tisha bav night 5770- rabbi wieinberger

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  • 7/28/2019 Tisha Bav Night 5770- Rabbi Wieinberger


    Jews always mikabelyom tov orshabbos with anticipation. How do we mikabel tisha bav? We know a

    shtikel from the tzadikim. R Yissacher Dov from Belz right before Maariv on Tisha Bav cried out "what's

    the Tachlis (purpose)?" Nachamul." We accept it but again? So if it exists must be Hashem wants us to

    have it. It doesn't help to have new ideas on this night but we must mikabeland get hisorririus forTisha

    bavand anotherTisha bav.

    There was an adam gadol from the sheeris of the Holocaust in Shanghai. He said he met a secular Jew

    who was reminiscing memories from the home Eeurope). The secular Jew said the poverty of the villages

    was so unbearable that a piece of hard bread and water was the way we lived. We were far removed

    from pleasures and luxuries. But.... The shtetl had one pleasure that we occasionally indulged in riva/jelly.

    They would go to the forest and gather berries. Would only do it for a simcha or a child wasn't well. But,

    one time there was no special occasion and his Bubby had a cheshek to indulge in this pleasure she had

    a jar that was locked in a closet with a little left. She took out the container and put in the spoon and

    tasted a shtikel. Closed her eyes and smacked her lips. Then the Bubby started to cry. Nobody knew

    what was wrong. She started banging her head saying the Beis Hamakdash is destroyed how can I have

    so much pleasure. This was the hasaga of simple grandma.1

    What's the Tachlis? Can we possibly masig tzadikim? The Ohr Sameach (probably talking about ravkook) said that he was nispoelfrom the kohen. Once Rav Kook came to him and something was agitating

    him. Ohr Sameach asked Rav Kook what's bothering you? Rav Kook said hes been on the road and its

    been a lot of time since he saw parents and now he has opportunity but its shavua shechal bo. Rav Kook

    said I am mesupakhow can I feel intense pleasure during 9 days.

    What's our tachlis? We are not bubby and of course we aren't Rav kook. What is avoda? Our jar of jelly

    has grown large. Our stomachs are filled but Hashem is asking us one day of the year to take out the Jar

    of tears from the cabinet. Even with our full cabinets should be able to taste a shtik bitterness which

    bubby felt in the jelly.

    How? There are many video presentations. We have people speaking for us and somebody crying for usetc. What's the tachlis.

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    R yose was walking and entered the churba to daven. There was Eliyahu and said my child why did youenter? R Yosei said to daven. Eliyahu said what voice do you hear in the churba? R Yose said I hear a

    that was crying like a dove and saying woo that I destroyed my house and burned my holy place

    and I have exiled my children amongst the goyyim.

    Aish Kodesh onparshas mishpatim

    1Rav JJ Schachter quoted this story in his Tisha Bav lecture of 2012. He has a printed copy of this story.

  • 7/28/2019 Tisha Bav Night 5770- Rabbi Wieinberger




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    The Aish Kodesh onparshas mishpatim asks why did R Yose need to daven by a chorva? Why only

    when he entered the ruins was he able to hear the crying like a dove? Answers Hashem speaks

    this way 3 times each day. A Jew tortured in suffering thinks he is the only one in pain and nobody else

    has suffering. Eicha Yashva Badad. The greatest pain is when the master of the world is oblivious to their

    personal pain. Everybody has had a drink a jug of tears but the worst thing is when we think we are

    alone. That Hashem doesn't feel our pain. In says > < . The shchina is cryingthat this Jewish home is destroyed. ( I missed a gemara in chagiga)

    Hashem suffers the pain more than the person. Aish Kodesh says that if one tear enters this world the

    world would cease. Its impossible to understand Gods pain. Hashem made the world in such a way.

    In order for R Yose to hear that he's not alone had to enter the devastation of the ruins in Yerushalyim.

    Let go of his self centeredness. That is ouravodaon tisha bav. We must let go of our personal suffering

    and jam and hear the voice of god. We can only do that if we let go of our own life. Let the heart be filled

    of the of .

    R Yose only heard a murmur of the voice. In says

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    Hashem roars yishag. Even R Yose who let go of his life and enters the ruins by letting go of his self-

    centeredness was only able to hear the cooing of a dove but he could have listened and heard the lion

    roar. A'k couldnt believe the roar of the lion of the Shchina couldn't destroy the nazis. The world is not

    obliterated by gods pain because we don't open ourselves up to allow gods tear to enter the world. This is

    ouravoda ofTish bav. Go lifnei lifnim to the churva ofyerushalayim. Everybody knows more than one

    family of a churva. Rebbe spoke about the Menora family of Chicago. Grandfather burnt to a crisp. Saref

    es hechali. Homes destroyed by children who don't want to go in the path of their parents. We don't need

    to be a tourist to see destruction. In Gush katif the people are still vagabonds. Think and feel.

    . What does it mean when the gates of the concentration camps opened and nothing was

    there. That's what rachel imanu wants us to feel. Says in pasuk


  • 7/28/2019 Tisha Bav Night 5770- Rabbi Wieinberger


    The meforshim say not just that she's crying. It could have said bacha Why does it say ?She wants

    us to cry. She wants the meleachim to cry. One drop of Hashem tears the mashiach will come. She can't

    be consoled.

    Story of the Minchas Elazar. End of his life was suffering. Needed to take him to Budapest. He died right

    before the war in 1937. On Thursday in the hospital he was worried about a minyan on shabbos. The

    hospital was anti_semites and he couldn't make a request. The rebbes Dr. was a non religious jew with a

    warm Jewish heart. Minchas elazar asked the Doctor to try to arrange a minyan. Dr agreed the

    responsibility with two conditions. 1. Exactly 10 2. Must be in silence because danger and its a hospital

    with sick patients. The minchas elazar gave the D a bracha forarichas yamim. Friday Night they brought

    9 Jews and it was silent. Within 6 seconds the rebbe starts to yell, screaming and crying. Dr comes

    running into the room. Rebbe quiets himself down and they didn't get caught. Aftershabbos the DR.

    asked the rebbe "I risked my life, people are sick in this hospital, how can you scream like that" the

    Minchas Elazar said that when I made the promise I thought there was a rule nobody can scream in the

    hospital but Thursday night I heard horrible screams down the hall so loud I couldn't sleep. Dr said I don't

    understand the connection. There the person yelling was in terrible car accident and both his legs were

    crushed but otherwise there is silence in the hospital. The rebbe responded dear doctor, you learne d in

    university, and there you learned many pains and illnesses, headaches, stomach aches etc, but tell medid you learn about the pain of a Jew? Do u understand about the pain of a heart of a Jew who is waiting

    2000 yea rs for mashiach and the redemption? Did you learn that each year on Pesach we say zu

    hahshana that this will be the year and we are going to be saved and it still hasn't happened. Dr have you

    ever felt the pain of the Jew that is seeking for a peace of Jerusalem and waiting with great longing for the

    geula. Believe me honored Dr. that this pain is great. I couldn't hold it in. No promise in the world could

    quiet the pain of the scream of the pained heart of the yid"

    What's the Tachlis? Its the yortzeit of the Chozeh Mlublin. He was called the Choze because of his eyes.

    How far in the future he could see? He said I see the way the Jews sitting on Tisha Bavhaving a seder

    saying Hallel and giving praise to Hashem. Vatiten lanu es yom tiasha Bav hazeh. That it will become a

    yomtov. The divrei chaim was dancing at seudas mafskes adir hu yivne beiso. We should merit through

    our tears to feel Hashems tear entering the world.

    It should be a Chag where we are thinking bigger thoughts than the jar of jelly.