strategös •• a branding agency - case studies


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Page 2: Strategös •• A Branding Agency - Case Studies

Creativity without strategy...

is just a fancy guess.

Why risk it?

Brand and “marketing” aren’t the same thing. Brand is the gut feeling people have about you, your products or your services. Marketing techniques can raise awareness and get your message in front of customers, but without a clear idea of what you want them to FEEL about the company behind the message, at best it’s a stab in the dark. At worst you’re driving them away without even knowing it.

STRATEGÖS is a branding agency. We focus on the most powerful and long-lasting strategic asset a business has: Its brand. You can call it image, reputation, prestige or whatever, but it’s the thing that makes human beings loyal to their favorite products and companies. We help small businesses attack this problem just like the big boys do; with methodical research, analysis and careful, distinctive creativity. We help them guess less and connect more.

STRATEGÖS provides the following services to ambitious businesses:

+ Brand Identity Development + Positioning and Competitive Analysis + Brand Architecture + Graphic Development + Web Development

+ Brand Guides+ Product Guides+ Employee Guides+ Corporate Visioning Documents+ Branding for the Entrepreneurial Individual

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MetaGeek, LLC350 N. 9th Street Suite 300Boise, Idaho 83702

877-850-8152, Toll-Free (US)208-639-3140, Direct

Developed by Lane Packwood

Designed by


People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.

– Simon Sinek, Start With Why

WHATHOWWHYAwesomeness happens here. We believe in building an exceptional company around exceptional people and exceptional products. We treat each other as close family, our customers as welcomed friends and embrace our work as the relentless process of making hard things easy. And we have fun doing it.

We create light bulb moments by developing continuously evolving solutions that reveal complex, unseen worlds with an experience that is intuitive, beautiful, affordable and rewarding.

We make tools that help people take control of their wireless environment.





“STRATEGÖS was instrumental in helping us analyze who we really are and what we want to be known for. The process was a catalyst for massive changes at MetaGeek that have propelled us to the next level and is transforming the entire company still today. Every business should do this.”

Ryan Woodings, CEO & Founder,

“At our ‘Brand Camp’ we found out what MetaGeek really is and what we know to be true, for sure, about this company.The brand guide that STRATEGÖS designed for us is still something I refer to almost every single day, and every new employee reads it when they are hired so they can understand quickly what MetaGeek is, and just as importantly, what it isn't.”

Lael Uberuaga-Rodgers, Channel Manager, CWNA

MetaGeek makes powerful, easy-to-use software tools that help people visualize their wireless networks. After seven straight years of double digit revenue growth and the expanding head count to go with it, we were humbled when founders Ryan Woodings and Brian Tuttle asked us to help them visualize their new brand. A remarkably vibrant company culture, a love for technology, and a strange fascination with all things pirate made the project less like work and more like play. MetaGeek used their brand guide to infuse the company with a common vision, clarify UX standards for new products, overhaul their website and design new offices for their rapidly expanding company.

Rising Stars

Case Studies

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Wealth management is a fiercely competitive industry with little tolerance for trite platitudes and recycled catch phrases. Unfortunately, that’s exactly what about 99% of the industry’s messaging is like. Mike McMillen wanted a marketing product that people would actually read and think about, not the standard dry legalistic prospectus that goes into a pile of junk mail. With Mike, the key was articulating his 20+ years of investment experience into a simple but distinctive value proposition. Laying out a clear methodology for his clients with bold imagery and succinct copy solved the problem and put the competition on its heals.

“Lane is a master in creativity and listening to his client’s vision. This is not my area, so having him to guide me has been rewarding.” Mike McMillenFounder

Established Leaders

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“We hired STRATEGÖS to help us establish the brand of our new company. Lane is a brilliant strategist, clever creative, and he infuses enthusiasm and fun into everything he does. His system for getting to the essence of our company made it easy and fun to develop a brand that is truthful, exciting, and can now be leveraged in our marketing efforts. I can't recommend it highly enough.” John Smith, Partner, Dreamporch LLC


John Smith, Stephen Mendenhall and Brett Baltzer love a beautifully-crafted, well-told story. As graphic animators, that’s what they do everyday with film and video. But after years in the agency world helping others develop their vision, it was time to set out and develop one of their own. That’s when Dreamporch was born as a graphic animation and video production start-up.

Even start-ups need a beautiful brand, so we helped them align their business plan with their personal creative talents in a way that would be clear and inviting to future clients. In the end, their story will be defined by the compelling stories they tell for others. But now they are off to a great start. “Dreamporch” indeed.

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...translated with purposeful creativity and elegant design into a bold and inviting brand that speaks to customers on an emotional level. That’s the secret of all great brands. But in no way is it the exclusive domain of famous examples like Apple, Intel, Coca-Cola or Google. The same process is available to any business of any kind in any industry (even to individuals). And it’s a lot of fun too.

Don’t guess. Be the brand you’re meant to be.

Find out more greatest space hedgehog website in the world. Period.)

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208.866.5218412 South Sixth St.

Boise, ID [email protected]