the anglican parish burnside harewood news sheet · in this issue notices foodbank needs services...

IN THIS ISSUE Notices Foodbank Needs Services this Week The Week Ahead Vestry Snippets 2nd Sunday in August at St Tim’s Spring Retreat to Stewart Island Rosters & Contacts Making lifelong disciples of Jesus SCRIPTURE VERSE PRAYER For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich. 2 Corinthians 8:9 Generous God, You give us life and breath, you fill the world with good things, and you have given us your Son to be our Saviour. By your grace, fill us with your Holy Spirit, that we may give back to you with joyful hearts through Jesus Christ our Lord. News Sheet 15th Sunday Ordinary Time 12th July 2020 The Anglican Parish of Burnside-Harewood

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Page 1: The Anglican Parish Burnside Harewood News Sheet · IN THIS ISSUE Notices Foodbank Needs Services this Week The Week Ahead Vestry Snippets 2nd Sunday in August at St Tim’s Spring



Foodbank Needs

Services this Week

The Week Ahead

Vestry Snippets

2nd Sunday in August at St Tim’s

Spring Retreat to Stewart Island

Rosters & Contacts

Making lifelong disciples of Jesus



For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich. 2 Corinthians 8:9

Generous God, You give us life and breath, you fill the world with good things, and you have given us your Son to be our Saviour. By your grace, fill us with your Holy Spirit, that we may give back to you with joyful hearts through Jesus Christ our Lord.

News Sheet 15th Sunday Ordinary Time

12th July 2020

The Anglican Parish of


Page 2: The Anglican Parish Burnside Harewood News Sheet · IN THIS ISSUE Notices Foodbank Needs Services this Week The Week Ahead Vestry Snippets 2nd Sunday in August at St Tim’s Spring

Christchurch City Mission


Needs for this fortnight.

Toilet Paper, sanitary items, toothpaste or

anything from that isle in the


Please give generously if you are


FOR ALL PASTORAL NEEDS, please contact Alison McMillan (03 358 5286) or the Vicar, Chris (021 528 821 or 03 357 1292)

Theme: Celebrating Spiritual Practice - Prayer Preacher

Sun 8.45am Holy Communion at St James’ Chris Ponniah

Psalm 1:1-6 (p840) Matthew 6:5-15 (p1508)

Sun 10.15am Family Worship at St Timothy’s Chris Ponniah

Psalm 1:1-6 (p840) Matthew 6:5-15 (p1508)

Sun 6.30pm Rekindle at St Timothy’s Chris Ponniah

A simple meal followed a short talk & sharing

Wed 11.00am Holy Communion at St Timothy’s Graham Button

Psalm 1:1-6 (p840)

Memorial Service - TODAY

Sunday 12th July, 2.30pm St James’

Because we were unable to attend funerals of our loved ones during the lock-down period, our parish is planning to run a memorial service to remember those we perhaps could not mourn properly. Please contact Chris if you are interested in having your loved one remembered in this memorial service.

St James’ Day Potluck Lunch

Sunday 26th July - 12Noon

Put your name down

on the clipboard in the

foyer at St James’

and pop along to this

wonderful annual event.

Page 3: The Anglican Parish Burnside Harewood News Sheet · IN THIS ISSUE Notices Foodbank Needs Services this Week The Week Ahead Vestry Snippets 2nd Sunday in August at St Tim’s Spring


Wednesdays, 10.30-11am

St Timothy’s Church Hall followed by a simple communion service

All Welcome



St Timothy’s

Mon, Tues, Thurs

9.00 - 9.30am

Sunday, 9.30am

St James’

Wed, 9.00am

All Welcome


Free Playgroup

for Under 5’s,

13 July, 10 -12noon

@ St Timothy’s



Food Fun

6.30 - 8.00pm

Sundays at St Tim’s

A simple meal

followed by a short

input and reflection


Phone Jill McTeigue: 027 848 5769

Fun, Friendship & Food

All Welcome

Every Thursday @ St Tim’s, 10.00am


To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be alive without breathing. Martin Luther

Page 4: The Anglican Parish Burnside Harewood News Sheet · IN THIS ISSUE Notices Foodbank Needs Services this Week The Week Ahead Vestry Snippets 2nd Sunday in August at St Tim’s Spring

This was the first meeting together since lockdown and while the use of Zoom meetings was certainly worthwhile, it was good to have face to face discussion again.

Chris in his Vicar’s report gave a summary of those attending services since going down to covid alert level 2, and also the numbers of those still participating through the on-line services. He plans to continue these as some members are yet to feel sufficiently comfortable to return, and there are quite a number of people who are not part of the parish who also watch the services. He has ordered a new microphone to try and improve the sound quality.

The financial report is particularly encouraging with donations and offertory being greater than budget for the first 5 months of the financial year. Given that the budget had included a deficit result for year end, this increase was much-needed and we thanked God for His goodness through the faithfulness of parishioners.

Building and Grounds committee reported that the roof replacement at St Tim’s will commence as soon as weather allows, and the new exterior door into the meeting room at St Tim’s will be installed tomorrow (24th June). There are a number of planning needs coming up, including exterior painting of the vicarage.

The St James Church and Trust Funds Committee had proposed a motion that combined services be held on special occasions and this was agreed. It was noted that it is important to share services with Re-kindle also.

Approval was given for a new gate and fence at St James between the car park and hall. The replacement gate on Whitchurch Place has been installed and matches the old one well – thanks to the Bishopdale Menzshed.

The Missions Committee meets bi-monthly so there was no report from them.

There was some discussion about the potential implications of the ‘dark sky’ motion which is being brought before the AGM on 28th June.

This was the final meeting prior to the election of new members at the upcoming AGM. Those retiring from vestry include Jen Orange, Jenny and Richard Hargreaves, Chris Sundstrum and Ray McTeigue. Their contribution has been much appreciated.

Fiona Johns and Alison Jephson


Page 5: The Anglican Parish Burnside Harewood News Sheet · IN THIS ISSUE Notices Foodbank Needs Services this Week The Week Ahead Vestry Snippets 2nd Sunday in August at St Tim’s Spring

From August to November this year, at St Tim’s, we plan to run a Families Together Sunday Service, 10.15am on the 2nd Sunday of the month. These will be an all-age service catering for young and old. The children will be involved in the service, so they won’t have their usual children’s programme. Barbara and her team will organise these services and it will be a great opportunity to invite your families, friends and neighbours to attend. The service will be followed by finger food refreshments, so please remember to bring a plate of goodies to share.

On our first Families Together Sunday will be on August 8th. We have invited a Disney Princess to join us, so dress your children as a Disney character. Don't forget to bring a plate of finger food to share.


Monday 14th - Friday 18th September

Studying theology is a great way to explore and deepen your faith.

Stewart Island has many features that make it a great place for a contemplative retreat - memorials and monuments, bush, beaches and birdsong. In fact the Island becomes the vessel that holds the retreat. Following the cancellation of the Easter season retreat, I am offering a September one instead. We gather at lunchtime Monday and finish after lunch on Friday. Prayer exercises will be interwoven with the physical features of the environment, so a moderate level of fitness is helpful as there are hills to walk up and down. Ask if concerned. Numbers are limited.

For information please contact: Rev. Glenda Hicks at [email protected]; ph 0277114166

Page 6: The Anglican Parish Burnside Harewood News Sheet · IN THIS ISSUE Notices Foodbank Needs Services this Week The Week Ahead Vestry Snippets 2nd Sunday in August at St Tim’s Spring

DIRECT CREDIT YOUR OFFERINGS ANZ Bank, Papanui Acc Name: Parish of Burnside-Harewood Acc No: 06 - 0831- 0031780-00


Office 358 8175 or 021 528 821 [email protected]

WARDENS Alison Jephson 027 514 1585 Fiona Johns 359 2972

PARISH OFFICE Lou Godfrey 46 Kendal Avenue CHCH 8053 Phone 358 8174 [email protected]

YOUTH PASTOR Izzi Neville 021 0839 4694 [email protected]

CHILDREN’S WORKER Charlotte Rodley 022 081 1378 [email protected] FAMILIES PASTOR

Barbara Neville 021 796 233 [email protected]


Alison McMillan 358 5286 PRAYER CHAIN

Lynne Balcar 352 2721 Carol Saysell 358 2214


Sidesperson J Baker/S Steele

Cleaning P & L Nelson

Hall Cleaning P & L Nelson

Hospitality M & R Nicholas

Memorial Wall S Steele


Sidesperson R Kamuhangire

Welcomers TBA

PA System K Glue

Data Projector T Young

Sanctuary J Brittenden

Flowers G Su

Cleaning Nexus Community

Vacuum Nexus Community

Hospitality C Palmer/D Byrne/ P Meguire

Worship This Week: 12th July Next Week: 19th July Roster 8.45am 10.15am 8.45am 10.15am

Leader J Ponniah J Garza S Clancey P Sundstrum

Preacher C Ponniah C Ponniah C Ponniah C Ponniah

Celebrant No HC C Ponniah C Ponniah C Ponniah

2 Chalice No HC Child D Huddle C Lee

Intercessors C Ponniah W Calder D Huddle P Sundstrum

1 Reader S Liu P Rodley P Sundstrum B Gormly

2 Reader C Liu A Moyle J Baker M Nicholas

Prayer Ministry B & D Williams ---- ---- ----