theory of poetry. as in the biographia literaria the definition of poetry does not get itself...

Theory of Poetry

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Post on 18-Jan-2016




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Page 1: Theory of Poetry. As in the Biographia Literaria the definition of poetry does not get itself written without the aid of conscious will and understanding.So

Theory of Poetry

Page 2: Theory of Poetry. As in the Biographia Literaria the definition of poetry does not get itself written without the aid of conscious will and understanding.So

• As in the Biographia Literaria the definition of poetry does not get itself written without the aid of conscious will and understanding.So too the pleasure attached to the poetic emotion or excitement is not merely a sympathy with the objects emotion or incidents contemplated by the poet but is also the pleasure of the mind in the exhibition of its powers for their own sake . It is a pleasure peculiar to poetry as poetic emotion is peculiar.

Page 3: Theory of Poetry. As in the Biographia Literaria the definition of poetry does not get itself written without the aid of conscious will and understanding.So

• Coleridge said that no man was ever a great poet without being at the same time a profound philosopher .For poetry is the blossom and fragrance of all human knowledge,human thoughts ,passion ,emotions and language

Page 4: Theory of Poetry. As in the Biographia Literaria the definition of poetry does not get itself written without the aid of conscious will and understanding.So

• Coleridge stands for the unity of spontaneous and voluntary in poetry.Regarding his own poetry he wrote “ I feel strongly and think strongly but I seldom feel without thinking or think without feeling .Hence though my poetry has in general a line of tenderness or passion over it yet it seldom exhibits unmixed and single tenderness or passion “

Page 5: Theory of Poetry. As in the Biographia Literaria the definition of poetry does not get itself written without the aid of conscious will and understanding.So

• Though such a perfect fusion of thought and feeling is not there in coleridges poetry he at least held that such a fusion was essential for great poetry.He himself was torn between the conflicting plains of dream and sensations passions and meta physicals and altruistic desire.

Page 6: Theory of Poetry. As in the Biographia Literaria the definition of poetry does not get itself written without the aid of conscious will and understanding.So

Theory of Poetic diction

• The critic who took part in the debate was wordsworths own friend and collaborator who after a lapse of seventeen years took up wordsworths theory and analyzed it part by part in Biographia Literaria

Page 7: Theory of Poetry. As in the Biographia Literaria the definition of poetry does not get itself written without the aid of conscious will and understanding.So

• Coleridge occupies a unique position not only in English but in European criticism as a whole he represents a suggestive and in some respects challenging attempt to unite the traditional rationalistic values of classicism with the organic vitalism to which the romantic movement aspired and to rest this union upon an ultimate metaphysical base.

Page 8: Theory of Poetry. As in the Biographia Literaria the definition of poetry does not get itself written without the aid of conscious will and understanding.So

• We can now make assessment of coleridges contribution to literary criticism his claim to the title of the greatest english critic is perfectly legitimate but he also stands amongst the greatest critics of all times .He has been said to play a duel role of coleridge the first one is the transcendental philosopher and the second colridge is the genial and cosmopolitan critic passing judgment on art

Page 9: Theory of Poetry. As in the Biographia Literaria the definition of poetry does not get itself written without the aid of conscious will and understanding.So

• His work is unique combination of theory and concrete practice a building so spacious that many see only parts of it and not the whole of his achievement

• “ He is basically a Platonist in search of the one in the many.To some scholars of romanticism he shows kinship to Aristotle as in his conception of symbol and character as a fusion of the particular and the general

Page 10: Theory of Poetry. As in the Biographia Literaria the definition of poetry does not get itself written without the aid of conscious will and understanding.So

• His thought is distrusted for its seeming eclecticism whereas others are dismayed by a certain obsessive monotony in it.There is detected in coleridge the sterility of a close mind and his freedom in handing the great Germans such talk that would not have been permitted in Germany

Page 11: Theory of Poetry. As in the Biographia Literaria the definition of poetry does not get itself written without the aid of conscious will and understanding.So

Coleridge and Wordsworth

• Coleridge has analyzed wordworths poetry and pointed out certain defects and beauties in it

• The first defect is the inconsistent of style.By this coleridge means the sudden and unprepared transition fronm lines or sentences of peculiar felicity to a style not only unimpassioned but undistinguished.

• He sinks too often and too abruptly to the styles which belongs to the second division of language

Page 12: Theory of Poetry. As in the Biographia Literaria the definition of poetry does not get itself written without the aid of conscious will and understanding.So

• The second defect is a “ matter of factness” in certain poems.This defect may be further divided into categories

• A) A laborious minuteness in the representation of objects and their positions as they appear to the poet himself

• B) The insertion of accidental circumstances in order to explain fully his living characters their dispositions and actions

Page 13: Theory of Poetry. As in the Biographia Literaria the definition of poetry does not get itself written without the aid of conscious will and understanding.So

• The third defect is an undue predilection for the dramatic form from which one or other of the two evils result.Either the thoughts and diction a different from that of the poet or they are the same and indistinguishable

Page 14: Theory of Poetry. As in the Biographia Literaria the definition of poetry does not get itself written without the aid of conscious will and understanding.So

• The fourth defect consist of “occasional prolixity”,repetition instead of progression of thought

• The fifth defect is that there are thpoughts and images too great for the subject.This isan approximation to what might be called a mental bombardment as distinguished from the verbal

Page 15: Theory of Poetry. As in the Biographia Literaria the definition of poetry does not get itself written without the aid of conscious will and understanding.So

• These defects are counterbalanced by certain beauties in wordsworths poetry

• 1. A purity of language both grammatically and logically; in short a perfect appropriateness of the words to the meaning

Page 16: Theory of Poetry. As in the Biographia Literaria the definition of poetry does not get itself written without the aid of conscious will and understanding.So

• 2. The weight and sanity of thoughts and sentiments won not from the books but from the poets own meditative imagination.

Page 17: Theory of Poetry. As in the Biographia Literaria the definition of poetry does not get itself written without the aid of conscious will and understanding.So

• 3. The sinewy strength and originality of single lines and paragraphs.Even the severest critics of wordsworth have been compelled to acknowledge this quality of his poetry.

Page 18: Theory of Poetry. As in the Biographia Literaria the definition of poetry does not get itself written without the aid of conscious will and understanding.So

• Another beauty is the perfect truth of nature in his images and description as taken immediately from nature and proving a long intimacy with a very spirit which gives expression to all the works of nature

Page 19: Theory of Poetry. As in the Biographia Literaria the definition of poetry does not get itself written without the aid of conscious will and understanding.So

• The fifth excellence is a meditative pathos a union of deep and subtle thoughts with sensibility a sympathy with man as man but the sympathy of a contemplator rather than a fellow sufferer.

Page 20: Theory of Poetry. As in the Biographia Literaria the definition of poetry does not get itself written without the aid of conscious will and understanding.So

• The sixth excellence is the gift of imagination in the highest and strictest sense of the word.In imaginative power he stands nearest of all modern writers to Shakespeare and Milton but in a kind perfectly un borrowed and his own