the great flanaess river adventure chapter 13: dyvers 13 - dyvers.pdfthe slavers have moved their...

The Great Flanaess River Adventure Chapter 13: Dyvers By The Oliver Brothers A CAMPAIGN ADVENTURE TAKING CHARACTERS FROM LEVELS 1-10+ The Velverdyva spills into the Nyr Dyv and the adventurers are closer to Greyhawk than ever before. Farms begin to dot the southern shore, while fishing villages dominate the northern. As night sets in, the player characters see that one of the fishing villages is aflame and raiders are gathering both valuables and people. The tragic event ties closely to the party’s next destination, the Free and Independent City of Dyvers, where some vile evil is at work in the shadows of this great city. Will the player characters recognize the evil that plagues Dyvers? Will they track down the perpetrators of these foul deeds and put an end to their wicked ways? Find out in these very pages: Chapter 13 of the Great Flanaess River Adventure! Get ready to return to the greatest world in all of modern role playing for some old school, classic, First edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons. RC13

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Page 1: The Great Flanaess River Adventure Chapter 13: Dyvers 13 - Dyvers.pdfThe slavers have moved their operations out of the Woolly Bay and Azure Sea because of some meddlesome adventurers

The Great Flanaess River Adventure

Chapter 13: Dyvers By The Oliver Brothers


The Velverdyva spills into the Nyr Dyv and the adventurers are closer to Greyhawk than ever before. Farms begin to dot the southern shore, while fishing villages dominate the northern. As night sets in, the player characters see that one of the fishing villages is aflame and raiders are gathering both valuables and people. The tragic event ties closely to the party’s next destination, the Free and Independent City of Dyvers, where some vile evil is at work in the shadows of this great city. Will the player characters recognize the evil that plagues Dyvers? Will they track down the perpetrators of these foul deeds and put an end to their wicked ways? Find out in these very pages: Chapter 13 of the Great Flanaess River Adventure!

Get ready to return to the greatest world in all of modern role playing for some old school, classic, First edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons.


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Chapter 13 - Dyvers


“Is it a freedom to be slaves or a freedom to be free, of which we boast?” -Henry David Thoreau Dyvers

While Dyvers is a free and independent city, it is much more than just the city itself. The government is formally titled the Free Lands of Dyvers for Dyvers is said to claim “some 2,000 square miles of land, including the islands at the mouth of the Velverdyva, as its sovereign territory.”1 All of the lands held are situated on the southern bank of the Nyr Dyv with four islands located in the river. While there are numerous villages that dot both the northern and southern shores of the Nyr Dyv in the vicinity of the city of Dyvers, those located on the northern shore claim allegiance to the Kingdom of Furyondy.

The Free State of Dyvers is a port city and is, thus, a commercial hub. It is widely known that “a common proverb in Dyvers says: ‘Business goes where the money is,’”2 thus business goes to Dyvers. This is primarily because of the city’s most important feature, its location. Situated on the western end of the Nyr Dyv, at the end of the Velverdyva River, and nestled in-between Verbobonc and Greyhawk, Dyvers location allows it to engage in a stellar amount of trade. This is why it has been written that Dyvers is “a city built on trade” and because of this it “enjoys an enviable position.”3 Goods can be transported via the Velverdyva River regularly from Highfolk, Veluna and Verbobonc, and occasionally from as far north as Schwartzenbruin. Trade also travels via the Nyr Dyv from as far away as Radigast City and Leukish. It is, however, its ability to trade with Greyhawk over land or water, by way of the Nyr Dyv and Selintan River, which makes Dyvers so commercially powerful.

The numerous resources available to Dyvers range from farming to the production of various foodstuff, including fine cheeses and many wonderful local ales. “Dvyver’s largest single industry,” however, “is

ship building. Ships are built for export but also for Dyver’s own extensive merchant marine fleet”4 as well. In light of the numerous products and tradesmen, there are numerous guilds in the city, to include one of the strongest, the longshoremen’s guild. It has been written that “the local government has outlawed assassin’s guilds in the Free City of Dyvers,”5 but any resident of the city will tell you that they still exist, caring little for the law.6

In light of the highly varied people who call Dyvers home or who simply visit the city without ever leaving, there are many religions throughout the city. There are “many temples, schools and shrines built to such gods as Allitu, Bralm, Pelor, and Zilchus. The fellowship of Bralm worships in the Temple of the Wasp, while the fellowship of the Gilded Knot is the only Baklunish deity worshipped in the city.7

A free city, a prosperous city, and one with a varied population, however, does not escape its problems. In addition to the assassin outlaws, there are many thieves and cutpurses operating throughout the city. In addition, there are rumors that with the fall of the Temple of Elemental Evil, many of the surviving hordes made their way to the fair city. Moreover, there have been continued tensions with the Kingdom of Furyondy adding a lair of political intrigue to the city’s darker side. Still further, it has been written that “Pirates operating out of the Bandit Kingdom have always been a problem, but the increased tensions to the north instigated by Iuz have spilled over into the Nyr Dyv, forcing the Dyverse to respond.”8 Finally, many talk of a wide array of other pirates descending upon Dyvers because of its location, its commerce, and its shipbuilding capabilities – three things making it attractive to the pirates out of the Bandit Kingdom.

Chapter Overview

The player characters, as they begin this chapter, will see a number of merchants transporting goods on both the river (via barges) and road (via wagons). Some will try to sell their wares to the player characters, while others may be willing to buy from the player characters if they have anything of value. The first three days will pass with relative ease, but it will be on the third night, when they are half-a-hex from the Free City of Dyvers that

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the adventure will begin to unfold for this chapter. On the north side of the Nyr Dyv, in the Kingdom of Furyondy, they will find a small fishing village burning. As they draw closer, they will see it is being pillaged. Across the lake, on the south side, hidden from view, is a man watching the chaos.

The man is a thief who is currently serving as a slave agent. He is acting for profit as the slavers he met in Dyvers are paying good money for new slaves. He, in turn, has hired out local thugs (for far less) from the city of Dyvers to do his dirty work - raid the fishing village to capture and imprison new slaves. They are to be transported to Dyvers by boats so they arrive in the wee hours of the morning to avoid observation. They are to then unload the slaves onto the ship that lies moored in the center of the lake – the Lacedon.

The slavers have moved their operations out of the Woolly Bay and Azure Sea because of some meddlesome adventurers. Those remaining were enticed to come to Dyvers because it is renowned for ship building and they are in need of another slave transport ship. While in Dyvers they have also been active in hiring local slave agents to secure more slaves from outside of Dyvers such as those from the fishing village the player characters discovered being pillaged. Others have been raiding as far east as Willip.

The slave business has been so good in Dyvers that the slavers have since had to expand their operation. Initially they collected all of the new slaves in the Lacedon that sits anchored in the middle of the Nyr Dyv, just across from the main wharf of Dyvers in the warehouse district. As the numbers of new slaves increased, they were forced to rent one of the warehouses on the wharf in order to hold the overflow. It now mostly imprisons those who are captured on land, while those captured on or near the water are brought to the Lacedon.

Regardless of which location the slaves are brought to, these are merely stopping points on the next leg of their journey which is transport by the Lacedon to the last island east of Dyvers that is still under the Magister’s control. There, in the early morning hours, the slaves are offloaded from the boat and marched up hill to the ruins of an old keep. In the

center of the ruins is a dual well and tower that now stands exposed and the slaves are marched into the still serviceable dungeon of the old keep which serves as the slaver’s stockade.

If the player characters make it to the island, it is there they will discover the truth behind the slave trade. As they try to make their way to the old keep, they will find themselves under attack by all manner of undead, including lacedon, ghouls, and wraiths. If they make it to the keep, there they will find it guarded by a small army of skeletons under the seeming command of a skeleton warrior. The skeleton warrior’s circlet, however, is owned by the mastermind behind the slave trade, so the warrior is under that his control. That person is Slavik Von Vuk, who now refers to himself as Slav the Slaver, a vampire and 10th level magic user.

The keep was once owned by Slavik, nearly 500 years ago, and was known then as Wolf Keep after his last name Vuk meaning wolf. As the viceroyalty of Ferrond grew to power in Dyvers and expanded accordingly, the keep on the island became of some interest to him. Eventually, Slavik was discovered to have been a vampire and his keep was destroyed so he was forced to flee south to the Woolly Bay. He has had many lives since, but more recently, having become aware of the slavelords downfall by some adventurers, Slavik became Slav the Slaver. With the help of his skeleton warrior by day, he created a new slave trade in Dyvers by selling the captured slaves to the slavers in Hardby. The benefit for Slavik is the slave trade gives him a steady supply of blood and the other slave traders can continue plying their trade allowing him to make money from their work. His ultimate goal is to make enough money to rebuild the grandeur of his old keep. He selects the choice victims for his meals, while the others are transported by slave ships out of Hardby. His old keep is merely the slave stockade for now.

The raid on the fishing village will give the player characters their first clue as to the evil enterprise going on in Dyvers. From there, they will find many additional clues in Dyvers itself. First and foremost will be the slaver ship, the Lacedon, moored on the Nyr Dyv in the center of the lake across from the wharves of the city. If they happen to observe the

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boat in the early morning hours they may see slaves being loaded onto the boat or they may see one of the slaves escape by diving into the river. If they board the ship, they will find part of the slavers on board, mostly top side, while down below in the hold they will find both slaves and their keepers, the hobgoblins.

On the docks they will find that the local city guard will not take kindly to their inquiries regarding a slave trade in Dyvers as they have been paid off by the slavers to prevent just such an occurrence. The guards will thus arrest them on trumped up charges.

If the player characters speak with the longeshoremen, they can gain many interesting insights. There is “a small warehouse near the docks” which “doubles as the Union’s guildhall” and because “the Union runs a day and night shift, there is almost always someone there.”9 It has been noted that “one of the most common longshoreman skills is the ability to judge the amount of cargo a vessel is carrying. By observing a vessel, knowing its cargo space, and how it sits in the water, a longshoreman can estimate fairly accurately the amount of cargo in the vessel’s hold.”10 Any longshoreman worth his salt will know that the cargo in the Lacedon is probably humans just by the weight and how the boat sits in the water. Still further, “many of the older Union members can be considered experts in the field of ship heraldry. These individuals can identify at a glance which nation or merchant organization a ship belongs to.”11 So, any of the old-timers will know the ship is from the Wild Coast and that it is most likely a slaver’s ship.

Just around the corner from the longshoremen’s guild office, in another one of the warehouses is yet another location where slaves are being held. The slave ship became so overcrowded that the slavers had to rent a large warehouse where they keep tiers of cages and those cages are filled with slaves. This was why the slavers paid off the city guardsmen that patrol the wharf.12

Just down from the longshoremen’s guild office on the other side, is the well-known drinking establishment, the Tavern of Unknown Depths. The other half of the slavers from the slave ship operate

out of this tavern. It is here they do much of their business with the slave agents who they pay to secure them more slaves. In addition, they are the ones who have contracted with the ship builders to build another “transport” ship. They are “merely waiting the ship’s completion” is the reason they give for spending so much time in the tavern and remaining anchored in the middle of the river. The slavers will enter into negotiations in the tavern, but they prefer to take no action inside the tavern unless attacked.

Also, if the player characters spend any time at night wandering the city through its alleys, they will no doubt encounter a slave agent and his henchmen. The slavers are paying good money for new slaves, so these groups are out to shanghai as many people as they can. Anyone out late at night is a prime target.

While taking down the slaves and freeing the slaves on the slave ship, as well as those in the warehouse, are all laudable goals, the ultimate means of defeating the slave trade is to take down the slave stockade and both Slav the Slaver and his skeleton warrior located in the old keep on Ghoul’s Island. Each event has the potential for leading the player characters to the others, so letting them determine how they proceed is highly recommended in this chapter. However, no one knows that the mastermind behind this slave operation is a vampire who controls a skeleton warrior. The player characters will most likely find that out after it is too late.

Key to Dyvers

Hex80 (K4-92)

“A wise man will always have his duds picked up, and be ready for whatever may happen, as the prudent merchant, notwithstanding the lavish

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display of his wares, will yet have them packed or easy to be removed in emergencies.”

-Henry David Thoreau, Journal


At mid-morning, as you canoe the river, you see a series of three barges rowing in your direction. You see a man in the bow of the first barge holding a long wooden pole that he occasionally sticks in the river. He then shouts to a man standing in the stern of the boat who then shouts at the men rowing. You see at least 16 men rowing the boat. High atop of the goods piled in the center of the barge sits a man surveying the river and countryside. He is flanked by three men who are armed and wear armor.

The three barges are each separate and independent merchants, but they band together for safety. The first merchant is Tylo, a respectable and friendly merchant of fine cheese and wine. While he advertises that he is mainly a cheese merchant, the lucrative side of his business is the wine. He has with him four crates of cheese, 60 casks of wine, and 10 casks of his famous Dyver’s Port Wine. Tylo is accompanied by Revilo, his mercenary for the voyage, a 7th level fighter and his two men-at-arms. The man at the helm is the pilot, the man at the stern the barge captain, and there are 16 hired rowers for the trip.

The second merchant is Philgrin, or “grin” for short. The nickname is accurate for he is always grinning. Mainly because he is always saying something witty, undercutting, humorous, outrageous, or other oddities that come to his mind. His trade is to act as a go-between for ship and boat repair parts. Since there is no such business in Verbobonc, he takes requests from there, has the shipbuilders of Dyvers make the parts, and then he delivers them. He makes decent money as he charges a fortune for the parts. There are currently 8 crates in the barge with a pilot, captain, and 12 rowers. Philgrin has a guard, but he hires a thespian to play the part, rather than hiring a real guard. It is cheaper to do so and he finds it amusing.

The third merchant is Gar, the fishmonger. He is called Gar because he looks like the fish. He has a long pointy nose, rather bug eyes, and small nubs for ears. He also catches gar, his favorite fish. He also catches carp and pike as well. He dries them in a special system that pushes air from a fire over the fish to dry them fast, completely, and infuses them with wood smoke. He then packages them to preserve them in a special way. The barge is loaded with 50 crates of dried fish. The barge also has a pilot, captain, 8th level mercenary, and 14 rowers.

All three merchants will be willing to buy, sell, and/or trade their goods with the adventuring party. They can also answer questions about Dyvers, such as distance, lodging information, and where to get the best wine, boat repair parts, and fish in town.

Tylo (merchant): AC 10; MV 12”; Level 0; hp 3; #AT 1; Dmg 1-4 or by weapon type (cheese knife).

Mercenary (7th level fighter): AC -1; MV 12”; hp 48; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon type (heavy crossbow and +1 mace). He wears +3 chain mail.

S 18, I 8, W 9, D 16, Co 15, Ch 7

Men-at-arms (1st level fighters) (2): AC 7; MV 12”; hp 4, 9; #AT 1 or 2; Dmg 1-8 (longsword) or 1-6/1-6 (longbow). Both wear leather armor.

Philgrin (merchant): AC 8 (leather armor); MV 12” Level 0; hp 4; #AT 1; Dmg 1-4 or by weapon type (hammer).

“Mercenary” (thespian): AC 7; MV 12”; hp 2; #AT 1; Dmg 1-2 or by weapon type (longsword and spear). He wears leather armor and bears a shield. He does well at playing the part of the fighter as he is over 6’ tall, weighs 200 lbs, and has several scars and a gruff appearance. He is, however, as weak as a kitten. S 7 I 12 W 9 D 15 Co 10 Ch 15

Gar (merchant): AC 8 (leather armor); MV 12” Level 0; hp 4; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon type (club).

Mercenary (8th level fighter): AC 2 or 3; MV 12”; hp 56; #AT 1 or 2; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon type (+1 battle axe, 3 spears, longbow with quiver, a pole

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arm, and a dagger). He can attack twice with the longbow, but his armor class increases due to his lack of shield. He wears +1 chain mail and carries a +1 shield.

S 17, I 8, W 9, D 17, Co 14, Ch 10

Treasure: the wine and cheese is valued at 100,000 gp, the boat parts are valued at 22,000 gp, and the fish is valued at 30,000 gp. Tylo carries a small chest with 4,000 gp, Grin carries a large sack with 457 gp, and Gar carries a small chest containing 1,350 gp. The only mercenary that carries money is the thespian and he has a small pouch with 2 gp, 8 sp, and 24 cp.


As you continue to paddle east, the river itself begins to widen. You see no more barges on the river, but off in the distance, on the southern road, is what appears to be a caravan of merchants traveling in your direction.

When the player characters are within a mile of the caravan, read the following:

As you watch the caravan moving in your direction, suddenly, from the south side of the road, standing up out of the grass must be two to three score of men. They are armed and with a scream of battle lust that can be heard across the plains, they charge the caravan.

This is a band of Berserkers that have been lying in wait for the next merchant caravan to pass by. They are bloodthirsty and hungry, and will take anything of value. However, they are also not the brightest bunch, for one would think they would attack the caravan, take control, and ride away with their horses and wagons. This band, however, is so deranged they will not only attack and kill the mercenaries and merchants, they will also attack the horses and other livestock. The merchants themselves have hired mercenaries to protect them, so they will let them fight the berserkers while they hide on the north side of the stopped wagons. If any berserker reaches the caravan, the merchants, all riding swift, light horses, will attempt to flee back to Dyvers.

Merchant caravan:

The merchant caravan consists of 7 wagons, 5 carts, and 17 pack animals, carrying a variety of items produced in and around Dyvers for sale in Verbobonc. Due to the value of the goods in the caravan being worth 60,000 gp, mercenaries have been hired to protect the shipment. The mercenaries are led by an 11th level fighter and his deputy, a 10th level fighter. They have 12 2nd level fighters on horseback and 24 1st level fighters on foot. In addition, the deputy leader has command of 12 war dogs. Most of the merchants ride light horses in order to flee at the first sign of an attack, while one, an armorer, rides his wagon and has a medium horse tied to it in order to ride into battle. He is a 7th level fighter and does not plan to lose his arms and armor to thieves. In addition, the armorer, by request of the leader of the mercenaries, carries the pay-chest in his weapons wagon which contains 4,000 gp. Morale checks are necessary for the 1st level mercenaries only.

Any assistance by the player characters will be rewarded by the merchants. The more the player characters become involved in the fight, the more they will be rewarded, whether by arms, armor, tools, linen, food, ale, or coin.

The breakdown of the goods and their conveyances in the caravan are as follows:

1 wagon filled with arms (mostly pikes and lances) pulled by 6 oxen

1 wagon filled with armor (mostly various sized pieces of plate mail) pulled by 6 oxen

4 carts filled with black olives drawn by teams of 2 donkeys each

2 wagons filled with barrels of ale, drawn by 8 draft horses each

1 wagon filled with dried fish drawn by 6 horses

1 wagon filled with cured hams drawn by 6 horses

1 wagon filled with shipbuilding tools drawn by 6 oxen

17 pack donkeys each carrying a load of fine linens

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1 cart full of fish meal (for fertilizer) drawn by 4 oxen

Merchant (8): AC 10; MV 12”; HD 0; hp 5 each; #AT 1-2 or by weapon type.

Horse, light (8): AC 7; MV 24”; HD 2+2; hp 12 each; #AT 2; Dmg 1-4/1-4.

Armorer (7th level fighter): AC 4; MV 12”; hp 47; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type which includes lance (on horse), 3 javelins (on wagon), two-handed sword (on hip), and a dagger (in right boot).

Horse, medium: AC 7; MV 18”; HD 2+2; hp 12 each; #AT 3; Dmg 1-6/1-6/1-3.

Drover (15): AC 10; MV 12”; HD 0; hp 4 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-3 or by weapon type.

Ox (22): AC 7; MV 15”; HD 3; hp 15 each; #AT 2; Dmg 1-8/1-8.

Donkey (25): AC 7; MV 15”; HD 2; hp 10 each; #AT 1 or 2; Dmg bite 1-3 or kick 1-6/1-6.

Horse, draft (8): AC 7; MV 12”; HD 3; hp 18 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-3.

Horse, heavy (12): AC 7; MV 15”; HD 3+3; hp 20 each; #AT 3; Dmg 1-8/1-8/1-3.

Mercenary (11th level fighter): AC 0; MV 12”; hp 6 each; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type, a +1 two handed sword. Also wears +1 plate armor and +1 shield.

Mercenary (10th level fighter): AC 2; MV 12”; hp 6 each; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type which includes +1 lance and long sword.

Mercenary (12, 2nd level fighter): AC 2; MV 12”; hp 12 each; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type which includes lance and long sword.

Mercenary (24, 1st level fighter): AC 2; MV 12”; hp 6 each; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type which includes lance and long sword.

Horse, heavy (14): AC 7; MV 15”; HD 3+3; hp 20 each; #AT 3; Dmg 1-8/1-8/1-3.

Dog, war (12): AC 6; MV 12”; HD 2+2; hp 12 each; #AT 1; Dmg 2-8.

Berserker Raiding Party:

This particular Berserker party recruits out of Dyvers and Safeton, but resides in the Gnarley Forest, east of the northern thumb toward Dyvers. They conduct raids from the Velverdyva River and the road that leads to Dyvers, along the Jewel River, and as far south as Narwell and Safeton. They have been lying in wait for a caravan to come through on the road that parallels the Velverdyva River. The chieftain of the band is a 10th level fighter and he has two subchieftains, a 7th and a 6th level fighter. In the band there is a 5th level and 4th level fighter, 2 3rd level, 3 2nd level, and 5 1st level. All the rest are 0 level berserkers. This band never requires morale checks. They consist of the following:

Berserker, war chief (10th level fighter): AC 6; MV 12”; hp 53; #AT 2 (with +2 to hit); Dmg by weapon type (+2 battle axe); SA: surprised 1 in 6 chance.

Berserker, subchieftain (7th level fighter): AC 6; MV 12”; hp 35; #AT 2 (with +2 to hit); Dmg by weapon type (+1 long sword); SA: surprised 1 in 6 chance.

Berserker, subchieftain (6th level fighter): AC 6; MV 12”; hp 29; #AT 2 (with +2 to hit); Dmg by weapon type (battle axe and long sword); SA: surprised 1 in 6 chance.

Berserker (5th level fighter): AC 6; MV 12”; hp 24; #AT 1 or 2; (1 attack with a +2 to hit or 2 attacks normally); Dmg by weapon type (Bec de corbin and +1 dagger); SA: surprised 1 in 6 chance.

Berserker (4th level fighter): AC 6; V 12”; hp 18; #AT 1 or 2; (1 attack with a +2 to hit or 2 attacks normally); Dmg by weapon type (short sword and dagger); SA: surprised 1 in 6 chance.

Berserker (2, 3rd level fighter): AC 7; MV 12”; hp 15 each; #AT 1 or 2; (1 attack with a +2 to hit or 2 attacks normally); Dmg by weapon type (footman’s flail); SA: surprised 1 in 6 chance.

Berserker (3, 2nd level fighter): AC 7; MV 12”; hp 12 each; #AT 1 or 2; (1 attack with a +2 to hit or 2 attacks normally); Dmg by weapon type (scimitar).

Berserker (5, 1st level fighter): AC 7; MV 12”; hp 7 each; #AT 1 or 2; (1 attack with a +2 to hit or 2

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attacks normally); Dmg by weapon type (battle axe).

Berserker (61): AC 7; MV 12”; HD 2-7 hps; hp 6 each; #AT 1 or 2 (1 attack with a +2 to hit or 2 attacks normally); Dmg by weapon type (includes either battle axe, be de corbin, military fork, scimitar, or long sword).

Treasure: Each merchant carries with him on his person 3-24 cp, 3-18 sp, 2-12 ep, 2-8 gp, 1-6 pp, and 1-4 gems; each mercenary carries 3-18 sp; each mercenary leader carries 3-18 sp and 2-8 gp; and each Berserker carries 3-18 sp.


Late in the afternoon, you come across some boats on the north side of the river with several anglers casting into the river. In the far distance beyond them, you see several wooden piers jutting out into the water. On the shore are several copses of woods and a thatched roof covering near the piers. It looks to be a fishing village.

This is the first of many fishing villages that will be present on the north side of the river. The player characters can visit the peaceful village and purchase or barter for fresh fish or produce. There is a map for the fishing village for the later raid by the slavers (See area #8) that can be adapted for use if the player characters decide to go ashore. They are also free to spend the night in the village, along the shore, and in the copses of woods.

Hex81 (J4-91)

“Zeno, the Stoic, stood in precisely the same relation to the world that I do now. He is, forsooth,

bred a merchant . . . and can trade and barter, and perchance higgle.”

-Henry David Thoreau, Journal

3. THE MERCHANT OF DYVERS Shortly after having put in your canoes and beginning the days paddling, you see a merchant ship being rowed in your direction. You hear a bellowing voice that sounds to be running through a list of items. As you draw nearer, the bellowing voice ceases as the head of a man peers above the bow of the ship. His head disappears and then the man stands up. He is a rather large rotund man in robes, who despite being stooped over is still incredibly tall with a full beard. He has a cat in his arms and he is stroking the cat’s head and back. He bellows out, “Greetings wary traveler, I have just what you need.” The man is Zeno the merchant, known by many as The Stoic. He is loud and boisterous and no matter what happens, he always remains in a dour mood. He is a merchant of merchants and well known in Dyvers for he has the uncanny ability to always be able to trade whatever a person needs. In part, this is because he trades with so many merchants that he often has what is needed on hand. He also has a little secret that he does not share with anyone out of fear of being enslaved, but he is a noble djinni who has taken to the life of a merchant based out of Dyvers. He often travels the river on the boat trading with the people he meets, but he never enters the Gnarley Forest and he never goes out into the depths of Nyr Dyv. The cat that he is petting is actually a young minimal leopard who is half the size of a normal young leoplard and weighs 1/8th of the normal weight. He can speak telepathically with the minimal leopard. He travels with 12 oarsmen whom he pays very well and while they are amazed at his abilities of trade, they do not know his secret. Zeno will talk constantly about his merchandise and trading. He can trade anything non-magical that is needed by the player characters. He can trade for magical items, but he has to be on the winning side

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of the exchange by at least 25% of the items value or he will not trade. He will not trade magical items valued at more than 25,000 gp and he will not buy any item with coins, it must always be a trade. While he loves exotic animals and can trade many such creatures, especially minimals, they must all be size S. Finally, he will not traffic in humans. He is aware of the infiltration of the slavers in Dyvers, but he will not discuss the issue unless directly asked. Djinni: AC 4; MV 9”/24”; HD 10; hp 79; #AT 1; Dmg 2-16; SA: once per day create nutritious food for 2-12 person, create water or wine for 2-12 person, create soft goods or wooden items with permanence, create metal items with short life span, create illusion, become invisible, assume gaseous form, wind walk, form a whirlwind; can carry up to 6,000 gp weight, can grant three wishes if his secret is discovered and he is enslaved, can speak any language with any person or beast with intelligence via telepathy, can travel the elemental and astral planes; SD: air based attacks are at -1 to hit and -1 damage. Minimal Leopard: AC 8; MV 6”; HD 1; hp 7; #AT 3; Dmg 1/1/1-2; SA: surprised only 1 in 12, if both front paws strike can strike with rear paws for 1/1 damage. Oarsmen (12): AC 10; MV 12”; hp 6 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-4 or by weapon type (dagger). 4. FARM

On the southern side of the river and road, far off in the distance you see a change in the landscape. Instead of grasslands, there are straight rows of green and brown which mark the surface of the land. In the center of these rows stands a sturdy log house with a large stone chimney and, nearby, a long barn.

The land between the Velverdyva River and the Gnarley Forest is land claimed by Dyvers and is very fertile, but due to its proximity to the road, river, and forest, it is relatively risky land to farm. This farm is the farthest out from Dyvers and is run by a farmer and his three sons. He lost his wife when she gave

birth to their third son, but that has been 14 years. All four are sturdy men and willing to defend their farm. They all wear leather armor and have shields accessible, as well as numerous farm implements that can be used as weapons such as a scythe, machete, axes and spades. They all carry daggers as well. The farmer also maintains a pack of dogs for they provide an excellent early warning system and can be called to assist in the defense of the farm. The farmers are willing to trade their produce, feed grain, or hay, but they have little else of much interest. They were recently visited by a group of ruffians coming through their farmland at night, but the dogs warned the farmer of their presence and they managed to hide in the barn cellar (which is accessed by a secret trapdoor) and escape detection. They heard the men enter the barn and one mentioned there were “no slaves here,” before the dogs attacked them and chased them away. That was several days ago. He has planned to visit his neighbors to the east to see if they had any problems, but there has been too much work to do on the farm.

Farmer: AC 7; MV 12”; Level 0; hp 6; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon type.

Son (3): AC 7; MV 12”; Level 0; hp 6, 5, 4; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon type.

Farm dogs (9): AC 7; MV 15”; HD 1+1; hp 7 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-4.

Treasure: In the barn cellar, hidden behind a loose stone, is a bag containing 156 gp and 19 pp, as well as a diamond ring valued at 25 gp.

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Hex82 (I4-90)

“We must consider war and slavery, with many other institutions and even the best existing governments, notwithstanding their apparent advantages, as the abortive rudiments of nobler institutions such as distinguish man in his savage and half-civilized state.”

-Henry David Thoreau, Journal

5. FARM Not long after the day’s journey has begun, you see another farm rise up out of the grassland on the south side of the river with its symmetrical rows of plantings. At the end of the rows of turned soil stands a wooden home and a barn, and beyond that are several orchards.

This is another farm on land controlled by Dyvers. As it is not as far west of the city, it was considered to have been safer land. That was at least until the slaver raiders came. Several days before the same group that visited the farm farthest west (See area #4) had also visited this farm. Lacking an early warning and not being as prepared to meet any danger, the farmer, his wife, son, and daughter were attacked while they slept. The farmer fought back and was killed and left for dead in the house. The wife, son, and daughter were taken to a boat on the river where they were sold to the slavers in Dyvers.

If the player characters investigate, they will find the corpse of the farmer, the home ransacked, and the valuables stolen. There are two plow horses in the

barn, plenty of feed and hay, and bushels of apples from the orchard.


On the north side of the river, you spy two boats anchored in the water. There are two men in each boat and they have lines cast into the water. They spy you in return, lift their hands and wave.

The four men are fishermen from the village just to the east about a mile down river. They are retired from being net casters and now spend their golden days as anglers. They leave the net casting to the younger men in the village. They are four friendly gentlemen, but they really only enjoy talking about fishing, the river, and the weather. Little else appeals to them or catches their attention. They have been on the water since dawn and they caught many fish which they keep in the water in a net that trails the boat.

Fisherman (4): AC 10; MV 8”; Level 0; hp 6, 5, 4 (x2); #AT 1; Dmg 1-2.


Not long after passing the fishermen, you come to what must be their village located about a mile from where you saw them fishing. You see there are several wooden piers jutting out into the water and thatched roof covered areas at the ends of the piers, obviously areas for processing the fish once brought ashore. Beyond them are several small thatched huts and one larger thatched building in the center of the village.

This is another of the many fishing villages on the north side of the river, land belonging to the Kingdom of Furyondy. The player characters can visit the peaceful village and purchase or barter for fresh fish and some limited produce. There is a map for the fishing village for the later raid by the slavers (See area #8) that can be adapted for use if the player characters decide to go ashore.


It is late in the afternoon and you are at the point of starting to consider a campsite for the night when, in the distance, you see smoke rising from the north

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shore. In that direction you see what looks to be another fishing village, but something is burning.

The slavers currently in Dyvers have hired slave agents, locals to serve as the key people to round up slaves. In this case, a thief by the name of Cosben has hired some thugs off of the wharves, taverns, and alleyways to serve as his slave catchers. The plan is for these men to conduct a slave raid on the fishing village and to have the captives tied and bound before nightfall in the boats. They will then begin rowing east and south to Dyvers. They plan to arrive around 2 or 3 a.m. in the morning at the Lacedon, a slave galley, which is anchored in the middle of the river across from the main docks of the city. There, they will off load the slaves into the ship’s hold and then after Cosben is paid, he will pay the men their wages. He has gone along in his own boat with a hired fighter and rower to watch over his investment from the south side of the river.


There are two men on the south side of the river across from the fishing village being raided. One is the Halfling Cosben, a 7th level thief who is acting as a slave agent. The other is his hired companion, Bloodlet, both body guard and rower, and a 6th level fighter. They arrived by a small boat the fighter rowed upriver, and after pulling it onto the river bank, they camouflaged it. They are now watching the action from the southern shore. Although this was not necessary, Cosben wants to protect his interest in the slave raid as he stands to make an enormous sum of money, so he has come along with the fighter and will trail behind the slave raiders at a safe distance as they make their way to the Lacedon.

The only way for them to be discovered is for someone to intentionally move onto the southern bank of the river. If Cosben is captured and his pockets searched, it will reveal a piece of paper with some poor spelling and even poorer math, but it denotes the number of slaves times various prices equals certain amounts. For instance, 40 slaves, times 20 gp each, equals 800 gp, or 30 slaves times 25 gp equals 650 gp. There is also a note at the top of the paper which states “2-3 a.m. at the boat.”

If the player characters intervene and rescue the citizens of the fishing village, Cosben and his fighter will trail the party, report their interference to the slavers, and plan a possible retaliation with or without the slavers assistance.

None of the slaver raiders know that Cosben or Bloodlett is watching from afar, but those slave raiders over 1st level do know that the plan is to boat the slaves to the Lacedon floating on the Nyr Dyv in the heart of Dyvers. The first level raiders have been kept in the dark.

Cosben (7th level thief): AC 4; MV 12”; hp 26; #AT 1; Dmg 1-8; SA: PP 65%, OL 57%, F/RT 55%, MS 65, %;, HS 48%, HN 30%, CW 79%, RL 30%, backstab x3. Cosben carries a potion of human control, a +3 dagger, and a rope of entanglement.

S 15, I 11, W 12, D 18, Co 15, Ch 9

Bloodlet (6th level fighter): AC 0; MV 12”; hp 44; #AT 1; Dmg 1-8+1. Bloodlet wields a +1 longsword, wears +4 chainmail, and carries a potion of invulnerability.

S 17, I 10, W 9, D 18, Co 16, Ch 8


On the riverbank is a copse of trees in which four long boats have been pulled partially into the wood-line. The boat’s bowlines are loosely wrapped around the trees and you see someone through the trees on the other side of the copse.

The four boats are half of the slave raider’s boats and each boat holds 12 men. There were 4 slave raiders per boat. After arriving at the copse of woods, they pulled the boats ashore, and left a sentry. He moved through the woods to watch the action. The others moved counterclockwise around the fishing village and split up in groups of 8 in order to attack the village at the 1 o’clock (See area #21) and 3 o’clock positions (See area #19).

Lone sentry (1st level fighter): AC 4; MV 12”; hp 6; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon type. He is armed with a longbow and longsword.

Treasure: small coin pouch with 10 gp and a small packet knife (Dmg 1-2 hit points).

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On the riverbank in this location is a copse of trees in which four long boats have been pulled partially into the wood-line. The boat’s bowlines are loosely wrapped around the trees and you see someone standing by the boats, although his back is to the water.

The four boats are half of the slave raider’s boats which hold 12 men each. There were 4 slave raiders per boat. After arriving at the copse of woods, they pulled the boats ashore, and left a sentry. He is standing guard, but facing the village to watch what is going on. The others moved clockwise around the fishing village and split up in groups of 8 in order to attack the village at the 9 o’clock (See area #34 & 35) and 11 o’clock positions (See area #29).

Lone sentry (1st level fighter): AC 4; MV 12”; hp 7; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon type. He is armed with a longsword and dagger.

Treasure: small coin pouch with 8 gp.


There are two piers with a total of 7 fishing boats tied off to the pier. There are two men who are working on tying the fishing boats bowlines to the rear of the other crafts, so as to string them together.

The two men are slaver raiders who are preparing the fishing village boats to carry the slaves if their boats will not hold all of the prisoners. They will tie all of the boats together and then load them. They plan to bring up the slaver boats and tie the fishing boats to their boats. If they are needed, they will be filled and parceled out to the various slaver boats. If they are not needed, they will be tugged out into the river, holes will be made in the bottom of the boats and then their bowlines will be cut. They will either use these boats or sink them.

Slave raider (1st level fighter) (2): AC 4; MV 12”; hp 6 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon type. Each is armed with a machete (short sword) and a small knife (dagger).


There are two fishing piers located in this area jutting out into the water. There are five fishing boats tied to the piers and no one is present in the area, although there is movement on shore.

There are five boats tied to the fishing docks, but in the last boat on the western dock, there are two people present. They are two children from the village (See area #31) who were playing down by the piers when they saw the slaver raider boats go by, heading to the copse of trees upriver (See area #11). They suspected something was going on, so they watched. Realizing what was happening, they became scared and hid in the last fishing boat, covering themselves with a piece of canvas.

Child (2): AC 10; MV 12”; hp 4 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-2 or by weapon type. One of the boys has a pocket knife (Dmg 1-2 hit points).


This L-shaped building is little more than a wooden floor covered by a thatched roof with no walls. There are numerous tables, clearly used for the preparation of fish. There are two men with longswords watching over another man who is binding the hands and placing a gag over the mouth of many of the villagers. Once he is finished binding and gagging a person, he forces them to their knees and moves to the next one. There are at least a dozen villagers who have become the victim of these men.

The slave raiders are preparing the slaves for transport by boat back to Dyvers. The two standing guard are armed and one is a 5th level fighter who is in charge of the western operation. The one doing the binding and gagging is a first level fighter who is not armed as the other 1st level fighter is holding his dagger. This is one of the designated collection points for captured slaves (The other is area #15).

Slave raider (5th level fighter): AC 2; MV 12”; hp 37; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon type. Wears Bracers of defense AC 2, carries a potion of giant strength (Hill Giant), and wields a +2 scimitar.

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Slave raider (1st level fighter) (2): AC 4; MV 12”; hp 7 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon type. One is armed with a longsword and a dagger, the other is currently unarmed (the other fighter holds his dagger while is longsword is back with the boat).

Treasure: The one binding and gagging has slipped several items into his pockets, stolen from the fishing villagers, which consists of 7 cp, 4 sp, 1 gp, a pearl worth 50 gp, and a pearl bracelet worth 150 gp.


This L-shaped building is little more than a wooden floor covered by a thatched roof with no walls. There are numerous tables, clearly used for the preparation of fish. There is a man lying face up on the wooden floor with blood on his face and chest. He stares blankly upward toward the thatched roof.

The man is a slave raider who came in with the contingent that landed at the copse located in area #10. He went with the raiders that initially struck the home at area #19. They were quickly captured and the home became a temporary collection point. He and half the team then went to the house located in area #16. Feeling confident in their quick success, they headed straight for the door to kick it in when they were attacked by the owners’ dogs. They were then attacked by the owners, retired fighters who gave up the life to fish. The dead slave raider was struck by one of the old men several times and he retreated to this collection point, collapsed and died.

This location is meant to be the collection point for slaves captured by the raiders from area #10, but because they have been collecting the slaves in the home in area #19, none have made it here yet.

Treasure: Small pouch with 14 pearls each worth 25 gp each and loose in his pockets are 8 cp, 3 sp, and 1 gp.


The home at this location, really an oversized shack, is an interesting sight. There are four men currently battling a pack of dogs in front of the shack and two of them are bleeding profusely from several dog bites, while one has an arrow imbedded in his

thigh. They are trying to fight off the dogs while cussing up a storm. You see the shack’s door is open and there is movement inside.

The shack is owned by two retired fighters, one who obtained the fifth level (Xander) and the other the third (Nokard). They decided to give up their fighting careers to fish. They took over the shack, fixed it up a bit, and settled in to fish. One of them trains the five dogs they own and the dogs are allowed to live in the shack. When the slave raiders tried to kick in the door, they were attacked by the pack of dogs. This delayed the attack long enough for the two old grizzled fisherman to grab their weapons, one, who fights with a short sword and dagger, the other his short bow and arrows (which he likes to fish with also). The former managed to cut up one raider who wandered off wounded (See the dead man in area #15), and the latter managed to put an arrow in one of the raiders fighting his dogs. The dogs have also delivered their own blows as well.

Xander (Fighter, 5th level): AC 8; MV 12”; hp 42; #AT 2; Dmg 1-6/1-6 or by weapon type. He fights with a +1 short sword and a +1 dagger.

Nokard (Fighter 3rd level): AC 8; MV 12” hp 24; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon type. He fights with a short bow and has two quivers of 12 arrows each and has a potion of water walking (x2) (he likes to use these to walk on the river and shoot fish with his bow).

War dog (5): AC 6; MV 12”; HD 2+2; hp 15, 12, 9, 6, 4; #AT 1; Dmg 2-8.

Slave raider (First level fighter) (4): AC 4; MV 12”; hp 10, 8, 4, 3; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon type. All are armed with longswords.

Treasure: Each slave raider has 1-8 cp, 1-6 sp, and 1-4 gp


The door to the house is closed and locked, but you can see the flicker of candle lights on the inside.

The family from the house to the east (See area #18) fled to this house when the slave raiders

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attacked. The family consisted of a husband, wife, a teenage boy, and a young girl. The family that lives in the house consists of a husband, wife, two teenage daughters and one young son. The men and teenage boy have armed themselves with weapons, fishing knives, while the women have taken up their frying pans as weapons. They have decided to fight back if anyone comes through the door which is locked, barred, and much of the furniture has been pushed against the door.

Male (Level 0) (2): AC 8; MV 12”; hp 8, 7; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon type, fishing knives (Dmg 1-6).

Female (Level 0) (2): AC 10; MV 12”; hp 6, 4; #AT 1; Dmg 1-2 or by weapon type, frying pan (Dmg 1-4).

Teen male (Level 0): AC 8; MV 12”; hp 8; #AT 1; Dmg 1-4 or by weapon type, fishing knife (Dmg 1-6).

Teen female (Level 0) (3): AC 10; MV 12”; hp 4; #AT 1; Dmg 1-2 or by weapon type.

Children (Level 0) (2): AC 10; MV 8”; hp 4, 2; #AT 1; Dmg 1 hit point.


The house is dark, the door stands open, and there is no discernible movement inside or outside of the house.

When the slaver raiders attacked the home in area #19, the family heard the noise, sensed the danger and fled to the house located in area #17. The home was left abandoned and they did not even take the time to shut the door.


The home here has the door closed, but the interior is lit up. There is a man keeping watch out of one of the windows.

The slave raiders struck the home in area #21 first and captured the family of 7 people. They then took the new slaves with them to hit the home in area #20, where they killed a father and his son trying to protect the house, and captured a woman and her two children. They then struck this

home taking a husband and wife captive, and so they now have a total of 12 slaves in this location.

There are four slave raiders in this location. One slave raider is a 5th level fighter and is in charge of the eastern assault on the village. The other three are 1st level fighters, two of which are guarding the slaves while the other keeps watch at the window for any possible threats.

The 5th level fighter knows that he has been hired by Cosben and that Bloodlet, a local heavy, is backing him. He has been hired to raid this fishing village, capture as many people (save the old), and boat them to Dyvers to load them onto the Lacedon. He is to plan his arrival at no earlier than 2 a.m. and no later than 3 a.m. The others know they are slave raiding, but they are to follow orders and keep their mouths shut.

Slave raider (5th level fighter): AC 2; MV 12”; hp 37; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon type. Wears chain mail and a brooch of shielding, carries a +2 shield, and wields a +2 long sword.

Slave raider (1st level fighter) (3): AC 4; MV 12”; hp 8 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon type. All are armed with longswords.

Treasure: the 5th level fighter has a pouch with 7 cp, 9 sp, and 11 gp, while the 1st level fighters each have 1-8 cp, 1-6 sp, and 1-4 gp.


The house remains lit and the front door open. The interior looks to have been ransacked, and s currently devoid of people.

The family of 7 that lived here fell victim to the slave raiders and are now located in the home located in area #19.


The house is dark and the front door stands open. There is something lying in the doorway.

The slaver raiders attacked this house first and despite the assault being wholly unexpected, the father and son put up a good effort in defending the house. The father was killed fighting in the

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doorway and it is his body that lies in the entryway. The son was then killed in the main room and his body lies there. The wife and 2 small children were taken first to the home in area #20 and are now at the home in area #19.


The home is lit, but the front door is closed. There are the sounds of women screaming from inside.

If the player characters look in or bust down the door, either way they will see three of the slave raiders trying to hold down the two women who live here. They are fighting back, but their arms are pinned down and they are struggling.

Slave raider (1st level fighter) (3): AC 4; MV 12”; hp 7 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon type. All are armed with longswords.

Treasure: Each slave raider has 1-8 cp, 1-6 sp, and 1-4 gp

Female (Level 0) (2): AC 10; MV 12”; hp 6, 4; #AT 1; Dmg 1-2 or by weapon type.


The home is dark and all is quiet.

The door to the house is locked as the family locked and barred it before crawling through a trapdoor located on the side of the house that is hidden behind the wood pile. They fled to the next door neighbor’s home (See area #24).


The home is dark and there are two men near the front door discussing something in earnest whispers.

The family from the home in area #23 fled to this house. They are a young family with three small children. The family that lives in this house is also young with two small children. The men are discussing which way to run to. They see the hall in area #25 on fire and they see more homes burning to the west. They also know that there are raids on the homes to the east. They are debating on whether to flee north or to the river. What they

don’t know is how the raiders arrived – by water or by land.

Male (Level 0) (2): AC 8; MV 12”; hp 7, 6; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon type, fishing knives (Dmg 1-6).

Female (Level 0) (2): AC 10; MV 12”; hp 6, 4; #AT 1; Dmg 1-2 or by weapon type, kitchen knives (Dmg 1-2).

Child (Level 0) (5): AC 10; MV 8”; hp 4, 2; #AT 1; Dmg 1 hit point.


The longest building in the village is located in the center and is burning up in flames. There is a person without a shirt, covered in tattoos, sitting on the front porch drinking from a bottle. He is apparently soused and not aware of the building burning behind him. There are a half-dozen bottles lying at his feet, all in various stages of consumption.

The only thing incorrect is the fact he is not aware there is a fire raging behind him. That is why he took his shirt off. He was getting hot.

He is one of the slave raiders who was already soused before the raid kicked off, but once he discovered that this central hall also served as the village bar, he made himself at home, despite the fact the outside thatch was set on fire. As the building began to burn around him, he took off his shirt because it was hot. He then picked up as many bottles of alcohol as he could carry and made it as far as the front porch steps, where he sits drinking and laughing at all of the destruction going on around him.

Slave raider (1st level fighter): AC 4; MV 12”; hp 9; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon type. He misplaced his longsword, but he can break a liquor bottle and use it as a weapon (Dmg 1-2).

Treasure: He has a pouch containing 37 cp, 22 sp, and 13 gp – the pouch was behind the bar.


The house is dark and there is a large black patch at the front of the house around the front door.

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The slave raiders tried to enter the house, but the family had locked, barred, and blocked the front door. The raiders set the front of the house on fire and moved on figuring the family would have to flee and would be caught. They were right in part, the family did flee to their next door neighbor’s house (See area #33), but the fire did not burn down the house. Rather, the flames burned themselves out.


There are three men with longswords spread out some distance from this house. There are multiple arrows sticking up out of the ground, apparently having been shot from the house. The front door stands open, but the inside of the house is dark.

The father and son have done an excellent job of holding back the slave raiders from the home as they both wield short bows with arrows. The father is set back in the house and is firing out of the front door anytime someone approaches the front door, while the teenage son serves as a spotter and fires from the window. They have been unsuccessful in hitting any of the raiders, but they have kept them from the house. The wife, teenage daughter, and two young girls are all hiding in the sleeping lofts.

The three slave raiders tried to get to the house, but were unsuccessful because of the arrows. They retreated to a safe distance and sent one of the three back to the boats for shields. He has brought them up and they now each have a shield and are spreading out to being their assault on the house.

Slave raider (1st level fighter) (3): AC 3; MV 12”; hp 9 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon type. They each carry a shield and are armed with a longsword.

Treasure: Each slave raider has 1-8 cp, 1-6 sp, and 1-4 gp


The sound of metal on metal emits from this well-lit house. Suddenly, there is a terrific scream coming from the house, then silence.

The family consists of a father and his five children, all boys. His wife died giving birth to the last child. He and his oldest three sons fought against the two slave raiders that entered their house, while the two little ones were sent to hide in the garden in the furrows (See area #30). The father managed to kill one, while the son just finished dispatching the second slave raider, the scream heard from inside the room. The son ran the last one through with his machete and is still trying to remove it from the body. The father is now desperately worried about the safety of the children and will stop at nothing to get to the garden.


The house is dark, the front door left cracked and there is no discernible movement in or around the shack construction.

The family that lived here, a husband, wife, and two daughters are all now captives in area #14.


The land here has been plowed into a large garden covering at least an acre of ground. The furrows are deep and the vegetation is well grown.

The two children, a boy and a girl, from the home located in area #28 fled out the back door and into the garden. They are hiding here, but because they are scared, they will only respond to family members.


The house is lit on the inside and the door stands ajar. It appears there was a fight inside the home, but there is no one present any longer.

The family of six who lived here, are now split apart. The father and mother are bound and gagged and located in area #14. The two boys were down at the docks playing and are now hiding in the last fishing boat at the pier underneath a piece of canvas (See area #13). The two daughters, both teenagers, fled to the copse of woods near their house and are being purused by two of the slave raiders (See area #32).

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You hear the sounds of two teenage females screaming coming from this copse of woods.

The two teenage girls screaming fled their home when the slave raiders attacked (See area #31). They both used to play in the woods when they were younger and so they naturally fled there to hide, but they are being pursued by two of the slave raiders.

Slave raider (1st level fighter) (2): AC 3; MV 12”; hp 8 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon type. They are each armed with a longsword.

Human, female (2): AC 10; MV 12”; hp 6, 4; #AT 1; Dmg 1-2.

Treasure: Each slave raider has 1-8 cp, 1-6 sp, and 1-4 gp


The home is currently surrounded by 5 of the raiders and two are trying to force the front door open.

There are currently two families huddled in the house trying to barricade the front door. One of the families is from area #26, having fled when their home was being burned. There are two slave raiders attempting to open the front door, while the other three are at a safe distance and spread out waiting for the door to be opened.

Slave raider (1st level fighter) (5): AC 3; MV 12”; hp 8 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon type. The two at the front door are armed with longswords while the other three are armed with longswords and short bows.

Treasure: Each slave raider has 1-8 cp, 1-6 sp, and 1-4 gp


The thatched roof of this large shack is ablaze with fire, while the walls are beginning to burn.

The slave raiders encountered the lock door and set the thatch on fire, forcing the family to flee. The husband, wife, and three daughters are now bound and gagged in area #14


The thatched roof of this shack is on fire and the walls are beginning to burn as well. There is a woman at the front door trying to enter the house.

The slave raiders seeing how well the burning of the shack in area #34 worked, decided to just set this one on fire. They then captured a man and two children, a boy and a girl, who are now bound and gagged in area #14. The wife and her infant were both overlooked. The wife fled the shack, but is now trying to reenter the shack to rescue the baby who is still alive and in a makeshift crib at the back of the shack.


This wide and tall bush is entirely engulfed in flames as ashes and cinders twist upward into the sky.

The slave raiders set the bush on fire so as to intimidate the villagers.


The shanty door remains open and the interior is well lit. There is an old man, sitting in a chair, dead with a gaping wound in his chest.

The only occupant of the home was an old fisherman who was killed because he would not make for a good slave due to his age.

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Hex83 (H4-89)

“What are our maritime cities but the shops and dwellings of merchants about a wharf projecting into the sea, where there is a convenient harbor, on which to land the produce of other climes and at which to load the exports of our own?”

-Henry David Thoreau, Journal


As you paddle the river, you notice the northern shore is more frequently dotted with fishing villages while the southern shore is showing signs of more farmland. The river continues to widen so much so, that it appears you are no longer in the Velverdyva River, but have transitioned over into the Nyr Dyv – the lake of unknown depth

The river transitioned earlier to the lake, but as the river flows into the lake, it is hard to discern where one ends and the other begins. The fact that the river continues to widen so much that it is becoming difficult to see both shores simultaneously is but one clue to the transition.


In the far distance you can see the city of Dyvers with the curvature of the city wall forming the city into a half-moon shape. The land itself is tiered with the apex being a hill set back from the river upon whose structures overlook the entire city. The most prominent feature of the city is an old lighthouse standing at the center of the docks that travel along the river from city wall to city wall. There is a

heavy amount of small boat traffic in and around the docks and one large galley lays anchored some distance from the shore.

The Free and Independent City of Dyvers is a large city of over 36,000 inhabitants that has become the center of trade west of Greyhawk. Due to its location at the beginning of the Velverdyva River and on the Nyr Dyv, it is well known for its commercial trade. While it deals heavily in agricultural items from the surrounding farms and trades with the fishing villages of Furyondy, its biggest success has been the businesses engaged in shipbuilding and shipbuilding supplies.

The road that travels the southern shore of both the Velverdyva and the Nyr Dyv passes through the walled city which is half-moon in shape. The length of the location nearest the water is comprised of docks and piers and is known as the docks district, or, simply “the docks.” The lighthouse is situated at the very center of the wharves down by the water’s edge. The docks are most assuredly the seedier areas of the city. Further inland, and slightly raised in elevation, is the old town area. There live the more established citizens of Dyvers. At the southern bend in the city wall there is a hill upon which sits the royal grounds, often called Royal Hill, which is home to the government and His Excellency, the Magister of Dyvers, thus allowing him to overlook the rest of the city.

Outside of the wall are farmlands several days journey both east and west, as well as south to the Gnarley Forest. The main action of the town takes place either on the river or along the docks.


Anchored in the center of the lake, across from the wharves, is a small galley called the Lacedon. Other boats seem to give it a wide berth and it is the only boat anchored in the lake. All the rest are moored to the Dyvers’ docks.

The city of Dyvers is home to a healthy amount of trade, but recently it has become part of a trade that it had never been a part of before – the slave trade. The defeat of the slavelords, after they had apparently shanghaied the wrong party, has caused many of those involved in the trade along

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the Woolly Bay to flee to other environs (See SCOURGE OF THE SLAVELORDS). One group fled up the Selitan River to the Nyr Dyv and came to the city of Dyvers. They began setting up operations out of a tavern located on the docks called the “Tavern of Unknown Depths.” The slavers saw Dyvers as an opportune location to begin trading in slaves due to the high number of visitors and immigrants to the city. As it is already a port of trade, they saw no reason not to establish it as a port of trade in slaves.

Soon after arriving, they were approached by a man in brown robes at the Tavern of Unknown Depths. He presented them with a plan and said he was willing to back it in gold. He offered to purchase all of the slaves they could deliver to the last island east of Dyvers. He said he was a go between for the slavers in Hardby and he would pay top gold coin. As an incentive he agreed to capitalize their adventure with a chest containing 10,000 gp. He explained a keep once stood on the island, but now all that is left is the dungeon. They were to anchor at the lighthouse, march the slaves up to the ruins of the old keep, and then return to the lighthouse when they were waived off. They would then find their payment in a chest in the entryway of the lighthouse. They were to retrieve it and leave. The other stipulation was they must always deliver the slaves before dawn.

The operation commenced immediately and the slavers began by kidnapping visitors to the city by shanghaiing them in the back alley ways. Since most were not from Dyvers, they were not missed. They then expanded their operation through slave agents and many of them began going further afield, raiding small towns and villages along the coasts. The collection point is the Lacedon that is anchored in the center of the lake across from the docks. Once it has a full complement of slaves, 60 or more, they journey to the island, drop them off, and return. All of this is done under the cover of darkness as are all of the deliveries made to the anchored ship.

The black market for the slaves is still on the Wolly Bay, but is now located in the city of Hardby. Another crew transfers the slaves from the island stockade, down the Selintan River, to the city,

where they are then sold, mostly to those who will then distribute the slaves farther afield.

The operation in Dyvers has proven to be highly successful. In part, this is because of the cover of a city engaged in trade. It is also promulgated by the Tavern of Unknown Depths for it has proven the perfect establishment from which to conduct their operations, making contact with slave agents willing to bring in more slaves. It has also been further advanced by the stinginess of the Magister of Dyvers (a thief himself), for the city guard is paid so poorly, it costs little for the slavers to pay them off so they look the other way, or, when someone gets too close to the truth, to arrest them on trumped up charges. All of this has worked out so well, that they quickly began taking on too many slaves for their small operation. In order to address the problem, they rented a warehouse along the docks, stacked the facility with cages, and now hold some of their merchandise there until they are ready to move them.

All deliveries to the Lacedon are conducted at night, no earlier than 2 a.m. and no later than 4 a.m. It takes an hour to row to the island, another to offload the slaves, and an hour to return. That places them back in the center of the lake, across from the docks and anchored by 7 a.m. Most do not even know the Lacedon ever moved, and most of those that do know, don’t care.

There is a triad in charge of the slave operation and they have all taken nicknames tied to the name of the galley. Although all three claim they share leadership of the operation equally, most know that it is Ghoul, the 11th level assassin, who is the one predominately in charge. He is so-named because there are many stories of him eating the flesh of those he kills (all true). He is lawful evil, hates people, and looks like he wants to kill everyone (he does). His right hand man and the one that does much of the coordination is Baka the 10th level thief, so-named because he is not exactly the brightest individual and comes off as foolish, but he works hard and he is utterly ruthless. He too is lawful evil. The one who is the muscle of the operation is Ghast, a 10th level fighter and so named because he never bathes. He is chaotic evil. Ghoul, Baka, and Ghast make a formidable slave trifecta.

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In addition to the slavers, there are also the slave keepers. All 10 of them are hobgoblins and all of them are kept from public view. They work in the Lacedon’s hold and they drive the slaves that man the oars of the ship.

The ship is also crewed by Captain Anna Rig, a 7th level elven fighter/magic-user, who is neutral. She would actually rather be sailing or adventuring somewhere else, but the pay is too good to pass up. She has three officers - first mate, second mate, and pilot - all human fighters of the 6th level, and a crew of 10 sailors. The crew is beholden to Captain Rig and no one else. They will not listen to the slavers and purposefully ignore their orders until they hear the same order from the captain. It has created tension on board ship, but it has also kept the slavers in line.

During the day, Ghoul, Ghast, and Baka will be on board the Lacedon, as will the captain and crew. Most evenings and nights, however, Baka will be working in the Tavern of Unknown Depths, while 2 to 4 of the ship’s crew will be enjoying themselves. The crew is required to return by 1 a.m. and Baka will come back by 2 a.m. There is a 20% chance that Ghoul will be in the Tavern at night, and only a 5% chance that either Ghast or the Captain will be at the Tavern.

At any given time there will be 1-100 +30 slaves in the ship’s hold. They wait until there are in excess of 60 slaves before making a journey to, what they have come to refer to as Ghoul’s Island, the slave stockade. All of the slaves are men, 10 to 50 years of age, and women of child bearing age. There are no very young or very old slaves as the slavers have made it very clear they will not accept them.

Captain Rig and her crew know that the slave stockade is located at Ghoul’s Island, but as they never leave the boat, they know nothing else. Ghoul, Baka, and Ghast are all familiar with the operation on Ghoul’s Island. They arrive, offload the slaves, and march them up the stone steps, across the bridge, and up to the old ruins. There, a tall man in a black robe and hood waves them off and they just make sure that the slaves keep moving into the ruins. Then, before they return to the ship, they stop at the lighthouse for the box that

contains the proper amount due them for the number of slaves delivered right down to the last gold piece.

Ghoul (11th level assassin, human): AC 2; MV 12”; hp 59; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon type; SA: PP 100%, OL 72%, F/RT 70%, MS 96%, HIS 80%, HN 35%, CW 99.1%, RL 55%, backstab (x4). Wears +1 leather armor, wields a +2 longsword, +1 dagger (with insinuative poison, 35 hp of damage unless save versus poison), and carries a potion of extra-healing, potion of invisibility, and potion of gaseous form.

S 17, I 16, W 12, D 17, Co11, Ch 9

Baka (10th level thief, halfling): AC 2; MV 12”; hp 39; #AT 2; Dmg 1-6/1-6 or by weapon type; SA: PP 85%, OL 72%, F/RT 70%, MS 88%, HIS 78%, HN 35%, CW 84%, RL 45%, backstab (x4). Wears +2 leather armor, wields two +2 dagger of venom, and on his wrist he wears gauntlets of swimming and climbing.

S 10, I 15, W 12, D 18, Co13, Ch 15

Ghast (10th level fighter): AC -1; MV 12”; hp 93; #AT 2; Dmg 1-6+ 3/1-6 +3 or by weapon type; SA: 2 attacks per round, +3 damage bonus for strength. Wears +2 chain mail, has a +2 shield, yields two +2 scimitars, has available a heavy crossbow and a +1 throwing axe, and has a potion of healing and a potion of giant strength (fire giant), and a potion of undead control.

Hobgoblin (10): AC 5 MV 9”; HD 1+1; hp 9 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-8

Captain Anna Rig (7th level fighter/magic-user, elf): AC 0; MV 12”; hp 43; #AT 3/2; Dmg 1-8 +3; SA: spells. Wears bracers of defense AC 2, boots of elevenkind, cloak of elvenkind, and yields a +1 longsword, flametongue (+2 vs. regenerating creatures, +3 vs. cold-using, inflammable, or avian creatures).

S 16, I 17, W 15, D 16, Co14, Ch 16

Captain Rig has the following spells memorized:

1st level: Enlarge, magic missile (x2), shield

2nd level: Rope trick, pyrotechnics, stinking cloud

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3rd level: Hold person, suggestion

4th level: Fire charm

Officer, human (6th level fighter) (3): AC 3; MV 12”; hp 27, 29, 35; #AT 1; Dmg 1-8 +1. Each wears +1 chainmail and wields a cutlass and dagger. The first mate has a potion of healing, the second mate a potion of underwater breathing, and the pilot has a potion of treasure finding.

Sailor (2nd level fighter) (10): AC 7; MV 12”; hp 15 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon type. All have a cutlass and a dagger.

Slaves: AC 10; MV 9”; Lvl 0; hp 4 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1 or by weapon type.

Treasure: Ghoul has a treasure chest in his quarters with 30-36,000 gp; The captain has a treasure chest in her quarters with 14,567 cp, 9,456 sp, 5,434 gp, 953 pp, 22 gems worth 100 gp each and a scarab of enraging enemies.


Beyond where the wall touches the water, all along the bustling river, extending far past the lighthouse, are a series of docks, piers and wharves. At the end of these wooden constructions lies the shore and not much past that, a long line of huddled buildings only occasionally giving way to dark alleys and stairs, mostly leading up into dark locations. There are a few spots that standout, one being a warehouse where at least a dozen salty men sit outside talking, whittling driftwood, or tending to rope. Another is a fair looking tavern with a sign out front that reads, “Tavern of Unknown Depths,” and features a deep lake under the arched letters with some large foul fish creature rising up out of the murky depths. Two armored men wearing tunics that appear of an official nature are talking rather loudly to each other, discussing something about the plans for the lighthouse being renovated by magic and dwarves and with a few added derogatory mentions of both. They laugh loudly.

The two men are part of the city guard. They are discussing the future plans for the lighthouse that talk of using dwarves to rework the stone structure and for magicians to be used to cast a permanent

light spell so the city no longer has to use conventional means and pay someone to light the lamps. The Magister of Dyvers is rather a miserly individual and he sees this as a cost saving measure in the long run.

The Magister has also created a problem for the city because of his stingy ways and that is the slave trade. Although it would have existed anyway, it is assisted by the fact he pays the city guard so little. As a result, they were easily bought off by the slavers. Baka ensures that the extra pay is received once a week. All they need do is look the other way when it comes to the slavers activities and, if anyone gets too close to the truth, to arrest them on some trumped up charges, run them out of town, or dispatch them permanently if necessary.

If the player characters communicate with the city guard, they can direct them to any various merchants they might be in need of, they can inform them that the best tavern in town is the Tavern of Unknown Depths, and that the old salts sitting outside are members of the Longshoremen’s guild. They can also tell them the fanciful plans for the lighthouse. If, however, they begin to inquire about anything having to do with the slave trade, this will be immediately denied. If they continue such talk, they will be arrested on some erroneous charge placed against them. The members of the city guard do not want to lose the nice weekly protection payments. Although there are only two members of the city guard present, one blow of the whistle will bring 16 more within 3-5 rounds.

City guard (2nd level fighters) (2-18): AC 7; MV 12”; hp 14 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon type. Each member of the city guard wears ring mail, is armed with a short sword, a dagger, and a blackjack, and carries a whistle on a lanyard.

Treasure: each member of the city guard carries a pouch containing 2-8 cp, 1-6 sp, and 20-29 gp.


You come to the entrance of the Tavern of Unknown Depth, a large heavy door with light shining from underneath the door. You hear the sound of muted talking. Opening up the door you are greeted by a large, exceedingly crowded room

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with various cubby holes all around the edges of the room. On the far side of the room, there stands an ornately carved bar running the length of the establishment. There are two fireplaces keeping the room warm, and despite numerous sconces hanging from the rafters with multiple candles, the room remains dimly lit. There are dozens of eyes upon you as you enter, but all shift back to their conversations. There are several barmaids delivering food and enormously large mugs of ale. As you enter, you notice in the center of the room there is a large crevice in the ground with a thick piece of clear glass laid over top of it.

There are a number of people standing at the bar and sitting at the tables and benches. There are still several tables that are empty, one near the entrance to the Tavern and the other next to the bar, the latter is in one of the cubby holes created with a covering that consists of driftwood, old fishing nets, and other such detritus. The place clearly provides for a shadier clientele. Each of the people present will be briefly described following by their statistics.

The owner of the bar is named Kadath, a retired adventurer who took over the abandoned building after an earlier earthquake opened the crevice in the ground. Ever the adventurer, he went down the pit and found - despite its look from above - it did have a known depth, ending in the city’s sewer system. To keep out the stench, he covered it over with glass and aptly named the tavern for the Nyr Dyv, the lake of unknown depths. He knows of the slave trade, but he asks no questions and offers no gossip about anything or anyone being neutral, which is why his tavern is so popular. His barmaids are the same way.

Kadath (7th level fighter, human): AC 8; MV 12”; hp 41; #AT 2/1; Dmg 1-8 or by weapon type; SA: weapon specialization with longsword (1-8 +3 damage).

S 16, I 8, W 13, D 16, Co 10, Ch 14

The barmaids are very flirtatious, but only so to try and drive up the size of their tips. They have, however, been warned by Kadath that they must never become involved with the customers nor

share any information that is offered to them or overheard. The pay and tips are too good to ignore his advice.

Barmaid (3): AC 10; MV 12”; hp 5 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-4.

There is a 90% chance that in the evening and night time, Baka will be in the tavern working his trade. If Baka is not present, Ghoul will be. They will be meeting with the various slave agents they have hired

Baka: See area #40.

Ghoul: See area #40.

There are usually 2-4 of Captain Rig’s sailors present in the tavern.

Sailors (2-4): See area #40.

There is one guy talking to various people at the bar. He looks rather out of place for he is dressed like a farmer, but has a wild crazy look in his eye. His name is Sej and he is looking for anyone to back his newest idea. He wants to create an axebeak ranch outside the city walls. He says, “It’s gonna be huge!”

Sej: AC 10; MV 12”; hp 8; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6.

One of the people in the tavern who will keep a watchful eye on the party is Rogar, a huge, half-orc assassin with a greenish hue to his skin. He is a member of the assassin’s guild, which has been driven underground. He will wish to talk to the player characters, buy them drinks, and eventually get around to asking them if they are willing to be hired as mercenary bodyguards. He is really trying to get them to become members of the assassin’s guild.

Rogar (5th level assassin, half-orc): AC 7; MV 12”; hp 35; #AT 2; Dmg 1-6/1-6 or by weapon type; SA: PP 45%, OL 47%, F/RT 45%, MS 40 %, HS 31%, HN 25%, CW 95%, RL 15%, backstab x2. He wields a poisoned longsword, save vs. poison +4 or 15 hits points of damage in 1-4 rounds. He can strike twice, full damage on first hit, half damage on second hit. He can recoat his sword with poison in 1 round or he can employ one of his 4 hidden daggers.

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S 17, I 15, W 12, D 13, Co 17, Ch 7

There is a thief ring present in the bar working their trade. The head of the group is Hack, a 5th level thief, who is present with his thief trainer, Davos, and three young first level thieves. Hack and Davos are aware of one another, but in the tavern they do not acknowledge one another. The 1st level thieves do not know Hack and do not acknowledge Davos as they are being tested. There is a good chance one of the three initiate thieves will try to steal from a member of the party. If the attempt goes poorly, excuses will be offered. If that goes poorly, the other thieves (all except Hack) will try to distract the party in some subtle manner so that the incompetent thief can flee. They will not, however, directly confront the party.

Hack (5th level thief, human): AC 5; MV 12”; hp 24; #AT 1; Dmg 1-8 or by weapon type; SA: backstab x3. Carries a short sword and dagger.

Davos (3rd level thief, halfling): AC 7; MV 12”; hp 12; #AT 1; Dmg 1-8 or by weapon type; SA: backstab x3. Carries 3 daggers.

Thief (1st level) (3): AC 8; MV 12”; hp 3, 4, 6; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon type. Each is armed with a dagger.

One character in the tavern is Fife, a short, skinny, wiry man with a potbelly. He has dark blotchy features and is balding on top. He is a slave agent, coordinating with Baka to provide new slaves. He works out details of dates, times, and payments with Baka, then he works out the details with those in the mercenary business, many of those in the room. One of the people he has used in the past is Gister, a mercenary fighter who can be hired for any of the dirty work necessary. Fife is nothing more than a go-between for the people in the room.

Fife: AC 3; MV 12”; hp 3; #AT 1; Dmg 1-4. He wears +1 chainmail under his baggy clothing.

Gister is usually at the bar and usually drinking beer. He is a gruff personality who mellows as he drinks. He can and has been hired for everything from serving as a bodyguard to assassinations, although his are the crude type, not the more refined work of a true assassin. He is truly a jack-of-all-trades. He

has now run two operations for Fife, one rounding up foreigners in the dark alleys of Dyvers and the other a foray through the farms to the west of Dyvers. His right hand man is Malker, who is also at the bar with him.

Gister (6th level fighter, human): AC 1; MV 12”; hp 42; #AT 2; Dmg 1-6/1-6 or by weapon type. Gister wears +3 chainmail, wields a +2 battle axe, has on his belt a +2 throwing axe, wears a ring of free action, and has a potion of extra healing and a potion of growth.

S 17, I 9, W 11, D 14, Co 15, Ch 9

Malker is an assistant to Fife and they have come to make a deadly team. Malker is more the brains of the two, but he knows his place is as a deputy to Gister. He owes Gister for helping to advance and he knows that he can continue to achieve if he stays by him. Malker does, however, wish they would do more adventuring and less mercenary work for they seem to do better financially and with securing magical items. Fife will only do adventuring, however, when he hits rock bottom.

Malker (3rd level fighter, human): AC 2; MV 12”; hp 19; #AT 1; Dmg 1-8 or by weapon type. Malker wears chainmail, a +3 ring of protection, wields a +2 hammer, and has a potion of healing.

S 15, I 16, W 14, D 14, Co 13, Ch 9

Quix is a 5th level fighter from Hardby who is lawful good. He became aware of the black market for slaves in Hardby, where he is originally from, and he has traced it back to Dyvers. He knows that the Tavern is the source of the slave traders business, but he cannot figure out how. The problem is, he fancies himself a knight, who lives by a code, and he wants to rescue young maidens in distress. He wants to free the slaves. The only problem is, he does not fit in with the crowd at the Tavern (wearing plate mail does that to people), so he can gain no useful information. He pretends to be a form of fallen away member of the Mountaineer Militia who is now seeking to become active in the slave trade. He is not very good at it.

Quix (5th level fighter, human): AC 0; MV 12”; hp 28; #AT 1; Dmg 1-8 or by weapon type. Quix wears +1

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plate mail, has a +1 shield, and wields a +1 broad sword.

S 17, I 9, W 10, D 14, Co 15, Ch 11

Villanoman is a 5th level thief who had led a group of thieves to Willip in the Kingdom of Furyondy. They hired a ship, sailed to Willip, and began shanghaiing people as slaves. He went for what looked to be an easy target one night, but turned out to be an 11th level fighter, and he lost his left arm. He managed to get out of Willip with his life and his slaves, but after the pay out, he has been in the Tavern, ever since, brooding and drinking his profits away. He knows where the slavers have their stockade as he was told to take the slaves he captured directly there.

Villanoman (5th level thief, human): AC 8; MV 12”; hp 26; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon type. He wears leather armor, but takes a penalty for this loss of an arm. His only weapon is a dagger.

Bacchanal is a 4th level magic-user who some time ago was an aspiring magician. He had been full of fire and lofty goals until he discovered the Tavern of Unknown Depths. He began drinking and now spends most of his afternoons, evenings, and nights at the bar. He somehow has enough money to get by, but he will always take a free drink. He will, however, never buy one for anyone else. This is due to the fact on his last adventure he found Bucknard’s everful purse which each day will yield 26 sp, 26 ep, and 26 gp, more than enough to pay for his food, drink, and a flophouse. Due to the fact he is inebriated most of the time, he never can remember more than a couple of spells.

Bacchanal (4th level magic-user, elven): AC 4; MV 12”; hp 15; #AT 1; Dmg 1-4 or by weapon type or by spell. He wears bracers of defense AC 4 and carries a dagger. The only spells he can currently remember are light and magic missile.

Dephilous is a man who everyone finds revolting. He talks oddly, he dresses poorly, his hair is dark, wispy, and sticks up at odd angles and lengths. He seems a bit disturbed, is always short of money, and harasses people to no end. He is also rude, interrupts people talking, joins groups already sitting and talking without asking, and will then talk about

himself. He almost never contributes to a conversation nor even talks about the same topic as the conversation. And he stands and sits way too close for comfort. He is trying, however, to establish himself as a slave trader, but his personality marks him as a risk. There is a plan being hatched by Baka to have him arrested on trumped up charges by the city guard sometime this evening.

Deophilous: AC 10; MV 12”; HD 1; hp 4; #AT 1; Dmg 1-4.

There are four wannabe adventurers sitting at one of the tables. They fancy themselves dark shady characters who will get into bar fights, steal goods for a living, and sail on the Nyr Dyv as pirates. All four talk a good game, but they do very little to advance themselves and have done none of the things they talk about. If pushed, however, out of peer pressure, they will act, but act rashly.

Fighter, Human (1st level) (4): AC 8; MV 12”; hp 4, 6, 8, 9; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon type. One is armed with a hammer, another a dagger, and the other two carry hand axes.

Alexandra is a 6th level fighter who has just returned from Greyhawk by land, where she heard rumors of Iuz plotting to move on the Kingdom of Furyondy. Since she never had much love for Furyondy or its King, she thinks the move could be positive. What she is trying to work out with the others at her table is how it could advantage them. If Iuz did attack Furyondy, how could they take advantage of the situation for profit?

Alexandra (6th level fighter, human): AC -1; MV 12”; hp 27; #AT 1; Dmg 1-8 or by weapon type. She wields a longsword, wears +4 plate mail, and has a potion of ESP.

Dogrell is a friend and fellow fighter with Alexandra and also has a love interest in her. His conjecture is that if Iuz attacks Furyondy, their rear would remain unguarded as they sent soldiers north, meaning that many of the small towns and villages would be vulnerable. He has heard of the slave trade on the Nyr Dyv and if they could round up villagers and sell them to the slave traders, they could make a lot of money.

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Dogrell (6th level fighter, human): AC 2; MV 12”; hp 31; #AT 1; Dmg 1-8 or by weapon type; Wears chain mail, carries a shield, is armed with a +2 longsword, and wears a +2 brooch of shielding.

There are three other fighters at the table, all enamored with Alexandra and would follow her anywhere. All three, however, are afraid of Dogrell and will not challenge him for Alexandra’s hand.

Fighter (3rd level) (3): AC 6; MV 12”; hp 15; #AT 1; Dmg 1-8 or by weapon type (long sword).

There is one more group in the Tavern, a loud, boisterous group of half-orcs, consisting of five half-orcs (one an assassin and another a fighter/cleric) as well as an orc pretending to mix in with the half-orcs. These are the most likely group to be in a bar fight, possibly with the group of 1st level human fighters or possibly with the adventuring party.

Half-orc (3): AC 10; MV 9”; HD 1; hp 6 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6.

Half-orc (assassin): AC 8; MV 9”; HD 5; hp 25; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon type (short sword); SA: backstab for triple damage

Half-orc (5th level fighter/4th level cleric): AC 7; MV 9”; HD 4; hp 33; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon type; SA: spells. Carries a mace and has the following spells:

1st level: Cure light wounds, detect magic, light

2nd level: Hold person, resist fire

Orc: AC 6; MV 9”; HD 1; hp 7; #AT 1; Dmg 1-8 or by weapon type. Carries an axe and a crossbow.


Just past the docks, set back from the banks of the lake, are a long series of buildings and warehouses with few breaks in the structures save for some dark alleys and stairways. For the most part the land between the docks and buildings is kept clear except in this one area where sits a number of nets, heavy ropes, and stools. There, nearly a dozen men sit working their hands. There is one man who stands out from the rest for he appears to be working the carcass of some dead creature. Behind them all

stand a set of warehouse doors wide open, above which reads a sign: “The Longshoremen Guild.”

The dozen men are all men of the longshoremen’s guild and the warehouse is their guildhouse or meeting place. The men are all working on the nets and ropes that the longshoremen use on a daily basis. Most of the men are old and can no long serve as stevedores, but they hang out at the guildhouse and they help the young ones with advice and using their hands to repair the ropes and nets they often use in the unloading and loading of cargo.

The one man working on the creature is Dash, an old salty dog and longshoremen who has had a long career working in and around boats. He is currently making a Jenny Haniver which he sells to visitors in Dyvers for a gold piece each. He claims they are monsters he catches. In reality, they are dead stingrays that he cuts in certain ways to make them look like monsters similar to the morkoth.

Dash is a talkative fellow and will talk the player characters’ ears off if he is given the chance. He will talk about the guild, sailing the lake, seas and oceans of Oerth, and nearly anything the player characters have a mind to talk about. Dash also has the unique ability to tell a lot about a ship based on everything from the type of ship, how it sits in the water, its construction, etc., and that has made him a keen observer of the Lacedon. He has never, however, mentioned any of his observations to anyone. No one ever asked.

If Dash is asked, he can tell the player characters that any longshoreman worth his salt can tell that the Lacedon carries no legitimate cargo by the way it sits in the water – not deep enough. It carries human cargo and a lot of it. He also knows the ship was not built in Dyvers, nor anywhere along the Nyr Dvy, but is more indicative of a ship from the Woolly Bay. He knows, however, that it has been in the Nyr Dyv for at least four months, maybe up to six months, because of the barnacles it is picking up. There are some barnacles from the Woolly Bay area on the boat, most likely indicative of those found in the northern portion of that bay, so he concludes the boat is from Safeton or Hardby. He also knows because he sits out here every day and night now

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that he is an old longshoreman with a bad case of insomnia. He helps with the nets and ropes and makes his Jenny Hanivers which he has been doing for years. The Lacedon, nor any other boat he notes, has ever anchored in the middle of the lake for that long. He also knows that the boat receives many people, slaves, at about 2 or 3 a.m. in the morning. He knows they are slaves because they are often bound, gagged, and try to flee. He has seen some literally beaten into the hold of the ship. He also knows that when the boat does lift anchor, it is almost always at 4 a.m. in the morning, but it returns by 7 a.m. to once again drop its anchor. There are not too many places the boat could row to in that little time and unload its cargo. He knows they unload their cargo, for when the boat returns, it sits higher in the water. Since it rows east, based on his observations for nearly the past six months, he estimates they are making it only as far as the last of Dyver’s islands.

Dash (3rd level fighter): AC 8; MV 9”; hp 19; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon type. Dash has a large knife with which he carves his Jenny Hanivers (treat as dagger).


Upon opening the door to the warehouse, which looks like all the others doors in this district, reveals a tent-like foyer created by using a ship’s sail suspended from the ceiling. There are low murmurs and the sound of rattling chains coming from the other side of the makeshift entryway.

The ship’s sail has no opening, so the sail itself has to either be pulled aside from either side of the entryway or lifted from where it touches the floor. Pulling the sail back on either side of the door will reveal a team of 3 hobgoblins that guard the entrance to the warehouse. Lifting the sail from the floor will reveal a large warehouse with cages stacked up upon one another with a wide array of males and females, young and old, who are humans, halflings, or elves locked in the pens, many in chains, and a number of the men are gagged. There are more hobgoblins walking around the cages and a mix of hobgoblins and gnolls located at the rear of the warehouse guarding the slaves.

In the event of an attack, the hobgoblin teams at the entrance will sound the alarm and attack. The hobgoblin leader, at the rear of the warehouse will send a runner out the back entrance, into the alleyway, to make their way to the Tavern of Unknown Depths in the evening/night, or to the Lacedon during the day for help. He will then order all of the gnolls and the hobgoblins walking the cages into combat, reserving 5 hobgoblins to protect him. If the fight turns against the hobgoblins he will retreat out the rear entrance and flee.

All of the slaves are caged, while some are in shackles, and still others bound and gagged. None of them are in a situation to fight and all but one-quarter are in a condition to fight if they could. The majority of these people were taken from outside of the walls of the city and beyond. They were primarily transported into the city in the back of a wagon at night and offloaded into the warehouse. The movement from the warehouse to the Lacedon is done on an irregular basis, under cover of darkness, in order to conceal the warehouse’s involvement in the slave trade.

The hobgoblin leader is the one who has been left in charge of paying for the slaves and he is to bargain for the price of a slave paying up to 10 gp for a youth, up to 20 gp for a female, and up to 30 gp for a male. He is authorized to go up to 50 gp for a slave if it is a female of exceptional beauty or a male of exceptional strength. He has a chest in the rear of the warehouse from which he pays for the slaves. He wears the key to the chest on a lanyard. He has been taking one gp for each transaction himself and he claims any items that remain on the slaves which were overlooked by the slave agents and their ilk.

Hobgoblin leader: AC 3; MV 9”; HD 1+1 (fights as 3HD monster); hp 16; #AT 1; Dmg 3-10 or by weapon type; armed with a broad sword and a morning star.

Hobgoblin (23): AC 5; MV 9”; HD 1+1; hp 7 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-8 or by weapon type; each hobgoblin is armed with a polearm.

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Gnoll (16): AC 5; MV 9”; HD 2; hp 12 each; #AT 1; Dmg 2-8 or by weapon type; each gnoll is armed with a pole-arm.

Slaves (83): AC 10; MV 12”; hp 4 each, #AT 1; Dmg 1.

Treasure: Each hobgoblin carries a pouch with 3-24 cp and 2-8 gp, while each gnoll carries a pouch containing 2-12 ep and 2-8 gp. The hobgoblin leader has a large pouch containing 97 cp, 48 sp, 31 ep, 167 gp, 19 pieces of jewelry valued at 10 gp each, 8 pieces of jewelry valued at 50 gp each, and one hairpin with a pearl valued at 100 gp, there are also an assorted number of items such as combs, brushes, etc. all together valued at 25 gp. In the rear of the warehouse there is a locked chest (the hobgoblin leader has the key) in which are 1,257 gp.


A group of five ruffians, wearing ragged robes and clothing, traveling the alley in your direction, suddenly take a keen interest in you as they reach for their weapons.

This is a local group of derelicts who have become aware of the slave trade and wish to profit from the lucrative business. They travel the back alleys of Dyvers both day and night looking for strangers or those they think are strangers to Dyvers. Their method is to attack with damage and then, once the people are intimidated, strike them for non-lethal damage to subdue them. They then use gags to quiet their captives, human-sized sacks to cover them from head to foot, and ropes to bind them. They then carry the individuals to the warehouse (See area #44) of which they are familiar. This group does not know the Tavern of Unknown Depths is the slavers meeting place, nor do they know of the Lacedon. They only heard of the warehouse from a slave agent, which they worked for once and then went into business for themselves.

Thief, leader (5th level, halfling): AC 5; MV 12”; hp 24; #AT 1; Dmg 1-8 or by weapon type; SA: backstab x3. Carries a short sword and a +1 dagger.

Thief (3rd level, human): AC 7; MV 12”; hp 12; #AT 1; Dmg 1-8 or by weapon type; SA: backstab x3. Carries a short sword and 2 daggers.

Bandit: AC 5; MV 12”; HD 1; hp 6; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon type. Wears chainmail and carries a longsword.

Half-orc: AC 6; MV 9”; HD 1; hp 8; #AT 1; Dmg 1-8 or by weapon type. Carries a short sword and flail.

Orc: AC 6; MV 9”; HD 1; hp 7; #AT 1; Dmg 1-8 or by weapon type. Carries the gags, sacks, and rope.

Treasure: The thief leader carries a pouch with 72 gp, the 3rd level thief has a pouch containing 57 gp, the bandit has a pouch containing 17 gp, the half-orc has a pouch containing 12 gp, and the orc has a pouch containing 1 gp.


As you travel through the alleyway, you notice up ahead there is a sewer gate that has been moved aside.

Assassination used to be such a professional trade that they had their own guild. It used to be notes were left on the bodies of the assassin’s handiwork in order to gain prestige in the Assassin’s guild. Even since the guild was outlawed (read: driven underground), the assassin’s discovered that dropping the bodies in the sewers solved their problem for the city had placed otyughs in the city’s sewers for rubbish disposal. Unfortunately, the otyugh developed a taste for human flesh and they often seek to catch an unsuspecting victim walking past an open sewer grate. It moves aside the grate, watches for passerby with its eyestalk, then grabs them with its tentacles.

Otyugh: AC 3; MV 6”; HD 8; hp 43; #AT 3; Dmg 1-8/1-8/2-5; SA: 90% chance of contracting typhus from its bite; SD: never surprised.

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Hex84 (G4-88)

“Not to let the light of virtuous actions shine on us at all times, through every crevice, is to live in a dungeon.”

-Henry David Thoreau, Journal


This large island features vertical cliffs all along the shoreline except for in this one craggy outpost upon which sits an old lighthouse. There are two stone posts sticking up out of the water, and a set of stone staircases leading upward to the lighthouse. Beyond the lighthouse, the terrain continues to climb upward. In the center of the island, situated far back from the lighthouse, you catch a glimpse of some old ruins from up on high.

This island has recently been dubbed Ghoul’s Island by some outsiders, for the slaver named Ghoul, the 11th level assassin. It is appropriately named, for in addition to ghouls, other undead guard the island against all intruders. The true name of the island was, nearly 500 years ago, Vuk’s Rock (translated into Wolf’s Rock), named for the island and keep’s original owner, Slavik Von Vuk. Slavik is now referred to as Slav the Slaver and he has returned to reclaim his island and rebuild his keep. He will do so off of the backs of the slaves and the slave trade who, unbeknownst to any of them save his victims, conveniently provides him with his daily meal, blood, for Slav is a Vampire and a 10th level magic user.

From the moment the player characters approach Ghoul’s Island, Slav will be aware of their presence.

If it is night, he can observe them from the old ruins, use his clairaudience and clairvoyance spells, or use his vampiric power to transform into a bat, a wolf, or gaseous form. If it is during the day, he will control the skeleton warrior with its circlet and observe the player characters through his eyes, while he remains in the safety of the dungeon away from the sunlight. Both the skeleton warrior and Slav are of the same height and build and they both wear the same black hooded robe. Slave uses the skeleton warrior to represent him as much as possible, including in combat, before revealing himself.


There are rocky shoals around the peninsula on this island creating a hazard for boats. There are two rock posts projecting out of the water, spanning the distance of 75’ from each other, possibly marking a path for boats to reach the shore where there is a staircase leading up to an old lighthouse.

The area between the posts is still part of the shoals, but it features no rocks. A boat, such as the slave ship, can make it to the shore without any hazard as the sand between the posts is deep enough. In addition, despite the fact the old lighthouse is decaying, the lamp is still lit at night.

However, any intruders entering the shoals, whether in the clear or rocky area, by night or day, and regardless of the presence of the Lacedon, will be attacked by the undead lacedon that live in these rocky shoals. If small boats are used, the lacedon will try to tip them over. If larger boats are used, the lacedon will climb aboard and attack. They will fight until they are destroyed.

Lacedon (15): AC 6; MV 9”; HD 2; hp 12 each; #AT 3; Dmg 1-3/1-3/1-6; SA: paralyzation; SD; immune to sleep and charm spells.

Treasure: In and amongst the rocks of the shoal are 3,826 cp, 3,156 gp, a gold locket (the picture deteriorated by the lake water) worth 400 gp, and a gold crown with diamonds and rubies worth 8,000 gp.

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As you make your way up the stone stairs set at intervals of approximately 20’ apart, the old lighthouse looms before you. The structure is approximately 80’ in height with a catwalk around the glass dome. There are numerous cracks throughout the exterior of the lighthouse and it does not appear as if it has been used in decades if not centuries. The entrance is a single wooden door which has all but rotted away and what remains hangs crooked on one hinge. Despite the fact the structure looks abandoned you cannot help but feel that someone or something is watching you.

The lighthouse is not entirely abandoned, but that is not from where the odd feeling of being watched originates. That, rather, comes from the old ruins where the vampire (if night) or the skeletal warrior (if day) watches the player characters. In addition, not only are they watched from high above, through the magical spell of clairvoyance they may be seen up close and personal, and through the spell clairaudience they may also be heard.


The door that once served as the entry to the lighthouse is easily bypassed due to the dry-rotting and for the fact it now hangs at an awkward angle by only the upper hinge. The passageway past the door is filled with dust and sand, although the impressions of footprints from recent visitors remain. Most of the impressions, however, appear to be just inside the entryway. All three of the doors in the short hallway are shut and have fared well the vestiges of time.

Although the entrance looks normal for an old lighthouse and other than the footprints, nothing seems amiss, when the player characters step into the hallway that will change. Once they enter the hallway, the effect will be as if a darkness and silence spell have been cast on the hallway, leaving only a dim modicum of light coming from the entryway (unless they enter at night). The lighthouse from the entryway to the lookout loft (See area #65) will have this same affect in effect.

Just inside the entryway is the location where Slav the Slaver places the box containing the amount of gold pieces due for each shipment of slaves that are offloaded to the island and marched up the hill to the ruins of the old keep.


The room is heavily covered in dust and at the center of this quarter-circle room stands a long rectangular table with 8 chairs.

There is a lair of dust on the table and chairs as well. The chairs are dry rotted, so anyone sitting on one of them will cause it to collapse. The table has fared far better, although the edges show signs of rotting.


Through the arched entryway, is a slightly smaller room with a large fireplace located on the outer wall. There appears to be little in the room other than a few counters, cabinets, and a door on the far wall.

The fireplace is filled with a heavy pile of ash, dirt, and sand. The former left from long ago, while the latter has blown down the chimney over time. The chimney is coated in a green slime – the creature – so anyone stepping into the chimney or looking up the flue will be attacked.

The door is closed and opens to the pantry (See area #53).

Green slime: AC 9; MV 0”; HD 2; hp 11; #AT 0; Dmg nil; SA: can drop onto to a player character from above, attach to living flesh, and turn the creature into green slime in 1-4 rounds. Note: it can be scraped off, excised, frozen, or burned, and a cure disease spell will kill it.


As the door opens you see a slightly smaller room than the kitchen and the walls are lined with cabinets. There is something about the floor that catches your attention . . . it is moving.

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There is a colony of rats living in the pantry. They will only attack in defense. However, anyone entering the room will cause them to run in all directions.

Rat (157): AC 7; MV 15”; HD ¼; hp 2 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1; SA: swarm and 5% chance of disease.


You enter a large room throughout which lie piles of dirt, debris, and stones.

The room was used as a storage room, but anything of value disappeared long ago and the wooden building materials have all rotted. The only thing that remains are the stones used for building projects and a few pickaxe and shovel heads as the wooden handles long ago rotted.


The door opens and a violent wind comes raging down the hallway, through the doorway, and up the circular stairway that stands before you. The wind is enough to make you check your balance, but eerily, there was no sound.

The door to the circular stairs located at the center of the lighthouse is stuck as if locked. Once it is forced open, there will be a rush of air traveling from the doorway, down the hall, and up the circular stairs. If the player characters look behind them, they will see that the front entry door has fallen off its one remaining hinge and crashed to the ground without a sound.


As you reach the first level of the lighthouse you come to two doors, one on either side. Despite having experienced total silence in the lighthouse, you hear the rattle of chains coming from somewhere above.

Despite the silence spell cast over the lighthouse, the chains of the keeper of the lighthouse’s shadow lanthorn makes the rattling sound that is heard. The keeper of the lighthouse was an evil minion of Slavik Von Vuk, providing him - in days long past - the victims he needed to feed upon by luring them to the lighthouse through distress calls. When he died,

he was cursed to continue lighting the lighthouse at night forever as a ghost.


The door opens to a large room with a window through which a modicum of light is able to shine. By the window are a floor carpet, a rocking chair, and a small side table. The rocking chair is steadily rocking back and forth before suddenly coming to a halt. The small side table then lifts off the floor and flies rapidly in your direction.

The creature sitting in the rocking chair, although invisible, is a poltergeist. She was the wife of the keeper of the lighthouse. She spent most of her time in the sitting room and was eventually killed in her rocking chair by her evil husband. She is thus fixed to this room and does not shine to intruders.

Poltergeist: AC 10; MV 6”; HD 1-4 hp; hp 1; #AT 0; Dmg 0; SA: can throw objects as a 5HD monster for no damage, but it can cause fear for 2-24 melee rounds (save versus spells); SD: invisible so -4 to hit unless attacker can see invisibility; silver or magical weapons to hit. Note: treated as a ghoul for turning by a cleric.


You enter a large work room with a window on the far wall. There are many tables, stools, and small hand-tools neatly organized on the workbench.

This was the keeper of the lighthouse’s one hobby, woodworking. He spent most of his free time in this room as his wife spent most of her time in the sitting room. The items in this room remain in fairly good working order and have not succumbed to the passage of time.

The keeper of the lighthouse will not be happy with the player characters if they enter his workroom. If they do so, he will appear either in the room or on the stairway, wherever the majority of the player characters are located. He will appear as a man in a robe with a hood holding a chain in one hand that is connected to a lanthorn in the other. The hand holding the chain will reach over to the lantern, which puts off a faint light (and evil dweomer), and will open the lens wide. Out of the

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lanthorn will fly 7 shadows that quickly move along the floor, walls and ceilings toward the player characters and attack. The man will disappear.

Shadow (7): AC 7; MV 12”; HD 3+3; hp 16 each; #AT 1; Dmg 2-5; SA: strength drain; SD: +1 or better weapons to hit; not affected by sleep, charm, or hold spells, nor subject to cold-based attacks; 90% undetectable. Note: if bright light is cast to detect the shadows, there is still the darkness spell in affect.


As you climb the spiral stairs to the second level, you suddenly hear a high pitched noise break through the silence and the sounds of glass shattering.

The ghost has created a high resonance sound causing the glass dome of the lighthouse to shatter as in the spell. Player characters will need to save versus magic to avoid the damage from the sound burst (1-8 hit points of damage) and then save versus breath weapon to avoid the damage from the rain of glass that will shower down upon them (1-8 hit points of damage). If anyone is seriously hurt by both the ghost may attempt his magic jar spell (See area #65).


This room contains several tables and workbenches upon which rest several plates of glass. A number of other plates of glass are stored off to the side, many of them broken, and there are a dozen lanthorns, all seemingly in poor condition.

This was the lighthouse service room. Any work on the lighthouse itself was conducted in this room and then taken to the lookout loft for replacement. The glass plates were used to repair the dome, while the lanthorns were used to light the dome. All of the lanthorns are in poor working condition and are of no value.


The room features a small square window in the far wall and is devoid of any furnishings save for four casters on the floor where a bed may have once stood. The floor is covered in a thick lair of dust and

the air is decidedly cold in the room and there is a feint smell of ozone.

The lighthouse was built with two extra bedrooms with the intent that the keeper of the lighthouse and his wife would have children. They had one who died at birth and was then buried in an unmarked grave. The furnishings were then removed and the room abandoned. The ozone and cold temperature are the remnants of the child’s essence.


You enter a bedroom with a small square window on the far wall. There is only a bed, a nightstand, and small chest of drawers in the room. The room is covered in a thick lair of dust that lies undisturbed.

This room was to have been another bedroom for the children of the keeper of the lighthouse and his wife, but after their one failed attempt at children, they converted this room into a guestroom. They rarely ever had guests and when they did, the keeper turned them over to Slavik von Vuk.


You enter a bedroom with a large window on the far side of the room. There is a wide bed in the room with two nightstands, a dresser drawer, a vanity, and an armoire. Something in the shape of a human female lies under the covers of the bed.

If the player characters enter the room, crossing over the threshold triggers the equivalent of a stinking cloud spell. At that point, the creature under the covers will animate.

After the keeper of the lighthouse’s wife was murdered, her body was turned into a statute and placed in the bed. The body can move and is similar to that of a gargoyle, but it has the spell-like ability of blink and its touch causes the person to dimension door to the location desired by the gargoyle; in this case, the catwalk of the lighthouse where the ghost awaits.

The creature will animate, pull back the covers, showing its hideously demonic face and grossly deformed female body. It uses its ability of blink to

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confuse the player characters and move closer for one of its strikes (claw, claw, and bite). If the creature strikes a player character they will suffer the damage of that one strike and then dimension door. The creature will then continue to attack the other player characters.

Gargoyle: AC 5; MV 9”; HD 4+4; hp 24; #AT 3; Dmg 1-3/1-3/1-4; SA: dimension door; SD: blink, +1 or better weapons to hit.


As you reach the top of the spiral staircase to the lookout loft of the lighthouse, you hear the sound of a door opening and slamming shut, opening and slamming shut.

The ghost is taunting the player characters. The door can be either bypassed by timing the opening and closing or blocking the action.


You enter a 10’ wide corridor that appears to wrap around the top of the lighthouse. The ceiling is a glass dome, but despite the numerous broken panes over the spiral staircase the circular hallway is still very dark. To the right of the door, there is a box with a silvery reflective material on the inside situated 5’ above the floor and across from it are two sliding doors that are currently opened.

The box is the location where the lanthorn is placed to shine the light from the lighthouse. If it is nighttime, the doors were opened for there is a lanthorn placed in the box. If it is daytime, there is no lanthorn in the box, but the doors are opened as this is where the player characters will be dimension doored to if they are touched by the creature from area #63.

The ghost will attempt to attack the player characters with its magic jar ability either as they come through the slamming door or they appear on the catwalk from the dimension door. If the player character appears on the catwalk from the dimension door, they will have a moment of disorientation as they will be standing on a catwalk looking down 80’ to the stone stairs below. The ghost will try to deal with the first player character

with its magic jar ability before semi-materializing and attacking in that form.

Ghost: AC 0 (or 8 on ethereal plane); MV 9”; HD 10; hp 46; #AT 1; Dmg age 10-40 years; SA: magic jar, mere sight causes person to age 10 years and panic for 2-12 turns (save vs. magic; clerics above 6th level immune, all others above 8th add +2 to saving throw); SD: can only be struck by silver for 50% damage or magical weapons for full damage.

Treasure: the ghost carries a shadow lanthorn and located in the lookout loft’s hallway, opposite the sliding doors to the catwalk is a chest containing: 2,141 cp, 5,497 sp, 1,040 ep, 6,321 gp, a scroll of protection from undead, scroll of wall of ice, ring of swimming, potion of longevity (x2), potion of gaseous form, potion of super-heroism, potion of healing, potion of fire resistance, elixir of health, and a potion of fire resistance.


Through the double sliding doors there is a catwalk the circles the glass dome of the lighthouse. It is made of wood and while there is no railing, it is 10’ to the edge.

The catwalk wood is old and dry rotted in places, so each character faces a 10% chance of breaking through the wood and a 5% chance of falling through the catwalk for every point of their dexterity below 18. The fall is 80’ to the ground.


The stairs continue climbing upward past the lighthouse, with a stone step spaced every 35’ or so. The terrain itself turns from a mixture of dirt and sand to an emerald green of verdant pastures where the stairs climb, but on either side it is marked by brown hills and jagged mountains rising up toward the sky.

The island is in two parts, connected by a land bridge (See area #72). The height of the tallest mountains on the first part is 220’, while the mountain tops of the second part rise to 770’ above the lake. The stairs have about a 10% grade in this part of the island. All seems quiet and peaceful and

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there is a continual wind blowing over the island from off the lake.


This small island is only 150’ in diameter and is made of jagged rocks that rise upward at an equal height above the lake. There is a solitary and expansive tree growing out of the center of the little island and underneath it can be seen the remnants of a small building made of stone.

If the player characters paddle around this island, or from a distance, or if they gain some altitude over the small island, they will see the tree and stones. If they investigate, it will be difficult climbing to get up to the tree. There, however, they will find a mausoleum made of carved stone. This was Slavik Von Vuk’s faithful servant, Remfeld, who was killed trying to defend him 500 years previous when the viceroyalty of Ferrund attacked the island. Slavik had the mausoleum built on this small island that was uninhabited and Remfeld was buried there. The way in which he was killed however had sent Remfeld to the negative material plane where he still mostly resides, although with a strong pull to the mausoleum because of his faithfulness to Slavik.

If the player characters enter the mausoleum, Remfeld will appear and attack, guarding any who defile his place of honor.

Spectre: AC 2; MV 15”/30”; HD 7+3; hp 36; #AT 1; Dmg 1-8; SA: 2 levels energy drain; SD: not affected by sleep, charm, hold, or cold-based spells, poison or paralyzation, and it is +1 or better weapons to hit. Note: holy water causes 2-8 hit points of damage and a raise dead spell destroys it unless it saves versus magic.

Treasure: 12,883 gp, 12 bloodstones each worth 500 gp, potion of human control, and a pair of eyes of charming.


As the stairs arc to the west the paths diverge. The stair case which travels due west continues to climb upward, whereas the stairs that head in a southwesterly direction drop off into a saddle before climbing up a mesa that lies 300’ away. The

top of the mesa, from your vantage point, appears to be a cemetery.

The southern passage takes the player characters to the mesa cemeteries (See area #70), while the western route will take them to the bridge of the devil (See area #72). Either route, however, will cause them to encounter the pack of the ghouls and ghasts (See area #71) as their movement along the paths alerts them of the player characters’ presence.


The areas where the mesas are located are in low lying valleys. The tops of the flat mesas are covered with various sized stones protruding from the ground, some amounting to large piles of stones. These are headstones and mausoleums that have been toppled over, broken, and smashed. Shallow impressions, situated near the stones are mostly filled with dirt and debris. The wind blows through the grass on top of these mesas, blowing the dirt and debris and kicking up small dust devils here and there.

The stone stairs lead to the top of the mesas and they are very steep. On top of the mesas are burial grounds which date back to when the island was Vuk’s Rock. At that time, it was often used to bury both the dead and the undead. Upon a casual inspection of the cemeteries, however, it should be obvious that there have also been recent burials along with unburials of the graves. This is because the slaves that die in captivity are loosely buried in the cemetery as a means of pleasing and feeding the ghouls and ghasts that prowl the island.


Guttural and slavering sounds alert you to movement as dozens of foul humans come racing down the hillsides like a pack of wild dogs.

This is a pack of ghouls, led by many ghasts, looking for a meal. They will attack with an all-out reckless frenzy as they are hungry for more human flesh. If the ghasts are all destroyed, the ghouls will begin to hesitate and after their numbers are halved, they will flee. As long as there is a ghast remaining, they will continue to fight without fear. Any survivors will

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continue to harass the player characters, but only by tracking them and looking for a good opportunity. They have no treasure as they are only concerned with human flesh, not baubles.

Ghast (6): AC 4; MV 15”; HD 4; hp 18 each; #AT 3; Dmg 1-4/1-4/1-8; SA: carrion stench causes retching and nausea forcing opponents to take a -2 on to hit rolls (save versus poison), any successful strike causes paralyzation (save versus paralyzation); SD: immune to sleep and charm spells, circle of protection from evil does not keep them at bay unless used with cold iron. Note: cold iron does double damage to ghasts.

Ghoul (24): AC 6; MV 9”; HD 2; hp 12 each; #AT 3; Dmg 1-3/1-3/1-6; SA: paralyzation (save versus paralyzation); SD: immune to sleep and charm spells. Note: as long as there are ghasts still leading the attack, these ghouls will not be affected by a circle of protection from evil unless the ghasts are kept at bay. If all of the ghasts have been destroyed, the circle will work.


You come to what looks like a natural land bridge that connects the two parts of the island into one. The center of the bridge arches up in a hump and is situated 200’ above the lake that passes between the two land masses and under the bridge.

When the player characters step on the bridge, the sky will begin to grow dark. Then, when the player characters reach the hump in the middle of this natural bridge, they will find out why it has been named the bridge of the devil. A bone devil will appear on the other side of the hump, having been invisible up to now. Prior to turning visible it will attempt to create the illusion of an evil creature behind them and cast fear so that they run over the bridge. It may also use its ability to fly to knock player characters off the bridge. If reduced by a quarter of its hit points, it will attempt to summon another bone devil. Its mission is to keep strangers from crossing the bridge and it is controlled by Slavik Von Vuc. The vampire tricked the bone devil into servitude long ago.

Bone devil: AC -1; MV 15”; HD 9; hp 42; #AT 1; Dmg 3-12; SA: 50% chance a strike will snare the

opponent allowing the bone devil to strike with its tail for 2-8 hit points of damage plus a loss of 1-4 points of strength (save versus poison) for 10 melee rounds, at will once per turn can generate fear in 5’ radius sphere, create illusion, fly, become invisible, detect invisible, fear (spell), summon another bone devil (40% chance), and once per day create a wall of ice; SD: 40% magic resistance.


The lake channels through the middle of the island and 200’ above, there is a natural land bridge connecting the two islands into one. The natural bridge has a hump in the middle half-moon in shape combined with its reflection on the water below it creates a full circle in the water. The northern portion of the island has peaks reaching far greater distances into the sky than those on the southern end, and the run-off from those peaks channels its way to the edge of the cliffs and pours over into a dozen waterfalls with drops at least 200’ in height. It is truly a spectacular sight with the mist dousing the enter chasm in a fine spray.

It is 300’ to the cliffs above on the northern side and 200’ to those on the southern side. The clearance under the bridge is approximately 180’ from lake to bridge and the bridge itself is 20’ thick. The half-circle shaped hump at the center of the bridge is nearly 50’ in length. It would take special skill or magic to scale the cliffs along either side of this river-like area of the lake


As you enter the northern portion of the island, the stairs become much steeper climbing higher than those on the southern end of the island. As the stairs bend and climb to the east you hear a high pitched sound, a scream, but one that could never come from human lips. The air feels charged with energy, the sky grows even darker, and a sense of foreboding comes over you.

The sound emits from the 7 wraiths that guard the island. They are beginning to stir due to the player characters’ presence on the island (See area #76).

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As you continue to follow the path of stairs cut into the mountains, the sky around you grows darker and the winds begin to blow. There is a strange energy in the air, your footfalls become leaden, and your breathing more labored. The unearthly screams continue, but off in the distance. Closer, you hear the sound of something moving toward you.

The area surrounding the old ruins on the side of the hill, where the servants used to live and were slaughtered by the viceroyalty of Ferrund, is cursed. The area has a permanent darkness spell cast over it, so the player characters will not see these ruins even though the stairs pass right by them. It is at that point the wights that lair in the area will attack trying to bring them into their fold. If the wight’s strike the player characters on the stairs, they will take damage, but no energy drain. The wight, however, will have grabbed the opponent and will drag them into the ruins where they will be able to effectively use their energy drain. If a player character hits the wight, the player character will be freed of the wight’s grasp and their damage will still apply.

Wight (14): AC 5; MV 12”; HD 4+3; hp 21 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-4; SA: energy drain, causing one level of experience to be lost; SD: immune to sleep, charm, hold, or cold-based spells, poison and paralyzation. Note: holy water causes 2-8 hit points of damage and a raise dead spell destroys a wight.


The channel of the mountain passage grows more furrowed in the earth and seemingly even darker as the sound of thunder echoes across the sky. From ahead in the mountain tops, you hear the screams of some unknown creature not of Oerth. It seems to be multiplying, as screams cross over scream, then blend together in one horrific sound. Then, with one long high pitched scream in unison, black figures of the night coming bearing down the mountain upon you. There is no place to flee.

The 7 wraith riders in black come swooping down the stair path and attack the player characters. They will fly past the player characters at high

speeds then will abruptly appear behind them or beside them to attack. They do not attack in multiples, but only one at a time. After striking, each will pause in front of their victim, then rapidly fly away to once again return on another round and strike. These wraiths are controlled by Slavik Von Vuc.

Wraith (7): AC 4; MV 12”/24”; HD 5+3; hp 27 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6; SA: energy drain, a hit causes the loss of one energy level; SD: silver (half-damage) or magic (full damage) weapons to hit.


As you climb the last of the stairs to a mesa nestled amongst the highest peaks of the island, lightning illuminates the sky, thunder shakes the island, and rain begin to fall. When you reach the top, what stands ominously before you are the ruins of an ancient keep. Despite the darkness, you see well enough to identify a figure in the center of the ruins, standing on some toppled column of stone. He is highly visible when the lightning momentarily illuminates every dark shadow with a brilliant flash. The figure is tall and slender, human in shape, but hidden under a long black robe which is so deeply hooded, the man’s visage cannot be seen. He abruptly turns away from you and descends into the earth.

If it is nighttime, the person will be Slavik himself. If it is daytime, he will be commanding his skeletal warrior and observing the player characters through his eyes. Regardless of which it is, they are nearly identical in height, build, the robes they wear, and the only exposed part of each, their hands, are covered in identical black gloves. After looking at the player characters, whichever it is, he will turn and descend down the spiral stair well into the keep’s dungeon to prepare his final defenses.


As you pass through the ruins all covered in various shades of green moss, you come to the fallen pillar from which the black robed figure disappeared. The sight below you is one breathtaking to behold, for the ground gives way to a 30’ wide hole in the ground that drops 60’before coming to a well. There are four directional arrow designs in the

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ground beside the well, each pointing in one of the four cardinal directions. Along the shaft there are arched openings in a spiral formation leading downward to the level of the well, and tucked behind those archways is a 10’ wide spiral stairway. At various locations, from your vantage point, you can see alcoves tucked behind the spiral stairs in which are placed statutes of some ancient warrior as denoted by the chainmail, shields and spears. Nearby, there is a short staircase leading to the spiral stairway. Suddenly, as if appearing magically at the bottom of the shaft, next to the well, you see the black robed one looking up in your direction. It is clearly aware of your presence.

The spiral stairway and well were once covered over by Slavik’s Keep, but the destruction of the keep and the vagaries of time have exposed it to the sky above. The facility was known as the initiation well for anyone who became a victim of Slavik’s was initiated into the dungeon by descending the stairway under guard, then washed in the well before being imprisoned in one of the dungeon cells. There, they lingered, waiting until the vampire grew thirsty.

Each level is 10’ high and at any time one can look out of the archway and see the well located at the bottom of the shaft.


As you descend the spiral stairway, you gain a better perspective of how grand this shaft must have once been for the stairs are 10’ wide and the formation of the many archways is a remarkable feat of both architecture and design. As you enter the stairway, you also see that the statutes in the alcoves are the skeletal remains of some long ago warrior with chainmail, a helmet, shield, and spear. The remains are similar in each alcove, each being spaced 10’ apart, however, each statute strikes its own unique pose.

These statutes are Slavik’s guardians of the well who will clearly animate and attack the party. The player characters will probably anticipate this, but even if they attempt to bypass the skeletal guardians they will still animate, pursue, and attack. In addition, if for any reason they are attacked first,

they will all animate and attack. Finally, they usually wait until an intruder has descended one level underground before attacking.

Skeleton guardian (42): AC 4; MV 12”; HD 2; hp 9 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-8; SD: half-damage from sharp and/or edged weapons, sleep, harm, hold, and cold-based spells have no effect. Each skeleton wears chain mail and a helmet and bears a shield and spear. Note: holy water causes 2-8 hit points of damage to a skeleton.


The spiral stairs end in a 50’ diameter room with the 10’ wide well situated in the center of the room. The stone lip of the well is set 4’ high and coming from the well you hear the sound of rushing water. Four stone are marked with arrows and each points toward a hallway that disappears into darkness. You find on the outer edges of the room 10 more of these skeleton statutes, but these all carry two-handed swords and all are posed in the same manner.

The four arrows are aligned with the four cardinal points, but there is nothing significant about them. There is also nothing overly significant about the well either, however, the water in the well is actually an underground tunnel that carries water from the highest island mountain peaks to the one of the waterfalls that spills between the islands (See area #73). It is possible to jump into the well and ride the water to the waterfall as it is only a 750’ ride to the waterfall. The player character must go feet first and hold their breath for 30 seconds, otherwise they will sustain damage. The skeleton guardians in this room were the most recognized of Slavik’s guards, hence they are better armed and harder to destroy.

Skeleton guardian (10): AC 4; MV 12”; HD 3; hp 14 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-10; SD: half-damage from sharp and/or edged weapons, sleep, harm, hold, and cold-based spells have no effect. Each skeleton wears chain mail and a helmet and bears a shield and spear. Note: holy water causes 2-8 hit points of damage to a skeleton.

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North of the well lies a carved stone corridor that travels north into the dark. The ground of the tunnel is well trodden and the dust shows the tracks of numerous pairs of bare feet in the dust and dirt. From the hallway blows a cool, steady breeze into your face.

The stone corridor is 60’ in length and leads to the cave system. Many of the slaves are being held in the caves. The slaves located in the cave system are those deemed unworthy by Slavik and will be sold to the slavers from Hardby. The winds blow through the caves located high up in the island’s mountains and through the passages (See areas #87 & 91) that lead to the initiation well. The two tunnels provide a means of escape for Slavik in the event of an emergency. This was how he fled his keep over 500 years ago from the attack by the viceroyalty of Ferrond.


The stone corridor gives way to natural cavern walls and comes to an intersection. There are three of the skeletal guardians, but they are facing away from you and have, so far, taken no notice of you.

That is because their mission is to keep the slaves in the cave complex from escaping. There are many slaves located throughout the cave complex and while there are three exits from the caves, the only one that is passable by a human is through the initiation well. The other two lead to cave openings too high up in the mountains to be able to climb down the sheer cliffs.

The slaves located in the caverns consist of men, women, and teenage children, the majority of who were either captured outside of Dyvers from farms, fishing villages, and on the trails and roads, or from within Dyvers but they are not of Dyvers. Most of these foreigners are from somewhere along the Nyr Dyv, but many can be from farther afield

Skeleton guardian (3): AC 4; MV 12”; HD 3; hp 15 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-10; SD: half-damage from sharp and/or edged weapons, sleep, harm, hold, and cold-based spells have no effect. Each skeleton wears chain mail and a helmet and bears

a shield and spear. Note: holy water causes 2-8 hit points of damage to a skeleton.


As the passageway widens the smells of people living in cramped quarters fills your nostrils. The cavern widens to 20’ across and there are several more narrow passages that dead end with piles of rock and rubble. Lying on the floor, against the cavern walls, and amongst the rubble are at least two dozen filthy and malnourished people.

There are a total of 31 slaves located in this cave. They have been provided little in the way of water and even less in food. They are weak and some are immobile (about 10%). They have no weapons, but could use some of the rocks in self-defense.

Slave (31): AC 10; MV 9”; HD 1; hp 1 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1 hit point (50% chance) or by weapon type.


The cavern passage passes through a larger cavern that is 20’ by 20’ on the east side and narrows down to a 10’ wide passage on the western side filled with various sized rocks and boulders. Both portions of the cavern are filled with men and women sitting listlessly against the cavern walls or lying prone on the ground.

There are 37 slaves located on both sides of the cavern. They have been provided little in the way of water and even less in food. They are weak and some are immobile (about 10%). They have no weapons, but could use some of the rocks in self-defense.

The western portion of the room hides a secret door in the cavern wall which is also obscured by the rocks and boulders in the passage.

Slave (37): AC 10; MV 9”; HD 1; hp 1 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1 hit point (50% chance) or by weapon type.


The passageway breaks off to the west and enters a roughly 30’ diameter cave with rock debris on the southern end of the cave. Crammed into this small space are a high number of slaves either lying

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prostrate on the floor or propped against the cavern walls.

There are 54 slaves located in this cave. They are in the same condition as the other slaves in the caverns.

Slave (54): AC 10; MV 9”; HD 1; hp 1 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1 hit point (50% chance) or by weapon type.


The passageway comes to an intersection with one tunnel shaped passage leading north and the other cave-like passage turning east. Standing in the middle of the intersection are two of the skeletal guardians.

The mission of the two skeletal guardians is to prevent any of the slaves from escaping through the tunnels. They will attack the player characters recognizing them as threats.

Skeleton guardian (2): AC 4; MV 12”; HD 3; hp 15 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-10; SD: half-damage from sharp and/or edged weapons, sleep, harm, hold, and cold-based spells have no effect. Each skeleton wears chain mail and a helmet and bears a shield and spear. Note: holy water causes 2-8 hit points of damage to a skeleton.


The cavern passage turns to a smoothly carved tunnel that is perfectly rounded and measures 10’ in diameter. The tunnel climbs upward at a steep angle.

As the tunnel climbs upward it grows more narrow, eventually reducing itself to 4’ in diameter. It ends on the side of one of the highest peaks located northwest of the old keep’s ruins. The entrance is cut in such a manner so as not to be visible from below or at a great distance and there are no means for descending the mountain. Slavik uses this as an exit or escape route when in his bat form.


This large cavern measures 30’ by 30’ with several dead ends both north and south, the northern ones being filled with rock debris. There are dozens upon

dozens of frail humans lying about the cavern looking malnourished and afraid.

Crowded into this caver are 78 slaves all in the same condition as the others throughout the cavern system.

Slave (78): AC 10; MV 9”; HD 1; hp 1 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1 hit point (50% chance) or by weapon type.


This 30’ by 30’ cave is currently home to even more slaves.

56 slaves to be more precise.

Slave (56): AC 10; MV 9”; HD 1; hp 1 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1 hit point (50% chance) or by weapon type.


The passageway is blocked by 2 of the skeletal guardians armed with shields and spears.

The mission of the two skeletal guardians is to prevent any of the slaves from escaping through the tunnels. They will attack the player characters recognizing them as threats.

Skeleton guardian (2): AC 4; MV 12”; HD 3; hp 15 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-10; SD: half-damage from sharp and/or edged weapons, sleep, harm, hold, and cold-based spells have no effect. Each skeleton wears chain mail and a helmet and bears a shield and spear. Note: holy water causes 2-8 hit points of damage to a skeleton.


The cavern passage begins to climb upward at a steady rate.

The cavern passage climbs upward to the side of one of the highest peaks just east of the old keep’s ruins. The opening is to a sheer cliff with no staircase or means of going either up or down. Slavik can use this as an exit or escape route when in the form of a bat or wolf then bat.

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The passage opens to a 20’ diameter cavern that dead-ends. The cave is filled with a dozen people resting with their backs against the walls.

The 12 slaves located in this cave are fairly new arrivals, so they are in better health than the other slaves in the caverns. They have not, however, found the secret door that is located in the southern wall of the cave.

Slave (12): AC 10; MV 9”; HD 1; hp 2 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1 hit point (50% chance) or by weapon type.


Past the open cell door, is a hallway with a number of closed cell doors. Standing in front of the cells are two of the skeletal guardians.

The two guardians are stationed in front of the dungeon cells to prevent anyone, other than Slavik, from entering. In the prison cells are 13 female slaves, all very beautiful, who have been selected as choice meals for Slavik. These slaves are better kept and will not be sold to the slavers of Hardby. The women are from 1 to 3 to a cell.

Skeleton guardian (2): AC 4; MV 12”; HD 3; hp 15 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-10; SD: half-damage from sharp and/or edged weapons, sleep, harm, hold, and cold-based spells have no effect. Each skeleton wears chain mail and a helmet and bears a shield and spear. Note: holy water causes 2-8 hit points of damage to a skeleton.

Slave (13): AC 10; MV 9”; HD 1; hp 4 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1 hit point (50% chance) or by weapon type.


Past the open cell door, is a hallway with a number of closed cell doors. Standing in front of the cells are two of the skeletal guardians.

The two guardians are stationed in front of the dungeon cells to prevent anyone, other than Slavik, from entering. In the prison cells are 7 male slaves, one to a cell with one empty. They have been selected as potential servants for Slavik. These

slaves are better kept and will not be sold to the slavers of Hardby.

Skeleton guardian (2): AC 4; MV 12”; HD 3; hp 15 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-10; SD: half-damage from sharp and/or edged weapons, sleep, harm, hold, and cold-based spells have no effect. Each skeleton wears chain mail and a helmet and bears a shield and spear. Note: holy water causes 2-8 hit points of damage to a skeleton.

Slave (7): AC 10; MV 9”; HD 1; hp 4 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1 hit point (50% chance) or by weapon type.


Past the open cell door, is a hallway with a number of closed cell doors. Standing in front of the cells are two of the skeletal guardians.

The two guardians are stationed in front of the dungeon cells to prevent anyone, other than Slavik, from entering. In the prison cells are 9 female slaves, all very beautiful, who have been selected as choice meals for Slavik. These slaves are better kept and will not be sold to the slavers of Hardby. The women are from 1 to 2 to a cell.

Skeleton guardian (2): AC 4; MV 12”; HD 3; hp 15 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-10; SD: half-damage from sharp and/or edged weapons, sleep, harm, hold, and cold-based spells have no effect. Each skeleton wears chain mail and a helmet and bears a shield and spear. Note: holy water causes 2-8 hit points of damage to a skeleton.

Slave (9): AC 10; MV 9”; HD 1; hp 4 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1 hit point (50% chance) or by weapon type.


The hallway ends at a 30’ square room with opened cell doors leading to additional hallways, north, south, and west of the room. In the center of the room are two stone tables whose tops angle downward toward a center slit under which sit two buckets. In the northwest and southwest corners of the room are two racks of various instruments ranging from knives and sticks to chains and whips. The room is clearly used as a torture chamber. In the northeast and southeast corner of the room,

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standing poised to attack, are two skeletal guardians.

The torture chamber is used by Slavik still, but only when he has no desire for human contact to gain his meal. In those cases, he sends his skeletal warrior or orders the skeletal guardian to select a victim and drain their blood after bloodletting them on the table. The blood channels to the center slits and then drips into the buckets placed below the slits.

The two skeletal guardians will attack any intruders immediately.

The torture items on the rack include 10 various knives, 2 daggers, rope, various lengths of chain, 7 different length sticks, 4 thumbscrews, 2 metal spiked collars, a pulley system for the stone tables (improvised rack), a pillory, set of stocks, a Judas chair, a small wooden box containing 150 needles, each three inches in length, a trident, a hammer, 12 darts, a small bucket of red paint, a paintbrush, a scimitar, 5 torches, flint and steel, and 3 spears, one of them broken into three pieces. Many of the items are caked with dried blood.

Located behind the racks of torture instruments are two secret doors. These are passages that Slavik used as another means to move around his keep without being observed. They are still accessible and he is aware of them.

Skeleton guardian (2): AC 4; MV 12”; HD 3; hp 15 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-10; SD: half-damage from sharp and/or edged weapons, sleep, harm, hold, and cold-based spells have no effect. Each skeleton wears chain mail and a helmet and bears a shield and spear. Note: holy water causes 2-8 hit points of damage to a skeleton.


The smooth worked walls of the hallway give way to a rough cut passage. A strong smell strikes your nostrils, a mixture of dirt, mold, and some strong potion. Cobwebs hang from the ceiling and piles of some black substance blot the rough carved floor. The corridor turns north and south, but standing before you to the east is an opening, a carved entryway in the stone, that leads into a 10’

square chamber. Standing in the center of the room is another skeleton clad in chainmail and helm, bearing a shield and spear.

This is the last of the skeletal guardians posted as the lone sentry to the catacombs. No slaves are kept in the catacombs and while no one is likely to enter willingly, it is left here as a guardian so that Slavik’s catacombs remain undisturbed.

The catacombs hallways are all similar, for they are all rough-hewn out of the rock, bearing spider webs that hang from the ceiling and cross the corridor from wall to wall, and piles of bat guano are all over the floor. The bat guano looks vaguely like a black pudding creature. The ceilings of the main corridors are home to thousands of bats. If it is daytime, the bats will be present, clinging to the ceiling. Any movement in the hallways, bright light, and especially a disturbance such as combat may excite them causing them to flee, thus obscuring vision, putting out torches, and creating confusion. If it is nighttime, there will only be a few who chose to remain behind, otherwise, the majority will be out feasting. If it is twilight the bats will swarm out of the catacombs and up the initiation well, while it if is just before dawn, they will be returning. Either way, their presence in the corridors will create confusion.

Each of the tombs in the catacombs is the gravesites of someone buried long ago. If there is or was an occupant, their name will appear over the entryway. Each tomb is 10’ by 10’ with an entrance that is 2-3’ wide and 7’ to 8’ tall. There are no doors or obstacles blocking entry into the tombs unless explicitly stated.

As each tomb description is the same, no description is provided for each of the following catacomb tombs (Areas #98-#118), only its content is provided.

Bat, ordinary (2,457): AC 8; MV 1”/24”; HD 1-2 hit points; hp 2 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1.

Skeleton guardian: AC 4; MV 12”; HD 3; hp 15; #AT 1; Dmg 1-10; SD: half-damage from sharp and/or edged weapons, sleep, harm, hold, and cold-based spells have no effect. The guardian wears chain mail and a helmet and bears a shield and

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spear. Note: holy water causes 2-8 hit points of damage to a skeleton.


There is no name over the entryway to these tombs, but inside each is a very large mass of bat guano and the ceiling, if nighttime, will be covered in bats. The bat guano on the floor looks vaguely like a black pudding so it may throw the player characters off.


This tomb has the name Loshod over its entryway, but there is nothing buried here. Rather, it is the stable for Slavik’s nightmare Loshod which he occasionally rides down to the lighthouse where he will meet the slave ships. The nightmare will attack any intruders.

Loshod, nightmare: AC -4; MV 15”/36”; HD 6+6; hp 31; #AT 3; Dmg 2-8/4-10/4-10; SA: its hot breath (2-8 hit points of damage) also releases a hot smoke cloud that obscures vision by blinding eyes and choking the victim; SD: unless saving throw is made, opponents attack at -2 to hit and damage dice, can fly and turn ethereal.


The name over the doorway is Bogumir, a special zombie created by Slavik to serve as his personal guardian. He is more advanced than most zombies and will attack until destroyed.

Bogumir, zombie: AC 8; MV 9”; HD 4; hp 32; #AT 2; Dmg 1-8/1-8; SD: immune to sleep, hold, and cold-based spells, and turned as a mummy on the undead table. Note: holy water vials cause 2-8 hit points of damage to Bogumir and if a hit of 5 hit points of more damage causes a limb to be severed, although the limb will continue to attack until Bogumir is completely destroyed.

101. GHOST

The name etched into the stone above the entryway is Dracoslav. He was Slavik’s right hand man who provided him with a continual supply of victims. In his younger years, he was a dragon slayer, which was how he came across Slavik. They

developed a symbiotic relationship, each helping the other hunt their chosen prey. In his later years, he became even more evil and cruel, and his pastime was torturing Slavik’s captives. For his evil ways, when he died, he was cursed to live out eternity as a ghost. His torture chamber is located in area #96, which he visits from time to time and haunts. He can wander the island as well, but he cannot leave it. Still, he is most often found in his tomb, and will rise up out of his sarcophagus if the tomb is disturbed.

Dracoslav, ghost: AC 0 (or 8); MV 9”; HD 10; hp 42; #AT 1; Dmg age 10-40 years; SA: hit also causes panic for 2-12 turns unless save versus magic (clerics above 6th level are immune and all others above 8th level add +2 to saving throws), magic jar attack; SD: can only be struck by silver or magical weapons.

Treasure: 4,113 ep, scroll, of hold monster, broad sword +2 dragon slayer, +5 shield made from the hide of a red dragon, potion of green dragon control, potion of white dragon control, potion of evil dragon control, and a potion of copper dragon control.


The name etched over the entryway is Yaromir who was an evil female elf in the employ of Slavik. She was killed during the fall of the old keep and having been killed by humans, she has returned to destroy them. She often roams the keep’s ruins, but returns to her tomb. It should be noted that this was to be her tomb when she died, hence the name already carved over the entry, but her body was left in the destruction of the keep and so she never was truly buried. The tomb appears empty, but she will appear and wail.

Yaromir, groaning spirit: AC 0; MV 15”; HD 7; hp 23; #AT 1; Dmg 1-8; SA: can wail once per day causing anyone within 3” to have to save versus magic or die; SD: sight of banshee causes fear, impervious to charm, sleep, or hold spells, and cold or electricity. Note: exorcism kills them.

Treasure: Spread on the floor of this tomb, like a lair of rocks, are some darkened coins. They are 5,125 gp.

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The name over the entryway is Radovan. He was an illusionist who followed Slavik. The tomb itself has a sarcophagus, but the upper portion, in the shape of a man, has greatly discolored into gray with black streaks. The base of the sarcophagus, however, is marble. The gray mass is a gray ooze that rests on top of the sarcophagus and so is in the shape of the marble carving of Radovan.

Gray ooze: AC 8; MV 1”; HD 3+3; hp 14; #AT 1; Dmg 2-16; SD: spells do no harm, impervious to heat and cold. Note: takes full damage from lightning.

Treasure: Inside the sarcophagus, amongst the bones of its occupant, is an ivory box inside of which is a deck of illusions and a wand of steam and vapor with 37 charges.


Each of these four tombs is very similar to one another with only the names etched over the entryway being different. Those four names are Baron, Groznyi, Kosmos, and Polkan. They were Slavik’s worgs. They are now worg skeletons. If a tomb is entered, the worg skeleton will animate and attack. In one combat melee round, the other three worg skeletons will reach the tomb and attack.

Worg skeleton (4): AC 8; MV 6”; HD 1-1; hp 7 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-4; SD: immune to charm, cold, death magic, hold, and sleep spells, edged weapons only inflict ½ damage. Note: turned as normal skeletons at +1 to clerics and all four will be turned.


The name etched in stone over the entryway is Murtvi. The inside of the tomb looks like a plain stone sarcophagus that is closed. Any player character holding a torch or light source up to the tomb will suddenly find multiple hands reaching through the doorway and pulling them into the tomb. The entryway has the permanent illusion of a simple tomb, while doomed to live out their days in

the infernal tomb, their punishment for daring to plot against Slavik.

Wight (11): AC 5; MV 12”; HD 4+3; hp 19 each; #AT 1’ Dmg 1-4; SA: energy drain; SD: not affected by sleep, charm, hold or cold-based spells, nor poison or paralyzation. Note: holy water causes 2-8 hit points of damage and a raise dead spell destroys a wight.

Treasure: strewn over the floor are 2,433 cp, 5,432 sp, 4,432 ep, 1,655 gp, one diamond ring worth 2,500 gp, and three jars of Keoghtom’s ointment.


The name over the entryway is Dobre. These were the twin servants of Slavik who, after death, were mummified and placed in the tomb. They are in two upright and open stone sarcophagi. They will animate and attack, defending their eternal resting place.

Mummy (2): AC 3; MV 6”; HD 6+3; hp 31, 28; #AT 1; Dmg 1-12; SA: rotting disease, causes fear and revulsion (save versus magic); SD: harmed only by magical items for ½ damage, immune to sleep, charm, hold and cold-based spells, as well as poison and paralyzation. Note: raise dead spell will turn the mummy, holy water causes 2-8 hit points of damage, and susceptible to fire.

Treasure: 6,093 gp, both mummies are adorned with thin gold chains and gems, each totaling 5,000 gp, one wears a helm of telepathy and the other has a potion of ESP in its sarcophagus.


The name over the entryway is Desislava, a former lover of Slavik who cheated on him repeatedly using her various magical items, so he banished her soul to the ethereal plane. Her physical body was buried in the sarcophagus, but she appears as an apparition in the tomb. If anyone looks into the tomb, she will rise up out of the stone sarcophagus, appearing as a skeleton in a thin white robe.

Desislava, apparition: AC 0; MV 24”; HD 8; hp 42; #AT 1; Dmg see special attacks; SA: surprises on a 1-5 out of 6; suggestion attack, victim rolls 3-18 and a

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total under the victim’s intelligence means the suggestion fails, rolling at or above means the suggestion has succeeded. The victim then rolls 3-18 and a total under the victim’s constitution means the victim flees in horror for 1-4 rounds, rolling at or above means the suggestion has caused a major heart attack and the victim dies; SD: can only be hit by magical or silver weapons, can only be hit one melee round after its attack before becoming etheral. The apparition may be turned as a spectre.

Treasure: Inside the sarcophagus are 8,520 cp, 7,688 gp, a rod of passage, philter of love, and a ring of invisibility.


The name over the entryway is Miloshaviv and the stone sarcophagus lies smashed under a large chunk of the ceiling that fell upon it. Hanging from the missing piece in the ceiling, upside down, is a large creature that looks like an oversized bat. This is actually a berbalang who recently found this empty tomb and made it its current roost. It has recently returned to its body after astrally wandering and is preparing to seek out a meal. It will be pleased that a meal came to it.

Berbalang: AC 6; MV 6”/24”; HD 1+1; hp 9; #AT 3; Dmg 1-4/1-4/1-6.

Treasure: 2,345 gp are spread about the floor of the tomb behind the sarcophagus.


There is no name above the entryways for these two chambers

The tombs were empty, but are now filled with yellow musk creepers. They are a light green climbing plant with leaves of ivy, with colorful yellow flowers. Each has 4 buds and 12 flowers. They grow out of the floor, up the walls, and hang over the entryways on the inside of the tombs. Intermixed among the vines are human bones and a skull, past victims of the yellow musk creepers. Any player character passing by the entryway of the tomb, much less looking into the tomb will be “attacked” by swaying flowers. A “hit” indicates the victim is

entranced and will willing walk into the tomb amongst the rest of the plant (save versus magic). If successfully hit, the victim will have his brains devoured at the rate of 1-4 intelligence points per round.

Yellow Musk Creeper (1 per room): AC 7; MV immobile; HD 3; hp 19 each; #AT 12; Dmg entranced (save versus magic) and then brain drain of 1-4 intelligence points per round. A reduction to less than 2 points indicates the player character has become a yellow musk zombie. Note: a heal spell restores all lost intelligence points

Treasure: There are 12 gp in one room and 17 in the other.


The name of over the entryway is Tikomir and his tomb bears a plain stone sarcophagus in the center of the room. The contents of the sarcophagus are the relics of Tikomir. Behind the sarcophagus are 2 yellow musk zombies, victims of the yellow musk creepers. If a yellow musk creeper in the tombs on either side of this tomb (See area #109) is attacked, these yellow musk zombies will attack the party from behind. If the yellow musk creepers are left alone, anyone entering this tomb will be attacked by the two zombies. Each yellow musk zombie’s master plant is one of the plants located in the two rooms flanking this one (See area #109).

The two victims are Jorn and Rial, two brothers who had their sister taken captive by the slave traders. They made it this far before falling victim to the yellow musk creepers. They can be restored if a neutralize poison and heal spell are cast on them, although it will take a month before they are able to be fully restored.

Yellow musk zombie: AC 5; MV 12”; HD 2; hp 15; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon type; SD: immune to charm, hold, illusion, and sleep and any other mind altering spells. Note: the yellow musk zombie cannot be turned by a cleric.

Yellow musk zombie: AC 2; MV 12”; HD 2; hp 9; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon type; SD: immune to charm, hold, illusion, and sleep and any other mind

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altering spells. Note: the yellow musk zombie cannot be turned by a cleric.

Treasure: Lying on the floor are several items that once belonged to other victims of the yellow musk creepers, bracers of defense AC 2, a +1 broadsword, and a dwarven war hammer, 593 cp, 395 sp, and 357 gp.


The name over the entryway of this tomb is Avucaslav. He, along with his family, was a servant of Slavik. He developed some health problems, became unstable, crazed, and then, demented. In a fit of rage, he murdered his entire family, then killed himself and became an undead spirit, a huecuva. He then captured the spirits of his family and they now haunt the tomb with him. There are six stone coffins in the tomb and anyone entering the tomb will see 6 robed skeletons rise up out of the coffins.

Huecuva (6): AC 3; MV 9”; HD 2; hp 10 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6; SA: all successful attacks inflict an acute cardiovascular-renal disease on the character (save versus poison); SD: can only be hit by silver and magical weapons, can polymorph-self three times per day. Noted; treated as a wight on the cleric undead table.

Treasure: In the six coffins, all total, are 2,652 sp, and three gems from three separate coffins consisting of 2 diamonds, each worth 500 gp, and a ruby worth 100 gp.


The name over this tomb’s entryway is Kazimir. He was lured by one of the female friends of Slavik into the catacombs, to this very tomb, where he was murdered with a rock. This was done solely for the female’s enjoyment. His body was left in the empty tomb. When his body was later found, it was placed in a stone coffin and his name was carved over the entryway. He now haunts the tomb as a poltergeist and he has a strong bond to this tomb. He is invisible and non-corporeal and will harass any intruders, including throwing rocks at them.

Poltergeist: AC 1-; MV 6”; HD 1-4 hp; hp 4; #AT nil; Dmg nil; SA: it will throw objects with a chance of hitting equal to a 5HD monster, but if successful there is no damage, but the victim must save versus fear or flee the area and run in random directions for 2-24 melee rounds (that would be bad if running into Slavik). There is a 50% chance the victim will drop whatever they are holding during the flight; SD: -4 to hit unless the attacker can see invisibility, and only silver and magic items to hit. Note: holy water or symbols drives back the poltergeist but does no harm.


The name over the entryway is Blaziv and she was a love interest of Slavik. She is now a nasty and vile vampire-type creature known as a penanggalan. The creature will pretend to be an escaped slave hiding behind the sarcophagus. She will ask the player characters for their help. She will then stay with them waiting for them to sleep. She will try to make some excuse to be away from the party for the night, such as sleeping nearby in a separate room or hiding in a hovel somewhere. This is so she may turn into her true form as a penanggalan, a severed head that flies with its entrails hanging from the location of the severed neck. She is always in search of new victims, primarily humans. Once she has identified a victim and after transforming into her true form, she will try to hypnotize the victim, getting him or her under her control, so she may feast on their blood, draining their hit points, strength, and constitution. She will then try to repeat this every night with the same victim until they are drained. The entrails release a digestive juice on the victim that causes an additional 1-4 hit points of damage to the victim.

Penanggalan (human female form): AC 10; MV 12”; HD 2; hp 22; #AT 1; Dmg 1-4 or by weapon type; SA: if anyone sees her turn into her true form, they must save against magic or die immediately, if the saving throw is made, the victim will act as if a feeblemind spell was cast on them; SD: immune to holy water and holy symbols, any mind altering spells, and cannot be turned or dispelled.

Penanggalan (severed head form): AC 8; MV 12”; HD 4; hp 30; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 + 1-4; SA: hypnotism of

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victim (save versus magic at -3, -4 the following night with a saving throw stopping the progression, otherwise it continues to worsen each subsequent night) for total control, blood drain which, in addition to the 1-6 hit points, causes the loss of 1 point of strength and constitution. Note: can be turned as a wight on the cleric’s undead table and restoration of lost strength and constitution, as well as hit points from blood drain, can only occur after dispel magic has been cast.


The name over the entryway is Vadislav who was Slavik von Vuc’s personal advisor. He was paid handsomely by Slavik for his services, but Vadislav was under the vampire’s spell and would have served him to his death, which he did. Vadislav was, however, human, which gave him his ability to represent Slavik both at home and abroad. He was thoroughly evil (lawful) in life, and this was his reward in death.

If the player characters enter the tomb, they will see a stone slab sarcophagus with a white linen spread on top. The white linen is Vadislav who will rise (float) and attack.

Spectre: AC 2; MV 15”/30”; HD 7+3; hp 39; #AT 1; Dmg 1-8; SA: 2 levels energy drain; SD: not affected by sleep, charm, hold, or cold-based spells, poison or paralyzation, and it is +1 or better weapons to hit. Note: holy water causes 2-8 hit points of damage and a raise dead spell destroys it unless it saves versus magic.

Treasure: Inside the stone sarcophagus are 12 rubies each worth 1,000 gp, and 8,252 gp.


There is no name over the entryway as it was an empty tomb. However, it was taken over by 8 giant spiders hence the cobwebs throughout the catacombs. They are free to wander about the catacombs, sometimes setting up their webs across the corridors in order to wait and catch some prey. Other times, especially if satiated, they remain in the protected environs of the tomb. The entrance of the tomb is covered in webs and any contact with the webs will send a vibration to the giant

spiders and they will attack. If discovered in this tomb, the giant spiders will fight to the death as this is their secret spot for safety.

Giant spider (8): AC 4; MV 3:/12”; HD 4+4; hp 17 each; #AT 1; Dmg 2-8; SA: web, poison (save versus poison or die).

Treasure: on the floor are 5,492 cp, 2,612 sp, one piece of amber worth 100 gp, one garnet wroth 500 gp, and one ornamental banded agate worth 10 gp


There was clearly once a name over the entryway, but it appears to have worn with the passage of time. In actuality, it was purposefully rubbed down so the name would no longer be recognizable. Inside the tomb is a flat top stone sarcophagus. If the lid is removed, inside there is an old burlap bag from which emits a faint red glow. The contents of the bag are what appears to be an oversized ruby gem that glows. This is actually a summoning device for the githyanki. A team of them found the catacombs several hundred years ago and used it as a temporary refuge and meeting place. All one member need do is project himself to the Prime Material Plane, touch the gemstone and all will be instantly drawn back to the tomb, poised for battle. They will unanimously kill mind flayers first then any other creature for which they have no use.

Githyanki, knight leader, 7th level: AC 0; MV 18”; hp 35; #AT 2; Dmg by weapon type. Wields a +3 two handed sword and wears +4 chain mail.

Githyanki, warlock 6th level: AC 0; MV 15”; hp 28; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type. Wields a +1 longsword and wears +4 chain mail.

Spells memorized:

1st level: Burning hands, hold portal, jump, protection from good

2nd level: Invisibility, levitate

3rd level: Fireball, gust of wind

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Githyanki, sergeant, fighter 6th level: AC 0; MV 15”; hp 27; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type. Wields a +1 two handed sword and wears +4 chain mail.

Githyanki, gish, fighter 4th level: AC 0; MV 12”; hp 23; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type. Wields a +1 long sword and wears +4 chain mail.

Treasure: The knight leader wears 3,000 gp in gems, the warlock wears 2,000 gp worth, the sergeant 1,500 gp, and the gish 1,000 gp.


The name over the entryway is Milista, a servant long ago of Slavik von Vuc. The occupant of this tomb now, however, is a magnesium spirit. The mindflayers were aware of the githyanki’s use of the tomb as a rendezvous location and one of the mindflayers, genius that he was, attempted to summon the creature. He was, however, killed in the process. He had intended to use it to destroy the githyanki. Instead, he trapped the magnesium spirit in the Prime Material Plane. It seeks out a high level character, ideally a magic user, in order to inhabit its body so as to perform the necessary ritual to return to its home plane.

The magnesium spirit will wait until the player characters are within 10’ of the tomb and attack. It does so by selecting a target randomly (it has no way of discerning who is a high level character or magic user) then it will flare up in a white blinding light. All within 20’ must save versus petrification to avoid being blinded for 12 turns.

Magnesium spirit: AC 0; MV 36”; HD 6+1; hp 23; #AT 1; Dmg 3-12; SA: energy drain and two points of strength drain, and once a player character is hit, it merges with the body in two rounds, continuing to cause damage (no hit necessary). On the third round it will take over the body fully. If the player character has 5 levels remaining or more, it will shriek out its spell to return to its own plane, leaving the player character a mindless husk. If the player character is below 5th level, it will abandon the player character and attack another; SD: can only be harmed by silver or magical weapons, 50% magic resistant, and immune to sleep, charm, hold, paralyzation, and fear spells. Note: it is always vulnerable to holy water at 2-7 hit points of

damage, even when merging with and controlling a player character.

118. DRELB

The name over each of these tombs is Siegur and a plain flat stone sarcophagus stands inside the center of the tomb. There is no one actually buried here, but Slavik Von Vuc has called two drelbs from the Negative Material Plane to guard these tombs for they hide one of his secrets, a secret door located on the back wall of each tomb. This is one means by which Slavik can move about the dungeon level of his old keep. The drelbs rise up and appear as if they were wraiths, which is usually enough to scare off any intruders and keeping them from discovering the secret doors.

Drelb (2, one in each tomb): AC 2; MV 6”; HD 5+3; hp 26, 19; #AT 1; Dmg 3-12; SA: chill, with a hit, it causes the victim to have a chill go through their body causing them to drop any items they are holding and fall to the floor; SD: magic weapons to hit, cannot be turned


The hallway travels 30’ before coming to a staircase that descends down into the dark. Set before the staircase are two alcoves, one on either side of the hallway in which stands two more of the skeleton guardians.

The 2 skeletal guardians located here are two of Slavik’s elite guards for they are tougher than the previous skeletal guardians in the dungeon. Unlike the others which have been armed with spears, these skeletal guardians are armed with short swords.

Skeleton guardian (2): AC 2; MV 12”; HD 4; hp 30 each; #AT 1; Dmg 2-12; SD: half-damage from sharp and/or edged weapons, sleep, harm, hold, and cold-based spells have no effect. Each skeleton wears +2 chain mail and a helmet and bears a shield and +1 short sword. Note: holy water causes 2-8 hit points of damage to a skeleton.

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The staircase reaches a 10’ wide landing before coming to another staircase descending downward. On either side of the landing are alcoves in which stand another skeleton guardian armed with a sword.

Skeleton guardian (2): AC 2; MV 12”; HD 4; hp 30 each; #AT 1; Dmg 2-12; SD: half-damage from sharp and/or edged weapons, sleep, harm, hold, and cold-based spells have no effect. Each skeleton wears +2 chain mail and a helmet and bears a shield and +1 short sword. Note: holy water causes 2-8 hit points of damage to a skeleton.


The second set of stairs descends downward into a large, dark and drafty room that smells of freshly turned soil. The stone stairs have side railings and drop off to the stone floor of the room. All along the edges of the room are brass banded wooden chests, except in the rear wall, which only features a single archway. Set before that archway is a single solitary chair, a throne inlaid with gold.

This is the tomb of Slavik von Vuc, although his coffin is located through the archway (See area #122). Slavik and his Skeleton Warrior may or may not be located here. Slavik has seen the player characters coming and he can send his skeleton warrior to harass them or he may harass them himself. If they are located here and the skeleton warrior has not been destroyed, he may have him sit in the throne in order to fool the player characters. When he sleeps in his coffin (again, see area #122) he has the skeleton warrior positioned here to stand guard and anything that alerts the skeleton warrior alerts Slavik. Regardless, consider that Slavik von Vuc should be played as a dynamic character and not a static one for he is a highly intelligent opponent.

Slavik von Vuc, because of his age and level, has many capabilities beyond a normal vampire. For one, he can not only polymorph into a bat, but a worg as well. He has also has the capabilities of a 10th level magic user and prefers spells that allow him to use an unseen force such as push or telekinesis. He also has under his command five creatures. The first are three worgs which he will

often run with as a pack in his worg form. He also has a kinship with a doombat who serves him in many functions. Finally, Slavik has the circlet of a skeleton warrior, an undead lord of the 10th level, so he can control it up to a range of 240’. Slavik will often send out the skeleton warrior as his surrogate, controlling him with the ability to see as it sees. They are both of the same height and build, so under the black hooded robe they appear nearly identical in stature. While Slavik has the pallid look of a human, the skeleton warrior’s visage is that of a skull. While controlling the skeleton warrior in this manner, however, Slavik can take no actions of his own. When Slavik needs to fight, cast spells, etc., he can no longer see through the skeleton warrior’s eyes and it becomes inert.

Slavik will allow the skeleton warrior to be destroyed if it advantages Slavik. He will also fight in his own right, but if the flight is not going in his favor, he will retreat by either using his teleport spell, shape changing into a bat or worg, assuming a gaseous form, summoning the bats in the catacombs to mask his retreat, or some combination of the four. For instance, he may shape change into a worg, mix in with his three worgs, flee with them, and once having escaped the immediate threat, turn into a bat and fly away. Slavik will retreat in order to fight another day and preserve his future. His goal is to maintain the steady supply of choice victims from the slave trade, grow his wealth through the slavers of Hardby, then use that wealth to once again rebuild his keep and, one day, an empire. He will sacrifice a short term goal for a long term goal.

On the south wall, in both the west and east sides of the chamber, are secret doors that reveal passages leading to the torture chamber (See area #96) and the catacombs (See area #118). Slavik uses these passages as another means by which to move around the dungeon level.

Slavik Von Vuk, Vampire: AC 1; MV 12”/18”; HD 10; hp 54; #AT 1; Dmg 5-10; SA: energy drain (2 levels), strength of 18/76; SD: +1 or better weapons to hit, regenerates at 3 hp per round, reduced to 0 hp turns gaseous and reforms in coffin, immune to sleep, charm, and hold spells, as well as poison or paralysis, takes only half-damage from cold or electricity based spells, can assume a gaseous form

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at will, can shape change into either a worg or bat, gazing into a person’s eyes can have the effect of a charm person spell (save versus magic at -2 penalty), can control the skeleton warrior through the circlet he wears around his head, the three worgs and doombat, and can summon 10-100 bats from the catacombs within 1-6 rounds. Note: garlic, mirrors, and holy symbols (lawful good) cause hesitation for 1-4 rounds and necessitate the removal of the item, holy water causes 2-7 hit points of damage, sunlight kills in 1 turn, and immersion in water causes damage of 1/3 of total hit points per round.

Slavik is a 10th level magic user and has the following spells memorized:

First level: Hold portal, push, shield, ventriloquism

Second level: Detect invisibility, knock, darkness 15’ radius, shatter

Third level: Clairaudience, Clairvoyance, hold person

Fourth level: Fear, confusion

Fifth level: Telekinesis, teleport

Skeleton Warrior: AC 2; MV 6”; HD 9+2; hp 45; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; SA: +3 hit probability with weapons; SD: mere sight of the skeleton warrior causes creatures below 5HD to flee in panic, cannot be turned by a cleric, 90% magic resistant.

Worg (3): AC 6; MV 18”; HD 4+4; hp 22, 23, 28; #AT 1; Dmg 2-8.

Doombat: AC 4; MV 18”; HD 6+3; hp 33; #AT 2; Dmg 1-6/1-4; SA: shriek, can emit a loud shriek for 2-5 rounds causing distraction, all player characters take a -1 to attack rolls (no saving throw). Note: a light spell will keep the doombat at bay, while normal torch and lantern light have no effect.

Treasure: There are a total of 12 wooden chests in the room that are banded with brass. None of them are locked or trapped. 11 of the chests hold exactly 10,000 gp each. The last chest contains 3,357 gp. The gold inlaid throne is valued at 5,000 gp and contains 2,200 gp in gold.


Through the archway lies an alcove that is 10’ deep and 30’ wide. Inside the alcove is an oversized black coffin, its surface having been so highly polished it serves as a reflective mirror. The brass hardware of the coffin has also been highly polished that is sparkles in the artificial light. The floor of the alcove is covered in dirt, evidently the source of the smell of freshly turned soil.

This is Slavik Von Vuk’s coffin. It is not in a locked or secret room for he has the skeleton warrior to stand sentinel.

Treasure: There is a small coffer inside the coffin. It contains a scroll of animate dead, a potion of undead control, a six-sided die that is a cube of force, a medallion of ESP, and a philosopher’s stone.

Page 49: The Great Flanaess River Adventure Chapter 13: Dyvers 13 - Dyvers.pdfThe slavers have moved their operations out of the Woolly Bay and Azure Sea because of some meddlesome adventurers


Random Encounters

As previously mentioned, this campaign includes all encounters for the party within each chapter. However, if DMs feel that there should be additional random encounters, the following random encounter tables are provided for Dyvers.

Dice Roll Encounter_______________

01-04 Demi-human 06-09 Humanoid 10-14 Men, Bandit 15-19 Men, Brigand 20-24 Men, Buccaneer 25-29 Men, City guardsman patrol (2) 30-34 Men, Commoner 35-44 Men, Drunk (Possibly from area #42) 45-49 Men, Merchant 50-90 Men, Pirate 91-92 Men, Thief 93-94 Men, Slave raider (3-6) 95-97 Orc (2-5) 98-99 Doppleganger 00 Slaver


1 Hammack, Allen. (1980). The World of Greyhawk Gazetteer. Lake Geneva, WI: TSR Inc., p. 9. 2 Newold, Philip. (1999). “Assassin’s Guilds of Dyvers.” Oerth Journal, 10, 10-16, p. 10. 3 Quest, Samantha. (1996). “Welcome to Dyvers!” Oerth Journal, 4, 4-7, p. 6. 4 Quest, Samantha. (1996). “Welcome to Dyvers!” Oerth Journal, 4, 4-7, p. 5. 5 Newold, Philip. (1999). “Assassin’s Guilds of Dyvers.” Oerth Journal, 10, 10-16, p. 10. 6 Newold, Philip. (1999). “Assassin’s Guilds of Dyvers.” Oerth Journal, 10, 10-16, p. 10. 7 Harrison, Tom. (1999). “Faiths of the Western Gate (Part One of Two).” Oerth Journal, 9, 38-39; Harrison, Tom. (1999). “Faiths of the Western Gate (Part Two of Two).” Oerth Journal, 10, 75-77. 8 Quest, Samantha. (1996). “Welcome to Dyvers!” Oerth Journal, 4, 4-7, p. 5. 9 Mills, Chris. (1997). “The Lonshoremen’s Union.” Oerth Journal, 5, 17-19, p. 18. 10 Mills, Chris. (1997). “The Lonshoremen’s Union.” Oerth Journal, 5, 17-19, p. 17. 11 Mills, Chris. (1997). “The Lonshoremen’s Union.” Oerth Journal, 5, 17-19, p. 17. 12 This idea came from our favorite author – John Steinbeck – in his first novel, Cup of Gold. In the novel, the company of Genoese slave dealers are said to have “come to the city and built a large warehouse for their merchandise. In it were tiers of cages . . . “

Page 50: The Great Flanaess River Adventure Chapter 13: Dyvers 13 - Dyvers.pdfThe slavers have moved their operations out of the Woolly Bay and Azure Sea because of some meddlesome adventurers






Page 51: The Great Flanaess River Adventure Chapter 13: Dyvers 13 - Dyvers.pdfThe slavers have moved their operations out of the Woolly Bay and Azure Sea because of some meddlesome adventurers
Page 52: The Great Flanaess River Adventure Chapter 13: Dyvers 13 - Dyvers.pdfThe slavers have moved their operations out of the Woolly Bay and Azure Sea because of some meddlesome adventurers
Page 53: The Great Flanaess River Adventure Chapter 13: Dyvers 13 - Dyvers.pdfThe slavers have moved their operations out of the Woolly Bay and Azure Sea because of some meddlesome adventurers
Page 54: The Great Flanaess River Adventure Chapter 13: Dyvers 13 - Dyvers.pdfThe slavers have moved their operations out of the Woolly Bay and Azure Sea because of some meddlesome adventurers
Page 55: The Great Flanaess River Adventure Chapter 13: Dyvers 13 - Dyvers.pdfThe slavers have moved their operations out of the Woolly Bay and Azure Sea because of some meddlesome adventurers
Page 56: The Great Flanaess River Adventure Chapter 13: Dyvers 13 - Dyvers.pdfThe slavers have moved their operations out of the Woolly Bay and Azure Sea because of some meddlesome adventurers
Page 57: The Great Flanaess River Adventure Chapter 13: Dyvers 13 - Dyvers.pdfThe slavers have moved their operations out of the Woolly Bay and Azure Sea because of some meddlesome adventurers
Page 58: The Great Flanaess River Adventure Chapter 13: Dyvers 13 - Dyvers.pdfThe slavers have moved their operations out of the Woolly Bay and Azure Sea because of some meddlesome adventurers
Page 59: The Great Flanaess River Adventure Chapter 13: Dyvers 13 - Dyvers.pdfThe slavers have moved their operations out of the Woolly Bay and Azure Sea because of some meddlesome adventurers
Page 60: The Great Flanaess River Adventure Chapter 13: Dyvers 13 - Dyvers.pdfThe slavers have moved their operations out of the Woolly Bay and Azure Sea because of some meddlesome adventurers
Page 61: The Great Flanaess River Adventure Chapter 13: Dyvers 13 - Dyvers.pdfThe slavers have moved their operations out of the Woolly Bay and Azure Sea because of some meddlesome adventurers