the canton advocate (canton, d.t. [s.d.]). (canton, d.t. [s.d.]) … · 2017. 12. 17. · 3nne sssh...

Canton Advocate. Thtrscay. Atgtst, 3. 18P2. SepaMieui CcBTentjon 4& Judicial District. A SqNA£en TMuhnf4 Ooxrontfam aS ibc 4th indicia: Dkszfct will he held at Cxntim ed- saaiq the 30th day of a.ngtm MBS st ow o' clock P. 1L, lorthe piu^jM af nominating a candidate lar Sa office af Siitmt iston^. Conntiee *iB tn ttj ibiiii HIIum u Mm: BrouLmgB - lS'Kin^wbmry - < dxj - fl ih aix 7 CodiUglBP - - 7IT jnarihi - - M CInk ... sfioOook - - S I*y - - abtodnaa - W Send - - tptoody 7 Grant - - stTsnm - - » W.«wTIB . . 3 (CuJOB - - ItdDBVOI COMTTTII. A. WALLACX, F. 5. Bans, Chatrmsu. Becretur. Territorial Bepubliean Conrention. yor flic j' ii i j't of iti—'i—t—p a SepBb&cn oo- {af ffffliigr' r to ooBgrsas i SepnWinn con- far ienitoiT of Deltuts w£3 be held wi. fi™* Feit»J go Wednesday, t&£ CQi day tf Sep- tember, 13BS. st IS o' clock, H- The sewera! arpro- txed wiiiiii'w in isid tenitocy viB be entitled to ih# laZkncing number of AdeatM: Prov&ed, that coan&s ozgaaized hereafter and jwifw lo mniiiy of euoveu&oii rinll be Bflitad nil rtiil «at• I> od. Aaron Ban Bmnw BEan. Brows Bndtafk Bro«fcm£s... Brule CharJee Mix . Caw day CufliafUm Clark I>VQ^U.. Sanaon.. XJaar Deoel.. 6ian* Ori«rs. s Sldder a 7 1 Lake s LiXonn 2 « Lsvnaae ae 11? f inwihi ii a McOook s 3 yam^aii ....... i 2* . . . ... i* 15 Moody 7 s Miner ... 4 7 Harton f "!*.* a PecmiaetsB .... « 4 Pembma 12 2 ........ 8 6 Hichkn^ .. IS a Stntsmaa ...... . .. « s » fepmk s s TnftD 12 IS Turner t Unkm 3 Wakfc. 6 « Tanktjfn ........ 12 Total. 243 Br CKZAE K or TEX OOmMi.1 ZXK* G£G. H WAI-SH, CTimrniar.. CEiilo T. McCct , Secretary. Ixratorvs, presumably for sod in the in- terest of the ex- soldier , bnt actually for TMitnrial Comments. Tbe editor of the Hnronite should be given a pestafiice. He Minnehaha BepnbEeans bold their A*Xa£*tr- eoavestiun to-day. TKj> Reptiblkaits of Turner eomny *21 meet in oooveniaoii to-day. The Hons Times af last week says: "The vote of Hugbes county can be sale- }y placed in the Pettigrew column. "Poore l>ar. some friends here, bat Pet - tigrew is in the aaeendant says a Tyndall carresp- jwdem of tbe Sprmgfield Times. It is •Wr»Ti«4)f tK«f Bob Homme county selected a Pedagrew delegation. as wt notice by the Springfield Times. T*tw»rp is aot a HoUtary Lincoln county ma ob tbe jury that is to deade the Santa Fe Scrip eases. Brookings comity furnisher 10. Static advises 'nJOmt* thai Hanson , Davison, Aurora, and Brule counties wiB send up Bo£d delegations ior tbe present representative The Sioux City Journal eannot bdp it It most, by force of habit come errex to Dakota aad meddle with politics that does not ooaoern it Tbe Seodand Citizen of last week takes Got. Ordway in its lap and gives biro a good drubbing far Me acdoo is the re- organization of Dongas ocranty. Tbe CoddingtoB Coanir Courier iriI3 herea&er be pabB^ied by Bsrr k Cbtirti . the kfiter being tie wefi known saoroey aad hmd agent of Watettown. Malhews, of the Meimo News, who prints a serea by xdoe newspaper, his farmer bone being Edt®. isatk at hean. Woaxiar what be would do if he were is 71k Republicans of tbs Foaitb Judicial IKstziet are to meet at Canton en the 30th day of Angus to plaee in maninamm a candidate lor ptmenaiag attarBey in pbee of Judge Carter. The ILepobbean ocamaiiiee met at Dead- wood July 29th and eaDed a ooontr ©chi- TentaoBfbr Augua 19th for electioc of delegates to the teniiorial eonvention. Tbe Petngrew £wof>n is decidedly in the majoeitj . The St . Paul Pigoeer Press of a recent date has the following: '' Judge Kidder of Dakota was in the aty yeaerdzy and took a trip to Bass Lake in the afternoon. The Judge sajre that be tinnlrs the peo- ple of Dakota wiSre-eieet their preseot delegate u> congress. The it^mbBeaos of Bon Homme ecrantr heid their ewrreiitkm to elect delegates to the convention to be held at Grand Forks go yesterday. The republicans of Tank- tan county will hold theirs to-day, the republicans of Davison county <jd August 5th, the rcfmblkaag oi Oar comity Aug- frusL 7th , aad the repubbcaas of Beadle eouMj on August 11th. from wham the seltier purchases, paring from $25 toJlOO. The rnEng jtreTentf the abuse of tbeer-soldier s privilege, and every honest setder and ei-sddier wiB sav *W the rnEng is just and proper one. It is a raBng thai tske*- aStt in ererv staie and terrir<HT where there is government knds. The St- Paul Pioneer Pre® mid afl other leading papers en- dorse the ruling in strong terms. The Pre® and Dakrtaian would make the oammisaooer of the genera! land office a party to this attack upon the ex-soldiers. In one instance tbe Press and Dakotaian ckimt Delegate Peirigrew is without and now that he goes mto the department of tbe general land office and induces the connmssioner to make this hard rnfiog. x: Oh effliaaancy thou an a jewel " Tbe fact of the whole business is apparent upon the taoe erf it thai tie Press and Dakotaian has stooped in it? efiortsto throw mod at our delegate in cemgress, to saj the least to a very un- ipanlr imfliir a&d fishooest 01U13SD1 of the ruling. Tbe rn&ng is purposely mis- stated by the Pre» and Dakotaian or else exhibits a lack of knowledge that is start- ing. The settles, ex-soldiers and tbe press, with the exception of tbe opin- ion that the ruEag is a righteous and just one. If Secretary Hand endorses this ed- itorial erf the Press and Dakotaian, in which it champions the interests of tbe land shark it should bring down upon bis head the execration of every honest set- tier and ex-soldier. We have to much esteem for the secretary to beBere that be ^riB do it. If be assents to it. it is as wicked as if be endorsed it. and sinee it is published in his state organ, be should denounce it- The act of the leading daily of the tHrritorr in this matter is contempt- ible in the extreme, and shows a willing- ness to wallow in the dirtiest political mire to wantonly injure a candidate that is not their choice. The Press and Dakotaian pute this ruling forward as a reason why Pettigrew should not be returned to con- gress. He has stopped the wholesale covering up Off lands that inured to tbe entire benefit of land speculators. We T^inV the fanners and ex-soldiers of this country wifl view it differently. The Press and Dakotaian's efforts to stir up the ex-soldiers upon this deplorable pre- text are a miserable failure. " T. S. Laud QSloe, Tactum, Dakota. 3nne SSSh flmiijiliinl laving been *nt«w! at office ly Jniwi Everaoo agiinst EDcfl* OnUamras for leibzietB BnrnpTy law an to Ttob«rO*Um Exrtrr Ko. 989P ('%cmx PiQs Sestes) dst^d 3m» 21, 1879;* lxptm tbeS^ttfthfSVV Sttiami So, TpWnahip 96, Bas^e in TAnroihi ooxmt ?* nith i vi^ir to the canoeSstion af ecm- teetsnt »Beeiug tiisa said trset W amh beesa cnlthrm- ted m regniretd by lew. That the lost ymr nf sood witrr, claimant hrobe five wee of said land and bap not since ibai time extttrrsted «lfl Svp mere* crops or o£ber«a», bat bw whoX^ aban&o&efi tbe and tb* so broteen ba» ^trowii to va&de nit if in an nnculnvafcBd state, thf sujl partieR Jtrs bccebv scmx&onfid to vppesa at tbis office on 0£h da; of Sepxember IftfS, at $ o'clock a. to re- spond and fnr&ifih tfHUuwn^ eo&cernms saad mi* 3ep<sd laOtxre. 14 G. A. Viraau teebitobt or daeota , - r<iurtb Judicial DiiBStct. i In tbe Biscrict oonrt in and far litncrfln ooostf« John V. Pbalpe j *67 Helen ~E~. Pbeip*- \ Tbe Territory of TfcaYnfra Mnds irre^ix^r: To Heaem E. Pbelp&. T^efendant. Ton »re berebjr snm- moned and required to aiwwa tbe complaint of tb« above T>aTn>«>a PlamfeJT, a GBp? of "Tbich was £led is tbe office af tbe clerk of tbe eonzt of Ian- coin county at Danton, D. T~ Jime IS. 1882, and to serve a eojnr of your an^wtr upon tbe embderiber st bi« office in Tan£ton, Dak. Ter-, within thirty diyc after tbe service of tbis TOzmnostt on you, exdu- eire of tbe day of sncdi service, and if yon fail to answer tbis oompbiznt within that time Plain- tiff will apply to tbe court ior tbe relief demanded in tbe Complaint . D&sed at Yankton tbie 12tb day of June A- B. 1&S2. Baxtixtt Tbtppt V Plaintiff* Attorney. SberlTfe Sale. teekitoet or baeota. ^ Conm or Lmcous. \ 4ii Judi<aal Bistriot. In tbe liiRtrict court in and for Lincoln county. i. J Case. Plaintiff, ts Benjamin S. Valea, Elixa- betb 1L *WaJe^. Jamef A. Carpemter and Fish Bro^ £. H. HiBer, Tan Brunt Barber i Co. and Kingsnorth k Co^ Defendanta. £y vinue of & judrment of forecloFure and sale made in tbe atom- entitled »ctian on tbe day of June 1S82, against tbe defendants , Bacjsmin S Walea, Elizabeth M. Wales and Jatner A Carpen- ler, and an execution issued therein directed to mt lue Bnbacriber, sheriff of aaid county. 1 will expose at public auction at tbe front door of tbe Court Bonat in tbe city of Canton xn said county on the 16iii day of Sept- 3fe?2 at one o^ock in tbe after - noon of that day w tbe highest bidder for cash: Tbe real estate mortgaged and directed by said judgment to be sold and therein descriited ab foi- krw», to- wit: Tbt- south-east quieter of Seco^m St-ven in Township Kinety-SeveiL, Bstige Forty- KiLr West o1 tbe Fifth principal meridian coiitain- ixur utif hundred and siny acree weor ±ing to gov- ernment survey, excepting and re *. urvey one acre from the south - west corner of said quarter to satisfy said judgment , interest, cost and aJJ accruing costs. A- P. I>lXO>, O. S. Git toed. Sheriff of Lincoln Co^ D- T. 24 Atty lor PJ'fi. Mrs. Julia Straube, On Fifth St^ oppostte To . BoMosacV BanUiunuit, Csaun, Xialwte, has ojwiiiMlKp lm- Novelty Store And -wiabae 3s3arm the iadice at Cr mum and T-tnnnlw esnBQ' tli&t abe liac mil tfac novatUee at flat mafum on iuaid, BDd arf noid os Counters Marked 5 c. ioc ., npto$i.oo. By this arrangement each customer knows . lust tbe value af each article .. There are too many arti- dtf for sale to enumerate, but every one is useful. Call eariy and dc not forges, tbe place. E. M. Miles & Co. I-'EALEE IX Dakota Dots. VfrmiTKnn is to have a $6, OX) school house. Crops in St Lawrence county are suf- fering from the want of rain. The Presbyterians have selected Cas- sekon, Dakota, as the location for their college. Weak upon the Mesno new sebool- house has eommenoed. It will cost $2.5CtO. The editor! af southeastern Dakota held a meeting at Huron on last Thursday and organized an association. At Huron a report prevails that a rail- road is to be buDt from Yankton to Hu- ron, via. Salem. MeCook county, where the traek of the extension from Sioux Falls bow rests. Mitchell Republican; "A new loan and banking institution is to be establish- ed here soon by Grmsby Brothers, from Emmetsburg. Iowa. It wiB probaWy be located cm the corner north of the post- offiee. The Elk Point Cornier says: ' The reg - - alar August term of the Uirion couuty District court wiD convene al the coun house in this city one week from next Thursday, August 8th, 1882, Judge Kid- der presiding. There are over eighty eases on the calendar to be disposed of." Brookings County Prees; * "Castlewf >od is the name of the new station and the present terminus of the Brooking stod lb atertown branch. Store buildings are going up already, aad the track wiD be completed to that point in a few days. It is a fine location for a town. New Goods Mother Hubbard ooOare and oti. tr novelties in lace roods. A handsome line of Crtuxe mitts in daD- t£te tints . FRENCH FLOWERS AT MRS. LOKEN'S Walcles, diets Jewe^ery and Silverware. Lyon dt Hi t'.u P,' .ft. 1 ><( Croucn Or- VIOLINS. GUITARS. FLUTES. Accordeans, Etc. Repairing OB sb®« noticfc, and Bmiirfa*- tics guaranteed. Store opposite otnm tocse, CaisloE, D. T. BIG BARGAINS! AID 10 111 Ml Ii "D C •+-» cd (/) 5C m ^ o £ h-H <! o P5 < PQ ^ O 0 _C -M cs if) o O c n "O O x ° x o S (D > Nails 3 cts.perlb. A Larape Assortment of Bolts at Cost AT T. S 5 . Tolimpsoii Go's. s ^ i ~ X s- X ** * -H c aT w 3D X & «•> J" ^ Opposite, St, Croix Lumber Yard. ^ z P. M. LUND & CO., P ||| DEALEK IX cd co cd SMiHIIIEl V& MONEY REFUNDEQ, A perfect corset SECUEED AT LAST sixssstsas" 1 " 1 &**** of lornif tiE "field* jeaffiJy to crory reFpbaaoB asfl i. equal}r comforuible la as; poEiium w the wearer. ' VErnattedto reUtiE its perfect A*3*tia wora ort. By It yon eeenreamorE grecetcllctae ym, wia any ortter comet. Please give it a «v»c\- trial anfl yon will wear bo other. Z JX. X w ml 0* ^ What Eminent Chicago Physicians say of it. ® I 5 3 2*. S & 3i •§3-2 ! t ; H 1 liii ^ ® 9 3 " O &C J s 9 «>( * 2 a cc ^ X © ® w rj ec^-s $• ^ O CS .ts S P ^ © X Q it-, g CJ ^ c Q -+J ^ H ? 5 o i « 'Z z ~ ^ Zs w 2 ? ^ " - U C 3 ^ L O (f) PQ .-3 0 =5 b0 c o CO 03 i m LL 13y Goiug To Llama L<a'-e Shawls. Turkish Sacking, Genuine Foster Lacing: Glove. E . W E N D T , JOH.V W HEWITT, Canton Harness Shop. Manufacturer and Dealer in-~- HjLEKEBS, HALTEBS, OOLLAfiS, BtPXSG BKIDLBS, Etc ., &c. Constantly on band a pood aBsortment of "Wbipft, Tjaabffl, Brushes, Curry Coznb&, Collars, fcc. Will ft&n ae cheap ae tbe cheapest. Give him a calL Canton. OcL 2S. 122^1. Dress Goods, Notions, Hats and Gaps, Flour, Etc. Everything Xew and Fresh in my sV-re- Goods sold Cheap for Cash The Highest Cash Price Paid for Country Produce. I »ell tickets 7,0 and from Esroj>e. "ris all first class SteamaLip IineK- 3 as* ajso apent for the beef •Rn-nVinp hcuBt it the weF*, and acL drafts cm all tbe prii»ciim3 cities of Eurr*j>e ^ X c 5 S £ = ^ c S Csicaeo. Ortelwr iX 18BB. I hrre esamiaeflSAlX'S HEALTH FBSSEBV- tSG OOE5ET ea£ belipve list 11 » sx ererr n- ct best caltrnlaiefi to preserve the Lstitt of le women who wea; it. It does not Beem to be pocalUe for tie wearer of fuck a corset to be injnrefi by tigit lacijig . It Bhcmlfl reoeroe tie fevorsile eiidor»em- r 2i of Tie Fhysiaase who hrre tbe opportmity of eramin- iagit . JAMES 5TETENS 3YDE. Chicao*. October S<s 1B8&. I foSj esdane what Dt Hyde «>te ic list above aotc. W. H. BY TOED. Ckeia&q. October 2S, I9SQ. I hare ezamiaed BAIX'S HEALTH PBS- EEEVTSG OOKSET, bbo believe it to be lie least iujcriocf to tbe wearer of any Corset I fctrc = = 5 2 Jl * w . i o a x P- s Ji &<*c A. /. BAXTER. JL B. "s 2 5 Chic- co, October 27.1SS3. 1 do not adrise eet wontax to west a CccseL bet if ebe wnx do bo—and ebe penerally wiB—I aflrieeber to use one ofBAXX'S "HEALTH PEE- SEETTSG COESETS, at it if lee? litriy to do Iter ininry tbas bst witb » bicb I am acclaimed. ' A. EEETES JACtSOS. X X -> z r* » ^ ~ *Z Tc 1 NJEW ARRIVAL OF ST. CROIX LUMBER 00. G R O C E R I E S DEALE&B IE IK'alw in est < Boimete. Samiogs Hair goods, etc. i aad latest styles of Hat« aad Bauxiatu, beeidee an : Dry Goods, endless variety of I^adiee Furnishing Oooda, tbt uti* ! % " Dress Groods, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Glassware. Dress flaking a Specialty, A System of Lying. The Bridgewater Times of last week gives the Ftaodrau Enterprise the tallow- ing rap over the knntkles Kimberiy knows the lay of Moody county. listen to Kimberiy: WiHiiunaaaL, of tbe Flsadrsc fstenoiM baa firm- ly aaken to Stnarzkaarr uvf many fminy mgaiduig tbf oela^att aiUaliau, Mr . W. z> cer- tAOiiy a good ami a& vbeu be it u i fact that Jftr. Baud bae frefrcsce Is lloody donntr, tbe }ire*ezrt jceoatxst . He bww better. Ba oiuiut coiiWHhadiy tod cone « rord of lanlt with Mr . Pettigrew. Hie better judgment oa^lxi to hxzB tttal ia and wild, secretary •rtmwl im a itntVrbiai' asptrattt,—ahrays ba* bees box -wben be «e^}« into Mr . Pettigrew * aboea, it - wQa be SB act ei iar difta»t future. Mr. l*«fttigreY*a xwiard uf yood deaot i» known c«ra2ol reading aaa m tar teimitify, aad Mae bat toe pr *j« dicea nu tnmi it wstb cuuMayt. Mr. Hand'* private nosrt nil kec bad n tftc jmbiif piiuta , whither H TMWl UM^Jt lily coiikr an4 al unoe. Contemptible. Trom P»» and Datoalu, of ialj aatli, lad, Iteiegate Pettigrew. who has never had much vt any feeiutg eieepting one of oua- tempL for that rathe* large <4»«a <4 cati- icxii known as ex-aokiiers, has finally in- doeed the enmmwaoner of the general land t>&oe to issue a ruling which praed- cally predodea theai trom procuring any be»eat£ frvm the liberal iand laws created in their behalf There being no provision conferring upon ex-soldiers the right to appropriate a farm from the pubtoe do- main, the law in relation to the use of the declaratory statement of theex-soldier was so constructed that he might dispose <jf his right for such, where it is impossible fur him to locate upon a and "hold it for hi* own use. But through the efiorte ot .Dakota's delegate, this privilege has been taken from the ex-soldier withoot any reasonable cause. It is prcbabk the ei-sokiier will be heard from on this sub- ject between now aad the 6th of Septem- ber. The Alexandria Herald, in replying, says: "The above appeared in the editor- ial fwlnmn of the daily Press and Dakota- ian of July 24th, the very near and dear organ of Secretary Hand. The ruling re- ferred to is to the effect that soidiers' de- daratoxy statements cannot be tised by had ageotS; land speculators or land sharks to cover tip lands and keep them oat of the market and settlement An ex-soldier can use them for his own benefit just the same as the law ian»<<m that h; fibooid, and they can be filUH by an attor- aey- in the same manner as heretofore, except that a&davii£ of bona fide intention most be filed with them. The roSog is made for the proteetioe of the ex-soldier and crery honest settier. The staler eoanes oat to the territory dearioos of taking govemmeni land. He sees a large body of eboiee bad wahont any imj»x»ve- mests, and natoralh" supposes that it is vacant, but upon visLting the land ofik* lie finds the land qiedatar is ahead at lum, having covered it with seddiers' dee Sotice to take Depositions. "X tl Ml i*VitT Or DAKOTA. | In e district court -within and for Lin- Fovtb Judicial DiAzieL j coin county. J ohn V. Pbc^ia, FlaintiS, •a. Seln £. Pbe^c, X>efenfiant. To tbe drffmdant above Ton will tak« ni>UiL*- i bat tbe plaintiff abo^e will take the ^ e fc *t*on» mi WiHit Pl«ip# ax>d sundry other "wii- nance ax tbe effine of CSiarjaf eaq^ Kotary Pnbbc in tbe Pynchon 5ati«ual bank, Spria^fieldL Hampden county, SMe of Maaa., on FricUv the day of Asriist A. D. im, between the hour* of S 5 p. fiu, that tbe takink of aaid det«cfii ty»na will be contmacd and adjocmad frem day to tnHy taiffli and oomjtieted and tha* -ha depomtkma ao taken win ba read in eridenoe cpon tbe trial of tbe above action on Liie par: of the plaintiff. 4 " Burun Taxpp, AlV. for PiaiatiS Mrs. Lida Loken, Strf^t- Cantoii. Dakota. THE LADIES OF CANTON and vicinity win find the place to buy L U M B E R . Lath, Shingles, Sash, Doors & Blinds- Building Paper Oak Lumber A large stock of Lumber always on hand, at tbe lowest market prices. CANTON, D. T. EVERY DAY at Chas. Christopher,. Agent, CANTON, DAKOTA. O A. RUDOLPH SELLS THE CLIMAX WALKING and BIDING PLOW, Which is the best Plow in the market Stoves! Tbe Hiirbest Ca»h Prie<* paid lor ommtrr proJnoe. Main St., Canton. Daiota. LLINERY, | CO CO LlI z CO => CO a= o Clieap 1 New, ^ s ^ UJ ^ fi= ^ <=> Kortgage Sale. ^icraas drfacithaa i^eea madt m thr payment ca cie interest secured by a certain mortinu?e ttfii r- d ^, ^ Uth ^ 01 Oaober ItnK, made and ti- ecnted by X^opold Uriht, a Kini^e m»n of Th<- Co of Lmooan anti Territory of Dakota . » morie^eor. 10 Geo. H. HoUister of BocUon in tbe Stat* of ini- om, «Ucbaaid mnrt « ag « wae dnjy £led for record Ml office of tbe Booster of Deed* of ttaid lin- ooIb C3nnty oetbe 1th day of Octo^«r. 3STS. at T o' ciock a. m. and reoarded in book "F" of mortr»- oe p»ge« 375 and 876. and Whereas it ic proridsd in and mortgage tlaat in ca» of the toBKi of anyagreemoH therein con- tamedaMirtuto peiiK^al aad intereK tieret.T aocBrtd ahaTl, »1 the option of tbe holder tbereol mraiediateST become dae aad payable, and Whereaa, no artram or pracetvitnf at law or othrr- rae has been inetitmed to recover the d«Uta«nired tr. md mortnp or an ; part thereof , now ****5 &***. aceordiBg to thretocuteia each caee made a»d proTided, that tj virta,-o< tbe upiwu htMSahrfora mentioaed, aad the power of aale gmtamfd in atid mr.rt*»gl and reocrted therewitt ac liorcnaid, LGro. H ii6u utttt. vmtT ni bolder of the mortemt »ud tin- tb=rel»T BBnir *1 ha. tTT rrsnio Ol default dedarethe wholefmnotpaj and interest :u£nrt>a bv doe and payatfc which aaid pnnci- pal and mlerwt at the date of tfai* notioe aionn.s f. n ^. a ?. Foigr Hm^TTKi and Fonj and ie-l« poBart and thai the said mortgage will be foredoaed to amlasf; the amoont dae on said mort- gaeeat the date of Ona notica of aale. tagethar with aca^n^mtemd to date of aale aad comtM and ei - * Ed ? t J'-S st " donar« attorney f«« »til«lat«i in iMd mnrt^jp, by a aale of the premiKc Utenn deaadwd. at jmbiic aacaon, wincfa Mie wili br m*d» on the 9th day of September 1*82 a» 11 o clock m the forenoon of that dav, at the frcatfdoor of theoonrt h^we la tbe Village of C*n- trnfamdOotm^ofLaMto Til , falJowills 1B . dw^oomrftheMtgaeedproperty eoaa aforo- spbgtantta i ty, aa they are contained ~ ?" ^ bon (17) is township ^ fortj-nme («st Htcxted X>*te>d at Saoiu Fafis tbi * 2Tth day of JnJy, 2S82. _ 6*n. H. Boluizh. MortitaEoe. Jobs Bdtts , Attornf-T * s Tixe Bazar I ! PS s, r § On rtftb Street . <y 0) Uh 13 u o U rj G rt r-j rt u o u a o MRS. HAKKIXS, tbe Proprietress, bu been engaged is the biudB«« for many year*, and understand* it in all it* branchea. Bleaching and making ov«r. alt*o T>i i aniiml tun, entriii£ and fitting a ¥ ^»t>cialty- CL, GreaL Arrival of SPRING! SIMMER St«ck of READY-MADE CLOTHING! For 31 en and Boys. Hats i Caps Furnishing Goods. Spring and Bummer stock is new fan u>d oaxo- plete, and ready for the inspection of the trade, which canrist* of aB noreltiw of the season. I say this, that I propose to meet all competition and will furnish my enstomers with first-cbun goods as cheap as they can be bought elsewhere. Give me a call. A. F. RUDOLPH The Canton Clothier. MADOLE & HINKLEY'S GROCERY STORE. Haviiii! a long and practical experience in tbe | buy the l»est goods in I tbe market. I make | ayft piburin^ ! strictly for cash whit-h ; enables me to sell it 1 bottom j>riee». I will' i n jt attempt to taratu-j ; erate my stock: it is w . large aad well assorteij I that I -do not know ' ! where to commence. ! or where to leave off. tors. Keystone rwo horse corn ] "lamer?, hand planters ALSO BEALEB H Stoves! enable? as to sdti t and Grive me a eal ; yo® wiH find me on hand, and wilEiif u mot on yon. In t ae ia- pksneBt line I might E3LBK" a few if the many I keep < <l hand for instance, ti e La- BeDe wapou, MarA and .Norwegian ri£ng plows. CEmax riding and walking •' iltiva- aud sbciveJ pkws. eu. etc. A Large Stock" of Dry Golds, Mil Bits, M, AT THE P. O, STORE, CANTON, DAK. SUBSCRIBE FOR TH X Land Fotices. Lsnd Oficeai Yankton, 1). T, Jnlr 3a, 1882.- that the foilowtng-uamad aetierkas filed notace of mlescion to make fin- ""W 1 * nf ku daim, and that said proof will be made before Cteriof the djitrict co^itlS- cohi ocnmy, P. T. at Canton the cosmr seat, on Saturday Angaw 36.1881, J8 a. >vte: Hii«= ^t^ITOmptoonway So. 11S)«, tSioni Fallsse- nes, fgrthe I-SS W. ^ Sec 21, Townatap JTT, ^namea tbt following witoetSs to Cathartic Pills Combine tbe chtMoest cathartic prixKuples in medirme, in piopoitions accumtely ad- justed to secure activity, eertaintv,* and uniformity of effect- They are the" result of years of careful study and practical ex- periment, and are tbe most effectual rem- edy yet discovered ior diseases caused trr derangement of tbe Etamach, liver, and bowels, -which require prompt and effectual treatment. Atxb's riixs are specially applicable to this class of diseases. Tbev act directly on tbe digestive and assimi- lative iTooesses, and restore regular healthy action. Their extensive use by physicians in their practice, and by all civilized nations, i? one of the many proofs of their value as a sale, sore, and r—. ly reliable purgative compounded of the concentrated of purely vegetable substances, p™r» re^d®^^^ ZT*S5£ , ^ c r « i L n « o h . ' t B e s 0 1 I ^ r e ! - T T ^ e t a b J e s u b s t a n c e s , Mg3MBl_ Jamb Wy, tiaL rbompiKm, >. , they are positively free from calomel or (. . . i any injurious properties, and can be admin- wktikx, Begutfcs. j isfered to childroi with perfect safety. AM'f Pills are an effectual core for Land O&oc at TaatUm, r>.k }cu, 1<OB 1 _, AVE ? s r™ are an eBectaal cure for Koa«a henhr gro, UaTtSe foilo^f-^ed Co^tJPitKjn or CosUveness, Isdi^es. fe I^yspe^^I^, of Appetite, i^Krf in **Pf*rt Of te. cUim. aad that ssd^ooi Foul Stomach and Breath, Oizxxnesa, wm^brjnad^before drak dun court liacoia eosn- Headache, Loss of Memory. Kumbnesi, vr, «.T. at OuOob the eoonrc Ml ty, D.T. Oaetoe theeomoe eeet 'oo T»W. eBa «J r AagB«s,Mi js, io ^. M V1X- So -BSaas KaBc * *artk £m2 qr « Tnvn w lUhge 3. He naaxa ^e fSo^g 2 -^^ ^ prwtteoafcM.. r»ride«ue TOc^mdcSti tiaa of aaid land, Til. B. Ii. Wnichf Joseph mIT Lmk ' Aadrgw Walmph, «H of Xidder " G - A- *nax Begister. Bas&Jv i —« kHk, va vavlatVI J 9 11 lUuUUCSla Biliousness, Jaundice, Kheamatism, Eruptions and Skin Diseases, Dropsy, Tumors, Worms, Neuralgia, Colic, Gripes, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Goat, Piles, Disorders of the Liver, and all other diseases resulting from a disordered state of the digestive apparatus. As a Dinner Pill they have no equal. "While gentle in tbeir action, these Pixxj _Laod cfflcea» Yaaktoa, Kalu, Jnly stth, i(«t- ! a™ toe most thorough and searching catisar- 2* aameC ! *«= titaX "«> ** employed, and never give to make in nailess the bowels are inflamed, aad pSof^BJbe ^ i influence is healing. Tbeystimo- Uf distort court for Lincah, ooaiitT^S?' 1 ^ the a^-petite and digestive organs: they tcm, tbe coaut> **—* fhriumf ^ *«-, at Caa- j operate to puilTv and "irirh the blood, Friday. Sejt. tat, 193110a. m -Hz- ! renewed health and vigor to the aKKSftsaSsf s-? i Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Hjtea, a. e. SaxDHa, oil •«* '••'Ttinl rfcwMt. G. W. Satec oT Sefina. Linooto ccnutjlDTT/ | Lowrt, MaSS. * G. A- wkj-ot, Eepsti*. J §sgj> w m jmuia iminma. WE KEEP IN STOCK THE LARGEST VARIETY OF OCODS IN THE U. S. AMD CAK^ELL J ro'j AWT AHT1CLE FOR PERSONAL CW FAMILY , use. iw Awr QuAnrrmr at wholesale price. WHATEVER YOU WAKT SEND FOB OUR CATA- LOGUE (free) and you will find rr there I MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 227 a 223 WASASM AVENUE. CHISAQQ. §AVEG J. SKILLERUD. Merchant Tailor. CAmoX, DAKOTA. firwUeiaaa Cnsioin wort done to ordfcr at tmmb- ahle pnoea. Cleaning and repairing promptly attezidtd to. Satisfaction Guaranteed. SHOP ON MAIN STREET A XDERSOX B ROS., Proprietors of tbe Ifflma*,-...:- Coffins and Caskets, la evtxj variety. A odmpiete atocfr cf FuibILuit always ab haszd. THE Sioux City & Pacific RAILROAD. WITH ITS "Siottx City Route" North and South Line And Its ••FREE HOMES FOR MILLIONS ' OS GREAT EAST & WEST LIKE. "The Sioux City Route" Is thy onJy line running Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars through without chase between Kansas City anJ St. Paul, via COUNCIL BLUFFS. MISSOURI VALLEY and SIOUX CITY. Its great East and West line, in connec- tion with the Chicago & Nordi west- ern Railway that runs Pnlhnan Palace sleeping cars between Chicago and Skrax Gtv via MISSOURI VALLEY. rxs 'Tree Homes for the MilEons" Route. Coni>ectmg at Missouri YaBey with the Chicago & Northwestern railway. Trains cross die Misssoori river and run lip die Celebrated Eltliorn Valley. IS 3TEBEAEKA throngh Fremont, Wert Point, Stanton, Xar- ioli, Oaarialy, Keligfc aid OTSeOl, to Ixmg Pine into the beaotifti] coon try of Free Hmm Im the Million. aitCTt«1 the Long Pine and Am Creek* and the Kiobrara rjvesr, <oannectii>g with stage line far Ft . Kiobrara. See time table elae- where- i. 8 WATTLES, i. £. BECHAXAX, Snperint»imlnnrt *nt. Genl PaHK*r Agt. P. £. BoWnamt, A«a"t 8cb1 Paas' r mU XhMnSTaDej, Iowa. Canton Advocate THE LABGEBT FAFOI I> TH£ OOUXTT. CoMlCE&CLai. Tz.2F*- DW 3>0X7 RiTLT 1SD TIT* SUTATCB. Main Street , Canton, D. T. 2=£. ZLi Scio-le, Cttr AND BAKERY. \ Pitta St^ - Opp. CoartHmne. lilSl CABTQ*, XUHIXIu lliliy F ASM MS ALB AT ALL-MOUW5. Osage Nursery. No wild trees . All Nursery grown . No Agent's Commissions SEND IN YOUR ORDERS TO HEADDUARTERS. (Add cost at Boxing to quoted prises.) Norway SprtHie, four to six feet, $10.00 per hundred. Scotch Pine, ibor to six feet. $10,00 per bundred- Soot'ii Pine, 1'oor years old, (traafpknted.) $-3.00 fier honored. Scotch Pine, two year old, $10.00 per thoosand. Norway Sprnte, two years old, $10 00 per thousand. TwCTfcy ^ arieiies of of Evergreen?. Soft or ^*hite Maple. $1.50 per thousand. White Ash, £1.50 per thousand. Bed Barberry, $1.50 per hundred. Strawberries and al] kinds of small fruits cheap. Snyder Blackberry. $5.00 per hundred. Rhubarb. 10 cents each. Raspberries. $5.00 per hundred. Bosk! Roses! 25 cento each. Sead for catalogue at onee to the proprietor. C HAS. F. G ARDNEE, Osage, Iowa. * Lack Bsx 74. Eeftreaee" MllfheU twly Itawlr Shelf ? Heavy Hardware. O. A. RUDOLPH. Canton. THE PEOPLE'S KOUTE THROUGH THE GOLDEN SOETH. WEST IS THE Chicago, B/Uiwaukee and St. Paul Railway. ITS 4.500 MILES OF FIRST-CLASS RAILROAD laeSttAe Through Routes between &e terminal points of aUtbe heavj- lines shows on fell map. IOUX An ezamtnaticm of -whSei, andieteenBetathelatBt Atlaso? tha amn*rr. will shmrOwitWilf it The Business Men's, Tour ists' and Heaitfe-Seekers' Bonanza, As it is tiar I'ULECT. and, in xuost cftnet. tbe OSZ-T SOFTX tr Ha grata and tedin^ BUSISE86 <3! fTESt, HEALTH FTXAfiCEE IIXKGCCB off KOBTKERJ ILLINOIS, all WISCONSIN. IOWA. MTNNKSGTA znd BAIOTA. Oowit tbe Ie«diBpBall«B7 OnidM mud Hap-FoIder T**"* SabKw mad kmui ?3xtlmx *mi arrivinp Ttroe af xb« *a$mfieesl Trainn of PALATIAL SLEEPING AND DRAWINC-ROOM CARS A?0>— SUMPTUOUS COACHES AND SMOKING CABS; jfr 0 territory nam©d: tbtm pes tscdceft ~niiirtiTir J2b* *'CEICaCO, fr* A>I> ST. Pj^X-&iILVAY, t ' and im*are t*o giitoer nsapf in dwaa •awntaa aiidj'gc will ttare xbejririiagi gygpjPTOr ta« «zoaOeDoe of tk>e BEST AEElAGES the BBSTB&TEI& itaA MKtSG-HALL&, *aA Bbc Hff aotuGE in wy }itrtteuiir to iw losud In world. aB Ji c J PnMnnji'i i Butinn., an tifia. (!ni MaA'mm «sfi 4A>» 8t ^ Uniaa Tigfcrt ogee IWXaM Qurfl stmet. optw«t« atartianrt BoteL and TUHr?,EB H fmc!H. Tickxa ApenM Dnloii Dm. "otu aT ailw| Uti«niL. "'•»"* v KWI aad MOtai H. a»r.i>rj.. PcteecImlt J. A. CSaJCIItfiL General Acent. StSitHiiTtf Stmt _ _ Iliniruis.lint-littEiOISnitifuwBfa'limn.ia.VudilncuaudlkMiw SaoOL Birm.TTf. PepstTictat Ajwn. and yn. 7 KicaBttHaSse. <3. L. 8C07T. r - S. 8. MCKR1LU Mbnc, . ChyXictow ajrnt A. V. H. CAKKHTEX, <«1ha. l a<aMliA A. M. Ross, W^on i Carriage Maker. REPAIRING Of afl ktedi b ?iu line done tbe WW5T. r Geo. Luther, The "Boss" Blacksmith. l?,~ v ° Tirstclass Work ISf SIPr .'.s? : - ..: Silk A fiFECULTt. - CZDAX We S«il the Celebrated Ghamberiain Norw^ian Row. THIS NEW MAP Ti. 'j beyemd any rfnwnalili gneetkm tint Hie GHICACO AND NORTH-WESTERN RAILROAD, la br aB odda thf beet road ftir jtm to take whem nwmrifan hi «*h«ir dlwUm hotweee cmcaeo im iu. or tjh mscau. ronra a mwio,>ani usnama. CarafpBy emidae thja map. I^e pnhirqjal citiaa of thr Waat anr Xortirweet xrr Btahonc <n taid rad Its thronj^i traina mate riaae eannnjom with the trains an imiiruada at Jmiiias iin'ati ia the onlj load vcat >et Wowi iQutt nasi ike PULLMAS HOTEL. D1SHG OlBS. ™" l 1 "!!™" SlaepSac Ona IM m Saethaot of Cfcki^. It haa MBaflwafiad. Xtlocma tta ltfkndn« T*m*I*am; ^ownirtT JEHbSr, Dcra i Cafi&ndi Um.** «||NBk( ICmim IS" C*r- * SarfhtiillM a Sdaaika Linm /" 'VUoapt,««. Ml fe Ksw^poB* ttaa **nr».BoAtod, rrMBart*itabagaeIilnea." ''KilwaakM,6n»-- Khrr Valky., BMca ]>taidHiod Una.'" ITsufhi. ttoaAttr UUi DKHunAkii j V ~

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Page 1: The Canton advocate (Canton, D.T. [S.D.]). (Canton, D.T. [S.D.]) … · 2017. 12. 17. · 3nne SSSh flmiijiliinl laving been *nt«w! at office ly Jniwi Everaoo agiinst EDcfl* OnUamras

Canton Advocate.

Thtrscay. Atgtst, 3. 18P2.

SepaMieui CcBTentjon 4& Judicial District.

A SqNA£en TMuhnf4 Ooxrontfam aS ibc 4th indicia: Dkszfct will he held at Cxntim "»ed-saaiq the 30th day of a.ngtm MBS st ow o'clock P. 1L, lorthe piu jM af nominating a candidate lar Sa office af Siitmt iston . Conntiee *iB

tn ttj ibiiiiHIIum u Mm: BrouLmgB - • lS'Kin^wbmry - < dxj - flihaix 7 CodiUglBP - - 7IT jnarihi - - M CInk ... sfioOook - - S I*y - - abtodnaa - W Send - - tptoody 7 Grant - - stTsnm - - » W.«wTIB . . 3 (CuJOB - — - 1®


F. 5. Bans, Chatrmsu. Becretur.

Territorial Bepubliean Conrention. yor flic j' ii i j't of iti—'i—t—p a SepBb&cn oo-

{af ffffliigr' r to ooBgrsas i SepnWinn con-far ienitoiT of Deltuts w£3 be held wi.

fi™* Feit»J go Wednesday, t&£ CQi day tf Sep­tember, 13BS. st IS o'clock, H- The sewera! arpro-txed wiiiiii'w in isid tenitocy viB be entitled to ih# laZkncing number of AdeatM:

Prov&ed, that coan&s ozgaaized hereafter and jwifw lo mniiiy of euoveu&oii rinll be Bflitad nil rtiil«at• I> od. Aaron Ban Bmnw BEan. Brows Bndtafk Bro«fcm£s... Brule CharJee Mix . Caw day CufliafUm Clark

I>VQ^U.. Sanaon.. XJaar Deoel.. 6ian* Ori«rs.

s Sldder a • 7 1 Lake € s LiXonn 2 « Lsvnaae ae

11? f inwihi ii a McOook s 3 yam^aii ....... i 2* . . . ... i*

15 Moody 7 s Miner ... 4 7 Harton f

"!*.* a PecmiaetsB .... « 4 Pembma 12 2 ........ 8 6 Hichkn .. IS a Stntsmaa ...... . .. «

s » fepmk s s TnftD 12

IS Turner 1® t Unkm 1© 3 Wakfc. 6 « Tanktjfn ........ 12

€ Total. 243 Br CKZAE K or TEX OOmMi.1 ZXK*

G£G. H WAI-SH, CTimrniar.. CEiilo T. McCct, Secretary.

Ixratorvs, presumably for sod in the in­terest of the ex-soldier, bnt actually for

TMitnrial Comments. Tbe editor of the Hnronite should be

given a pestafiice. He Minnehaha BepnbEeans bold their

A*Xa£*tr- eoavestiun to-day. TKj> Reptiblkaits of Turner eomny *21

meet in oooveniaoii to-day. The Hons Times af last week says:

"The vote of Hugbes county can be sale-}y placed in the Pettigrew column.

"Poore l>ar. some friends here, bat Pet-tigrew is in the aaeendant says a Tyndall carresp-jwdem of tbe Sprmgfield Times.

It is •Wr»Ti«4)f tK«f Bob Homme county selected a Pedagrew delegation. as wt

notice by the Springfield Times. T*tw»rp is aot a HoUtary Lincoln county

ma ob tbe jury that is to deade the Santa Fe Scrip eases. Brookings comity

furnisher 10. Static advises 'nJOmt* thai Hanson,

Davison, Aurora, and Brule counties wiB send up Bo£d delegations ior tbe present representative

The Sioux City Journal eannot bdp it It most, by force of habit come errex to Dakota aad meddle with politics that does not ooaoern it

Tbe Seodand Citizen of last week takes Got. Ordway in its lap and gives biro a good drubbing far Me acdoo is the re­organization of Dongas ocranty. Tbe CoddingtoB Coanir Courier iriI3

herea&er be pabB ied by Bsrr k Cbtirti. the kfiter being tie wefi known saoroey aad hmd agent of Watettown.

Malhews, of the Meimo News, who prints a serea by xdoe newspaper, his farmer bone being Edt®. isatk at hean. Woaxiar what be would do if he were is

71k Republicans of tbs Foaitb Judicial IKstziet are to meet at Canton en the 30th day of Angus to plaee in maninamm a candidate lor ptmenaiag attarBey in pbee of Judge Carter.

The ILepobbean ocamaiiiee met at Dead-wood July 29th and eaDed a ooontr ©chi-TentaoBfbr Augua 19th for electioc of delegates to the teniiorial eonvention. Tbe Petngrew £wof>n is decidedly in the majoeitj.

The St. Paul Pigoeer Press of a recent date has the following: ''Judge Kidder of Dakota was in the aty yeaerdzy and took a trip to Bass Lake in the afternoon. The Judge sajre that be tinnlrs the peo­ple of Dakota wiSre-eieet their preseot delegate u> congress.

The it mbBeaos of Bon Homme ecrantr heid their ewrreiitkm to elect delegates to the convention to be held at Grand Forks go yesterday. The republicans of Tank-tan county will hold theirs to-day, the republicans of Davison county <jd August 5th, the rcfmblkaag oi Oar comity Aug-frusL 7th, aad the repubbcaas of Beadle eouMj on August 11th.

from wham the seltier purchases, paring from $25 toJlOO. The rnEng jtreTentf the abuse of tbeer-soldier s privilege, and every honest setder and ei-sddier wiB sav *W the rnEng is just and proper one. It is a raBng thai tske*- aStt in ererv staie and terrir<HT where there is government knds. The St- Paul Pioneer Pre® mid afl other leading papers en­dorse the ruling in strong terms. The Pre® and Dakrtaian would make the oammisaooer of the genera! land office a party to this attack upon the ex-soldiers. In one instance tbe Press and Dakotaian ckimt Delegate Peirigrew is without

and now that he goes mto the department of tbe general land office and induces the connmssioner to make this hard rnfiog. x:Oh effliaaancy thou an a jewel " Tbe fact of the whole business is apparent upon the taoe erf it thai tie Press and Dakotaian has stooped in it? efiortsto throw mod at our delegate in cemgress, to saj the least to a very un-ipanlr imfliir a&d fishooest 01U13SD1 of the ruling. Tbe rn&ng is purposely mis­stated by the Pre» and Dakotaian or else exhibits a lack of knowledge that is start­ing. The settles, ex-soldiers and tbe press, with the exception of tbe opin­ion that the ruEag is a righteous and just one. If Secretary Hand endorses this ed­itorial erf the Press and Dakotaian, in which it champions the interests of tbe land shark it should bring down upon bis head the execration of every honest set-tier and ex-soldier. We have to much esteem for the secretary to beBere that be ^riB do it. If be assents to it. it is as wicked as if be endorsed it. and sinee it is published in his state organ, be should denounce it- The act of the leading daily of the tHrritorr in this matter is contempt­ible in the extreme, and shows a willing­ness to wallow in the dirtiest political mire to wantonly injure a candidate that is not their choice. The Press and Dakotaian pute this ruling forward as a reason why Pettigrew should not be returned to con­gress. He has stopped the wholesale covering up Off lands that inured to tbe entire benefit of land speculators. We T^inV the fanners and ex-soldiers of this country wifl view it differently. The Press and Dakotaian's efforts to stir up the ex-soldiers upon this deplorable pre­text are a miserable failure. "

T. S. Laud QSloe, Tactum, Dakota. 3nne SSSh flmiijiliinl laving been *nt«w! at office

ly Jniwi Everaoo agiinst EDcfl* OnUamras for leibzietB BnrnpTy law an to Ttob«rO*Um Exrtrr Ko. 989P ('%cmx PiQs Sestes) dst d 3m» 21, 1879;* lxptm tbeS ttfthfSVV Sttiami So, TpWnahip 96, Bas^e in TAnroihi ooxmt?* nith i vi ir to the canoeSstion af ecm-teetsnt »Beeiug tiisa said trset W amh beesa cnlthrm-ted m regniretd by lew. That the lost ymr nf sood witrr, claimant hrobe five wee of said land and bap not since ibai time extttrrsted «lfl Svp mere* i© crops or o£ber«a», bat bw whoX^ aban&o&efi tbe

and tb* so broteen ba» trowii to va&de nit if in an nnculnvafcBd state, thf sujl partieR Jtrs bccebv scmx&onfid to vppesa at tbis office on 0£h da; of Sepxember IftfS, at $ o'clock a. to re­spond and fnr&ifih tfHUuwn eo&cernms saad mi* 3ep<sd laOtxre.

14 G. A. Viraau

teebitobt or daeota, -r<iurtb Judicial DiiBStct. i In tbe Biscrict oonrt in and far litncrfln ooostf«

John V. Pbalpe j *67

Helen ~E~. Pbeip*- \ Tbe Territory of TfcaYnfra Mnds irre ix^r: To

Heaem E. Pbelp&. T^efendant. Ton »re berebjr snm-moned and required to aiwwa tbe complaint of tb« above T>aTn>«>a PlamfeJT, a GBp? of "Tbich was £led is tbe office af tbe clerk of tbe eonzt of Ian-coin county at Danton, D. T~ Jime IS. 1882, and to serve a eojnr of your an^wtr upon tbe embderiber st bi« office in Tan£ton, Dak. Ter-, within thirty diyc after tbe service of tbis TOzmnostt on you, exdu-eire of tbe day of sncdi service, and if yon fail to answer tbis oompbiznt within that time Plain-tiff will apply to tbe court ior tbe relief demanded in tbe Complaint.

D&sed at Yankton tbie 12tb day of June A- B. 1&S2. Baxtixtt Tbtppt

V Plaintiff* Attorney.

SberlTfe Sale. teekitoet or baeota.

Conm or Lmcous. \ 4ii Judi<aal Bistriot. In tbe liiRtrict court in and

for Lincoln county. i. J Case. Plaintiff, ts Benjamin S. Valea, Elixa-

betb 1L *WaJe . Jamef A. Carpemter and Fish Bro^ £. H. HiBer, Tan Brunt Barber i Co. and Kingsnorth k Co Defendanta. £y vinue of & judrment of forecloFure and sale

made in tbe atom- entitled »ctian on tbe day of June 1S82, against tbe defendants, Bacjsmin S Walea, Elizabeth M. Wales and Jatner A Carpen-ler, and an execution issued therein directed to mt lue Bnbacriber, sheriff of aaid county. 1 will expose at public auction at tbe front door of tbe Court Bonat in tbe city of Canton xn said county on the 16iii day of Sept- 3fe?2 at one o^ock in tbe after­noon of that day w tbe highest bidder for cash: Tbe real estate mortgaged and directed by said judgment to be sold and therein descriited ab foi-krw», to-wit: Tbt- south-east quieter of Seco^m St-ven in Township Kinety-SeveiL, Bstige Forty-KiLr West o1 tbe Fifth principal meridian coiitain-ixur utif hundred and siny acree weor±ing to gov­ernment survey, excepting and re*.urvey one acre from the south-west corner of said quarter to satisfy said judgment, interest, cost and aJJ accruing costs.

A- P. I>lXO>, O. S. Git toed. Sheriff of Lincoln Co D- T.

24 Atty lor PJ'fi.

Mrs. Julia Straube,

On Fifth St oppostte To. BoMosacV BanUiunuit, Csaun, Xialwte, has ojwiiiMlKp lm-

Novelty Store

And -wiabae t« 3s3arm the iadice at Crmum and T-tnnnlw esnBQ' tli&t abe liac mil tfac novatUee at flat mafum on iuaid, BDd arf noid os


Marked 5 c. i o c ., npto$i.oo.

By this arrangement each customer knows .lust tbe value af each article.. There are too many arti-dtf for sale to enumerate, but every one is useful. Call eariy and dc not forges, tbe place.

E. M. Miles & Co.


Dakota Dots. VfrmiTKnn is to have a $6, OX) school

house. Crops in St Lawrence county are suf­

fering from the want of rain. The Presbyterians have selected Cas-

sekon, Dakota, as the location for their college.

Weak upon the Mesno new sebool-house has eommenoed. It will cost $2.5CtO.

The editor! af southeastern Dakota held a meeting at Huron on last Thursday and organized an association.

At Huron a report prevails that a rail­road is to be buDt from Yankton to Hu­ron, via. Salem. MeCook county, where the traek of the extension from Sioux Falls bow rests.

Mitchell Republican; "A new loan and banking institution is to be establish­ed here soon by Grmsby Brothers, from Emmetsburg. Iowa. It wiB probaWy be located cm the corner north of the post-offiee.

The Elk Point Cornier says: ' The reg--alar August term of the Uirion couuty District court wiD convene al the coun house in this city one week from next Thursday, August 8th, 1882, Judge Kid­der presiding. There are over eighty eases on the calendar to be disposed of."

Brookings County Prees; * "Castlewf >od is the name of the new station and the present terminus of the Brooking stod lb atertown branch. Store buildings are going up already, aad the track wiD be completed to that point in a few days. It is a fine location for a town.

N e w G o o d s

Mother Hubbard ooOare and novelties in lace roods. A handsome line of Crtuxe mitts in daD-t£te tints.



Walcles, diets

Jewe^ery and Silverware.

Lyon dt Hi t'.u P,' .ft. 1 ><( Croucn Or-


Accordeans, Etc.

Repairing OB sb®« noticfc, and Bmiirfa*-tics guaranteed.

Store opposite otnm tocse, CaisloE, D. T.


A I D 1 0 1 1 1 M l I i


C •+-»

cd (/)


m o £


<! o P5

< PQ ^



_C -M


if) o O



O x

° x

o S

(D >

N a i l s 3 c t s . p e r l b .

A Larape Assortment of Bolts at Cost


T. S5. Tolimpsoii Go's.

s ^

i ~

— X s- X

** *

-H c

aT w

3D X &

«•> • J"

^ Opposite, St, Croix Lumber Yard. z

P . M . L U N D & C O . , P | | |


cd co cd

S M i H I I I E l


A perfect corset SECUEED AT LAST

sixssstsas"1" 1 &**** of lornif tiE

"field* jeaffiJy to crory reFpbaaoB asfl i. equal}r comforuible la as; poEiium w the wearer. '

VErnattedto reUtiE its perfect A*3*tia wora ort. By It yon eeenreamorE grecetcllctae ym, wia any ortter comet. Please give it a «v»c\-trial anfl yon will wear bo other.

Z JX. X w

ml 0*

What Eminent Chicago Physicians

say of it.

® I 5 3 2 * . S


•§3-2 !t;

H 1 liii

^ ® 9 3 " O &C J

s 9 • «>( * 2 a

cc X © ® w rj

ec^-s $• O CS .ts

S P ©

X Q it-, g CJ ^ c Q -+J

^ H ? 5 o i « 'Z z ~

Zs w 2 ? — "-

U C 3




PQ .-3








i m


13y Goiug To

Llama L<a'-e Shawls. Turkish Sacking,

Genuine Foster Lacing: Glove.

E . W E N D T ,


Canton Harness Shop.

—Manufacturer and Dealer in-~-HjLEKEBS, HALTEBS, OOLLAfiS, BtPXSG

BKIDLBS, Etc., &c. Constantly on band a pood aBsortment of "Wbipft,

Tjaabffl, Brushes, Curry Coznb&, Collars, fcc. Will ft&n ae cheap ae tbe cheapest. Give him a calL Canton. OcL 2S. 122^1.

Dress Goods, Notions, Hats and Gaps, Flour, Etc.

Everything Xew and Fresh in my sV-re- Goods sold Cheap for Cash The Highest Cash Price Paid for Country Produce.

I »ell tickets 7,0 and from Esroj>e. "ris all first class SteamaLip IineK- 3 as* ajso apent for the beef •Rn-nVinp hcuBt it the weF*, and acL drafts cm all tbe prii»ciim3 cities of Eurr*j>e


c 5

S £


c S

Csicaeo. Ortelwr iX 18BB. I hrre esamiaeflSAlX'S HEALTH FBSSEBV-

tSG OOE5ET ea£ belipve list 11 » sx ererr n-!»ct best caltrnlaiefi to preserve the Lstitt of le women who wea; it. It does not Beem to be pocalUe for tie wearer

of fuck a corset to be injnrefi by tigit lacijig. It Bhcmlfl reoeroe tie fevorsile eiidor»em-r2i of Tie Fhysiaase who hrre tbe opportmity of eramin-iagit.


Chicao*. October S<s 1B8&. I foSj esdane what Dt Hyde «>te ic list above

aotc. W. H. BY TOED.

Ckeia&q. October 2S, I9SQ. I hare ezamiaed BAIX'S HEALTH PBS-

EEEVTSG OOKSET, bbo believe it to be lie least iujcriocf to tbe wearer of any Corset I fctrc

= = 5 2

Jl * w . i

o a x P- s

Ji &<*c

A. /. BAXTER. JL B. "s 2 5

Chic-co, October 27.1SS3. 1 do not adrise eet wontax to west a CccseL

bet if ebe wnx do bo—and ebe penerally wiB—I aflrieeber to use one ofBAXX'S "HEALTH PEE-SEETTSG COESETS, at it if lee? litriy to do Iter ininry tbas bst witb » bicb I am acclaimed.


X X -> —

zr* » ~

— *Z Tc





IK'alw in

est < Boimete. Samiogs Hair goods, etc.

i aad latest styles of Hat« aad Bauxiatu, beeidee an : Dry Goods, endless variety of I^adiee Furnishing Oooda, tbt uti* ! % "

Dress Groods,

Boots and Shoes,


Glassware. Dress flaking a Specialty,

A System of Lying. The Bridgewater Times of last week

gives the Ftaodrau Enterprise the tallow­ing rap over the knntkles Kimberiy knows the lay of Moody county. listen to Kimberiy:

WiHiiunaaaL, of tbe Flsadrsc fstenoiM baa firm­ly aaken to Stnarzkaarr uvf many fminy mgaiduig tbf oela att aiUaliau, Mr. W. z> cer-tAOiiy a good ami a& vbeu be it u i fact that Jftr. Baud bae frefrcsce Is lloody donntr,

tbe }ire*ezrt jceoatxst. He bww better. Ba oiuiut coiiWHhadiy tod cone «rord of lanlt with Mr. Pettigrew. Hie better judgment oa lxi to hxzB tttal n» ia and wild, secretary •rtmwl im a itntVrbiai' asptrattt,—ahrays ba* bees box -wben be «e }« into Mr. Pettigrew * aboea, it -wQa be SB act ei iar difta»t future. Mr. l*«fttigreY*a xwiard uf yood deaot i» known u» c«ra2ol reading aaa m tar teimitify, aad Mae bat toe pr*j«dicea nu tnmi it wstb cuuMayt. Mr. Hand'* private nosrt nil kec bad n tftc jmbiif piiuta, whither H TMWl UM^Jt lily coiikr an4 al unoe.

Contemptible. Trom P»» and Datoalu, of ialj aatli, lad,

Iteiegate Pettigrew. who has never had much vt any feeiutg eieepting one of oua-tempL for that rathe* large <4»«a <4 cati-icxii known as ex-aokiiers, has finally in-doeed the enmmwaoner of the general land t>&oe to issue a ruling which praed-cally predodea theai trom procuring any be»eat£ frvm the liberal iand laws created in their behalf There being no provision conferring upon ex-soldiers the right to appropriate a farm from the pubtoe do­main, the law in relation to the use of the declaratory statement of theex-soldier was so constructed that he might dispose <jf his right for such, where it is impossible fur him to locate upon a and "hold it for hi* own use. But through the efiorte ot .Dakota's delegate, this privilege has been taken from the ex-soldier withoot any reasonable cause. It is prcbabk the ei-sokiier will be heard from on this sub­ject between now aad the 6th of Septem­ber.

The Alexandria Herald, in replying, says: "The above appeared in the editor­ial fwlnmn of the daily Press and Dakota­ian of July 24th, the very near and dear organ of Secretary Hand. The ruling re­ferred to is to the effect that soidiers' de-daratoxy statements cannot be tised by had ageotS; land speculators or land sharks to cover tip lands and keep them oat of the market and settlement An ex-soldier can use them for his own benefit just the same as the law ian»<<m that h; fibooid, and they can be filUH by an attor-aey- in the same manner as heretofore, except that a&davii£ of bona fide intention most be filed with them. The roSog is made for the proteetioe of the ex-soldier and crery honest settier. The staler eoanes oat to the territory dearioos of taking govemmeni land. He sees a large body of eboiee bad wahont any imj»x»ve-mests, and natoralh" supposes that it is vacant, but upon visLting the land ofik* lie finds the land qiedatar is ahead at lum, having covered it with seddiers' dee

Sotice to take Depositions. "X tl Ml i*VitT Or DAKOTA. | In e district court

-within and for Lin-Fovtb Judicial DiAzieL j coin county.

J ohn V. Pbc^ia, FlaintiS, •a.

Seln £. Pbe^c, X>efenfiant. To tbe drffmdant above Ton will tak«

ni>UiL*- i bat tbe plaintiff abo^e will take the eP°fc*t*on» mi WiHit Pl«ip# ax>d sundry other "wii-

nance ax tbe effine of CSiarjaf eaq Kotary Pnbbc in tbe Pynchon 5ati«ual bank, Spria^fieldL Hampden county, SMe of Maaa., on FricUv the day of Asriist A. D. im, between the hour* of S

5 p. fiu, that tbe takink of aaid det«cfii ty»na will be contmacd and adjocmad frem day to

tnHy taiffli and oomjtieted and tha* -ha depomtkma ao taken win ba read in eridenoe cpon tbe trial of tbe above action on Liie par: of the plaintiff. 4" Burun Taxpp, AlV. for PiaiatiS

Mrs. Lida Loken,

Strf t- Cantoii. Dakota.


and vicinity win find the place to buy

L U M B E R .

Lath, Shingles,

Sash, Doors & Blinds- Building Paper

Oak Lumber

A large stock of Lumber always on hand, at tbe lowest market prices.


E V E R Y D A Y a t

C h a s . C h r i s t o p h e r , . A g e n t ,

C A N T O N , D A K O T A .

O A . R U D O L P H


C L I M A X W A L K I N G a n d B I D I N G P L O W ,

Which is the best Plow in the market

S t o v e s !

Tbe Hiirbest Ca»h Prie<* paid lor ommtrr proJnoe. Main St., Canton. Daiota.

L L I N E R Y , |

CO CO LlI z CO => CO

a= o

Clieap 1 New, s UJ fi=

^ <=>

Kortgage Sale. icraas drfacithaa i eea madt m thr payment

ca cie interest secured by a certain mortinu?e ttfii r-d , Uth 01 Oaober ItnK, made and ti-ecnted by X^opold Uriht, a Kini^e m»n of Th<- Co

of Lmooan anti Territory of Dakota. » morie^eor. 10 Geo. H. HoUister of BocUon in tbe Stat* of ini-om, «Ucbaaid mnrt«ag« wae dnjy £led for record Ml office of tbe Booster of Deed* of ttaid lin-ooIb C3nnty oetbe 1th day of Octo^«r. 3STS. at T o'ciock a. m. and reoarded in book "F" of mortr»-

oe p»ge« 375 and 876. and Whereas it ic proridsd in and mortgage tlaat in

ca» of the toBKi of anyagreemoH therein con-tamedaMirtuto peiiK^al aad intereK tieret.T aocBrtd ahaTl, »1 the option of tbe holder tbereol mraiediateST become dae aad payable, and

Whereaa, no artram or pracetvitnf at law or othrr-rae has been inetitmed to recover the d«Uta«nired tr. md mortnp or an; part thereof, now

™ ****5 &***. aceordiBg to thretocuteia each caee made a»d proTided, that tj virta,-o< tbe upiwu htMSahrfora mentioaed, aad the power of aale gmtamfd in atid mr.rt*»gl and reocrted therewitt ac liorcnaid, LGro. H ii6u utttt. vmtT ni bolder of the mortemt »ud tin- tb=rel»T BBnir *1 ha. tTT rrsnio Ol default dedarethe wholefmnotpaj and interest :u£nrt>a bv

doe and payatfc which aaid pnnci-pal and mlerwt at the date of tfai* notioe aionn.s

f.n .a?.Foigr Hm^TTKi and Fonj and ie-l« poBart and thai the said mortgage will be

foredoaed to amlasf; the amoont dae on said mort-gaeeat the date of Ona notica of aale. tagethar with aca^n^mtemd to date of aale aad comtM and ei-

*Ed ?tJ'-Sst" donar« attorney f«« »til«lat«i in iMd mnrt jp, by a aale of the

premiKc Utenn deaadwd. at jmbiic aacaon, wincfa Mie wili br m*d» on the 9th day of September 1*82 a» 11 o clock m the forenoon of that dav, at the frcatfdoor of theoonrt h^we la tbe Village of C*n-trnfamdOotm^ofLaMto Til, falJowills 1B . dw^oomrftheMtgaeedproperty eoaa aforo-

spbgtantta i ty, aa they are contained ~ ?" ^bon (17) is township

fortj-nme («st Htcxted X>*te>d at Saoiu Fafis tbi* 2Tth day of JnJy, 2S82. _ 6*n. H. Boluizh. MortitaEoe. Jobs Bdtts, Attornf-T * s

Tixe Bazar I ! PSs,

r§ On rtftb Street.

<y 0)







G rt r-j

rt u






tbe Proprietress, bu been engaged is the biudB«« for many year*, and understand* it in all it* branchea.

Bleaching and making ov«r. alt*o T>i i aniiml tun, entriii£ and fitting a ¥ ^»t>cialty-


G r e a L A r r i v a l o f

S P R I N G ! S I M M E R

St«ck of

R E A D Y - M A D E

C L O T H I N G !

For 31 en and Boys.

H a t s i C a p s

Furnishing Goods.

Spring and Bummer stock is new fan u>d oaxo-plete, and ready for the inspection of the trade, which canrist* of aB noreltiw of the season.

I say this, that I propose to meet all competition and will furnish my enstomers with first-cbun goods as cheap as they can be bought elsewhere.

Give me a call.

A . F . R U D O L P H

The Canton Clothier.

M A D O L E & H I N K L E Y ' S

G R O C E R Y S T O R E .

Haviiii! a long and practical experience in tbe | buy the l»est goods in I tbe market. I make | ayft piburin ! strictly for cash whit-h ; enables me to sell it 1 bottom j>riee». I will' i n jt attempt to taratu-j ; erate my stock: it is w . large aad well assorteij I that I -do not know ' ! where to commence. ! or where to leave off.

tors. Keystone rwo horse corn ] "lamer?, hand planters ALSO BEALEB H

S t o v e s !

enable? as to sdti t and Grive me a eal ; yo® wiH find me on hand, and wilEiif u mot on yon. In t ae ia-pksneBt line I might E3LBK" a few if the many I keep < <l hand for instance, ti e La-BeDe wapou, MarA and .Norwegian ri£ng plows. CEmax riding and walking •' iltiva-

aud sbciveJ pkws. eu. etc.

A L a r g e S t o c k " o f

D r y Go l d s , M i l B i t s , M ,




Land Fotices. Lsnd Oficeai Yankton, 1). T, Jnlr 3a, 1882.-

that the foilowtng-uamad aetierkas filed notace of mlescion to make fin-""W1* nf ku daim, and that said proof will be made before Cteriof the djitrict co^itlS-

cohi ocnmy, P. T. at Canton the cosmr seat, on Saturday Angaw 36.1881, J8 a. >vte: Hii«= ^t^ITOmptoonway So. 11S)«, tSioni Fallsse-nes, fgrthe I-SS W. Sec 21, Townatap JTT,

^namea tbt following witoetSs to

C a t h a r t i c P i l l s Combine tbe chtMoest cathartic prixKuples in medirme, in piopoitions accumtely ad­justed to secure activity, eertaintv,* and uniformity of effect- They are the" result of years of careful study and practical ex­periment, and are tbe most effectual rem­edy yet discovered ior diseases caused trr derangement of tbe Etamach, liver, and bowels, -which require prompt and effectual treatment. Atxb's riixs are specially applicable to this class of diseases. Tbev act directly on tbe digestive and assimi­lative iTooesses, and restore regular healthy action. Their extensive use by physicians in their practice, and by all civilized nations, i? one of the many proofs of their value as a sale, sore, and

r—.ly reliable purgative compounded of the concentrated

of purely vegetable substances, p™r» h» re^d®^^ ZT*S5£ , c r « i L n « o h . ' ™ t B e s 0 1 I ^ r e ! - T T ^ e t a b J e s u b s t a n c e s , Mg3MBl_ Jamb Wy, tiaL rbompiKm, >. , they are positively free from calomel or

(. . „ . i any injurious properties, and can be admin-• wktikx, Begutfcs. j isfered to childroi with perfect safety.

AM'f Pills are an effectual core for Land O&oc at TaatUm, r>.k }cu, 1<OB 1 _,AVE? s r™ are an eBectaal cure for Koa«a henhr gro, UaTtSe foilo^f-^ed Co^tJPitKjn or CosUveness, Isdi^es.

fe I yspe^ I , of Appetite, i^Krf in **Pf*rt Of te. cUim. aad that ssd^ooi Foul Stomach and Breath, Oizxxnesa, wm^brjnad^before drak dun court liacoia eosn- Headache, Loss of Memory. Kumbnesi, vr, «.T. at OuOob the eoonrc Ml ty, D.T. a» Oaetoe theeomoe eeet 'oo T»W. 2»eBa«JrAagB«s,Mijs, io .M V1X-

S o - B S a a s K a B c *® * *artk £m2 qr « Tnvn w lUhge 3. He naaxa ^e fSo^g2-^ prwtteoafcM.. r»ride«ue TOc^mdcSti tiaa of aaid land, Til. B. Ii. Wnichf Joseph mIT

Lmk' Aadrgw Walmph, «H of Xidder " G- A- *nax Begister.


i — —« kHk, va •vavlatVI J 9 11 lUuUUCSla Biliousness, Jaundice, Kheamatism, Eruptions and Skin Diseases, Dropsy, Tumors, Worms, Neuralgia, Colic, Gripes, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Goat, Piles, Disorders of the Liver, and all other diseases resulting from a disordered state of the digestive apparatus.

As a Dinner Pill they have no equal. "While gentle in tbeir action, these Pixxj

_Laod cfflcea» Yaaktoa, Kalu, Jnly stth, i(«t- ! a™ toe most thorough and searching catisar-2* aameC ! *«= titaX "«> ** employed, and never give

to make I»in nailess the bowels are inflamed, aad pSof^BJbe i influence is healing. Tbeystimo-Uf distort court for Lincah, ooaiitT^S?'1^ the a^-petite and digestive organs: they tcm, tbe coaut> **—* fhriumf *«-, at Caa- j operate to puilTv and "irirh the blood,

Friday. Sejt. tat, 193110a. m -Hz- ! renewed health and vigor to the aKKSftsaSsf s-? i •

Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Hjtea, a. e. SaxDHa, oil •«* '••'Ttinl rfcwMt.

G. W. Satec oT Sefina. Linooto ccnutjlDTT/ | Lowrt, MaSS. * G. A- wkj-ot, Eepsti*. J §sgj> w m jmuia iminma.


OCODS IN THE U. S. AMD CAK^ELL J ro'j AWT AHT1CLE FOR PERSONAL CW FAMILY , use. iw Awr QuAnrrmr at wholesale price. WHATEVER YOU WAKT SEND FOB OUR CATA­LOGUE (free) and you will find rr there



Merchant Tailor. CAmoX, DAKOTA.

firwUeiaaa Cnsioin wort done to ordfcr at tmmb-ahle pnoea. Cleaning and repairing

promptly attezidtd to.

Satisfaction Guaranteed.



Proprietors of tbe


Coffins and Caskets, la evtxj variety. A odmpiete atocfr cf FuibILuit always ab haszd.


Sioux City & Pacific RAILROAD.

WITH ITS "Siottx City Route"

North and South Line And Its


G R E A T E A S T & W E S T L I K E .

"The Sioux City Route" Is thy onJy line running

Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars through without chase between Kansas City


VALLEY and SIOUX CITY. Its great East and West line, in connec­

tion with the Chicago & Nordi west­ern Railway that runs Pnlhnan

Palace sleeping cars between Chicago and Skrax Gtv via MISSOURI VALLEY.


'Tree Homes for the MilEons" Route. Coni>ectmg at Missouri YaBey with the

Chicago & Northwestern railway. Trains cross die Misssoori river

and run lip die Celebrated Eltliorn Valley.

IS 3TEBEAEKA throngh Fremont, Wert Point, Stanton, Xar-ioli, Oaarialy, Keligfc aid OTSeOl, to Ixmg Pine into the beaotifti] coon try of Free Hmm Im the Million. aitCTt«1 the Long Pine and Am Creek* and the Kiobrara rjvesr, <oannectii>g with stage line far Ft . Kiobrara. See time table elae-where-i. 8 WATTLES, i. £. BECHAXAX,

Snperint»imlnnrt*nt. Genl PaHK*r Agt. P. £. BoWnamt, A«a"t 8cb1 Paas'r mU

XhMnSTaDej, Iowa.

Canton Advocate THE LABGEBT



CoMlCE&CLai. Tz.2F*-

DW 3>0X7 RiTLT


Main Street, Canton, D. T.

2=£. ZLi Scio-le,



Pitta St^ - Opp. CoartHmne.

lilSl CABTQ*, XUHIXIu lliliy


Osage Nursery. No wild trees. All Nursery grown.


(Add cost at Boxing to quoted prises.) Norway SprtHie, four to six feet, $10.00 per hundred. Scotch Pine, ibor to six feet. $10,00 per bundred-Soot'ii Pine, 1'oor years old, (traafpknted.) $-3.00 fier honored. Scotch Pine, two year old, $10.00 per thoosand. Norway Sprnte, two years old, $10 00 per thousand. TwCTfcy arieiies of of Evergreen?. Soft or *hite Maple. $1.50 per thousand. White Ash, £1.50 per thousand. Bed Barberry, $1.50 per hundred. Strawberries and al] kinds of small fruits cheap. Snyder Blackberry. $5.00 per hundred. Rhubarb. 10 cents each. Raspberries. $5.00 per hundred. Bosk! Roses! 25 cento each. Sead for catalogue at onee to the proprietor.

CHAS. F. GARDNEE, Osage, Iowa. * Lack Bsx 74. Eeftreaee" MllfheU twly Itawlr

Shelf ? Heavy Hardware. O. A. RUDOLPH. Canton.


Chicago, B/Uiwaukee and St. Paul Railway. ITS 4.500 MILES OF FIRST-CLASS RAILROAD

laeSttAe Through Routes between &e terminal points of aUtbe heavj- lines shows on fell map.


An ezamtnaticm of -whSei, andieteenBetathelatBt Atlaso? tha amn*rr. will shmrOwitWilf it The Business Men's, Tour ists' and Heaitfe-Seekers' Bonanza,

As it is tiar I'ULECT. and, in xuost cftnet. tbe OSZ-T SOFTX tr Ha grata and tedin^ BUSISE86 <3! fTESt, HEALTH FTXAfiCEE IIXKGCCB off

KOBTKERJ ILLINOIS, all WISCONSIN. IOWA. MTNNKSGTA znd BAIOTA. Oowit tbe Ie«diBpBall«B7 OnidM mud Hap-FoIder T**"* SabKw mad kmui ?3xtlmx *mi arrivinp Ttroe af xb« *a$mfieesl Trainn of


SUMPTUOUS COACHES AND SMOKING CABS; jfr0 territory nam©d: tbtm pes tscdceft ~niiirtiTir J2b* *'CEICaCO, fr* A>I> ST. Pj^X-&iILVAY,t' and im*are t*o giitoer nsapf in dwaa •awntaa aiidj'gc will ttare xbejririiagi gygpjPTOr ta« «zoaOeDoe of tk>e BEST AEElAGES the BBSTB&TEI& itaA MKtSG-HALL&, *aA Bbc Hff aotuGE in wy }itrtteuiir to iw losud In world.

aBJicJ PnMnnji'i i Butinn., an tifia. (!ni MaA'mm «sfi 4A>»

8t Uniaa Tigfcrt ogee IWXaM Qurfl stmet. optw«t« atartianrt BoteL and TUHr?,EB H fmc!H. Tickxa ApenM Dnloii Dm. "otu aT ailw| Uti«niL. "'•»"* v KWI aad MOtai H. a»r.i>rj.. PcteecImlt J. A. CSaJCIItfiL General Acent. StSitHiiTtf Stmt _ _ Iliniruis.lint-littEiOISnitifuwBfa'limn.ia.VudilncuaudlkMiw SaoOL Birm.TTf. PepstTictat Ajwn. and yn. 7 KicaBttHaSse. <3. L. 8C07T. r — -S. 8. MCKR1LU Mbnc,

. ChyXictow ajrnt A. V. H. CAKKHTEX, <«<aMliA

A. M. Ross,

W^on i Carriage Maker. REPAIRING

Of afl ktedi b ?iu line done tbe WW5T.

r Geo. Luther,

The "Boss" Blacksmith. l?,~v ° Tirstclass Work

ISf SIPr . ' . s ? : - . . : S i l k A fiFECULTt. - CZDAX

We S«il the Celebrated Ghamberiain Norw^ian Row.

THIS NEW MAP Ti. 'j beyemd any rfnwnalili gneetkm tint Hie

GHICACO AND NORTH-WESTERN RAILROAD, la br aB odda thf beet road ftir jtm to take whem nwmrifan hi «*h«ir dlwUm hotweee cmcaeo im iu. or tjh mscau. ronra a mwio,>ani usnama.

CarafpBy emidae thja map. I^e pnhirqjal citiaa of thr Waat anr Xortirweet xrr Btahonc <n taid rad Its thronj^i traina mate riaae eannnjom with the trains an imiiruada at Jmiiias iin'ati

ia the onlj load vcat >et Wowi iQutt nasi ike PULLMAS HOTEL. D1SHG OlBS. ™" l1"!!™" SlaepSac Ona IM m Saethaot of Cfcki^. It haa

MBaflwafiad. Xtlocma tta ltfkndn« T*m*I*am; ^ownirtT JEHbSr, Dcra i Cafi&ndi Um.** «||NBk( ICmim IS" C*r- * SarfhtiillM a Sdaaika Linm /" 'VUoapt,««. Ml fe Ksw^poB* ttaa **nr».BoAtod, rrMBart*itabagaeIilnea." ''KilwaakM,6n»--

Khrr Valky., BMca ]>taidHiod Una.'" ITsufhi. ttoaAttr UUi DKHunAkii

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