syria complex emergency - · complex...

UNITAR - UNOSAT - Pa la i s des Nat i o ns CH - 1 2 1 1 Geneva 1 0 , S wi t zer la nd - T: + 4 1 2 7 6 7 4 0 2 0 ( UNOSAT Oper at i o ns) - Hotline 24/7 : + 4 1 7 5 4 1 1 4 9 8 - uno sa t @uni t ar . o r g - www. uni t ar . o r g/ uno sa t Handarat Al 'Urqub Karam al-Jabal Hanano Trab Al-Hellok Bostan Pasha Ibn Yaqoub Qastal Mosht National Hospital Al Myassar Jazmati Almaji Aleppo Citadel Al Hazzazeh Beit Muhib / Al Jdeydeh Bab Alfaraj Al Aqabeh Al Jalloum Farafira Bustan al-Qaser Al Kallasah Al Aajam As Sukkari Tal Az-Zarazi (Al-Ameria) Sheik Said Al Ansari Mashad Ard As-Sabbage Al Nasr Al Rashida Balayramun Khalidiyeh Rasafeh Ashrafiyeh 37°15'0"E 37°15'0"E 37°14'0"E 37°14'0"E 37°13'0"E 37°13'0"E 37°12'0"E 37°12'0"E 37°11'0"E 37°11'0"E 37°10'0"E 37°10'0"E 37°9'0"E 37°9'0"E 37°8'0"E 37°8'0"E 37°7'0"E 37°7'0"E 37°6'0"E 37°6'0"E 37°5'0"E 37°5'0"E 37°4'0"E 37°4'0"E 37°3'0"E 37°3'0"E 36°16'0"N 36°16'0"N 36°15'0"N 36°15'0"N 36°14'0"N 36°14'0"N 36°13'0"N 36°13'0"N 36°12'0"N 36°12'0"N 36°11'0"N 36°11'0"N 36°10'0"N 36°10'0"N SYRIA Aleppo City / Jebel Saman District / Aleppo Province Imagery analysis:18 September 2016 | Published Monday, December 19, 2016 Complex Emergency CE2 0 1 3 0 6 0 4 SYR T hi s map i llust r at es t he per cent a ge o f bui ldi ngs da ma ged i n t he ci t y o f A leppo , S yr i an A r a bi c Republi c, as det er m i ned by sa t elli t e i mager y ana lysi s. Usi ng sa t elli t e i mager y a cq ui r ed 1 8 S ept ember 2 0 1 6 , 0 1 Ma y 2 0 1 5 , 2 6 Apr i l 2 0 1 5 , 2 3 Ma y 2 0 1 4 , 2 3 S ept ember 2 0 1 3 , a nd 2 1 No vember 2 0 1 0 , UNOSAT i dent i f i ed a t o t al o f 3 , 5 2 1 da ma ged st r uct ur es wi t hi n t he ex t ent o f t hi smap. T hese da ma ged st r uct ur esa r e co mpar ed wi t h t o t al number s o f bui ldi ngs fo und i n a pr e- co nf li ct sa t elli t e i mage co llect ed i n 2 0 9 t o det er m i ne t he per cent a ge o f da maged bui ldi ngs a cr o ss t he ci t y . Based o n t hi s a na lysi s a nd i n t he map ex t ent , i n 1 9 nei ghbo r ho ds t he number o f da ma ged bui ldi ngs i s mo r e t ha n 4 0 % . T he mo st da ma ged i s A l Aq a beh wi t h 6 5 . 6 1 % o f bui ldi ngs da ma ged a nd t he mo st si gni f i ca nt cha nge si nce UNOS A T s 2 0 1 5 a na lysi s i s Khali di yeh, whi ch i ncr ea sed i n per cent a ge damage fr o m 4 . 2 0 % t o 5 . 8 0 % . No t e t ha t t hi s ana lysi s co nsi der s o nly damage i n r esi dent i al ar ea s a nd ex cludes i ndust r i al ar ea s. T hi s i s a pr eli m i na r y a na lysi s a ndha s no t yet been va li da t edi nt hef i eld. Plea sesendgr o und feedba ck t o UN ITAR - UNOS AT. ¥ ¦ ¬ ¥ ¦ ¬ ¥ ¦ ¬ SYRIA IRAQ TURKEY Beirut Damascus T he depi ct i o n a nd use o f bo unda r i es, geo gr a phi c na mes a nd r ela t ed da t a sho wn her e ar e no t wa r r a nt ed t o be er r o r - fr ee no r do t hey i mply o f i ci al endo r sement o r a ccept a nce by t he Uni t ed Nat i o ns. UNOSA T i s a pr o gr am o f t he Uni t ed Nat i o ns Inst i t ut e fo r Tr ai ni ng a nd Resea r ch ( UN ITAR ) , pr o vi di ng sa t elli t e i mager y a nd r ela t ed geo gr a phi c i nfo r mat i o n, r esea r ch a nd a na lysi s t o UN huma ni t ar i an & develo pment a genci es & t hei r i mplement i ng pa r t ner s. T hi s wo r k by UN ITAR - UNOSA T i s li censed under a CC BY- NC 3 . 0 Neighborhood shelter damage percentages in Aleppo City Sat elli t e Dat a ( 1 ) : Wo r ldVi ew- 3 Imager y Dat es: 1 8 S ept ember 2 0 1 6 Reso lut i o n: 4 0 cm Co pyr i ght : D i gi t a lG lo be, Inc. So ur ce: Depar t ment o f St at e, Humani t ar i an Info r mat i o n Uni t , Nex t Vi ew L i cense Sat elli t e Dat a ( 2 ) : Plei a des Imager y Dat e: 0 1 May 2 0 1 5 & 2 6 Apr i l 2 0 1 5 Reso lut i o n: 5 0 cm Co pyr i ght : CNES ( 2 0 1 5 ) , D i st r i but i o n A IRBUS DS So ur ce: A i r bus Defense a nd S pa ce Sat elli t e Dat a ( 3 ) : Mult i ple pr evi o us i mages Ro ad Dat a : Go gle Map Maker / OS M / ESR I Ot her Dat a: USGS, UNCS , NAS A , NGA Analysi s : UN ITAR - UNOSA T Pr o duct i o n: UN ITAR - UNOSA T ! I Map Scale for A3: 1:60,000 Analysi s co nduct ed wi t h A r cG IS v1 0 . 4 . 1 C o r di na t e S yst em : WGS 1 9 8 4 UTM Zo ne 3 7 N Pr o j ect i o n: Tr a nsver se Mer ca t o r Dat um : WGS 1 9 8 4 Uni t s: Met er Æ I Map location Legend 0 1 2 3 0 . 5 K i lo met er s H i ghwa y / pr i mar y r o ad S eco nda r y r o ad > 4 0 % 3 0 - 3 9 % 2 0 - 2 9 % 1 0 - 1 9 % 1 - 9 % 0 % Neighborhood Percentage of damage al Aqabeh 65.61 Tal Az-Zarazi (Al-Ameria) 61.42 Handarat 61.20 Farafira 58.66 National Hospital 58.06 Beit Muhib / al Jdeydeh 55.81 Khalidiyeh 55.80 Al Myassar Jazmati 55.01 As-Sukkari 53.51 Ard As-Sabbage 50.34 Qastal Mosht 48.88 Almaji 46.09 Karam al-Jabal 45.70 Aleppo Citadel 44.44 Al Hazzazeh 44.38 Bab Alfaraj 44.03 Duwerineh 43.19 Ibn Yaqoub 42.70 Rasafeh 42.00 Ashrafiyeh 40.22 Bustan al-Qaser 38.98 Bostan Pasha 36.98 al Kallasah 36.86 Al `Urqub 36.36 Al Ansari Mashad 35.81 Mir Al Houssain 35.41 Al Aajam 35.09 Balayramun 34.35 Al Rashida 32.77 Trab Al-Hellok 32.29 Hanano 31.30 Al Nasr 31.14 Sheikh Said 30.79 Al Jalloum 30.18

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UNITAR-UNOSAT - Pa la is des Na tions CH-1211 Geneva 10, S witzerla nd - T: +41 22 767 4020 (UNOS AT Opera tions) -Hotline 24/7: +41 75 411 4998 - unosa t@unita - www.unita t


Al 'UrqubKaram al-Jabal


Trab Al-Hellok

Bostan Pasha

Ibn YaqoubQastal Mosht

National HospitalAl MyassarJazmati


Aleppo Citadel

Al HazzazehBeit Muhib /Al Jdeydeh

Bab Alfaraj

Al AqabehAl Jalloum

FarafiraBustan al-Qaser

Al Kallasah

Al Aajam

As Sukkari

Tal Az-Zarazi(Al-Ameria)Sheik Said

Al Ansari Mashad

Ard As-Sabbage

Al Nasr

Al Rashida



























































SYRIAAleppo City / Jebel Saman District / Aleppo ProvinceImagery analysis:18 September 2016 | Published Monday, December 19, 2016

Complex Emergency

CE20130604S Y R

T his ma p illustra tes the percenta ge of buildingsda ma ged in the city of Aleppo, S yria n Ara bicRepublic, a s determined by sa tellite ima gerya na lysis. Using sa tellite ima gery a cquired 18S eptember 2016, 01 Ma y 2015, 26 April 2015, 23Ma y 2014, 23 S eptember 2013, a nd 21November 2010, UNOS AT identified a tota l of33,521 da ma ged structures within the extent ofthis ma p. T hese da ma ged structures a recompa red with tota l numbers of buildings foundin a pre-conflict sa tellite ima ge collected in 2009to determine the percenta ge of da ma gedbuildings a cross the city. Ba sed on this a na lysisa nd in the ma p extent, in 19 neighborhoods thenumber of da ma ged buildings is more tha n 40%.T he most da ma ged is Al Aqa beh with 65.61% ofbuildings da ma ged a nd the most significa ntcha nge since UNOS AT ’s 2015 a na lysis isKha lidiyeh, which increa sed in percenta geda ma ge from 4.20% to 55.80%. Note tha t thisa na lysis considers only da ma ge in residentia la rea s a nd excludes industria l a rea s. T his is aprelimina ry a na lysis a nd ha s not yet beenva lida ted in the field. Plea se send groundfeedba ck to UNITAR - UNOS AT.


¥¦¬ S Y R I A




T he depiction a nd use of bounda ries, geogra phic na mes a nd rela ted da ta shown here a re not wa rra nted to be error-free nor do they implyofficia l endorsement or a ccepta nce by the United Na tions. UNOS AT is a progra m of the United Na tions Institute for Tra ining a nd Resea rch(UNITAR), providing sa tellite ima gery a nd rela ted geogra phic informa tion, resea rch a nd a na lysis to UN huma nita ria n & developmenta gencies & their implementing pa rtners. T his work by UNITAR-UNOS AT is licensed under a CC BY-NC 3.0

Neighborhood shelter damagepercentages in Aleppo City

S a tellite Da ta (1): W orldView-3Ima gery Da tes: 18 S eptember 2016Resolution: 40 cmCopyright: Digita lGlobe, Inc.S ource: Depa rtment of S ta te, Huma nita ria n Informa tion Unit,NextView License

S a tellite Da ta (2): Pleia desIma gery Da te: 01 Ma y 2015 & 26 April 2015Resolution: 50 cmCopyright: CNES (2015), Distribution AIRBUS DSS ource: Airbus Defense a nd S pa ce

S a tellite Da ta (3): Multiple previous ima gesRoa d Da ta : Google Ma p Ma ker / OS M / ES RIOther Da ta : US GS , UNCS , NAS A, NGAAna lysis : UNITAR - UNOS ATProduction: UNITAR - UNOS AT

!IMap Scale for A3: 1:60,000

Ana lysis conducted with ArcGIS v10.4.1

Coordina te S ystem: W GS 1984 UTM Z one 37NProjection: Tra nsverse Merca torDa tum: W GS 1984Units: Meter


Map location


0 1 2 30.5Kilometers

Highwa y / prima ry roa d

S econda ry roa d

> 40 %

30 - 39 %

20 - 29 %

10 - 19 %

1 - 9 %

0 %

Neighborhood Percentage of damage

al Aqabeh 65.61Tal Az-Zarazi (Al-Ameria) 61.42Handarat 61.20Farafira 58.66National Hospital 58.06Beit Muhib / al Jdeydeh 55.81Khalidiyeh 55.80Al Myassar Jazmati 55.01As-Sukkari 53.51Ard As-Sabbage 50.34Qastal Mosht 48.88Almaji 46.09Karam al-Jabal 45.70Aleppo Citadel 44.44Al Hazzazeh 44.38Bab Alfaraj 44.03Duwerineh 43.19Ibn Yaqoub 42.70Rasafeh 42.00Ashrafiyeh 40.22Bustan al-Qaser 38.98Bostan Pasha 36.98al Kallasah 36.86Al `Urqub 36.36Al Ansari Mashad 35.81Mir Al Houssain 35.41Al Aajam 35.09Balayramun 34.35Al Rashida 32.77Trab Al-Hellok 32.29Hanano 31.30Al Nasr 31.14Sheikh Said 30.79Al Jalloum 30.18