sustainability from a christian perspective - doug fountain

Sustainability from a Christian Perspective Doug Fountain CCIH June 17, 2016

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Page 1: Sustainability from a Christian Perspective - Doug Fountain

Sustainability from a Christian Perspective

Doug Fountain


June 17, 2016

Page 2: Sustainability from a Christian Perspective - Doug Fountain

For the record:

Sustainability in your marriage is forgetting to bring a tie and knowing better than to NOT beg your wife to send one to you by Fed Ex.

So this is proof that I do, in fact, own a tie.

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This is what the Lord Almighty said: “Administer true justice; show mercy and compassion to one

another. Do not oppress the widow or the fatherless, the foreigner or the poor.”

Zechariah 7:8-10

To whom does this apply:

Past peoples?

Our current generation?

The future?

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Imagine you all spent the next 10 minutes talking to each other about sustainability

rather than listening to me.

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Faith Based Organizations are more sustainable because they outlast many

governments and donor-driven programs.

I plan for sustainability in my grants, by promising to find local money after the grant

is over.

God gives us the inspiration and the resources. God sustains us.

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Define sustainability

Sustainable development: meeting needs of people today without compromising the

ability of people to meet their own needs in the future.

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Define sustainability in health

Delivering high quality care and improved public health

Improving lives, for generations to come

Personal commitment to promote health

I would add: Partnering locally and supporting initiatives that by definition outlast partner


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UN Sustainable Development Goals

• 17 goals

• 169 targets

• 300+ indicators

• Intended to draw focus and coalesce action

• Criticisms: “Not enough Health” or “Not enough FBO reference” or “They don’t affirm values such as compassion, love, generosity, sacrifice.”

Certainly Complex!

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Good Health and Well Being

• Maternal mortality

• Newborn/<5 mortality

• AIDS, TB, malaria, NTDs

• Non-communicable diseases

• Substance abuse

• Road traffic accidents

• Reproductive health

• Universal coverage, access

• Hazardous chemicals

• Tobacco Control

• R&D Vaccines/Medicines

• Health workforce dev’t

• Risk reduction

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Health “Related” SDGs

Zero hunger

Clean water and sanitation

Sustainable cities and communities

Peace, justice and strong institutions

Partnerships for the goals






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We should be familiar with the SDGs, and reflect them in our plans and goals.

But will that make our work together “sustainable”?

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What makes us think something is sustainable?

We believe in our hearts

We can measure it

We can see the effects of it

We have faith - God called us to it

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The challenge is – sometimes our work looks like this:

Go it alone strategies

One off strategies

Externally imposed strategies

Experimental approaches that can’t be tested

Technologies that work in the USA

Gap filling

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What threatens sustainability?






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World Economic Forum:Sustainable Health Systems

Anticipate more empowered patients, diverse delivery models, new stakeholders. We will confront tough questions like:

• Will individuals share population health risks?

• Where will authority be located: national, supranational, local?

• Will innovation come from within or outside the system?

• Will people accept active influence over individual lifestyles?

• Will healthy living be a minority choice, a civic duty or an aspiration?

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Attributes of an aligned and sustainable health approach

• Data driven – “accountable to best practices”

• Build local ownership and influence

• Promote behavior change –empowered to enact improvements in one’s own health

• Integrate education, research and service• Professional education

• General education

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Health System Strengthening


Prevention and Care

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What do we add as Christians?







This, on top of what we receive because of our faith: divine guidance and the never ending opportunity for

healing and renewal

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What do we add as Christians?

A narrative – a fundamental story line, an epic plotthat makes sense out of our journey together.

Through Christ, we offer hope and grace for a world that is hurting.

And that, I think, is sustainable health.