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威威威威威威威 ppt 引引引 PPT 引引引引 PPT 引 Prof. Mark Williams 2012 引 4 引引引引引 引引引引引引 引引引引引引引 引引 ppt 引引引引引引引引引引引引引 (NMC) 引引 引引引引引引引引 ,。 威威威威威威 威威威威

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Mark Williams 2012 年 4 月來台授課,於公開演講及工作坊的簡報檔,使用 ppt中英文版請先經南華正念中心(NMC)許可,以免有盜用之誤。

南華正念中心 版權說明

Mark Williams Mark Williams 馬克威廉斯馬克威廉斯


Greetings from the University of Oxford


Famous for its ancient libraries..........


The Warneford Hospital, Oxford


The Oxford Mindfulness Centre (OMC)

牛津正念中心( OMC )

What is mindfulness? What is mindfulness? 什麼是正念?什麼是正念?– Definition Definition 定義定義– TheThe frantic world frantic world 狂亂的世界狂亂的世界

Why emotions do not switch off Why emotions do not switch off 為何情緒為何情緒關不掉關不掉– Evolutionary perspective Evolutionary perspective 演化的觀點演化的觀點– Problem solving our emotions Problem solving our emotions

用解決問題的方式處理我們的情緒用解決問題的方式處理我們的情緒– The ‘driven-doing’ mode The ‘driven-doing’ mode 行動驅策的模式行動驅策的模式

Consequences Consequences 結果結果 // 後果後果 Changing modes: from doing to beingChanging modes: from doing to being


What is mindfulness? What is mindfulness? 什麼是正念?什麼是正念?– Definition Definition 定義定義– The frantic world The frantic world 狂亂的世界狂亂的世界

Why emotions do not switch offWhy emotions do not switch off– Evolutionary perspectiveEvolutionary perspective– Problem solving our emotionsProblem solving our emotions– The The ‘‘driven-doingdriven-doing’’ mode mode

ConsequencesConsequences Changing modes: from doing to Changing modes: from doing to


Translation of ancient Pali word “sati” - Translation of ancient Pali word “sati” -

“ “awareness” / non-forgetfulnessawareness” / non-forgetfulness

古巴利語「娑提」的譯字古巴利語「娑提」的譯字 -- 「覺察」「覺察」 // 毋忘毋忘– direct, open-hearted “knowing” direct, open-hearted “knowing” 直接、敞開心胸的直接、敞開心胸的「知」「知」

Traditionally cultivated by Traditionally cultivated by 傳統上,用下列方式培傳統上,用下列方式培養養– meditation practices meditation practices 禪修禪修

Learning to pay attention Learning to pay attention 學習專注學習專注– Moment by moment Moment by moment 一刻接著一刻一刻接著一刻– Intentionally Intentionally 有意的有意的 – With curiosity and compassion With curiosity and compassion 帶著好奇與慈悲帶著好奇與慈悲

– living in a way that living in a way that 以下列方式活著以下列方式活著– fosters compassion fosters compassion 培養慈悲培養慈悲– deepens wisdom deepens wisdom 深化智慧深化智慧

Why is it needed? Why is it needed? 為什麼需要正念?為什麼需要正念?

I tend to walk quickly to get where II tend to walk quickly to get where I’’m going without paying m going without paying attention to what I experience along the way. attention to what I experience along the way.

我常快速地到達我要去的地方,卻未注意沿途的風景。我常快速地到達我要去的地方,卻未注意沿途的風景。 I tend not to notice feelings of physical tension or discomfort until I tend not to notice feelings of physical tension or discomfort until

they really grab my attention. they really grab my attention. 我常未注意身體緊張或不適的感覺,直到它們真的擷取我的注意。我常未注意身體緊張或不適的感覺,直到它們真的擷取我的注意。 It seems I am It seems I am ““running on automaticrunning on automatic”” without much awareness of without much awareness of

what Iwhat I’’m doing.m doing. 我似乎常不自覺地「自動導航」,未能覺察自己正在做些什麼。我似乎常不自覺地「自動導航」,未能覺察自己正在做些什麼。 I rush through activities without being really attentive to them.I rush through activities without being really attentive to them. 我趕過一個活動接著一個活動,未付出太多注意。我趕過一個活動接著一個活動,未付出太多注意。 I get so focused on the goal I want to achieve that I lose touch I get so focused on the goal I want to achieve that I lose touch

with what I am doing right now to get there.with what I am doing right now to get there. 我太過專注在我想要達成的目標,而疏忽為達成目標的過程中所做的事我太過專注在我想要達成的目標,而疏忽為達成目標的過程中所做的事 I find myself listening to someone with one ear, doing something I find myself listening to someone with one ear, doing something

else at the same time.else at the same time. 我發現自己常一邊聽著別人,另一邊卻同時做著其他事情。我發現自己常一邊聽著別人,另一邊卻同時做著其他事情。 I find myself preoccupied with the future or the past. I find myself preoccupied with the future or the past. 我發現自己為未來或過去所佔據。我發現自己為未來或過去所佔據。

情感標示中,正念性向 / 情的神經關連

What is mindfulness?What is mindfulness?– DefinitionDefinition– TheThe frantic world frantic world

Why emotions do not switch off Why emotions do not switch off

為什麼情緒關不掉為什麼情緒關不掉– Evolutionary perspective Evolutionary perspective 演化的觀點演化的觀點– Problem solving our emotionsProblem solving our emotions– The The ‘‘driven-doingdriven-doing’’ mode mode

ConsequencesConsequences Changing modes: from doing to beingChanging modes: from doing to being

Darwin (1872) Darwin (1872) 達爾文(達爾文( 18721872 ))– Anger Anger 憤怒憤怒– Sadness Sadness 悲傷悲傷– Disgust Disgust    憎惡憎惡– Happiness Happiness 快樂快樂– Fear Fear 害怕害怕

Need to switch off or lose signal Need to switch off or lose signal function function 需關掉或丟棄信號功能需關掉或丟棄信號功能

Critical process Critical process 批判的歷程批判的歷程 the inability to switch off something the inability to switch off something

that evolved to be temporarythat evolved to be temporary


What we seen in humans is a What we seen in humans is a combination of combination of

我們在人身上所看到的是下列的組合我們在人身上所看到的是下列的組合– evolutionary old, automatic reactionsevolutionary old, automatic reactions 演化上古老的、自動的反應演化上古老的、自動的反應

Switch on AND OFF depending on Switch on AND OFF depending on contingencies contingencies 開與關是出於偶然,仰賴隨機開與關是出於偶然,仰賴隨機

– evolutionary newer, strategic, representational evolutionary newer, strategic, representational and symbolic reactions (working and symbolic reactions (working ““off-lineoff-line””) )

演化上較新的、策略性的、表徵性的與符號性的反應演化上較新的、策略性的、表徵性的與符號性的反應 (「離線」作業)(「離線」作業)

This ability to work This ability to work ‘‘off-lineoff-line’’ helps helps solve problesolve problemm


What is mindfulness?What is mindfulness?– DefinitionDefinition– The frantic worldThe frantic world

Why emotions do not switch offWhy emotions do not switch off– Evolutionary perspectiveEvolutionary perspective– Problem solving our emotions Problem solving our emotions

用解決問題的方式處理情緒用解決問題的方式處理情緒– The The ‘‘driven-doingdriven-doing’’ mode mode

ConsequencesConsequences Changing modes: from doing to Changing modes: from doing to


Discrepancy-based processingDiscrepancy-based processing

以差異(相差)為主的處理方式以差異(相差)為主的處理方式– I had to compare I had to compare 我必須比較我必須比較

where I am now (current state) where I am now (current state)

我現在在哪裡(目前狀態)我現在在哪裡(目前狀態) with with 和和 where I wanted to be (my destination or desired where I wanted to be (my destination or desired

outcome) outcome) 我原本要到哪裡(目標或想要的結果)我原本要到哪裡(目標或想要的結果) andand 和和 where I did not want to be (my non-destination or where I did not want to be (my non-destination or

outcome to be avoided) outcome to be avoided) 我原本不想要去的地方(非目標或我原本不想要去的地方(非目標或必須避免的結果)必須避免的結果)

What is mindfulness?What is mindfulness?– DefinitionDefinition– TheThe frantic world frantic world

Why emotions do not switch offWhy emotions do not switch off– Evolutionary perspectiveEvolutionary perspective– Problem solving our emotionsProblem solving our emotions– The The ‘‘driven-doingdriven-doing’’ mode mode 行動驅策的模式行動驅策的模式

ConsequencesConsequences Changing modes: from doing to beingChanging modes: from doing to being

Judging discrepancies Judging discrepancies 判斷相差之處判斷相差之處

Uses thoughts (conceptualUses thoughts (conceptual) ) 運用想法(概念式)運用想法(概念式)

Takes thoughts as real Takes thoughts as real 把想法當成真的把想法當成真的

Uses past and future Uses past and future 運用過去與未來運用過去與未來

Keeps in mind what to avoidKeeps in mind what to avoid 記住要避開些什麼記住要避開些什麼

Automatic Automatic 自動性自動性

Judging discrepancies Uses thought Thoughts as realPast and future Avoidant Automatic

A.A. Where am I? Where am I? 我現在在哪裡?我現在在哪裡?- over-stressed/ useless- over-stressed/ useless壓力過度壓力過度 // 無用感無用感

B.B. What do I want to be?What do I want to be? 我要到哪裡?我要到哪裡?- - to be respected, to do well to be respected, to do well 受尊重、做得好受尊重、做得好

C.C. What do I want to avoid?What do I want to avoid? 我要避免什我要避免什麼?麼?- feeling low, weak, unvalued - feeling low, weak, unvalued


E.g. Tiredness E.g. Tiredness 例如:疲倦例如:疲倦

What is mindfulness?What is mindfulness?– DefinitionDefinition– The frantic worldThe frantic world

Why emotions do not switch offWhy emotions do not switch off– Evolutionary perspectiveEvolutionary perspective– Problem solving our emotionsProblem solving our emotions– The The ‘‘driven-doingdriven-doing’’ mode mode

Consequences Consequences 結果結果 Changing modes: from doing to beingChanging modes: from doing to being

Living in your head Living in your head 住在大腦裡住在大腦裡

““Over-writingOver-writing”” of experience by language- of experience by language-

based planning based planning 運用語言去計畫,過度書寫了經驗運用語言去計畫,過度書寫了經驗

– Seeing the external world? Seeing the external world? 看見外在世界了?看見外在世界了?

– Feeling the internal world? Feeling the internal world? 感受到內在世界了?感受到內在世界了?

– Nourishing mind or body? Nourishing mind or body? 滋養了心智還是身體?滋養了心智還是身體?

Missing important informationMissing important information

錯失重要的訊息錯失重要的訊息– Tunnel vision Tunnel vision 以管窺天以管窺天

– Attentional blindness Attentional blindness 注意的盲點注意的盲點

2. Attentional blindness 注意的盲點

Missing important informationMissing important information

錯失重要的訊息錯失重要的訊息– Tunnel vision Tunnel vision 以管窺天以管窺天

– Attentional blindness Attentional blindness 注意的盲點注意的盲點

………….incidental effects of .incidental effects of ‘‘over-over-writingwriting’…………………’…………………....

………… 過度書寫的連帶作用過度書寫的連帶作用…………


Mindfulness trains us to Mindfulness trains us to ‘‘come to come to

our sensesour senses’’

正念訓練我們「回到我們的感官」正念訓練我們「回到我們的感官」– Seeing as if for the first timeSeeing as if for the first time


When does When does ‘‘living in headliving in head’’ create create

problems? problems?


Eating disorders Eating disorders 飲食失衡飲食失衡– Over-focus on body, weight, shape.Over-focus on body, weight, shape.


Sample item: Sample item: 樣本樣本how awake or tired you are how awake or tired you are 你有多清醒或多疲倦你有多清醒或多疲倦

Mode induction Mode induction 模式入門模式入門 – Conceptual: Conceptual: 概念式概念式

Think about the causes, meanings and Think about the causes, meanings and consequences ofconsequences of…………

想一想想一想…………的成因、意義和結果的成因、意義和結果– Experiential: Experiential: 經驗式經驗式

Focus your attention on the experience of Focus your attention on the experience of …………將你的注意放在將你的注意放在…………的經驗上的經驗上

8 minutes 8 minutes 八分鐘八分鐘

Imaginary meal procedure (Shafran et Imaginary meal procedure (Shafran et al.,1999) al.,1999)


– Participants asked to imagine eating a Participants asked to imagine eating a fattening food for a period of 2 minutes.fattening food for a period of 2 minutes.


Estimate of actual weight Estimate of actual weight ““How much How much

do you think you weigh right now?do you think you weigh right now?””









Conceptual Experiential







Condition, p < .05

概念性 經驗性









Conceptual Experiential




概念性 經驗性

Mindfulness trains us to Mindfulness trains us to ‘‘re-inhabitre-inhabit’’

the body the body 正念訓練我們重新住在身體裡正念訓練我們重新住在身體裡

Activities in a typical day?Activities in a typical day?


Exhaustion funnel 耗竭漏斗

Aches & pains疼痛

Sleep problems睡眠問題 Lack of energy

沒有朝氣Guilt 罪惡感


Depressed mood憂鬱的心情


Mindfulness invites us Mindfulness invites us 正念邀請我們正念邀請我們– to see clearly what is nourishing and what is to see clearly what is nourishing and what is

depleting depleting


to take skilful actionto take skilful action 以採取技巧性的行動以採取技巧性的行動

What is mindfulness?What is mindfulness?– DefinitionDefinition– The frantic worldThe frantic world

Why emotions do not switch offWhy emotions do not switch off– Evolutionary perspectiveEvolutionary perspective– Problem solving our emotionsProblem solving our emotions– The The ‘‘driven-doingdriven-doing’’ mode mode

ConsequencesConsequences Changing modes: from doing to beingChanging modes: from doing to being


““the patterns of mind that keep the patterns of mind that keep people trapped in emotional people trapped in emotional suffering are, fundamentally, suffering are, fundamentally, the same patterns of mind that the same patterns of mind that stand between all of us and the stand between all of us and the flowering of our potential for a flowering of our potential for a more deeply satisfying way of more deeply satisfying way of being”.being”.


Automatic Automatic 自動的自動的 vs vs intentional intentional 有意的有意的 Conceptual Conceptual 概念式概念式 vs vs direct experiencedirect experience 直接直接

經驗經驗 Comparing Comparing 比較比較 vs vs letting be letting be 接納接納 Thoughts as realThoughts as real vs vs thoughts as mental thoughts as mental

events events

想法就是真的想法就是真的 想法是心智的事件想法是心智的事件 Avoidant Avoidant 抗拒抗拒 vs vs approach (open)approach (open) 靠近靠近 // 開開

放放 Past and futurePast and future vs vs present moment present moment 當下當下 過去與未來過去與未來 Depleting Depleting 消耗消耗 vs vs nourishing nourishing 滋養滋養


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