tasty tips for a healthy halloween

Tasty Tips for a Healthy Halloween Halloween is a favorite time of year for many kids (and adults!) because candy seems to be everywhere, but the constant sugar rush can leave parents and dentists scared of what will happen to children's teeth! But never fear – certain candies are much better for teeth than others, and some sweet things can even play a positive role in oral health. Tiny Texans Pediatric Dentistry , your source for Austin pediatric oral care, has some tips to ensure your family has both a happy and healthy Halloween! A 2011 survey of dentists found that sixty percent do hand out candy on Trick-or-Treat Night, and most hand out chocolate because it's quick to eat and dissolves easily. Even though powdered candies, such as Pixie Stix, are pure sugar, they dissolve very quickly and don't stick to teeth. Anything that takes a

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Page 1: Tasty Tips for a Healthy Halloween

Tasty Tips for a Healthy Halloween

Halloween is a favorite time of year for many kids (and adults!) because candy seems to be everywhere, but the constant sugar rush can leave parents and dentists scared of what will happen to children's teeth! But never fear – certain candies are much better for teeth than others, and some sweet things can even play a positive role in oral health. Tiny Texans Pediatric Dentistry, your source for Austin pediatric oral care, has some tips to ensure your family has both a happy and healthy Halloween! A 2011 survey of dentists found that sixty percent do hand out candy on Trick-or-Treat Night, and most hand out chocolate because it's quick to eat and dissolves easily. Even though powdered candies, such as Pixie Stix, are pure sugar, they dissolve very quickly and don't stick to teeth. Anything that takes a

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long time to eat, such as large popcorn balls, sugary lollipops and hard candies that take a long time to dissolve, and chewy candies such as taffy that may leave sticky residue on teeth, are particularly bad choices because they keep sugar in contact with teeth for an extended period of time. Naturally occurring bacteria in the mouth feed on sugar and turn it into acid, which contributes to enamel erosion and decay. Sour candies can also cause problems because of the amount of acid they contain. Sugar-free lollipops and hard candies, however, can actually be beneficial because they stimulate saliva, which helps prevent dry mouth and restores the acid balance in the mouth. Sugar-free gum also increases saliva production, and it can even help prevent cavities by unsticking food particles stuck to teeth. It's important to not only monitor what kinds of candy your children are eating but also how much and when they eat it. Limit your kids' candy intake to one or two pieces per day. It's actually best for kids to eat a piece of candy along with pr immediately after a meal because their saliva production will already be stimulated, helping to control acidity in the mouth and working to wash away food particles between the teeth. When kids consume something that takes a long time to dissolve or may stick to their teeth, try to get them to drink a full glass of water or brush their teeth immediately after. When highly acidic candy is eaten, it's important to wait about thirty minutes before brushing teeth; otherwise, the acid will get brushed right into the enamel. With all the extra sugar intake this time of year, it's especially important to maintain a healthy diet aside from candy consumption, drink plenty of water, and avoid other sources of sugar, such as sodas and sugary juices. It's also essential to double down on good oral hygiene habits, such as brushing teeth at least twice a day for two minutes every time and flossing daily. If you have any concerns or questions about sugar, acid, and your child's teeth, don't hesitate to contact the experts at Tiny Texans Pediatric Dentistry in Austin, TX! We wish you all a happy and healthy Halloween!