the great depression - · a new deal fights the depression chapter 15, section 1...

The Great Depression Outcome: Franklin Roosevelt & The New Deal 1. Background a. Youth and Personal Life i. Born into ______________ New York family ii. Spoiled; ________ ____________, “doted on” iii. ______________ Educated ---> history & law (_____________) iv. Married _____________ Roosevelt (______________ 1 st Lady); 6 kids v. 1921 – age 39 ---> stricken w/ ___________ (changed his life) b. Long Political Career i. 1910 – NY ____________; 1912 – Asst. Secr. Of _______________ ii. 1920 – _______ Presidential candidate --> lost to _____________/Coolidge iii. 1928-1932 ---> served as __________________ of NY iv. 1932 ---> defeats ______________________ for Presidency 2. Presidency a. Character: ---> energetic, __________________, confident, feared ___________ b. Broke Traditions i. Created a “______ ______” of experts to advise him (beyond his __________) ii. Appointed 1 st ___________ to his cabinet: Frances ____________ iii. Called Congress into Emergency ____________ Session iv. Ordered a Nation ________ Holiday (goal: to inspect the banks) v. Elected President _____ times vi. Used _________ to fullest ---> “___________ Chats” c. Personal Attitude Toward Depression and The Role of Government i. Federal Government has a ______________ to help ---> _________ if need be ii. ______________ Traditional Conservative Approach of: 1. Maintaining a ____________ budget 2. Cutting taxes & ____________ for recovery iii. Adopts theory of economist John Maynard ____________ who suggested: 1. Increasing government ___________; ___________ spend if necessary 2. _____________ taxes 3. Creating government _______ programs 4. If workers have $, they will _________ it, priming the economic pump d. Actions & Policies ---> ______ Deal Program (3 part _________ Assistance) i. ____________ ($, food, shelter; temporary ____________) 1. Ex. _________, FERA, __________ ii. ____________ (programs aimed at industrial & agricultural recovery, jobs) 1. Ex. _________, ______________, PWA iii. ____________ (lasting changes; built in safeguards) 1. Ex. _________, NLRB, _______, Social Security e. 1933 – 21 st Amendment ---> _____________ prohibition

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Page 1: The Great Depression - · A New Deal Fights the Depression Chapter 15, Section 1 Notes Objectives Summarize the initial steps Roosevelt took to reform banking and finance

The Great Depression Outcome: Franklin Roosevelt & The New Deal

1. Background a. Youth and Personal Life

i. Born into ______________ New York family ii. Spoiled; ________ ____________, “doted on”

iii. ______________ Educated ---> history & law (_____________) iv. Married _____________ Roosevelt (______________ 1st Lady); 6 kids v. 1921 – age 39 ---> stricken w/ ___________ (changed his life)

b. Long Political Career i. 1910 – NY ____________; 1912 – Asst. Secr. Of _______________

ii. 1920 – _______ Presidential candidate --> lost to _____________/Coolidge iii. 1928-1932 ---> served as __________________ of NY iv. 1932 ---> defeats ______________________ for Presidency

2. Presidency a. Character: ---> energetic, __________________, confident, feared ___________ b. Broke Traditions

i. Created a “______ ______” of experts to advise him (beyond his __________) ii. Appointed 1st ___________ to his cabinet: Frances ____________

iii. Called Congress into Emergency ____________ Session iv. Ordered a Nation ________ Holiday (goal: to inspect the banks) v. Elected President _____ times

vi. Used _________ to fullest ---> “___________ Chats” c. Personal Attitude Toward Depression and The Role of Government

i. Federal Government has a ______________ to help ---> _________ if need be ii. ______________ Traditional Conservative Approach of:

1. Maintaining a ____________ budget 2. Cutting taxes & ____________ for recovery

iii. Adopts theory of economist John Maynard ____________ who suggested: 1. Increasing government ___________; ___________ spend if necessary 2. _____________ taxes 3. Creating government _______ programs 4. If workers have $, they will _________ it, priming the economic pump

d. Actions & Policies ---> ______ Deal Program (3 part _________ Assistance) i. ____________ ($, food, shelter; temporary ____________)

1. Ex. _________, FERA, __________ ii. ____________ (programs aimed at industrial & agricultural recovery, jobs)

1. Ex. _________, ______________, PWA iii. ____________ (lasting changes; built in safeguards)

1. Ex. _________, NLRB, _______, Social Security e. 1933 – 21st Amendment ---> _____________ prohibition

Page 2: The Great Depression - · A New Deal Fights the Depression Chapter 15, Section 1 Notes Objectives Summarize the initial steps Roosevelt took to reform banking and finance

3. FDR’s Critics a. Some said he was too ______________

i. Conservatives called him a radical ______________ ii. Gave government too much control of the _____________ (TVA, jobs, etc)

b. Demagogues said he moved too _______________ i. ___________________ (King Fish) “__________ the _____________”

1. Louisiana ____________ & ______________ 2. Guaranteed every family a $___________ yearly income 3. Gov’t would tax the _______ and seize estates over $_________ 4. ________________ before he could run for president

ii. ___________________ “Radio Priest” 1. ____________FDR at first and then grew ____________with New Deal 2. Offered an annual living _________; wanted banks ________________ 3. Blamed the _________ ---> BAD!

iii. _______________________ ---> focused on program for the elderly 1. Plan would give people 60 and older $_______________; could not save 2. Ideas led to ___________ _____________

c. Supreme _____________ said he abused power i. Declared many “Recovery” programs ______________________

ii. Conservative Group (1930-36); FDR called them “The 9 _________ Men” iii. Court ___________ Affair --> FDR’s attempt to __________ the Court (1937) iv. FDR loses the __________, but wins the _______ – retirements occur

4. FDR’s Long-Term Impact

a. ___________ Spending became __________ procedure at Federal level (debt today?) b. Government’s role in regulating the _____________ remains strong c. ____________ programs still exist (ex. _________, __________, Social Security) d. Federal government remains a big and growing ________________ e. 22nd Amendment (1951) ---> _____ term limit for presidency f. Democratic party membership _____________

5. World Solutions to the Depression

a. Dictators offered prosperity in exchange for power i. Germany: ___________ ---> Nazism

ii. Italy: Mussolini ---> _____________ iii. __________ _____________ ---> Stalin ---> __________________

b. The Stage is Set for ____________________________

Page 3: The Great Depression - · A New Deal Fights the Depression Chapter 15, Section 1 Notes Objectives Summarize the initial steps Roosevelt took to reform banking and finance

A New Deal Fights the Depression

Chapter 15, Section 1 Notes Objectives

Summarize the initial steps Roosevelt took to reform banking and finance, Identify critics of FDR’s New Deal, Describe New Deal work programs.

Main Idea and Why It Matters Now

After becoming president, FDR used government programs to combat the Depression.

Americans still benefit from programs that were begun in the New Deal, such as bank and stock market regulations and the Tennessee Valley Authority.

Presidential Election of 1932

People were _________________________________________

Lack of ______________________________--__________________

__________________________ re-nominated _____________________________

Little chance of winning

__________________________ nominated ______________________________

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

2 terms as governor of ____________________________________


FDR ______________________________________________________

Democrats win a 2/3 majority in the ___________________________

Democrats win ¾ majority in the __________________________________

FDR has to wait ___________________________ to take the office of President

Plans for his term

The New Deal

_________________________________________________________________ FDR’s highly skilled _____________________________________________

Formulate a set of policies for his administration

_______________________________________________ Program designed to _____________________________________________ 3 Goals _______________________________ for the needy Economic ______________________________________ Financial _______________________________________

The First New Deal

The First 100 Days

____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________ of legislation

___________________________________________________ in the nation’s economy

Reforms banking and finance – ___________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

Help ___________________________________________________________________

Page 4: The Great Depression - · A New Deal Fights the Depression Chapter 15, Section 1 Notes Objectives Summarize the initial steps Roosevelt took to reform banking and finance

Relief to ____________________, jobs to the __________________________________


Born into a ____________________________________________________

Stricken with _______________________________ – partially paralyzed


First President to use ____________________________________ to address the American public

__________________________________________________________________ Talked about issues of ________________________________________________ Explained the New Deal in __________________________________________________

The New Deal Under Attack

FDR used _________________________________________________ Spending more money than the ______________________________________ Keynesian economics – government spends money to ________________________

______________________________________________________________________ More money in the hands of ______________________ to fuel economic growth

A necessary evil?

The New Deal did not end the depression

Liberal critics ______________________________________________________________________

Conservative critics Too much ______________________________________________________ ______________________________!

Interfered with _________________________________________________________

Supreme Court

The Supreme Court struck down _________________________________________________ ______________________________________ in executive branch Interfered with _________________________________________ (federalism)

FDR proposes __________________________________________________ Reorganize judiciary and allow _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

FDR gets to appoint new judges anyway due to _____________________________________

3 Critics

Father Charles Coughlin – Roman Catholic _______________________________________ Wanted _________________________ controlled banks and a guaranteed annual income

Dr. Francis Townsend FDR not doing enough for __________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

Senator Huey Long of Louisiana ______________________________________________ program _____________________________________________________

Page 5: The Great Depression - · A New Deal Fights the Depression Chapter 15, Section 1 Notes Objectives Summarize the initial steps Roosevelt took to reform banking and finance

Chapter 15 Section 2

The Second New Deal Takes Hold

I. MAIN IDEA: • The Second New Deal included new programs to extend federal aid

and stimulate the nation’s economy.


• Build On ______________________________________________________ • Economy had improved but ______________________________________

• Unemployment _________________________________________________

• Second New Deal called on _______________________________________



• Social ____________________________ • Deep _____________________________ • Great ____________________________ • Traveled the country observing social conditions • Urged her husband to appoint women ______________________________ __________________________________________________________________


• Republican- ____________________________________________________ • Democrat- _____________________________________________________ • Who Won???- __________________________________________________


• 2 out of every five farms were mortgaged • AAA struck down by Congress but was replaced _____________________ • Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act

o Paid farmers for cutting production of soil depleting crops

Page 6: The Great Depression - · A New Deal Fights the Depression Chapter 15, Section 1 Notes Objectives Summarize the initial steps Roosevelt took to reform banking and finance


• Extends 2nd New Deal to help youth and professionals • WPA (Works Progress Administration)-headed by ___________________

• WPA created ___________________________________________________ • 1935-1943 _____________________________________________________ • Airports, roads, ________________________________________________ • NYA (National Youth Administration) • Provided… ____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

VII. Improving Labor and Other Reforms

• Wagner Act- Sponsor Senator Robert F. Wagner o Reestablished the NIRA provision of collective bargaining o Protected the rights of workers to join unions o Prohibited unfair labor practices such as firing and threatening __________________________________ o Fair Labor Standards Act- set maximum hours at 44 hours per

week and minimum wages at 25 cents an hour and increasing to ______________________________________________ o Also prohibited hazardous work for those under 18


• Passed in 1935 • Act had 3 major parts

1. _____________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 2. _____________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 3. _____________________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________ IX. EXPANDING AND REGULATING UTILITIES

• Rural Electrification Administration-financed and worked with electrical cooperatives to bring electricity _________________________________

• 1945- 48% of America’s farms had ________________________________ • Public Utility Holding Company Act 1935

Page 7: The Great Depression - · A New Deal Fights the Depression Chapter 15, Section 1 Notes Objectives Summarize the initial steps Roosevelt took to reform banking and finance

The New Deal Affects Many Groups

MAIN IDEA: New Deal policies and actions affected various social and ethnic groups.

I. Gains Made By Women Under The New Deal • Women appointed to important ________________________________ • Slight increase in the _________________________________________

outside the home • _______ increase of married women in the workplace from 1930-1940

II. Problems of Women Not Solved By The New Deal

• Discrimination still existed in the ___________________________ • Discriminatory _______________________ • Discriminatory ____________________________________

III. Examples Of Appointees To Important Government Positions

• Frances Perkins: _____________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

IV. Gains African Americans Made Under The New Deal

• Increased political voice through greater ________________________ _______________________________________________________________ • Organizations created for _____________________________________

V. Problems of African Americans Not Solved by The New Deal

• ____________________________ • Racial ___________________________ • _____________________ in all areas of life • Roosevelt failed to support _______________________ in all cases

o Roosevelt was afraid of upsetting _____________________ voters in the South

VI. Examples of African American Appointees To Important Government

Positions • Mary McLeod Bethune- An educator who dedicated herself to

promoting __________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ • William Hastie and Robert C. Weaver- Appointed by Bethune and

advised the Roosevelt Administration on racial issues, part of the “black cabinet”

VII. Gains Unions Made Under The New Deal • Better ___________________________________ • Increased ______________________ power

Page 8: The Great Depression - · A New Deal Fights the Depression Chapter 15, Section 1 Notes Objectives Summarize the initial steps Roosevelt took to reform banking and finance

o Sit Down Strike: _______________________________________ _________________________________________________________ o Effective bargaining tool because scab workers could not be

hired o Dramatic ______________ in _______________ membership

VIII. Problems of Unions Not Solved By The New Deal

• Strike _____________________________________ • Example: MEMORIAL DAY MASSACRE- _____________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • Big business opposition to labor unions

IX. Example Of A Union Organized During The New Deal

• Congress of Industrial Organizations- ___________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________