top 10 travel guide analysis


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Post on 06-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Top 10 Travel Guide Analysis



Page 2: Top 10 Travel Guide Analysis

FRONT COVERHere is the covers of three different ‘TOP 10’ travel books. Though they are different as you can see they all follow the same theme and layout of each

cover. They are just adapted slightly to fit the place they are based on.

Classic, recognisable image of the place takes up a large amount of the cover. This allows people to know where the guide is for just by the photo.Two more smaller photos are situated in the bottom left-hand corner of the cover. They don’t take the attention from the main image however are still just as recognisable.

Each cover has the ‘TOP 10’ logo as it’s title followed by the place the guide is based on such as “LOS ANGELES.” The title is the largest font so the reader can know what book it is and which place it is based on.

At the bottom of each guide we can see the strapline. The colour of the strapline matches with the title (background and font) helping to keep a style model throughout. The strapline holds the guide books slogan.

They have a small contents page-like list on the front stated what types of features will be found in the guide. They are set out in a list of 10 as this is how the whole guide is set out.

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FRONT COVER CONTINUED The front cover of the guide folds out to

be two maps. In the first image we see an ‘Area by

Area’ map where the guides decides Los Angeles into “eight easily managed areas.” This makes it easy and simple to read compared to a normal map – perfect for people who are in there for the first time. As well as this, each place on the map is colour-coded to match the colour/page you can find it in the guide book.

The second image is a normal map image of Los Angeles. This is handy to include because it means the reader doesn’t have to carry around a map as well as their travel guide. As well as this, the map includes all the streets, roads, public transport and tourist attractions which can easily be found be using the key. It also highlights ‘Top 10 Sights’ on the map meaning if a reader sees something they like in the guide book they can easily find out where it is on the map.

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The guidebook is split into three sections which we can see by the embolden of the subtitle.

Under each subtitle we see a list of everything that will be included in that section along with page numbers allowing the book to be easy to navigate.

At the top and bottom of the pages we have images of places that you can find throughout the book. Each image has a caption explaining what it is so if a reader likes the look of the image they easily know what it is and then can find it in the book.

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HIGHLIGHTSThe first page is a ‘Highlights page,’

highlighting the top 10 places to visit while you are there.

In the middle of the page you can find a basic street map. In the map which ‘Top 10 Highlights’ can be found easily as the number it is named on the list is place exactly where it is on the map. E.g. to find the Historic Hollywood Boulevard you would look for the number 2 on the map.

Each place on the list has a small image as well as a few lines of description to go along with it.

The images will hopefully make people want to go there or event remind people of places they know but didn’t think about going due to the recognisable images.

The description tells the reader what is there as well as telling them about the page they can find more about that certain place.

This page seems to act as a contents page for the highlights as each place has it’s own page further on and here we find out the page numbers.

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Each section from the ‘Highlights’ list has it’s own page. This is the page for Historic Hollywood Boulevard.

A list of the ‘Top 10 Features’ that are going to be mentioned on the page.

In the yellow sidebar you can find tips for example the best places to eat or the times places open and close.

Again, we have a simple map where we can find each attraction mentioned simply by finding the number it is named on the list.

Similar to the last page each attraction as a small image and description, showing and telling the readers what it’s like.

In this yellow sidebar we can find extra information. In this case it is extra information on number 1 on the list: Walk of Fame. It is not necessarily information that you need to know, but it might be fun and interesting to know.

On the edge of each page we see a blue bar with the text ‘Los Angeles Top 10.’ This makes it easy for the reader to find a certain section as the edge of the pages for each section is a different colour.

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PRACTICAL TIPSSome attractions have more and one page because there is so much to do and so much information to tell. One of the other pages is a ‘Practical Tips’ page; here is one for Disneyland.

This section doesn’t tell you the best rides to go on but instead tells you the most important information: when to go, how to beat the crowds and the queues as well as how to save money and much more.

Each point is numbered 1 – 10 allowing readers to know the most important to the least important.

Each point has a title that is in bold. This stands out and catches the readers attention. If they think it sounds useful, they’ll then read the description underneath. The description will explain and the title.

There aren’t many images on this page because this is just about the information. The information is the most important part here and pictures might distract the reader from the text. However, a couple is needed to make the page look more fun and colourful.

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INDIVIDUAL PLACE - PASADENASection name is found down the side; ‘Around Town’ along with the place this page is about, ‘Pasadena.’

In the yellow sidebar you can find a list of top 10 sights in this area. It is clear and simple letting the readers easily know where is best to visit.

Here we have a simple map where we can find each attraction mentioned simply by finding the number it is named on the list.

The first paragraph is an introduction to Pasadena; telling the readers basic information on the place.

Each sight in the top 10 list now has it’s own section. This is where to reader goes into detail about each attraction. This is what the readers will use to decide if they want to see this sight or not. The name of the sight is in bold so it stands out and also has the same number found on the top 10 list and the map so readers can easily identify it.

The photo located at the top of the page has a caption underneath allowing the reader know what attraction it is from.

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TEMPTATIONS/PLACES TO EATSection name is found down the side; ‘Around Town’ along with the place this page is about, ‘Beverly Hills, Westwood, & Bel-Air.’

The photos located at the top of the page gives the readers an insight of the attractions they can find

on these pages. The photos have a caption underneath allowing the reader know what

attraction it is from.

Here we have a simple map where we can find each attraction mentioned simply by finding the number it is named on the list.

The title for each page is the largest text on the page. This allows it to stand out and let the reader know what the page is going to be about.

Continuing with the ‘Top 10’ theme, again we have a list of 10 attractions for each page.

Unlike the previous slide, where there was a list of Top 10 attractions and additional paragraphs describing each attraction, this page doesn’t have just the list. The description on the list and this information takes up most of the page.

Each attraction is numbered 1-10. This number is directly next to the title and is a larger font than the description so it stands out and the readers know what it the best – worst out of the top 10.

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This page acts as a mini contents page for this section.

The book is split into three different sections with each section having a cover page to introduce the section. This is the cover page for the ‘streetsmart’ section.

Image takes up most of the page, making the page interesting.

There is a list of everything that is included in this section.

The page numbers are found directly under each point so the reader can easily see where to find that part.

The title is in bold and a larger font than the list so it stands out and the readers know what the next section is.

The name of the travel guide is found along the side; this helps keep a house style to the book.Each section of the book has a

different colour, this section being yellow, so it is easy to distinguish between each section.

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HOTELSSection name is found down the side; ‘Streetsmart’

The photos located at the top of the page gives the readers an insight of the attractions they can find on these pages. The photos

have a caption underneath allowing the reader know what attraction it is from.

The title for each page is the largest text on the page. This allows it to stand out and let the reader know what the page is going to be about.

Continuing with the ‘Top 10’ theme, again we have a list of 10 attractions for each page.

In this case, there is a list of Top 10 hotels. Each hotel has a little description of what the reader can expect if they stay there as well other information such as price, map locations, locations, phone number and website.

Each attraction is numbered 1-10. This number is directly next to the title and is a larger font than the description so it stands out and the readers know what it the best – worst out of the top 10.

In the yellow bar in the top right hand corner we see ‘Price Categories.’ This allows the readers to see the cheapest and most expensive room per night.

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BACK COVERSHere is the back covers of three different ‘TOP 10’ travel books. Though they are based on different places as you can see they all follow the same theme and layout of each cover. They are just adapted slightly to fit the place they

are based on.

They have the same layout and colour scheme as the front cover so the fit a house style.

Like the front cover, each back has the ‘TOP 10’ logo as it’s title followed by the place the guide is based on such as “LOS ANGELES.” The title is the largest font so the reader can know what book it is and which place it is based on.

At the bottom of each guide we can see the strapline that is the same one from the front cover, keeping a house style. The colour of the strapline matches with the title (background and font) helping to house style throughout. The strapline holds the guide books slogan.

There are three smaller photos underneath the title. These give the readers a little hint of what is inside.

Barcode and price is found on the back.

On the back we find a blurb; telling you what you will get in the book.