the friendship force of wellington...

NEWSLETTER of May 2020 Issue 124 Late Autumn The Friendship Force of Wellington Inc. President: Lynnda Bouzaid 43 Chapman Street Johnsonville Phone (04) 478 5963 Email: [email protected] Secretary: Jenny Wigley 13 Chilton Grove Lower Hutt Phone (04) 972 5170 Email: [email protected] Editor: Heather Salmon 29 Hinau Street Woburn Lower Hutt Phone (04) 569 7975 Email: [email protected] Inside President’s message Travel quote Journeys for 2020 and beyond FFI Update Membership - including member stories Just for fun! Time for a few laughs Armchair travelling Time to reminisce Facebook & Websites Committee 2020

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Page 1: The Friendship Force of Wellington · The Friendship Force of Wellington Inc. President: Lynnda Bouzaid 43 Chapman

NEWSLETTER of May 2020 Issue 124

Late Autumn

The Friendship Force of Wellington Inc.

President: Lynnda Bouzaid

43 Chapman Street


Phone (04) 478 5963 Email: [email protected]

Secretary: Jenny Wigley

13 Chilton Grove

Lower Hutt

Phone (04) 972 5170

Email: [email protected]

Editor: Heather Salmon

29 Hinau Street


Lower Hutt

Phone (04) 569 7975

Email: [email protected]


President’s message

Travel quote

Journeys for 2020 and beyond

FFI Update

Membership - including member stories

Just for fun!

Time for a few laughs

Armchair travelling

Time to reminisce

Facebook & Websites

Committee 2020

Recent I

Page 2: The Friendship Force of Wellington · The Friendship Force of Wellington Inc. President: Lynnda Bouzaid 43 Chapman


Wow! Like many of you I am sure this is not the 2020 we had planned! Fourteen of us would now be with Hamilton & Burlington FF, Ontario, on our Great Lakes Journey. I was looking forward to the Show “Chicago”, the Symphony Orchestra and tours of Toronto and Niagara Falls. Instead we will do a virtual tour from our bubble and dream of future travels, starting in New Zealand. It was sad that Toronto never made it to Wellington, but we are so pleased they all made it back to Canada and home safe in their bubbles. Our Committee has had two successful online Zoom meetings. I acknowledge the Committee members for embracing this new way of meeting which was great and productive. Thank you so much Heather for setting this up and bringing us together – what would we do without you. During the meeting, we explored the Club's commitment to friendship, and we hope you are ringing each other for a chat and emailing. Things have a way of playing out, and sometimes not how we think they are going to look! I am clear the spirit of our club is present in so many ways as we all learn new things in an unfamiliar environment and that we are cherishing our friendships, loved ones, and all those things that are really important to us at the moment, Stay well, be well, keep calm, kia kaha, dear friends!

Lynnda Bouzaid President May 2020

Page 3: The Friendship Force of Wellington · The Friendship Force of Wellington Inc. President: Lynnda Bouzaid 43 Chapman

This month’s travel quote:

“Life is too unpredictable to l ive by a schedule”

Th is i s no t i n tended t o be ou r usua l new s le t t e r . I ns t ead i t ’s a b r ie f upda te on w her e t h i ngs a re a t , and then s ome s t o r ies and j ok es and th i ngs t o k eep us sm i l i ng w h i l e we c on t i nue to wor k t h r ough ou r c oun t r y ’s Cov id - 19 j ou rney . You ’ l l f i nd t he o r de r o f con ten ts on ou r open ing page . Happy read ing and happy c onnec t ing ! Hea the r (Ed i t o r )


All overseas Journeys that we had planned, inbound and outbound, have been cancelled for 2020. This includes the Global Journey “Follow the Faultline”.

Thanks for all the work Lyn Morris and her team put into this. We may look at doing “Follow the Faultline” or something similar as a domestic journey.

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“The Global Farming NZ Journey” could also become a domestic or trans-Tasman journey. We will see how we proceed out of Covid-19.

Thanks also to Tony for all his hard work in preparing for our visit to Canada and USA. You did a great job with organising it all, Tony, and then another great job with cancelling it and arranging for us to as much money as possible back. Big thank you!


Here are our planned journeys, but of course we don’t have any idea yet whether they will be possible. We’ll let you know when we hear more.

INWARD JOURNEYS FOR 2021 May 2021: Nova Lima, Brazil to Newcastle, Australia and Wellington, New Zealand – Graham Wigley and Jan Peek have kindly offered to co-ordinate this journey. November 2021: Kempsey, Australia to Christchurch and Wellington, New Zealand – Ambassador Co-ordinators required for this visit – if keen email Lynnda at [email protected]

OUTWARD JOURNEYS FOR 2021 June 2021: Wellington, New Zealand to Mt. Fuji Yamanashi (stopover) and Gifu, Japan – I have heard several are interested, but need Journey Co-ordinators for this - again if you are keen please email Lynnda [email protected]

FFI UPDATE Thank you to all of you who responded to our discussion of the call for help from FFI. This was very helpful in bringing your Committee to the unanimous decision that we would offer support from our Club. Here is an update from our Field Representatives on responses from us and other NZ Clubs:

Page 5: The Friendship Force of Wellington · The Friendship Force of Wellington Inc. President: Lynnda Bouzaid 43 Chapman

Note from your Field Representatives I am pleased to be able to send this update on donations to the FFNZ account, which will be used to retain our RSM’s services in Australia and New Zealand through the Covid-19 crisis.

Donations received 14-23 April:

37 member donations 7,550.00

3 Club donations 3,500.00 Wairarapa, Wanganui, Whangarei

Weekly total $11,050.00

Donations received 24-30 April

24 member donations 2,275.00

4 Club donations 6,250.00 Manawatu, Napier, Tauranga-WBOP, Wellington

Weekly total $ 8,525.00

Total donations to date $19,575.00 - from 61 members and 7 clubs. Taupo and Christchurch have also now approved donations, which are in the pipeline. Thank you so much to all the clubs and individuals who have donated these funds. I understand Australia is running about on par with us, so that gives us confidence that we can see out this crisis. In friendship Debbie, Gwendolyn, Graham, Heather & Jo

And a Thank You letter for our Club from FFI:

Dear Lynnda and the members of FF Wellington, I am reaching out to you, the members of FF Wellington, on behalf of the FFI Board of Directors, to

warmly thank you for your prompt response to our ‘Continuing the Journey’ appeal. Your very

generous donation is most appreciated and will certainly contribute to keeping our doors open and

our staff working for your benefit.

Without wonderful members like you our future would be much less hopeful – you are truly


Please stay safe in these turbulent times – we want to be able to meet you on a journey, somewhere

in the world, very soon.

Sincere thanks, in friendship

Bobbie Mulholland

Chair of FFI Board of Directors Adelaide, Australia

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For any of you who still would like to make a personal donation, here are the details:


If you are prepared to help with a personal donation of whatever amount is reasonable

for you, the instructions are:

Pay your donation directly through internet banking to the NZ FFI fund managed by Jo

Tinworth in Taupo:

The account name is FFNZ Financial Services

The number is: 02-0428-0163652-000.

Please include your surname in the transaction details.

Then send an email confirming your donation to Jo Tinworth –

[email protected]. A follow-up email is the only way Jo will be able

to receipt your donation. Also FFI wishes to personally thank each donee individually,

so will need your contact email or address to do so.


May & June Birthdays Happy Birthday and Many Happy Returns to: May June Kathy Clarke Judith Burch Noel Kilmartin Rhys Morris

(Please let us know if we have overlooked your birthday so we can get it right next year.)

And an update on what some of our members have been up to during lockdown: From Mieke Wensvoort and Tony Green To create a garden in our bush we started by cutting down some small trees. Where you could see the ground, there was also an unimaginable amount of creepers that needed removal. We had to work on stopping ourselves from falling as we got ensnared by

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Asparagus Ferns and Jasmine. We found somebody’s old clothesline (darn it), but we were delighted when we found that one of our Rimu trees had become a good size

Planting Pachysandras (they’re like trees) and Nerines in the circle around the Rimu was next. It was not plain sailing as the hatchet and pick came in handy to dig the hole for some of the plants. To manage walking around our new garden we started making paths and steps. Plenty of lime-sand was carried down to enable walking in the garden without falling over.

We lined up a young lad to carry the lime-sand and dig holes for the fence. But, the best made plans all came unstuck when Covid-19 got serious. While carrying sandbags or driving a wheelbarrow with sand down a hill has got to be bad for old people, walking back up the hill for the next load was definitely the worst part.

Then came painting the fence. While it took a wire brush to clear 20 years of grime off the fence, spraying the black oil stain was amazingly easy, even if we do now need a new white

nail brush.

Installing the new Japanese-style fence was far more challenging than fence painting. The ground was now quite wet. Digging it was easier but what a mess and the slope of the hill was steeper than we thought. A stagger in the fence was the solution. Thank goodness the new fence is in.

Shifting the three smallest lemon trees to the new garden was very successful and they have got new flowers on them already.

To complement our ‘lockdown’ garden we are now starting the scary part of chopping down large trees to make way for our new build. Tony wielded the chainsaw and is proving to be very good with ropes so we don’t lose other trees we want to keep. Mieke keeps busy storing the tree biscuits. Getting a wood burner in the new house is on the cards.

Here’s Tony’s perspective on the tree cutting:

I was told not to do anything dangerous at Alert Level 4, so I got rope and winch to direct this 30 meter monster away from our tenant’s flat. Then cut a wedge in front then scarf in back and punched in wedge to topple and ran quick opposite way.

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We never thought we would be creating a ‘lockdown’ garden. That name is likely to stick around as this period will not be easily forgotten. Our garden close to the new house is going to be a rock garden with succulents - it will probably become our ‘Lockwood’ garden to match the house.

From Jaye Howey

A Surprise ending for a simple idea! Throughout March, I’d taken a number of photos of my garden, which had been particularly colourful this year. Wondering what to do with them, I decided to post them on my Facebook page. There were 20 photos in all and the effect was almost immediate. In addition to the many Likes and (Complimentary) Comments, I received an e-mail from Linda in Birmingham, Alabama, whom I’d hosted for Wellington Friendship Force, when her club visited Wellington 2 years ago. Linda said that she would like to invite me to join the Facebook page of “Show me your Plants, Garden and Yard” and felt that I should post my garden shots. When I looked at the site I was pretty ‘blown away’! 38,000 worldwide members. Beautiful extensive gardens, rare and fascinating plants, all manner of climates and physical features. I decided that this wasn’t for me! Having thought about it overnight, I changed my mind and felt it would be rude to turn down the Invitation! So, I posted, all 20 shots! The effect was fairly immediate: “The Administrator will need to check your post.” I thought it unlikely that I would hear anymore!

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A sneaky look next morning, however, found that all 20 photos had, indeed, been posted! There are now 150 Likes, 29 comments and 4 shares of my post! Not only that, I am now thoroughly enjoying seeing the most interesting gardens and plants from throughout the world. Amazing what can emanate from a simple decision, thanks to the positive power of Facebook. As of last week I have “published” 42 flower photos, enabling me to indulge in my love of photography and gardening. Here are some of my photos.

From John & Kathy Clarke We’ve been enjoying drinks Covic-19 Style with our neighbours across the fence. We feel very fortunate to have such a lovely garden to sit in, lovely warm temperatures to while away the late afternoon, and such lovely neighbours on the other side of the garden.

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From Jan & Garry Peek We’ve been busy in the garden too, both creating and maintaining, but also painting and cleaning. We’re over it now! Time to get back to golf!

From Malcom Sime I’ve been spending my time painting. I’ve been working on 9 so far, and this one is the most finished. It’s from a photograph by an American friend - Jared Kreiss. I asked him if he was happy for me to paint some of his photos in oil paint, using a palette knife, and I would say on each one that the painting was, “off a photo taken by Jared Kreiss -“ Jared has been happy for me to do this. The size is 18x24 inches on a 1 1/2 inch box canvas. Thus the painting goes round all 4 edges, and as it’s been done with a palette knife, the paint is very thick in parts, particularly on the rocks which protrude well out from the canvas. Bravo Malcom! I love the colours!

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From Graham and Jenny Wigley

His lawn is his pride and joy but this is over the top during lockdown !

Meanwhile during lockdown many birds have come to feast in our garden. First time for our new mate….

From Heather Salmon Some of you are aware that Jim and I had a moment of madness inspiration earlier in the year, and decided to replace our aged King Charles Cavalier dog, Charlie, who had to be put down in early January, with a Bichon Shih Tzu puppy. Nine-week-old Poppy duly arrived in early February, long before we had any thoughts about Covid-19 or lockdowns! Since then she has challenged us endlessly (toilet training, sleeping, no biting, learning to walk on the lead) and given us endless hours of pleasure. We now have so many toys scattered around the house it’s reminiscent of when the grandchildren used to come to stay (they’re 24 and 26 now, so have different toys and they don’t leave them with us!), she has a fetish for eating hibiscus flowers, which our prolific hibiscus seems happy to accommodate, we’ve thrown endless balls and followed the trail of toilet paper from bathroom to bedroom, to find a nonchalant Poppy innocently cleaning herself at the end – I’m sure she must have seen the Dulux paint ad on TV sometime. We’ve laughed as she launched herself onto the bed and missed, as she chased the getaway rubber rugby ball bouncing its way down the stairs, and as she “helped” us tidy the garden by squashing all the colourful impatiens Jim had so carefully planted to give us summer and autumn colour. And we’ve loved a little bundle of fluff like we’ve never loved a bundle of fluff before. A novel way to entertain ourselves during lockdown!

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On Anzac Day we decided to join the Stand at Dawn commemoration, with Poppy also in attendance. By 5.45am, we were standing on the pavement – at least Poppy didn’t have to change out of her shaggy pyjamas! – and at 6am we tuned in to the National Programme’s wonderful service. Radio NZ and our Minister of Defence’s speech, spoken with such heartfelt meaning, gave real poignancy to the occasion. And I found I could blu-tack my poppy bowl covers to the garage wall to add to the wonderful displays of poppies on fences and walls around the city. An Anzac Day to remember.

And to all our members…….

A few wise words for us all: Tips from the Cancer Society

Look after your bubble – keep it small and safe

Reach out – it’s OK to ask for help

Take a moment - stillness and silence can be healing and restorative

Be kind to yourself – squash negative thoughts and feelings

Take time for yourself - taking time for exercise means taking time for your own wellbeing

Enjoy green beans and a comfy pillow - nourish your body with a healthy and varied diet

Stay connected – keep in touch with others even if they’re not in your bubble

Accept and acknowledge - cultivate a sense of acceptance about this current situation

Laugh and follow your bliss - laughter boosts feelings of positivity, enhances our mood, reduces stress levels, and boosts immunity!

Page 13: The Friendship Force of Wellington · The Friendship Force of Wellington Inc. President: Lynnda Bouzaid 43 Chapman

Just for fun

If you’ve got time on your hands during lockdown, while it away with

some of these:


If a poison use-by date expires, is it more poisonous or is it no longer poisonous?

Which letter is silent in the word "Scent," the S or the C?

Do twins ever realise that one of them is unplanned?

Why is the letter W, in English, called double U? Shouldn't it be called double V?

Maybe oxygen is slowly killing you and it just takes 75-100 years to fully work.

Every time you clean something, you just make something else dirty.

The word "swims" upside-down is still "swims".

100 years ago, everyone owned a horse and only the rich had cars. Today everyone has cars and only the rich own horses.


At a movie theatre, which armrest is yours?

If people evolved from monkeys, why are monkeys still around?

Why is there a 'D' in fridge, but not in refrigerator?

Who knew what time it was when the first clock was made?


Why does the word “Funeral” starts with FUN?

Why isn't a fireman called a waterman?

How come Lipstick doesn't do what it says?

If money doesn't grow on trees, how come banks have branches?

If a vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a humanitarian eat?

How do you get off a non-stop flight?

Why are goods sent by ship called CARGO and those sent by truck called SHIPMENT?

Why do we put cups in the dishwasher and the dishes in the cupboard?

Why is it called “Rush Hour” when traffic moves at its slowest then?

How come noses run and feet smell?

Why do they call it a TV “set” when there is only one?

What are you vacating when you go on a vacation?

Page 14: The Friendship Force of Wellington · The Friendship Force of Wellington Inc. President: Lynnda Bouzaid 43 Chapman

Time for a few laughs…. Reflections of the virus 1. Half of us are going to come out of this quarantine as amazing cooks. The other half with a drinking problem. 2. I used to spin that toilet paper like I was on Wheel of Fortune, now I turn it like I'm cracking a safe. 3. I need to practise social distancing with the refrigerator. 4. I still haven't decided where to go for Easter - the living room or the bedroom. 5. Every few days, try your jeans on just to make sure they still fit. Pyjamas will have you believe all is well in the kingdom. 6. I don't think anyone expected when we changed the clocks, we'd go from Standard Time to the Twilight Zone. 7. This morning, I saw my neighour talking to her cat again. It was obvious she thought her cat understood her. When I got back into the house, I told my dog and we both laughed. 8. My body has absorbed so much soap and disinfectant lately that when I pee, it cleans the toilet. 9. I'm so excited it's time to take out the garbage. What should I wear? 10. I hope the weather is good tomorrow for my trip to "Puerto Backyarda" cos I'm getting real tired of "Los Livingroom". 11. Better 6 feet apart than 6 feet under....!!

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While you’re waiting, how about a little armchair travelling?

Each year in February the sun’s angle is such that Horsetail Falls waterfall

lights up like fire - Yosemite, USA

Houseboat, Iceland A panda, scared after an earthquake in Japan, embraced the leg of a


Kalapana, Hawaii, where the lava meets the sea

Beijing Airport by night Two year-old chimpanzee feeding milk to a small tiger

60 days old

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The ducks line up in order of birth, even when it’s not

their mother they are following

Highway in Japan with snow over 10 metres high

Spectacular rice fields in Japan

Austria’s Green Lake is a beautiful park in winter.

Then in summer the snow melts and creates a very

clear lake

The world’s highest swimming pool is in the skyscraper Marina Bay Sands,


Undersea tunnel linking Sweden and Denmark

Amazing lightning storm over the Grand Canyon

Baby chameleons One panda bear helps another

“The road to heaven”,

Ireland, where once every 2 years the stars align with

the road

The world’s largest swimming pool, San Alfonso, Chile.

More than 1,000 yards long

Crystal Palace, Madrid

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Northern Lights Alaska

“Heaven’s Gate” Zhangjiajie Tioanmen Mountain


The white owl

Sea otters hold hands

while they sleep in case the current changes

Iridescent spiral cloud in Himalayas Hanging restaurant, Belgium

Time to reminisce…

Extracts from Old Club Newsletters From Tony Bouzaid Kate and David Hector joined the club when it was first formed in 1985. They have been squirrels and kept all the club newsletters. Fantastic. After I produced the list of International Inward Exchanges (to produce the World Exchange Map), Kate gave me a box of newsletters. I have been able to update/correct the list. The list will be added to our club web site. I thought it would be good to publish it also in this Newsletter; especially as we may not have any international inward exchanges/journeys for a while given Covid-19. I spotted lots of interesting items in the hundreds of newsletters – here are three: December 1990 Newsletter We have been asked to spread functions around Greater Wellington which will reduce members saying, “Why is it always in Porirua?” I’m sorry about this - the AGM will be held in the Police Station Porirua, because the venue is free.

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December 1991 Newsletter President’s Annual Report - Exchanges have been difficult this year because of the Gulf War (August 1990 – March 1991) and the no travel policy. Our club was excepting three exchanges – we only ended up with one coming, this month from Minnesota. [So Wgtn FF has faced difficulties before and overcome them] January 2005 Newsletter Inwards Exchanges – Howick Club 10-13 Feb 2005; Dubuque, Iowa 2-9 March 2005 (26 ambassadors); Bogota, Columbia 18-26 April 2005 (36 ambassadors) “Kate Hector ED for all three exchanges”. [Amazing Kate managing three exchanges – over such a short time!]

Page 19: The Friendship Force of Wellington · The Friendship Force of Wellington Inc. President: Lynnda Bouzaid 43 Chapman

And finally, a trip down memory lane…trips you may have been on or led as

Exchange Director:

Inward International Exchanges to Wellington FF Club Club Dates Exchange Dir, Ambassador Coord

Mt Gambier, Australia 8-15 March 1986

Knoxville, USA 22-29 April 1986 Gerry Osmond

Des Moines, USA (joint with Kapiti FF) May 1987

Washington State, USA 17-23 Oct 1987 Kerry Hepburn

Marshalltown, Iowa, USA 23-30 July 1988 Max Heyder

Durham/Chapel Hill, Nth Caro, USA 21-28 August 1989 Barry McKnight

Herne, Germany 18-24 June 1990 Val McDonald

St Louis, USA 4-10 Nov 1990 Bevan Cook

Minnesota, USA 6-13 October 1991 David & Kate Hector

Tokai, Japan 30 Aug - 5 Sept 1992 Val McDonald

Quilters, Denver, USA 14-20May 1993 Cindy Switzer/Kate Hector

Los Angeles, USA 3-10 Nov 1993 Graham McClelland

Devon, England 9-16 Nov 1994 Brian Clarke

Belgium & France 9-17 April 1995 Jenny & Graham Wigley

Charleston, West Virginia, USA 17-23 March 1996 Alison & Kevin Merwood

Newcastle upon Tyne, England 17-24 Nov 1996 Bruce Macdonald

San Antonio, Texas, USA 18-25 Nov 1997 Rhys Morris

Manitoba, Canada 14-21 March 1998 Val McDonald

Izmir, Turkey 30 Aug - 6 Sept 1998 Bruce Hutton

Tweed Valley, Australia 23-1 Nov 1998 Jenny & Graham Wigley

Atlanta USA/Hospital (Arts Exchange) 24-29 June 1999 Cindy Switzer

Sapporo, Japan 26-31 Oct 1999 Cindy Switzer/ David Mazey

Colorado Rocky Mountains, USA 19-26 March 2000 Bruce & Barbara Macdonald

Cornwell & Somerset, UK 8-15 Oct 2000 Lawrence & Bernice Gleadow

Recife, Brazil 13-22 Nov 2000 Bob Burch

Ehime, Japan 23-29 Aug 2001 Sally & Len Youlden

Sydney, Australia 14-21 Sept 2001 Lis Pyle

Sunshine Coast, Australia 29 Apr-6 May 2002 Ann & John Davidson

Brasilia, Brazil 26 March-1 April 2003 Rob Mc Govern

Varel, Germany 13-17 Nov 2003 Graham Wigley

Nagasaki, Japan 15-22 May 2004 Lis Pyle

Atlanta, USA 28 Oct-3 Nov 2004 Bruce Macdonald

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Dubuque, Iowa, USA 2-9 Feb 2005 Kate Hector

Bogota, Colombia 18-25 April 2005 Kate Hector

Madison, Wisconsin, USA 19-26 Sept 2005 Erica & Ian Speden

Lake Hartwell, USA 11-18 Feb 2006 Miles Maitland

Adelaide, Australia 13-20 Nov 2006 Bruce Macdonald/Kate Hector

Moscow, Russia 23-28 Sept 2007 Rob & Beryl McGovern

Xalapa, Mexico 9-15 Oct 2007 Rob & Beryl McGovern

Aljuela, Costa Rica 1-8 Sept 2008 Jenny & Graham Wigley

St Petersberg, Russia 7-13 Nov 2008 Bob Walker

Edmonton, Canada 26 Feb-5 Mar 2009 Cindy Switzer/David Mazey

Saitama, Japan 7-13 Nov 2009 Noel Kilmartin

Perth, Australia 30 Sept-7 Oct 2010 Erica & Ian Speden

Brasov, Romania 15-22 Nov 2010 Judith Burch

San Francisco Bay, USA 21-28 Feb 2012 Lynnda Bouzaid/Jeanette Page

Columbia Cascade, USA 26 Feb-4 Mar 2013 Lyn Pyle/ Ngaire Durnford

Houston, Texas 3-9 April 2014 Ngaire & John Durnford

Gifu, Japan 6-12 Oct 2014 Judith & Brian Clarke

Post Conference Ex 17-21 Oct 2014 Jeanette Page

Japanese English Language 25-30 Sept 2015 Graham Wigley

Creative Arts & Crafts of NZ 8-12 Oct 2015 Lynnda Bouzaid

Toulouse, France 5-12 Nov 2015 Lyn Morris

Honolulu, Hawaii 20-27 May 2016 Jeanette Page/Ngaire Dunford

Calgary, Canada 3-9 Nov 2016 Kate Hector

Hamilton/Burlington, Canada 11-18 Sept 2017 Kate Hector

Newcastle, Australia April 2018 Lynnda Bouzaid

Sapporo, Japan 12-19 Nov 2018 Ngaire & John Durnford

Birmingham, Alabama, USA 19-24 September 2019 Tony Bouzaid

Xalapa, Mexico 14-19 October 2019 Erica & Ian Speden

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We’ve been keeping active on our Facebook page, so don’t forget to keep an eye out for our postings. Go to Remember to check out and Like our postings on our Facebook page. When you click Like it spreads the word of who we are and what we do. We’ve currently had an upsurge of Likes and Comments – all great for getting the word out there. We need to know if you don’t wish your photo to appear in any of our photos. Email Jaye at [email protected] And please make sure you don’t get in any of our group photos.


Wellington Club’s Website We update our website regularly, not only with this newsletter but also with other information. Take a moment to check it out often so you can keep up to date with what’s happening. Go to

Nuts ‘n Bolts Day August 2020

It’s our Club’s turn to host the 2020 Nuts ‘n Bolts Day, scheduled for 22 August, to be held in Feilding. Of course we don’t yet know if it will go ahead, but if it does we will be calling on you for assistance with catering for lunch, serving morning and afternoon tea, and running a raffle. Please be on standby to plan help with this event.

Save the dates….? We’ll keep you in touch with whether the Matariki Dinner is going ahead after the Covid-19 crisis is over. And hopefully we’ll also be able to meet soon for our Coffee mornings. Watch this space.

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Meanwhile, here are a few activities to occupy yourself while you wait for things to return to normal 1. Play an interactive game by yourself or with friends eg Words with Friends - similar to scrabble, you can play with friends from your mobile or computer. Click here for instructions.

2. You can also download a variety of games from the App store on your mobile device.

So grab a cuppa and call a friend!


If you know of any club members or their family with sickness or bereavement, please


Joyce Gibson at [email protected] or phone (04) 389 2188.

3. While you may not be able to meet with your friends right now, you can still

"catch up" by picking up the phone and calling.

A simple call can brighten a person's day.

The Friendship Force Pledge

As a member of the Friendship Force, I recognise that I can make a difference. I recognise that I have a mission. That mission is to be a friend to the people of the world. As I embark upon this adventure, I know that others are watching me. I know that through my example to my own fellow citizens and the people of other nations, the cause of friendship, love and peace can be furthered.

I can make a difference

Page 23: The Friendship Force of Wellington · The Friendship Force of Wellington Inc. President: Lynnda Bouzaid 43 Chapman

Committee 2020

Lynnda Bouzaid

President 43 Chapman Street Johnsonville Wellington

478 5963 021 596 632

Jenny Wigley Secretary 13 Chilton Grove Lower Hutt

04 972 5170 027 484 7446

Garry Peak Treasurer Hinau Street Woburn Lower Hutt

04 5669522 021 669 522

Sir John Clarke Committee 109 Seddon Street Naenae Lower Hutt

567 8167 021 714 556

Lady Kathleen Clarke

Committee 109 Seddon Street Naenae Lower Hutt

567 8167 021 714 557

Tony Green


9 Fantail Grove Belmont Lower Hutt

565 0568 021 0357208

Jaye Howey


7 Summit Road Fairfield Lower Hutt

938 5508 027 249 2508

Heather Salmon


29 Hinau Street Woburn Lower Hutt

569 7975 027 245 8694

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Mieke Wensvoort

Committee 9 Fantail Gove Belmont Lower Hutt

565 0568 021 02674227

Non-Committee roles

Joyce Gibson

Almoner 2/3 Coromandel Street Newtown

389 2188 027 672 7128

Tony Bouzaid Auditor 43 Chapman Street Johnsonville Wellington

478 5963 027 243 8350

Graham Wigley Field Representative

13 Chilton Grove 04 972 5170 027 484 7446