the smilingone foundation newsletter septoct 2013

Turquois The SmilingOne Foundation MONTHLY NEWSLETTER September/October 2013

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Post on 24-Dec-2014




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I feel deeply grateful to be adding my puzzle piece to our first edition in a new season. It is not just a shift from winter to spring – but also a shift in our newsletter production team. I welcome Franklin Esau who has moved into the driver-, designer- and editor seat of our SmilingOne Foundation Newsletter. I am deeply inspired and know that we are all up for a very special treat! Seasons and shifts inspire me! I am learning so much of this in nature – I am reminded to let processes shape naturally. ‘Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished’. It allows me to look at my own ‘hurry’ and review the areas in which I take control. Am I locked in one lane of my experience? Or do I operate from a full spectrum, where I am mindful and aware of both a balance of ‘making it happen’ and ‘letting it happen’, and to always allow more angles. We have experienced a long and meaningful winter and attended to ourselves and the arenas that were calling for our attention. How easy it is not to and wish for the winter to come to an end. However – only in diving deeeep within can we reach further out and make a real difference. It always begins within! The September Rain has been like a great deep cleanse. It has prepared us for blossoming in Spring. I invite you to take the step with us into an exciting new season. Thank you for your always loving support of our SmilingOne Foundation. In Gratitude Karina


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Turquois The SmilingOne Foundation MONTHLY NEWSLETTER

September/October 2013

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Our Values

LOVE In our experience of Love we find ourselves in a place of unconditional sharing, holding no judgment or expectation. As we embrace Love within, we embrace Love in ALL.

LEARNING We enjoy the process of learning. We are Students and Explorers of life, widening our horizon and adding to our portfolio.

ADDING VALUE We enjoy adding value to individuals and whole communities. Adding value to the human potential is a privilege and assists the process of building bridges, breaking down the most resistant walls.

ONENESS We believe in UNIQUENESS and UNITY. ‘It is about understanding oneself and the role one plays in the bigger ‘puzzle of life’ - the greater purpose. On one hand being tiny compared to the whole – teaching us humbleness – and on the other being highly valuable as each piece of the puzzle is of inestimable value to the wholeness – teaching us worthiness.’

INTEGRITY We enjoy working with our clients and each other openly, honestly and sincerely. We walk the talk and deliver what we promise.

OUR ENVIRONMENT We care deeply for our environment and inspire change by our own living example

“As we nurture the world

we naturally nurture our soul; when we nurture our soul

we naturally seek to nurture the world!”

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Letter from the CEO



Robin and Howard “An America visit”


SA Prisons – Heldestroom

Nyanga Development Program

Guiding the Youth


Released in Change






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Letter from Franklin’s desk

The purpose of rain is such a delecate issue that you can draw your own conclusion on its

meaning. The flowers think of it as a nourishment. While the pilot, feels it could mean a delayed

in a scheduled flight. Whatever your reason for the drops of heaven, you cannot say that you

anticipated winter in a whole different way; snow on Table Mountain; floods in informal

settlements; Etc.

What had me also intrigued, was the way the winter symptomps just flowed into spring. Which

gave us lovely showers, that was followed by rainbow. Adding pretty colours to the summer

rain. Flowing into a new season. Where sun and rain danced together to give us a special spark

to the drops that lay upon the leaves. Bringing a fresh taste to the air before the sun rises. Drip

by drip we watch a new season settling into the depths of our hearts. We put warm jackets at

the back of the cupboard. And the beach is an outing now.

As such, do I welcome our new monthly newsletter – not only to keep you updated as

SmilingOne’s proud family and friends – also to welcome a new season into the heart of the

foundation, where you live.

You will meet our CEO’s letter to hug you with care on our processes. You will have the

pleasure of meeting our visitors all the way from San Francisco; follow our Change Agent’s

projects; see the release of change with our prison process’ development, get an inside scoop

of the ‘Circle Of Change’ and lastly but not least, watch the kids in Nyanga expanding their


This is the first drop (edition). I gladly invite you to enjoy the September/October issue of

Turquois, the SmilingOne Foundation’s monthly newsletter.

Love Franklin

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Letter from the CEO I feel deeply grateful to be adding my puzzle piece to our first edition in a new season. It is not just a shift from winter to spring – but also a shift in our newsletter production team. I welcome Franklin Esau who has moved into the driver-, designer- and editor seat of our SmilingOne Foundation Newsletter. I am deeply inspired and know that we are all up for a very special treat!

Seasons and shifts inspire me! I am learning so much of this in nature – I am reminded to let processes shape naturally. ‘Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished’. It allows me to look at my own ‘hurry’ and review the areas in which I take control. Am I locked in one lane of my experience? Or do I operate from a full spectrum, where I am mindful and aware of both a balance of ‘making it happen’ and ‘letting it happen’, and to always allow more angles.

We have experienced a long and meaningful winter and attended to ourselves and the arenas that were calling for our attention. How easy it is not to and wish for the winter to come to an end. However – only in diving deeeep within can we reach further out and make a real difference. It always begins within! The September Rain has been like a great deep cleanse. It has prepared us for blossoming in Spring.

I invite you to take the step with us into an exciting new season. Thank you for your always loving support of our SmilingOne Foundation.

In Gratitude






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TOGETHER IS BETTER! We establish and nurture relationships with existing and new

partners in community building. We all own a share in the shaping of a healthy society!

Sponsors 2013/14

Sponsors monthly:

GM Childlife Foundation - RUC - Dave Thorpe - Aslam Bava - David Watson

Sporadic sponsors

Karen Sorbo & Francelino Zau - Shawn McGee – Koos & Ilse van Niekerk - Howard & Robin - Louw van

Eeden - Cathy Carstens - Sue Gillespie - Sally Saunders - Chiara de Siena - Peter Gilder - Leigh-Ann


Lotsa Love








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Robin and Howard “An American visit”

We visited the SmilingOne with the intention of meeting the team and experiencing their process of helping people, particular incarcerated young adults. Transforming themselves to become the owners of their life, taking responsibility for who they are and the lives they lead.

Our visit surpassed our expectations and left us inspired with the possibilities of how much people can transform when they commit themselves to the Responsible Individual process.





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Before coming and meeting everyone, we had no idea of the power of this model. Having the opportunity to go inside Malmesbury prison and meet so many wonderful members and graduates of the program moved us in a way we could not have imagined.

We hope that we can find tangible ways to actively connect our Each One Reach One family in America with our SmilingOne family in South Africa.

Special thanx to Karina, Bridgitte, Andrew, Franklin, Chris, Malcolm and all the wonderful people we met on our visit who made our trip to South Africa such a special gift we will never forget. With deep respect and love to all.

Robin and Howard

SmilingOne Family Circle of Sharing with our new US Friends Robin & Howard - we

love building bridges - open to possibility ♥ Thank you so much for your visit and for

adding your beautiful puzzle pieces ♥





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A window to our Helderstroom Prison Process We are experiencing the first ripple effects in the program. Four new offenders have joined the program this quarter, invited by our fellow inmates, who joined the program earlier this year. It is an experience where participants find a trusted place for authentic sharing, a place of taking off their masks and revealing more of themselves to themselves – an incredible process!

I would like to introduce you to both Denzil and Igshaan, who have taking the journey of self discovery to a whole new dimension by practicing their tools consciously – this is a window from each of them:


When I came to prison I was ‘short sighted’. Only living for today in prison and got myself in gangs. I have realized I won’t gain from walking that path, always doing things to please others. As an 18 year old, I got sentenced 16 years. All the lanes on my highway was there but I did not notice – I was stuck in one lane!

I have learnt there is not just one way to do things. Attending this class has made me see the other angles – and there is still more. I have made some amazing new deposits on my ‘bank/experience account’.





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I started my journey with this class in December last year. There were many things I thought I knew…I’ve realized there’s so much more to it. This journey is taking me beyond. Also after being in Goodwood Prison for some weeks – how important it is to attend class – it is there to uplift me, encourage me, help me achieve and change.

I look at things/behavior that I have lived from for years – behaviours that made me fall into traps. I have forgotten where all that came from. When you take your time in this class, you begin to meet your answers. You begin to understand. Being in this class is the best decision I’ve ever made.

Both Denzil and Igshaan are discovering that it is when we care enough to pass on our learning, that we recognize what we have truly achieved – not just talking it but beginning to WALK this journey! They are both wonderful testimonies of our first efforts in Helderstroom Prison. They are beginning to activate more pillars in their Circle Of Change (C.O.C)

Circle Of Change (C.O.C)

The Sharing Practice (Pillar 1) The Responsible Individual (T.R.I) sessions

The Caring Practice (Pillar 2) Role Model – paying it forward

The ‘I am a Resource Practice (Pillar 3) Happens naturally within the first two years of the program. Discovering your potential.

The Helderstroom Prison Process is kindly sponsored by Y. Davids

Together is always better!

Activated C.O.C’s in Prisons:

Helderstroom Prison Malmesbury Prison Worscester Prison





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Nyanga Development Program by Chris Plam I am so grateful to be part of the Nyanga process that has shaped into a remarkable programme. The month of September allowed us an opportunity to gently find a rhythm in our The Responsible Individual (T.R.I) sessions. The Ivy Nyovane staff started to take ownership of their journey and displayed commitment in the process. I feel so excited!

[Our involvement with Ivy Nyovane Creche has inspired Mama Esther to start a Take Aways]

We are still enjoying sterling support from Shoprite in Phillipi. Their support continues to inspire us in shaping the future of Nyanga and its surroundings. The children of Ivy Nyovane Creche always recieves their food timeously from Shoprite and that motivates the staff to cook delicious and nutritious meals. The Saturdays youth workshops started to gain

momentum. These workshops attracted large number of kids, who participate with joy in those educational programme. This led to our adult session being strong and more exciting. Our youth community builders have started with part 2 of The Responsible Individual (T.R.I), giving me the opportunity to guide and be guided by this interesting part of the T.R.I. sessions. Our involvement with Ivy Nyovane Creche has inspired Mama Esther to start a Take Aways – Mama Esther’s Take Aways. She will be selling vetkoek, hot-chips, russians, etc. This shows the spirit of entrepreneurship is the way to go. The Department of Social Services has indicated their interest on funding the Ivy Nyovane Creche…

Chris keeping in touch…





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Guiding the Youth by Franklin A series of responsibilities ranging from the gentle voice of shaping a sound to the silent touch of inspiration. That’s what I thought it was going to be, guiding the souls of a grade 7 class.

[Well you get a chance to not make the same mistakes I did. By ending up in prison or in a life that derails you from your dreams and goals] On the average I must say that the skill of leaving room for the unexpected got me through most of my time. And when I say ‘through’, I don’t mean that in the tiring way of a nanny who bite of more than she could chew, with a child who figures he got ADD. But more to an extend of – it is done. ‘The seed is planted’. And seeing ourselves build a tangible relationship, that will make me remember each child by his or her character, words and actions. Our first couple of months, we had tremendous fun. As the pages of colour and difference painted the pictures of our task at hand. What was our task? Well that I assume after making it clear to them what my task is, having it made our task now. Nope! It does not work that way Sir. One of the kids oppose. What do we get out of it? I was so not prepared for the question, so I answered it in my own experience. “Well you get a chance to not make the same mistakes I did. By ending up in prison or in a life that derails you from your dreams and goals”. Nah! How about Sir brings us food and have party every now and then. Was the response. How was I going to top that. Because I have no idea how to top that…yet I feel that I should’ve came in with a bargaining chip. We had our session that day and I never wrote about my encounter with the ‘bargain chip boy’. But as I decided to share with you my experience in guiding the youth, I realized that there is this moment that we think is not important. But for a boy like ‘bargain chip’ it meant the world to bargain and to get deals. The way he live his life as a 13 year old was to bargain for what he wanted. Strange! He’s only 13 years of age. When I asked him about his household and family, it was a sad story. A story many of the kids in the Uitsig community share. No father figure, with brothers and sisters that’s in prison if not abusing drugs and alcohol. I’m proud of ‘bargain chip boy’ of the skill he has obtained. He can be a lawyer, negotiator, translator or even a manager that requires that skill. It is through the way we use our skills that will determine do we open up doors for ourselves, or do we close them. Because along with a beautiful skill like that comes a great responsibility, I shared with him - not forgetting that my own inner 13 year old wishes someone had told me that. And I sincerely wish he would find the guidance that will lead him to his dreams. The following months I saw ‘bargain chip boy’ obey the rule of no hats in the class, which he only did by reminder from the teachers. This time he did it without anyone telling him. I asked him why did he decide to obey that rule when in session. He replied that “Sir is cool, not like the others who just want to tell me what to do. The seed is planted. My wish is that the seed would be nurtured into richness, cultivating inspiration.





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Released in Change – Malcolm Booysen

A beautiful Saturday morning as the waves makes sounds, echoing the peacefulness of Muizenberg. Clouds gives you only a touch of sunrays before hiding the light by gentle showers every couple of minutes. Its like we dancing to natures tune. Beautiful indeed. I sit by the window awaiting his presence, as I know him for his high energy that he projects through his sharing. He has no idea that I would like to interview him. He walks through the door and his smile makes my cheeks warm automatically – a handshake and a hug follows. I feel truly warmth in his greetings. So we proceed into small conversation, as he shares that he is a month now outside. While we both agree that the time factor is a major role in our lives, for we realize the value of time.

[But it was indeed good preparation.] After our lovely open sharing about our experiences so far on the outside world from prison, I make a joke about how that sharing we just did is off the record. Cracking himself up…asking me not to give it to the newspaper. As I request that I want to interview him, calming myself down, explain that it is just a couple of questions, to feature him in our newsletter.





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The Interview FE: So how was it when you exit the gates from prison? MB: For me it was a feeling of numbness. It was like nothing. But my first experience was when I exit the DCS vehicle. I didn’t have cuffs or shackles on. There was no weight of rules on me. It was no longer I can’t do this and that. I just got out the vehicle and watched the people and cars, walking and riding. That feeling alone showed me I’m free. The warden just walked, he didn’t say anything besides where the entrance is. And I expected him to tell me what to do…he said nothing. When we entered the community corrections office, the warden just talked for a couple of minutes to another warden and said goodbye to me. I sat there in the waiting room, no one said anything. Don’t they know I have a 15 years sentence, I can walk out now. Don’t anybody care that I can run out? It was a feeling of…yoh…freedom!

[I can give myself a pad on the back – “I did it ‘!]

FE: What was your plans you had for yourself as the days came nearer for your release? MB: For me it was such a lot of things. I wanted to eat braai, wake up with my family and just open the fridge in the morning. There were such a load of things flowing through my mind. But the time I got released, all of that disappeared. The importance was that I’m released. FE: Would you say The Responsible Individual (T.R.I)

was a good preparation for your release? MB: A very good preparation. Always when challenges occur in my life, there is always a bunch of questions I ask myself. And it something I learned from the program. Believing that at the end of the day it always reflects back to me. I no longer look at others for my challenges. I always look at myself in the mirror. “why do I feel that way”? And a many times I didn’t want to except that it was me. But it was indeed good preparation. For I always used to get angry. It is no longer like that. The question always returns to me – “why do I feel like this”? FE: So tell me what are your future plans? MB: Well I shared with a pastor my history - where I’m coming from and how I ended up in prison. Explaining to him that I would like to do a little T.R.I. coaching with the youth; to aid them in understanding themselves a little better and why certain stuff happens in their lives; to be a motivation to them. Cause I went to prison a teenager, I’m a adult today. This is my experiences, so that I can guide them. I explained to the pastor, that at the end of the day it is their own choice. Cause I’m not going to teach them - they are teaching themselves. And that is something major to me. So at the end of the day, I can give myself a pad on the back – “ I did it “! •Franklin Esau





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Ridwaan ‘on inspiration’ On inspiration with an amazing person Ridwaan Adams. Ridwaan coordinated our program in Brandvlei.Correctional Youth Centre. He also manages the only prison radio station in Africa, called Basic Radio.

On the inspiration that sparks from the SmilingOne involvement with Basic Radio, is that I’ve realized that my students at our radio station project, has multiple layers of themselves. When a person can discover each one of these layers about himself, he also discovers the potential he holds. What I’ve also seen is that when you are touched positively, you also touch and influence others positively, in a chain reaction.... So I hope that SmilingOne continue with their great work, continuing to inspire others to help and fill in those puzzle pieces.

The Responsible Individual

MOMENT OF SILENCE Challenges Symptoms of Challenges Mirror Wind Reactive Patterns The

Survivor Pleaser Victim

Balance Awareness Spectrum Trust Acceptance

Allowance Affirmation

Personal Balance Profile Understanding Identity Directions Values CHOICE the observer PURPOSE key

roles Mission Vision BODY MIND SOUL learning Relationships ENVIRONMENT social responsibility

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Firstly we would like to apologize deeply for the SmilingOne Cape Argus Pick n Pay Cycle Tour team. We did not get a spot at next years’ Tour but we got our sight set for 2015. As we cannot forget the beautiful journey we had in the 2013 tour.

In the beginning of the new year SmilingOne is hosting a fundraising event under the umbrella of a bazaar. The duration of the event will be from 10am – 5pm. We invite all NPO’s to bring your tent/cabana and raise awareness about your organization, and funds at the same time by selling goods that the community will enjoy. From fruit to clothes, to toys to accessories. Make yourself aware as a resource in the community. The date will be announce in our December Newsletter. In December the Ivy Nyovane Creche will be having a Christmas Party. We look forward to the launch to be held at the same time – celebrating with sponsors who made the renovations possible. Contact Franklin at 076 7015378 [email protected]/ Chris at 084 862 6578 [email protected]/ Karina at 083 235 6555 [email protected]








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Karina Chris Nicky Vivian

Andersen Plam Thorp Tatschke Founder



Chris Franklin Malcolm Alfred

Plam Esau Booysen Jacobs



Van Niekerk




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Collin Andrew Ricardo

Fabian Brian Winston Duwayne Simbongile

Thando Sibabalo

Bradley Brian Malixole

Lumkile Daniel Pikiso

Mzayifani Oscar Theo

Norman Lindela Xolani Sipho Maxwell Siyabulela

Vuyiswa Shawn Ivan Bukiwe Bulelwa

More D Maloh Cwaita Siya Mfesane Mama Esther

Franklin Chris Alfred Malcom




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It is with the loving support of many fellow community members such as yourself that we can truly succeed. Each one of us a valuable puzzle piece!

THE SMILING ONE FOUNDATION NPO: Registration 080-470 18A Tax CertificatesPBO: 930034417 Earn BBBEE Points Change Agents: Contact us: Chris Plam +27 (0)84 862 6578 Phone +27 (0)21 837 1741 Franklin Esau +27 (0)76 701 5378 Fax: +27 (0)86 617 5020 Malcolm Booysen +27 (0)84 777 9516 Email: [email protected] Alfred Jacobs +27 (0)79 743 2462 Board of Trustees: Contact: PO Box 31153 Karina Andersen Tokai 7966 Email: [email protected]

Cell: +27 (0)83 235 6555

DONATIONS Trust account: Email us for our PayPal details The SmilingOne Foundation First National Bank Tokai Branch 200409 Account 6225 925 3898 SWIFT: FIRNZAJJ