the winslow mail. (winslow, ariz.) 1926-05-28 [p page four]

ABSTRACTS & TITLES Navaj o-Apache Abstract and Title Co. Twenty-four Hours Service Abstract of Title, Certificates of Title, Title Insurance Holbrook Arizona ATTORNEYS Sweeney & La Prade ATTORNEYS AT LAW General Practice in all Courts telephone 48 Winslow, Arizona Charles D. McCauley ATTORNEY AT LAW Suite 10, Old Elks Building PHONE 434 Phil. A. Sawyer ATTORNEY AT LAW Holbrook and Winslow Winslow Office: 221% Kinsley Ave. Phone 124 CHIROPRACTOR R. VERNON PRICE Chiropractor Palmer Graduate Suite No. 6 Elks Builfling Phone 228 DENTISTS E. C. Gilpin, D. D. S. DENTIST X-Ray Laboratory Phone 183 Elks Bldg. FEED AND FUEL Cresswell Transfer Co, WOOD AND COAL HAY GRAIN PHONE 118 FURNITURE Standard Furniture Co. V. H. Driver M. L. Davis New and Used Household Furniture 110 W. First St. Phone 500 GROCERY The SUN GROCERY CO. 108 East First Street Phone 250 Groceries, Fresh Fruits, Vegetables and Dried Meats General Merchandise Dry (roods HOTELS Hotel Navajo 114 West First Street Phone 180 Steam heat, hot and cold water in every room Brandt Hotel Mrs. A. C. Rennix . Hot and Cold Running Water All Outside Rooms Corner Kinsley Ave. and Second St. Over Winslow Drug Phone 210 MODERN HOTEL MRS. C. C. MOYER Steam Heat, Hot and Cold Water Reasonable Rates Homelike, Modem Rooms 118 W. Third St Phone 708 HOTELS Winslow Hotel JAMES M. HICKEY, Prop. Cor. 2nd and Williamson “A Good Family Hotel” INDIAN CURIOS R. M. Bruchman Indian Trader Indian Rugs, Pottery and Curios Winslow, Arizona LUMBER Olds Bros. Lumber Co. Builders and Contractors Phone 43 300 Kinsley Avenue MUSICAL INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTIONS ON PIANO (One Hour Lesson) Pupils Home SI.OO Studio j $ .75 DOROTHY HALE 215 East Elm Street OSTEOPATH Dr. Harriet I. Johnson OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Treats Acute and Chronic Diseases Diseases of Women a Specialty Office 220 Kinsley Avenue PLUMBING & HEATING Winslow Plumbing & Heating Co. W. T. BUTLER, Prop. 115 Kinsley Avenue Office Phone 51 Home Phone 380 RECREATION FRANK RILEY Billiard Parlor —Lunch Counter “Quick Lunch That’s Quick” X. L. N. T. Tamales, Best on Eeartli Chili and Tamales to take home, containers furnished Good Coffee All The Time SECOND-HAND DEALER “The Place of a Thousand Parts” M. BERKOVITZ & CO. Dealers in I Hides, Sheep Pelts, Goat Skins, Wool and Furs; Second-hand Fur- niture and Clothing; Auto Wreck- ing, Scrap Iron, Metals and Junk of all kinds. PHONE 311 “We Buy and Sell Anything” TAILOR BILL^mHARA “Gloverized Cleaner Cleaning Pressing WATCH REPAIRING Winslow Jewelry Co. “Let your watch troubles be ours” Guaranteed Watch and Clock Repair 110 Kinsley Ave. Robt. A. Irwin, Prospector Os Tucson, Killed in Okla. TUCSON —Robert A. Irwin,, Ari- zona mining man, was killed in Clinton, Oklahoma, in an automo- bile accident, according to a wire from that city received this week by President Miles M. Carpenter, of the Tucson chamber of mines. Irwin was a member of that or- ganization. A membeship card in the local mines organization, found in Ir win’s pocket at the time of the ac- cident, which occurred on May 16, was the only means of identification available to the authorities of Clin- ton. A wire from a Clinton under- taker, who is holding Irwin’s body, informed Mr. Carpenter that no in- formation was available as to the relatives and personal affairs of the accident victim. “I have known Irwin for about a year,” stated Mr. Carpenter, “but unfortunately I am unable to give the information sought, as I know nothing of the man’s home address or relatives. He was a capable mining prospec- tor and once owned some gold claims north of Mohawke, Yuma county. Subsequently, he did some prospecting in the Sierrita moun- tains of the Arivaca district, and while in Tucson, lived at 101 East Pennington street. Irwin was a cripple and informed me that he has been employed both as a house- painter and restaurant cook in Tucson, during the intervals be- tween his prospecting trips.” Mexican Miner Loses Life In Oatman Shaft KINGMAN —Ramon Flores, en- gaged as trammer on the 50 ft level of the Ben Harrison mine of the Tom Reed company and under lease to Shank and Lynch, fell to his death through open waste raise last Wednesday morning, a week ago. Flores had just emptied his car of ore into the ore pocket on the 500 level and was returning to the chute for another load of ore. As he neared an open waste raise in offset from drift., he must have stumbled and being a very large and heavy man, forced his car to swing around, which threw Flores headlong against the wall over the open raise. He was knocked un- conscious and dropped through the raise onto the sloping muck where the contact with large boulders fractured his skull and broke his neck. SON OF ARIZONA HUMORIST WINS MEDAL IN CONTEST Two Men Hurt In Prescott Crash PRESCOTT —Two employes of the city water department, Frank Contreras and Joe Lewis, were cut and bruised but not seriously in- jured when an automobile in which they were returning from their work at the city dam at Lake Gold- water overturned near the dairy on the Banning Creek road, spilling both men into the brush. YUMA —Dick Wick Hall, young son of the late humorous writer of Salome, Arizona, won the gold medal in the recent contest in which all eighth grade pupils in the schools in the northern end of Yuma county competed. His grade was 80. The second medal winner was Lenzy Hoover, of the Parker valley school, with a grade of 79.5. The grading was very rigid and the examinations hard, according to Mrs. Anna Hansberger, Yuma county sxiperintendent of schools, who directed the examinations. She considers a grade of 80 a very good grade. For instance, if one figure was wrong in an example in arith- metic, the entire problem was marked zero. Lewis was the more painfully in- jured of the two, being cut and scratched about the head and arms. Contreras, who was able to con- tinue at. work this morning, suffer- ed only a few minor abrasions. Speeding on a rough road was given by city officials as the cause of the accident. Rushing Cantaloupe; Mildew Fight From Airplane Is Begun The papers were graded for neat- ness, punctuation and writing, be- sides for correct answers. Miss Victoria Lott is the teacher of the winning pupil, and Mames Dudley of the second-high pupil. The examinations were held in Parker school house. Mrs. Hans- berger reports the schools in fine shape up there, and most of the teachers will come back for next term. All Yuma county schools will close on Friday, May 28. YUMA —Reports here are of 300 cars of cantaloupe loading in Im- perial valley to be handled througn Yuma. Total of 2509 cars had been passed through so far for the sea- son. Mildew spraying from airplane started in Imperial valley. The plague has gained alarmingly, hut it is believed will now be halted. Some small occurrence has recent- ly been noted in Yuma lately. It is being promptly fought where- ever found with successful sprays. Kingman: Red Crown mine tak- en over by eastern interests. In- tensive development compaign un- der way. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Importance of Power Generation At San Carlos Dam Urged FLORENCE—In the last para- graph of the report of the hoard of consulting engineers appointed by the secretary of the interior to investigate and report on the type of dam to be constructed as San Carlos, Mr. Wiley and Major Gen- eral Langfitt, particular reference was made to the advisability of generating power at the dam site. The report calls special attention to the fact that the construction of the dam and its use as a storage reservoir for irrigation will permit the generation of useful electrical power which will find an establish- ed market at profitable rates. It recommends that the necessary me- chanical appliances and machinery for this purpose be installed as part of the construction, also pointing out that the additional cost will not he great and the sale of power will relieve materially the operation and maintenance charges to the water users. States Join In Plan To Fight Cattle Disease TOMBSTONE —Under an agree- ment reached at a meeting of the livestock sanitary officers of Ari- zona, New Mexico and Texas cat- tle may be shipped from any one of the three states into the others upon a certificate of health inspec- tion by the proper inspection offi- cials showing the animals to be free from disease, it was announc- ed last week by Harry J. Saxon, chairman of the Arizona livestock sanitary board, upon his return from the meeting. This meeting was held to discuss the problems of the three states, particularly the eradication and control of cattle scabies. All three states, it developed at the meet- ing, are working hard to eradicate the disease, and are dipping their cattle according to government reg- ulations. Through the work of the three states, it is felt, according to Mr. Saxon, that cattle scabies may be eradicated from the south- west. Winslow Wash Rack Washing Simonizing Motor Cleaning Satisfaction Guaranteed ; PEARSON & BOYER: West Second Street j Opposite Santa Fe I Ice Plant ; THE WINSLOW MAIL Douglas Officials Expecting Big Vote In Monday Election DOUGLAS—City officials expect a big vote Monday in the city elec- tion for mayor and members of the council. About 2,000 voters are reg- istered. Mayor A. E. Hinton will be opposed by C. B. Fleming, the former running on the Democratic ticket and the latter non-partisan. I Renew Your Health By Purification Any physician will tell you that “Perfect Purification of the Sys- tem is Nature’s Foundation of Perfect Health.” Why not rid yourself of chronic ailments that are undermining your vitality? Purify your entire system by tak- ing a thorough course of Calotabs, —once or twice a week for several weeks—and see how Nature re- wards you with health. Calotabs are the greatest of all system purifiers. Get a family package with full directions. On- ly 35 cts. at drugstores. (Adv). LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS NOTICE OF HEARING In the Superior Court of the State of Arizona, in and for the County of Navajo. In the Matter of the Liquidation of the Bank of Winslow, Winslow, Arizona, having branch offices at Holbrook, Arizona, and St. Johns, Arizona. Notice is hereby given that A. T. Hammons, superintendent of banks of the State of Arizona, and ex- officio receiver and in charge of the Bank of Winslow, an insolvent banking corporation, has filed here- in a petition praying for an order to sell the following described real property of said insolvent banking corporation, to-wit: Lots Five (5), Six (6), Seven (7), and Eight (8), in Block Forty-nine (49) of Atlantic and Pacific Addition to- the town- site of Winslow, Navajo Coun- ty, Arizona, including all im- provements thereon; and that the court has ordered that said petition be heard before this court on Saturday, the 12th day of June, 1926, at the hour of 10 o’clock in the forenoon in the court room of the court house at Holbrook, Navajo County, Arizona, and that said hearing will be held at the time and place aforesaid, at which time and place any and all persons may be heard with refer- ence thereto. Witness my hand and the seal of this court this 17th day of May, 1926. LLOYD C. HENNING, (Seal) Clerk. By ROBERTA W. TANDY, Deputy Clerk. May-21-28-June-4-11 ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION STATE OF ARIZONA ARIZONA CORPORATION COMMISSION Office of the Secretary To All To Whom These Presents Shall Come, Greeting: I, F. J. K. Mcßride, Secretary of the Arizona Corporation Commis- sion, d& hereby certify that tfie an- nexed is a true and complete tran script of the ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION of BROOKS MOTORS INCOPORATED which were filed in the office of said Arizona Corporation Commis- sion on the 30th day of March, A. D., 1926, at 2:00 o’clock p. m., as provided by law. In Witness Whereof, I have here- unto set my hand and affixed the Official Seal of the Arizona Cor- poration Commission, at the Capi- tol, in the City of Phoenix, this 30th day of March, A. D., 1926. F. J. K. McBRIDE, (SEAL) Secretary. By C. F. KING, Assistant Secretary. ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION Know All Men By These Pres- ents: That we, the undersigned, have this day associated ourselves together for the purpose of form- ing a corporation under and pur- suant to the Laws of the State of Arizona, and for that purpose do hereby adopt Articles of Incorpor- ation as follows: ARTICLE I. That the name of this corpora- tion shall be Brooks Motors Incor- porated. ARTICLE 11. The principal place of business of this corporation within the State of Arizona, shall be at Winslow, Navajo County, and the principal place of transacting business out- side of Arizona' shall be at such place or places as the Board of Directors may determine, where meetings of Directors may be held, and all business transacted. A TTCT TTT ARTICLE 111 The general nature of the busi- ness proposed to be transacted is as follows: To buy, sell, and deal in, both wholesale and retail or as jobbers, automobiles, sundries and accessories, and any and all arti- cles or things manufactured for or in connection with the automotive industry in general, and to do any ; and all things consistent with a general garage business; to buy, ; sell or own, hypothecate and in- cumber any of the said property owned in connection with the above j business, and to buy, own and sell \ real estate, either for the use of the business above mentioned, or ; for any other use or purpose; to j borrow money and to issue bonds, j notes or debentures and other evi- | dence of indebtedness, and to se- ; cure the payment of the same by mortgage, deed of trust, or other- wise; to lease real estate and to sub-let the same, and in general, to do and perform such acts and things and transact such business LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS in connection with the foregoing objects and purposes not inconsist- ent with law in any part of the world as the Board of Directors may deem to the advantage of the corporation. ARTICLE IV. The amount of capital stock of this corporation shall be Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000), divid- ed into Ten Thousand (10,000) shares of the par value of One Dollar ($1.00) each. At such times as the Board of Directors may by resolution direct, said capital stock shall be paid into this corporation, either in cash or by the sale and transfer to it of personal or other real property, contracts, services, or any other valuable right or thing for the use and purposes of said corporation, in payment for which, shares of the capital stock of said corporation may be issued, and the capital stock so issued shall thereupon and thereby be- come and be fully paid up, and non-assessable forever, and in the absence of actual fraud in the transaction, the judgment of the Directors as to the value of the property purchased shall be con- clusive. ARTICLE V. The time of the commencement of this corporation shall be the date of the issuance to it of a Certifi- cate of Incorporation by the Ari- zona Corporation Commission, and the termination thereof shall be Twenty-Five (25) years thereafter, with the privilege of perpetual suc- cession as provided by law. ARTICLE VI. The affairs of this corporation shall be conducted by a Board of Directors and such officers as the Directors may elect or appoint, and the following shall constitute the Board of Directors until their suc- cessors shall have been elected and qualified: » P. H. Brooks, L. V. Brooks, and G. T. Stevens. Thereafter, the Board of Direc- tors shall be elected from among the stockholders at the annual stockholders meeting to be held on the first Monday in January of each year. The names of the officers who shall have charge of the cor- porate affairs until the first meet- ing of the Board of Directors, are: P. H. Brooks, President; G. T. Stevens, First Vice-President; L. V. Brooks, Secretary-Treasurer. ARTICLE VII. The Board of Directors shall have power to adopt and amend By-Laws for the government of the corporation, and to fill vacancies occurring in the Board from any cause, and to do such other things and exercise such powers as shall be consistent with law, and provid- ed for in the By-Laws of said cor- poration from time to time. ARTICLE VIII. The highest amount of indebted- ness or liability, direct of conting- ent, to which this corporation shall be subject at any one time, shall be Six Thousand Six Hundred Dol- lars, ($6,600.00). ARTICLE IX The private property of the stockholders and officers of this corporation shall be exempt from all corporate debts of any kind whatsoever. ARTICLE X The names, residences and post- office addresses of the incorpora- tors are: P. H. Brooks, residence, Winslow, Arizona, Postoffice Address, Wins- low, Arizona. L. V. Brooks, residence, Winslow, Arizona, Postoffice Address, Wins- ow, Arizona. G. T. Stevens, residence, Wins- LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS low, Arizona, Postoffice Adhress, Winslow, Arizona. ARTICLE XI. This corporation does hereby ap- point W. E. Ferguson, of Holbrook, Arizona, who has been a bona fide resident of Arizona for at least three years, its lawful agent in and for the State of Arizona, for and in behalf of said company to accept and acknowledge service of. and upon whom may be served all necessary process or processes in any action, suit or proceeding that may be had or brought against the said company in any of the courts in said State of Arizona, such ser- vice of process or notice, or the acceptance thereof by said agent endorsed thereon, to have the same force and effect as if served upon the President and Secretary of said company. In Witness Whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and seals this 29th day of March, A. D., 1926. P. H. BROOKS (Seal) G. T. STEVENS (Seal) LUCILE V. BROOKS (Seal) STATE OF ARIZONA, ) ) ss COUNTY OF NAVAJO. ) Before me, W. E. Ferguson, a Notary Public, in and for the Coun- ty of Navajo, State of Arizona, on this day personally appeared P. H. Brooks, L. V. Brooks, and G. T. Stevens, known to me to be the persons whose names are subscrib- ed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that they exe- cuted the same for the purposes and consideration therein express- ed. Given under my hand and seal of office this 29th day of March, A. D., 1926. (Seal) W. E. FERGUSON, Notary Public. My commission expires July 6, 1929. Arizona Corporation Commission Incorporating Department. Filed March 30, 1926, at 2:00 p. m., at request of W. E. Ferguson, whose address is Holbrook, Arizona. (Seal) F. J. K. McBRIDE, Secretary. By PEARL JONES. No. 494 Filed and recorded at the request of W. E. Ferguson, March 31, 192R, at 1:50 p. m., and duly recorded in Vol. 3, of Articles of Incorpora- tions, page 6,7, 8 and 9, records of Navajo County, Arizona. LUCRETIA W. FLANIGAN, (Seal) Recorder. Star 4 Facts will win you! STRAIGHT, strong facts cannot be put aside! Refined Star Four is the ring master of values among low-cost cars. Just match these features, and you’ll have to go far above Star’s price class: —Million Dollar Motor. —Full Balloon Tires. —Easy Disc Traffic —Nickel-Silver Radiator Clutch. Shell. —Durable Lacquer —Hayes Wheels (Artil* Finish. lerytype!) Star 0 Car_ “TOMORROWS CAR TODAY** Meteor Motor Co. R. E. WHITLOW I Board of Equalization Notice of Meeting of Notice is hereby given that the assessment rolls for the year 1926 have been filed in this office and the same are open for inspection. It is urged upon all taxpayers to come in and examine their assessments in order that an equitable adjustment may be made on all classes of property. Further notice is given that the County Board of Equalization will sit the first ten days in June of 1926 to consider such matters as may legally come before them. Dated this the 20th day of May, 1926. WALLACE ELLSWORTH, Clerk, Board of Supervisors. FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1926 PAGE FOUR

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Page 1: The Winslow mail. (Winslow, Ariz.) 1926-05-28 [p PAGE FOUR]


Navaj o-Apache

Abstract and Title Co.Twenty-four Hours Service

Abstract of Title, Certificates ofTitle, Title Insurance

Holbrook Arizona



General Practice in all Courts

telephone 48 Winslow, Arizona

Charles D. McCauleyATTORNEY AT LAW

Suite 10, Old Elks Building



Holbrook and WinslowWinslow Office:

221% Kinsley Ave. Phone 124


R. VERNON PRICEChiropractor

Palmer GraduateSuite No. 6 Elks Builfling

Phone 228


E. C. Gilpin, D. D. S.DENTIST

X-Ray LaboratoryPhone 183 Elks Bldg.


Cresswell Transfer Co,WOOD AND COAL



Standard Furniture Co.V. H. Driver M. L. Davis

New and Used HouseholdFurniture

110 W. First St. Phone 500


The SUN GROCERY CO.108 East First Street

Phone 250Groceries, Fresh Fruits, Vegetables

and Dried MeatsGeneral Merchandise Dry (roods


Hotel Navajo114 West First Street

Phone 180Steam heat, hot and cold water in

every room

Brandt HotelMrs. A. C. Rennix

. Hot and Cold Running WaterAll Outside Rooms

Corner Kinsley Ave. and Second St.Over Winslow Drug Phone 210


Steam Heat, Hot and Cold Water

Reasonable RatesHomelike, Modem Rooms

118 W. Third St Phone 708


Winslow HotelJAMES M. HICKEY, Prop.

Cor. 2nd and Williamson“A Good Family Hotel”


R. M. BruchmanIndian Trader

Indian Rugs, Potteryand Curios

Winslow, Arizona


Olds Bros. Lumber Co.Builders and Contractors

Phone 43300 Kinsley Avenue



PIANO(One Hour Lesson)

Pupils Home SI.OOStudio j $ .75

DOROTHY HALE215 East Elm Street



Treats Acute and Chronic DiseasesDiseases of Women a Specialty

Office 220 Kinsley Avenue


Winslow Plumbing &

Heating Co.W. T. BUTLER, Prop.

115 Kinsley Avenue

Office Phone 51 Home Phone 380


FRANK RILEYBilliard Parlor —Lunch

Counter“Quick Lunch That’s Quick”

X. L. N. T. Tamales, Best on EeartliChili and Tamales to take home,

containers furnishedGood Coffee All The Time


“The Place of a Thousand Parts”

M. BERKOVITZ & CO.Dealers in

I Hides, Sheep Pelts, Goat Skins,Wool and Furs; Second-hand Fur-niture and Clothing; Auto Wreck-ing, Scrap Iron, Metals and Junkof all kinds. PHONE 311

“We Buy and Sell Anything”


“BILL^mHARA“Gloverized Cleaner

Cleaning Pressing


Winslow Jewelry Co.“Let your watch troubles be ours”

Guaranteed Watch and ClockRepair

110 Kinsley Ave.

Robt. A. Irwin,ProspectorOs Tucson, Killed in Okla.

TUCSON —Robert A. Irwin,, Ari-

zona mining man, was killed inClinton, Oklahoma, in an automo-

bile accident, according to a wire

from that city received this weekby President Miles M. Carpenter,

of the Tucson chamber of mines.Irwin was a member of that or-ganization.

A membeship card in the localmines organization, found in Irwin’s pocket at the time of the ac-cident, which occurred on May 16,was the only means of identificationavailable to the authorities of Clin-

ton. A wire from a Clinton under-taker, who is holding Irwin’s body,

informed Mr. Carpenter that no in-

formation was available as to therelatives and personal affairs of theaccident victim. “I have knownIrwin for about a year,” stated Mr.Carpenter, “but unfortunately I amunable to give the informationsought, as I know nothing of theman’s home address or relatives.

He was a capable mining prospec-

tor and once owned some gold

claims north of Mohawke, Yumacounty. Subsequently, he did someprospecting in the Sierrita moun-tains of the Arivaca district, and

while in Tucson, lived at 101 EastPennington street. Irwin was acripple and informed me that he

has been employed both as a house-

painter and restaurant cook inTucson, during the intervals be-

tween his prospecting trips.”

Mexican Miner LosesLife In Oatman Shaft

KINGMAN—Ramon Flores, en-gaged as trammer on the 50 ft level

of the Ben Harrison mine of theTom Reed company and under lease

to Shank and Lynch, fell to his

death through open waste raise lastWednesday morning, a week ago.Flores had just emptied his car ofore into the ore pocket on the 500level and was returning to thechute for another load of ore. As

he neared an open waste raise in

offset from drift., he must havestumbled and being a very largeand heavy man, forced his car toswing around, which threw Floresheadlong against the wall over theopen raise. He was knocked un-conscious and dropped through the

raise onto the sloping muck wherethe contact with large bouldersfractured his • skull and broke hisneck.


Two Men Hurt InPrescott Crash

PRESCOTT —Two employes ofthe city water department, FrankContreras and Joe Lewis, were cutand bruised but not seriously in-jured when an automobile in whichthey were returning from theirwork at the city dam at Lake Gold-water overturned near the dairy onthe Banning Creek road, spillingboth men into the brush.

YUMA—Dick Wick Hall, young

son of the late humorous writer ofSalome, Arizona, won the goldmedal in the recent contest in

which all eighth grade pupils inthe schools in the northern end ofYuma county competed.

His grade was 80. The secondmedal winner was Lenzy Hoover,of the Parker valley school, with

a grade of 79.5.The grading was very rigid and

the examinations hard, according

to Mrs. Anna Hansberger, Yumacounty sxiperintendent of schools,

who directed the examinations. Sheconsiders a grade of 80 a very goodgrade. For instance, if one figure

was wrong in an example in arith-metic, the entire problem wasmarked zero.

Lewis was the more painfully in-jured of the two, being cut andscratched about the head and arms.Contreras, who was able to con-tinue at. work this morning, suffer-ed only a few minor abrasions.

Speeding on a rough road wasgiven by city officials as the causeof the accident.

Rushing Cantaloupe;Mildew Fight From

Airplane Is BegunThe papers were graded for neat-

ness, punctuation and writing, be-

sides for correct answers. Miss

Victoria Lott is the teacher of thewinning pupil, and Mames Dudley

of the second-high pupil.The examinations were held in

Parker school house. Mrs. Hans-berger reports the schools in fine

shape up there, and most of the

teachers will come back for next

term. All Yuma county schoolswill close on Friday, May 28.

YUMA—Reports here are of 300cars of cantaloupe loading in Im-perial valley to be handled througnYuma. Total of 2509 cars had beenpassed through so far for the sea-son.

Mildew spraying from airplanestarted in Imperial valley. Theplague has gained alarmingly, hutit is believed will now be halted.Some small occurrence has recent-ly been noted in Yuma lately. Itis being promptly fought where-ever found with successful sprays.

Kingman: Red Crown mine tak-

en over by eastern interests. In-

tensive development compaign un-der way.


Importance of PowerGeneration At San

Carlos Dam Urged

FLORENCE—In the last para-

graph of the report of the hoardof consulting engineers appointedby the secretary of the interior toinvestigate and report on the type

of dam to be constructed as SanCarlos, Mr. Wiley and Major Gen-

eral Langfitt, particular referencewas made to the advisability of

generating power at the dam site.The report calls special attention

to the fact that the construction of

the dam and its use as a storagereservoir for irrigation will permitthe generation of useful electricalpower which will find an establish-ed market at profitable rates. Itrecommends that the necessary me-chanical appliances and machinery

for this purpose be installed as part

of the construction, also pointing outthat the additional cost will nothe great and the sale of power willrelieve materially the operation and

maintenance charges to the waterusers.

States Join In Plan ToFight Cattle DiseaseTOMBSTONE —Under an agree-

ment reached at a meeting of thelivestock sanitary officers of Ari-zona, New Mexico and Texas cat-

tle may be shipped from any oneof the three states into the othersupon a certificate of health inspec-

tion by the proper inspection offi-cials showing the animals to be

free from disease, it was announc-ed last week by Harry J. Saxon,

chairman of the Arizona livestocksanitary board, upon his returnfrom the meeting.

This meeting was held to discuss

the problems of the three states,particularly the eradication andcontrol of cattle scabies. All threestates, it developed at the meet-ing, are working hard to eradicatethe disease, and are dipping their

cattle according to government reg-

ulations. Through the work of thethree states, it is felt, according

to Mr. Saxon, that cattle scabiesmay be eradicated from the south-west.



Motor CleaningSatisfactionGuaranteed ;

PEARSON & BOYER:West Second Street jOpposite Santa Fe I

Ice Plant ;


Douglas OfficialsExpecting Big Vote

In Monday ElectionDOUGLAS—City officials expect

a big vote Monday in the city elec-tion for mayor and members of thecouncil. About 2,000 voters are reg-istered. Mayor A. E. Hinton willbe opposed by C. B. Fleming, theformer running on the Democraticticket and the latter non-partisan.


Renew Your HealthBy Purification

Any physician will tell you that“Perfect Purification of the Sys-tem is Nature’s Foundation ofPerfect Health.” Why not ridyourself of chronic ailments thatare undermining your vitality?Purify your entire system by tak-ing a thorough course of Calotabs,—once or twice a week for severalweeks—and see how Nature re-wards you with health.

Calotabs are the greatest of allsystem purifiers. Get a familypackage with full directions. On-ly 35 cts. at drugstores. (Adv).



In the Superior Court of the Stateof Arizona, in and for the Countyof Navajo.

In the Matter of the Liquidationof the Bank of Winslow, Winslow,Arizona, having branch offices atHolbrook, Arizona, and St. Johns,Arizona.

Notice is hereby given that A. T.Hammons, superintendent of banksof the State of Arizona, and ex-officio receiver and in charge ofthe Bank of Winslow, an insolventbanking corporation, has filed here-

in a petition praying for an orderto sell the following described realproperty of said insolvent bankingcorporation, to-wit:

Lots Five (5), Six (6), Seven

(7), and Eight (8), in BlockForty-nine (49) of Atlantic andPacific Addition to- the town-site of Winslow, Navajo Coun-ty, Arizona, including all im-provements thereon;

and that the court has orderedthat said petition be heard beforethis court on Saturday, the 12thday of June, 1926, at the hour of10 o’clock in the forenoon in thecourt room of the court house atHolbrook, Navajo County, Arizona,and that said hearing will be heldat the time and place aforesaid, atwhich time and place any and allpersons may be heard with refer-ence thereto.

Witness my hand and the seal ofthis court this 17th day of May,1926.

LLOYD C. HENNING,(Seal) Clerk.

By ROBERTA W. TANDY,Deputy Clerk.




COMMISSIONOffice of the Secretary

To All To Whom These PresentsShall Come, Greeting:

I, F. J. K. Mcßride, Secretary ofthe Arizona Corporation Commis-sion, d& hereby certify that tfie an-nexed is a true and complete transcript of theARTICLES OF INCORPORATION

ofBROOKS MOTORS INCOPORATEDwhich were filed in the office ofsaid Arizona Corporation Commis-sion on the 30th day of March, A.D., 1926, at 2:00 o’clock p. m., asprovided by law.

In Witness Whereof, I have here-unto set my hand and affixed theOfficial Seal of the Arizona Cor-poration Commission, at the Capi-tol, in the City of Phoenix, this30th day of March, A. D., 1926.

F. J. K. McBRIDE,(SEAL) Secretary.By C. F. KING,


Know All Men By These Pres-ents: That we, the undersigned,have this day associated ourselvestogether for the purpose of form-ing a corporation under and pur-suant to the Laws of the State ofArizona, and for that purpose dohereby adopt Articles of Incorpor-

ation as follows:ARTICLE I.

That the name of this corpora-tion shall be Brooks Motors Incor-porated.

ARTICLE 11.The principal place of business

of this corporation within the Stateof Arizona, shall be at Winslow,Navajo County, and the principalplace of transacting business out-side of Arizona' shall be at suchplace or places as the Board ofDirectors may determine, wheremeetings of Directors may be held,and all business transacted.

A TTCT TTTARTICLE 111The general nature of the busi-

ness proposed to be transacted isas follows: To buy, sell, and dealin, both wholesale and retail or asjobbers, automobiles, sundries andaccessories, and any and all arti-cles or things manufactured for orin connection with the automotiveindustry in general, and to do any ;and all things consistent with ageneral garage business; to buy, ;sell or own, hypothecate and in-cumber any of the said propertyowned in connection with the above jbusiness, and to buy, own and sell \real estate, either for the use ofthe business above mentioned, or ;for any other use or purpose; to jborrow money and to issue bonds, jnotes or debentures and other evi- |dence of indebtedness, and to se- ;cure the payment of the same bymortgage, deed of trust, or other-wise; to lease real estate and tosub-let the same, and in general,to do and perform such acts andthings and transact such business

LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTSin connection with the foregoingobjects and purposes not inconsist-ent with law in any part of theworld as the Board of Directorsmay deem to the advantage of thecorporation.

ARTICLE IV.The amount of capital stock of

this corporation shall be TenThousand Dollars ($10,000), divid-ed into Ten Thousand (10,000)shares of the par value of OneDollar ($1.00) each. At such timesas the Board of Directors may byresolution direct, said capital stockshall be paid into this corporation,either in cash or by the sale andtransfer to it of personal or otherreal property, contracts, services,or any other valuable right orthing for the use and purposes ofsaid corporation, in payment forwhich, shares of the capital stockof said corporation may be issued,and the capital stock so issuedshall thereupon and thereby be-come and be fully paid up, andnon-assessable forever, and in theabsence of actual fraud in thetransaction, the judgment of theDirectors as to the value of theproperty purchased shall be con-clusive.

ARTICLE V.The time of the commencement

of this corporation shall be the dateof the issuance to it of a Certifi-cate of Incorporation by the Ari-zona Corporation Commission, andthe termination thereof shall beTwenty-Five (25) years thereafter,with the privilege of perpetual suc-cession as provided by law.

ARTICLE VI.The affairs of this corporation

shall be conducted by a Board ofDirectors and such officers as theDirectors may elect or appoint, andthe following shall constitute theBoard of Directors until their suc-cessors shall have been elected andqualified: »

P. H. Brooks, L. V. Brooks, andG. T. Stevens.

Thereafter, the Board of Direc-tors shall be elected from amongthe stockholders at the annualstockholders meeting to be held onthe first Monday in January of eachyear. The names of the officerswho shall have charge of the cor-porate affairs until the first meet-ing of the Board of Directors, are:P. H. Brooks, President;G. T. Stevens, First Vice-President;L. V. Brooks, Secretary-Treasurer.

ARTICLE VII.The Board of Directors shall

have power to adopt and amendBy-Laws for the government of thecorporation, and to fill vacanciesoccurring in the Board from anycause, and to do such other thingsand exercise such powers as shallbe consistent with law, and provid-ed for in the By-Laws of said cor-poration from time to time.

ARTICLE VIII.The highest amount of indebted-

ness or liability, direct of conting-ent, to which this corporation shallbe subject at any one time, shallbe Six Thousand Six Hundred Dol-lars, ($6,600.00).

ARTICLE IXThe private property of the

stockholders and officers of thiscorporation shall be exempt fromall corporate debts of any kindwhatsoever.

ARTICLE XThe names, residences and post-

office addresses of the incorpora-tors are:

P. H. Brooks, residence, Winslow,Arizona, Postoffice Address, Wins-low, Arizona.

L. V. Brooks, residence, Winslow,Arizona, Postoffice Address, Wins-ow, Arizona.

G. T. Stevens, residence, Wins-


low, Arizona, Postoffice Adhress,Winslow, Arizona.

ARTICLE XI.This corporation does hereby ap-

point W. E. Ferguson, of Holbrook,Arizona, who has been a bona fideresident of Arizona for at leastthree years, its lawful agent inand for the State of Arizona, forand in behalf of said company toaccept and acknowledge service of.and upon whom may be served allnecessary process or processes inany action, suit or proceeding thatmay be had or brought against thesaid company in any of the courtsin said State of Arizona, such ser-vice of process or notice, or theacceptance thereof by said agentendorsed thereon, to have the sameforce and effect as if served uponthe President and Secretary of saidcompany.

In Witness Whereof, we havehereunto set our hands and sealsthis 29th day of March, A. D., 1926.




Before me, W. E. Ferguson, aNotary Public, in and for the Coun-ty of Navajo, State of Arizona, on

this day personally appeared P. H.Brooks, L. V. Brooks, and G. T.Stevens, known to me to be thepersons whose names are subscrib-ed to the foregoing instrument, andacknowledged to me that they exe-cuted the same for the purposesand consideration therein express-ed.

Given under my hand and seal ofoffice this 29th day of March, A.D., 1926.(Seal) W. E. FERGUSON,

Notary Public.My commission expires July 6,


Arizona Corporation CommissionIncorporating Department. FiledMarch 30, 1926, at 2:00 p. m., atrequest of W. E. Ferguson, whoseaddress is Holbrook, Arizona.(Seal) F. J. K. McBRIDE,

Secretary.By PEARL JONES.

No. 494Filed and recorded at the request

of W. E. Ferguson, March 31, 192R,

at 1:50 p. m., and duly recordedin Vol. 3, of Articles of Incorpora-tions, page 6,7, 8 and 9, recordsof Navajo County, Arizona.


Star 4Factswillwin you!

STRAIGHT, strong facts cannot be putaside! Refined Star Four is the ring

master of values among low-cost cars.Just match these features, and you’llhaveto go far above Star’s price class:

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Clutch. Shell.—Durable Lacquer —Hayes Wheels (Artil*

Finish. lerytype!)


Meteor Motor Co.R. E. WHITLOW


Board of Equalization

Notice of Meeting of

Notice is hereby given that the assessment rolls forthe year 1926 have been filed in this office and the sameare open for inspection. It is urged upon all taxpayers tocome in and examine their assessments in order that anequitable adjustment may be made on all classes ofproperty.

Further notice is given that the County Board ofEqualization will sit the first ten days in June of 1926 toconsider such matters as may legally come before them.

Dated this the 20th day of May, 1926.


Clerk, Board of Supervisors.