"the great gatsby" chapter 9


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Page 1: "The Great Gatsby" Chapter 9
Page 2: "The Great Gatsby" Chapter 9

• No one that came to Gatsby’s parties is there because they don’t care; they only came

because of his status and wealth. • Just like in life, in death he is an

element of gossip with no true friends.


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• Catherine tries to convince the onlookers and authorities that Myrtle had never seen Gatsby and that “her

sister was completely happy with her husband” and “up to no mischief”.

• It is part true and part false; she tries to cover up for her sister, making her seem more moral than she was. She doesn’t

want Myrtle’s reputation to get ruined .

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• Nick is Gatsby’s only true friend – the only person that attempts to

understand Gatsby’s motivations. • He thinks that Gatsby is looking to

him to get attendants at his funeral and keeps hearing Gatsby’s voice in his head, protesting: “Look here,

old sport, you’ve got to get somebody for me. You’ve got to try hard. I can’t go through this

alone” (165)

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Page 6: "The Great Gatsby" Chapter 9

• They have left town and taken baggage – restless, leave when

things get tough. • They cannot deal with their current situation and escape it

by changing location. • They avoid responsibility for

their actions and do not care about Gatsby’s fate.


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• Wrote that Gatsby’s death was one of “the most terrible shocks of [his] life” but

refuses to attend because he claims that he “cannot get mixed up in things now.”

• He is worried that he will be connected to Gatsby’s death

• He might be linked to Gatsby’s bootlegging business and Wolfsheim is not willing to risk

his money and reputation to attend the funeral of a man he never truly considered a

friend. • a selfish, his priority is self preservation -

like Daisy and Tom.


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Page 9: "The Great Gatsby" Chapter 9

• “a solemn man, very helpless and dismayed, bundled up in a long cheap ulster against the warm September day. His

eyes leaked continuously with excitement, and when I took the bag and umbrella from his hands he began to pull so incessantly at his sparse gray beard that I had

difficulty in getting his coat off. He was on the point of collapse.” (167)

• restless and uncomfortable in the presence of Gatsby’s wealth, moving “ceaselessly” about the

room. • His grief was mixed with awe and pride once he

noticed the splendor of Gatsby’s house. • He clearly thinks highly of his son and might be

unaware of Gatsby’s motivations and criminal activity.


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• Klipspringer calls to have a pair of shoes that he left at Gatsby’s house mailed to

him. • He had been a long term guest of Gatsby

and doesn’t even have the decency to attend the funeral.

• Gatsby had been generous, letting Klipspringer live with him for an

extended time; Nick feels shame for Gatsby because it is clear that all of

Gatsby’s friends took advantage of him. • He is discarded by his acquaintances once he is useless to them. Klipspringer has other priorities – a picnic with the

people he is currently staying with.


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“Let us learn to show our friendship for a man when he is alive and not after he is dead” (172)

• Wolfsheim says this to Nick, meaning that he has made a wealthy gentleman out of Gatsby; therefore, proving his

friendship. • Nick, however, has been a fair weather friend. He was not

sincere in his friendship with Gatsby all the time –he was at first attracted to his wealth and only later to his

charisma and personality.• Nick has judged and disliked Gatsby and his behavior. • Now that Gatsby is dead Nick’s guilt forces him to be

more forgiving of Gatsby. • Wolfsheim is suggesting that Nick’s positive attitude and

sympathy toward Gatsby come to late to do Gatsby any good.

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Page 13: "The Great Gatsby" Chapter 9

• From a young age, Gatsby was interested in improving his mind,

body and his social status. • Gatsby was always an organized and ambitious man that sought self

improvement. • Maybe Nick doesn’t understand Gatsby as well as he thinks he does.


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• a memory of coming back to the security of the familiar; home is connected to

identity. • He calls the Midwest MY Middle West – a

sense of belonging. • He also suggests that as a Westerner, he

was perhaps not suited to the life style in the East, just like Tom and Daisy.

• The East is more exciting, but also more dangerous – it makes people careless,

reckless and selfish. • The Mid West is calmer and comforting.


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• The East has a “quality of distortion” – something isn’t right there and people’s

priorities are mixed up. • After Gatsby’s death, the East became haunted

for Nick – distorted. • The East is associated with a fast-paced lifestyle, decadent parties, crumbling moral values, and the pursuit of wealth, while the

West and the Midwest are associated with more traditional moral values.

• Nick cannot live in the East, just like Gatsby couldn’t live in the past.

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“Four men in dress suits are walking along the sidewalk with a stretcher on which lies a drunken woman in a white evening dress.

Gravely the men turn in at a house – the wrong house. But no one knows the woman’s name,

and no one cares.” (176-77)


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• The woman’s white dress recalls Daisy and her inebriated state emphasizes the danger and

recklessness of the East – like the automobiles accidents that involve alcohol.

• Also, the fact that the woman is brought to the wrong house and that no one cares points to the

fact that there are no lasting relationships between the characters.

• The society does not value deep connections, only superficial ones based on use and need.

• Like Gatsby, the woman has no real friends. The jewels are cold, since money seems to only

cause grief, it does not bring happiness, warmth, or comfort.


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“When I went to give up that flat and saw that damn box of dog biscuits sitting there on the sideboard, I sat down and

cried like a baby.” (179)

• The dog reminds the readers of Myrtle• Tom accuses Gatsby of running her

over like a dog• the dog itself is forgotten, never

mentioned after its initial purchase; it is a living being that is treated as

property and discarded like the rest of unwanted items


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• He cannot forgive them or like them anymore and he makes his animosity

known. “They were careless people, Tom and Daisy – they smashed up things and

creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness, or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess

they had made…” (179)


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• New York is the fresh island that represented the new world for the

Dutch explorers. • The island was a beacon, full of green trees and hope – reminiscent of Gatsby’s green light and the hope

that he harbored. • The island of New York seems to

represent dreams: it is full of the sublime and wonder, larger than a

single human life, enchanting.


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• Once, the island had lived up to the expectation of the inhabitants; now the hopes and dreams are broken on the rocks – the green light has been

extinguished and replaced by greed, money and selfishness – the green monster.

• New York was once beautiful and full of potential, now it is dangerous and overpopulated and ashen.

• Gatsby looked for his dreams in the wrong place – he should have looked behind him, to the fields

beyond the city: the city and the lights are a distraction, nature is soothing and helps gain


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Page 25: "The Great Gatsby" Chapter 9

“Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but

that’s no matter – tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out

our arms farther…And one fine morning – So we beat on,

boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into

the past” (180).


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• Nick returns to the theme of the significance of the past to dreams of

the future - represented by the green light.

• He focuses on the struggle of human beings to achieve their goals

by both transcending and re-creating the past.

• Yet humans prove themselves unable to move beyond the past: the

current draws them backward as they row forward toward the green


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• The past functions as the source of ideas about the future (epitomized by Gatsby’s desire to re-create 1917

in his affair with Daisy) and they cannot escape it as they continue to struggle to transform their dreams

into reality.• While they never lose their optimism (“tomorrow we

will run faster, stretch out our arms farther . . .”), they expend all of their energy in pursuit of a goal that

moves ever farther away. • This apt metaphor characterizes both Gatsby’s struggle

and the American dream itself. • Nick’s words register neither blind approval nor cynical

disillusionment but rather the respectful melancholy that he ultimately brings to his study of Gatsby’s life.