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Teodora D. Balangcodand

Ashlyn Kim D. Balangcod

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Tinoc has 12 barangays

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The Kalanguya

The Kalanguya is one of the four major subtribes of Ifugao province.

A Kalanguya village is composed of ten to twenty houses. In more remote areas, a house is two to three-hour walk away from the other.

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Transpiring Beliefs• The Kalanguyas, like its other sub-tribe counterpart,

the ayangans, hanglulo and the tuwalis believe greatly in the power of the gods and deities.

• From birth to death, a person’s activities and all events in his life are believed to be in complete control not only by the gods, & deities but also by the spirits of the dead ancestors.

• Rituals are regularly performed.

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Social System

There are generally three classes in the Ifugao social system:

• The richest families are called the Kadangyan, who usually dominate all aspects of community living in the Ifugao society.

• The tagu (literally means man) still belong to the kadangyan class but have not performed the formal rites to attain the status.

• The nawotwot (poor) or makibokla (working class) comprise the majority and are considered the lowest class.

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• Agriculture is the main source of livelihood among Kalanguyas.

• Rice (Oryza sativa) is the most important crop, which is grown in terraces (payew). Rice harvest is once a year.

• Other crops are grown on the slopes of mountains called uma.

• Agriculture is the main source of livelihood among Kalanguyas.

• Rice (Oryza sativa) is the most important crop, which is grown in terraces (payew). Rice harvest is once a year.

• Other crops are grown on the slopes of mountains called uma.

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•In the uma, traditional practice involves the “slash-and-burn” system as well as shifting cultivation.

• Major crops are the ube (Ipomoea batatas) and gahilang (Zea mays). Rice supply rarely lasts from harvest to harvest such that ube serves as staple food.

• Other crops planted are beans, lettuce, sweet peas, cabbage, raddish, carrots and the like. These crops can also be planted in the payew

•In the uma, traditional practice involves the “slash-and-burn” system as well as shifting cultivation.

• Major crops are the ube (Ipomoea batatas) and gahilang (Zea mays). Rice supply rarely lasts from harvest to harvest such that ube serves as staple food.

• Other crops planted are beans, lettuce, sweet peas, cabbage, raddish, carrots and the like. These crops can also be planted in the payew


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• Life in Tinoc, Ifugao is very simple - primary concern of the people is the most basic of needs, like food. Each day, the elders (parents) wake up early to prepare food, feed the animals and then go out to the payew or uma.

• The children fetch water and gather firewood. Adults help in the fieldwork while the younger ones tend to their siblings.

• Ifugao women, in general have a greater role in the maintenance of the rice fields.

• They weed and clean as well as plant and harvest the ube in their uma.

• They do domestic chores such as cook food for the family as well as tend their hogs.

..the Kalanguya

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The Mountains and ForestsThe mountains are believed to be the homes of gods, goddesses and spirits.

Types of forests • pine and • mossy

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Natural and Biological Resources abound in the forest

• Natural Springshot, salt, sulfur, freshwater springs

Natural and Biological Resources abound in the forest

• Natural Springshot, salt, sulfur, freshwater springs

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Forest Resources wild deer and chicken, cloud rat firewood, orchids, fibers, honey, etc. are gathered from the forests without restriction

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The Kalanguya• The Kalanguyas are independent people who have

managed to survive the harsh life in the mountains. A huge contributor to their survival are the forests as the source of materials for their everyday needs.

• They live a very interesting and unique way of life proven by their existing indigenous methods in using the natural resources from forests.

• Apparently, the introduction of modern urban living provides a threat to the preservation of these indigenous knowledge.

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To document the indigenous uses of the plant resources

among the Kalanguya

To identify the underutilized plants

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Interview schedules



Direct observation

Field visitsPlant Collection

Validation of Data

Permit from the Kalanguya

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The interviews and FGDs

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Field visits and plant collection

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The validation of data

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RESULTSThere are about 257 useful species, These are distributed to 198 genera and 95 families. Some of these plants are underutilized.

The indigenous use of plants and other

resources are entwined with the cultural


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clothes, body adornment and care

feed for animals

for food acquisition

indigenous agricultural

practicesMiscellaneous uses –musical instruments, ripening of bananas, sandpaper, toys, paste, ink, broom, dogbites, pesticides

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The ritual plants

Lycopodium cernuumLycopodium cernuumLycopodium cernuumLycopodium cernuum

Cordyline fruticosa

A tilb i l i

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Degway-Sauruaia bontocensis

The food plants

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Plants used as building materials

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Plants used for toolsViburnum luzonicumvar. formosanum

Clethra lancifolia


Mallotus paniculatus

Syzygium buxifolium

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Plants used for tools, baskets and bowls

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Plants used for baskets

Uway – Daemonorops mollis& Bulu - Bambusa sp.

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Plants used for firewood and energy source

Pittosporum resineferum

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Plants used for clothing

Pangdan- Freycinetiacumingiana

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Plants used for clothing

Alinduweng –Trema amboinensis

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Plants used in agricultural practices

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Miscellaneous uses of plants• Guava & wild tomato- used in the preservation of the dead

Ballai - Gunnera macrophyllaJuncus effusus

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Underutilized plants

Uyok – Sauruaia elegans Degway-Sauruaia bontocensis

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Underutilized plants

Passifora sp. Passifora edulis

Medinilla pulogense


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Underutilized plants

Debregeasea edulis Sarcandra glabra

Colocasia antiquorumColocasia esculentum

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Traditional use of forest resources is still apparent in Tinoc, Ifugao. Some plants have many uses while some are used sparingly.

The forests are very important sources of their basic necessities, as it has served as the natural grocery, pharmacy store, and hardware.

The forests had also provided the people with clean air and abundant water supply.

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The elders possess much of the traditional knowledge on forest resources. If left undocumented, there is danger that this knowledge will be irretrievably lost.

Some plants are not maximally used or underutilized.

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The authors are grateful to the ff.:

• Dr. H. Jaenicke and the organizers of this conference• CIDA• University of the Philippines Center for Integrative and

Development Studies • our field and research assistants • Blas Hernaez of UP Los Banos for the identification and

authentication of the voucher specimens• the people and officials of Tinoc,Ifugao• mentors and reviewers• friends and colleagues

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212912. Miscellaneous uses of plants –musical instruments, fruit ripening, paste, toys, sandpaper, pesticides, etc.

91211. Plants used in agricultural practices

5910. Plants used for soil and water conservation

17229. Plants used for food acquisition

22368. Plants used as feed for animals

17297. Plants used as cordage

23286. Plants used as clothes, body adornment and care

681325. Plants used as medicine

26444. Plants used for firewood

42993. Plants used as food, beverage and flavoring

29362. Plants used as building materials

21261. Ritual plants and ritual paraphernalia






5% 7%










Ritual plants and ritual paraphernaliaPlants used as building materialsPlants used as food, beverage and flavoringPlants used for firewoodPlants used as medicinePlants used as clothes, body adornment and carePlants used as cordagePlants used as fodderPlants used for food acquisitionPlants used for soil and water conservationPlants used in agricultural practicesMiscellaneous uses of plants – musical instruments, fruit ripening, paste, toys, sandpaper, pesticides, etc.

Percentage Distribution of Plant Uses

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Percentage of Plants based on uses

5% 7%










Ritual plants and ritual paraphernaliaPlants used as building materialsPlants used as food, beverage and flavoringPlants used for firewoodPlants used as medicinePlants used as clothes, body adornment and carePlants used as cordagePlants used as fodderPlants used for food acquisitionPlants used for soil and water conservationPlants used in agricultural practicesMiscellaneous uses of plants – musical instruments, fruit ripening, paste, toys, sandpaper, pesticides, etc.

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• Agricultural activities are dependent on a series of rituals, from planting to harvesting to depositing the harvest into the alang (rice granaries)

• the gods and deities are the ones who inflict diseases or cause low harvest.

• to appease them, they are regularly offered animals and some plants or plant parts because they have to be constantly “bribed” for good harvest.

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The kadangyan

• In all stages of the kileng, the services of one or two mabakis (local priests) are mandatory.

• The baki or prayers has to be performed as perfectly as possible.

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Forest Resources

• Wildlife, like wild deer and chicken are still abundant in the mossy forests and are hunted by the people for food.

Hunting of birds is usually done at nights. A light is placed inside a small bird trap that looks like a miniature house to attract birds. A net that is spread inside the miniature house serves as the bird catcher.