theme 6 knowledge friendly culture -...

0 Theme 6 Knowledge Friendly Culture - KFC 1 & KFC 2 - 2016 Sang W. KIM, Ph.D Professor, Chungbuk National University [email protected] 본 자료에 수록된 내용을 무단 사용할 경우 저작권법에 위반됩니다.

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    Theme 6

    Knowledge Friendly Culture- KFC 1 & KFC 2 -


    Sang W. KIM, Ph.D

    Professor, Chungbuk National University

    [email protected]

    본 자료에 수록된 내용을 무단 사용할 경우 저작권법에 위반됩니다.

  • 1

    유별성(Critical Mind)




  • 2


    視思明, 聽思聰

    - 孔子

    • Knowledge is the awareness and understanding of facts, truths or information gained in the form of experience or learning.

    1. KFC-1 (참여문화)

    Few people are truly learning even if there is no one who is not

    experiencing (seeing and hearing) something at every moment.

    It is no doubt that experience is valuable asset for the knowledge

    growth. Experience however will be nothing but an experience

    unless you reflect on yourself about it.

    Without a deep reflection on what you have experienced, nothing

    will be learned.

    Therefore, learning something in true sense from the experiences

    is possible only when it is accompanied by deep reflection.

    And deep reflection is possible only when you have a critical mind.

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    1. KFC-1 (참여문화)

    A critical mind is the most important attribute people ought to have

    in order to be knowledge friendly. It is called ‘유별성’ in Korean.

    A critical mind is the mind of truly respecting self with confidence

    like ‘Yeah I can do it. If others can do it why not me?’

    Such spirit of self reinforcement and strong desire for self

    actualization can be cultivated through deep reflection on oneself

    with a belief that God helps those who help themselves, meaning that

    unless you help yourself nobody will help you.

    Such belief deep in mind coincides in concept with Pygmalion Effect

    and Serendipity.

    Task 5-1: Explain what Pygmalion Effect and Serendipity are about and

    discuss their implications.

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    (Looking-glass Self)

    1. KFC-1 (참여문화)

    Nobody in the world has ever seen him(her)self with his (her) naked eyes.

    But he (she) knows what he (she) looks like.

    How? Only by the image reflected on the mirror.

    Likewise, the self identity from cradle is formed by the reflection of how people

    around you react to you. The cat in the above picture believes that he is a lion.

    This is called ‘Looking Glass Self’

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    1. KFC-1 (참여문화)

    Depending on who you believe you are ‘유별성’ deep in your mind will vary. If you believe you are a lion you will think and behave just like a lion does.

    Repeated behaviors will come to form habits of yours. And habits will eventually

    determine performance.

    行 習 果心 思The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

    – By Stephen Coby

    想, 懷, 感

    一切唯心造心不在焉 視而不見, 聽而不聞

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    1. KFC-1 (참여문화)

    ‘유별성’ represented by shim ‘心’ in Chinese character symbolizing our hearts which implies that thoughts comes from heart (the Passion), not from brain.

    The fact that ‘thinking’ related Chinese character such as 思(think), 想(imagine),懷(reflect) , 感(appreciate), and the like has ‘心’ in it with no exception, indicate that it has long been believed in the East that thoughts comes from heart, not from


    (사례 1) “Mr. Lee” 라면의이철호 (사례 2) 평범한할머니-벤처사장,d.aGc&psig=AFQjCNHZoOF2PIwMTbDeVC2EHhI4riYrDQ&ust=1383709190010376,d.aGc&psig=AFQjCNHZoOF2PIwMTbDeVC2EHhI4riYrDQ&ust=1383709190010376

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    1. KFC-1 (참여문화)

    Dispositions common to all who has a critical mind is as follows.

    Please ask yourself how much you agree to each of the below

    statements in 7 point Likert scale (strongly agree =7; strongly

    disagree =1) with reflection on yourself:

    1) Once I choose to do something I tend to strenuously do it to the end.

    2) When I meet some kind of hardship I try to find solutions inside myself

    instead of attributing it to others.

    3) Once a task given to me I tend to do it ‘plus alpha’ (try the best I can)

    4) I am more interested in the task itself given to me than I am in the expected

    benefits from it.

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    Stay Hungry Stay Foolish

    “On the back cover of their final issue was a photograph of an early morning country road, the kind you might

    find yourself hitchhiking on if you were so adventurous. Beneath it were the words: "Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish."

    It was their farewell message as they signed off. I wish this for you! Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.”

    - Steve Jobbs at Stanford U. Graduation Ceremony

    1. KFC-1 (참여문화)

    Task 5-2: After reading and listening Steve Jobs Stanford Commencement Speech 2005 whose script is available on the Web, introduce (quote) the part of it most impressive to you. Please memorize and speak it to your friends as it you were Steve.

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    Of course it was impossible to connect the dots looking forward when I was

    in college. But it was very, very clear looking backwards ten years later.

    Again, you can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them

    looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect

    in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life,

    karma, whatever. Because belief in the dots that connect down the road will

    give you confidence to follow your heart even when it leads you off the well-

    worn path. And that will make all the difference.

    1. KFC-1 (참여문화)

    Dots in Life

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    Lateral Thinking: Solving problems through an indirect and

    creative approach, using reasoning that is not immediately

    obvious and involving ideas that may not be obtainable by using

    only traditional step-by-step (procedural) logic.

    It is contrary to "vertical" thinking (the classic method for

    problem solving: working out the solution step-by-step from the

    given data). However, lateral thinking is not a substitute for

    vertical thinking. Both are required.


    5-6세어린이의 5%에불과하다.

    -Business Week


    • Knowledge is the possession of interconnected details.

    2. KFC-2 (권장문화)

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    2. KFC-2 (권장문화)

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    2. KFC-2 (권장문화)

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    2. KFC-2 (권장문화)

    One day Confucius was struggling to thread a button like below with a needle

    in vain. A woman at countryside who saw this said to him …..

    “Sir, it could be done if you put honey on the hole of the button on one side

    with an ant with a thread around its waist on the other side.”

    Confucius came to realize that there is no one in the world we are not learning

    something from. (不恥下問)

    공자천주(孔子穿珠 )

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    2. KFC-2 (권장문화)

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    Four Steps to Lateral Thinking:

    • Break current thinking patterns — routine patterns, the status quo

    • Broaden where to search for new ideas

    • Ensure more value is received from idea generating output

    • Consider real-world constraints, resources, and support

    2. KFC-2 (권장문화)

    Lateral Thinking Puzzles: TEST 1

    There are six eggs in the basket. Six people each take one of the eggs. But still

    there is one egg left in the basket.

    Question: How can it be possible?

    Answer: The last person took the basket with the last egg still inside!

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    2. KFC-2 (권장문화)

    Lateral Thinking Puzzles: TEST 2

    A man and his son are in a car crash. The father is killed and the child is taken to

    hospital gravely injured. When he gets there, the surgeon says, “ I can’t operate on

    this boy – for he is my son!!!’

    Question: How can this possibly be?

    Answer: The surgeon can not operate on her own son: she is his mother.

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    2. KFC-2 (권장문화)

    Lateral Thinking Puzzles: TEST 3

    You are driving down the road in your car on a wild, stormy night, when you pass

    by a bus stop and you see three people waiting for the bus.

    1. An old lady who looks as if she is about to die.

    2. An old friend who once saved your life

    3. The perfect lady you have been dreaming about.

    Question: Knowing that there can be only one passenger in your car, whom

    would you choose?

    Answer: The old lady of course!

    After helping the old lady into the car, you can give your car key to

    your friend and wait with your perfect partner for the bus. ㅋㅋ

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    2. KFC-2 (권장문화)

    Now draw four straight lines that connect all nine dots without lifting your pencil.

    정신적 감옥(Psychic Prison)

    유연성과 RQ(Resilience Quotient)

    Task 5-3: Explain what RQ(Resilience Quotient) is and discuss its implicationin context of lateral thinking.

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    2. KFC-2 (권장문화)

    3M is an 18 billion dollar company that offers an incredibly wide range of

    products. The firm is an industry leader in such diverse fields as health care,

    office products and transportation.

    3M manufactures familiar products, like Post-it® Notes and Scotch® tape, and

    the firm is one of the 30 blue-chip companies that constitute the Dow Jones

    Industrial Average.

    Everyone knows what Post-it® notes are: They are those great little self-stick

    notepapers. Most people have Post-it® Notes. Most people use them. Most

    people love them. But Post-it® Notes were not a planned product. No one got

    the idea and then stayed up nights to invent it.


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    A man named Spencer Silver was working in the 3M research laboratories in 1970

    trying to find a strong adhesive. Silver developed a new adhesive, but it was even

    weaker than what 3M already manufactured. It stuck to objects, but could easily be

    lifted off. It was super weak instead of super strong.

    No one knew what to do with the stuff, but Silver didn't discard it. Then one Sunday

    four years later, another 3M scientist named Arthur Fry was singing in the church's

    choir. He used markers to keep his place in the hymnal, but they kept falling out of

    the book. Remembering Silver's adhesive, Fry used some to coat his markers.

    Success! With the weak adhesive, the markers stayed in place, yet lifted off without

    damaging the pages. Ten years after Silver developed the super weak adhesive in

    1980, Post-it® notes had become one of the most popular office products available.

    Task 5-4: Explain what 15% Rule adopted by 3M is all about and its implications in terms of knowledge creation.

    Being Adhesive Being Lifted Off

    2. KFC-2 (권장문화)

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    Our discussion will go on to the next cultural dimensions -‘Theme 7. KFC3 & KFC4.’,d.aGc&psig=AFQjCNE81n3d_uSfg4WQKRga6QetfoNwsA&ust=1380065706731246,d.aGc&psig=AFQjCNE81n3d_uSfg4WQKRga6QetfoNwsA&ust=1380065706731246