the great flanaess river adventure chapter 7: highfolk 7 - highfolk.pdfthe drow to operate out of...

The Great Flanaess River Adventure Chapter 7: Highfolk By The Oliver Brothers A CAMPAIGN ADVENTURE TAKING CHARACTERS FROM LEVELS 1-10+ As the adventuring party takes to its canoes and paddles the Velverdyva River, a signpost directs them down a tributary to the Free Town of Highfolk where they can resupply their outfit. As they paddle down the side river, in the distance, they see rising mysteriously above the town’s center is a black stone tower. The construction of the tower does not fit the surrounding buildings which are all made of wood, and when the player characters approach the dock, the robed figure that watches them and then turns away, adds even more mystery to this town. What is the purpose of the strange black tower and who is the mystifying figure in robes? Find out in Chapter 7 of the Great Flanaess River Adventure! Get ready to return to the greatest world in all of modern role playing for some old school, classic, First edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons. RC7

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Page 1: The Great Flanaess River Adventure Chapter 7: Highfolk 7 - Highfolk.pdfthe drow to operate out of the Yatil Mountains, she desires for them to befriend the local towns, starting with

The Great Flanaess River Adventure

Chapter 7: Highfolk By The Oliver Brothers


As the adventuring party takes to its canoes and paddles the Velverdyva River, a signpost directs them down a tributary to the Free Town of Highfolk where they can resupply their outfit. As they paddle down the side river, in the distance, they see rising mysteriously above the town’s center is a black stone tower. The construction of the tower does not fit the surrounding buildings which are all made of wood, and when the player characters approach the dock, the robed figure that watches them and then turns away, adds even more mystery to this town. What is the purpose of the strange black tower and who is the mystifying figure in robes? Find out in Chapter 7 of the Great Flanaess River Adventure!

Get ready to return to the greatest world in all of modern role playing for some old school, classic, First edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons.


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Chapter 7 – Highfolk

“Early in the afternoon we reached the . . . tower we had seen rising out of the bank in front of us for the last mile or two.”

-Henry David Thoreau, Journal


HIghfolk (Free Town of)

The Free Town of Highfolk, nestled in a small corner of the Flanaess is protected by the Yatil Mountains to the west and is situated just south of the Velverdyva River and Vesve Forest. The town of Highfolk is the center of what is sometimes referred to as the Highfolk Vale, an area of land that was once owned by the Kingdom of Furyondy. It has been written that, “Highfolk is independent and of importance simply because it is the southern outpost of the Olvenfolk of the Quagflow Valley. The town itself is a trading center and home to some 2,000 humankind.”1 The Great Sage himself has recorded that the 1,700 occupants include, in addition to humans, dwarves, gnomes, and halflings, an especially large population of elves.2 The majority of the elves are High Elves, but there are many Sylvan Elves as well, mostly originating from the Vesve Forest. Regardless, the people of Highfolk are an independent lot, strong-willed, stubborn, and often blunt, yet very good natured and friendly at the same time.

The town is headed by the “Worthy Sir,” Mayor Loftin Graystand (Druid, 12th level). The mayor is an universally elected figure who serves for life or until self-selected retirement. The mayor is mostly a figurehead, as there is a council that must be consulted for all decisions. Nonetheless, because of the town’s geographical location there is little that threatens its peaceful existence.

Highfolk is symbolized by a green and white checkered shield. It also mints its own coins, the solar (gp), great lunar (ep), small lunar (sp), and wheat (cp). The coins are evident by the depiction of the sun, the full moon - large and small - and a field of wheat, respectively. The religions that play a

role in Highfolk society are those dedicated to Ehlonna, Fharlanghn, and Corellon Larethian.

Chapter Overview

The player characters will be traveling east on the Velverdyva River and they will see a sign directing them down a short tributary to the Free Town of Highfolk. As this is the first major city since Schwartzenbruin and the last until Verbobonc, it is in their best interest to stop in the town in order to resupply.

Once in the town, however, they will quickly learn that something is not right with the town. The people seem dejected, few seem to be working, and elves in brown robes seem to be everywhere in the town. Stopping at any bar or tavern, they will find few locals willing to talk, but a brave bartender may tell them his tale. He will explain a little over nine months ago, the brown robed elves came out of the Vesve Forest and because of their fears of Iuz, wanted to form an alliance with the Town of Highfolk. They brought gifts of friendship, including not only gifts of gold for the Mayor and Council, but food for the poor and woodland toys for the children. The town leaders eventually formed the alliance and announced a week’s festivities with all of the game, food and ale supplied by the mysterious strangers. The odd thing is, however, the wagonloads of food continued long after the festivities. Soon, people stopped tending their own gardens and planting their own crops, after all, they had free food. Then strange solar coins began showing up in the money supply, for it turns out the Mayor was taking the gifts of blank gold coins and stamping them as solar coins, thus devaluing the Highfolk currency. As the economy collapsed, the wagonloads of food became more scant and a naturally kind people began turning on each other and the brown robed ones. The mayor, realizing his error, stopped putting the gold coins in the money supply and asked the brown robed elves to cease the wagonloads of food, but the damage was already done. The brown robed elves apologized and said they would comply, but they asked if their fine skilled craftsman could build the town a beautiful ornamental watch tower to make amends. The mayor agreed. The tower began to be built with what at first seemed to be matching

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wood, then it turned to a light gray stone, until finally it was black as obsidian with no mortar evident, nor access door visible. Then, there was the one other problem, these strange elves began bringing in supplies and selling them on the black market.

The true story behind the strange brown elves is that they are not of the Vesve Forest, nor of any forest in the Flanaess. Rather, they are elves of the Underdark; They are drow. Disguised in the brown robes along with the power of magic, the drow have taken over the Town of Highfolk under the direction of Lloth – the Spider Queen. Her plans of ruling the Flanaess, if not all of Oerth, spoiled by an arrogant party of adventurers who dared attack her in the demonweb, Lloth left the abyss, making her way to Rigodruok - the Rainbow Vale – located in the far northern reaches beyond the Land of Black Ice. There, she plans her return. Instructing the drow to operate out of the Yatil Mountains, she desires for them to befriend the local towns, starting with Highfolk, because of its small size and hidden nature. The plan is to build a network of tunnels that will allow her to move her spider armies through the mountain chain and then use these locations as bases, hence the building of the watchtower.

It will be hard for the party to ignore the needs of the town, for if they try to resupply in order to push on down the Velverdyva River, they will find there is little in the way of needed supplies. They will need to help the town recover, before they can hope to win the trust of the citizenry so as to gain the needed supplies for their journey across Veluna to Verbobonc.

Assuming the player characters are curious as to what is going on in the town and want to help, they will have essentially three courses of action to discover the mystery of the brown robed elves and the mysterious black tower. First, the player characters could find some means to climb the tower, gain access, and fight their way down into the catacombs.

Second, the player characters could follow the supply wagons to see where they get their supplies, only to discover it is not from the Vesve Forest.

Rather, the drow drive the wagons toward the forest and there they turn south before traveling to the Yatil Mountains due west of Highfolk. By accessing a hidden tunnel, they enter a series of subterranean tunnels that travel west under the Yatil Mountains and east to Highfolk, connecting with not only the black tower, but the Mayor’s mansion as well. In these tunnels they will discover the drow who are behind this operation, the slaves building the tunnels and the Temple of the Spider God.

Third, and finally, the player characters could confront the Mayor, Loftin Graystand, to inquire what has happened to Highfolk and his people. While Loftin appears to be acting more as a dictator, in reality he has become a puppet of the drow, and is under their influence. If the player characters discover this secret, they may also discover the secret access to the tunnels underneath Highfolk.

Regardless of which course of action the player characters follow, it won’t be long before they realize they are facing the most serious threat of their adventuring career.

Key to Highfolk

Hex49 (B5-89)

“No show of bolts and bars Can keep the foeman out, Or 'scape his secret mine Who entered with the doubt That drew the line.”

-Henry David Thoreau, A Week on the Concord & Merrimack Rivers

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1. MORNING HAS BROKEN The morning has broken and you find yourself on the grassy plains, rather than the hard rock mountain terrain of the past 180 miles of traveling. The river moves more gently, albeit swiftly, through the lush green of the landcape. While the mountains still loom behind you and to the south, off in the distance, to the north, lies an expansive forest of trees.

The player characters are now on the grassy plains and the terrain will remain as such for the rest of the journey. While this does not mean the water will always be so calm, it is less likely due to the change in geography. The Yatil Mountains do remain to their west and south, while the Vesve Forest is to their north. The Velverdyva River continues due east.


As you gently paddle down the river, you have noticed the water becoming slightly more shallow. You see up ahead, in the near distance, there is a place where wagon trails descend down into the river on both sides of the bank. It appears to be a ford in the river.

It is a ford in the river, a low water crossing for wagons and horses. If the player characters climb the north embankment, they will see wagon ruts heading north toward the forest, while if they climb the southern banks, they will see the ruts heading in a southwesterly direction toward the Yatil Mountains. If a Ranger in the party inspects the ruts closely, he will realize that the wagon trail is not more than a day old.

If for any reason, the player characters remain at this location overnight, there is a 5% chance after dusk that a horse drawn wagon, and four horses with riders wearing brown robes will cross the ford. Each hour after dusk, there is an additional, cumulative chance that this party will be passing through. If the player characters do see the riders, they will not be friendly, and will attack the player characters, seeing them as a threat.

The riders are a group of 6 drow, currently wearing brown robes. One of the two drow on the wagon is

a drow merchant, while all of the others are fighters. They are part of a ruse being perpetrated on the town of Highfolk that has been going on for nine months. The drow claimed they were friendly elves from the Vesve Forest and they bring gifts of food and other supplies from their overabundant supplies in the forest. In reality, the items are brought through the underground tunnels in the Yatil Mountains. To maintain the ruse, the drow leave at night and travel north on the road by the stream that leads to the Velverdyva River. They cross the ford through the river and travel north a ways, before leaving the road and heading west. They then travel through this ford and continue south into the Yatil Mountains where they access the underground caverns in order to load the wagon with supplies for the people of Highfolk. The drow then return to the town of Highfolk in the same manner so as to appear as if they were bringing the supplies from the forest. On some nights there are multiple wagons making the journey, so once one wagon passes through, there is the possibility another will also come through. They will also each make a return trip as well. If they are heading south, the wagon will be empty. If they are heading north, the wagon will be full to the brim with food stores.

Use the following statistics for each potential wagon party coming through, up to three total.

Drow merchant (male, 4th level cleric & 4th level fighter): AC -3; MV 12”; HD 4; hp 18; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; SA: Can cast the following 1st level spells: cure light wounds (x2), detect magic, 2nd level spells, hold person, speak with animals, and can cast the following spells once per day at the 4th level of experience, dancing lights, faerie fire, darkness, detect magic, know alignment, levitate; SD: move silently, infravision, 58% immunity to magic, +2 on all saves, only 1 in 8 chance of being surprised; Possessions: +3 chain mail, +3 buckler, +2 mace, a black/gold medallion around its neck, tucked inside its chain mail, depicts a large reptilian creature (worth 150 gp), along with a leather bag around his neck tucked beside the medallion which contains 4 gp, 23 pp, and four diamonds each worth 100 gp.

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Drow (male, 2nd level fighter) (5): AC 1; MV 12”; HD 2; hp 9 each; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; SA: Can cast the following spells once per day at the 2nd level of experience, dancing lights, faerie fire, darkness; SD: move silently, infravision, 54% immunity to magic, +2 on all saves, only 1 in 8 chance of being surprised; Possessions: +1 chain mail, +1 buckler, +1 dagger, +1 short sword, a black/goldmedallion around each of their necks and tucked inside their chain mail depicts a large reptilian creature (worth 150 gp), along with a leather bag around their neck tucked beside the medallion which contains 5 pp each.

Horse, light (4): AC 7; MV 24”; HD 2; hp 10 each; #AT 2; Dmg 1-4/1-4.


As you paddle the river heading east, you see up ahead in the distance what looks to be a small tributary off the river that runs south. On the southeast side of the river, there is a signpost. As you draw closer, you can read “The People of Highfolk, Welcome the Riverfolk!” And in smaller letters, that you can just make out reads, “sell, buy, or trade – supplies available.”

The signpost was created by an enterprising member of the town of Highfolk looking to sell his wares to those traveling the river. As Highfolk is the last town or city on the river until Verbobonc, it is a good idea to stop in town for supplies. The tributary is just a small channel cut into the grasslands leading from the river to the town of Highfolk, 7 miles distant. The water in the tributary is only 2’ deep, but deep enough for the canoes to make it to the town.


After paddling what has not yet been a mile on the Velverdyva River from the tributary, you come to a naturally shallow area in the river where there is a road on both sides of the river that extends down the banks and into the water, clearly is another ford.

This ford has been in existence as far back as anyone can remember and it travels from the town

of Highfolk, north to the the Vesve Forest. It is relatively easy for wagons and horses to cross with the deepest part being in the very middle of the river. Any canoe trying to pass anywhere but the very middle of the river will find itself grounded.


As you paddle southward you see that the road travels along the eastern side of the tributary and heads directly to the town you can see in the distance. While most of the structures appear to be made of wood from this distance, and are probably only one or two stories high, rising up out of the center of the town is a black tower which you estimate to be two or three stories taller than the highest building in town.

The road travels from Highfolk north to a ford over the Velverdyva River (See area #4) and then continues on to the Vesve Forest. As the player characters reach the first of the wooden structures in town, small wooden shacks on the outskirts, the road heads in a southeast direction, before heading due south to the market square located at the center of town (See area #9).

If the player characters happen to be at this location an hour or two before sunrise, they will find one of the merchant carts located where the road is just about to enter town and travel southeast. There, the merchant will be selling the food to a large gathering of people, while the guards hold the people back from the wagon. The supplies are usually completely sold off before sunrise, when the empty wagon will head into town and come to rest for the day behind the Highhalehouse in their stables (See area #42).


Early in the afternoon you reach the end of the tributary, which dead ends in a rather tight turnaround with a small dock. There, a dirt path travels up an incline to the town. The town does not appear to be overly concerned about enemy attacks or predators for there is no wall or palisade surrounding the town, only the tower to command a view for approaching threats. At the top of the hill stands a figure in a brown robe with a hood

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pulled up over its head. It appears to be watching you, then abruptly turns and walks away.

Not exactly the greatest of welcoming committees. In fact, there won’t be much of a welcome at all. The player characters will find the streets pretty bare and if they wander a bit through town, they will see the brown robed figures who will say little, just nod.


As you reach the top of the incline, the brown robed figure is not in sight. In fact, no one is in sight at all. What is in sight, however, is a two story building from which hangs a wooden sign with a large round hole in the middle in which has been placed some type of translucent paper. Just below that the sign reads, “Paper Moon Tavern Inn.”

There are other taverns and inns in town, but this one is the closest to the tributary. One consideration the player characters must have at this point is their canoes and supplies. At the top of the incline they can see their canoes and the tavern and they will need to consider what they plan to do with them. Leave them? Place a guard on them? Bring them with them?


As you enter the tavern you can hear the low talking of nearly 50 people come to a halt. Every head in the bar turns to look at you as you stand in the doorway. Very quickly, about half of the tavern’s occupants go back to talking while the rest watch you for a few more seconds, before they too slowly return to their conversations.

The Paper Moon is owned by Laughlin “Pug” Daveroux. He is a retired third level fighter who, after coming out of the Vesve Forest with little but his life, won the bar in a card game. He has run the bar for well over a decade. The original sign for the place was faded and had a large hole in it, so he papered it over, realized it looked like a moon, and ergo – the Paper Moon. The bartender is known simply as Pug, because after having his nose broken multiple times in fights and combat, his nose is rather flattened against his face. He is friendly enough, if not a bit taciturn. Although as of late,

the issues in Highfolk have been making him angry, for crime is up, business is down (at least profitable business), and a people who were once very cheerful have become somber, paranoid, and filled with anxiety. He will greet the adventuring party and inquire about them in a friendly manner, but will be clearly despondent when talking about local happenings. He can only offer ale and bread, as supplies have dried up for actually offering meals. Eventually, after learning a bit about the adventuring party, he will open up to them about what is happening in Highfolk.

Sitting at the end of the bar is a local character by the name of Squigs. He is a tall, skinny fellow with rather wild hair and he loves to interject in conversations. He is a very anxious and nervous individual and he is the embodiment of the town’s people. He will often interrupt Pug’s description of the happenings in Highfolk.

Pug’s Narrative:

Pug: This town was doing fine until our new “friends” showed up just shy of a year ago.

Squigs: Your gonna get in trouble Mr. Pugs!

Pug: Then trouble it will be. I am tired of hiding behind false smiles and hearing people deny the reality that sits before them on a daily basis. Forgive my patron. He is only scared like the rest. So, where was I . . .

Squigs: Signing your death warrant youse was!

Pug: Right, my death warrant. Anyway, the brown robed ones – these strange looking elves - showed up in town almost a year ago, claiming to be from the Vesve Forest. I ventured in that forest in my early career and never saw the likes of them before. Now, I know it is a big forest and all, but still . . . Anyway, they showed up and met with our so-called Worthy Sir . . .

Squigs: Now that’s worthy of the death warrant!

Pug: Shut up Squigs and let me tell these gentlemen the story. Now, let’s see, where was I . . . Shut up Squigs! Okay, so, they came and bestowed upon our mayor great riches and asked him if they could

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also give gifts to the people of Highfolk. He agreed and within days, cart loads of supplies, mostly food, began pouring into Highfolk. We have never been for want before, but the food stores were bountiful. And they did not stop. They continued to come to us, day after day, and week after week. They arrived in the market square every morning before dawn and usually were emptied of their supplies by sunup.

Then another odd thing happened. We have our own currency in Highfolk, and our gold coins are called solars, which naturally features the sun. Well, gold coins began circulating in our economy that were blank. No stamps or engravings. I received a number of them here in the bar. Then that stopped, but I know what happened. I deal with coins every day in my business and it was clear that the blank coins were being stamped with the solar image of the sun, but they were not solars. I blame his damn unworthiness for this one.

Squigs: That’s The Worthy Sir Loftin Graystand, The Mayor of Highfolk, to you good ignoble bartender!

Pug: Shut up Squigs! Within about three or four months both of these events had many repercussions on our economy. The first was the fact that many of the farmers just stopped farming. They were given the food by the brown robed ones – what everyone in town calls them – so they saw no reason to plant. Then the gold coins flooded our market and that caused inflation. Suddenly, everything cost more, because if it didn’t, you lost money. People in town couldn’t afford to buy things anymore and they had become over reliant on the food provided by the daily carts, which turned out to never be enough. So, the good and kind people of Highfolk fell into stealing and robbing each other for food and money.

A number of us then formed together to petition his unworthiness to stop the brown-robed ones from ruining our economy.

Squigs: Fat lot of good that did us!

Pug: Shut up Squigs! The problem is . . . he’s right. They agreed to stop giving gifts of coins and food, which further wrecked our economy and sent crime soaring. But that was when that sinister tower

started to go up. The story goes that the brown-robed ones apologized to the mayor, saying that they only wanted to give a gift. So, they agreed to stop giving gifts that hurt the economy. In turn, they asked if they could build a monument or watch tower for the people, and the mayor agreed to the watchtower, thinking that was benign. So, in the middle of the market square, they began building a dark wooden tower.

Squigs: It’s made of stone!

Pug: It started off as wood. And it had two entrances that were open.

Squigs: Such the imagination! Not only are there no entrances, there are no doors!

Pug: He’s right. But that was not the case in the beginning. The tower was made of dark wood . . . magical wood, and there were two entryways. As the tower got taller, the entryways became two doors, and the wood turned black. Then the doors disappeared and the black wood became stone - smooth stone - with no spacing in-between, no mortar, just one smooth tower. When it reached about 40’ tall, construction slowed and since then, they have only added perhaps another 5’ to it, but it remains unfinished. And it is as ugly as a troll.

Then the other problem was the brown robed ones lied. They said they would stop bringing the food, but they continued every morning. They no longer come to the market square, but stop well before sunrise just outside of town and there they sell it on the black market; and the result? Crime continued to rise. Unable to quell the crime in the streets, the mayor, once again, agreed to allow the brown robed ones to help out and now they patrol our streets. It is true, crime has almost been wiped out here, but so too has our freedom. And no one seems to understand that.

Squigs: Cause if you understand it, you disappear!

Pug: Shut up Squigs! Again, he’s right. That just started several weeks ago. Those who are speaking out against the mayor or the brown-robed ones are just disappearing in the middle of the night, and no one will talk . . .

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Just then, the door to the Paper Moon opens up, everyone stops talking, and they turn to look at the doorway. As if to emphasize Pug’s point, everyone is frozen in horror, as three brown robed elves enter the room. The atmosphere in the room changes instantly to one of fear. Those standing in the doorway are tall, slender, and hidden behind their long brown robes with hoods. It is clear they are elvish, but their features are hidden inside the dark recesses of the overly large hoods.

The mission of this contingent of brown robed ones (in reality drow), is to find out more information about the party that came into town on the canoes. They want to know where they are from and where they are going, and they especially want to know what they are doing in Highfolk and how long they plan to stay.

If a fight breaks out, the only two people in the bar who will help out is Pug and Squigs. Pug will engage in a total melee fight. Squigs will help out by tripping or distracting a brown robed one, but he will feign innocence, as if it is all an accident.

Whether there is a fight or not, once the drow are dealt with, either through violence or diplomacy, assuming Pug is still alive, he will ask the adventuring party to help the town. Unsure of what to do, he can offer some advice about the wagon carts heading north after dark, that the black tower is the primary focus of much of the evil, and that the mayor’s mansion is also a center of the problem. Still further, he can explain that the town council, which meets in a beer hall, seems to also be under the influence of the robed ones. The mayor’s mansion and the council’s meeting place, Highhalehouse, are located off of the market square. Pug is willing to room the adventuring party (for free if they agree to help the town). He has a storage building that used to hold food supplies, but now sits empty and could easily hold their canoes and supplies. It also has a lock.

Pug: AC 8; MV 12”; HD 3; hp 24; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type. Pug wears leather armor, carries a dagger on his belt, and has access to a meat cleaver behind the bar (treat as hand axe).

Squigs: AC 10; MV 12”; HD 1; hp 8; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type. Squigs has no weapon, but if it can be seen as an accident, he will use any item at hand, including his beer mug.

Drow (patrol leader, male, 5th level fighter): AC -3; MV 12”; HD 5; hp 26; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; SA: Can cast the following spells once per day at the 5th level of experience, dancing lights, faerie fire, darkness, detect magic, know alignment, levitate; SD: move silently, infravision, 60% immunity to magic, +2 on all saves, only 1 in 8 chance of being surprised, +3 for Dexterity of 17; Possessions: +3 chain mail, +3 buckler, +1 dagger, +2 short sword, a black/gold medallion around its neck, tucked inside its chain mail, depicts a large wolf spider with the face of a beautiful human female (worth 200 gp), along with a leather bag around his neck tucked beside the medallion which contains 8 pp.

Drow (male, 2nd level fighter) (2): AC 1; MV 12”; HD 2; hp 9 each; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; SA: Can cast the following spells once per day at the 2nd level, dancing lights, faerie fire, darkness; SD: move silently, infravision, 54% immunity to magic, +2 on all saves, only 1 in 8 chance of being surprised; Possessions: +1 chain mail, +1 buckler, +1 dagger, +1 short sword, a black/gold medallion around their necks, tucked inside their chain mail, depicts a large wolf spider with the face of a beautiful human female (worth 200 gp), along with a leather bag around their necks tucked beside the medallion containing 5 pp each.


You come to a large market square with a wide open space measuring at least 200’ by 300’ rectangular. The entire area around you features wooden buildings, most being two stories tall, with the main floor being the merchant’s stores, while the smaller upper level most likely their homes. Since all of the structures are made of wood, it causes the prominent black tower to stand out even more oddly. A wide road enters the market square from the north, a very prominent two-story beer hall sits on the east end, and to the south is a large mansion with a circular driveway off of the market square.

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The market square features nearly every sort of merchants’ shop the player characters may need in order to resupply. The values for times should be associated with a town of a population of nearly 6,000 occupants. The majority of the town’s occupants are high elves, and, therefore, much of the merchandise available is handcrafted by elves that have adapted to the town life. There are some sylvan elves among the town’s occupants as well. All of the merchants, however, have fallen on hard times and inflation has hurt their bottom line. The inflation problem has caused prices in the market square to triple. So, if they player characters need to purchase a leather backpack, it will cost them 6 gp; a 10’ pole, 9 cp; and a torch, 3 cp.

One of the merchants is Celon Faust who runs a Clothier shop on the corner of the main road and the main market. If she hears of the player characters, she will seek them out; otherwise, if they need clothing, they will find her in her shop. She is the high elf mother of Calan Faust from the Village Arneson, the half-elf bard who loved to play the bagpipes. Celon loves music and plays many instruments and sings. She can be used to help move the player characters further into the adventure. If they are not hooked, she can be used to plead with the player characters to help out the town. She can also be used to explain that from her vantage point, not only is there something odd going on with the black tower, that much is clear to anyone, there is also something going on in the Highhalehouse, as well as the Mayor’s house. Finally, she is willing to share her suspicions with the player characters. Being a high elf with many elf friends, especially Sylvan elves, she believes the brown-robed ones are none other than the dark elves that legend talks about. She believes they are drow. One more piece of information makes her believe this, and that is she recognizes that the elves differ on a daily basis. In fact, sometimes on a bright sunny day, they appear to come and go several times in a day. She has yet to see one return to the streets of Highfolk. This is, in fact, true. Since the drow can only tolerate the light for short periods of time, they are constantly changing out during the days, while those that work at night,

patrolling the street, riding the supply wagon, etc., remain largely the same.

In the market square and throughout the town are drow patrols. These patrols will continually confront the player characters whenever they are out on the town streets wanting to know what their business is in Highfolk. If they are in any manner provoked, they will engage in combat with the player characters. Use the following statistics for any of these drow patrols:

Drow (patrol leader, male, 5th level fighter): AC -3; MV 12”; HD 5; hp 25; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; SA: Can cast the following spells once per day at the 5th level of experience, dancing lights, faerie fire, darkness, detect magic, know alignment, levitate; SD: move silently, infravision, 60% immunity to magic, +2 on all saves, only 1 in 8 chance of being surprised, +3 for Dexterity of 17; Possessions: +3 chain mail, +3 buckler, +1 dagger, +2 short sword, a black/gold medallion around its neck, tucked inside its chain mail, depicts a large wolf spider with the face of a beautiful human female (worth 200 gp), along with a leather bag around his neck tucked beside the medallion which contains 8 pp.

Drow (male, 2nd level fighter) (2-6): AC 1; MV 12”; HD 2; hp 9 each; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; SA: Can cast the following spells once per day at the 2nd level of experience, dancing lights, faerie fire, darkness; SD: move silently, infravision, 54% immunity to magic, +2 on all saves, only 1 in 8 chance of being surprised; Possessions: +1 chain mail, +1 buckler, +1 dagger, +1 short sword, a black/gold medallion around their necks, tucked inside their chain mail, depicts a large wolf spider with the face of a beautiful human female (worth 200 gp), along with a leather bag around their necks tucked beside the medallion which contains 5 pp each.


The black stone tower rises nearly 50’ in height and must be close to 60’ in diameter. There are no signs of doors, mortar, crevices, or cracks of any kind. The black, shiny, almost alabaster stone, appears to be one smooth shiny piece of rock. At the top of the tower, there are what look to be notched

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battlements, but there is also no one standing guard, at least none that can be seen. That may be because it would be nearly impossible to scale the tower.

The tower is 50’ tall, it is 60’ in diameter, and it has 15’ thick walls. There are three 15’ tall levels and the battlement is 5’ tall. The stairway travels from the battlements down to the first floor, and these are 10’ wide, leaving a living area of only 35’ diameter. At the ground level, there is a ramp that descends down into the earth with two switchbacks before coming to an underground tunnel. The tunnel then travels west to the Yatil Mountains, south to the Mayor’s house (See area #42), and east to the Highhalehouse (See area #23) where the town council meets.

From this vantage point in Highfolk, the drow plan to maintain dominance over the town’s people, and they are using their growing position to dominate every town and country surrounding the Yatil Mountains. Once they have dominated places such as Mitrik, Molvar, Lopolla, Sefmur, Yecha, Exag, Krestible, Schwartzenbruin, and Highfolk, the drow believe they will be able to dominate the surrounding countries. The plan is to then move north to Eru-Tovar, and make sure that the passage all the way to Rigodruok is clear for Lolth and her spider army to enter the Flanaess and rule the world.

In order to enter the black tower, it has to be done from the battlements downward. There is little chance of successfully climbing the black tower for there is no hand or footholds to be had. Some innovative means or magic will be necessary to gain the tower’s top. If the player characters do decide to investigate the happenings of Highfolk in this manner, it will present a highly difficult method of discovery for it is heavily fortified.


As you gain the roof of the black tower, you see the notched battlements surround the top of this mysterious cylinder. The roof is set 5’ down from the battlements and there is a 10’ wide staircase descending downward into the dark. In the center of the tower is some large contraption under a

heavy piece of dark canvas. There are brown robed guards on top of the tower.

If the player characters attack during the daytime, 2 guards remain at the top of the stairs, while the other 6 hide in the shadows of the stairway. If their attack is at night, all eight will be on top of the roof. During the day, the drow take turns being in the bright light, something they detest.

In the center of the tower’s roof, under the heavy piece of canvas, is a super heavy crossbow that takes two men to handle, one round to wind up, but fires a javelin sized bolt which has an attack bonus to hit of +3 at short range (9”), +2 at medium range (18”), a+1 at long range (27”), and +0 at any distance greater than 36”. The damage of the javelin is 4-14 hit points of damage. There are two long boxes next to the super heavy crossbow that hold 12 javelin bolts each.

If the drow located on the battlements find they are having any difficulties defending the tower, they can call down to the guards and drow leader located on the 3rd level of the black tower for additional support (See area #12)

Drow (male, 2nd level fighter) (8): AC 1; MV 12”; HD 2; hp 11 each; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; SA: Can cast the following spells once per day at the 2nd level of experience, dancing lights, faerie fire, darkness; SD: move silently, infravision, 54% immunity to magic, +2 on all saves, only 1 in 8 chance of being surprised; Possessions: +1 chain mail, +1 buckler, +1 dagger, +1 short sword, crossbow with 10 drow poisoned bolts, a leather bag around the neck tucked inside the chain mail containing 5 pp each, and each wears a black/gold medallion that is also hung around their necks and tucked in beside the bag which depicts a wolf spider with the head of a beautiful human female (worth 200 gp).


The landing from the staircase leads across an open area before coming to a set of double doors that currently stand open.

If the drow on the battlements (See area #11) were dispatched quickly and quietly, there will be a set of two drow guards outside the armory doors, one

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posted on either side of the doors. If the battle for the rooftop went poorly for the drow, these guards would have been summoned to join the fight on the battlements. These drow do not wear the brown robes, nor do any of the others inside the tower.

Drow (male, 2nd level fighter) (2): AC 1; MV 12”; HD 2; hp 10 each; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; SA: Can cast the following spells once per day at the 2nd level of experience, dancing lights, faerie fire, darkness; SD: move silently, infravision, 54% immunity to magic, +2 on all saves, only 1 in 8 chance of being surprised; Possessions: +1 chain mail, +1 buckler, +1 dagger, +1 short sword, a leather bag around the neck tucked inside the chain mail containing 5 pp each, and each wears a black/gold medallion that is also hung around their necks and tucked in beside the bag which depicts a wolf spider with the head of a beautiful human female (worth 200 gp).


The room is approximately 35’ in diameter and half-moon shaped because of the tower wall. Along the back wall are stacks and stacks of all manner of drow weaponry and armor. There are currently three drow stockpiling arms in this room.

Two of the drow are 2nd level fighters working for a 4th level fighter who is in charge of the armory. If attacked, the 4th level fighter will have the presence of mind to grab and fight with the +4 short sword.

The armory consists of the following: 30 +1 daggers, 10 +2 daggers, 1 +3 dagger, 40 +1 short swords, 15 +2 short swords, 8 +3 short swords, 1 +4 short sword, 60 +1 bucklers, 20 +2 bucklers, 5 +3 bucklers, 40 +1 suits of chain mail, 15 +2 suits of chain mail, 8 +3 suits of chain mail, 60 javelins, 40 crossbows, 40 cases of 10 crossbow bolts, 30 spears, 12 stone axes, 8 morning stars, 6 sets of studded leather armor, 18 large shields, one long locked case containing 12 javelins of lightning, and one locked chest containing 60 vials of drow poison,

Drow (Briel, male, 4th level fighter): AC -2; MV 12”; HD 4; hp 20 each; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; SA: Can cast the following spells once per day at the

4th level of experience, dancing lights, faerie fire, darkness; SD: move silently, infravision, 58% immunity to magic, +2 on all saves, only 1 in 8 chance of being surprised; Possessions: +3 chain mail, +2 buckler, +2 dagger, +2 short sword, a leather bag around the neck tucked inside the chain mail containing 15 pp and a potion of extra-healing, and he wears a black/gold medallion which features a wolf spider with the head of a beautiful human female (worth 200 gp).

Drow (male, 2nd level fighter) (2): AC 1; MV 12”; HD 2; hp 10 each; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; SA: Can cast the following spells once per day at the 2nd level of experience, dancing lights, faerie fire, darkness; SD: move silently, infravision, 54% immunity to magic, +2 on all saves, only 1 in 8 chance of being surprised; Possessions: +1 chain mail, +1 buckler, +1 dagger, +1 short sword, a leather bag around the neck tucked inside the chain mail containing 5 pp each, and they each wear a black/gold medallion which features a wolf spider with the head of a beautiful human female (worth 200 gp).


The landing leads to a set of double doors that stand open. Inside this 35’ diameter half-moon shaped room are all manner of boxes, crates, and barrels. There appears to be no one present in the room.

It is true no one is present in this room, but something is. The guardian of the supply room is a pet wolf spider (huge). It will leap upon any player character taking the time to inspect the supplies. The wolf spider is the pet of General Airyoril (See area #16).

The supplies in this room include bales of cloth, especially the brown cloth used to make the robes, well over 100 already fashioned brown robes, pottery, lumber, leather, leather goods, padding for padded armor, bronze ingots, parchment papers, dried foodstuff (mostly dried fungus, but also some dried rothé), and numerous barrels containing water, ale, wine, and some form of black pitch. The barrels of ale and wine bear the markings of the “Highhalehouse.”

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Spider, wolf: AC 6; MV 18”; HD 2+2; hp 9; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6; SA: Surprise on a roll of 1-5 (out of 6) and poison (saving throws at +1).


Flanking either side of the set of double doors on this level, stand two dark elves.

These two drow are guards of the High Bailiff who oversees the entire Highfolk operation out of area #16. If any intruders approach they will immediately sound the alarm and attack.

Drow (male, 4th level fighter) (2): AC -2; MV 12”; HD 4; hp 18 each; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; SA: Can cast the following spells once per day at the 4th level of experience, dancing lights, faerie fire, darkness, detect magic, know alignment, levitate; SD: move silently, infravision, 58% immunity to magic, +2 on all saves, only 1 in 8 chance of being surprised; Possessions: +3 chain mail, +2 buckler, +1 dagger, +2 short sword, a leather bag around the neck tucked inside the chain mail containing 8 pp each, and they each wear a black/gold medallion which features a wolf spider with the head of a beautiful human female (worth 200 gp).


You enter this 35’ diameter half-moon shaped room. To your left are several makeshift beds, while to your right sit a pile of iron chests and in the middle of the room is a long table with many chairs. Standing behind the table are two female dark elves who are pouring over numerous papers, ledgers, and maps spread out across the table. Behind them, along the wall, are two more of these female dark elves.

The two drow at the table are the High Bailiff, General Airyoril, who is in charge of the entire drow operation in Highfolk. The other drow at the table is her closest advisor, a cleric, Priestess Cindril. They have largely accomplished the first phase of their mission, overtaking and controlling the town of Highfolk by commanding the mayor and the town council and cowing the people into submission through their own failings of greed and laziness. The drow now maintain control of the town by way of fear, threat, and intimidation.

The second and current phase of their operation is to stockpile supplies and move in the attack forces. The third phase, which they will execute upon receiving orders from Lolth, will be to sweep the southern portion of the Vesve Forest, capture the sylvan elves and all other creatures in the forest and make them slaves. The fourth phase is to take Chendl and Crockport in the Kingdom of Furyondy, but this phase is still in the planning stages. This is what they were working on until they were so rudely interrupted by the player characters.

Defeat of the High Bailiff and the Cleric would begin the fall of the drow plans for Highfolk. The coordination of the entire operation is run through General Airyoril and her demise will place the operation in jeopardy. The paperwork on the desk will show the entire plan of tapping into existing tunnels and caverns, as well as the creation of some new ones, to get underneath Highfolk and use it as a base. It will become very clear that the primary area of operation is located west of Highfolk in the Yatil Mountains and that if that area was destroyed, it would cut off the entire drow army from being able to amass in Highfolk. Also, the maps show that two smaller tunnels lead to the Mayor’s House and Highhalehouse where the town council meets.

There is a portable writing table on the main table which has the final plans and its execution orders. Hidden in a secret space in the bottom is a special parchment which reads, “The bearer of this letter is directly in my service and, as a most trusted servant, is to be given all aide and speed in the execution of their duties. Lolth.”

General Airyoril (female, 7th level fighter): AC -7; MV 12”; HD 7; hp 42; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; SA: Can cast the following spells once per day at the 7th level of expereince, dancing lights, faerie fire, darkness, detect magic, know alignment, levitate, clairvoyance, detect lie, dispel magic, suggestion; SD: move silently, infravision, 64% immunity to magic, +2 on all saves, only 1 in 8 chance of being surprised; Possessions: +4 chain mail, +3 buckler, +2 dagger, +4 short sword, a leather bag around the neck tucked inside the chain mail containing 18 pp and she wears a black/gold medallion which

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features a wolf spider with the head of a beautiful human female (worth 200 gp).

Priestess Cindril (female, 7th level cleric): AC -3; MV 12”; HD 7; hp 37; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; SA: Can cast the following spells once per day at the 7th level of experence, dancing lights, faerie fire, darkness, detect magic, know alignment, levitate, clairvoyance, detect lie, dispel magic, suggestion; SD: move silently, infravision, 64% immunity to magic, +2 on all saves, only 1 in 8 chance of being surprised. Possessions: +4 mace, +2 dagger, spider wand (50 charges – it can project a spider web strand which lasts for 3 rounds and is equal to a rope of entanglement), a leather bag around the neck tucked inside the chain mail containing 12 pp and she wears a black/gold medallion which features a wolf spider with the head of a beautiful human female (worth 200 gp). Her spells are:

First level: command, cure light wounds (x2), detect good, bless

Second level: augury, detect charm, hold person, silence 15’ radius, slow poison

Third level: cause blindness, dispel magic, prayer

Fourth level: cure serious wounds, tongues

Drow (male, 4th level fighter) (2): AC -2; MV 12”; HD 4; hp 18 each; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; SA: Can cast the following spells once per day at the 4th level of experience, dancing lights, faerie fire, darkness, detect magic, know alignment, levitate; SD: move silently, infravision, 58% immunity to magic, +2 on all saves, only 1 in 8 chance of being surprised; Possessions: +3 chain mail, +2 buckler, +1 dagger, +2 short sword, a leather bag around the neck tucked inside the chain mail containing 8 pp each, and they each wear a black/gold medallion which features a wolf spider with the head of a beautiful human female (worth 200 gp).

Treasure: Iron chest #1; 35 black/gold medallions featuring a wolf spider with the face of a beautiful human female (each worth 200 gp); Iron chest #2: 132 pp; iron chest #3: 320 gp – all blank faced coins; iron chest #4: four gold scroll tubes (worth 150 gp each) each containing one scroll with the

following spells: protection from elemental, lightning bolt, remove curse, and resurrection; iron chest #4: four mithril bars each worth 2,500 gp; iron chest #5: wand of cure light wounds (50 charges) and a ring of spell storing (animate dead, maze, knock, and polymorph self); iron chest #6: a black spider statuette with eight eyes, each a black sapphire worth 1,000 gp each; iron chest #7: potion of invulnerability, potion of flying, potion of extra-healing, and potion of frost giant strength; iron chest #8: wand of lightning bolts and a +3 ring of protection; iron chest #9: six gold spider broaches (each worth 250 gp).


The descending passage continues downward like the spiral staircase, but it has turned to a downward ramp 10’ wide and twisting a half-turn around the tower’s base before straightening out and descending downward at a fairly steep angle.

The tunnel travels downward for 300’ before hitting a switchback. It then travels for another 300’ before switching back again and then turning slightly and leveling out. It then leads to a guarded four-way stop in area #18.


Up ahead you see a four-way intersection. All but the western passage are 10’ wide, while the subterranean tunnel leading in that direction expands to 20’ in width. Located at the intersection are five of the dark elves.

This is the primary guard check point for the subterranean passage under Highfolk. The job of the five guards located here is to control the traffic and know who is coming and going from the tower, Mayor’s House, Highhalehouse, or the staging area in the Yatil Mountains. They will immediately attack any intruders in the tunnels. All of these drow are female

Drow (patrol leader, female, 3rd level fighter): AC 0; MV 12”; HD 5; hp 25; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; SA: Can cast the following spells once per day at the 3rd level of experience, dancing lights, faerie fire, darkness, clairvoyance, detect lie, dispel magic, suggestion; SD: move silently, infravision, 56%

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immunity to magic, +2 on all saves, only 1 in 8 chance of being surprised, +3 for Dexterity of 17; Possessions: +3 chain mail, +3 buckler, +1 dagger, +2 short sword, a black/gold medallion around its neck, tucked inside its chain mail, depicts a large wolf spider with the face of a beautiful human female (worth 200 gp), along with a leather bag around her neck which contains 10 pp. and an emerald worth 100 gp.

Drow (female, 2nd level fighter) (4): AC 0; MV 12”; HD 2; hp 10 each; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; SA: Can cast the following spells once per day at the 2nd level, dancing lights, faerie fire, darkness, clairvoyance, detect lie, dispel magic, suggestion; SD: move silently, infravision, 54% immunity to magic, +2 on all saves, only 1 in 8 chance of being surprised, +2 for dexterity of 16; Possessions: +1 chain mail, +1 buckler, +1 dagger, +1 short sword, a black/gold medallion around their necks, tucked inside their chain mail, depicts a large wolf spider with the face of a beautiful human female (worth 200 gp), along with a leather bag which contains 8 pp each.


There is a cave entrance off of the main 20’ subterranean tunnel. The cave is dark, but two sets of red eyes are looking in your direction.

The two creatures in the cave are nightmares, the steeds of General Airyoril and Priestess Cindril. Although they spend most of their time in Highfolk, they occasionally need to travel back to the staging area in the Yatil Mountains. The Priestess travels there more often as the Temple of the Spider God is located there and she is the cleric that performs all of the worship services.

Nightmare (2): AC -4; MV 15”/36”; HD 6+6; hp 34, 27; #AT 3; Dmg 2-8/4-10/4-10; SD: breathe smoke during combat that may obscure vision of opponents, saving throw or opponents will take -2 on to hit and damage dice.


On the south side of the subterranean passage there is a wide mouth cavern that is 90’ wide and looks to be over 30’ deep. There is all manner of

activity going on in this cavern. There appears to be three of the dark elves overseeing the happenings here, as there are a dozen large pack lizards, from which two dozen reptilian humanoid creatures off-load boxes and crates. In addition, there are four large hideous green creatures that appear to be physically overseeing the reptile creatures in their unloading.

The dark elves are drow merchants who use the trolls as slave drivers over the troglodytes to load and unload the pack lizards. The merchandise is offloaded and at a later point, the items will be dispersed to the tower, the Mayor’s house or the Highhalehouse. If the player characters are seen by either the drow merchants or the trolls, an alert will be sounded and both will attack as well as the guards from area #18 (if they remain alive). The Troglodytes, if given the chance, will fight the trolls and kill them, followed by the drow, followed by the player characters. They will grab any weapons if they are available. The pack lizards will seldom attack, nor are they easily spooked.

Drow merchant (male, 4th level cleric & 4th level fighter)(3): AC -2; MV 12”; HD 4; hp 18; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; SA: Can cast the following 1st level spells: cure light wounds (x2), detect magic, 2nd level spells, hold person, speak with animals, and can cast the following spells once per day at the 4th level of experience, dancing lights, faerie fire, darkness; SD: move silently, infravision, 58% immunity to magic, +2 on all saves, only 1 in 8 chance of being surprised; Possessions: +3 chain mail, +3 buckler, +2 mace, a black/gold medallion around each of their necks, tucked inside their chain mail, depicts a large reptilian creature (worth 150 gp), along with a leather bag around his neck tucked beside the medallion which contains 18 gp, 23 pp, and four rubies each worth 150 gp.

Troll (4): AC 4; MV 12”; HD 6+6; hp 36, 31, 27, 24; #AT 3; Dmg 5-8/5-8/2-12; SA: can fight three opponents at once; SD: infravision (90’), after 3 melee rounds will begin to regenerate 3 hit points per round, to kill a troll is must be burned or immersed in acid.

Troglodyte (24): AC 5; MV 12”; HD 2; hp 9 each; #AT 3; Dmg 1-3/1-3/2-5 or by weapon type; SD: revulsion odor, all humanoids must save versus poison or lose

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1 point of strength for 1-6 melee rounds which lasts for 10 melee rounds.

Pack Lizard (12): AC 5; MV 9”; HD 6+6; hp 35 each; #AT 1; Dmg 2-8.

Treasure: Either set to the side or still on the pack lizards are the following: 6 barrels of black pitch; 12 crates of dried lichen; 2 barrels of dried meat (rothé); 2 crates of brown fabric; 1 crate of leather; 1 longbox of 25 +2 swords; 1 chest containing 350 gp blank on both sides; 2 crates each containing 6 sets of drow +2 chainmail; 1 chest containing 12 vials, all potion of healing; 1 chest containing silk sheets (valued at 150 gp).


After traveling several miles through this subterranean passage, you hear what sounds like the rhythmic clanking of chains and an occasional baritone voice, shouting something as if in anger.

Use this scenario regardless of whether the player characters have traveled west from Highfolk or after having found the secret cave entrance in the Yatils and are now traveling east. In either case, the player characters will come across a slave party. The drow captured a group of svirfneblin (deep gnomes) and put them to work as slaves. Once chained, they were turned over to a group of troglodytes who act as their overseers. The current assignment of the troglodytes is to bring the deep gnomes to the supply staging area under Highfolk (See area #20), in order to have them move the supplies from the holding area into the tower, the Mayor’s Mansion, and the Highhalehouse. The troglodytes will fight against the player characters and the svirfneblin will try to kill the troglodytes. However, once freed, the deep gnomes want nothing more than to escape and are not likely to listen to reason or any plans. They will talk amongst themselves in their own language, plotting their own way to escape, and if attacking the player characters helps them to achieve this end, they will not hesitate. However, they have no weapons or armor. The only two ways to convince them to help out the player characters is the two things they love the most: killing drow and gems.

Troglodyte (leader): AC 5; MV 12”; HD 3; hp 21; #AT 3; Dmg 1-3/1-3/2-5; Dmg 1-3/1-3/2-5 or by weapon type; SA: revulsion odor, save vs. poison or lose 1 point of strength per melee round for 1-6 rounds, cumulative, lasing 10 melee rounds. The leader wields a stone battle axe.

Troglodyte (10): AC 5; MV 12”; HD 2; hp 8, 7 (x3), 6 (x2), 5 (x2), 4 (x2); #AT 3; Dmg 1-3/1-3/2-5 or by weapon type; SA: revulsion odor, save vs. poison or lose 1 point of strength per melee round for 1-6 rounds, cumulative, lasing 10 melee rounds. The troglodytes all carry two javelins which are great vaned darts allowing them +3 to hit and causing 2-8 hit points of damage.

Svirfneblin (deep gnomes) (30): AC 2; MV 9”; HD 3+6; hp 15 each; #AT 2; Dmg 1-4/1-4 or by weapon type; SA: can cast at will blindness, blur, and change self; SD: 20% magic resistance.

Treasure: The troglodyte leader has a bag slung over his shoulder that contains 88 pp and one opal worth 1000 gp. Each of the other troglodytes carry a small pouch containing 8 pp each. The deep gnomes have nothing of value.


In the subterranean passage, located equidistance between or the Yatil Mountains and Highfolk, live a group of mites who have become incensed at the intrusion into their home. The section in which they live is a natural cavern passage that was tapped into by the drow in order to make it underneath Highfolk. The movement of drow, merchants, and slaves through their homeland has enraged the mites and they are beginning to fight back. They have begun using their guerilla warfare tactics on any group passing through. If the party’s numbers are less than 10, they will try to attack any stragglers, trigger traps in the passage, or drop nets on top of the group. They will never openly attack a party and they are hesitant to attack any group unless they have at least a two-to-one advantage. Once they have a victim, they attempt to beat the person to death with clubs and, after stripping the body of items, hiding it in and amongst the rocks. They have a series of small 2’ wide tunnels that they use to escape if things do not go well for them.

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Mites (24): AC 8; MV 3”; HD 1-1; hp 7 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-3 or by weapon type. The mites carry wooden clubs.


A 10’ wide tunnel travels in an easterly direction from the intersection.

There is a 25% chance that a team of drow from the Highhalehouse checkpoint in area #24 will be patrolling this corridor which travels 600’ from underneath the Black Tower to just underneath the Highhalehouse.


The 10’ tunnel comes to an end where there is a heavy ladder that ascends upward through what is clearly a makeshift hole in the ceiling. Looking up through the jagged hole which is approximately 8’ in diameter, you see an elaborate staircase ascending upward.

The tunnel comes underneath the HIghhalehouse and enters where some of the front entrance doors once opened to a staircase that ascends to the second level. The ladder leads into the Highhalehouse in area #25. Any player characters making noise or climbing the ladder stands a good chance of drawing the attention of the drow guards located in the foyer by the staircase in area #25.


As you enter the foyer, you see a grand staircase ascending upward to a landing, and after turning to the right, it continues climbing. The three doors which enter this staircase foyer are all barricaded with tables.

Two of the doors, which opened inward, have been boarded up and then barricaded with tables. The one set back farthest from the staircase is merely barred. In order to gain entrance, the drow must slip their medallion under the doorway in order to have the guards open the door for them, at which time they retrieve their medallion.

As this foyer contains the only staircase to the second floor of the Highhalehouse, there is now limited access to the second floor. One can come through the hole in the foyer’s floor, they can enter through the barred door if unbarred, and there is the possibility of gaining access to the second floor via the kitchen’s dumbwaiter (See area #35 and #40).

The second level was used for events and for the Highfolk public council meetings. It is now being used by the drow (See area #27). There is a drow patrol stationed in the foyer monitoring anything coming through the subterranean passage or down the stairs. On a random basis, the patrol leader will dispatch a team of drow (usually two) to walk the passage and check in with the drow checkpoint located at the intersection (See area #18).

Drow (male, 4th level fighter, patrol leader): AC 0; MV 12”; HD 5; hp 25; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; SA: Can cast the following spells once per day at the 4th level of experience, dancing lights, faerie fire, darkness; SD: move silently, infravision, 58% immunity to magic, +2 on all saves, only 1 in 8 chance of being surprised, +3 for Dexterity of 17; Possessions: +3 chain mail, +3 buckler, +2 dagger, +2 short sword, a black/gold medallion around its neck, tucked inside its chain mail, depicts a large wolf spider with the face of a beautiful human female (worth 200 gp), along with a leather bag around his neck tucked beside the medallion which contains 12 pp. and a ruby worth 250 gp.

Drow (male, 2nd level Fighter) (4): AC 0; MV 12”; HD 2; hp 10 each; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; SA: Can cast the following spells once per day at the 2nd level of experience, dancing lights, faerie fire, darkness; SD: move silently, infravision, 54% immunity to magic, +2 on all saves, only 1 in 8 chance of being surprised, +2 for dexterity of 16; Possessions: +1 chain mail, +1 buckler, +1 dagger, +1 short sword, a black/gold medallion around their necks, tucked inside their chain mail, depicts a large wolf spider with the face of a beautiful human female (worth 200 gp), along with a leather bag around their necks tucked beside the medallion containing 8 pp each.

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The staircase is rather ornate for it is made of a beautiful marble stone with wooden railings that have been hand-carved. The 10’ wide staircase is 40’ in length and rises 10’ before reaching a wide landing. Above the landing is a large portrait of a white bearded man wearing gray robes holding a staff. The staircase then continues to rise another 10’ before arriving at the second floor landing.

The portrait is of the Worthy Sir, Loftin Graystand, the current mayor of Highfolk, a 12th level druid (See area #56 for his current location).


The second floor foyer overlooks the set of stairs, as well as the lower foyer. It is an L-shaped room and features a long narrow table with a guest registry and a double wide door made of opaque glass.

The book on the long narrow table is a guest registry. The last entry is dated 9 months previous. The double glass door is ornamental and has no locks.


The double doors lead into an oversized feasting hall, evident by the numerous tables and benches lining either side of the hall. The room features three 20’ windows on both sides of the hall, although those on the south side are clearly exterior windows, while those on the north side are interior windows. There are two archways on either end of the hall on the north side, while in the southwest corner of the room is a door. At the far end of the hall there is an elevated stage. The room is currently empty, but sounds emanate from the far archway.

This is the great feasting hall of Highfolk and this is where all of the major events in town take place. It is also where the mayor and/or council will give speeches, issue proclamations, etc. There is a permanent council chambers located here for routine business (See area #30), but the ceremonial side of things is always conducted in the hall. Currently the hall itself remains empty for the drow have simply taken over the second level of the facility, but their plan is to convert it into a barracks

over the next several months in preparation for their total takeover of Highfolk and eventual invasion into the Vesve Forest.

Any player character making noise in this room will alert the drow located in area #34. If they are alerted, than those in area #30 will in turn be alerted. Sound travels easier through the hall to area #34 than the council chambers in area #30.


The door opens into a long 20’ by 60’ deep room which is clearly used for storage. Crammed against the walls on either side of this room are additional tables and benches. On the far back wall, there is something wrapped in heavy quilts.

This is the primary storage room for the second floor feasting hall, giving the Highhalehouse owners a place to put tables and chairs when they are not needed or to bring out more when they are. The items wrapped in the heavy quilts at the far end of the room are replacement window panes for both the exterior and interior windows in the feasting hall. After being broken a time or two, the owners learned to keep spares in storage, always at the ready.


The door to this room is unlocked. It opens into a large 40’ by 40’ room that is marked most significantly by a raised platform, set in a U-shape, with a wooden bannister, behind which set 7 chairs, one at the base and three on either side. There is a large green and white checkered shield on the wall above the singular chair. There are numerous chairs throughout the rest of the room. Six old gaunt men sit in the chairs in this room, while three male dark elves rest among the many chairs.

This is the council chambers of the Town of Highfolk and it is where the town’s business was conducted. Long ago, the town decided to not construct a special meeting place for the council and chose to meet in taverns. Eventually, when the Highhalehouse was built, the largest tavern in Highfolk, they decided to have the council chambers built into the facility. Now, the council chambers serve as a prison for the six council

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members who are rarely ever allowed to leave the room. Once every few days, a drow patrol will come and they will escort one of the council members through the town, allowing him to purchase items and greet the people, all under close protection of the brown robed ones (the drow). Otherwise they are kept in the council chambers. Behind each of the chairs they occupy, lie bedrolls, so this is where they also sleep. They are guarded by three male drow who have become bored with the tediousness of guarding these old men.

Tell Velverundy: AC10; MV 12”; HD 1; hp 8; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon type. Tell is a local merchant who gained a seat on the council 12 years earlier. He is fairly wealthy and snobbish.

Coalt Belvoir: AC10; MV 12”; HD 2; hp 16: #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon type. Coalt was an aspiring member of the city guard who was a fighter 2nd level, but gave it up for the town council position. He has been on the council for only two years, its newest member. He realized what was happening in Highfolk but was convinced by the other members of the council to deny reality. He regrets his complacency and wants to kill his drow captors.

Kasha Tamarin: AC 10; MV 12”; HD 1; hp 5: #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon type. Kasha is a half-elf and is of a family of High Elves who are merchants selling merchandise coming out of the Vesve Forest. He has served on the council for 6 years.

Morn Vesivius: AC 10; MV 12”; HD 1; hp 5: #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon type. Morn was a barkeep, but not a very good one. He used his bar to gain many friends and then turned it into a position on the town council before selling off his bar. He is nicknamed “Morn with a U” for he is a very somber, depressing, and negative individual. He has served on the council for 4 years.

Jorn Tellico: AC 10; MV 12”; HD 1; hp 6: #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon type. Jorn is a friendly individual who loves the outdoors, sports, and games of chance. Some say he gained his seat on the council through a game of chance, but no one is really sure, as he was new to town 4 years ago. He has served nearly 4 years on the council.

Colin Shandar: AC10; MV 12”; HD 1; hp 4: #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon type. Colin is a quiet studious book worm type. He has served on the council for 10 years and is the recorder.

Drow (male, 4th level Fighter) (3): AC -2; MV 12”; HD 4; hp 18 each; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; SA: Can cast the following spells once per day at the 4th level of experence, dancing lights, faerie fire, darkness; SD: move silently, infravision, 58% immunity to magic, +2 on all saves, only 1 in 8 chance of being surprised; Possessions: +3 chain mail, +2 buckler, +1 dagger, +1 short sword, a leather bag around the neck tucked inside the chain mail containing 5 pp each, and they each wear a black/gold medallion which features a wolf spider with the head of a beautiful human female (worth 200 gp).


The door to this room is unlocked. It opens to reveal a 30’ by 40’ room that looks to be an office, for there are three desks and multiple bookshelves along the walls. There are also two couches on the far wall on either side of the large opaque window.

The room serves as the office of Shandar, Tellico, and Vesivius, three of the town council members (See area #30). It has been taken over as living quarters for the drow who are almost always located in area #34. There is nothing of value in this room.


The door to this room is unlocked. It opens to reveal a 30’ by 40’ room that appears to serve as a three person office as there are three desks and multiple bookshelves along the walls. There are also two couches on the far wall on either side of the large opaque window.

The room serves as the office of Tamarin, Velverundy, and Belvoir, three of the town council members (See area #30). It has been taken over as living quarters for the drow who are almost always located in area #34. Belvoir has a secret compartment cut into the floor under his desk that the drow have not located. Inside the small recessed area are the following items: +1 dagger,

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+1 military pick, potion of giant (fire) strength, and a potion of healing.


The door to this room is unlocked. It opens to reveal a 30’ by 40’ room that is a well-appointed bedroom. There are several large area carpets and an ornate four-poster bed with two nightstands in the center of the room. Along the walls are several dressers, chests, a desk, a table with a mirror, and a washstand. There is a large opaque window on the far wall. The room appears to be empty.

The room served as the bedroom of the owners of Highhalehouse, Jon Von Kriegen and his wife Cyndathia. They have been forced out of their bedroom and have taken to living on the first floor (See area #38). The drow Anrandia, who spends most of her time in area #34, has taken this over as her living quarters. There is nothing of value in the room as it has been rifled over by the drow.


This large 50’ by 50’ room has an open arched entryway, along with a wooden door on the southeast side of the room. The room contains many barrels, crates, and small tables around the perimeter of the room, and the center features a number of large tables and benches. There are currently 7 dark elves poring over maps and papers at the tables, while two dark elves appear to be supervising 3 humanoid creatures moving some of the crates and boxes around.

This room was used by the tavern as a work area for major events in the feasting hall (See area #28). It is now being used by the drow as a siege room. While the Black Tower is being used as a defensive position and lookout tower for future operations, maintaining control of the town of Highfolk is under the charge of Anrandia, a 7th level female drow fighter. She coordinates the patrols of the brown robed ones and gathers the information they present to her from their patrols. She then uses that information to deploy her patrols to keep the town under control. Any key information she rewrites into an intelligence report and sends it by brown robed courier to the Mayor’s house.

The 2 drow with the 3 orcs are from the supply area located in area #20. They are bringing food supplies, mostly lichens, for the drow operating out of Highhalehouse, as well as a small crate of daggers (see treasure).

The papers on the table show that there are seven drow patrols present in the city at any given time and that they are rotated daily with replacements from the Yatils. The replacements arrive in the middle of the night and they serve all day. They try to limit their exposure to the sun during the day, but because even small amounts take their toll on them, they must rotate back to the underdark, replaced by a fresh set of drow.

In combat, Anrandia will rely on her drow fighters, including the two guarding the orc slaves. If things are going poorly, she will attempt to set the papers on fire then escape through the tunnel system. The orcs will attack their guards and any other drow and, if the player characters stay out of their way, they will attempt to return to the subterranean tunnels and make their way back west. If the player characters interfere with them in any manner, they will attack.

Anrandia (female, 7th level fighter): AC -5; MV 12”; HD 7; hp 42; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; SA: Can cast the following spells once per day at the 7th level of experience, dancing lights, faerie fire, darkness, detect magic, know alignment, levitate, clairvoyance, detect lie, dispel magic, and suggestion; SD: move silently, infravision, 64% immunity to magic, +2 on all saves, only 1 in 8 chance of being surprised, +3 for Dexterity of 17; Possessions: +3 chain mail, +3 buckler, +2 dagger, +3 mace, a black/gold medallion around her neck, tucked inside its chain mail, depicts a large wolf spider with the face of a beautiful human female (worth 200 gp), along with a leather bag around his neck tucked beside the medallion which contains 22 pp. and a diamond worth 250 gp.

Drow (females, 3rd level fighter) (6): AC 1; MV 12”; HD 2; hp 10 each; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; SA: Can cast the following spells once per day at the 3rd level of experience, clairvoyance, dancing lights, faerie fire, darkness, detect lie, dispel magic, faerie fire, and suggestion; SD: move silently,

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infravision, 56% immunity to magic, +2 on all saves, only 1 in 8 chance of being surprised, +2 for dexterity of 16; Possessions: +1 chain mail, +1 buckler, +1 dagger, +1 short sword, a black/gold medallion around their necks, tucked inside their chain mail, depicts a large wolf spider with the face of a beautiful human female (worth 200 gp), along with a leather bag around their necks tucked beside the medallion containing 7 pp each.

Drow (male, 2nd level fighter) (2): AC 0; MV 12”; HD 2; hp 10 each; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; SA: Can cast the following spells once per day at the 2nd level of experience, dancing lights, faerie fire, darkness; SD: move silently, infravision, 52% immunity to magic, +2 on all saves, only 1 in 8 chance of being surprised, +2 for dexterity of 16; Possessions: +1 chain mail, +1 buckler, +1 dagger, +1 short sword, a black/gold medallion around their necks, tucked inside their chain mail, depicts a large wolf spider with the face of a beautiful human female (worth 200 gp), along with a leather bag around their necks tucked beside the medallion containing 7 pp each.

Orc (3): AC 6; MV 9”; HD 1; hp 8, 6, 5; #AT 1; Dmg 1-8 or by weapon type.

Treasure: crate of 20 +1 daggers, one chest containing 550 blank faced gp, one chest containing 20 vials of drow poison, and two of the papers on the table are magical spells: dispel magic and locate object.


This 20’ by 70’ room serves as a limited kitchen. Most of what fills this kitchen are barrels of beer, mead, and wine, with hundreds, if not several thousand, mugs. There are some food items, but most appear to be dried foods and cheese (although the cheese is completely turned to mold). On the far end is a small door in the wall set 4’ above the floor.

The kitchen is a limited purpose kitchen for the feasting hall, designed to serve alcohol and limited food items. Meals are made in the first floor kitchen and set up via the dumbwaiter, which is the door at the end of the room. The doorway has two sliding doors and opens to reveal a 4’ by 4’ box with a

pulley system. One adult male in armor could fit inside the box. The pulley system has a system that someone on the first floor, second floor, or even inside the box, could operate it by pulling on the proper rope. Unless both ropes are cut, there is no possibility the dumbwaiter will give way, despite any amount of weight. The drow, not being familiar with a dumbwaiter or needing the kitchen, have left this room alone since taking over Highfolk. Therefore, anyone ascending from the first floor kitchen (See area #40) could gain access to this second floor kitchen without detection. The owners of Highhalehouse, Jon Von & Cyndathia Kriegen know this. The alcohol, dried foods, and cheese, if the mold is cut off, are fine for consumption.


After passing through a 30’ wide archway you come to the entrance of the Highhalehouse. Before you stand two double doors that have glass panes depicting frothy mugs of beer and there is a single doorway to your immediate left (north).

The doors are unlocked from mid-morning until late into the evening, and the Highhalehouse serves lunch and dinner. The door to the left is locked and barred (See area #25). The drow have taken over the second floor of the Highhalehouse, but have left the first floor to continue operations as normal, sort of. Whenever there are any major events to celebrate, the first floor has to be used now, whereas in the past it was always the second floor feasting hall (See area #28). As it is, however, with the brown robed ones creating such a presence in town, there is little reason to celebrate, so functions like this are few and far between. Also, on any given day, especially nights, the Highhalehouse was generally packed full. These days it is, at best, half-empty. The people of Highfolk know something is amiss with the Highhalehouse and prefer to avoid it altogether. Many still come because it is the one tavern that seems to have enough supplies to continue operations and people still desire to eat and drink.


The double doors open into a large hall that features 20’ ceilings and is partially divided into

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sections by walls and archways. Most of the first floor features long tables with benches spread throughout the room and waitresses stand at the ready to provide food and beer to paying customers. Just past the wall on the north side of the room is a 20’ wide hallway that is currently blocked by several tables. A man stands in front of the blocked hallway, notices you, and walks toward you, voicing a greeting to Highhalehouse.

The person greeting them is the male-half of the Highhalehous owners, Jon Von Kriegen. His wife, Cyndathia Kriegen is currently in the kitchen (See area #40). They are under great duress by the drow, but are too afraid to do anything lest they lose their life’s work, the tavern itself. They are biding their time in the hopes that someone will rescue the town or that the brown robed ones will just leave.

The tavern has a dozen waitresses, but many stand around idle as there is not much to do for the place is relatively empty. When people do enter, they often just order a meal, eat, and leave. The people no longer stay around all night as they used to. Any of the individuals in the Highhalehouse, because they know that something is not normal there, will refuse to talk or comment on anything regarding their suspicions of what is going on. Jon and Cyndathia are a little bit braver and if put into a situation where they are assured no one will be able to hear them, they will admit that the brown robed ones are running their business and they are just putting on a “normal face.” The food is delivered by them and they are taking most of the profits. They will voice their fears that they believe the entire town has been taken over.

Jon Von Kriegen (tavern owner): AC 10; MV 12”; HD 1; hp 7; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon type. Kriegen carries with him a small paring knife (dmg 1-2 hit points) and a coin bag currently containing 47 gp.


As you come to the archway that divides the Highhalehouse (and obviously supports the second floor), you see four brown robed ones sitting at a bench in the far corner conversing quietly. They

glance your way, but continue talking amongst themselves.

These are the four drow assigned to make sure that there are no troubles in Highhalehouse and that the owners do not communicate their distress to any of the tavern’s patrons. They are the only four guards within shouting distance for the guards in the stairwell (See area #25) or the drow on the second floor would not be able to hear them. However, they could flee to find reinforcements if attacked.

Drow (male, 4th level fighter, patrol leader): AC 0; MV 12”; HD 5; hp 19; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; SA: Can cast the following spells once per day at the 4th level of experience, dancing lights, faerie fire, darkness; SD: move silently, infravision, 58% immunity to magic, +2 on all saves, only 1 in 8 chance of being surprised, +3 for Dexterity of 17; Possessions: +3 chain mail, +3 buckler, +2 dagger, +2 short sword, a black/gold medallion around its neck, tucked inside its chain mail, depicts a large wolf spider with the face of a beautiful human female (worth 200 gp), along with a leather bag around his neck tucked beside the medallion which contains 10 pp. and a sapphire worth 150 gp.

Drow (male, 2nd level Fighter) (3): AC 0; MV 12”; HD 2; hp 10 each; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; SA: Can cast the following spells once per day at the 2nd level of experience, dancing lights, faerie fire, darkness; SD: move silently, infravision, 54% immunity to magic, +2 on all saves, only 1 in 8 chance of being surprised, +2 for dexterity of 16; Possessions: +1 chain mail, +1 buckler, +1 dagger, +1 short sword, a black/gold medallion around their necks, tucked inside their chain mail, depicts a large wolf spider with the face of a beautiful human female (worth 200 gp), along with a leather bag around their necks tucked beside the medallion containing 6 pp each.


The 20’ wide hallway bends around to an arched entryway that leads into a 30’ by 50’ room. This was clearly a private dining area by the décor and the raised platform at the back of the room, but is now being used as a makeshift bedroom as evidenced

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by the bedding on the floor and clothing and personal belongings on the tables.

The owners of the Highhalehouse had their own apartment on the second floor where they lived (See area #33), along with their own office (See area #32). When the drow took over the second floor, they were forced to find new lodging. The Kriegens decided to convert the private dining room into their personal quarters, having really nowhere else to go. There is nothing of any great value as they were forced to leave those items in their apartment, which have long since been picked over by the drow.


The door opens to reveal a 20’ wide and 40’ deep room that is crammed full of tables and benches, along with a few small tables and a large number of chairs. They are stacked from floor to ceiling with little ability for maneuvering through the room

There is nothing of value in this room. Most of the chairs come from the private dining area which had tables and chairs, rather than benches. Since the Kriegens needed the room, they placed the chairs in storage. They also removed all of the tables and benches that were located in the 20’ long hallway leading to the private dining room (See area #38) so as to avoid people getting to close to the private dining room and seeing what has happened to the owners of the tavern.


The door opens to reveal a large kitchen, 30’ deep and over 80’ long. There are all manner of tables, workbenches, barrels, pots and pans, and other assorted cooking items. There appears to be an adequate amount of food in the kitchen. On the south end of the room is an oddly placed wall with a small door that is situated 4’ above the floor and on the north end is an archway that leads to a door. There are six members of the cook staff in the kitchen, yet none of them look very busy.

There is actually five kitchen staff in the kitchen along with Cyndathia Kriegen, the female half of the owners of the Highhalehouse. In days past, she performed every role in the tavern, from cook, to

waitress, to host, but now with the brown robed ones in town, she prefers to spend most of her time in the kitchen. It seems safer there to her. She will speak to anyone if she believes she will not be overheard by the brown robed ones, but the other five will not say a word. Most of them are so fearful they will only provide blank, dumb stares.

Cyndathia Kriegen (tavern owner): AC 10; MV 12”; HD 1; hp 6; #AT 1; Dmg 1-4 or by weapon type. Cyndathia carries a large butcher knife tucked into her petticoat under her dress.


This large seating area is at least 30’ by 70’ and is covered over by the second floor of the tavern. The walls to the outside are trellises with climbing roses. There is an archway leading into the outdoor seating area and another archway leading into the main seating inside the tavern. There is also a swinging door that clearly leads into the kitchen.

The outdoor seating actually resulted from the Kriegens running out of money to close off the area and they left it open, eventually turning it into the most treasured seating area of the Highhalehouse. It is open to the outdoors, but covered from the elements. It is also through this area that deliveries are made to the kitchen (See area #40). Through the swinging door is a small area for the waitresses to finish preparing orders and an archway that leads directly into the kitchen. Through the exterior archway and around the corner to the east are the stables for the Highhalehouse.


A 20’ wide passage dirt road passes between the Highhalehouse and the tavern’s stables. The stables are 120’ long and 20’ deep and covered. There are a dozen stalls.

In the morning, the drow merchants that bring in the supplies for the towns people of Highfolk (see #2 & #5 above) park their wagon and horses here at the stables, then make their way to the second floor, where they sleep during the day. Once it is dark, they repeat the process, driving out of town, traveling north, crossing the Velverdyva River, then turning southwest to the Yatil Mountains.

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A 10’ wide tunnel travels in a southerly direction from the intersection.

There is a 25% chance that a team of drow from the Mayor’s Mansion checkpoint in area #43 will be patrolling this corridor which travels 300’ from underneath the Black Tower to just underneath the Mayor’s Mansion.


As you reach the end of the tunnel, you come to a ladder that leads 15’ up through a jagged hole in the tunnel’s ceiling. The opening is approximately 20’ in diameter.

This is the drow entrance into the Mayor’s Mansion. They created the tunnel from the black tower to arrive just underneath the Mayor’s Mansion and they selected the sunken ballroom as the perfect location because that area of the mansion was slightly below ground to begin with and for the fact it was the entertainment area for the elites of Highfolk, so that way the majority of people would not notice the loss of these facilities. The drow have control of the western portion of the mansion which consists of the private living and entertainment areas. The eastern portion is home to the servants and features guestrooms, all of which have been, for the most part, left alone.


This large 60’ by 100’ room features a sunken ballroom dance floor, over which hangs a massive chandelier, easily measuring 10’ in diameter. Candelabra surround the dance floor, while numerous sconces hold torches along the walls. The north end features a musician’s area and stairs leading up to a balustrade. On the south end of the room is an overlook featuring a center chair and several tables with chairs. On the east side of the room is a grand staircase leading upward to a 20’ wide hallway. The dance floor is clearly being used to store supplies, as numerous boxes, crates, and barrels are stacked around the outskirts of the room. Currently moving some of the boxes around are two reptilian creatures, overseen by three female dark elves, while one additional dark elf is

up on the southern platform, sitting at one of the tables writing.

The drow at the table is Dresnelda, a female drow, 6th level fighter, and the head of the drow fighters located in the mansion and she is pouring over the latest manifest of supplies from the drow merchants. The paperwork she has, written in drow, are nothing more than lists of supplies and provide no more information than the stacks of supplies in the ballroom. The three drow are overseeing the troglodytes as they move the supplies around according to the organization desired by the head guard. All of the drow are females.

There is a secret door located on the back wall of the southern platform, closest to the outside wall. This was used by the mayor to move from his private quarters to the ballroom.

In combat, Dresnelda will attempt to destroy the party with her three drow, but if things are not going well, she will retreat through the secret door in search of more guards. One of the three drow may also try to escape to the northern end of the room in order to warn additional drow of the intrusion. The troglodytes will jump into the hole in the floor and try to escape in that direction. Keep in mind if the troglodytes are allowed to escape, they will make it to the intersection under the black tower. If the guards located there have not been dispatched, they will come to investigate how the troglodytes escaped.

Dresnelda (female, 6th level fighter): AC -4; MV 12”; HD 7; hp 32; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; SA: Can cast the following spells once per day at the 7th level of experience, dancing lights, faerie fire, darkness, detect magic, know alignment, levitate, clairvoyance, detect lie, dispel magic, and suggestion; SD: move silently, infravision, 62% immunity to magic, +2 on all saves, only 1 in 8 chance of being surprised, +3 for Dexterity of 17; Possessions: +3 chain mail, +2 buckler, +2 dagger, +3 short sword, a black/gold medallion around her neck, tucked inside its chain mail, depicts a large wolf spider with the face of a beautiful human female (worth 200 gp), along with a leather bag around her neck tucked beside the medallion which contains 25 pp. and a red ruby worth 175 gp.

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Drow (females, 3rd level fighter) (3): AC 1; MV 12”; HD 2; hp 10 each; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; SA: Can cast the following spells once per day at the 3rd level of experience, clairvoyance, dancing lights, faerie fire, darkness, detect lie, dispel magic, faerie fire, and suggestion; SD: move silently, infravision, 56% immunity to magic, +2 on all saves, only 1 in 8 chance of being surprised, +2 for dexterity of 16; Possessions: +1 chain mail, +1 buckler, +1 dagger, +1 short sword, a black/gold medallion around their necks, tucked inside their chain mail, depicts a large wolf spider with the face of a beautiful human female (worth 200 gp), along with a leather bag around their necks tucked beside the medallion which contains 10 pp each.

Troglodyte (2): AC 5; MV 12”; HD 2; hp 9 each; #AT 3; Dmg 1-3/1-3/2-5 or by weapon type; SD: revulsion odor, all humanoids must save versus poison or lose 1 point of strength for 1-6 melee rounds which lasts for 10 melee rounds.

Treasure: The eight candelabra around the room are made of gold and are worth 250 gp each, however, they are 7 ½’ tall and weight 100 lbs each. The chandelier is worth 20,000 gp, but it also weighs a ton (literally). The barrels contain either water, wine, beer, or some form of dried lichen. The boxes, all long and flat, contain the following: 12 +3 short swords, 30 +2 short swords, 60 +1 short swords, 120 +1 spears, 12 +1 mace, 60 +1 longbows, 600 +1 arrows, 120 +1 daggers, and 6 javelins of lightning. The crates contain 20 +2 crossbows, 60 +1 crossbows, 500 crossblow bolts, 50 vials of drow poison, and 100 gold medals depicting a large wolf spider with the face of a beautiful human female (each worth 200 gp).


The door opens into a privy measuring 20’ square. There is another door leading outside on to the portico.

This is the restroom for the men. There is a door to the portico so as anyone using the privy can immediately gain access to some fresh air. This door, however, is currently locked.


The door opens into a privy measuring 20’ square. There is another door leading outside on to the portico.

This is the restroom for the women. This is made evident by the small table with various powders and perfumes available, not to mention the pink color scheme. There is a door to the portico so as anyone using the privy can immediately gain access to some fresh air. This door, however, is currently locked.


The hallway is a rather grand affair, running from an ornate staircase with curved marble bannisters, and gold trimmed steps, down a wide 20’ carpeted hallway which is decorated with large tapestries of scenery, and ending in a set of intricately carved double doors. However, the effect is rather marred by the large beam that currently bars the doors from opening.

The doors open into the grand hallway, so the wooden beam is barring anyone from outside opening the doors into the hallway. The door is ornate in that the glass pieces in the center of the door depict climbing roses and greenery. The tapestries hanging in the hallway are large 10’ wide by 20’ tall heavy tapestries, weighing 100 lbs each. They depict local scenery from farmer’s fields around Highfolk, the Velverdyva River, the Yatil Mountains, the Vesve Forest, and Highfolk itself from many different perspectives. There are 16 tapestries in total and each is valued at 1,000 gp.


This long 50’ by 20’ room contains numerous chairs and small tables, each of which is covered in all manner of smoking paraphernalia. There is a double door entering the room and a double door leading to the portico, as well as a smaller door on the east end of the room

This is the mansion’s smoking room where guests can lounge while enjoying a bit of tobacco. The double doors leading to the portico can be propped open for better ventilation. These doors,

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however, are currently locked. There is nothing of any significant value in this room.


The door opens into a triangular room measuring 20’ on each side. Against the outside wall is a large wooden cabinet with two large doors.

The cabinet doors open to reveal all manner of tobacco. The cabinet is a humidor. While there is plenty of tobacco still in the cabinet, someone has failed to add more water to the necessary locations which serve to keep the cabinet humid.


The double doors open inward to reveal a 70’ long and 30’ deep room. It was clear that at one time, this was meant to serve as a recreation room for there are several gaming tables present, a billiards table, and a small bar. Now, it is clearly being used as a living quarters for the dark elves.

The number of dark elves present routinely varies. There will be at least 4 present, but roll a 1-12 to see how many additional drow are present in the room. If it is daytime, player characters will have the advantage as any drow in the room during the day will be sleeping, thus drow will go last in order of initiative. If the party enters the room at nighttime, the drow will be active in this room.

Drow (male, 2nd level Fighter) (4-15): AC 0; MV 12”; HD 2; hp 10 each; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; SA: Can cast the following spells once per day at the 2nd level of experience, dancing lights, faerie fire, darkness; SD: move silently, infravision, 54% immunity to magic, +2 on all saves, only 1 in 8 chance of being surprised, +2 for dexterity of 16; Possessions: +1 chain mail, +1 buckler, +1 dagger, +1 short sword, a black/gold medallion around their necks, tucked inside their chain mail, depicts a large wolf spider with the face of a beautiful human female (worth 200 gp), along with a leather bag around their necks tucked beside the medallion which contains 5 pp each.


This 20’ square room features three access doors, one to the portico, one to the entryway, and another into the mansion itself. Based on the décor of the room, it would appear to be a doorman’s post, but currently there are three of the dark elves present and they appear to be guards, for they are armed to the teeth.

The room was a servant’s room, a place where the doorman would await visitors and from which they would greet them. There are several odds and ends pushed off to the side, such as umbrellas, brushes, and cleaning supplies. Currently, there are three drow guards present and they appear to be the first line of defense for the mansion.

If anyone not belonging in the mansion appears through the interior door, they will immediately attack. If someone is approaching the entryway from outside, they will defer to the other guard shack across the way (See area #71) where their patrol leader is located.

Drow (male, 2nd level Fighter) (3): AC 0; MV 12”; HD 2; hp 10 each; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; SA: Can cast the following spells once per day at the 2nd level of experience, dancing lights, faerie fire, darkness; SD: move silently, infravision, 54% immunity to magic, +2 on all saves, only 1 in 8 chance of being surprised, +2 for dexterity of 16; Possessions: +1 chain mail, +1 buckler, +1 dagger, +1 short sword, +1 short bow, 12 +1 arrows, a black/gold medallion around their necks, tucked inside their chain mail, depicts a large wolf spider with the face of a beautiful human female (worth 200 gp), along with a leather bag around their necks tucked beside the medallion which contains 5 pp each.


After finding the secret door, it opens to reveal a 20’ square room with one stool and several chairs. There are two dark elves in this room

This room actually served as a guard’s room for the mansion before the dark elves took it over for the same purpose. There are two non-descript secret doors to the north and the south of the room that enter into areas #45 and #55. The stool is situated

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on the center of the eastern wall and there are two small holes cut into the wall that look into the hallway (area #54). There is a painting hanging in the hallway in area #54 that serves as a historical painting, a secret door, and a secret viewing location for one of the men in the picture has two small holes for pupils, which provides a viewing portal for the guards.

The two drow located here reside next door in area #55, and they are responsible for guarding the mayor of Highfolk who is located in area #56. These drow are all female. They will immediately attack any intruders in the mansion and will signal for assistance.

Drow (females, 3rd level fighter) (2): AC 1; MV 12”; HD 2; hp 11 each; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; SA: Can cast the following spells once per day at the 3rd level of experience, clairvoyance, dancing lights, faerie fire, darkness, detect lie, dispel magic, faerie fire, and suggestion; SD: move silently, infravision, 56% immunity to magic, +2 on all saves, only 1 in 8 chance of being surprised, +2 for dexterity of 16; Possessions: +1 chain mail, +1 buckler, +1 dagger, +1 short sword, a black/gold medallion around their necks, tucked inside their chain mail, depicts a large wolf spider with the face of a beautiful human female (worth 200 gp), along with a leather bag around their necks tucked beside the medallion which contains 7 pp each.


This 20’wide long hallway is decorated with thick plush carpet that is green and white checkered, and the tapestries that hang on the wall are alternating green and white. At the end of the hallway, is a large painting that is 7’ wide and 10’ tall, and features the likeness of 7 men. The painting provides an odd perspective for it depicts the 7 men as if they were standing at the end of the hallway. As you approach them, it almost feels as if they are looking at you.

The hall is decorated in the colors of Highfolk, green and white. The painting depicts the life-size portrait of an older town council and mayor. One of the men in the center has his pupils cut out of the painting so as to allow the guards in area #53 to

watch the hallway. The painting itself also conceals a secret door.


This 50’ long and 20’ deep room features a number of couches and tables, and has a very large exterior window made of thick glass in the shape of a shield, green and white checkered. There are two doors, one south and one to the east. The room has evidently been converted into a sleeping area for the dark elves.

This room was the Mayor of Highfolk’s dayroom where he would often come to relax. The room is just off of the master bedroom (See area #58) and the library (See area #56). During the day, the light shines through the shield giving the room and odd green hue.

The drow have taken over this room and use it as their quarters. The drow located here are all female. They guard the Mayor of Highfolk who has been forced to reside in his library in area #56. These drow also provide the guards for the guard room in area #53. As the drow in this room always have someone awake, they will not be surprised. They will attack and fight to the death as they know that allowing the mayor to escape would spoil the entire operation in Highfolk.

Drow (female, patrol leader, 5th level fighter): AC -3; MV 12”; HD 7; hp 32; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; SA: Can cast the following spells once per day at the 5th level of experience, dancing lights, faerie fire, darkness, detect magic, know alignment, levitate, clairvoyance, detect lie, dispel magic, and suggestion; SD: move silently, infravision, 60% immunity to magic, +2 on all saves, only 1 in 8 chance of being surprised, +3 for Dexterity of 17; Possessions: +2 chain mail, +2 buckler, +2 dagger, +2 short sword, a black/gold medallion around her neck, tucked inside her chain mail, depicts a large wolf spider with the face of a beautiful human female (worth 200 gp), along with a leather bag around her neck tucked beside the medallion which contains 25 pp. and a red ruby worth 350 gp.

Drow (females, 3rd level fighter) (4): AC 1; MV 12”; HD 2; hp 12 each; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; SA: Can cast the following spells once per day at the

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3rd level of experience, clairvoyance, dancing lights, faerie fire, darkness, detect lie, dispel magic, faerie fire, and suggestion; SD: move silently, infravision, 56% immunity to magic, +2 on all saves, only 1 in 8 chance of being surprised, +2 for dexterity of 16; Possessions: +1 chain mail, +1 buckler, +1 dagger, +1 short sword, a black/gold medallion around their necks, tucked inside their chain mail, depicts a large wolf spider with the face of a beautiful human female (worth 200 gp), along with a leather bag around their necks tucked beside the medallion which contains 11 pp each.


The door opens to reveal a 20’ 50’ room that serves as a library. Other than the two doors in the room, the rest of the wall space, from floor to ceiling is made up of book shelves and the shelves themselves are overflowing, sometimes packed with double rows of books. There are also many books on the floor. There are two opaque skylights that serve to light the room during the day, and candelabra evidently do that job at night. There is an area rug in the center of the room with several chairs, several tables, a divan, and the candelabra. There is an older robed gentleman lying in repose on the divan.

The man lying on the couch only looks dead. He is actually very much alive. He is, after all, the mayor of Highfolk, Loftin Graystand. His current situation has so stressed him out that he sleeps much of the time. This is because he can really do little in his current capacity. Anarundell, the Drow Cleric (See area #59) has cast the spell feeblemind on him and Loftin now has the mental capacity of a moronic child. On occasion, he is escorted out of the library and is paraded about the town so that the citizens of Highfolk believe everything is normal. He has regret for what has happened and he knows he is somehow at fault, but in his state, he cannot fully fathom what it is he did.

If the spell can be counteracted, Loftin will confess that he deeply regrets the fact that he welcomed the brown robed elves into his town and out of greed, accepted their blank gold coins. He thought by making the blank coins into Highfolk solars, he would become wealthy. He never

dreamed how pumping those gold coins into the economy would cause inflationary prices and all but destroy the Highfolk economy. He feels the fool. He only wants to restore Highfolk to what it was before the dark elves came, which he learned too late were drow (right before feeblemind was cast upon him). He does not know their designs, but he suspects it is far greater than Highfolk itself. He wishes to help drive out the drow, but he is old and worn down. He is thinking if he can get through this episode, it may be time to retire and turn the mayorship over to someone younger, more adventurous, better able to defend the town, and one who has a closer relationship with the good elves. Perhaps one day in the future.

In the meantime, Graystand will do what he can to assist the party in restoring Highfolk. He can tell the story of how the brown robed elves came in and took over the town. Since then, however, he has mostly been relegated to the library. He can tell them that the current leader in the mansion is a female drow, most likely a cleric, who has taken over his study and master bedroom. He can also advise them that one section of the library’s bookshelves is a secret door that leads down the hallway to his Master bedroom, his servants/guards room, and his study, but he also knows that each of these are guarded. The drow cleric, he is pretty sure, however, spends most of her time in his study at his desk using his things!

All of this assumes the effects of the spell feeblemind can be dispelled. Otherwise, he babbles like a child and sleeps most of the time.

The southern wall has a secret door that is triggered by pulling out a certain book on the library shelf that unlocks the bookshelf and allows it to swing inward revealing a secret passage (See area #57).

Loftin Graystand (Druid, 12th level): AC 8; MV 12”; HD 12; hp 16 (full hps 68); #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon type. Currently Loftin has no weapons, no treasure, and no spell capability because of his feeblemindness. If the spell is overturned, it will take him several weeks to recover and to be able to cast spells. However, if feeblemind is dispelled, he can locate the book in his library that has several pages that are really magic scrolls.

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Treasure: The entire library collection is worth 20,000 gp for its intrinsic value. There is one book on the southern wall, in the southwest corner, on the bottom shelf that looks like all the other books. Opening up the book to the last pages, however, reveals a set of pages that are hand-sewn into the book and each is a scroll of the following spells all by a 12th level caster: cure disease, neutralize poison, animal summoning I, dispel magic, wall of fire, cure critical wounds, and finger of death.


This secret passage is a 150’ long hallway that was originally intended as a means of insulating the master bedroom for the cold winters. Later, over time, the secret passages were created for the benefit of the mayor. It runs from the library (area #56), to the master bedroom (the space between the two fireplaces) (area #58), the servant/guard room (area #59), and the mayor’s study (area #60). Loftin used the passage with greater frequency over the years and a dwarf or thief gains a +2 on detecting the secret doors due to wearing of the floor in front of the secret door in each of these rooms. The drow also know of the secret passage, but guards are only posted in the hallway during the day when the drow cleric Anarundell sleeps.


This large 40’ by 70’ room is a well-appointed master bedroom which features two large fireplaces on the southern wall and an ornate door in the northeast and northwest corners of the room. The entire floor is covered in rugs and furs, the walls are covered in tapestries, and a four poster bed has heavy curtains all the way around with a canopy top. There are leather armchairs, tables, and lamps in front of the fireplace. Along the west wall are several armoires, dressing tables, and chests-of-drawers.

This was the master bedroom of Loftin Graystand, but now serves as the bedroom for the drow cleric Anarundell. She spends little time in the room, usually sleeping for several hours at mid-day to mid-afternoon. The room has been rifled through, so other than clothing of both Loftin and Anarundell, there is nothing of value.

In the southern wall are two large fireplaces with a space in-between. There is a large tapestry that hangs on the wall between the fireplaces, featuring a scenic view of the Yatil Mountains. This tapestry does not hang as low as the others in the room (they all hang to the floor), so as to allow clearance/access for the secret door located in the wall.


You enter a 30’ by 40’ long room. There are two doors to the east and one to the west, with the northern portion of the room having a 10’ wall barrier.

The room was originally used as a servant’s waiting room for the Worthy Sir. It is now used as a guard room for the drow. They stand ready to respond to the needs of Anarundell, the drow cleric (See area #60). There are currently four drow female fighters located here. There is a secret door in the southern wall and the drow are aware of its existence. The drow will immediately combat any intruder or respond to the summons of their cleric.

Drow (females, 3rd level fighter) (4): AC 1; MV 12”; HD 2; hp 12 each; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; SA: Can cast the following spells once per day at the 3rd level of experience, clairvoyance, dancing lights, faerie fire, darkness, detect lie, dispel magic, faerie fire, and suggestion; SD: move silently, infravision, 56% immunity to magic, +2 on all saves, only 1 in 8 chance of being surprised, +2 for dexterity of 16; Possessions: +1 chain mail, +1 buckler, +1 dagger, +1 short sword, a black/gold medallion around their necks, tucked inside their chain mail, depicts a large wolf spider with the face of a beautiful human female (worth 200 gp), along with a leather bag around their necks tucked beside the medallion which contains 12 pp each.


You enter a 40’ by 50’ room that is dominated by an enormous desk, surrounded by several tables. The floor is covered in what appear to be multiple layers of rugs and the walls are covered in heavy tapestries. Even the ceiling has a heavy cloth covering that creates a canopy effect in the room. Seated at the desk is a dark-elf female and another

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is located in the southwest corner, apparently standing guard.

The female drow is Anarundell who is responsible for one aspect of the entire operation being undertaken in Highfolk and that is to maintain control of the mayor’s mansion, control the mayor, and visibly present him from time to time. In addition, she is responsible for gathering intelligence through a network of spies. She is the one who receives intelligence updates from Lloth and her drow representatives. She also dispatches her intelligence reports to Lloth as well.

The desk is filled with all manner of maps of the area, especially the Yatils, Veluna (mainly the town of Mitrik), the Kingdom of Furyondy (mainly Chendl), and the Vesve Forest. She has rosters of names, reports on groups located in many of these lands, listed by camps describing them as friendly, sympathetic, and enemy combatants.

The main portion of the desk features several pieces of parchment paper, a small wooden box, an ornate silver box, and four scrolls (See Appendix for Player Character Handouts). Lying next to these is a dagger.

The first of the scrolls reads as follows:

Since the loss of the palace by that band of meddlesome commoners, the plans for the invasion of Oerth have shifted. Rather than commencing the assault from Sterich, we have made ready the plans to use Iuz as cover. The approach into Oerth is almost readied, but we must make the proper connections to the underdark before we can proceed. In the meantime, positioning ourselves in central locations that will continue to conceal our operations until they are ready is crucial. You must retain control of Highfolk, seize and control all occupants of the Vesve Forest, and be prepared to move into Chendl. Once the latter is under your control, you will move to take all of the lands and towns between Whyestillake and Nyr Dyv. Do not fail.


The second scroll reads as follows:

You must be aware that Iuz has designs on the Horned Society and the Kingdom of Furyondy, and by extension, the Shield Lands. This means that as soon as our plans are put into motion and Chendl is ours, you must move fast, for word will return to Iuz raising his ire and earning our enmity. His current intentions are not fully known, and how quickly he may respond is equally ambiguous. It is, therefore, imperative that your movements into the Vesve Forest be closely guarded and well controlled. While he has lost some control over the woodland, his network of spies must not be considered destroyed, but rather active and wholly dangerous. Prepare your forces quickly and let me know when your operations in Vesve commence.


The third scroll reads as follows:

There are new currents running through Oerth. Many are stating that the fall of the temple has demonstrated weakness in Iuz and that others are moving to fill the void. One such rumor is that the giants have united to control Oerth, but we know the truth in this regard. Another rumor circulating is that the lycanthropes, long a disaffected group in Oerth, are uniting to fill the void and dominate the lands. And yet another rumor suggests that the slavers operating out of the Azure Sea are maneuvering to stage an overthrow of Oerth by controlling the seas and then moving inland. As to the efficacy of these last two rumors, forward any intelligence you gather from your network. While slavers may pose a threat for southern territory, lycanthropes pose a greater threat for they can destroy from the inside out. For the protection of your leadership, I am sending a kit of necessary items just in case.


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The fourth scroll, which remains sealed, reads as follows:

You must immediately dispatch a band of your closest associates on a mission. They are to take the silver box that has been delivered with this message south on the Velverdyva. Two weeks journey south is a strange set of monolithic stones, 3 sets of 3, on the western side of the river. The locals call it the Circle of Hands. The gems enclosed in the silver box are said to unlock a portal to a demiplane where the Mantle of Rao is claimed to be hidden. We must recover the artifact so as to avoid it falling into the hands of someone who may use its powers against us. Advise when the party has been dispatched and keep me apprised of their success.


The small wooden box contains the following items: Scroll of cure disease (12th level caster), wolfsbane, belladonna, and 3 scrolls of protection – lyncanthropes.

The small silver box (valued at 350 gp), contains a cushion with 9 slots. In each slot is a clear looking gem the size of an egg.

The dagger is a +1 silver dagger, +3 vs. lycanthropes & shape changers.

Drow (Anarundell, female, 9th level Cleric): AC -6; MV 12”; HD 7; hp 37; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; SA: Can cast the following spells once per day at the 7th level of experience, dancing lights, faerie fire, darkness, detect magic, know alignment, levitate, clairvoyance, detect lie, dispel magic, suggestion; SD: move silently, infravision, 68% immunity to magic, +2 on all saves, only 1 in 8 chance of being surprised. Possessions: +4 mace, +2 dagger, spider wand (32 charges – it can project a spider web strand which last for 3 rounds and is equal to a rope of entanglement), a leather bag around the neck tucked inside the chain mail containing 32 pp and she wears a black/gold medallion which features a wolf spider with the head of a beautiful human female (worth 200 gp). Her spells are:

First level: command, cure light wounds, detect good, sanctuary, fear

Second level: augury, detect charm, hold person, silence 15’ radius, slow poison, withdraw

Third level: cause blindness, dispel magic, prayer, speak with dead

Fourth level: cure serious wounds, tongues, protection from good 10’ radius

Fifth level: commune (to contact Lolth immediately).

Drow (female, personal guard, 5th level fighter): AC -3; MV 12”; HD 7; hp 38; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; SA: Can cast the following spells once per day at the 5th level of experience, dancing lights, faerie fire, darkness, detect magic, know alignment, levitate, clairvoyance, detect lie, dispel magic, and suggestion; SD: move silently, infravision, 60% immunity to magic, +2 on all saves, only 1 in 8 chance of being surprised, +3 for Dexterity of 17; Possessions: +2 chain mail, +2 buckler, +2 dagger, +2 short sword, a black/gold medallion around her neck, tucked inside her chain mail, depicts a large wolf spider with the face of a beautiful human female (worth 200 gp), alongside a leather bag which contains 32 pp. and a diamond worth 450 gp.


This hallway is blocked with rocks, rubble, and various furniture and other items piled high, almost reaching the ceiling.

The drow wanted to prevent the servants to the mayor from having access to the hallway and thus they barred the hallway and doors leading into areas #59 and #62. If anyone tries to gain access to these areas, there is an 80% chance that moving any of the items in the pile will cause it to collapse, thus creating a loud enough noise to cause the guards in #59 and #62 to respond. There is a secret door leading into the grand hall (See area #72), although the drow already know about this door.

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This long 10’ by 50’ room appears to have served as a storage area, coat closet, and guard room, for there are some boxes and chairs stacked up in the northern end where there is just enough room left to access the door on that end of the room. On the southern end of the room is an armoire and a stool for a guard.

The room was originally intended as insulation for the living quarters and soon became storage for the dining room. The boxes contain tablecloths, plates, utensils, and other items, collectively worth 1,500 gp. There are also extra chairs for the dining room table. The armoire contains several coats and outerwear. The stool contains one drow guard.

Drow (female, 3rd level fighter): AC 1; MV 12”; HD 2; hp 12 each; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; SA: Can cast the following spells once per day at the 3rd level of experience, clairvoyance, dancing lights, faerie fire, darkness, detect lie, dispel magic, faerie fire, and suggestion; SD: move silently, infravision, 56% immunity to magic, +2 on all saves, only 1 in 8 chance of being surprised, +2 for dexterity of 16; Possessions: +1 chain mail, +1 buckler, +1 dagger, +1 short sword, a black/gold medallion around her neck, tucked inside herr chain mail, depicts a large wolf spider with the face of a beautiful human female (worth 200 gp), along with a leather bag around her neck tucked beside the medallion which contains 11 pp.


The large open 40’ by 50’ room is a nicely furnished dining room. There is a double door on the west side of the room and an archway on the east. At the center of the room sits a large ornate wooden dining table with one chair. All of the other chairs have been pushed back to the walls. Place before the solitary chair is a golden service set, including a plate, bowl, flagon, and utensils, all set with small gems.

The room is sparse as much of the furniture has been placed in storage (See area #62), along with the Worthy Sir’s utensils and serving dishes. The place setting is the one indulgence the cleric allowed herself (See area #60) on this mission and it

is valued at 3,000 gp. Anarundell rarely takes the time to eat, so she is rarely ever in here and the servants only enter the room when they are ordered to do so. In fact, when the servants enter the room, Anarundell is never in the room. Only when she is finished and has left the room do the guards notify the kitchen staff to come clear the table. They clean the dishes and return them, prepared for the next meal.


This 60’ by 50’ room is the kitchen for the mansion. A large affair with a number of cooks and kitchen help busily preparing dishes at the washstands and countertops located along the walls and in the center of the room. On the exterior wall there is a rear entry door for deliveries and a large stone fireplace. To the west and east of the room are two open archways, while a door on the north wall leads into the interior of the mansion.

The kitchen staff is kept busy, feeding mostly the drow. They have had to learn to prepare all new recipes for the drow, mostly consisting of various moss and lichens, which all of the kitchen help find rather revolting. They also continue to cook for all of the servants in the mansion. They are limited to their areas of the mansion and they have very little contact with the drow. A brown robed drow will enter the kitchen and nod, which is the signal for the wait-staff to bring a meal into the dining room (See area #63) but there is usually no one located in the room. The brown robed one will then appear in the archway, nod, and they know it is time to clear the special dishes that were provided to them. All of the kitchen staff live in servant’s quarters in the mansion (See area #66) and they are not allowed to leave the premises.


An open archway leads into a 20’ by 50’ pantry that has shelves from floor to ceiling with all manner of dried food, barrels, and casks.

Although still supplied with much in the way of typical food stuff, there are many barrels full of lichen and moss.

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Each of these 20’ by 20’ rooms serve as the quarters of the servants which include footmen, butlers, grounds keepers, and kitchen staff.


Each of these rooms serves as a storage room for such things as linens, pillows, minor items of furniture, rugs, and other such items for the various rooms in the mansion.


This 20’ by 30’ room is the nicest along this hallway. It belonged to Elder Soril Raget, the head servant for the mansion. He saw it as his duty to defend the Worthy Sir and paid the price with his life. Anything of value in the room was already taken by the drow.


These two rooms are large and well appointed, serving as the guest quarters for visitors to the mansion. Currently the drow guards use it as a place to sleep as there are no windows to the outside, so the rooms remain very dark during the day, which pleases the drow. The linens, rugs, and tapestries are all of some value, 500 gp each.


These two rooms were the simple living quarters for the servants of the guests staying in the mansion (See area #69). No one resides in them at this time and there is nothing of value located in the rooms.


This 20’ square room features three access doors, one to the portico, one to the entryway, and another into the mansion itself. Based on the décor of the room, it would appear to be a doorman’s post, but currently there are three of the dark elves present and they appear to be guards, for they are armed to the teeth.

The room was a servant’s room, a place where the doorman would await visitors and from which they would greet them. There are several odds and

ends pushed off to the side, such as umbrellas, brushes, and cleaning supplies. Currently, there are three drow guards present and they appear to be the first line of defense for the mansion. There are also two doorman present in the room.

If anyone not belonging in the mansion appears through the interior door, they will immediately attack. If someone is approaching the entryway from outside, the patrol leader will send the doormen outside to find out what the visitors want and will encourage them to send the people on their way. If they refuse and try to enter the mansion, it is the responsibility of the patrol leader to coordinate the attack between the guards located with him and in area #52.

Drow (male, 4th level fighter, patrol leader): AC 0; MV 12”; HD 5; hp 21 #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; SA: Can cast the following spells once per day at the 4th level of experience, dancing lights, faerie fire, darkness; SD: move silently, infravision, 58% immunity to magic, +2 on all saves, only 1 in 8 chance of being surprised, +3 for Dexterity of 17; Possessions: +3 chain mail, +3 buckler, +2 dagger, +2 short sword, +2 short bow, 12 +1 arrows, a black/gold medallion around his neck, tucked inside his chain mail, depicts a large wolf spider with the face of a beautiful human female (worth 200 gp), along with a leather bag around his neck tucked beside the medallion which contains 12 pp. and a deep purple amethyst worth 200 gp.

Drow (male, 2nd level Fighter) (2): AC 0; MV 12”; HD 2; hp 10 each; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; SA: Can cast the following spells once per day at the 2nd level of experience, dancing lights, faerie fire, darkness; SD: move silently, infravision, 54% immunity to magic, +2 on all saves, only 1 in 8 chance of being surprised, +2 for dexterity of 16; Possessions: +1 chain mail, +1 buckler, +1 dagger, +1 short sword, +1 short bow, 12 +1 arrows, a black/gold medallion around their necks, tucked inside their chain mail, depicts a large wolf spider with the face of a beautiful human female (worth 200 gp), along with a leather bag around their necks tucked beside the medallion which contains 5 pp each.

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The 30’ hallway enters into a grand 230’ by 50’ hall that clearly serves as a facility for the mayor of the town to sit in judgment and issue decrees. There is room enough for over 1,000 people in the hall. On the far side of the room is a 30’ wide and 20’ deep recess, where sits a large chair, not quite a royal throne, but clearly not a commoner’s chair.

This is the grand hall of His Worthy Sir. Events often take place in this hall from trials, to the issuance of new decrees, to sporting events. It is multipurpose for sure. The drow have used it for retaining their fighting skills and practicing archery. They do, however, tend to keep it cleared as it is a location that citizens can be escorted into for two purposes: 1) to demonstrate the Mayor is still alive, and 2) to intimidate the citizen of Highfolk into submission.

There is a secret door located behind the throne/chair which leads into a hallway in the living area of the Mayor (See area #61).


The entryway into this grand mansion is 30’ high and is set in a 10’ by 30’ alcove. It features a set of ornate wooden doors that are 15’ tall and a portcullis drops down 15’ from the ceiling.

The portcullis is operated from area #71, and can be lowered to the ground level. Its height is 15’ so once lowered, it prevents access to the double doors, but it leaves a 15’ gap from the top of the portcullis to the ceiling overhang.


The mansion features a 20’ wide promenade across the entire front of the mansion, and features large ornate colonnades across the front. The floor of the promenade and the columns are made of the same green and white marble.

Access to the mansion is by way of the promenade which sits 5’ above the ground.


A grand staircase stretches over 10’ and rises 5’ to a promenade. The hand-railing is intricately carved

and made of an exotic looking green and white marble.

The marble was mined from the nearby Yatil Mountains and was installed to reflect the colors of Highfolk’s shield, green and white.


A circular driveway made of dirt is situated before the mansion and surrounds a large water fountain that features a small mount from which the top trickles water down the sides. Surrounding the small mount are four animals: sheep, goat, lamb, and kid.

The driveway is made of dirt, but carriages can pull close to the ornate stairs so as to avoid the mud on rainy days. The fountain is derived from a spring. The water that trickles down the sides is potable, but that which is in the pool is stagnant water and not safe to drink. The four animals are meant to represent the primary livestock of Highfolk, a key agricultural resource of the town.


The wagon tracks that lead into the Yatil Mountains travel up a small rise and disappear into the side of the Yatil Mountains.

The wagons coming to and from Highfolk, after traveling south from the Velverdyva River, enter the underground through a cave entrance. The wagons travel up over the rise, and then descend into a 20’ wide cave entrance that travels 200’ feet into the earth at a low 5% grade.


As the ground begins to level off, you see the main passage continues due south, while a smaller passage splinters off to the southwest.

Hiding 10’ in the shadows down the smaller passage are several drow. This is a guardpost for the drow where usually 2 drow man the post. The drow are always on duty at this location. At the end of the passage is where the drow sleep when not at their post, and the only items located there are their bedrolls. If anyone does not have business in the cavern complex or the Temple of the Spider God, they will be immediately attacked. If combat

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goes in the favor of the drow, they will attempt to capture their opponents, strip them of their gear, and make them slaves. If, however, combat is not going well, they will fight to the death, for if they fail in their mission, the alternative is far less attractive.

Drow (patrol leader, male, 6 level fighter): AC -2; MV 12”; HD 5; hp 35; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; SA: Can cast the following spells once per day at the 3rd level of experience, dancing lights, faerie fire, darkness; SD: move silently, infravision, 62% immunity to magic, +2 on all saves, only 1 in 8 chance of being surprised, +2 for Dexterity of 17; Possessions: +2 chain mail, +2 shield, +1 dagger, +2 short sword, a black/gold medallion around his neck, tucked inside his chain mail, depicts a large wolf spider with the face of a beautiful human female (worth 200 gp), along with a leather bag which contains 16 pp. and an emerald worth 150 gp.

Drow (male, 2nd level fighter) (6): AC 0; MV 12”; HD 2; hp 10 each; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; SA: Can cast the following spells once per day at the 2nd level, dancing lights, faerie fire, darkness; SD: move silently, infravision, 54% immunity to magic, +2 on all saves, only 1 in 8 chance of being surprised, +2 for dexterity of 16; Possessions: +1 chain mail, +1 shield, +1 dagger, +1 short sword, a black/gold medallion around their necks, tucked inside their chain mail, depicts a large wolf spider with the face of a beautiful human female (worth 200 gp), along with a leather bag which contains 8 pp each.


To the east of the main cavern tunnel is a 20’ wide entrance into a large cavern complex. The size of the cavern is immense and is dimly lit by phosphorescent lichen that grows on the cavern floor and walls. Through the entryway and leading into the cavern there is a path where the lichen appears to have been worn away. There is some movement and noise coming from the large cavern

The cavern is the main supply depot for the drow. Here they are stocking food supplies for Highfolk (area #79A), food supplies for the drow operations (area #79B), and arms for the coming

engagements (area #79C), first in the Vesve Foreset and later into the Kingdom of Furyondy. The movement and noise is coming from the 8 duergar slaves who are moving the crates and boxes around in area #79A under the watchful eye of two drow. If confronted, the drow will call for the guards in area #78. If they fail to come, they will try to flee further into the complex to find assistance. The duergar will fight the drow and will ignore the player characters, unless prevented from immediately escaping. They will first move into the armor (area #79C), arms themselves, then make their way back into the underdark (See area #85).

Drow (male, 2nd level fighter) (6): AC 0; MV 12”; HD 2; hp 8 each; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; SA: Can cast the following spells once per day at the 2nd level, dancing lights, faerie fire, darkness; SD: move silently, infravision, 54% immunity to magic, +2 on all saves, only 1 in 8 chance of being surprised, +2 for dexterity of 16; Possessions: +1 chain mail, +1 shield, +1 dagger, +1 short sword, a black/gold medallion around their necks, tucked inside their chain mail, depicts a large wolf spider with the face of a beautiful human female (worth 200 gp), along with a leather bag which contains 6 pp each.

Duergar (8): AC 4; HD 1+2; hp 4 each; #AT 1; 1-6 or by weapon type; SA: Surprise on 3 in 6; SD; Save at +4 against magical attacks (death magic, polymorph, rod et al., and spell), immune to paralysis and poison, not affected by illusion/phantasm spells.


In this area of the cavern there are boxes, crates, and barrels of various food stores intended for the citizens of Highfolk. Items may include dried meats, legumes, and vegetables with a long shelf life. All are of inferior quality and all are being transported from other areas, mostly Ket, through the underdark. As the drow influence a town and provide it food, as soon as the citizens become hooked on the food and their own laziness, the drow begin to reduce the amount provided so as to move on to another town with an overabundant supply.

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In this area of the cavern is where the drow store their own food, consisting of many boxes and crates containing various lichens, mushrooms, and dried rothe.


In this area of the cavern area all manner of drow arms and armor, ranging from +1 to +3 short swords, daggers, bucklers, and chain mail. There are also numerous crossbows with poisoned crossbow bolts, as well as poisoned javelins.


A 40’ wide cavern opening leads into another cavern of immense size from which emits the heavy odor of animals. In the center of the cavern you see the movement of several large animals and two dark elves.

The two dark elves are drow merchants and they are currently tending to their pack lizards of which there are six currently stabled here. At the north end of the cavern are three stabled horses and on the southern end are 7 rothe.

Drow merchant (2 male, 4th level cleric & 4th level fighter): AC -3; MV 12”; HD 4; hp 22, 18; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; SA: Can cast the following 1st level spells: cure light wounds (x2), detect magic, 2nd level spells, hold person, speak with animals, and can cast the following spells once per day at the 4th level of experience, dancing lights, faerie fire, darkness, detect magic, know alignment, levitate; SD: move silently, infravision, 58% immunity to magic, +2 on all saves, only 1 in 8 chance of being surprised; Possessions: +3 chain mail, +3 buckler, +2 mace, a black/gold medallion around its neck, tucked inside its chain mail, depicts a large reptilian creature (worth 150 gp), along with a leather bag around his neck tucked beside the medallion which contains 10 gp, 28 pp, and four diamonds each worth 150 gp.

Pack Lizard (12): AC 5; MV 9”; HD 6+6; hp 35 each; #AT 1; Dmg 2-8.

Horse, light (3): AC 7; MV 24”; HD 2; hp 10 each; #AT 2; Dmg 1-4/1-4.

Rothe (7): AC 7; HD 2; hp 8 each; #AT 3; 1-3/1-3/1-8.


On the east side of the 20’ wide tunnel are 5 caves that reach back approximately 15’ each. The entrance to each is barred with black metal and a lock. There are unarmed creatures inside each of the cells.

These are various creatures captured by the drow. Most are put into slavery, while a few are kept out of sheer interest. Each of the creatures are described below based on their corresponding cell.

A. There are three hobogoblins in this cell. They are used as slaves, but the hobgoblins are often unruly, so there is usually a large patrol of drow present before they are used. If released, they will be combative toward the player characters.

Hobgoblin (3): AC 5; HD 1+1; hp 5 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-8 or by weapon type.

B. There are five derro present in this cell. They are currently sleeping on the floor toward the rear of the cell. They were worked for a long time period and were just recently returned to the cell. If released, they will flee south and west. They will become combatant if any player characters interfere with them.

Derro (5): AC 6; HD 3; hp 12 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-4 or by weapon type;

C. The cell is empty. Normally a dozen trogloydytes are kept crammed in this small cell and the 24 are rotated every 12 hours. There was a large shipment moved through the tunnel complex, so all 24 were pressed into service. They are currently located in area #20.

D. The cell contains two duergar. There are often as many as 10 duergar in this cell, but 8 are currently working in the supply cavern (See area #79). The duergar will attempt to arm themselves and then find their kin.

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Duergar (2): AC 4; HD 1+2; hp 4 each; #AT 1; 1-6 or by weapon type; SA: Surprise on 3 in 6; SD; Save at +4 against magical attacks (death magic, polymorph, rod et al., and spell), immune to paralysis and poison, not affected by illusion/phantasm spells.

E. In this cell is a drider. The drider is not used as a slave, but is rather a source of amusement for the drow. This sixth level cleric drow was summoned before lolth and tested. Having failed the test he was turned into a drider and banished. The drow moving through the underdark, heading toward Highfolk, came across him and captured him. The drow often taunt and tease him for failing lolth and being an outcast. It makes them feel superior.

Drider: AC 3; HD 6+6; hp 36; #AT 1; Dmg 1-4 or by weapon type; SA: fights as if 7 HD, bite attack is poisonous, save vs. poison at -2 or be paralyzed for 1-2 turns, can cast at the 6th level, dancing lights, darkness, detect magic, faerie fire, know alignment, and levitate; SD: Magic resistance 15%.

F. The cell emits a foul odor, but is otherwise empty. This is the cell in which the trolls are kept. They are currently in area #20.


The 20’ tunnel ends in a massive white gauze substance that stretches from cavern wall to cavern wall, as well as cavern floor to ceiling. It is clearly a massive spider’s web.

It is indeed a massive spider web blocking the tunnel and the important question is: where is the spider? It is actually spiders. A wide array of large spiders have spun their webs throughout this cavern complex. They are controlled by the drow, and in particularly by the drow clerics located in the Temple of the Spider God (See area #88). The drow can move through the spiderwebs with little difficulty, but anyone else will find themselves caught up in the sticky substance. Even more important, however, is the drow know the proper path to take through the cavern complex located here (the path indicated on the map). If any creature deviates from the path, one of the following spiders will attack. Every time the player characters move 10’ off the path and every 10’

square after that, roll on the following table to see which type of spider attacks. If the player characters return to the path, the spiders will not attack until they once again deviate from its course.

Roll 1-8:

1. Spider, large

2. Spider, giant

3. Spider, huge

4. Spider, phase

5. Pedipalp, large

6. Pedilpalp, huge

7. Pedilpalp, giant

8. Spider, giant

Giant spider: AC 4; HD 4+4; hp 20; #AT 1; Dmg 2-8.

Huge spider: AC 6; HD 2+2; hp 12; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6; SA: surprise on a 1-5 out of 6; poisonous bite, save vs. poison at +1.

Large spider: AC 8; HD 1+1; hp 8; #AT 1; Dmg 1; SA: poisonous bite, save vs. poison at +2.

Phase spider: AC 7; HD 5+5; hp 21; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6; SA: poisonous bite, save vs. poison at -2; SD: able to shift out of phase with its surroundings.

Pedipalp, large: AC 7; HD 1+1; hp 6; #AT 1; Dmg 1-8.

Pedilpalp, huge: AC 4; HD 2+2; hp 14; #AT 3; Dmg 1-6/1-6/1-8; SA: If struck with spiny pincers, the individual is then grabbed, automatically causing 2-12 hit points of damage each round until breaking free (same as opening doors).

Pedilpalp, giant: AC 2; HD 4+4; hp 24; #AT 3; Dmg 1-8/1-8/2-8; SA: If struck with spiny pincers, the individual is then grabbed, automatically causing 2-16 hit points of damage each round until the monster is destroyed or the pincer is severed (a roll of 3 or higher to hit); SD: the giant pedilpalp emits a noxious odor, saving throw versus poison or suffer a -3 to hit for 1-6 rounds (can discharge this three times per day).

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Having now cleared the spider’s webs, you see before you a 20’ wide cavern tunnel that heads due east.

This tunnel will take the player characters to Highfolk where they will be directly underneath the Black Tower and where there are two smaller tunnels heading to the Highhalehouse and the Mayor’s Mansion. The first encounter for the player characters will be the mites located half the distance to Highfolk (See area #22), followed by the slave detail closer to Highfolk (See area #21).


As you break through the last of the spider webs, you see the 20’ wide passage open up into a circular cavern that is at least 50’ in diameter. Filling almost the entire void is a gigantic black spider that faces you with its multiple eyes, its human sized chelicera, and its razor sharp claws. All eight of its legs reach down to the cavern floor, each being at least 30’ long.

Fortunately for the player characters, this is just a statute, dedicated to the spider god, which sits at the entrance to the Temple of the Spider God. The statute is carved from some form of black rock that appears obsidian in nature. If the player characters inspect the spider even closer, they will see that it is a glass-like rock, but they will also notice that the spider has many thick strands of hair protruding from its legs. These are designed to provide an early-warning system to the clerics of the temple, informing them that someone has entered this strange portico. Like real spiders, these hairs can sense vibrations in the air.


The tunnel continues to travel west as it begins to descend into the bowels of oerth.

This tunnel will take the player characters further under the Yatil Mountains to a network of underground caverns and passages. It will take them into the underdark. What lies beyond this point is up to the dungeon master, but at the very

least the party should run into major movements of drow and their slaves.


The cavern gives way to finely worked walls and you come to an arched passageway. The arch hangs down several feet from the ceiling and there are strange writings carved into the stone. A staircase descends downward for 20’, lightly illuminated by a soft green glow.

The writing in the stone archway reads, in drow, “Temple of the Spider God.” The stairs are steep and plunge the player characters downward at a 60 degree angle, and the risers are 1 ½’ tall. The soft green glow comes from a luminescent moss that lines the stone walls.


Ten feet from the bottom of the staircase you come to an intersection. The 20’ wide hallway continues north, while 10’ passages extend west and east.

The hairs of the spider statute will have warned the temple guardians who will move into position at the three points on the map labeled A, B, & C. If the party is not disguised in any manner, they will be seen as intruders and immediately attacked. If the party is disguised and wearing brown robes, the drow in the area marked C will ask the intruders to advance and reveal themselves. If they do not remove their hoods, they will be attacked. Their mission is to protect the drow clerics that communicate with lolth, pay tribute to lolth and receive their orders and gifts from lolth. If the fight goes poorly, the drow leaders in C will alert the drow clerics to go to the altar and summon help. Normally located in area #88, the drow clerics will move to the altar and, after placing coins in the braziers, will begin their call to lolth for assistance.

A. Drow (females, 4th level fighter) (3): AC -3; MV 12”; HD 2; hp 28, 26, 22; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; SA: Can cast the following spells once per day at the 4th level of experience, clairvoyance, dancing lights, faerie fire, darkness, detect lie, dispel magic, faerie fire, and suggestion; SD: move silently, infravision, 58% immunity to magic, +2 on all saves, only 1 in 8 chance of being surprised, +3 for

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dexterity of 16; Possessions: +2 chain mail, +2 shield, +2 dagger, +2 short sword, hand crossbow (on belt), case and 9 darts all poisoned. a black/gold medallion around their necks, tucked inside their chain mail, depicts a large wolf spider with the face of a beautiful human female (worth 200 gp), along with a leather bag around their necks tucked beside the medallion which contains 12 pp each.

B. Drow (females, 4th level fighter) (3): AC -3; MV 12”; HD 2; hp 25, 22, 19; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; SA: Can cast the following spells once per day at the 4th level of experience, clairvoyance, dancing lights, faerie fire, darkness, detect lie, dispel magic, faerie fire, and suggestion; SD: move silently, infravision, 58% immunity to magic, +2 on all saves, only 1 in 8 chance of being surprised, +3 for dexterity of 16; Possessions: +2 chain mail, +2 shield, +2 dagger, +2 short sword, hand crossbow (on belt), case and 9 darts all poisoned. a black/gold medallion around their necks, tucked inside their chain mail, depicts a large wolf spider with the face of a beautiful human female (worth 200 gp), along with a leather bag around their necks tucked beside the medallion which contains 10 pp each.

C. Drow (female, 5th level fighter): AC -4; MV 12”; HD 7; hp 30; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; SA: Can cast the following spells once per day at the 5th level of experience, dancing lights, faerie fire, darkness, detect magic, know alignment, levitate, clairvoyance, detect lie, dispel magic, and suggestion; SD: move silently, infravision, 60% immunity to magic, +2 on all saves, only 1 in 8 chance of being surprised, +4 for Dexterity of 17; Possessions: +2 chain mail, +2 shield, +2 dagger, +3 short sword, one javelin (poisoned), a black/gold medallion around her neck, tucked inside her chain mail, depicts a large wolf spider with the face of a beautiful human female (worth 200 gp), along with a leather bag around her neck tucked beside the medallion which contains 25 pp. and a red ruby worth 350 gp.

Drow (female, 4th level fighter/6th level magic user): AC -3; MV 12”; HD 7; hp 30; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; SA: Can cast the following spells once per day at the 5th level of experience, dancing lights, faerie fire, darkness, detect magic, know alignment, levitate, clairvoyance, detect lie, dispel magic, and

suggestion; SD: move silently, infravision, 60% immunity to magic, +2 on all saves, only 1 in 8 chance of being surprised, +3 for Dexterity of 17; Possessions: +2 chain mail, +3 ring of protection, +3 dagger (poisoned), a wand of viscid globs (39 charges), a black/gold medallion around her neck, tucked inside her chain mail, depicts a large wolf spider with the face of a beautiful human female (worth 200 gp), along with a leather bag around her neck tucked beside the medallion which contains 22 pp. and 10 diamonds, each valued at 100 gp.


You pass through a short 10’ hallway and come to a 20’ by 30’ room. In addition to the same present green moss that illuminates this entire area, green gemstones are also inlaid into the wall in a random pattern and their bright green glow makes the room less dim. It is clearly a meeting room of sorts for there is a table with 6 chairs in the center of the room, a divan on each wall west and east, over which hang heavy black carpets, and the same black carpet covers the floor. In the southwest corner stands a large wardrobe and situated in the southeast corner is a large chest. Nothing adorns the southern wall itself. On the table you see several pieces of paper, several stacks of coins, several black leather pouches, and a copper brazier currently burning incense. In the center of the table is a small statute of a spider that looks similar to the mammoth spider you saw enveloping the entryway to this complex.

This is the meeting room of the drow clerics who serve the Temple of the Spider God. They are dedicated to serving lolth and they spend their days paying homage, offering sacrifices (men, coins, gems, etc.), and receiving communications from lolth herself. The chief priestess is Darvecala (dar-vec-ah-lah) and she has two curates at her service. She oversees the Temple of the Spider God and coordinates the operations that take place out of the Southern Yatil Mountains.

If the temple is attacked or intruders enter, she will dispatch the guards to deal with the heretics. If the guards begin to fail at their job, she and her curates will go to the altar, pay tribute to lolth by placing

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coins in the 8 braziers around the altar (See area #99), and call upon lolth for assistance. Lolth will dispatch a yochlol to deal with the intruders in her temple.

Darvecla will fight, but she is focused on staying alive and will sacrifice the curates to save herself. The two curates could help buy her time to summon help. Darvecala’s last ditch effort will be to enter the altar itself, transporting herself into the abyss. If she is killed, the entire operation in Highfolk will collapse. If she retreats to the abyss, she will be able to eventually return, so the complex would need to be destroyed in order to end future operations.

The green gems on the wall, could be tapped out of the walls, yielding 270 gems, each worth 50 gp.

The rear wall, appears to be made of stone, but is in fact a captured margoyle forced into servitude and tasked with the unenviable job of filling in the entryway to the treasury (See area #89). There is only a 20% chance the creature will be detected.

The wardrobe contains two stools and a dozen pairs of slippers, one pair which are slippers of elvenkind (same as the boots), on the floor. Hanging from a rod are 4 heavy black cassocks, 4 underrobes, a robe of elvenkind, and 4 black sashes. There is a top shelf which contains 2 caps, 2 combs, and a brush.

The chest contains one item that is wrapped up in paper. It is a heavy black vestment that is similar to the one that Darvecala is currently wearing which appears to be embroidered with thousands of small spiders. This is her second robe of spiderswarm. Anyone wearing the robe can will the spiders to swarm, either a specific target or to cover an area. The thousands of tiny spiders embroidered on the robe come alive, climb down the robe to the floor, then move to swarm the intended target(s). If the spiderswarm is destroyed, it will take 24 hours for the robe to regenerate another spiderswarm. Until then, it will remain a plain black robe with no powers.

Spiderswarm: AC -3; HD 2; hp 2-16; #AT 1; Dmg nil; SA: poison.

Darvecala (female, drow, 8th level Cleric/7th level Fighter): AC -6; MV 12”; HD 7; hp 48; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; SA: Can cast the following spells once per day at the 8th level of experience, dancing lights, faerie fire, darkness, detect magic, know alignment, levitate, clairvoyance, detect lie, dispel magic, suggestion; SD: move silently, infravision, 66% immunity to magic, +2 on all saves, only 1 in 8 chance of being surprised. Possessions: +5 chain mail, +3 buckler, +2 dagger, a robe of spiderwarm, a greater tentacle rod (4’ rod, six tentacles, each striking as 6 hit die monster, +6 bonus to hit, causing 3 hit points of damage, if three hit simultaneously it deals double damage and all six strike simultaneously it deals 1 point of dexterity loss and numbed for 6 rounds),a leather bag around her neck tucked inside the chain mail containing 24 pp, and she wears a black/gold medallion which features a wolf spider with the head of a beautiful human female (worth 200 gp). Her spells are:

First level: curse, cure light wounds (x2), protection from good, fear

Second level: detect charm, find traps, hold person (x2), silence 15’ radius

Third level: cause blindness, dispel magic, prayer, remove curse

Fourth level: cure serious wounds, tongues

Curates (female, drow, 4th level Cleric) (2): AC -0; MV 12”; HD 4; hp 22, 20; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; SA: Can cast the following 1st level spells: cause light wound, darkness, fear, curse, resist cold, 2nd level spells, hold person, chant, silence (15’ r), snake charm, and can cast the following spells at the 4th level of experience, dancing lights, faerie fire, darkness, clairvoyance, detect lie, suggestion, dispel magic; SD: move silently, infravision, 58% immunity to magic, +2 on all saves, only 1 in 8 chance of being surprised; +2 dexterity bonus; Possessions: +1 chain mail, +1 shield, a lesser tentacle rod, (4’ rod, three tentacles, each striking as 3 hit die monster, +3 bonus to hit, causing 3 hit points of damage, if all three strike, victim suffers double damage), a black/gold medallion around their necks, tucked inside ther chain mail, depicts a

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large wolf spider with the face of a beautiful human female (worth 200 gp), and each wears a black onyx ring on her left hand crafted into the shape of a small black spider (worth 300 gp).


The entryway to the treasury is blocked by a captured margoyle. There is only a 20% chance of detecting the creature along the wall, unless the player characters begin to probe the wall in any manner.

Margoyle: AC 2; HD 6; hp 24; #AT 4; Dmg 1-6/1-6/2-8/2-8; SD: +1 weapon or better to hit.

Treasure: Coffer #1 has a poison gas trap (fills the entire room) and contains three scrolls with one spell each time stop, unholy word, and restoration and a rod of cancellation. Coffer #2 contains 6 potions: dimunition, extra-healing, polymorph (self), philter of persuasiveness, invisibility, fire resistance. Coffer #3 contains a gold place setting with plate, goblet, and utensils all inlaid with amber (worth 1,500 gp). Coffer #4 contains four jade carvings of four different types of spiders, each worth 1,000 gp. Coffer #5 contains a scroll of cure disease (12th level caster), and amulet of protection from werewolves (4 charges and acts as a protection from lycanthropes scroll), wolfsbane, belladonna, and a +1 silver dagger, +3 vs. lycanthropes & shape changers. Chest #1 contains 7,000 gp. Chest #2 contains 5,500 pp. Chest #3 contains 7,500 sp. Chest #4 contains 6 ceremonial daggers (each worth 500 gp) and 6 vials of drow poison. Chest #5 contains three pieces of jewelry (5,000 gp, 2000 gp, and 1,000 gp).


This 20’ by 30’ room is rather crowded for it contains 8 beds, a table and chairs, two divans, a desk, and most of the wall space is taken up with various clothing items hanging from pegs.

This room is the residence of the temple guards. They are typically either on guard duty in area #87 A, B, and C, occasionally in area #88, or here. They are on call at all times and can respond quickly to a summons. The beds each have a footlocker underneath them and contain various drow

clothing, but nothing of value. The table contains mostly containers of lichen and small kegs of beer and water. The desk has 5 vials of drow poison and two daggers stuck into the top. All of the garments hanging from the wall are drow capes, shields, and other clothing. In the southeastern corner, near the desk, are propped up six javelin of lightning.


The door opens to a small 10’ square room, plainly adorned. There is a bed, nightstand, table, chair, and chest. The floor is covered in a black carpet and plain black tapestries adorn the walls.

This is Darvecala’s quarters where she mainly sleeps. She spends the majority of her time in the temple or in area #88. The table contains a brass tray that contains ash and several pieces of paper that are have been burned to ash. There are a few papers on the table that have not been burned. They read:

There are new currents running through Oerth. Many are stating that the fall of the temple has demonstrated weakness in Iuz and that others are moving to fill the void. One such rumor is that the giants have united to control Oerth, but we know the truth in this regard. Another rumor circulating is that the lycanthropes, long a disaffected group in Oerth, are uniting to fill the void and dominate the lands. And yet another rumor suggests that the slavers operating out of the Azure Sea are maneuvering to stage an overthrow of Oerth by controlling the seas and then moving inland. As to the efficacy of these last two rumors, forward any intelligence you gather from your network. While slavers may pose a threat for southern territory, lycanthropes pose a greater threat for they can destroy from the inside out. For the protection of your leadership, I am sending a kit of necessary items just in case.


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Since the loss of the palace by that band of meddlesome commoners, it has been necessary to shift the center of all of our plans to your Temple. Guard it well. We are making plans to use Iuz as cover for our eventual assault on Oerth. You must coordinate our efforts between Vairlithia of the underdark and Anarundell in Highfolk. Continue to support the Highfolk operations so that we may take the Vesve Forest and then Furyondy, the Horned Society, and the Shield Lands. Once those are held by deceit, our forces will come out of the new palace and take Oerth as ours. Do not fail in your operations in the Yatils as those in the southern mountain chain so badly failed me.


The Chest contains mostly clothing, but it does have concealed in the clothing two potions which are a potion of healing and a philter of love.


This small 10’ square room is sparsely furnished, containing two single beds, each with a chest at the foot of the bed, and a small table with two chairs. The floor is covered in a plush black carpet and the walls are adorned with plain black tapestries.

The table is bare and the chests contain mostly clothing. The first chest contains a place setting made of onyx and silver which includes a plate, goblet, and utensils worth 500 gp, while the second chest contains a place setting made of gold and set with tiny gems worth 800 gp.


This 20’ wide staircase descends downward and the walls and stairs glow in a luminescent green. What lies below is blocked by the stone overhang, upon which is written something in a strange language.

The language of the inscription is in drow and reads “In honor and worship of our Goddess.” The stairs and walls are covered in a luminescent lichen.


The 10’ wide stairs descend at a steep angle downward. An overhang blocks your view of what lies at the bottom of the stairs.

These stairs are for the clerics of the temple to come and go from the temple whenever there are large gatherings.


In the southwestern corner of the temple is an archway that is covered in spiderwebs.

This is the lair of a giant spider which is under the control of Darvecala. If she is pursued into the temple, she can call for the spider’s assistance.

Giant spider: AC 4; HD 4+4; hp 22; #AT 1; Dmg 2-8.


In the southeastern corner of the temple is an archway that is covered in spiderwebs.

This is the lair of a giant spider which is under the control of Darvecala. If she is pursued into the temple, she can call for the spider’s assistance.

Giant spider: AC 4; HD 4+4; hp 17; #AT 1; Dmg 2-8.


This temple facility is of an enormous size, stretching nearly 100’ square. The room still features some of the luminescent lichen, but the primary source of light in this room come from the sconces holding lit torches on the western and eastern stone walls. There are six large columns down the center of the temple that lead to a raised dias that features a strange black looking altar and eight lit braziers. There is a strange green cloud that disrupts your view of the altar and it stretches from floor to ceiling and curves inward toward the northern corners of the room.

The ceiling of this room is 75’ tall and difficult to see as it disappears into blackness.

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The large black stone columns are covered in the green luminescent lichen and so they glow green. These columns also create a sense of unease and insecurity, because they are continually casting a fear (15’ rad.) spell.

The western wall depicts a large spider with the face of a beautiful woman standing in front of an even large spider-shaped structure made of brass in the desert.

The eastern wall depicts a beautiful woman dressed in very little, but what she is dressed in is some form of gown made of a silky white gauze. There are all manner of creatures bowing down before her as she appears to walk out of the wall itself. Which, is, of course, just the way the image was painted.

If Darvecala is being pursued as she crosses the temple, this is the most likely place where she will use her robe of spiderswarm.

The green gas situated before the altar is a distortion created in time and space. When a creature approaches the green gas it will appear more simply as a green light through which one could walk. Any creature can see the raised dias and altar on the other side, as if they were looking through green glass. If they step into the green hue, they face a number of spell like effects all at once, which consist of slow, fear, distance distortion, and confusion. Darvecala is the only one in the temple who is not affected by the spells. Even the curates suffer the effects of the spells.


As you step from the green light, you find yourself standing on a raised dias and before you is a large black altar made of some unknown substance that seems to melt and churn as if it were alive. There are eight gold braziers situated four each on either side of the altar which are burning and emitting a black smoke.

If pressed or threatened, Darvecala will come to the altar, make an offering into the braziers and begin to bow down and pray before the altar. This is how she makes contact with lolth. If alerted to the danger, lolth will send one of her handmaidens, a yochlol to defend her temple. It will rise out of the

altar first as a misty gas, then as an amorphous column with eight pseudopods, but as it climbs completely out, it will polymorph into a gigantic spider and attack.

If any of the player characters purposefully or accidentally touches the altar, it can have a deadly or harmful effect.

Role a 1-12 to determine results:

1. death

2. insanity (cured by remove curse spell)

3. rage (attack their own party) (cured by remove curse spell)

4. age 1 to 20 years

5. take electrical damage of 3-18 hit points of damage

6. black substance sticks to body part touched causing 2-12 hit points of damage and an additional 1-6 each round until the substance is removed

7-12 Nausea for 2-12 rounds (cured by remove curse spell)

Yochlol (Handmaiden of Lolth): AC 10; HD 6; hp 50; #AT 8; Dmg 5-8; SA: can change forms within a single round. This yochlol will appear gaseous, then in its natural amorphous form, and then as a spider. When it attacks, it will change its spider legs into amorphous pseudopods and strike with its 8 pseudopods, then immediately change them back to spider legs. The yochlol may strike multiple players at the same time; SD: 50% resistance to magic

Treasure: The eight gold braziers are worth 500 gp each.


Darvecala will engage in the fight alongside the yochlol, but if things appear to be going poorly for her, she will jump into the altar and disappear into the abyss. Regardless, if she disappears into the abyss or is killed, because her existence is tied to the Temple of the Spider God, in 1-6 rounds, the

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temple will begin to quake, and in another 5-30 rounds, the temple will be destroyed. Also, if this happens, the quake will cause the collapse of the spider statute in area #84 and a large portion of the subterranean passages leading into the underdark (See area #85), as well as the western portion of area #82, will also collapse. When this happens, it will spoil the drow plans for Highfolk for their supply line will be cut off, essentially choking them off and ending the operation. Any remaining drow east of the Temple complex will find themselves being forced to abandon their plans and retreat into the Yatil Mountains. If this happens, the town of Highfolk will celebrate the assistance of the player characters and the Mayor and people of Highfolk will help the party refit for the next leg of their adventure.


Once the drow have been destroyed or driven out of Highfolk, the town will become a safe haven for the party.

Hex50 (A5-89)

“Let me live where I will, on this side is the city, on that the wilderness, and ever I am leaving the city more and more, and withdrawing into the wilderness.”

-Henry David Thoreau, Walking


After returning to the Velverdyva River and turning east, the day’s journey is peaceful. By dusk you have put a significant distance between yourselves and Highfolk. At this point you are the closest to the Vesve Forest to your north, while you are still

hugged by the Yatil Mountain chain to both the south and west. The journey continues.

The day’s travel will actually cover the short jaunt to the Velverdyva (See area #5), past the second ford (See area #4) and proceed through the rest of Hex49, and then covering Hex #50. In all, it will be a simple day with no encounters.

Hex51 (Z4-88)

“Paddling slowly . . . we enjoy at length very perfect reflections in the still water. The blue of the sky, and indeed all tints, are deepened in the reflection.”

-Henry David Thoreau, Journal


As you paddle slowly down the gently moving waters, you notice at length the very perfect reflections of the water. The color of your canoes and the blue of the sky are all deepened in the reflection.

Just like the previous day’s journey, this day’s journey will also be peaceful.

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Random Encounters

As previously mentioned, this campaign includes all encounters for the party within each chapter. However, if DMs feel that there should be additional random encounters, the following random encounter table is provided for the Town of Highfolk and the surrounding area.

Town of Highfolk:

Dice Roll Encounter

01-79 Drow patrol 80 - 84 Elves, Sylvan 85 - 89 Men, Bandits 90 - 94 Dwarves, Mountain 95 – 00 Hobgoblins The Area Surrounding Highfolk:

Dice Roll Encounter

01 - 09 Drow patrol 10 - 25 Drow merchants 26 – 35 Men, Bandits 36 – 45 Men, Brigands 46 – 55 Elves, Sylvan 56 – 65 Dwarves, Mountain 66 - 75 Gnolls 76 – 85 Hobgoblins3 86 – 95 Norkers 96 – 98 Ogres 99 - 00 Trolls

Endnotes 1 Hammack, Allen. (1983). The World of Greyhawk Gazetteer. Lake Geneva, WI: TSR. 2 Gygax, Gary. (1983). A Glossography for the Guide to the World of Greyhawk. Lake Geneva, WI: TSR. 3 One possibility for the Hobgoblins is to use card number 17 from the Greyhawk Box set, titled “Siege of the Highfolk.” Although it is 2nd edition, it takes place outside of the town of Highfolk. See Niles, Douglas. (1989). Greyhawk: Gem of the Flanaess. Lake Geneva, WI: TSR.

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Scroll #1 – Player Character Handout:

Since the loss of the palace by that band of meddlesome

commoners, the plans for the invasion of Oerth have

shifted. Rather than commencing the assault from Sterich,

we have made ready the plans to use Iuz as cover. The

approach into Oerth is almost readied, but we must make the

proper connections to the underdark before we can

proceed. In the meantime, positioning ourselves in central

locations that will continue to conceal our operations

until they are ready is crucial. You must retain control of

Highfolk, seize and control all occupants of the Vesve

Forest, and be prepared to move into Chendl. Once the

latter is under your control, you will move to take all of

the lands and towns between Whyestillake and Nyr Dyv. Do

not fail.


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Scroll #2 – Player Character Handout:

You must be aware that Iuz has designs on the Horned

Society and the Kingdom of Furyondy, and by extension, the

Shield Lands. This means that as soon as our plans are put

into motion and Chendl is ours, you must move fast, for

word will return to Iuz raising his ire and earning our

enmity. His current intentions are not fully known, and

how quickly he may respond is equally ambiguous. It is,

therefore, imperative that your movements into the Vesve

Forest be closely guarded and well controlled. While he

has lost some control over the woodland, his network of

spies must not be considered destroyed, but rather active

and wholly dangerous. Prepare your forces quickly and let

me know when your operations in Vesve commence.


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Scroll #3 – Player Character Handout:

There are new currents running through Oerth. Many are

stating that the fall of the temple has demonstrated

weakness in Iuz and that others are moving to fill the void.

One such rumor is that the giants have united to control

Oerth, but we know the truth in this regard. Another

rumor circulating is that the lycanthropes, long a

disaffected group in Oerth, are uniting to fill the void and

dominate the lands. And yet another rumor suggests that

the slavers operating out of the Azure Sea are maneuvering

to stage an overthrow of Oerth by controlling the seas and

then moving inland. As to the efficacy of these last two

rumors, forward any intelligence you gather from your

network. While slavers may pose a threat for southern

territory, lycanthropes pose a greater threat for they can

destroy from the inside out. For the protection of your

leadership, I am sending a kit of necessary items just in case.


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Scroll #4 – Player Character Handout:

You must immediately dispatch a band of your closest

associates on a mission. They are to take the silver box that

has been delivered with this message south on the

Velverdyva. Two weeks journey south is a strange set of

monolithic stones, 3 sets of 3, on the western side of the

river. The locals call it the circle of hands. The gems

enclosed in the silver box are said to unlock a portal to a

demiplane where the Mantle of Rao is claimed to be hidden.

We must recover the artifact so as to avoid it falling into

the hands of someone who may use its powers against us.

Advise when the party has been dispatched and keep me

apprised of their success.


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Page 52: The Great Flanaess River Adventure Chapter 7: Highfolk 7 - Highfolk.pdfthe drow to operate out of the Yatil Mountains, she desires for them to befriend the local towns, starting with
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Page 55: The Great Flanaess River Adventure Chapter 7: Highfolk 7 - Highfolk.pdfthe drow to operate out of the Yatil Mountains, she desires for them to befriend the local towns, starting with
Page 56: The Great Flanaess River Adventure Chapter 7: Highfolk 7 - Highfolk.pdfthe drow to operate out of the Yatil Mountains, she desires for them to befriend the local towns, starting with
Page 57: The Great Flanaess River Adventure Chapter 7: Highfolk 7 - Highfolk.pdfthe drow to operate out of the Yatil Mountains, she desires for them to befriend the local towns, starting with
Page 58: The Great Flanaess River Adventure Chapter 7: Highfolk 7 - Highfolk.pdfthe drow to operate out of the Yatil Mountains, she desires for them to befriend the local towns, starting with