tenant’s handbook · 2011-07-28 · 2 welcome to your new home. this handbook is an important...

Government Regional Officers’ Housing Tenant’s Handbook

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Page 1: Tenant’s Handbook · 2011-07-28 · 2 Welcome to your new home. This handbook is an important resource to provide you with information about the role of Government Regional Officers’

Government Regional Officers’ Housing

Tenant’s Handbook

Page 2: Tenant’s Handbook · 2011-07-28 · 2 Welcome to your new home. This handbook is an important resource to provide you with information about the role of Government Regional Officers’


Welcome to your new home.This handbook is an important resource to provide you with information about the role of Government Regional Officers’ Housing (GROH) and some practical advice concerning your tenancy.

Another resource is GROH’s web site, which provides easy access to policies, publications, leasing and other information of interest to GROH’s customers. The web site can be accessed through www.housing.wa.gov.au

If you require any other information or have questions about your housing, please do not hesitate to contact your local regional Department of Housing office. Staff will do their best to satisfy your housing requirements.

Peter Lonsdale Director


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What is Government Regional Officers’ Housing?

Government Regional Officers’ Housing (GROH) was established in 1964 (as Government Employees’ Housing Authority) to provide housing for Government employees living and working in regional Western Australia.

GROH services over 60 State Government agencies and manages over 5,000 units of accommodation in over 250 country locations. Agency demand is met through a mixture of houses constructed or purchased by GROH, or leased from the private sector.

GROH’s dedicated staff service your needs through the 25 Department of Housing regional offices around Western Australia. The contact details for your local office are available at www.housing.wa.gov.au.

Eligibility for a GROH HomeYou are eligible for a GROH home if you are an employee of a GROH client department. However, the decision to provide you with a GROH home and the type of home you are given, is at

the discretion of your department and is also dependent on the availability of GROH accommodation at the time of the request.

If you or your partner own residential accommodation within 50 kilometres of your place of employment in which you might reasonably reside, you are not eligible for GROH accommodation. Please contact the housing liaison officer in your department if you are in doubt.

If you cease to be employed by the department that provided the property to you, you will no longer be eligible to receive subsidised accommodation and will be required to vacate the property.

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Allocation of HousingGROH provides residential accommodation to your department in response to their requests. Your department is responsible for determining how these properties are to be occupied; i.e. whether or not they are to be shared, tenanted by a family or an individual employee. All requests relating to the allocation of your accommodation must be made direct to your department. Tenants are not permitted to change the allocated accommodation without the prior approval of their department and GROH.

How is your Rent Determined?In general, Government employees occupying GROH accommodation enjoy significant rental subsidies.

The Government introduced a Tenant Rent Setting Framework in September 2000 to calculate the subsidised rents that departments will charge their employees for GROH accommodation. The Framework uses the Perth median rent as the basis for the calculations, with further discounts applied that take into consideration the age and design of the property; distance from Perth, the coast and a regional centre, and the amenity level of the location.

You can access the Tenant Rent Setting Framework Policy and Guidelines at www.groh.wa.gov.au If you have any questions regarding your rent, please contact your department.

Your Tenancy When moving into your GROH home, we suggest that you:

• NotifythePostOfficeofyournewaddress.

• Takemeterreadingsforgas(ifappropriate), and electricity for your records.

• Arrangeforthetransferofthetelephone service to your name.

• EnsurethatyourHousingandProperty Services Officer (HPSO) has completed and sent a Power Fax to the electricity provider and a Gas Fax (if reticulated) requesting that the accounts be put in your name. Where bottled gas is used, contact your local supplier to arrange for refills, when required.

• NotifyGROHofyourpostaladdress.

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Water Tenants are responsible for paying water consumption costs unless residing in a serviced unit. GROH is responsible for the water costs for serviced units.

GROH will arrange a special meter reading when you vacate your GROH home, to ensure you are charged correctly. You may also wish to note the meter reading for your records.

Gas BottlesIf you are living in a property that uses bottled gas, it is important to note that the gas bottles are either owned or hired by the owner of the property. Should you wish to change gas providers this may involve using different gas bottles to the ones that are provided. Do not have the gas bottles sent back or swapped over without consulting your HPSO, who will be able to advise you of the correct action.

Property Condition Report You will be provided with a Property Condition Report (PCR) before or shortly after you move into your GROH home. Please note any changes you believe are appropriate, sign the PCR and return it to your local Department of Housing office within 14 days. If you do not return this report, the unsigned PCR will be taken as a true and correct description of the property’s condition and contents at the time of your occupation.

If you are not provided with a copy of your ingoing PCR, please ask your HPSO to send one to you.

Tenancy Agreements A written Tenancy Agreement sets out the terms and conditions of the lease between you the tenant, your client agency and GROH. It outlines the roles and responsibilities of both the tenant and the owner. A property privately leased to GROH may include a higher amount of clauses known as “special conditions.” These special conditions can relate to anything from maintenance of gardens to conditions regarding pets. On most occasions, your GROH Housing Services Officer will go through the document with you and ask you to sign and initial the document in the appropriate places. If you receive your tenancy agreement by post please ensure that you sign and return it to your local Housing Office as soon as possible.

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The Landlord (GROH)The landlord:

(a) ensures the premises comply with health, safety and housing standards; and

(b) provides the premises in a clean and reasonable state having regard to its age, character and location, and

(c) must maintain it to an acceptable standard.

The Tenant (Government Employee)The tenant:

(a) is subject to the requirements of the Residential Tenancies Act 1987;

(b) keeps the premises and grounds clean, reports and/or repairs damage caused by themselves or their guests;

(c) is asked to be considerate of neighbours and attempt to develop and preserve a harmonious neighbourhood;

Landlord/Tenant – What are their roles?

The Residential Tenancies Act 1987 describes the relationship between landlords and tenants. Both parties have certain rights and obligations that are broadly defined as follows:

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(d) must observe local government regulations and by-laws including those relating to pet control, backyard burning and rubbish collection; and

(e) is entitled to privacy, peace and quiet enjoyment of the premises.

You must obtain permission from GROH before making any modifications or additions to your residence. Any permission given does not constitute an obligation on the part of GROH to purchase the additions/improvements when you vacate the home. In some circumstances you may be required to restore the residence to its pre-modified condition, at your expense. This is most likely to happen if your additions or improvements do not comply with Government housing standards, or if they are in poor condition due to age or sub-standard workmanship.

Please note: Tenants are not permitted to fix basketball rings onto walls or other structures of GROH properties.

Leased HousingMany Government employees in communities across the State are occupying housing that is leased from the private sector. GROH seeks and negotiates leases with the property owners or agents for

properties which meet current Government accommodation standards. GROH becomes, in effect, the “head” tenant and employees subsequently occupying these residences become “sub-tenants” of their department, enjoying the same rights and responsibilities under the Residential Tenancies Act 1987 as other tenants.

The same formula for tenant rent calculation is used for both owned and leased housing, ensuring tenants are not disadvantaged by local market conditions.

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Maintenance of Your GROH Home The Department of Housing is responsible for carrying out maintenance and repairs to Government owned houses, and facilitating maintenance and repairs to privately leased properties through the owner or agent. You are expected to keep your home and grounds in a clean and tidy condition and you are required to report damage or any items that need repair within 3 days of the occurrence.

Maintenance services are provided through Housing Direct. It is your responsibility to report any matters that you believe may require attention.

Please allow reasonable access to your home during working hours (8:00 am to 4:00 pm) in order for the HPSO to assess the condition of the property. The same access should be provided to contractors so that they can carry out the identified maintenance. Under normal circumstances Department of Housing staff, or contractors, will not enter your home unless accompanied

by an tenant. Where this is not possible, please make alternative arrangements for access to the property.

For leased properties maintenance should also be reported to Housing Direct who will then either arrange to have the work carried out, or pass the request through to the owner or agent of the property for action. Please do not contact the agent or the owner for maintenance issues.

Please advise Housing Direct of any serious problems or excessive delays you experience with having maintenance undertaken. Poor workmanship or poor customer service by contractors should also be reported.

ALL maintenance issues should be reported to Housing Direct.

You will be provided with a reference number which should be

recorded for future reference.

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Emergency Maintenance Services

Problems such as gas leaks, sewer line blockages, major storm or fire damage should be reported for immediate attention.

If you report an item as emergency maintenance and it is determined not to be you will be responsible for the charges associated with the call-out and the maintenance. This applies to tenants regardless of whether you reside in GROH owned or privately leased accommodation.

Online Reporting of MaintenanceNon-essentialmaintenancerequestscan now be lodged online. The major benefits of online maintenance reporting include dramatically reducing the time spent lodging a request, the ability to lodge requests 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and the benefit of written evidence of the maintenance issue along with the time and date of lodgement. The Online Maintenance Request Form can be found under the Rental Housing Maintenance tab at www.housing.wa.gov.au. Please note, reporting maintenance online is for non-essential maintenance only. All emergency requests should continue to be lodged through the Housing Direct phoneline.

Emergency maintenance issues should be reported to Housing Direct immediately.

Emergency maintenance will be carried out if the problem poses a danger to the tenant and family members.

Examples of Emergency Maintenance:• Electrical:Completepoweroutage

due to an internal fault, not attributable to the power supplier.

• GasLeaks• Plumbing:Burstwaterpipesor

other serious water leakage resulting in flooding of the property.

• ToiletPan:Completefunctionalbreakdown.

• SepticTank/Soakwell:full/overflowing and causing a health hazard.

• Security:amajorbreachofsecurityor vandalism of premises rendering property unsafe.

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Maintenance in Isolated LocationsThe Department of Housing is committed to responding quickly to requests for maintenance from tenants living in isolated locations and you will be advised of the estimated response time when the problem is reported. The work will be carried out as soon as practical.

Please note that in some locations, especially isolated communities, there may be a delay in obtaining the services of a contractor and sourcing materials.

A list of Isolated Locations can be found on the GROH website.

Some Maintenance Items are Your ResponsibilityTenants can be held accountable for:

• Damagetowallsanddoorsbyfurniture, wall posters or careless picture hanging.

• Damagetofloorcoverings,windowtreatments or furnishings by burns, stains, etc.

• Costofclearingblockeddrains,should they become blocked through misuse.

• Electricalfusesorcircuitsdamagedby the tenant(s) using faulty electrical appliances.

• Eradicationofhouseholdpestsandvermin such as mice, cockroaches, ants, and fleas, that can be directly

attributed to tenant standards or pets.

• Damagetofly-screenscausedbytenant misuse.

• Upkeepoflawnsandgardenareas,including reticulation systems.

• Replacementoflostkeys.

• Damageorlossofanyfurnituresupplied by GROH.

The cost of repairing any damage, blockage, breakage or defect in and around your house which is not the result of fair wear and tear, is generally your responsibility. Our agents can carry out repairs at your expense or you may choose to employ a local contractor.

PaintingGROH will carry out painting of your dwelling on an ‘as needs’ basis. Your HPSO will determine which houses will be included as part of the annual inspection process.

Maintenance of GuttersIt is GROH’s responsibility to keep gutters free from debris. As the tenant however, you are responsible for arranging timely maintenance through your HPSO.

Maintenance of Air Conditioners

EvaporativeIf an evaporative air conditioner is installed in your home, a licensed technician will be employed to service

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the unit as per the manufacturer’s instructions. Tenants are requested to report any other maintenance requirements to Housing Direct

Refrigerated Air Conditioners

It is the tenant’s responsibility to keep the air conditioner filters clean (every two weeks during operation). The filters can be removed, rinsed with water, and replaced. If you are unable to locate or clean the air conditioner filters, please contact your local Department of Housing office for advice. Tenants are requested to report any other maintenance requirements to Housing Direct.

FurnitureFurniture and white goods are normally supplied to houses in the northwest of the State, remote locations and shared accommodation in the southwest. Please contact your department to request furniture or white goods for your property. Your department may charge a fee for its use.

Noneofthefurnitureorwhitegoodssupplied are to be removed or damaged. If repairs or replacements are necessary, please contact your local Department of Housing office and arrangements will be made to inspect, repair or replace items.

Please also note that the use of fabric softeners in washing machines may cause staining in areas where ‘hard’ water is supplied.

Any cost to repair or replace furniture or white goods resulting from misuse, neglect or willful damage is your responsibility and will be charged to you.

Visit GROH’s web site at www.housing.wa.gov.au to access a copy of the Furniture Policy.

Cyclone AreasIf you live in a cyclone prone area, it is suggested that you contact your Local Shire or State Emergency Service office for information on the procedures and preparations to be undertaken prior to the cyclone season.

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Care of Your Garden

It is your responsibility to maintain the garden areas of your GROH home. Tenants are required to keep plants and lawns watered and to comply with sprinkler restrictions, mow lawn areas regularly and remove weeds and debris as required.

During periods of absence from the property, please make arrangements to have the garden watered and maintained.

Trees must not be removed from your property without the approval of the Department of Housing. Excessively tall trees can become dangerous and arrangements may be made to have them lopped. The trimming and pruning of trees is generally your responsibility.

GROH is responsible for the upkeep of the common grounds attached to serviced units. If you live in a serviced unit or complex that has an enclosed or fenced-off garden, it is your responsibility to maintain the enclosed area.

Serviced UnitsSome of GROH’s accommodation shares facilities such as driveways, carports, washing lines and/or gardens. GROH will maintain the common areas and shared facilities.

For serviced units in the north of the State, all gas and electricity charges are the responsibility of the tenant. For serviced units in the south of the State, gas, electricity and water charges are the responsibility of your department.

Annual InspectionsFor GROH-owned properties, GROH will carry out a minimum of one inspection of your home per year and will contact you to arrange a mutually convenient time.

For those tenants in leased accommodation, either the owner or owner’s agent will undertake (usually quarterly) property inspections during the year, and he or she will contact you to arrange a mutually convenient time.

Tenants will be provided with no less than 7 days and no more than 14 days written notice of the intention to carry out an annual inspection.

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Pets – subject to approvalIf you have a pet there are a few common-sense rules:

• Dogsandcatscanbekept,providedthe property has a separate yard and it is properly enclosed in accordance with local authority by-laws.

• Dogsandcatsmustbekeptoutsideat all times.

• Youwillneedtoensureyourpetdoes not damage the property or disturb the neighbours.

• Ifyouliveinaflatorunitwithoutanenclosed separate yard, dogs and cats are not allowed.

• Ifyouliveinaleasedproperty,theremay be special requirements regarding pets being kept on the premises. You are required to obtain approval from the Department of Housing prior to the keeping of pets on the premises. If you live in a strata title property there may be strata rules preventing the owning of pets.

• LocalGovernmentby-lawsmustbeadhered to. GROH will not be responsible for the supply of gates and fencing to allow pets to be kept.

Please ensure that your garden is kept clean and tidy and that all animal excreta is disposed of appropriately. Any damage that occurs due to pets will be assessed as tenant liability and you will be responsible for the costs associated with rectifying the damage.

Dog (Restricted Breeds) Regulations 2002On 20 March 2002 the Premier announced new regulations, to apply from 22 April 2002, covering the ownership and handling of the following dog breeds:

(a) dogo Argentino; (b) fila Brasileiro; (c) Japanese tosa; (d) American pit bull terrier; (e) Pit bull terrier; or(f ) Any other breeds of dog the

importation of which is prohibited absolutely by the Customs (Prohibited Imports) Regulations 1956 of the Commonwealth.

These regulations also apply to dogs that are a cross of the above breeds.

Please check with your local Department of Housing office for further information, or refer to the Regulations, which can be accessed on the State Law Publisher Internet site at www.slp.wa.gov.au.

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Pests and VerminGROH is responsible for the eradication of termites, Singapore Ants and bees. Upon request, GROH will pay for the annual treatment of houses(internalonly)Northofthe 26th parallel (cockroaches). For accommodation South of the 26th parallel, pest eradication will only be carried out at GROH’s expense if the infestation occurs within 3 months of occupation.

Contents InsuranceGROH does not insure or provide cover against theft, loss or damage to contents or personal belongings of the tenants or visitors to the property. Contents insurance is the responsibility of individual tenants.

Caretaking of GROH AccommodationCaretaking Arrangements for Security, Garden Maintenance and Pets

The sub-letting or renting of any part of a GROH home in exchange for payment or other consideration is not permitted.

If you are planning to be absent from your GROH home for a period of time, but intend to return, it is acceptable to allow other parties to occupy the home on a caretaking basis, however you must

obtain written approval from GROH and your department for this person to reside in the house.

The caretaker/house-sitter is required to abide by the same tenancy rules that apply to all GROH tenants. It is recommended that you give a copy of the GROH Tenant’s Handbook to the caretaker/house-sitter.

As the legal tenant of the house, your responsibility for the condition of the premises will continue for the term of the caretaking arrangement and until you officially vacate the house at the end of your tenure and return the keys.

GROH will not unreasonably withhold its consent to permit a caretaker to reside in the GROH property for the purposes of security, care of pets and garden maintenance. Please contact your local Department of Housing representative for further information.

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Operating a Private Business in a GROH HomeThe tenant will use their GROH home solely as a dwelling, unless written consent is received from the owners, the tenant’s agency and the Local Government Authority.

The policy relating to the operation of a private business in a GROH home can be found at www.groh.wa.gov.au


How much notice do I give?It is your responsibility under the Residential Tenancies Act to provide GROH with no less than 21 days written notice of your intention to vacate the premises, to allow sufficient time for a pre-vacation inspection to be arranged. At busy change-over times, such as Christmas, it would be advantageous to provide more than 21 days notice to provide sufficient time for the HPSO to carry out the inspection. A pre-vacation inspection will give you and your HPSO the opportunity to identify any areas that require attention, so that you can return the property in a clean and tidy condition and avoid the possibility of being charged tenant liability. Failure to give the required notice may also result in rent still being charged after you vacate the residence.

Foryourconvenience,a“NoticeofIntention to Vacate” form is available on the GROH website, along with a checklist to assist you to return your home in clean condition.

Noticecanbebytelephone,faxore-mail to your local HPSO. The notification must include intended date of vacation, and your forwarding address.

Return of keysFind out from your HPSO where to return the keys when leaving. You will be held responsible for your GROH house and any damage that might occur to it until the keys have been returned and a key receipt has been issued. If you do not hand back your keys as required you will be responsible for the costs of replacement locks.

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• Ifyouprovideatleast21days written notice of your intention to vacate, an inspection by an HPSO can be arranged prior to you vacating the premises to determine if there are items that need attention.

• Removeallyourpersonalbelongings. Goods left in an unoccupied house/unit may be regarded as “Abandoned Goods” and may be disposed of and/or put in storage at a cost to the tenant. Rent will continue to accrue until the premises are cleared and restored to the same condition as at the commencement of your tenancy.

• Ensurethatfinalreadingsaretakenfor your services such as gas, electricity and water. Advise your telecommunications supplier to disconnect the service.

• Arrangeforthecarpetsandlounge suites (if applicable) to be steam cleaned to a commercial standard. Provide a copy of the receipt to your local HPSO and retain the original for your records.

Moving out?Some important points to remember...

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Forwarding AddressPlease provide GROH with a forwarding address prior to vacation of the premises.

Appealing a GROH decisionThe right of appeal is an integral part of GROH’s Customer Service Charter. The GROH Appeals Mechanism offers GROH tenants an informal, thorough, fair and inexpensive means of appealing a decision.

You should contact your local Department of Housing representative if you wish to dispute a decision taken against you either during your tenancy or after you have vacated the premises.

Client SurveysGROH will, from time to time, conduct client surveys. You are urged to use this opportunity to provide feedback on your home and the service you receive. Your input will assist us to assess and improve our services.

However, you do not have to wait until you are surveyed to provide feedback. We welcome your comments at any time either in person, by letter, e-mail or facsimile, or via the ‘Feedback’ facility on the web site at www.dhw.wa.gov.au

If I have a problem, who do I call? HPSOs visit locations within their housing portfolio on a regular basis. If you would like to meet with your HPSO while he or she is in your area, contact the relevant Department of Housing office to make arrangements.

Should a problem arise at any time, please notify the relevant office. When writing to the Department of Housing, please state the full address of your premises to help us satisfy your enquiry.

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Who do I contact when I need information on...?


Air conditioning subsidy • Yourdepartment

Air conditioning policy • GROHwebsite(policydocument)

Allocation of accommodation • Yourdepartment

Alterations/additions to the premises • LocalDepartmentofHousingofficeor your department

Appealing a GROH decision • LocalDepartmentofHousingoffice

Caretaking of your house and garden • LocalDepartmentofHousingofficeor your department

Damage to property • LocalDepartmentofHousingoffice • Localpolice • Yourinsurer

Eligibility for GROH accommodation • Yourdepartment

Emergency maintenance (after hours) Housing Direct 1300 137 677

Floor coverings, window treatments/curtains

• LocalDepartmentofHousingoffice

Furniture – provision • Yourdepartment

Furniture – maintenance/replacement • LocalDepartmentofHousingoffice

Home Ownership Subsidy Scheme • Yourdepartment

Policy Document www.housing.wa.gov.au

Key return • LocalDepartmentofHousingoffice

Lease conditions • LocalDepartmentofHousingoffice

Maintenance of the premises • LocalDepartmentofHousingoffice

Contact Information

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Naturaldisasters • LocalStateEmergencyService • LocalGovernmentAuthority(Council) • LocalDepartmentofHousingoffice

Noticetovacate • LocalDepartmentofHousingoffice • YourDepartment

Pests • LocalDepartmentofHousingoffice

Pets • LocalDepartmentofHousingoffice • LocalGovernmentAuthority(Council)

Pre-vacation inspections • LocalDepartmentofHousingoffice

Property Condition Reports • LocalDepartmentofHousingoffice

Property inspections • LocalDepartmentofHousingoffice

Purchasing your GROH home • GROHPerthoffice • GROHwebsite(applicationform)

Rent • Yourdepartment

Residential Tenancies Act 1987 • DepartmentofCommerce

Sharing • Yourdepartment

Leased Properties

Tenant Liability Accounts • LocalDepartmentofHousingoffice

Utilities and services • Localserviceproviders

Vacating your property • YourDepartment • LocalDepartmentofHousingoffice

Water Consumption Accounts • LocalDepartmentofHousingoffice

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www.housing.wa.gov.auGovernment of Western AustraliaDepartment of Housing