st colmcille's ps newsletter issue 20

News at St. Colmcille’s St. Colmcille’s Primary School, Ballymena Parents’ Newsletter Publish Date: Summer Term 2014 Issue Number 20 Welcome to the twentieth issue of News at St. Colmcille’s marking the end of our seventh academic year. This newsletter gives a snap shot of school life during the spring and summer terms. It is a momentous occasion for us in St. Colmcille’s as our current Year 7 pupils are the first cohort to have completed their seven years of primary education in the school. All the children have been recognised for their academic and extra-curricular achievements on many occasions during the term. The End of Key Stage results once again place us in the top percentile in Northern Ireland. On the sporting field our hurlers were runners-up in the SW Antrim PS competition. The Year 7 pupils won the NI Formula 1 in Schools competition for the second time. The work of the school has been recognised by a number of outside agencies as best practice with samples of children’s work being selected by CCEA for exemplification to other schools throughout NI. During the year the school was awarded the Primary Science Quality Mark, the Rights Respecting School Award, the ICT Charter Mark and the Eco Flag. These external marks of excellence are a testimony to the high standards and curriculum provision offered in school. I congratulate the Year 7 children who have graduated from primary school and are looking forward to beginning their post-primary education. I wish them well and thank them for contributing positively to the life of St. Colmcille’s. I trust you enjoy reading the newsletter and I wish you all a restful summer holiday. Mr B McKenna (Principal)

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St colmcille's ps newsletter issue 20


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News at St. Colmcille’s St. Colmcille’s Primary School, Ballymena Parents’ Newsletter

Publish Date: Summer Term 2014

Issue Number 20

Welcome to the twentieth issue of News at St. Colmcille’s marking the end of our seventh

academic year. This newsletter gives a snap shot of school life during the spring and summer

terms. It is a momentous occasion for us in St. Colmcille’s as our current Year 7 pupils are the

first cohort to have completed their seven years of primary education in the school. All the

children have been recognised for their academic and extra-curricular achievements on many

occasions during the term. The End of Key Stage results once again place us in the top percentile

in Northern Ireland. On the sporting field our hurlers were runners-up in the SW Antrim PS

competition. The Year 7 pupils won the NI Formula 1 in Schools competition for the second time.

The work of the school has been recognised by a number of outside agencies as best practice

with samples of children’s work being selected by CCEA for exemplification to other schools

throughout NI. During the year the school was awarded the Primary Science Quality Mark, the

Rights Respecting School Award, the ICT Charter Mark and the Eco Flag. These external marks

of excellence are a testimony to the high standards and curriculum provision offered in school.

I congratulate the Year 7 children who have graduated from primary school and are looking

forward to beginning their post-primary education. I wish them well and thank them for

contributing positively to the life of St. Colmcille’s. I trust you enjoy reading the newsletter and I

wish you all a restful summer holiday. Mr B McKenna (Principal)

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Year 3 celebrated the Sacrament of Reconciliation on Thursday 10th April in All Saints’ Church with the parish clergy. This celebration demonstrates God’s forgiving love to the children in a very active way. Every child took part in a presentation including the retelling of the ‘Good Shepherd’ story. The singing rounded off what was a very special event in the lives of the children, their families and the wider school community. We would like to thank Fr Darren, our school chaplain, and all the priests of the parish for their continued support.

The Year 7 children celebrated their Confirmation on 8th April, along with the children and young people from the local parish schools. The confirmation ceremony was celebrated by Bishop Treanor. There was a great sense of occasion and all of the children demonstrated reverence and wonder and awe during the ceremony. We are grateful to Fr Darren and Fr Aidan for their support during the preparation for Confirmation and to Bishop Treanor for ensuring that the children had the opportunity to have a photograph taken with him after the ceremony.

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Well done to the Year 4 children who celebrated their First Communion in All Saints’ Church on the 1st June. The children successfully completed their preparation for this sacrament by participating in the Come to Me Lord programme with the parish core team, and completing the Alive-O4 programme in school under the direction of Mrs Smith and Mr Walls. The children were all beautifully presented on the day and participated fully in the music liturgy. This celebration demonstrates how family, school and parish cooperate together for the benefit of all our children.

St. Colmcille’s has helped the parish Apostolic Works Group gather much needed medical and hygiene products to be sent to the missions in Africa. These items are very expensive in developing countries and will make a real difference for those people who receive them. A big thank you to all parents and children who supported this worthwhile cause.

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Catholic Schools’ Week was celebrated from Jan 27th-Feb 3rd. This Year’s theme was ‘Catholic Schools – Places of Faith and Learning’. During this special week each class acknowledged Catholic Schools’ Week in different ways including attendance at daily Mass and celebrating Grandparents’ Day on Tuesday 28th January. The Year 4 children wrote personalised prayers and presented these to their grandparents at a very special prayer service in school. School Assembly, led by Fr Darren, opened Catholic Schools’ week and representatives from each class closed the week by sharing what their class did to celebrate this special time in our school.

This group of senior pupils represented St. Colmcille’s at a Scor event in Randalstown on 21st March. Scor is part of the GAA programme of events promoting Ireland’s traditional pastimes and cultures. The girls danced a Fairy Reel, Ruairi sang an Irish Ballad and Jane played a reel on the tin whistle. This was a non-competitive event and the children enjoyed watching and listening to the 12 other schools from Co Antrim who submitted entries.

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Following a very thorough inspection by two of UNICEF’s Professional Advisors, St. Colmcille’s was awarded the ‘UNICEF UK Level 1’ award for their Rights Respecting School work. This means that we are recognised as a school which has ‘embedded the values and principles of the UN Convention into its ethos and curriculum’. The inspection on the 15th May involved interviews with pupils, members of staff, parents and Board of Governors, as well as a ‘Learning Walk’, observation of two lessons and examination of a portfolio of evidence. The advisors were highly impressed by the pupils they spoke to on that day and praised their positive attitudes. The assessment report stated; “The children talked with pride about their teachers and school and could identify the key components of a rights respecting classroom. They said their right to a voice was always recognized in the classroom and the teachers listened to their points of view.” In recognition of everyone’s hard work in achieving this award, the Pupil Council led the whole school down the driveway the following morning to add the award to our school sign at the entrance gate. Look out for the RRS logo on the big sign the next time you drive in or out of school!

In our journey to becoming a Rights Respecting School this year we invited Amy from the NSPCC to speak to all our pupils. The children received some very important messages and heard about how the NSPCC helps children locally. Our pupils then set about raising some very necessary funds for the NSPCC and, as always, the generosity shown by our parents and other family members was incredible. In total the school raised a phenomenal £1590. Amy congratulated all the pupils and asked them to pass on her thanks to all those who contributed to this very worthy cause.

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The National Association of Advisers for Computers in Education (NAACE) is a government-funded body responsible for promoting the use of ICT across the UK in schools and colleges. This body assesses competencies against a Standard framework and where best practice is observed an ICT Charter Mark is awarded. On Wednesday 18th June St. Colmcille’s welcomed the NAACE appointed assessor who observed classroom practice, reviewed portfolios of children’s work and interviewed staff and pupils. The pupils also presented a powerpoint involving children from each year group. The assessor was very impressed by how the school promotes effective use of ICT to enhance learning and teaching. The Board of Governors congratulate the school on being awarded the ICT Charter Mark.

The children from Year 7 took part in Cycling Proficiency Training with Mrs Beattie and Mrs Sheehan. As part of the course the children had to learn a series of manoeuvres to teach them how to cycle safely on the roads. All the children passed both the practical and theory tests and were presented with their Cycling Proficiency certificates at prize-day.

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Green Flag Award

The Eco Council’s biggest task this term was to prepare for our Green Flag assessment. Ruth from Eco Schools came to visit the school on Monday 16th June and we are delighted that she presented us with our third Green Flag award! The Eco Council presented their work to Ruth and pupils from Years 3, 6 and 7 also told her about some Eco activities they had been involved in. Ruth commented that environmental issues were clearly well-embedded into daily routines at St. Colmcille’s and that all

pupils had a very good understanding of the importance of looking after the environment. She also congratulated the Eco Council on their hard work in using data to monitor the impact of their actions. Well done everyone!

Green Fingers

Now that the weather has improved, the Eco Council have been hard at work in the gardens and grass areas around the school. We replanted the flowerbeds at the front of the school, pulling out weeds and removing the dead winter flowers. We look forward to seeing the colourful petals bloom as we reach the end of term!

After Easter the Year 6 and Year 7 pupils helped plant some vegetables. We have carrots, tomatoes, peas, lettuce, beans, Brussel sprouts and cauliflower. Some peas and lettuce have grown already and the carrots are starting to grow well. Hopefully we’ll have enough for a salad before the end of term!

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We celebrated Science Week in St. Colmcille’s from 18th – 21st March. All the pupils enjoyed a fun-packed week of scientific investigations, technology challenges, visitors and science shows. Pupils in the Foundation Stage took part in classroom-based investigations which allowed them to find out more about magnets, their 5 senses and how we grow. The Year 7 pupils helped the groups of Year 1 and 2 pupils with their investigations.

In Years 3, 4 and 5 the pupils developed their science skills by testing paper aeroplanes, using their senses to identify unknown foods and discovering the properties of different materials. Year 6 and 7 took part in a Technology Challenge to design and make a parachute that would allow a crème egg to land safely on the ground. Thank you to Dr. Mulholland and some 6th Year Science students from St. Louis’ Grammar School for their involvement in the Technology Challenge.

The Learn Differently company also staged science-themed shows during the week to teach the pupils more about Science in our everyday lives. A special word of thanks to the parents who came to visit classes to talk about how they use Science in their jobs.

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Year 1 have been busy learning about People Who Help Us. They especially enjoyed the visits from Tracy (PSNI), Rita and Martin (Ambulance Service) and the Ballymena Fire-fighters. A big thank-you to all our special visitors!

Once again the Year 7 children attended the annual Bee Safe event in the Ballymena Business Centre on 30th January in association with the PSNI, the NI Fire Brigade and Ballymena Borough Council. The aim of the event is to teach children lifesaving skills in relation to fire safety, road safety, safe use of the internet and drug and alcohol misuse. The day was very useful and informative and will help our children to stay safe and play safely and help inform them about decisions they will make in the future. The school would like to thank all the organisations and volunteers who helped to facilitate the event.

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Year 2 had a wonderful trip to the ECOS centre where they went on a spring walk to observe the changes in nature such as buds appearing, changes in wildlife, listening to the noises in the environment and watching to see how the landscape changes as the warmer weather and longer days start to work their magic.

During religion lessons, Year 2 have been looking at lots of special places. They went to visit a special place of prayer – All Saints’ Church, Ballymena. The visit helped the children to develop a great sense of reverence for the church. Barney, the sacristan, kindly gave the children a tour of the church highlighting the most important features including the altar, the tabernacle, the stations of the cross, the stained-glass windows …. and in gaining this knowledge the children can begin to feel more at home in the Church.

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There is a strong tradition of music in St. Colmcille’s. Children play a range of string, brass and woodwind instruments. During the year selected children successfully completed the Associated Board Graded Music Examinations at the Antrim Board Centre. Listed are the pupils who completed the examinations.

Grade 1 VIOLIN Sophie Byatt Amelie Gardner Aimee McCartney

Mary-Kate O’Rawe

VIOLA Calum McMurray Joseph O’Rawe

CELLO Kara McLaughlin

FLUTE Cara Kane Orla McAtamney

CLARINET Sophie Doherty

Grade 2 VIOLIN Lucy Donaldson Sian Zensque

Grade 3 VIOLIN Odhran Cosgrove Patrick Dougan Emma Duffy

Katie Logan Maria O’Rawe Hannah Reid

We would like to thank Mrs Mullan, Mr Herron and Mr Tohill from the NEELB Peripatetic Music Service who provide instrumental tuition to our pupils.

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These boys have been selected to represent Antrim in Gaelic games. Joe played in Brewster Park, Enniskillen at half time in the Antrim v Fermanagh football championship match. Hugh will play at the Ulster Championship Final in Clones on Sunday 20th July. James will play in Croke Park at half time in the All-Ireland Hurling semi-final.

Year 5 completed this year’s swimming programme for St. Colmcille’s P.S. Following their swimming assessment the pupils were presented with their swimming certificates. Some of our Year 5 children can swim over 1,500metres!! All of the Key Stage 2 classes have enjoyed improving their skills over the year with many making great improvements.

County Stars

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Year 3 have been learning about Castles and in particular Ballymena Castle. As part of their studies the children went on a historical walk in search of clues to where the Castle was sited in Ballymena. Clues along the way included the Adair Arms Hotel, St. Patrick’s Church and the Seven Towers Leisure Centre. The Castle is no longer standing today - in fact Ava found out that the previous owner of her house helped to demolish the Castle. His name was Mr Turtle. The children found a large stone beside the swimming pool that marks the site of Ballymena Castle.

As part of the Play Based Learning topic Houses and Homes Year 1 have been learning all about building houses. A construction firm is building houses in the field next to the school and this proved to be a useful point of reference. The Year 1 child looked at plans for building houses. They even saw the plans that were used to build our school in 2007. The children decided it was much more fun to design and build their own house. I wonder will some of the children become building contractors, brickies or architects in the future.

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On Tuesday 25th February, Jim, from the Fire Service visited Year 5 and lead a workshop on Fire Safety. This was part of the children’s World Around Us topic and PDMU programme of study. The children took part in the Fire Service’s Safety Team programme and learned about the dangers of fire and how to make their homes safer.

Year 6 have been learning about the work of ‘Fairtrade’ and how it has improved the lives of producers and farmers in the Third World. The ‘Fairtrade’ representative from Sainsbury’s visited the classes to share her knowledge of ‘Fairtrade’ and to tell about the products on offer in Sainsbury’s. The pupils held a ‘Fairtrade Break Day’ to highlight awareness in school and raise money for Trocaire. Everyone enjoyed the opportunity to have a chocolate bar instead of a healthy break!

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Once again, the school Eco Council led the way in encouraging everyone in our school to lead a more healthy and active lifestyle. We took part in Translink’s Walk To School Week and both pupils and parents met at three different locations in the town to walk to school together. The Eco Council kept a careful

count of how many people took part; we worked out that an average of 150 pupils walked to school every day, and that during the week we walked a total of 756 times! That’s even more than last year!

To coincide with Walk To School Week, the Eco Council organised Healthy Living Week. Everyone in the school (pupils and staff!) spent 10 minutes in the playground after break taking part in exercises, activities and challenges. Now we know a lot of new ways to get fit and keep active!

Mrs Vannessa Brodie from NEELB provided Year 3 and 4 with a series of lessons on the Spanish language and culture. The children learnt how to say their name, use basic greetings, order a drink in a restaurant and dance the mambo. All very useful with the summer holidays approaching.

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Congratulations to all the winning teams in the

alternative sports!

Key Stage 2 Alternative Sports

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Foundation Stage Alternative Sports

This year we had to have two sports days due to the weather! On the 9th of June the sun shone as the athletes of St. Colmcille’s paraded out as the countries of the world, ready for the alternative sports events. The children were grouped into teams and completed a variety of games earning points for speed and accuracy. After a busy morning the parents and children had a well earned break and refreshments were provided by the Parent/Teacher Association. Later in the week the children had the opportunity to compete in the traditional sport events such as the sprint, relay, sack race and marathon. Well done to all our competitors and in particular to those who were awarded rosettes and team prizes.

Key Stage 1 Alternative Sports

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Individual Winners

The School Choir

Individual First Prize Winners

Congratulations to everyone who took part in 2014 Ballymena Festival. We are very proud of all our children who took part in this year’s event. Being able to give a performance to such large audiences especially during a solo performance, takes great confidence and courage. Once again the school choir was very successful receiving marks of distinction in each of the classes winning the Shafto Adair Cup and the Ballymena Telegraph Cup. Many children were prize winners and cup winners in the speech and drama, instrumental music and singing classes. Congratulations also to Orla McAtamney who was presented with the Robinson Perpetual Cup for vocal musicianship at the Festival Gala night.

This tremendous success is testimony to the children, their teachers and parents who prepared them so thoroughly. Congratulations everyone!

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World Book Day on Thursday 6th March provided an opportunity to promote literacy and reading in St. Colmcille’s. There were a number of fun-filled activities organised to celebrate the day. The day started with a special assembly in which the children and teachers dressed up and got into the role of their chosen book character to parade around the school hall. The children also participated in a paired reading lesson with a child from another class. This gave the children the opportunity to share their favourite stories with one another and allowed the older children to read to their younger counterparts. In addition Miss Agnew’s class made a trip to Waterstones’ Book Shop to listen to a storyteller and make book themed crafts. World Book Day coincided with the Book Fair coming to school. It was a tremendous success and the children had the opportunity to get their hands on some new reading material. As a result, the school has received over £1,000 commission to buy additional reading resources for the children. Thank you for your continued support.

Every year, thousands of families all over the country take part in the UK’s biggest reading event for children in libraries, the Summer Reading Challenge, run by the charity The Reading Agency. The aim of the challenge is to get children to read six books from their library during the summer holidays. The Summer Reading Challenge is aimed at children aged four to eleven. The Challenge website allows your child to log the books they have read during the summer – and beyond. They can also find new books to read, recommended by other children, take part in competitions and play games. So mums, dads and carers, pop down to the Ballymena Library and find out more!

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Congratulations to the Year 7s who recently took part in the Northern Ireland Sentinus Formula 1 Competition in the Ballymena North Centre. The pupils had to design and make a Formula 1 car which they then raced along a 20m track. They also had to prepare a portfolio of their work and present their learning to a panel of judges from Sentinus. Despite facing tough competition from schools across Northern Ireland, our pupils were successful in winning three top awards: Fastest Car, Best Verbal Presentation and Overall Winner.

Our Year 6 pupils were once again invited to St. Louis’ Grammar School for Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) activities. This involved the pupils taking part in practical activities in subjects including Home Economics, Physics, Chemistry and Technology. In Physics the pupils learnt how to launch rockets using Vitamin C tablets and in Home Economics they made smoothies. Our pupils had great fun and learned lots. A huge thank you to St. Louis’ staff and pupils for organising this fun afternoon.

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Year 4 have been learning about Flight, Travel and Timetables. As part of their Activity-Based Learning programme of study the children created their own travel agent and airline. They set up role-play scenarios where the children had to book their holiday, calculate the cost, pack their bags, check in their luggage, meet the airline requirements, and act as airline staff. The next time these children take a flight they will appreciate all that is involved in the booking and preparation process.

Marie from Trocaire came to talk to Mrs Kane’s Year 6 about Trocaire’s work in helping the poor and their involvement with ‘Fairtrade’. They carried out some activities to learn about those involved in the ‘tea-chain’. They were amazed to find out how unfairly the growers are treated and paid. They heard many interesting stories about families in the Third World and how Trocaire has helped them. They also thought about how children’s rights are being denied, for example how they miss out on education because they have to walk three or four miles everyday to fetch water.

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This term our Year 6 pupils have had great fun learning the skills of basketball, as well as getting to meet some new children from Camphill Primary School. This project has been funded by ‘Peace Players International’. Each week the pupils developed the skills of basketball and also they took part in workshops which allowed them to discuss issues such as their identity, showing respect and stereotyping. The children were also very lucky to have a few special visitors turn up to watch them play, Minister for Social Development, Nelson McCausland and Audrey Wales, Ballymena’s Lady Mayoress.

St. Colmcille’s once again took part in this year’s Credit Union Quiz on Monday 3rd February. The school entered four teams who competed against eight other schools in the regional primary school quiz in the Ballymena Showgrounds. All the teams represented the school very well with two teams finishing 2nd and 3rd overall. Congratulations to everyone who took part.

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Congratulations to all the children from Year 3 who have successfully completed the Reading

Partners programme. Mrs Beattie, Mrs Clarke and Mrs Hayes worked with the children during

the spring term developing their reading skills. The school would like to thank the reading

partners for all their hard work throughout the year and to the parents whose support at home

made the programme so successful.

Well done to all the children who completed the Springboard Maths programme! This is a

programme designed to reinforce and develop maths skills for our Year 4 children. We would like

to thank Mrs Duffy and Mrs Madison for their hard work and enthusiasm throughout the year.

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Camogie / Hurling Club Gaelic / Soccer Club

Basketball Club

KS2 Tennis Club KS1 Art Club

2014 saw another very successful Extended Schools Programme in St. Colmcille’s. There were a total of 13 clubs running, providing an excellent variety of activities for all children from Year 1 to Year 7. Each club was run by a fully qualified coach, ranging from independent sporting organisations, Ballymena Borough Council, teachers and parents. A huge thanks must go to all our coaches who made sure that the children enjoyed their activity in a safe and fun environment.

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The school Gaelic team participated in the INTO 7 a Side football competition in the Antrim Forum on 15th January. They came across some very tough opposition but made a very good account of themselves –being narrowly beaten by St. Joseph’s Crumlin in the final. Well done boys. The hurling team represented the school in the South West Antrim 5 a Side hurling competition on 5th February. This event was held in the Antrim forum and was attended by 10 other schools. The boys were a credit to St. Colmcille’s, showing great skill and fantastic sportsmanship. We were delighted when they came home with runner-up medals. Congratulations boys!

Mrs Roisin O’Boyle has been working with a group of children developing their hurling and camogie skills. These girls had the opportunity to put their skills into action at a Camogie Blitz. Despite the damp, cold weather the girls certainly didn’t disappoint, showing excellent technique. They were great sports and had a thoroughly enjoyable day. Well done girls!

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St. Colmcille’s has strong curricular links with our neighbouring grammar school – St. Louis. This term a number of sixth form students visited the Year 7 classes to support pupils in their preparation for the sacrament of Confirmation. This initiative called Faith Friends is a very powerful way of living faith to the full. We are indebted to the RE department and the pupils of St. Louis Grammar School for their continued support and interest in our children.

Monthly Draw Winners January: Jane O’Boyle February: Mark McCormick March: Finn Connon

Thank you for your continued support of the PTA fund-raising activities. The Easter Raffle raised £1,100 and the ‘Smartie Challenge’ raised in excess of £1,300. The PTA has purchased £3,000 worth of books, tools and materials for the additional two classes we will have in September. Easter Raffle Winners Olivia Workman Cailin Aikman Lydia Gardner Joe Martin Daniel Henry Lorraine Butler Anna McMullan Richard McCann Sharon McDonald

A huge thank you to the small group of parents who work tirelessly for the school’s PTA.

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Congratulations to the following who have completed at least one year full attendance:

Maria O’Rawe 7years Unbroken Attendance 2007-2014

Full Attendance - 1 year 2013-14

Full Attendance - 2 years 2012-14

Charlie Aikman

Nicholas Agnew

Anna Barry

Finn Connon

Sebastian Biegacz

Louis Doherty

Cormac Butler

Tyrone Mitchell

Emma Clarke

Iseult O'Loan

Ciara Connon

Ava O'Rawe

Kayla Creese

Megha Sibi

Gavin Kerr Sam Logan

Full Attendance - 3 years 2011-14

Caoimhe MacPartland

Ellie Jo Butler

Isabelle Martin

Harry Connon

Joe Martin

Korey Cushenan

Kitty McAuley

Lucy Donaldson

Aimee McDowell

Serena Gallagher

Emma McElroy

Lucy Gilpin

Leah McErlane

Liam Heggarty

Oliver McGlone

Michael Read

TP McGurk Enzo Murray

Full Attendance - 4 years 2010-14

Kevin O'Boyle

Oliver O'Rawe

Josef Shannon

Silvana Wilson

Ciara Thom Damian Ududovici

Full Attendance - 5 years 2009-14

Niamh Walsh

Joel Cushenan

Angelina Wilson

Kara McLaughlin

Full Attendance - 6 years 2008-14

Joseph O'Rawe

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Mrs Smith Mr Walls Miss Agnew Mr Murray

Maths Award Ellie-Jo Butler Peter McElroy Aoife Zensque Laura Daniel English Award Harry Connon Oliver O’Rawe Aoife Carnevale Cara McDowell

Best Effort Award Eleanor Ireland Lucy McGuigan Michael Doherty Samuel Logan

Social Spirit Award Karina McQuitty Sarah Boyle Ellie Tang Christy McGuigan

Mrs Kane Mr Kearney (Y6)

Maths Award Calum McMurray Joseph O’Rawe OVERALL AWARDS

English Award Aoife Devlin Cara Kane Mrs Kelly Cup

Charlie McCurdy & Louis Doherty

Best Effort Award Emma McElroy Angelina Wilson ECO Award Caolan Robb Social Spirit Award Michael Read Sophie Doherty Best Girl Athlete Jane O’Boyle

Best Boy Athlete James O’Boyle

Mrs McAleer Mr Kearney (Y7) Vocalist of the Year Patrick Dougan

Maths Award Katie Logan Jamie Reid Instrumentalist of the year Maria O’Rawe

English Award Niamh Walsh Beth Mullan

Cyclist of the Year David McGaughey

Best Effort Award Ruairi Flynn Caoimhe Tierney Top Girl Award Hannah Reid Social Spirit Award Hugh Totten Siánnah McKeown Top Boy Award Odhran Cosgrove

Individual Class Award Prize-winners

Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7

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James, Patrick and Jane

David, Caolan and Maria Charlie and Louis

Hannah & Odhran with Mr McKenna

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Year Group Term 2 Term 3 1 Aoife McGuigan-Clarke

Niamh Cassidy

Fárris McKervey

Sophie McNicholl

2 Tija Jaceviciute

Cillian Walsh

Isabelle Martin

Nadine Roddy

3 Connor O’Hara

Freya Berrisford

4 Joanne McDonnell

Olivia Diven

Sofia Richmond

Eleanor Ireland

5 Anna Barry

Aoife Carnevale

Cara McDowell

Michael Doherty

6 Eimear Crawford

Lucy Donaldson

Emma McElroy

7 Jane O’Boyle

Georgia M-Esler

Niamh Walsh

Year Group Term 2 Term 3 1 Helena O’Prey

Rachel Gillan

Tosia Walder

Kayla Creese

2 Dennysa Leoca

Amelia Gallagher

Paul Mullan

Chloe Rennie

3 Sarah O’Callaghan Maja Kopczynska

4 James Flanagan

Sarah Boyle

Dominik Kowalski

Ryan Gillan

5 Samuel Logan

Rhys Haveron

Alicia Jaimon

Emma Clarke

6 Calum McMurray

Mia Flanagan

Cara Kane

7 Patrick Dougan

James O’Boyle

Katie Logan

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Star of the Month Congratulations to all our Stars this term:


Group January February March April May

1 Callum Logan

Anna McMullan

Eva Quinn

Dominic Fijalkowski

Rose Crilly

Teagan McQuitty

Kara Dillon

Noah Patenall

Luis Kennedy

Emma Waide

2 Sean O’Brien

Adam Miastowski

Clare Neagu

Julia Wlodarczyk

Eibhleann Ardiff

Dona Noble

Dennysa Leoca

Matthew Watt

Kacy Laverty

Kirsten Mullan

3 Sean McDermott Gavin Kerr Niza Majo Zach Mitchell Aoife Mulholland

4 Juliana O’Mullan

Eleanor Ireland

Jamie Riordan

Alicja Markowska

Orla Kane

Alora Devlin

Augustenna Augustine

Enzo Murray

Aisling Ardiff

Niamh Agnew

5 Aoibhin Cosgrove

Jessica Beverland

Matteo Melioli

Joel Cushenan

Sam Logan

Cailin Aikman

Niall Esler

Aodhan McGarry

Chloe Mullan

Niall Dempsey

6 Sam Crawford Aoife Devlin

Megan Reid

Sofia Agnew Amy O’Hagan

Joseph O’Rawe

Gemma Mitchell

7 Caoimhe Tierney

Charlie McCurdy

David McGaughey Sophia M-Gilmour

Josef Shannon

Niamh Magill Lorenzo Melioli

Siannah McKeown

Our Golden Rules

In creating an ordered and caring environment the staff and pupils have adopted six Golden Rules that permeate all aspects of school life. All of the Golden Rules have been introduced to the children through assembly. They are clearly displayed in classrooms, the corridors and out side in the playground to remind the children of positive behaviour that is expected. Teachers develop this further by using circle time as a tool to encourage positive behaviour in and outside the classroom.

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School closes on Friday 27th

June at 12.00noon

2014/2015 Academic Year

Term 1 starts 1st September 2014

Half-term 27th

– 31st October 2014

Holy Day 8th

December 2014

Christmas 22nd

December 2014 – 6th

January 2015

The Governors, Principal and Staff wish you all a safe and fun filled summer.

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