this is a great example of what not to do! great ways to lose points

This is a great example of what NOT to do! GREAT WAYS TO LOSE POINTS

Upload: marcos-boardman

Post on 01-Apr-2015




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  • Slide 1

Slide 2 This is a great example of what NOT to do! GREAT WAYS TO LOSE POINTS Slide 3 Slide 4 Bill Rosenberg opens his first Open Kettle in 1948!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Slide 5 Did you know that the Japanese dropped bombs on Pearl Harbor? It happened on December 7, 1941. The Americans werent ready. Many ships were destroyed. Thousands of people were injured and killed. After this, the president declared war. It was known as the Day of Infamy. Slide 6 Get the Point? This is a bit more like it. Slide 7 The Roaring Twenties! A Presentation of the Life and Times in the 1920s By Mrs. Wittmann Slide 8 Example where NO caption is necessary. Why? Slide 9 Cat Island, off the coast of Mississippi Example Caption only Slide 10 Jillian Larkin Slide 11 Photo Credit Slide As you import images, you will need to go to your Photo Credit slide and copy and paste the URLs. See the following example. Do this as you go!!! Two column format Slide #URL Slide 12 Photo Credits Title Slide Slide 2 of-cat-island-wwii/ Slide 3 of-cat-island-wwii Slide 4 Reminders: Sequential order URL only, NO hyperlink ( For both Bing and Google, you need to go to the source of the image. Bing and Google do not send people out to take all of these pictures. Slide 13 More on Pictures/Images If you have a picture that you would really like to use from a book source, it can be scanned and then emailed to you. Heres what you need to do: 1.Put a post-it note on the page with the image. If more than one image, specify which one you want. BE SURE YOUR NAME IS ON THE NOTE! 2.Give the book to Miss Hayes or in a pile for her to grab at the end of the day. 3.Miss Hayes will scan this and email it to your school email address. (Allow for 24-hour turn-around please.) 4.Download on Word so you can crop and do what you need to it. 5.You will then use the book title, author and pg # in the Photo Credit slide. Slide 14 What about video clips? Can we include these? YES!!! However, these should ENHANCE your presentation and not DISTRACT from it. Keep these clips short. Once you get over 30 seconds, it may be too long. You will need to bring ear buds to the LMC to hear your clips!!! Video Clip Possibilities News broadcast Concert snippet Historical gesture Movie clip Avoid this: trailer-1/ (Play to 43 seconds) Legally you can download and listen to 30 seconds of a piece/clip. There are some sources that are public domain. You are not limited in time Slide 15 What about audio clips? Can we include these? YES!!! However, these should ENHANCE your presentation and not DISTRACT from it. Keep these clips short. Once you get over 30 seconds, it may be too long. You will need to bring ear buds to the LMC to hear your clips!!! Audio Clip Possibilities Radio broadcast Concert snippet Historical speech dy/1944/amos_1944_12_22_Christmas_Show _Andy_as_Santa.mp3 ds/GlenMillerattheCafeRogue3.mp3 lay.php?id=9067&admin=35 Legally you can download and listen to 30 seconds of a piece/clip. There are some sources that are public domain. You are not limited in time Slide 16 Where will you place these clips? To avoid randomly searching for clips, look over your storyboard. Determine what might make a great clip topic. Add the reminder to search for an audio clip or video clip on this slide or in the margin. This will keep your search focused. Slide 17 One more thought regarding audio/video clips Use YouTube as a back up please. There are great sites that offer you original recordings. Yes, it takes a bit more work, but it will add to your presentation. Here are a few (Only three from the 40s and then 50s on) (Great for historical music) Slide 18 What else do you need? If you are working on your own and/or we are busy, email Mrs. Glenn or Mrs. Wittmann with your question. OR write your question on a slip of paper and we can discuss and get back to you. Remember, if you are wondering about it, the chances are that others are too. ENJOY!!!