the memphis daily appeal. (memphis, tn) 1858-04-22 [p ]. · 2017-12-16 · oars. we thought them...

V DAILY APPEAL. MEMPHIS. HOBSIKG. APRIL 22, 1558. "rhe Appeal is regularly diseontlBoad at the end ef tbe time sBBsaribad ami paU for awtess renewed in advance. This rule is ei to wttlioat respect to persons, jgT Beading Matter on Every Page. THE SOOTHERS COHHEBCIAL C05VKKTI0K AJ5T) THE SOTJTHESH PACIFIC EAHB0AD. ' The f Hawing article, fros the pen of our eerrespeBett, J. P. P., coincldteg aa it do es, with or own views, we adopt and commeed to tbe perusal of our readers :J We observe with pleasure, a very peneral in : y moat in Tennessee, and elsewhere in the SoxLty, towards the aprtolottaeot of delegates to ttie rfaiar animal South era Cossereial wMeb is to assemble at Montgomery, Ala . o tfae lOUi proximo. Oar worthy Ma r has apforated iimskr( delegates to rri.resf U Msnayhls ia tbat CooveoUon, a list er nljom we paWohml yesterday. We trust Maj or B&oeH will sacceed ta prevailiag on s -- l cf those datogatts to attend tbe Conven- tion, as will, Wy UUeat, experience and energy, the fclgbesi good for the great cotn- -. r : - J fafetoste of tbe Soathwest. It ba boMste very ranch tbe faehieii, in eertaiaaarters, to speak saeeriogly of these "(vBSMKhl Coaeeotioits," 2nd to asl; coo-- b . istawKty, " Whore are the practical Some bave even gone so far ast--J f atahead that tbe approacMog CeaveathMi wiK undertake to iHseBSs the quesUoo of "cew-taBC- attsttottoa." This awaraption, of coarse, is oMBBly gratutons, beiag warranted by no tlertUpmeirtg tbat bave takes place in aay atW ; aad to tbe query as to " practical vesaNa," it Buy he answered that pnbftc opto iaa.iaaelaj, a broad, ctm-r- rt of actios, is a pioHt af slaw growth, attd tbat the effects of those Gesveatioas are store felt thaa area. Certeiaiy, e oae can 4eay that ranch bas Veea gaieed to the Soath by the social later-cour- se at those aanuil assemblages of lead leg rejirtseBtiBg all Soatbera interests of whatever kind ; by the free interchange of eptaistt; fcy & geaeraldiffaeion of a mere f a miliar liaowioige of the rrsoarces asd advantages of theSoatfa; a dra-ris- g together of tbe Soatfa towards a more perfect union ; a. more geaeral alsseniDatioa of the spirit of internal itopreve-swea- ts ; aad a forcible direction oi pablic attea-tio- a to tbe vast, nay, vital importance of direct Laanuaaitation. by means of ocean steam lines, botweos South em ports and tbe balance of tbe world bat mote especially Western Europe, Soatfa America, and tbe islands and zaaialiBd of Ih Eastern Pacific coast. The good effects of these Coareations, bow-ow,ba- been botb ier andWl, in thelm-prov- oi aad more eshgbteaed and progressive character of the recent legislation of the differ -- eat States of tbe Soatfa ; is tbe springing op e! BMtap new commercial centres, sad tbe accel- erated advancement of oldooe;aadintbe gen-nrit- of .an irresistible desire, an immutable doierafaaHoa, ee the part of tbe great body or Soother people, to make their section commer-caat- tr Mfettdeat of alt tbe world, aad partio uhirir of aM tbe eaoBies, opea or covert, of oar We Boad not say, therefore, tbat we are clearty in favor of a continuance of these "Soath.ra Cwereial Coorentiens," and we earaostty trast that tbe one soon to assemble at Maatoeaery, will be largely and ably aad tbat its deliberations will sooner or fcvttr he followed, aa heretofore, by the happi- est rosalte. Oae of tbe chief sabjeetc tbat saajht ta, aad doabtlsss will, come before that body, is the Geeat Sovthexx Pacifk Rail-xa- b, which, altboagh so far a project enjoy-it- s ne eado'vBet grand and maaificeot tfaoagh It be of a single Stata, has already rfcro to am fcaportaace sscond to bo ether bow in cinli iplatien anywhere on tfae roaad lobe. . We are aaitc eare that the Ooaveatiaa, evoc in tfae presence of sach groat s objects as Dvect Trade, Oommercial Iadepondeace, and Southern t Jvcati, eouM Bot better employ its time tLamla discassiagaBdiliMeaMaaiing the mer- its, aae bearing!, tbe feasibilities, tbe poten-t'ia.:-ts of a work, which, a fare as the clock af the vtwrtd cantinnes to ran, promises to be- come the right arm, the " Midas" band, tbe sheet Ag nation of the South, in tbe rolling yars of aostioy already briebMr bat event' i .tt r wrtterBots i. LtRseTnoojiag" oTiionlher bear to the memory of engage tbe eleeaesee ef Soother orators andHWaehingtee, and tbe illustrious glory which It is tbe greeteot, oaa Mr nirHBer rtit-- rise of this golden age tor this U an- - t Ler t, alien Age, and Iron and Steam aro-ba-t I ti'ai gbty sieves that the science aal 4 tin of! x !rn gestae faave erosea nsaWfUftrt'; depths of tfae treasare-boape- d 9,aksf .Wood- less knowledge. "STK- - We shall net, on this awOwajjeioto the his- tory, or reeapltalaie the bmsanase reeoorces of the Seatbem I'jielSe Railroad. Tais bas itoite Ih " Ibese celumOi, and daily thrown upon tbe prospects of ttfeaejntiiiiirinr, from tbe graceful pen ' ear' Me correanondent ' Fielpston. " It is sashcieot at present to say, that the Rrad is oa bising sboond; that the Com- - patif bas secured the unparalleled laivd giant of &flQ0fi09 of acres from the State of Texas ; that tfae loan of SSftOOpm, in money, will be secured ia a few days, if it bis not been already ; that a liberal contract for carrying the mails, aad for other pablic service, will undoubtedly be obtained from the General Gov ernment; tbat the grading and track-la- ) ing are rapidly goia? forward to the eieetrifying lane "of Westward, Ho!" and that The stock gradaeHy bat sareiy coming late mar ket,astbe resources of tfae Road become better known offers the greatest inducements to tbe Investment of capital ever before known in this or any ether country. We conciade by respeetfally rasgestieg tn the Preeideat of tbe Company the propriety of appointing an able delegation of the Directors, or Stockholders, to represent the iatererts of the road in the Montgomery Convention. It is an enterprise, we knew, which, by its vastaess and its importance, net only to the South but also to tfae whole Union as possessing tbe only practicable reate to the Pacific will com-- m axd tbe atteatieti ef that bod ; and yet it is plain to as that there theald be, in attendance, representatives ef the Company qaalified to impart aH seedf el information in regard to it, and to press its high claims ana the and, through the Convention, upon tbe great messes of tfae people. WHAT HAVE THE AKEHICA58 GAIHED? The Washington Onto has an excellent ar- ticle MBtrastiog tfae relative losses and gains of tfae Kepefeticaas, Americans and recusant Democrat, in consequence uf their votes in favor of tbe Montgomery amendment. After disposing ef the Black Republicans, ait et whom sestained the ameadmeat, tile faie than addresses Kseif to those Sooth Americans who voted with the EepabUeaas : "Now what have the Americans gained; We fear tfae advantages, like the bandit ef a jag. are all aae side. Whet bave tbe Amer- ica. gstoed? They twve gained the alliance of the RepabHeaae. They have enabled tbe latter to reject tbe Leeompton ceoetHwtien, and to create an nitra abolition coaetitatteo, ami to secure tfae admtssioB of the State under K. All tfaisHnredtcated opon the idea that tfae at9 arsat shall prevail over the Senate bid. Tn areatrtetea Americans bave been BH. a Qreat noise about foreigners voting at In Kentacky yoa have under- taken o drive (hem away from tb polls. You have done the same thing at Baltimore. It was year pride that " Americans rbonld rate America. nod. to secure this end, you waald change the nstoralizatien laws eo as to require tweaty-ea- e years' reMdence to eeaale tbe eemr to vote. These are your idea, not oars. We thought them bigoted ; and, to U) yea tfae honest troth, we never bettered shim in year sincerity when you unfed tfaeea upon tbe country. By the Crittenden amendment you have endorsed tbe proceedieg of the Liav-e- a worth cosventtoa, which dectarea that a declaratioB of an IntentioB to become a ctti-r- n shall entitle the party mating it to voU. of ITSJit coaveauoa also deetare Utat necroes shall haven right to vote. Yoa enderaedthat -- ariaesple, too. The sabetanUai rod can baiWtty be appreciated bv you, gentleceB Americans, naleM you remember, as pubaps yea may, that tbe Leeompton eoottitetioa, whose xejectton you bave sought by yaar votes j to eootre, is a eeeservaUve law, unobjertioaa-- 1 ate rye is we rasi cerwimj w every 3lten,t does not appear that yoa have mace 1 very honorable aad pco&abie opera-tio- u, i poiat of fact, by joining tfae Repabli-cat- is " Tit 1 picture will enable the Soath Ameri-ciut- ii see whither aVey are drifting in follow ing tb 1 lead of BbX asm Crittbkdeh. Is wc,r hostility to tbe Democratic party eo ' jjr al m to carry tfaeea over hate an aMienee wi.h fbe Black RepoUiesas, with the view of as, s'm; i' ? D ) tay carry tnetr onier,es .e'r aSoat Lhe as to b- - vrllitw: u uhvw .... ; v ai tfwr Md overturn ar"" i I, tfae D'tocrsey ? Saeh, we have no doubt, is tfae fact ks to tbe loaders of the American-- . par , bat thsre are thousands of tbe rank and Ult in the South ho will not fellow them. j . ..rT ,, . cw;.m .m i ,vniBnire.aca the distance between man and woman is be-- ,!. ml.ter .verv dav! Jen. a o fnciiatarat to he vitw.,J "3"5 Wire "TO)ioi THE PACIFIC BOAD. no. it. WIIA.T IS THTKD; POLICY OP TflK SOUTH? We hitherto shown the general grounds - - i . . r . ihe nolltical and commercial interests of the South, of the Santaern racmc Railroad route between tbe two oceans, as re- gards Southern commerce, Southern manufac- turing enterprise, tbe facilities of snch a bond of intercommunication of Southern -- States as to form a barrier to Northern aggression, if (unfortunately) that may brcome a result And we have shown that, emulating the gene- rosity of other States, Texai baa doubled all they bare done within their own limits for this great internal Improvement of tbe Soath, throughout its borders, by giving not only lands and money to cover the whole enterprise, bat also then to leave in tbe possession of tbe company saeb proprietorship as wfH not only give thee tbe entire ownership ef a completed read, and its subitaaent profits, bat leave them a large surplus also for distribution. So tbat when a present subscriber pays only $5 on a fjiare ef S100, tbe State of Texas bas much mere than provided the balance. Will tbe Federal Government find it neces- sary to avail itself of this generous and patri- otic act of Texas t la the present aejlioa of Qoagress, we find propositions advocating a raato from Lake Su- perior to Paget Soand, connecting the British Possessions in the North American continent with the extreaK Northwestern Possessions. To this we shanty reply, nature renders K impos- sible, and we do not think it tbe interest of this Government, (were it possible,) to build roads tar tfae interest of Great Britain alone. If tfae Canadas and tbe North western British posses- sions want a railroad, it i not feroor Gavero-ao- nt to barld R, to accommodate the political views of Northern Abolitionists who might ad- vocate each coarsx. If dtbors propose a central coarse, what is tfae policy of Government? By the word ce- ntral" is meant, we suppose, the route recom- mended by tbe late respected and lamented Colonel Benton. Bat those buffalo paths were shewn to be impassable by a common explora tion by his .own sos-is-la- Colonel Fremont ; and, as we bave said before, they are fujly condemned also by Liesteoant Beale's report. and the 1 ite march of Captain Mircy, of tbe Otah array. Throazh the Southern mate there can be a Mtarat, aataternrpted ceamaakation through the year. What, then, is the interest of our Federal Government, as to otter natioas, as well as to itself? It this Sou'bern reate, completed by Texas to Bt Pass, connecting with New Orleans, Ykkshorg, Memphis, and also with Charles- ton and ail other Southern seaports, be fin ished to tbe Pacific, will Government find no interest in connecting with it through ber rich agricsritaral and mineral resources between El Paso and San Francisco, through Chihuahua and Sonera? Bat, go farther: If this road be so carried out west ef Texas by Government, will it not take tbe postal communication, immigration and trade even of England and other countries. betfa in regard to taftty and tine the two great impedimenta of commerce ? Facts on these subjects wiM hereafter be furnished from surveys aad well established calculation f JIKLDSTON. KB. EVESETT HIS lECIUEE. Fr tbe IfnnpWs AM. Mcsens. Editors : It is palafal to find men so prejudiced amoBgst us, and so bigoted in their views, as to forget tbe labor of .patriotic love in which Sir. Everett is devoting bis val- uable time to meet tbe calls of bis fellow- - ceantrySes in all sections, to promote tbe no- ble andertakinr of tbe national affection, gratefally to commemorate tbe virtues of Wash- ington. With them tbe love of Washington is lees than their love of hatred to bis great friend, who, perchance, on some distinct ise, has disagreed with their views. They say, in ef- fect, dew with lite noble monument to Wash- ington, if Mr. Everett bas to aid in its a nit fl- ing. These me eboaM recollect tb atjSoutbern patriotism invokes fats great and patriotic o- fferingthat he Ihrasts himself apea no people offensively,- - and that having1 been invited to come among us for a most noble end, common decency should shrink from violating toward him, or any one else, the hospitality tendered him by many of oar best citizens. lie bag beeB invited here, not eepectajjy en his own ac- count, bat for the love, the veneration and the bis pare patriotism sad name bequeathed to evgry American. It is to honor, and ia patii-at- te grAtttuoe, eommemorate fats virtues nd our awn gramme isat r, averett nas Been in v lied among us. A SIGNER, -- j. Speech cf Sr. Sicgletss, cf JliriUrlppL It is seldom that a political question bas given rise, in this country, to such a perfect torrent ef speeches and flood of worde, ia the halls of Congrese, as this apparently inter-mtaab- le and never ending Kansas excitement. A considerable' proportion' of the speeches especially in tbe House bare been cull, prosy, common- - place efforts, hardly rising to the dig- nity ef a mediocre stomp oration. A tew, however, bave bees distinguished by an ability, originality and eloquence worthy of tbe best days of Congressional oratory, and bave great credit upon their authors.' In this latter class we rank the speech of Mr. Single-to- e, an able Democratic Representative from Mississippi. This latter gentleman made a long and elaborate speectrevitiring the whole ground of tbe unfortunate circuities ard issues, which, unfertauately, since the era of the .Missouri restriction in lszo, have disturbed the peace of the country and greatly distracted its legislation. Although he spoke with much feeling, and Is evidently a warm and enihusiaetic'Soutbern man, with same of tbe prejudices of bis section of the country, all cool and dispassionate men will admit that there is a large amount of truth in tbe charges which he prefers against tdhe free States or rawer tee xtiacK Hrpuolican influence in them af atleflVticg, by illegitimate, unfair and unconstitutional means, to deprive the slave- - oolding states or tneir rights, under the to their property, as well also to despoil them of their interest in the common public domain. Those who have long listened to and believed the stereotyped partisan cry of "Southern aggression" and " domination " in the affaire of the Union- - weald do well to read tbe masterly and able statement of the griev ances of the South at tbe hands of tbe North, which is presented by Mr. Singleton Is his Kansas speech, for it weald opes their vision to the imposition which baa been practiced upon them. Mr. Singleton's expon and history ef the Kansas issue is well and succinctly done, and bis poiBts in regard to the legality of tee constitution are unanswerable. He also makes some good and telling bits npon tbe inconsistency of Messrs. Douglas and Walker is tbe new positions which they have assumed. Jn conclusion, we repeat that, although lengthy and containing seme matter from which we dissent, we nevertheless consider Mr. Sin- - eleton'a speecb!one of tbe most readable tbat has been made in tbe House npon tbe Kansas q'HStion. CVncia6ii .vqvirrr. The Tobacco Interests cf tbe South. A committee appointed by (he Southern Com mercial Convention, which met at Knoxvllle, Team-- , In August last, consisting of Wat. M. Hchwell, of Virginia, James Guthrie, of Kentacky, Wm Brewer, and Tench Tiloii max, Esqrs., of Md., bave addressed a remoE straaee to tbe President of the United State aaw met the excessive duties imposed on that staple, by the commercial nations of Europe. The committee say in coaclosloo of their remonstrance : " It is scarcely the province of yoar meinori-aHs- ts to deeignete the remedial meesares to be pursued by tfae Government of tbe United States. They will, however, suggest, for con- sideration, two, which bave occurred to them. let That the Government of tfae United States should employ tbe earliest occasion, when foreign governments, imposing aneqaal xmt onerous taxes on tobacco, thall ask at its haads seme commercial or other concession important to them, to require from such gov- ernments a proper reduction of each taxes. Sad. Congress see II impose upon the pro- ductions of eeh coantris;, imported Into tbe United States, coaatervaltog duties, equal In tfaeir efft to the taxes apea tobacco Your memorialists leave me question 01 me constitutional power and political expediency these is ensures with tbe proper departments of tbe Government It It tbelr province to bring their grievances before tbe Gorerameat j it is tbe duty of the Government to examine, and If possible, to redress them. Should, bow-m- the latter remedy ssggested be adopted by the Government, our fellow ci'ixens who now joy , xetnfitien freta duties, will at it rtet iaie M opportunity to share In tbe bor araf oppress thte persecuted Interest. They wtH thus in the reduction of theee bardana. The nations of Europe will be seHtfied that republicans casoot be bribed by special favors shown to one sectional Interest to eoeHre in tbe oppression aad taxation of We cannot, however, anticipate tbat enlight- ened nattoas, connected with u by treaty rela- tions of the most amicable and reciprocal char- acter, will continue, aeainst reason and remon-n'ranr- e, a doty so uajoei, exeesaive and offjn-- 8 re as that wbicb has so long rested npon o .e of the chief agricultural staples and commer- cial camnaoditfcs ef the United States, or tbat they will drive us to Hie extreme remedies g geted in this memorial. Tbev will, we hone. promptly assent to eucb a modification of th- - ,je tobaeeo wl a,ike omole Hitertsts ef tbe American producer and tbe European consumer. jAET Pbeacher Mrs. Sasan Freoer.cK, ntisVer lartv. from Hlltlmnr. la mtlrlmv 9 M jw ,.... tour through Jamaica; and sae recently preached- - to a congregation of 2,000 persons, occupvine tbe pulpit of the Baptist tbereb et ln iK.t 4.1 ... , SpacttiTovra, Senator Clay, ef Alabama, oa Bonthera Bab- - ' mUtion. I do not dubt that von think she will yield alt yoa demand. I do not doubt you believe yon can extort from her fears of your power an uiai youcan seduce rrotn cer lore 01 me Union. I believe you expect to excite discord amoDgher own sons, and to array against tbe slaveholders all who are not slaveholders, by persuading ihese that they are oppressed and wronged. But tbe example of Kansas, where there cannot bare been more than two hun dred slaveholders out of nix thousand pro- - slavery voters, should bave taught yoa that tbe sons of the South know and feet'that they have a common interest in preferving the insti- tution or slavery ; that (hey must keep tbe negro in his normal condition of slavery or de- stroy him, or surrender to him their country. I do not fear that yoa can delude and beguile them to their own or the des- olation of their country. I know you count larcely upon the defections and desertions of Southern leaders ; and I confess, with sbame and regret, that yoa bave but too good reasen for your calculations In tbe mortifying exam- ples we have furnished of thosa who have betrayed thtlr trust and broken their allegi- ance to the South, not, perhaps, because they loved her less, but tbe Union more, and them- selves most. I know it is idle to try to disen- chant your minds of impressions which you are found to retain and wish to be true, but which 1 think dishonor the Soulb, wrong the North, and may dissolve tbe Union. Yet, at tbe haz- ard of your ridicule, I must tell yoa that Ala- bama, in common with all ber Southern sisters but two, has, by the universal voice of berpeo-pl- e, as expressed by party conventions, by pop-al- ar assemblies, and by ber late and former Legislature, resolved 5 " Tbat she will and ought to resist, even (as a last resort) to a disruption of every tie which binds her to the Union, any action of Congress upon tbe subject of slavery in tbe District of rVilnmhli. or in nlaees subitct to the jurisdic tion of Congress, Incompatible with the safety, tbe domestic tranquillity, tbe rights and honor ef tbe slaveboMIrtg States: or any refusal to admit as a State any Territory hereafter ap plying, because or trie existence or slavery therein ; or any act prohibiting tbe introduction of slavery into the Territories: or any act repealing or materially modifying the law now in force for the recovery of f ogl' Uve slaves." If this be mere bravado, she shares the folly and tbe shame in common with twelve of ber Southern sisters. While I bave Indulged, and shall indulge, in no menace, or promise, or prophecy of her course, yet I can and will say, rer myseir, mat in the day or ner seir-d- f graaa tion, by disregarding her pledges and submit ting to yoar Government, I will not alt here to endure the contumely and reproach which you justly may, and certainly will, heap upon the beads of ber Senators. Mr. President, I bave not been addicted to singing pens or ottering enlogiet about the Union, or accustomed to regarding it as " tbe paramount political good," or "the primary object or patriotic desire." 1 have ever tell that I owed my first and higbest allegiance to my State, and tbat her sovereignty, her In- dependence, and her honor, even without tbe Union, should be dearer to her sons, than tbe Union and ber subordination, dependence and dishonor within it. Yet, sir, the Union of the Constitution, which oar forefathers made, I love and reverence and would preserve; bnt uits union witnout toe uonsmution, or wim it as constructed by Northern Republicans, J abbor and scorn, and would disolreif my pow. er were equal to my will. To this Union, the South is commended as a choice of evils, and commanded with menaces of compulsion. Whether she will choose the Union as a lesser evil, or sabmit to it by compulson and abandon ber and surrender her destinies to your control, yoa will surely test, if yoa get tbe power, and the time will surely prove. If she yield to your advice or to your commands, she will deserve to suffer all tbe wrong and all the sbame yoa can aud will accumulate upon her head. But as honor, interest, self-pr- ervation all that is dear to freemen all nrge ber to maintain ber individuality and equality as sovereign States, either within or without tbe Union, I trast she will give you fall demon- stration of ber couraze and e, by refusing any, the least concession to your de- mand;, and by resenting your menaces and renellinz vour attempts at coercion in such manner as will prove that (he spirit of tbe fathers, who, at Yorktown and at New Orleans,- - consummated In triumph our two wart of independence. LOCAL MATTERS. The Tikakts. In the jiil there are now sixteen white and nine negro prisoners. gFor late New Orleans papers, we thank tbe clerk of the Fanny Bullitt. The Weather- - The wealher yesterday was lovely, and lovely were the flowers that pjoredrich perfumes on the air; bat lovlier still were the fair creatures whom the genial weather attracted from tbelr homes. 3 A. SrLEKDin Lot er Goods. Messrs. A. T. Wells & Bro. have opened one of tbe choicest and most superb assortment of dry good ever offered to the cltinns of Memphis, from the highest price to tbe cheapest ; so tbat tb ladies cannot fail to be pleased. Call and ex amine for yourselves. KtLK- - Messrs. Towkseud &. Whit' more sold, da before yesterday, tbe cotton crop of Mr. Georsb Smith, of Ibis county, at the following handsome figures: five bales at 13 cents; and two bates at 10i cents. This is ome of the beet sales we bave beard of. "Dail't Psater "Meeting' The meeting at Odd Fellows' Hall was very Urge yesterday, The vast ball, galleries included, was filled to tbe utmost. Those who have sot attended can form no idea of the nature of these religions meetiags, where there is no exciting or theatri cal elbrt, but whsre the feeling is so profound and the elevaUon so sincere. L The Citt to Pat. The proprietor of the ferry-boa- t, Mr. Cheeks, has obtained judg. racot against tbe city for $2,270, to satisfy claim for the city raining a street through his property. The same party is now suing the city for $5,000 damages, for licensing anotbrr ferry to run where he claims an exclusive right. Cheat. Daring the discussion in Council on Tuesday evening, upon tbe propriety of I! censing a second wharf boat, it was stated that tbe present wharf boat, which IncluJea a store, bar, boarding house, butcher's shop, and stor age and commission and furnishing establish meat, pays tbe city only twenty-fiv- e dollars a year. Its exclusive privileges expire in seven teen months. Recorder's Court. At this court yesler da)-- , some seven individuals were introduced to E&q. East. Two of the party (one of whom was Bill Jokes,) not duly appreciating tbe honor, contrived to force open the door of tbe roem where applicants for justice are enter tained, until the Recorder la ready to receive them, one by one. Tbe mn bad been fighting which was the cause of their getting into tbe hands of justice ; but they settled their differ' euces and run like brothers when Ibey saw the door open. This makes four prisoners that escaped from the same place daring the present week. An was fined fifteen dol lars for carrying a concealed weapon. The Fire. The fire after dinner yesterday, was in tbe alley, between Court and Madison, and Second and Third streets. It broke out in the Stable of J. H. Speed, Esq., of the firm of Dsnoho & Co. Tbe stable, a quantity of bay in the loft above it, and tbe carriage and coa boose were entirely destroyed. Other out builin;s were injured, but tbe exertions of the firemen kept the bouse safe. Tbe kitchen and stable of R. K. Tubnace, Esq., on tbe oppo site side of the alley, also caught fire, and were completely gutted. When Mr. Speed first saw the fite it was in a Very small 'compass, and was among the bay, Immediately within an open doer, looking into the alley. There, no doubt, some incendiary had done his base and cowardly woifc Pantalookisu. On Friday night last, the audience at the Gaiety had their attention, between acts, drawn to a specimen of the genus homo, ef tbe kind tbat Braon calls " a very pretty fellow." The youngster In question was decidedly handsome. He had sparkling eyes, white teeth, a e look, and a glance of most provokleg assurance for tbe young ladies, whose eyes were wonderfully at- tracted towards tbe dashing DonJaao. Some surprise was exhibited when officer Moore approached tbe young gallant, with an air that appeared to say thlsisaprofessioBaiacqaain taaee of mine. The surprise was increased to the pitch ef exclamations among tbe ladies, of did you ever no, I Berer as Moose lifted wp the rakish, d, broad-brimme- d bat, and exposed bead of loag curling hair! The Don was a lady. Tbe officer railed her Nellt, when he rrquested ber to quit a place in which such costumiog is only allowed where is paid for on the stage. Crisp's Gaiett. Cemillt was 'performed last evealsgat'tbe Gaiety by Miss Davem- - prt to an exeelltnt audience. This play Is oMAtially different to all tbe other pieces performed u der the same title, and is as in- disputably the belt, as its representative, Mias D, is the superior of all others whem we bave seen attempt the character. Tr&tt-lete- d under Nht Davksport's superlntend-aac'- e it Is divfstedjof all Jie pruriency, to wblch It U obnoxious In Its original Fr8ch drapery. The length of tbe performance and the lateness ,of the hour prevents oar saying more than to express our unqualified dsligbt with her performance. This evening tbe Bnckhatk with Mies D. as "Julia ; and evening the last night of her engagement here, cpon which oc- casion a complimentary benefit hss"been tend ered to her by many of our best citizens, and ws "an " ooue WV " ww, a - i, 1 Rouxdikq " Streets. Tbe advocates of a graveling experiment in our streets, viewing tbe three hundred thousand dollars' worth of "fine concrete" now buried beneath the mud as too small an affair to be considered as even the beginning of aa experiment, are anxious to enter on the real experiment In earnest They now believe tbat the great witturrtium which is to secure all the advantages gravel can offer, and to keep away all the evils which bave hitherto been connected with its ess In 'ills city, as to "round off" the centre of the street that is, to raise the centre higher than tbe sides, so that the water, Instead of passing through it, and softening out for it a burial place below, shall obsdleatly run to the sides and flow off by the gutter, with the regularity and quietness becoming a liquor eo sobtr. The ' rounding " process is greatly extolled by tbe admirers of gravel, and tbe Mayor, In his mes sage lo Council, read on Tuesday night, strongly recommends " rounding," and for fear tbe ma terial should refuse to submit to the required circularity, be also recommends rolling with a heavy iron roller, when three inches of gravel are laid down ; then a second three inches and a second rolling, after which tbe remainder of tbe gravel may be pat on. A lingering doubt appears to remain whether even all this effort will cause tbe " rounding " to stay round, and, accordingly, tbe Street Commissioner Is to keep throwing the gravel up to tbe centre after It bas, very naturally, obeyed the law which inclines round substances to roll down bill " until tbe whole Is formed Into a solid, com pact mass." This mass is the 41 fine bed of concrete " so much admired by tbe gravelan tbropists. Wben the experiment is tried, one thing will be found wanting, 'and that is some thing to prevent the formation of ruts. Tbe ' compact mass " will only become such by a sufficient quantity of soil mingling wl'b it to act as a cement. Wben this soil becomes softened by moisture, its power of retaining the particles of gravel in tbelr places will be so much weakened, tbat tbe pressure of pass ing vehicles will disarrange them, and ruts will be formed. As long as the gravel continues to roll from the rounded apex to tbe gutter, and Is duly returned to Us place by tbe watch ful Street Commissioner, tbe ruts will be filled as they are formed; but When tbe compact or concrete state is attained, new gravel will be required for filling tbe rats, .a portion of this will again roll Into tbe gutters and mast be pa tiently returned to its place Ia giving this sketch of (he "rounding" process and its effects, we have left .out any allusion to tbe probability of the gravel, in many situations, sinking below tbe mud, to places where former " beds of fine concrete" have been burled, at tbe expense of the city, in years past. In conclusion, we ask when the gravel has been pat down In layers, and each layer rolled ; when the Street Commissioner has returned the wandering pebbles again and again, and yet again to their proper location; when the ruts have been filled with old gravd while it remained loose, aud with new when tbe old had become a "compact mass " bow much cheaper will gravel be than a bowlder pavement, which, when once put down, would remain down ? School Houses. Alderman Erwin does not occupy the time of Council with much speaking; he la usually independent In his views and thoughtful in his deliberations ; it was therefore with much surprise that we heard him assert, on Tuesday night, that he was opposed to bailding school houses be be- lieved tbe present system of locating schools in a room here aid there, where they can be ob talned, tbe best. Tbe Influence of habit is as tonithingl By this influence, Mr. Erwin bas been led to believe tbat scattering a few child- ren here and there, in rooms unfitted in convec-ienci- es or ventilation for school purposes, is superior to collecting them In large balls, well ventilated and built expressly for the purposes to which tbey are put. He bas been used to tbe present state of things which has not been selected by choice but submitted to from necessity and he therefore thinks it is the best For tbe same reason, others believe pouring gravel Into tbe streets the very e j!ui ultra of street paving. Alderman Erwin re- ferred to tbe calamities which bad resulted in New York from fires breaking out in school booses. Wculd fires in private houses, where schools were kept up stairs a story or two, be less fatal ? The true lesson to be learned from the New York case, Is to build school houses with stairs at each end of tbe building, if pes sible, outside tbe boose ; to make them of iron end bave all tbe doors open outward The Faezzolini Concert. evening the music loving portKifi'of oar com munity will have the first and prebtbly only opportunity cf listening to ravlehiog straits frora'lir Fbezzoljki, and of renewing the'.r ac quaintance with the sweet melodies of M'me. Straeocch, late Amelia Patti. We need not recount the triumphs of M'me. Frezzolini upon the lyric stage in tbe great cities cf tbe world, where musical criticism bas at. tainedits highest cultivation. All are familiar with ber recent flattering and unprecedented ovations at Havana and New Orleans, where she has raised ifurort scarcely second totbat which greeted Lind a few years since. The renown of M'me. F. Is certainly equal to tbat of any living prima dtsca. Her European reputation is not surpassed by any. And those sensitive critics, tbe HavaBese, have vied with each other in contributing tbelr voices to praises of her excellence. Tbe programme for the concert exhibits se lections from the best operas, together with some beautiful ballads by M'me. Strasosch The lstter will sing that exquisite sorg, " With In a mile of Edinboro'," which has become so celebrated. from her rendering. Mr. Stsak- - osch will also play a Fantasia on tbe piano, ' We cannot doabt that, with these attrac- tions, the Hall will be crowded with the refined, tbe intelligent and tbe fashionable of oar city, Land Agency in Boliver County, Miis. We invite attention to the card of William R, Arice, Esq., in this morning's paper. He Is an old resident of Bolivar county, and is per fectly familiar with the locations and value cf lands in Ube Mississippi river counties, and also with tbe adjacent lands in Arkansas, so mat ue is wen quauued or the agency which he has assumed. It will be seen, by the references given, that be has the entire cosfi. denee of his acquaintances at home and abroad, and as such we commend him to the pablic. Delegates to the Southern Commercial Convention. Mayor Baugh baa appointed tbe following gentlemen delegates from tbe city of Memphis to tbe Southern Commercial Convention, which meets in Montgomery, Ala- bama, on tbe 10th May next, viz: Col. Robinson Topp, Hon. H. S. Foote, W. B. Miller, F. Titus, R. G. Payne, Jno. F. Sale, E. M. Yereer, W. T. Brown. J. Calvin Jones. J. Knox Walker, Jno. T. Stratton, F. Line, E 21. Apperson, vt. nowaru, allies uwen,james Elder, D. B. Turner, C. B. Molloy, Thos. R. Hunt, W. E. Milton, Dr. F. Brown, Dr Wash. ington, Dr. A. K. Taylor, John Kirk, Sr., B. F. urn, jno n- - racuiananan, u. u. suckney, B. B. Williamson, Q C Atkinson, R. C. Brink- - ley, John Overton, W A. Goodwin, O. H. Llde, S. P. Bankhead, Col. W. H. Carroll, F. H. Clark, Gov. Jas. C. Jones, A. JI. Douglass, J. C. Hollaed, Dr. Snyder, Dr. J. Fowl fees, Jno C Harrington, F. Y. Rockett J. II. McMahon. M. J. Widen, W. J. Darle, F. G. Reche. E Magereny, T. II. Logwood, Col. Jchn Pope, Major Jaj. Penn, R. S. Jones, Col. John Martin, Thos. A. Hamilton, A. Street. John P. Pryor, J. 3. Irwin, L. R. Richards. P. Strange, Sim. Tate, W. M. Folwell. A. T. Wells, O. Greenlaw, E. H. Porter, S. H. Carpenter, C. Williams, Milton A. Haynei, L. bamrrans, John Jlobtnjon, Cant. Wm. Miller, Fred. Baxter, Capt W. Keboe.J.J. Worshain, G. D. Mitchell, Daniel Hmb. Capt. T. J. Finnic, J. M Hill. F. M. E. Fan!. kner, F. M. CopeUnd, W. O. L?flind, John Newman, M. C, Gallaway, J. G. Klinck, Dr. A P. Merrill, CoL F. M. White. W. B. Ilh- - mond, Sam. Mosby, J. M. Provine, N. 8. aruce, w. A. BicMorc, w. A. Seay, Henry G. Smith, J. Wiekersbam, S. B. Curtis. Wash ington Harlan, I. N. Hiukle, S. H. Whitsitt. uo!. uti at, u. uocirreii, James Nelson. The following additions were made yester day by tbe Msyor to the list of delegates to the Southern Commercial Convention. Richard Collins, W. J. Wynne, a Trousdale. E. M. Patrick, H.G Smith, W. R Hunt, II. F. Hill, Frederick Smith, D. Frlerson. L. Sbanks, Dr. G. R. Grant, I. N. Barnett, S. P. Walker, George Dickson, A. B. Hauley. Judje E.-- M. King, James, Adams, J. G. Lons dale. Cant A. B. Shaw, L. Ketchum, Col. feel- - den, W. A. Seabrook, Geo. Putnam, Col. Mo- - rio, uol. Jesse m. xaie, uoi. uson, Zr. nue Bowles, G. Smltber, Co). S. Smith, E. C.KIrk, Y. Watson, J. M. uarraaeic, uov. i. u. nar. ris, Mat Farrington, C. Calvin Cleaves, A. Wocdard, ii. rJarrms, ji. Baumncrger, uoi. Hiram Tllman, Dr. Hooks. The Crevasses. The Baton Ronzcfiro- - eaU. of Thursday evening. 15th Inst, says: Tbe workmen are steadily galnine upon tbe current at the crevasses. About 200 feet more of such levee as has been commenced on etch side will complete the job. It Is thought that it will be dosed by Saturday night After careful irqslry, we are enabled to make a tolerably accurate estimate of Ihe cultivated land under water. It amounts to 2175 acres. I Manv other rlantitlons below have their ditches entirely fall, which will soon begin to ran over into their fields. A heavy rata woald Inundate them all, inasmuch as the water could not .be carried eff lhrou;h the mail channels of dralnago. ' gr' A Kansas correspondent says money commands irom 4 to i prrceni. nmontntntliat TVrrttirv. well secured on real eate, - u i nil i. 'i'h rT : t, Complimentary Benefit to Miis Day- - ENPoar. The upholders of the drami in Memphis, tbe admirers of artistic excellence, and the lovers of virtue and genius, perceiving In Miss Davenport a combination of woman ly accomplishments and literary attainments, bave expressed a desire of tendering her a com plimentary benefit, on next Friday evening, as a testimony of their high appreciation of her woith as an elocutionist, an artiste, and a lady. The following is a copy of the letter addressed to Miss Daventort and her answer thereto : McMfIIII.Ap-lIM.lS4- Miss J. M. Davenport: Tbe underilgned. reeoenlslne iu vour person ations tbe higbest exhibitions of Dramatic Art, desire to signify lo yoa oar grateful ap- - elation rf tbe pleasure your er.gageraent Ere bas afforded us. bv tendering to voc, on or ourselves and renew pisy-goer- s ci Memphis, tbe testimonial of a complimentary benefit, to be eiven at each time as may suit your convenience and that of tbe manager of the lUealre. Allow us to add. tbat In offering this tribute to your prefrsslonat attainments, we design also to express our homage for the nnsuiuea personal reputation and private worm or me woman. Yy reipeetfanr, roarobtdient ler-an- U, n. S. Feet, s. A. WhIUIlt, J Wlckenhira, It. Mryiboo. P. A. Sbrperd, It. TllmU. L. D SUekrF, W. P. W.A Bllth. It T Piltben, J. R. McCUBibinJ." rXemta, (so w am. J. B. J. i. Warihim, R Ctiinller. j R wMini. A. B. Ftntra. J S Ptiocci . Frs.BC X Fiat, K. W MnnforJ, 8. r. Batsid. u. u. rmier, J J IfcOinr, T F rrtlmai. A. If rxaslut, 1 n. EdmondsM, B. vr Pa-- a J-- o. A. Ntv. J. W Annitro-- f, L. J. Dreeee, V. I), r&fltn. 8. OraweD. K. Ptd4, k. a. leritr. w. B. Ro". L Srrm-- r, 3. C Furls-to- e, F..U. CUrt, I. N. BiraeH, OAvnso IIocsE, April XI, I6M. To Jfrtirl. H S. Fei J It Me Ham C f Fek ler A II ntrnilmi.J R Arf?ta-.A- it I. D !!- - nrf, F. .11 Yirjtr, and sun; eUrr citlitnt ef Gentlemen i I beg to acknowledge the re ceipt of your letter of yesterday, in which yon kindly tender to me a complimentary ben fit, as a token, of your esteem, on this my first professional visit to vour city. I should be wanting in a just and grateu! appreciation of so much kindness, did I not accept the propo sition so generously onereJ. As my engage- ment termtnstes on Friday next, I brg to came the evening of that divas the most appropriate ror meioccasion so courteously tendered. I its, HrsToor- - Terr trair, J. It. DAVENPORT. The Rise. The water is fast filling tbe low grounds In the neighborhood of the Navy Yard the river is, at present, far from reaching tbe height of the late rise. Firemen's Items. The Baltimore Sun sats: " The subject of a fire and police tele. graph bas already been taken bold of by tbe corporate authorities of several of the large cities, and it bas been adopted as an Important adjunct to tne working of the police, and in pointing to tbe immediate location of fires Tbe city of Philadelphia has but recently adopted it, and those engaged in patting it up extended an invitation to the membeis of tbe city council of Baltimore to visit tbat city to see its operation. A committee was appointed to visit Philadelphia, and left yesterday after noon. They will also examine some of tbe steam fire engines while absent, and on their return report to the council the result of their examinations. The trial of tbe Franklin Engine Company upon charges of riot preferred against them by another company is progressing before the standing Committee of the Department. Among the resalutions offered was the follow "That we approve of tbe determination of Marshal Herring, and his direction to bt officers to keep away from every fire apparatus alt minors, end we be believe tbe principal cause of dlffirences bave their origin in the congregatinglbout engine houses and the fol lowing or apparatus by parties who have no responsible connection with tbe companies andurtber Jbat we, as members of the joint standing committee, having power, will aid him ani pis suDorntnates in carrying out his or aeis" The Cincinnati noairr states: "A. B. Litts's new steam ordered by the Council of Louisville, Ky., for tbat city. was irtea yeateraay aiternooo, at ihe corner of Sixth and Vine streets, and threw two hun dred and twenty-on- e feet through an inch and a quarter nozzle, with one hundred feet of hose. She worked very satisfactorily, and will, it is (apposed, when her newness is worn off, throw two Hundred and tifty feet fehe is, In size, a fourth elaes engine, cost $5,500, and will be shipped to Looiiville at the close of next week. The Falli Clty has already one of our steam purchased by the Board of Under writers or that city, and will bave a third in a few weeirs. . "LatU is building an ergine for St. Louts, which already owns three, to be finished in ninety days from tbe 24th alt, and another for tne same piece, to be completed, six weeks. inerealter. An order is expected from thlca go, and three engines are to be sent to New Orleans, where the people are deliehted with the oae lbty bave been using for some time past, ah toree engines are. of tne small size. livhich is safd lo be the most serviceable, and were ceniracrea ror at yifiw eacn. In a year or two mote there will hardly be a town of Fanv size 7h tbe Union which will net have rone of our steam ergine. , occupied in umcinnati in nting up a steam ngciing ner icrcnes, at- - aching the horses, and ge'ting tbe machine Into tbe street, does not exceed one minute and a Half." A Bigger Ship than the Leviathan. Already a bigger ship than tbe Leriathan bas been projected in England a ship to which the mocster will herself appear as a minnow And this new monster is of special importance to tbe citizens of New York, for, altboueh it is proposed 1 raaks ber eighteen thousand tans larger ttgn Jhe Ltviathan, the is to sail faster m araw less waier. An engineer 01 L,tver pod, nimed Clare, bas come forward with propositions for building an iron screw and plidle steamship, by way of testing a princi- ple, greltly the superior of tbe Livtathan Hut explrement is to be tried on a scale of Startling "magnitude, aad be bas already ex hibited bis models, which are attracting the attention of scientific men in England. He proposes to build a ship one thousand feet in length, Beventy feet beam, and only thirty fee from deck tp keel, making her perfectly flat bottomed, , and hr sides nearly square. In size she would be thirty thousand tuns. Passports to Men of Color. Senator Wilson recently applied at the State Depart ment for a passport for D. J. S. Rock, colored citizen of Boston, and received tbe following reply from the Secretary : Department or State, I WAIHI!CQTO!C,AprH3. ISM. t To the Bon. feery IKifnm, etnatt Chamber . !: i nave naa ins Donor to receive vour note of yesterday, with its accompaniments. In reply, I have to Inform you tbat it Is not .1 -- .5 . . . U . r . . , me pracucc oi uie Aienanmem to issue anv other paper than passports to persons going aoroaa irom mis country a passport, being a certificate of citizenship, has never, since the foundation of tbe Government, been cranted to persons of color. No change in this respect has taken place ia consequence of tbe decision of the Dred Scott case. Returning tbe enclo- sure in your letter, I have tbe honor to be, sir, xevreueuieai servant, LKWIa Uiu. Melancholy Casualty. We learn from the Franklin Rtvuw that Dr. George W. Kin nard, of Williamson county, in ridine home from that place, on Monday of last week, was thrown from bis horse, and so much injured mat ue aies on toe next da. Cdshing Treaty. AmoDr the snoils se cured at Canton, was tbe original copy of tbe ratineu ousning treaty between toe untied States and China. orf of lltapjjis. ArrlTBli and Oepartares. Fanny Bullitt, New Orleans to Louisville. Peter Tellon, New Orleans to Louisville. Cora Anderson, New Orleans to St Louis. N. Thomas, St Louis to New Orleans. A. Scott, St Louis to New Orleans. River rfews. The river roatinucd rising yesterday, bavin rises ten Inches within the last twenty-fou- r hours. Tbe Magnolia expected to leave last eight, with 2,800 bales of cotton for New Orleais. The Xtbraika bas laid up. Tbe Simtndt letves for New Orleans this evenisg. The B'lait got out on Friday. The Xtmphls took oat with ber last evening 800 bales of cotton for Cincinnati. It has been definitely arranged tbat tbe Dan- iel B$ot will leave here for Vickiburg on Mon- day riext, and tbe Kate Friebtt on the succeed ing Friday. Afterward they will run regilarly on those days lintel Arrirnlk. COUKEBCIlL HOTEL . 1 HiTontLLi Prepkter, jtoersiHi iuthj uciwvrn f root muw sea xi.a. O W Sitlton, Vx., 8 B mil, da. tr Stewart. J., W J (UsDoo, do. JtiSlaa,Ml. L O do. It s Mas, do. VUs T e Rkvrt, dj. A KtfcuuiD, Mn KQlln, do. ''Ill Atvood. , R Qiiin. da. Reo W lee, Ci. Sinl Matbewt, da. flea W Xrotbeart, do. Mrs Col Miller. ACUi. Hcbl Juniac. do. W M Flsmmer, F . Tlttiin1 St. 3 B Phillips, f). NR SWf, A n llssevn. da n Parte sod Mrvsat, da. P O CIsfMetly, Ttnn. Kn n Farlee, do. H FCtxpif, do. Xasltr rrtr, do. 3 R IlKEUu HirtbsH r t, OW Wrnrr, d. B D Bleb, Ma. Mrs Warner, do. ft a Roberts, da. MreARtlford do. TfVtnii Tens. &W Ratlin dd KBS ItHims, Co. A H B, Trim. r v rBrr, . Mrs ii Star. Ao. 33 Harries, M1M ASHw, do. J Hanivn, do. MImX&Iiiw, . J D LoTtinc, St Lenit. J Ll'rrt- - tdvt, Ala. PA OweasNaattU'e. 11 r, TttcILo. R ACIsrk. Tina, D CUVes Ia.. w B XcXit'n, Ati. Hrt J r cnn. do. Wm twrse, d-- JAHn,lmi s Cams T tax. Jl3""' A OraD. rtj 1 KPRkh StLooU. tt atd Mr, N T. R JamiIst, Mtaa. It JMrosej, Ark. TtirtirJ Jen tr, do. T n Haac c. N O. P iVmnein . Ho. i H Arras. 3 O Da' oclan o. TO IU-t- Nuhtrt;. SOT omrsn, Tens. JiSLCalcot, do. M Sli'X Ml.s. Joo Boras 1 , Trsn. H HU1, bo. Dr A J J'jrc, Oa Br 3 A SIkUr, to HUM H Lest, ia. BX Pats, ia. H a narrr. La KS Will' r, do O E X.Uatr ni Art. .'u x Ct Ala. AArtit.Pttla, FOR WIUBFJUgTEtt. W are olhorlisd u isuBaea A. It. avert . i''l'T tbsriootfa aad of Lb yirstR.sjcs.ut tf Ivtrstnis, sn.1 Tbintb R clssrtt of Noith Canuas lMTl.tU,teitfa,iylBrrm1h biAik of Meaaahis , that oTwo hasopeaoJ ao Acatraav for ih- - paipioc of gm.f lc- - I oirartaw M the abrr auls art wfen. bo wvi n lo.. caJ14a.tteT reelection u the effie at WMrfmittrr at th mi Hint Jon 'ect-t- l. 9M-- U iFoi' Sale. A wooDtroaTn planing arniNE. ew.ii (KOt'rder, Ht b, !,llerel n hoard a .t..nh..i 1 Olsdmitl Fne at th- - ouspHt. res'r far MV, SSOO, by A. n. STOOT, BtlO K CO. apxi-iw- - AiliuInlRtrntor'A Notice. LLtTa.bTlniclm ,mnit UmMiUsIR A V. PT7KCAK. deeesonl. sr. bsrtbr netta the ne wilbliloar rowtbs frsm IkU dtt wlh lbs Cteikof tbeOoaelrOuartit KiloUb. prom srarJtcr - . D. VTADDBLL. Financial. ITUVH nsdt arransentt br wbleb I eaa wsallsia tu nscer, hsrlsi fr mlhifT dm 1. 1 mrm raastliitaroa. Parties wlsblix ti rslsamaner r Be. SO.lsto voiso sr ou s wui no veil 10 SI,, mo a call HAM PtTTKAM. apSi-l- n at Milt nfcPatosB's IUHnmOI!! K & C E. E. Xollcc to Slilnpcrs. W1 will rseolte no frrliht lr any tHslloe Ksst at Ssa'sbarv. rrfartba Mlsaliilppt Ou ts! BaHrsad nsui lortnor ae;K. B ATKT1.1, aprs-t- r SnpertD'riM nt TranrrlaUrn JfIjrs7iaVs Sale. Titles ot (ha order of tba rlftrict Osrt or th' BT tit tbe Dl4trct of Wst Toowesaw. at Jsrtrea. mtie at ihs April Te as tbmf, 1SW, ra lbs mailer of Taeisaa j. Hea4ai aiiaiva sasinat wib- - cbtster ant hiwi th en,lerlreed. Mirsbs' sf aaM Dlatrlet wm oCer frr tal to the bl kest bHdw m board ot ash) iteaeaboat Wlnch-lte- r. Iilnc at th whirf at KsrMa.oalbe FIRST DAT OF MT NX IT. at 10 o'eKck, In iba tfco ssl J steamboat Winchester ter ttcaM. spoaru ana ro BI'oie. aooalbt rnUcwKs lerros : Os'-ba- lf rath, and Ihe bt'snee oa a orodlt of Hi taantaa bond wittt tares spor .! seratiles nqot-e- d 11 MCCLANAHAN, Maithal. April St, 15M-- ia diys JtlarsliaVs Sale. Ti T lrl- - of the rrdrr of tl D'slrl t Can't of the DbI JJtedStttBi fortboDlurl tf Jaokaoa. ras4 at Amu term thereof io tb asattrr of Ilonrr Bloarr. t al,ri atesrafceU Comet aM ber owners tarnndersl-ane- d. Marshal ef aald Dtstrict wilt oavrfjr sals to tbo hitbest MHr, on btard cf aaH stoamboat Comet, line at tee wbsrr at Memphis, on tbo rmsr DAT r MAT, at 10 o'clock, the tatd ateamboit C art. b'r taskle. ap parel aad fnrnitim npon tbo rrir-wlo- c terai : Cno. bira caao, aoe lbobaiaece In twocqval asaaeals. one as tbelstafOct born xt, the other da tst of March neit; oo4 srim three apororM aecsrmes rrewnd oa tse crrait pivaosis. u. xcot.AHAItaN, APli si, leat iceart. MarsbaL Valuable Town Lots FOR SALE. T SAVE for aale lota on Madison aad Monroe ltreets bendwmelT altaated far dwolUasa Lotl cd Maita itrset, near the liamaaH aad Oarles ton depot, snltawe for ooiton th4a aM wsnhssisa. l.ta on Bool alrtet, for dwellings Oae lot oa Sbelbr. near Giroto. Ch:la Kn oa PLreon Roast roa4. Coert aasi Orleans' atreoU, for JwrtHngs. ALSO One or both Cotton Shed at ixeOharteotoB Depot The lota on Cert street are o&re I sreat tadseo. ment to Udaatrlona mecbtBtts aad ptrsMM of aeaill xseasa wbe wish to bare their own bom's. Terms made easr, and aH who wast permanent leta t!an wqi a won to apply soon. JNO. D. ABMOrtR, ap22-dS- So. 17 Feeet Bow. Jk'otice. X nAVB OiefoaVowlnr, asjd a laro Baabor et smarter X tram or laaaa tn tbe sam regn of esaalry, for aaK, tii : MM acres tlx mllM from BarlcatlMi, oa the Tstta 1 735 aif,, SCO o! hhi aoaoeaed 1 mttrt froa the Mlasit-lr- rT.r In ooaatr. MUstaHerL 3.CCO acres, SO) of which is li caittrstl a, s mBes from the Mississippi In BottTtr ossmty, Mtsoiasippt. HO ion afioa 60S f wbtoh Is ctcrad, 4lles f re the Mil slopl tlTor. In BollTar coaatr. MlastssiBci. 2,(00 SCO which is la caltlTstioa, froatla: en lb M'lileMrrrl In rhHlipa msatr. ArkaBsss. 1 too acr, ISO of which Is la ea.tiTitaoa aad 90 mor deaaened, f realist on the Mlasisityal rlrer. In CUcot conotr, Atkansaa. 8,(00 aens S 000 of which la d'adeaed. akxc oa tb baron andeiteodinx aeiaas tb to-- 10 isl e froa the MlMliMrrtrlTor, wba HI be soM in I Bob site Iracta to anil pnrchasera. I,?0 J ah nt 703 of which is tv.w la a blxh stste ofcnltlTalionsoBietwvtr atws Jrooa tb Mrsolcsfapi Ires, ard eoallsmna to a raHraad 1 Chicot county, Arkanaaa Stat lb prsent naprocailealed frsoDot, hSTlBrbeei. wn twetr er Cft n iBchot bUfror at this p ial en ihe rlrer than the water ro to ia 184 1, o- - aar year sebe qaeat, bas dctnoaitraUd Ihe last that tho aUirUt Ian4a of the Ml alsl. pi Valtoy, la tb ami fertllr soil aal ike most st'Btrtoaa d mate for tb srowta of cotbia knswa in ILe worid, sro rrctamalo lr m the deotlaliAa eoasrqarm on oerBow Persons pnrchatlat; lands with a Tisw to raise cotton woald Una it lo their letcrrjt I ma' e es as etrlr as practicoM, a' thoprc of hods ia hia rrp.on wu doBbtlooa arlTaae aft-- r tbo essoin? r yrll R.AHlCl.L-- n A rent. Preatlia. Bdlraresnatr olss apt! a(e ROBES! ROBES ! ROBES! ROBE SILKS; ROBE GRENADINES; ROBE TISSUES; ROBE BEREGBJ; ROBE ORGANDIES; ROBE LAWNS; ROBE PRINTS, ITITJT.I GrTlTTT"E1C! AT? Iff t rl r, ni XXlijO , Ul: ' : - . ROBE A' iVfil AKTF. s fc i ROBE A'QDLILLE; ROBE DALILA;. ROBE LA BAYADERE; ROBE A'DOUBLE JUPE er TWO FLOUNCE; ROBE DUCHESSE; AND ALL THB LATEST Styles a ii il a.unort.uians THAT ARB 12, IBB Jl9ew or!c Jflarfcet. has Jast koaa sototkd aad EBCEIVED HEUE. They wore boaabt at aaeh Reduced Hates THAT WB KSOW "WB CAN AND WE WILL USDEUHELL ALL OF OUfiSEfGnnORS. CJ-0a- H aad are asd hi aatiaftvd. ptt dtwavSw A T WBLL3 k BIO. ROYAL alalia T HE arxt Ordinary Drawloc of the Royal II arena Lottery, condoled b the Spaaloh Ooocramect, sn-d- er ibi supriTlsWoof tbeCoetala Ooaral tf Cobs, wLI THOnSDAY, MAT G, 1S5S S 3 O 0,0 0 0!! , SOB.TBO NCMBBO 63 OkDIKABIO CAPITAL PRIZE 1 100,000. t Prtioof .. ..(100 000 Prizes of tisoo I " of..., .. 60.001 6 of i.eoo I " ef so 000 se " or. 00 1 " Of 10,609 1U " Cf 400 I " ot 6 000 9S ApeToxiauUoaa, ,S90 aporexlBailSM. e th 0OA ef 90 each; ef atao to iso.too; a ot too to $,ooe, t 0t $i-- x tr S io wv i oi aw se 3,on. KalreattO; Qaartera 5. PTixh cathed at airht at 6 per cent. dteooBBt. BiHs on aH solynt Banks takes a l sr. A drawlse wl.l be forwarded as ooob aa the its alt be- come known. ComrenltloBa adirewed t DOX ItODniOrjEZ (care ot City Post, Charleston, S. 0.) soiil tb Sis of war, wui do attejHeq in. apIS-tw- t; To the Creditors of Enoch En loe. Deceased. HATING iBfSstel the tasoiTeaay of tho esUt of Enter, dreessed. la tho Ooaaty Goart of Sbrrby conaty, aB peraoas faaiiac catms aralnst the estate at ben try notified to Ma the same la the offlc ef tbe tSert of said Cairt, on er holer the 10th day of j one seat, tor raymeni pro rata. B. CARMICnAKL, mjr7-I- Aimlalstrttor i. B50X WALICa..,. ......W. L. U'COSICO ALrBB'iM'OOSNlOO, lawyers. MepM.. Ten- - aiim. uraee, a, zj soata Me ooert sonsre. aplS Ivnirc Vlcaucrs. BOM lbecrlebrald maaBfaetery of Mertit Jt Kew. F town. JMr sa by aplS IKRBinAM &LBR5. Brooms, Brooms. LiRQR stock Jnst In store Dealers wHl And It to V, Ibeir adsostrse toeianstae h--f re trojlnjflh-re- . aplS . INf3BHtM & LRUS. Buckets ;vm Tubs, T irbooHire er retail Far tit rh-- ap br "V'.vvlcllus. IpTenwantaaailKUln Wotd and WBtow Ware, or I' Mtt had at lNGBAHAMfcLXBy, aplS li. 6 Men roe street. Jk'oGice. ALI.niPAlrtlSO and JOBBIVR. froai asd artr this oa denrerj oar rer alar easte rners rsry tbirty dayi LEWIS av BtSB. apttzai For Rent. IIAKrSOiJS e.norrr ins... aeren xa. looms, bai ty acres crona4 lacatrisojoa, boat throe Miks fro. Mm- - hi, oa tbe Me'c. KJJ Lino read. Tbobootol taeatohed. Rd sosves. sion ran be had rasiWUtcrr. A miiplr of cowa aad a Kood ta doer c ;n be had wtth the place until ike lat dar ot Korearber next. ALVO Three new nooses ia Korth XrmpbH, for rale or rest. ap-- ij u iMjllflMl.N TODMB. HI 3 Xaeim street. French Millinery Goods. ON WEDNESDAY THE TTli. THRrablWianowirocr4tfa larro stork of .1 tho fMlowtnc arloie : PKBKCn CHIP BOXKBTS; ,il,!.a xtiinnarr?; rRRNOH CRIPR BOJOTBTSl FiMXTSD LACK BONNBTS; PBBCn BMSBOlDttaiBSt PRKttOn FLOWRH?; B1BBON8, RBAP DRBSARS, DRBSS TRIVMISHS, fcC. Tnetther with a eomidiH c sob r wEsnT P tvrrr GOOD3, rmbratiac aH the la et atyes. inriaHraaremfeniauyrawtsMtaeaB aad examine myelsek. wm. SlLBaRSBBS, SOOMarn street, btlwrea Adsma and JaRrsoa. apJ.7w To Contractors PU&aOvAT to a order msde at the last em f Tipton Court. wi,l art out et U lowest trad r, by sealed prsposala tiilH the IS h day et neat rnoatb, the lerHUcM a new BRtCT. JAIL la the tows of Gsrinjrtoi. A plan of the baHrilae mar be sees br ctuni on, or any dniFtd laformatloa obtained, by ad. drtailacJ.B Biedsoeor B. H. MbdIo-- ij at thia place. A w. SMITH S P. B1RNARI. It w. StS'FOBD, ' J. R. BLBDSOB. R. H. MBKFOBD Cart at tan. April 90th, 168 awio-- Jt OTrj.NG to the treat teareitf o! aveaey, DaSn-lX- is ncbli braa'tfal HBLtKIOrrPf Sat the low price of ONE DOLLAR. DeSbooa; la actniwtedgrd u ne ne ot ts tKot art.! tniheatai-t- . KeiseaiMr, ha ha tbeeirlo lr rtrbt of Mratphll for the MeUlro-tr- p patt nia sxCery t 1SI Mail street, rrpMtt) th Wuraain uons. martS-l- f WM. T. JONES, ATTORNET sod Counsellor at Lanr, Prawnsrilie, Aik. Will praclic in tho constirs Prairie, Atktnttt, Moaree, Bt. Frandt, JackMD, White, hx. Pmspt atleatloa ctrcn to the colleclLui of an ciatnialatrsstedtohlj ears Brrxsa TO Farrtntton II Tlawen, MespMa, Teca-- i WhiUlaw 1 Ktxan, B owns rifle. Tsan.; E. 3. Read, Bjc. tttM-ney- . ooj w. ft as B. D Tamer, Attornera, Seal - er. Art; Dtlrprple at Ottewood, Attorney , Sea Are. Ark i Bar! C h. Attorney. Helena. Ark K. B B. 0 ? ties. BrawciTie, Ark. I S2& BcrcbanU saner. lyf ( Crisp's Ualcty Tbcairc. Jnrfsoo stmt Thursday Evening, April 22nd, Lat sight bet nr tkXalsst Art hf. MIES J. M. DAVEHPOBT, TTBO "II SBMroii Ibta oersslen In kr west esr-V- V srierof JuM in is HONOnBAOt. T?la 1th la SEOSET If ci am nsfflt aed last swiesraJieeel a MU.DjT.uiiKt, wben the wtUapSir la of Ttaas nooraopen at T and certain wm riM at 1 h o'clock pnetaetr- - ' Far tin urtMalan. Mix at i boost. 'r. 6. ODD FELLOWS' HALL. M. STRAKOSCH'S ITALIAN OPEBA COMPANY, Ih'CLUDIKf the Toil. PrKxtfot KBOTs rrosa tbo AoaokBay HME. R!tIIM Jl rBEZZOLISI, MMB. PATTI 8TBA)jH. SIQK0B SCOLA, ShSKOR rBBWlaW, will oirc A Grand Operatic Concort in Memphis OK FBID1T KytNlKfJ. APAIL SJ, Po4r of M.Mlao abakMh. Thenosof adaalMtjahaa boa Sioi lo aJI pafM ef tbo hoeae. at $1 bcsorreol Sru (I H rsr M Kisssoso soo scssia Mils Tb solo of marred m oammoacoa on Wotoesdsr morBHic at FiasWs link Mora. Maattoos steoot. The Piano Farts esoa o thos otsM.soft to Isoea tho Ma-- alcbUNofMr r stIo, nt'te ar StooVbrt. koh a ossa at 7 Onman to mauu'oso si a r oassa. trv-e- ii WJI. R AIIICK. nBSKTtH, BoUsar Goutr. Mysssowt. Oroorsl Load t X A(om r r Aikanoaa and Mlulooieai. Rcrcacxctt Oct. H 3. tMtr. Maaaahist Brooke s bl amos. VKCsoerc. ynw is yoar time if yo waot sooar bow 1 I asdteaatlfalMaote.asI hnjt t mamcSSI ! rOrM ft Iirt. .MoftSr ,nt,uta, .11 11 t ' I rrrs. niHars. Tuitta, Aasroi bi, Flaitooa, a.e , by Ih cart t ood. Ca l aooa. If y waat icBsnbrait See, at E. A BEKSOS'S Mcott Storo, as atl-dt- aM Mora street, Mcsaakts, Troo Just Received. ic r FtSCl.Vt a,lee OMo F'4r J J anlt CKABLB5 MoOLBAK. e. OA BARRELS Cnohad aad Pw4rd Sazsr U apll CHtRLKS VeJLXAN- - 20 BABBBLS Draed Apetea- - aaSt OH A B LB MeCLBAV. OBARLBS MeCLBAK. inn DOZ48I roaaned Tab aad Baskets. IUU soat OB ARI-K- 8 VrOLI AN. IDfl BVBBBMsaporlar Bark TThett rtoar. war-lU- U raatad oajsol a aay braat that oaaoa a laU csty, with a large aiiattmont of otter braaaa. CBAHLBS MtCLXArT. apil X SIProMRow. A Book for the Times ! Hie Literary Attractions of the Bible, a OB, A Plea for tho Word of God i if Caasidersd as a Oa sc. f BT LEROT J. HA LS Er, D.D ES, Oa Voam, Km. $13. ScbKr" ptoses reeeirtd at GEO. PATT1SO.V & CO'3. aptl DUNLAP CHALYBEATE si'iuSfs: A'rar Bolirdr, lIirleniirfCcnaty,Tenii. rp a 18 cObratod Watlns Place, harlrg beoa taor- - l ."iBir mm cirsssuT rvai-cm- , rrpir-- , roiaiaot ao eaia-cr- wm otei for th rwrt'in of rioroato oa MONDAT. MAT loth. Te irosats hsso boon extceerd aid tesstl'Dd with erorfrooa ahrahhery, Iho forest d aaedasd th recanted, the taj-ioo- m (bcoratod, aBdas'aeia: asptet of ebrratae,s asd -- fanes rmkanrdts'be piaeo, which win rraaWr It oa tf tbe most K lishttsl saamor ns.tta la the The healit aiBcoo of ihls ssalosa at Syssur, Is nasar-aasoe- d. while IMcaratlre p'oprtloa of tb watoi Sr ail who are afflicted with drrp,T, dy.p p4a raaatrs; ssrra and for the disease et kbmm, are cataboiahHt a.dtaarsaifrd. Th baaaap Syrlofs arc aaeestbre by Ih Mawlailan Omtral aad Teaaeooee Batlroad. b too - .tootre oaty t H a. lira f oat Bollsar, from Oraad Juoctloa aad 1 If m Mrmahlii by rati Back aie rafat g mrecaormnatth lb ran from Boftear to the Seriate, aad th uaroior Is rairaamd aiutiat axorMtaat raorsrs, the for betxs SS eeaU ibb the rslirjoa decot t th bp:rsa aad So cents for hasasg aad seiTsata. Boaiiif, floe Brs.s l St tax Boad has area eaooc-e- d fir tbe aeaaaa aad will hi la atteadtaee at aB tiara f Psrtiea IMHpi wtll be s.v a aa oftea as the sts Mcrs mayrraaue. The Proprietor barias ossdacted raaar poetic hatsa Batieri huaorlf tatt bis cms. deoartaatat is BI giro fracralaatlafaoii a. apll-daw- ta J. C. BADBLMAN. H1P0RTAXT TO TliE PUBLIC. PE5CIITQ k CADEilY. CAPr. EDXARD DS RUN. a pail ar tbe bsom Mtiatarf AuBBto. of Baroae. hteics an. aioasBtslteataorof IVeoksrJ--i Ism- - w, il lua Muitur aBlof W. H. Satr)Wg,. aad from thr B4ardef Tbian aaxtai, th Orrrraor. sr- - poan'rd Pritcsr r Aran la the Saat Csroisao, MiUm- - sobs to Mod. person or abuse from 1 A- - at. to 1 r. at., aadfrom t a lOo'ckck. r h.. imr sir. Said.,, es- - orp ed, la the aae ef tb SaaaH Sword, Braad word, or UOWK Ul IK o.e oi low LdBOO o at J'jOWl . I fl,u n. n .. i T v . m .. . ... , . I Parrats to that aaeject. By botac Uasbt tats art iar ky th method of Lw, cbil-rt- a f a aeresia aad aeward wtk aeaalrea nHtinhf, aa laoy, Botaral otop aad csaf ataeswr, at the aaaa tam tactr bodae wtu be aed sir ostheao. Aa Futnrmpys bath aatad aad tody at la' taaao, ( lace at the ,ame aaotaeat thai the ferawr -- calee a pie of attack, U lutr Baoot b roaay to sxr-c- ItcxBMMy, a wet, a. bsejaard isiaot oaol rrad-- c fatko ih .Imanaaeoaa bot, so. at,) K to aM BMtocaolar.dasa'eooryta aa i law lata, aad l i ber fore Uaaat ta all pwbtk aad disc aa well aa aaCt-ta- rr aaaea. Par terns, picas apoly t th Arademy dariBC bar hoar- - aaec.fl d X3- - The partsralar ttleetloa of aB MBMary Coesf-sO- s Is ca ara lash bow to I cs ra BasoaoH exer.ii. E3TaeBWtHM lattery lafinaoss wM b I'C A by opeticattoB at Ihe Arilsoeae t oso. Those wtttie: as take IcadSM wB please leas their Btatea at tat. smil, or wtth Copt. Dr Re, ot he Csmmttatal Boaat a4t- - C H AXCEUVS.4 L.E or VALUABLE EEAL ESTATE At Villon tteiiof, On tbe rilenphls and Olio Railroad. eadrreottbeChsnceryOoertatMem-Pot- s, tead-re- -i Xtnn:bTrTrm. IS47 ieihecaarsof Brad ey, wu ci. Av Co J.bk.T Leoth. John 3. McMa-Io- j, H Biy K. R N. Parks atd others, tc Jo eph R. PetfcaabB azdetcrrs, I wtil, oa Thursday, May tWili, 1S58, at Dnien Depot, oa tb Mcmphl and Oht RsUroad, ta Shelby eoaatr TraBrs, proc ed t- - aell to the bushes btdd-r- , the f Howlnc dwcrlotd Tracts of '.and, I jinx in SaetbT coobIt. Teaaassee altaated ea bith aides of tba tfoonpals and nhto RaHroad adioiatBff aad aa- - erst to uotes Droit, to-- : one tract caataiaiBS One Hnmlrftl autl Seventy-on- e and three-four- th Acres, sKnat:d in tbr SBrTyrs District, ia Krr 6, Sectloa 2, b lag ta aast coareyed by (root Me. 33IS t R. N Parks, aad by sal 1 Parks oaeTeytd to Jeeph R. FerxawB. One other tract erBUIatec Thlrty-XIn- e and One-Ha- lf Acre?, stataz the shore mentioned ttsct. OaeCar IraUeeeU Iotas Ttventy-Mn- e ft, One-Ha- lf Acres, sdfasatBg the a re annlioBed tract. Bflax part of D. a. Walker's tract. A rs, oee other trast eoatsieiag Three Kundred Acres, more or lee Ale, oaie other tract canltf a as to tbe oa ta.t abate meati mod, CoBtalaia? Four Acres urore or Less. Abo, oae other tract eontaialac ebaat Seventy-Si- x Acres, beftMt thelsBd parekavd It Jph R. Perxasoa. at ira- - dea's aaha, btc tm moats tty aa th Msmpatt and SuM-em- Plankrood InirwtorT C. McGewn'o UsJ AJI er tne abore menttoaca tract of load, betBf soar Six Huadrcd Acres, IH is cn. body, h3t bare bees nbdirOed tat Twenty-Eig- ht Beautiful Bulld- - lil g JLots, rasxi' from Five to Seventy-Fiv- e Acres, alt adjatatai- - or a4eect toTJBtoaDorot, w.lh all Bc-sa- ry sttfaa S'd aTeaon TEBtx or 3A1.E ihe aba saaBtbaaed tracts ef taarl rrlit be sekt oa a crrdtt of seroa aad thirteen auath ha lBtilmBts, parctuuer a ezrcao Bo e. wrUi ap- - oroTra sera ny wib a ilea retaiaM on the premises. BMlseaptatie barred. Sale to e jaeaeac a It o'rloct x. tt., atUnloa Depot. JOBIf O LUilHK. a. 2ldwro OlorkaBdMa.lrr Notice. MRS. SCLMTAXhcta stste ta her pr' and tlwt .wtac ta II htsMh, sa wtB brr efaaoe anil: MOKDATrxt sets Kew Spring- - Goods! tlt Maluced JPrices. mil i mm i co. A RB ti.iw rec lTinr a fall stwck of SPRING AND riSUMMiR PANCi AND STAPLE DBT GOODfl. aH Ua aeeel'i of the season. Fancy Silk D os UoaJs, sapor cent base thta former prior. Boy aad Mo"s Clothings Bootjand Shoes. Hits. oe. Oar Goods hart:(hee4baxht for Cuh. we ant raabled to aett at Base lower prices thaa formerly. C.I1 aad see. JAMKS A. STBStfTT .V GO., aelS-- tf fo. SIS Mata atrret. are t For A GOOD 9ol e H aoe ao Msia atreet: reals for O. flrwo baaire-- i nllori a yr i shrecKocis hit. wB badt; potMiea a so4 oa. Apply I spie-i- m J. K OHADtrKS.. French Window Glass, DIRECT IMPORTATION. B1XB3 aswrKot Msrs Ala a cool asaort. InAA meat of COLOR . D GLASS. Tlx: Rabr. firera, (araore. Lemon, Bin aM violet. For isK by aplS dawlJi LPTrxas. ORfilLL ft CO. Fisliiog' Tackle. GOOD aso:la?Bl .o band, and far a.le by A aplS Itn LOWNRB, nfrOttL Si CO. B B. MILLER........ ....JOi. HMM. NEW PAINT SHOP. MILLER & PBIjU, On Monroo Street, BBTWBEN MAIN AND SSCOND. WILLbfo.idlaTMaeato80 SIGS.anl tU th Pain I in sr. Ornamenting, Marb'ins, Graining, Etc., At fceh time and tntsaer mi tenure th meat perfect tatlsfte loo to erery ust and clroomslaaoos. ARTISTS Of ssp'rlor talent aresttaehMteoarestahfrewnt.sBtb a. are rarely errr fonad esabtard 1 any as rwp ia the Poatbem or Westrnt conMry, asd bar been atesred at a troAcadous expenso Onr Glanj; on Glass, It equal ta any la the (felted State. COMMON SIGNS, Of alt descTtstiuu fnrntahed ia a rev hoars raitr Perusal auction xlren to 4sx wer. SiKJl i' 0r.! ' setUaslSV3tru.L:(. spJSSa i ,mttl JkW J ril-- a ( SLaiarfJfcrBByafi A CAUD-iJE- iT FIRM. me la tfea Auction and Ihmiss4araals)wMb J. O. HOLLAND. Th GOODS. stfreof tbo arm w'Ub G. B. LOCKE tt CO, Thaa arraatomsBtwIli mo I devote mj obMo attontlsB lo tow Kosl Batato baotams, ra aal Ha vartos hrsa-l- o Mr. HOLI.AVI) wtll also has ad.Taani atarMlaa to an otsrr tatressod w Ih Sra. 1 kespoak or thorn acBtmaaae or tbe nor rai Fairaaaao senoorora uumi hssu a. B. I.OCIK. AfrH ro, rffl. LOCEK-...- ..................J C. ROLLASO C. B. LOCKE & CO., AUCTIONEERS, Geaeral Ageahs aad Real EcUte Brokers, Sl Main street, near Madison, PABTSCBLan ATTEaTIOK TO SLC OF CITY OR COUYTItY PR0PEUT1', LIND SCRIP AND vrABBAKTS. 31EIICIUXDI8E. MEG ROES. FURNITURE, VE- HICLES STOCK. C. Vi n fall, seoa rd to Itxoo so OcsrUBaea aad sain or rrrrr Oiouiloll All oo4a bo rto- - wm be cbirt a wHb lo,s.. sal, 11 rioy. M srrW StoaiSI sot COX Wfllstm amrilot Llbwal cash adraacMtaadcoa Osa Masjasou. XOTICE. chaassd my arm, 1 oaotra a prcmptlr at HAVIKS i lo sotihr oa aH saw cat t as Laos- -, sod osre- - ,owost wmm IsAkMismolaait aad aetrl tbotr soosao's. PorsB- - horbbf otsm Mwt mr, wh ptraa prosI taosa at aa oarfy oof tm' adinasanl. tl-s- r, 0 B UK-Ki- t 7 bmaoRATaa. , . Oa aa. liter estaat at . " &C. obamaoh aad prrrra VlfT rtrisr ' . a.a tr a mm I rfcm tooeteiofit SrJ- - tak- -a .C- -. t l .o .m flatTlTaaia. " . L ri fvoo os asa - - s J7.r rEPSIA. , Oa ose or two i.poowi Hrrs Slf-- x Hubache OahitMI'a for r- - !,,,,. JSm sSDET Owr oae i aake of wbB AmAm ortoa rroostM LINENS, . all of u MemBOt. sad asn-Qwati- n lboih aSHorw OBtr haute is throw oat of ft thcrffortsof iBotae sf- - w k slrtBSS Acta On bot l taken for Jacsdicb, rJ hIswhm it '.rsl. rotor t th a Oa. 'too sokea a shortttnw bofore tP rienrtotb sos-rt- aa fo naoara orssarrpeoeacsrw C K OKI MilalMsnllM WBtaoao-wai.- , the ara tj ciotmnffi vioitittiffv At Auction. K1GHT w wl,l at HtUia a lot of aapettor T9 Baaaoaobi CV Ib nc Tno sales wtB oaallaao aaalaUy aatu lbs uotk 10 cio.r oat apM A net loc ws sad Boat Batat Brokers. sSlli. oTfat rlrtaos All who the it abb otvio Tirxii won. nrrismr t!f IT FATOa. tMlX WATIX V THE aOCTTI WITH DS VIOOBATOB, AHO IWALLHW THE LIVER IJiTIGOIZA. la a oeteatloe mHsal oHswrory. aad t daBd . .i.itonrmttabotlere. ltrswsoaaU! BE ! k. . ..u ri.iMf asjdsetdcaaB plant, from th worst JaseaVe or rrPBio o- - - ma -- at DOLLAB PBB BOTSI Da. SAKFOBD. rSf VALUABLE PLANTATION For Sale. IOFfia lor sale aooa swot term, the farm to J ha w Nabsry, E i.,lTaag oa th MonrpMa aid Charlostoa Barraa. aBd tb Stab. Maw roe, oar oaarter of a mile east of Qraad Jaaetjoa. ia Bsteoaua eeanty, Tknaoose Too TtVta of th tract IrhK soath ef tha rat road ooataia M acre, of vhtth Is carrd. In trast earth the ra Irood tool ils, IK aeis, S09 etrsred. It has a food DweniBf, fear r.jssas SrorsMas. hrHk ehtmneya, slabs, three prum ,f arror faiaK water, Soh poad, I boa-o- , a , Ac, aj at artfeet ardor. I veH tb it acts lftbr or arpanMy. 6. u LOCKS, AsKtleam aad Baal K.Ut Bpott- r- Jalu able Farm FOIl SALE. IOfFXR for isle for Csb. Vllsne ha oee, tare years, the fara forsaerrr wad by Mr. Para, attasrot oa the ra Lak Bsad. eifai atHao from thct. Iteaalaku e? sarrs, I64sun-I- , N.Unec wHI Umbered sTi aadir roM (looo. DwEaai Koaa wtth tiire rooaas, klwain aadsorrsats' roasac, eotora, there Tartar." o faaaac wSter, stab', eaa sued, ham anw, wheat ehmorr, aara arear. FraK tree. c ww inar city Bee?rir. 6. B LOCTB ih OA., Aa tioo-- rs aad B.M1 Eotat Boskors, oBraltwtwlt auttton Utiles. TJSJ9 .VEGROJES AT AUCTION. f TWILL sell onTHrRSBAT. April TM. at me Mori, I s ate .toe nr ooart ffqosre. at iff. rjtt, tba 2a b- - eBO'B. M-- tToBtea ao.1 Chtxr-- B aaostrre, rsB or shaae. A. WALLACB, apSt-S- t New Auction House BY B 1 99 . I if Lv a 11 fi, m. i mm. Sa esrosa XO. 8Ji laVX STREET, Eetwsea. Xadlasa asd Hesrse Streets, AdHasas the Ferastare Store of H. M. Greowaor, Bo. (WALL be peww! t mil IMsoo to moke OABR I .s of oreif ehtotloa. Jar safe at Aaeti a. Part ealar atieatbM Ktren to r Sale of Rel Estar. PatarBte. Kc My Salosraon. as tb-- larteot ad soii't ipulsos of aay ta Ur eatr. wi k WatUss Pi . Shots sax Osoalois. be , 1 I'd ao at a eost of orer Tare laaiooad Botlara. I wttt r.t. e ta baormeat ef jtr., see boas of Morsi)1 . at great! rodacrd nbmo. abM J. St. CAUtWBU. A. troairT rATTEBsow, JCararBPaMalp oFValo Late at Xorth Alohaata CALDWELL & PATTERSON, AUCTIOXEEHS, General Agoats.t Real Estate Brokers, RECEIVING, FORWARDING ABB COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 190 Main St., opp. Worsbam Hoese, ME31PIMS, TE.XX. WlLLxrreparticaJar atteatiea ta tates ef CRT or OOCXTRT PBOPBRTT, MEROOANIHSB, KB4B0BS, POS.NITTRZ, &e. prom the ksaa. experleB ef onr J. M. OaMwesl ta th bat mess, we fret a.sared that wt wtB be abte a fie sstisfaellea v, all who patneti as. Hartax a lat fe aad spacloaa Hoaia. wed aad oeatraBy wivopcUaltyslactt ream oar friead aad the paWht tbelr patreaaxe, proaab-bt- c taiek aahM aad praaapt paymeat. All GSooda la atore n4er inaaraec aac'ees otherwiar directed. Liberal adraacea on conahTaments. t.olt-I- - niiiinn CL0IHI56 Cheaper tlmn Ever I Hare bow tecetred aa laments Stock of Gentlemen's and Bays' Clothing ! ' C;rferat a!t the sTeHfe( the season la FAN'CT CASslXSBB 9VTTS FAStrr Ltvr.v sutTat FASCT YBST3 SvPidaf e ery rariety of treed; Bt.AOC noODS at all price! MUSLIN AX II LIHEK SHIRTS of aB iraJes; ABD A COMrLETE STOCK Or Gents' Furnisliiiig Goods Which wore paresavd at raate' "Prtt-- a" for CASH, tad wHl k sol at eorrsseaadmcrr lew rate w seltm sb exuataaiios ef oar elect. ' Si lroDW to shew 6-- ds," aad eeery article we sell. xcaraBlaed aa resarreeatrd. SPIVEY & CLARKE, EDtT-dti- n 3tl Make street. BAGLB GIN STAND! wsotl. r K A 11 LK ITA Knot for tbr next THOeB do wrB to haad ta their era-t- s at as sarl day. Th ard taerea nx oaieswhtrfa :lre aowma. fyadera it Imposot so f r the aaaaafactarer. to aopplr the aeaaaad, nein orarrs are handed ia early. The ternv-a- r City Acreetaos, doe a. at ..f Jsaaa-- y nexl, or at that win be o as saltifaelonlT Price 0.1 pxT Sow. HARBhS, WOHMBLBT k CO A I aH, apli-dl- m No. 8 Frost Bow. RETIREI? PalYSICIAIV Whoso sand of Hf hare aoarty ran oat, dtseered I whale la la Baat lavlao.. certata a-- tor Conaamp-Actaia- a, I tt Bronc-tt'- s, (iHhs CotoV, , rJ fteaerai Dertonr. tb ii uasoj w.. sue, erod by bra whoa has eatr cars, a aaachtc, waa si Ten a to tt Wrhlas to do aa ataeh rood aa rusatkle he wHt sead W sach of has aBHstad fatbi i halima aa re qo-- t K, thH rectpe, wtth ran aa4 .issVtt alrec-tt- ea ivrnakac rt aa. aad saeseasraaVr aotay it. He reaatre each apaatraBt toieemaeMmoaosalNina thrsatoearraodaposas oa thwrrcapa. 7 ana aaaiaewaartseT a as spots ao laepajmeB!toflh.s I ftaa vBaWmftaJ AoWreeaBT. H. JAMES, 13 Qraad flrret. Jsesey UCSF - J. apH-t- m M. GENSBURGER, MAXOrACTBREB Or Trunks, Valises & Carpet Bags, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 34 MAIN STREET. CITT aadOewtrr Merchant r al the SSnTTTi) seneraUy. arc tntfed toexsnt- - BKKxrtH toe bi stock, which, ta qasbty "'ajwl'SWl eftoapaeoa. Is eojaal to aay maaa'actttr North er Wost WMkdatord'rfno-a-iarantiet- . APklBOoofK- e- pat tas doao wtth Braises a4 dKpatch. BHi. and racrs premptlT aitracea ao. dxs ly NOW IS YOUR TIME IP YOTJ WISH TO HAEE 1 Safe Investment. is OoM to be foaal at PI CBS'S, on She br THBata: ta tbe stock of GROCBRtBS that remains nosoM. ThevCood. it fresh ao-- perfect and eitist be sold, aad wtH be arid on tour ttc, we'l secored Mer. chints from the Country amt City. woaM do weB to com sad com soon. Coatomtr, shoald o-- sad bnj Good alC-tt- t. c. M. HOBTOM, apn-l- Trojtce Notice to Creditors IxrEhtrnaacxTited o th Gsnty 0 art of Shethy i V Oootty, lb IB orrr-K- y o- - the estate of tho tat THOS. B. CARROLL f whlcit an credl rrs thereof wt I tain so'-io-, axu a ttetr ise a -- wired Sy few. B B. SttTLBT. rirrABCAaxoLL, iili-i- f A4qT. ttMSmtU. V fiferal tuition gousr. Eesidenco for Bent. A OOOD HODSB ronlsMrtaHt BHsht Boomsv sod C. tors. As , &c. tM low. Apery lo ap20 IHOd. 3. BASKJrV. THOS. J. HARRIS, Auctioneer and General Commission MEItCIIAXT, SelCBroom 277 Main Stroot. aollclU roaaUamea'aofMenkaadla RBSPBCTFtTLLT AoetWn. 1 baM rocslar salsa of Dry Oooda. Win a Luiv.r aad Oban, DUmooda and Jrwsirj, P ana Potto., PotfS, SearBt&V-- . and Mev obsnKs aeerrslly, lor tb Msplir and sola of mbnj sew and spsotsas Sowieooa oaora taeroaoad faal'lt. 1 aboral aoraaas moo on ceasltiBvoaw, sua oostreo aad prstBH rstsm la all caoea. BUto .lUCTJOwV S.1L.E. 7CI. DA7 Apr th, I wm set) wfcbant roocrv OH eo ih premHe. a H- - VSS aad lor Gaastr tr at, betw- - n Taw aad S owa's Asesse. Tb boose aa a doable .trsem St. e nralstat; strht rootsa. Tbo lt la StM fet mot Terras t aal. tb essh. httsaee la Botes of eight, twtr sad sksbisca saostbs. For rarrwalara hacraor at myefltcei Thos. 3. Harris. arH AoetkHwor, Jn Mains Ire C Mi HOW lli STORE, An Immense Stocli oi COUNTRY DEALEES Are Barttetjlarlj rawked to caK and Examine my Steele, AS I WILL SELL 50 PEK CENT LESS) Than Ever offered in this City. t'oaslstinrr of DT? V GOODS, FAJ. CX AND 8TAPEE ; Wintloic Curtains L AtC Et VEILS, Silk Cravat s r, FANCY TIES, LINEN COL.li4.RS, READY-MAD- E CLOTHING! GLOVES, assorted, SHIRTS, FANCY COTTON SHIRTS, HICKORY SHIRTS, HOSIERY, large variety, ' HATS AND CAPS, ' f t JSoots and Shoes : LETTER PAPER, NEGRO GOODS, &c, &,c. THOS. J. HARRIS, Auctioneer- - IJluntcijjal (Blcrttoiu w-- FOR 31 A voir. WEar aathornrdbaaaaeeBre BBOBGK DiXey, as aiaaaWili tt May at tb Beat Maa creel elecBss apt FOR MAYOR. MTS aad reaarste' ta aanoanee HABL1M asaojeMat aar ahaef Mar-o- r. a. theasmBxJaeeleetK.B apS-t- c FOR MAYOR. WB are aa'hortrM salraested a aoaoenc R. D. BAF6K siaeaeniila 'or this ta tho odes of Mtonr. attheatoMBBlolealeljjMoB. gull. to FOR MAYOR. WB ar reaeated to aaoounee w. O. L0FLAX9, a casdr4ata for Mayor at th eaaawc Maaleiaal eescMoa. bhSS-- I v FOR MAYOR. WB amaaAhorti'daatroested ta anBoaer JSBK aoaasHaatcforsheotaea of Msyar at tb oasaiac Jane ilistlsB. nrSS FOR TAX COLLECTOR. WEanaatborH d aadreqaeolcd t aatwesce JOH?T KEWSOK aa a caaood (rre-iectb- sa to th sCc ot City Tax Cotkctor, at a r easels? isiellon In Jaa. apl-- t CITY WB are aBtaertsed t saaeaaee JOHX a. BOWRX aa a ctadidat for OWy at the eaearaa; Jua feii FOR RECORDER. B H. BBOWJi'l, a caBdtaate for Recorder oath Ticket at the Mireletpal efestion. aS-t- e FOR CITY RECORDER. WE are sa" borizM aad rraested to aauona. oHtTMZ r. HILL aa a candsdat for th sfflcc oTOtty Beesrder. at the rnainx eiectl n. mr2S--te FOR CITY RECORDER. WE are anthoriaod and roaaeetrd ta aaMnnca TH6S. M BASF aa a caa 'mate for to n,e ecBce of Ctl Beoarder. at taeenanias Jane etKtaon. apZ-- tt FOR CITY MARSHAL. WE are aitaorbe to anneonce PAPL 0. CAT as a candidate for City Marabsl, at the eaaalss Jnae eicla. ap-i-- ' FOR CITY iTIARSHAE. WB are anthorlird and reaernted ta aasaooe WM. UtfBBRWOOD aa a casdMate f.r to the office or CHy Marshal, at the rainier Jcra tledlsn. aH-t- e FOR CITY 31 AUS HAL. WE are aatbertxed to atmoasea FRANC JSTSD a caoaaJatefsTtteoaecat OHy Marshal at aha easatBg Jnae eteetlaa. mrSS-t- e FOR CITY M inSJIAE. WE are antherlcd aad reinestrd ta aBaoaac S. A. MOORE as a for tttyManbal at tee rare? Jaa eirctloa. mrSS-te-o FOIt TyHARF.nASTER. WB are aatbcrlx aad rraoetd to aaaace TOSI S WnLPE, as a roawVtato f r tbe ofac of Warfri-,- r. at th tasBtac Jag etrctioa. apll-t- a FOR CAPTAIN OF DAY FOL.ICB. WB are aBihortsed to aBaaaaoe 8. M. THOMAS a a caadWaia tor the office cf Captain of tbo Dar Pettc at tbe eotalru Jnae eieCtos. apry-te- e, OHE THOUSAND 1 YEAR! 1,000 A. Year. ,1,00s A THAR. ,V aad cosaty la leeeaM !!'! I5A- - 3l11" to ta respectable aal Si rtS "T.. b,lwI P wbtch the abow A TEAR, profits m.y be carUaaiy rraoaed. "it 31.000 A T5 R tx aa srtlcle of UBrroaiitoa.a4 SI. 000 X TKAB. eaa h , manafaetarrd ta tho srrns 41,0 A TKS.R. dwernet;; aocarrdhy coayrtihCi stro SI.SO0 A TEAR as permaaeat at Sobt. Address Sl.OtO A TBAR. JAMBS T. HORNE. Box N SH Sl.See A TBA8. k.w Te-- Poet Qbsi.ii. Inniilnr ono $l,e00 A TBAR. atoms) to prepay pjotax. apW-l- ICE CREAM SALOOH. 1. U. Wtlnrich & Uro., op thri- - rVrBt saieoaa WILL for the rrcepttonof saute, who on loTomosur am o an I a.rcrsc. rf thed hod. tr Cream, Pratt. .aZ all r oaeetberir We Shalt be ladtieeo Tad atertaw ear oedcaobsaier aad :a samite In xiauat. P. H RBINHICa ft. BBO.. apHWf X Mata Street. iliCCa ' HAVtKft wtthrawB, by amtaal anil, from th Wlktasra, Paihaat a. Co., wantH tor ah tMwfl-- or Par am. Pk-t- t av Ward a roottsoancoor Ut on2teao aad sotnaas or oar frlesa. B B WIHISSOK. April 17, ISM n. H PAROAM: The nrxterslreed. rseosa'oea or Walk bsob. Psrham a. Co". .1 trl,f rrh-B- i, PsckeHet. o.m. HiBr Baa Oeatao Fwoai, and tmBto'ma haS. Beja at the old T ey o.i a eontraaaar of the patranasa r the former area a-- d imh tt(, yt ihem wltn their battBet. wm 8. PASHtM. ""8 JNO J WARB Fcalhcr Tnstcrs, FROM Steel av Co., knowa Ubetliebeotiatheamsted at tapg iMflBAHAX fk LBM-- . Books! Books! LITB ta th Oearlncs, by Krr. Moodtlt PB trims, awij the tmpresemta ta Trar 1, and the newest method or f eecaist ttiafil le tlal Ctty, by Woods: The Jew of Vernora. as htslorlcal tale of the H4an Reroiaetea. ISIS-- The rWeoad MartUtS or a Dinrhter'J Trtata. br Bardeu. Hertha, by Tredrika Bremer; Amertcaaa ia Japan, by Parry. Ih aSore for sal by W. R. STRANGE & CO;, aplS SIS Mla street, ncdertMM Halt. Wanted. TWO LTCXLT NSOBO WOMBK er Hoo-- e acts ABn."Tto tis cAdrratad. at " Coram siii;;.-- j Siztt," "att Tard. ' Btl5!tJ J. jr. WOOOWSX). , 1 i

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Page 1: The Memphis Daily Appeal. (Memphis, TN) 1858-04-22 [p ]. · 2017-12-16 · oars. We thought them bigoted; and, to U) yea tfae honest troth, we never bettered shim in year sincerity



HOBSIKG. APRIL 22, 1558.

"rhe Appeal is regularly diseontlBoadat the end ef tbe time sBBsaribad ami paU forawtess renewed in advance. This rule is ei

to wttlioat respect to persons, jgT

Beading Matter on Every Page.


The f Hawing article, fros the pen of our

eerrespeBett, J. P. P., coincldteg aa it do es,with or own views, we adopt and commeed to

tbe perusal of our readers :JWe observe with pleasure, a very peneral

in : ymoat in Tennessee, and elsewhere in theSoxLty, towards the aprtolottaeot of delegates to

ttie rfaiar animal Southera CossereialwMeb is to assemble at Montgomery,

Ala . o tfae lOUi proximo. Oar worthyMa r has apforated iimskr( delegates to

rri.resf U Msnayhls ia tbat CooveoUon, a lister nljom we paWohml yesterday. We trustMaj or B&oeH will sacceed ta prevailiag ons -- l cf those datogatts to attend tbe Conven-tion, as will, Wy UUeat, experience and energy,

the fclgbesi good for the great cotn- -.

r : - J fafetoste of tbe Soathwest.It ba boMste very ranch tbe faehieii, in

eertaiaaarters, to speak saeeriogly of these"(vBSMKhl Coaeeotioits," 2nd to asl; coo-- b

. istawKty, " Whore are the practicalSome bave even gone so far ast--J

fatahead that tbe approacMog CeaveathMiwiK undertake to iHseBSs the quesUoo of "cew-taBC-

attsttottoa." This awaraption, of coarse,is oMBBly gratutons, beiag warranted by notlertUpmeirtg tbat bave takes place in aayatW ; aad to tbe query as to " practicalvesaNa," it Buy he answered that pnbftc optoiaa.iaaelaj, a broad, ctm-r- rt of actios, is apioHt af slaw growth, attd tbat the effects ofthose Gesveatioas are store felt thaa area.Certeiaiy, e oae can 4eay that ranch basVeea gaieed to the Soath by the social later-cour- se

at those aanuil assemblages of lead legrejirtseBtiBg all Soatbera interests of

whatever kind ; by the free interchange ofeptaistt; fcy & geaeraldiffaeion of a mere fa miliarliaowioige of the rrsoarces asd advantages oftheSoatfa; a dra-ris- g together of tbe Soatfatowards a more perfect union ; a. more geaeralalsseniDatioa of the spirit of internal itopreve-swea- ts

; aad a forcible direction oi pablic attea-tio- a

to tbe vast, nay, vital importance of directLaanuaaitation. by means of ocean steam lines,botweos South em ports and tbe balance of tbeworld bat mote especially Western Europe,Soatfa America, and tbe islands and zaaialiBdof Ih Eastern Pacific coast.

The good effects of these Coareations, bow-ow,ba-

been botb ier andWl, in thelm-prov- oi

aad more eshgbteaed and progressivecharacter of the recent legislation of the differ --

eat States of tbe Soatfa ; is tbe springing op e!BMtap new commercial centres, sad tbe accel-

erated advancement of oldooe;aadintbe gen-nrit-

of .an irresistible desire, an immutabledoierafaaHoa, ee the part of tbe great body orSoother people, to make their section commer-caat- tr

Mfettdeat of alt tbe world, aad partiouhirir of aM tbe eaoBies, opea or covert, of oar

We Boad not say, therefore, tbat we areclearty in favor of a continuance of these"Soath.ra Cwereial Coorentiens," and weearaostty trast that tbe one soon to assembleat Maatoeaery, will be largely and ably

aad tbat its deliberations will sooner orfcvttr he followed, aa heretofore, by the happi-est rosalte. Oae of tbe chief sabjeetc tbatsaajht ta, aad doabtlsss will, come before thatbody, is the Geeat Sovthexx Pacifk Rail-xa- b,

which, altboagh so far a project enjoy-it- s

ne eado'vBet grand and maaificeottfaoagh It be of a single Stata, has alreadyrfcro to am fcaportaace sscond to bo ether bowin cinli iplatien anywhere on tfae roaad lobe.

. We are aaitc eare that the Ooaveatiaa, evocin tfae presence of sach groat s objects as DvectTrade, Oommercial Iadepondeace, and Southernt Jvcati, eouM Bot better employ its timetLamla discassiagaBdiliMeaMaaiing the mer-

its, aae bearing!, tbe feasibilities, tbe poten-t'ia.:- ts

of a work, which, a fare as the clockaf the vtwrtd cantinnes to ran, promises to be-

come the right arm, the " Midas" band, tbesheet Agnation of the South, in tbe rollingyars of aostioy already briebMr bat event'i .tt r wrtterBots i. LtRseTnoojiag" oTiionlher bear to the memory ofengage tbe eleeaesee ef Soother orators andHWaehingtee, and tbe illustrious glory which

It is tbe greeteot, oaa Mr nirHBerrtit-- rise of this golden age tor this U an--

t Ler t, alien Age, and Iron and Steam aro-ba-t I

ti'ai gbty sieves that the science aal 4tin of!x !rn gestae faave erosea nsaWfUftrt';depths of tfae treasare-boape- d 9,aksf .Wood-

less knowledge. "STK- -

We shall net, on this awOwajjeioto the his-

tory, or reeapltalaie the bmsanase reeoorces ofthe Seatbem I'jielSe Railroad. Tais bas

itoite Ih " Ibese celumOi, anddaily thrown upon tbe prospects

of ttfeaejntiiiiirinr, from tbe graceful pen'ear' Me correanondent ' Fielpston. "

It is sashcieot at present to say, that theRrad is oa bising sboond; that the Com- -patif bas secured the unparalleled laivd giantof &flQ0fi09 of acres from the State of Texas ;that tfae loan of SSftOOpm, in money, willbe secured ia a few days, if it bis not beenalready ; that a liberal contract for carryingthe mails, aad for other pablic service, willundoubtedly be obtained from the General Government; tbat the grading and track-la- ) ingare rapidly goia? forward to the eieetrifying

lane "of Westward, Ho!" and that Thestock gradaeHy bat sareiy coming late market,astbe resources of tfae Road become betterknown offers the greatest inducements to tbeInvestment of capital ever before known inthis or any ether country.

We conciade by respeetfally rasgestieg tnthe Preeideat of tbe Company the propriety ofappointing an able delegation of the Directors,or Stockholders, to represent the iatererts ofthe road in the Montgomery Convention. It isan enterprise, we knew, which, by its vastaessand its importance, net only to the South butalso to tfae whole Union as possessing tbeonly practicable reate to the Pacific will com-- m

axd tbe atteatieti ef that bod ; and yet it isplain to as that there theald be, in attendance,representatives ef the Company qaalified toimpart aH seedf el information in regard to it,and to press its high claims ana the

and, through the Convention, upon tbegreat messes of tfae people.

WHAT HAVE THE AKEHICA58 GAIHED?The Washington Onto has an excellent ar-

ticle MBtrastiog tfae relative losses and gainsof tfae Kepefeticaas, Americans and recusantDemocrat, in consequence uf their votes infavor of tbe Montgomery amendment. Afterdisposing ef the Black Republicans, ait etwhom sestained the ameadmeat, tile faiethan addresses Kseif to those Sooth Americanswho voted with the EepabUeaas :

"Now what have the Americans gained;We fear tfae advantages, like the bandit ef ajag. are all aae side. Whet bave tbe Amer-ica. gstoed? They twve gained the allianceof the RepabHeaae. They have enabled tbelatter to reject tbe Leeompton ceoetHwtien,and to create an nitra abolition coaetitatteo,ami to secure tfae admtssioB of the State underK. All tfaisHnredtcated opon the idea thattfae at9 arsat shall prevail over the Senatebid. Tn areatrtetea Americans bave beenBH. a Qreat noise about foreigners votingat In Kentacky yoa have under-taken o drive (hem away from tb polls.You have done the same thing at Baltimore.It was year pride that " Americans rbonldrate America. nod. to secure this end, youwaald change the nstoralizatien laws eo as torequire tweaty-ea- e years' reMdence to eeaaletbe eemr to vote. These are your idea, notoars. We thought them bigoted ; and, to U)yea tfae honest troth, we never bettered shimin year sincerity when you unfed tfaeea upontbe country. By the Crittenden amendmentyou have endorsed tbe proceedieg of the Liav-e- a

worth cosventtoa, which dectarea that adeclaratioB of an IntentioB to become a ctti-r- n

shall entitle the party mating it to voU. ofITSJit coaveauoa also deetare Utat necroesshall haven right to vote. Yoa enderaedthat

-- ariaesple, too. The sabetanUai rod canbaiWtty be appreciated bv you, gentleceBAmericans, naleM you remember, as pubapsyea may, that tbe Leeompton eoottitetioa,whose xejectton you bave sought by yaar votes j

to eootre, is a eeeservaUve law, unobjertioaa-- 1

ate rye is we rasi cerwimj w every

3lten,t does not appear that yoa havemace 1 very honorable aad pco&abie opera-tio- u,

i poiat of fact, by joining tfae Repabli-cat- is

"Tit 1 picture will enable the Soath Ameri-ciut- ii

see whither aVey are drifting in follow

ing tb 1 lead of BbX asm Crittbkdeh. Is

wc,r hostility to tbe Democratic party eo '

jjr al m to carry tfaeea over hate an aMienee

wi.h fbe Black RepoUiesas, with the view of

as, s'm; i' ? D ) tay carry tnetr onier,es.e'r aSoat Lhe as to b- - vrllitw: u uhvw

.... ; v ai tfwr Md overturnar"" i I,tfae D'tocrsey ? Saeh, we have no doubt, is

tfae fact ks to tbe loaders of the American-- .

par , bat thsre are thousands of tbe rank andUlt in the South ho will not fellow them. j

. ..rT ,, .cw;.m .m i ,vniBnire.acathe distance between man and woman is be--

,!. ml.ter .verv dav! Jen. ao

fnciiatarat to he vitw.,J

"3"5 Wire "TO)ioi



We hitherto shown the general grounds- - i. .r . ihe nolltical and commercialinterests of the South, of the Santaern racmcRailroad route between tbe two oceans, as re-

gards Southern commerce, Southern manufac-

turing enterprise, tbe facilities of snch a bond

of intercommunication of Southern --States asto form a barrier to Northern aggression, if(unfortunately) that may brcome a resultAnd we have shown that, emulating the gene-

rosity of other States, Texai baa doubled allthey bare done within their own limits for thisgreat internal Improvement of tbe Soath,throughout its borders, by giving not only

lands and money to cover the whole enterprise,bat also then to leave in tbe possession of tbecompany saeb proprietorship as wfH not onlygive thee tbe entire ownership ef a completedread, and its subitaaent profits, bat leave thema large surplus also for distribution. So tbatwhen a present subscriber pays only $5 on afjiare ef S100, tbe State of Texas bas muchmere than provided the balance.

Will tbe Federal Government find it neces-

sary to avail itself of this generous and patri-

otic act of Texas tla the present aejlioa of Qoagress, we find

propositions advocating a raato from Lake Su-

perior to Paget Soand, connecting the BritishPossessions in the North American continentwith the extreaK Northwestern Possessions.To this we shanty reply, nature renders K impos-

sible, and we do not think it tbe interest of thisGovernment, (were it possible,) to build roads

tar tfae interest of Great Britain alone. If tfae

Canadas and tbe North western British posses-

sions want a railroad, it i not feroor Gavero-ao- nt

to barld R, to accommodate the politicalviews of Northern Abolitionists who might ad-

vocate each coarsx.If dtbors propose a central coarse, what is

tfae policy of Government? By the word ce-ntral" is meant, we suppose, the route recom-

mended by tbe late respected and lamentedColonel Benton. Bat those buffalo paths were

shewn to be impassable by a common explora

tion by his .own sos-is-la- Colonel Fremont ;

and, as we bave said before, they are fujlycondemned also by Liesteoant Beale's report.and the 1 ite march of Captain Mircy, of tbeOtah array.

Throazh the Southern mate there can be aMtarat, aataternrpted ceamaakation throughthe year.

What, then, is the interest of our FederalGovernment, as to otter natioas, as well as toitself?

It this Sou'bern reate, completed by Texasto Bt Pass, connecting with New Orleans,Ykkshorg, Memphis, and also with Charles-

ton and ail other Southern seaports, be fin

ished to tbe Pacific, will Government find nointerest in connecting with it through ber richagricsritaral and mineral resources between ElPaso and San Francisco, through Chihuahuaand Sonera?

Bat, go farther: If this road be so carriedout west ef Texas by Government, will it nottake tbe postal communication, immigrationand trade even of England and other countries.betfa in regard to taftty and tine the twogreat impedimenta of commerce ? Facts onthese subjects wiM hereafter be furnished fromsurveys aad well established calculation f



Mcsens. Editors : It is palafal to find menso prejudiced amoBgst us, and so bigoted intheir views, as to forget tbe labor of .patrioticlove in which Sir. Everett is devoting bis val-

uable time to meet tbe calls of bis fellow- -

ceantrySes in all sections, to promote tbe no-

ble andertakinr of tbe national affection,gratefally to commemorate tbe virtues of Wash-

ington. With them tbe love of Washington islees than their love of hatred to bis great friend,who, perchance, on some distinct ise, hasdisagreed with their views. They say, in ef-

fect, dew with lite noble monument to Wash-

ington, if Mr. Everett bas to aid in its anit fl-

ing. These me eboaM recollect tb atjSoutbernpatriotism invokes fats great and patriotic o-fferingthat he Ihrasts himself apea no peopleoffensively,- - and that having1 been invited tocome among us for a most noble end, commondecency should shrink from violating towardhim, or any one else, the hospitality tenderedhim by many of oar best citizens. lie bagbeeB invited here, not eepectajjy en his own ac-

count, bat for the love, the veneration and the

bis pare patriotism sad name bequeathed toevgry American. It is to honor, and ia patii-at- te

grAtttuoe, eommemorate fats virtues ndour awn gramme isat r, averett nas Beenin v lied among us. A SIGNER, -- j.

Speech cf Sr. Sicgletss, cf JliriUrlppLIt is seldom that a political question bas

given rise, in this country, to such a perfecttorrent ef speeches and flood of worde, ia thehalls of Congrese, as this apparently inter-mtaab- le

and never ending Kansas excitement.A considerable' proportion' of the speechesespecially in tbe House bare been cull, prosy,common- - place efforts, hardly rising to the dig-nity ef a mediocre stomp oration. A tew,however, bave bees distinguished by an ability,originality and eloquence worthy of tbe bestdays of Congressional oratory, and bave

great credit upon their authors.' In thislatter class we rank the speech of Mr. Single-to- e,

an able Democratic Representative fromMississippi. This latter gentleman made along and elaborate speectrevitiring the wholeground of tbe unfortunate circuities ard

issues, which, unfertauately, since theera of the .Missouri restriction in lszo, havedisturbed the peace of the country and greatlydistracted its legislation. Although he spokewith much feeling, and Is evidently a warmand enihusiaetic'Soutbern man, with same oftbe prejudices of bis section of the country, allcool and dispassionate men will admit thatthere is a large amount of truth in tbe chargeswhich he prefers against tdhe free States orrawer tee xtiacK Hrpuolican influence in them

af atleflVticg, by illegitimate, unfair andunconstitutional means, to deprive the slave- -oolding states or tneir rights, under the

to their property, as well also todespoil them of their interest in the commonpublic domain. Those who have long listenedto and believed the stereotyped partisan cry of"Southern aggression" and " domination " inthe affaire of the Union- - weald do well to readtbe masterly and able statement of the grievances of the South at tbe hands of tbe North,which is presented by Mr. Singleton Is hisKansas speech, for it weald opes their visionto the imposition which baa been practicedupon them.

Mr. Singleton's expon and history ef theKansas issue is well and succinctly done, andbis poiBts in regard to the legality of tee

constitution are unanswerable. Healso makes some good and telling bits npon tbeinconsistency of Messrs. Douglas and Walkeris tbe new positions which they have assumed.

Jn conclusion, we repeat that, althoughlengthy and containing seme matter from whichwe dissent, we nevertheless consider Mr. Sin- -eleton'a speecb!one of tbe most readable tbathas been made in tbe House npon tbe Kansasq'HStion. CVncia6ii .vqvirrr.

The Tobacco Interests cf tbe South.A committee appointed by (he Southern Com

mercial Convention, which met at Knoxvllle,Team-- , In August last, consisting of Wat. M.Hchwell, of Virginia, James Guthrie, ofKentacky, Wm Brewer, and Tench Tiloiimax, Esqrs., of Md., bave addressed a remoE

straaee to tbe President of the United Stateaaw met the excessive duties imposed on thatstaple, by the commercial nations of Europe.The committee say in coaclosloo of theirremonstrance :

" It is scarcely the province of yoar meinori-aHs- ts

to deeignete the remedial meesares to bepursued by tfae Government of tbe UnitedStates. They will, however, suggest, for con-

sideration, two, which bave occurred to them.let That the Government of tfae United

States should employ tbe earliest occasion,when foreign governments, imposing aneqaalxmt onerous taxes on tobacco, thall ask at itshaads seme commercial or other concessionimportant to them, to require from such gov-

ernments a proper reduction of each taxes.Sad. Congress see II impose upon the pro-

ductions of eeh coantris;, imported Into tbeUnited States, coaatervaltog duties, equal In

tfaeir efft to the taxes apea tobacco

Your memorialists leave me question 01 meconstitutional power and political expediency

these isensures with tbe proper departmentsof tbe Government It It tbelr province tobring their grievances before tbe Gorerameat jit is tbe duty of the Government to examine,and If possible, to redress them. Should, bow-m-

the latter remedy ssggested be adoptedby the Government, our fellow ci'ixens whonow joy , xetnfitien freta duties, will at itrtet iaie M opportunity to share In tbe bor

araf oppress thte persecuted Interest.They wtH thus in the reduction oftheee bardana. The nations of Europe will beseHtfied that republicans casoot be bribed byspecial favors shown to one sectional Interestto eoeHre in tbe oppression aad taxation of

We cannot, however, anticipate tbat enlight-ened nattoas, connected with u by treaty rela-tions of the most amicable and reciprocal char-acter, will continue, aeainst reason and remon-n'ranr- e,

a doty so uajoei, exeesaive and offjn-- 8

re as that wbicb has so long rested npon o .eof the chief agricultural staples and commer-cial camnaoditfcs ef the United States, or tbatthey will drive us to Hie extreme remedies ggeted in this memorial. Tbev will, we hone.promptly assent to eucb a modification of th- -

,je tobaeeo wl a,ike omoleHitertsts ef tbe American producer and tbeEuropean consumer.

jAET Pbeacher Mrs. Sasan Freoer.cK,ntisVer lartv. from Hlltlmnr. la mtlrlmv 9M jw ,....

tour through Jamaica; and sae recentlypreached- - to a congregation of 2,000 persons,occupvine tbe pulpit of the Baptist tbereb et

ln iK.t 4.1 ... ,SpacttiTovra,

Senator Clay, ef Alabama, oa Bonthera Bab- -' mUtion.

I do not dubt that von think she will yieldalt yoa demand. I do not doubt you believeyon can extort from her fears of your poweran uiai youcan seduce rrotn cer lore 01 meUnion. I believe you expect to excite discordamoDgher own sons, and to array against tbeslaveholders all who are not slaveholders, bypersuading ihese that they are oppressed andwronged. But tbe example of Kansas, wherethere cannot bare been more than two hundred slaveholders out of nix thousand pro--slavery voters, should bave taught yoa thattbe sons of the South know and feet'that theyhave a common interest in preferving the insti-tution or slavery ; that (hey must keep tbenegro in his normal condition of slavery or de-

stroy him, or surrender to him their country.I do not fear that yoa can delude and beguilethem to their own or the des-

olation of their country. I know you countlarcely upon the defections and desertions ofSouthern leaders ; and I confess, with sbameand regret, that yoa bave but too good reasenfor your calculations In tbe mortifying exam-ples we have furnished of thosa who havebetrayed thtlr trust and broken their allegi-ance to the South, not, perhaps, because theyloved her less, but tbe Union more, and them-selves most. I know it is idle to try to disen-

chant your minds of impressions which you arefound to retain and wish to be true, but which1 think dishonor the Soulb, wrong the North,and may dissolve tbe Union. Yet, at tbe haz-ard of your ridicule, I must tell yoa that Ala-

bama, in common with all ber Southern sistersbut two, has, by the universal voice of berpeo-pl- e,

as expressed by party conventions, by pop-al- ar

assemblies, and by ber late and formerLegislature, resolved 5

" Tbat she will and ought to resist, even (asa last resort) to a disruption of every tie whichbinds her to the Union, any action of Congressupon tbe subject of slavery in tbe District ofrVilnmhli. or in nlaees subitct to the jurisdiction of Congress, Incompatible with the safety,tbe domestic tranquillity, tbe rights and honoref tbe slaveboMIrtg States: or any refusal toadmit as a State any Territory hereafter applying, because or trie existence or slaverytherein ; or any act prohibiting tbe introductionof slavery into the Territories:or any act repealing or materially modifyingthe law now in force for the recovery of fogl'Uve slaves."

If this be mere bravado, she shares the follyand tbe shame in common with twelve of berSouthern sisters. While I bave Indulged, andshall indulge, in no menace, or promise, orprophecy of her course, yet I can and will say,rer myseir, mat in the day or ner seir-d- f graaation, by disregarding her pledges and submitting to yoar Government, I will not alt here toendure the contumely and reproach which youjustly may, and certainly will, heap upon thebeads of ber Senators.

Mr. President, I bave not been addicted tosinging pens or ottering enlogiet about theUnion, or accustomed to regarding it as " tbeparamount political good," or "the primaryobject or patriotic desire." 1 have ever tellthat I owed my first and higbest allegianceto my State, and tbat her sovereignty, her In-

dependence, and her honor, even without tbeUnion, should be dearer to her sons, than tbeUnion and ber subordination, dependence anddishonor within it. Yet, sir, the Union of theConstitution, which oar forefathers made, Ilove and reverence and would preserve; bntuits union witnout toe uonsmution, or wim itas constructed by Northern Republicans, J

abbor and scorn, and would disolreif my were equal to my will. To this Union, theSouth is commended as a choice of evils, andcommanded with menaces of compulsion.Whether she will choose the Union as a lesserevil, or sabmit to it by compulson and abandonber and surrender her destiniesto your control, yoa will surely test, if yoa gettbe power, and the time will surely prove. Ifshe yield to your advice or to your commands,she will deserve to suffer all tbe wrong and allthe sbame yoa can aud will accumulate uponher head. But as honor, interest, self-pr-

ervation all that is dear to freemen all nrgeber to maintain ber individuality and equalityas sovereign States, either within or withouttbe Union, I trast she will give you fall demon-stration of ber couraze and e, byrefusing any, the least concession to your de-

mand;, and by resenting your menaces andrenellinz vour attempts at coercion in suchmanner as will prove that (he spirit of tbefathers, who, at Yorktown and at NewOrleans,- - consummated In triumph our twowart of independence.

LOCAL MATTERS.The Tikakts. In the jiil there are now

sixteen white and nine negro prisoners.

gFor late New Orleans papers, we thanktbe clerk of the Fanny Bullitt.

The Weather- - The wealher yesterdaywas lovely, and lovely were the flowers thatpjoredrich perfumes on the air; bat lovlierstill were the fair creatures whom the genialweather attracted from tbelr homes.

3 A. SrLEKDin Lot er Goods. Messrs. A. T.Wells & Bro. have opened one of tbe choicestand most superb assortment of dry goodever offered to the cltinns of Memphis, fromthe highest price to tbe cheapest ; so tbat tbladies cannot fail to be pleased. Call and examine for yourselves.

KtLK- - Messrs. Towkseud &. Whit'more sold, da before yesterday, tbe cottoncrop of Mr. Georsb Smith, of Ibis county, atthe following handsome figures: five bales at13 cents; and two bates at 10i cents. This isome of the beet sales we bave beard of.

"Dail't Psater "Meeting' The meeting atOdd Fellows' Hall was very Urge yesterday,The vast ball, galleries included, was filled totbe utmost. Those who have sot attended canform no idea of the nature of these religionsmeetiags, where there is no exciting or theatrical elbrt, but whsre the feeling is so profoundand the elevaUon so sincere.


The Citt to Pat. The proprietor of theferry-boa- t, Mr. Cheeks, has obtained judg.

racot against tbe city for $2,270, to satisfyclaim for the city raining a street through hisproperty. The same party is now suing thecity for $5,000 damages, for licensing anotbrrferry to run where he claims an exclusiveright.

Cheat. Daring the discussion in Councilon Tuesday evening, upon tbe propriety of I!

censing a second wharf boat, it was stated thattbe present wharfboat, which IncluJea a store,bar, boarding house, butcher's shop, and storage and commission and furnishing establishmeat, pays tbe city only twenty-fiv- e dollars ayear. Its exclusive privileges expire in seventeen months.

Recorder's Court. At this court yeslerda)-- , some seven individuals were introduced toE&q. East. Two of the party (one of whomwas Bill Jokes,) not duly appreciating tbehonor, contrived to force open the door of tberoem where applicants for justice are entertained, until the Recorder la ready to receivethem, one by one. Tbe mn bad been fightingwhich was the cause of their getting into tbehands of justice ; but they settled their differ'euces and run like brothers when Ibey saw thedoor open. This makes four prisoners thatescaped from the same place daring the presentweek. An was fined fifteen dol

lars for carrying a concealed weapon.

The Fire. The fire after dinner yesterday,was in tbe alley, between Court and Madison,and Second and Third streets. It broke out inthe Stable of J. H. Speed, Esq., of the firm ofDsnoho & Co. Tbe stable, a quantity of bayin the loft above it, and tbe carriage and coaboose were entirely destroyed. Other outbuilin;s were injured, but tbe exertions of thefiremen kept the bouse safe. Tbe kitchen andstable of R. K. Tubnace, Esq., on tbe opposite side of the alley, also caught fire, and werecompletely gutted. When Mr. Speed first sawthe fite it was in a Very small 'compass, andwas among the bay, Immediately within anopen doer, looking into the alley. There, no

doubt, some incendiary had done his base andcowardly woifc

Pantalookisu. On Friday night last, theaudience at the Gaiety had their attention,between acts, drawn to a specimen of the genushomo, ef tbe kind tbat Braon calls " a verypretty fellow." The youngster In questionwas decidedly handsome. He had sparklingeyes, white teeth, a e look, and

a glance of most provokleg assurance for tbe

young ladies, whose eyes were wonderfully at-

tracted towards tbe dashing DonJaao. Some

surprise was exhibited when officer Mooreapproached tbe young gallant, with an air thatappeared to say thlsisaprofessioBaiacqaaintaaee of mine. The surprise was increased to

the pitch ef exclamations among tbe ladies,of did you ever no, I Berer as Moose liftedwp the rakish, d, broad-brimme- d

bat, and exposed bead of loag curling hair!The Don was a lady. Tbe officer railed herNellt, when he rrquested ber to quit a place

in which such costumiog is only allowed where

is paid for on the stage.

Crisp's Gaiett. Cemillt was 'performed

last evealsgat'tbe Gaiety by Miss Davem- -

prt to an exeelltnt audience. This play Is

oMAtially different to all tbe other piecesperformed u der the same title, and is as in-

disputably the belt, as its representative,

Mias D, is the superior of all others whem

we bave seen attempt the character. Tr&tt-lete- d

under Nht Davksport's superlntend-aac'- e

it Is divfstedjof all Jie pruriency, towblch It U obnoxious In Its original Fr8chdrapery. The length of tbe performance andthe lateness ,of the hour prevents oar sayingmore than to express our unqualified dsligbtwith her performance.

This evening tbe Bnckhatk with Mies "Julia ; and evening the lastnight of her engagement here, cpon which oc-

casion a complimentary benefit hss"been tendered to her by many of our best citizens, andws "an " ooue WV " ww, a

- i, 1

Rouxdikq " Streets. Tbe advocates of

a graveling experiment in our streets, viewingtbe three hundred thousand dollars' worth of

"fine concrete" now buried beneath the mud

as too small an affair to be considered as even

the beginning of aa experiment, are anxious toenter on the real experiment In earnest Theynow believe tbat the great witturrtium which

is to secure all the advantages gravel can offer,

and to keep away all the evils which bavehitherto been connected with its ess In 'illscity, as to "round off" the centre of the street

that is, to raise the centre higher than tbesides, so that the water, Instead of passingthrough it, and softening out for it a burialplace below, shall obsdleatly run to the sidesand flow off by the gutter, with the regularityand quietness becoming a liquor eo sobtr. The' rounding " process is greatly extolled by tbe

admirers of gravel, and tbe Mayor, In his mes

sage lo Council, read on Tuesday night, stronglyrecommends " rounding," and for fear tbe ma

terial should refuse to submit to the requiredcircularity, be also recommends rolling with aheavy iron roller, when three inches of gravelare laid down ; then a second three inches anda second rolling, after which tbe remainder oftbe gravel may be pat on. A lingering doubtappears to remain whether even all this effort

will cause tbe " rounding " to stay round, and,accordingly, tbe Street Commissioner Is tokeep throwing the gravel up to tbe centre afterIt bas, very naturally, obeyed the law whichinclines round substances to roll down bill" until tbe whole Is formed Into a solid, compact mass." This mass is the 41 fine bed ofconcrete " so much admired by tbe gravelantbropists. Wben the experiment is tried, one

thing will be found wanting, 'and that is something to prevent the formation of ruts. Tbe' compact mass " will only become such by a

sufficient quantity of soil mingling wl'b it toact as a cement. Wben this soil becomessoftened by moisture, its power of retainingthe particles of gravel in tbelr places will beso much weakened, tbat tbe pressure of passing vehicles will disarrange them, and rutswill be formed. As long as the gravel continuesto roll from the rounded apex to tbe gutter,and Is duly returned to Us place by tbe watchful Street Commissioner, tbe ruts will be filled

as they are formed; but When tbe compact orconcrete state is attained, new gravel will be

required for filling tbe rats, .a portion of thiswill again roll Into tbe gutters and mast be patiently returned to its place

Ia giving this sketch of (he "rounding"process and its effects, we have left .out anyallusion to tbe probability of the gravel, inmany situations, sinking below tbe mud, toplaces where former " beds of fine concrete"have been burled, at tbe expense of the city,in years past.

In conclusion, we ask when the gravelhas been pat down In layers, and eachlayer rolled ; when the Street Commissionerhas returned the wandering pebbles againand again, and yet again to their properlocation; when the ruts have been filled withold gravd while it remained loose, aud withnew when tbe old had become a "compactmass " bow much cheaper will gravel be thana bowlder pavement, which, when once putdown, would remain down ?

School Houses. Alderman Erwin doesnot occupy the time of Council with muchspeaking; he la usually independent In hisviews and thoughtful in his deliberations ; itwas therefore with much surprise that weheard him assert, on Tuesday night, that hewas opposed to bailding school houses be be-

lieved tbe present system of locating schools ina room here aid there, where they can be ob

talned, tbe best. Tbe Influence of habit is astonithingl By this influence, Mr. Erwin basbeen led to believe tbat scattering a few child-ren here and there, in rooms unfitted in convec-ienci- es

or ventilation for school purposes, issuperior to collecting them In large balls, wellventilated and built expressly for the purposesto which tbey are put. He bas been used totbe present state of things which has notbeen selected by choice but submitted to fromnecessity and he therefore thinks it is thebest For tbe same reason, others believepouring gravel Into tbe streets the very e j!uiultra of street paving. Alderman Erwin re-

ferred to tbe calamities which bad resulted inNew York from fires breaking out in schoolbooses. Wculd fires in private houses, whereschools were kept up stairs a story or two, beless fatal ? The true lesson to be learned fromthe New York case, Is to build school houseswith stairs at each end of tbe building, if pessible, outside tbe boose ; to make them of ironend bave all tbe doors open outward

The Faezzolini Concert.evening the music loving portKifi'of oar community will have the first and prebtbly onlyopportunity cf listening to ravlehiog straitsfrora'lir Fbezzoljki, and of renewing the'.r acquaintance with the sweet melodies of M'me.Straeocch, late Amelia Patti. We neednot recount the triumphs of M'me. Frezzoliniupon the lyric stage in tbe great cities cftbe world, where musical criticism bas at.tainedits highest cultivation. All are familiarwith ber recent flattering and unprecedentedovations at Havana and New Orleans, whereshe has raised ifurort scarcely second totbatwhich greeted Lind a few years since. Therenown of M'me. F. Is certainly equal to tbatof any living prima dtsca. Her Europeanreputation is not surpassed by any. And thosesensitive critics, tbe HavaBese, have vied witheach other in contributing tbelr voices topraises of her excellence.

Tbe programme for the concert exhibits selections from the best operas, together withsome beautiful ballads by M'me. StrasoschThe lstter will sing that exquisite sorg, " WithIn a mile of Edinboro'," which has become socelebrated. from her rendering. Mr. Stsak- -osch will also play a Fantasia on tbe piano,' We cannot doabt that, with these attrac-tions, the Hall will be crowded with the refined,tbe intelligent and tbe fashionable of oar city,

Land Agency in Boliver County, Miis.We invite attention to the card of William R,

Arice, Esq., in this morning's paper. He Isan old resident of Bolivar county, and is perfectly familiar with the locations and value cflands in Ube Mississippi river counties, andalso with tbe adjacent lands in Arkansas,so mat ue is wen quauued or the agencywhich he has assumed. It will be seen, by thereferences given, that be has the entire cosfi.denee of his acquaintances at home and abroad,and as such we commend him to the pablic.

Delegates to the Southern CommercialConvention. Mayor Baugh baa appointedtbe following gentlemen delegates from tbecity of Memphis to tbe Southern CommercialConvention, which meets in Montgomery, Ala-

bama, on tbe 10th May next, viz:Col. Robinson Topp, Hon. H. S. Foote, W.

B. Miller, F. Titus, R. G. Payne, Jno. F. Sale,E. M. Yereer, W. T. Brown. J. Calvin Jones.J. Knox Walker, Jno. T. Stratton, F. Line, E21. Apperson, vt. nowaru, allies uwen,jamesElder, D. B. Turner, C. B. Molloy, Thos. R.Hunt, W. E. Milton, Dr. F. Brown, Dr Wash.ington, Dr. A. K. Taylor, John Kirk, Sr., B. F.urn, jno n-- racuiananan, u. u. suckney, B.B. Williamson, Q C Atkinson, R. C. Brink- -ley, John Overton, W A. Goodwin, O. H. Llde,S. P. Bankhead, Col. W. H. Carroll, F. H.Clark, Gov. Jas. C. Jones, A. JI. Douglass, J.C. Hollaed, Dr. Snyder, Dr. J. Fowl fees, JnoC Harrington, F. Y. Rockett J. II. McMahon.M. J. Widen, W. J. Darle, F. G. Reche. EMagereny, T. II. Logwood, Col. Jchn Pope,Major Jaj. Penn, R. S. Jones, Col. JohnMartin, Thos. A. Hamilton, A. Street.John P. Pryor, J. 3. Irwin, L. R. Richards.

P. Strange, Sim. Tate, W. M. Folwell. A.T. Wells, O. Greenlaw, E. H. Porter, S. H.Carpenter, C. Williams, Milton A. Haynei,

L. bamrrans, John Jlobtnjon, Cant. Wm.Miller, Fred. Baxter, Capt W. Keboe.J.J.Worshain, G. D. Mitchell, Daniel Hmb.Capt. T. J. Finnic, J. M Hill. F. M. E. Fan!.kner, F. M. CopeUnd, W. O. L?flind, JohnNewman, M. C, Gallaway, J. G. Klinck, Dr.A P. Merrill, CoL F. M. White. W. B. Ilh- -mond, Sam. Mosby, J. M. Provine, N. 8.aruce, w. A. BicMorc, w. A. Seay, HenryG. Smith, J. Wiekersbam, S. B. Curtis. Washington Harlan, I. N. Hiukle, S. H. Whitsitt.uo!. uti at, u. uocirreii, James Nelson.

The following additions were made yesterday by tbe Msyor to the list of delegates tothe Southern Commercial Convention.

Richard Collins, W. J. Wynne, a Trousdale.E. M. Patrick, H.G Smith, W. R Hunt, II.F. Hill, Frederick Smith, D. Frlerson. L.Sbanks, Dr. G. R. Grant, I. N. Barnett, S. P.Walker, George Dickson, A. B. Hauley. JudjeE.-- M. King, James, Adams, J. G. Lonsdale. Cant A. B. Shaw, L. Ketchum, Col. feel- -den, W. A. Seabrook, Geo. Putnam, Col. Mo- -

rio, uol. Jesse m. xaie, uoi. uson, Zr. nueBowles, G. Smltber, Co). S. Smith, E. C.KIrk,

Y. Watson, J. M. uarraaeic, uov. i. u. nar.ris, Mat Farrington, C. Calvin Cleaves, A.Wocdard, ii. rJarrms, ji. Baumncrger, uoi.Hiram Tllman, Dr. Hooks.

The Crevasses. The Baton Ronzcfiro- -eaU. of Thursday evening. 15th Inst, says:Tbe workmen are steadily galnine upon tbecurrent at the crevasses. About 200 feet moreof such levee as has been commenced on etchside will complete the job. It Is thought thatit will be dosed by Saturday night Aftercareful irqslry, we are enabled to make atolerably accurate estimate of Ihe cultivatedland under water. It amounts to 2175 acres. I

Manv other rlantitlons below have theirditches entirely fall, which will soon begin toran over into their fields. A heavy rata woaldInundate them all, inasmuch as the watercould not .be carried eff lhrou;h the mailchannels of dralnago. '

gr' A Kansas correspondent says moneycommands irom 4 to i prrceni. nmontntntliatTVrrttirv. well secured on real eate,

- u i nil i. 'i'h rT : t,Complimentary Benefit to Miis Day- -

ENPoar. The upholders of the drami inMemphis, tbe admirers of artistic excellence,and the lovers of virtue and genius, perceivingIn Miss Davenport a combination of womanly accomplishments and literary attainments,bave expressed a desire of tendering her a com

plimentary benefit, on next Friday evening, asa testimony of their high appreciation of herwoith as an elocutionist, an artiste, and alady. The following is a copy of the letteraddressed to Miss Daventort and her answerthereto :


Miss J. M. Davenport:Tbe underilgned. reeoenlslne iu vour person

ations tbe higbest exhibitions of DramaticArt, desire to signify lo yoa oar grateful ap--

elation rf tbe pleasure your er.gageraentEre bas afforded us. bv tendering to voc, on

or ourselves and renew pisy-goer- s ciMemphis, tbe testimonial of a complimentarybenefit, to be eiven at each time as may suityour convenience and that of tbe manager ofthe lUealre.

Allow us to add. tbat In offering this tributeto your prefrsslonat attainments, we designalso to express our homage for the nnsuiueapersonal reputation and private worm or mewoman.

Yy reipeetfanr, roarobtdient ler-an- U,

n. S. Feet, s. A. WhIUIlt, J Wlckenhira,It. Mryiboo. P. A. Sbrperd, It. TllmU.

L. D SUekrF, W. P. W.A Bllth.It T Piltben, J. R. McCUBibinJ." rXemta,(so w am. J. B. J. i. Warihim,

R Ctiinller. j R wMini. A. B. Ftntra.J S Ptiocci . Frs.BC X Fiat, K. W MnnforJ,8. r. Batsid. u. u. rmier, J J IfcOinr,T F rrtlmai. A. If rxaslut, 1 n. EdmondsM,B. vr Pa-- a J-- o. A. Ntv. J. W Annitro-- f,

L. J. Dreeee, V. I), r&fltn. 8. OraweD.K. Ptd4, k. a. leritr. w. B. Ro".L Srrm-- r, 3. C Furls-to- e, F..U. CUrt,I. N. BiraeH,

OAvnso IIocsE, April XI, I6M.To Jfrtirl. H S. Fei J It Me Ham C f Fek

ler A II ntrnilmi.J R Arf?ta-.A- it I. D !!- -nrf, F. .11 Yirjtr, and sun; eUrr citlitnt ef

Gentlemen i I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of yesterday, in which yonkindly tender to me a complimentary ben fit,as a token, of your esteem, on this my firstprofessional visit to vour city. I should bewanting in a just and grateu! appreciation ofso much kindness, did I not accept the proposition so generously onereJ. As my engage-ment termtnstes on Friday next, I brg to camethe evening of that divas the most appropriateror meioccasion so courteously tendered.

I its, HrsToor-- Terr trair,J. It. DAVENPORT.

The Rise. The water is fast filling tbe lowgrounds In the neighborhood of the Navy Yard

the river is, at present, far from reaching tbeheight of the late rise.

Firemen's Items. The Baltimore Sunsats: " The subject of a fire and police tele.graph bas already been taken bold of by tbecorporate authorities of several of the largecities, and it bas been adopted as an Importantadjunct to tne working of the police, and inpointing to tbe immediate location of firesTbe city of Philadelphia has but recentlyadopted it, and those engaged in patting it upextended an invitation to the membeis of tbecity council of Baltimore to visit tbat city tosee its operation. A committee was appointedto visit Philadelphia, and left yesterday afternoon. They will also examine some of tbesteam fire engines while absent, and on theirreturn report to the council the result of theirexaminations.

The trial of tbe Franklin Engine Companyupon charges of riot preferred against them byanother company is progressing before thestanding Committee of the Department.Among the resalutions offered was the follow

"That we approve of tbe determination ofMarshal Herring, and his direction to btofficers to keep away from every fire apparatusalt minors, end we be believe tbe principalcause of dlffirences bave their origin in thecongregatinglbout engine houses and the following or apparatus by parties who have noresponsible connection with tbe companiesandurtber Jbat we, as members of the jointstanding committee, having power, will aid himani pis suDorntnates in carrying out his oraeis"

The Cincinnati noairr states:"A. B. Litts's new steam ordered

by the Council of Louisville, Ky., for tbat city.was irtea yeateraay aiternooo, at ihe cornerof Sixth and Vine streets, and threw two hundred and twenty-on- e feet through an inch and aquarter nozzle, with one hundred feet of hose.She worked very satisfactorily, and will, it is(apposed, when her newness is worn off, throwtwo Hundred and tifty feet fehe is, In size, afourth elaes engine, cost $5,500, and will beshipped to Looiiville at the close of next week.The Falli Clty has already one of our steam

purchased by the Board of Underwriters or that city, and will bave a third in afew weeirs.. "LatU is building an ergine for St. Louts,which already owns three, to be finished inninety days from tbe 24th alt, and another fortne same piece, to be completed, six weeks.inerealter. An order is expected from thlcago, and three engines are to be sent to NewOrleans, where the people are deliehted withthe oae lbty bave been using for some timepast, ah toree engines are. of tne small size.

livhich is safd lo be the most serviceable, andwere ceniracrea ror at yifiw eacn. In a yearor two mote there will hardly be a town of

Fanv size 7h tbe Union which will net haverone of our steam ergine., occupied in umcinnati in nting upa steam ngciing ner icrcnes, at- -aching the horses, and ge'ting tbe machine

Into tbe street, does not exceed one minuteand a Half."

A Bigger Ship than the Leviathan.Already a bigger ship than tbe Leriathan basbeen projected in England a ship to whichthe mocster will herself appear as a minnowAnd this new monster is of special importanceto tbe citizens of New York, for, altboueh itis proposed 1 raaks ber eighteen thousand tanslarger ttgn Jhe Ltviathan, the is to sail fasterm araw less waier. An engineer 01 L,tver

pod, nimed Clare, bas come forward withpropositions for building an iron screw andplidle steamship, by way of testing a princi-ple, greltly the superior of tbe LivtathanHut explrement is to be tried on a scale ofStartling "magnitude, aad be bas already exhibited bis models, which are attracting theattention of scientific men in England. Heproposes to build a ship one thousand feet inlength, Beventy feet beam, and only thirty feefrom deck tp keel, making her perfectly flatbottomed, , and hr sides nearly square. Insize she would be thirty thousand tuns.

Passports to Men of Color. SenatorWilson recently applied at the State Department for a passport for D. J. S. Rock,colored citizen of Boston, and received tbefollowing reply from the Secretary :

Department or State, IWAIHI!CQTO!C,AprH3. ISM. t

To the Bon. feery IKifnm, etnatt Chamber .

!: i nave naa ins Donor to receive vournote of yesterday, with its accompaniments.

In reply, I have to Inform you tbat it Is not.1 -- .5 . . . U . r . . ,me pracucc oi uie Aienanmem to issue anvother paper than passports to persons goingaoroaa irom mis country a passport, beinga certificate of citizenship, has never, since thefoundation of tbe Government, been cranted topersons of color. No change in this respecthas taken place ia consequence of tbe decisionof the Dred Scott case. Returning tbe enclo-sure in your letter, I have tbe honor to be, sir,

xevreueuieai servant, LKWIa Uiu.Melancholy Casualty. We learn from

the Franklin Rtvuw that Dr. George W. Kinnard, of Williamson county, in ridine homefrom that place, on Monday of last week, wasthrown from bis horse, and so much injuredmat ue aies on toe next da.

Cdshing Treaty. AmoDr the snoils secured at Canton, was tbe original copy of tberatineu ousning treaty between toe untiedStates and China.

orf of lltapjjis.ArrlTBli and Oepartares.

Fanny Bullitt, New Orleans to Louisville.Peter Tellon, New Orleans to Louisville.Cora Anderson, New Orleans to St Louis.N. Thomas, St Louis to New Orleans.A. Scott, St Louis to New Orleans.

River rfews.The river roatinucd rising yesterday, bavin

rises ten Inches within the last twenty-fou- rhours.

Tbe Magnolia expected to leave last eight,with 2,800 bales of cotton for New Orleais.

The Xtbraika bas laid up. Tbe Simtndtletves for New Orleans this evenisg. TheB'lait got out on Friday.

The Xtmphls took oat with ber last evening800 bales of cotton for Cincinnati.

It has been definitely arranged tbat tbe Dan-iel B$ot will leave here for Vickiburg on Mon-

day riext, and tbe Kate Friebtt on the succeeding Friday. Afterward they will run regilarlyon those days

lintel Arrirnlk.COUKEBCIlL HOTEL . 1 HiTontLLi Prepkter,

jtoersiHi iuthj uciwvrn f root muw sea xi.a.O W Sitlton, Vx., 8 B mil, Stewart. J., W J (UsDoo, do.JtiSlaa,Ml. L O do.It s Mas, do. VUs T e Rkvrt, dj.A KtfcuuiD, Mn KQlln, do.''Ill Atvood. , R Qiiin. da.Reo W lee, Ci. Sinl Matbewt, da.flea W Xrotbeart, do. Mrs Col Miller. ACUi.Hcbl Juniac. do. W M Flsmmer, F .Tlttiin1 St. 3 B Phillips, f).N R SWf, A n llssevn. dan Parte sod Mrvsat, da. P O CIsfMetly, Ttnn.Kn n Farlee, do. H FCtxpif, do.Xasltr rrtr, do. 3 R IlKEUu HirtbsH r t,O W Wrnrr, d. B D Bleb, Ma.Mrs Warner, do. ft a Roberts, da.MreARtlford do. TfVtnii Tens.&W Ratlin dd KBS ItHims, Co.A H B, Trim. r v rBrr, .Mrs ii Star. Ao. 33 Harries,M1M ASHw, do. J Hanivn, do.MImX&Iiiw, . J D LoTtinc, St Lenit.J Ll'rrt- - tdvt, Ala. PA OweasNaattU'e.11 r, TttcILo. R ACIsrk. Tina,

D CUVes Ia.. w B XcXit'n, Ati.Hrt J r cnn. do. Wm twrse, d--

JAHn,lmi s Cams T tax.

Jl3""' A OraD. rtj1 KPRkh atd Mr, N T. R JamiIst, Mtaa.It JMrosej, Ark. TtirtirJ Jen tr, do.T n Haac c. N O. P iVmnein . Ho.i H Arras. 3 O Da' oclan o.

TO IU-t- Nuhtrt;. SOT omrsn, Tens.JiSLCalcot, do. M Sli'X Ml.s.Joo Boras 1 , Trsn. H HU1, bo.Dr A J J'jrc, Oa Br 3 A SIkUr, toHUM H Lest, ia. B X Pats, ia.H a narrr. La K S Will' r, doO E X.Uatr ni Art. .'u x Ct Ala.


FOR WIUBFJUgTEtt.W are olhorlisd u isuBaea A. It. avert .

i''l'T tbsriootfa aad of Lb yirstR.sjcs.ut tfIvtrstnis, sn.1 Tbintb R clssrtt of Noith CanuaslMTl.tU,teitfa,iylBrrm1h biAik of Meaaahis , thatoTwo hasopeaoJ ao Acatraav for ih-- paipioc of gm.f lc- -

I oirartaw M the abrr auls art wfen. bo wvi n lo..

caJ14a.tteT reelection u the effie at WMrfmittrrat th mi Hint Jon 'ect-t- l. 9M-- U

iFoi' Sale.A wooDtroaTn planing arniNE. ew.ii(KOt'rder, Ht b, !,llerel n hoard a .t..nh..i1 Olsdmitl Fne at th- - ouspHt. res'r farMV, SSOO, by A. n. STOOT, BtlO K CO.

apxi-iw- -

AiliuInlRtrntor'A Notice.LLtTa.bTlniclm ,mnit UmMiUsIR AV. PT7KCAK. deeesonl. sr. bsrtbr netta

the ne wilbliloar rowtbs frsm IkU dtt wlh lbsCteikof tbeOoaelrOuartit KiloUb. prom srarJtcr- . D. VTADDBLL.

Financial.ITUVH nsdt arransentt br wbleb I eaa wsallsiatu nscer, hsrlsi fr mlhifT dm 1. 1 mrmraastliitaroa. Parties wlsblix ti rslsamaner r Be.SO.lsto voiso sr ou s wui no veil 10 SI,, mo a call

HAM PtTTKAM.apSi-l- n at Milt nfcPatosB's IUHnmOI!!

K & C E. E.

Xollcc to Slilnpcrs.W1 will rseolte no frrliht lr any tHslloe Ksst at

Ssa'sbarv. rrfartba Mlsaliilppt Ou ts! BaHrsadnsui lortnor ae;K. B ATKT1.1,

aprs-t- r SnpertD'riM nt TranrrlaUrn

JfIjrs7iaVs Sale.Titles ot (ha order of tba rlftrict Osrt or th'BT tit tbe Dl4trct of Wst Toowesaw. at

Jsrtrea. mtie at ihs April Te as tbmf, 1SW, ra lbsmailer of Taeisaa j. Hea4ai aiiaiva sasinat wib--cbtster ant hiwi th en,lerlreed. Mirsbs' sf aaMDlatrlet wm oCer frr tal to the bl kest bHdw m boardot ash) iteaeaboat Wlnch-lte- r. Iilnc at th whirf atKsrMa.oalbe FIRST DAT OF MT NX IT. at 10o'eKck, In iba tfco ssl J steamboat Winchesterter ttcaM. spoaru ana ro BI'oie. aooalbt rnUcwKslerros : Os'-ba- lf rath, and Ihe bt'snee oa a orodlt of Hitaantaa bond wittt tares spor .! seratiles nqot-e- d

11 MCCLANAHAN, Maithal.April St, 15M-- ia diys

JtlarsliaVs Sale.Ti T lrl- - of the rrdrr of tl D'slrl t Can't of the DbIJJtedStttBi fortboDlurl tf Jaokaoa.ras4 at Amu term thereof io tb asattrr of Ilonrr Bloarr.t al,ri atesrafceU Comet aM ber owners tarnndersl-ane- d.

Marshal ef aald Dtstrict wilt oavrfjr sals to tbohitbest MHr, on btard cf aaH stoamboat Comet, lineat tee wbsrr at Memphis, on tbo rmsr DAT r MAT,at 10 o'clock, the tatd ateamboit C art. b'r taskle. apparel aad fnrnitim npon tbo rrir-wlo-c terai : Cno.bira caao, aoe lbobaiaece In twocqval asaaeals. one

as tbelstafOct born xt, the other da tst of Marchneit; oo4 srim three apororM aecsrmes rrewnd oatse crrait pivaosis. u. xcot.AHAItaN,

APli si, leat iceart. MarsbaL

Valuable Town LotsFOR SALE.

T SAVE for aale lota on Madison aad Monroe ltreetsbendwmelT altaated far dwolUasa

Lotl cd Maita itrset, near the liamaaH aad Oarleston depot, snltawe for ooiton th4a aM wsnhssisa.

l.ta on Bool alrtet, for dwellingsOae lot oa Sbelbr. near Giroto.Ch:la Kn oa PLreon Roast roa4. Coert aasi Orleans'

atreoU, for JwrtHngs.ALSO

One or both Cotton Shed at ixeOharteotoB DepotThe lota on Cert street are o&re I sreat tadseo.

ment to Udaatrlona mecbtBtts aad ptrsMM of aeaillxseasa wbe wish to bare their own bom's.

Terms made easr, and aH who wast permanent letat!an wqi a won to apply soon.

JNO. D. ABMOrtR,ap22-dS- So. 17 Feeet Bow.

Jk'otice.X nAVB OiefoaVowlnr, asjd a laro Baabor et smarterX tram or laaaa tn tbe sam regn of esaalry, for aaK,tii :

MM acres tlx mllM from BarlcatlMi, oa the Tstta

1 735 aif,, SCO o! hhi aoaoeaed 1 mttrt froathe Mlasit-lr- rT.r In ooaatr. MUstaHerL

3.CCO acres, SO) of which is li caittrstl a, s mBesfrom the Mississippi In BottTtr ossmty, Mtsoiasippt.

HO ion afioa 60S f wbtoh Is ctcrad, 4lles frethe Mil slopl tlTor. In BollTar coaatr. MlastssiBci.

2,(00 SCO which is la caltlTstioa, froatla: enlb M'lileMrrrl In rhHlipa msatr. ArkaBsss.

1 too acr, ISO of which Is la ea.tiTitaoa aad 90 mordeaaened, frealist on the Mlasisityal rlrer. In CUcotconotr, Atkansaa.

8,(00 aens S 000 of which la d'adeaed. akxc oa tbbaron andeiteodinx aeiaas tb to-- 10 isl e froa theMlMliMrrtrlTor, wba HI be soM in IBob site Iractato anil pnrchasera.

I,?0 J ah nt 703 of which is tv.w la a blxh ststeofcnltlTalionsoBietwvtr atws Jrooa tb MrsolcsfapiIres, ard eoallsmna to a raHraad 1 Chicot county,

ArkanaaaStat lb prsent naprocailealed frsoDot, hSTlBrbeei.wn twetr er Cft n iBchot bUfror at this p ial en ihe

rlrer than the water ro to ia 184 1, o- - aar year sebeqaeat, bas dctnoaitraUd Ihe last that tho aUirUt Ian4aof the Ml alsl. pi Valtoy, la tb ami fertllr soil aal ikemost st'Btrtoaa d mate for tb srowta of cotbia knswain ILe worid, sro rrctamalo lr m the deotlaliAaeoasrqarm on oerBow

Persons pnrchatlat; lands with a Tisw toraise cotton woald Una it lo their letcrrjt I ma' e es

as etrlr as practicoM, a' thoprc of hods iahia rrp.on wu doBbtlooa arlTaae aft-- r tbo essoin? r

yrll R.AHlCl.L-- n A rent.Preatlia. Bdlraresnatr olss apt! a(e





ITITJT.I GrTlTTT"E1C! AT?Iff t rl r, ni XXlijO , Ul:' : - .





Styles a ii il a.unort.uiansTHAT ARB 12, IBB

Jl9ew or!c Jflarfcet.has Jast koaa sototkd aad

EBCEIVED HEUE.They wore boaabt at aaeh


USDEUHELL ALL OF OUfiSEfGnnORS.CJ-0a- H aad are asd hi aatiaftvd.ptt dtwavSw A T WBLL3 k BIO.


T HE arxt Ordinary Drawloc of the Royal II arenaLottery, condoled b the Spaaloh Ooocramect, sn-d- er

ibi supriTlsWoof tbeCoetala Ooaral tf Cobs, wLI

THOnSDAY, MAT G, 1S5SS 3 O 0,0 0 0!! ,


t Prtioof .. ..(100 000 Prizes of tisooI " of..., . . 60.001 6 of i.eooI " ef so 000 se " or. 001 " Of 10,609 1U " Cf 400I " ot 6 000 9S ApeToxiauUoaa, ,S90

aporexlBailSM. e th 0OA ef 90 each; efatao to iso.too; a ot too to $,ooe, t 0t $i-- x trS io wv i oi aw se 3,on.

KalreattO; Qaartera 5.PTixh cathed at airht at 6 per cent. dteooBBt.BiHs on aH solynt Banks takes a l sr.A drawlse wl.l be forwarded as ooob aa the its alt be-

come known.ComrenltloBa adirewed t DOX ItODniOrjEZ

(care ot City Post, Charleston, S. 0.) soiil tb Sis ofwar, wui do attejHeq in. apIS-tw- t;

To the Creditors of Enoch Enloe. Deceased.

HATING iBfSstel the tasoiTeaay of tho esUt ofEnter, dreessed. la tho Ooaaty Goart of

Sbrrby conaty, aB peraoas faaiiac catms aralnst theestate at ben try notified to Ma the same la the offlc eftbe tSert of said Cairt, on er holer the 10th day ofj one seat, tor raymeni pro rata.

B. CARMICnAKL,mjr7-I- Aimlalstrttor

i. B50X WALICa..,. ......W. L. U'COSICOALrBB'iM'OOSNlOO, lawyers. MepM.. Ten- -aiim. uraee, a, zj soata Me ooert sonsre.


Ivnirc Vlcaucrs.BOM lbecrlebrald maaBfaetery of Mertit Jt Kew.F town. JMr sa by

aplS IKRBinAM &LBR5.

Brooms, Brooms.LiRQR stock Jnst In store Dealers wHl And It to

V, Ibeir adsostrse toeianstae h--f re trojlnjflh-re- .aplS . INf3BHtM & LRUS.

Buckets ;vm Tubs,T irbooHire er retail Far tit rh-- ap br

"V'.vvlcllus.IpTenwantaaailKUln Wotd and WBtow Ware, or

I' Mtt had atlNGBAHAMfcLXBy,

aplS li. 6 Men roe street.

Jk'oGice.ALI.niPAlrtlSO and JOBBIVR. froai asd artr this

oa denrerj oar rer alar easterners rsry tbirty dayi LEWIS av BtSB.


For Rent.IIAKrSOiJS e.norrr ins... aeren

xa. looms, bai ty acres crona4 lacatrisojoa,boat throe Miks fro. Mm- - hi, oa tbe Me'c. KJJ

Lino read. Tbobootol taeatohed. Rd sosves.sion ran be had rasiWUtcrr. A miiplr of cowa aad aKood ta doer c ;n be had wtth the place until ike lat darot Korearber next.

ALVOThree new nooses ia Korth XrmpbH, for rale or rest.ap-- ij u iMjllflMl.N TODMB.

HI 3 Xaeim street.

French Millinery Goods.

ON WEDNESDAY THE TTli.THRrablWianowirocr4tfa larro stork of

.1 thofMlowtnc arloie :

PKBKCn CHIP BOXKBTS;,il,!.a xtiinnarr?;




Tnetther with a eomidiH c sob r wEsnT P tvrrrGOOD3, rmbratiac aH the la et atyes.

inriaHraaremfeniauyrawtsMtaeaB aad examinemyelsek. wm. SlLBaRSBBS,

SOOMarn street, btlwrea Adsma and JaRrsoa.apJ.7w

To ContractorsPU&aOvAT to a order msde at the last em f Tipton

Court. wi,l art out et U lowest trad r,by sealed prsposala tiilH the IS h day et neatrnoatb, the lerHUcM a new BRtCT. JAIL la the towsof Gsrinjrtoi. A plan of the baHrilae mar be sees brctuni on, or any dniFtd laformatloa obtained, by ad.drtailacJ.B Biedsoeor B. H. MbdIo-- ij at thia place.


Cart at tan. April 90th, 168 awio-- Jt

OTrj.NG to the treat teareitf o! aveaey, DaSn-lX- isncbli braa'tfal HBLtKIOrrPf Sat the

low price of ONE DOLLAR. DeSbooa; la actniwtedgrdu ne ne ot ts tKot art.! tniheatai-t- . KeiseaiMr,ha ha tbeeirlo lr rtrbt of Mratphll for the MeUlro-tr- p

patt nia sxCery t 1SI Mail street, rrpMtt) thWuraain uons. martS-l- f

WM. T. JONES,ATTORNET sod Counsellor at Lanr, Prawnsrilie,

Aik. Will praclic in tho constirsPrairie, Atktnttt, Moaree, Bt. Frandt, JackMD, White,hx. Pmspt atleatloa ctrcn to the colleclLui of anciatnialatrsstedtohlj ears

Brrxsa TO Farrtntton II Tlawen, MespMa, Teca-- iWhiUlaw 1 Ktxan, B owns rifle. Tsan.; E. 3. Read, Bjc.tttM-ney- . ooj w. ft as B. D Tamer, Attornera, Seal -er. Art; Dtlrprple at Ottewood, Attorney , Sea Are.Ark i Bar! C h. Attorney. Helena. Ark K. BB. 0 ? ties. BrawciTie, Ark. I S2& BcrcbanU saner.lyf (

Crisp's Ualcty Tbcairc.Jnrfsoo stmt

Thursday Evening, April 22nd,Lat sight bet nr tkXalsst Art hf.

MIES J. M. DAVEHPOBT,TTBO "II SBMroii Ibta oersslen In kr west esr-V- V

srierof JuM in is HONOnBAOt. T?la1th la SEOSETIf ci am nsfflt aed last swiesraJieeel aMU.DjT.uiiKt, wben the wtUapSir la

of Ttaas nooraopen at T and certainwm riM at 1 h o'clock pnetaetr- - '

Far tin urtMalan. Mix at i boost. 'r. 6.



Ih'CLUDIKf theToil.

PrKxtfot KBOTs rrosa tbo AoaokBay



will oirc A

Grand Operatic Concort in MemphisOK FBID1T KytNlKfJ. APAIL SJ,

Po4r of M.Mlao abakMh.Thenosof adaalMtjahaa boa Sioi lo aJI pafM ef

tbo hoeae. at $1 bcsorreol Sru (I Hrsr M Kisssoso soo scssia MilsTb solo of marred m oammoacoa on Wotoesdsr

morBHic at FiasWs link Mora. Maattoos steoot.The Piano Farts esoa o thos otsM.soft to Isoea tho Ma--

alcbUNofMr r stIo, nt'te ar StooVbrt.koh a ossa at 7 Onman to mauu'oso si a r ii

WJI. R AIIICK.nBSKTtH, BoUsar Goutr. Mysssowt. Oroorsl Load tX A(om r r Aikanoaa and Mlulooieai.

Rcrcacxctt Oct. H 3. tMtr. Maaaahist Brooke sbl amos. VKCsoerc.

ynw is yoar time if yo waot sooar bow 1 IasdteaatlfalMaote.asI hnjt t mamcSSI !

rOrM ft Iirt. .MoftSr ,nt,uta, .11 1 1 t ' I rrrs.niHars. Tuitta, Aasroi bi, Flaitooa, a.e , by Ih cart tood. Ca l aooa. If y waat icBsnbrait See, at

E. A BEKSOS'S Mcott Storo, asatl-dt- aM Mora street, Mcsaakts, Troo

Just Received. icr FtSCl.Vt a,lee OMo F'4rJ J anlt CKABLB5 MoOLBAK. e.

O A BARRELS Cnohad aad Pw4rd SazsrU apll CHtRLKS VeJLXAN--

20 BABBBLS Draed Apetea- -



inn DOZ48I roaaned Tab aad Baskets.IUU soat OB ARI-K- 8 VrOLI AN.

IDfl BVBBBMsaporlar Bark TThett rtoar. war-lU- U

raatad oajsol a aay braat that oaaoa a laUcsty, with a large aiiattmont of otter braaaa.


A Book for the Times !

Hie Literary Attractions of the Bible,a


A Plea for tho Word of God iifCaasidersd as a Oa sc.

fBT LEROT J. H A LS Er, D.D ES,Oa Voam, Km. $13.

ScbKr" ptoses reeeirtd at

GEO. PATT1SO.V & CO'3.aptl


si'iuSfs:A'rar Bolirdr, lIirleniirfCcnaty,Tenii.rp a 18 cObratod Watlns Place, harlrg beoa taor--

l ."iBir mm cirsssuT rvai-cm-, rrpir-- , roiaiaot

ao eaia-cr- wm otei for th rwrt'in of rioroato oaMONDAT. MAT loth. Te irosats hsso boon extceerdaid tesstl'Dd with erorfrooa ahrahhery, Iho forestd aaedasd th recanted, the taj-ioo- m

(bcoratod, aBdas'aeia: asptet of ebrratae,s asd --

fanes rmkanrdts'be piaeo, which win rraaWr It oa tftbe most K lishttsl saamor ns.tta la the

The healit aiBcoo of ihls ssalosa at Syssur, Is nasar-aasoe- d.

while IMcaratlre p'oprtloa of tb watoi Srail who are afflicted with drrp,T, dy.p p4a raaatrs;ssrra and for the disease et kbmm, are cataboiahHta.dtaarsaifrd.

Th baaaap Syrlofs arc aaeestbre by Ih MawlailanOmtral aad Teaaeooee Batlroad. b too - .tootre oaty t Ha. lira f oat Bollsar, from Oraad Juoctloa aad 1 If mMrmahlii by rati Back aie rafat g mrecaormnatthlb ran from Boftear to the Seriate, aad th uaroior Israiraamd aiutiat axorMtaat raorsrs, the for betxsSS eeaU ibb the rslirjoa decot t th bp:rsa aad Socents for hasasg aad seiTsata.

Boaiiif, floe Brs.s l St tax Boad has area eaooc-e- d

fir tbe aeaaaa aad will hi la atteadtaee at aB tiara fPsrtiea IMHpi wtll be s.v a aa oftea as the sts Mcrsmayrraaue. The Proprietor barias ossdacted raaarpoetic hatsa Batieri huaorlf tatt bis cms. deoartaatatis BI giro fracralaatlafaoii a.

apll-daw- ta J. C. BADBLMAN.


PE5CIITQ k CADEilY.CAPr. EDXARD DS RUN. a pail ar tbe bsom

Mtiatarf AuBBto. of Baroae. hteics an.aioasBtslteataorof IVeoksrJ--i Ism-- w, il lua MuituraBlof W. H. Satr)Wg,. aad from thrB4ardef Tbian aaxtai, th Orrrraor. sr- -poan'rd Pritcsr r Aran la the Saat Csroisao, MiUm- -

sobs to Mod. person or abuse from 1 A- - at. to 1 r. at.,aadfrom t a lOo'ckck. r h.. imr sir. Said.,, es- -orp ed, la the aae ef tb SaaaH Sword, Braad word, or

UOWK Ul IK o.e oi low LdBOO o at J'jOWl . Ifl,u n. n .. i T v . m . . . ... , . I

Parrats to that aaeject. By botac Uasbt tats art iar kyth method of Lw, cbil-rt- a f a aeresia aad aewardwtk aeaalrea nHtinhf, aa laoy, Botaral otop aadcsaf ataeswr, at the aaaa tam tactr bodae wtu be

aed sir ostheao.Aa Futnrmpys bath aatad aad tody at la'taaao, ( lace at the ,ame aaotaeat thai the ferawr --

calee a pie of attack, U lutr Baoot b roaay to sxr-c-

ItcxBMMy, a wet, a. bsejaard isiaot oaol rrad-- c

fatko ih .Imanaaeoaa bot, so. at,) K to aMBMtocaolar.dasa'eooryta aa i law lata, aad liber fore Uaaat ta all pwbtk aad disc aa well aa aaCt-ta- rr

aaaea.Par terns, picas apoly t th Arademy dariBC bar

hoar- - aaec.fl dX3- - The partsralar ttleetloa of aB MBMary Coesf-sO- s

Is ca ara lash bow to I cs ra BasoaoH exer.ii.E3TaeBWtHM lattery lafinaoss wM b I'C A

by opeticattoB at Ihe Arilsoeae t oso. Those wtttie: astake IcadSM wB please leas their Btatea at tat. smil,or wtth Copt. Dr Re, ot he Csmmttatal Boaat

a4t- -C H AXCEUVS.4 L.E


At Villon tteiiof,On tbe rilenphls and Olio Railroad.

eadrreottbeChsnceryOoertatMem-Pot- s,

tead-re- -i Xtnn:bTrTrm. IS47 ieihecaarsofBrad ey, wu ci. Av Co J.bk.T Leoth. John 3. McMa-Io- j,

H Biy K. R N. Parks atd others,tc Jo eph R. PetfcaabB azdetcrrs, I wtil, oa

Thursday, May tWili, 1S58,at Dnien Depot, oa tb Mcmphl and Oht RsUroad, taShelby eoaatr TraBrs, proc ed t- - aell to the bushesbtdd-r- , the f Howlnc dwcrlotd

Tracts of '.and,Ijinx in SaetbT coobIt. Teaaassee altaated ea bith aidesof tba tfoonpals and nhto RaHroad adioiatBff aad aa- -erst to uotes Droit, to-- : one tract caataiaiBSOne Hnmlrftl autl Seventy-on- e

and three-four- th Acres,sKnat:d in tbr SBrTyrs District, ia Krr 6,Sectloa 2, b lag ta aast coareyed by (root Me. 33IS tR. N Parks, aad by sal 1 Parks oaeTeytd to Jeeph R.FerxawB. One other tract erBUIatecThlrty-XIn-e and One-Ha- lf Acre?,stataz the shore mentioned ttsct.

OaeCar IraUeeeU IotasTtventy-Mn- e ft, One-Ha- lf Acres,sdfasatBg the a re annlioBed tract. Bflax part of D.a. Walker's tract. A rs, oee other trast eoatsieiag

Three Kundred Acres,more or lee

Ale, oaie other tract canltf a as to tbe oa ta.t abatemeati mod, CoBtalaia?

Four Acres urore or Less.Abo, oae other tract eontaialac ebaat

Seventy-Si- x Acres,beftMt thelsBd parekavd It Jph R. Perxasoa. at ira- -dea's aaha, btc tm moats tty aa th Msmpatt and SuM-em-

Plankrood InirwtorT C. McGewn'o UsJAJI er tne abore menttoaca tract of load, betBf soar

Six Huadrcd Acres,IH is cn. body, h3t bare bees nbdirOed tatTwenty-Eig- ht Beautiful Bulld- -

lil g JLots,rasxi' from

Five to Seventy-Fiv- e Acres,alt adjatatai- - or a4eect toTJBtoaDorot, w.lh all Bc-sa- ry

sttfaa S'd aTeaonTEBtx or 3A1.E ihe aba saaBtbaaed tracts ef taarl

rrlit be sekt oa a crrdtt of seroa aad thirteen auath halBtilmBts, parctuuer a ezrcao Bo e. wrUi ap--

oroTra sera ny wib a ilea retaiaM on the premises.BMlseaptatie barred. Sale to e jaeaeac a It o'rloct, atUnloa Depot. JOBIf O LUilHK.

a. 2ldwro OlorkaBdMa.lrr

Notice.MRS. SCLMTAXhcta stste ta her pr' and

tlwt .wtac ta I I htsMh, sa wtB dlswnl.nabrr efaaoe anil: MOKDATrxt sets

Kew Spring-- Goods!

tlt Maluced JPrices.

mil i mm i co.A RB ti.iw rec lTinr a fall stwck of SPRING AND

riSUMMiR PANCi AND STAPLE DBT aH Ua aeeel'i of the season. Fancy SilkD os UoaJs, sapor cent base thta former prior. Boyaad Mo"s Clothings Bootjand Shoes. Hits. oe. OarGoods hart:(hee4baxht for Cuh. we ant raabled toaett at Base lower prices thaa formerly. C.I1 aad see.

JAMKS A. STBStfTT .V GO.,aelS-- tf fo. SIS Mata atrret.

are tForA GOOD 9ol e H aoe ao Msia atreet: reals forO. flrwo baaire-- i nllori a yr i shrecKocis hit.wB badt; potMiea a so4 oa. Apply I

spie-i- m J. K OHADtrKS..


B1XB3 aswrKot Msrs Ala a cool asaort.InAA meat of COLOR . D GLASS. Tlx: Rabr.firera, (araore. Lemon, Bin aM violet. For isK by

aplS dawlJi LPTrxas. ORfilLL ft CO.

Fisliiog' Tackle.GOOD aso:la?Bl .o band, and far a.le byA aplS Itn LOWNRB, nfrOttL Si CO.

B B. MILLER........ ....JOi. HMM.



WILLbfo.idlaTMaeato80 SIGS.anl tU th

Pain I in sr.Ornamenting,

Marb'ins,Graining, Etc.,

At fceh time and tntsaer mi tenure th meat perfecttatlsfte loo to erery ust and clroomslaaoos.

ARTISTSOf ssp'rlor talent aresttaehMteoarestahfrewnt.sBtba. are rarely errr fonad esabtard 1 any as rwp ia thePoatbem or Westrnt conMry, asd bar been atesred ata troAcadous expenso Onr

Glanj; on Glass,It equal ta any la the (felted State.

COMMON SIGNS,Of alt descTtstiuu fnrntahed ia a rev hoars raitr

Perusal auction xlren to 4sx wer. SiKJl i' 0r.!'setUaslSV3tru.L:(. spJSSa

i ,mttl JkW J ril-- a ( SLaiarfJfcrBByafi

A CAUD-iJE- iT la tfea Auction andIhmiss4araals)wMb J. O. HOLLAND. Th


stfreof tbo arm w'UbG. B. LOCKE tt CO,

Thaa arraatomsBtwIli mo I devote mj obMo

attontlsB lo tow Kosl Batato baotams, ra aal Ha vartoshrsa-l- o

Mr. HOLI.AVI) wtll also has ad.Taani atarMlaa to anotsrr tatressod w Ih Sra. 1 kespoak or thorn

acBtmaaae or tbe nor rai Fairaaaao senoorora uumihssu a. B. I.OCIK.

AfrH ro, rffl.LOCEK-...- ..................J C. ROLLASO


Geaeral Ageahs aad Real EcUte Brokers,

Sl Main street, near Madison,





Vi n fall, seoa rd to Itxoo so OcsrUBaea aadsain or rrrrr Oiouiloll All oo4a bo rto-- wm becbirt a wHb lo,s.. sal, 1 1 rioy. M srrW

StoaiSI sot COX Wfllstm amrilot Llbwalcash adraacMtaadcoa Osa Masjasou.

XOTICE.chaassd my arm, 1 oaotra a prcmptlr atHAVIKS

i lo sotihr oa aH saw cat tas Laos- -, sod osre- -,owost wmm IsAkMismolaait aad aetrl

tbotr soosao's. PorsB- - horbbf otsm Mwt mr, whptraa prosI taosa at aa oarfy oof tm' adinasanl.

tl-s- r, 0 B UK-Ki- t

7 bmaoRATaa. , .Oa aa. liter estaat at . "&C. obamaoh aad prrrra VlfT rtrisr

'. a.a tr a mm I rfcm

tooeteiofit SrJ-- tak- -a .C- -. tl .o .m flatTlTaaia." . L ri

fvoo os asa - - sJ7.r rEPSIA. ,Oa ose or two i.poowi

Hrrs Slf-- x HubacheOahitMI'a for r- -!,,,,. JSmsSDETOwr oae i

aake of wbBAmAm ortoa rroostMLINENS,

. all of u MemBOt. sad asn-Qwati- n lboihaSHorw OBtr haute is throw oat of ft

thcrffortsof iBotae sf-- w k slrtBSS

Acta On bot l taken for Jacsdicb, rJhIswhm it '.rsl. rotor t th a

Oa. 'too sokea a shortttnw bofore tPrienrtotb sos-rt- aa fo

naoara orssarrpeoeacsrw C K OKIMilalMsnllM WBtaoao-wai.-


the ara tj

ciotmnffi vioitittiffvAt Auction.

K1GHT w wl,l at HtUia a lot of aapettorT9 Baaaoaobi CV Ib nc Tno sales wtB oaallaaoaaalaUy aatu lbs uotk 10 cio.r oat

apM A net loc ws sad Boat Batat Brokers.

sSlli. oTfat rlrtaosAll who the it abb otvio Tirxii

won. nrrismr t!f IT FATOa.


THE LIVER a oeteatloe mHsal oHswrory. aad t daBd

. .i.itonrmttabotlere. ltrswsoaaU!BE ! k. . ..u ri.iMf asjdsetdcaaB

plant, from th worst JaseaVe or

rrPBio o-- - ma--at DOLLAB PBB BOTSI



IOFfia lor sale aooa swot term, the farmto J ha w Nabsry, E i.,lTaag oa

th MonrpMa aid Charlostoa Barraa. aBd tbStab. Maw roe, oar oaarter of a mile east ofQraad Jaaetjoa. ia Bsteoaua eeanty, Tknaoose Too

TtVta of th tract IrhK soath ef tha rat road ooataiaM acre, of vhtth Is carrd. In trast earth

the ra Irood tool ils, IK aeis, S09 etrsred. It has afood DweniBf, fear r.jssas SrorsMas. hrHk ehtmneya,slabs, three prum ,f arror faiaK water, Soh poad,I boa-o- , a , Ac, aj at artfeet ardor.

I veH tb it acts lftbr or arpanMy.6. u LOCKS,

AsKtleam aad Baal K.Ut Bpott- r-

Jalu able FarmFOIl SALE.IOfFXR for isle for Csb. Vllsne ha oee,

tare years, the fara forsaerrr wad by Mr.Para, attasrot oa the ra Lak Bsad. eifai atHao fromthct. Iteaalaku e? sarrs, I64sun-I-, N.Unec wHIUmbered sTi aadir roM (looo. DwEaai Koaa wtthtiire rooaas, klwain aadsorrsats' roasac, eotora, thereTartar." o faaaac wSter, stab', eaa sued, hamanw, wheat ehmorr, aara arear. FraK tree. cww inar city Bee?rir.

6. B LOCTB ih OA.,Aa tioo--rs aad B.M1 Eotat Boskors,


auttton Utiles.


f TWILL sell onTHrRSBAT. April TM. at me Mori,I s ate .toe nr ooart ffqosre. at iff. rjtt, tba 2a b- -

eBO'B. M-- tToBtea ao.1 Chtxr-- B

aaostrre, rsB or shaae. A. WALLACB,apSt-S- t

New Auction HouseBY

B 1 99 . I if Lv a 11 fi,

m. i mm.Sa esrosa

XO. 8Ji laVX STREET,Eetwsea. Xadlasa asd Hesrse Streets,

AdHasas the Ferastare Store of H. M. Greowaor, Bo.(WALL be peww! t mil IMsoo to moke OABRI .s of oreif ehtotloa. Jar safe at

Aaeti a.Part ealar atieatbM Ktren to r Sale of Rel

Estar. PatarBte. KcMy Salosraon. as tb-- larteot ad soii't ipulsos of aay

ta Ur eatr. wi k WatUss Pi . Shots sax , 1 I'd ao at a eost of orer Tare laaiooad Botlara.

I wttt r.t. e ta baormeat ef jtr., see boasof Morsi)1 . at great! rodacrd nbmo. abM

J. St. CAUtWBU. A. troairT rATTEBsow,JCararBPaMalp oFValo Late at Xorth Alohaata


General Agoats.t Real Estate Brokers,RECEIVING, FORWARDING


190 Main St., opp. Worsbam Hoese,ME31PIMS, TE.XX.

WlLLxrreparticaJar atteatiea ta tates ef CRT orOOCXTRT PBOPBRTT, MEROOANIHSB, KB4B0BS,POS.NITTRZ, &e. prom the ksaa. experleB ef onr J.M. OaMwesl ta th batmess, we fret a.sared that wtwtB be abte a fie sstisfaellea v, all who patneti as.Hartax a lat fe aad spacloaa Hoaia. wed aad oeatraBy

wivopcUaltyslactt ream oar friead aad thepaWht tbelr patreaaxe, proaab-bt-c taiek aahM aad praaaptpaymeat.

All GSooda la atore n4er inaaraec aac'ees otherwiardirected. Liberal adraacea on conahTaments.

t.olt-I- -

niiiinnCL0IHI56Cheaper tlmn Ever I

Hare bow tecetred aa laments Stock of

Gentlemen's and Bays' Clothing !

' C;rferat a!t the sTeHfe( the season laFAN'CT CASslXSBB 9VTTS

FAStrr Ltvr.v sutTatFASCT YBST3

SvPidaf e ery rariety of treed;Bt.AOC noODS at all price!


Gents' Furnisliiiig GoodsWhich wore paresavd at raate' "Prtt-- a" forCASH, tad wHl k sol at eorrsseaadmcrr lew ratew seltm sb exuataaiios ef oar elect. ' Si lroDWto shew 6-- ds," aad eeery article we sell. xcaraBlaedaa resarreeatrd.

SPIVEY & CLARKE,EDtT-dti- n 3tl Make street.

BAGLB GIN STAND!wsotl. r K A 11 LK ITA Knot for tbr nextTHOeB do wrB to haad ta their era-t-s at as sarl

day. Th ard taerea nx oaieswhtrfa :lre aowma.fyadera it Imposot so f r the aaaaafactarer. to aopplr theaeaaaad, nein orarrs are handed ia early. The ternv-a- r

City Acreetaos, doe a. at ..f Jsaaa-- y nexl, or atthat win be o as saltifaelonlT Price 0.1 pxT Sow.HARBhS, WOHMBLBT k CO A I aH,

apli-dl- m No. 8 Frost Bow.

RETIREI? PalYSICIAIVWhoso sand of Hf hare aoarty ran oat, dtseered

I whale la la Baat lavlao.. certata a-- tor Conaamp-Actaia- a,

I tt Bronc-tt'- s, (iHhs CotoV, , rJ fteaeraiDertonr. tb i i uasoj w.. sue, erod by bra whoa haseatr cars, a aaachtc, waa siTen a to tt

Wrhlas to do aa ataeh rood aa rusatkle he wHtsead W sach of has aBHstad fatbi i halima aa reqo-- t K, thH rectpe, wtth ran aa4 .issVtt alrec-tt- ea

ivrnakac rt aa. aad saeseasraaVr aotay it.He reaatre each apaatraBt toieemaeMmoaosalNinathrsatoearraodaposas oa thwrrcapa. 7

ana aaaiaewaartseT a as spots ao laepajmeB!toflh.s Iftaa vBaWmftaJ

AoWreeaBT. H. JAMES, 13 Qraad flrret. JseseyUCSF - J.

apH-t- m


Trunks, Valises & Carpet Bags,WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

34 MAIN STREET.CITT aadOewtrr Merchant r al the SSnTTTi)

seneraUy. arc tntfed toexsnt- - BKKxrtHtoe bi stock, which, ta qasbty "'ajwl'SWleftoapaeoa. Is eojaal to aay maaa'actttrNorth er Wost

WMkdatord'rfno-a-iarantiet- . APklBOoofK- e-

pat tas doao wtth Braises a4 dKpatch. BHi. andracrs premptlT aitracea ao. dxs ly


1 Safe OoM to be foaal at PI CBS'S, on She brTHBata: ta tbe stock of GROCBRtBS that remains

nosoM. ThevCood. i t fresh ao-- perfect and eitist besold, aad wtH be arid on tour ttc, we'l secored Mer.chints from the Country amt City. woaM do weB to comsad com soon. Coatomtr, shoald o-- sad bnj GoodalC-tt- t. c. M. HOBTOM,

apn-l- Trojtce

Notice to CreditorsIxrEhtrnaacxTited o th Gsnty 0 art of Shethyi V Oootty, lb IB orrr-K-y o- - the estate of tho tat

THOS. B. CARROLL f whlcit an credl rrs thereof wt Itain so'-io-, axu a ttetr ise a -- wired Sy few.

B B. SttTLBT.rirrABCAaxoLL,

iili-i-f A4qT. ttMSmtU.


fiferal tuition gousr.Eesidenco for Bent.

A OOOD HODSB ronlsMrtaHt BHsht Boomsv sodC. tors. As , &c. tM low. Apery lo

ap20 IHOd. 3. BASKJrV.

THOS. J. HARRIS,Auctioneer and General Commission

MEItCIIAXT,SelCBroom 277 Main Stroot.

aollclU roaaUamea'aofMenkaadlaRBSPBCTFtTLLT AoetWn. 1 baM rocslar salsa ofDry Oooda. Win a Luiv.r aad Oban, DUmooda andJrwsirj, P ana Potto., PotfS, SearBt&V-- . and MevobsnKs aeerrslly, lor tb Msplir and sola of mbnjsew and spsotsas Sowieooa oaora taeroaoad faal'lt.

1 aboral aoraaas moo on ceasltiBvoaw, sua oostreoaad prstBH rstsm la all caoea. BUto

.lUCTJOwV S.1L.E.7CI. DA7 Apr th, I wm set) wfcbant roocrvOH eo ih premHe. a H- - VSS aad lor Gaastr

tr at, betw-- n Taw aad S owa's Asesse. Tb booseaa a doable .trsem St. e nralstat; strht rootsa.Tbo lt la StM fet mot Terras t aal.

tb essh. httsaee la Botes of eight, twtr sadsksbisca saostbs. For rarrwalara hacraor at myefltcei

Thos. 3. Harris.arH AoetkHwor, Jn Mains Ire C


An Immense Stocli oi


Are Barttetjlarlj rawked to caK and

Examine my Steele,AS I WILL SELL


Than Ever offered in this City.

t'oaslstinrr of


Wintloic CurtainsL AtC Et VEILS,

Silk Cravat s r,




GLOVES, assorted,




HOSIERY, large variety,'


JSoots and Shoes :LETTER PAPER,

NEGRO GOODS, &c, &,c.


Auctioneer- -

IJluntcijjal (Blcrttoiuw--

FOR 31 Avoir.WEar aathornrdbaaaaeeBre BBOBGK DiXey, as

aiaaaWili tt May at tb Beat Maa creel elecBssapt

FOR MAYOR.MTS aad reaarste' ta aanoanee

HABL1M asaojeMat aar ahaef Mar-o- r.a. theasmBxJaeeleetK.B apS-t- c

FOR MAYOR.WB are aa'hortrM salraested a aoaoenc R. D.

BAF6K siaeaeniila 'or this ta tho odes ofMtonr. attheatoMBBlolealeljjMoB. gull. to

FOR MAYOR.WB ar reaeated to aaoounee w. O. L0FLAX9, a

casdr4ata for Mayor at th eaaawc Maaleiaal eescMoa.bhSS--I v

FOR MAYOR.WB amaaAhorti'daatroested ta anBoaer JSBK aoaasHaatcforsheotaea of Msyar at tboasaiac Jane ilistlsB. nrSS

FOR TAX COLLECTOR.WEanaatborH d aadreqaeolcd t aatwesce JOH?T

KEWSOK aa a caaood (rre-iectb- sa to th sCc otCity Tax Cotkctor, at a reasels? isiellon In Jaa.

apl-- t

CITYWB are aBtaertsed t saaeaaee JOHX a. BOWRX aa

a ctadidat for OWy at the eaearaa; Juafeii

FOR RECORDER.B H. BBOWJi'l, a caBdtaate for Recorder oath

Ticket at the Mireletpal efestion. aS-t- e

FOR CITY RECORDER.WE are sa" borizM aad rraested to aauona. oHtTMZr. HILL aa a candsdat for th sfflcc oTOtty Beesrder. at

the rnainx eiectl n. mr2S--te

FOR CITY RECORDER.WE are anthoriaod and roaaeetrd ta aaMnnca TH6S.

M BASF aa a caa 'mate for to n,e ecBce ofCtl Beoarder. at taeenanias Jane etKtaon. apZ--tt

FOR CITY MARSHAL.WE are aitaorbe to anneonce PAPL 0. CAT as a

candidate for City Marabsl, at the eaaalss Jnae eicla.ap-i--

'FOR CITY iTIARSHAE.WB are anthorlird and reaernted ta aasaooe WM.

UtfBBRWOOD aa a casdMate f.r to the officeor CHy Marshal, at the rainier Jcra tledlsn.

aH-t- e

FOR CITY 31 AUS HAL.WE are aatbertxed to atmoasea FRANC JSTSD a

caoaaJatefsTtteoaecat OHy Marshal at aha easatBgJnae eteetlaa. mrSS-t- e

FOR CITY M inSJIAE.WE are antherlcd aad reinestrd ta aBaoaac S. A.MOORE as a for tttyManbal at tee rare?Jaa eirctloa. mrSS-te-o

FOIt TyHARF.nASTER.WB are aatbcrlx aad rraoetd to aaaace TOSI S

WnLPE, as a roawVtato f r tbe ofac of Warfri-,- th tasBtac Jag etrctioa. apll-t- a

FOR CAPTAIN OF DAY FOL.ICB.WB are aBihortsed to aBaaaaoe 8. M. THOMAS a a

caadWaia tor the office cf Captain of tbo Dar Pettc attbe eotalru Jnae eieCtos. apry-te- e,


1,000 A. Year.,1,00s A THAR. ,V aad cosaty la leeeaM!!'! I5A- - 3l11" to ta respectable aal

Si rtS "T.. b,lwI P wbtch the abowA TEAR, profits m.y be carUaaiy rraoaed. "it

31.000 A T5 R tx aa srtlcle of UBrroaiitoa.a4SI.000 X TKAB. eaa h , manafaetarrd ta tho srrns41,0 A TKS.R. dwernet;; aocarrdhy coayrtihCi stroSI.SO0 A TEAR as permaaeat at Sobt. AddressSl.OtO A TBAR. JAMBS T. HORNE. Box N SHSl.See A TBA8. k.w Te-- Poet Qbsi.ii. Inniilnr ono$l,e00 A TBAR. atoms) to prepay pjotax.


ICE CREAM SALOOH.1. U. Wtlnrich & Uro.,

op thri- - rVrBt saieoaaWILL for the rrcepttonof saute, whoon loTomosur am o an I a.rcrsc. rf thed

hod. tr Cream, Pratt. .aZall r oaeetberir We Shalt be ladtieeo Tadatertaw ear oedcaobsaier aad :a samite In xiauat.

P. H RBINHICa ft. BBO..apHWf X Mata Street.

iliCCa 'HAVtKft wtthrawB, by amtaal anil, from thWlktasra, Paihaat a. Co., wantH tor ahtMwfl-- or Par am. Pk-t- t av Ward a roottsoancoorUt on2teao aad sotnaas or oar frlesa.


The nrxterslreed. rseosa'oea or Walk bsob. Psrham a.Co". .1 trl,f rrh-B- i, PsckeHet.o.m. HiBr Baa Oeatao Fwoai, and tmBto'ma haS.Beja at the old T ey o.i a eontraaaar of thepatranasa r the former area a-- d imh tt(, ytihem wltn their battBet. wm 8. PASHtM.


Fcalhcr Tnstcrs,FROM Steel av Co., knowa Ubetliebeotiatheamstedat tapg iMflBAHAX fk LBM-- .

Books! Books!LITB ta th Oearlncs, by Krr. Moodtlt

PB trims, awij the tmpresemta taTrar 1, and the newest method or feecaist ttiafille tlal Ctty, by Woods:

The Jew of Vernora. as htslorlcal tale of the H4anReroiaetea. ISIS--

The rWeoad MartUtS or a Dinrhter'J Trtata. brBardeu.Hertha, by Tredrika Bremer;Amertcaaa ia Japan, by Parry.

Ih aSore for sal byW. R. STRANGE & CO;,

aplS SIS Mla street, ncdertMM Halt.


acts ABn."Tto tis cAdrratad. at" Coram siii;;.-- j Siztt," "att Tard. 'Btl5!tJ J. jr. WOOOWSX). ,

1 i