course.” The third book when written by Rolheiser will cover Radical Discipleship. Rolheser has the ability to ask key questions at each stage which enable the reader to trace progress in discipleship and hence spirituality. His first book was well received and this book should be also - ‘SACRED FIRE – A Vision for a Deeper Human and Christian Maturity’. James Martin S.J. says, ‘It will be a way of coming to know the God who desires evermore to know you.’ This book suggests practices for the readers’ growth in human Christian maturity. This book asks the questions: How can we live less self-centred, more mature lives? What constitutes deep maturity and how do we reach that place? What constitutes a truly mature following of Jesus? (See subtitle) As we face up to disappointment, boredom, frustration, tiredness and resentment we sort out more who we are. When once we struggled with Eros, the god of passion, we now struggle with anger. God does not meet us in the abstract but in our real lives. As Richard Rohr says “God comes to you disguised as your life” P.66 Falling Upward – A Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life. Chapter 3 asks us to be ready to take up a new struggle. ‘Jesus doesn’t call the ready: he calls the willing! P.62. Loneliness is part of the struggle. Resentment of duties can lead to a joylessness bordering on anger. Workaholism may result from over commitment and therefore neglecting relationships P.75. Rolheiser is especially insightful in considering the present-day forms of ‘the seven deadly sins’ during these years when we try to be unselfish. P.84 “Pride, invariably, brings with it a harsh or condescending judgment of others” P.86. In considering envy and jealousy the author asks the question, ‘When did I last praise a young person of the same sex?’ In Chapter 4 Rolheiser considers some general invitations from scripture, inviting us to be more generous and life giving e.g. the disciples on the road to Emmaus, Peter’s commitment to Jesus, the invitation to be perfect (compassionate). Chapter 5 considers particular invitations from scripture e.g. the rich young man, the pondering of Mary. See p.139 for an example, a group of priests who are trying to move from being good priests to being great priests. Chapter 6 is on the need to draw strength from prayer while in Chapter 7 Rolheiser considers the full flower of maturity – the capacity and willingness to bless others and explores among other things the whole nature of blessings. Chapter 8 commences with the quotation, “In the Gospels the moral heart of discipleship is articulated by Jesus, and this challenge lies at its centre. Can you love and forgive your enemy?” P.243. In this Chapter Rolheiser is at his best as he considers ten themes for Mature Living. He is especially good considering Living in Gratitude P.246, Forgiveness P.256, Transforming Jealousy, Anger and Bitterness P.251, Bless more and Curse less P.260 and Live in a more Radical Sobriety P.261. The concluding Chapter 9 is readying the reader for Book 3 of the series yet to be written. This book is Rolheiser at his richest and deepest with many examples especially from scripture and with practical challenges.

Michael Flaherty cfc

Page 3: Spring - Summer 2015-16 · Sacred Fire – a vision for a deeper human and Christian maturity Ronald Rolheiser Image New York (2014) 248.482 ROL My expectations were high when Susan

A Retreat with Thomas Merton – becoming who we are Dr. Anthony T. Padovano St Anthony Messenger Press, Cincinnati, Ohio 248 RET

This book is suitable not only for a retreat but for profitable reading at any time. The Introduction commences with a story and an invitation to the retreat and the format of each of the seven days. This is followed by an excellent chapter on ‘Getting to know the Director’ which is personal, reassuring and gave his background, qualifications for this retreat. It listed the books he had written on Thomas Merton, the lecture courses he had given over many years and the courses he is now presenting. This was a very reassuring chapter and left me with confidence in the presenter. A chapter is written for each of the seven days so relevant chapters can be selected to suit the days available. Each chapter is similar, commencing with a theme e.g. the journey begins, the valley of despair, the desert of solitude, new - found land. Each is introduced by a story, the theme and an opening prayer followed by a pause and a time to reflect on a short list of poignant questions. Then for each day part of the life story of Thomas Merton is set within the world happenings at that time and how these impacted on Merton himself. The chapter ends with several apt and personal questions for reflection. I found these questions excellent for personal reflection and prayer during the day. The chapters end with a closing prayer which ties together the considerations/prayer for the day. CRIS, the Catholic Resource & Information Service, 112 Kintore Street Thebarton SA 5031. Phone (08) 8301 6869, has a dozen or more of this series of books e.g, a retreat with Desert Mystics – Thirsting for the Reign of God, Mark – Embracing Discipleship, Benedict and Bernard – Seeking God Alone, Mother Teresa and Damien of Molokai – caring for those who suffer, Anthony of Padua – Finding our Way. All this series of books are on a shelf together at CRIS so it is easy to look through them and to make selection. Many busy people do not have the opportunity to set aside days for reflection/retreat but these books can be used at the time and pace which suit the reader e.g. a busy mother could use them during the day to give input and something to ponder when the children are off to school and she has a moment to rest over a cup of tea or coffee. They do not have to be read chapter by chapter but relevant chapters can be selected to suit personal needs. I recommend these books highly and found the one on Thomas Merton excellent to give direction and input for my days of reflection/retreat.

Michael Flaherty c.f.c.

Page 4: Spring - Summer 2015-16 · Sacred Fire – a vision for a deeper human and Christian maturity Ronald Rolheiser Image New York (2014) 248.482 ROL My expectations were high when Susan

Learning to walk in the dark Barbara Brown Taylor Harper One. U.S.A. 2014 248.4 TAY

There is a tendency for us to flee from the wild

silence and the wild dark, to pack up our gods

and hunker down behind city walls, to turn

the gods into idols, to kowtow before them and

approach their precincts only in the official robes

of office. And when we are in the temples, then

who will hear the voice crying in the wilderness?

Who will hear the reed shaken by the wind?

Chet Raymo, The Soul of the Night

An introduction to a most beautiful book – New York Times Bestseller. Darkness sharing its treasures with light – both physically and spiritually. The author speaks of “lunar spirituality”, in the which the divine light available to me waxes and wanes with the seasons.” (P9). She feels that we too often rely on “solar spirituality”, with little room for shadow or a little bit of doubt. In society, she suggests, “we make ourselves sick with light” (P71) because “by day I am a servant of the urgent.” (P75). Towns eliminate darkness and the true glow of the night sky by excessive –if necessary – illumination. Whoever now in city lights sees the stars, enjoys the rising of a full moon, and its quiet, patient phases? Or ponders the cosmic wonders beyond. In childhood, Taylor and her brother became used to darkness during camping trips. Yet at home came the parental mantra, “Come inside – it’s getting dark.” Lights filled the home, dispelling all childish fears. With no specific religious upbringing, Taylor once was drawn to a church group, where “demonic darkness” was the enemy to fight. She raced to be “hosed down” by Baptism, seeking freedom. “Religion scared me straight.” (P42). Then, grown wiser, she studied at seminary, and ministered for ten years as an Episcopalian priest. She and husband, Ed, later moved to their rural property, where the evening invitation is: “Come OUTSIDE – it’s getting dark.” Taylor quotes the 14th century “Cloud of Unknowing” and the 4th century Gregory of Nyssa, both of whom suggest that God exists in darkness. “If we decide to keep going beyond the point where our eyes – or minds – are of any help to us, we may finally arrive at the pinnacle of the spiritual journey toward God, which exists in complete and dazzling darkness.” (P48). So, writes Taylor, “if we turn away from darkness on principle ….isn’t there a chance that what we are running from is God?” (P57). A chapter on those who live with blindness. Taylor participated in a programme where people spent a day blindfolded, to gain some slight idea of sightlessness. (P91-101). Do read it. She then tells of the blind French resistance fighter Jacques Lusseyran, blinded at 7 years. An astounding story from his memoirs, including his time as prisoner in Buchenwald. He wrote: “The source of light is not in the outer world. The light dwells where life also dwells – within ourselves.” In fact, “with practice, he learned to attend so carefully to the world around him, that he confounded his friends by describing things he could not see. He could tell trees apart by the sound of their shadows.”(P104). How “attentive” are we? How “blind” have we become to what is in full view? “In the beginning”, says Genesis, darkness was already present. The Creator neither destroyed it nor called it “bad.” Everything in that story is “very good.” Dark and light were simply ”separated” – to give us the exquisite, contrasting beauty when “morning came and evening came – the first day.”

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Taylor writes of her experience of caving with two dedicated guides. “New life starts in the dark – whether it is a seed, a baby in the womb or Jesus in the tomb.” (P129). In silent darkness, she learnt trust – “My guides kept me safe while letting me practise courage.” From this place she brought back a tiny, treasured stone, significant because “While I am looking for something large, bright and unmistakably holy, God slips something small, dark and apparently negligible into my pocket “, (P131). This was “a letting go of my bright ideas about God….and opening my eyes to the God who is.” (P131). Similarly with the mystic, St. John of the Cross. His famous work, “The Dark Night of the Soul” is so often misinterpreted in title. “He does not say much about religion”, nor is he describing his own unjust sufferings. “One of the central functions of the dark night, he says, is to convince those who grasp after things, that God cannot be grasped… God cannot be held on to,” because God is not a “thing” (P138). In John’s native Spanish, God is ‘nada’ – no-thing. So, explains Taylor, John teaches us what God is NOT. This is liberating, as our reliable, “safe ideas about God begin to slip away.” Jesus gave us the definitive God image. But much other religious terminology – such as Taylor was accustomed to in her ministry – may often “serve chiefly to fool people into believing that their half-baked images of God, and their flawed ideas about how God acts are the real thing. Words are never substitutes for God, nor tactics for manipulating God, nor addictions – getting in God’s way.” (P138-P145). Sheer poetry as Barbara, Ed and the aged dog, Dancer, go to a rural vantage point to watch a full moon rising. This coincides with an eve of a Sabbath, who, in Jewish wisdom, comes like a bride to the house. “The orange moon’s face is perfectly round…she is the perfect bride, with one bright star shining behind her right shoulder.” (P170). She offers “a whole dark night of spiritual treasure to explore.” (P172). As the Covernote says, “What we need is a spirituality that works at night” – and this book provides it. Taylor discovered “Our Lady of the Underground” in the gloomy crypt of Chartres Cathedral. “Mary’s eyes are closed. Her son’s are wide open.” (P175). Her little medal is as precious to Taylor as is the cave pebble. “Our Lady of the Underground never asks me to choose between day and night”, but teaches – there is a fruitful dialogue – that “If I want to flourish, I need the everchanging light of darkness as much as I need the full light of day.” (P178). This is the essence of Taylor’s book, best summarised in Scripture: “I will give you the treasures of darkness, and riches hidden in secret places.” (Isaiah 45:3, cited p.2). Taylor reminds us how often Jesus went alone at night “on the desert track” to pray. “He made a habit of sleeping outdoors under the stars” – once for 40 nights, enough and more for a full lunar cycle – “Which is when he and the devil sort out who works for whom.” (P179). “I need darkness as much as I need light”, admits this writer. “All in all, the moon is a truer mirror for my soul than the sun which looks the same way every day.” (P9). This text was never meant to be a glib “self-help manual.” Rather, it is a generous sharing of stories, experience, insight – about the earth, the cosmos, the spiritual life – and about the One who quietly, ultimately, is in charge of it all. Today millions suffer in global pain. For them we pray. We face our own daily struggles. Sometimes shadows seem to triumph. But with faith we turn to Taylor’s reminder that “the new moon is always being fashioned in the dark.” (P89). With Christ, may it soon rise fully over a troubled world.

Kay Stringer , June 2015

12th Sunday in Ordinary Time Gospel: The Storm: “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?’ Mark. 4:35-40. With best thanks to Br. Ben McCabe who first alerted us to the value of this book.

Page 6: Spring - Summer 2015-16 · Sacred Fire – a vision for a deeper human and Christian maturity Ronald Rolheiser Image New York (2014) 248.482 ROL My expectations were high when Susan

Bystanders : echoes of stories past. Valerie Volk Wakefield Press. Adelaide 2015 823 VOL This book is a collection of compelling bible stories narrated by minor characters in the bible stories. The author lives in Adelaide and has won awards for both poetry and prose.

She is a writer of poetry, verse novels and short fiction. She has been a secondary teacher of English, tertiary lecturer and director of an international education program. She has published widely in journals, anthologies and magazines and Bystanders is her sixth book. Rev Dr Lynn Arnold AO from Adelaide writes ‘Compelling stories probing deep into the rich tapestry of Bible narrative as minor characters tell their tales’ (front cover). Valerie Volk creates fifteen absorbing characters on the edge of familiar Biblical events (back cover). The book concludes with excellent Discussion notes. The appendix has ready-made thought provoking questions re today’s issue e.g. domestic violence, family relationships, roles and rights of women and human trafficking, The author recommends reading the original passages of the Bible which will answer the question ‘What happened next?“ This is essential as the book does not make sense unless the Bibles stories are well known. The author grew up with the stories being regularly read and talked about in her Lutheran family hence her familiarity with them. Unfortunately the author assumes the reader will also have a similar familiarity. One of the fifteen created characters in this book is from the Biblical story of Philip and the Ethiopian. (Acts 8:27).Valerie Volk has the driver of the chariot as the minor character telling this story. In the long hours of driving he recalls his former days as a chariot driver in the Circus Maximus in Rome. The races were entertainment for the crowds and a break from their hard lives. He remembers when he was bought in the slave market. He recalls the structure of the Circus ring, the breed of horses, the fierce competition with other drivers, the owners’ high bets and the vast sums of money involved, the memories of his triumphs. He recalls the memories of his Cilician matched pair of grey horses, the types of chariots used, the fine crafted chariot wheels and their inspection before each race, the cheering crowds, the importance of not using the whip on such beautiful horses, his treatment by his master, the death of his master and the placing of coins on his eyes . He acknowledges he had no idea what his master and Philip were talking about. It is difficult reading at times and hard to keep track of the people involved in the Biblical story and their beliefs e.g. leprosy as a punishment for their own sins or the sins of their parents. Unfortunately there is no listing of chapters. It is helpful to read carefully the Preface (IX) and the poem ‘The Bystander’ by Rosemary Dobson (X). The one page introduction to each of the Valerie Volk’s fifteen created characters is helpful. This book provides good reading and helps to understand better the scriptures but needs to be read carefully.

Michael Flaherty cfc

Page 7: Spring - Summer 2015-16 · Sacred Fire – a vision for a deeper human and Christian maturity Ronald Rolheiser Image New York (2014) 248.482 ROL My expectations were high when Susan

The Loneliness and Longing of St. Francis Gerard Thomas Straub Twenty-Third Publications. New London. 2014 248.8 STR This is a “different” way of writing yet another biography of St. Francis of Assisi. In 2006, the author wrote an 800 page “Francis” – but still finds more to offer. He invites us into his own life’s story, leads us through Francis’ life, and challenges us to find meaning for

ourselves, in today’s world, of the incomparable message of the saint. Formerly, Straub’s “spirit and temperament were moulded by the frenetic and egocentric world of television production in Hollywood and New York – of power, prestige and money.” But “in 1995, Assisi melted my heart – and changed my life.” (P2). The atheist became a secular Franciscan, founded Pax et Bonum Communications. He dedicated his film expertise to making 18 documentaries in places of the world’s worst misery, including Brazil, India, Kenya, Uganda, Jamaica, Haiti – the “rubbish dump” societies of extreme poverty. Once he contracted malaria; Uganda left him with long bouts of Post Traumatic Depression. This book, while delivering the Francis story, enters more deeply into the internal spiritual life of the saint. Straub offers a wealth of rich and practical reflections for our encouragement. Francis comes alive for us as a companion on our own journey. Francis lived at the time of the great Christian East-West Schism. “The clergy were the elite members of society as well as the most well educated; the church was corrupt and riddled with simony and debauchery.” (P27). Life was dire for the common people. Illiterate and poorly medicated, they saw sickness and natural disasters as the work of the devil. Leprosy was rife – those afflicted exiled by Church decree beyond city walls. In Assisi, “life pretty much revolved around war and an orgy of violence; periods of peace were a rarity.” (P27). “For the people of Assisi, God was in his world and had nothing to do with their miserable lives.” (P26). The new rich merchant class was emerging, presaging the consumer society of today. We need this background to comprehend the extreme reaction of Francis to that “Voice” which begged the young man to “rebuild my crumbling church.” Also to see the need for such a saint – then and now – “who had only one desire; the reconciliation of humanity with God, with itself, and with nature,” (P25), and “who preached a joyful God, willing to be born into a messy world.” (P26). It was also the time of “the sacrilegious brutality of the Crusades,” which appalled Francis. He risked his life and that of several brothers in attempting journeys to reach out to Muslims. He managed an interview with the Sultan of Egypt – surprisingly leaving with head still attached to shoulders. This gesture of “interfaith dialogue” was unique for its time. “Francis was out of step with his Church and the rest of society,” so deeply was he convinced “that violence and killing should never be advocated or sanctioned by the Church.” (P162). Ironic that it took until Pope John Paul II for the Church to apologise for the Crusades 800 years later. Perhaps a slow growing seed, planted by Francis. Please enjoy the story of Francis’ extraordinary life as Straub tells it. Equally as important as the historical facts, is Francis’ realisation that everything is “grace” – God’s free gift to us. He responded radically. Indeed, “Franciscan theology claims that the primary motivation for God’s Incarnation is God’s goodness, not human sinfulness…The Incarnation was a dynamic expression of God’s overflowing love and mercy, as well as a revelation of God’s poverty and humility.” (P210). “The saint had two great loves: the poor and solitude.” (xiii). “Pope Francis chose his name because he wanted to focus the Church on poverty and prayer. Like St. Francis, Pope Francis wants to rebuild a Church that has been torn apart by scandal, a Church weakened by clericalism and dogmatism. Pope Francis wants the poor to be the centre of the Church.” (xiv). Straub adds: “I think that St. Francis came to see clearly that the fundamental principle of the Gospel requires that the followers of Christ see that the weakest and least presentable people are indispensable to the Church.” (P72). Francis understood that all our good works, teaching and preaching, are ineffectual without refreshing prayer. He set up little hermitages – places of silence – for the brothers. This “kept them from becoming too deeply submerged in active cares.” (P157). Here, too, they supported one another as “mothers.” Francis realised that we are of little use to others if we are exhausted and spiritually drained. A quaint note: Francis’ co-frere

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and biographer, St. Bonaventure, “was washing dishes in a hermitage when he received news that he had been made a Cardinal!” (P157). For Straub, “We all need time in a hermitage” (P158), because “Only silence gives God a chance to speak.” (P156). Saint Francis “was not some tree-hugging guy dripping with Hallmark greeting card sentimentality.” (P255). Nor was he some cute “birdbath figure.” “Every being to St. Francis had a word from God.” (vi). He was convinced that God’s beauty is reflected in all of creation – even in brother worm, for whom he stepped aside. Thus he was able to embrace all of creation as the glory of God. He saw that “Christ is radically present in the entire universe as its ultimate fulfilment… and that in creation we contemplate a manifestation of God’s face, of God’s presence.” (P261). As he lay dying, blind, naked, in great pain and stretched out as he wished on bare, beloved Mother Earth, Francis gave us his exquisite poem, “The Canticle of Brother Sun.” (P253). We learn that here the Italian word, “per’” is best translated as “through,” rather than, “for.” Thus the poem reads; “All praise to you my Lord through Brother Sun, Sister Moon, Stars, Wind, Air …”and all of creation. Francis knew well that “all creation is the means through which God himself is praised and glorified.” (P256). St. Francis, Gerard Straub and now Pope Francis are urging us today to “live within our limits” for the sake of the poor and the planet. We in the West acquire so much “stuff” and want more. But “a cluttered heart is a deaf heart,” whereas, as Francis taught, “a simple heart is where God is.” (P196). Straub looks with misgivings at his own possessions – including his 125 Francis books. He finds a solution, at least to “attitude.” “Everything belongs to God, who in his infinite love allows me to use them. Rather than clutching what I own, I enjoy what has been temporarily loaned to me. The books that surround me are God’s, not mine. I’m free to enjoy them, and, more importantly, I’m free to give them away.” (P211). Of his life, Francis simply said: “I have done what was mine to do.” (P194). Doing “what is ours to do” is all that the loving Lord asks of us, freeing us from anxiety. Francis did it so well, that “his whole life was his sermon, and that sermon still has something to say to us today.” (P285). I wish everyone the joy of reading this magnificent book. It is yet another free “gift”, inviting us to a warm faith-filled response.

Kay Stringer. August 2015.

18th Sunday. Ordinary Time. Gospel of John: “I am the Bread ofLife.”

Page 9: Spring - Summer 2015-16 · Sacred Fire – a vision for a deeper human and Christian maturity Ronald Rolheiser Image New York (2014) 248.482 ROL My expectations were high when Susan

Whispers : Conversations with Edwin Gateley Edwina Gateley & Jane Hammond-Clarke Source Books (2000) 242 GAT

This book had its origin in a week spent by Jane, a professional photographer, with Edwina an activist, speaker, writer and retreat giver. They shared many insights and the result was this liberating and forthright co-authored book which considers contemporary

Christian spirituality. The message is at once simple, controversial, liberating and forthright. It is highly recommended for anyone who is setting aside time for Centering and Contemplative prayer. Each chapter begins with a poem by Edwina and has a photo taken by Jane. The book has practical insights on prayer beginnings, breathing in God, self-esteem, mothering, plateaus, letting go and solitude among others. The CRIS library has many of these excellent books by Edwina Gateley e.g. ‘I feel a seed growing…..’ which relates her story beginning in England where as a child she spend many hours in prayer in the Lincoln Cathedral, later founded a group that trained and sent out many volunteer missionaries to Africa. Cardinal Hume was good to her. After hours of prayerful discernment she decided to go to Chicago where eventually she worked on the streets with prostitutes. This was tough and counter-cultural work for her but it eventually led to surprising findings which she shares with us in this book. She needed to take time in contemplative prayer herself. One way to help was to spend prayerful times at a small remote cottage in the grounds of a Benedictine Monastery. She invited prostitutes to join her at the cottage. She often roamed the forests, climbed in the mountains, spent time in the desert alone and in prayer. Later in life she adopted a black African son named Niall. Today she juggles her time spent as a mother, a speaker, retreat giver and writer. Her books include ‘Christ in the Margins’ (270.0922 LEN) which she co-authored with Robert Lentz. For each chapter of this book Robert painted five or six icons of key people and wrote brief biographies and Edwina concluded the chapters with reflections. Topics such as Crusaders and Prophets, Outcasts, Wisdom of the Broken, Visionaries and Mystics are given. Another of her co-authored book is Soul Sisters (220.922 GAT). This is a well-illustrated book where ‘women in scripture speak to women today‘. Other books by Edwina Gateley are ‘Psalms of a Laywomen’, “A Mystical Heart’ and ‘A Warm Moist Salty God’. Edwina gave a conference/workshop in Christchurch New Zealand late last year and several from Adelaide attended it. It had a profound influence on them. It seems to me that Edwina’s message is simple but profound. It is the message from scripture e.g. The Parable of the Prodigal Son (the Forgiving Father), ‘This is the love I mean; not our love for God but God’s love for us’ I John 4:10 and ‘If anyone loves me he will keep my word and my Father will love him/her and we shall come to him/her and make our home with him/her’ John 14: 23. Not to be missed and highly recommended for anyone deepening their prayer life.

Michael Flaherty cfc

Page 10: Spring - Summer 2015-16 · Sacred Fire – a vision for a deeper human and Christian maturity Ronald Rolheiser Image New York (2014) 248.482 ROL My expectations were high when Susan

The Bible Tells Me So… : Why Defending Scripture Has Made Us Unable to Read It Peter Enns Harper One. New York. 2014. 220.1 ENN Peter Enns is the pen name of renowned scholar and writer Abraham S. Clemens, teacher at prestigious American Universities. He guides us to understand that the Bible

is “not an instruction manual – a rule book- but instead a model for our spiritual journey.” (P25). Many feel they must defend the Bible against the “awkward” bits – or simply ignore them – to make the Bible “behave”’ and to keep faith alive. Enns believes that “the Bible’s raw messiness isn’t a problem to be solved. It’s an invitation to a deeper faith.” (Enns: Covernote) The author takes us through the 1,000 year scriptural history. Our Christian Bible was compiled - combining old writings with new – by the Israelites in the generations after the remnant had returned from Exile in Babylon in 539 BCE (Old Testament). They were back “home”, but still under foreign rule – first Persian, then Greek, and after the Maccabean revolt, Roman. Thus, “a pressing question was, how to maintain Jewish identity here and now? What does it even mean to be Jewish … in a changing world?” (P172). This reflected the ancient query of the Old Testament – the “here and now” question with which former texts dealt. “Bridging the gap” about what God was saying to the Jews after the exile, “ required a creative handling of scripture, to find deeper meaning than what the words on the page say on the surface”. (P173). This invitation by God to “dig deeper” is extended to us in the 21st century. And that is what this great book is all about – for both Testaments. In the most entertaining way, Enns recounts the exaggerated story of the conquest of Canaan – (“God Did WHAT?” – his titles are like that) – the discrepancies between Kings/Samuel and Chronicles, and other stories up to the Gospels and Paul/Acts. Exodus features, of course. “God likes stories”’ says Enns. “Stories work. Stories are powerful.” The Israelites were a tribal people, imitating mythological and narrative ways of the great powers surrounding them. And God let God’s people tell their story in a tribal way. This does not mean “telling lies”, but that people felt the need to emphasise the role of their God as against the many gods of other nations. “These ancient writers had an adequate understanding of God for THEM IN THEIR TIME but NOT FOR ALL TIME” (P65). Respecting that will help us to understand what they still have to say to us NOW. “The writers of the Bible are clearly engaged in consciously shaping the past, rather than simply reporting it”. (P127). Using myth or overstatement or idealism is not “history” as we expect it to be today. But the Bible is not a “history book” as many conservative Christians accept it. For Enns, “that is making God submit to us – and in its most extreme forms, making God look like us is what the Bible calls idolatory”. (P128). When Biblical stories work for us for transformation or repentance, then indeed the Bible becomes “a grand story. It meets us, then invites us to follow and join a world outside our own, and lets us see ourselves and God differently”. (P129). In the section “Jesus is Bigger than the Bible”, (No-one saw this coming), we confront the “unexpected ending” of Israel’s long story in Jesus. The Gospel writers and Paul – Enns ‘does’ them brilliantly – had to deal with this, retaining yet reforming Israel’s story. “The need to explain Jesus as both surprise ending _ (a crucified, risen Messiah) – and deeply connected to Israel’s story, drove the Gospel writers and Paul to do some creative reading. Sticking to what the Bible says wasn’t their goal. Talking about Jesus was”. (P205). Thus they “adapted and transformed their sacred story to serve the story of Jesus – the story of the future invading the present”. (P199). Like Jesus, they were able to let go of some past strictures, in particular, the concept of just ONE “chosen” people. Now it was “go teach ALL nations”.

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They learnt this methodology from Jesus. The human, Jewish Jesus respected Torah, was serious about Mosaic Torah, “but he wasn’t bound by Torah either”. (P91). And I can’t omit this. “This passage (from Matthew about Jesus upholding Torah) is part of a long speech commonly referred to as ‘The Sermon on the Mount’ – although technically it wasn’t a sermon, since no-one was bored into a coma listening to it”. (P181). Jesus interpreted and qualified Torah while still respecting it. “You have heard that it was said of old….But I say to you…” This meant, when necessary, “not following the script, but being creative and adapting the past to speak to changing circumstance of the present – and at times, even leave some of it out”. (P182). We see how Jesus deals with Sabbath, with the myriad of purity laws – which he breaks – touching lepers, the bleeding woman, the body of the little dead girl. Paul speaks strongly about circumcision, kosher food, because “the present shapes how you think about the past”. Indeed, “the story of God’s people has moved on – and so must we”. (P65). For Jesus, the Gospels and Paul, “getting the past right was not the driving issue. ‘Who we are now’ was”. (P231). A lesson for today. I’ve left out Job, Ecclesiastes, Proverbs and lots more because the idea is for you to read the book too. Peter Enns is passionate about all things Biblical, and he is centred on Jesus. Jesus is that “Word” present “from the beginning” – in the Bible. Once a Jewish professor pointed out to Enns’ seminary class the words of Paul –about Exodus: “For they drank from the spiritual rock that followed them, and the rock was Christ”. (1 Cor. 10:4. P17). This “converted” Enns to a completely new approach to Bible, which he maintains to this day. He insists: “The Bible is not, never has been, and never will be the centre of the Christian faith. Jesus is the centre of the Christian faith. We look up from the Bible’s pages in order to ‘see Jesus’, by the power and love of the Spirit of God”. (P237). Moreover, “for Christians, the Gospel has always been the lens through which Israel’s stories are read, which means for Christians, that Jesus, not the Bible, has the final word”. (P65). Another seminary professor once told Enns: “Three quarters of our own Bible is the Old Testament, so you need to learn what to do with it”. (P13). The Gospel of Jesus certainly knew “what to do with it”. Each time Jesus repeated the pointed Biblical phrase, “I AM” – so familiar to his Jewish audience – he was both adopting and reshaping the old truth – for, based on ancient faith, the “new kingdom” had broken through at last. For 30 years – to our advantage – Enns has taught that present, changing circumstances need new understanding and interpretation. This neither dilutes nor endangers faith. Rather it strengthens and enriches it. Today Pope Francis is showing us how this works. I rather think he would like this book very much, and enjoy the infectious good spirit which carries it along. Peter Enns’ preferred method of teaching is that of humour. The topic is serious, the instruction of great depth. Yet this is one of the most hilariously funny books I have ever read. Please don’t miss it. Let’s have a healthy laugh as we learn much.

Kay Stringer. August 2015

20th Sunday. Ordinary Time “Whoever eats of this bread will live forever”. Gospel of John.

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Laudato Si Resources - A selection of children’s Picture Books

Butterfly park by: MacKay, Elly

The Colour of Home by: Hoffman, Mary

Let's explore God's world by: Anderson, Debby

Uno's garden by: Base, Graeme

Last tree in the city by: Carnavas, Peter

Mangrove by: Kane, Glenda

How full is your bucket? : For kids by: Rath, Tom

God's dream by: Tutu, Desmond Mpilo Age Preschool - Year 3

Noah's ark : retold by Kate Davies by: Davies, Kate

The Tree by: Lyons, Dana

Noah's ark : a flip-the-flap book by: Goodings, Christina

Creation song by: Scott-Brown, Anna

Refugees by: Miller, David

Let it Grow by: Poole, Susie

A true person by: Marin, Gabiann Teacher notes available at: http://digitalorthodoxy.com/children/

Four Feet, two sandals by: Williams, Karen Lynn

Ziba came on a boat by: Lofthouse, Liz

Rainbow Bird by: Cavouras, Czenya

Petar's song by: Mitchell, Pratima

Listen to the wind : the story of Dr. Greg & three cups of tea by: Mortenson, Greg

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Caring for God's Earth [Big Book] by: Casanova, Mary-Ann Series: Wonderings

And the good brown earth by: Henderson, Kathy

Jesus and Justice by: Edwards, Luke Series: Wonderings

Our big home : an earth poem by: Glaser, Linda

The Family of Earth by: Schimmel, Schim

Growing green : A young person's guide to taking care of the planet by: Goodings, Christina

The Living Earth by: Schmid, Eleonore

A world of wonder : prayers and pictures by: Cooper, Robert

One child, one seed : a South African counting book by: Cave, Kathryn

Mirror by: Baker, Jeannie

A child of God : stories of Jesus and stewardship activities for children by: Caduto, Michael J

The story of rosy dock by: Baker, Jeannie

Prayers for a better world by: Piper, Sophie

Belonging by: Baker, Jeannie

Green air by: Morris, Jill

Window by: Baker, Jeannie

The great kapok tree : a tale of the Amazon rain forest by: Cherry, Lynne

Children of the Earth remember by: Schimmel, Schim

For every child : the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in words and pictures by: Castle, Caroline UNICEF

If the world were a village : A book about the world's people by: Smith, David J 2nd ed.

A Life like mine : how children live around the world


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Selected resources on Mary in visual art

Mary : the Madonna in art : an anthology of poetry, prose and paintings by: Dobell, Steve

Over 60 beautiful fine art paintings tell the story of the Madonna and celebrate her awesome influence over millions of people for more than two thousand years.

The Art of Mary : A celebration in icons by: BECKETT, Wendy

No woman has inspired such devotion, or been the subject of so many works of art, as Mary, the mother of Jesus. In this series of reflections, Sr Wendy Beckett draws on the riches of the Eastern Christian tradition of icon painting to look at scenes from Mary's life, and the many and varied traditions that surround her. She presents these paintings not simply as historical artefacts, but as images that have a depth & meaning for the world in which we live today.

Mary : Art, culture, and religion through the ages

This book looks to Mary in literature, art, music, customs, theology, and popular belief in various cultures throughout the centuries. Over 400 photos and a treasury of excerpts from literature are woven together with examinations of historical, theological and cultural factors, providing a multi-faceted view of one of the most fascinating religious figures of Christianity.

Full of grace : Encountering Mary in faith, art and life by: Dupre, Judith

Mary has held sway over the human imagination for centuries. Yet she has never felt as relevant to our everyday lives as she does today. For those seeking to better understand their own life journey, this book looks at the many miracles, large and small, along the way.

She who believed : Australian images of Mary by: Farrell, Marie T

Contains colour reproductions of paintings and sculptures of the Blessed Virgin Mary done by Australian artists and located in Australian settings: interpreting Mary in explicitly Australian contexts. Commentary by the author incorporates comments from the actual artists. Aim is to encourage reflection of the mystery of Mary and her place in the Church and Australian context, inviting reader-viewers to spiritual reflection and prayer.

Sister Wendy on the art of Mary by: BECKETT, Wendy

Imagine going on a tour of a world-class art museum with a talented and insightful curator. But instead of just focusing on the history, technique, and cultural significance of each piece, Sr Wendy reflects on the spiritual aspects of the works, examining their religious significance and concentrating on the transcendental meaning conveyed by the artist. For spiritual seekers and lovers of art, this book will offer a unique journey into the experiential nature of a well-rounded faith.

Mary in Western Art by: Verdon, Timothy

A cultural analysis of the presence of Mary in European art considers her relevance throughout history, in a lavishly illustrated account that evaluates the theological, devotional, and social applications of Mary in the visual arts.

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Meditations on Mary : with essays and excerpts from the King James Version of the Bible by: Norris, Kathleen

Here, reproductions of paintings by the old masters and excerpts from the Gospels accompany a collection of meditations on the life of the Virgin Mary by Kathleen Norris. Historically, the arts have flourished under the patronage of the Church and over the centuries many masterpieces depicting the Blessed Virgin have been produced. Many of these works now hang in museum collections. This volume restores some of these to a meditative religious context.

Our Lady : a tribute in art CEO Sydney

A special publication of the Catholic Weekly to mark the sesquicentenary of the promulgation of the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception

Beyond the written word : exploring faith through Christian art by: Daily, Eileen M Teaching guide for Beyond the Written Word by: Daily, Eileen M

Only for a few hundred years has reading been the primary way of teaching religion. For centuries, religious education relied on hearing and seeing. Religious education can benefit by returning to the ages-old methods of hearing and seeing to complement reading. Beyond the Written Word: Exploring Faith Through Christian Art and this teaching guide enable you to make one of the old ways--seeing--available to twenty-first-century students. This teaching guide offers a brief history of Christian art, an explanation of the value of art in religious education today, a survey of Beyond the Written Word and some hints for starting out.

Art and prayer : the beauty of turning to God by: Verdon, Timothy

Monsignor Verdon explains that images work as tools in believers that teach them how to turn to God. This is the “art of prayer,” when faith and prayer become creative responses by which the creatures learn to relate to the Creator.

Blessed art thou : Mother Lady Mystic Queen by: McGrath, Michael O'Neill :

Many of the of images, meditations, and prayers about and for Mary, both painted and written, are the result of McGrath’s loving fascination with Black Madonnas, which have inspired pilgrims, saints, and sin-sick souls for centuries. Combined with poetic and candid prayers, these images of Mary speak firstly to all people who struggle to find meaning and joy in a world filled with crisis, divisiveness and insecurity, and to the artistic, creative soul in all of us, which longs to see things in new and challenging ways while holding on to the history and traditions of our Catholic heritage.

It draws me : the art of contemplation by: McDonald, Mary M

The need for contemplative values today is great, as we are often swept up into the demands of daily life and make decisions without seeking insight to understand the word of God and his will for our lives. "It Draws Me: The Art of Contemplation, " invites you to engage art with a contemplative lens. The contemplative examines artwork and experiences knowledge, wisdom and insight. This book features Thomas Merton's previously unpublished notes on "lectio divina" and teaches us about the origin, composition, and spirituality of icons and Song Dynasty paintings.

Behold the beauty of the Lord : praying with icons by: NOUWEN, Henri J.M.

Full color fold-outs of four superb Russian icons combine with the studied reflections of Henri J.M. Nouwen to offer the reader a unique way to pray with sacred images as much as with words. The meditations are the fruit of Nouwen's long viewing of the icons as the iconographer intended--as holy places, not as decorations.

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Embracing the Icon of love by: Korn, Daniel

Since its mysterious origin in Crete, the icon of Our Mother of Perpetual Help has become a beloved focus of devotion for millions of people. Br. Daniel relates the intriguing history of this famous icon, and then takes an awe-inspiring journey to read the powerful messages within the art, deepening our understanding of the incarnation, death, and resurrection of Christ. Through images, guided meditations on key elements of the icon, questions, and personal reflection, this book reveals the significance of the icon to stir or deepen devotion to Our Mother of Perpetual Help.

Ponder these things : praying with

Icons of the Virgin

by: Williams, Rowan

A close look at three classic icons of the Virgin and Child reveals profound truths about discovering God in our World. What we call holy in the world—a person, a place, words, or a work of art—is so because the foreign is brought together with the familiar and the everyday. No one embodies this holiness more than Mary, who makes a home for the Creator of all things in her own body and in her own house. Ponder These Things invites you to explore and reflect on the depths of meaning in three classic icons from the Eastern Christian tradition.

Images of Mary

by: MCBRIDE, Alfred A

Mary is important to all Christians, but especially so to Catholics. Alfred McBride explores ten mages of Mary and explains their evolution and influence. He traces her appeal through different eras and different cultures, offering a reflective journey to rediscover the importance of Mary in our relationship with Christ and the Church and to understand Mary in her many roles.

Aboriginal Church paintings :

reflecting our faith

by: STOCKTON, Eugene

Reviewed by Sr Carmel Pilcher:

Australasian Catholic Record, The, v.88, no.3, Jul 2011, p.382-383 (ISSN: 0727-3215)

The Madonna in western painting by: KOVACHEVSKI, Christo

The author intends to assist the average person, or the newcomer interested in the pictorial art of past centuries, to identify the subjects of works of art, representing scenes or episodes from the life of the Virgin Mary, and to recognize the main participants, for a deeper understanding of the works… (looking at) the literary and traditional sources on which they are based, and ... the impact of historical circumstances and changing ways of interpretation.

Additional selected teaching resources:

o Learning links to Mary

o The Nativity by Julie vivas

o For all the world by Helen Earle Simcox

o Marys first Christmas by Walter Wangerin

o Mary the mother of Jesus by Tomie de Paola

o Mary by Brian Wildsmith

o Mary's Song by Lee Bennett Hopkins

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General resources on Mary

A year with Mary : prayers and readings for Marian feasts and festivals

OBBARD, Elizabeth Ruth

232.91 OBB

Here is an invitation to live through the Christian year in the company of Mary, who through the centuries has been like a mother, sister, and friend to countless followers of Jesus. This collection of prayers and readings -- from the Bible, the classics, and present-day authors -- is arranged around the twenty-four Marian feast days in the Christian calendar.

All generations will call me blessed : Mary in the Third Millenium

MCMANUS, Jim, 2007

232.921 MCM

Who is Mary in history and faith, and what does she mean to a generation at the dawn of the third millennium? Here are some answers for Catholics and non-Catholics alike.

Blessed is She : living Lent with Mary

Perry, Tim, 2006

232.91 PER

Perry presents a Mary who belongs in Lent as much as in Advent, who shows what it means to die and live with the crucified and risen Jesus. Drawing primarily from the Gospel of Luke, this book of devotions sketches a Lenten Mary who teaches us about being disciples. The result is a complex, inviting, strong character, a disciple to be emulated by all Christians, especially during this holy season. With daily meditation and reflections, this is a thought-provoking volume for private use or parish Lenten study.

Dangerous memories : a mosaic of Mary in scripture

JOHNSON, Elizabeth A, 2004

232.91 JOH

A commentary on Mary's 13 appearances in the gospels, not a biography, since the evangelists tell us little and differ in their accounts, but author revisits each Marian scene and teases out the possibilities that give the mother of Jesus a richer, deeper identity. (Excerpted from the author's previous book TRULY OUR SISTER)

Discovering Mary : Answers to questions about the Mother of God

Mills, David, 2009

232.91 MIL

A convert to Catholicism, David Mills (former editor of the Touchstone magazine, author of Knowing the Real Jesus ) discovered that entering the Church didn't automatically confer appreciation for the mother of Jesus (but) "I found myself developing an experiential understanding of Mary and indeed a Marian devotion-which surprised me.” Discovering Mary brings together essential Marian information …not only to instruct but also to deepen devotion to "the one who bore our Savior and deserves our love." .

Gathering with Mary under the Southern Cross

Farrell, Marie, 2007

232.910994 FAR

Australian Catholics have always felt close to Mary, Help of Christians, who, in 1844, was declared Patroness of Australia. This book tells the story of Australia's devotion to Mary, Help of Christians, as recorded in history, prayer and art.

Hail, Holy Queen : The Mother of God in the Word of God

Hahn, Scott, 2006

232.91 HAH

A new perspective on Mary, Mother of God, and her central importance in the Christian faith. Hahn demonstrates Mary's essential role in Christianity's redemptive message. Building on scriptural and historical foundations, he revisits t the Marian doctrines. Guiding readers through passages filled with mysteries and poetry, Hahn helps us rediscover the ancient art and science of reading the Scriptures and gain a deeper understanding of their truthfulness and relevance to faith and the practice of religion in the contemporary world.

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Home of the Assumption : reconstructing Mary's life in Ephesus

Alaharasan, V Antony J, 2006

232.91 ALA

In this enlightening book the author reconstructs the past when St. John brought Mary to Ephesus; where she spent the last days of her life; and from where she was assumed into Heaven. Included are photographs of Mary's house and of ruins from the historic city.

In quest of the Jewish Mary : The mother of Jesus in history, theology and spirituality

Athans, Mary Christine, 2013

232.91 ATH

Jesus was born and raised as a Jew in first-century Palestine. A great deal of theological study has focused on the Jewish cultural and religious context of his life and ministry. It is only natural that this attention should lead us to a new approach to his mother, Mary of Nazareth. In this book, Mary Christine Athans draws on historical research, the fruits of post-Vatican II Jewish-Christian dialogue, the insights of feminist theology, and contemporary spiritual reflection to rediscover the Jewish Mary - a woman of enormous courage, strength, and prayer.

Into the heart of Mary

MCDONNELL, Rea, 2009

232.91 MCD

Drawing on a lifetime of biblical study and work as a retreat director, Rea McDonnell re-introduces us to Mary by teaching us to appreciate anew the spiritual truths found in her scriptural stories. Using Ignatian meditation, McDonnell invites readers to prayerfully ponder Marian passages from scripture and ancient tradition, helping them use their imaginations to meet Mary again for the first time. This mature and challenging vision of Mary will help cultivate love for her and nudge us toward authentic spiritual growth.

Joyous expectation : journeying through Advent with Mary

Frisk, M Jean, 2005

242.332 FRI

An easy way for busy people to prepare for Christmas! By investing only a few minutes a day, readers can walk with Mary on her journey to Bethlehem. Provides an Advent theme to ponder each day, along with a suggestion for action and prayer. This book also contains helpful material on Advent and Christmas customs sure to enrich one's celebration of this joyful season.

Maria : Pope Benedict XVI on the Mother of God

Benedict XVI, Pope, 2009

232.91 BEN

This volume is a lavishly illustrated with dozens of inspirational and famous color paintings, sculptures and artwork of the Blessed Virgin Mary from all over the world. The pictures are accompanied by the profound writings and homilies of Pope Benedict XVI on the person of Mary, and her unique role in human history and in the plan of God for salvation history. The paintings and artwork are from many different centuries, some very famous and others less well-known.

Mary 101 : tradition and influence

Zimmer, Mary Ann, 2010

232.91 ZIM

Looks at the history and traditions of the Virgin in relation to the concerns of 21st-century Christians around the world. Mary is introduced via Scripture, followed by an exploration of church teaching, prayers, and devotions. Examine Mary's global appearances (apparitions) and the way she has been portrayed in great works of art. Chapters include essential background information, reflection questions, and suggested reading for furthering your understanding of Mary and the international scope of Marian concerns.

Mary : grace and hope in Christ


232.91 MAR

Mary has long been viewed as a stumbling block in the progress towards Christian unity. To overcome this, the Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission (ARCIC) presents in clear, accessible language a new theology of Our Lady for all Christians. The theological issues are looked at face on and a statement is produced here which points to the fact that Christians are far more united in their thinking than they realise. However the remaining differences are also clearly articulated.

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Mary : images of the mother of Jesus in Jewish and Christian perspective

PELIKAN, Jaroslav, 2005

232.91 PEL

Three preeminent historians provide an ecumenical portrait of Mary by exploring the varied ways in which the mother of Jesus is perceived. For Pelikan, Mary is the focal point for spirited theological discussion and dogma. For Flusser, Mary is a symbol for myriad Jewish mothers who suffer and endure — the mater dolorosa in a world of total inhumanity. For Lang, Mary is the wife and mother through whom flows the love and devotion of centuries of faithful Roman Catholics. Includes photographs of actual sites as well as art inspired by Mary.

Mary : shadow of grace

MCKENNA, Megan, 2007

232.91 MCK

This profound and moving book shows us Mary, the Mother of Jesus, through word, story, and tradition, as a model and inspiration for our time and for all time. In the extraordinarily personal style we have come to expect from Megan McKenna, we see Mary as never before, through the scriptures, and through meditations on her life and meaning for Christians today.

Mary : the mother of Jesus

DE PAOLA, Tomie, 1995

232.91 DEP

A picture book retelling of the story of Mary is divided into fifteen lavishly illustrated sections that cover her childhood, betrothal to Joseph, visitation by the angel Gabriel, birth of Jesus, and witness to her son's ministry.

Mary Mother of God

O'Donnell, Chris, 2012

232.91 ODO

These reflections come from a lifetime of thought, investigation and prayer and will appeal to everyone who has a devotion to Mary. They cover the range of scholarship, contemplation and prayer thoughout the history of the church and offer new insights into the tradition of Marian devotion so intrinsic to the spirituality of the Catholic Church and to many members of the Reformation churches.

Mary of Galilee : Vol 1 : Mary in the New Testament

BUBY, Bertrand, 1994

232.91 BUB

The first part of a trilogy dedicated to Mary in the Scriptures. The work is motivated by the conviction that the biblical image of Mary provides the basis for an authentic Marian devotion. The New Testament texts relevant to the Virgin Mary are presented in chronological order and the commentaries of both Catholic and Protestant exegetes are considered. Not limited to exegesis, the author always has an eye on the pastoral and devotional implications of a text. Mary is a "fact," a "given" of divine revelation, and a "maternal presence" always operative in the life of the Church.

Mary of Galilee : Vol II : Woman of Israel - Daughter of Zion

BUBY, Bertrand, 1995

232.91 BUB

Starting with references to Mary in Hebrew Scripture, the introduction provides valuable principles for interpreting the Scriptures. The Catholic Church regards the Scriptures as a living text with a specific historical reference but with new meanings for successive generations of believers. The Hebrew Scriptures provide symbols, themes, and events, which, when read in the light of Christ's death and resurrection, point to the person and role of the Virgin Mary. Mary was a true "woman of Israel," and we understand her better through the Jewish context in which she lived. Within the Catholic tradition, she was seen as the daughter of Zion, the representative of her people, and the woman of faith.

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Mary of Galilee. Vol. III

BUBY, Bertrand, 1997

232.91 MAR 3 BUB

Here a pervading theme is that the Church’s Marian heritage must be continually reexamined, reappropriated, and transmitted to future generations. Buby outlines the Marian teachings of early preachers and writers. … More than twenty vignettes are presented to entice the reader to respond to the image of the Mary which the authors present. Excerpts are taken from Ignatius of Antioch, Justin, Irenaeus, the Protogospel of James. A chapter deals with Mary in the Koran. …The final chapter contains ten biblical principles employed by the early writers, together with six conclusions about their way of presenting the Virgin Mary.

Mary of Nazareth, Prophet of Peace

Dear, John, 2003

232.91 DEA

John Dear takes us into the heart and life of Mary, the Mother of Jesus. An unmarried woman in a society highly controlling of women, Mary faces down every system--nonviolently, but clearly nonetheless--to give birth to the Christ. And she prevails. In the face of condemnation by both synagogue and society, Mary, the peacemaker, transcends the pressures of social norms and violent reprisals to bring us the Life of the world. And when the life of the world is threatened again, today, here, Mary, the peacemaker, has something to say to us again about what it means to be a person of God in godless times. We have clearly strayed from the Mount of the Beatitudes. But Mary of Nazareth, Prophet of Peace takes us back to our roots.

Mary's first Christmas [Picture book]

Wangerin, Walter, 1998

232.921 WAN

Four readings based on the Christmas narratives in the Bible in which the Blessed Virgin Mary tells her five-year-old son, Jesus, the story of His birth.

Mary's Song [Picture book]

Hopkins, Lee Bennett, 2012

232.91 HOP

On that first Christmas night, the earth bursts with praise at the Savior's birth. Donkeys bray, sheep bleat, horses neigh, and shepherds come from nearby fields -- but Mary simply wants to be alone with her sweet babe. When quiet finally falls, Mary cradles her son and sings her mother-song, leaving readers dreaming of that silent night so long ago. Mary's Song, with its melodic language and rich illustrations, is a lovely reminder of the meaning of Christmas and a welcome pause in the midst of a bustling world.

The healing touch of Mary : real life stories from those touched by Mary

Lomonte, Cheri 2005

232.91 LOM

The Healing Touch of Mary explores the fascinating connection between the human and spiritual world. These personal accounts are of answered prayers, celestial visions, and reclaimed lives. In The Healing Touch of Mary you can share in the power and inspiration of these miracles through the many stories and beautiful photographs of Madonnas from around the world. You will find a source of strength and healing, a sense of comfort and peace.

The Lady of the Angels and her city : A Marian pilgrimage

Wright, Wendy M 2013

263.04279494 WRI

The Lady of the Angels and Her City recounts Wendy Wright's visitations to her hometown's many Marian churches and shrines. But it is much more than a personal pilgrimage narrative. It offers important glimpses into the history of Los Angeles Catholicism, American Catholic culture, and Mary's place in Catholic theology and tradition. It peeks into the heroic labors of the religious orders that went on mission there and the waves of immigrants who have arrived on American shores.

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The Way of Mary : Following her footsteps toward God

Grabowsky, Mary Ford 2007

232.91 GRA

A collection of devotions, all of which have been inspired by the scenes and stories of the Gospels, pays tribute to the mother of Jesus and provides spiritual practices for following in Mary's footsteps.

Through the Year with Mary : 365 reflections

Edmisten, Karen 2010

242.2 EDM

Daily insight into truths about the Mother of God. This book will draw you closer to Mary and also to Jesus--and closer to Jesus is where Mary wants you to be.

Totus Tuus : A consecration to Jesus through Mary with Blessed John Paul II

McMaster, Brian 2013

232.91 MCM

Fr. Brian McMaster … [brings] together Sacred Scripture, John Paul II writings, St. Louis de Montfort writings and other Church documents to deepen the understanding of our relationship with God through Mary and to experience a deeper communion with God. His practical structure and guidelines allow the person to stay focussed on how God is making [Gods-self] present at that moment and how to put into practice what one is receiving.

Mary sites from the RE Database The Mary Page

http://www.udayton.edu/mary/ What distinguishes the Marianists at Dayton University site from other Mary sites is its emphasis on scholarship rather than piety. The Mary Page offers resources covering a wide range of materials - information on recent bibliography, references to Mary on magisterial documents, prayers, devotions, paraliturgies, apparitions, shrines, customs, images, music, There are answers to frequently asked questions and a gallery of images and pages of prayers, meditations and other resources. Senior students might benefit from accessing the site. Suitable for teacher or student background.

Suitable for the following years K - 12:

Devotion to the Blessed Virgin http://spazioweb.inwind.it/roxy_parma/index_en.htm This site is about devotion to the Blessed Virgin as portrayed by artists throughout history. It contains 2 sections - in the Holy Rosary as Mother of humankind and in the Assumption as Mother of God. Material from this site could be quite effectively used in class liturgies using a data projector. Suitable for teacher or student background.

Suitable for the following years: 3 - 10

Mary Our Mother, Pray for Us: A Lesson on the Litany

http://www.cyberfaith.com/weblinks/ia_maryourmother.html The Catholic Church has a rich tradition of prayer. One ancient form of prayer is the litany, a prayer of petitions and responses. In this online activity children learn more about this form of prayer. Suitable for teacher background. Contains teaching and learning activities.

Suitable for the following years: 3-4

Mary, Mother and Believer

http://www.udayton.edu/mary/resources/colorbook.htm These downloadable activities by Angela Schreiber, CSJ and Ansgar Holmberg, CSJ help primary children better understand Mary - her relationship to Jesus and her importance to the Church. Through activities such as coloring, matching, mobile, word find, and praying, children will be encourages to follow the example of Mary in believing in Jesus and being faithful to God. Suitable for teacher or student background. Contains teaching and learning activities.

Suitable for the following year groups: K - 6

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Mary the Blessed Mother

http://www.catholic.org/clife/mary/ This site contains some useful resources on Mary: an Online Marian Art Gallery; links to other Marian Sites; prayers to Mary; links to Our Lady of Lourdes and Our Lady of Guadalupe as well as to the Rosary. Suitable for teacher or student background.

Suitable for the following years: 3 - 12

A scriptural rosary

http://www.cptryon.org/prayer/child/rosary/ The emphasis here is on relating short extracts from scripture to each of the mysteries of the rosary (including the Luminous mysteries). It is actually a good way of having children reflect on the stories of the gospel. It wis well illustrated with pictures from the great painters and could be used with a data projector as part of a continuing class liturgy. Suitable for student background. Contains teaching and learning activities.

Suitable for the following year groups 5 - 8:

Lourdes http://www.lourdes-france.org/index.php?goto_centre=ru&contexte=en&id=838# This is the official Lourdes site. As well as providing useful information about the apparitions, the life of St Bernadette and the various miracles and cures, there are a number of webcams that will let students see the shrine exactly as it is. Suitable for teacher or student background.

Suitable for the following years 5 – 10.

Knock shrine

http://www.knock-shrine.ie/default.asp The Story of Knock began on the 21st August 1879 when Our Lady, St. Joseph and St. John the Evangelist appeared at the south gable of Knock Parish Church. The apparition was witnessed by fifteen people, young and old. From this miraculous occurrence Knock has grown to the status of an internationally recognised Marian Shrine. Suitable for teacher or student background.

Suitable for the following years 5 - 10

Our Lady of Fatima

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Our_Lady_of_Fatima This entry on Our Lady of Fatima from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, contains comprehensive information on history of Our Lady's appearances; the first two secrets; the fate of the three children; the consecration of Russia; the controversy around the Third Secret and the official position of the Catholic Church. Suitable for teacher background. Suitable for student background. Contains teaching and learning activities.

Suitable for the following years 7 - 10:

Pope Benedict XVI's Prayer to the Blessed Mother

http://www.passionist.org/reflection/blessedmother/popeprayer Pope Benedict XVI’s Prayer to the Blessed Mother Suitable for teacher or student background.

Suitable for the following years 5 - 12:

Praying the Rosary

http://www.belomasanfilms.com/ 2 interesting vidoes on praying the Rosary by 23-year old Spanish filmmaker Santiago Requejo. Suitable for teacher or student background.

Suitable for the following years 7 - 12

Mary of Nazareth

http://www.mariedenazareth.com/1.0.html?&L=1 Mary of Nazareth is part of an evangelisation project to publicise the mystery of the Mother of God through technology. The website is divided into a range of topics with experts in theology, history and science offering their thoughts. The site features a range of video and other multimedia on the Mother of Christ. Suitable for teacher or student background.

Suitable for the following years 7 - 12

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Advent and Christmas

New and selected Resources available at CRIS

Seasons of the Spirit : Reflections on Finding God in Daily Life by: Rutter, Jane E. Liturgical Press 2014 Call No.: 242.33 RUT Short essays and a summary prayer for each, arranged according to the seasons of the liturgical year. Move your prayer life to a deeper level with these faith-filled, inspiring reflections. In Seasons of the Spirit, Jane Rutter guides you gently through the rhythms of the

church’s liturgical seasons including Advent, Lent, Easter, and Ordinary Time. She finds the “God moment” in the actions of daily life: a sports event, taking a walk, fixing cars, waiting in traffic jams, shopping, or canning salsa. Her conversational style reminds you of sharing a cup of coffee at a friend’s kitchen table. Lifelong Catholics and new seekers alike will be touched by the simple beauty in these reflections. Find a sense of peace from spending a few moments each day with this book as your prayer guide. Gifts of the Visitation : Nine spiritual encounters with Mary and Elizabeth by: Bossert, Denise Ave Maria Press, 2015. Call No.: 232.91 BOS The biblical encounter between the Virgin Mary and her cousin Elizabeth, before the births of Jesus and John the Baptist, is at the heart of "Gifts of the Visitation" by popular speaker and syndicated columnist Denise Bossert. She uses their story to highlight nine gifts experienced by both women as they awaited the arrival of their sons and to encourage readers to develop these gifts themselves. In her debut book, speaker, columnist, and Catholic convert Denise Bossert showcases the seasons of birth, grief, newness, and challenge experienced in the hearts of Mary and Elizabeth at the Visitation and invites readers to see these times in their own lives as opportunities to let God make all things new. Within each of those seasons, nine gifts emerge—spontaneity, courage, joy, readiness, humility, adventure, hospitality, wonder and awe, and thanksgiving—equipping readers to present Christ to the world as Mary and Elizabeth did. Bossert's encounter with Mary, which led her to Catholicism, serves as the window for discovering and exploring the gifts and helps readers look inside their own hearts to discover what the gifts of the visit between Mary and Elizabeth mean to them and how they can be Christ-bearers to others.

Walking through Advent : daily readings

by: Pickard, Jan Sutch Wild Goose Publications, 2014, Call No.: 263.91 PIC Walk humbly with God - ' Advent is a time of wonder and waiting - but that's not a passive thing. We need to walk into Advent with our eyes open. We walk through a world where wars are being waged and babies are being born. We are humbled by our inability to do much about what is wrong. But we do our best: to be kind, caring, to understand the meaning of mercy. We do our best to be even-handed, to act justly. Words from the

prophet Micah inspired this book. But it also reflects the words of a later prophet, George Fox: 'Walk cheerfully over the world, answering that of God in everyone.' Join us on a cheerful, thoughtful, justice-seeking journey towards Bethlehem, a journey day by day through Advent. Jan Sutch Pickard is a poet, preacher and storyteller living on Mull. She is former Warden of Iona Abbey, Vice President of the Methodist Conference, and Ecumenical Accompanier. Her books and many resources include Out of Iona: Words from a Crossroads of the World and Between High and Low Water: Sojourner Songs (Wild Goose). She is also a frequent contributor to IBRA's Fresh from the Word daily reading series.

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Taste & See : Experiencing the stories of Advent and Christmas by: JOHNSON, Jan Upper room books, 2014. Call No.: 242.33 JOH Jan Johnson offers an innovative Advent small-group study built around a careful contextual reading of scripture combined with the imaginative reading approach introduced by St. Ignatius. The title Taste and See hints at how readers are invited to experience the stories of the season with their senses. Drawing on that experience of scripture, participants then consider how these stories speak to their own lives. Jan Johnson is a writer, speaker, seminary professor, and spiritual director.

Catholic Christmas by: Carroll, Kathleen M St Anthony Messenger Press, 2011. Call No.: 263.915 CAR . This book explores the central Catholic celebrations of the Christmas season, uncovering a little of their history and traditions and reminding us that the power of the Incarnation transcends all efforts to shield or dilute the Good News. The Church's celebration of Christmas isn't just for a day (or even twelve) but starts with

the joyful waiting of Advent and lasts until the feast of the Baptism of the Lord. Fascinating stories of some favorite saints—such as Nicholas, Lucy, and Stephen—make their legends come alive, while the history and lore surrounding some of our most popular feasts—such as the Epiphany and the Immaculate Conception—will help you understand the importance of keeping the Mass in Christmas. Franciscan Christmas by: Carroll, Kathleen M St Anthony Messenger Press, 2010. Call No.: 263.915 CAR Take a closer look at the creche and learn why Christmas is central to Franciscan spirituality and how you can find a deeper meaning in the simplest of seasonal decorations. The true meaning of Christmas isn't found in the glitter and gifts. It's not on the tree or tucked under it. It won't be served with the cookies and eggnog. But it can be found in a place of honor in most Christian homes: the Christmas manager scene. Each piece of the Nativity has its own story and meaning in Franciscan history and Christian spirituality. Take a closer look at the crèche and learn why Christmas is central to Franciscan spirituality and how you can find a deeper meaning in the simplest of seasonal decorations.

Advent and Christmas : Wisdom from St Francis of Assisi by: Kruse, John V Liguori, 2008. Call No.: 263.91 KRU As Francis admonishes, let me not only recount the lives of the saints but also seek to imitate their courageous example. (Prayer from Christmas, day 2)St. Francis of Assisi calls us to embrace a life of radical Christian discipleship. It is essential in today's postmodern culture to remember the true purpose of Advent--the preparation for and celebration of the coming of Jesus. Each day's selection offers a new insight from one of the most beloved saints, St. Francis of Assisi. St. Francis serves as an

appropriate model of virtue during the time of year when it is easy to become caught up in the materialized aspects of the holiday. Through his words, we are reminded of the simplicity in poverty, the reverence of God's word, of showing gratitude, and practicing forgiveness. Along with the words of St. Francis are daily Scripture readings and prayers that mirror his philosophy. After reflecting, readers will find an Advent action--something simple they can do to keep the words and prayers alive with them throughout the day. Christians looking for a way to energize their holiday practices will cherish this guide to refocusing on the true "reason for the season," the birth of Christ.

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New and selected Advent/Christmas resources for children

Bethlehem Town : A Christmas story [Picture book]

by Andrew McDonough Call No.: 232.921 MCD

The gingerbread nativity : a four-week exploration of Advent

by Renita Boyle Call No.: 232.92 BOY

Tonight in the Palace : A Christmas story [Picture book]

by Andrew McDonough Call No.: 232.921 MCD

No-rehearsal nativity : a church nativity resource with a difference

by Janine Gillion Call No.: 246.7 GIL

The three wise camels : A Christmas story [Picture book]

by Andrew McDonough Call No.: 232.921 THE

Tea and sugar Christmas [Picture book]

by Jane Jolly Call No.: 823.4 JOL

Jed & Roy : A Christmas story [Picture book]

by Andrew McDonough Call No.: 232.921 MCD

On angel wings [DVD]

by Dave Unwin Call No.: 823.92 UNW A stunning 30 minute Christmas special for all the family. Based on the book by Michael Morpurgo

The Wonder of Christmas [Picture book]

by: Mackall, Dandi Daley Call No.: 232.921 MAC

Clopper the Christmas donkey [Picture book]

by: King, Emily Call No.: 232.921 KIN

Itsy bitsy Christmas [picture book]

by: Lucado, Max Call No.: 232.921 LUC

Listen to the silent night [Picture book]

by: Mackall, Dandi Daley Call No.: 232.921 MAC

And many other stories, crafts and activities on the Advent wreath, Jesse Tree, Nativity available at CRIS

El Salvador Nativity Set in box

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Books for Advent

Title Author Call No.

A coming Christ in Advent : essays on the gospel narratives preparing for the Birth of Jesus

Brown, Raymond 226.206

A shoot from the stock of Jesse : Meditations for Advent Campbell, Michael 242.33

Advent & Lent activities for children: camels, carols, crosses and crowns

Kielly, Sheila 263.9

Advent and Christmas Wisdom from St Benedict Sutera, Judith 242.2

Advent and Christmas Wisdom from St. Thomas Aquinas Wisdom, Andrew Carl 242.33

Advent and Christmas : Wisdom from St Francis of Assisi Kruse, John V 263.91

Advent and Christmas Wisdom from Henri J M Nouwen Nouwen, Henri J M 242.33

Advent and Christmas with Thomas Merton Merton, Thomas 263.91

Advent and Christmas with Fulton J Sheen Bauer, Judy 263.91

Advent and Lent activities for children : camels, carols, crosses and crowns

Kielly, Sheila 263.9

Advent is for children : Stories, activities, prayers Kelemen, Julie 263.91

Advent Readings from Iona Woodcock, Brian 264.0272

Advent Services Rogne, David G 264

Advent Storybook : 24 Stories to share before Christmas Schneider, Antonie 263.91

Before and after Christmas : activities and ideas for Advent and Epiphany

O’Neal, Debbie Trafton 263.91

Celebrating Advent & Christmas liturgies with young children Hopper, Barbara Mary 264.0272

Child of the Light : walking through Advent & Christmas Richardson, Beth A 263.91

Classroom prayer services for the days of Advent and Lent Costello, Gwen 264.020083

Cloth for the cradle : worship resources and readings for Advent, Christmas & Epiphany

Iona Community 263.91

Colourful Advent : A new way to pray when words are inadequate

Merryweather, Sheila Julian 263.91

Conversing with God in Advent and Christmas : Praying the Sunday

Binz, Stephen J 242.33

Daybreaks : Daily reflections for Advent and Christmas D'Arcy, Paula 263.91

Expecting the Unexpected : An Advent devotional guide Meeks, Blair Gilmer 263.91

Family fun for Christmas : 30 Advent and Christmas activities for families to share

Butcher, Jane 745.5

Jesus among us : daily advent prayers for families Costello, Gwen 263.91

Liturgies for Advent weekdays McCarthy, Flor 264.0272

My favourite Advent & Christmas activity book Erickson, Jenny 263.91

Rediscover Advent Kelly, Matthew 242.332

Sacred celebrations for Advent and Christmas Wintour, Rina 263.91

The Advent - Christmas book Arbogast, Joan Marie 263.91

The gospel day by day through Advent Moore, Brian 263.91

The Jesse tree : an advent activity book Thompson, Katie 242.33

The tallest candle : a story for Christmas Broadbent, Lynne 232.921

Welcome the Word : celebrating the liturgy of the Word with children. Volume one. Advent - Trinity Sunday

Brown, Joan 264.02

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Teaching about Advent

Title Author Call No.

A Jesse Tree for Advent : Complete assemblies for juniors Nicholls, Rachel 242.33

Advent and Christmas Activities for Families with Young Children Rainone, Colleen D. 263.91

Advent Angels : a host of stories, crafts, puzzles and things to do for the day of Advent

Doggett, Sue 263.91

Advent Posters 263.91

Advent Reflections : Come, Lord Jesus Dolan, Timothy 263.91

Candles & conifers : resources for All Saints' and Advent Burgess, Ruth 263.91

Disturbing complacency : Preparing for Christmas Bodenheim, Lisa 263.91

First Festivals : Christmas Rock, Lois 263.91

Hear my cry : a daily prayer book for Advent Burgess, Ruth 263.91

Learning Centers for Advent and Lent Murphy, Doris 263.91

Learning links to Christmas : Teacher resources for the religion class Ryan, Maurice 263.91

Lighted windows : an Advent calendar for a world in waiting Silf, Margaret 263.91

Messy nativity : How to run your very own messy Nativity Advent project

Leadbetter, Jane 745.5

Creative ideas for Advent & Christmas : 80 seasonal activities for use with children

Tibbs, Jane 745.5

Messy Christmas : 3 complete sessions and a treasure trove of craft ideas for Advent, Christmas and Epiphany

Moore, Lucy 745.5

Colourful Advent : A new way to pray when words are inadequate Merryweather, Sheila Julian


Mission : Christmas : Youth programs & ideas for Advent Brooks, Bryan 263.91

My Catholic Advent and Christmas activity book Galvin, Jennifer 263.91

Redeemer of the Nations, Come : An Advent Lessons & Carols [CD] Schola Cantorum of St. Peter the Apostle


The Advent Alphabet : a Christmas storybook with crafts to make for every day of Advent

Faulkner, Anne 263.91

The Advent Jesse Tree : devotions for children and adults to prepare for the coming of the Christ child at Christmas

Lambert, Dean Meador 242.33

The complete guide to Godly play (Vol 3) Berryman, Jerome 268.432

The Jesse Tree : daily readings for Advent Shuman, Thom 263.91

The Vigil : keeping watch in the season of Advent Wright, Wendy 263.91

What do you want for Christmas? An advent study for adults Moore, James 263.91

“Lord Jesus, in this Advent season, teach us the art of waiting, of not -knowing.

May we live in joyful hope, free from anxiety and distress,

and be ready to greet you when you come again.”

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Advent and Christmas Meditations

Title Author Call No.

Approaching Christmas Williams, Jane BK 263.91

Bridges to contemplative living with Thomas Merton : Advent and Christmas

Montaldo, Jonathan BK 242.2

Daybreaks : daily reflections for Advent and Christmas Rolheiser, Ron BK 242.33

Christmas is not your birthday : experience the joy of living and giving like Jesus

Slaughter, Mike BK 263.91

God is in the manger : Reflections on Advent and Christmas Bonhoeffer, Dietrich BK 242.33

Holding Jesus : reflections on Mary the Mother of God McBride CD 232.91

Igniting sparks of reconciliation and compassion : prayer and ritual for staff gatherings in Catholic schools today

Abbott, Margaret BK 264.02013

Joyous expectation : journeying through Advent with Mary Frisk, M Jean BK 242.332

Prepare the Way : daily meditations for Advent and Lent Liebenow, R. M. BK 242.332

Preparing for Christmas with Richard Rohr : Daily meditations for Advent

Rohr, Richard BK 263.91

Shine on, star of Bethlehem : a worship resource for Advent, Christmas and Epiphany

Duncan, Geoffrey BK 242.33

The essential Advent and Christmas handbook : a daily companion with a glossary of key terms

BK 242.33

Watch for the Light : readings for Advent and Christmas BK 242.33

When day is done : night time prayers through the Church year Boyer, Mark G BK 242.33

With grateful hearts : Spiritual reflections for everyday living BK 242.33

Yards of purple : stories for Advent Foulger, Sarah BK 242.332

Advent and Christmas CDs and music

Title Author

Call No.

The Angels sang : An inspirational Christmas : [CD], [DVD] Contains 18 Christmas carols.

St Paul's and Norwich Cathedral choirs


783.65 ANG

Winter Spirits : the holiday collection Michael, Jeffrey CD 783.65 MIC

The Christmas Album Jones, Aled CD 783.65 JON

The Birth of Jesus : a celebration of Christmas Talbot, John Michael CD 783.65 TAL

Star Child Haas, David CD 783.65 HAA

Gospel Christmas CD 783.65 GOS

The Promise : a celebration of Christ’s birth Card, Michael CD 783.65 CAR

Songs 4 worship : Christmas [2 CD set] CD 783.65 SON

A Festive Baroque Christmas [CD] CD 783.65

Best-Loved Carols. Tebbs, Philip BK 783.65

Catholic Christmas Classics Vol VIII [CD] CD 783.65

Celebrating Good News : images from Turvey Abbey [CD] CD 231.3

Christmas Music from Medieval Hungary [CD] Anonymous 4 CD 783.65

Christmas rhymes & carols Rock, Lois BK 232.921

Christmas Star : carols for the Christmas Season [CD] Cambridge Singers CD 782.281723

How far to Bethlehem? [CD kit] Kearney, Peter CDK 782.281723

Light from Light Vol 2 [CD] Kendzia, Tom CD 783.65

My very first Christmas Carols [CD included] Rock, Lois BK 782.28

O Come Rejoicing : music for Advent and Christmas [CD] CD 783.9

Prince of Peace : music for Advent and Christmas [CD kit] Schutte, Dan CDK 783.65

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Title Author

Call No.

Redeemer of the Nations, Come : An Advent Lessons & Carols [CD]

Schola Cantorum of St. Peter the Apostle

CD 783.65

Rituals & reflections : Advent & Christmas : [CD] Wintour, Rina CD 263.91

Southern Star : a ceremony of carols [CD] CD 782.28

Ten more little fingers of Christmas [CD] Hooty Toots CD 783.65

Under your star [CD ] Chinn, Andrew CD 232.9

Christmas Books

Title Author

Call No.

A Christmas story Wildsmith, Brian PBK 232.921

A gift for the Christ Child: a Christmas folktale. Schlafer, Linda PBK 394.268282

Away in a Manger : The Christmas Story Mackinnon, Debbie BK 232.921

Before and after Christmas : activities and ideas for Advent and Epiphany

O’Neal, Debbie Trafton

BK 263.91

Behind the scenes Christmas Box, Su BK 232.921

Caspar and the Star. Bosca, Francesca BK 232.921

Catholic Christmas Carroll, Kathleen BK 263.915

Celebrating Advent & Christmas liturgies with young children Hopper, Barbara Mary

BK 264.0272

Child of the Light : walking through Advent & Christmas Richardson, Beth BK 263.91

Christmas Chandler,Clare BK 394.268282

Christmas fun : My first Bible activity book Lane, Leena BK 263.91

Christmas rhymes & carols Rock, Lois BK 232.921

Christmas story : a sparkling nativity play BK 232.921

Cloth for the cradle : worship resources and readings for Advent, Christmas & Epiphany

Iona Community BK 263.91

Come and see : a Christmas story Mayper, Monica PBK 232.92

Elijah's Angel [Picture book] Rosen, Michael J PBK 263.91

Emma's Gift Idle, Molly Schaar BK 394.2

Franciscan Christmas Carroll, Kathleen BK 263.915

Granny goes to Bethlehem Weston, Kathy PBK 232.921

I can make starry things for Christmas Miller, Jocelyn PBK 745.5

I can make things for Christmas Goodings, Christina PBK 745.5

Ituku's Christmas journey Pasquali, Elena PBK 394.2

Jesus is born Krenzer, Rolf PBK 232.921

King of Kings Hill, Susan PBK 232.921

Lion Christmas favourites for the very young [Picture book] Rock, Lois PBK 263.91

Mary's first Christmas [Picture book] Wangerin, Walter PBK 232.921

My book of Christmas Rock, Lois PBK 232.921

My favorite Advent & Christmas activity book Erickson, Jenny BK 263.91

My very first Big Christmas tales : Good King Wencelas [Big Book] PBK 263.91

Papa Panov's Special Day : a classic folk tale adapted by Leo Tolstoy

Holder, Mig PBK 394.2

Preparing the liturgical year 2 : Lent - Easter and Advent - Christmas

Eddy, Corbin BK 264.02

Ten Christmas Sheep Carlstrom, Nancy PBK 232.921

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Title Author

Call No.

The Advent - Christmas book Arbogast, Joan BK 263.91

The Brightest star of all : Christmas stories for the family Papa, Carrie BK 242.335

The Christmas Play Bevan, Clare PBK 246.7

The Christmas Sheep and other stories. Rowlands, Avril PBK 232.921

The Christmas story Rock, Lois PBK 232.921

The Christmas Story from the Gospels of Matthew and Luke PBK 232.91

The Christmas Story : a touch and feel Christmas Book PBK 232.921

The Christmas story with press out nativity play set Apperley, Dawn PBK 232.921

The Christmas visitor. Lussert, Anneliese PBK 232.921

The First Christmas Nolan, Allia PBK 263.91

The First Christmas Williams, Marcia PBK 232.921

The First Christmas Amery, Heather PBK 232.921

The first Christmas : Coloring and activity book Richards, Virginia Bk 232.921

The Journey to Bethlehem. Molan, Chris PBK 232.921

The Lion Storyteller Christmas book. Hartman, Bob PBK 394.268282

The Little Donkey: a Christmas story. Scheidl, Gerda PBK 232.921

The Not - So - Wise Man Macdonald, Alan PBK 232.91

The riches and charm of Christmas Scibiorski, Alice Emma

BK 263.915

The Road to Bethlehem Wildsmith, Brian PBK 263.91

The story of Christmas French, Vivian PBK 232.921

The tallest candle : a story for Christmas Broadbent, Lynne PBK 232.921

The Wonder of Christmas [Picture book] Mackall, Dandi Daley PBK 232.921

Three Wise Women Hoffman, Mary PBK 232.921

Welcome the Word : celebrating the liturgy of the Word with children. Volume one. Advent - Trinity Sunday

Brown, Joan BK 264.02

Christmas stories, customs,

craft, poetry and drama

Title Author

Call No.

A long wait for a Messiah and 5 other dramas for tweens Lee, Nate BK 246.7

Approaching Christmas Williams, Jane BK 263.91

A stocking for Jesus Arruda, Suzanne Middendorf

PBK 394.2

Advent & Christmas Activities for Families with Young Children Rainone, Colleen BK 263.91

Baboushka: A traditional Russian folk tale. Scholey, Arthur PBK 394.2

Celebrations make & do : craft ideas which bring the festivals to life Chapman, Gillian BK 745.5

Christmas Celebrations Wintour, Rina BK 246.7

Christmas Make & Do : craft ideas inspired by the story of the first Christmas

Chapman, Gillian BK 263.91

Christmas nativities and stories : the Christmas story told in a most unusual way with nativity scenes, poems and stories from all over the world

Van Mullekom-Cserep

BK 232.92

Christmas promise : easy dramas, speeches and reflections for children

BK 263.91

Christmas wrapped up! BK 263.91

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Title Author

Call No.

Clueless Christmas : drama 7 puppet plays for the Christmas season Clark, Paul BK 822.4

Don't miss the bus and 5 other dramas for tweens Lee, Nate BK 246.7

Easy ways to Christmas plays Howie, Vicki BK 246.7

First Festivals : Christmas Rock, Lois BK 263.91

Hay & stardust : resources for Christmas to Candlemas Burgess, Ruth BK 263.91

I can make Angel things for Christmas Miller, Jocelyn BK 745.5

I can make starry things for Christmas Miller, Jocelyn BK 745.5

I can make things for Christmas Goodings, Christina BK 745.5

Learning links to Christmas : Teacher resources for the religion classroom

Ryan, Maurice BK 263.91

Lectionary-based Gospel dramas for Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany

O’Connell-Roussell, Sheila

BK 246.72

Light the lamps Wild, Margaret PBK 823.3

Lion Christmas favourites : stories and prayers for the festive season Rock, Lois BK 394.2

Michael Foreman's Christmas Treasury Foreman, Michael PBK 394.2

My Catholic Advent and Christmas activity book Galvin, Jennifer BK 263.91

My very first Christmas : Christmas stories for the very young Rock, Lois PBK 263.91

My very first Christmas playtime [Picture book] Rock, Lois PBK 263.91

Oh no, not the Nativity! : sketches through the church year Brandon, Andrew BK 246.7

Practical ways to Christmas plays Jeffs, Stephanie BK 246.7

Prayers & plays for Christmas and Holy Week Smith, Elizabeth J BK 246.7

The Christmas Miracle of Jonathan Toomey Wojciechowski, Susan

PBK 394.2

The Christmas Star : Easy Christmas dramas, speeches, and recitations for children

PBK 246.7

The greatest gift : the story of the other wise man Summers, Susan BK 263.91

The Huron Carol De Brebeuf, Jean PBK 394.2

The Jesse Tree McCaughrean, Geraldine

BK 263.91

The legend of Saint Nicholas Grun, Anselm PBK 270.2092

The Lion Storyteller Christmas book : Traditional tales from around the world

Hartman, Bob PBK 394.2

The Magic Saddle Mattingley, Christobel BK 394.2

The Shine Man : A Christmas story Quattlebaum, Mary PBK 394.2

The Star : a musical play Frawley-Mangan, Anne

PBK 246.7

The story of the other Wise man Van Dyke, Henry PBK 394.2

The tale of Three Trees Hunt, Angela Elwell PBK 813

The twelve days of Christmas Wildsmith, Brian PBK 394.2

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Advent & Christmas DVDs

Title Contents

Actual cover not


A Child Is Born:

A Christmas Film

A film that celebrates God's great love for us in the gift of Jesus,

and the hope for a better world that comes with the birth of every

child, in every corner of the world. It highlights the importance of

every life that is lived as a gift for others. A John Powell film.

A different kind of Christmas

Living and Giving like Jesus by

Mike Slaughter

A Different Kind of Christmas - plus 64 page Small Group

Leader's guide. Sessions include:1. Expect a miracle / 2. Giving

up being perfect / 3. Scandalous love / 4. Jesus' Wish list / 5. By

a different road "An inspirational church wide experience

exploring how to find peace and joy at Christmas and throughout

the year and a practical and inspirational study for the Advent

season. Based on Mike Slaughter’s popular book Christmas is

Not Your Birthday, this five week study empowers families and

churches to reclaim the broader missional meaning of Jesus’

birth and experience a Christmas season with more peace and

joy than any toy or material gift could ever bring." Mediacom:

Buck Denver asks ... why do we

call it Christmas

Cutting down trees? Hanging stockings? Santa Claus? What do

any of these have to do with Jesus' birthday? More than you'd

think" Join Buck Denver and all his friends on an amazing

journey into the world's most popular holiday to discover the story

of Christmas.

Children's Heroes Of The Bible

: The New Testament

7 programs: Jesus birth and Youth. Jesus teaches and calls

disciples. Jesus heals and works miracles. Jesus struggles and

opponents. Jesus suffering, death and resurrection. The Apostles

and the early church. Paul's ministry and trials

Actual cover not


Discover The Church Year:

DVD 1:

Introducing Sacred Time

DVD 2:

A Year With The Lord

Explains the Christian understanding of time, why we celebrate

the Church Year, the concept of memorial, and how our

celebrations relate to our human experiences. (15 min. 2006)

The Church marks time as sacred by celebrating the Church

Year. Christians re-live and enter the events of Jesus, celebrated

and made present in the liturgy and sacraments. The Church

Year sets up a series of times with the Lord, set days, moments,

and occasions. The sacred cycle of the church Year is a sign of

God's time, and offer of grace to us. The origin and meaning are

explained: Advent to Pentecost, Ordinary Time, and Saint days.

Go Look In The Manger

Based on a true story. Set in 1966 8 year old Ricky tries to

impress his classmates. He makes then breaks a promise to his

mother. Ricky discovers his mother's forgiveness.

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In God's Time :

A Celebration of The Liturgical


DVD Contents: Six reflections incorporating melodies.

Accompanying booklet contains suggestions for use in schools

and parishes for each reflection.

Little Shepherd

In the dark of night the fields around Bethlehem are alive with

expectation. Wolves have been spotted and every shepherd is

nervous, including young Joel and his family. Yet what is about to

happen is not expected at all. As Joel embarks upon the journey

of becoming a shepherd, he is afraid of the dangers that lie

ahead. But he is about to discover that he need not face these

dangers alone. An unexpected surprise will lead to the revelation

that God provides the answer to every fear. The timeless story of

Christmas with a twist. Duration 25 mins.

Punchinello and the most

marvellous gift

A timeless lesson from the Wemmicks that why you give is much

more important than what you give. A story by Max Lucado. 40


Red Boots for Christmas

Alone in his shop, with no family and few friends, Hans the

shoemaker has never learned the true meaning of Christmas.

While he mocks the townspeople's merry preparations, Hans is

visited by an angel who promises a very special gift. Hans crafts

a gift to give in return - the finest pair of Red Boots ever make.

Hans learns the joys of sharing and fellowship and the spirit of

Christmas as he receives the ultimate gift - a gift from God.

The awesome story of


This wonderfully animated, biblically accurate retelling of the

Nativity includes the words of the story on the screen, and also

features 15 classic Christmas carols performed by the Wonder

Kids ensemble. Ages 3-8.

The Candy Maker's Christmas

August the candy maker is certain that he has made the perfect

Christmas present for the royal family, but an encounter teaches

him that the perfect present is the gift of Jesus. August learns a

lesson in love and humility as his candy can becomes a popular

Christmas reminder for people throughout the world.

The First Christmas Crib :

A Story of St. Francis of Assisi

On the eve of Christmas in the year 1223, Francis of Assisi, with

the help of some friends, recreated the scene of Jesus' birth in a

cave above Greccio, Italy.

The tradition of nativity dramas was an established practice

but Francis' scene contained no human figures -

- just an ox and an ass standing by a hay filled manger. 12 mins.

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The King Is Born : The

Animated Stories of The New


Interactive DVD. Uses King James and New International

Versions. Includes Adventure Quiz with 3 skill levels. "Beginning

with Gabriel announcing God's blessed plan for Mary, this DVD

brings all the elements of this timeless story to life. Journey with

Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem and witness the humble birth of

our Saviour together with the shepherds. The cunning plan of

King Herod does not deceive the devoted wise men, but

ultimately it is the Angel who intercedes to warn Joseph and

Mary to flee into Egypt."

The Mouse In The Manger

The story of Oscar the Mouse who becomes angry with his father

and leaves home. In his adventures he feels a deep sense of

loneliness. He enters into self-discovery within the stories of

those he meets. Oscar returns home with a better understanding

of himself and those around him. A story of friendship and


actual cover not


The Promise of Advent

DVD 1: Hope & Joy

DVD 2: Making Memories

Advent…the beginning of the Church Year. A time to prepare for

the coming of Jesus. 2 x 15 min. each. 1. The Promise of

Advent - the love of God who became a child in Bethlehem and

who continues to come into our hearts year after year. / 2. God's

love - the basis for the world's hope and joy. Advent a sacred

time of customs and traditions, bringing us together, making

memories and connecting us with our faith.

The Nativity Story

Includes film study guide for Catholics by Rose Pacatte.

Her child would change the world. The Nativity Story chronicles

the arduous journey of two people, Mary and Joseph, a

miraculous pregnancy, and the history-defining birth of Jesus.

This dramatic and compelling motion picture features Keisha

Castle-Hughes as Mary. 102 mins., 2006. . Rating PG.

The Star of Christmas

Big Idea's Veggie Tales.

Bob the Tomato and Larry the Cucumber appear as Cavis and

Millward -- based loosely on Gilbert and SullivanTthey've written

a Christmas Eve musical to "teach London how to love". But

children at St. Bart's are planning a nativity play for the same

evening, and they plan to feature the Star of Christmas, a

religious artifact unseen by the public for decades. The Post

Gazette writes a story about the nativity play and the Star, and

Cavis and Millward hatch a plan to make their musical better than

the children's play. In the end, they learn the true meaning of

Christmas. the greatest love of all when Jesus was born!.

The Story of Jesus for children

Rated G.

This is the story of Jesus as seen through the eyes of children

who might have lived during the time Jesus lived on earth.

Footage adapted from the film: Jesus. NTSC version.

Christ the Savior is born / Dinner at Benjamin's / Fight in the

stable .

The Toy That Saved Christmas

Big Idea's Veggie Tales.

Mr. Nezzer's TV commercials have convinced all of Dinkletown

that "Christmas is when you get stuff!" With the children whining

and begging for more toys, it's sure to be the worst Christmas

ever ... until one brave little Buzz-Saw Louie doll decides to take

matters into his own hands! The Toy That Saved Christmas

teaches children that "Christmas isn't about getting, it's about

giving." Computer animated series for junior and middle primary.

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The Wonder of Christmas : DVD


The Christmas Story

DVD 2:

The Meaning of Christmas

Christmas – a time of wonder and hope.

These joyful films capture the heart and the spirit of Christmas –

the story, and the significance, how we celebrate and what it

means for us today.

Madeline Powell films.

Three Christmas Classics :

Christmas Is

The City that forgot about


The Stableboy's Christmas

Christmas Is (22mins) An animated classic about Benji, a

disappointed little boy who must play the second shepherd in the

school play-again. Disappointment turns to joy when a daydream

transports him and his lovable pooch, Waldo, back to the first

Christmas. There the second shepherd shares with them the

angels' message--that Jesus is born in Bethlehem! (2002)

The City that forgot about Christmas (22 mins) The story of a

woodcarver who lived in a village that had forgotten about

Christmas. When he taught the children of the town about the

birth of Jesus, the uncaring village was filled with the joy of

Christ. An animated favourite.

The Stableboy's Christmas (27 mins) This award-winning

dramatic special finds 10-year-old Tammy travelling back in time

to the first Christmas in Bethlehem and witnessing the little

stableboy's act of unselfish love when he gives the Christ child

his pet lamb. Tammy then realizes how sharing presents with

others is a way of sharing God's love at Christmas. (2002)

The animated stories of the

New Testament : The King is

Born [DVD]

Interactive DVD. Uses King James and New International

Versions. Includes Adventure Quiz with 3 skill levels.

"Beginning with Gabriel announcing God's blessed plan for Mary,

this DVD brings all the elements of this timeless story to life.

Journey with Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem and witness the

humble birth of our Saviour together with the shepherds. The

cunning plan of King Herod does not deceive the devoted wise

men, but ultimately it is the Angel who intercedes to warn Joseph

and Mary to flee into Egypt."

Jesus Storybook Bible

Animated DVD, Vol. 4

Short animated videos, narrated by British actor David Suchet,

this volume four DVD contains the final twelve stories from the

New Testament: The friend of little children (Jesus and the

children) The man who didn t have any friends (none)

(Zacchaeus) Running away (The lost son) Washed with tears

(Sinful woman anoints Jesus) The Servant King (The Last

Supper) A dark night in the garden (Garden of Gethsemane) The

sun stops shining (The Crucifixion) God s wonderful surprise

(The Resurrection) Going home (The Ascension) God sends help

(Pentecost) A new way to see (Story of Paul) A dream of heaven

(John sees the future) Each story whispers his name, sharing the

story beneath all the stories in the Bible. The story of Jesus

Christ. Approximate running time: 65 minutes.

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Websites for Christmas and Advent Most are suitable for teacher or student background.

An overview of Advent as a season of preparation http://www.cptryon.org/prayer/adx/adprep.html Advent the period of four weeks before Christmas. It is a time of preparation, waiting and hope. This site explores some of the many Advent customs and offers prayers and weekly meditations in preparation for Christmas. Contains teaching and learning activities. Suitable for : K – 6:

Prayers and Customs of Advent and Christmas http://www.cptryon.org/prayer/adx/index.html Christmas and Advent can be a spiritual feast for those who live these seasons spiritually. And where better to live them spiritually than in our own homes and households? The purpose of this site is to help families and households celebrate Advent and Christmas in a Christian way. Contains teaching and learning activities. Suitable for : K – 6:

The History of Christmas http://www.holidays.net/christmas/story.htm A site offering a descriptive history of Christmas traditions, customs and Christian celebration of Christmas. Suitable for : 5 – 8:

Christmas in Cyberspace http://www.njwebworks.net/christmas/ This site is designed to illuminate the true meaning of Christmas. To provide a strictly spiritual alternative to the commercialisation of one of our faiths most sacred times. Christmas In CyberSpace provides the Christian perspective that God demonstrated his love for us by entering our world under the most humble of circumstances. Suitable for : 5 – 6

Advent prayers for young children http://www.cptryon.org/prayer/child/adv.html Contains a series of simple prayers for Advent prepared by the Passionist Fathers. Suitable for : K -- 4:

The Story of Saint Nicholas http://www.cptryon.org/prayer/child/nick.html The re-telling of the life of St Nicholas. A very simple little piece, easily accessible. Suitable for student background. Suitable for : K – 4

Advent Calendar http://www.smmp.com/Advent/Advent.htm This Advent calendar will delight children. It is a cyberversion of the Advent Calendars that children love. It is constructed in such a way as not to allow any peeking ahead (encouraging a daily return!). Suitable for student background. Contains teaching and learning activities. Suitable for : K – 6:

Advent Calendar http://www.culham.ac.uk/advent2000/index.html This is another online Advent Calendar. While the heading 'Advent 2000' is confusing it tries to connect the Christian message to many seasonal activities. This site does not draw significantly on the scriptural passages for Advent. The music is often more Christmas than Advent. Suitable for student background. Contains teaching and learning activities. Suitable for : K – 6:

The Twelve Days of Christmas : A Catechism Song http://www.cin.org/twelvday.html The Twelve Days of Christmas was written in England as one of the catechism songs to help young Catholics learn the tenets of their faith - a memory aid, when to be caught with anything in *writing* indicating adherence to the Catholic faith could lead to punishment or death. Suitable for : 5 – 8:

A Child is born http://www.ewtn.com/gallery/exhibit/child/index.htm This splendid collection of images about the birth of Jesus could be very effectively used, with a live connection and a data projector, as part of a class liturgy. Suitable for : K – 12:

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Prayers for Advent http://www.cyberfaith.com/weblinks/ia_advent.html Some suggestions as to how to go about the inclusion of online material in lessons on Advent by Dorothy Werner, retired Director of Religious Education, Archdiocese of Washington, DC. Contains teaching and learning activities. Suitable for : K– 4:

What Color Is the Season? http://www.cyberfaith.com/weblinks/ia_seasons.html In these online activities children are introduced to the seasons of the Church’s liturgical year. They learn about the significance of each season and the colours used during each season. Suitable for teacher background. Suitable for student background. Contains teaching and learning activities. Suitable for : K - 2:

Come, Lord Jesus, Come (An Advent Activity) http://www.cyberfaith.com/weblinks/ia_comelordjesus.html Activities included in this site are: 1. Learning what Advent is; 2. Studying a short history of Advent; 3. Seeing what liturgical colours are used during Advent and learn their significance; 4. Learning about the Advent wreath - the significance of the colours, the candles, the circle, and the evergreens; 5. Learning about Advent and pre-Christmas customs of different countries; 6. Making a classroom Advent calendar or use an online calendar to count down the days of Advent. The web-site links are high quality and could be very helpful for teachers and students. Suitable for teacher and student background. Contains teaching and learning activities. Suitable for : 3 – 6:

St Nicholas http://www.stnicholascenter.org/Brix?pageID=23 This ecumenical site, subtitled - Discovering the truth about Santa Claus - is perhaps the best resource around for teachers and parents wanting to put the Santa myth in perspective. There is a lot to be learned here, including the origin of the balls placed on Christmas trees, which represent the gold given to provide dowries for impoverished maidens. Resources include a special children's section with stories and interactive media. Rediscovering the real figure of St Nicholas can be a helpful antidote to the commercialism of the season. Suitable for teacher and student background. Contains teaching and learning activities. Suitable for : K – 8

Interactive Advent Calendar - http://www.beliefnet.com/index/index_10055.html This calendar is designed to focus a child's interest on the coming of Christ, culminating in the story of the Nativity on 25 December. Previews by the teacher before using would ensure that material is suitable for student use, as some is more appropriate for teacher background. The opening of the calendar at breakfast each day reveals a story or anecdote associated with the Christian celebration of Christmas. It includes information about telescopes and cosmology and an activity to make a Christmas star. The coding behind the calendar prevents users from peeking at stories from the days ahead. Suitable for teacher and student background. Contains teaching and learning activities. Suitable for : 5 – 12:

Advent FAQs http://www.americancatholic.org/Features/Advent/faqs.asp Interesting FAQ's such as: What is Advent? Who established Advent? What is the Advent wreath? Why is the rose-colored candle lit on the third Sunday of Advent? etc. Suitable for teacher and student background. Suitable for : 5 – 8:

Christmas FAQs http://www.americancatholic.org/features/christmas/faqs.asp Interesting FAQ's such as: Which other saints are celebrated during this time? Was St. Nicholas real? When are the 12 days of Christmas? What is “Little Christmas”? What are the names of the three kings? Suitable for teacher and student background. Suitable for : 5 – 8:

The History of Christmas - Watch and Listen http://www.history.com/topics/christmas The History of Christmas - Watch and Listen - This site contains some videos excerpts from the history channel about Christmas (so you will need broadband and have some very short ads). However, it includes a five minute video on the background to the tradition of Christmas, a clip on the Christmas truce during World War One and Frank Borman's Christmas message from the moon. The rest of the site is worth looking at as well. Suitable for teacher and student background. Suitable for : 7– 10:

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New Resources


Adventures in Assisi : On the path with St. Francis [Picture book] by: Welborn, Amy

Prayers that changed history : From Christopher Columbus to Helen Keller, how God used 25 people to change the world by: Goyer, Tricia

Faith, Hope, and Charity : Benedict XVI on the theological virtues by: Rausch, Thomas P

Iona : The other Island by: Steven, Kenneth

Reading Luke for the first time by: HARRINGTON, Wilfrid J

Practicing Compassion by: Rogers, Frank

Sorting out Catholicism : A brief history of the New Ecclesial movements by: Faggioli, Massimo

Faith, Hope & Clarity : How to know God's will by: Zimak, Gary

Embracing the Icon of love by: Korn, Daniel

One hope : Re-Membering the Body of Christ by: Aageson, Julie K

A faithful farewell : Living your last chapter with love by: McEntyre, Marilyn Chandler

Perfect Charity : Women religious living the spirit of Vatican II by: Clark, Mary Ryllis

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Virtuous healers : Models of faith in medicine by: Gamboa, Edgar A Jul 7, 2015

This time in the Church Edited by: Kelly, Michael

My Christian faith by: Seaman, Alison

Readings for Effectice Catechetical Leaders : On ministry, formation, growth, worship and community

Luke's way of looking [Picture book] by: WHEATLEY, Nadia

Me and We : God's new social gospel by: Sweet, Leonard

Earthy Mysticism : Spirituality for unspiritual people by: Sample, Tex

Pope Francis : Life and revolution : A biography of Jorge Bergoglio by: Pique, Elisabetta

Prayer and You : Wit and wisdom from a crabby mystic by: Hill, Mary Lea

Angels unawares by: MCKENNA, Megan

Zealous : Following Jesus with guidance from St. Paul by: Hart, Mark

An Altar in the world : Finding the sacred beneath our feet by: Taylor, Barbara Brown

How full is your bucket? : For kids [Picture book] by: Rath, Tom

Glimpsed in passing : Poems by: Mead, Joy

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At play in creation : Merton's awakening to the feminine divine by: Pramuk, Christopher

A History of Ancient Israel and Judah by: Miller, J Maxwell

Its a God thing : When miracles happen to everyday people (Vol 2) by: Jacobson, Don Jul 8, 2015

How to make friends and monsters by: Boward, Howard

Bystanders : Echoes of stories past by: Volk, Valerie

Thoughts to make your heart sing by: Lloyd-Jones, Sally

My Muslim life by: Droubie, Rjadh El

Educator's guide to Catholic identity by: Sharkey, Paul

What am I supposed to do with my life? : God's will demystified by: Moore, Johnnie

Byzantine art and architecture : An introduction by: Rodley, Lyn

Bob Hartman's Bible baddies by: HARTMAN, Bob

Images of God : Encountering the divine presence through visionary prayer by: Alborghetti, Marci

Thinking Stems Bulletin Board Resource

1,000 Facts about the Bible by: Currie, Robin

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I love you all the same [Picture book] by: Keith, Donna

The hard to swallow tale of Jonah and the whale [Picturebook] by: Denham, Joyce

Weatherboy [Picture book] by: Van Hest, Pimm

The Perfect Percival Priggs [Picture book] by: Graham, julie-Anne

Hedgehugs - Horace and Hattiepillar [Picture book] by: Tapper, Lucy

My stinky new school [Picturebook] by: Elliott, Rebecca

Authentic educational leadership in schools by: MILLIKAN, Ross H

Reading the New Testament in the Church : A primer for pastors, religious educators and believers by: MOLONEY, Francis J

Sacred in the City : Seeing the spiritual in the everyday by: Silf, Margaret

Connected toward Communion : The Church and social communication in the digital age by: Zsupan-Jerome, Daniella

One thousand gifts : A dare to live fully right where you are by: Voskamp, Ann Jul 13, 2015

The election of Grace : A riddle without a resolution? by: Williams, Stephen N

Practices of the self and spiritual practices : Michel Foucault and the Eastern Christian discourse by: Horujy, Sergey S

Beyond the myth of self-esteem : Finding fulfilment by: Smith, John

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From enemy to friend : Jewish wisdom and the pursuit of peace by: Eilberg, Amy

The Bible tells me so... :Why defending scripture has made us unable to read it by: Enns, Peter

The Prodigal Father by: Scarano, Angelo

Laudato Si' : Encyclical letter of the Holy Father Francis on care for our common home by: Francis Pope, 1936- J

First Communion Liturgies : Preparing first-class first celebrations by: Eschenauer, Donna M

Navigating Ministry : A compass for authentic pastoral ministry by: Kinton, Ken

A Fresh look at the Mass : A helpful guide to better understand and celebrate the mystery by: Knight, David M

Inspired : The powerful presence of the Holy Spirit by: Caster, Gary

Unleashed : How to receive everything the Holy Spirit wants to give you : A Catholic woman's walk with scripture by: Corbitt, Sonja

Make the words your own : An early Christian guide to the Psalms by: Wayman, Benjamin

Turkey from the Air by: Arthus-Bertrand, Yann

Passion play : The Oberammergau tales by: Volk, Valerie

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Being Human : How to become the person you were meant to be by: Chalke, Steve

Confession : Finding freedom and forgiveness by: Farren, Paul

The four Gospels : Following in the footsteps of Jesus by: Hogan, Maurice

Talking ecological : 40 cards for building conversations toward sustainability by: McBurney, Ian Jul 27, 2015

Joan of Arc : A history by: Castor, Helen

Girltopia : A world of real conversations for real girls [card set] by: Bennett, Jane Includes 5 themed sets: Me, Doing, Feeling, Body and Us. Ages 10-18. Designed to help girls experience healthy self-esteem, and intended to help develop girls’ personal awareness of how women are represented by the media, advertising and stereotypes.

Meister Eckhart's living wisdom : Indestructible joy and the path of letting go [CD] by: FINLEY, James

Feel good : How to change your mood and cope with whatever comes your way by: Pascoe, Shane

Pope Francis speaks to families : Words of joy and life by: Francis, Pope

Would I like Jesus? : A casual walk through the life of Jesus by: Fleming, Peter

The New Testament by: Telford, W R

Harvest of Rubies : a novel by: Afshar, Tessa

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The Creeds : Reflections and scripture on the Apostles' and Nicene Creeds

Living prayer : A simple guide to everyday enlightenment by: Morneau, Robert F

Brother Francis presents Born into the Kingdom : The miracle of baptism [DVD] `

Brother Francis presents Following in his footsteps : The blessings of living out our faith [DVD]

Tjitji Tjuta Inmaku Pakantjaka Book (For all the kids to dance ceremony)

Sex, God & marriage by: Arnold, Johann Christoph

Rebuilding youth ministry : Ten strategies for catholic parishes by: Wesley, Christopher

Like the first morning by: Ortiz, Michael J

The joyful spirit of Padre Pio : Stories, letters, and prayers by: Treece, Patricia

We are already One : Thomas Merton's message of hope : Reflections to honor his centenary (1915 - 2015) by: Henry, Gray

A Catholic Gardener's spiritual almanac : Cultivating your faith throughout the year by: Realy, Margaret Rose

Christ the Lord : The Road to Cana by: Rice, Anne

Loving later life : An ethics of aging by: Lange, Frits de

Envisioning the congregation practicing the Gospel : A guide for pastors and lay leaders by: Stewart, John W

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Sacred Pause : A creative retreat for the word-weary Christian by: Hackenberg, Rachel G

Leaving Church : A memoir of faith by: Taylor, Barbara Brown

Lessons from Pope Francis for children [Picture book] by: Burrin, Angela M Pope Francis talks about God's love, friendship with Jesus, the gift of the Holy Spirit, the importance prayer, care of the poor, and how to get along in our families. Lessons are paired with Bible stories, from the parable of the Good Samaritan to the wedding feast at Cana..

Jesus welcomes you to the Mass [Picture book] by: Burrin, Angela M

The mature mind : The positive power of the aging brain by: Cohn, Gene D

The wonder of the Eucharist by: Barker, Ken

Praying the Rosary with Mary [Picture book] by: Burrin, Angela M

Welcome to your baptism [Picture book] by: Burrin, Angela M

I ask you, be shepherds : Reflections on pastoral ministry by: Bergoglio, Jorge Mario

Pope Francis : Conversations with Jorge Bergoglio : The authorised biography by: Rubin, Sergio

Praying the Rosary : A journey through scripture and art by: MCBRIDE, Denis

The Lion Christian Classics collection by: Lane, Tony

Extreme crafts for messy churches : 50 activity ideas for the adventurous by: Maidment, Pete

Well seasoned living : Summer : A guided journal for increasing your enjoyment of everyday life by: Kessler, Vicki

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Why the Cross? by: SENIOR, Donald

Inside Jerusalem by: Raffin, Patrizia

How to read the Bible & still be a Christian : Struggling with divine violence from Genesis through Revelation by: CROSSAN, John Dominic

The First, Second, and Third Letters of Saint John and the Revelation to Saint John by: Hahn, Scott

Exploring Ancient Egypt by: Kean, Roger Michael

Pearl in the sand : A novel by: Afshar, Tessa

The Archaeology of the Bible by: Hoffmeier, James K

A friendly guide to the Prophets by: Boyle, Brian

The goal of Life : Excerpts from Jesus the Teacher within by: FREEMAN, Laurence

Amazing graces : The Blessings of Sacramentals by: Cragon, Julie Dortch

Saint Paul in Anatolia and Cyprus : A travel companion by: Cimok, Fatih

Wholeness after betrayal : Restoring trust in the wake of misconduct by: Hammeal-Urban, Robin

The chickens build a wall [Picture book] by: Dumont, Jean-Francois

Thomas the Toadilly terrible bully [Picture book] by: Levy, Janice

Pierre the French bulldog recycles [Picture book] by: Louise, Kate

The last Tiger [Picture book] by: Elliott, Rebecca

Page 47: Spring - Summer 2015-16 · Sacred Fire – a vision for a deeper human and Christian maturity Ronald Rolheiser Image New York (2014) 248.482 ROL My expectations were high when Susan

Joseph's colourful coat [Picture book] by: Sully, Katherine

Coming Home [Picture book] by: McGuinness, Sharon

David and Goliath [Picture book] by: Sully, Katherine

Jonah and the Big Fish by: Sully, Katherine

Noah's Ark [Picture book] by: Sully, Katherine

Daniel and the lions [Picturebook] by: Sully, Katherine

The baptism of Jesus [Picture book] by: Sully, Katherine

The miracles of Jesus [Picture book] by: Sully, Katherine

Jesus and his disciples [Picture book] by: Sully, Katherine

The last Supper [Picture book] by: Sully, Katherine

God bless my Boo Boo [Picture book] by: Hall, Hannah C

Jessica's box [Picture book] by: Carnavas, Peter

The Red Tent [DVD] Based on the bestselling novel by Anita Diamant, "The Red Tent" is a sweeping expansion on the Biblical story of Dinah, the daughter of Jacob, a man familiar to many through the Book of Genesis.

Lourdes : Pilgrimage and healing [DVD] This documentary profiles Lourdes in France, long proclaimed as a place of inner healing, to which hundreds make pilgrimages every year.

The Jesus storybook Bible (Vol 2) [DVD] : Old Testament by: Lloyd-Jones, Sally

Brother Francis presents the Saints

[DVD] : our heavenly friends