the seven wonders of the ancient world

The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World Over the time, people forget about their origins but this is part of who we are today. It’s important that each person knows and acknowledges with self-love that wealth. The architecture, in special, has been a form of expression and it’s a very important factor when we talk about history, too. This article aims to show the seven wonders of the ancient world, there were: the Great Pyramid at Giza in Egypt, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Statue of Zeus at Olympia in Greece, the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, the Colossus of Rhodes and the Lighthouse at Alexandria in Egypt. Furthermore, this text wants people to remember their own history. The Great Pyramid at Giza in Egypt It was built around 2570 BC, for Khufu, the pharaoh, located in Giza. The Great Pyramid of Giza is the oldest of the 7 wonders of the ancient world, and it was built by architect Hemiuno. It is a monumental funeral home meant to be eternal repose of the dead. This wonder is also part of the "Seven Wonders of the World" When originally the only wonder of the ancient world that exists today. This wonder is a clear example of Egyptian architecture, characterized by the massive and geometric shapes. It also shows the hierarchical society in which Egyptian pharaoh, is above people. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon It was built between 605 B.C. and 562 B.C. in the city of Babylon. These gardens were great and beautiful buildings, it was built next to the palace of King Nebuchadnezzar II, and the Euphrates River, but people couldn’t enter the gardens. This wonder was until 126 BC, when the city was completely destroyed by the Parthians, also due to the decline of Babylon, so the gardens gradually fell into oblivion. To date, there aren’t archaeological evidence has been found in Babylon by the Hanging Gardens. Even, people doubt their real existence, Myth or story is a truly fascinating work of architecture.

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Page 1: The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World

The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World

Over the time, people forget about their origins but this is part of who we are today. It’s important that each person knows and acknowledges with self-love that wealth. The architecture, in special, has been a form of expression and it’s a very important factor when we talk about history, too. This article aims to show the seven wonders of the ancient world,there were: the Great Pyramid at Giza in Egypt, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Statue of Zeus at Olympia in Greece, the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, the Colossus of Rhodes and the Lighthouse at Alexandria in Egypt. Furthermore, this text wants people to remember their own history.

The Great Pyramid at Giza in Egypt

It was built around 2570 BC, for Khufu, the pharaoh, located in Giza. The Great Pyramid ofGiza is the oldest of the 7 wonders of the ancient world, and it was built by architect Hemiuno. It is a monumental funeral home meant to be eternal repose of the dead. This wonder is also part of the "Seven Wonders of the World" When originally the only wonder of the ancient world that exists today. This wonder is a clear example of Egyptian architecture, characterized by the massive and geometric shapes. It also shows the hierarchical society in which Egyptian pharaoh, is above people.

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon

It was built between 605 B.C. and 562 B.C. in the city of Babylon. These gardens were great and beautiful buildings, it was built next to the palace of King Nebuchadnezzar II, andthe Euphrates River, but people couldn’t enter the gardens. This wonder was until 126 BC, when the city was completely destroyed by the Parthians, also due to the decline of Babylon, so the gardens gradually fell into oblivion. To date, there aren’t archaeological evidence has been found in Babylon by the Hanging Gardens. Even, people doubt their realexistence, Myth or story is a truly fascinating work of architecture.

Page 2: The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World

The Statue of Zeus at Olympia in Greece

It was built in 430 BC; the statue of Zeus at Olympia was a statue of the most famous of all the gods, Zeus. It was carved with ivory; gold plated, decorated and made up of precious stones, this work was performed by a classical sculptor, Phidias. The statue was about 12 meters high, it showed Zeus sitting. The Statue of Zeus lasted between 393 and 426, but in 393, the statues were banned and in 426 someone ordered to destroy the monuments of Olympia. This statue represents the classic sculptural, design and engineering was required to build such a huge part of marble and gold.

The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus

It was built in 550 B.C. The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus was a wonderful huge temple, built in honor of Queen Artemis in Ephesus. It was built while 120 years by King Croesus of Lidiad. This temple was made up of many buildings. The wonder was maintained until 356 B.C. when it was burned intentionally. The remains of the temple were used in the construction of later buildings, during excavations several artifacts were found, and they arenow in the British Museum in London, a grand temple of religious and architectural significance.

Page 3: The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World

The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus

It was built in 350 B.C. The Mausoleum of Halicarnassus was an impressive tomb made with white marble, it was about 50 meters high and it had 444 statues, in addition to this construction were called the best architects, sculptors and artists of the time. This marvel was built in honor of Mausoleum, the King, and it directed by his wife Artemis. The Mausoleum of Halicarnassus resisted the attacks of Alejandro Magno, Arabs and the barbarians, but to bring it down a term earthquake in the year 1404 .Thanks to this incredible work, today, the funerary monuments are known as “Mausoleum " after the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus. The beauty of the mausoleum not only in the structure, also in the decorations and statues that adorned the outside at different levels on the podium and the roof: statues of people, lions, horses and other animals. The mausoleum has a special place in history, as it was not dedicated to the gods of ancient Greece. On the site of the mausoleum, there are now foundations, and a small museum.

The Colossus of Rhodes

It was built in 392 BC, a huge statue was sculpted for the god Helios (Greek god of the sun), and this statue was about 32 meters high. The Great Colossus of Rhodes remained standing on the entrance of the port, and people could pass under his legs. This only was until 223 BC, when an earthquake demolished the Colossus, which no one tried to rebuild again. It was certainly one of the most formidable statues of ancient history and one of the least appreciated.

Page 4: The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World

The Lighthouse at Alexandria in Egypt

It was built between the years 285 and 247 B.C. It was located on the island of Pharos, Alexandria. It was built to guide ships sailing to the port city of Pharos, since this monument and other buildings made for the same purpose are called “Lighthouse ". This building was one of the largest man-made in many centuries. The Lighthouse of Alexandriawas until 1323, when an earthquake reduced it to ruins. So it remained abandoned for a century until the Mamluk sultan, Quaitbay, he decided to fortify the defense of Alexandria for which built a fortress on the ruins of Faro itself, using the fallen stone and white marble that was covered.

To sum up, the seven wonders of the ancient world inspire us pride of our human species. The ancient architecture reveals secrets and ancient life forms. I hope you enjoyed every wonder like me and don’t forget that is our history and who we are now.