task 2

Client Proposal What have I been asked to do? I have been asked by Oz Backpackers for my design company to create a website which helps provide information about hostels, tips on travelling in Australia, which tourist sites are the best as well as form which allows them to book an accommodation in a hostel in Australia having a booking. The website must be full of animation and interactivity in order for visitors on the website to easy control and explore on the website. When does it have to be completed by? The deadline in order to finish the website completely and ready to use will be on the 26 th November. This date is achievable but will mean I have to focus a lot and make sure the end product is exactly my expectations. I will make sure it’s my expectations by following my client proposal so I know what exactly to put on the website. What I am going to make and how it fits into the brief? I will be making a website specifically for backpackers which are interested to backpack in Australia. This website will be made to inform and book accommodation so people can stay in Australia. The target audience that I will be theming the website will be aimed at 18-30 year olds. I think this is the right age to target the hostel website as

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Post on 14-May-2015




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Client Proposal

What have I been asked to do?

I have been asked by Oz Backpackers for my design company to create a website which helps provide information about hostels, tips on travelling in Australia, which tourist sites are the best as well as form which allows them to book an accommodation in a hostel in Australia having a booking. The website must be full of animation and interactivity in order for visitors on the website to easy control and explore on the website.

When does it have to be completed by?

The deadline in order to finish the website completely and ready to use will be on the 26th November. This date is achievable but will mean I have to focus a lot and make sure the end product is exactly my expectations. I will make sure it’s my expectations by following my client proposal so I know what exactly to put on the website.

What I am going to make and how it fits into the brief?

I will be making a website specifically for backpackers which are interested to backpack in Australia. This website will be made to inform and book accommodation so people can stay in Australia. The target audience that I will be theming the website will be aimed at 18-30 year olds. I think this is the right age to target the hostel website as that is the most common age for people to be backpacking as they have the money and time to lose at that current time. I will be making the website suitable for my target audience so I will have to consider the layout and graphics I will be using on the website. For example my website won’t have to be fancy and formal the website will have to seem bright, fun and exciting in order for young people to join as well as having amusing graphics. The graphics and interactivity will be used by making the software on Adobe Flash. Adobe Flash is great software to make animation on. I will be making all sorts of graphics e.g. navigation bar with roll over buttons, a map of Australia which is interactive and logo for the company etc. These are all graphics which are done so it makes it easy for people to travel around on the website as I have to consider my target audience.

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How many and what pages am I going to include on my website?

For the website I will be creating I will need a series of pages for the website. The amount of pages which I will need will be around 12 pages. The pages that I will be using are the following:

Homepage Information Page Booking Page Booking Form Accommodation Page Gallery Page West Australia New Territory Queensland New South Wales Victoria South Australia


For the Homepage I will be including graphics such as a logo which will be positioned in the top left hand corner. I have decided to put it in the top left as it needs to be right at the top of the page as I want it to catch visitors to the website and that they would know instantly what company it is and have a guess what the website is about. My logo will be simple but effective because if it was too complicated then it wouldn’t look professional.

I will be showing my Title centred at the top of the page. This is so it has a clear display on what the company is called and what it is about so it’s for the same purpose to why I want the logo to be at the top and not forgetting the fact that it looks professional and much neater if it was at the top of the website homepage. The font will be in bold so it stands out as well as being in a clear, easy to read font e.g. Arial or Tahoma etc.

I will be displayed contact buttons at the top right hand side of the page. I feel like it’s an appropriate idea to have the contact buttons at the top of the page because it will make it much easier for the visitor to find a way to contact if they would want to ask a question or have a problem. My contact buttons won’t be too big as I don’t want them to fill too much room. My contact

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buttons will be round screen icons displaying the social networking site logos and to send an email it will be an envelope screen icon.

Under all those 3 graphics I will be placing a navigation bar underneath which will have navigation buttons which will display the title of each page name which will be features on the website. This is so the visitors of the website can easily interact on the website and navigate to different pages with no hassle. The navigation bar isn’t going to be all colourful it will keep to the scheme and be a professional one colour navigation bar this is because I want my website to be attractive and professional.

I will be including animation in my website for example I will be having an animated banner underneath the navigation menu but to the left of the page. This will be an animation which is like a slideshow which will be on a loop displaying deals or a certain place that we recommend the visitor should go on. This animation should be allowed to stop, pause and play. I think this will appeal to my target audience because young people are quite amused by animated graphics. As well as making my website a good website for hostels in order for it to look attractive so then people will book places from my website.

Another animation will be next to the animated slideshow will be of an interactive map which will be a picture of Australia (the island) and for each area it will be separated into a different link. I feel like this animation is a bit of fun and will appeal to backpackers as it is easy to control and find the right place for them to stay because it only takes a couple of clicks.

I will be having a screen icon which will send you to the gallery page so you can look at the accommodation pictures. This page is being created in order for the visitors to be attracted to the pictures and want to book using our website.

I will be having bits of information on the homepage jotted around. I don’t have a specific position for the information because it depends how big and how much rooms everything else takes up but I will try and keep all the information together because it looks much for professional.

I will be having a search menu as another resource to search for accommodation as well as having a search bar which allows you to decide on the dates so you know which hotel is available for when they want to go backpacking. Just for the fact it makes everything so much easier for the visitor

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and I would much rather have all the facilities they need on the website rather than having not all the facilities.

Booking Form Page

For the booking page I will have the navigation, title, contact buttons and logo all in the same place. Then underneath that I will have the booking form which will look like any normal booking form with fields and the title for each field. It will be in a list style format so it looks professional and easy to understand. As well as having a submit button.

Accommodation Page

On the accommodation page I will have a column in the middle displaying all the different places where you can stay in Australia. The column will be full of advertisements which will include a thumbnail image, a rating out of 5 of how well the hotel is and brief information on the hotel and what it includes and what it includes in the service e.g. half board, bed and breakfast, self-service etc. It will have the same navigation, title and logo and contact buttons in the same position for that page as well as every page on the website so it makes the website as a whole look professional.

All the other pages

All the other pages include the same basic layout I will want to insert a picture on each page which will be on the left hand side and then information on the right hand side down. The links will be under the pictures. This is a basic layout I want to follow for all the rest of the pages as I want it to look like they are all following the same scheme as well as making it professional and clear.

Copyright Law

I’m aware of the Copyright law and what is allowed and not allowed. Copyright is the ownership of something they’ve done all by themselves and if anyone else does copy exactly or even similar to your own work for example used your work within their work they’ve done e.g. In a collage, That is still counted as Copyright and for that is breaking the law so the person who has originally done it can claim money from the person who has taken their work if they

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didn’t ask permission or pay the person to use it in the first place. Copyright laws are used for when personal things so it covers about copies, license and literary, musical, or artistic work, printed, audio, video, etc. These are all things that are subjected for the law of Copyright. Copyright is maintained with the person constantly until it reaches the point where they die and still remains after 70 years after they have died. Then after the 70 years people are officially allowed to use their work with no permission. For example the story Romeo and Juliet was written ages ago and is a story people can re-do and do whatever with because it’s been more 70 years after the original owner has died. So the Copy right law doesn’t remain for any longer. So for me the product I will be creating won’t be allowed to be used they have unless with my permission only after 70 years after my death.

For my website I’m aware of all the Copyright rules and my website I’m creating for it. For example if my product was copied and was main into a fake copy of the website and didn’t have permission or get paid to do it then that would be breaking the Copy Right law and I would have the power on suing those people for money for stealing my idea as it isn’t theirs to take.

There are various ways for Copyright Law can be infringed and warn people against any legal proceedings in that event. This is done by displaying the makers named either onto the actual picture or may even place your name beside it. But the one main thing that is needed to protect your image I would have to insert the Copyright symbol which looks like this… “©”. Then this way if this symbol was displayed onto my children’s toy then I had right to sue them and get money from them for Copyrighting my own product.


Confidentiality agreements are when you sign an agreement saying that you will not disclose information about the company. An example of a confidentiality agreement is when a company makes a severance agreement with you or allows you to make a claim that you brought against them they will ask you to keep the terms confidential. When these agreements are broken they will make you pay back the money if you violate the confidentiality

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provision. So for me the Confidentiality agreement that I will be using would be an agreement from a company or individual has a secret process or a new product that is being testing/ worked on and want the product to be remained a secret until the launch date. So the company decides to make an agreement which will be signed from all the workers to keep the new product remained a secret.

I’m aware of the confidentiality issues for my product proposal and I am aware of the laws maintained if I break those laws. For example my website I will have to keep confidential until the launch date. I understand to keep personal information confidential at all times and only discuss the changes which with the right people.

If the confidentiality agreements are broken and the information is revealed to another individual or company, the company will be able to make a claim of a breach of contract and can seek injunctive and monetary damages.

Legal and ethical issues of what I’ll have to consider


Racism is when people believe in aborting the rights of others and getting picked on their appearance just on the basis of their race or ethnic identity. I understand the race representation and how it would be shown if I was including race representation for my children’s product. An example of race representation in my children’s product would be if I included an advert to sell my product and have children playing with the toy who are all white and not one a different race. That shows race representation and showing the viewers that the product is for only for white skinned people. That’s as bad as doing a sign on the packaging of the product and saying only allowed for white skinned people. I will not be derogatory to any other person or organisation through the website and I am aware of all the race representation on my product and will make sure that it is clearly shown that my product is acceptable for any race.


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Sexism is actions or attitudes that discriminate against people based solely on their gender. Therefore an example of gender representation for website is only allowed to book an accommodation for girls and not for boys. That is discrimination on boys by not allowing boys to book on the website. There are other aspects of the making of the product which I understand need to be checked for sexism. For example the advertisement for my product will include Children in it in order to show the target audience. I will not be derogatory to any other person or organisation through the website and I am aware of all the Gender representation on my product and will make sure that it is clearly shown that my product is acceptable for both genders.


Religion representation is when people who discriminate against people based solely on their religion they are. Examples of religion representation for my website I won’t be allow people who are Jewish to book a hostel on my website. This shows discrimination on people who are in different religions and is discrimination because they do have a right to have to book for the hostel and shouldn’t be a problem if they were a certain religion. I will not be derogatory to any other person or organisation through the website and I am aware of all the religion representation and I will make sure that it is clearly shown that my website is acceptable for every religion.


Sexuality representation is when people who discriminate against people who are attracted to the same sex or have a problem with someone’s sexuality. Examples of sexuality representation is if gay people were not allowed booking on the website or going onto the website. This is discrimination because they do have a right to have this website and shouldn’t be a problem if they have a different sexuality to some others. I will not be derogatory to any other person or organisation through the website and I am aware of all the religion representation on my product and will make sure that it is clearly shown that my website is allowed for any sexuality.


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Decency is the quality or state of conforming to social or moral standards of taste and propriety. So for my children’s product I will be producing a website in order for it to sell backpackers to book on that site. I am aware of the Decency issues and I can ensure I will not include anything unnecessary in my advertisement. I’m not going to include people naked or half naked etc. I will not show any drugs or alcohol within on my website. This is because my advertisement is about holidays and travelling Australia. I won’t be having any nudity because it’s not suitable for a website which is about booking a holiday so I understand all the Decency rules and won’t be including anything inappropriate what so ever.


Libel is when statement is published and the statement is false. In addition it can be damaging to a person's reputation. An example is the beer company Carlsberg has a slogan which is “Probably the best beer in the world”. This is following the laws but only because they have used the word “Probably”. If the company decided to do a slogan which of said “It is the best beer in the world” then that would be Libel. The risk of making a Libel statement can be taken to the High Court because of any published statements which are alleged to defame a named or a recognizable any individuals in a state which can lead to them losing their trade or their loss in their profession.

If I decided to put on my website “The best website in the world, book today” on my website then I will be using a libel statement because how do I know that is true because it’s just an opinion and I had no right to right that on my website/advertisement etc. I understand all the Libel terms and I can re assure you that I won’t be including any libel statements anywhere on my website.

Intellectual property rights

Intellectual Property rights or in other words IP is when a person has ownership of certain ideas that they originally invented. For example anything to do with literary and artistic works etc. Therefore if you drew a picture, the person would have automatic intellectual property rights as they are given to the person who originally created it. This is because it stops other people especially companies from taking the picture and intellectual property rights

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allows you to protect your image and manage how you want your image to be shown e.g. To the public or not.

I am aware of my website and that I have Intellectual property rights. I am aware that the rights and regulations belong to me and nobody else. I can manage how I want to use my image and if a company or another person takes my image without my permission is a form of copy right and I can seek money from them.


In summary I am fully aware what I am going to put on my website. I know what my target audience is and what I have to do in order to relate my website to the target audience of 18-30 years of age. I understand the legal and ethical consideration and what I have to be careful of when creating a website. The worst thing to do is make a website which offends people and then not make a successful website because our aim is to have a fun, exciting website which will attract young backpackers to go onto our website and book an accommodation. In addition I know the layout of what each page of my website looks like so when get started on creating the website I will have no issues or no struggle on how I want the website to look because I have it already planned and set. I know the deadline is to fully complete the website

so I am fully prepared to make the website.