stunning hotel lobbies

Translated by hkTan 譯 Spectacular Hotel Lobbies 富麗堂皇的 飯店大廳 From a sprawling room with panoramic ocean views to an open-air entryway modeled after a Thai temple, these stunning hotel lobbies really roll out the red carpet. 從一個可以望向一望無際的大 海四面敞開的大廳到一個仿造 泰國廟的露天入口處,這些讓 人瞠目結舌的飯店大廳真的是 為客人鋪上了紅地毯。 By Stirling Kelso, Executive Travel 【商務旅遊】, Sirling Kelso Tourism /旅遊業 Traditional Chinese | 繁體中文

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Page 1: Stunning Hotel Lobbies

Translated by hkTan 譯

SpectacularHotel Lobbies 富麗堂皇的

飯店大廳From a sprawling room with panoramic ocean views to an open-air entryway modeled after a Thai temple, these stunning hotel lobbies really roll out the red carpet.


By Stirling Kelso, Executive Travel【商務旅遊】, Sirling Kelso 撰

Tourism /旅遊業

Traditional Chinese | 繁體中文

Page 2: Stunning Hotel Lobbies

Travelers are welcomed to Aman’s flagship property with cold towels and refreshing lemongrass-ginger tea before entering the soaring lobby, modeled after an Ayutthaya-era temple by the resort’s architect, Ed Tuttle. Golden walls are crafted from local makha wood while open-air spaces overlook a deep blue pool, towering royal palms and, in the distance, the Andaman Sea. It’s a serene introduction to the property, where 40 guest pavilions (opt for Nos. 103 and 105 for water views) and a clutch of two-bedroom villas dot 100 tropical acres.

遊客一來到阿曼這家旗艦飯店,就會在大廳門外先收到冷毛巾抹汗以及喝一杯檸檬草薑茶。這個大廳是由渡假村的繪測師 Ed Tuttle根據阿瑜陀耶(大城府)時代的廟宇風格塑造而成。金色的牆壁是用當地的萬佛木手工製成,開放式的空間面向深藍色的泳池和兩邊高聳的皇家棕櫚樹,背後就是安達曼海了。這就是飯店迎客的清幽方式,整個渡假村有四十個亭台式客房(選 103 和 105 號房就有水景可賞)以及一些兩房式的別墅,錯落地分佈在一百英畝的熱帶椰林當中。

照片 Photo: Amanpuri Thailand

Amanpuri, Phuket, Thailand


Translated by hkTan 譯

Page 3: Stunning Hotel Lobbies

St. Regis Lhasa, Lhasa, Tibet


照片 Photo: St. Regis Lhasa

Thanks to the hotel’s vantage point at 21,000 feet (it’s the highest St. Regis in the world), the third-floor lobby looks out on the hilltop Potala Palace, the former residence of the 14th Dalai Lama. The property is also modeled after the nearby Sera Monastery, giving it “an immediate Tibetan sense of place,” notes Guy Rubin of tour operator Imperial Tours, based in Beijing.

這家飯店坐落在海拔兩萬一千英尺的高地(也是全世界海拔最高的瑞吉酒店),三樓的大廳可以看到山頂的布達拉宮,也是第十四世達賴喇嘛的住所。這個建築是參考附近的色拉寺來塑造,給人有“住在西藏的感覺”,來自北京的宮廷旅行社的旅遊業者 Guy Robin 這麼說。

Red lacquer columns and wooden statues of monks in prayer by a local artist help frame the view; a central table topped with religious and artisan works — prayer beads, a Buddha bust and urns — also graces the serene space.

刷上紅漆的柱子以及當地藝術家創作的木製雕塑展示一群在念經的僧侶構成了大廳的畫面;擺在中間的桌子背後的墻上展示了和宗教有關的手工藝品如念珠,佛陀半身像以及煙壺,讓整個大廳的氛圍都變得高雅清淨起來。Translated by hkTan 譯

Page 4: Stunning Hotel Lobbies

This waterfront hotel in downtown Miami already had a lobby that centered on art—30 years ago, Henry Moore’s “Spindle” sculpture was brought in by helicopter before brick and mortar was built around it—and now the hotel is fresh from a $30 million, tech-savvy renovation. Lounge pods, each with a touch-screen coffee table (known as a digital concierge in IC speak) where guests can order drinks and read up on local nightlife, dot the lobby. An expansive video wall, with a live feed of downtown Miami, also lights up the background.

這個位於邁亞密市中心的臨水飯店在 30年前就已經有一個以藝術品為中心的大廳,當時亨利摩爾的【紡錘】雕塑品在磚瓦未蓋之前就先由直升機空運過來安身。今天,這家飯店剛花了三千萬元翻修成新的科技樓,大廳裡的每一個候客小廳都有一個觸屏平板電腦的咖啡桌(電子業的術語是電子禮賓員),房客可以用它來點飲料和查找當地的夜生活資訊,另外還有一個大電視牆,即時地播放邁亞密中心的最新動態,也照亮了整片墻。

InterContinental Miami


Translated by hkTan 譯

Page 5: Stunning Hotel Lobbies

Singita Sasakwa LodgeSingita Grumeti, Tanzania

照片 Photo: Sasakwa Lodge

While the Edwardian-style safari lodge’s antique English furnishings and zebra-hide rugs are striking, it’s the view at the end of its lobby that makes you feel like the Lion King. French doors open to a manicured lawn that then links, almost like an infinity pool, to the golden Serengeti beyond.

雖然愛德華式野外寄宿裡的英式佈置與斑馬條紋的地毯看起來很顯眼,不過讓你感覺像是獅子王的地方卻是大廳尾端的景觀,法式門的外面就是修剪得整齊的草地,像一個無止境的綠水池一般連接到更遠的金色 (Serengeti) 色冷蓋地。

Even safari experts are impressed: “The entryway to this property is one of the most memorable welcomes of any lodge in East Africa,” says Dennis Pinto, managing director of luxury tour operator Micato Safaris. “The combination of colonial opulence paired with the views towards Tanzania’s untamed plains is truly exceptional.”

就連野地專家也為之動容,米卡多野地豪華游業務的董事經理 Dennis Pinto 也說:“這個地方的入口處是東非洲裡所有寄宿當中其中一個最讓人印象深刻的迎客廳。殖民地時代的奢華風結合了眺望坦桑尼亞的原野景觀的確是獨樹一幟。


Translated by hkTan 譯

Page 6: Stunning Hotel Lobbies

Ace New York


Everyone in New York wishes the Ace Hotel lobby was their own personal living room, which is why you’ll spot journalists armed with iPads at slate-topped tables mingling with hip execs meeting over cappuccinos in plaid armchairs. The lobby bar, a 10-by-25-foot space, was reclaimed from a Park Avenue apartment; the twin staircase is covered in a graffiti mural by artist Michael Anderson. Be sure to make a reservation in the neighboring Breslin restaurant for chef April Bloomfield’s juicy lamb burger.

每個紐約人都希望【王牌飯店】的大廳會是他們自家的客廳,這就是爲什麽你會常看到記者帶著iPad 放在石板桌上,自己坐在格子花椅墊布的手扶椅加一杯卡普奇諾咖啡在跟衣著光鮮時髦的都會專才們會面談事情。大廳的酒吧只有 10乘 25 尺大,是從【公園大道】公寓那邊搬過來的;兩邊對稱的階梯涂上了畫家 Michael Anderson 的塗鴉之作。別忘了到隔壁的 Breslin餐館去品嘗廚師 April Bloomfield 製作的噴汁羊肉漢堡,不過要提前定位才有得坐。

Translated by hkTan 譯

Page 7: Stunning Hotel Lobbies

The Oberoi, Dubai, Dubai, UAE


照片 Photo: The Oberoi Dubai

The latest property from Indian hotel family Oberoi, a 252-room tower in Dubai that opened in June 2013, looks out onto the iconic Burj Khalifa, currently the world’s tallest building, from its radiant lobby. Here, original works by Indian artist Mrinmoy Barua adorn the walls, 41-foot gold chandeliers descend through marble floors into a downstairs banquet and the international elite gathers for cocktails — the Cuatro Meses Mojito made with Añejo gold rum is one staff favorite — and Cuban cigars. Sophistication continues throughout the property, where rooms, starting at 560 square feet, have deep soaking tubs, hand-tufted rugs and downtown city views.

印度酒店家族歐伯來的最新房產是 2013年 6月在杜拜開幕的 252 房的高樓,從明亮的大廳看出去就是目前的世界最高大樓,地標級建築【卡利發塔】。這個大廳的牆上掛滿了印度藝術家 Mrinmoy Barua 的原件作品, 41 尺高的柱形吊燈穿過大理石地板落在樓下的宴客廳,是國際精英們聚在一起喝雞尾酒的地方,用 Añejo牌金色朗姆酒調配而成的 Cuatro Meses Mojito配古巴雪茄就是這裡的常態。整個地方到處都充滿了非一般的亮點,比如說560 尺高度以上的客房有較深的泡沫浴缸,手工織的簇絨地毯,還有整個市中心的景觀。

Translated by hkTan 譯

Page 8: Stunning Hotel Lobbies

Tierra Patagonia, Patagonia, Chile


照片 Photo: Tierra Patagonia

Interior architects Alexandra Edwards and Carolina diPlano aimed to bring the outside in at the Tierra Patagonia. To that end its lobby, which shares a sprawling open layout with a lounge and bar, has panoramic views of Torres del Paine Park and Lake Sarmiento. Floor-to-ceiling windows are made of a double-paned glass, so even when landscapes whip wildly outdoors, guests stay cozy in low-slung furnishings around a 360-degree fireplace. Try a glass of carmenere wine made from Chile’s namesake grape.

室內設計師 Alexandra Edwards 和 Carolina diPlano想要把戶外的元素帶入【地也樂八大歌尼亞】,因此它的大廳有一個寬敞開放的佈局,有一個候客廳和酒吧,看得到整個Torres del Paine公園和 Sarmiento湖。由於落地窗用雙板玻璃製成,不論外面的風有多強多冷,室內的房客們還是可以在 360度壁爐周圍的低矮佈置中舒適地取暖,在那裡嘗一杯以智利的葡萄品種命名的佳美娜美酒。

Translated by hkTan 譯

Page 9: Stunning Hotel Lobbies

Mukul Resort & Spa, Rivas, Nicaragua


照片 Photo: Ken Kochey

In addition to 37 plush suites and villas, 1,670 jungle acres and an 18-hole golf course, the new $38 million Mukul Resort & Spa in Nicaragua has a lobby worth bragging about. It’s topped with an oval palapa, crafted by 15 people over the course of a month, as well as a chandelier dreamed up by interior designer Paul Duesing: The artful piece made up of 152 baskets was created by local artisans.

除了 37 間豪華套房和別墅, 1670 英畝的森林和 18洞的高爾夫球場以外,這個新的耗資三千八百萬在尼加拉瓜建成的【木古渡假與溫泉村】有一個值得吹捧的大廳。橢圓形屋頂用棕葉鋪蓋而成,花了十五個人一個月的時間手工編制而成,還掛上室內設計師 Paul Duesing想出來的藝術品大吊燈,是當地手工藝品工匠用 152 個籃子做出來的。

Translated by hkTan 譯

Page 10: Stunning Hotel Lobbies


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Other slides 其他圖文譯本

● Most Expensive Hotels 全球最貴酒店

● 20 Luxury Hotels 最優豪華酒店

● Best New Hotels 最佳新進飯店

● Favourite Suites 最愛酒店套房

● 10 Best Pools 最佳泳池

● Best Coffee City 咖啡香城

● Best Vineyards 最佳酒莊游

● Autumn Best 秋葉楓情路

● .......... and more 。。。。待續

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