supercharging public speaking

Supercharging Public Speaking Chris Heilmann [email protected], Onsite, April 2017

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Post on 12-Apr-2017




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Supercharging Public Speaking

Chris Heilmann [email protected], Onsite, April 2017

By the end of today you will have

everything to be a conference

presenter organisers love to work

with and attendees love to learn


You will learn how to concentrate

on what makes you a great

presenter and avoid what holds

you back.

Hello – who are you?

Create opportunities

Create opportunities

Find something that excites you

Create opportunities

Start hoarding materials about the subject

Create opportunities

Find conferences that would like to hear about that

Create opportunities

Write a good call for paper proposal

A good call for papers proposal

1. Has a snappy title that sparks interest but also

explains what the talk is about – don’t be a poet

2. Has a short explanation what the talk will be

about, who it is for and what they will learn –

don’t be James Joyce

3. Has extra information for conference organisers

on how long you want it to be and why you are

the right person to give that talk.

1. Find a topic to talk about

2. Find a conference

3. Write a talk proposal

Exercise (15 minutes):

Help conference organisers

Help conference organisers

Be easy to work with, and you’ll get offers to speak

Help conference organisers

1. Have an online post or cheatsheet with your bio,

contact details, speaker photos, links to previous

talk recordings and your speaking terms.

2. Be as clear as possible there. You don’t want to

have to fight organisers about the details of your

conference participation and who pays for what.

3. Conference organisers are busy people. They

don’t want to hunt for your real name, location

and availability. Be concise and factual.

Create your own presenter




BREAK(10 minutes)

Create great *talk* slides

Create great *talk* slides

Slides are wallpaper and sticky notes for your talk

Your talk is much more than slides:

1. It is a story you tell

2. It is the way you explain why you care

3. It is how you perform on stage

4. It is resources people can look at to validate what

you said.

5. It is materials people can use and learn from in

their own time

6. It is the call to action you leave the audience with

Slides are there to amplify your

story and make it more


Your talk needs to work without


Find and create talk materials

Find and create talk materials

Create screencasts and screenshots to show

Find and create talk materials

Find images and videos you are allowed to use

Find and create talk materials

Create your own materials to use

Create talk collateral

Create talk collateral

Consider your talk as a follow-up post and notes

Create talk collateral

Create code examples that work without the talk

Create talk collateral

Collect 3rd party resources validating your points.

Create talk collateral

Upload your slides somewhere

Make Sure you are Understood(Accessibility and international concerns)

Make sure you are understood

Mind your speed and language – keep it simple

Make sure you are understood

Avoid jargon, pop and culture specific references

Make sure you are understood

Provide a transcript and a thesaurus for translators

Make sure you are understood

Do your homework – work with locals to learn customs

Prepare materials of a

five minute version of

your proposed talk

Exercise (20 minutes):

BREAK(10 minutes)

Write a great talk

Write a great talk

All good stories have an arc






Where next?

Write a great talk

Unpacking Bullets

Write a great talk

Simplifying language

Write a great talk

Avoiding problems by minding your language

Write a great talk

Credit where credit is due

Prepare your five

minute talk

Exercise (30 minutes):

BREAK(10 minutes)

Deliver a great talk

Deliver a great talk

How to get past stage fright

Deliver a great talk

What to do when things go wrong

Deliver a great talk

Body language tips, what to avoid on stage

Deliver a great talk

How to deal with hecklers

Deliver a great talk

Things not to do under any circumstances

Get ready to deliver

your talk.

Exercise (10 minutes):

Let’s see what you got...

Thank you!